1R WAtHIXUTOX I.KTT1R. Washington, I , June lSth THE 1EM"R.TIC STATE rNVKXTHXS. Tin Ileiinn-ra.-y if S'Hitli Carolina, Missouri, Wmion!, I n I i;i n .1 , IVnn.-yl- vania and Xew Yoikhav.- iitu.illv indorsed Horace ttreelev. 1 here is. .... . l I. .a. a mi dotiM f his nomination at Haiti-1. in. .re. J. A. M.Mi.lru kfi.r (I.iv rn..rixv))(.ro ,,,, i,,;,;,..,! or SHfl-M.j,.nt reason ..f Indiana is a Mri.iiirn.iiiiiniUi.nl. mtl )m ..r- i for a r ..lutiou in 111 my opinion u. will a ininii.-r ill a iihiiiIkt "I thousand iimre votes in OetOIMT than 5 reeley will in Xveiii'ier. Mr. uon.in. Ksisavrry resin-etam.- ?-""- ....nives, lf the conversion, In-i.les tl.-inan. iin.l would make l.y far a '- iK-inir sudden s.ii.U.i. allv inexi.liea-t.-r rr.-M.lent of the Cuiled -" K 1,1,., was rul. nlat.-d to sul'.M-rv.-a.nl.i-il.an Hora.r (;ro.-l.vt . wl.oM.itiii)s.ii(ls iri.i(ls wlliI(. tt port he has Ix-en eomel.ed l.y the ;,.,!,,..,. In . fm(.r ..tiim-nts .rac k of the ISluirwh"... j would not. the douM .f honest e..n- Ti!Er....;RKssioxAL BEi'i ui.Uwx f..M-! viction and liirli-iiiiiidd sineeritv in mittke. The Meeting of the Conirrcssional Vnioii llej.ul.lican ('ominittet- which was held yi-sterday was fullv attend - ed, Senat.r Wilson tendered his res- i-rnalioii as chairman, and Senator Chandler was lected in his place, and a resident executive Committee was .piH.inted, consistin."-of Senator JIar - , nrni , noil, i;, i , ini nu. ellicicnt orii-anizer within the ranks of the Republican party. A man of the1 lilmost mteirrity and lidelitv to his trust. He will only employ honora ble methods of warfare ; but, if labor, ' a-si.luitv. skill and onerirv can necom-. oli-h lhi .rrcMt uii.L it Vill n... f..:i . for want of these pialities m his I -art. THE Oil.VMKIA I.AW- o.I.EiE COM- MF.XCKMKXT. This institution turns out annua from sixty to eighty ers ncarlv seventy law practieion-! irraduatc.l last , nivrli!. The commencement was numerous ly attended by the beauty and fashion of our city, and the floral onci-mirs were numerous. Assistant Secretary Jlichar.isou in a few happy and appropriate remarks distributed the prizes for the three liest essavs on law subjects. ll is to ie rejrreiieit tnat we iiave not a similar institute for the irradna tion of mechanics. Capable, int. lli ircit and aspirinir luechanics are the want of our time, and while not one of these frradiiales in Jie will Im' like ly to earn a living as a lawyer, we could coiiliilcinly predict the future of all, if they were masters of a irood me chanical trade. liosiox ji mi i:f. iiuiuImt of ntVni. ii ' li-n -.1 . ii ii m i m r- oi rt iii.i im n n.ixeai- rclilv left t lie civ I ir the ISiwti.ii in n atn I. ii nil till lor III. Inistoll .U- ...lee, ami tin- opinion is ex- oressed that it will be not unit- -i pi. s. ,i ui.m ii Miii ' ii.ii oniv a success ;i to niiinlH-rs l.m .i!,iil..i,..l tn.t. ... to iitiiuiM rs, out t .ut ui.il. .1 1o do a "-ri-it hil of .r.i.wl io io .i i .ii u. ai oi irooji. . A si MM Kit I'Ai.A. K. , , ' A "Teat lMiliiber of the wealthy Hon. Fred Hou-las and lion. J. .M. there was a lhrlit m the heavens v.si Kdinunds. Senator Harlan XV11S hlc to thos.-who st.d round aU.ut ; elected chairman and the Hon. .1. M. I lcas0. "f V'1', 'lailaqni Kdnuuids Secretarv. Col. J. II. Hin-! philosopherthereis only the blackness ton. remains as assistant Secretarv. I f ''""'"''-'an darkness, far from sujr- The committee as now cousiiiiucd ;P'"tiyi- of anything c lestial. Horace is an efficient and ciicr-ctie workinjr i Jr''1,,.v has.les.Tied the Republicans, lMjv i nay more, the censures and objuira- I "have known Hon. J. M. K.linunds tions which for so many years he Im--upon whom the management will towe.l upon their opponents, lie now practically devolve, for some vears l'rsout upon them, he well knowinr past. II."' is without exception lln i that the Democrats make it their clearest i.oliticii! thinker and most ! jrroatest boast that they are unchanir- , , . '" 11. 11. i no an eiiemv io ine people of this and other sect ions have i;,.,,,!;,.,,,, ;,arfv. He wiU'either Is- lready -one or are in full pr. i.ara- the I'reM.leiitiur candidate of the so t.on to s,H.nd the Summer at that .1.- t.aI!,.(1 -LilK-rals," ..r that of the De.n-li"-ht fully cool and clejrant HiiiiwiT ,.,.,.;,. ,,,i. ,.r .... !-l......i;;i. i..,.i. palace known as Fort William Henry Hotel, at Lake tJeorire. This retreat ' has accoiiiotlations for nine hundred sruests, an.l probably is. not surpass.-.l in the world for its location and adap- tatiou to combine health and pleasure with fashion elegance and comfort, situate.! near aratya. tins luiiise which is owned by T. Sobs -I A Son also jroirietors of ' The .rlin;rtoif ' of this city stan. Is at the heail of the hike, with a matrnfiicciit mountain ramrc on either side. The rrounds ami f.'iirdcns almost reproduce the AraLian Nights. The lake presents line facilities for fishiinr, is stocked with row, sail and stcaiiilmats and the arraneciiients and jtcrfect i-iiisine of the Hotel leaves nothing to wish for v hich uiod.-rn civilization can suy- ircst for the comfort and delectation of its ruets. Fl'TI'KE SF. LSsluX. !:.. .1.... .. i.:i.. lll.-U .'-llll.lltllll 1.11 i 111.11 iiiu.-, -.i . ... r . i ri .. ior in. sue.. .11 seciiriuii tit. i r. sun n- .... ii .!...!...- 1......1 t other sentiments and principles sus- i-.li..l l.v I, in. f,.r .1... i.Mt f..n i- i I... I...-. ...1.... I . I.:.. ..V.'... .1..' ii. ii. i ii. i.i taai ii ..i. a iii inn ii in ..lr...l ..;..i. f..r l.;..l, K.-Im-I South an- willinsr to support him. The bailinir of.jcfl' Iavis as soon as the war was over is confiriua- state, and one ot tlieui lias since T lion of his continued belief in seecs- ished for want of support. The tier sioit whi.h he so constantly atlvocated man Itepubliean press throughout the at the openinir of the relx-Ilioii. Xow if it should so hapcu that this M-cesh philosopher should occupy tin- presi dential chair, and his Southern friends should secede as before what colnlili- cation ini-ht not 1-made will, fore -n powers, iM-Iore the Jm-oji!.- can tin v. him from the executive power? Th. 1.. ...in .Iriw. itosi!ilitv ot his r. iit lniiir the I'resi- th ncy is doubilcss out t.f all question, but there are some whor-e credulity jrocs so far as to lieli.-ve it robable, and to them this is an iiitcn-stin-r question for consideration. James Imchanau jravc trouble ciioiihto tin country w ithout js.sitivc scsesh senti nients simply because lie did not 1m--lieve in the power of the srelieral frv crnmeut create a state, what then would Ik-the result of l.uttina: into executive position a man who let licvcs less the Idair family, by the same that M-cedinjr states should jro in manipulation, treacheries and i-onspi-jK nce, and the union I h-broken int.. raeies which ctT.-ctcd the noniinatioii frajrineitts at the will of a minority of at Cincinnati can force him itroii the the w-ople. i;.-iltiinore Convention. In that case Siiiallnox is on the decrease iu Washington since the warm went her set in. C. M. ld , krr. 1VI.-1, ll l.f II ,I.I 1.1.1 I.Mltll ... .... L.,... .I.i. ..r..,.s ,..k1 . :.....!.. r..it c l.,. i iiiiiuiiiiiL'! nun idii n.'iu i im .-iii'i ina k tl A I - 1 II Kcrs is ncli arc coiieeteu ami soni, l.nd that these finally reach maiifaet m,rj ..f l..u,l.i.r Iuimi-iI tt'liii'li in ., i . . -.. I.:.. i.' . 1 IJCIIU Sllt.es, 1 llcu to line tun a.ii.