A '4ailrt Ratter Dairy. NORTH. 13 feet. c o r. 1.! U-i-X. 13fwt. w - H e sr. e ANTE ROOM. SOITFI. In the April number of Practical ! To wire a more complete ventila-Fari.H-r ap,K ared the follow ing arti-j" fjr , ,al? ,u,lk r0,n' wood . le bv I'aschall Morris, descriptive of I 15 inch" nquare, runs up the butter dairy on the farm of ! Thorn- j1"" ,rlh it the cream can bin as M. Harvey, formerly Superintend ent of the KxMrimental Farm in Chester. We have since ol tained from Mr. Harvey a draft of the ground plan of bis building, lielieving that it might 1k of advantage to some of the readers of the Journal who are en gaged in the butt r business. This draft is given above, and the accom panying description makes the ar rangement very easily understood. Mr. Harvey informs us that after thorough trial be has yet found nooc casion for alterations or improvement Everything: has proved satisfactory, except the cement floor in the milk room, which was put down in two lay ers instead of one, and the upjtermost favor of shallow pans'for raisingcream is iH-eiins on. .Mr. II. is ueciuedlv lu for hi dairv. We recently embraced an opportun ity to visit the dairy establishment of our friend Thomas M. Harvey. He was formerly Superintendent of the Experimental Farm, and on resigning ilmt position, purchased a farm in the immediate neighlorhood, near West I Irove station, comprising over two hundred acres, w hich during the past season has ltecn improved with new dairy buildings, and all other appli ances and fixtures considered neces sary or desirable for a first class but ter dairy. His object was and is to make an article of butter fully equal to that made anywhere else and to accomplish this, no expense has lteen -pared, it seemed to us, which could lend to this object in any way. The ninkisg of what is beginning to be kimwu in the markets as "giltedged butter," docs not dcix-nd on one or two processes, so much as on a large uum- I nt of apparently minute details, re- quiring the jn-rnt! atU-ntion and eare of tbenroiiriet.tr. These details I embraced, first, the character of the witb buttermilk, and was cows and their feed, the management 'a taken up and replaced with rough from fir--t to last of both milk and dry brick, not laid very closely; hy . r. flin il... .hiirnin.T s.-iltino- u-orlinn- : draulic cement was then run over and printing of the butter ventilation of the milk house, temperature, drainage etc. It has Itcen proved abundantly that milk absorbs most readily and ea-ily, impurities from the surround ing atmosphere. If everything else has ltecn attended to in the best and iii'tst approved style, a neglect in this particular in keeping far away i'roiu the cows and milk house all un pleasant odors from stables or hog or eniuvia from decomposing ... ,.r vo..l.l.. ti.ntter u ill -..n. i lU'll vert otherwise "giitedged butter iato an ordinary or worse than an ordin ary article. Thomas Harvey is a practical farmer, of extensive reading, with many years of large observation and cxitericucc, and we were not dis appointed in our expectations of see ing his dairy establishment replete with any convenient appliance, so far as known up to the present thiiw. These we will describe as accurately a- we can, ltth what has ltecn secur ed and w hat has been avoided, in the general arrangement, Spring Louses over natural springs, as usually located, have the drawback of Is-ijig located on low ground, where the circulation of air is not so com plete, and in times of heavy rains they often get flooded. Thty are al so at inconvenint distances from the dwelling and stables. A iiHid.lv cow yard is, therefore, sometimes an ac--ompaiirment, and pig pcus arc often -ecu in close proximity. These diffi culties have ltecn obviated at T. Har tey'sby his building w hat may Ik called an artificial fjtriny or mill hove oa hiih land, where there is a fr.-c circulation of pure air, and an ab--ence of all offensive odors. To obvi ate unnecessary walking and loss of time, it is located ltetween and conve nient to Itoth dwelling and stables. The main building is 5tf feet long and 1 3 feet wide running lengthwise north and south. It is dug out and banked up ..o as to lie about 'seven f-et under ; rangemcntti above detailed, together ground. The first story is w ailed with I w ith the pure streams of running stone and 10 feet high to the ceiling, i wut, the woodland, the meadows, Thisleavesthn-c f.-et altove the ground .-1 t,lC undulating pasture fields on affording light and partial ventilation this fiue farm, we shall lie disapimmt bv four windows on each side. These 'a if t'"' 'rand of butter does not at- hinge at iK.ttom and fasten at top, Ly a spring noli, ana arc neni open at , any desirable ratchet. A seven and angle by a sprin; a-uuii ieei sutrj oi bru k is bunt on top tue stone w an. . nM iiavinp ua,j ha,,its m.llit Tbi-affords rooms for the wintcrdairv ,:Tatt,.r than a dissipated rkh man. smear-ease, etc. It is covered wkhi tin, to avoid connection of fire from ! house to burn The ground floor is arranged tbu. j w alkaxtut 4 feet w ide. 1 S inch ; oei'p, is uug oui. inrougii me inmuie, . from south to near the north end. The east and west sides of this walk are ! walled with brick, K inches attove the j ground fl-Mtr, aud at the north end ! some 14 inches. The Itottoms of all are covered with brick lam on mcir j nwd of ht)v j Lave ,xpn UIiabIJ to fiat sides, and not very close together, i uwH wrUin pav,m.nts, btH-nuse ci r-Uri.-k on edge are placed around Um ,,arti1!, havt. not Uon(, a8 ti)eV against the stone wall, so as to make ! afrn bv n,0j anJ woulJ ,ik to Lav-C a complete trough of brick-work, 6 ,$10,000. 1 come to vou because vou inches deep for sides, and 10 to 12 Were a frk'iid to mv father, and mfght inches dfp for north end. The whole, M a fri)na to nio ..(-me Faij ides, bottom, and all were then eov- en u wuu a mixture oi uyurauiic ce- wjC- .-Xo," said the young man, iii. nt and sand. pressd iu between ! i ,ion't drink "Have a cigar then " the brick, and completely trowelled . uXo i never pmoke." "Well," said and ivohshe.1, making a cool, water- tljokcr , "I would like to accommo t.ght trough on each side, about 30 ; dat ,iUt j don.t tLink j can v inches wide, for milk pansand at , -Very ell," said the young man, as the north end, deeper aud co.ler i- llf wa- aIxMlt to i,.ave the room. "I t.-rf -r the cream cans. tl.n...r.t ,w.rl,.,.a v,. mio-bt. nA ,..rfme cream cans. 'thought perhaps vou n Bvexcavatmg the walk, the m.lk!da troughs have the advantage of bang ,,- ..you drink , elevated, so as to avoid much stojw mok( ?t Xo ping and also more readily to retain eoi.incss. . . : Ip to this .oint wj. have a milk. imiise wiiuoui water. --...g - wen " " - "j'you shall have it, and three times the north end, and a small-water i tll ,..., if Vf. ... ,K,wer,thatis a Ktreaiu not filling a . .'