The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, July 17, 1872, Image 3

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    The Somerset Herald.
July 17. liTi
IYrk eider xinc:.-ar at I:ivis& Ilnis.
I,.ng ami si,..rt l.rauls. clii-mms curl
r.i.1 nn.l artiriciul. at Mn, J. . 1 rcdwc.l
T.mi an.l .ir. cheap, .it ,T.-
,,1. lni Si. I' .'
liiulcs wi-!'' -1 1' Mr.-.
ih kn. ti:H. 1 ui ki ;-;.li.-i-h' K
:it IaiA: Urns.
j;. Tn.l
iJkst's summer ?:1 k. suinr In
. at Mrs. J.
. T red well s.
C & ll,,l,l r!;iiim Ii.ivc now tlic !arj
c-l and !- t Wnf pKiiit.wn.
LuitT stock of furs ever hrou-lit to rn-l Ht Mrs. .1. 11. Trc.Wcll's.
, ii. .ice M of Ti'leicco. f'iirs, Pi",
,i . ,t Tis-j'o ' lni :" s1" f .it .-! - at Mr.. .1. li.
.Ir-T rucivcd at laiiSc Hi.,, a splen
did ut tnl'tiuo i: cigars.
Xtw stock of hem stitched n l
-.1 handkerchiefs t Mrs. .
Tiik v rv warm ui :i!l r his In"
thousands "of .l..!l:ir t. tlic ii-r
oil '.I
i .liar
For Sw.r. aiariresfink of hair, l t !
Mi.- 1.nli. nail an.! laint ItusIiis. at
pie's Inii Store.
(nl STUT produce wanted at the Fall!
i!v i.rnicry Si feed store of Cook ii: Ilcerits
oil Maine i'ms Street.
STATloMtRV. KnveloiH-s. IVns. Inks
Wank Hooks, &.C, at Topic's lni;r
Iovinvir has a larirc lot of Iron Swivel
Ilav'l'loli VS at J cents cat ll. ( all s n,
at the hardware store.
Caned fruit I y the halfdozen or dozen or
full case at .'. k Dro.'s to suit
. -
I'kkh nr.iiv, Notions. Fancy (!inl in
-rival variety sit 'Topic's lnij; Store.
..warranted not to staml lire.)
Cam. ami see us we are not hard to lind.
C. i. lloMerliauni' store i in the ecu
tral part nf town.
TliF. Live tir.xvry l;iull up Hie v.i:ii
ofilu-ir customer : a full lute o lmn
n ri.-s. i-t l.raii.l.-ol to! avo ainl
t-.u n.
-iir:iri in
Tm: Forest City Cim: w ill visit Pfter:
l.urp on the 2".th of this month. Somerset
..11 tiie 27th. ili rlin un the "-".'ill. a:id Mey-i-rv
Mills on the :anh.
As we w. re imt siilTi-n-r by the lire, we
1 an oifrr a lar;.' and lu tti r six k of dress
-..h!s A.I .. 1o the imMic than any other
1. rm in town. C. i ;. HoU'EitUAfM.
Two larpe iiivo'uvs of ladies' hats, liou-nil-.
ribUiiis. th wiis. l.-m-s, embroideries.
A..-., riix-ivcil at Mr-. .1. Ii. Tn-.lw ell's this
Tttk ih.I invent st in 1 at tlw bi springs,
on Iiureiliiil. was -iiiiit-iv iii-sirovisi by
tire on Tuesday of last week. Mr. James
.bines was li'. inp in the hmiM-at the time
of tiie fire.
Josrrtt f 'l WIN-. Ksg.. has sold his o
corner to E. Jl. Marshail. the propriet.
.f the l'eop!e"s Dntp Store, lor iJ.i.Ht.
We undersi.ind that Mr. Marshall is mak
inp armnpemeiits to have a three story
i ri. k buildinp built i n the old c-irtu r.
i'l T ijuality of by lb. iw:.. or
l'.irrell i ap lor i-tshat the The Live t'.ro
i erv in the basement ofthe p si ienee i ,'.
.1. i'.aer.
E. II Maksuam
Sion-." l-v . ave te
many liairons. that
I. r a i lini.j. lot of In
low prin-s.
. ofthe 'People's Inip
iiil.'nu liis friends and
lie is now ready to of
sh p.l. at the uual
('instantly on hand at Ihe Family t'lro
ccry Feed store of Cook and iieeritson
M ilne Cross Stni-t. flour, oats. corn, mill
lit -1. brand. Iswun. s;iit. Iish. lanl. vinegar.
ryn;iis. snpir. cortie. canntd fruith. toUic I
io. i i-iars. io.. ii'., j
Nollll M.
rsburp on
s. HOOT, xt ill In- opened at 1
M.Hidav. Aii'Titst ."ith. to
i ik, line tell weeks. Tuition. "io to ill.
i..l Uir.lin-j can la- oblaineil at reason-.1,1.-
n:es. F-ir funlu-r information a.l
dri-s I. J. Mii.i.kk.
I rs'ma. Pa.
A NoK.M AL ai.d liHa'fl s'hil for the re-n-ptioii
i.f teut'bers and others, will Ik'
i- i.iil at New Ceiitn-ville Auput ."th. to
e-.lltillUe ten Wl-l ks. W'l- throw OJM'II wide
:n- .l.irs. inv'ninp all of normal a.'i to
e in-. Tuition, from 'to
1). W. Wiu.. Priii. ipai.
To Ei. i ksvi i us. I have for sale sev
eral tons of iron that lhruiiph the
lire. I am sellinp it at a very low price.- to
make ri .m for new If you want
liirirain. xt.ii w ill pica1 as I
w a lit to closf it oi:t as so. in .--s ji.sii.1...
Tuv: AVfi r Echo, a new paja-r started at
'ontluenee. has made its first apN-an.nce.
This is the third new journal startiil iu
thiseotinty within the last year. It ci-r-
1.. '.idy sjHtiks well for the ent, rj risi' and
. iwr.-y of old Sum rset county. We are
jia-1 to sec Confluence make the i iTort to
sustain a weekly newspaper. Sm-i ess to
"'ic enterprise.
Tiik I.utheran ei-nprep-.ition of .his place
have soi.l their old corner to Val. llay,
Es... f.r J.1. and purchasisl the Sun-ti.-l
Pile lots, on whii lithe White Ilorsi
tavern stial. fort.."00. and then sold W.
J. E;ut a str'p of len f.ft for fSo. It is
now nnderstiail that Mr. Hat-r will put up
a hallilMitnc dwelliilP IioUm' on the Flii k
1.1. the old site of the Washinpton Iloi'.-e.
N'-nnal S at Stoystown will oja-n on
M in.i.iv. July "Will, mid continue in cs
sj. .ii ten weeks. Tuition fnun to fii.
;.1 lairdinp can la- had in town or
loiintryat reasonable rat es. Siudetits will
readily see the imporUttK-e ot la inp in at-
huiee :i curly ui llie si-ssioii as
Fni:n. tiuoK. T
Ir i
almost time the hot xvi-athcr took '
a i Loi;!', or ut-'ll all uic-lt. F
luo wii ks the on!v i Ii:uil'i- has
..r tin
ie liasi i
la-en from
-welter to sweat, ami 1'i-nm we:it to swel
ter. EvciiiiiL's lirinir u relief. ;,ntl morn
ires increase our sailnt s at t!.e oUlur.icv
of the Heal her clerk in piliii-jr on the fuel
1- sin h an alurmini extent this hot xv cith
er Ttienuomi ti-rs inilicate aii vthin; Ironi
'l to ll"i. aixx.nKn to locality. .... .
Ir.icn J'ri!i,:iU.
'.mn News bv Atlantic Caiue.
Irii-.l Peaches. 1 1 cents ; (ioshen Cheese,
i-l cents; While Wheat flour, ?10; Ar
Inn kli li.isted coll'i-e. :0 i-ents ; (ireen
lolli. 2"i cents. A ColTia- Susar I'm- a r
1-n.ii.I. Evervthin else at the -uiuc
r:t'is.. at the Cheap i na-i ry" ol"
At ui- oi.l stan.1 . posite tlie U:trm t IIi:-e.
Sola, rsi t Pa.
Fixin vr.i.,vi-.-v f '...t. .....l it,w.riu of
'lieKis-.l s.tore. have opi ninl ..ut iii the nuxv;t!ial Dr . Kfyser s Iaau i'lirt' has n.V .
l.u'.i.Uii2on Huiru corner on Maine CrrwtfxVc see those on the street? in the full en-"
Mr.s-t. also ii upi.-d ty II. C. lSi-erits' slna'
""re. In aililiumto tl.rtir pram :m.I mill
bisl. thi-v loivi- a full ..sw.rt.oent of ro. I
i iTi.-s. j,ru isions. tolciixi Ac., fresh from
the city, at ri asiiiial-le priu-s. Kverylaaly
'all au.l set i'..r vour.-alvt-s. " ,
''"i--Tins, in want of coal fi.r any !
i.r(i.iss-. stiimi p n. rtilinj, lime Iiurriin ;
. can lie siit.i.!ii..i :,t Al. v Simzimn's
rtllerlv tlie Jolin V,.iri 1.
-. .... ... , Lut. ...... .is.
mis ijoron''!i. .nr. Havis, a
pr.ulii a!
in r Irom Jolm-toa n
Oocs l..e l.rinir:niT
''.t, anil the platform fe. n..w with , Uin stciuliiy incn-tuiui.'. uaUl it has taken
nititiil lump an.) t-oisl ronU oml. No tlie hail of all cinhna-aiions. lotions, oint -
tr dnj: rl,an. Lxc yin.T onle at 1 ments anl other external reimtlies. im -
-.e r ounury. I l.rtsl (,r .lomt stic. ever intnaluceil inUi
s- !tlie Ameriean market. In the most cele-
;iVMl',,V'flkI,EllJ,D',,','talJ and tr.dtiiijt sUMo, ia tlie
mrsiv i rmun 1 1 mi pan y onimieiice etal.lihment.s of staire and city tar com-
tiM ir m-conil vear a jHihlisliers. We lutve jainh-a. and in the etaMcs of private pen-
.i ii auit io as interest in 2 a tlemcn. it L the only recognized cure for : loaded with luxuries of the lalst improv-.-r
a xe dcsircl, but that has leen the stu h disM-asea of the' horse a rxiiuire out-! cd style. nsis,ine partly of Grant tea. ;
eiuiT. in a creat measure, of 1-irL-of in. .,r.l ir.... .,.,... v,Li.u. i..u : xx-:t..' 1.-.....1 i.. V.,.t.i;n sitoi.
it n-si i. !, 1 r. , i . . .. . . -1 . . . 1
. .-. .. ... .
. 01 ,i ii" ' "i iiTMjns uinii!:ii-
out Uh- county.
neiutve mitile excrv cf-1
fv. .T. ",rp ? ?' 1 local com-spondcut in j
l l ll t. 1W llsli 1 . 1 . n ll ... .... ... .
fort t
ilh IhiI little
,- , - t...! on nMi.iiv, uut navt inii
kucccss. lut w e bv the
oaiti rins tmrti.Hi
rt . 1
I- revtrnif I1'", .,Md'l'i'1'VIau'h are heale.1 with inemiible
.i-rcU.rrubli,hcd,n the county. rapidity under it. oratum. t
..ui sjh.s hoi xr are .
