The Somerset Herald. WEDNESDAY, - JrtT 17, 1K72. KATIOXALKEPIBMCAX TICKET. FOE rHESIPEXT, ULYSSES S. GRANT, OF ILLINOIS. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, 1IEXUYW. WILSON, OF MASSACHUSETTS. Bl rl KLK AX KTATE TICKET. FOU OOVEKNOR, J. F. HAKTRANFT.of Montjroin.ry FOR SUPREME Jl'IKIE, ULYSSES MKRCUU, of Bradford. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, HARRISON ALLEN, of AVarrcu. FOR CONGRESSMEN AT LAIUiE, HEX. HARRY WHITE, of Indiana. LEMUEL TOIW. of Cunilicrlnnd. DEI.EOATEA AT LAIUIE Tl THE CONSTI TVTIoXAL CONVENTION, WM. M. MEREDITH. Philadelphia. J. iILLINOHAM FELT, Phila. (JEN. HARRY WHITE, Indiana. GEN. WM. LILLY. Carbon. L. BARTHOLOMEW, Schuvlkill. II. N. M'ALLISTER, Center. WILLIAM DAYIS. Monroe. JAMES REYNOLDS, Lancaster. SAMMUEL F. DIM MICK, Wavne. G EO. V. L A WR ENCE. Washington. DAVID N. WHITE, Allegheny. W. II. AIKEN, Lehijrh. JOHN H. WALKER, Erie. COUNTY XOMIXATIOXN. FOR DELEGATE TO THE CONVENTION, COL. JOHN R.ED1E. (Sul.cvS t'ltlirilorUkmnl the District Conference. FOR SENATE, E. D. YUTZY, Lower Turkeyfoot. Snhp-et tDthedeeislonofthe District CVinfcrcnrc.) FOR LEGISLATURE, J. R. McMILLEN, .f Middlocreck. FOR PROTIIONOTARY, K. M. SCHROCK, of Stonycreck. FOR SHERIFF, OLiYER KNEPPER, of Soucrsct. FOR REGISTER & RECORDER, J. ROBERT WALTER, of Milford. TOR COMMISSIONER, YAL. MILLER, of (iucniahoniujr. TOR l-VOR HOUSE DIRECTOR, JOHN II. SNYDER, of Stonycreck. FOR AUDITOR, JACOB SPEICIIER, of Stonyeioek. On Wednesday last the once preat and powerful Democratic party capit ulated to its most virulent foe Hor ace GntELET, nominated him as its h auler, and deliberately accepted his principles as its confession of faith. Its surrender was as complete, his victory as gTeat, a that of Grant over Lee at Apjtomatox Courthouse, Horace Gr-meley is the nominee of a party whose every professed princi ple he ha bitterly antagonized, and who.1 corruptions, villainies, and foulness he has jHTsistently denounc ed, and held up to scorn. Nay, de nunciation is not the word; he has charged it os the prolific parent of GaiuMiup, Pupilism, Harlotry, Theft and viec of every degree, the fomont er of Treason and llebcllion, the pa tron of. Ignorance, and the sure ref uev of Ruffianism. And jet, with out rwantinjr a single iota of these monstrous charges in fact while hooting that he has not retracted, and will not, in the slightest particu lar he is mad the candidate of this lary. What a spectacle I Horace the model of jHilitical puri-it-,thepink'f propriety and honesty, tagging thU? party to make him Pres ident, and this party, that has for TeTp cursed him with a bitterness tho know no cessation, ultimately to Jrlryi him G tH bosom, and sitting at life feci o tie taught what he knows alout poKkics Of course in so unhallowed an al liance there is an oliject, and none can doubt that its moving cause was the spoils of office. Can any pure, honest or upright man support the ticket made by such a coalition? Will any conscientious Republican, lielicving Greeley a man of truth, fraternize with such allies as he has portrayed his new supporters, or assist to place in power an adminis tration whose principal adviser and support they would lie ? Or will any sinevre Democrat who Itclieves that his was a party of jrinciples,of whom Jef ferson and Jackson wore the ojiostles. assent to the entire abandonment of all that he has hitherto held of politi cal value, and assist to elect to office oae who asks him to sacrifice all, w hile ho abandons nothing, simply for the sake of grafifying his animos !tie, or of ministering to the cupidi tv of a few venal office-seekers in his party? These lie questions which all reflecting men must answer for themselves. The fight l now a square one le tween Giant and Wilson, Greeley and Il,nows. The whijjTs-in of the late Democratic party, the men who sold it out at Baltimore, have so ar ranged, that there can lie no formida ble, organized olt, and therefore the voters mutt choose Wtwcen these two tickets Republicans will of conrs stand by their own regularly mrrninati'd candidates; the lilting B publieans and the Iemocratic par Uf to the Baltimore trade and dick er will oUrW by Gbbelky and Brown .Life the prea nn of the honest HkmoraH, who, as their Wading journals oX lar. arc not untv r tncij. . . . slightest obligations to vote for the Baltimore nominees, will stay away from the polls, or will vote for Grant as the least of two evils Henry Gilmorr, the notorious guerrilla of Mary laud, dnring the re bellion, and Bradley Johnson, keep er of the Salisbury, North Carolina, prison, where so many of our brave boys wcrc starved to -death, were the chief spirits in getting up tho ratifi cation meeting held in Baltimore over Greeley's nomination. When such notorious men as these espouse the G reels v cause, it is time for pat riotic men to consider thoughtfully what would be the influence which they would undoubtedly exert if Mr. GtriLlT should be elected. TfTE preat f ale nt Knltimore con templates not only the transfer of the Democratic vote to Greeley, in con sideration of a select few of their leaders receiving office in ca.e of his election, hut it includes on iartof the Republican parties to the coutract, a transfer of their votes tJ the Demo cratic candidates for Governor, in In diana and in this State. The con tract runs thus: If Greeley is elect ted, he is to put into office certain Democrats, and count other. out, and if Ruckalew is elected lie is to favor a select number of Republicans. With Democrats who do not propose in any way to lend themselves to Greoleyism, it becomes nn interesting question how Buckalew shall lie dealt with. The main reliance of the Greeley party is the election of Buckalew; fur no one in his senses will pretend that bis defeat will not kill (Jrf.f.ley stone dead, and cnI the Presidential contest in advance. There are for a certainty some thou sands of Pennsylvania Democrats who will not touch Greeley on any terms. With what grace or consist ency, therefore, can they take Buck alew to their bosoms. The Democratic National Conven tion at Baltimore frankly admitted that in all issues formerly dividing the country it was wrong, and form ally adopted the principles of the Re publican party as its future creed. The Cincinnati Platform which it en dorses and accepts declares: Fint : We reefniic t lie itv of all meu be fore the law. and hold that It if tlie duty ol the tluvcrnnicnt In its dealing wiUithejieople to mete nut equal ami exact justice to all. of whatever na