The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, July 10, 1872, Image 2

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The Somerset Herald.
. v
Jrn io, i72.
mtiomi KrM RiiriTirKrT
or Illinois.
"FMAssArill SETTS.
1'. H ARTRANFT.of Montgomery
tor bi preme Ji txiE,
ri-YSSICS MEROUK, of Bradford.
roil aimtor general,
HARRISON ALLEN, of Warren. !
fob congressmen AT LARGE.
;K. HARRY WHITE, of Indiana,
LEMLEL TODD, of Cumltcrland.
WM. M. MEREDITH, rhiladelphia.
GEN. WM. LILLY, Carbon.
BARTHOLOMEW, Schuvlkill.
11. N. M'ALLISTER. Center.
4JEO.Y. LAWRENCE, Washington.
DAVID N. WHITE, Allegheny.
W. H. A I KEN. Lehigh.
lolt m:i.egate to the convention,
isul.i.rt .itlirt-ii.i.)f tbt Itlftrk-tOmferiiH-.
I!. D. Yl'TZV, Lower Turkey foot.
JSut.jr.-t tothcdoriFliinurthe PWik Oalvrencc
J. R
Mc.MlI.LK., of Middlecreck. i
M. SCH ROCK, of Stonycrcek.
OLIVER KNEITER, of Somerset.
J. ROBEIIT WALTER, of Milford.
VAL. MILLER, of (Juemahoning.
JOHN H. SNYDER, of Stonycrcek. i
for auditor,
JACOB SPEICHER, of 'Stonveieek.
It has been the one constant, un- j thi is the man pla.vd in the Dcmo-jhegiu to have hopes for these old
falling source of gratification to the tic ticket for the responsible posi- , Pagers. But a few months since we
Democracy when beaten, to assert tion of Auditor General. The peo- j ft;a"'l they would "die and make no
that "truth is mighty and willl'h? of the good, patriotic old Com-!
prevail," and that the "imniuta-' monwealth are asked to support and! , ,, .
1 . Miuiiuiu 1 1 Hon. Alrx. Coffrotii has gone to
II ...I !.!.. r .U..: 1 ..i' him Will flint- If. Pn' ft
. ..
cn-ed, tauirht bv the mmortal Jeffer-i
siii, were undying, and through them
their organization would live forever."
Professing to thus believe, they have
persistently assorted that all their ac
tions were squared by the JcfTerson
i;iu creed, end that the tenets of their
fpponcnts were not only founded in
error, but diametrically opposed to
the fundamental law of the land. In
fact there is scarce a doctrine held by
the Republican party, that they have
uot constantly proclaimed to lie un
constitutional, and the burthen of
their cry against every measure en
acted into law since the rebellion, has
Im en its unconstitutionality. Of the
friends of these so-styled unconstitu
tional doctrines and laws, there has
ltecn no abler, more jK-rsistent, or
more offensive advocate, than Hor
ace Greeley, and none to-day, who
professes to adhere more firmly to
then than does he. And yet, it is
gravely proposed by the leaders of
the Democratic party, to adopt this
man, with a platform coniioscd 'f i
those d.-tcsted principles, as a candi-
tlate and a creed, for a party repudi- j
atimr both, but a brief month since,
That this will lie done we have no
doubt, and its doing will be the
will ue the
aid to truth.
.- ;fJ .....n,L
greatest tribute ever j
justice aud morality, by its enemies
It wilj lc the first time in the world's
history, that a powerful aud well or
ganized jtolitieal party grounded the
arms ot its opjtosuion, aim acccpieti ,
the faith of its opponents. But in
v hut a iKjsition docs it placi its ac-.
. ... .
eeptants They thereby admit that,
heretofore thev have been teachers ofj
f tl-c doctrines that their much vili- time-honored cut of " Sci'LL swallow-. sM'iit not to make profit for himself
C.-.1 ..I.I..II.-IH. ',- In rigll, .nd I"! ll"- ' ..ul.l l.av i tl.-o,.I-. ll ilc i liavr got
,.,. iU. - virtu,,., ,L,, jonj.,, i, r,,,., tX
are not fit to Ik- entrusted with the 'f the io rat, and rcproduc- from tlic t.ourts alj jit,, jn tue
reins tf a government whose interest, "o lt ln our eolumns, not only as j senteuce of a jierson convicted of its
p.iwer and sc-ojk' thev did not compre-' t vpical of the Democracy swallowing violation, and compiling the impris
hend. They also disband their or-! that "infernal nigger, Greeley," but, oi"tfOf the liquor seller in the
, , , i c. .... .i . county jail, and an amendment to
rai1iZat,onaudas.enttotbefactthat,as Sam I atch sa.d, to prove that tll4! Constitution robbing Philadelphia
wrong iu its aims, it was deservedly j" du things can lie done as well as:0f two Senators which are her right
a lamentable failure. To this com- j others." Well ! well ! we'll have to j If the have got anything else
plevinn ha- the once proud Democracy : console ourselves bv liorrowing Bar- J from Mr. Buckalew m hat is it ? He
come at last. We do not wish tol 'nmeless man. that can turn i re ived $5 000 p-r annum for six
, ..... I years as 1 uited States Senator $30,-
make more poignant their n.ortiCca-, himself mwdi-out- s boo in all "not for the sake of ma-!
Ii- .-nlt inir in tlu'ir mii rrinlir I
but we must not fail to improve the
i.v ..;: ,.t m ft,pv,ii.nir
. " i
and inexerienced, that there is uoj
true faith and no political salvation
outside the Republican nartv. We
further exhort all former DenKKTatsj" -
ho will not vote for Grant to meek-1 tional Convention, and member of
lv accept the only
embrace the itosik! according to
, . ,
his wdl known philanthrophy will in-
due,, him to guard their incxpcricnc-
ed fet from walking in the ways
that lead to social equality aud Uiis-i-egenatioii,
with the few colored
Im :hrcn found iu his following.
Come; come, ye imjH nitcnt; forget j
Imt the blessed irmise, that
While the Unip IkJ.1i nut Iu lium
TImt rirrt riuiMY uiay returu.
The New York Standard says: In
view of the couceded probability that !
Horace Greeley will lie commend-
ed by the Baltimore convention there.
is no reason for surprise in the fact;
of Dcimieratic adhesion to President !
.,.. . ,. 1
(.rant. Last evening one hundred ;
and fifty Democrats of the Twenty-1
second ward met and, forming a
Grant campaign club, announced
their intention to fight on that line all
summer and do all in their power for
th re-4-letlion of the man in whose
administration the nation is paying
its debt, aud reforming those abuses
which had crept into our affairs dur-
jngthe irregularities of the war and!
drew Johnson. Democrats wlio re-
; mendicr with pride the days of Jack-
' tON nl AX Inches, nn'1 even think
approvingly of the administrations of
Polk. PmuE and Llchanan, re
nieinlMT, too, that through those
many years the Tribune and its cli
tor never teased vilifying IV&ftiti nta,
I HenitN rwv and IVnuMTiMie policy a.