HURRAH tr Cheap .Saw a.lwj;
drinks. liiIv live cent; l.ullum Nla
Wait r. Slialler Hrucc Wvr. lemonade.
ai.iile. umii-.n-s. vc..
CvfTTo. Evcrv jretiunio 1kx of
iM-ars the signature of FLEMING
I.KOS.. Pitl.-Kiir-h, Pa., ami their
private I'tiiu il States Stamp. "Take
tio otlier.
'1'lie market is full of imi-
TlMK and that
i i. ... i i a
M-rtain' snitanres t.rmcrlT J
and relietl on in medical practice
tl.niu.i...irr nn.1 .1.. n .n.n.llC - Vlt StMlie
these sulrfiaee have l".und their way into
.,...,.1 ii lVukFR'i C 'MFoii-
IliTTrus uowem-r, romain niHiiiim;
injurious muiih-1 exclusively ot
i ve-ii table su!stanvs f ront California. For
air.lisord. rs of the liver, kidneys, libulder,
I .kin. and di-'eslivr organs, and forpurify-
ill-: the M'l. 'hey it re the Ilio-l oll-lcrt III
' n tucilv know ii.
Tim I' w.t: (.'ity NouM t. S noot. wilP
o-n onMomliy, Atipist 5th, and ui'.l con- J
1 i 11 in- in wssim ten wii ks. j
Tail ion from f :! to H. j
tiood liturduii! can lie had at reasoiiulile
No laUiror pain's will lie smred to tnaUe '
this si -h a 1 a su.-ci-ss, and in every resjui t
worthy of the nourishing town of lale!
! City. " SjH-cial attention w ill lie jwid to the
! branches in w hit h teachers are rnjuired V
' I. examined. Students are rinui-stisl to!
In- present at the openinz of the scion if
pos-il.le. (.'. A. SNVEKK.
I Teacher. !
! Nkvk.i;, in the history of invention, liasj
: an article liottudi-d into public favor w ith j
ithe rapidity of the '"Li.'ht Kt'.nnini; I)i-
mcstic" S win; Machine. :
Apcnts of other machines who. at the ;
iK'pianinp of thU year ridiculed the idea j
i of a new machine p'-ttinp a timt hold in
ihi community, now tin-1 it out m-!Is their j
j old unreliables" two to one. and they are ;
thi-owinp up their apencies and applying .
I fir mniiission to sill l)onn-stii
! tli.- xi-no'.uint n. nuy i . u nicy
i liihte.1 w ilh it. K. Y. Steai' Jt Co..
I Apeiits. No. 20 Sixth tr.i-t. Pitts-
'bnr-'h :
t . . .
i v i. u;ir M'lii iiili iiiui' i iiuiiii r ii ,
' i :n . . ....... .T..-:.. ., .1... I...
1 1 1 1 1 n i tn in 1 1 (, '( t mi i;ih in. imr i.i-l ana,
I and in this i.-.-tn- of the lIt:i:At.r a iiuiiiIm r
j of our ftilis. ril.ers will find their bills, and
i all those who are now in arrears w ill le ;
mlv n-mindeil of the fact within the
next Tenor tilleen dav. We do not want
you to lay them carefully away, but to '
scud us the anumiit. You tun send money
by mail, and if yon enclose a three cent
i stamp we w i
1 have nn.iiev
1 return a receipt. e must
to ti.iv for the larpe amount
of mati-ri I already purchased, and we
purpose 1 erect a new buildinp yet this
season. W a ill I.- compelled to collect
of thosi- who do not reind by lepal pro
i ess. and in every tase will charpe "i 50
1-i.T year.
Castoka a .substitute for Castor OH a
family physic w hich is pleasant to take and
docs not distress or pri', but is sure to op.
crate w hen all other remedies have failed.
It is a pcrrlv vepctahlc preparation, con-
i taiamp neither Minerals. .Monlune or
hul. the result of fifteen vears txiieri -
I UiellUnp by Dm tor Samuel I "itchcr. It is
i perf.-cily harmless and lar more t-lfective
jtiiiin I'iils. Narcotic Syrii s or Castor Oil.
r l.v soolnmp t no sysiem u promiii-s natural
! sleep.
and is particularly adapted to cryii
or lei
-tliinp cluhlren. It kills onus, cures
Stomach Ache,
and D.-r: npemi
Constipation. Flatulency
nt of the I.iv. r. No fami '
!y i-in a"ord to lie williout this article. It
.-.Ms but :l"i i .-nts ask yourdruppist to pet
it lor you, and he will always keep it.
A lUn.iaiAD "IJrx-tx." Yesterday
tie r:ii n p as a ronvoy of three freight trains
wa p.inp xveslwanl !' Cuml.rland.
on the I'if sburjh A: Co!mcIlvil;e niilncid,
the foremost enttie stopxil on the main
truk m ar Eridp'-port. from some cause.
To tTiMTit muulicr two from ruuuiup into
train numlier one. tons'. h.-s wt re placi d ;
upon the track to sipnal the t-npineer of
the approat hinp train to stop, whictl he !
did on h'-arinp the toriai'iHsexpl.xle, but j
from some oversight no warninp was piven !
to train nuiuia-r three anil U came on at
full sperd and daslie.1 into the rear of train
numla-r two. considerably damapinp the
engine ot train numiaT tiiree ami a nunc
la-r of fn-ipht i-ars. and bha kinp the road
for several hours la-fore the debris could la-
remnved. CumUrltihil Sort, llth.
Eiutus. Makisiai.f.s axd Df.atu.
At the toiivention ofthe Pennsylvania
State Medical Sa'utv, a report was adopt-
ed. iiiv.-riup thednitt of the bill to be sub- !
in.oisi io mi- -fi.i.iiui -. imiiiuius '""iiumstinitliiir train ami lav. !
in future it shall be the duty ot the asss- j
sors ofthe various wards, "borou-hs ami ' The first table was set in tan new hotel
tou-nstorw to r.-ti;rri r-u-ii v.-ir to ti..- I'Lii. I ia Ursuin. Mr.' Kush the proprietor, w ho ,
miseioners ot the county the nuniia-r ot
births, tnarriapes and deaths. These re
ports are to embrace, in the case of birth,
full name of father and mother, occupa
tioti ot tather, natne of 01 her niemU-rs of
lite tiuiiiiy, naiuti f Mother previous to
maniiipe, iLite ainlpLice of birtli, etc., and
of tnarriapes .1 li.-aths similar inf.mna
tion and statistics are to lie obtained. The
proposed act also provides certain coin
n iisation to the assessor for perfiirminp
this dutv.
Jl'sT So. Every nexvialH.-r uiau kiirns
how to appreciate the follow inp puragftrpk
from a brother professional:
"it any euitor omits auytniap, lie a.
lav. 11 l.csi.caks ol tninps tUey are.
pei.oWare uiaiL Ii he -dosses over kUrc!.s Wtrc delivere.1 by M,sjs .Frank
nu.ths ..own . tne rouph anut. he ' art,rv,in and Tier. X. B". Criichtield; af-br.!H-d.
Ii he cad thinps by their proiK-r :,,.,,,- .,, . ,,f ,r.. .,,,1 ,.,..- t,lv., lie is
lor ine inisaiou 01 an
editor. If he
d.ies not furnish his
reader !
w ith hikes, he is a mullet. If he dixs, he
.'S. he
If he:
is a r.itlk--iieaij. iackinp stauiutv
condemns the w ronp he is a cih1 fellow,
but lacks discretion. If he lets wrongs i
and iniuries po unmentioned he is a ctiw-;
an' If he tails to imhold a miblic man. I
he dots it to jrrati: 5ito is a tool of!
cli.mes. or lalonirs to a 'rinp.' If he in- 1
ilui-'es in tier-oiiaHtics. he is a blackpuard:
it he d-a-s not his paa r is dry.
Ax exchanpe truthfully sayR: "It
sfnnpe how losely men reail nexvsMipcr.
j x e never s.-iv anvuiini: tiiai anviasiv iuin i
like, lint xve s.;n hear it. an.l everx IaKly
lsuretotcU us of it. If. Iioaever. n.v
j ill a M bile Xfe lupIH-a to av a psl tiling
i we hi-ver hear of that ; liolaiv seems to
r... ... XV o v. o. ,.i.o i-.'i n u l.iin.lro. I
coni'iiiini-nts. an. I Lrive limi a uozen litill.-i.
anil he takes it aU as a tribute to his frreat-
itml he never thinks of it ; never
thmks it tl.a-s him any coml. I;ut if xxe
ia;iien to sav llunits tins nun iion t like
or soinetliine he iiiuiiM s is a reflection on
luracvihim or his character, si c how quick he j up ami ircts ma.l alamt it. All our j
evils are ilulv cluimil to u. hut xxe never
apparently -ret anv cre.l:t for xvhat 2o1 Went.
Ixveilo." " ' Wf lrel.I a rrtiiicatinn meeting List Sat-
, , ' unlay ni-lit, ami a more tamest. 7.ialniii
r.v.T,NK xm, BmEVF.-Tliereino,n.'l"!;.wl.of men ,?ou ""T'
I, i,.., i,t ,1...-,. i .. . t ,i , .1. . : ,1 niindinl toirethrr in convcnliou. The sub-
various investi,;, xt hich science has1"1 waa.w ivilrljr ap-
niailc, shel,,the trophies of the ' lor the owasion-' wl T
I ,ust. an.l wlt xve s,-e in material develop- .Ue he swor.l , rthe iirn.
liitlitsof I...-. Consumption, once the ter
ror 4lf tllC llliman t':ll..i1.- ; .... .-
si..-.Pii ,,f iu t, rr,,rs vl... .- :. .'. I
the throholJ an.1 dispute its inxxsion hv I
that more than xvon.lerl'ul m,,l'i, ine i
Keyscr Limit ure. which has done more
! for its ure than all the remedies that have
..n.-..i..i ;t r,..l,.v,.n-u,..i- ..f , 1
joymi - nt of life, who once were apparently
on their w ay to the ' narrow house. ' Dr.
W... s..r" I nn.r I 'nr. t...u -jo.on roT;i tt...
laiiip of life, anil sent these once sittli-rin?
Inrali.U th xxiy rejolt in?. Price
?1 Ml ta r Is.ltle or four Uittles for $, at
1JT LilH-rtv stret!. Pittsburitli.
SIXTI.F.N Vr.xiiSoF Sc"F. In lsv;
lhe now famous Muslim.' Liniment w as '
. t.. l ... ,i l.i:l... !.
ii i si 1. 1:1.1.- i. ii own i.r ill,- 1M11..1. ... 11 11 1 .v-
tensive system of ailveiliinj:. From that j
time ti the i.ri-si-nt. tin. tli-man.i for it K.-is :
... .........l. ' "1 .nt, M t- . .liuuil B? 1
a nant application tor some or the mot di
, .. . . . .
tresin caiiimlninta in alili mmi
t. ltheumatism, stirTm-a of the joints;,
eu ral Tin, sure thnait. tumors.