--- . .... . ... . to a sole Which has but little real leather in it. Unt w hat l.-c.mes of worn out lsnits and sh.M-s, and all oth er articles made out of leather which have Itccn cast aside as of no further use? It was in pursuit of this inqtii- r' that we learned that worn out host and iK-ltinjr are cut uj. into soles for leoots, aud that the 'uiiiiers'' tif Issits ,1 .h. wh.-r.-of il..- !... I- ..,. ,l.-,..oraliz,.l, r,car,fullv H-,M-r- . -1 ili-I Kiilil.-i-t-u to vari.ill- nr.Mi..-.- which .Ike thou, tX .,. h h 1 Un. of uew,.s, and th. n tri,,.,,,.-,! round, U-avi...' th.-... Kuin.-i.-ntlv lar-r, to make the "..nmrs for M.ialh r f.t than thev e.vered ln-fore. Thou-an.lr. ,,fu,,.,-"-mw.r,".r.. itn.rL.-t.-i mii.ih.'. tllv. and it iH imt f.-f.-r ihos.. who hu'y their Iroot without re-urd to the Ftandinjr to the d.-.5.-r to assume that theirund-rstaiiliiitrsaren-wtl.ro.i-h- out ! Chicago has ln-en stinerinpreeentlv ir,','Iit'as t'ver dar-.d to tru-t him in a to wish to hold others in a hated from a revisitation of the lire fiend. ! prominent and executive jxisitions. : couneetion with us. IJut the dissolu-S-reraldePtruetiveeonflaoTationshave! r M"w al"l '''' received a noni-l1'0" f a (ioverninent cannot he af taken place !n that city wit liin a few J iation, he invariahly ran In-hind his j f.-eted in the time required for knock days. ! party ticket, and the circulation i ng down a house of cards. Let the (.lii.irrnat hU I'ollllrBl ISt-cord. Xll.lilil. ll:lll.r,.c (,( 4 II lilt ! illWilVr t-.eile !i.-tnist niile.-s th-y .tie atndn 1 1. , in. ..I l.v .- itl-i-t- and ;ip- ... Illl.,u1ri,,.,sis is u I'lMillM MUM n , - 1 ... iiiit -Iiiinfd. i"'1' Mirroiiiniui .ii-.iiiiwijii.-. ri! iiic Kline, miki . ,( ,,, a,.ti..n an.l sentiment, there I natursllv fll'i ft wll ..I li.'i, HI if ll i.l.ti-ll i nier.vnarv, sellish, ur .lishoiiorutilr , the prem.s. s would almost, or .pine, amount to certainty. ..... ! vill''' is the position which llorai e ' Greeley now oocupies in the minds of those who i have hitherto b.'i-ii his jm.I- j ' coadjutors. Like aul "f' ',r--" j has suddenly betook hinis.-ir to tnc . i companionship .f tjiose wli..m he HJs r ,H',,,, ,,M,"IIM" . . liuiirnius. tun t"ir in i in :tiiii - . . ed. Horace (.rcelev has not kept Ins , . .. . . i- ii i i 'first estate, polltlca V, he is 1 ' 'HurlMhi-a.ll.iti Hainlnu' ftim tin- lh-vtln riul fay. y'i:h hitlwiuh rulu anl riiiili.iKlioa. i!uwn Tj Imtlixnliii iKTilitlim." N"t onlv has he leserted the "-rent and noble party to which lie was at tached, but his hatred towards it will hereafter be rrcatcr than that of a person who never Irclontred to it. Ihirinir the old wars lictweon the Ma hometans ami Christians, the latter were accustomed to say that "one rcneirade was worst; than ten Turks." There is a natural abhorrence in the human mind against treachery and scllish desertion. The renegade feels and knows it. He is sensible of the meed he deserves from faithful and holioral.le minds, and he hates those who award it to him. As the North ern doiiirh faces exceeded the very sia vcmonirers iu their obsequiousness and devotion to the system of slavery, so (iroclcy and the Trilmiir will now exceed Marble and the W'orhl in the fjiitefulness, malignancy, and venom with which they will pursue the Ke- ....1.1: 1 ' Well. 1m it so. I At him .1.. his , . 4 -ii worst, and that irnr.-t will not be r , , , ,r . , found verv ixirt. nloiisor dreadful. As , , P ., ,. -, tmliviiluals of the same family are .... ... .... i ., eharv in public criticisms of each ,. i e ... , , other, so members of a political party i i . u" . .ociaiii 10 iiiiim- ;,u;ii oh :ii . ... " - much if whose conduct is mischn-v- ii. ,,,ls- I ins toroearaiice has lontr ih-cii , excrcisetl towanls tireeley ; but now his desertion renders it h-jriiiiuate to ... 1 i i examine the man a he is and has i n : . . .1 - ' whacker marauding on the outskirts of those he hates the most. Hut he need not be feared in either oosition. If ,,,. i),.n,oerats do not take him up, ho (..llint .rt.t a sin-le electoral vote, lf ,1(.v it will cans.- the stampede ofhiiiidretlsofthoiisamlsof Democrats. i.ireiisoittioitsamisoi i'cinocrats. ic soreheads, all the M-rsonal ad- ts, all the mis-uided Itepubli- ' . ' I iiiIA. herellt cans tireeicv coiini carrv witn tinn would not coin M-n-ate for u.-h a loss " ' ' The ( inciunati coii"ioincratioii of odds and cn.1 which culminated in thoioi.iiiiation of (Jreel.-v. is already ilissiilviier into its uriirinil I'lemeiits St....k-v Mflttheu s ."is first . liinrnoii. has publicly denounced it as Ix in itself the most striking example h could adduce ot chicanery and cur ruptioii. The revenue reformers have openly seceded and issued a call for another Convention. The New York Kvcninjr I'oi-t has deserted the con i,...ti..n Tt... n...vi.i.i..iit iv nut ni.. nection. I he movement is not sun- .... it..- .j-.t 1- ' ,.h,.,i i,.- ii ........... ..r r1"1" m- iuhih .in i.....i ..i .,1!....,,...: ,,,. nt.it, v TJ... 7v;iiea when challen.L'etl to name any Ilepul Hcnn daily newsiuiner execot iti lf tl...t it l..t u it Ii tlx. (in..iin..iti ..... ...... .... .... ....... , iii.ui.rrel ...irtt- eoubl not do it tin. I could only designate four insirnilieant weekly (or weaklt ) papers in its own l limn, remains true to its allegiance, and both Ili-publican and Ib-moeratic (icrmaiis. as a rule, repudiate (Jrcelcy as a camlitlate or as a chief. They are not dice to Im- shifted at will from one place to another, by any political ii-r.der however adroit. The trreat 'biidv of American Ilepnblieans r- leet the rihu nr sair the Tribune A-rr with the dis- jrnst his recreancy merits. Anions' the Ih-iiiocrats, so far from -rainiii-new strenirth, (Jrcelcy con-! stantly Ih-coiucs more distaseful and llUWeleome. The leadinr Pclilocratic journals are tipposed to his lM-injr nominated at ISaltiinore, as arc the most jirominent Ilenioeratic leadinjr men. Where, then, is (ireeleyV streii-'ih ? It is certainly not 11urt.11- tious in the North, uml'will not Im-un will any considerable number of 15. jiublicans follow him into the Ilemo. eraiie camp? Only tuisy-ui.led. .lis. appointed ami recreant llcpublican r....l can l so. sure, wiil la 1 heir number w small. I he rrcat -.. too devoted publican i.arty itself, is to its i.rincipics, too well ac.iuailitt-t, ' with the needs and situation of the , . . , . nn in. ioo iiiiicii aiiiiuuieti n n i in-i tellience, too H-nsiblc that lilwrtv and reform, can only Ik- maintained . - ... I.i- i, iiwii ii.h. f.iii li.itri..ttii nil. I ' . too progress, vc, to Ik- led ,nto any l.H.i s t u-.iyv aii.-r j i ..race iireei.-y. Kvcr since he obtained reputation ; . t . I. ri as ii partisan ami punrcni i-uiior oi i the Lo,j Vubin, in 14.-,, it has 1n-cnlnI ''" yet "iiropcntaut followers pati-iittoall who kii.-w.iind t all who .-riticall v oWrvwl him. that Iu-.-s.m-c- iallr Wkod the iimlifi.-ati..iH i..-.--s- ry for an ai.lo an.l mic.-.-Ii.1 l.-a.I.-r. ; . . Th - Harrison .-a.iipai.ir,, wa,,an-,l 1... .!.... 1 1:1... r-ort-wu auu mi..-i.ii.."i iih-ii iiat - ward and W,l. Th,,v ,ad, f Jr,,-l. y to frn-at .h antajr.., .,1 - rit.-r ho ,lid .-ni.-i.-nt .-xi-.-uti..:.. ,,(' li"HJ udroitlv that he fu,,, i,-,l din-etin and eon- trolliii'r inind and wifh.-d t.Mtuhlih a triumvirate with Svward and Weed. 1 '"'.v very well a. . wri- t,,r - ,M,t ' ruinous as alead.