tivity, race, color, or icrsualoD, religious lilill- cai. Srconi We j.lcdire ourselven to maintain tlie hese SUtec cwaneijiation and enlran- cliisemcnt,and t oppoac anv reopeninit ol tlicjiuep tlons settled livtheThlrtenth. Fourteen! Fil tocuth Amendments ul the Constitution. Having thus formally abandoned all opposition to the principles of the Republican party, and refused to place a Democratic ticket in the field it only remains for Democratic voters to choose lK'iween the two Republi can candidates. On the one hand they have Grant, the glorious soldier and true statesman; on the other, Greeley, their most virulent foe.and most crotchety of politicians. Let them choose, remembering only, that their former Democratic leader who tries to influence them for GuEELEY is earning the price (to lie paid him by future office) of their delivery. It is singular with what jerfect faith the N. Y. Tribune relies upon the sale of the Democratic party by its leaders, and confidently counts upon its absorption by the Republican nniiin nt these party. Listen ! Mr. Gerrit Smith objects to the Im.xr:it ie ac ceptance til the Cincinnati I'latlona. He in willing to welcome an occasional Democrat and wive mm an office, fuch as the presidency, a real In Con trress. or the Chairmanship of ihe Kelvnninatioo : but he i unwilling to welcome three minimis ot them eomintr in one solid ami luairnlll eent reenloreeroent to the rrnksot tlMiee who ac ce and icuarantoc tlie results of the war. Only three millions of anti-war Democrats transferred in one solid magnificent re-inforcement to the ranks of their conquerors, who ac cept and guarantee the results of the war. No wonder Horace !stoastful of his conquest. We congratulate the incorruptable Democratic voters of Pennsylvania on the fact that Colonel Alexander McClirb has liocome their leader and high priest. All of tho Balti more reports represent him as "fixing things" for Pennsylvania, working up the delegation for Greeley, buying and selling figuratively, of course, with an earnestness, which none but one w ho feels sure that he is in the lead ever evinces. Colonel McClvre is just the man for the emergency. But we would like to know what old line Democrats think of things, auy low! The Pittsburgh rout, the only Democratic daily paper in Western Pennsylvania, fought Greeley's nomination to the last. Fear of the party lash now compels it to accept the situation, and meekly eat the dirt Greeley has thrown at its party in the past. It lugubriously whines as follows: "If he (Greeley) has re fracted or repented of any error "then committed, or shall hereafter " retract or repent of his assaults up " on the principles, the puqioses, and "personal qualities of the Democracy " we shall le pleased to record the fact. But Horace says he hasn't repent- ed and that he will not retract; i I in fact that the Democracy had no principles, only a few antiquated ' prejudice controlled them. So the W must cat its meal of dirt, r.nfla vored with the salt of Greeley's re traction of the many biting things he has said of its friends. The New York World, that insist ed ujKn Democratic candidates being nominated at Baltimore, accepts the situation with many wry faces, and among other things implies what it is afraid to openly say, that if the party leaders can deliver the voters accord ing to contract, Greeley may be elect ed, if not, then he cannot le. Says that journal : 'The erltlcal point of the eanvas lie In the aJ41 ItTof the IH-moprntle party tu hrlnic all lt v.iter U'theuijt of Mr. Oreclejr. II tlie Itemormt hulli-like raeh a eamlil&letrtHilt mlkily nay at home, the re-elect li .f Oen. Orant la a ecr tain an anvtlilnK in tlie future. Kvrrytlilnfr ile iixt (41 t)e action that larse portion ol tlie Ikiinorratie party whlrh ha an lnmiuctive repug nant to Mr. Orveley. and wIh. bohl In their haikir . ... t I n m ,w.Mr mn (TMlev ami - - ,, tttrm)etmml, , t ,ru.ta vote lor Oreeley. he will he triumphantly elected : lmt if. i theewotrary. ineirairirun u m unni a nooilnatioa kec t liem away from the polls. Grant will have another lour yeam Irak nf power- For 4inwlve (rince we are reiluee,! to this alternative) we altotret her preleM Ireeley to Orant : I Hit there re muliltaleii ol Democrat who. In their prevent temper, would i-t anon hve one of tlieoe IteinhU can at the head of the thivernment a the other. Now that Mr. Oreeley ha received tlie retnilar I letnorratie nomination, event li Inn depend umm Mr reeelvinc a full Democratic ante: a reeult which cam lie aenimplisbcd hy lme ami Imimtation f kniirorr motive, hat only by kind and eourte on apiieal, to the (rood acnae and aiAcnaniu.ity of Imitating lieawcraU. The Chicago Time, the leading ing Democratic organ of the North west, speaking of the action of the Baltimore Convention, says: Oreeley It now the candidate, of the Democratic party. a tar as m can be made rach ; a tact which we regard a a hard one, but which cannot he ig nored. It I alan a fact that the choice f the peo ple must lie cither fur Oreeley or Orant. The quortloe a to how Itemocrat shall Tote In this enntinireney. Is one to be decided by Individual voters themselves. Inasmuch a the actli of tlie Hiil tl more t vm ventimi bac not placed Democrat ander the silaihteM ohliratloa to vote for Oreeley. one nf the worst emhiaiimenii ol Radicalism the j country has ever known. TnAT the Democratic National Contention abandoned every princi ple, and unreservedly capitulated to the Greeley bushwhackers; is undeni able ; and the New York Tribune is determined that there shall lie no mis understanding of the facts. In its issue of Friday last, it puts the terms of capitulation in the following un mistakable language : " The Republicans surrendered no "thujma of thrir jxirty faith. The " Democrats give up nothing but a "f-w antiquated prejudice." Mark how Mr Greeley's jcrsonal organ boldly asserts that he and his friends have not abandoned a single dogma, of jHirty faith, while it sneer inglv alludes to the total abandon ment of all principles by the Democ racy, as giving up nothing but a few antiquated jtrrjudUf. Could cool contempt for a captured foe go furth er: ihe once oroud Democracy. that boasted of its Jcflcrsonian princi ples, to lie snuhlicd and told, "princi ples lieblow'd" they were only "an tiquated prejudices," and these you have surrendered for the inestimable privilege of voting for Horace Greeley. XATIOXAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION Second Day's Proceedings. The Cincinnati Platform Endorsed, Horace Greeley For Prealdcat. B. GRATZ brown for VICE president. Baltimore, July 10, 1872. Mr. Doolittle called the Covention to or der promptly at 10 o'clock. A vote was had on a preliminary motion relative to the platform, which showed plainly how the Convention stood, but when Alabama was called and her chairman announced twenty votes for Horace Greeley, the whole Convention rose, and cheer after cheer rang through the hall. State after State cast their vote for Greeley ami when Pennsylvania had been called Grcelev had more than two-thirds, having over five hundred out of the seven hundred and thirty- two votes Nevertheless Mr. Wallace cast the vote as directed thirty-five for Gree - ley, twenty-one for Jeremiah S. Black, and two refusing to vote. Judgo Thompson had telegraphed peremptorily to withdraw his name. The total vote footed up 732, as follows : Greeley GSG Black ' - - 21 Bayard . 