The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, July 03, 1872, Image 3

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The Somerset Herald.
I't-KK tnJorVuM-.wrat ii.ivis .V l-ros-
Tnr.itE will lie a pranil Sunday fVhool
jiic nic in alker s woods, war Mt. Zion
Kclonm-d L'hurvh, nil the 4th f July next.
July 3. !: A iili-asanltiiuc wi'xiKrM. 1 liecoiiimiiii-
;-.rz- - - ' hv U invited to attend. Com.
The Summer term of the Somerset Aead
omv closed on Friday, June StHtU. The
:it "IV.-
nl soda f. u!il;i ins
irc eai'er
( 111 T.NS.
La vrs and Glas ware. "
,,i.. s Prn? Store."
t - -
v.... :. .. . ... ,vi ton a ni
i Mt i v - ,
rtv mUvr.i.'.'ii
tt'os. !;i' ki'tOttske's, rota-1':-.,
it Davis a htf
v A ; 11. ld rlimi have tin Lir
si i uTi best stL-ted st.n-kofpi.Hh.iutowii.
I v n-E !" " Tolwceo, C'iirars, I'lpe.
'A.' ' l'"-'I'l--f l,ui' Sl"ri'"
I, vT r.- .hv.l at IavisA: Ur.. a.l.-n.
V.j U .it tolta.vo A. isrars.
i Knii S.u.i: a larirc slock of liair, tlothi-s.
t.aVtli. nail and .iiit brushes, at
CoVSTitV pnnliKv wanted at the ratn-
v (.nasTy & teed store ol I "
atne liiw Nmi.
. . ii......
ST4TIHM.HT. Knvel"I-.
... ..I. .--.' . 1 r- III I tt':. -
J .! fruit l.y ihe llfA-n or dor. n or
r,illtWrnU-.K-l"''!,A! Hn' ' M"
it a...
Ni4m.ii. rali'"V ti"N. Ill
La Ma
1 T.
Commencement exca-ises consisted of Es
says, llialoirues. Soiiira, Ac. The Scholars
j went throuph their parls inaiuanuerwhieh
reflected credit on themselves nnd their
Uaii.Road A widest. Shortly after teaeher. Miss Alacb. tn is a g.saj. Uiscipli oil.tek yesterday morning. "Engine ! narian and has her hool under perfect
:'. tJ, and CVnnellsvilfe ltuilroad i control. Her mode, of teaeluniT is a new
'ivs train' from l'ittMiiirli due here at j one. and one ieculiar to herself; ir it sue-twoo'tlt-ik,
ran into a land slide three ,' ceeds elsewlivre an it has done heie we
.U::rtrsof a inik' westof Fuirlioin', throw-1 would advise its general adoption. The
in" the eniiine, tender, lsisaaw and j sclimj will again 1 oK'iiwl ou July llth. !
one passen-nT ear dow n the lank a hijrht J --
of twenty feet, blihtly injuriiJK . xhe j,lamp Tarnm ThM Have Bw
Hefner, Ensriuwr. ( harh-s llealev. r ire-1 AboiUbod by onKrw-A Impor
1 man. and liobt. K. Zellaml Harry tverett. ;
of thiseity. pi ninrs. The enirine i a,
IN'i'foet wr--k and the litisrirape and iswn- j For the Wnefit of our rctders we j;ive
.'er curs are UiJIy damaged. The slight here a Ir4 of the stamp taxes that an- to te
fnjurv to life and liuil) is, under the eir-! uN.lishl ly the new tax mid tarilf l.iil,
' cuin-ianees niarvel.His. ' w hieh goes into i ll'cet ou the 1st of t K1oU-r
The sle-)ins car attached ti the train next :
did not leave the track foilunately. CVmtrwm forinsiimiitr against accidental
Cum' rltHit Jhiilg A-ir of Jtilg 1t. ' injurj,.
Ix pursu.inoe of previotii notice a lart'e
audience as.inliled in the Court l(oucon
the TthjMav. 1872. for the pimmsc f vii
'sidin in? the jiropiietv of holiiinj; an agri
cultural l lie ot Mm meeting
was Staled by I:.uac Hjjus, Es , and oil
ho motion C. C". Musnchnan, Kvj., for
mer President of the N iety,
was railed to llic chair. Mr. Mtir liua'n,
on tnkinir tin-, iii;w1c a ury apropri
nte snxh. lVter llettlfv nan s. t
lee PrxVidetit. A. J. Co'l- rn Si-cret.iry,
and John J.' liotlnian Cor rtt Midi n-r Sr
reUiry; (n UKim of Isaac lliius. Em).,
a caiiiuittoc of thirteen wait npsiiiteil to
arrange f ho1din; a county lair. The
chairman npiinted Peter Hetlley, II. II.
CasrliM-r. Josiuh lliiwre. Allen S. Will.
E. M. Schnx'k. kaillTuian, Pan'n I
Aninihtine, J.iah M. Hay. John W. '
Ucachv, Samuel Forney. jutl Miller, j
John Si. lloltlerlauiii and David Tayiiwin '
saul ooinmittee. l:'inarks were made lv
J. 1. It xldy. A. J. ColU.rn. E. M. S hrock,
Ismh' lluiusand Daniel Weyand, Esq.
' J l, . .l Ml III
. .rlMv at l'ts-.le Dru; M..IV,
, rraiit-.l not to rtand tin-. I
S'VI :Tll one fHs aln? ithMit ad
. rtiiii!r- lu'.i a"' V'iv' " "' pilgrim
I UniiT Mt-a oil their knees.
Thi". tif" tv wafliin lip tltc nanti.
L.fiti. ir ii4olwr : a lull line i cih.i.i-
,,r. l-sl 4 lo'rj.xi.ail.l lllliu
Ix.Kot T mil III V. Peter Fry, a no
torious hop: thief, Ix-lonirini; to an oriran
Inks '"a1"' Ixiween Virginia and Pennsyl-
Dni-' vania, nn.l who is suspected if stealing a
'" horv from Simon Utiner, Emj., last tall
and alo for l.urnini Mr. Iliuu r' lrn a
l' w day ait. ws rausht l.y the lioe at
Martin'l.iir. Va.. on the 11th or K'th inst..
bill succeeded in liuikini his CMrape. lie
i dest riU-d as l in; almt 5 leet. W or V
inched in hi'ht, lark hair, dark eye, lare
white teeth, with one t.srth out of
UT jaw : he lml on. when l.irt seen, a
d irk out. lilit slriH-l pants and slouch
hat. Mir evcluinies w ill confer atavi.r by
p i J ii e a dewripti.41 of the villi in. that he
ina Im- brm-ilit to justkf . Ch.iiHUrr'jitrg
All airrccnicnts or contracts, or renewal
of the Minic.
Apprais-nieiit ol vi.lue or damage, or for j in Sprinli
any ther purjxwe.
Assignments ol a lease, monp;'e, H.iu-y
1'avrtte I'onnU I (ruts.
X iw at .!(, luoklui; l-f wmr ww .k. will
mif It It IIipv Ui. is l ! write ! rlpiilrs ol
ll.e In.'t Miiliiit l'k iillihrl. KMrjur liiMrr
liKiut uj.iiU ..llorr.1. f't"t' n llian l ul.
wiry, oiiini tn. A.Wnw, l M. Klll, l.
Lis!il""r--t. New Vurk.
Alt. f. famiwlan !. A'Hr.M, IliHill.
SI'KKl.S KMCIKK I'l 111.ISII.1 Hi.rst.
I"7 lj'rl vnvt-t, .N. " V.s: .n. '1 uiuall. .
At.LMS U.Ti:i-lrtl' UwH
Grant! Greeley!
AVir J.lrcrti'niii'i'fs.
t'jriTKu Sr t . Int. u u. Ki.vcm e, I
Aitt,,;rt Dff.i.t. Uih Vit'l- trnn'a., J.
5. la'.ia. t, Jmim. i'tu, ii7'i.
N.4it- I- ImttI y gir.-n. Hut llic ki.niul ll-t.val-M4ll.4i
nl rnui.rall.4. iim-lr mrl taka lT Ih
Ar-l-lnul Ai--t-ir "I ral'l ti-.iru i. Iih.Iu.Iii; ij'
u luc-'iu. lur lh -a.' K!. Ii .iru UMt: 'l ll.o lirvrunc lur .. .1 l i.ilil
h.w t-o rxaiuiui"! at tti.-tr .- ..j iti- Aw rau l
A").!?!-.!!; A?r?5.'l lu wl 1 U-'ii-t.
Al.l l..l.l h-n sl.rti. lli.l fr-m
I1.C ('r-'W-llliv 1. 1. M 1 . -I.-I4I.I Vc- r 11 111 Ik
rwo.1 ifl .lrl.'r.niaM al ll. lit'-.- -l ll.e MnUT
hitm.1. lu S wis'i, Ir n the s:l lilt tlw 1 II h ul
July Or It.
All a-il nnr n-.iiir t In tw In wrilinir. n t
oiu'l i"ii-ily Hip inniriilirraiif. I inn.
r mi mt Iit.'l. a .l.i-S4i i n'(ii--...l. ail al-
11k- "r ui. l . i.rii ji..- l rr - r 0"in4 ..r.
A . lo:u InSl I't .iii
A if Aili'i'rli rmi'ii! .
Tin: ;i:i:.t
Musical and Gift Ciraival,
ItV !
Dodwcrth's World-Ecnowccd Uand j
t ii I t i!i' l'irv-:l- u ..f I
Ikrcy B. rL-iTrcrtli, of ITcvr A-jti,!
C"UirL-in:! M ini mU r- ;
Al.. lhi-Uuctn..lS..n.Mu. JnM: Vs ZH'T:
1 hp Ji iin-ui In-k..linl t .in ' I'i.iiL-t:
Aialuilipri-nataru'ti-. lila.!li.-f Aia. I!r. !lw
r. n-. ni' 1 1'i.nn l S..I I in
M'lSFi llttiirw. J Mrrff:iiirt.
Fcnton, Tlio inpson & Co.,
617 Chestnlut Street,
IIjc i w iii Su r-, aikl ..i,n. !aity, a Urj
1 AKItO.ll.
Full I'leltl.
July 2
it. Cli n ! iih. lrA
M Fairies, Silt Stalls, 2n!d Scarfs, Whits M, Linens,
N.itu or Asskmv.t. At a m. linz irf the
lbnr.1 .4 IHn--t.s 4 the J..!iiii.iwo l SMM-rrt
f insurance, or anvthin ' else. men were at work in the helds. tln re k--
liillsof t-xcUanze. fun-isrn. inland, letters : cumsl an expl-ion like a clap ol thunder,
of credit, orunythin that kind n.w aocoinwnied l.y crni klin and hissiiiij
j -omuls, causiiii; me enrili lo sliake at Ine
: dlstaiH-e of half a mile. Miss Sarah St vers
: was pnKini; through the field at the time of j
: the explosion, which took phicc w. ilhin j
! thirty l"--t of her, burning the (tmss to cin-
' oer. 1 he place was visited oy hair a score
of melt the same dav and all concur in ftic
Ab.1 the lc:wlini( men uf all partlea. nt 4u Sleel
J'.tral!. Ju-l the l..k ..uU-l l.y the awwi A-.-IlK Bl.s-1 llh ."lrliul MacrrMi.
.-m-u.1 wi - " 1.....1 ...... ,k i jl. .1...- .a I.....
.. lT!t It v.. llutt a m--.m.l a-sfinnt ..f
hill, on the John Stev-! 1 "',l"rK,a' - .. j mm d4lar Iw lal.1 urn tm-h ahare 4 . aalavrilK j
cm lanii. rrscmbim a nunatiire earth KEWKUV's HKMijm.'K oixtmk.NT. lur !L . i",""" . " " J- "'-!
, 4 ... i i, , . . . I ilXT, II iWtMIi III junu.iuwii, uu iii m-iiiiD lira
IIIMH1. IV. .Vl.M II. .U. . , 1.9 II.V
A stranirrphen-.Hiienon nxvntlvoit-iirred ':". ZIKiil.
Spriuclield tow ushiti. on the J-dm Stev-! ,'b"-,u ll'kia'
tasl bv slanim.