Vhicfci-t f iditial nd iM-rMtiud of
: fenses, anil worthy of unlimited and
j unqualified reprehension. They quote
jliis opinion that "though all Dcmo
icrats mar not i horse thieves, all
iiorse th;t.vts are ivIUO.rats," and a
thousand other utteranees if similar
J eharaeter, and they arc nut sufficicnlly
grateful to vote for him.
Fouxev's Pre
professes to be
t .,,!. i..iviJi-mIIi- f..r CntvT. and
j u A.Ut.r iti 'Wi1 Im-ki"' ta defeat
)ti, stt tii-let in October. At the
I ...... -i . :r
same time it asserts its iiclici mm ii
Greeley is nominated ai Baltimore
"he will make a strong fight, which
will eventually hinge tnvm Pennil
vania." This is not driveling idiocy in For
xev, but is unmistakable treachery to
Grant. None knows better than
does he, that we cannot Facrif.ce our I
- ?. I.,. : r t ll ...
u- uckci ... cio-K-r, .u.u uop,- lu
successfully carrv Grant through in
Novemlter. Even now the New York
Tribune is quoting the Pre to prove j
that Greeley will carry Pcnnsyl-.
,nisthk;VOH!' du,;f lratiuH A
drew Johnson. Democrats who i
Formerly, there was about one ! Klein. The first two numbers, now j less does it want men with statesman
thousand copies of the Tribune sub-1 on our table well sustain the rcputa-l MV so ""woseopic that they can see
.ribed for ami taken by the Repub- j tion of its cdil(Jrs as able journalist J tXitllow
beans of this county. Now that ! U Js true Uuc Republican, and will Im.rabers. 1 f. Mr. Greeley is not wt
journal is ran ly seen, except in the ))C au ( ffifient aid to the cause in the . isfied with his itosition as'a journalist
hands of a Democrat. The circula-
j tion of Forney's Pre is also rap-i
lidlv dwindling awav. Our sturdv!
Republicans cannot tc bamltozled
by the sptrial pleading of cither of
tliOM journals iu
treachery to party.
vindication of its
Hartley, the Democratic caudi-
date for Auditor General, was known
throughout the whole a friend
to the rcltcl cause. He sympathized
with it, and on every occasion took
! pains to let it Ik- heard of all men that
he wished the South to succeed. He
I was 80 (M,t "V,i'n iu llis treason that j exception they are all former Deimv
!(!on - rl'un arrested him for giving jerats, who have thus got half-way
--, f-- ' - Yet! toward the Republican fold. We
t 1 . 1 , t i
they do it with the knowledge that,
while the soldiers of Pennsylvania i
were fighting to save the L nion from
destruction, this man remained at
home using what influence he pos
sessed in In-half of the rebellion ?
This of itself was a commendation to I
the Democratic Convention hence his
Gov. Vance, of North Carolina,
made a Democratic Greeley speech,
at Wilson, in that State, a few davs
Tr . , ,.. .. :
since. He illustrated his position by
a story of an old preacher into whose j
hvmn-liook a mischievous boy had
pasted the old song:
Ctl.l U rime iilcail;
Tlmt (TiBid Mmiiii.
We IK-Vr fluill ik hiinionre.
On ojieuiug his Wok, one day lie
fore a sermon, his eyes fell on this
hviun. He read the first verse and
stopped with
uqirise. He wiped
I.; n...i r..n.i it Un.;r. o ,i
sa.u jjrcuircn, i nave ieen
out of this ImmiL for forty
y'ars ; I
I have never reeogu:r.ed this as a hvinn
Lx'for-; but it's her., and I ain't
a,,win,l t0 ?0 ba,.k on 'my l)0ok B0W
P0 j,iease raise the tune
ann wp II
sing him through if it kills us.
the Democracy of this county have
iH cur;.j,lfr Gueei.ev as a iM.Iitical
and IM.rnal ,llism.ant for the last
I . . .
fortv vcars, but when Coffroth comes
home from the Baltimore Convention
and puts him in their hymn-book,
they'll try to sing him through if it
k;ils ,,i we sincerely
hope it
Among the many regretted souvc-
n'1 lrtst '" the late fire, was that
" ur "I""u,n
" "u" ,,a" u'"i"v lu u" ,ul
which of the two nominations be-
stowcS tiH.n him bv the Sute Con- 'uUfr profit for hiniKlf." How
i ...-H i V it..n.-t were the people profited bv his Sena
veution be will decline, lie cannot . . , Jf. . . . . ...
. torinl nr AI nuteriul fi.rin ' It u n rv
--..L 4li, clwl;t,i.
, congress at tliesametime. ne must hi ti iinusen; ior ins uuocrnaiori
alternative, and .r .. . , ., '.Iiw.-,,,.!,! u .. .iM1 ..
tiiiifi at itAkir kito i iio2 trt iTWrm tr
I Itutit.?.. Anil If lm liint luirft n an!
r..n3 .. :ii t,;.,i-
. ) lllUkvi: l vinm p pmiih' iuir iii unua
'at ,lp P'h
v trying to retain all
The friends of Hon. P. C. Shan
non, of Pittsburgh, urge his selection
as a candidate for Congressman at
,ar?c ;n of iVn Wllit0 WUOi it
i is undersWiod. will decline.
No lxt-
'ter selectiou could lie made, and if
! Hon. W. W. Ketciia.m will, as it is
rumired, accept the other nomination,
wc w ill have a trio of brilliant and
.hie sjK akers to lead our campaign, j
With Toi, Ketciia.m and Shannon j
the partv will have matchless ad vo-j
Catc on the stump and the State able 1
. . . ;
representatives ,n the next Congress, j
Governob Parker, of New Jersey, !
has declined the Labor Reform nonv'the monkeys are now loose in the
ination for Vice President It took j
Davis and Parker just four and a'
half months to make un their minds.
di .1 ... ... . . :
doubtless, lt is very gratifvinjr to i
,. ' .
the world at large to know that they
have finally arrived at a decision
Vice la humbug!
. Feklino assured that (Jreelet
will be nominated at lialtiniore the
Tribune has deliberately stepped
j down into the wallow of locofocoism.
There is no journal that comes to us,
containing more baseless, malicious,
and contemptible vilification of the
President, the administration, and the
last Congress than does the daily
Trillion'. A more glaring example
ofthe effects of bad company was
never witnessed.
The World after stoutly
tinr the nomination of ircclcy at
Baltimore as one not fit to !e made,
at last succumbs to the inevitable,
and accepts the situation. Ere the
the month is out, it will be advoca-
itin"- the election of Doctor Greeley
as the only hope of salvation for the
country, and when he is bcutcn aud
litoliticallv killed, will swear "this is
none of our funeral."