-r. ' 0t,Kr - ' Kaw 11 ?r edv an.l anxious as ( reeley has alwiirs lwen for office, neither the Whio-s tmr 1J- 1 . I . e . i n t . i ami Hi)inariiy oi tne iriaune never ieotild give him a resjertalleetirreiiev I as a eundi.hUe. Th.- fiefiient li - !if - ! ii.iii.tiiu nls In. si.fT. n-d in his; iisi.ira- si'. ,. . turns .r ..nice I-1 nun to tiuson e unctisn en , ..n-. ... I the him of Sewart, Weed and ir.e- to help the nt not that we want lev, and iii.eth. ii. like HaikU.heh.isillie.il lo lull that we loathe the ulwavs heeii williiiu-, and alvvav.s nil-j 'successful, except in serving out a . month or two ofsoiiie'hodv t-IseV term ' in Coicrress, s, where in that short peri od he made himself thorouirhly odious and .il.uo.viuus to men of all parties without exception or distinction, lie has reH'utedly shown himself a mar plot, and notwithstanding hisChiiMw jdivsi-oirnoinv, so "childlike and l.hiiid." he has exhihiud stupid obsti nacy fully o.pial to that of Andrew Johnson, or any other jackass. I)uriiir LiiK-oln'scclel.ratecd auvass with Ilousrlass, and durui": the lcir isa,ivf (.nfl.st which followed it, j (ire.-lev was .piife as much for the I il().r s t1(; f,.IU).r He electioneer-' (, f(,r u,,,.,,),, u,,ut as fi.r tIl(. . i;,.,,,,!;,,,,,;,, ecticut la.-t sprinir ! Afterwards, at the Convei.tiou in Chi-j v w ,i(,n ini).)(ll was rs( , luU)(1 aU(j w,H.rt ,.t.ollllHitiOI, Wil J U-t ween such men as Lincoln, Seward . i ah1 Chase, was our Chinees sajre, : runuiiiir over with a parent simplicity, and he, too, had his candidate. He pressed his candidate with "ways that 1 were dark ami tricks that were iu ' vain. lie probably swore "jrood Jroui the L mini, ai-.rtni tit '' mouth fillinir oaths," and manifested from it, ln our fa-t t j-r-his jrreat knowledire of men, his ex-: (' tlu-ir rcics. .piisite discrimination of character, As men and even philosophers, not and his profound conception of states- unfre.piciitly persist in opinions which lnan-liip, by repudiating I.incoln and apoar preposterous to the majority of Seward, and men of that calibre, and mankind, so our statesman, continued advocating man that lio one else ever , to repeat his previous declarations. dreamed of for President hdward , ,, . ,. , , bates. Mr. Lincoln was per M-tual , , . . , , '.. Iv ainioved and worrietl bv this sami ame ; Chinese politician, duriiiif all his Ad- ministration. At one time it would ; lo his heedless "on to Richmond," at another his cowardly counsel t) make lc;rradiiir and suicidal concessions, ami at another by proscciitin:; insane !icrtiatious in Canada. As early as XoveinlK-r'.t, lsiJO, dem onstrated how safe and judicious it would have Im-cu to have entrusted the guidance of these I'liited States to hiit sagacity and wisdom. Iu the Trbiiuit' of that date he savs: - .mi now, 11 inetouon .iates con-. H'iion to a jatyr. -mi yet wiien . sidcretl the value of the I'nion deba- Mr. Lincoln had been nominated, table, we maintain their perfect riirht when certain discontented Uepubli to discuss it. Xay, we hold with cans had held a convention at Cleve-' Jkfff.usox to the inalienable rivlit of, land, and nominated Fremont and IV communities to alter or abolish forms chrane, when the fortunes of the re .if frovernincnt that have become ok public were iu a most critical coiitli presMve or injurious ; ami, if the Cot-: tioii. ami our j.atriotic president nectl ton States shall desitle that they can ed all xissihlt- aid and assistance, this do better outside of the I'nion t hau j Trilniur secessionist treacherously in it. we insist on h ttiny them ro iu ami secretly stahlicd Mr. Lincoln by Jicace. The riht to seceoie may Is-a sa-n.linjr out the following h-ticr as revoliitioiniry one, but it exists never- prhatc and coiifidcutial : llieless; ainrwe tin not see how one ti'irte iviii li.ii.. i fiirl.. il.i tt-li.it " , " ' ' " another pan v has a riirht to prevent, ... ' . 1 . . ,. H e must ever resist the asserted riirht , .. . ..... of any Stale to remain in the l uion , .., , ,. , , , , aim nuiiiv or uciv me laws inereoi; . , , , . ... . ' to withdraw from the I niou is ouite ., , . . 1 'another matter. And. whenever a i i i . r consitlerable section of our I'tiiou deliberately resolve to p it. ... . .. . r we shall resist all coerc ive measures i i. i . w dcsirncd to keep It III. e hop.' nev- r ,. . ' ... , ' crto live 111 a Kepub he whereof one ... , .. , section is pinned to the residue bv , . ' liavoilets. On the Kthof December, Isr.ll, the ('hapiia.ua jurist, patriot and philan- 1 thropist, evinced his acumen by tell-1 in? irhathel iu wfifamt tin' H- rliirnioit Imli'jM'iitleiH-f. He says: We have relieate.llv asketl those who dissent ffotit our view of this1 ntatt.V to fell 11s frankly whether1 they do not assent to Mr. .1 f.ffkuson's statement in the lieelaration of lii.le - iM-ndence that Governments -derive i ' ' theirsr powers from the n,'t of .''"' ...; and that whenever i- . r .... 1 I.. " any form of !rovcriinent, b.-coinesde- struetive of these ends, it ik tin' rnjlif J' Jl I . M ..ll . 1 f . I. f . . 1 "J '"' "-"j"' i mirror o.. mm to mstittie a new v.ovcri.inen , c. " AN ' l" i'artl,.v a,,,Tt lms ",M: trine, iN-lievinur it intrinsically sound, heiielicial, and one that, universally " cpt-.l, is calculated to prevent tin heddiiiir of seas of human bh.o.1. Ami if if jirstilh-il the rirssioii from tell alxiut a jrood deal at tlie present the liritish Umpire of three million.- time, is-llow to live Cheaply. Trices nfiollonist.iin 1 :;;,',, oic see iri of all the jrn-at stables of life are. it tfoulil not just if i the seression o''hijrh. lleuts are enormous, 'a.-jh-tiee millions of 'Soiithrrou from the inns are cxa.tinir. Wunts mi.ltiply, Fnleral I'nion in lsl. If we are ; while resources diiniiiMi. ilowto! J etleral L imm ut . . j - mistaken on this noint. whv does not . . someone attempt to show wherein and why; i-or our own j.art. winie we deny the riirht ol slaveholders t hold slaves atrainst the will of the lat . ter, Iff ill . I not see Loirturutij Million er ile of ji'ojile run r 'nflil fullij hub! ten, or eren lire, in n detested I'nion vith Ihem, Inj inilitarij forre. 'If seven or eitrht eoiitiiruous States shall present themselves authentical- lyat Washington, savin- "We hate the Fcdcntl Cllioil We have with- i r ' .11- drawn front it; wcjrivc you thechoicc Ix-twei-n acquiescing in our secession , c.uilH.riuui iH-twecn oiitjro and iu and arransrinjr amieablv all incidental "''. makes life a dnidjrcry and '"-st.os on the one Hand and at- .ei" uu-to mi.mh.c t.s 01. ui.-ot..... -re rould stand up f,r i-.H-rrion, J or ire ,lo w mink iron Id In-just. We hold tlie rijrht ni convenience in uie jiataccoi lasn of self-jrovcrninciit sacred, even when ! Study simplicity. Refuse to Is- evoke.l in In-half of those who deny IwfriiilVd into a style of livinjr above it to others." what is re.jnircd by your position in i.' i ..it.. n.e in .I... sin. ie iirtii-le socict v and is iiistilictl l.v vourrc- i-'"- I - .1 : . we may s.-e him invokinjf the lncoin- IIIIT Administration, to precipitate It- ncmi.css, m im. .