IlilU of la.Uiif and receipts in the I'ni
ted Stati-s, or Ut anyw here c!s
Kills of sale of any kind.
Itoiuls t4 indemnification of any kind.
llotid-admiiiUtrator or "iiardian, orativ-
tliin; that ha the name t.f bond in it, and
" 1 . Z " . U?2:'.:Z fijtkkxth dav ok Jt xv, isTi
I'h. iuiKti. utnwle.l In utilninu the I Anil that wuh-c f thi." awment he vlvra i er-,.iurli-inaliHTtiietaiiiediiithe
erv t.kli..liT. . JAS. Mi M II.I.KX.
oil. 1'ilrii and Krsin f the Hum-1 AlteM: I'nri.leut j.n. n-in.
I k Tn. aisl J4aiiie.l a TuluaMe i I'vui a Kl i.kii. Sii-rvtary. Je'J statement. What it was we leave
to sscicntitic men to decide.
Luiulicr ti extensively m:inufa-!ured
1m I:Kii:uK Plnmon Jlate. The fol
low ing circular has l-en isMled bv the act
in? C Hiimisiioiii-rs of Pensions :
l r were not sufiV-n rs bv the fire, we IYr-m. wIia an- alreailr in-nioiisl tin
't .in .4'T a iarr- aim i " (1,.r mr bit oi June, -"., at i iin i ,y ,,r S,y iml.
AC, to me ihihiii- ma" j lairs oi ti l. .T or .., arc eiiuin-i hj an !
' iu t.iwn. C. i Hoi.!'MiaI m. ; a1 jwssitl June, 172, to increaMsl rates,
3 and may s-un-such iucrcaM. without for
5 AllIiNTUix is calhil ti the advert'-- 1 UUi uplu:itiin and w itlnt the interven
.i nt of I- It- Norton, Pittsburgh, in ; ti..n . an attorney ; nor w ill any attorney
i i n.ither n.lnmn. tor the sale of thece Ichra- 1 j,., K. in Mich rnsi-s."
J, ,1 Jcwett OS Oissiniau 'rau-. i . lettiT irotn llie Hlislolier, junslonea ,
now taxed by stamp.
Iln.kers notes.
Certifieatca if im-astireinenl of any-
xiun. , , , ... i . . i and cxisjrted, while iron minini; is nioviii!' of st.a k. pn.nts. lUmae. de. ! . m.r?l.ticilv. guie - ,,,.,,,,. Q
, or any. Mher kind ol c.-rt.t,cat.-s now ; ' rinR - al iUc (.,laroill, u ly stamp. , .iii.rii11iiiiil-Hiir...l f..r sl.ii.i.w..t
CluirUT, or its renewal, or a charter par-1 11
A few .lavs since an engineer running a
All contrails or aiTTC'ineiit. i fra-iarht triin on the It. Plensant branch
i aalaa?
ur t Us(t for i.urumati. roaji,
ileivlncl aoliis- of Kl'liniira Kn-nrwlll !
Si-urT. Son-, t 'lo-rs. ltuiii. ' i e at salu In Ihw l.riuah 4 L'ri
.Mil.". Knt BlU-a. .hillil.iins. S..ini'p;: C..1111IT. J'a.. n Krt.lay. the ltfih .In
- . ..I . 1.....L- i
l llllllf .ti..-i - . ii- . i . .
iir SU.iua. h, I'll.-, Salt l:lieuin, '
t'nlerthe Mam!.:!i T-nt. u-s-l L.'t a.-it l-y
Mr. K T. Karumn L I.U t.i cml.tii-t 1
la inn tl.c Utvri-t ranv uiu lu Ihe 'rt-l l.
Tlini-e is. r! eM-h Iiri ilmilavf, tlio i.rt il:iT
twur-perl.-lilr. Ijr all ttw- clly lm!. July!.!
! 4lh. .U-iri ' n t lu .. it ir.n. an
v. Jnly S:h. I r .i-n at 9 ... an tj r. . I
1 h Ik l.i-t iIjt lue .li.-iril.niH-n all! t.ik i.liv.
This t th Lirvi 'l Uli.!l I'.iniviif
aivrn In New York ttair.
PHIZES, $175,0001
livn t)Tl. kct HiJ.kTi1 wlihoiit any l!e-rre.
These icW' fils tl, n..t V.tla.'.le. lLirr,
Kl. -i.iiit au.l Ca-tljr .riln uu-t 1'Mja rty.
TICK KT l I. Y O .V K DO 1. 1. A It.
e :m: b 1 1 o i r e t x:
I IIm- Si-n fl. i IJ. i
I inKrw tn nil the N t. It
et biarkvC prKir.
! Ni ll.p tr.i.Jp ..y lli
r Itii kli at lae S'W
:' .- "V , . : as atave. Mrvea to this oiu. UH'ir.ui!: n.rtiabW InstmnM-nts.
CA r.skKT pie nic win it pm-ii o - n...-, lls pri-M-ni en.ion (vrtnieate ana trivins
.f our yrtiii!: ixsiple. at CastU-erV Maple j,js jMr,j l!itr address, w ill 1 a sutlieient
Conveyance, any part of the work of! railroad tried to run from Eroadford to
.oiiveyiiis. j C.mnellsville, u dL-lance of two luik-s, on
i Entry lor c.nuiuption, war. liousinj'. or two minutes time. The .-onseiiuence was
w ithdrawal. ; he pitcuetl into the west IsitinU mail train.
(latiiers rettirn-'. i theretiy
Indorsement of any negotiable or not ; many other iH-rsfms. ill dan-rerous ex
penmentinn ever cease 7 It has lonj; since
Itrraot au.l .!l'llf. Kiu!fWirnii. j J ulv
. Iwtinn ami Skin DI.eaMa f In-! tale, via : A tavern Ktaml knwn aa the nature. .has. -t. n..ase. in mi.i i.p..uifn. i ne r...u- .finn;e ai..n.- r ,,,,.,,,.. ,,... . i,...-.
: hiith, hunt lur a h.Kei, the Kroiinn ! iei ip.ui aun - r-
' laufeel l-i. t.Kiethir with a hue l. ol tails an-l
I tHShtlni; ami l irlx-x. A Is., a two story house ami
: lot ol xniuii'l In aiil.1 ImroUKh pleasanlly situ.itait
'i ami in il pi'inlitinii. Term known on day
iotrale. KUKH. KKKAUKK.
June a( AiMiifneepof E. Kn-aer,
Ul I K.N 1 US, Airint.T SUlh Avc Jew York.
FIItST PKEMll'M A5L IXST., 1871. ,
IS.uhle Kli vate.1 1 h en. AVannlnir lct, I!rolIlni
ISN.r. F.-iuler Ounnl. Iiiiiiliiir av Shiiklnit (irate, i
Hiree Kralt. rTI.I-KK, W A Hit KM at t. ., I
Water Street, New York. j
I 1' Tt'RKS of Si-hool llWrlet. for the
No Postponement !
Krcry iMnn ptin-lmflnif mie ticket imhy UtKiue
tlie iirW7.-r ol tlw w worl'l-n iiowuetl jirut ! ;
Tli? Ureal Carnival SJ -in-IIjul.
ati'ITiIlitiifh;ut'iSHciK!il BIimmJ lUyt
foruiLit tlie six tincit lior-wii lu
the world.
The Elegant Landau Coach,
OIL cloths,
Stair Rods, &c., &c.
Full and Carefiillr Sdeelcl Sti-.k.
hwini; his own life and injurin.' i ear cu.1 liur Juncis.a. lai-nue, imii.. u tr,e.ii.
" J : lar of lalruietiiiii.
of J ulv. A plea-iiiiit
' J.'rove, on the 4in
:me is expected.
S.m E of our tow nstnen were most Ix-sti-litiill
hmiihupced one evening of last week,
ivairtie horse ros.' walker. The whole
ailair w as a iH-rfoct farce.
A imioI" pie nie will U- pven on the
(I'll, at Eakcr's Orove on the line of the
f niierset A: Mineral I'.-int U. H., by the
llaptist Siniilay N h.s.I ol tins place.
l'.tsr oualitv of suirars bv lb. cwt..'r
i .rr. 11 i-orap tr .-ash at th The Live liry
t -rv in the tmscmeut .a the n sidi nee of V.
I. ilaer.
InsiiraiHt. isilieies, t.ntr.i-1s tickets, re- been demonstrated that lo.-omotives can ts-
I ncw aK lie, (life, innrine, inland and lire.) j broken, cars shivered, and lmsscni.rcrs kill
I I-ase. All throiisli Ihc lease list isalsil-1 wl. VlAT.
: Uhcd.
oresentation of his claim for the Increase
The certillisite will receive sin h indorse.
ment by this oOiei- as w ill niithone the J pd ihaunienls. AVrit or other prKx-ss,
jiayiiunit of the increased rate, and will ' r.inn of judgment, co.'novit. apjrfs,
then I- forwarded to the pcnion a.'ency wrrulH ,.tl. J. ttcrs ol a.lmiiiitration,
at Lu It tlie s will lie n.nillctl ol ti-stamentiirv etc.
r.EcKirrs. I
ln AmiKint of Ituiillcate 1T::1 67
lsl.i.-t Kaoneruthrtin 7S 2s
" Cull, rtor's eouimitiis Hi VJ 101 2i
such traiisinission.
Ston k Mas. ns have 1 ecn busily en caL'e.1
4,r davs na'-l in cultinc stone for M.
A Sinner's new buildinp, on the site of , The whole of Mr.
The heavy rains of la.-t Monday, the (
24th of June, were the cms., ot an unprec.-- :
dently sudden ric in the small mountain '
streams to the south of town, t'ue or two
of them were iiwollen to the proportions j
of small rivers, and rushed in mighty tor- 1
rents down the mountain deMroyinir '
everything in their way. The Saw Mill
of ItaTed Casi-la-er, was moved sxHiiccilit
or ten inches from its foundation, and tlie
mill dam w as entirely sw ept awny. ljrj;e
amounts of liinilicrw ere carried aw av, and
i- old one.
Wi: a
4 Fjishm
are crislit-lv intonii'M mat a iin,v
iTn catiilalists have ptirchas-d the
mineral sprunrs n-ar Mimmit .Mills,
afi.l eontcmplate bttildin? larLre hotels and
.:ta!ji-s for sumiiier visitors at an early
lars:e amounts of timlier were de-tn.vtsl.
John Kantner's pirden
at the tullin.s null, south ottowu, was
! .U1royer' and the fence swept
;way;a few miles further down on the
. branch roiid. on the farm of Charlie Sn-;
' Her, treat .hi ma ire was done the railroad.'
The whole enilsiiiknieiit for several yards, !
was swept away, so much, in fact, as lode- j
lav tlie running of trains on the road for.
Manifests at Custom House, or anywhere
cl. or for any purjose.
Morlane, of any kind.
I'assaiM ticket, to any place In the world.
Pawners' check.
Power of attorney for any imrisse,
Prolate of will, of any kind.
Pajiinissory note for anything.
Protest of'nnv kind.-
uit cluii'i d'vd.
Hcvipt. Mow jrenemily exempt, and if
included in preM-nt law in any case, will
lie hereafter exempt.
Sheritrs return.
Trust deed.
Warehouse receipt.
Warrant of attorney.
Weigher's return, of any character.
11KTAJN1.II. !
Stonjrrrck IteniN.
Oat 3 crop l.sjks well.
Fine growing weather.
j Mechanics away from home.
j Charlie Shank's loys at Sili-biity Iif-
J ferson Sjianoler's at Somerset.
j A Eitekstown cow attempted to jore a
j woiujin. She didn't succeed.
A Shanksvillu girl found it dilllcttlt to
i walk aller stumping her to.'.
j Jona Eingler, who had his ellaiw dlmo- ny ine kicK ol u plow, is iui;roviii?.
Hopeful farmers are of the opinion that
the heavy rains drowned the grass hopjMTH.
The lightning vact.inated a tree nljout a
mile from Shanksville on last Thursday.
It took and the tree is quite tick.
The leaning mill, sah and d.sir factory,
is in full blast. Persoias wishint; to huiM
can have their lumlx'r ready furnished by
ordering from Shank & Walker. 1 t.