We hear of a few Democratic mut- j
tcrings about Hon. Alex
going to Baltimore
nartv to Greeley.
to s ll out the
Pshaw ! when
I the entire creed of the party was con
jcentrated in the phrase " d n a nig-
I ger," he voted for emancipation, came
fro Washin?toni f0ollv lmt.
d Wsc j. . '
jrt.wlic HJ(.kot ttdhascver since had
them there readv for delivery.
sew daily paper, styled the Ex-
0J1IT( has been started at Lancaster,
in this State, by Messrs. Hicst end k
eastern Jtortion of the State,
prosper !
May it
The Democratic organ in Yook-
HEES' district, the Terre Haute Jour-
nnh anuounees that under no circuni
; stances will it support Greeley. The
! Scvinour (Ind.) Vemoerut savs the
same thing. So-docs Voorhees. and
' M jrt thousands t,f Ib niocrats in In
diana. And they mean what they
Wk have half a dozen staunch
Grecleyites in our town, but without
Baltimore to vote for the nomination
. irii, . ... .
' '.
Aire li re, ne wants tne uovernment
reformed. Think of the Democracy
of this State being taught political
morality by those model reformers
Alex. McClvre and Alex. Cof
frotii. Burkalrw la a Sw Bale.
The Hearer PaJical says : With a
sort of "Big Injin Me" complacency
Mr- Buckajew iu his Harrisburg
speech on v hursdav night, said :
Gextlemen . t atcd the posi-
tion of candidate 1efore the jeoplc
for the office of Governor of this State
Itocausc I was convinced that men
; holding tny opinions, my views upon
' public affairs, were necessary iu the
State government I mean men who
go into public life without any inten
tion of making profit for themselve.
Taking Mr. Buckalew at his word
j he has not gone into public life to
' ma Kc a, proii t lor tnmscit two terms
Vn nsvl vania
:u . r v.
j iviiuu-, viie in in me v. o. rciiuic,
UI1( four years as M iiiistor to Ecuador,
j in all twenty vears steady sucking at
j the public teat and solely for the
; public .encfit. Twenty years of puli-
hn -r tu mil,!;. i.,i..nv i.o r-
i nun i .ftv rutiiv ii.viii liar? .ill,
: Buckalew received without anv inten-
tion of making profit for himself. He
, 1,ow Irlos-s to liimseir three more
j;V.earrt 'f I,",,,ic
thtjusand dollars more of the public
money without anv intention of mak-
: ins ttrofit for himself. Such unselfish
devotion to the public weal a delil
erate surrender of a whole lifetime to
lucrative office is rare to witness in
these degenerate days. Mr. Bucka
h w's "intentions" are of a sort that
hell is paved with they never come
to fruition
for of the twenty years
0f office of this old public functionary,
1 1 : . c. i r... i. .ir n : i
:,;,oo in gold ,t unnum as Minister
tiu iiium mi iiiiiisuii. lit inriuu
e.iauor ior lour yearsiju,oou
more in all "not fctr the puriKtse of
. r "v
j l.kely that tl.e ?1;,000 I'ennsyivauia
j will have to pay bin, (not for any
. - - ... j " v . . u ..o
neu rjnui. .inn iiieii hut nrsl o.
it is that to get the $15,000, Bucka
lew, whom The L'adiral has been
flaunting as a statesman of a taller
stature than the common herd, a sort
of Son of Anuk, among Pennsylvania
politicians, is getting down very near
the level of the common demagogue.
Alas, for Buckalew!
m i:iukbie WIECHEB.
Maakrj'n, Llaaa aa4 Tlgern Loe la
the Wad.
New Haven Conn., July 4. .John
Robinson's circus met with a serious
1 awtjltiit ai W'frtzi 11a t'nn tliT j mnrn.
injr While going under a bridge at
West Haven the bridge ecttledand
the menagerie cages on the platform
fars , n ,Six ca, y?re
knocked off and broken up. The lion
and but won-noon se-
cured. A cage containing fifty mon-
tevs was among those wrecked. All
wood. Loss estimated at f 10,000.
1 M'" 'll 01 anncusuurg,
t I Ull&llll WUUI V. SIAl -VIK 111 J -! B V1U
Jt ' i
and having but one arm, and that his
U ft one ,-has been cuttinir three and a
r.i i: i ..:.. ....-.,
half cords of wood per day for sever
al weeks past.
Tl.r. f.illnwitur is from tin editor of
i the Chicago Tribune, now the lead-
in? Greeley organ 01 tne n
niM-rfeet a duirucrrcotyiH' of (jruclcy
as ever was drawn of any mau living
or dead :
Horace Greeley is not now, and
never has been, a man who ought to
bo trusted with an official position re
quiring practical wisdom, ordinary
statesmanship, or firm, consistent ae-
' io ,or twentv-five rears he has
! iiecti a marplot iu council, an iinrci.u
lile commander in action, a misan
thrope in victory, and a riotous dis-
J organizer in defeat.
lle lias always
j leen fanatical in his demands for the
extremest nieastires, and wlieij the
party has reached the eve of triumph,
invariably thrusts himself forward ns
a negotiator of terms of f urrender to
the enemy. His course during the
war was but a rrctitiou of his cour.-o
in jHjlitics. In I8(I, he was an open
defender of secession ; he changed to
a vigorous champion of the war, and
thereafter was forever recklesslr ma-
!losa s lor pearo aim as recK-
lessiy wunurawing tnem making
war in ppitc of Mars, and negotiating
in spite of Minerva.
For twenty years he has Itecn an
uncompromising advocate for a square
fight with the pro-slavery party, aud
when that kind of a fight was forced
uiKtn the Republicans, in 1800, he was
here in Chicago, voting not for Lin
coln, nor for Chase, but for old Ed
ward Bates, of Missouri, one of the
fossils of the slave party. lie was
the associate and co-laborer of that
other impracticable and unreliable
squad the Blair family. The country
at this time wants no inspired harle-
quins iu the national councils.
lowtoin wliicu ought to m equal
in jhiiui o. .u.iuence, jtowcr auu uig
uity to that of six average Senators
and if the Republicans of New York
want to do something for him, let
them make hint State Prison Insjtec
tor, or even Governor ; anything that
will not make the outside of the State
responsible for his follies."
The New York Tribune of the 2d
says: The nunilter fo expedients de
vised for protection and relief from
the heat has given the street? a for
eign asjH-ct. Suits of white linen
or gauzelike cloth form a. sea, in
which dark and heavier dresses are
the rarest specks. Even the jaunty
costumes which are usually worn at
ordinary summer heat have necessar-
ilv Im'ch sacrificed for less elegant and
more comfortable material.
At 3 p. m., yesterday, the ther
mometer again ranged at 99 degrees
at 9 A. M. it marked 97 degrees, and
at 5 p. m. 91 degrees. Several times
during the afternoon promising
rinll,i4 a(.(i n.-er the citr and an
f louus passi i o cr tne city .ana an
ticipations of a refreshing storm were
stimulated, but no moisture fell to
cool the heated pavement or clear the
atmosphere. Cases of sunstroke to
men and horses multiplied, and street
car travel was somewhat seriously
impeded. At various points of the
line each of the railroad companies
had several reserve teams to substi
tute for others that miht be injured.