-, un.i oie.iieiisite- self asrainst "fii'Mre slures," and ', which others will be jrlail to fol now it iscxm ctedbysoinethat he will low and tjiank you for introdiifinjr. receive the -'iicjrro vote," with jrrate- Teach yourself to do with out a thou ftd acclamation. He says: ' sand and one pntty ami showy things fullil the obligations assumed in his inauratioit oath, but iferrr, "seren or eiijht Slates ' send aients to Wash- iimtoii to sau. " 11 e leant to iio out of il. f...... I... '..., ..l ..! ' llfi tll, I" f .l.f.l I. r I I urinrf (irifi i btj our deration to human lifa-rtij to ' l sai, J,et Hu m i)o : And we do not I i . . . . . . . ! sec how we could take the other side ,, ;,i1,11 ..,.,: : .Up..,. fli.-t tt itl. - I'l"--' rifria? i man which we noi.t aa . I 1 paramount to ail jxiimcai arran;rc- ... to however convenient and a.l- ; ....,. (.reeley poured out Ins soul with u i.liilniitlirn.liv nr. wliii'li .TefT f).ivia " r-v . ''. clap tiwir uanu.-anu nan a uit.uj- t Koww.ouirt.- lit aya ; "M certainly wc l.olicvc thai i.aiininiif in f-tt ninil.iTu m.oli 11 -i.T .. . r? . "' ZTITZ Iit.-r ".I.-iirm" llit-ir 111st iM.wi-r troin i," - ... . .. . i . .1 r 1 -n . ,.t of the ,-vi r,,,d , rf aud will a, tbey r,. , whi n.-v.-r a iiortion of thin I ...on, -(.Mi Aye. i,.oUfr to form an ...d.-,K.nd...t j . M-lf-sul,st.tut.i.? nation, hhall fit, A Wast was made at the CWho- ,0 .v. u ''y. trt residue, j h,M-ken quarries a few dayswnee with ( ' '"d to ro away from you, wei(. hutidr.-d kep of inrnder, by "-nilw trurt M'lf-n-t. f r u' P"iil'- or wir- froven.meiit, will constrain the residue of the Aii..-rieau injoplc to say "(jo. Wfv never hare yet had sx. jKxir an liniou of ourselves or our neiurhlxirs I . . L'. - . . .... luiiri eouon iiic., or im - ' States, siiy,iine(tilvot-ally, "Wo want 1 to jret out of tin- Union," and promise ! to i-fleet their end in-un-fully and ill- ! . ...... i ;il ,! ,,,,r 1 ...... idea t coiiiielliii;r mem to slay Five davs after the itiatiiruralioii as IVesident of the 'onfederatc States, of that .listintuislieil citiz. n who was sul.se.Ueiilly hailed with such ahicri ty I.V Mr. (Ireeley, the father iu the Trihitne of Fel.ruary 2:1, I si; I. sjxike thus: . "V' have reeatedlv said, and we once more insist, that the yreut i.iiu- ciple einhodied l.y Jeikkuson in the Declaration of American Independ ence, that (iovernineiits deprive their just powers from the consent of the ro erned, is sound and just ; and that if the slave States, cotton Stales, or the (Julf States onlv, choose to form an ind. M iident nation, . hntv a Hi,ar Ult umr(ll ,.,y,, (, ,( . Vl. have said, and still maintain., that, provided the cotton States have fullv ddinitivc lv made up their minds to j,v thems.-lves, th, r- i.-i , r, ,l f jhihlnxi uL,t it; for the v have only to exercise reasonable patience. - - - . . and they will lie led oil' in peace and 1 jrood will. Hlirwcu' it flmll that the tjrfal fatly of . Southern ;. v .w-wVW. ... In the rriliuneuX SeptemlT ill. IXI'.i, in a letter to II. Mel hesney, ol I my, ! .. 1 ., Air. trrcelev savs: "I!ut I shall ssMhat, if it had Ih-cii proved that the people of the slave States or even of the cotton Slates alone had already desired to ' dissolve the I'nion, and icaccfullv, I diliU-ratrly and authoritatively ex-! pressed that wish, tri' should have as- ! sented to it. At all events, should."' These extracts show that (Jrcelcy j niirht lie styled tnti'iunit as well j as any Southern fir.M-ater of the re-! .Itellion. If we contrast him with! Lincoln duriii"-this iM-riod, it is Hv- .New Voiik, Sept. 1, ls;4. . Vol it Kxci:i.i.KXfi : The under-. signed have U-en re.pte.ted l a ImmIv of influential 1 "ni.nii.-ts to communi cate with the loyal (inventors, for the purpoM- of elieitiitir r.-i.lies to tin- fo- lowinjr.pieri.s: 1. Iu your judireun-ut is the rc-clcc-tioitofMr. Lix.-oi.x a probability ? 2. In your juilireineiit. can vourown State. Im- carried for Mr. Lincoln' ? :. In your judgment. ! the inter ests of the I'nion partv, and so of the country, require the substitution of another candidate in place of Mr. Ll.vcoLX In making these queries we jrivc no .quuioii of our own, ami request yours , only for the most orivate ami conli .lential use. Yours truly, Horack (iIieki-Fv. Ktlitor of the Tribune, (ami two .oineis.; The reopIeaii.-weic.l Mr. (Jreeley's " int.-rroi those of n . . interrosratories as they will answer f Cincinnati next November. We have other specimens of this man s opinions and consistency, but .1 I .1 f . 1 ? . - I I uie iciiirin m inisanicie a.iinoni.-ncs us to postpone them to a future occa sion. . II w I Uvo. One of the subjects talked and writ- make strap ami buckle me. : is tin t l .... ... i ... t i, lr. hhin Inch pre-r on hundreds of hoUsekeeiM-rs of the mi tile class. i' I l-ie .. I. .. :. .1 .-tl : . I he dlUH'tlltJ HI the problem I- to re- concile irrcconcilables. The middle- , - ., ,, ... class laniiiy ireneraiiy wants all tin fine things, all the style and disjilay of wealthy nciirhbors. The problem would simplify itself at once, would the middle-class family cease tryinjr to apH-ar what it is not, ami In- cou- tent to appear and In- ih.ui-ht just W'htlt It IS. It IS What IS done to keep 'im r.t.i.....i-.i iiwi tl.ot .l..t...f ,1... up nppearanit' ttiat destroy the and Im- thought w Aauou. nu to m. t... upM is a i '" . V. " no will la- contfiit with a clina. cHwuma- ....... .or s.ioh . i.iiir.-i i-t ii f.iil.i'.n iir"c;r..i.li..itv ! sour. es. S t a t.ishmn ot sii.ipltt-it , , home that its members will never i miss the costly fripperies and showy j I adornments of fahiu, ami he hair-1 pier in the ci.zv : and comfoitab! n.iMi-tniciit than mot nf tl.i. ir ir...lt!ie 1 - I v. ...... nei-rhlHirs are in their splendid estal- iisiiiucnis.. 11 iioch noi ioiiow nun i .... i? . i t " . .. or.ier w mocucapiy, one must n vc m. -am v. s. i nt jrreai staples ot uie are not costly. . lastc, rciincincnt, jroo.l cheer, wit," and Oven -clcjrance are inexiK-nsU e. There' is no trouble alMJiit yuunjr M-ople marrying with no outfit but health aud love and honest purjose, provided thev will practise uie tnriii ami prudence to winch their jrrand-parents owed all their success, and make their thought and love siqs ply what they lack iu the means of display. Those who iM-jrin life at the top of the ladder jreuerally tumble whirh 13,000 tons of roek were ri- moved. A PAKTTin l'ontiae, Mich., out rowing on Sunday, was too large for the Iwat, and one of the number was drowned. A local pajH-r thereupin remarks, "I.eniemlxTthe Sabbath and keep it holy and don't overload your Iwat" MLwltancouA. R. R. R RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CTKErt THE WlliST PAlXrt In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR ftflcr reading. iii mlii-ilii,nu.iil i'ii.l lif no si r r r-K v 1 1 ii r.i... UAUWAVa UtAI.Y liKLIKK la A CURE FOB tVl.ia I AIN, tt wu th" (tr-t .iiiJ l Tlio Only Xuln 1 IoiiiojI y that Uuiuitlr "". coiiiiiiir paiut, IUrt Iutiininiiitluiil, ud curd .'oti4itiii. wliirtlwr of tbo l.uugx, huaiuh, luiwala, ur tAiiw (laMla or uraui, l.jr iSTnlta ONE TO TUEXTT MIXUTEi.. no m alter how lotit iw nirtltii lh Daw Mm KUfcl MATIO, IWJ n.lj.ii, It.Bnii, CrlppWil, Kaivuu. &unJ(k, ar uruainud villi imiun tuty xilfcr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD lN'STAST EASE. INFLAMMATION OF TDK KIUXKY. INFLAMMATION OF THB ULADDE1!. I.NFLAMMATlO.S OF T1IK lWKU. . CONOKSTIoS OF THE Lrjius. BOT.B TttROAT, IHFFH TIT BKf ATHINU. Valpitation of thk ucakt. 11TSTEKIC8. CKOU1. HII'IITIIF.ItlA. ' ' OTAKKll, l.NXCEXZA. IIEADACOE. TOOTItACiiF. COt.D rmUA A fit' E CIIIU.s. 