-inch pijtC, with C or 8 feet fall), with in alout 200 yards of the building; a small wheel is put in there, and a w ire arranged lo work the pump cou . tinuously, so that a constant stream of cold water (temperature 53) is se cured. The pipe conveying this into the milk house enters the pump nine feet Itelow ground, thus securing: at once against heat and frortinff, and making the water that much less to be elevated. The cold water first enters the cream cau Lin. and thence passes round through the milk pans. Dis charge pipes arc so arranged, that the water can be kept at any desired height by movable jointed Fpout pijK-s. It curt ol-n le discharged from t!ie outh end to the general fecwrr r in case the water in well liccomcs scarce, it cau he made to circulate around the ! house, or 1' returned to the w ell again, to use over and lx cooled again, or the water can Ijo used in the cream bin and not go to the milk apartment at all, if not desired. There Wing suflicient fall on the south, a 4-inch terra cotta pip- is sunk so as to drain all. the wa.-limgs oi the suiik want and the milk trousrh enter this and are carried awav some 200 vards. The same piiK is arranged to carry the t sour milk that distance to the hogs. A Im-11 trav is provided over the end of this pipe, w hich allows the liquids ! to pass out, but prevents any gases or ! odors from coming back. to ana a wove me top ji me uunuing, and is surmounted with one of Grif- fith's patent double self-acting archi inediaii screw ventilators. For working rooms, and to insure cleanliness, another building, 39 feet wide, runs across the south end of the one alxne descrilod. This also serves to break the sun off from the other building, and secures a more evenly low temperature. This building is one story, is not excavated, ami lias the floor nearly on a level with the outride, which makes a descent of some four feet of steps down to the milk room, and same six feet to the up-stairs apartments. It has three apartments the west end, 13 feet square, is lor kitchen purposes, Jieat- j inS wat'r. washing and storing pans, etc. It is provided with a washing trough, having three divisions, one for cold, one for warm and other for boiling water so as to effect jK-rfect cleansing of the pans; also a hydrant, sinks, Itell-trajt, shelving, etc. At east end is another simiiar room, 13 feet square, and used exclusively for the butter. Here is located the churn, with horse power outside, and shaft running through the wall, the butter worker, (a pure vellow poplar board, 4 f"ct square), with a small working- ttoard, with snonge and cloth toab-l sorb and extract all the buttermilk. The printing machine, which is of peculiar construction, was contrived by the dairyman, and promises to be both siKt'dy and effectual. The square or parallelogram print is adopted bc ciuse so much more readily made, lie ing economical in packing, and when on the table keeps right side up, let- r t,,an ,' tioii of a round print The floor of this butter room was first paved with brick ; but it was found that this soon Itccame foiisty ill the between, well pressed, trowelled and polished. The same day, it could be walked over, and now is smooth and firm as jtolishcd marble. This floor is. so graded, that water falling on any part of it runs to the sink at one side, provided with its bell-trap, and also ha- a hydrant near by. These two rooms last deseriltcd, ex tend half their width over the sides of the main building. Then ltetween these is a kind of ante-room, 13 feet long. 6l wide. From this we can en- ter any oi tnc apartments, go uown to the milk room or to the up-stain but we cannot open a door from anv one department into another; no fumes are allowed to exchange. A constant regard to cleanliness and neatness is at all times, observed, bofh at dairy house and stables, with care that the cows should have, no lack of pure water, with sweet nutri tious feed, and plenty of it The stables, large mixing-troughs,, bins for cut hay and corn meal, and conveying funnels from mow altove, are very complete. The feed is al ways wet, mixed with warm water, and covered up, several hours Ijefore using. Experiments arc being carefully conducted as to the best modes of keeping milk and cream ; also as to the other points of management, altout which we hope to hear after awhile, and shall report results to our readers. The cows at present, if we recollect right altout fifty in nuniltcr, should not be omitted mention. They are a fine lot, carefully selected, being partly of the common stock, sonic grade Pur hams, and about one half strong Jer sey and Guernsey grades. There are a few pure Jersey and two or three imported Guernseys. It is T. Har vey's intention to establish a herd of pure Guernsey as fast as circum stances will admit. Taking into view the complete ar "M' ""-M r - - " Urttrr Iku .!. Good habits arc better than gold. ...j w:,14.u- ,. u.;n give The following illustrates this fact Horace II. Claflin a iironiinent ! ' ii.imlir of ft... Hiihl.l f ..tt.ti.il f'liil. i I a qUa;llt nj ,Uniorous as he is keen-i xvittt'l and rich. They tell the fol-! iwnff po,H rtorv him: On tj)C ijj 0f February, alwut 5 o'clock, ! pinfl: -"in,,- ; rivnt.'. ! 0fli,v. w J,en a voung man, pale and ! ean.worni timidly knocked and cuter-! ed. -Mr. Clafliii," said he, -I am in Caflin ..tHiU( in anJ Lavc a Rla!i of said Mr. Claf- 'Xo." "Nor ii. nthm f h k- , ? - , Suiterintendent of the cLoo, ..Well," said -Sunday Claflin. with itear in h voipfJ and his eves too, let me have I2.000 once, and asked me the questions. He trusted me. and I will trust vou. Xo thanks I owe it to you for your father's trust." An Illinois grave-digger, who hur ried a man named Button, scht a bill to his widow as follows : "To making one Button-hole, $2 50." Tbe Irnt and riddle for the latent Jakllc. Much difficulty lias been cxvTicnc od in procuring a drum large enough to satisfy Mr. tSilmorc in hi idea of what a drum should 1e, and one that would bo in keeiiing with Uie occa sion, lie at first thought of purcba - mar one of those immense oil tank such as vou sec in Cleveland and the oil regioiis, and even went w far as to contract for a fifteen thousand bar- rel tank; but owiiiir to a scarcity of sheer iH-lt. in the countrv, and the i fact that this drum could not have bwn taken inside the Coliseum IhiHU ....:... ... ;ij ailiomi'il lH!re of (Iul,i(.tioI1 this plan w as abandoned, j JU, .,r(,1Km.(1 t0 n.nt a ction of ) Ui( u,' 'tuml,. d cover that for I a tjrum ,,ut ow i1ff t loPlli jeak)us"es : ,f ,, , . tt I1(rK ;,, !, vii-initv .f It lie tunnel, who did not want the j hole used for this puritosc, he w as forced to give this tin also. He has got a drum of his own design neatly finished, which will give the inhabi tants of Massachusetts and neighbor ing states, w hen it ia pounded uMn, some idea of a South American earth quake. ' This drum was constructed in the pineries of Maine, and nine hundred - wood choppers were six months in cutting down timber sufli cient to furnish lumtxT for the panels or sides, and over three axes were worn to the helve in this work. Ow ing to its immense size, the drum was constructed in the woods, and floated down the river to the sea where it towed to Uoston, placed in the dry dock and covered with bull hide, over one thousand hides being used in each head, each skin being tanned with the tail of the original animal adher ing to it for ornament When in po sition in the Jubilee building this drum will be played upon by two twenty ton trip hammers, though when it is desired to get its