19 Grocsbeck - -- -- ..-2 Not voting 7 Hon. W. A. Wallace, of Pennsyl vania, then arose and said: M R. President Pennsylvania which is not only in poiut of popula tion, but in the integrity and intelli gence of her jieople, the pivotal State of the Union in this contest, asks to le heard. Mr. Wallace, being indistinctly heard, there were cries of "platform" when on the invitation of the Presi dent, he advanced to the stage and continued his remarks as follows : Me. CnAiRMAN In obedience to the divided pnblic sentiment among the Democracy of the great Common wealth we represent, a part of this delegation cast its vote against the gentleman who in accordance with the rules and usages of the organiza tion is now its nominee. The men we have sought thus to represent, from their characteristics of race, of teach ing, and of thought, ar slow to change. They are cautious iu move ment and stead of purpose, and they regard with distrust and suspicion any departure from the doctrines of their fathers. They have seen no reason why they should reverse their tradi tions or choose for their leader one who has heretofore been the embodi ment of an antagonism to every thought ami purpose of their minds, but, sir, they are proud of their or ganization, for they arc the men who created it. They desire to perpetuate its existence applause that its glori ous record and its lcncuts may Ik? the heritage of their children and they will yield obedience to its discipline. Applause. They will accept the result that the Tribunal of the last resort, the High Court of their party has decreed and in Octoljcr under the lead of a states man of national reputation will con centrate their forces in an invincible phalanx, that shall smite with des troying power a disorganized ami di vided enemy. Pennsylvania, following the stan dard of the Democracy in the hands of its now accredited candidate, waits to lead the column to victory. Ap plause. On behalf of the Pennsylvania del egation and by its direction, I move to make the nomination unanimous. The motion of Mr. Wallace to make the nomination of Mr. Greeley unanimous was received with a storm of applause, delegates and spectators av'iig ineir nau? anu nanaKercnieis Lloan,vhV nlflvin ...., in tIl0 Chief." During the excitement a scene re presenting the White House was dis played at the back of the stage and was loudly cheered. The President The motion, made by the gentleman from Pennsylvania, (Mr. Wallace,) is now in order and the Chair will put it to the Conven tion. The question now is whether this nomination 'upon the motion of Pennsylvania shall be made unani mous. 1 The question was then put to the Convention aud unanimously agreed to amitl lou t cheering. The Pennsylvania delegation then united on Gratz Brown for tlie Yice Presidency and after the customary resolutions of thanks the Convention adjourned. Senator Doolittle is chairman of the committee of one from each State to inform the candidates of their nom ination, aud Gen. Cass is the member of that Committee from Pennsylvania. latalU) at fa Kcw Mate ascpaalmeal Balldia:. Wasiiincton, Jury 9. A fright ful accident occurred at the new State Department this morning, by which two white men and one color cd were instantly killed, and three others, it is iielieved, mortally wound ed. Several others were slightly wounded, line or the white men killed was a stranger visiting the works, and with the exception of one arm, he was crushed to a jclley. The accident was caused by the giving way of a derrick to which was sus pended a granite block weighing over seven tons. Not less than eight hundred thou sand head of beef cattle were driven from the mosquito grass ranges of Western Texas during the last twelve niontli3. VIM ttfci Tramiy. Cincinnati, July It was appa rent from the dispatch last night that the mob of 3,000 persons who took from the jail in Celina, Mercy county, Absalom Kimmel, Jacob Kimmel and Alex McLeod, charged with the mur der of Mary Jane Secor, was deter mined to make short work of the pris oners. After lea v 'rag the jail, a special to the (lazette says, the men were placed in a wagon prepared and the immense concourse, at the command forward inarch, took up its line of march. It appears they were desi rous of executing them near the scene of the terrible outrage, so they repair ed to the Kimmel farm, in sight of the place were the poor young girl had been violated, murdered and thrown to the hogs. Hero they halted under a sapling. A rude gallows was im- Iirovised, and the three prisoners had lalters placed about their necks. At this juncture Elias Secor, broth er of the murdered grirl. apicared and pleaded with the crowd for the life of 1 ..... m .t Jacob Kimmill, the youngest oi me prisoners, seventeen years old, ex pressing his doubt as to his partici pation in the affair. This appeal was received with cheers, andyoung Kim mel was exempted from the sentence which the people had passed upon all ; but the other two were doomed. Absolom Kimmell was much bro ken down, but McLead maintained the same stocial indifference that ho had shown from the first He main tained stoutly he had never seen the girl, and accounted for the blood on his clothes by tho bleeding of his nose. He took a testament, kissed it and called on God to attest his inno cence. Absolom Kimmel adhered to his confession made the da)- liefore, to the effect that after returning from church Sunday, June 23, MeLcod asked if any girls went west, when Jacob Kimmel said several ; they all went in that direction, until they came to the place were the girl was murdered. Each violated her