'ftxitipiiatiuau'Ui ItraJy Krllrf lotlrtr prk whrre Un uia w ilidkull) vuu will air.wj com and comfort. Twuty (Iropn In fclf a InmWrr f wlr will In frw m nii,t.r.ir,KAMl!i, SPASMS. Sollf STOMACH. HKARTHI RN. SICK HKAIiACUE, PIARKI KA. DYSE.NTEHV. COLIC. W1XU IX TUt LO'AtXS. ami all 1MKUNAL I'AIXS. ...... Trarelen ahoulil alw.ya carry kolnf BaJwav'f llrady Relief wrtb tliim. A f w diu in w.iu-i v. ill Cievuut MckMa or o1ii froni cUur m aar. 11 la i tot Uua FrsDca Bnuir ur Bitten aa a aUiuuUO. FEVER AXD ACHE. FEVER AND AOUE cund t;t Hfiywuta. Tlim-It Mira.wM arent la thia woria that UI ran Kcvtr a-.d Agu. and Jl uther Nljri... Ul ""I?''', hi ld. Yellow. auduitiT FfVitr.lai.lnl lr 1 "-V,' I ll.li) a quick aa KAl.WAYS HMiUX HtHLF. Filly ccnU cr kutlle. tslu ky IhagnuU. HEALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! i Stikno asd rri?K r.ieii iiix.n-lNciitASE 1 DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HIE Ikil'lf I Xl'Kl:.Hl s. VWM THK JN n.t r.:u k oy mis nun vsoauuifvi. ill.l.K lNE, THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE CREAT CLOOD PURIFIER. F.v.tt drup ut tl. FAUSAI'AKILLIAN KESol.V FKT cinuMiiiniciit.s lir..uili the Illoiid, Sweat, Crinr. ah'l uti.er fluids ail i.ian .M tlui avat.4ii tlia vir.f fur It r-blra tlia w .l. ..I tlttf Ualy wita flaw ainl awuiHl li.atwLjV Scrf ui . .lili!., Confuihl'lion, .ui4u!r (IWur. 1'loera ia ll.e TlioU. U.wth, Tuiaora. Xo.1 ll. f it lllamla him! Mlir urla of Hie ayatiin. Koro L)a, St.uu.i.us IMhLii-.a IJ..IB Ilia Kara, and tin worrt f.iriua t 81.1a diacja.T. Kni..i.'n, FTr tt-xm, BritM ll. a.1. Kituc W.wm. S..I1 I11..UU., Kry,ll.v. Acne, Ubc Sia, Winiia la Hi' lk-afc. TanMira, Caiwra In (lie Wunil,ai.d all wjr.Vw.lnj and pahful diaeaanrfa, Hfhl Sweata, Ixwa ul Stu.. and ail avlrtol I bo life Brincl t.lC are within the cilratu e laiire at Uito wonder of M.mI ern Caen.ia.rr, ail a fcar Java1 ne lll prue lo any nrn uaiux 11 titr illhir vf Ibeau funua of ttucaw IU indent power to cure Ui.w. lf the patient, daily tMHi.iiiine reduced try the waatn and ikieoaiKiUiin that l r.ilii.uallr imereaaln(, auc-rrf-ii. In arreatiuc the waalea. and repalra Uie aanxr with new nuttena! nuuje rrom aeaiinr oimwi auu una uie i-AR.SAl-AKII.LI AN will and accore. NiAonlrdoea tlie SaaaraiLLia Rmurm exrel all kbnwu remedial n,:enta In IJ.e care of Chronic, Scrorn h.u, I 'onut Itiitiouol, and bkiu dueaao ; but It la toe only laltlva cure fur Kidnrjr &. Dladdrr ConplainU, Crlnary. and Womb dlteaaw, Crwel. 14abe.ea, Ihopay, St..pae of W ater, lneoi.tiiienco of Frlue. lirlKlit't eaae, Altmrainuria, and la aH caaes where there are brick due) depuaiia, or the water la thick, ehwly. miied with suhaunov like the white of an tgt, or tl.rea.la like white ailk. or there k. a niurnid. dark, bllioua appearanee. and white bone duat d.pntita, and when laeru b a .rakin, hurtling aenK:iUon when uu.inie water, ami iin to Uie bmall t the Hack and alwif thu Loiua. l'ricctio. WORMS. Tb wly knows and aura Kamedy f H erwo-i'.n, Tip, tic. Tumor of 1 J Venn.' Growth Cured by Itudway'a Resolvent. aeeaxT. laae., l. IU. la. kineir I aawa kaAOvariaa Tii.nr m IW arariaa aaj Ww.U All ike DDCbea a4 - a waa a. art be It," I uiae y tklne iha waa nwamM ; hat aMan.1 alae4 aw. I aaw raai UaMiraat, aad IkMfhl I waeU ley H i ha. had ae faith la ii. bxwive I had .atrnd fur Iwelre yean. 1 fak all haUlee af the IUmItmi. Bad eae aoa af Badaae'a Ftila, aad tee hat tkaef tmlaJi Kallrf: and Uct. IiMi nra f aa to he eaae ee fclt, aad I ! hrtur, aaaerur, aad haevar lhaa kan IwiJt. jiwi. Tha want laanae waa ia tb. left aMe af the howrla, omt ta era. I write this to yva lor the bandit J olaan. Yea .aa nabliak it U yea ckoaae. " HANNAH F. KNAPF. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS. perfntly taelea. elecantly coated with mrect cms. purre. rejrulate. purify, cleanae, anl atrrnethen. ltad. wave Ilila, for Ilie rurc of all ilianrdt-raof tl. Stomacll, Liv.T, Buwcla, Kidneea, ltl.iihler, Kenrouf DlaMaei, Headache, f-onatliuitiou, Ccetiveiieae, I ml ideation, liYi.ne.Nua, ItHiouiiiefla. r.lllooa Fever, InQanilnatlon of the Ikiweia, 1-iieeat.d all IleranconenUof tl.dlntenl Vu crra. Warranted to effect a ptitivr cure. I'urely Vegeta ble, anntalninc no merrure, mineral, or dajetertoof druirs. CAT Oinerve the following ayaiploma rcatiilini frum Iiiaordcra of the liieentiTe Oreau: .'.auUpaUaa, Inward Ptlea, I'allaeaa af the Waal ia the Read, A. utile af um Suaaarh, Kawa, HwetUra. Uufw.! W read, KnIIbm. ar Wehl u. Ut. snMparh, near Eraewuloat, awahiac e r'iuueriaf at IS Pil t the Meaierh, twwaaidr af the Hand, MtfrrM aad I.tfical. Beealhinc, Flaltering at la Heart, Caakiae nr Sultbcaboit &aaatieea wbea ia a Lyiaff Faatare. Iltaaaau af Yieua.. Iiola ar Weha hafnra the beat, eear aad'tVaH K.a la ta. Head, Mtiert af Perrirala. Tdlewaeaa af the Bkui ua k, Faia ia the Krfe, Cheat, laaaha, and aaadaa Flaahea af elt, baraias ia ta Flh. A few doar of RADWA TS PILU wit) fret the 1T teu. frooi ail the alNive-namrd diniiruera. 1-ncc, 2k vcttta iK-rU.x. soi.ll ll T MtDCOlSTS. HEAD -FAIK AM. TKL'B." Send! m letter-r-a.p U RAI'W AY A CO., No. 87 Haldea Lane. Kew Vork. Informatioa ttorUi ttnnit Jr via be auit you. rPOCIET IKIVES.X Knives and Forks, J' SPOONS. BCIBBOH8. lJB f AXCS, SHOVELS. LOCKS, Wy,! Hinges, Nails, Files, etc iCarpenter's, Blacksmith's, andl n AGRICULTURAL TUULb, A .m..mmam me I Vk X Cr- T.ihartw i 8 Ith T-a x ' ai aw J.iIIX IHULKT. Jl III N D KOBEKT. J OIIN MIIKKT & CO, BAHKBES, XO. 240 MAIN STREET, JOHNS T O W X , V K X X A W--IIIrjfti'iii-a.ilUllPinl!arteultUeVnl. le.1 Slnt.-e ati'H'aita.lae. ami In Fiin-iifn r..uiitrl.. liuy ij.iW. Coui uu.l .l.ivniimiit li..uila at '';" "''' i'ri'f u,m """"I'3' Ji,n'V11 iH-untv. Iiralli. ami I IkvW m tli-r ImiiU cah- til. AlKri-T rwivc.l nuik-iaifit luival.pi.ll diin:iDl Interest at the rule of S'ue jer cent, jtcr Annum jmid on Time IhjiosiU. Kverytliitiit in tlio lluiikin Lino recwivcf our .r..iut Mtti'iitbut. TtiniiWIul t.iour frii-wle and ruat..nHT! lor Ih.-lr ,. ZVri IITZ'Z line U itiw u a trial, uwirin all. that wcnhall at " '!." "In all wt- can t trlvr i-ntlre aatlfartln. jvi.2i:e jOiixiiiHKHTk.it... : , IK Milt norsE, t'i.ut.tt Ninth AiCntsTitT Strleto, P II I L A I) K L P II I A . II. W II AN AO A, j Fill 1171 rririi-br. STAXIlARl. AM UK H AN IBILLIAED TABLES. Kvcrytlilnu .HTtiiliiinn to llilllar.lr tl..i-Ktprlocfi, ,,,. ,, r,,,!rlll., ,., nu.il H. W. Collender, New York, .SiKrcmir In PII F.LAN k IH .IJ.KNDKIt, ;S HltOAIlWAV. taptel Ij Act of LefMatiiu CAPITAL, . PRIVILEGE, $100,000 $500,000 Depositors weurtd by Rtal EsUte invrsHueals eclusiTtlj, Six Per Cent. Interest Jt'aiJ to depoaitora on tbo corapoundinj principle. ii-AllenllnH U efiewcYerf l ! Iirl jmw eaiuMS fur trilhdratHH'J tawney afeja.leeL Jfreele).i(M tmall mtuHt,WlTHOlt XVT1VH t lCOX TIIK jVKPOHITOK. jilt rmMinumiralio trill rarvlr prompt rrply. . JAMES T. BRADY, I'rendenL DAVID CAMPBELL, , Treasurer. h I laVlT'"Vli1,, I Lis ! Miitccllimrou. aMMt FA VImckat tSIICrr are wA a vile t xncy Dn&k, made of PiKar Rum, Whi-kev, I'rouf Spirits and Kefu& Liqitori, d'ictnretl, spicrd, ami sweetened lo please the Uste, called J'cmicl,,, : Appelitcrt," " Restorers." ftc, ttut lead tlio iipj.lcr on lu drunkenness and rum, but are tnie Medtcmc, nude from tlie native roots and herbs of Cililottiij. free frrtin all Alcoholic Stimulants. Thcyaro the Great Mood Pun tier and a Life-giving Prmciple, a Perfect Renovator and Itivijrorator of the System, carryitiz off all poisfMious matter and restoring the blood to a healthy cofidiiion, enrich