I'l'im. ar-
at he. U a. than he. x to ii rin .l.ln;nw !
jiehlto it 1
... J .- j fc,
ciiuiiu - r irriuuu lirotst-niin. anil liurns.
a..-. ... .. - ...,, , .tJ llt I lit mill I l I'ttl i 1
m-I is in the im ui Imsinens.
Normai. S:nvi.. I will oen a Xor
nial ScbiMil at Ikrlin m Mmnlay, July
wl.tli. to cimtinue ten weeks, for the accnta-
niotlatiun of teachers and others w ho ntay
wish to attend. Special attention willl
pjiid to the normal studies. Provision will
also U' in:wle fr teaching the hi;lnT
timnchis. TuitMiu. i ami ft. trl
Uwnlini: ran U: h.i.l
at very n-asooablo
rati-s. J M'. i,m HACKIC
j Wk hear that Mr. riiilip I-tpe, of Jen -
i ncr mwrisiiiii is iitnsiiiirii ini fii iiiit
spctdii st burn lmiUk-r of t!w mnty.
. '. . . . . .- . -.1
iot uicir none, nv aim lor Jonas iieuv
f niinL'er. ot Jetferson township, prove thi
U t. The entire structure, eiirhty tWt
i lon-j and tortv wale, was tranie.1 in twelve
days, and raised on the thirteenth. Those
that want work well and speedily done
should call on Mr. Lax
Mas Kii.i.fii. On last Silurilay even
inp, a nmn n.uiwil I'atrick liutlney. a la
Imn ron the lWdl'ord & Uridpeport LW-n-
sum luilrouil.
i lujilnatil, laid .lon . the I etinsyW
.a A: tonn,dlsv.Ile railr.xul track near
the lirid
from this citv. and a train of cars comiup
i - - - , . i . -
.-non- nui inir uun, iiorriiiii nianpiiiip
and Lillinp liiminst.tntly. A in-
ipi.-st was beldover the Umly and a verdut
ot ail iiit-iiiai m ain reiiiien-ii. i lie re-1
mains were intcrrel on Sunday
lay last near
' "'"'"''''"""'j
the place of oiTitm-me.
A'tir. 1U.A.
Wk .tpain refer to the t-herrv trade, in
thehopp to awaken a printer interx-st in
., . ... , r .
this pr. ..liable article of tra.hc. mcc our
last notice, tuere has Uen lal out by
no.;...,.. Mr. John citz, ot 1 orktown -
shin, received i. at uue tinie. tor
.-luVri.-, Tl.ia -r.m U no laW W
that of patherinp and l.rinpinp them to j
market, and this is generally done by thil-
iiren. nm tunny, who mic a w J
pa.i ci.erry nss. ni-et. never want tor ;
-pin money. There was also P"d U, i
trirls and lioys, ,Q the suiio time. $1 ... lor
pakitip the stetns ot the cherries.
; ...... .v- axa n l"'""
, cherry crop in this section has ln-en imu.-u-
- ally larpe, but owinp to the inferiority ot !
the fruit, but little market could be had,
If thev had N'en
ii vt . i-a ,
r.--.ti-t iti. hhm
-m.l it ttiif t ir.f1t-iKl I., f ho f iniicre
'.. - a ........ .. . .... m -,
f'-r what the hmne market could not have
consumed would have found ready sale at
other tKiints. As it is. they are a n-pular
drupon the market, an.l but lew
of our j
ten or
fanners have realizetl more than
twelve dollars from a larpe crop.
" ;
Sad Case or Phowxix.-.. On Monday j
evcuuip. July 1st, .Mr. l'avi.l llykes, a
younp man of 17. and a coni union nam- j
t . .li r. s. in w.-nt In tl.i. ,1?.m.1.-c ' il.,n.p:
the Stony Creek, suae distaoi e alxtve
town, tor the pun- of lmthinp. Mr. !
Svkes could nit sw im, but with the natu- j
nd tearlcssuess of youth, he ventured into '
deep water, for the purpose of tninp his I
1 . 1 .' U .. I
jiowcra. ll Hen in tiie Ueepist part ot tne
i.a.l f.uicd in the cldv there, he Itetauic I
exhausted, an.l as his omipanion was un-1
alile to assist him alter makinp the uim.4 ,
... . . . .
eiuicavors to no so. lie; sunK lo tiie itottom.
Effirts w ere made bv a nnmlw r of jxiple
t 1.. .... ..- t ... .1 '
to raise ill" mmv ui.u e i iuuz w lieu uiiv ,
U - ,r,l tho .! "news Imt If was not until I
Tin-lav mornin-' thev were successful. I
Mr. Isftae Jones then dived for the IhxIv j
and brou "lit it to shore.
Mr. Svkcs is a native of Shippt nslmrp. I
Cunilierland county, this State, and had 1
liet n in this citvl.ut three weeks until he i
,m.t uu untilt!y fe.
nn,.y frm younp man.
Ile was a very .
enjoyinp excel-'
lent health, an. li s stni-'t- .i have :
Ui n tearful ln-fore he pave up hope. Ditr- i
I inp the short time he had Uin here, his ',
! tnixlestv and manly worth had painiil him "' s iaiir. .uunv -:n(- lm; ur.m ssw.u in
hosts of friends, ai'id his terrible death cast ( dispust la-fore they la-come master work
!pliam over tin; whole community. His !''" a"d enibmrc some other profession
'remains xvt-re taken to ShipiKiisburp for i Ipencrally law or medu uiej by which they
! interim nt. Jvl,n!rn Trih,. txjaft to pun an tti.-ter livelihood, lorpet-
tinp that the majority of the memliers of
l riisa Items.
The I. O. O. F. met in I'rsir.a on the
12th inst. todedicate the new 1. !pe in that
place. The mendaT of the order, of
whom there were alamt W present from
m-iphlairinp I.kIl'i-s. marched throiiuh the '
nrtnciiKtl streets clothed in re
ilui, hea.h i! ,
bv the Hi rlin Enss Hand, who livi-mil ur
the scene w ith iheir sxveetest strains.
fti.p x-.MtnT frt..n.ts V T T.tctdiifr n.l i
-...... .. . , ,
iiiti. lil Kuliinian have returni il Iron)
Alt. I n mn lollege.
The Eev. Shrvtcrs. who are brothers in ,
the tleshas wells inthe Iiisr iiieChurth. ;
j will hold a scries of nieitinps in the Church j
.of 1hI in Ursina. i
Tll, f this vicinity nre
busy ;
is a younp man ot pi-mal ilisp
in the prouiot uiauner in which
.sit ion. 1
he has 1
surmounteit ilimcumes uas iicmonstraiciij
imsiness ipiaiincaiions w iucn cannoi lan 01 :
sut i-css in his line of btisinc. I
I'ayetlelonnly Iteiua. t
Tl.ti Fourth of July was celebrated at .
ImlLm Creek f-hnreh by the Sprinptield. In- j
dian Creek and Mill Hun Sabbath schools,
jointly, tlui three schools la inp nearly
etpuil in numlicT of scholars and in the ap
prepate numberi'd'2-")4 persiins. The mei-t
' rS 'OT JIl'?t i
nutchmson. a veteran ot to the
chair ttnd the usual nuiuUTofj
j marshals aniVsivn-taHes. Tlie der-Iaratiuu
,:. ,.,. ,.1..,,,.... .n.l a.,nn,H!it.
;. :,.,. ..,,'. Tho.lnt-
i was very plea.-s.nt. and the iasile la inp
L j very orderly, the time xvtis enjmeil with
i . .- r . t .. . . ..o .
sat lsiac; 1011 111 an present.
The "vounp hhajilii" ofmr sister vil-
fciw. , lutvine trot up a dam inp school,
the whole class la inp of the laser sex. tin
next trouble is to pet a place to dance in.
all the rest aflame doors U-inp thut aptun
itliem. Surely this is ilanciii under din-
prir.pfleld township has nine Saiilal'h I
u..l..M.Tc .n u 1.... .tit.,-..! nniu.n.iie iv.n .
' . . . . ! 1 ... I
dition. w nne of which are larpe r.nd inllu-
ierrutl linitili. '
j . . , . . j
. ' Tl ' h r te r ''",' -'re !
; - - ,
I ' i
.............. .v...
r.iiii'tr oj me, iicmui : it is a lonjr ;
time Fiuee aiiylhin? lias Ut-n rereiveil in ;
.. , r n o
inecoiuiiinsoi xour iier irom v cnircxiiie, ,
ami I have CuticluiIeU to let vou know tliat
ii are still imn ahoiit ami t int our '
S hwetfelhrenner Ntiety is in full Mast j
am. since the Cincinnati Uwvcntmn
trotteil old rrainliiaii l.reeley out tor 1 res
nnaauuoiisly tleci.le.1 tint Gen. Oram" s.
sword did more towanLs cru.shinz the
late ti Jintic n-lelliin tlian drct lev s pen,
tntic n-liellion tlian Gret lev's pen.
anJ e I ,r;Iu,li,.:n1 u! u
unanimously auopted-tkat it btlwoves all
cianl citizens on the 6th of Xovemlier next
v,eit ,!K,r l.Kll,,t ,,,r.l,K' .mP.n . i
rathcrttian the man that liaileil Jetl lavis
' ad Ke, Jec,u t. hurhlv esra-ntial for ;
ll?ep.tesnna pnisprrttT of the notion that ,
l. si (Jrant sluiiihl la re cli-cliil to nil
"V.,B" ' '"" '. "!t.
1 1 Miry C Irt V lUMf SHK1 nl? XTOrilll
1... i : " t -i ."i ..ii . , . .
tie rinlit thau Presnlent, hut thk ernlent-!
i ly is Dot iiiu case xvrtii Horace ureelev. lor
: . - . ... . .
ne st.MKi tinting because tie worm! raiiifr
! l.. r's.;.l,.n. ,i. . i. 4S . f
, . .. .... ... ,u , .i., iusi S..U1,- oi .
At first t
I our liirnocrats iliiln't swallow
Greeley j
I with a very caal n-lish.
.r.i..l..ii tl.,...
t.a.k the jiilL but it secrueJ to iraw their;
faces forty Xx-av for stnn.lnr- il it tonk
.ir.oui, H S3 .... .
.1.... .1., . .! I
mri.117 .ill ,01 , s l u-i in.-ir :',- s:m:--r:i-
cnctl up apiin in a nutuml shape. - j
Dnr niii-tinirs are lir-intl-.r..,. an.l n-,
ijieeible. Ust S-Atualax eteniiir wcj
' clne-J the mettin? by all jo'niniT in the!
- done 'when this old hat was new," after j
which we ailjourned to meet at 11. J. Mil-
ler". meilkal emiriom. to a cam-
jm .upper wu in waitimr. p.tten up !
j exprebly for the mcmliers of the Schwef- j
felbrenncr Saictv. The taMi was well
. .1 , - .-i. 1 i
Fly Wlip, patent lever duuipIUlB,with te -
' 119111 1.11.411. A . .1.111.UM; I'll' illk.l . . - '
- ....
tached k-ver crust, duplex piin?e fake, I
Dolly Varden apple sassand Lapine lemon i
oii - a. Our a-reil anil veti-niD iT"Csioent. Ot I
;.. tl.. 1..1 ..f tt. t.t.l- .n.l '
- , p....u .... ... n. ... . .... . . .. . ,
a little too flat an.l hadn't enoujcli works!