Net ntnoimt of tax reeolve.l tlSTO ti
Amount ol State Appropriation US VI
llahiiM-e imi haml In. in lu't year s K
Kn.ln u.1..lniiur ilislri.'ts XI 30
" irther is'iireei. W iO
I'al.t ti.inVa. hen.....: 1SSI
lor lu. l ami ouutitiveiu-k-s.. K4 tel iU'- 0'
i"i rrsi:i itc;ii,
Juue 12-TX
lbilJiiee in hauls ol Tnasurer 4rl 01
Jm it. ISKKit. 1'KTKIt HfLU
jul)3 Swretary. 1'repi.lii.t.
STATKMKNT of the Settlement of,
the Supervisor ol Milfor.1 Township, for the :
tear eiuliug April sib, !
Ain't of tux h-vie.l. J. I 'rk-hlielJ
.1. Tvilrow
u .. u Wiu. Itnker....
1. Si.y.ler
Positively Take Place
JULY 4th, 1872.
Am"t of tax exis'Oileil. J. 4'ri. htnM..
J.- '1'e.ln.w....
" " Wut. liaker...
- 1. Snvihr
Wl. learn fr
1 ;t the Piltsb
i The tax of 2 cents on checks, drafts and
! orders is all of shedule It that is retained.
I And this is the detail of the ntumji
; lions in me law ot jtine n, xu, ; a fl.MtrHiin-r condition. It has been pUccd
t I Section thirty -sixtli il tlie new law, an. I . in its present prosperity mainly through
.. . , , ,, , , i this s.clion ejsH-iallv jiertaius to stamp dil- ; the cllbrt of C. JL. llaltzer. An organ has
Ox Thurs.lay night of la-t week, as the , re!1(ls s follows : I U-en purchased, a lame and snh ndi,! li.
That on and after the first day of Octo-' brary, w ith a weekly supply of uihts for
Ta r 1C2. nil the taxes mnosed by stauuss ; ,ul "oiars, an oi wnicn ami lo nmke it
under, and bv virtue of. Schedule B, of
alx.iit forty hours.
from the Citiiilicrlaiid Aura,
l.urL'h and ConnelKville Kail
HkoU oiiijiany, win auopi in a lew a ( ontluetiCf Accommodation, was inuring
i i time tiible, on which there will Ik- a : C"as.Ilnutn. on the nturn trip from Cuiu-
through passenger train running lroui ; iM-rlaiid. it was suddenly bia.uirht toa stand
I W'lJ.iir .l. tn l!iiiimitre in twelxe ( . J' ; ,.:n i... .. ........ I...I.. i ti;....
- - - - - . . 1 . 1 I ' a 111"'-. I .lUlUtl.H' ..!. Jill... 1 1 111. . , . .
! i liauirh, who lives on the op,aVite side of '"n 1 , , '"-' Wrtm June Hh.
i - - ....... ,, "... . isuti ..rut ilin wiiTil acts amemlatorv
y i tlie river trotn v. ass-liman, siuiKing lier
.lllS.aiHIV .ll liaini al III. I aillll mil- ' a'i.ii.u in. ii'piiwu a a i.iii i imij;ii
j The Lutheran Sunday School ut Shanks
j villi, Jonathan Woy, Superintendent, is in
successful and interesting.
I Ain't .lue ti.wni-liip
(). XI.
1 p. I'lerk.
. . i so
. '.T 4:1 :
. V1 47 I
. 6.V4 e;
i!7'J 47
. t w
. fl '.T 4.1
,. iAi 47 '
il7 7 :
. " I
fr..m ltl
' luruier years.
--Tl 7
A A 111 IX itorsriiKK.
J. U Illl l.VKK,
jul)-3 T.
300 Beautiful
Will lcIislrilMitel
P.J a Committee Selected hj the Aiiilience.
TICKETS - $1.00.
m.ule for the Kmtipnr of orniinv. an.l a Spl. n-,
.li.lOOLiD-.MOlNTKU HAlt.MS. j-'
I The Magnificent Parlor and Bedroom Set i
I f Fnruilnre.
I Maile for the Oram) Iukv AK ji-', '
The .Miniature Steamboat 'Providence. "
M:ule of Silver ami Jol.l, for the late t'.iloml Klsk, '
Willi a Mu.-kal liox atlached, nim h plu piu'lil
The Beautiful White Trick Poney. j
The SrammothOx Weigin?4,000 Poiimls.
An Imaicusc ouinber of .
Trees and PluuU oflhe Barest Kiinls.
In aililitlun lo these mnti'lili'.'S atlr.o ti..n are In- i
nuiueral.le ottiers. cou-isiinir of Spieii!i.t Kunii- i
lure. Jewelry Soliil lironre AnlHi-s, .M..olita 1
Ware, an.l many other arli.-li.-a ol bijuuttrtt ami j
vrrtu :Stwiiia; M:u'liiriis. I'l.m., 1 irirans. Har
ases. Trunks arsl Sat'-tic-ls. Oil Kai.iltntf ami j
ij .U.....J .1. . rfii". ..i...i ..i.n-ii!.. ru.i., l uriu- 1
110s. an. 1 hk im'.s.vus mat rat'ern. et.. ;
wont, there are the uuiutrallnl nuuil-r !
fiileniiiil aiii.s valuii al 17i.wi. to In; ills- !
tril.uie.1. ami ev. rv ImUWr of a .l..lh.r ti. kt st:.n.!s ' vlirever the FUIKKM E Jl iehine has he. n
a lairchanitiol lc..iuui rah laau. ' i,,,,,,,,!. lt has wet with the irrentprt .uis-.
rv iiL' iiuTi.iMTinr ; lt hune .Milv uiaihine makinir four di!t.-r-nt stil.h-
I'LAA Or HISTKIBITI0. o. an.) having the Keversilile Kee.1. The ui.u hin-
i itt is oerf.n-t. ami the motions in.sitive. it nini
( hie liuii.treil aU'l si-vi-nty-hte thou-aii.t nuails-rj . litfiit, ami v.-rv fast, aiet aewa e.arse or tine talk-
representing the nunilvrof th ketp will Iw 1 ri-s. Tlie H aimer will turn wsie or narr.
plare.1 whi-pl. au.l ear.Js in.s.Tiei! wi. 1. the t h-ms. ami f. lls tieaulilullr. All at1ae!ilu.hts
II I'T C II I 0 X k V O.
Jl.inuf u-.irer. Amenta aial iM-aiera In
Iron and Woodworking
: AtjVCIIls'ITTi,
Hirttontal an.l Terl-al Steam Knarlne". li w.
j Iteltin. I'ut-kln an.1 Me hanl.-al SuH.ips.
jtlil.NKK WaI) ST., a SU'flD AVKM'K,
1 rii-rsj3XJjR.GHi,
i Aynts 6 the Ilunt.i Steam ..v rnr. Km.wi a
! I'atent Steam ftti. KMer Tut tl
j ami I'alorip fjixines. fni'!
j aj.rVl StoneV Itjaery WlM-elj.
LHII1T Kill' A L TO OAS. AT 0!7E-E1' i UTII
.tST: i iaaot br ttylodrd. A'a rafnotrit or arir
Men ileslrlnir a I'n.fltalilc Bnslne. ean aeenre
the KxelusiTa lii-ht tor the sale of Dr.t' Katent
t'arU.n .ixs Unlit Itumers ami Oil, fi t.'wuntha
or States. Write for inloruiatim or call on
M. H. liy.TT.
X.i. 114 Sonth Str-et. Phlla.leU.hla. K.
X. XL I Ht'W :il t.S lurnishe.1 wlth.'hamJeliera
ami Lamps ol eery.leii.-rii41.i, 54 peree&t.eheap.
er ttiim at any otlHrr estai.l
Agents Wanted
.-hiueut in the o.unlry.
ap 'il
f We iltfv all other airenta to rrlive a Sewint;
.Iiwl.inee.UiiltocwrNKW Jifc.M IX 1T "V KM
1'lKi; -Il:oP 'ti:l:' Semi ..r aaaiples f
, wk, clriuhirs. Sie.
I AKSH BKfW.. Western A ts.
So. J. Sixth Strert. f I'll 'itt KU II. VA.
I a-Aii-ii' watitci. apri4
X.. r.i
name.. I the ants will phi.e.l in nnofle-r. trr..iui
these wlieels. a niimlsr ami a tin will I liraw n
j simultaneously, the miiuher 'r:iwn in 1-..-I1 iu
' stanee taking ihe sill drawn at the same time.
1 All or ltTS for tii-Wets he mall timu la li!re l t !
KL!S. M.ina
:;u Xlw Vo::i
with the niarliine.
Kur iulormation apply to or ail.!rrs
.o.HSiilh Street,
june VI 7i
Manufacturer of
Aurt Iealcr in
- Cutlery and House MMi Mi
Have eonst intly on hanJ a very lare rtoek of
1 irrfn' Tea ami Spiee I 'a-liii.-s. bt 'reaui
Kr.ex.-rs. I.-e Chests. U'aier t.'..lers,
C'loihp Wrlnaer. Klnl l'ae. iu-.
Kn.prietora of the evlelralel
Patent Adjustable Stovo Shelves.
I Wholesale ami ltvLiil. Pri.ts Iota. a(.'-4
i ls(4. nnd the seyenil a.1 amenilatory
: thereof. le ami the same are hcrehy, re-
Iry i Pc-a store of C.H.k and lVe. Vits on ahead. Thi estinial.le lady was ahle from 1 i-x-m ng onU the tax of tWo(vnts
k up the jailroa.1 track!"" '"I ' V
ataine Crosa Stn-d. fl.njr. oats, corn, mill . her residence lo look up tin
feed, hraiid. liainn, salt, lih. lard, vim-ar, ' and through a curve that had larjre
a nu. suar. coll'.r, .-tinned fruit h,; hanini; ris ks
nti eiiirs. Ar.. Jcc ' froui the Iml:
LEXHAUT STAI1L. In DiltriM ill...
on the !th of June, 1MT2, l.y Samuel
t ided. That where tinv inortase has ln-en ! Harnett. Ks.'.. Mr. Henry Icuhurt to
.Miss Lienor Stahl, IsHli ot Sf!iiirs"l
County, Pa.
ti. cr.iti
a curve tnai nan lare over , , . ,
ks, that could be UMintrnisheil ! executed and neorded. or may W cx.-cUf!
nmv, l.y their ,.eculir mlc.l-! l and wJ l the l.r. day of
,theeveni..iralH.yen.enti.m-.l, : Octols-r. A. 1). W.S , to M-cure he ,ay-:
nietit of lsmds. or ohli-rations tluit may Is
made and issued from time to time, mid i :
lor. And on
on pnntr to ht lmnt .lisir, she
tl...t tl... r.u.L- 1....1 ,l.i..rtiM...,ut .. l..... .t.o
Itli.'iii-lit sial.l.iilv rla.lied uihii. her I hat the I mortL'ajxe not lK-iliir stamis-d, all such N.nds
, ..j -
j accoinniislation was .lue In a lew minutes
, and if the engineer was not si-rnnle.1, (the
I. ... .1.; a.i... lu.l...r ....p.- .1.... it
tl H Ul inn i.iiiii .ii.i; nil rimu. ; n , , , ,
. . . . 1 . . . l.nt j.nlt- eio-1. uf l.r .ll.tlir.
niii'ht r.u t in a siTiollsaix iilelit. t-si w ith i i ' ' ' . . . . "" ,
1 or ol.liirations that may lie made and issued
on or aller Raid 1st day of Octolicr, A. I).