in- tt, refreshing and invigorating both mind and body. They are eaxy of adiniiustratKxi. prompt in tbeir acliut,ceruiaio tiicir results, afe and reliable in all Um of divase. Me PcrMa can taksthdo ISIllera accord ing to directions, aud remain lone, unwell, provided their bones are int destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs viauted beyond tlie point of repair. Dyapcpsla r Iuillarrnllon Headache, Pain in the Shoulder, Coughs, '1 iIiIuchs t4 the Chest, Diz ziness, Sour Eructations nf the Stomach, Had Taste in the Mouth, Itihous Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation nf the I .tins. Pain in the regions ol the Kidnevs, and a hundred other painful symptoms are the oAprins of Jyipepia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar 7 autre of its merits than a lentihy advertisement. Ker Kcntalo Complaint in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the torn of life, thec Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked 1 111 proven. cut is soon percep tible. fr Ittflanmiaior jr nml Cliroulc Rhcn nntf sas and trout, Dyieiia or Indtpestion, Uilioue, K emit tent and Ititernuilent Kevers biseav of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and lil.idt.er, thec Citters have been moxt succtrtafiil. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Ulond, Vahxlt is generally produced by derange ment of the Digestive Organ-v Thev are a Calcutta Purcjaf lv s well aa a VoniCf postessini also the jievM.nr merit of acting as a powerful aent in relieving Conestiim or Inflam nation of the Liver and Vic:r.il t r-au, and iu Uilious Diseases. For kl IUraar, Krnptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, lUntches, Simms, Pinip!e., Pustules, Hotls, Car buncles, King-wonm, Scald Head, Sore Kyes, Ery sipelas, Itch, Scurfs licoloiationsof the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally di up and earned out of the sstem in a short time by the ttc of these Piiters. One bottle in such cases will convince tlie most incredulous of their curative effect. C'leauao tlie Vitiated IZIoo.l whenever yon 6nd its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimp!es, Eruption, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in the vcius : clean it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of tlie system wiil fr.'low. Ciratcfal tbouanmU prixiaim Yinrcak Hrr Tins the most wonderful luvioraut tU.it ever sustained the sinkin? system. Pita, Tap, anil otUer Worm, lurking in the system ol so many tlKMisaud-, are etfectuaily de atroved and removed. Says a distmsuihed phyatoU ogist: There ii scarcely an individual upou die face of the earth whose body isev.emt from the presence of worms. It ia not upon the heaMiy elements of the body that worms exit, but niton tue diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living mounters of diMaw. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmin itics, will free the system from worms like these Hit ters. Hcclsanlcal DUfaief. Person engaged in Paints and Mineral, such as Pluuibers, 'ic setter, fiold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance 111 life, will be subject to paralvis of the Bowels. To tjtiaid against this ukc a dose of Wai. Kan's Vinkcas Uittcss once or twice a week, as a Preventive. IUllos, Ilemltteut, and lutrraiitteist Pevara, whtch are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mi-'sUtippi, Ohio, MiMonri, liliuois, Ten nessee, CmnlvrlanJ. Aikansa. Ket!, Colorado, Brazo Kio lirande, 'Pearl, Alabama, Moli!e. Savannah, Koau oke, James, and maiiy others, with their vast tributa ries, throughout our entire couutry duriui; tlie Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unnsutl heat and drruess, are iurariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomacll and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness aud irritable state of the stomach, ami great toqor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, csertin a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic (ur the purpose euual to Da. J. Walk as' Vinegak I.iTrfeRs, as they will speedily remove '.he dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimnlatm; the secretions of the liver, aud generally restoring the healthy functious of the di;estivc organ-. Scrofula, or KIm' Kill. White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations. Indolent Inflammations, Mercunal Af fections, Oid Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc In these, as in all otlter constitutional Dis eases, Wat keh's Yimegmi !iTTKtts have shown their great curative powers in th most obstinate and intract able caes. Dr. Walker's California Yiucjr.tr BUtera act on all the cases iu a similar manner, liy purifying the blood they remote the cause, and by resolving away the eecis of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the affected parts receive health, and a perroanenl cure U effected. Th proper! lee of Pa. Wai.krr's Vi wit gar RlTTBBS are Anertcur. DiaJioretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Aiiti-liilious. Tlsa AparlcMt and mild Laxative properties of Ds. Walkik's ViNstiA l.iTTKKs are the best safe guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic healing, and nothing properties protect the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties allay pain ia lite nervous system, stomach, aud bowels, cither from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc Tbeir Counter-Irritant influence exleuds throughout the system. Their Dm re tic properties act on the Kid neys correcting and regulating tlie flow of urine. Their Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure ol bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc Fart If the body agalMat diacaac hv puri fying all its fluids with Vikkgab Uittkhs. No epi demic can take hold of a svstem thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves axe rendered disease-proof by this great inv: orant Dft reel! a a a. Take of the Hitters on going to bed at night from a half to one and one-half wtneglassfulL Eat good flourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door enercise. They are composed of purely veget able ingredients, aad contain no spirit. J.WALKER, Prop'r, R. H. McDOX AID fc COf Druggists and Gen. Agtav, San Francisco, C'al.. and cor. of Washington andCliarlton Sts., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. K E.MF iS MKSKUV, H.VKNKl.SVIME, SU.AIEKSLT I O., I'A., The fuliwrtlAT infiirnui lii triin.1. an.l tho i.uli. lie that he l nnw il. voting I.i- iiitirv time to In.' The Hrt line cvrr tartrl In tlien.niitT, un.1 I.' prP (Ntn.il lo lurni.-li .rxjiiiitl v all kin'lH i.l FIIUIT AND OltXAMKNTAL TKKKS, Vines and Plants. HIS 1 IXXW.TII I.N WITH knox's riTTsnriK. xukskuy The largest a.i.l luiiat e...iiiliate in the I'nileal ' State., eual.lee hi.n to Kiiar.iiit.-e to hi .iti'tomt-r ' the rlMli.t varloti.K and t liritt i--t u-rimth. Hi? iriii-e are lower than ever belon. Ilia n-A.Ivc Im ' ii.it to lie' mit.l..De l.y any In the State iu iirier or quality. Thear w.irh K ill l uia.lr a-.a.l! 11.-uill x.-rMaialIy m. licit onli-n. thin lull, lint ..nl.-rx a.i- 1 .Iri'aiil a ala.ve will lie irotiiiitly atteinlnl t.i. . S. uil tln-iu lu early. ' HAUKISOX II. K KAI I'll, i s OL UIIL, WITH A. H. Franciscus & Co., inninTtna am. 111. i kits 11 COTTON YAltXS, UATTS, AVICK. Twine and Ropes, I..HIKIN.1 .il.ASSl-Ji, I I..K KS, KAX. V lSAShl'.TS Wooden and Willow Ware, &c., MAM I AlTI UKtn. AM. JO.mi.U (..