InAle. Craibman.
aai.l tluit for liis l:istp 1 fii I jininc niesi wt-re
Sw u4 Tka lut AImmU It f
Now In Ioiih to the present ; then lie
lonpt to the ftitiire. .Now you sow your
seed ; then you will reap the harvest, and
it wiltnot Uien dei'nd on w hat you mm
wish to reap, Imt the liarrcst w ill Ik? just
accon!in to wUttt kind of seed tlmt was
put out.
If your deeds were done in the fear of
and 1rt the lionor:uid rrjoryof hI," then
the ltirvi st -n ill t 'etcrnal life;" Imt if
your dt iL were done ti gr.ilif(- -tho lut.
of the Hesh," tha the reaping will I
ctrruuton." Now you are. a free aeut
1ut ,lJtfn J he calleil to an aiiiwint
j ... ... , , .. . .
i firi "rejoice, uyoung man, in tny youtli;
I.A.O.ln llu, .t- lU Ll..l Ml.l. U..I1..PJ
i , . ...!....
j ;'J."-llu!r , m ,-u""' J'H,r
lar on Sunday an-l pet whiskey to their
iwtt sat is tuition, letting tin in i.ut the
money at some place where you
t .. ....
w here to pet it on Jomday morning, and
then say I don't sell liquor or take money
for It on Sunday. Let women and chil
dren of your ncijrhliors sulfer all tluit can
lie hcnM-d upon them by the nun under
the inllucnce of modern "rot irtt" liecause
the Ciairt pranted the liiviu-o tor doinr it;
,,.t ymir lu.i;:,Urs eive you all the m.inev !
j IU WyTt. W(. fl,r whi;.
fc ? , wL u.k h
l..-u. it i.Ckri.i;.. Umtl....... I
i i ... ... t.i.. .i-h., i '...,r l:
. . - - : . :
jHSC , a( M it n 1W
; . m :. , . ,,.lt Yes. "an,!"' walk
of thy heart, and in the sight
(f ,; kn;. ,
these thinps timl will bring
tliou that lor all
thii into jud'' '
ment. Iai I. 11:9. j
Hum sellers seem to liave turner that no I .n.t.n.nlf .. . 1 1. .
i ... .' ' J..V- in .t;ti,.nln V. J. 1
,iomeniiia ti til tHlittons in reparu to ,
Ult.;r lulsiciUll4 a,i .s Christ niay sav I
j . . . . :.: . , k -; t. i
, nil W(M.k at this. lUl tlleu there is
i .:n . i n-.. ... .i nl
Mm " F'"u" . . . iii
' , , ,.,' ir,);,w , ,,,;,
Azain. the Judpisof the Court are men i
(f autliority
they cau pivc liixtsc to se-11 :
illloxi,Mlill;r drink to wh.HU they please, I
rilless of.ll the misery and sorrow
tUcre, Lut t, U Ju(, j
ab)ve tum a,f thcrcfi)re M Mma j
hoi y writ i Ha!.! ..2:1V) in repardto puttinp
the lmttle M your nei-jhlmr's mouth to
! make him drunk;" and if you do, repnrd- i
less of all the evil that is caused thereby,
then "know thou that for all these thinps
w Hum that fi.r all these thinps
rinsthec into judgment.
y likely alli-r all, at present, in
he pariies alludis. , in this r-
Iird Will have lo Siiy "I have
VC refust-d e have Set
ill tnv counsel an.l would none
vni n hi uiitu t.m u tutu jm i " iul ill
Ilnf VirV
. V
' repanl to tin
' tit le, the
' called and
at iioiejht all tnv counsel an.l would none
my reproot. I;ut reim mlier, lie con
, tinues, "I also will luuph at yiKir calamity;
i I will mock w hen yiMirli-nrcinieth." prov.
1 :2", 20. I. I,. T.
, ,
Ttfher : Navinp lici n placed at '
,!ie lK:i'1 of tI,t- educational interests- ot the J
couutv. we intend to make every piible
-'ir"rt 11r advancem.-nt of our common
schools. Our .Normal S hool.s will shortly i
"l,'n- principally for the awiMiim. .latum :
a ... I lu,, ..r tn.l I I.- 1.. ....1 f
"' " " " ""i
t;';lt fsHfialIy the younper and less exK'-
nemx-d class of teachers avail thems.lves
the opirtunitj to attend some one of
ti,....rt rti..i i..,.,t
i"-1- " i-mu-1
ahle examination. Directors complain that
tl.n Q.ll;.rie Tvii.l fir., t.-wl lil.-lt t."....1.,.ru
'- i" ' .
cliiiltt the inlii pens-it ion is not stilncielit.
A wnerc rests the blame? 1 he pur
chaser is penendly willing to pay for an
article all that it is worth. Endeavor to
' rwrc proficient in your callinp, and
T"r w rviccs xv ill be soupht and the pco
I'l-' will not fail ia their duty to rt-mniier-
a''" you tor them.
Every teacher ol worth will eventually
rise to ins proper level. ieai tiers, as a
class, are impatient ; they serve nonp-,
prentieeship, but draw wagps for -the lirst ;
prolessioiis piuji the meridian of life
.upon a much more mtapcr compensation
! than that received by the successful teach
' tr. Apaiu, teachers, and also dirertor.
should remember that theniininiuni sxhis-l
tenn has len incntiseil to hve months, ex-
cept in districts where the school tax is al-1
reiulr thirteen mills on the ilollar. or where :
a ,x f' imneen nulla lor scnool puqai-s
will niH t.-ep tiie 1rjI8 oa.n live inontlis. I
In ciiieliijiiin !.. me nmiurb that t s not
. .. I
. ..'. .... .....v.-........v..... m iv .1 T !
Tin-npiivinw it nfij.iil I.i nnm-irrt n un rll.v
arti. I.. but to notify voil of the pi,
of a more thorough iir.'i'.aration
Mr the I
examination; for if you fail you eanmrf 1 ;
licensed to ti-ai h.
tV. Wtt.l., Co.
1 111 tlie 1
!th ot June, by the IJev. II. lScrkcy. j
' Mr. AVin. ArtnsSmnp to Miss Mary limn-1
die, hoth of Jerti-rson towtLship. ;
(-pp KIXG
hi the Oth uit.. bv .la i
cob W'eimer, Estj., at his residence in I
Upper Turkcyfoot tow'p. Mr. Thos. !
:Cup to MLss Susannah Kinp. of :
Somerset cottntv. Pa. I
1)1 KIK
WEI.MoX. In Wt-llersburp. .Tunc 2sth.
Mr. Hinim W'elnion, aped YJ years. 4
month and 22 dav.
TURNEY. Xi-ar Addison, Snneret Co.,
Miss Alcinda Tur-
lialli:ilt.r of Vhilip and Catharine
lurney. aol ,'tl years.
5 months and i
i Tl'UXEY. On July 5th. ls;-, John Tur
j ncy. son of Milton and Flora Turney,
' aped 9 months and days.
; WmSIXG. At Addison. July 9. 1ST2.
Mr. John Wirsinp, in the iPth year of
i hi:ipe.
i AVic ArtTti')ni'itt..
C?ui:veyin;. con
.'ij t'IX'1. CXiU.EtTIXll kc.
:i' 1 WaW II Ml 4 ITII .'
" " .....
Altlwlnew etitromil to hinenre wllllie iroiniit- j
' Iv atten.te.1 t.i. tne Azeney ur tne purcnase or
tv attended to. The A Ti-nev for the r.un
.... 1 . . .f ) 1 l. i I .,, n.-. I ... -, n t-.L-..n ..n
These TaoWs present the Ael.1 inCitrahiriation
with.rfher em.-imt remedies, io a .--ulur l--rra. tur
t I.M Mint ..I .11 Th... sn. I f .n.. I a..m U.-u-
..... ... . ....... u.... . . ..'mi i--
-r.i.inn.liiii mroaiare iimiciiaie-
lyn-lieve.1. au.l statements are constantly U-ln i
s.-nt tn tne proprietor ol reilei in cases ol throat
.im ' ultii-s of years standmir.
t autton. l"it he deeeive.
lhIl,. Ul.t WeiU' Carlwiic TaWet. Prk-e
aie per tx. sal fur .-ir-uiiir.
u. tiai.i. n rum n. i.
S..le avnt t..r the I". S.
:V"-'-; 1 .'.' 5
made silk Steneil
Sei-ure t trrular
,. samaiea. tree "s si snen.-.
and Samules, free. S. JL Speneer. ltratUolo Vu
' Xa't will st-ad a hao-lsmiia 1'rwpe.tBs of iir tiew
lUuttrated Famil bible, t-ontaiiiinif nearlv &iiw ftiis
STiure Ulustrati. t any l!ik Aa-enu Cre- of,
rharze. Address N.vtiosal Pi bushing li)-
Philadelphia, Pa.
Iu Leu in" new an., srrvatret work Is an imnveiiB
- . - .i a.. ,u. aJiexts waxtei.
eryw here. tIBi. MAi'I.EAX. PuldislH-r.
Ta " t-. lr.Ma
Rare Chance for Agents.!
AUENTS, we will pay you W per week in rash,
11 you eniraire with us at once. Everything lurni-h-ed'and
expenses paid. Address
V. A. tJXS Ca Cliarl.itte, Mi -h.
My sendinx
with aire. luiabL eidorol eves aud hair, vou will
I receive by return mail, a rorrw-t pi- ture f y.r fa-1
,ure buslwmd or wife, with name an.1 itate ot Mar-)
rutfe. A.inress . tut, r. vr. imscr, .0'J4. t ui- i
ti,,nie, -. I
j u-1 vrrn r...i... s ..)... .
A ErellLS j io'.r. f; " iiJi. ii "i-i- . 1 l
- a6CA1'?' Hoi. AC E UKEIXEi. A sew i
iiiu,.nlti - .l e.llti.. now tlet this t
the onlv !
e - iiiliai whites by himselk and by the I
"r.Q?AVTx ncal
nH,-e. si 6n. Urn aaint n.1.1 so in three, l.v. Solen. ;
. , i. .
.lis Kte.-I uorrraiui ol llreeler. also of mil i
- - r - -
e. ktk EAT. Publisher. suaBroailwuv N.Y
. . .
Send sasrlBtiveeirruUran.l sneeial terms bit
Y,"1 fn lm!?IL''h';:,'-,
MPMPllSd 5 RPilnnllPJ'Tllvni IU AUlPrif!!
UlliUJCJlOil 5 nCpUbOliUul lUililiC 1W
'u urTtJ
rrliablr imet lathe market. J. M. sTuIiUAKT
-CU I-ot.lishers. :xi Ssnsnm Su, Phibulelphla.
- uiiiuuy niusirausa ruiw.-ri.iHV e.llllsi OI one
f ,h. riehcst arms in literature, of leorlif ride
fame and rsrsatiisj excellence.
. llobillMOll CU.SOO.
"J1,,T.V.'TZ. T" "ntcsi
K4.-r, cicuuui i.tiHiiiia. uiy 9 no. a marvel ol
J"4 all o?r .llr0ntH.",lii
RmSZ. ?5 s" TbuXbU
eneaimess: A mine of wealth: It is the most nn.
j - Nm Adreriimtneni. - v"
- - i-
It I nit a phyftc whk-h mar irir trmpnnirT rr.