person once, McLeod the second time, after which McLeod knocked her in the head with a heavy stick. This was about midday. They went to Kim mel's home" and at night McLeod told them he had been back to the place, and that she was dead, and :i,.t , tilled her. ihe two wcrc hung till they were dead, while tjjC younger Kimmel was returned to ! jan The father of the Kimmel's was 1 ,vm..l in lonvo ho rnuntrr in a sitecificd time. THE 1K10C ITS, rEX PHOTOGRAPHS BY HORACE UREELEY. Tbe Democratic Candidate UrecU th "Mardcrrra, Adaltrrera, Draakarda ('ward, Liam aad Thieves. Horace Greeley is the nominee of the Democratic party for President, and M-rtincnt to the occasion is Mr. Gree ley's recent opinions of the men who are now expected to be his followers. In calling attention to these opinions, the New York Time says : "If the low opinion he has had concerning Dmeocracy was correct, is that party fit to choose a President ? IfMr. Gree ley's opinion was false, is he fit to be chosen President ?" Read the amia ble Horace's opinions of the party just sold to a handful of lilierals. democrats are the fathers of southern mclattoe8. All do not Lnow (hat there art sev eral hundred thounand Mulatto? in thi country ; and we presume thai no one has any rriou doultt that the fathers of them are while Democrats, and tee arc told that those Jk'mocrats, if they will Juice yellow children, might belter than otherwise, treat the wither respectfully as uiee after the laudable rtaltern of that eminent Democratic, rice President llichard M. Johnson. Horace Greeley, dec. 10, 1872, DEMOCRATS ARE PUGILISTS, CAMRLERS OR HARLOTS. Every one reho chooses to live by pugilism, or gambling, or harlotry, with ' nearly every l eeper of a tip-pling-llouse, is politically a Demo crat. Horace Oreeley, Jan. 1. 1808. DEMOCRATS FILL ALL TnE nAUNTS OF DEBAUCHERY. Point wherever you please to an election distrid which you will pro nounce morally rotten, giien up in great part to debauchery and rice, whose voters subsist mainly by keep ing pol icy-offices, gambling-houses, grog-shops and darler dens of infa my, and that district will be found at nearly or guile every election, giving a majority for that which styles itself the "Denutcratic" party, lake all the haunts of debauchery in the land, and you will find nine-tenths of their master-spirit active partisans of that samt Democracy. What is the instinct, the sympathetic chord, which attaches them so uniformly to this party ! Will you consider ! Horace Greeley. DEMOCRATS ARE K1NORANT SOTS. Every youth who is learning to sip and soak in the grog-shops is lteing fashioned to the uses of sham Demo cracy. His virtuous parents may think otherwise may be ignorant of his haunts and his habits ; but if ho u learning to love liquor and loose; com pany he is being fashioned to the ends of the adversary. ' Hence the Democratic namagers and oracles al most uniformly hate and revile the temperate reform, even when temper ate. They know that its triumph is their damage, and probable defeat There is not a Stale in the Union whereof the Democratic Party is not conspicuosly hostile to whatever, leg islation tends to diminish the number or the power of the grog-shops. Horace Greeley. TnEY ARE BLACKLEGS, BURGLARS AKD KEEPERS OF DENS OF PROSTITUTION. We thereupon asked our contemjio rary to state frankly whether the pugilists, black legs, thieves, burglars, keepers of dens of prostitution, &c, ke., were not almost unanimously Democrats. Horace Greeley. DEMOCRATIC VIRTU RS. To smoke is a Democratic virtue ; to chew is that virtue intensified ; to drink rum is that virtue in the super lative. Horace Greeley. DEMOCRATS THRIVE UPON THE IONO RANCE OF THE COMMUNITY. If there were not a newspaper nor a common school in the country, the Democratic party would be far" stron ger than it is. Horace Greeley. . LOVE RUM AND HATE NIGGERS. The essential articles of the Demo cratic creed are "love rum and hate niggers." Tho less one learns and knows, the more certain he is to vote the regular ticket from A to Izzard. Horace Greeley. LEWD, RUFFIANLY AND CRIMINAL. A purely selCsh interest attaches the lewd, ruffianly, criminal and dan gerous classes to the Democratic Party. Horace Greeley. SIX IN A BED. This would amount to six in a bed, exclusive of any othor vermin, for every Dcinorratie emieh in the State of New York, including those ut Sing Sing and Auburn. Horace Greeley. what is meant hy a kett'unof demo crats to power. The brain, the heart, the soul of the present Democratic party is the rebel element at the South, with its Northern allies and syiiipatlftacrs.' It is rclicl at the core tMluy. It would come into power 'with the hate, the chagrin, the wrath, the mortification of ten bitter years to impel and guide its steps. It would devote it self to taking off or reducing tax af ter tax until the Treasury was de prived of the means of paying inter est on the national debt, .and would hail the tidings of national bankrupt cy with unalloyed gladness and un concealed extiltation." Whatever chastisement may le deserved by our national sins, we must hoie that this disgrace and humiliation will lie spared us. Horace Greeley, Feb ruary, 18C1: HE DECLAUE.S HE IS A HITTER KNEMY OF TUB DEMlst.'K ATS EXCEPT WHEN HE WANTS THEIR VOTES. I saw the other day u suggestion that I would probably 1 the liest Democratic candidate to run against General Grant for President. I thought that aliout the most absurd thing I ever heard or read. If the Democratic party were called upon to decide between Grant aud myself, I know that their regard for what they must call principle would induce nine tenths of them to vote against me. Why? I am a decided enemy of that party, even in its most respectable aspects. GKEELEVS IDEAS OF "MERCY" FOR THE SOUTH-SOUTHERNERS, WIIAYOU NOT VOTE FOR GENTLE HORACE? When the relicllious Traitors are overwhelmed in the field, and scatter ed like leaves before an angry wind, it must not be. to return Ut peaceful and contented homes. They must find poverty at their Ji resides and privation m the anxious eyes of uuttlrrrs and the rags of children. Horace Greeley, Nobemlier, 18('i0. GREELEY CALLS FOB GREATER SEVER 1TY OF THE Kl'-KLl'X LAWS-NO MER CY FOR THE SOUTH. (From the Tribune, 1871. "I hold our government ltouiul by its duty of protecting our citizens in the fundamental rights, to pass and en force laws for the extirpation of the execrable Ku-Klux conspiracy; and if it has not the power to do it, then I say our Government is no Govern ment, but a sham. therefore on even proiM'r occasion advtrated and justified the Ku-Klux act. I hold it especially desirable jor the South ; and if it does not prove, enough to ef fect Us purpose, 1 hope, it will le made stronger and stronger. ' OCR WAKIIISUTOX I. Washington D. C. July 11. 