greatest sound a cannon will be used and twelve toutid solid shot fired against each head. When in use the noise made by the steam hammers falling upon the bull hide isteritic. and con veys the idea that a violent thunder storm is raging. For instance, last week when the sounding capacity of this huge instrument was first tested, the inhabitants of neighboring cities thought that the Hoosae tunnel had blown up, others supjoscd a thunder storm was raging and sought their feather lieds for safety, while "Old probabilities'' was so demoralized that he hung out all the alarm flags in his shop, and telegraphed in all di rections to look out for dangerous winds, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tidal waves. The bass viol that is designed to take a part in the general disturbance 4 built at the ship-yards of Portsmouth I and launched altout a month since, and conveyed to lioston by two jkiw-! erful steam tugs. It is altout the size j of four canal limits, and is a triumph j of marine architecture. rVinsi.lcralil.. iliflirnlt v r..... i in getting the oass viol ou shore, out it was finally accomplished and one hundred ineii are now engaged in caulking it, rendering it air tight, and otherwise placing it in readiness for its work. The strings for this fiddle wvp made at the Plymouth cable J irtuuaitlt ill.- lli-l milium, lit 1V, .-, . i i, .... i i. . ! lie trulv independent unless he has a the kind ever constructed. It was , , 1 r works, and the combined bowels oti . . . i .. i ...j .. ..... .i. I savings bank, and should add to it ev- seven thousaud cats were used in the . , u- u u t r n c .1 r. .... u:.i. erv week during which he has full construction of the same, from w hu h - . -r.i i-4- -it i i ' . , . employment, even if the addition is will proceed such a variety or gut-cr- . -, ,. . ... . , , i i 'but a dollar at a time. If he does al and other sounds as will le in... . . . ,A. , , . ... , . , . . ,. , ; this he wi I soon find the dollars grow- keeping with the musical accomplish- . ... ... . . u r .i rn J i;i. ;.! ,i i ing into tens, and these tens into hun meuts of these felines while in the , , , . ' ..... . ... . . , , , I dreds, and in a little time will lie in flesh. The large string is what is '. , . . . . , ... , -i .1 : i iKtsession of a sum w hich is constaut known as "hawser laid' in sUle, is . ..,-,.,... ,- . , , i ; . t w o and one-quarter inches in diamc- . . . . i r .... UT ; mil nil' iii.tsi mm mug n-mui.-! A I Mill l III.T w UUII" vun ,111111 in I IS that this string is made entirely from the skins of maltcse cats that were household Jtets, but cheerfully donat ed bv the little children who owned them, the Sunday School scholars of! nprUHr r the Mate Elmiaaa. Massachusx-tts. Each Sabbath school : that furnished a batch of cats is jmt- j The Delaware county American mitted to attend the Jubille free, and . says: The election of the State tick during the festival one day will lie jets presented by Pennsylvania, Ohio set apart to exhibit , to these sclf-scari- and Indiana the index States in fieing young hearts what music can 'every Presidential struggle is of be produced by a skillful manipula-i such momentous importance that tiou of horse hair over the abdominal j good ltcpiiblicans should exhaust remains of their poor Tabbies and every projMT effort to gain position Toms. Before dropping this subject foi the greater battle to follow. No I will remark that it takes ten bar-1 feeling of faction, no tersonal dislike rels of resin to projterly resin the bow j or disappointment should lie perniit of this great fiddle, and the bridge j ted to interfere with a cordial and ac w hick upholds the strings is what is j tive support of the Republican tickets know u as the Howe truss patent, and , presented. Political revenges are has a central span of twelve feet Ite- j never safe, are seldom if ever justiG tween th the piers Two horses and j ed, and in a contest like this they a wagon loaded w ith women, were j should uot be indulged for a moment driven over this bridge before the AH of the nominees presented were strings were stretched over, to test fairly selected by a majority of the its strength. I Republicans who took part in the At a rehearsal last Monday after , nominating contests, anil though fa noon a couple of workingmen who i vorites may have fallen, it is our duty were walking over the sounding, to yield jiersonal admiration and pref ltoard, fell into the bass viol and'erence for the general good. It is have not ltecn wen since, though ov-' only by organized effort that any eral days have lecn sjM-nt in grap- J thing can lie accomplished, and no pling for thi-m. The iterformer upon man is justified in stepping out of an the viol thinks a few dead bodies w ill organization upon the plea that the not make any perceptible difference ' selections do not suit him. Princi iu the tone, and after the jubilee is j pies are paramount; men are but over, if the friends desire to obtain ! their creatures, and if thej properly the remains they can do so, but node- j represent and carry them out all is lay must occur. ! done that can be reasonably demand- . led. The fairly expressed will of the Kicking Cows. A correspondent ; (t t). Countn ;.;,l,;, savs : "A ! i few years ago I had some experience , with kicking cows, and by far the best ; mg which we enjoy, lo it we owe remedy out of quite a numlicr that I j our religious, political and social pros tried, was the strap or surcingle drawn ; iK-rity. It leads to ever-recurring sac tightly around the cow just in front riGces but without sacrifice there is of the hips and "close to the bag. 1 no good -.without unity nothing can Tighten it up until she does not at-, accomplished. All men admit tempt to kick. I never knew it to fail: vou cau irraduallv loosen it until it w'i" 1,0 sufficiently simple to lay it on 1 her back. Hut be cautious, and do ; loosi'ii or leave it off until she j makes uo effort to kick with it tight! or not The first cow I tried it on ! the worst I ever saw. With Imth " b'gs tied together she would kick backwards like a horse; then, in ad- dition, one fore-leg was tied up, and she would stand on the other and kick with both hind ones, as soon as an at tempt was made to milk her, till she tumbled down, then would get up and kick again until tired out ; so the milk i was generally left on the stable floor. Central Railroad, was once disturbed and it was decided to dry her up and ; i wr reading by the conversation of Uef her as soon as possible, though! two gentlemen occupying the scat an extra cow. i JU!t vH,fore ncr One of them seemed - - -- -- to Itc a student on his way home from (jREasinu Wheels. The wheels vacation. tf all wagons, carts, carriages, mow- He used much profane language, ers, cct, should be oiled, but great greatly to the annoyance of the lady, damage is often done by oiling too J She thought she would rebuke him, plentifully. Lard should never be ! and on begging pardon for interrupt used on a w heel, for it. will penetrate ! iug them, asked the young student if the hub, and work its way around the j tenons of the sjtokes, and spoil the wheel. Tallow is the liest lubricator for wood axletrees, and castor oil for iron. Just grease enough should be applied to the spindle of a wagon to give it a light coating; this is better than more, for the surplus put on will work out on the ends, aud lie forced by the shoulder-bands and nut wash ers into the hub around the outside of the boxes. To oil an axle-tree, first wijte the spindle cluan with a cloth wet with spirits of turpentine, and then apply a few drops of castor oil near the shoulder and end. One tea spoonful is sufficient for the whole. H)ltr. Nothinar seems more necessary to the farmer this season, than to secure bis bar cron well, and it w best to be gin earlv; lat-Wftio'clovor and some irrass is'usuallv fittest to cut. Urasa cut rather green makes sw eet palatc- ! a,v ,UVt uni a gooi altermath. Cut a little alter Hie U-st time, the ! ,ay is tough, wirv, and neither so pniateaMe nor iiutrilitious, w hile the j meadows remain bare and brow n un- ! til the full rain. ! 