Ih-f t th nillHfvr the Brt few ik. hat whii-h
fnB nmtlnnr.1 turn lrlnir Ptlr an.l ItlmlnHl llm
aiwabial In weuVcninn the lnralUI. m ii It a
il.M-turtst liu..r, whl.-tL. umlur the iMiular name if
hibj .inr...... ua in
uili.-alautlk'rUirii4 lwl an.! t'.iri-., an-1 1
. V" T . : . . . " T . t
i "een ii( iwi 1 1 n-uuur iinvvk-inrai m Miwr
rviinp all l he inwik-al vinut-n im-uhar U.Uii' huiiI j
an.l man ne lakco an a permanent ruraure airi-at.
h rtcr rl wtiM iajwur t.iKr4 r
t nl.i r. lit-TC.1 at.ot-e. the M-.-l licciiuie.i ImiMlni I
li . I. l..t. MVMafll U.Mln.-lh., Mtalllidi. .
kin ilueajca. Kliitchc. ti-kau. Plutuk-tf. I'anbrr. I
thtutalld "JLill .
BA trtftean.e. liarifyan.lrL'
to healthy ai'Ibn.
VtwUit Stomach t Vnlen illsn.
tu n In pr.nn:iiy al.lL tile rywm t llellllltatisl
wirn i.-. vital i.
poverty at the tU.l
nhI lVn.len.-y. i JeiH-ml
T ike It t..a? Ki-MSt. with.wt ren.-ti.. it
ill impart cuathful ut tlie weary sailo r. 1
r-J ,ir.,... .. ik. i. v.. , ;
in Jm-erol t'hMOi.- Diarrhira, llM. drci.llut In- .
n.iiuiuaii.m m tno tn-w.-w. (
v uay trriLaiinn, aoti wan on letvleni-r I
Hart ya wnkr of Ike I trrine tr Vriaurf
Oiir Vim mwt pnieore tnrtant relfc-t ,,t y..o j
are luii.te i.i tunertnic lunn tnan m-aui.
, Take It b.wrenirthea f.rRaais weaktK or life
t-e.-.iieii harden.
KinUy. it .h.M he fre.,uently taken l.k.i ptl.e
yem in iiertert heatih. e y. are .Hherwi, In
JOHN O. KaxJl. w Ftati St, !SVw Y.k.
Js-Je An-nt f..r the t mt4 stati n.
Irier. Oa lllr per Ut4tle. .Send ft.r Cin-ular.
. .
fj 7vRVx,V 1.1a or mi
IO . . H i I diti. wu-h uuir vitaiii)
XII I TTT T71TriTlTirin'fl ' ''' ele.trirlty-.n-.r that !
A W K N K H H P. K X B 1 It-
t3 i Jj, f , l.liJl 1 JJIL J rMliseas.-s.itrietiirean.ltari.-.-le.a;
ei I I vel-H'tn.-nt: ti n lerturea to his pi
3 j - , 2. j ''y t1 vVAii" " Vlx"s:.
'Hin'nnrlTI'nTTlCI S
!0(TKljlirjKlrjkS !2
' g. vv v oj v jj i , o
Ml "IS,
e i i a
k i
! W
Ite nr-1. rail anU ?. an l la- omvlnr.
tlK-rc are t- many an' I. i kept t.
i 'ininH Tili-in.
c3 i
sorir.itsirr iioi m.
.s.ixskT. r.t.
i July IT
STATEMENT of Settlement with
the Saior is..r of Paint Tia.-hti. f..r the
year riMiti Apru vn, is,
! J-hn,le,
Sn;a;, la aoo.uut witli aai.l
j To aiuuuni f,-ute...
1'J1 on
. 11 u
,,y UU)f nls,lvrcil
' r..uinil-Ki.
" !'" L,ijrv.l....
.. 170 OU
... ! t
1 in
... a ti
c9i'i 1 Ji--' il j
. , TZr7t
I"' Hantaan. Soprvts.-. ht accuuiit with al.l
r .1..
liaUnee due u-..ra lsTl
r.y Iah.iT retxlerej. .
oummli-iiMja. ...
SH-lf laU4.t .....
r-.o-li ti bahtUL-v.
...ttt4 HO
... -At as
.... ii Ml
.... i Si
2L2-si2 ;
Uiival J. Slialler. Superi.. in aecouct with JaiJ '.
. Towoshiu. lK. :
To amount of unpU.-ate ,
W-T 17
1 os 1
- natam-e iue ip. ip-ta imi.
- urleT ot W.l...
1 ii. !
I!y lahur reralensl fl'il '.T
comiaineiiD al 21
tx-iiit'raUua 3 -jj
" self IuIm.h; 1 ami ei-enis-a us
- balance due Townriiiu ta 3d ;
11 !
The un.i. r.ijTisl h.-reliv eertlfr that the fie-
: ir-ina i.i e,rnvt. ISAAC A. MILLEK.
-) A. IV. JUvixoktus. . T-muihiii Aa.lii.rfs..
lowD-hip lerk. July IT
'ffirni-r' Slop-. Pa.
Stiaiy.Mek. P.i.
Thankful f..r pan favor, we i ller t.-lhe f..rnicr
..r S.nii rvvi eouuty. I..r IsTi j
flTloi TTnffTo,;,. TTnnnnn nr. Wnnrnn
J. UfJ jHUil liTjlil iluflyGl dilU illUiul.
Ti.e treat favorite with farmrrs, wl.h h has more I
advantages tlian all others an a sell rake. We ut-!
lerthe hillowinv name.1 sentleiuen, or any otbi rs
xvho are nstna it fr rel.-n-nee: I
Elias Hershla-rwer, Elklii-k towtisfiiie A. J. .
i.mnilt l...n,Mn- r'A EIi.h.i.1 UsilU.i. I
V!lll(.. tnwnlli; Z. Walker, .XlilloM toWD-sliil
u-niim u . o.i s..iHr..i k..n.hh,. i. '
Stant.av, Jenner ti.wn.-hlp.
The Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill.
The umly perfei't Oraia Drill ia lb world! pnt
1,000 Practical Fanners.
vc-- : .'v - v ' ' v, -1
- s ' :"s-. -'. 5
- Refer ts Jas.4 Hurwcr, Jenner tmrarhip; Geo.
j.iKix, Sowsisi'WaJBio nun Hut. iiroin
sisKtt, Sosvet wiwsjfeiu Harry Hay. Itpilh-.
Fslley tavwscdp: Wm. Kirter. Sssiniit town- (
: . Ftlekinrer. Kktlelt tnwnshrfir 1 aK. Xv . ;
.XLiurer, tiuewatuaiiiiie t..wnshik.
" - !
v., , tu v,. i.
xx nl. n e:eeis ail oiner now in se, nan.l or :
OeiKor Svparulor.
nl, and I leaner In the State; from two to Un
horse iwcr
Keferto iHivld Ijiran. Somerset township: lien-!
ry Kelm. Elktii k tisani.hip: Aaron luoner. Bmth -
ersvallev t..mskiii Pi-ter fii-a.-lily. Una hers val-
Ir township.
xailt.x nnua.11,.1,
STEFI.Pt, XV te '
. .
And a I Wioiis of the latest Improved Farminjt Im-1
piements. i
AH Klud Repairs on Hand.
a " ......... ;
Xo trouble to explain the practical wnrkimrt o !
any of our machine or to rive a relervnees th !
most tuorounh farmer in the county.
ah maruiue sis-i oy ss arc wsrrantfsa. aau ev- .
erv machiue inuranteeil to civ satlsiaetkia.
Person wishing to buy will please call onr a.1
dres as shove,
Agents Wanted for Life and Times of
'.itaiu! "f Dn-w. Vun li rMlt. l..ulil,
Twnsl. ji.. with a M.-f-rj- i.(tln-niv
try h.r Ihc lnt Hin-r vrar". nrfl lir ft rim knw
al.ut - It I :u- k I rilJ." r -asr. rri-
i Allrrx
.!W Vcrk IMKiKl'". IIj o'j.-.i.iii SINttf Vuik.
Safrnn-I rmllial.le Inventmi-nt Socie i.f
the wealthiest .iianiit in KANSAS-Allen. An
ilenn. K nil: kiln. J.ihnMm :ul IVUil;is oiuntn-n.
UriristcreU ly il? i.ite t kajtiw. Intenrrt ami
l.ritH-iiiuI irtl.l by th.; Stale Tr.-aiurt-r. The IU-n.1
jy 7 ,u. interest, ami are .,rrr three Jinn
i.r.Mntrflr im.l r. -l.illli- nl !fl-
IIVIM A H 1. . H A 11'HII IH,il illl M.,
New V.irfcL'iljr.
CTH lir'C CflllUTl IM WlCUrD
K-U" moe. Tl
STi N K k 'i k It. 6.2 Anb
hiia4l.:l.hij. Siu.l (or Cin-ular.
Fur nay ra?of lilin-l, IMiislinK-. 1
illliin:; 1 livrjlnl I'llen thai J
Kicir I:iii5 I., fiire. it u pre-
1'""' eii iy t... ure tne t un, an.l n..tiniif ei.-e
S..M l.v all .Iruuuiits. Price tl.
When the !.1..1 rusheJ with r-irUet-l.kc vii.i.-m-e i
! . .. ........ .
ne ..I ailtt. it if a certain ian that a uiihl. ala- ..un an.1 eualiziaic Uiative ia required, '
arsl TarrotV trvKRVK bst kltzku ArttRI- i
eT .hi.ul.1 Is- at lav-e n-A.rte.1 Hk
muke Diirr immrv at wrk for n. than at
hinir sl.v. Uu-in'-j liirlit and i-no:iiuciit.
artimbr" fn-p. . STINS X At i t Kine Art
Pvt'lulirn l'i-rtUn.1, Iaum:.
U . 0 NO AOLMS. CirfuUn frvK.OZVJ
LAW or TIIK M-'.XK Ton-1
vitality iitive aul
!!! evotvwi
intluenoe f li1! 1
:iim nC ot iktU 1c
atl m.-t if !?-
rivatu cunriTtl
j r:ilue ti"the whole hura-nr:v'--urffrerrfAy. j
ur.Ai r.i i .vi i "uv "i u iiu a iw.w t-
isisff to nil. Sent frrvt Ur potamip. A'Mn?s I
Now at work, or lokiu lor uic nw bnk. will
miw it it tht'y lo not ut mn,t write lor cin-ulant f
tli iwst fMMlitiz iMN'k iuML-hM. KJitnionliuary
inilihtint'iif oiK-rv-f. i'p-ln ni'-rc tlutn ttfuMo
! mmcr. itutfit Irw. A.Mrv-.-, V. M. Ktw, t&
I Eighth strceu New York.
Also f.-r ,:iiii!ialm AiMnns. rMI-i
SPEKltS EMPIHK Pt H1.ISH1M1- lii ll E. '
j luj UlnTty rts;t. New Yuri.: ur, Ciiu.-uu.atl. . j
I .j'B.-a:-i or. Y. ...,i... I in. ...
Grant ! Greeley !