1812. THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. Yesterday was consummated the grand bargain and sale of the dissatis fied Republicans of all their professed principles to the Belx l Democratic party assembled in convention at Baltimore. A few glittering words! in a platform erected at Cincinnati, and which it is well known can never bind the coallition leaders, is all the pretence of consideration received for the greatest sacrifice of principles and the most glaring political apostacy which this side of tho war of reln-H-ion, has ever disgraced American politics. Springing as this movement did out of tho greed for office on the part of two Senators, who could not, save by a revolution, retain their seats in that liody Shurz having given his own State to the Democrats, and only re maining as a spy in the camp of those who raised him to prominence, for the purpose of asserting his Bupiibliean- ism and thus adding new liobs to the kite of his ambitton, and Trum ball having by his vote in favor of An drew Johnson's misdemeanors in of fice, lost all hojie of retaining confi dence of the Republicans of his State to the extent of a reelection though neither of these fathers of the new de parture could control its movements, which of them shall not receive the benefits of its success. viz ; a reelec tion as Democrats to Republican seats they had forfeited, in ease the new party succeeds. Marshaling all the soreheads of the Republican party together, so far as this anything-to-lieat-Grant-party is composed of other than Democrats, it is made up of disappointed office seekers and those ex-office holders whose services have been dispensed with by tho present administration. With these slender accessions, the party which acknowledged itself de feated in advance have recruited their decayed force, and now propose to march ujion the solid phalanx of the progressive party that during twelve years past has achieved more glori ous political victories than 1 any which have been achieved during the entire existence of the nation. Thus suddenly grown corpulent but more unwieldy by the swallowing of its en emies alive, tho foregon defeat of De mocrats liefrc the legions of Grant and Wilson is to me as clear as the bright sun at noon-day. MUTTERINGS OF THUNDER TO COME. The N. Y. World (Democratic) culls the Baltimore Convention a cut-and-dried aflair.and yields no amiable assent to the nominations. It is yet doubtful which way it will move du ring the campaign. - If the dissenting Democrats grow in importance and numbers between this and next Sep tember, from present indications the World w ill lead a party whose aim is to resusciatc tho Democratic party and to denounce the i departure to Greeley. " The Chicago Time (Democratic) has just announced that it cannot nor will not espouse the cause or labor for the election of Greeley, that it will not support him, even as a lesser evil, and washes its hands of all re sponsibility for his election, if he shall be elected, but will do every thing that it is still possible to do to arrest the bad and dangerous tenden cies of the times." These tVo papers arc the most tal ented and influential Democratic pa pers in the cummnnity; and their set tled attitude of defiance and sullen discontent with the machinations of the leaders of that party is a signifi cant sign of the want of harmony which exists among the members of the Democracy on the subject of the change of base that has been forced upon their party. ' ' STRAWS SHOW THE. COURSE OF THE . .i .! , t wind. I nover recognize the argument of betting, but it has something to do with the confidence of opinion on the side that a wager is laid. Thus in Baltimore, immediately after the nom ination of Greeley and Brown, the supporters of Gen. Grant offered bets freely on his election, and could get no better term than to put up $100, against $25. by any of the Greeley men. Even the liberals who are pos ted lay their wagers on the sido of Grant "When they make bets of any consequence. In Washington 1 learn the same difficulty has occtired in se curing lifts against Grant, who, as Greeley said, "never has been lieaten, and never will lie." THE INDIANS. ; Secretaries Delano and Belknap, Genl. Walker, Commissioner of Indi an affairs,' Mr. Walker Indian Agent and Gen. (). (). Howard, siecial Commissioner of Indian affairs, held a conference last Tuesday at which the Indian question was discussed with siM'cial reference to the interest ing report just made by Indian Agent Welch of Phila. Mr. W. is a great Philanthropist, and sustains the Pres ident's jieaee policy as the only means of pacifying, ehristemztng and ulti mately enlightening the Indian tribes, Most of his recommendations were ap proved by the conference. 1 lie puls lished rumors of the uprising of the Indians on the reservations are be lieved to lie entirely false, as are most of such stories circulated in the interest of those harpies who wish to fatten off of cheating the Indians, as was done under previous administra tions. CAPITAL ITEMS. The Postollice Department have decided that tho new postal cards shall lie three inches and five and one fourth in length, the stamp and lines to lie engraved on them in a variety of colors. All of the colors now in use in postage stamps will be used. The whole number of pupils at tending the public schools of this city during the month of June was CI 22. There is now no small-pox in the city except a few cases in the small pox hospital, and there patients arc convalescent. For a time, there was something of a panic on Capitol Hill ; all the yellow flags are now ta ken down and quiet runs the even tenor of its wav in all parts of the citv. " C. M. A Bay last lis a Coal Breaker A Xut Fray a aad Bess far Help la the Ago- ii lea of Death. Tho Mauch Chunk Democrat says: "One of the most heartrending acci deuts that has hapcncd in or about the coal works for years, was that which proved fatal to a mute lioy, about 14 years of age, named Bren- nau, near CarlKindalc, on Monday of last week. He was engaged in push ing course coal into the teeth of the breaker, and by some misstep one foot went with the coal and was caught by the teeth and suddeuly drawn and crushed with the coal, until his body