- CAKPKTIXdl, j OIL C'1lTIIS, MATTIXi.. Kl'CS. &P., ! MS M.irket Street an.l 610 I'oinnu-rrc Street, laliilalelpliia. ' June lu-tf. I X STOYSTOWX. The un.h-ryliriic.1, pniirietor of the Iihiinon.l Hotel, on the nutheiit eorner of tie IHam.ai.1. In--! I.ifr iinluee.1 hy Ilia uinny frieiHli. woull iay to the ! traveling puhiir Unit he Ik now preiareil tore.-ei ftn.l hoeititalily eiiti-rtain all who may irive him a j call. Ili In.ttae will he eoniluete.l Willi the la-at i nler au.l furnleh line arvoiniirmhit iou.. s.MrKi.rrsTF.t.. i Stn.vi.town, Ta., Aril lTth, l-i;i i ("IllAIX CKADLKS. The under-! IT alxtied 1. now enaeil In makiny upwanla : ot 2n.)miii t'nullee. of an tmpruve.1 uittem. ua- j tn(t the .harp Kmuu.l lipier Seytlie. wlik h Ik the bet manuletnred. The era. Ilea will l iliatrlUi t.Hl throuyh the eounly between the im an.l Soth I ofJunen.it. I'enama ii-liiinr to iiun-hniw will: ami them for alo nt nil the prineipnl huyiiievK . plae.0 in the eonnly. A larjre nninlier nr nut.le r reaily nt the niauuUirt..re at lierlin. Iri.-e ej. pr. 17. liKO. I'. HAY, llerlin, a. J a. c. U. J. II. LIVa.MI.Hili. I TTEIM A LIVKXG00H, J BAaKHUS, SALISBURY ELK LICK, 1 O. SOUKHRI.T fm-XTr, PKJIX'A. I IhruftK houirht ami nil.l, an.l eilreetlt.n. ma.le on . II part of the country, lutereiit nllowe.1 imi time deH.i.t.e. S)Kxial arrunirnienla with Uuanlian. an.l othersi ; who hold Bioueye In tru-t. Jun 17 Ti i HAKVKY Ji CO., . BITTER COMMISSIONS MERCIIASTS 07 EXCHANGE PLACE, IIALTIMOKE. i I j IJIieral enah aJvaneee on eonflntncnM and return promptly ma.le, .r. llontt and ShiH-t VoOTS AND SIIOKS. ) Harry t :iR-ixrrix lC (III ly Illl'iMllr. II. . III. II. .1 .S..HH'.'l a..l II..- jiuMIr s't-ni-rullv, (ii.it liu I.. i" jiel r.'.li'lrlk".l : lil ' nkw siiis:,sToi:i:. i I Ite'l" I'ullv ..iiii..Miai- t.. (t... fattt.lt.-th.-al tLi y Inn Ill the New Building on Main Cross -i-n :-r-.n i u.u , u,, i Street, WITH A .SI'I-KXIMP STOCK OF COODS ' U.imht In tbr KiHtrrn ritl.int tlio l..wi ash prh-.-i. 'and in iri'inni; to htriiik tbr puMh with rvrv. j tiiiii H!riuintiitt to Ii if line ol liiixifH-f-4, i AT VKKV I.OW VlMCL'S. ' Il will ki t p tN.i.-i'iiiitlv n ban. I nn-l i ,r. p.,r el t tnuki lir l( ri'ii i'lmrt ieii- v. BOOTS SHOES foi: Men, Women and Children, Knil.r.t.-lii!: 1 n-rv line i.i irw! el.!..- ..;.. hi m.iie rial mhI crkni:ui-l.i. Ir..m ll..- urn -li.a r u. tltr llpKilll-al Ir.U.I l.ri-.MII. 1 !! .- Kill U- It., ,.-. '.! B il It SLII'FKKS, C.IITFKS, HOOTS, i:IiMOC All. III'SKIX OF CALF, Moi:i:occo. Km AM I.ASTI.(; .MAT F.KI A l.S. Ami i.l Ilia n.i.-i l3 -l.i.4i:il... t;. ! .-. II.- III iiiMln-a III mi l uive .-.! i-t.n l i. -i: I., ull Ih. in.-. y uin- I11111 a i-ntl. llelrulMi ,r. n ,l I.i lnn.i-h -h. i.iak. rs a iiiiiili'li- ar.riineiit ..I SOI.K LEATJI F.K, Kit' CA IF am ii)i:i:i)('i'ii. AI..-.1, Lasts and Shoe Findings Ol .v.r.v klml. h will la-,. :, il- !..,.,t ri-.!. f -AII aii..; i,f rririiii il.-ne 1.11 ,l...rt iKrti.. -.nh,i"'lr.,' krr l"r.-ra,l ... Mwk, , j ?"!" " ""' "" l--il.l.- prin.. :in. l,v Uir '!r't', " '"'" IwelWM. t.. r.-i,. a liU-ral .liar.- ol .ull..- .:i r r..i. . .r. . M il. ilT. l-.K.MIM I S. w. mavis a i:i:is CHEAP Grocery and Confectionery, somi:i:sft, I'A. V.:.sir.- t.i iil..rn the .,.t...,. il.i-.i,,i-hlly ll. it .- !,:,,. ,., n..-lir.H.. rv I f. .1 l.i-:i..ii. ry 11. , Km-KH-r. K-... -c-.m-.- tl .--- an I haw i:!1: :,.,iin .n t.ill.eal.va.'v I v.,.., , ,;,.., ,.., :. ,u. In--! l.ran.I. ut r'IJ.1 I.'. A Mi .IKU CilKKI, iy.-. M li .U.S. 1:1. 'I- l:l l-s. K.l.ANSF.s. nu. sAi.r. si-u-i. H. W.iHI.N.l I.XTl! X.TS. l.lilKl. WIICANNKIi l'l;IMS. A I.si . I-..AI..UU Tt.l! -.'. .'MVI.-S. SM'I'K. i;i:.hi.ys, lil . Kr TS. Tli:s. .V. All l.in.1: Kri u. Ii an.! 0.1m,. n AXIiU.S. XI1S. I'll CKKHS. . KA.t I AKKS, 1'KliH AhHX, A Xl TOH.KT A U l l. 'LI S. MlliS. i:lM Sllr.S. SIIAI'. A..-. AN. un r-r--.rtn.i-nt ..r T..-e. A..-., d.r llw ' H'lk. II j..u want anvUiin in llu-Cr-.-t-rv :n:. t'... fivii..m-r.v liiK'i-ali at Davis' Cheap Grocery, : Ol'lHiSlTK TH K HA II X KT II. .1st. i33oots I and j Shoes, I HATS AND CAPS, Leather and Shoe Findings. 3. II. Zimmerman Take .l.-:iur- in calllni the attenii..ii ot tl.f.li ' iK-nnot S.m-rH-t an.l w,-iiiitv tuth.. ta. i that lie i haoa.irtl a t..re in hi r. i i.-tu-emi I t,i..n trv-t. 1 win-re there will alw.iyn l e kept on Imn.l a 0111- pli te nMortnu-nt of ; Boots and Shoes, ;l.f KjiHtem an.l home iii.iiiiii.ii lnri-. :t larsr.i an 1 i wi ll a...rte.l t.a k ..1 ; HATS -A.Ur CAPS, A. ul a jfreat varit-tr -f I.onllior :ml Shoe l'iii.liiiH i Ol all kin.!.--. 1 i Th.-p-ia ul.i atiai-h.il to tin- t .r.- a j ('rsTOM-.MAli: HOOT A SIIOL ! hkpaktmknt. With X. It. SYm-:K a niKrr an.l litter, wlii.-li , . Ill- I a -11 llu-i.-rit i:ii.ir;iiii, .. that all w..rk in.i.U up in the simp will not ihiIv tit the l.-. t ot .11-1. .111 i ri I, ul Ilia 1 onlv the Ik'-i unit. -rial will U-use.l an.l tlie K's. "IViirLini'it Will i inpl..ye,. The puhll.- are r. -pe.-t Inllv ' 11 it.-. I lorall ail 1 tauiine Uh l.a-k. p.. ;i. Joi: SALK at" S7,000 OO, V0 1st X-t..T. lNTi 1-t .I:nu.iry. 1-t April, ami ) a y-:ir tlii'r.-.it;i r, WITIIorT IXTKIiKST. i A Farm of 229 Acres, Having two Xew Houh-h. X.-w (tank Ham. u.a.1 .hehanl iin.l Sinrar .'amp. well tinitHTe.1 mi.i well improvil, within hall mile ! North Fork Itail roa.l. Ioiii4-i..ion 1-t April. 1S7X tl.aal paK-r III lv taken f. r the 8iNt two iay Ulentfl. 1'oi.n-i.i.i.in for rutliii;? t ititt.fr iclven a. m;i' l.OU il (Uliil. W. .1. I1AKK. ! S..iner-t, Mav , Ti c HJOrSK & SIIIKKS. MiMiiifiKinr.-rs.ir.-ill jrr.i.l" r CIGARS, llKIiFOIfl.. PA. ! Attention pMrtlenlarlv nkl of .I.iliher. Mrrr a..li.ite.l hy K. II. Mar-liiill..lr!!ui.- t, : Sotneret, l"a. my. . A" (5EXTS FIND LITKKATrKK, AIJT A.M. SOXO I. the he it eelllng hiaik ever ..tlere.1. It eonil.ltii-a tlie humor of anecdote, the- wllom ot ti.uy. the inloruiatl. n ol hiitory ami hiovraphr. the aweel-u.-M and pmiHleur f aiet nr. tlie ea.(ui.tit char... of inii-ir. aud el heaiitlliil llluatnttlMi'. -Solid reu.liiiK for icruvertnonw-nlii : plennnnt ik ture to illumine quiet houn: an.l iceiu of oiiy lor the aortal eln-le." f An airent wrlten.'-Sold 1-7 coptei. thi. week: will fell 6U.I thin month eaaily." thir arte tvtrm of canmijini d.a-a away with oliteetloni. to the busineai.. I"urtleiilam free. A Tal uahle pn-ent toeverv new Aire.it. l.T Kit NAT H.N Al. Y I"II.1S111 tt).. mjT wt and W Liberty Stnt-t. New-York. .IlVfir-.,(f. j ...... . . - .. - " 1 . c. r. mii.Aiis. ki. ii.vi.. j iimik i.ivi; i;i:ori:i;v. ; i. j I'. II II O A D s c o , ; U' i.-hiii)f l..n II..I. I. a.i.1 ar .fc.w 'Lilly rM-i-l in f r.-fti tu..lit-e' i.l erylliitiv in lln l.KOCEKV AM) CdNKKCTIOVKICV Line. .livi' u a cull. I mr if;! an- f t!i V'i-y Wl iualily. will cn.li-avi.-r l l.-ae all. We ' L '. all I In- U l.r.iu.'r nf hjhraxiuikiu ; IHIfKl; TEA. M .IAK. li 11 SV;I I'. Aliil.ASSIi, li VKl.N.l l-iiw III. lis w asiuxu r.iwi.Kiis. S..IIA. IMU'lu. ! SAI'OI.H., AM. KI.M.S S(l AI-. 1 t:x. i."-iv. iHi.. l.i.i'DI'H.K. AMI.I.V LKMI S. Sl'I.s. : AM. K IX lis 'I..H.M TO. riiiAks, SXI'KK, i'axxki. rat us A.I VKdKTAHI.r-S, j AM. K I. Mrs i l.lilKI. I lilTTS A.M JI.I.Ml.S, sim 1; 1-. ii.isii. MluKCI.A.'kl.Vii, -A. 1'I.l.s. IM.MH.K1. l.v Mr wicks. J:i:Mi.MS. HlM'SHKS l:l Kt Is. ni;s I 1!SK1.IS. 1 ii.il-K, ITSII. oil.. SAI.T. HiKM'ii : cm ii c? : 1 1 k s, XirjS, A I.I, K IS Its. ii:.iKi:i:s, .' t: 1st Tirs. sr...: . .!; ..