An.l the lea.linx :n.- ..f all port"''. iter Mi Steel
j p.rtnoi.. Ja-i the N..k l.y the ms.w :
Semi ,.r ( imilaraiHl settire trmt.-rr at tn-e. A.l-:
.Ires-. .IKULKK JtM.t't KLiY, ois An-h street, j
I'hll.i-li lpliia. Pa.
The pp.ricti.r has. hr the a.-"si.'t-:
anee .4 Knnnent an.l '
rChemi.t ia atiiixin the (ni-rtk-e..atai!ie.i in the !
iHU l'lt. h atvl Kesiaft!ie li-nv ,
h-k Tn-e. an. '.taitiisl a valnat.te t
Itreparat!.-!! ti be ai.liek a.aSali-j ;
r l'Ui.:.-r t. Crrfi. '
Pain nr st..reties of the Ha. k. Che't
i r Stum.-u.'h. Pllen. Salt kiieom. i
S.'urvv. s.!r. t l.-er. Itunl.-n..
IN.ra.-'. PniHt-Biii-a. Chiliilaln. Sure
llrca.t an.l Nii-t.--. Kintrw'trta.i. .
Charinz an.l skin IiUeasci" n" In-
fiaiuiiLat. ry nature. CHAS. A.
Ait-Qt. 7 Sixth Ave.. Nw Yurk. '
P-aiU Elevate.1 Itven. Warm ins t'l.-t, Iimiliri
Ttoor. K.-n.l.-r tJnnn!. Ittimpiii & Slinking Orate. '
Irtreit lnll. KriJ.KK. V AKKE.N h. lt..
Water Sinxt. New York. :
Janes Tf Brady & Co.
Ccnsr ol FOTtli imt aid WxJ Slrst,
On I.ilKTtil Torni.
Six per lent. Iutcrest ou Deposits. :
Al'lt 1'XTi iF MEKfll ANTS AXD I
James T. Brady & Co.
July 3-'7i
Or Sugar.Coated, Concentrated,
Uool and. Herbal Juice, Autl
nilions Granules. TIIE LITTLE
In Par to Pbyale.
Tha novelty of modern Medical, Chemical and j
IUaruuceuliial Scienee. No nse of any lunrer ,
taking tha lar.-e. repulsive and nauseous pills,
composed of cuea. crudex and bulky mirredieots, :
whoa we can by a careful applicatiou of chemical -
science, cakracv au ue raiiiarvic auu vtiier ajeui
rinai properties from the rauet vaiuahle root and
berba, aid eoncentrato I hem into a minute Gran
ale, seareelf larcer than a mustard
need , that can be madily ma .lowed by those of
the m.istsenaitive stnmacn and fastidious tastes.
Each little PargaUvo fellet represents, ins
mot concentrated forr.1. is ni'icb cathartic power
as ia emiwdied In say ui tlie lar-u pUla found lor
sale ia the dru; sinv. From their wonderful cs- i
tliartic power, in pr..rtion to tiielr size, people !
who have not tried t ite in are apt to suppox that , J or drastic iu eject, but such is not ;
at all the case, the diifs-reat setiva tneiikiual prin '
ciplesol nui. a thev aro composed bciBj so bar- .
moniled au.l murt'.Sed, one by the others, u tu !
imaliirs n most tearrhlnf and tlksir I
i.ntu.v.ttjt utlyaadkludljr oseratlng
. ..S. I
i ti'JO U e ward l hereby offered by th pro- j
pri.-tor of thcao ivllets to any chetuiat who,
I upou aivnyais. win ana m iaeu sny vawiiziei or i
macs naiiis u msixar w an outer- uu-rai
P01011 ;
Heine entirely n.tcitUr ,
care Is retpiircd while tnem. 1 hey ope-
rate without disturbance to the soostltntion. dint, '
or occupation. For Juwiidice. Ueadar be, ;
I'otistipatioii, Inifire Hlood, Palu
in ins Kuouiiiera, iiruinem oi ine '
i Clival. Iizzinea, Soar traetalions
ol the stomach, Bad tasto In
month, Hllious attacks. Fain In
I region of Kidurjrs, luterual Fever,
llloared fee 1 1 us; abont silontaeh,
i icu.u oi uiouu its iitMi man
ored trine, Inaoclabillty and.
1 loomy t arr bod I ns, take Dr.
j Fierce' Plraaaut Farfatlve Pellets.
Ia explanaiioa of the remedial power of my Pu-
I rative I'cikrta over to great a variety of disease,
I wish to uy that tnelr action upon tno
nu 1 nial economy Is universal, not a
zlaud or tissue) escaping taelr aa na
tive Iruprras. Ae doe aot Impair them;
i their fuirar-csatinjf and being enclosed la slaw
; Kn,,,. xirvncrvo their virtues uaimnaired for aa
! Iim.l.nfllm. In .n llm.ta Art lli.l lK. .m . .
li-nst'-t of lime, la any climate, so that they are af-
wavs fratlt sad Missis. WBlcB ! not Uu
ways tratit sail reiisais. wnica is not lot case
with the piUs fraud ia the draa itores. put od in
r?"' or Pe-brd boxes. Recollect that
forail diseases where a Laxatlwe Altera
tie or tureatie It indicated, these little
Pellets rive lue moat perfect eatiauicUoa to
aI' w1hou,,clllcm-, , K .
Yhey aro sold by all enterprising;
Dsuggisu at iti cents a bottle.
' To mot allo-w any dracrlst to Is i! nee roa to
take anything ei.e that La may say la Just as
ood as my Pellet beean fcs makes a larger
prosx en xuat woica nv iwuamiiii. 1 1 jwr
sracyiat cannot eapplf tbera, cncloso S3 ecu
and receive them by return mall from
j:.JT riEBCE, M. P., Prvp'r,
: St.. 1
i$i nnn
la. L
"Br TtrtM 4 writ Fieri F.iri
ami t.n mr !trei't'tf, tttrrr !M i ei ii i,. i ,
IHihltc iK-rvt t Hxi in tbvr lU-nm'U j
f Sioir'. n Srt'imiajr ih :i I :.iy Au-u, '
liTi t l IH'k r. w: ' j
AU tlin rihl, lillf. Int.n nrvl H.wh M iry -.
M'trri-n an-l .n.iihiiI M"rn. -.h. hi aiM to j
tb hfll"wni tUh"-! r'l rrtit. vu: I
l'iar (4; ft-rf.iin l-t.; l uruiil -lt'i tic itt I t -inx
haek In ' alley one hniwlre.1 an. tiny n i)
with a twisiitrry fmme tarern-lMrtHMf. liwmt
h.uie. iilal.Ie arnl ..ther ..ut-lniiMlni.-irli.-r.-.mris t
eil. Iieiaz the tame pnierty known a ton -.lauii-'it"
r "Ku.-li" tavern Man. I.
S'tie ami taken in eje. nl inn the pr!-rty .f
Mary A. W..rrlio anl Samuel .tl-.rris.Mi. at the
suit .f ,I:iiim- Mrriifl.
MienlTn I Httee. JOSiAII SH AKKK.
lmh July i sheriff.
I K I 1 1 i :TI M. 1 M IM I d .
S.-n.l I. lU.t'STBATKIt Ii:i T I.IK A.t
fait "t Llsr.
HA.M'r AlTt Rk.lU.
xu. jiii in li.ADKi.i'ii i a.
Jnly lit, "71
Political Campaign
;V Grant & Wilson ;
' 'a Greeley Si Brown.
campaign I
iT CJ i-" S ,
( a pi s auil Torrhi-s,
With Purtmin i,r uy device f..r all partie.
"' ," ' an i- ..n
h . K.l ir M.ilu t.l .nl.. 1 ' liliu.u all
awl tyle : r"aier Ibtlvam. Hre W ..rk. ar..
f- 'ampaiin C.u,, atte.1 ..ut at tbw L..wrst
sf49 Sontli
Thin! Strict
t. . . ,.
Ju'y m t.ENI 11,11 CUitT LVR' i
TuLv.iaH.hl.r.(wi.l.iw.) t 'atharin. lim-r- !
Diarrit-.! with Sui.,ui.-n liii, nsuiin in s.,mrr-
ftrtTaM i
cmitv. iiiuB.1.-. .su.-nn. intrmarri "'ti
Pt'f.-r Miulti. f l..niciiin)-j. Kirans'-is-un-1
tv, iiLiisna. William. n-nMinz in s..iorr-t s,un. i
tv. I'a.. liarUtn. im.-nnaiTir.l ith FiM.-r .11. i
..ii i i
r-s"i iinir ia .M.iaio.iir. Unminzcn... iiiu-1
. Kviho, lnterma.rriei with J-l M. Yutiv. r-
siiiittif In Somerset vuuty. f s.. Mry. iuternmr
ritl with I.-r.M'l Ul'-ttfltv ( Ailt ifhVnT nuatv.
Mii.. P. U. Klklik. S.inert srunry. Vn.. I 'ri-a.-.
th pet iti iw.r. Stm?rMrt ci-unry. H.-init-t.
r"lIinvf in S.-mT-t't nmnty. I;!.. J- in
tcrnurrie! i:h Jott-ph Stiultx, rvMinv io Stu
ert county. K.. Saiuu-t, Srtuert ciu;ity. Pa..
S:irnh. S?WrHt rounry. Pa.. hir aini" Wxal
r,in;'enTti'-ji if Suinuel H.l'-tf Tier. iwt; if
Ort'cnvil.ti ttwu."1:ip. St inurMft can:y, pa.. !ts
T.vKuN'.FTK-ii. that t.y virtue of a writofiniriirajn
nr valnaft"n. I.f nisi out i-f the Ori,li:in.s- i '..iirt "I !
.S.neryete..uaty. Paan.l t me .lirertl. 1 will!
hnM an inii.-i. on the ireniis.-s. in lini-nvill.
I tnwnhiri. eiionty arnl ?tat. aturrsaiil. ii TUurl.iT.
I the nth .lay of Aaicait. l:i f. the 1 an.M .l n:i-
, kin .artitien (l the real estate ..I tlie .I.s-eas,i. to
an.1 amiaur hm heirs an-1 I.-nil r .n -nl.i!.ve.. ti
the snnie cau he d.i- without preiu-lii-e to .r .'(m -t ! -in
tiie wh'-le. ttr to ralue an-l apprais. the ame
' atnnilnir to law : at whii-h time anil place j i-u arc
nsjui-sUMi toalleu.l. it ..u thiuk .n.M-r.
Slieritt'sorfl.-e. t JosIAH SHAFEK.
July 3.1, lsTi 1 Murill.
: J Jtrr tesramenrarr on the e-t.ite nf SUdnm,
'. lkin kler. late of l;ra"iM-rraileT T'.woVtahi. il.s-'.l..
baviDif fn itranttsl to the unUeroixtHsi by tlie
I iini-r authity. thone iniel4e.l t- It are n.ititte.1 :
; to uiaae iiume.liate .ayinent. an.l lhe having
' rlniniii against It will !r..-nr. tl...m to 114 r..r vtilis 1
i mi-nt an.1 all.-wanee. at the late rei-t.leni-e of the '
1 ue.-ea.nst ial Saturiar tne npl .lay i.f An-tist 1
l-r.l tit HI MiHLM,
Tut- iviTri.irviMTO.T ,,,
ui. i."iiir,i-ii,.i i.- i n.l i i'.n. .