2d. IWause the roots sustain less :0f a shock. "3d. Iecaugcutle rains are likely to occur and give the after math a good start. Save lalwtr by using the Itcst imple ments. Cut with the mower, w hen lite dew is off; stir constantly with a I la v Tedder: rake ut at three or four o'clock, and get in at once, or cock up Itcforc five, and house the next day. The true art of hay making con sists in curiug the grass iust up to the itoint at which it will do to put in the barn, and no more. Most of our hay is cured too much. If the barn is projterly ventilated, hay may lc put in green, and w ill Im relished like grass all winter. ' On small farms where the horse fork is not used, iiiucli hard - labor may lie saved bv. building up one- half of the hay-iuow at A time. For instance, with the first hay drawn, fill one end up as far as thu big Wain, then rake down the side, and w hile this part is settling fill the other half. The two parts being filled at differ ent times, will not settle alike, and of course will not uuite, so there will 1h? no use of a hay-knife in winter. The principal Item-lit of this plan is in lessening the bard labor while un loading. One half of the mow lteing lower than the other, the top of the load may be throw n on the highest part, and the balance, below, which saves pitching over the big beam. There is still another advantage; the greatest heat caused by fermentation is always in the centre of the mow and the scam here gives cscajte to the gasses. Kavlag- ejr. There is, jerhaps, no one in this world more to be pitied than the poor man the man w ho has got into the habit of saving until he saves from sheer delight in seeing his wealth in crease, and of counting every dollar of e.Huditure as though its loss was something that never could he repaired. Yet it is the duty of every poor man to save something. The jtoscssioii of a few dollars often makes all the difference between happiness and misery, and no man, especially with a family dependent on him, can few dollars reserved for the time of need. While extreme carefulness as to the expenditure of money w ill make a rich man poor, a wise economy will almost as certainly make a poor man rich, or at least make him, to a con- sidcrable extent, iudependcut of the caprices oi employers aim oi me com mon vicissitudes or lire. .Nothing is more important to the poor man than the habit of saving something ; but his little hoard will soon begin to grow at a rate which will surprise and gratify him. Even workingman a , i .... .. " I. . ivi.iiiii; all auuiiiuu .w um m..w...v- -,-.,' ,. r , which secures him a reserve fund i w nenever one is neeiieu, aim w nicu . ;. jl J I. ... . W ill CllB'Hi; UIIU to do many things, which, without a little money, he would lie jtowerless to do. Pitts burgh Port. majority is the law, in both govern- mental and voluntary itolitical action To this . system we owe every bless- these simple truisms, and if they rail to ackuow ledge them in Jtractice thcr fail in c performance of common duty and should have no imitators. The ticket jtrcscntl'd bv the republicans of Pennsylvania is made up of men who are' able and honest and with the long experience of our iieoplc iu election scandal, iu abuse and false charges, we do not believe that many of them can be led from plain duty, even if the few selfish and disappoint ed howlers howl with added malice from now until October. LAUY rid;nt, ;n - ,.,,r il. Xcw he had studied the languages. , "Yes, madam: I have mastered the languages quite well." "Quite fluently." "Will you be so kind as to do me a favor? " , "With great pleasure; I am at your service." . "Will yon be so kind as to do your swearing in Hebrew?" We may well suppose the lady was not annoyed any more by the ungeu tlemanly conduct of this would-be gentleman. ,! - . SaSMBBJSaSHBBMgBjgiBJBJBBjaa - - The Western wool crop is pro-j nounccd finer than for fifteen years. ' HflnrfJttirirnwt. R R Ra RADVAY'S READY RELIEF CUBES TUB WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR ftcr icatlms this adtc-rtiM-meiit ntvx any on SpKfEK WITH FAIN. IUDWAT8 UKAIIY KF.l lKr IS A CTRK FOB EVEUV I'AIW. It aa ih trrft mimI I Tle Only J-i" ltemely that loaUntlT atop Si BcS nerarbauir fmm. allava lnltNntu&UOOA, ud care CMpalHi.M. whetta of U Lumen, Stomach, liowtla, or ciUki cUud of or&ua. If lVtttioik Omt TO TWENTT MINUTES. M matter how violent or oirroclatln to too IIHKOalATlU. B4-rulu, intra, Crtppltd, Kotow, lioonlcic, or pruomud olu tfiaaaM may wiScr, RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTA5T EASE. rSTLAMMATION OK THK K1DNIVS. IN IX Ay MAT ION OK TUB BLADDER. CtrLAlOlATlON OK THB BOWKLB. CONOVSTION OK THC LntCS. SOKX THROAT, Iilr'KhTI.T BKIATHIM). PALPITATION OK TUK UEAKT. nTSTEP.ICB, CROUF. Iie"TIIKKIA. CATAKliU. lXFXtESZA. niADACIIX. TOOTTTACIIE, ' NrTUKALRIA. RHEUilATISM. COLO CHILLS. AOUK CHILL. Tlw application of to Rrtady Urllrf tnlhf port or tnru wkrra Ui pais of tltmcuity uuu U1 allunl com olid enmfurt. Twntr dropn la liilf a imWrr of witnr m rn a ftrr nnmooUcoraEAMPS. hPASMS. PVL'K t-foMACII. IIJiARTBCItN, KU IL IIKAKACHE, PIARKHIJA. fs.NTERV. COLIO. W1SO IN TUB lAiWkiS, awl all INTERNAL PAINS. . , . , TrareWra ahoula alwaya carrr fcorll of Roway'a I&rao'r KelieT with tUroi. A few droi In Ur ill prrvuot alcknMO or palua from cbanfo or watn-. It 11 Im tor Uua Kroad. Brandy ur BIturi aa a atbuulalit. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AS It AUtE cureJ for ttiy cwiu. Th-rt la m a nniodial accnt la tblawilt tht will can rvrr Ml Au. and all other almiarlooa. Ullloua. .BraHrt, , Tr i hoW, Yrlluw, aad other Krer (alill by BAIWA YI! 1-ll.lJi) ao quick aa llAltWA V'S KEAUX ULLiUf. fiity ecau par bottlo. Sold by DnigcbU. HEALTH llEHUTY ! ! btoono and rcnK r.icir BLOftn-rNcntAsjc OK FLKSH AND W EKillT-CLICAIl ; K1N AKU liEALTlKl'L CVill'LLXIOJl bECLKEU TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAr'ARILLlAN RESOLVENT HAS WAItK THE MtST ASToSISHISO CURES : ri-l gi U'K, rvt l:.l'lli ARK TUB CHANGES THE BOI't I Sl-LKliOFM. t'KltER TUB IN- ili;ence or -mis tkily wuNDtutL'L alKOIClNE. THAT Every Day an increase In Fleah and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. 1 ry drop of the R MtSAPAIlolLlAN RZSOLV KXT emtimmilrati- tl,nU'h tha Mood, Swaat, Irino, and vtlir iM and inH-.ii ..nil. arnrm Ui rlfiir of lite, t it reuulnthe a'aat.