1 1K7-, shall not le't to any stamp dil-
reeetit tlc!n:linili rains nave urou irni
.is liirward at a tearful rate. I he
ftll irrain now pronuscs to tie a fair yivJil.
triiiit- the cprinr m. w ill simply cn..r
iiis. And never within the recollection
f the oldest inhabitant was there such a
nr iiois.. ni fin aiiiiiitiaui n nil .'roi. : im "i n . . ..... : i
- .. . " : , 1 an uie eiu-rzv aim siiccu mai is i:i ner, ' , , .. . , . , . . , i
illliuits lliere is no eua. o... i.pi...1 ."..r .1, ..,,.... I ..rpiv..,l tl,..r.. 'Hlore liie uay uioreum : aim pru. uieii
! jut in time to stop the train. The track fr'1'r-. T''llt- Hhe meantime the holder ,
'AVii.TtJiicK KKy.-f .sik and Be. rits ofi was covered with l,se dirt and rock, and i f. "'rumetit of wnjingof whatever
F.-ed Store, have opened out in the new j the railroad men had to work hard until 4 : tindan.l .l. riirt.onwluch has lveen made
ldinr on Hu-us corner on Maine Cross .. cUs k in the mornim; to remove it. We ! r isslieil wunout neiuif uuiy stanic.i or .
t. also .acipied by 11. C. lhrits si.. : Were told that Mr. Uineman, SiiK rinten- ! VUi a "elunei Rami) inaj nu.Ke a.pnca- j
it re. In addition to Hour grain and null dent ol the road, presented Mrs. Hincbaugh I u"-v .v......,
ii ,1 ..p.,,,... ,.f ..p... ..:.i i j and that tim such apt incut ion, stieU col-
ef ie. provLvioni1, iolu.tfw &c, freh fomi j , ,
t uiy. at reasoualile inc.-s. tveryismy
Kl'.SII. At Ursina, Soliiers-t. Count v Pa.,
Ittie il.''n, .huiirhler of II. II. it I).
S. Hush, .lied March .llsl, IStTi, aged i
months und 27 davs.
James T. Brady & Co.,L2
two. ir.sii.ixAri'i.T,
Third At., lNttIurg,
j 61 l!i'KFAij.Srr.KLT P.iirr'a t' liiimen Lil
j !
i wkiti i it.i.irvui i iv l f
u t-.-tcrn iM.-trifttti ivnn-yuai.t.i. s: i
I .laih. June ISth. l7i J
I The unIcT'i-jT.ol hrrv'-v tiivt-i n-tti-,FI hi- ap
' p-'intiucDt m a--fineo if llinry J. .Atllkr. -f,-1
I In thcnunty ol Smer-t aol State of PrnnfTl- i
! v;iuia. wit It in ?ail tlbtrfrt. wht lu. totn ml iulicVl
I t-cinkruitt nt-n uwn T-fti:i.n j the li.-trict
'l'....stiiU IlLlrL.t
alli:illI-U uiu iu Iv,1AV-3. M U LM IC IM1 M'Ti-
TurnL-r : .St'-re, I.
Kttb-srgJi Lrbloi2a Iteitti Kzrkz. j rJu Til K FA KM EKS OF
I'M Liherty Street, Plttsl.urvh. 1'a.
Comor tr ronrlli A7ei:i:3 Ml Wool Slret.
june 1-St.
June Ui-'7i
i lions that niav luive iM-en made and issued I
aVew Advcrti-'nent.
On Liberal Ternm.
Six (M-r (i(. Interest on lh-xsits.
1 X 1)1 V 1 ll A LS S ii JflT Kll.
t J UK I.iKK!IKTS Til 1
J'tiSK KUSAIoAjLIS are utli--hvd n
rvery Kirk:iif. tlH n'l.'n it I mt a -cri't
lrv.unitioij L-otijr.ciitly.
X EC UT0 US N OTIC K. L e t -
jrers testanientarr ..n the estate of Solomon
llun Vli r. late ol Itrotlifrsrall.-T Ti.'tnshii.. .hrM.,
having lievn irrunte.1 to the iin.. r:xii'-.l ! the
pr..)ier authority. IIlmmj hi.let.te.t to it are m'tinct
to uiaki iiuineiliate pavment. an.l ttsipe having
t-laims aualtist it will pr.-M-nt th.-m to us f..r sprtle
mellt alei allowamv. at Ml lale residenru oflhe
Icieas.j.l on Satunlav the 3rl It .if August ls;i
Juncl'J hxeeut..r.
y lty virtue of an L'sueit out uf the Or-
Tt 1. i iv.rt.i.. .-..p.. K.p .n.i'.. u e. oi.ui. ' plains ....un oi eouiuy. ca.. ami 10 me
lty vir
In all lis tortus. Ith.-uuiattsin, skin Di
seases. Liver I'oinplaiiit ami all .li'easv'S
ol the liluoil.
! To the lit piihlir.iH Yntim
1 of Sonnrmt Cu-inty:
In the lltll.M.l) of last week there an-
M-ared a partial illustration of the fraud law..
K-retraleJ at the ri-ccut primary Kepub- ;
et'. and ms- for voinvlveP.
foil.. Those in want of coal for any
raTtMe. s'.e.un teiH r:uie. lime biiruiug
..-.aiiU- siippli.-.! at Ak-s Sttltznian'a ; t.l1i(,n. to which we uughl add a
(laiii.-riy me auiin .eii i isiiik, souiu cmm
fflfahi iisirth. Mr. Davis, a pr.Ktii-al
kJi.i r IromJohnMown, d'M-s the l.rinir"itr
h4 'and Uie plat l. inn is now tilled uilh
awttiiiiul ltunp and "rood rough coal. Xo
ilm: . leau. Iiive your onh-rs at
t'AiTiox. Evcrv penuiii.' liox .f
, h-.1or shall thereupon utlix the stamp pro- j
t ided by such holder i;s.n Mich instrument
of writing as required bylaw to lie put!
' uon the, and subject to the provi-1
sions of section 1M of the internal revenue ,
.ni.ih.s. .nnrn liptt ul.ptl j.pil.. tnL.'inpn Irn '
Iowtr Turkf.vfit and I'nuita, iu 171, lit t kstown. Pa..
formed one distri.1, w ith a lb-publican vote June 27, 1S72. J
of l .'tl; now they and Ihe town-j j Wl,.k i.nMi, ,tlt. heads ot
ship cast Wi and the U .rough N! ; total, ! f((Ur ()f th(. ,(four villa-e. familiarv
i7. In l".l Middl.-cr.t-k cast MS Kepubh-: t(,wu ,s Vulran. Clriin. ISm klail and
can v..te. and now returns lllll; and this ; , ,n rtvln.i .v. iiri..ii t..the l.
same n ature apjs-ai-s in a nuiiiiH-r l otner
.listricts. This plainly shows an unjust
To Ly.tia Hia-hstetler. (wl.lirw.) Catharine. Inter
marries! wit h Solomon Heal, resiilinir in Souier
! eounty. fa., .'athariiw. who Is also .lra..
k-Hvine nine ehililren reaiilinir at Areola. Ising
lass eounty, Illinois. Susnn. Iiitemi.irrieil with
Peter Sliulll. of I.nirranire ennn
ty, Imllaiift. Willittm. resiiliiix In Soiner-'t pnun
ty. V.i Karhara, intermamisl with Peter M.
Saylor. residins In S-miersi-t rountv. Pa., Ijevl,
repi.lmc In -Moneo.mim.nir. Ijiirnin'-f ro In.lin.
iia. I.y.lia. intern.arrieil with Joel .VI. Vulrv, re-'
shlliur In Somerset eountv. Ia.. .Marr. IntwiiLir- '
rle.1 iUi Israel (rtofteiiTof AlleirliriiT eonntv, !
AM.. P. Klkliek. Somerset eountv. Pa.. I ri
as. the petitioner. Somerset eountv. Pa.. Harriet, '
resMiita: In Somerset eimnty. Pa.I Kliiaheth. In.
tennarrkil with J.pvph Shultx, re.iilinir In Smn
eraat county, l't. SuiaueL Suiucrset euuntv. I'a..
Sarali, Souierset eoumy. Pa., heir ami legal
revaenltive ul Samuel Hia-hstetler. latu of !
.treenville township, Sianersel eounty, I'a., Ue-
eeasst :
Take. Notice, thathy virtue ol a wrilof .artii.i
or valuslion. isrm-l out of the Orjitians' cirt 4
Somerset eounty. Pa., awl to me uireetcl, I will
hol.l an in.Ucst. on the premises, in ireeuville.
timnhi. eounty ami state a foresail I. on 1 hurniav.
lireete.1. there will 1h .'X)n4.i-.l t.i pulilie sale on
the premie's in Miltonl township, on Satunlav.
theltrhihiv of Julv. lsfi the Mlowinif real es
tate, late the proTly ol .Mariraret lsmir. ileeeas-
.. . WAM . . . ! eil. viz: A tnn't ol laiiil siiuateil in s.u.l townstilp.
OiTE EOTTLE Of F.CSArALlS;e..nt..iui!ialilaer.-s. a.ljotniiiL' AhnouG. '
(Walker, Jonas TeilPiW. Jaeoh U Miller. J.iseph !
will .lo more ifil thin tin hotlh-of the 1 Shulti ami others: als.nt sa .teres eliare.!, lnolj
Syrups ot Sarsaparilfa. ) whirh are In meaihiw: there is a twipsi.iry friute f
mi'iiiii ..oor. a .ov our.. 1111.1 oiiiur uuiouii'iniis
premises. I
Ku.. r.ihti.-n hnnilred .1.. liars to le paUl on
liQrniatlnil i.t :iie. an.l the tuiam-e In twoe.iu.-il i
iia ment without interest, to lie seettreit l.v I
Tfy Tirtue of a writ of Fitri Facial lsue. out of
the tourr of (.inmi4i Pleas .if Somerset .'ounte.
Pa., ami to me ilireeteo1. I will e.rme to s.nle l v
jiuhlie oulery. at the -Hu'i Hou-e," in Somerset,
on Kri.lay the 1th dav of July. l;i at I oYl. k.r.
a., the lollowinir real estate. vU:
All the riifht. title, interest ami rlaim of Foster
C Wahle. ol in ami to the fcillowinit dVseriheil real
estate, via: lwi certain Us ol irrouml. situate in .
I'rsiua Korouah. S. miersvt .'ouiitv. Pa., on the!
north-east corner nt First ami Park streets, known !
ami uuiiiliere.l on the irenerul plan of saiil town as
lots nos. 1 ami i of r.kick . eaeh froutlnx JT1 f.t-i. '
ami exteniliiKt tek Indtpih 124 feet, with a two.
tory plauk uwellinic-liousu i1ktpi.h ere- tcl, wuh
the aiiiunenanees.
Seized ami taken In execution as the t,riiwrtr of
Foster f. Wahie, at the mit of Jnhn II. ftpntorl. '
. ...I. i' I I . I I II k-iii
SrtKKtirr'a tivru t; )
lHh June, ISTi i
and spurious vine of from five to eiht
elirateil Llear Miaile, not lor the value ol I lie f ne mn .lay t Ansitst. lsri lor the of i
tih lhi-r w nuld r:iteh. but f.u- the fun ol'it. !'". I"4"''';-? ' the n-al estate ol the Jecuase.1
rs the Mtrnature ..f FLEMING i i- i-
I IiS.. Pittsl.iirph, I'a., au.l tl.eir van. ,,. .rt.m!?:i
. wL l . ' . '! 1 . . r
. UIC l lilllMl Mian's .-MU1III. I UK
'Tlie n.ark. t is full of iiui-
C.isvkxtiox of the Pennsylvania;
Teacher's A vs. iaiimi will la- held in
Acudetny of Music, in Philadelphia, on
;'tnli, L'lsl an.l r.'d ot August. lletiryi
Jiik. Ileniitv State Suia-rintcii.leiit. wiil'
on .Ntai.w and it will doubt.'
the lare.t cmvcntion ev.r L. lu hv
lie teachers of this Mate.
i V
I f
S i.le I,
U t!
The next question is loc this excess
result? In all proliabil-
itv it docs, for Uie lueuus to llirow in
this Mirjdus vole are tlie tery same as
tine-.' that are prohibited by leiral enact
ments aud jH-nallii-s nt our lawful elections.
And in the face of these fa.ts we ask all
w ell meaning; citizen w hat is our general
election but a lepal torce to coutirm a fraud imMa.l utkmi the honest and
cjral electors of the county ? I challenge
any one to show that I. in any instaiiee.