filled the mouth or opening above the revolving iron breaker, and thusstop K.d the revolutions of the machinery. His cries brought many to his re lief in a few moments but there was no way to get him out but to send to the machine shops for men and tools to take the machinery apart and al low the coal and the teeth to fall away from the mangled leg. This poor boy suffered the torments of death for nearly two hours before he was relieved, and then it was as certained that most of his foot had been entirely torn away. He ouly survived about half an hour after he was taken out and carried home. The most remarkable thing con nected with this sad affair, was the fact that the boy, although a mute, and speechless for life, actually leg ged of those about him to get him out quick and prayed to God to spare his life as fluently and distinctly as could any boy. Wilhasonic scientific party explain the cause which gave the jiower of speech to Hits dying Do' : 'AW4IU NOTES. Acknowledging the corn. "Rah for Greeley Honest Old Horace," howls Democracy. "We do not say" "savs Honest Old Horace," "that every Democrat is a thief, but every thief is a Democrat." The latest asjtffssion to the ranks of the Lilierals is ex-Congressman John F. Driggs, of Michigan, who was re pudiated by his constituents for hav ing sold a West Point cadetship. What with Tweed, Sweeny, Winans, and the rest of the corruptionists, and with Forrest, Hampton, Beauregard, and other rebel leaders, the candidate is surrounding himself with a goodly fellowship. It is to be hoped he has a proper appreciation of the honor. The owner of the little farm in Yermont on which Horace Greeley was raised offers to sell for the mod est sum of four thousand dollars the old pine stump from which 11. G. used to get torches to read by at night. The house in which he was liorn is gone, but they talk of cutting the cel lar up into small holes for campaign purposes. They would also srve for Democratic hiding-places after the election. What a galaxy of recruit is that now rallying around the Greeley ban ner: Here they areas enumerated and labeled by the Albany (N. Y.) Evening Journal: "Andy Johnson, the political traitor ; Jeff. Davis, the national traitor ; Admiral ScRimes, the pirate ; General Beauregard, the inventor of the cry of 'booty and beauty ; Oakey Hall, the ring plun derer ; Winans, the corruptionist ; Andrews, the rioter ; Cochrane, the dead beat; Wood, the gambler; Mor rissey, the sporting man, et id omne genus all that crowd." The Boston Globe (Independent) has an article on the coming cam paign, which closes as follows: So far as the opposition to Grant is con cerned, it will be the most purely and intensely personal contest that can possibly be conceived of, and the al ternative presented will be the erratic, wild, visionry Greeley, the confid ing dupe and tool of corrupt rings and speculators, against a man whom the public have tried both in war and in peace. Mr. Sunnier has sounded the key-note of this personal contest, and the mingled disgust and indiffer ence with which his fanfaronade has been received is quite indicative of Mr. Greeley's fate in the coming con test." What a resurrection the Greeley movement has wrought among the old pro-slavery political fossils : Liook at the list : Uwin of California, Atchison of Missouri, Extra Billy Smith of Yirginia, ex-Gov. Price of New-Jersey, and George Saunders of Niagara fame, who tried to destroy New-York and other of our principal cities with fire, and next tried to in troduce tho yellow fever into them. AH these men were buried out of sight by the events of the war, hav ing become a stench in the nostrils of the people. But Greeley has resur rected them, and once more they "walk the earth by day" cheek-by- jowl with the piebald "reformers." Nineteen middle-aged virgins re cently went to Wyoming Territory, from the banks of the Connecticut, in search of spouses. The men in W. T. said they preferred squaws to the virgins : that made it bad for them, and their naturally amiable tempers were somewhat ruffled. A MM MKNAUKBIE WRECK EH. Twelve face af Wild Beaata Let IMiae Near New Haven Fall ef a Brldare ea Railway Train-Knock-laa Dlaaatcr. A correspondent of the New York Sun, writing from New Haven, Ju ly 3, says : John Robinsons circus met with an almost irretrievaUa disaster on the New York and New Haven rail road early this morning. The cages containing the wild beasts, the tents and all the paraphenalia had been shipped from BridgejMirt on a freight train to this city. A passenger car for the accommodation of the perfor mers, drivers and attendants was at tached to the rear of the train. As the train was passing under a a roadway bridge, two miles west of the city, the bridge fell. The falling timbers first struck the platform cars, on which were the cages. Twelve of the latter were smashed and six were swept off in an instant, strewing the track for several hundred feet with their broken fragmeuts. The caged brutes thus suddenly freed from their imprisonment broke loose in every direction. The mon keys were the first out, followed quickly by two young lions and a wild cat. A valuable tiger, three stripjK'd kangaroos and several other valuable animals were crushed and instantly killed. Most of the eagles, of which there was a valuable collec tion, flew away, as also did several of the smaller birds. The train was promptly stopped, and it was ascertained that four of the circus drivers sustained severe inju ries. Mr. G. N. Robinson, the treas urer of the company, had a narrow escape. He was asleep in the ticket wagon which was smashed into splin ters, scattering the money in every direction, but he escaped without a scratch. The loss to the company is estimated nt $50,000. The rear and its inmates escaped uninjured. The spectacle at the in stant of the overturning of the cages was at once ludicrous and alarming. Tho monkeys chattering and scream ing, scampered up the sides of the broken fcridge, and seemed to enjoy the fun. The tigers, Blondin and Pick" after lapping up the blood of several of their less fortunate compnnions.sprang across' the ditch and disappeared. The War, crippled, limped off up the track, scareing the engineer and fire man nearly out of their wits. The conductor, chased by a hyena, saved his life by climbing a telegraph pole at a critical moment. The wolves dined off the smaller memliers of the happy family, and then disappeared in the same direc tion as the tigers, and, it is feared af ter more prey. One of the