-o.-rtl Imly with new and auund ..UaiuT. Scnrfulo. St'i-hll!, ConouBiptluo, ObuMlular im Uloria iu tlx Tliioal, Uuoth. Tuaivra. NoUa In tu .Uwl and mwi rartu ;f the ayattm, Soto Area, SliunioMK ILl.anra f""" "e Ka, and the on4 f,.nu f Skin W..", Liuiituma, Kerrr Sorra. Ki-ald llwul, ItinK W.irni, nalt Khriwi, Kryalpclaa, Acne, lllack t;-j. Uurnii lu the rich. 1'udK.m, t.anoera In the Wnml., and U onkrulu and painful dliKareca. Mlit htfata, L"! ft Smtu., aim all Wfcdcaof the le priiid plr. irr ilhin lh eur..!ie rai.rr thlj wonder of Mod em 1'bro.Mnr,' and a I. w iW nar will prore to any ftwm u.in It fur titlu-r f tncae fuiua of diaeaae lu potent piiwcr to cut llirln. If the patient, ddir lciiiliie rednced by the wastea a'.d d.ctH..Mf-ltiiH. that I eimtlliually proereaalnit, aiic-c-.l la rr.'tin throe wte. and repalra the aame with o-r nulrrlj nxle fi.mi hisjlhy bWd and thl the .- W:Al'.W:iLLI AN will and da aemre. ,t muIv dnea tlie S.aarj.alLUaJf Kaaotrvtrr ezrel ' remMI:.! fifeTit. in Hie cure of t'hnrtite, Scmfa i., '.irtltnnwuAl, and baiu tfiauaaca ; hut it it the only i.i.r t'nr fur liilncy & Rladdcr Complaints, vr. nad IVonib dlarssie. firaTeL IltabHea, rtropey, . .p .- 4 Watvr. Iueoutiiience uf L'riue. lirbjbt't Uis Alieimtuur, and ia all cwm where there an) brirk-,.- d p.-! ". the water i II. kk. cloudy, lulled with .1 inn. U.e the white of aa rff, H thrrada like white .... or there l. awrhld, dark. Uln appearance, and hire knt-il'id depnaitt, aud when there le a pricking, irm.i.- Maioo ok-o paiinit water, and pain la ike .11 .,ril,e II u x and aluii the Luina. I'licc, fl.a V OR MS. The ot.ly kuoa-a and aura Ucmcdy i.M. Tipe. tic Ttiiuor of l'i Vein. Growth v urcd by Kadivny's Resolvent. p&.saLr. iU .m., Jaty IS, last, t... ft.nw.r - -I k.T. kv dim. Tun ta th evwtej and 1. .U. All tb. Ium.. mi4 "li. a. arlpf.. H. llmd rvrt liiine uat mm iwkw4; twt Blkuia aaljMd BM. 1 .w Itl.v . I m-mU uy K : ka k-4 ae autk i . it.' k4 l- vrara. I Im tim kotllM . il.. K I. t. -.4 a.. r IU4-.. PiiU. and two M WM v mw RmJ, U.iwf ; oi iWt. im mA a wea W le he tn m frtt. a4 I tral kvtW., Mrtr, auj am-pMr tfaM. I ha.a f-rlit ymn. Turn e lm mm m th. Ufi tUM the b.iw.1.. mcr ta. ct"". ' u (bM t ywa fat the eearit of tK t ue ... Wuk M d im tt. HANNAH P. KNAPP- DR. RADWAYS PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, ff rf.-rt'T tu-trkiLs rVKsntlf rootfl vith iwMt rim, f.rr -. rt?nl.ile. Jturify. caa- aa 1 vtrenxthen. Itft4 u'ai'i 1'if.A, f'ff tlrtt cure of kll (lin.rdr of lli tStotnacta, Lift. H.wolv Kh1iiv lilmitlcr. Nerrooa Dimama, U-'adtvUii. 'oaia.pi.tlba. I'ostlvpneiw. I ot Lrlion, 1V"Tn !, r. ihmnnrjtjt ItillouA Frrr, InfiAmmat.nn of ti.c iSnvcflA. rilrSoMidnll lKriif-nil"f tin IdUtrsaI Vis r r. W-jrunUd U tflect pWirtcure. lurly Vejtt. ldJ--.-''iAliiiti(uo -nemiry. mia.'-ralrS or dekcrtou drtiits. If owm tb fuiUiwiuc ariDpioojs rcsulUxic from IiMWni mt tht liiJe Oraut: (''Btrt ratio,. UwsW PilM. 1Um ef tW Bloml Is Um Hi4. -lit of lAve Saenara, Katwcsu Haaibr. ltctt of Ftwtl, il awa or War! ta (lu SWaacI,t Soar ErftxtaUott, SlSkkia -imrtl t tW PH at IW hfarfttark, SwtatDuaf f llM H-mA. H arris sstj IhBl.-Jt BrraUrttac, K.itUariBaf a tivt Heart. CtawaksSaf - aAeAmc WatWM ta a Lytbg fttmn, rhsn-aeas ef V Iu. r Weta WWe W Swat, lever esva DU lua ta ia- H -U. Drreacv W fcrrsm, T4kMe mt tke ftcia r-v. Pmm tao SaV, l aeel, UimU, aai assiaaB H cabas af At. aWaiac FWk. A frerstewoa T RADWAFS m.L8 will trr th mrv u fnm itl ti ttv"-riin.Td diionlera. frtoa. ja. cebU - -m,x. S4H.ii ny tiKLMMiisTS. H K. I -KAlfK AM TKCE.' cVmI ou IMtcr. .Mr-KAI'W AY fc CO.. No. Wj MaUleu Ltvnt. Kw .. lufniijstkrtt wwrli. tiuMiuaiia wili if eCal r IkXtt, SHOVELS. LOCKS, Vl f al ninpes, nans, r net, ew. tie 11 ea W-'l a le lCaroenter's. Blacksmith's, and aa.. . . f, nt AGRICULTURAL TOOLS. a x. . 1 r. T 11 l o : . 1. f zmmr i Streets. JOHX IHBtRT. JOHN D ROBERTS. JOHN DIltEKT k CO., jB-AJST1KZEj!ES, XO. 240 MAIN STUEET, J O II X S T O W X , P E X X A . We aril Prune imrotiaMe In all urti nl the I'ni ted State iwl 1'ana.lait. ami in Forciiro oooittriea. Hut thdil, t'ounnir anil Oovernuirut ilundi at biKh''t umrkot ru3pa. Luatn niotM'T nn aiiinr.el aeruritr. ltntftn ami tei'ke tn .rttier tnink ctmli. eU. .Muuct recvived uttil.'iaeiitKi.val.lciin (IcuianJ Intcre-4 vt the rate of Six ter rent. jer Annum paid on Time l)ejoiU. Everything In the ItankliKf Line rvrvivc our )inimt attitition. Thankful tu our frienild anil cnstntnora fur their taat liatniimice, w anliiit a e.Mitinuanc of the ante, anil invito other who have liufinciia In ntr line to (five at trial, aivurinir all. that we rhall al 11 tituee doall wc can t.t ttive entire fcittsfaeliim. Kill 21 ; JOHN lilDCUT ax '(!. Q IK AUD HOVSh; (!oKNt:a Ninth andChutxi t Streets. r II I L A PEL r II I A II. W HAN AO A, Felt H 71 Pmiirittur. STANDARD AMERICAN' BILLIARD TABLES. Ererythinff pertaining lit lliUiitr.li at lowe.t (trices. Illustrated Catal.i)rurr writ by mall H. W. Coliender, New York, SuixxrwirtuPHIXAN it CHILX.EXDER, TU38 BROADWAY. taporatel ly Act of LejSatiira CAPITAL $100,000 PRIVILEGE, . . . $500,000 Drpdititors secured by Real Estate investaie nts exclusively. Six Per Cent. Interest Paid to depoaitor oa the) oompaundinj T principle. . " MtTAH.mJinm . dinritd l tht tiltntl are. ri.-iou far iriiMrniriHQ wun deposited. It earn Wafoea ta ntaoti mwnovnt', W1THU11 MOTICM 1'ttUM THK JtErOHlTOX. All tummutnieaHtm mrttt nrmirt prmpt JAMES T. BRADY. PrttidenL DAVID CAMPBELL. ' Treaturer. iDtcelUineou. VlaMfflaJr BiUasra axa avnt a Vila ftancv Drink made ol Poor Rum, Whisker. Proof Spirits am! Refute Liquors, d -ciirtrd, apiccd, ani sweetened to please the taste, calll Tooica," Appetisers,' 44 Restorers," Ac, that lead the tifspler on lo drunker. Art and rain, but ara a true Kledioitc, made froas the native roots and herbs of California, free from alt Alcoholic StimaUttts. They are the Great Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorate of the Systein,,x.UTy.ng off all poiaonotaa matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enrichuizit, refreshing and htrtgorating both mind and body. Tbey ara easy f administration, prompt in their action, certain ia tbcu remits, safe and reliable in all forms of Hi tease. , Wo PcrtoacsM UkslUeas Bittern accord ing to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poiwrn or other means, ami the viul organs wasted beyond the point M -pee . Draiscnala or Iadla-eallaa. ireadactie. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tilitnens of the Chest, Dis siness. Soar Lrurtatioos of tle Stnmacli, Bad Taste in the Mouth, llilions Attacks, Palpitation of lite Heart, InfUmmatton of die l.unc. Pain m the regions ol tht Kidneys, and a hnndred other pamful symptonu, are tlia oflsprings of Dyspepsia. In tltese complainu it has no equal, and one bolue will prove a better guar; ante of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Far Female CaiMp.niistSt in yonng or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the trim of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided aa influence that a marked improvement i toon percep tible. Far ludimmatory mud Ckraule Rhea aatlaaa and GHit, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, liseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blond, which is generally produced by derange ment of the Digestive Organs. Thtrare aOcatle Pnrarnllre ae well a ToatCfj possessing also th pecttitir mcnt of acting as a powerful sprent in reltevit e Congeitiim rr I n flam. mation of tht Liver and Visceral Org ins, and iu Bilious Uise&ses. For Skla Dlseasrs, r unions. Tetter, Salt Rheum. Blotches. Snots. Pinmie. Puttulcs. 