-. , I. , . io .umuk n.p nci.s wm lewai representative-, ll
After siKtidina; nearly all Sat unlay in rii- ( ,e samceau be done without prejudiee to or -poll-irinir
up a team, making fish lxixes, t it- j Uur the wIm.Ic. or to valne-and aiprals. the same
in hair lines, di-'cin" Isdt. nnd pn-parlnir ; T,ur'liI,, ''"r'T'o '''h.V!"E""i l,late "
Sheriff's iMIice. t JttSIAH SHAFK.R.
July .Id, 1S72. i Shrrltr.
alaiut a week's rations of the most approv
ed kind, including tlie ever necessary,
"Sure death to rats," for which Vulcan
was sent to Jac. Stull's on the fleetest horse
E.S.J., Kit hardxin could selc-t fmui his ever
ready and ever varvinr assortment, and af
ter a few- more additions to the larder on
Monday morninir the iarty finally pit un
der headway and Kll for the stream in hiiih
f... .....n n-. . mix ... Wn. .11.1 t
I 1... All. t'UlJl W .bP IV SO IV fl. U. V.M I
' tiui.i' li.u.r.1 .li.. lif.'.il jil' tlio uml
j A j Mlvrclliij
TTmPQT "RmfiTT r Pa I 1 Undorsle"ed Physician
UCllllUO t XJIQAXj VjO "UUi I J have ust-.l Rosa. talis in their praethv for ! '''a"'
i Ihe past three years, au.l freelv endorse I ant.ual
Thl Cut Illustrate. th muiMr af Utin 1 1 j I
' DR. PIERCE'8 1 9 ! JL
Fountain Xasal Injector, J
I. V. Yl'TZY.
ISo-jr!'' A: Inioy,
Th inkful f..r Ja fai.r. we nfl. r ti.the firnier
ol S.iiierjt count v. tor lTi.
ft HoflMa Reaper anil Mower,
The preat fav.ite wi:h tirun r -. which has nmre
advantages than all others as a sell rake. We oi
ler tlie folio tin; named irenilcuipn, or auy others
who are U'ln-4 it for reference:
Uias lierhln.'er. KJklick ti.wnshtp: A. J.
Ilissse. Summit township; M. Xluiiuel, hrotlier
v.illey townhip: Z. Halker. .Mittonl township:
William 11. st.ihl. Somerset towu-hio: Alex.
.Stautnti. J.-niicr township.
The Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill.
is.-d an effort U s.x urc a Inll. except on I M.nJ ,lu. '.j. ie H,u,'h ..fljmy i
ii jtix a J
jit as a relialile Alterative and lika.l Fu
ji iiilT.
HR. T. C. IM'OII. of Italllinor-.
I r. T. J. Ill V KIN.
IK. li. W. 'AkK. !
l)K. J. S. SPAKKS. of Xi. hola.ville, I
VII. j. I- MVARTHV. IVIumMu S. j
IK. A. 11. XdliLKS, Ktge.H,u.h, X. f.
k Si IXS. Till lliver.
ju.lirmeni: lu .er .vnt "I the 1j to he iid
; soon as the pr.ip'ny 1- Knm-iitM .!..wn. s.tle
! ei.miuca. at lu o'-.-li.k a. tn. of said dav.
I AtHilNtt'IU.
I jime 19. Administrator.
DALE CITY, S.htrt Co., I'c, I
1 Jenner township School I.tstrlrt U t year i ml-
Just and moral j.rintipli-s; and th. it j ,,un Tllfrt M ouM ,.avt. a (,
is saie ... presume, , tue ia.x- oi tne luetius ; .,..... stri.!im f u,M,.,t Klv .:, ,,
and -lii:litiH-.l exp.-ricn.-e have
that ii'i-taiu Substanees liirinerlv
I nini on in medi.-al tract ice. are '
.ssirv and danuerous : yet some of;
I stiledaucv have found their way into'
j-muilv. Hit. Wai.kkk'k CAI.lF..K-i
K I'. itt nits, however, contain woihiiiir
irnts lain (iniiinisil exclusively ot :
tan.v to fish
i .lown sin-am oi uiKtiit six iiuie, nnu over
a sill un ol it that tltrotii'li an un
inhabited sirt of Ihe country aud that is
lairdere.1 on either side by an impiLssjible
iiueniew) oi laurel, uri. r., na k.h uuu ol s..mi rset ;..unty. I'a ami l me illre. le.1. 1
sivainits several miles in width. The team ' will hold an ln.Ucst. the premlsep In l'.r Tor-
and frauds reMirte.l, that 1 ot but a small
proiairtion of this vote. I would thns
have a chtir majority .if the honest vote
of the (tarty, and return my thanks to my
friends lor the confidence thus expressed.
I). HlSI'.AND.
look to the stream, and Jishcd down till
ni.rht . dusk, then went into camp under a lame
To.'atharine Whii.key. (widow.) Anne,
rie.1 with .l.jnas liarttell, residiuv in .Mar-hall
eountv. West Ylnrinia, Alexander, resldlnz in
Marsliall muntv. West Vlnrinla, Adaline. Inter
marrie.1 with Jaeks.i IlciiilmuL'ti. residlnt; in
Somerset eounty. Pa.. Pollv. ititermarriej with
Jonathan Sajl..r. resiilinir lu Carroll county. III
lols. Henry, rest. 1 1 a in Somersot count t. Pa.. Jn
am.a. inteniiarrie.1 with Freeman Ala v. n-i.llna
in Fayette county. Pa., KlixaU-th. intermarried
with Jacksiai Hyatt, residinir in Fav. tte eountv.
Pa., ami Martin. rci-Idim; in Xcl.ruska. heirs aiid 1 lniiliicatiiij therewith, in which torca and nlcers
hiral rei.resenlativas ..I John Whipkey. lute of frequently exist, and from which the catarrhal dis
I 'T Turkeyloirt township. Somerset eountv, ! cliarse penermlly proreeUs. The want of toccera
I'a., deceased : i in trcatiug Catarrh heretofore has arisen largely
Tsue X.m t that l.v virtue r a writ of par- 'fm the impoasibility pf applyiD? remedies to
tit km or valuation Issued out ot the Oridiana' Court l"eMfUea null chamucr by any of the ordl
lectin curea ia entirely overcome by the Invention
ot the Douche. In uslne this instrument, tha Fluid
This lnsinrment It erpccljJly det igaei tat the
ixrfect application of
It is the only form of instrument yet Invcntod
with which fluid medicine can be carried higk tip
tnd ptrfectlH aml'ud to all parts of the affected tii.
i tal passaua.aud tho chambers or cavities com
pose ol uiaklnic partition ol the real estat uf snl.l
..... ... . L.vf,.j i...wi.i.. .......... . , oi tne uoncne. jnualmrtbis instrumenL fha F i
i was a.tiordint'iv s.-nt iiiick ami tne nanr r1"": '" 111 1 1. j ..ui i- ....... . i
. :. i ii i . i n i it . imn uuv in A 11 ".. i.rg ............. i ... . . .. . . . .. ..iu.., mh.ih, uum ur
eently nowiu; stream to the highest portion of tho
uxsal passages, passes Into and thorooirhlycieane
csall the tabes and chambers cotinccted thcrewitb,
t -ul floa t out ol the opposite nostril. Its use is pleas
ant, and so simplu that a child can understand
it. Fall and explicit dlrcctlona ac
company each instrument. When nsed with this
instrument. Dr. Saec's Catarrh ltemedy cures re
cent attacks of Cold In tho Head" br
a few applications.
Sfmptomiol Catarro. Freqaent head,
ache, discharge falling iuto throat, sometimes pro
fuse, watery, thick mucus, parulent.cffenuive. Ac.
In others a dryness, dry, watery, weak or iEfiained
1". ....... . . in it... i ... iln.l: tin. n went into catim miller laroe : ilniwl to aenl ao.iiK his heirs and le-rnl n-nre.
j . .11 . . . nr.... i '1. I ' 'I i m. i ji i -1 1 v 1 . . ... i.... .' r . I. ,. , i ... - i
'rtable suls.tan.vHc rriii California. For j hist, Sflutt .Munr.n-, emoted. Vw lu, j cou-: N'ruce tree w here they la re. I pretty well. ) Akv Uk T fiKiliaK ,tir r , v,.i,,e a.i ap."
disorder of the lit, r kidney vitt.-d. some time since, of lanvny, mid . cnsidcrinr the heavy rain all nihl. At- praise the same!imr i law : at whi. h time
, and di-re-tive irreans and" f..r nm ItV- imprison.-.! in the county jail, and "whose tcr breaklast the next nioniinjr, the party , "'l:'"c "u r re.iueste.1 1 attend, ii you think
ihe blood, they are tlie ui.Kt wonderful I estajie from durance vile and subsequent j ai-'uin lictook Uiemselv.' t.) the stream, lint . !ol:Vur timee.
i, known. :nrr.-i una re incarceration, were tlttiy j .iiiavti" -.m "himi naunu ot ihj mu amy i, is,z.i
' ..! - :.. .1 ... .1 : i .'..p tin. .i t .In.lln.!' . toi &tp..'.vi. U'.u p i-
m a viiioiiu i.ii ui i i.eM'ci.iiiiinis, inaiiajre.1 aTtiii ........ .no.... ......... . -v..... ......
Km liu.i.v s F. Kul.H.-ieni : u,t ' his ev ape. In order to bciruiic the I i!l.v risinir. and, that the rain, the thermon-
r x .x-..: ii .. .-ii ... , litnelllli'NS t.I Ins rti.rl.I lie l.a.t u.itli I11111 cut. nm. iiieir I'uii?. vti-ii.iiii itn.i .
. a .mt .iit11011.11 in "i in oh.ii 01 iirxiiii - !. ... ... ... ... 7. ... . a , ... ... , . . . .
h rtruiN lllTTKlts: arcon every Isslys Henry Kcvler. a w hite I '"W'., ""tlS. I -1' t by lasainninls!.-
Ifc. This .'ratuitotis r!r,i r;rr '""'"''e the prison. The manner ,f i lbre was a .Ii!eiunia and the party held a msH l.y lire mi the M, of M.1V, lira: 1 :
.MiiuriH' h :iJH ! OIH ! lilt n'lllarK- I A'""'ii'1" " iw ' n' ' i"ui ii. tiiv.ii it'- i nvrviurt- ruiiv iiiis ut.jic iiuuit1 4t me litfT. unJ i
able inst:in.f ot jail breakill" that have suit.-.! in a resolution to wade down tlie '' "U' H;'y toiheltii l Ihpartiii, titat W ash
ever o... l(, o,,r know l.Hb,V -lie was o.n r. am aheu.1 of the lloutl. Fish-, iX " i
; t
f i
i to
i- U-tt.-r than all tlie jti.l tor .iillinti
tin Ii Ihe o ueiw of latins bitters are
f to res.u1. It Iihs a stoulMn.ius
li:iit-s aU.ut
lit i tl .1 of the
ii Ai to.
I liew spj
.. j. linn m ri.niirin-...i- ' 1
il v hi, 1. .anics , ""V.1" l1".,"1r "' xUv "uy 1
tht- an.lil.M-. Knt it ia a'?,',, tr"Uk '.'i'1; V h
. It'll .1. nil .
iB,s;. re to ' ''12 was now out of the question, and ail ' jul3
ti.t1 that the proprietors of the I
a lll'UVy "H" ix.inniit mat meant" -i itiii nut. Hum-
This door was lts Unl bv finir ; died .low n to "natt Inn: or die:"- U:t they
J. . KI M VI IX.
S i M K XT
los I.iTipiis have nev. r
, half inch iron U.ltslicld in h.ivv iron sin k-! were not even permitted to rts.t very fur in 1
. ii'inu i . . .. : . - ' .. . , .. .1 .. r. . :.. . ...
liter ladsterini! M-ta!.lih the ' ' . ' "r ":llr a" ' u"k and ; '"is .urcciioii mi to..- i.u-. riM.iS nuwu
fa preparation w hi. h ow.-. its a-.; u,r,v V . ' M " "S ,'U"'t' '-V ' . ' U"'' 'l V . , , . , ,
. ..L ...i i . . ' 'n.n!; iron CkilUlis Kecured it on the out-' to the w.mhN, this was the last horn ol the
,-n......, ,.....,, .i.u "-;.. . ........ . , ... ii i ,i... .....i....t-.., .....
the thousands who have either , ' "" . , " ""i;"-aie ti.N.r i . ..... .....m .... ......