I'l est. IJcAUAUs are rtil.iL'he.l on
every isu-kaa-e. it U of a serret
'lr ..'si ration au4e.jut.'nily.
It if a rertaln eure f. r S-rnfuU. Syj.hnt 1
in an us lonni. kii- uiaati.-in. sin HI-
"Mi". IJrer 'omiil..iiit an-1 all .!iseasis
of tha J4I.-I.
u.iaw.i.mviiii,lii;.i j
, , , . iJin.l wamnt N-t W.T.. L-iiw-l t.. J..r.ath:in
will il. n irasl tlw.n ten NstU of the Tvrttc,. . wot.1 to me t.r bi. .Mniiiistnior.
Syrufsol ftar.-aisirnl... i wat ,i'rftrxi l.y Ore "O theVh of May. S: I
' .... . . i theret.-re mil thiJ pul-ile n.ti.- ol the I.M-t. nl
The Undersigned Physicians , that I will apply t..ilieLainl ia-partmentat Wa-r.-.
, ...... , inat.-n !.-r the is-ue of a .iuplieute of iikJ ti-nor. ' r
have al Ko'a.Iali In their prani.-e f..r nw W3rraut in the pla.-e ..I .; e .1- -iroTe.t.
the past tiiree years, ar t freely en l-.e ,,, j KLMAIEL.
it as a ir-liahle Altunti. e aa.I 111.-! r"u- "
ritier. :
liR. T. t'. Pl'i'tH. of H ,!t!tni re.
iir. T. J. l!iV KIX.
I'K. K. W. CAKK.
J. S. SClUKs. ol Xi. l.oU.-ville.
DU. J. U M'CAJiTHY. L'oluml ia. S.
UK. A. IS. MiIiLES. E.:.'iv-om! X. C.
J. E. FKEXc il a St'XS. Fall Uivsr.
F. W. SMITH. J t'-kson. Jli. h.
A. t WHKELEK. Lauia, l M.i.i.
H. H A1.I. IJnta. t ilii...
I K.lVt.N ti i ll.. iJor-lonsxille Ya.
S lM'Lii. Mi KA0PK.V. Mi:rini sl.p..
Iiur srsiee will not allow of any extnn.1
e.1 retn.irk.-i In r.-iali.-n to the virtues of
li...a.lalis. To the Xl.sit.-al lr.f.-l-n
we auarantee a Elui.t Extract superior
ti any th.-v have ever Use.1 in the treat
" . i
ment of !is-ael H1...I :
an.l to the af-
ttirus! we my. try K-a.lali.. un.1 y-si
will he realore.l to heai'.h.
' R.wai!aliii is sol.)
rrieeH .IO per not:
by ail TniLr:
. .Vidro s
Manuiaeturinar Chcn:ists.
sRJN EE'S SALE The un-
ilep.izne.1 assiioxees of Ephraim Kreirnrwill at putilie stile in the non-uh ol I rslna.
S.merset eountv. Pa., on Fri. la v. the 19th .lav of
July, at 1 o'cl..k. tlie followina valual.le reaf es-i
I tate. tU : A i.-itito staial known as the y, ; A tr-wt , ian1 w.ntain;nn hundred and six
I House, in said hori.Utfh. The house is three st.a-ies i tv.five and one Hurth a.res. adjoining the Caml.ria
: hiah. built l.-r a hotel, the around T5 feet tront and i-.,-,. n i..i. i--.,rri xivhts.. j.os.i. xi. v.
I i.aji eet aeen. n-tner wiin x nne kit oi an.i ,
I he,.iin-j aa.1 dishes. AL s two story Ihmse an.1
ax oi tniiiri in saw ...roo.-n piniiT miuii-i -
j an.l in yjisl eunlitaa. Known ..n ,Jny .
! of sate. KEI. WREAHEK. i
I M.irKll'll KKEAilER.
i junc'ja Aisurnwwuf E. Kreajjer, ;
i - 7 '
i OTATE.MENT Of tllO Settlement of
O the Suiierrtsors rf Township. f..r the
vearendiiiK April stn. IsT:
! Am'l of tax lcvksl. J. Crk-hfic-ld
, - - j Teilrow
I " " - Vm. Jiaker
;" " II. Snvder
. . i ssitio
.".r i
, . 17 '
.. ftiiiiT;
tlTIl 47 j
. 3ll 9l 1
. ;
:t ; i
sir ;
Ain't of tax
.1. Criehli.-ld.
J. Tedn w...
XX m. Kaker..
1). Suv-ur...
Am'tdne W.wn-liip fnm 1ST!
- lo4-incr years...
rm si '
11. M. It iKtn.
Xp. i'k-rk.
Siilali SXVIiEH.
jiilvj Tp. An. lit. s
ECKI l'T8 A X I E X 1 E X I I-
TI'KES of Milior.l S-'lusd I)'.stri.-t. for the
v.firpniiln-j Jnne lsT'. Tix-rils. Sniills.Mi
lar f -
Rim) Amonnt of Duplicate. IT31 T i
bcdu.l Exeratioiis 47 -Ji
Cvlli-ctor's ei.mniLss on 'l 'J Wl 25
Net amount af tax receive.1
Amount of State Appropriation...
Kalanec on hand from last year
Fn.oi adjoining distrirls
other Sourees
ivi w
. ' I- I'l 1 I HV.
F:h.1 Io 11 Teaefcers :tju 00
fr lu. l and isintinxim ies.. 17 ''l J
juiianec in nanus oi irvaurer a m oo
Jo. P. Hakkr. PETEK HCI.1-
jnlvs SeerHarv. IVesnirnt.. I
li70 12
14.. VI '
is M ,
33 30 ;
trt aU
. of all kinds, la ixiuets. Ilask.-ts. eut Hi.wers -r
; anrr.-n tm.sniiiiiisi,ir w ctdlnas. Pirrtei. a.-., arranired in br stvle :..
- -v-rts a irs-f l v 'order. JA-XIES M. 1IE.NXETT.
JlUU .1 H V J L lV !.!, lapli: UaSmitbueld Mt., PittslmntH. l'
I No. 4.U MAKKET ST., flilLAOELl'IHA. j -
1 aumx i
NO. tT WOOD ST- riTTSUl'KO II, p.v. ;
July M, TL
Andrew HoUidar. of Lower town-I
hip. havinit al. a voluntary sssivnment f..r the '.
I.n. of .w.lilm ..,!.. ...hl..,.r.l ...l.v- I.
beuent of ere.lit.s to the notW Is
hereby riven to those in.lel.ted to said as-lifnor to
make imrocliate parmi-at. and those having claims .
atrainst hlra will present them to me lir allowance. .
st tnv reshlrnee m Addison township, on tne 17tb
.lay ol A attest, lsTl '
hereby riven tit those IndeUct t said --linor to
on I
A V the estate of Alexander
rsavlor. bfteid S.m-
erset townshin. dm-eaiuul li.vlmr heen icranted to i
tne nnnersii;ne.i. rsns-e is nereny ai.n an ir-
sons Interested m said estate that I wiil attend, at of Sehell fc KimineL In S..meret. Pa.,
oa Salanlar. th ITI h day of Aouuat. when tlkise
bavirur claim will present them fr settlement and
those indebte.1 will make vment.
July 10, TO. Adiuinlstrator.
Nearly One Million Dollars
To which is Added
A Fund of Fifty Thousand Dollars in Cash,
All to la' tliwtlt l aiiitii";st Sfi;in
at a iin t tirio; to l' hU
; At a public incctiup L 1-1 at the Court IIoii-o, in the borouph of Somerset,
on Friday, the loth day of May, a. v., 1375, tiie ua'l.T.-ipncl were appoint
ed a committee to present t) the public a brief statement of the Jis
: aster indictctl uix.n the tow n, lv the dertrnetive fire, ami appeal fr
aid in U-half of -ur isuITi-rini' jx.'ople. Ia discharzinp- thif duty, we w ill en
'.1........ ... r.rn. t.t.... ..r .k., .... t: ... tn .. f..u.- u.-..rds a o. .s-
IIIIUII'E I'l t'flllVI 11 lillb l'l;d I'l III' ..dliUL lUIIIUiH .11 " " . " -
; ... . , . n,! ,v nlmii ,.f Mav a fire broke out
tL,; 'terii part of the tow n'; a fierce wind was bl ,winr at the time, and
all efforts to check tiie dames proved futile. In than two hour thi.-
ace beautiful town was laid in x-hes. The c.t-nt of frround over which
.t... .t.... : t ........ ... t : . ..t.... ..... i , tt.. , v-.ort of tl.
1 "'- ' 11 11 ' ' '"' " " " ,
town iiicliidiii" ail the stores and hotels save one i f each ; all the banks
an.l offices, includin- two printing offices, ail places of business except pub-
lif huildin-'s Otie-tliird in art a of the solid! v built, and nearly the entire
, . " " .. . .- -it i-"ir.i
bu-incss part of the to'.vn is ia rums, and ctrtainlv thrcf-rourths Of the
bu-incss part of the to'.vri is
.!.!. .r.l . - T .. .. T . ..... .1.
.. .i.i. . r .1 . . t : .1.- . I. . ... ..-...
.v.eaiiiioi ine nair i.-. unci it u
furv t1;lt the terror-.-trickea tieople had
i lv but little of p r-..n:il property was saveil. Indeed, many cscajie.l w ith
I no other clotliinp than that upon their jK-rsi.u at the time. To a larsre nnm
ImT of the sufferers it is a total loss of every tiiiup they aatl they
; are h ft houseless ami homeless, without a thinp- in tin world and tlcpeaderit
! uii)n the public fr hread. Others, upon, whom the'ealamity is not so severe,
ore preatly in iieol of aid to enable, them to take another start in the l.attie
' of life. The lo.-s w ill not fall fur .short of a million of dollars, ami the total
amount of insuranee will not exceed
,. . i- .1 . .i .
(elierollS pilhllC, that in the past
j hel from foreipn lands, and to the appeals of our ow n countrymen wuo have
: suffered like direful calamities, xve call upon vou in behalf of this stiJi rir.x
. but hopeful Isolde FOIi AID .SUBSTANTIAL AID. Your charities wiil
; confer a lasting favor ujMn and w e sincereiy Lope that in th exercise
of your li'oerality and generosity, it will be like the quality of mercy, "not
strained, but twice blessed, blessinp- him that jrives and h:m that takes."
Michael A. Sanin r, K.-p, of Soiaerset, I'a., is the Treasurer of the Uelief
Committee, to whom contributions can le sent.
VM. H. KOtJNTZ, -C inmiiire.
Tlie above are the appeals of a suileriup community, and tne ellehs-
CVial, Iron. Timber and riRE-tL.vT Company, of v eilcrsourp.
(tiit-rset county, Ia., to
profits arisinp from the sale of shares
Mr. JAMES LE FETKE. S.-er. tarv.
'received. Appreeiatintr vru:r kind repards
iLTatrfulIv aceiiit Tour tender i f a donation
a -
proceeds or the sale ot your fiiersfmr'T or
benefit of the sufferers; by the late calamitous
lJv unk-r of the
A H. ('offbotii. Secretary.