Urchins tempted wayfarers with
dusty ice-water at "a penny a glass"
served in jagged cups, and a legion
of newsboys and shoeblacks tempor
arily retired from their regular voca
tions to ply a more lucrative trade in
The terrible result of the heat may
licst be judged from the statement
that nearly seventy persons died yes
terday from sunstroke, and a projKir
tionately large number were injured.
In several cases men being exjiosed
to the fierce rays of the sun were
compelled to suspend work.
Laac Braark Rwn-LaacTell
law Bata
llarrjr Brnift EaallT
Long Branch, July 2. The great
race of the day was for the Mon
moutWcup, a dash of two and a half
miles, which had twelve nominations
of fifty dollars each, play or pay, add
ed to a purse of $1,500, and second
to receive $300 and the third $150 out
of the stakes. At the sale of pools
Basset braught $1,800 and Longfel
low $1,000." Subsequently Bassett
brought $2,000 and Longfellow $1,200.
When the liell was rung for Harry
Bassett and Longfellow to make their
appearance a yell was given by the
crowd that might have been heard to
the sea. Great impatience was mani
fested by the multitude until .the
horses were brought on the track.
When they came they were hailed
with louder shouts than before, and
every person seemed wild with excite
ment. Longfellow was the first to
make an apearance, and the immense
crowd hemmed him in on the quarter
stretch. He was soon mounted, and
as he cantered up past the stand, he
received another unearthly screech.
Harry Bassett did not keep the eo
ple waiting long Uforc he made his
appearance, and then another burst of
applause greeted him. Both of the
champions looked in the finest possi
ble condition. Longfellow took a pre
liminary canter down the stretch and
then came up ready for action. The
Kentuckians seemed in testacy, but
not more jubilant than the backers of
Bassett, when he galloped up to the
Club house and round the upper turn
to the half mile pole, the places
where the horses had to begin their
journey. Liongtcilow went down the
stretch and around the way to the
starting jwint When the horses
reached the starting jniint very little
time was spent in getting ready, and
in a few moments the flag fell with
Harry Bassett altout t vo lengths in
front of Longfellow. The big horse
soon took sides w ith him and they
ran yoked to the three-quarter pole;
then entered the home stretch , with
their heads together, Basset on the
inside, he having won the jiole before
the start. The first quarter of a mile
was run in twenty-six and three-quarter
seconds. Coming up the home
stretch Longfellow's jockey was pul
ling his horse with all his might, Har
ry Bassett seemed to lie running un
der a free rein. They passed the
stand with their heads parallel, mak
ing the half mile in 511 seconds.
The inside position gavehalf a length
the advantage to Bassett, but when
they were at the quarter pole there
was no apparent difference between
them. The time at this point M as
1:1 8 Going down the back stretch
they were yoked, running side to side
to the half mile pole. This finished
the full mile between them and they
had made the distance in 1:44. .Leav
ing there the pace was kept up, and
they rattled round the lower turn
head and head, Longfellow being
pulled up hard all the time by . Har
per's darkey. They reached three
quarter so evenly together that it was
impossible to distinguish the differ
ence between them. . The mile and a
quarter had been made in 2: 10 J, and
as the horses dashed up the home
stretch the pace 'seemed' to lie very
much accelerated. . When Hearing
the stand at the finish of the mile ami
a holf Longfellow was given his
head and in an instant he was a length
ahead of Bassett 'and then such a
shout went up us was never heard be
fore iu Monmouth county. The time
of the mile and a half was 2:3J.
Leaving , law, Jlowe, t ho jockey of
Bassett, discovering the roguish
blood of idd Boston ami his descend
ants was liegiuning'to show itself, ap
plied the whip to f.ii-cc the 'horse
along, when 'the villain sulked badly
and fell behind. The race was now
practically over. Longfellow opened
a gap of half .a dozen lengths on the
upcr turn, and as . he passed the
quarter pole the mile and three-quarters
was made in 3:07 Longfellow
was then taken in hand, while Bus-ctt
was whipped sharply all the way;
along. At the half-mile jxjle Long-!
fellow was a dozen lengths ahead.
The time of the two miles 3:;i;.
Kentucky's champion had nothing af
terwards to do but to gallop leisurely
home, which he did to the great de
light of all his hackcrs,and particular
ly to the Kentuckians, who had fol
lowed Longfellow and had bet their
bottom dollar on his winning the race.
The two and a quarter miles' race
was made in 4:0c1, ami Longfellow
cantered home nearly two hundred
yards ahead of Bassett, making the
two miles and half in 4:34. It does
not seem to us that he is beatable.
His owner, Mr. Harper, is so well
pleased with him now that he de
clines selling him at all, and intends
taking him back to Kentucky after his
engagements iu the North ami breed
Fir at tbe Works af the Atwairr Com
pany, laMarkCanaty.OUItf F.lrvea
Miners Burne4 ta Death.
Limaville, Ohio, July 5. Yes
terday afternoon alstut 1:30 v. m.. in
telligence reached here that the slope
of Atwater Coal Company, two and
a half miles north east of this place
was on fire and ten men in the mine.
The exciemcnt became very great;
fiie citizens dropicd everything ami
rushed to the place of danger. The
fire which had gained considerable
headway by that time, was burning
furiously, and not withstanding every
thing was done that human skill could
devise to arrest its progress, all efforts
to extinguish or smother it out proved
futile. The miners lieing apprised of
their situation at once rushed to the
mouth of the slope, but only a few
made good their escape. The re-
mainder are supposed to have Buffo -
cated. Finding that it was imiiossi -
ble to effect an entrance through the
mouth of the slojie, it was determin
ed to drill a hole dowu in the back
part of a mine, iu order, if possible
that any of tl.e men tni'Mit lie living
it would afford relief. Work was
commenced, and by two o'clock this
morning the hole was completed, but
no indication of life, was iK-re-ptil.le.
At the completion of this drill-hole it
was decided to sink a shaft five feet
square, which has been worked
w hboui cessation e er since, j uis
morning tne 1 ixrnix rire company.
from Ravenna, came down ami play
ed on the fire for some time without
apparently accomplishing much good,
but finally succeeded in nearly put
ting it out. The origin of the fire, it
seems, was a stove or furnace used at
the bottom of the slope for the pur
pose of removing foul air. By some
means unknown, to any, the timbers
took fire. The company is severely
censured for neglecting to sink a shaft
through which the miners could re
treat in case of emergency. It will
be a heavy financial loss to the com
pany, and it is feared will have a ten
dency to intimidate them in extending
this new enterprise as anticipated.
This has Wen a sorrowful fourth of
July to the jieojile of this part of the
country and altogether one of the
greatest calamities that ever occurcd
in our midst Thousands of persons
arc at the scene and the greatest ex
citement prevails. John TL Hutch
ing, Esq., is on the ground doing all
he can to cxjieditc work.
Later. The fire has ceased. Sev
en bodies have already been removed,
which arc so badly burned as scarce
ly to bear recognition. Three men and
a boy are in yet. No hopes are en
tertained that they will be taken out
C'aal Oil Paarra Over a Child's (loth
lac f hra net an fire Drata Re
salts Tha rieads Escape.