1 or l.-u Ihe . ve w itn.-s of the ' V'T1 lr"" Vu' Vr . . ,,:,s"i""- -Muuro,-1 e.juaie.1 ny lite ni-r-renry. i . e Ti. xi .
,l.i .w..l .-I i... M ,i , '"" of. a iair tH noiioies oi tne iai.4 it-1 Sianu t.ic.ureoi ccitiiii we mi-, isiiici.ariv !
....''. . . .. ... cut. He siiniiU iimm! a kev iii:iniit-K4.i...l ' ..uiimr to 2. I' hall il. the thickest of:
...mine leuirtu ana t.rca.Kli ot tne ; ., . .- -v " , ., ."V.".. iwt !
: i iinn, 1.1111 mui ii' uiiin Ktu 11 ijl . l- uiuin nun uir imiii.
1 teliimiofl' 'of Pennsylvaiiia.
eves, slopping up or obstruction of nasal passages,
n'u'inti la ears, deafneea, bawkinr and eoagUnft
to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs from ulcers,
troica altered, nasal twanjr. Offensira breath. Im.
; paired or total deprivation of testw of emeU and
taste, dizziness, mental decreseloo. loss of anne.
1 lite, Indigestion, enlarged IoosUa, UcUirur cough,
c Only a few of these symptom ate likely to
) present in any case at one time.
I.r. 8a-e Cafrr'BBxaelT, when
! a ted with Dr. Plerco'a.Naaal aaoacke,
, iud accompanied with the prti'rkmal treat
' ment which to Rcxaamended la the pamphlet
1 tint wraps eaca bottle of too Kenedy, is a per.
j f.-ct rpocine ior.UU luathsoeae dlaease, and the
nroDrietor offers, in rood xsitb. MOO mwbvsI
lor a case ne can not core. 'lao
;.!:. a sulistituic
Joint UpAluliwM PrniMMlnt; an Am
rtiI.BCBI In the naslllilliiiual I'cuu j
llucktail a little ! ,.....,........ ... .... '
ifeiter". These he carefully hlllli up in ' in a.hall.e cntanL'l.d 111 this luriinaiit rrwaat. ert uf lAe i tmmp.m.llk of '.....- ! KXt, mTt?'.in v
I.;. ....11 II.. .1 ..... I. ..I t.. .1... : ..!...., .11.. .1 .. . .r .1... .p...t uiu ia ..Vaerni .WalJ. mW. Tltu. .he i ' - - " "
l.l..l. Ill; lilt II Pilu 1.11A11A4 III IIIIHUI : i-uiuui. . lliruilll. P"...l k... ... ' ... . ' -'
Kemedy 1 mild
Itrons- or eaaatie
drus or poisons. The Catarrh Remedy is sold at
V) cents. Douche at CO cents, bv all Drnar.
ajiste, op either will be mailed by proprietor on
receipt of u rents. R. V. PI EBC.9t. D-
for Castor Oil a tuo of the Isilts of the ha-k of the dtair. ' problem that life .ha s uii'ord mole sorrow 11 tne sasiiiuiion 01 tiits t ..uiin..u-
i-ultli l i.r..i..l 1.1 it... .M...i.. .... ....i. . 1..,., i....
an joy: uktm a hltw in the rear, los ar n-iccfioii. u.the the un:h
...... ...... . u. . A.i 1 1... j M-:u. . ni . 1.1 ....... ... . .... ii... vu.i: mu ic i ill mu lowii.
v., .. - i-j..iii vp. ap-i. inv iirt 1 Qi.miaii uim.. ii.iii i n iii.jvunn e., f:
-' iH.i.1 riiH-tiics nave uii.11. ; outside ol the.l.s.r, Le'alsIiKiw.Hl ncativ "'nenliiij; that his fame lo slan.l lire was! AMLXH1IHXT:
1 "") vi-ireiaiiie I.reliarati.m. vtn- . i. ... 1 . 1 ... . ; , 1,;.- so uiwL n..rn.l l.v 1.;. ,l..i;..t in il... ,.. I
Ipl.ysie w hU h is pleasant lo ke and The olher two he sawed oil sonard v los-' lha .,r frniM-. but is Mire to ... ; -i Uv ,..,,... irml ljur ,Jk- !lea
K X T K K X T II AX X I'A L 1 1 K-
f the "S..niers.. t'ouiity Mu'.ojl Fire
niMiir." lor the ysareuiiiaj; Alay 41 h.
Jb tr ill i or or .I
pi; by Hator Hmuu-1 Til. her.
rviiaiiiil.-.saiid far Inore elfisiive
and then by pr.-ssin; his wci;
: :i fa in si the dtair, fcU.t)K-.l it in twain.
Wa- . i.;i M ,.nt ,1,. ai.lh m..l.. .K. .r 1. ...f .1..
l.r iinil I VII. ... l..'. . ....... .... I . . ...... i . ... o .,',.
. --- . w ii,, iii i., i'ii-.. t. mum .. uii- oi, iiniiuinni, a. tn i.i in u iiicrcoi i ill'
.arctiiie Sinn
a-l.,.,1. ti. . " i.' .
Ln.l i ?, ti 'i ' ""'S41 '"" :uir oa.nuions. he had pressed the hinges
,in" Vnu i.a;H"."d cr-V'"p f -1"' A". " IT.-v.-nt cr.-akinS. Il.vii.jr
11 in?, nldn-n. It kills Worms, cures : .,,,...1 ,.' ' ,. f. ,?...u..r;n.:.
li A. lu- . '.oi.i;, .... - ...s
-.I1..PI.1I, r laiuieii. v .1....- 1 ...... 1... u u..
lp 111 ith.-r Mineral-
? l" '"Hit ot lilt.'.-n tears .t'rl. i :., .1 1.. ...... .1 :.. ' l.r un. J l.r .i ... I. A,,.. .L- u 1. 1.1. I ...llowhisr: "A State Treasurer "hall ts-clHcn l.v
... m lllilll-lll .11.1. lie BllllWltll .1. 1 Utllll' .1113 I " ' .on 1.1 It ii I". , " .... M - . - 7 , - .... . , ..
r I.:..l. i. i I . . . n : . . . . . . . 1 . i .1... eloel.vra of .he Slate at kh.-Ii llto. ,
... . a n. ... r it is ( ,ar .lurin-r the .lay . previ.iis ami by re i ei too snort, n-avm,; i.xi, ,-iias expose.!. .., '.r . , Iir,..rVi,"(
lar Inore elhsiive ! i.L.eiii.r th.. lill-'ae-. t r,.i? ti1ti.rtLaa coiltetni.latin? for tlie Hrsl time in his lil'e l.v l.-.w ' U' I I.I.I VI :ij.Iit
or Castor (lil. ! lw work. 1'n-vious to hfe-innino' his hit. the real scutiineul of 'llouie sweet ii.MlH-.' I Si.eakerof ll.e House of Kenresentaiives.
while the haj.Iam with the cha'a.-teristic JAMKSS. UMAX,
jratienrr t.f that t lass, was k-anin a-.'aiusl i . Speaker f the Svaat. '
a sprint: tree, his mouth shut and hi eves ; Arrnorrn The lwntv-seei4il .lav .f Alan.
fastcnefl With k 1 k i 1CU. trying laissuill like to convince. hc Amis. I.iinl .K-tlMan4 eit'hl hundre.1 and sev
IT'.' : in Tress, as is;r last Aunn il Kciiort,
-Vlay SM, 1S7I
fasti r.-cive.! mi new toli.aics i lii
Cish rt'cci.e.l tst renewals
atc'l olass"s.-m nt lai.i
.V. 1. I'ai.l S.imu.1 A. lievers. liuL in
lull l- r l. -s I., Are
. AV. SMITH. Jack son. lli-h.
. F. WHKlXKIi. Lima. Ohio.
II. II A I.I. Uma. Ohio.
I'KAVKN X tn.. i..r.oiisvil'e Va.
SA.VI I. U. 31. FAllUKX. .!
i Tenu.
: Our sp;iee will not allow of unyextcn.!
l remarks in n lation to the virturs of
liosa.lalis. To the 3l.sli.-al Frofessitio
we Kiiarantce a Fluid hxtract suMTi.r
to any they have ever used in the treat
ment of diseased 1;1i.mI ; and to the at
liictetl we say, try lWadulis, and Juu
will lie restored to health.
! Kosa.lalis Is sold ly all UniiriU.-ts.
I'rice tl SO l-r l.jttle. A.hlriss '
IHt. ( LE.MKSTS i CO.,
.Manufacturing .'lunii-ts.
ji.YLTIMoltK, AID.
Agent- Wanted for Life and Times of
1'oiituliis l.iou-r.iplili'S ..f Drew. Van.lert.itl. OoiiM, I
Tweed, a,.., w it h a liuaia-i..! history ol theeoun-l
try lor the l ist three Tears, nnd what knew
ulmut "Itlai U t'ri.laa . liter iot) jaes. lri.-e !
New Y.srk 1U H IK . 14'. Nassau St.. New Yiak.
Safe and FroHtnMe Investment llonds. Some of
the wealthiest counties In KANSAS Allen. Aa-
tlerson. Fntnkliii. Johnson and lsiu'las eoutitles.
Keirislensl hv the State of Kansas. Interest an.l
priiieiiial paid l.y the State Treasurer. The Hon. Is
lav t IHT .-.'111. Interest, nit.l nn. tliism ... ini
ohf. the ci.UH.iis iiavini; liei n always n-cularly ami
pMlii.tlv paid. For suit istics and int.. mutt i..n ail
dress S-YAF I. A. DAVLOIil) t'i., -i Wall St..
New York t'itv.
in Jui.e 1-7'J. Ti.v rale, M mills oil the dol
lar ol vatuati -u.
Ciniss amount of Duplicate
Less KX'ilier..ti.liS
" f '..I. i'. p.-r ct
' I' ta.vw
The only
ni.unceit so
pert.-et .Iriin
; '
Drill in the w. rl.i" pns
.f 4o '
Artlfteial Teeth, wamtnle.1 to I of the verv het I
tUalilv. Lite-hke aitd. Ilaudst uie. ic-s-rttsl in Die
ttestst vlc. Farticular nttenti. n isii.l tu the pres- ;
ervatiuD uf the natural teeth. wishinir to '
ronsutt me I y letter, can do o .y eis.-Uslux stamp. ,
Adtlnss as atuw. " jel'J-7'J !
1,000 Practical Farmers.
y. , IO
Ive I from Sla'e ai..r'i.r;;iti.
other .-" are.
i:.iT s-i I
.. ."set W
101 ut) I
! :l am. cut ol Kcrci.ts
j F.xi'i:xniTf'5:i.s.
Paid 14 tejcln rs cs i'r mi nth ea. h f. r
I'ai.l 1 teacher at .1. liner A K. ..;.!.' vlpi
tuonih 4.r 4 months
I'ai.l lor new liuihlinifs
" outstan.iinir deht
fuel auil cuiitinencictt
Sevretary's salttry
" Treasurer ? salary
Total anit.uut of cxJictiiMturc
' M.h..'.l..i. ii ,.r ' I
with dlrectkios dr cultivation, now n-a-ly. an I will i
j,- 40 '"e seni iree 10 any atiurvs.
of ail kinds, ltouquets, lUskcts. cut Flowers ,,r !
., .. . i U'chiins. Parties, ar..;.sl in liesl style to j
l.s tw )w,r. J.Y.V1KS M. KEXXETT. Seclswian. I
apl i; 121 SniithheU S( l'ltt-lmriih. Fx
Refer to J:ic.h llom-r. Jenner l.iwnhiit: .leu.
t ntuiii-li. s.,nier.-. township: Hamr Hav. Hn.tlt
wnship: w 11.. Homer. Suiamit t..wu-kinic-er.
Flk tick township: I'al.t. Mm.
ersvaltev t.
ship: S. Flit
.Vlaurer, .iuriu.thonliir township.