11 oils. Car- haacles. Ring-worms, Scald Head, Sore Hye Ery sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Iici4orationsof iIm Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the uc of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. C'lcaaee the A' It Infra nloofl whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when vou find U ob structed aud sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feeling will tell you wlten. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Or ate fa I thtussads proclaim Vimecau Bit TKKS the most wonderful Invigurant that ever su:.tamed the sinking system. PI a. Tape, a ail other XVorsa. linking m the system of so many tliousands are effectually de stroyed and removed. Says a distinguished phystot ogtst: There i scarcely an individual tf)on the face of the earth whose lymly is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not uptn. the heajhy elements ol the buoy tnat worms exist, but ution tue diseased humors antSslimv deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, uo vermifuges, nn anthelmm itics, wiil free tht system from worms like these Bit ten. Mechanical Disease. Persons engaged in Paints and Mineral, such as Plumbers, Tyne-saCfcr, CKid-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, wilt be subject to paralvsis of the Bowels. To guard against this take a dose of Walkrs Vincak Bitters once or twice a week, as a Preventive. Ill I lows, Ucstalttcaete and latsrtuUleut Per era, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United State, especially those of the Mississippi, Oti Mistuiwri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumlterlatitl, Arkansa, Red. Colorado, Braxos, Rio (irande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile. Savanuah, Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa ries. throut;iout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkab'y so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are aiwavsmnreor less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the boweis, being dodged up with vitiated accumulations. In iheur treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful intluenre upon these various org.ms, is essentially necessary. There w no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da J. Wauii'I Vincoau BiTTRRtas tliey will speedily remove the dark -coiored viscid matter with winch the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secreuuns of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy fuuctiona of the digestive organs. scrofula, or Kltoa'a Fir II, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indent Inflammations, Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores, Eruptions of tlt Sam, Sore Eves, etc, etc In tltese, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, YYai kkk's Vinrgar Bittrs have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and iu tract able cases. Dr. Walker Calirorala Viae a r Bitters act on all these cases in a similar manner. Br purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolvftng away the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits! the affected past receive health, and a permanent curt is effected. The propertlet of Da. Wai.kbr's Vimbcar BtTTCRS are Aperient. Uiaimoretic and carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Conoter-Irritant. Sudorific. Alterative, and A ti Bilious. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Ds. Walkii s Vinrcar tiiTTBRs are lite oest safe guard in ail cases of eruptions and malignant levers, the a balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties allay pain ia the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc Their Counter-lrritant influence extends throughout (he svsteas. Their Diuretic nrooertie act oa the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharger through the bihary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the curt oi Bihous fever, rtver and Ague, etc Vmrtltv flan hod auralaat dlfttatw trr Dtni fving all its fluids with Vis scar Rittiii Nt eni deuue can uke hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves arc rendered discase-prooi vy lois greai tovif orant. Dtrectlone. TaVe of tht Bitters on going to bed at nnrht from a half to one and one-half wiae-elaasfuU. Eat good nourishing food, such as beefsteak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door ess ruse. Tbey arc composed of purtiy reget able ingredients, and conuin no spirit. X WALKER. Prop'tv R.H- McDOSAIeDeoCnras Drugcists and tien. Agts, an r rancisco, cat.. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sis., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. K EM PS NURSERY, HAKXEDSVILLE, SOMERSET CO., FA., The aaharrilNir infonns hia frien.l! arnl the tiuh llc that be Is miw d.'M4ltig hi? eatire tliue t.t hla ILTTJ!ES!EjIEMr, The firt one ever rtarte.1 In the county, aim! I pre pan.il to (uniifh pmnipily all klmlr l FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Vines and Plants. HISCOXX1XTION WITH KNOX'S PITTSRURU NURSERY The Unrort anil mt cutnplrtr? In the 1'nite.l Slatea, ettalitea hint u guarantee to hln eutoraera the cliliTt varlitl' ami thrllUrat trruwth. Hia priera are lower than ever Iwfora. Hiaiviulvcia nut to lie nutilnne ly any In the State in price ttr Uallty. Theaewurila will he rjuulenxieJ! tie will H-namalIy aollclt unlrra thli lull, but onlera a. ilrrKwsl aa Blmve will lie promptly atU'mlvO to. Senl them in earlr. ' HAKIUStlX 11. KEMP1I. gOL UIIL, WITH A. H. Franciscus & Co., I w I'f.BTCCS ISO UtALtltS IX COTTON YARNS, RATTS, WICK, Twine and Ropes, UIOKING OI.ASKKD, CUK liX, FAXCV UASKKTA Wooden and Willow Ware, &.c, OIL CLOTHS. J1ATTIXO, RUGS, &c. MS Market Sint-t Bail 610 ( 'ouituarne Street, Ihilaclclpliin. June 10-tC TN STOYSTOWN. "The ululi'iTiiifaeil, proprietor of the IHlil.l Hotel, uo the anutheaat eortter of the liiautoni!. Iie ina; imtnre.1 hr hia many frienla, wouhl any to the tmrelltta: putilic that he ia now preMreU k reewiv. Mill hoepltahly entertain all wuuutsy tflve him rail, liia hi4tMt will lie cotHluKted with the beat order and luruliih hue acviiitualiitiit. SAM I EL Cl'STEK, StoyaUtWB. r., April 17 th, Wi. RAIX CRADLES. The under- "jr alimed fa now entraitcd In making ttiwanl oTSuO Grain Cradle, nl au intHMred pattern, ItiK the (harp irruutal Cli.ier S.