Cleveland, O., July 3, Two
hutchers of Hoy a Ron, a small vil
lage near Cleveland, having a grudge
against a farmer unmcd Conrad
Schweitzer.livingin Parma township,
seven miles from this city, went to
Schweitzer's house last Saturday,
where they found no one at home ex
cept a child ahout nine years old,
named Betty Walter.a granddaughter
of Schwitzer. Seizing the child thev
poured coal oil on her clothes and set
them on fire. The cries of the child
Drought the grandmother to the house,
hut the little girl was so badly burned
that she died iu a few hours. Before
her death, however, she told who the
fiends where who committed the ter
rible act. One man was arrested for
the crime, but the evidence not lieing
sufficient he was discharged.
The New York Evening V. is
not satisfied with either .Presidential
candidate, but, like the Nation, re
gards Grant as the safest choice for
all honest-minded Lils-ral Republi
cans. Of the aims of his opponents
it gives this vigorous summary, which
is not bad, coining from one of the
most influential promoters of the Cin
cinnati movement ia the country :
"The Democrat picked up Oreeley
and cheated the Cincinnati Conven
tion out of all the senses they jios
sessed. They relied upon the supjio
sition of his popularity there, aud
there were never so many men, in so
short a space of time, made fools of
before. They mean to play that lit
tle game over again with the whole
Ar,i..4- lnui:..A ...Ll. 4l, n...m.l
, iiuiiu mm wit" mi;
of a notorious name they will cheat
enough Republicans into putting
them into power, with a President
whom they think they can manage, I
and a Congress which, in the confu-
sion, they mean to make their own. ;
This is the precious scheme to which
ome siiort-sighted reformers are
ing themselves, and to which, it is
htuK-d, Republicans will bo a party.
Should it unhappily lie successful, it
will fasten the Democratic party of
the war ujion the country for the next
dozen years, if not for the rest of this
century. Is the country prepared to
submit to that dispensation f "
"Any body to beat Grant, as a I
political slogan, seems to be growing
fainter and faiuter. .
, The . Lafayette (Ind.) Courier
says a gentleman of that city makes
his wife a present of a one thousand
dollar bond every time she presents
him with a son or daughter. This
little freak paternal regard costs him
ahout a thousand a vcar.
. The lielleonte Pejmblieait re
marks : Hartley, the Democratic nom
inee for Auditor General, was so bit
ter a copperhead during the war,
that he left the .Methodist church be
cause the minister riiycd that success
might crown the Union arms, and the
Government 1' preserved from disso
lution. Aridy Johiisoii anuounees that he
will again "swing around the circle"
for Mr. GrecW and himself. We
gratulate Mr. Greeley upon this
important acquisition. He is rallying
an unrivalled company of recruits
A inly Johnson, the political traitor ;
Jeff. Davis, the national traitor; Ad
miral Semmes, the pirate ; (Jen.
Beauregard, the inventor of the cry of
"beauty and booty;" Winans, the
corruptionist ; 'Andrews, the rioter;
Cochrane, the dead beat ; A oods, the
gambler ; Morrisscy, the sporting man
et id umne (lenn all "that crowd."
Albany Erenimj Journal. j
The Harrisburg Journal says:
"Blester Clymer backs down. He!
shrinks from the task of carrying soi
heavy a load as the Democratic State
ticket, and is uot disposed to be used
bv Mr. Buckalew in anv of his private
quarrels with Mr. Wallace. For these ;
reasons, doubtless, Mr. Clviner de-l
dines to act us Chairman of the !
Democratic State Central Committee,
and in the dilemma produced by his
retirement from a hojielcss campaign I
for tl.e Democracy, the managers of;
that party did the next best thing
they could to keep Mr. Wallace from
the front, namely, appoint Sam. Ran-j
dull, of Philadelphia, to fill the vacan
cy, which brings Alderman M 'Mullen
and his bullot-box stuffers into full re
cognition. Randall's appointment as
Chairman of the Democritic State
Central Committee, is the evidence
that the effort to carry Pennsylvania
for Buckalew is to lie made as dirty
and desperate as possible."
Secretary Boutwell, who was just
returned to Washington from Massa
chusetts, gives as his impression of the
political situation in the East, after
talking with many shrewd politicians
that Generai Grant's majority will be
greater than it was four years ago.
The Democrats are demoralized over
the Greeley movement and many will
vote for Grant in preference. While
in New York, Mr. Boutwell couversetl
with many influential men, bankers,
merchants, lawyers and others, and
all agreed that the State would give
Grant a large majority, anil there is
i every prospect that the city will also
j he carried against Greeley. Reports
' received in Washington from other
l States are equally encouraging.
rrom .Missouri assurance is given
that the State is sure for Grant by
twenty thousand. The National Re
publican Executive Committee feel
confident that, with the endorsement
1 of Greeley by the Baltimore Conven-'
'tion, the successof Grant and Wilson
; 's assured.
j A Xtw york corn,s,Mmdt.Ilt of the
, Augusta (Ga.) Sentinel pathetically ,
j oxciajms . lf wo could not stand
1 another defeat under our own banner, 1
, totif Jlow are wc g(ing tl) stan1 ,
a aterloowith Greeley for a leader:
The Wooster, (O.) Republican j
sums up Dr. Greeley's virtues as fol
lows : "Horace Greeley is a Univcr- (
salist, a Unitarian, a materialist, an 1
alarmist, a Fouric rist, a socialist, a !
secessionist, a vegetarian, a dreamer, ;
a theorist, a sophist, a radical, and ;
rabid rationalist, who strides up the j
gangway of every modern, monstrous
heresy, and with one foot on the Bible j
arid the other in the Presidential '
stirrup, revels in metropolitan mutton :
and swears at everybody." t
A Democratic correspondent of the i
Detroit Free Pre gives the follow-,
ing cogent reasons why he shall not'
vote for Greeley : ,
1. Upon the occasion of a slight i
difference of opinion betweeu myj
party ami H. G., he said I was a!
damned liar. i
2. He said I was a horse thief.
3. He saitl I was a rascal and jier- j
jured villain.
4. He said I was a slum. !
5. He said I was a poisonous rep- j
C. He said 1 was a traitor.
7. He said my "affinities" were all
bad (not female).
8. He said it would be the ruin, of
the country if my party ever got any
power iu it
Kailraad (olllalaa la laws
.Ufa billed.
Cehar Kapids, Iowa, July 3. A
fearful accident occurred on the Chi
cago and Northwestern Railway yes-!
terday afternoon one mile east of;
Belle Plain. A freight train ran in- j
to a construction train and telescoped 1
the caboose of the latter train, killing
one man almost instantly and mor-1
tajly wounding six others, four of the i
wounded have since died. The oth-1
er two cannot live. '.
A Waniaa;Klll ay Das;s.