140 U.
gljTKCEirTS AXD EXl-EXDI-irrN..'.,
jo uo I J. ' tures of S.ituerset Township S. h.. District.
7M au lor the year endinit Juiie3r.L ls;i Tal rate eihl
! mills en the dollar.
tv.w in ne. f..j han.i . r
ltal.ince in treasurv sw3
Scirctary. 1'n-i.h nt.
june 19. .
These Tablrtn present the Aci.1 in i 'oiul.inativn
with other etn.'iint rciiieilies. in a i.tular form, for
i the cure of all Thrat and Luna: Disease. Hoarse
j ncssand I lceratlonof tlie Thnmture linmediate-
ly relieved, aial statements are eonstantlv ht-ln
I sent to the proprietor ol rcliei in rases ot Throat
' tlithcultics of years stamiins.
I fautsn. liont tie deeeive.1 hy worthless imita
tion, .let only wells' rartsilicTaldct. I'ru-e
-5c jier U'T. Send torelr.-nhir.
JOUX tl. KELLIMl. Is 1' St.. X. Y.
Sole agent for the I'. S.
tn .Manh.ssl. YVotuanh'ssl. nisi their mutual inter-relations;
Lore, its laws, jiowcr. etc.
Send for iwcinien inures and Irciilars. with
terms. Address, NATIONAL FL'ULISHlNvI
CO., IMiilik, Pa.
Teachers, Students, and Othen Wanted as Agents for
Ir.t auK.uut of duplk-ate c;t'i
Less Exonerations 6.6s
" Collector's aimniissions lox:;i-cj..oo
Net amount nf tax rreelve.1
Am..unt tit State appropriati.41 ree'd . . .
Hallance .n hand Irt.iu last rear
From aitjolrniiB district ami Mhcr .ree.
CsJoisor Soparalor.
Pal.l to teachers 4xJ44s.oO
- tor luel and e.4itinen.-les ' 214. S.V
Seerctarie salary yi.uu
' for liuildin Tj.wJ
Total extieuitlturcs
The most p-rfeet eelehrate l Thn-her. Grain Sep
; lntln an.l I 'trnuer in Ihe Siule: from two tu ten
' hi rse p..w.-r.
1 Kpi. r to lhtri.1 Ijtnn. S. merset township- Hcn
1 ry Keiiu. Elklick township: Aar. n ttittuer. bruth-
i-if 'ersvalli y t. wn-hip: peter Pea. hi v, t:ro.bersTal
" ; ley H.KB-I.lo.
' HORSE RAKE. nre on hand.
June 19
ffin.7 1
C. 31. MI YVEK. !
31 EXT of the Siiprrvisn.r of .lennertownshlp i
or the year euduiu: April Mh, lt.-,l: J
Atnt of na.l tax li vied. John 3Iaurer. - i 4 (3
' 3li. haelH.-ti..'. it-i wi
" " " JiaV'pIl lierkey. iu.'. SI
' " Jese Witt, . . Joy il
STEEL I U OA S. ,e., .c.
An.1 a I kinds ol tlie latest improved Fannin- im
j pleuients.
1 All Kintlsi IU'pairM ou Iluiitl.
itrv .ink or
Dtuif m
' -
Amt tax exp'.l.
SL. Phila.ii Iplii.i. Send l..rCln ular.
ir any case of IMiihl. Itl.-c'iii.r ;
lichiii; or I let-ruled 1'lles tlul '
jft-itiMiH .-11.K 1.111s to cure. It I hsj- t
rel cxiessly to cure Ihe Pile, an.l iioihiioclsr. j
Sold l.y all tiruaxist. Price !.
1 he richest, neicst. m..t laselnatintr. Instructive
ami lauirli-provokiirj; Isa.k issuett lor years: ac
kn..''',if jnttwrior I.t Mark Twain. "I splen
tli'ily illustnited. elegantly iN.iiii l.nn.l very cheap.
i Agents r.'sn -fraud ucct-p. Sample sises, sie.
j rial terms a. -Airents" Pocket t Vmiptinlon" free.
j Ad.lnss, IirilliARI) KROS-. Puhlishers.
7'J3 Saus.HU Stri'ct, Philaili lphia.
John Afaurer. -.Michael
J.tcph llcrkey.
Jisso YV itt, "-
i 5.13 fal
::il 4u
iVi S-I
j i: m
l':il.inre t!tic t. wr.'hlp r. r the ye:ir TZ ) 7
J.lSIAU M 1 1. I.KK,
H. YV. Jl At KEK,
Att.'t : II. S. FLECK.
E. F. Eakl, Tp. Clerk. Jrl'i Tp. Au.lit.4ss.
412 42
413 ;s
575 W
Tun uu
j lty virtue of the authority vested ia me 1 y the
Act of Ctijrress to estatdi-h a uiiilru. svteni ol
! Ilankmptcv. aisseil ihe 2.1 March, a. n. l-sli.
1 theaasistmn .d Aaariah Dunham, ilankru;. ami
In nur-UMiice of a decree aisl .snlcr ol the 1 .i-tri.-t
Bsasla-Zs ' ' Court of the Cni'.ed Stales t.r the Western Dis-
i lllO Lewis xjtstuua Gleulest Wurk. uirt '" I'ennsylvatiLt. tncrewill l. j.-,sl t ,.uk
-ri.i. 1...- 1.11 .. . v . . ; lie sale the following nal estaie of said It.nknim,
I T "' Invalualile etsuiik n-scns U..k should I a( nlf f,,iiowinir liaies-usi ldaces. vu:
I v?H y, rnV w:"";" iu ,1"' -untry. ; At the K .ss House, in the H..r..uh of Son., r-et
1 I hre,..hH,r:l.s .A a.l tlw sa kuess in our midst may ,0ntT of SioBieraet. on iutsl.r the aah .lav ..I
j be avoided t.y a au.1 pracths- ol our , juiv lsTi.
I 'l7i i'Ti "1 S7'?'," ..T'" ","t ",',1M"r" a-1 Vs I- A tract ..1 html itua:c it. Alleirhenv town
) tm ritUsiu tl.e Iriu.l heanlly re..miiKn.l It r.- lis ,i,. taiuUiic ei.-hty-six acres, sirk i measure
arvat e..mtiion-, iis,, r... y-huinor. shrewd uliuip-. a.dnu Uml of Johu GcUcr. w Emcrick.
d .Mankind an.1 il vivid and pithy stle ol - Siurt s heir, and others. Thi tr.i.f is well t.tu
ITo'"." tu-"".' . "" '" ""k"""' v last.- ; Urwiih4iB'.irucaii.k,!.u.t lies near the
V rile lor illustratisl iln til ir. term. (.. A.Wress i- I. a. w K K -
; vr.i. j.r..., I I. '.limner.
73a S 1.111.04 Street, I hiladelphla.
run ............ ..1 .1 . ' .. 7
.. Ill I". . IM 1. iff -V.. ....... ' . '. .
air..p 1 ... 1 u t.i .... . . . 1 uaviiijf lour simii iron ladls.
h'. .Kuoi ... . . . . .... . . . ..
1 'a , , - aiso on. lln-ii tna-.-.MiM into tne 1:111
p i auvuts ask v.iur.lru r .'.j ... . .' . . . s .
oil ui..ll.o.:it 1 -.-p.-- r- ' yam, inu wuh tin iron li'V.-r, atiout ei'll
ft ii, aiui ii,. ,j ttj WMV . - ....... ... . , ,' , .
- i- at-v-u in. u.Tt in i.-iigtu, rfiiHivt-u a u.rjrc stoiii'
S In the nail, aft. r hiili l.e cnlarjtexl Hit-
LnT l.t-SNiNo l)(.wi:-TirSi:u - -av itvH aa to utruiit tlie twisaaiiv of Lis
x. HisE.h lias but
sixty I'im-s, J laaly. He then found liimsvlf in the eel-
i . .. . . ... j - '. 1
si. i-irrv nan ol 11... 1. .. 1 1 11 ..: . i
pi 1.. 11" . .w iu Plains k. a 1111-..- .1. innis-r llt-TT scxvci mill as
....... . - -- h. .. u.... ... .r im 1 m ... iii..ui.ii 1111;
1 ilea or itt wini. r...;.
uur iir iimim. 11...
.., ..ui
III anenim tv..... .1..
Title fl....l
1 M itluHit ...o.. ..r n
Wp .an ' , ltv- VI UT-Ptuir,
It I oin. r all.
Tli.-s. la- storm that lit- was alrnuly .Icatl, au.l that
it whs iisck-sji to iuiusli Imn any liirth. r;
liut vvttik mortal uwn can sUin.Ia jmttt uil
h.-n th.-y must, mid the lrtj renlverl
if the rsiu -.litl -tt stop, th.-y woukl 1101
either. N they niraiu iiUsIks! forward, hut
no sooner lud th.-y cstsija-d the laurel of;
Shiuln a lien tliew 11. 111 A tntllxt of ( 'ull-mn. '
this stream they 'had to wade taking them
The HHssatre ilnis 110..I0 e-a ve ' '"'aist deeti; next eatnc the I'uinty run with
mrse lluvt no other 1 him free o-rrcM. to the outer world and lie M mv ,,,''t 1' Ixurel ainl hra rs, this i
from the finest pw- and his eouitnnion soon left Iledford be-ream they eottld not wade, hut luckily!
eutr-two. JXO. YV. UEAKY.
lrt pared and eerliintl for pulilli-ntion pursuant
tu the Tenth Article of the t '
Secretary ul the Couiaiiiwealli.
1 Mice St'iretary oftbeC'oaitu.iowcaUli, )
Harriliur, Juneih. l72. julS
jLiii.1 them. Jlunroe IskisIs that he liM!,ljt'y l)und a larire sruot"trte lyinjiacross.
broken jail at llarrialjurir and lltintinL'iion. I oyer w hich the iiarty passed i" siWeinn si- i
i.u . t.l.. ... 1. . I 11. .1 1.1 . .. . . 1 .1. . ..1 r c..l C I
I . "t"nim-ions are ; lie uouuiiesa naa an atirtmilillfC outsule ot . " ,1v n cauie oii.niier icanui rureaa 01
r Uard.-l(1 Kteel ami l.ii...;.l.,.l ' llu. i,n.m n I., I I i. 1 . 1 I u il,l,.Pn,.u. ..,. .I.,. ...1,r it.
r 11 uiL-Li! v-i t . , .. .
E v-i,,: --- 1.0 ..u .uitj iiiriueineniH i.r Ills work, lie is a
'air " ! f"l'r'',or 1'frehy 1 uiulatU). .bout S feet, or 8 in. hesiu liei
n. i... Kiini'mimi ...11 1..111 mill 111'rNi'vi.rM mi' 11. i
. . , . . . , " 1 I hwimui iw luiuuu mill mil -' 1
JiAit AO "noInE: uiriileinenlH for his work. He is a dark ! n,ll!y brought them through atler a desper- f
iipht, "li' a'rujrgle of six long hours. Onoc in the at.y;
i.i Nilniiion llouclier. .lu....
- John Pointer, .laiuatre
Jacohi). I.avtuan, d:an:te,
- John J. Hughes.
ft revenue staiu.
t. r ist:i'je and slali.lM-nr. .
4 Win. II. kooiiti. rent, in lull
- E.I, S.-UI1. priiitina:
John J. llotliuan. puh. rep.
' fcr fuel, nsirini; olUce, kr. .
" Jan. Hicks, salary for tine
year, as Secretary aud Treasurer. ..
ltnl.iiice in Treasury iu Dtes at interest.
" 4.
' h.
" V.
ao3 17
nTa 00
ws 7i
:il M
i.J Im
IS to
12 75
li IM)
a -a
a 00
4 u
4U0 00
Sit 14
HV.,..,n.-lU. . .. ...11. ...I.... . ... .. 1 .1... 1. . .
,al,. t milum I aim mu tm t nei. ue it'll, a lime luixeu . me iwny noon tuaue tiicir way m
"t.MT Iam-u Kt...i. f i.i . 1 .iii . -. 1 1 . . . 1 .... , r.. . . . r ..
..... , u..uu ...iuiiu 111 P 1 K 1.1 1 . mill r ..... ..... .. ... .v .u. av......
as 1'urUt.