large rat tlesnakes was cut in two, but his companions a dangerons loa con strictor and two smaller snakes were last seen shooting off in the grass to ward this city- As it is known that several of the most dangerous and blood thirsty members of tho menagerie are loose, the utmost consternation reigns here. To-night a large party, armed with guns and revolvers, are scouring within a circuit of five miles of the scene of the accident looking fr the truants. apnwawaaawaBwawawaBBwawawasBwawflBB) KAILKOAD ACCIDENT. Eleven Pcraona Badly lajared. Columbus, O., July 12. Passen ger train No. C going east from this city on the Panhandle route, while near Bowerstown, this morning, col lided with a freight train coming west, aud bad was the result. The baggage car telescoped the smoking car, aud this caused the smoking car to retreat under the passenger coach, tumbling the train generally off the track. Eleven persons were so badly wounded as to require surgical atten dance, while others were slightly scratched. The only one who hail bones broken was George Crosby, a Cincinnati grocer, his left leg lieiug broken anil face badly cut. The wounded were all well cared for. The cause of the accident was that the freight train was some minutes behind time at Bowerstown switch. lies tbe Baltimore Nomination were Received. Philadelphia, July 19. The nominations were received here with out the least manifestation on the part of the public. Boston, July 10, Very little in terest was manifested in Boston and vicinity over the announcement of the Baltimore. nominations. Chicago, July 10. The news of the nominations of Greeley and Brown by the Democratic National Convention created very little excite ment. The Journal regards it as a sad spectacle to sec Greeley, a life long opponent of the Democratic party, its men and its pridciples, now standing lieforc the country as its chosen and willing champion in oppo sition to the Republican party, of which he had been a leader. Cincinnati, July 10. The ( Wr ier, German Republican, which fa vored the Liberal Republican move ment, will say they regard Mr. Gree ley now the Democratic candidate, whom they can not support As be tween Greelv and Grant, thev will support Grant, though it may be done . with reluctance. The Volksblatt will not support Greeley, but will probably incline to neutrality. Uraat'a Farm a Ht. Iaola. The farm consists of alnnit 700 acres, something more than the orig inal Dent tract, Grant having added a small irregular piece lying on the southwestern corner. According to the superintendent'! account, (Jrant paid $'J5 an acre for the farm, but it is probably worth If 200 an acre. One of the party remarked in a laughing way, that a great many jokes were going around ragarding U rant s presents, and asking how much of the stock had lieen given to him. "I know there arc lota of stories about that," said the faithful suiieriu- tendent, "but I'll tell you honestly, gentlemen, there ain't a critter of any sort on this farm that was given to General Grant, except one old mare. She was one of a pair of carriage horses given to him by the Mexican Minister Romero. Oec of tho pair died, aud the General sent the other to his farm to lie taken care of ; so that's all there is 'bout Grant stocking his farm with gifts. He has bought and paid for ail he has got, and he can pay for lots more if he want them." Aa Iaaae Mather WarUrra Iter Tare I'klMrta. Cleveland, July 8. Yesterday afternoon tho wife of Henry T. Southworth, residing in llockford township, eight miles from this city, poisoned her three children, boys aged respectively nine, seven and four years, and then committed sui cide by cutting her throat. The wo man was insane, caused by a pro tracted illness. ." rilll.AlsKl.rill t. Death af an Eminent Jurlnl. Philadelphia, July 11. David Paul Brown, an eminent member of tho Philadelphia Bar, died this morn ing, at the age of seventy -eijrht. lie was an author of considerable repute. His "I'ornm," containing the exiM-ri- of forty years legal practice, is highly !' i" '-, '- infill well known,hsjM-nt ..f KimM. . prized by lawyers. In earl v life he i w,l,r arenir.-.iT in r-wpt .,u !r'p,v- wrote scVeraldramatie works, aniongl'.'pitZrt,:;;:,'.';'" which was "Sertorions," which was j """'".-lit r performed several times by the elder Booth. destructive fire. Almut nine o'clock to nijrht, a fire broke tint in the five story brick build ing on the comer of Jayne and Sev enth streets. It was occupied by the Keystone Collar Company, Alfred Martin, publisher of thu Presbyteri an, ami A. P. Lcllcy A Co., book publislicrs. The two former had their stock badly damaged by water, while tho stock of the latter was al most entirely dcstroyi-d by water. Loss, $5,000. No insurance. KallrniMl Accident. Greenbrier, W. Ya., Julvll. A serious accident occurred this morning on the railroad fifteen miles from here. As a construction train was passing over the second crossing of Greenbrier river a temporary bridge gave way, precipitating the train into : a.... .. un.t ... c i no am-, (lent occurred on that portion f tho ( road west of this place in cour-e of; construction towards the Ohio river, j and not yet open to the travelling t.:il ..1 e . ot. . public. I i Kit i.x r vori s. A Georgia editor rcfti.-c.-to Mtpport 1 Greeley on the ground that it is asj much as he can do support himself. ' Seven hundred mid sixt v-fotir j death is occureil m rlnlai . ti H:i week an iiicreii.-e over the previous! of three hundred and fifty. One-half of the deaths were of children under one j year. j A lump of pure gold weighing half ; a Mtund was recently found byanc-j gro woman on the plantation "of Mr. i Hugh C. Ni.-bet, in Union county N. j C. The woman was hoeing cotton and knocked the lump over with her hoe. A Kentucky Democratic organ' says: "While they may be f)00 Gree-' ley Republicans in the State, there ' are probably 20,000 Democrats whoi i I will not vote for him. It is mentioned as a curious factbv old woodsmen that the beach and sveamore trees are never struck bv ni.