Samuel W. Pearson, E.-'ij.. S-inerstt,
ITset COUIltl .
I:, virtue of the authority ve:e.i in me t.y tr.e
Aet'of i'onares." to rsrahil'h a unit-.rni ?j tm of
i Hankrnptey. jia.sel tlie Alaretu a. ii. IsoT. as
: t be asia-ms; ot Azarian Iiunh:iui. itaukntiit. ana
' in pursuare-e of a .le.Te anl or Ivr of the Iistri.-t
t ourt ..I the Vniwi states ..r the Western Ii-
tm-t of Pennsylvania, there will he exisse.l to puh
' lie sale the h.liowina- real estate f aul Bankrupt,
, at the follow In lliutf au.l puis. .. vii :
' At the R.wa House, in the Bi roua-h if S. merger.
n untv of S..iuerseU v Tucslay the Sutu liay ot
; Julv.'wi
i X"-). 1. A tract of law! ii:nate in Allegheny town-
ship. e.taiiiiia' cizhty-i.v avrt!1. stnvt measure.
a.ii-inin lan.U of J--hn treier. An.lrew Enieriok.
: Sturfx? heirs, aihl other. ThL traet Is well tnn-
N reJ with pine, 'pruce anil out. act u.-s neir the
R R a. W. K. K.
X o. i The one-half of a trait of tim
ber lan.I situated in st-aiyi-rei k t- wn-lnp. ri-ntain-Ina-
three hunUnsl an.l ) a.Tvs. a.ljoinin
htiatsol Martin L. Siailer. Amlrew SuitU r. Kim
mel's heirs an.l ctliers: This traet L weU timi-er-
.. I . . . ln.l .. Ml . --t nll.lllr
" , . :'. . . .- ,
acres, sitaate.1 in Shaile Township. a1p ininit
of the Sha.le Furoaee po.rty. Custer help", and
' .ahers. Thislaixl i nearly ail tleare.1 atl ia a
: gol state -.1 euitiration.
X . . Alltheriaht. title, interest an.l elairaof
' sal.l Bankrupt, of. in an-1 to s1x.hnn.lml ami sisty
, five aires of law! sitoate.1 in Sha.te township, an.l
known as the Shade Fumaee lands. Ahut Js)
I a.-res .if these are eleare.1 an.1 in a asssl itate
, ol cultivation : there are several dwelling h. uses.
a larie hank hnm anil other out -tmildinzs on the
premises; W a.res ot the eleansl land are in
ex.-vllent meadow. Tli.-re is a arvat at undanoe M
iron ore and e.sil an these hinds.
At the fourt House in the Borough of lirecrs-
hurz. Westtnorelan.1 county. Pa., on Tharsla. tn
a airust. lT'i
er. tut iuit.n C.i.. and others. The land
qoaljtT. and well tunVnsl. There is
,.,, n,, .ni,, a,n aiu-n pses rare
mcti,.in:lj ,,ua.itii.s. and lie al- na the Venn's Cds
tral Kail
At Annaali. Imiiana eountv. Pa., on Fridav. the
n ,iaT of Auut. IsTi s pi.s or lot of xfouml
situate in I nil Town. In said county, nnuonin
ninety perehes. havinit l re..n enstvd adwellina
house stahle and mhrr a.t huil.lmz. Sale, at eai-li
rdaee. to eommem.' at 1 is-k. r. w.
Trms CASH. Ci El . XV. I1E" Fl iKD.
jxJ Assignee.
2S7 Liberty Sreet.
r eealeu is
V sou IUU
7 F.I.EItR xTi:n
11 Staitbaeld Mret.
lppi' S City Hall, PITTSBI lit J II. PA.
iu!3 Send ft Illustrated Catafcuft'-
My NewSeed Catal. a-ue f..r 1S73, fontainin? a
rioiolete ut of
with directions S.renlt.vation. n..w, and will
be sent free W any address. Alss
Vu .i. nl Ulsim n fnwhr. ileeM.
Tbenndersiaheil A iiit.. appointed by Ju.!
esol tlie ri.iian i . urt oi .-mis-i v um.. .
.make distribsti. of the ' ,D. - ""i
. . ...... i i m .i.: r..!ir of sakl ileei'ised. ro
i ,.. .k... k-irallv entitled theret.i. will meet
nnrtie interestisl.'air the of his ap.
I" ' . .1 I. iss-l.. .k.
minrment at hlsottl.-e la Somerset, oa Friday the
, ,xro( AukusI. IsTZ when and where they call
.(tend U thev see proper,
mlyW Au iiti r.
i .
Intmeni. ai ms
The undrnhrned Au.Uti,r. duly appointed by tlie
Orphan' Court of Somerset county, to make ami
report s dlstnbutlon ol the rands In the ol
Jac.isu.aivi A. r. ttiiieiris, s.imr or t-irr n-Hllleraa-
dee'.l. to and iimii those kirilly entl
tleil tkereto, hereby aire mie that be will attend
to the duties of Uk above appointment oa Thurs
day, tb 1st day of Aaxust next, st hlaooVe. when
sad where all persona interested msy sttee.L
1 H L. BAEK.
July 10 Aaditor.
1 sL. -.
I si s. Jfcs. i -, . 1
Iinlili r-i :ts a niajurity may lin t
on tin 2tth Octolx r, 1h72.
Tt... f,ra ;tb -:ieb r..i..r.r!..s
to flee for their li ves, and eoaseiiuent-
one huadred thousand dollar'
1 . ., 1 I . .1 f .
llUS responded SO nobll t') the CTV for
deliver to the Ilelief Committee ail the
r.T, I. , June 2t;th. 1-Ti.
Sir Yours ofthe llthin.-t.
for our sufTerinp people, we
of $7..o) or more out of the
Somerset county lauds, f-.r the
lire that laid our town in ruins
Ileiit f Committee
Ii. YVEYANI, Chairman.
I'a., is the authorized acent for S.m-
Julv 10. - .
II UT C II I O X i C O .
Manpf.i-,ui r. A.-nt ar..t IieaJcrs ia
Iron and Woodworking
il- riiontal an l Vcr-.H-al St:iai En;.ne. H-..
Belting. Pa.-kin .in.l Meehacu-al Sapj
A'entj r the Horn., n -Steam G.-vcm.'. Kn. wl
Patent -Steam Pumi. Ki.ler Cut Otf
arsi fal.-ri- Enxines, Unl.a
aj.r-- Mine CVs Emery Whetij.
COST! Cjnr.ot be exploded. So ckinxry or a-ii
Mn ileeirinit a Pri-ritaMe Pnstrns. ean seeun"
tlie Eii-lu-ive h:ht tlrthe sale of I-,-.t' Patent
Caron in IJaht Burners an.l e;i.'f..r Counties
or States. U na t r mtonuati.-w oreail .m
No. 114 S.nrh See. it.! Street. PhiU.ieiph:s- Ps.
X. B. 4 'H I Kt 'UEStumishe.! with I han.Jelier
an.1 Lamps ..f every .ies.-nt.ti.!. -i pereenceheaii
er than at ai;y otlu r estal'luhuient in the untrv.
x.s.-hine e.ju.11 t. t.urNEW KE.XlINiiTl X t-M-PIUE-HKOP
FEEJ :" Send f..r sample .4
work, irvulars. rns.
C ARSON BROS.. Wtf"i x.
So. 4U Wree. PITTSBi Ht.ll. PA.
i-Aent wanted. apr i
1JJ Sw-.-mrtEiD Steebt. PrrTSBrctiH. Pa.
Manufacturers cf
Cutlery and Hens Mil Mi
Hiv.s eonsiant-y m han.1 s Terr lance toek of
i ipss-rs' Tea and Std.-e Ca.'..iles. I.-e Cream
F'ts-erers. I--e Chets. Water C.l.-r".
Clothes rinaers. BinlCaze-. a-:.
Pn prietors of the eelebnte-l
Patent Adjustable Stove Shelves.
Wholesale ami Retail. Prices fc.w. aj r4
Hout le-Aetin. Noa-FreeunK
The Siirptesf. Xt..t Pi w.rfnL EfTeetire. riurj-!'!.-.
U. lkil-le aadCheapist Paiup In use.
It is ni.vle all of In-n. and of a few simple parts.
It will Frerzr. as no wat.r remains In tiie
pi;ie when not in aetioii.
It has r. leather 'T sum pretinj. as the so.-k.-r
an.l valves are ail of in n.
It seldum. if ever. 5-'tj out of order.
It wilt foree water from 10 U) st feet In the air. l y
at:a-Mni; a few feet of hose.
It Is eocd 6t washing Bn-Ws, Windows, wau-r-ina:
itar.iens, as.
It furnishes the pun-st an-1 -silde water, twisaase
1 1 is plarod in :he !-ttom .f the welL
Tkitar K in--h Pinnp, I.X: pit. i'-e. t it.
I - - 1: - i:
L-ir-er siirs in pr'porti' n.
S.le Aaetus I T Somerset Cs.unty.
S users, t Pa.. May 1st. lsTi
To I ' if harire XX h:; .'T. iwi.iow.) Anne, irtertnar-
rieil with J.eias Hartrell. resklinv in Marshall
eountv. West Virginia. Alex:tn.ler. re.l.linn in
Marshal! enitntr. West Virginia. Adaltne. liner,
marni'l with Jaeksnn IleinbauKR. residina in
.,nierset is unty. Pa.. Poily. intermarrlisl witn
Jonathan Savior, resldina in Carmll eonnty, i:u
bois. Henry, residing in S.merset tsmnty. Pa.. J.i
anna. interniarriel with Freeman May. rvsidina:
in Favette eaainty. Ps.. Eliiatth. bxteruurriMd
wiih Jj.-ksn Hyatt, rrsidic in Favette eiMtniy.
Pa., and Martin, resi.linstn Nebraska, heirs and
li--al reotvsentativ. el John Whipkey. latent
t'pjier township. Simenet einty.
Pa., iieoease.1 :
Taaa Nrrr.rr. that by rime of a writ i f pai
titi.or valuata-n issucl Out ! the rphnn' Court
ol' Soroenel County. Pa and to me direete.1. I
will bold an inquest on lhe premise in I'pper Tr
kevtoot township, eountr and state sforvai.1. on
S.i"turlaT the lota dav of Auanst. lsTX th. s
pose id niakina- paniifc-o rf the rl estate of tali
deceased to an-1 am.w hi hein an.t leaal repre
sentatives, it the same ess be doo without preja
diee tn. or spoilina- the whole, or to ralu and ap
praise the same aeeopitns' t" : "hkh Urns
ami place you ar nsiueswd to aiten-t, if yon think
heritrOmi-e. JlflAH tiHAFEH.
July 3d. l-n benlL
"liie undarsiimed. who was appointed to make
and report a.lftributton of th funds in the hau.U
of James .McNesU r of Sarah Me Neat. deed,
to and s moo if thus leirallv entilWst thereto, here! 9
Ktve that so will aavIM ami distrthaw saKl
state at hi oiftc In S-wrset. Pa . sa TborsiUy.
um 1st da ef Aairust. l7i wfcew sll parous mue
estedeaa attend Jull.N H I HU
jalle Auditor.