-'thr. wbh-h la th. beat manufactured. The cradlra will he distribu ted thruuh the etmntT between the lat and 2U(h of Jane next. Ieraia winhlna; tu parr ha ae will nnd them fur mile at ail the pritH-il tMiainea phtcea mi the otjuit. A larae nutnU-r are nuule ready at the inauufartiiry at Ih-rlln. Hrire pr. 17. UHl I". HAY, Merlin, 1'a. a. c. KKIM. i. B. UVB.NUUUU. JEIM k LIVEXCOOD, H AXKEIIS, SALISBURY1 ELKLICK, P. O. . Ho)lltfltT CtK'tlTV. PlCXS'A. Itrafta laa;ht anil anlil, and eulrect hwi made uo all latrtauf theniuntry. Intereat allowed on time drpta.it. SfierlHl arrantrmrnta with Ouanllana and other wbu bold numey in truitt. Jan 17 Ti J O. HARVEY la IXX, BUTT EM C0MMIXS10S MEkCltASTS 67 EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE. Liberal eaah a Irance un euntiiifnment and return promptly made, B(hA$ and Shots. JJOOTS ANimiOKS. Harry C". :Kf?cri.s R'jnetfu!ly Itifomia the tltizm of S.mrr-H't arn! the pul.iic gcnrrally, that h-9 pat jort n jlcni-hctl his XKW sikik;stohe, In the New Building en Main Cross Street, WITH A SI'LKMUIi STOCK OF MOoHS Uimiclil In ll.e li.Icr.i rlti..! the b.weaab prl jihI la .n Ntr.il l liirnirL the t,hlu- with er thluif liortiiliitHK t.. hi. Iiim, ,4 (.niiiH-na, ' AT VERY LOW MUCES. lie will kr-i unaiKW i lianl mini la prriiur-Cvltoiuak.luonU-runalu.rtui.ti.v, -BOOTS . SHOES for Men, Women and Children, Enil.r. li.c every liaac of hrt rl:,M l mat, rial arnt w,.rkitiatu.il,, IrMn the tlnv rlltiuer ti. the brraa. ln.n.1 hnaau. The la.li.n will . furolah cu wttn SLIPPERS, (U J THUS, J.OOTS. HALMOHAL. Ul'SKIX OF CALF. MOKROtVO. Kill AMI LASTIXtl MATKP.IALS.' Au.1 of the BHMt rii.lil. nal.le rtyU-r. He will hwure a ..l ut an I tivc .MiftuHUa lo II b. mar givr him a rail. lie leal, pre parr. I t.. luniirlt li.iuaki-r with roBi'iletc amiriuteut .a) soli: lijatiikr, K,I't CALF. AM) .MORROCCO. ALKtt, Lasts and Shoe Findings prirVi."7 kU"U UU1,M "e-uHUIIwl. wjatra-l. hThLI'II ' ri""r'" -Ml.. llinB at th. kiweat p..il,a Mnil u:r tTt!1", T1 !rt,- ""'"I--. U, ifualne." icTr llhrral share ut m.i. jMtniuane .r. . 'Ju-tr. 11. V. HKEBITH T W. HA VIS & ISRO S CHEAP Grocery and Confectionery, SOMERSET, PA. i?! T.',,."r" " '"r"n" ""l-le- rrf ll.lf railimtn nlty tlu.1 we have t.iir.hl the tindery nmlf. " -r-KiH-w-r. Ei., ..,f,..lte the liarnel H..ue. atHl have mule raiiiahle a.l.1itl..n lothe alr.-a.ly Hue .. ki,l ....!, u wa ,. beat tiranil!! of run it, AXI MEAL. ItlEEEE, TEAS, M OAKS, kit i; .svuris, MOLASSKs, FISH, S ALT. SFIfES, AP'LES. FLAVtiKIXtl EXTKAITS. ItKIEI) AMI TAN X Ell FKCI1S. ALSO, COALOIL, TOBAtfO, CIOAIiS, S.1IFF, liKOOMS, BlfKETS, TV1.-. All kinil. Errm-h and n.niuioa CAXDIES, XVTS, CBAIKERS, FANCY CAKES, 1'F.HFCllEKY, AXIt TOILET AKTU LES, COMIW, Ilia SUES. SOAP, luf. Aro n asfurtuirnt of Toy?, lu-.. for the little folk. If y. want anything in the Ororvry ami Cm-reetiotM-ry line rail at Davis Cheap Grocery, OPPOMTE THE IIAKXET HOI St or. -ly. Boots mid SlioesJ HATS AND CAPS, Leather and Shoe Findings. J. II. ' Zimnioriiiaii Takei plcaaarr in RUIInir the attrntHitt of the rlt- lietu.,,1 s.ui-r!a.-t ant tririitity to th. turt that he haa ieiil a in hl rrni.lence.Hi l'ui. strvet. wtier tlwre will alwara te krt oo haml a cut-: pine aaaurtaunt or Boots and Shoes, trf kiaatem .! h... matmUrture, . Ltrsteamli HATS -A. 1ST ID CAPS, A n.l a irreat rariet y uf Iallier and .Shoe FintliiiK Of aU kin.ls. Thi-re i alo attached to the ature a CUSTOM-MADE BOOT A SIIOR DETARTMEXT, With X. Ii. SNYDER aa rafter and Htlr wliL-k i alime ia a KUIfleient xuarantre that all work nude i uu in the ab.M. will ii.it .ml. lit t ii. r.t r .i...,.. ! era but that imly the beet ntaterial will be uwd and the . llvst Workmen Will be eutikiye.1. The puhltr are r.-s-tlilllv inrited tu rail aud examine bi? tm k. rp.. 71. JOR SA LE AT S7,000 OO, MJ liHM..U-r. lST-i. tMi Ut January. 13,. 1, .00 1H AjH-il. Ik;, aud fyw a year then-alter, WITHOUT IX TER EST, A Farm of 229 Acres, Haviaa; two New Huuwe, N.w Bank Kara. naxl ttrehard ami SuirarCauiK well timliereit and well Improved, within halt mile f Xurth Furk Kail' i rwMl. i Fuearaalon It April, 187S. Jl;,l1perwill b. taken fi th. ttr,t two pay Puaarwkin lir euttlnx tiinher Kireo aa a.an aa I tl,0U0 la lathi. 1 w r nER I Si.tu. nKt, May t, TA ...., C ROUSE k SHIRES, i MunuGitlurersorall gratle of CIGABS, BEDFttRD, PA. Attentii partkiuiarly arke.1 nf Jwbliera. w-Order uii.-itwl by E. H. Marahall.druwK Sotueraet, Pa. my. a. A1 GEXTS FIND LITERATURE, ART AXIt SftXtl r tlie beat aelliujr bwk erer oflered. It enmliiue. tnehantor uf anecdote, the wlaihim of eaaay, the tnfunuatiua of blatury and blo;raphr. the 'swret neaa and grandeur of poetry, th. exquialt eharm uf manic, tuu oeawiitui iituatratmia. -fiulMl read in; for rrar.r momenta: pleaaant pie- tuna ta Illumine quiet hours ; and gem of eunir, ibr the fcirial elrele." j An ajrent write. "Sold l'fl eoiiM thla week; will ' aeu aov una mnatn aafliie." Our new t.tfeat of rae.'a doe awar with olijeetiona to the bnainaea. ParUevdan fraw. A tral aal le present to arerr new A cent. lXTEltXATIOXAL Pt BLlSHrXO CiX, myl S3 and M Liberty Street, New-York. Mineellnneon. r. r. mioaim. o. KHAtm. J1IE IA K uKOCKIli. Vt F. R II O A I) s .v : (., Reaieetfttlle naoane' to the l.lieth.tthee Iinre , tttrunl their gnicery In the lin:iuvt.t i-f the ilwcl ling hiura lately ureupieil lf W. J. H:iir. nnw the Wa.hingtiifi Hutrl, ml are m.w -Ijlly r.rritlny ' fre'h lupplii'S of erythlnx lu the i GUOCF.UY AND COXFECTIOXKKV i !Um. (live . ralL ttur iril rc .rihe vi-rr j txcr qiulllr. Wc will ewleariM-tit pIcuHe all. We ! ke all the hrnt linilt'l if i YUH'H AXIl MEAU , OtFI'KK, TEA. SI'tlAR, KIt'K SYlil'l. j .MIil.ASfiKS. HAKI.NU It.WI.KKS. WASHlXtl I'ttWHEKS, j StlliA, ll Kltt, .SAHtl.lll, A IX KIMtssttAI. j EX. I-iKi Witt tit. i EX. t 'llFr EK I A.MI.I.A, j I.E.MIINS. srii-Es. A IX KI.M.S THHACt.'il, t M l;s. S.M' W, I'AXXEIt 1 id 1 IS AMI VlETAhLI.S, AIX KI.MiS ItklEIt EKI'ITS A.N It JKIXK.i, STtiVE It.USH. SlInEl'.I.At'KINtJ. fAMiM.S, (ANliUt LAMP Wlt'kS. lilitMl US. IIIM'SIIICS, nri'KEis, inw, UASKETS, mipi; A I -S i t'll SVI. FISH. FRENCH tL t tiMMtiN C I I K S, .Vt-TaV. ALL Klls, Fitrn p.ismrs, svcm: .n ur.i.F.s, XPJCKlfJl 'Mill. IX, (ILXtlKHSXMS, PEUFl'MEli Y, Met ani Fancy Articles Generally,; Ki:m.m-.Lri Tin. pl u t. IX BASEMENT OF THK LATE KESIHEXCE W. J. Ii. EK. E-iit. Nor. 15, Tl ly. THL Illi.HF.sr M.ikkLT Mil. f p".lJ H.H ALL JCl.Vb.S Of cut' ATM ' tRoltl i f. 51. (1. KIC1 M. W. W. IttHl.t A.. .IMVIA "Y" (J. KF.I.M k CO., Sl'lVISOH.STi SII T7.MAN x Kl.ltl In the SOMERSET FOUNDRY. It' lfve to "ay to it HatJl ami the Iwhlh" that they will contiuue lu mipplv whatever !? nteiirl iu their line hy Farmer. lii.Utier. Jloiin-keeper.-t. 4riM-titerrt. Hlarkfluitiu. Miuer. Miller, Iui henueu aul Aitiuutitturvr itt-m nUv. STOVES j , Vl lit.' itivh i I OU C OOKIXI! AMI II KA 1 l.Mi, I I (H thetwHt U.-nlraliU- kind?, whiih have ever. aa T.t. laileil t. iflve .-titliv nll-la.-lli-n. nr.- a j kWu,",am' P L O W 7 ) Of the varum? wttrrtt" h.