- .i i, " glltning, though found III close prox - imity to oak, hickory, and trees of Other Species that have lict ll seameil ! or torn to pieces by the subtle fluid. . But is this a fact ?" ' A Democratic and Republican pn- kt in Forest county nre disputing as ' to whether the Greeley party in that . county number two orthree memlter-:. j The ' in-i-ting it h only two. A lady iu Dayton. Oliio, was bit ten on the leg by a rattlesnake, as he supposed. After drinking a large quantity of alcohol, in the absence nf whiskey to counteract the poison, it ; was found that the cause of the trou ble was a piece of barrel hoop she! had stepped on. and w Inch, iiitlyimr! up, had struck her sufficiently hard to; draw blood. The story is told of Ben. Butler's earlier days that a Vanke obtained1 his legal opinion how to recover the ' value of a ham which a licighlior's : i uog came along and ate. lie was advised t prosecute and recover fur SSiFS1 the ham wa worth, was told tiv dollars, paid the money, and then de manded u ten-dollar fee of the aston ished native fr legal advice. The Danbury News says: " young lady writes to learn why we do not have a department for answers to correspondents." The reason is simple. We onee announced we would gladly receive questions on various topics and endeavor to an swer them satisfactorily. The firt inquiry received was in relation to a little amount we owed the writer. We think it was eight dollars. We Inirrowed the money and returned a 'satisfactory answer,' but it put back our, business fully a year. The youn g lady thinks such a department wuiild le very lively. We found it so. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., Carpets, OIXj CIiOTBCS, MATTINGS, Stair Rods, &c, &c. A Full and Carefully Selected Slo.k. liOVAlil), HOSE & CO., 21 FIFTH A YEN IE, .ITTK1.I lUall. 1A. juae Vi-'V2. "pKOPOSKB AKNm'lTxf TO THS Constitution of Fennsylyania. : Joint Iteholulion Proposing a lin eailneat to Ihe t'onot iluliuu wl I'enu ajrltauia: lie it Rftolwi y Me Senate and Howie of Rep- 1 retrntatim f Ihe t vmmontrttllli of Vnjjci aia ia t.rnetml Auemblf met. That'the j amendment nf the Oinxiitutln ot this t'oiiititoit weuttli le prop! to the efiplefor their adoption : or refection, pursuant to the provisions ot the tenth , article thereof to wit t A1IEND.ME.NT: j Strike out the sixth neetl-in of the Huh article of the t '.institution, and Insert In lien thereof the Mlowintr: A State Treasarer "hall he chosen by the qmillfleil elr.tnr of the State, at sneli times ! and lor such term of aervii as oliall lie prrscrilied I aw." WlLUAJa ELLIOTT, ' Spe:ikr of tha House of Kcpn-sentatlves. J AM ES S. RI TAN. ( Speaker of the Senate. AppKoviin The twenty-econl day of March, ' Anno Domini one thousand elirht hundred and ev-, etity twa. JNO. W. UKAKY. I - Prepared ami eerttrtej for puhlienlion pursuant ! to the Tenth Article uf the Constitution. FKAM'IS JoHOAN. " . i Secretary u( tM Cummvnwcailh. DUioe tiecretary of the Commonwealth, i HarrUliunr,, June th, 1STX juU , IITIFICIAL TEKTII!! J . V. YITZY. DENTIST, DALE CITY, Somerut Co., Pi., Artificial Teeth, warranted to be orthe very best , quality. Life-like and Handsome, ltuerted In the j besttfyle. Particular attention paid tu the pre- the river, completely wrecking the;,,rjr i sit ia bam-i at ,.!,.,, engine and two material ears. The " w.Varnetir the emiim.,i engineer, named Vpshaw.was in.-tant- "ur '""" i"-n.u un.i eui..m. rs an.m. ' lr I III ,11.' l i , Kenerally. It i our intention ti a.! "' ly kllJCll. t our laborers Were also lre.l lnre ami cnu.i. te . i .. ' WINDOW SHADES crrauon oi ine natural teetn. lnoae wuinnn wi Also, i .a it r-- ,r" . V- puiiiie it1 consult me by letter, ean do o bv eucloslux stauip. i attention paid to FlhN ACt-S u l.Mh... ul.., ... W - I Xeir Ad rerliewei,l. JF-KSTAi:LISI!KI- Ar- l an-l Hi i'-'l l aum.iiiK - t. M-lr f..ri, , , tiri.r.iry Ixilhiimr liinn-li.-it-lr liiir. ' i- r.tuv. i Hit, lli-v fc. Fancy Dress Good: AND TRIMMINGS Mjiplcaiul fanej Notions, Ribbons, BOOTS AND SHOES, II ITS AI STRAW ;o,, II AKKWAla, WU A.M Wll.l, tll'KKXSWAKK, i lii 'KRIKS, fAKJ'KTI.VU, OILCLOTHS, PAINTS, OILS. X ULts.s, FISH. T03ACCOAKD CISAHS : time to it-. . -'Mi.i. ..,, i . TTS- K'iJ of evury icacriitijss. " Jaw knaklk p.rr r;KTTIIECHKAli;si nrim rTTTTTn Timrii VJJCjJ. J3J!jfc GET UP GLUE Fun rut; GREAT CAMPAIGN PAPER The Somerset Heri: ' ! ... " e will en. the HKRAtn frr.m (lie r.l-r ' m.til all.r th,- ITt.-i.lentinl KU-.-ti. li. t. v1"-- FIFTY CENT: To Uacli Subscriber. An-l l.i t liil.? ol T. n or more, lo it: Aim. : Forty-Five Cents To retell Sultot ribcr. X'.ne I'UI i-h .-"u) riri..n n-.-eivi-- oww Ihe Time to SnWri J-Svnd nu.ney letter at our ri-k. y"IIOLESALE HARDWARE AND CDTLESi j EDglanfl & Biuii ' 263 Liberty St., PITTSBURGH.' A tull aii'l ruDipiHv StNaA nt Air. Sh.--4 H t. .V-ythi". Snntli-. Snw . L.r. H. rtt Null!1, an I Blacksmirhs' & Carpenters' Tc: Agents for i.Ka.i: fih: work: Huality of File VNSl'KI'AS.-LIi 's i: n D s a m plk o km:;: OLD FILES RE-CUT. U. M. BK.U'H LY . CELK.r.n ATED BLOOD PUHCc TM Kerned y has hern In n.r ntvr tvtit anl liii.4 rurtti th..usouil uf tiiii.-iiJrmi -r;il.le lv tlie pmteAtiiiu. It lu n i ran'iil m 1 ale raiv to )tie relk-l 11 tu.i vii.-irv.'v are. It Is particularly n.iui;:vii':'l m the t.U- ili-niiluiiit: SICK HEADACHE, r.MVlT.Ml OF THE HEART. UVKK COMPLAIST. HUE I'M A Tl-i Sh fX DTSEA SES. I. A X : I CIRCULATION, it.. ! IrPT ny ili-rinifi-nient of the Mood. In all ie,-uh;ir to IciimW' It a sure anil Vuv; . - . rttj. In ?lif.rt. It hcinif a Rrmtdf setlnjr thp u.t ! Circulation of Ihr Mood in M the im;r.- !f:m ami emuiM-torics of the IkaIt. It "" ! most any curable tlineajie. i For sale l.y M EY F.RS A A N A W ALT. I : Pa., ami hy dealer in Family Ki!i. iiw .where. Jul? STOP AND RE Al. I Tic of the inv:. -t i tases 1 now otteml In Tennrfe an.' ! tacky Liiods, which have heen si-Uvte-i : present owner Willi .special care as tu broii: , itut'tivencsn of soil, convenience ol ru ' river facilities, ami a thon.uub t xaiumati t tics. These I.and are now ollrrcl 31 , price. U enable every liulustrious man to l;'t iter his own vine anal "li tree," an.1 to ai i:' I very profitable investment. F.-r full (art a.l.lrr-s or rail at the office of l"1 Smiililiclil street, Fittsl unch. Fa. JAXES B. L CC. DEALERS IN Watches, Clocts anl JftS No. 68 Fifth Avenue, lMTTSmTIM.H. I1 FIXE WATCHES CAKEFl'IJ.Y KKf '' Agents Wanted FOU THE Florence SEWING MACHSl Wherever the FLORENCE Machine ' Introduced, it ha mat with the re:iic-t It is the only machine making 1,ur'',l!1'.l . e. ami having the Reversible Feed. , err I perfect, and tha notion po?it'r- '(. Iiiht, and very t, and sews ei-ar ,r " ' ru-sj. ine Hemmer will turn wi -hems, and fell lieautilullv.- All attacn"- with the machine. information apply to or address HECKERT&. McKAIN, o.SSUtliSireel. i r tit n f" Villi. ' Ilk JOU - june lrTl. Pittsburgh HarUeiscd Statel j 15 Lllrty Street, Pittiburh. I' , .ndptf't r.l. Hi. . Wl ' KnaDle PalD &