The Pocahontas, Ark., Courier re-,
ports the following horrible catastro-i
phe : About a week ago a widow j
woman named (ioens was passing)
Xewton iloorc's house, seven or eight j
miles west or Y alnut Jim, wnen sue
was attacked by a pack of dogs ami
littcrally torn to pieces. She lived
but a few hours, when death relieved
her mangled form of its excruciating
At the time Mrs. (oens passed
Moore's house no human being was
there, hence it is not known how long
the fearful struggle lasted between
her ami the blood-thirsty brutes ; yet,
from the numlier of hounds kept by
Moore (and it is thought the whole
pack attacked her), it is reasonable to
siipprgj they were not long in render
ing her helpless, paralyzed, as she
must have been, from fear, even be
fore her physical sufferings reduced
her to insensibility
Since tho above another individual
was attacked, but escaped after a des
perate struggle with tho same pack.
The Courier naively remarks that
Mooro has since agreed to keep his
'die's tied UP
j (
I BratalTreatDaeataraFenaleMlsklaa.
j;T; Lous, July 1. Tho Kansas
city Time of the 20th ult., says that
'isV Amanda Barber, who married
leaa-iSouttttinff Bear." a Brule chief, at
Washington, in 18C", and went to
Dacota Territory with her husband
as a missionary, arrived in that city
on the steamer Fontenclle, from Fort
Benton, on Friday last, after spend
ing three years with the Sioux, suff
ering gross indignities and being
compelled to perform the most menial
She attempted to escape, but was
recaptured and beaten nearly to death
by her husband, and then sold to the
Cheyenne chief for three ponies. She
was taken north in 1870, and re
mained with the Chevenes till this
: ...i i -vl
tii ing. . liru Mil i-mui'i-i! it; a mi
Benton. Miss Barber left Kansas City
on Fridap for her home at Milford,
Aa Item For Krformer.
The Washington Chnm'uol wavs :
From an official letter sent by the
Secretary of the Treasury to a bank
ing house in Europe we learn that
the per cent, of losses to the Govern
ment in the collection of internal rev
enue since March 3, lSG'J, has been
less than one-fiftieth of one per cent,
of the amount collected, or less than
two dollars in ten thousand dollars.
In the collection of customs for the
same time the loss has lieen $28,000
out of $".r.3,000, 000, or the tint; two
hundredth part of one per cent, or
something less than live dollars in ev
ery tine hundred thousand,
The loss to depositors through our
national banking system has lieen the
one hundred ami eighty-sixth part of
one jiercent., equivalent to five dol
lars ami thre-cights of a dollar in ev
ery out! hundred thousand.
Tbe money entries on the books of
the United States Treasurer, covering
time from June 30, 1 SGI, to January
!, 1872, show the handsome sum of
liny-five thousand millions dollars,
but of this vast amount the loss has
been about fifty-five thousand dollars,
or less than one ten-thousandth part
of one per cent., or less than one dol
lar in one million of money transac
tions. How is this for reform ? Could hon
est Horace improve the service to
make it more honest f Could his
friend ami right hand supporter in
Tammany, Bill Tweed, show a better
financial exhibit if he had the finger-,
ing of public funds ? Who will give
us an official statement of the pcrj
cent, of losses in New York underthe
control of Tweed Sc Co.
Two .Hen Altark a Pallee OUirrr
Ilotb Fatally Kltot.
CmcAtio, July 4. V bloody affair
oceured in the North Division this
evening. John McNnmara, Hying
near the corner of Illinois and Mar
ket streets, was drunk, and amusing
himself by kicking out windows anil
beating his wife. Two jiolicemen
went to the house and ordered him to
be quiet. He ceased operations
while the officers were present, but
shortly after they left again com
menced to abuse his wife. Officer
Cronan had not gone out of hearing,
and immediately returned, and, enter
ing the house, warned McNarma that
unless he stopped his disturbance he
wtiuld arrest him. McNarma at this
got liet'veeii the officer anil the door,
which he closed, ami then attacked
Cronan and endeavored to get his club
While the tw were struggling, John
Keller, a friend of McNaiuara's,can.e
in and also attacked Cronan. The
officer finding himself about to lie
overjKiwered drew his revolver ami
fired at McNamara, the ball going
through the upper part of his shoulder
and striking Kelley just over the eye,
inflicting a would which will proba
bly prove fatal. Cronan then tired a
second shot, which pierced McNam
ara's heart, killing him almost in
stantly. The affair created intense
excitement in the neighliorhood, and
a crowd stion gathered to Lynch
Cronan. He made his escape, how
ever, and is now under arrest at the
Itciuorrats for Grant.
The New York Standard of yester
day has the following :
-1 Pwcerful Organization forwed
Lad Ikiglif President )l tee tcant
to Pet $5,000 on President Grant'
A grand Democratic Campaign
club was organized last night in the
Twenty-second ward, at Xo. 315
West Forty-third street, composed of
150 Democrats, who have agreed to
supjiort President Grant in prefer
ence to any other candidate for the
The officers arc : II. AV. Wice,
president; D Kempner and B. Levy,
vice presidents ; P. Lydecker, treas
urer ; J. H. Jones, corresponding Sec
retary ; W. Lydecker, sergeant-at-arms.
The club is about to engage large
rooms, and the names of Democrats
will only lie received, who will pledge
themselves to support Grant, the
people's candidate. The President of
the club offers to bet and deposit in
any bank that may lie mutually
named that Grnat will lie reelected
The Wheat rap la uiOVreat Keelions
af flae 4'oaatrjr.
The June report of the deparment
of agriculture contains fuller informa
tion of the wheat crop than any previ
ous one. The summary of the condition
of the wheat crop is based on rojiorts
fron 903 counties, of which 190 indi
cate an average condition, 270 above
an average and 434 lielow an average.
Banging from 100, the standard of
medium prospects, down to 10, anil a
few reports down to zero. These 90:
reports include a large area of the
wheat-growing region or the country.
The summary of area shows a re
duction of two percent, from that of
1872. The average of the spring
wheat crop, taking as the standard, is
in New llanipshir, 130; Vermont,
102; Massachusetts,, 95 ; iscon
sin, 19S ; Calaforuia, 170; Kansas,
140; Minnesota, 101 ; Iowa, 106; Ne
braska, 113; Oregon, 107 ;lllinois, 73.
The winter wheat crop is reported
to Won a basis of 100; California,
110 ; Illinois, 101 ; Kansas, f.2 ; Ohio,
88 ; Michigan, 92 ; U est lagin.a,
100 ; Indiana, 94 ; Virginia, 98 ; Mis
souri, 92; Maryland, 100; lVnnsyl
vania,90 ; New York, 98 ; Ken
tucky, 92.
The general aerage condition fur
the entire crop for 17I was 230,000
bushels. As 11 J bushels per acre,
considering 12 bushels an average
yield the acre, the condition of the
present crop on the first week in
June indicated a wheat product in
1872 of 220,000,000 bushels. The
crop in 1809 was about Itt per cent.
alKive an average, and the largest re
corded in ten years, and was returned
by the census "officers at 287,000,000
Terrible We-rk f a Mmlme.