Stitch Mwhine that
of in 1 .i- uiiiai.aiiis. jvessk-r, bis cotniian- j a'" ""i plenty h ratioos. Alter aecejH-
r """'r Ulaclunes not ro.m liui is K f..t in l,..l..l. ..t ... i.i 1 inir tin. i,f 1r 1titpl-..l.i't..
r. . ' -- " ' " ... ...... wi iiiuu. : c -- ... ....... ... ..... v '....
drying off and rolret,huioii..usclv.-s,they
eame home without any I'urtlier tuvelurc.
The whole larty iwught alaait two dozen
small trout, but then they oulv went to
have ' fun." "FKITZ.
Iii. ".""""nei aurt not Urn. is about 0 feet in h.k'ht. of ruddv
ft. . ..?,1Uieiu.iBt Ks..iialilei.miilcxion. broad shouUere.! and .-..
ltI I I.1H- .sail . . ... . . "
ir v.ui . '11 . xue lh woolen shirt and .lark woolen ivanuthmns.
,. ,.?U.m,J1.rrPrrt II- W. Stead- A reward of 100 is orT. r.-d for the annre-
"-utiai At'fii.s. 20 Sixth street, hension U both, or f0 for that of either.
1 C tdfard Uazdte.
I'l Kuallbfleld sitreel.
).lte New City Hail, PITTSUFllGH. PA.
IUI3 Send f.r Illustrated Cataknue.J
Wlt 17
tttVi&i 20
Amount of premium notes lialdc toaa-
sessi.iei.t ,
Ilulaiiec iu Treasury iu notes at interest.
Amount uf Capital !a9 M nutulKTof jsilii lc IssucaI, IS41.
Jaeultli. Miller. Abrara Itcain. Michael Zimmer
man. Jos. c. Lit lit v. Samuel Itarelav. Ttd.ias
Aleyer. Joseph Kelm. YY m. J. liaer. "christian
L Mlllerantl John Hicks. ot Somerset county pB ,
ami Lsoiianl Ulitncr, AI. C. Miller and ii. Val
entine, ol liedford county Pa.
. oKiii tits rajtfTED ma tm Kssrixu vkau:
JACOH I). M I I.I. Ell. President,
JOHN HICKS, Sec'y, Treasurer and lieu'
ny order ul the
' Ottl,- Soui. C.i. Mutual Fire) JXO.
lus. tv, Sotiierset, May . (
UenT Air'l.
YVhen the Mm.! rushes with nket like vi .h m-e ;
lo the head. eatiiiM hot Hushes, vertigo ami .lini-
ties of Ma hi. it ie certain -1-u that a mild, silu- ! is.dinir an.l tiUaliiiiu laxative is required, j
au.l 1 vuuat k ErvkuvkW uiT Su.tzli. .Vi i.::i I
t:s r sh.M.1.1 Is- at ..ia-e n's..r:ed to. t
I No. 2. The wndlt l.ted omi half r,f a lra-t of tinv- '
; b.-r tun I situated iu StHiten.-i'k township, cssilaiti- '
1 mu three hundred an.1 titty two ai r. s. a.tu iuiu '
IkipI-oI .Martin L. Statler. Aialrew St ttler. K 1 ti
nt Is I. eirs an.l .s U.r-: ll.islm.-t is well iiiuisr
I e.l, an.1 the lan.1 1 ..I ytssl tuality.
I .o. 3. A tra.t f kin.1 eoutauiihir twenty-fi.ur
1 ai re?, -iiuate.1 in Shade Township. itriuiit'
t .l the Furnace pivM-rty. caster's heirs, aial
j oth.-r. This land is marly .ill ek-ar-d m l iu a
- slate ... i-utovatiiai.
. A... 4. Ail the riaiit. ti le. lutcrtt nisi ehiiin ! ;
1 sii.1 t:tiikru;i', .it. ui and to -iv-hu.i.'rt-l and sniy
ttw uprN. ot laud slltialtst m Siiatte t.'WM-iti'. and
I known as tlie Slm.u- Furuuee ktnos. AUm.1 it.
' acn 11 of these lauds are elean-.l aud lit a troi.t slate -.ul
ruiliiatlon: tut re are n-veral !
i a lance hunk Iran, and other out - l.tnl.inim ou the ;
I premises : ahou. . acres H' the el.-nre. ln. :ir,. n .
(V-in i! " i eaeelient meailow. There fat a ureal al-amlauce ut 1
XO A.1EXTS. Cir.ulur fri-e.Oi'll : Is a powerfnl Tonic, siieetillv aihiptet for use In ' iron ore ami etail an these lands.
Spr.iiir. when the h.mrni.1 and .iehllltiii.'d avstpm 1 At the Court House In tl.e Borouirh of Orvena. t
0RUA.YIC UWOI'TIIE NEXKN Ch- I nee.1 strength and viulilv: it will dive vl'iew to 1'ura. WestrotTeUnd nuity, Pa,uo lhurluy. tlie
ilith.n which - vitality positive aud the slreiiifth to the weak, animation to the 1st tiar of Autrust, 1S72.
nt-trative elect riel I y prtaif that lire I evolved I iletected, activity lotheslnxKish, rest loth wtarv, A tract of laud contaiiilna: hum! red ami six.
wulM.ut uiiitn elttvt ..I ttdvivts iuHueiiee uf hsh ! quiet lo the nervous, aud health to the iuinnii. ' , tv Ave and one lourth acre,'iiilns the Camhria
and phuspluirlc diet nuslern treatment ol alvie ' It ia a South American plant, which, accord in- 0uty Hue, lamlaof .ict.rve .vleyep.. Jaei.h Alcv.
A (IK X TS W A T V. 1 . A ir u 1
X JL uwk Wi.r: um4m-' at w.rk for u li nn
an at .
until. in els.', lai-lm -i. ..!,t anil I. ill. lit.
I'u rticulur tree. I). STlT.oX a. Co., iuc Art 1
Pul.lishcr. Periiaud, Muiue. j
C.C. X
Xt tnut.te t.. rx.t..intbrpr.i.-tL'alw.klna
aliy of uur niachiue or t a ive as reference, th
m..t thoronirh fiirmers iu the csintr.
All mirhiiK . S..I.I y us are and ev
erv tnarhine guaranteed tu irtve swiisiactkHi.
; Person wishing to will please call .n.r ad
I uressasal... e.
I march UtniElI a. FOKNEY.
', Xt.n-Fre.iin
roieci: ii;jiii
The Simplest. Mtst PowerfnL Elleelive. lnrj
Me. and Cheapest Puu.p lu use.
It is ail of In, an.1 of a few simple part-
It will not Frtrzf. as no water nuialn iu the
pi when not lu at tU u.
lt has m l. atli. r or etnn p, tin., .1 tl.e .ticker
and valve are all ol ir..n.
It scl.loiu. If ever, tnt out ur .sler.'
lt will f..ri"e water fnn 4u to . fr.-t ia the ajr. hi
att.ichiui; a few leet uf h c.
It is a-... I forwisl h: Injuxlc. YViuu..w. water,
inn . lanlens. lu-.
It fnrnt-he. the r.ttrcr in-t.s-l.iest wafer, h. -cm use
II is placed in the hott.iu ot the well.
Terw.: i h'h I'nnip, lr; jOr. ri (,.
1 " " 1': - c.
I-vra-cr sin -' In ir.rrloo.
s..lei Aurnts I, Somerset Cuntv
Stncrsct. Pa., .May 1., 1570,
" Y''1 x 'a rtiii s xo rici:
C-iat.- of Htnrv tSa.kaw. Inte c s..BM , t cantv.
.S-ppiivr.1 :
L-tiers..f.iB.iiil:rai.un,thah..e.tai has
tnti Iteeii t.. il.eui..l. rsi,i.pil. here
l.y sivcii iu ih.we imteUe.1 1.. uiakpiiinp.(h.tepa
nii-iit. 31. 1 1.. -c having eliiia,, avaiii'l it will
sent them, ill.l v s.llhen.l. :.tMl f,.r srtt icuwut at tne
late rp-a ien. ut ui. (i, va Saiuntav Juu
Wilt. 1-72. LEM J. Lo.NO.
May r-th, lsr.'-jei. Administrator.
Sl.Tt."J 34. That tl.e imvi-mpn.. on all ll. iu.K.
Ue street f um1 lairouah. except Alain Street
shall lw put down ten leet wklp. to he eow.s.ruete.1
in the manner and of the materials dire. ted la
ill-ease, strirture ami varicocele, ami arrest aT tie- ' to tne n.ttllei.1 ami selentitle H-ritatical of Lutwlou era. tl" impson m. a a.l utiiers. 1 lie lan.l I uf 1 see. 17 uf the ordluance of said Nirouuu exec, t
velopment: ten leetun-s to hi private suntical i and Pari, possesses the m.t powerful totiie prns- at.l gaality, ami well timbered. There is a larm n mses where siuil aath.a-ity is alvea s. the
V XI I. I.. I' 1 .PI., U.i.nM. II. . . 1 I . . unnilil H till 1.IS.I....... wl.i.. w. ...... . . . . . . r .. . . - . . ..p. -
... 1.1. I., wxiiiit --w... ..i..H.i.miin,ing in win miwa i 'K - V. . . .V -.s nr. ( nnril'SI ami IOWU . OUIH'll it SaKI tioeiMtfh t.l
tire tnalitie. and ha Iteen lona use. I a a spts llte
elasa, liy EIIYY'AKI) H 1HXOX
A venue. rt. x. : 64 lattres. 2a cent.
Every line from the pen of llr. I Hi. is of urea t
value tu the whole human race." Horace Crttetrg.
r' It EAT MEDICAL IHHIK of nsclul knowl
I" esljre to all. Sent tree for twostamp. Address
l'K. UOXAPAKTE a. CO., Ciiiciiinatl, Ohio.
ill all cuses of Impurities of t tie Illoial, Ihmnire
meul of the Liver and Spleen, Dropsy.
Poverty uf the Hl.ssl. Delillltv. Weakness ol the
Intestines, I'terinc ur Vriuary .irKau.
I strenthenlnit ami a.nrirhlinr. Likenulrl-
rhius food taken into the stotuaeh, it aasimilates 1
...l.llll... Itd..ll .1.......I. .1.. I-. 1 .. .'
MU....UIS. a.m.. ....op.a . ..v cillUiaUOU. lllll
viiroraml health.
It reirulatcs tlie bowel. iUiets the nerves, act
directly on the aecretlve .irvaiia, ami by It power
ful Tonic and restorinir effect... nnalucca he.lihv
iaml vi'.'omu action to the whole svstcui.
JOHN O. KEIJJSH1. la Plait St.. New York.
Sole A treat for the I'niteJ States.
Price, One Dollar per UoUle. Send lor t'imilar.
Diciit'inai uuuiiites, aiul lies a emit I lie Penn'a ten- . make them therwise.
.ia. it.i nou... 1 L-C.t tiLlrt.liX.
At Anuau-b, Indian eounty. Pa il Frlilav. the Sep re tars.
2d day ul August, ls71 a piece or lot of trroun.l ; luneli
.11.... In I. Ill 'P..... ... ...I t 1
mi ii.wii, in nam pouitf. etvniainitia; '
ninety perches, havlmt thereon erected a dweiliua- i
house, stable and other out liull.linus. Sale, at each
place. tojiinmence at 1 o'clock, r. ... I
TernnfASH. . llyO. YY'. 11 EX Foil I).
X- Airiiec. I
?. K I UTOI.K' M)TI V E..
297 Libsrty Street,
June Jo, Ti
; Estate uf Christian late of Jenner lowaskiii.
j S.iinerset.aiitT.ilrceaited:
Letters testamentary urn ike ahuve eeule bavins;
been aranteil the un.lershma.1 hv the aTo.rr auih
1 urlty. uollee I hereby given tu tho iudehteil to It
I tu make Immediate pavuient. ami those haviu
j claims against u. lu present teem, tlalv a at heat 1
' eat'sl for settlement, lu the amlersiirneil at the lale
1 residence of saidUec'd on Satunlav July Mb, ls72.
' UEOK.1E Ll"lY.
'.. ki! "