-- ail..pt--l t- the Wi.ui , i uf iUI. -.nmN ..milli.1 t.. u i H t if llt h lt. ' j The larjre numiieralmnly in iw iliivuiihi.ut tl.ia j mitl uir .uiiiinK .THf"-. ' " o... . a. ...... t.d atiul aiii.ivj il v i 1 n r ;- injf Ueiuauti, are -uin' Kin kh.m mum m . rueriM. CAR WHEELS, Fur Miniiiir. LumUrin?. liiiilm.nl I:nll-linir. kc. 1 uf th. UHt aiiriveiiiwtli-ni aikl Ih-ki ni:iliri:il. ! mailr to imlfr t hirt untitle. i (I R 1ST AXD SAW MILL IRON, i 'SlIAFTIXC. rULLEYS, HAXCEBS. BEVEL-WHEELS. JUI.LSI'lXItLES, S.VW-M AX DUELS. AXTI KRICTIO.X KOLLEKS. IKOX KAlLlXtl. HALCOXIES. HK ACKirTS. window and Door-suis, ..... , ., .. .. . J h l"'' n l '" rlu"r ' . . .... . W Q t G T W 11 C G I S , HOLLOW-WARE, STOVEPIPE, PLOW-CASTIXOS Fur all the dlll. rent Pkiwa awl In the niunty. We are tlte autbriied aj;rnt. f.r the ule f 'SPEAKS AXTI Ilt'ST PARISH! STttVES. ! J In thi eoanty. I We ell, at nuunfacturera' pri.n. j TH E SPRAGl'E MOWER, j THE IM SSKL REAPER AXD HOWER. THE BUST STEEL PLOWS, 1 THE BUT HOUSE UAKES. ... AnJ Agricultural Implomsct gonerilly. ... . M l merit a eiailintune of thepattvntee " ""ratty exieuueu to turn establishment. Our price will be Uir and our term liberal N. O. KE1.M ktU Jan. W, Tl. M lrrlht neon. y K T K R II K F F L KY'j HIGHLAND FARM, NKAKSO.MEKSKT. Pa., Dree.'i.TlK.rHtnli hreilTKftrriMJaii.! HEAVj I j DRAUGHT HORSES, ! AEKEKXV CATTI.K, 'iTSW(tLI SIII.Kp IIITEIC WHITE HIKIS, M ttlSH ; SIII.PHEIMt IXHIS, IIKAMAII am, 1Ilk.u k Hii.nrn Oaxc V II It; K E N S . t ! STALLIONS FOR 1ST-'. S jn Ih-icIh" l't April; Emla Juljr th, liTi IiKAC'K LEIC EHTEItSIIIKE. ! IiMji..r.--J fn-in Fnlnn'l. antl full 17 hamh kih. ! WflL'tl.", Wllfll III CtltMUHL, JUll'lv. p-t , i'.;M-k w.rh p). mliii c(Mn: hv Ip .puu-t, hj Al ! oiinfM'ti'iit iti.lx- t lie r't pcrinwn of HrKviirtit ; nTn in l'i-iimiyUiiia. Jl i ta.litQ e4t Km-. l-tii -hi.-. Iii;ry in: r ki t in th e,UiitrT. ,u. ! iiiuinHnv prU-vf Imiii to ft.!, aixl' uiar I lniu AC", to 4i'.V A yr.ifli.tjr fl.Iy having solit Uit In Wt'iiiin.liifiT liir, to,.. jrt j n-tI U r -.It iiit !! year uM. " j V.Utvk Ivi'-i--;. r-lurr wu .j that f.t:hnto ! l-tc-rtrrr-'iin Hn.. Iifn iIjiii Irv hlurfar rru. j tiain hy Kurnit r'i. n ,t., u-vtrfUinh ,r, I .. mI liy thai i-irlurif .1 nurk xi -ttrr JfuJ'J H-r, (be wmm r vixh Aurritultumr 'ii-t. HoJ-I ii-r- WjMii wa ir-a t-y tiil tiul-1 1-r.iTshtr W- li:.J ilai: ucui'iiiiii try th if mrf.i brM flnnf,, i iv-v. rii--h wit tin- Kin' f hiK iTuyruan. . ; t.Ti-l.irt- H.-r-t 'mi:. iu w..i- X"t hy that rral brJ i ; cf.-trr-hlrt hri ; w;i! X"- ty lliut-rc;.l I,n.wti J-k-iitThr tv,ri Ol.l j ict-ir. win h n ii-iie thai tntv,;-.! Ihr f jimi- :i-n. Ol'i tf nrT Wmx hy Vr 1 WiH' UlacL nliUU wrveH tiutrvn at tl9 ' tfuiiifux ifh. I.:.nk it l't M lirf.v s-,;r, S III h rv-'f ut bw uuit-.i-' fJifh .Man hy yf I rW-ritriiiiri. k:. I lrriu? -J ' 1'T Ih--tir.trifp. I ALHAMKII... it .t hy .li.MM..n. h- hy Kv-.lvk- li-tiu.,,.., j .in. hf hy AUi,iHHi. h hi .Miiiuhriim. be hr U-,; j .Mff-cniT, 'lam hy K ran Ic i'l.nu. h i $. I 1-iml JU.n k Hrtwk. hthy Ati-in-w J&rkt. h- ' J V uu-4 ll;ihw. hf hy Imji. Ar.ihi;m Orii U, i luiw. I la ht-uu:i!iii I..tr. with a -rii.iil tur. l-r u ! ., It.rm uiii it-it. jr. r. A ilf tnult-nt uIi H- j, ! '1 nitiuiv I:..!, hi. t -aii wt hut (tevfi-ry ttmt m-. I ili-l tntttiiiir nctn u whii h he now ivti ; irriMik. il i -irt trk th ftrt ;r-Dimin at '.t. i t.t r .iir. i Khuira. N. V., in lviv. the Ur I llwr-f li.r if'ttiiit i.tu.;-i;T. tnttlJii In I now f-taik.:.- iit fr. ln-urjnr; ui Kyiyk- ii:uiihl-'rtiian. in i 'h!ur. nittf nunly. . ; al . Iii'iiniii-. '1 friii! i I'.r Xii.-nntiirr, 'anirijf ith a ihjtc cl.ri he !. kiM.wn f.. Ik TAiih inl. hrl-ir the lnuriv. All all-r.! ..nl :iw i at the ri-k ut th t.wwr. ! Mm "iatiir:ia, (--r mart tr-.m a ii.itaive at xk s, f-ifl.'1'tf niL'e. A fi.i ul prcfiiinm will yivtn hy me U.r iu Im .-! tlt tit i ii i 't" r-hir"a i;et. of a line n:t: .r .il!If : f. r ti i -tt lilly. th -w-rvii-r of (he hr- nri.l mr the thirl I -t' li.1i or Itlly. th- ( A'to '. Stuik Journal ! r ime ynr: to Iw lec.dei at it o .in i 4 '"Ui.fy Vait. ii h-ll : aut! tl i-t. tlit-u tim ill lr riiiTH-uiH--'! to Otiii iI1 early in Ut: to It th" i :t 1 ' v I hr t e " eifiit ni'ltr.. a.i . HiLk iLhi ! VOW IS THK TIM K! WANTED, ;x)i lM'.i.i.Mii.r. At.r.vis. Tl t SELL THE New Under Feed j Wilson Sewing Machine IX THISCOrjJTY. IU-: M'Mnc Li th.- V..rI.I. I5.--I V.iui v. 1 i-iiin.- in lil.irkct. 11 !. iui.i,li. ' i). r:: . Ii-ti w;irr:tnt v .r Itv: Ti-ir--. ,V'ilv immi-'n'. i. t.. s,llTIi l Eoiclih.MEl: ttiuro -. I'i Stx'ii Ntri-1. I'ltr-'.iiruh. f. : j A.is ami la ii.iUNi; i.i I liuih'ii- I'.t.i in th..- : Borough of Somerset, EIL'iMy -i. tt i!il. an.1 Famii, feral nl Tito M In Viiri-'iis t-ri.-ri.- f S. ii;cr-.t (- unry. for .-..; o AcT'oM.'.foii.VTIVii TEK.MS. A jtt-r: i -n of the l;ui.N :ire Improved Farms, 0:h.T are uiiiii!riivo!. LI.M E-STt ." E. i!f:i: LY, IltttX ORE.in.l S It . K( " I. An- l.-ttn.l i-!i i.-tm- i-f llu-lll. i. fnir .inhty jri : iiuuttti:v. K-ir I.Tiij.--. ..'.. r::ll i-n i r a-l-ln--it. WEYAXH. August 'Ti ll. Nutter'. IV 239 REMOVAL 241 AIMJITIIXOT, SIIAXXOcc(( to th m i; xkw nrii.hi.M; X... Sl M i.iiikktv stici:i:t. I'I--1' Wt"-! St re-1, IM'LTSBUIUIll, Antl citii with AN KI-Ki. ANT STU'K uK IDIRST G-OOIDS, Xntiiiiis ami Si:i:;!l :tr. -. M'.LL ATIJ tWEST EASTEKX I KICKS, llnrrry arc inviti-1 1-. rail. : r. AiiBtTHSliT. W . T. .-.(I A N Ni'N. J ,llliM.t Ki ll 11 J ion . p i 1 AKIIKTT yj iJJUlUUCl WUllltlUJ, tlARKETT. SiLMEHSEfCti.. lA. Earnest, Delp & Camp. ruoruiETtiKs, , ........... ....... III J (. r YELLOW PIXE. OAK. a em 1.1 H-k. AXD Cll EST M TI.I MBKR. S W ED AM.SH ED MlIXtlI.Es. AXD PL AS I EklXU LA 1 II. Building Lumber "Cut lu a bill a! jluirt mitii-o. Order from Iiinilior d-;tU-r pruuiptiy n!lr ! j: j a nulfnle prti-t-1. ait. v. .in A. H. FRANCISCUS 4 Co.. 513 MARKET STBEET. PHILADELPHIA. ' We hnve iim-ii.s1 l..r tlie Sirin tra.le. tl.r ...r-' 1 1 .-.ud as.ru,.l jiti-k it I Philadelphia Carpets, : Til l.'. St:ilraii l KlrOi!f '.nth-.. Wunli.w Sh.ii. an.1 P:iii-r. Crirjirt Chain. Cnttun Yam. Ut' time. Wadding. Tim-. Wieka. Cl.-ki. 1 I. i'kintf-tfln-.-s. Parley ltM.-ki't!i. Iln.-uii liarket-.. Hui-ket. Itrn.h.- Cl.h.-!i W rini-r.- Wia.lenand W il k w Ware in the I nit- eil Slate.. I thtr l.in:e Inrreii! in hiL.ineA. enabled tn i-U it j liw pri.'. ii and turtii-h the brat tiuiklity ..t ud- I St LE AO EXTS FOK TH E 1 Celebrated American Washer. PKICE, : in. Ovtr 13,000 sul.l in Six M.-ntU TiTlti.i: Cirpetit. HI J; . All Mher k,nm1-. day', Xet. Feb. a u 1 BEAT IMircEMEXTS Per.i wuu in;; tir-t r1:i5i Froit Tree. Viae an 1 Phint.i iihtitild eull un 1 1 A R X E DS V I L LE. Somerset County. Pa. Y"u ran purrhane of him t lower mte thJ any ot her -arty. F.'b. "AI'AXHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW' Afl KESTORED Jurt iiuhli..he.t. a li tinuiifDr. Culverwrll's Celebrated say ,n rmduml rarrwlth.mt aill-ine)i.fSiermat.w'l"-r S.-ntiiuil WeaknrM. Inmlutiiary Seminal l es. Impi4eneT. Mental and Phyaleail 1ihtik' ' liutwiitnents to .Msrriaae. etc.: ilrn, rlr tkm. Epilea.y an.1 Fit, imlueedbysell'-lmlu.a"' or srxnnl eatravasanee. -I'rii'e, in a ivalnl envelupe, ouly eenia. Therelebrat.il aitthur. in tht admirable ? elearlvd.-iiMintrle from a thirty year' imM"Z till pnt.-tue. that the alarmina; e.aue.ueo. elf abu-M. may 1 radk-ally rured witkuat the J iren-u ee ui internal nteuU-ine iw the appif' ol Hie knife: pttiti:.r ot a mo.te wf rare at simple, eertain ami elleetaal. by meaaa mt ""' everv i.u(1i-rer. no mutter what ni rooliti.-n -be. may cure hiinwlf cheaply, priyateiy " r fi-Thiii Lfeture rheul.l be in the ba "- youth an! rerr man in the land. . S. nt. under seal, in a plain enrelop. " dreaa. pnt-id, on reeeipt uf six oeut. or tw "Alit" I. Culverwell '-Marriatte Ouid." V ttcenUL Addreas the publlaher. XZl Bowery, New York, Post