New York, July 5. Mareurett
Elliott of 133 Stanton street, this
niorninr, in a fit of insanity, stran
gled her prown up daughter, Mary
Jane. When the inauiac was arres
ted she was found gibbering on a
chair. Her daughter was found ly
ing in another room with her face
black and her eyes fearfully protruding.
A large numlier of deaths occurred
from sunstroke to-day. The heat has
been intense, the thermometer at
three o'clock this afternoon indicating
ninety iu the shade. A slight show
er isited the city this cveuing, but it
had not the effect of cooling tho at
mosphere to any extent. During the
past week" over 1,000 deaths havo oc
curred from the effect of the heat.
The largest number iu one day, 302,
occurred on tYcdnesdav.
A cm B of ART. When a Medicine
can be found which, when received
into the stomach, ami becomes diges
ted and assimihtti.'d, anil forms por
tion of the blood, ami adds t that
blod the pis-tic properties wli'cl. it
needs, it U the perfection of medical
art. In this way Dr. Kevsf.k's
Llng Ci RK meets the general indica
tions so thoroughly in all cases of
pulmonary disease, and adds to the
blood those elements which the hu
man system needs in its rourst; of
change. The repairs of the !ody are
thus kept up, and at the time
the supplies needful to such reparation
are promptly in their phi'-e.
The old and vn'ii-out feciihi is. re
moved, and whatever f morbid ma
terial is lurking in the bluud is dis
charged or at.titloted.
The principle of cure by Ih. Kev
ser's Ling Cike carrier vv i t li it not
only the sanction of experience, but
also the sanction of science. It has
restored thousands to health who
were hastening to consumptives'
graves. Sold at the Doctor's Gnat
Laltoratory, I'Jl Liberty street, at
$1.50 per bottle, or four bottles fur
An Idaho invalid was ordered by
a physician to take three ounces of
brandy a day, and knowing that 10
drachms make an ounce, haspaticittly
bren taking 4S drinks a day ever since.
2k ew AdrtTlitrineitf-'.
TuriM-rV Slri T i. Stinjyt-rvtk. I;
Tli.iriklnl fur fi! hfi.n. v i.tli r n.n.i.-M
' til Swiuer.-i-t f linty. r UTi
i lie Mlieiii Reap ana M,:get the best;
j The rrat fan-rite with larniiT', whii li lia"
' a-h until. than all i-tliiT.t an a m-11 mk We f
j (it the lnll-iwiiiK iiinifl unit i. men, nr any i.Slurn
who are tiinK II f'r r.'f-ri'ni-r:
I than llershtierifi-r. Klklh-k ti.wnhi.: A. J.
I It.-.. Suiiiiiiit t..ulii.: K.I. Kimmel, Knlhi-rs-i
vail.- t..iii.-hi: Z. Walk. r. .MilL.r.t t..n-l.i-:
! William 11. Ntahl. S.iinr-.l ti-:n-hti: Alex. V.
: Sutt!tni. Jenncr towr..-hii.
The Farmers Favorite Grain Drill.
Tbe only xrlW I tirain 1'nll iu the w..rl I! r.i
noiiiH'ctt i-o l-y
1,000 Practical Farmers.
ll-r. r ... Ia.i-1. Il.-rm r r t..t,.h!K .-...
.l.a.ih. t"WM!.i.: liany ll.i. 1 r.h -
t-ri-vulli-y l-.wn.hi.: m. H.-rm-r. Sutniiitt t..wn-
iliii: S.'Kli.-kinrr. t.lkli.-U t-.wiihhij.: t':ti.t. mi.
Maun-r. tui'tnali.-iiin t..wulit.
Wlth ll -X-vI- nil MbtT fr.w iu U-f. l. r I.Ml t - r
tivlsvr Kopnrntor.
The BKt i-Tf.-l .-M.ratsl Tlirc.-her. flrain S.'ii-
arat-r ami t'k-aaer in thp tate: fn-to tw.itutra ;
ln.r-e i--wt.
Keler t-i l'avl.l I.ivnn. Si.mrrsi't t.iwnliiji: lli-n-!
ry K. im. Klkli. k t..ihi.; Aar.n lliitnrr. Hn.tli- AOH' ii IllC TlIIIC lo Sillier ibe.
j eWvalh-y t..n-l.i : I'eli r lirtK hly. l!r--tlnr-i:il-j
li-y t-.wi,liii.
llnn.SK KAK1.S.
srm.i. raws, .. if.
An.l a I kin.! of the latt-i-t itnnrovisl Fannit. Iin-ph-uieiit.i.
All KiinK l(e pairs on Hand.
No tr ulilc t.i the itrartkiil Wt-rkliJir; o
liny n our marhlm ur t xtve a? rffciviKi th
iut')t ttiirHiifh Inrincr in the cminir.
All iii.ii-liiiH! 4tl hv are w;irrntil. an! tr
erv machintr viLumn t I U irtve Mli-lm-f i.-u.
i!rM s arn.vt.
uiarvhiv. HikIKR at FCRXEY.
OIL cloths,
j Stair Rods, &c, &c.
A Full and Carolullv Selected
UOVAlil), KOSK & CO.,
il Firm AVKXl'K.
j june 1- 7
Constitution of ftisjlviii
Joint Keauluttoa l'ropooinir it it Itl -
railtnoHl ta the 'nntiltilloit oi t't-itn-I
syl vania:
! Bt it Rftoti'nt hy tie Sfnete end otiw vf K'
j rrttntattm of the Corninonttealtk of tthtnylva
! aia la iirileral AiumMo rtu-t. Ttiut the l.!l4iu:x
! amendment oflli 1' .ni-tituti.-n nl tlti I'-utnti-o-!
wealth Iw i-p. - to tV a-i-l- !-r their
' or r 'j -rti.-n. tHir?ti:int In the invi-i.'ii u :tic iiuth
; article' tu wit:
Strike out thv ulith suction !' the ."ixlh art l.h
ol the tViii'tituiloit, ami liii-rt in li.-u tl.insrl the
ti.ll..ine : " V State Tmratvr ftutll t eli.- l-y
tlte iUaiili.--l t-letor o( the Slate, at :u.h finite '
aii.l lf-r ucli lenu 01 m-n if a -hull In- in"--rii'J
bylaw." WILLI VM KM-lo'lT.
Si--akTor flic li.iti-i-of lleprestiitjitivii".
- JA.UKS S. ULTAX. of the S.-n;ile.
Art'ttovKii The I lay 'f Matvh,
Atiuti llnlililil one thou-utr.l ei-.-ht him.ln-l anil .-v-rut)
-two. J M I. W . U K.V U V.
l'lt-jKinil un.l eerlilie.1 6-r puMii-.itlni (.or-u-int
to the Tiut'i Artk-lt-ol' the '..ti.-t ititti.-n.
S.-en-triry of the t'ouiiu.nteaiih. 1
OBiec Sw retarT of the t'uimwuwrulth, )
llnrrifimrL-. June J)lh. ISTi. julS
i 11T IF K7. A l7 T I'KTI I! !
1 ,1. V. YITTZV.
D E N T I S T,
VALE CITY, ShmoHt tV., V.
Artificial Teeth, warraute.1 to I I the very bert
qoalltv. Lite-like and llan-lwiae, Uiserei iu the
bentntvle. Partieiilar attention ttl to the n-!-ervation
of the natural teeth. Those wishing til
eon'ult me by letter, cun Uu by eu losing t-m;.
Atldreix aa jeli-7i
ture of Snincrwt Tnwnlii S-hiol IHtri.-t.
lor the year rmtin- J unt-Unl, l.sTi. Tax rale
uiillfl in the dolkir. ,
Oroa amonnt of iluplU-ate. . . .
LeM Kxonrnitlona
- L'ollector'a cuintniwioua. .
i-iiUi l'.0u
Net amount of tax reoelve.1 3U4.3D
- Aim.ant ot Slate roe'd. T.v.M
lallaiK-e on hand troin lal year lei 7K
From a-lj.-lninic .lii-trteti- aud other aourrett. tw.ssl
Paid fo teat-hem. .C wuu
" for lut-l ami eontlntncien SU.ta
" Si-eretaries talary Vii.uu
for bull.lin B7J.IO)
Total eipemlilun-" 5ST.w
Bal ncg on hand...
June 1
' tr .Idrrrtinf-nfiif.-t.
Km!)1b; Patton & Co.
-irt ihr .iMi jr'TM r.iUy. that th tvm r'
t-nitr;try liiuMin itiniHtlUMr hi frmit of ttw ,
wt-il kiwwu ft.iitlt-'htij'Mjt f KunMe Rait'
mhfTt they :i i rw4jt .f j a
! of .MrHimi'H- hi it . I in lh? Hfl f) pjj
MpM; an-1 i'lticourkh, eouiri.ria! varM.,1
noriiiM nt o
Fancy Drcs: Good:
Sliilc:tnl I'jiiicj
Notions, Ribbons,
II A 1! ll W A k K, Wl Kill A Ml W II.M IW W A h f;
til. ISS.
I'atnr S.ilt an I S ,lt In lurn-W at wh..l.-.. ...
iiiwtly .li. ir tl.-.citinui-. iMtpj,-,,,. ,
.ur t.r:ii-r In. n-; in, I n l tli,.
"in rally. It ia ..ur lnl. iiu.,n ... a.1.1 .Imly ,, "'"
'alrc lara un.l mMMt rk. sn.1 in a i.
timet., I , re-i-tal.l:.-iie.l that .ur t.,r ia
t-.l-.n-. -luil I l- kiHmn an Iiim.1 rtntn: Uit if... ,
, t'lii-aii -Mj-in i4 every -!triH.-rirfli4i.
j one li
fiir tiik:iii-:ai'i:st!
The Somerset Herald.
' w, wi . , ,,,f u fr,.m ,,. s, ,., Ju;.
; , jt u. h.Mi ll r.l.,-i-m. t.. anv a.i
,r,.jg w,r j .
To KnHi Sn!Hrilkr.
A a. I t lufr if TVn r more, tu One Aiot:ti. f.-r
Forty-Five Cents
To Kaeli JvuIM-riler.
.V..-ie ! ut a.-li ?ui.'ritkc receive.!.
ti S- n l uii.ney l-y letter at rur ri-k.
263 Liberty St., PITTSBURGH. Pa.
A tull an.! Sti-k oi Au. SJn.Tel
11. S.-y:h . Sn:if!.j. Saw. L Hm-
Bfacksmirhs9 & Carpenters' Tools,
Ai. r-r
i:a;m: ru.r. uoitus:
Uunliiv of Kile 1'XSI'RFASSKIV
S K .Ml S A M P L K O U D K K S
A11. I'. M. MEACHLY'S.
ctLtm: atkm
i5I.()C)I3 IH'KCii;!
Thi.J K. -neiltj talwn in i-.r Ter fi-"i.'y
ami ha- rtttvit f l.i-u--:inl ! eat e.-ti-i.:ere-l twu
raMe l v ih'i-fl. lt liu n--t tu-t. -l m '"
tie r..e to aiv miet it iK-t entirely run-.
It i.- .ar:i. iil.irly r-.'i..nien lo I hi the U il- aftiu
' ...tiit.laktit:
t -t i. if PL. 1 IXT. UllEUMA Tlsf.
in any .i-raiit:einent of the HlooJ. In all .li.-a-4 to female it i. a fitre au-l Sopetvij k
. eitf.
In nh-.rt. it tit lnit a Rcmnlf ailing tlirotiijh the
' t 'rniiTfioa of Ike Hlooii on all the ini runt -r
1 lian.- an I emunetorie ol the lio-ly. It will enre a!
I iuiit any i-umhle li.eae.
! Foralvli MKYV.KS k AXAWAI.T. lUriin.
I'.i.. ar. 1 l v tlealern iu r'alulK ;leikinen evir;
I to re. ' July i :i
CTHl AXII 1! KAIL title of the in-atejt a.lvan
ti tiiS'" i itlereil ill Tenneaswe an.l Kin
tueky LiikIk. wliiih liafp l-een m-l.vte.1 h tl.e
I l-rr-H-nt o nr with i-eial rare a.i to health. -n-;
iliii-ttvenei-t of . 11. e.nrenieti-e of railn-ail an-l
. river fcieilitien. an.l a thorough eaniina!i- n m ti
lie. The. 1jiii-1 are if -m at very l-
iri.i . toeruil-le every in-iu.-'trioiuiiiKin to live -ter
Ul own ine an-l 11k tr-e," an-l t" e;iita!l-:i- J
verr pp-maMe ii: estnient. Y-r tull jnirluiiiar'.
' a.l.ire.-. or rail at the ottt.-e of 4'. Unuii.iiu. 114
Sii.iti.iu 1-1 ntnt-l, lttt' tiRjh.
;A1I23 r- EZED CO..
fatcte, Clocis and Jewelry,
No. 63 Fifth Avenue,
&! TTtf 15 UlU; II. IM.
Agents Wanted
' Wherv-vrr the FUlKKXfF. Miwliim- ha. he"
lntn;u v.l. it l.iu met with the sreste.-'t ""''''
It is the otilv miiehine tuukinir t.Hirditlerent
e. hii I hat i'nif the Ki-veribie Fee.1. The M""r
ery la rlW 1. an.l the motion. ikitive. It
li-iht, an.l v.-rv lat. an I or ' '
rw. The HemnK-r will turn wl.le or
i hewn, and fella heautitullr. All att.'htet- s
1 with the maehlne.
K. r iiil'..rmati..n apply to or ad.lres
S Sixth Siretfl.
june 1- TL
' 110 Ul-crty Street, IMttrfnnsh. Fa.
atteutioopiid to Ft KNACKS. Vt
vato ItuihlinsfK. 'un '
Englanfl & Binflley