-. sritijKUM ;.;... ( i IS ( i I ' I! S. I i 'S. ri:i:iLMt:iiY, lco f'oTifin-iH UUI. i:i:uKuni:i. thk pi. m il IX I!ASKMl:XT.iKTHi; 1. t V. KISILt i l: W. J. i: a I.l.-. Ks.j X..V. V.. Tl lv. rut. inr.u t:r wi itn.tr mui: run ALL L I SI'S or lot 'J.r f ;iM .7 . . . kliv. w. . KUi... a... :.i-. KF1M A en , si ci t:.-s.ii:s 1.. sn r.M vn . Kim in ii..- SOMERSET FOUNDRY. I .if h'tive Ut ftx U us J'.ttniii- :inl tlie rul.lif Ih:it tlirv will .!.? imit' ttu.ty K it. rr i-iif.-.lrl tn iln'ir liu hy K;rii-r-, itiiil.l r. Hn--kt i- r-. ':irM-m r-. IM m k-iiiitl:.-. AIuht. M;tL r.- Linn Utiiu-u nil'. .ViMiu1l.1t luivrs i iKr;ill. STOVES FOIL COOKINO AND IIKATINC. t if the 111. -it .h 'ir.il.li' kiti.1.'. ki. h have n. v. r. a y.-t. laia .1 to ive enlire -.all.i::..'ti..l. are a!a.i kept ..ii li:inl. PLOWS 111 Hri..ll- IMtttTll-: ) "t ;il:il'.-. t.i ti-.-nt 1 i'Ur Ki iuT. w:irniitfv! In t-iw r;ili'!.i ;i " TIm l ir Tiuiiitarr jilr'ii.y in use ihri'iitilit tlii an l the ulf i(iii)tf e.nniu. r.n.l :t ':i.li. iu.rr:i ; in U iiium!, art' a uih-i.tit u:ir.ititf t l :!iir iiu-iifM. CAR WHEELS, Kt Miniim. l.iimN'rin. llulln ul Uuil-ii-i':. . ! tlte uitaM at'i.rt.vi'.ltullen.i1 juI l--t ui Ui ii.il. in uU' t i.r.li r ..ii ti..rt nuiiiv. (Jit I ST AN I' SAW MILL IllONS. SIIAI -TINO. rri.i.KVs. iiANt;i:i:s, i:i:vi:lwiii:i:ls. Allt.l, SI-lMil.KS. SAW M A.M.UKI.s. ANTI KKUTKiN K. H.I.KI1S. Iltl.X I; A) I.I.N. 1. ltVU'.iMKS. lilt Xl-KKTS. window and Door-sms, The -..-' Lir.v!. an.l the -l.,rk. r" Ue a. li.n Water-Wheels, II.il.KtlW -W.UiK, STOVK I'll'K I'LOW-CASTINtJS j For all the ilinVre.it I'lows ued In the ..niity. j We are the authorized uyat. f. thu ale ..f SPKAKS AXTII'IST I'AIJlJiU SloVI-S. In thia county. , We ..-ll, at manufacturer!.- pri.-a. t TIIKSI'MA.HK MOW Kit, TIIK IHSSri.KKAI'KU AND MOW I.l!. Til K ItKST STKKl. I'U VS. ' TIIK KFST HfHISK KAKF.S. i And Airri.-ulli.ral Itnpleineut. nener.illy. j We hIK t.i merit a continuance of the iatrnaite I a.) lilK-rall) exten.lc.1 to thi.a e.-Uililli-limcnt. Our price' will Ihi fair and our tenui lila-ral N. tl. K KIM Si . jnn. 1(1, TI. I i; t 1: 11 11 k v f i. k v 1 I HIGHLAND FWill, Xf.. li s.iMM.shl . IV.. Iir.e.l llMMh !.r.-i Tl:il'i I.MI 11.. h, . ai.ih.j:.xv . Al ll.K rTW..! .;!.. riiisiKi: wiai'i: ihmis, s.-iimi Mlt.l'IIKIill I..X1S. l:li VMl! .. i'tl.K '.. K ISltXASTnt i.V!. ClllfKKSS. stallions foi: htj :- m- ii U:Jt.r 1-t Aj.ril; t.iHt.- July t,j t i;k.( k i.i:k -TKiJiiiii:. I'lM-.rti-il frt'tll Knhiii't. Iuii!e4 full IT (m. w-ftiy. whi-n t.i .!;. : it :-.:. yiA u, u,.. . hLi-k. wli It i.h'iiili't :n: i- ti: h 1- tin-t f i ,. o.li.. I lt Jiijim-." thr ! t --f-uiM-n o : .!r.i., . lit-r In l'l-iijiir-y l.am-. Ii I lion . fi ln-i-n -hij-'. t vrry marJa.-t lu th uti; . . . iiiih!iiiu mki- troni 01 n .'K u. ' hoi 11 . io A yt-iirluii; hllv h.iv.t,- ol.l tor J'. In -tf.i.-r-l il onjiT li ... Wii- ri (ti--I tir u cojt not oil v :ir ol... Iti.i.-k d'--i 1. Uir' w:i-- ot l.r f f U itL I'T'.ti'i -hirf il ro. hi.' iI.um I v It1(i li-r t:iiu dv K;it iiht - IMi'.'tit. Ii-'i. iff-r-ttti j i ifot l.v i'.i.t t tr'-j'w-'l !-k -'r IU . : ; ' I!..- lail.l.rr i.l. vrl.l V rri.-iitli.r-. i le . I' r.'il:i:ii WiiHL'.tt l.y that h lr r? v -f : ir - IJi-iil I'.l it: r.ifi-ljnt t.v tti:. n u-.l hor- I' i'.'-y. wh.'h tin- -irr ot lu 1'r.iytii.tn. I. t r'-;.ii"'' l!-p.'J V.m r.a- i. tiini ni! t-r ' rc-t'T.-hiri- ' it-- li..-k j.-i'i;-r-ii.r k ; v..t. -4.it l.y : l.:if n i r-wn L i.---,..T.t .r, ' H-l i -; i-r. hirh voi -f . lli-.ii" r '..1 1 r . 1 th- -iidif ;i-.-n. Il'l !yii'.-:'-r W.i- .t - i 1 1 1 h I'.l.u k w'n '1 rii il in.. 1 'juiwmt fiii-U. Hi n li i -j t.y 1I i hw tt -afrvi-.l :i; Ir. to.i i' U '!.! .. i-rit i in, .v.-. i 1 vriM-(. r In. tr !'. ALU 'I . Hot l.y .M. l.ll. toii. hi Ky-.!; 1, - ;: ... : St. hr lV .la':il!fln. hi- ty M;i!ii' rti", ! .M.-i-it-r. il;ti:i o rtnk Kl-t. -. 1.. :-v J ' ' l.nul ii Hhv. h ;.v .i..Jr. . J-i.-k- ... Yoiin-4 lia.-h.iw. ) l-v l;i.. Vr.it'.. !j (,., I - :i I.i .tiililui I.-iv. n i.li 1 -ai.!; - . r. o lorn; ;iii.. t inp'-r. A -li .-''a:n t,: ..: : I r t t rntr i'l -' "-'it "f-t !-':; !'. : ' lht tririiit-u :i ;i".i "! wht'-ii i.' .nn'.i-'. li.- -in: to.U m,,- ,.rt .)J(i;if;i Si-ifv h'.tlr. T K;:-i!r.'. . V.. i--. ;i. ;." H'-r-.- I'.r jfi'.'.n-j !;..:i.: ; '..: n, - IroW Stall'lf lit ." ltl-Ur: I: j; . H.idii'h t 01.1.111. in i 'h.'-.t-r. 1 .. (,-. i ;il mji lii-unri"-. T. riif I- r In.-iif.iiM -. I ;i r; iiiLT Aw it l ;i 111:1 r l r-- -i . ,. . U- with loal. ! rlt it- tl-,' in-'i: ,,1. . .; .. ' .iii-t i-f . ;ia'- a: t'li- n-k '.l r?:- l . taj l'a.-iur.iir'' :-r 111.1 r-Tr- in .1 Jl.llia Mllr. A nj-.-ial i; liii'int wHl N-t.-. . . U-t r. t tt L i rhir. '- ..! ': 1 !-..!' h-: l'r th U-r till; . t .- r -t .. . :i'il of th tiiirl M-r-i r lii.v S:t, L Ji, um.it ..r i.f y :.r: 1.. . : , ii.f.i.iiL' t '' itti'v r'..ir. it In : :m. : .. : I : nn- ill jh;:- -u 1 !... tu- .. - , ... . . U r : t. !- ! : f.r .-..ti.t-.--- si ; 5 i. ii hi r :.r . ow htm f timf: K.xl i.T'.IJA i:i.r. :; ; T". SUM. THU Nev Under Feed Vilson Sewing Mcohin l.V THIS ( (;! X I V. IU -: l i.,.- in il..- W.-rl.!. - i iiin.. in m.i 1 k.-I. I": .-.-. .-. i.."!. ; - ' l'IU:irr.lt:..'lr I"- v.-rtr.. -'. . I., 1 I II i t I. I . 1 l nur ti X-.. I' SiM'i sr-;Lt. 1':: .. i MS ANI llFILPIMi I.' ii K'ul-iin h-i- in : Im- Borough of Somon:ct lai.-i'.l. -Ifi ir !. .'M-t :Rk Mineral anrl Timter k la v.tri.'li- i... .. ,.i. r-.: i..iii.:y. i. : ii A ( "M fi Tl M; Tf.'ilM A i -r i 1 ti i l Tin. 1 ni.:- .; Improved Farms, . iU.T uiriiMj.n. -.' MM K ST. iX K. tTKK. T. .V. 1!::.V i l:i ii : si'.'.t ' r.' I. un I -i: -..m.- .-t' t !.. rii. ..1 1 tir .it. itti.iiii.lv. r' -r t'-na-i. xi- . . :.li .n r I . A ! A'i-ii-i :r. "Tl t:. s. .f. . I f r. w v rs rw r h y- a KLIVIUVrtL dA AINU ill NOT. SirA()cV( ( Have Ki-ni. to TiiKii: nf.w i:rn.iiN X.... -j:'.'.i A. -.41 i.iiti:iTV sritr.irr. tlj.p 'ite W.a.l Strut. iMrrrrsp,viici 1 1. An.! p.'n w iti A KLEi.ANT STft K IDttir GrOOJDS X..ti..lis :iud S... II W'.r.r- SF.I.l. AT I.HV. KsT F.srt.!;V I'!.:. I--r.u.T. are i i.v It .-. : . . A !? r l TUN. iT. W. T. -H . -..i-" K. 1. H 1 m.- A I! I. KTT Lumber Company. ( ; s:i.K r r. s. m fusvt ri Earnest. De!p & Cam:). ri: TKii'Tnt.s. v. im t: riM'. K1.1..-W I IN K n.lii. u.: iMiriiMM r i.imi'.h:. swi:i am.sii w i.!siii.;:.5- Vi i'l.ASi KlfiMi I. I'll Building Lumber '-Cut i.i MU s!i,.rt i, :i Hi-.M-r-- (r-'in lmuln-r lt,':iU r- j r.ttiit.'! w li i. -iU- (-I :.-t-. aus '. " A. H. FRANCiSCUS & Co .l:. MAKKKT STIM-iKT. rmi.AiiKi.riiiA. We have i.ia-ne.1 t'.-r the Spring li:i '' -i a n-1 t-t a.-i-.rtl l-"-k ..I Philadelphia Carpets. I'.il.i.. stair an I Fl.-r ..111..:!:-. W n; ! v ' ..a l ln r. r.ira-t 'ha in. ii. ii V .. ' ti--z. Wa.l.iina. Twin.-. i.-k-.. " 1. .-kinj;-. il.i.-v-.. Kan.-v ll:i..U.-l.. I-'-- ' Itj-k.'l.... Kll.-k. I. Illu.-l... . . i-" ' W rti:irt-r.. ...i-u . -v! . it h.w Ware in tl.e 1 tr.I ...1 State'. . i.ir 1 irj"i- ia.T.'a-e in I n.in.-.s .-n.r. ii - : I w pri.-. .-. :ni,! lumi.-h tlie U-t .pi.-.lity SOI.K A.IKXTS Fui; Tin: Celebrated American Washer. riariL v. Ov.-r s..!.l in Six M " 'l ri:i-: .'arj-H. Cii .lav. All oilier .;j ,layn. Net. " - i UK AT I N 1 ITK M V. N T. IVr.n- w:ti)iiiitf !irt v'as- Vrxu 1 1 " ' iiai:nkisvillk. S.iinereJ f .iu.-.. ' ' Yon . an pim-hae of him ;.t lower r.y :.!:y A her urty. - AN1IOOD: HOW LOST. H'1'1 I. li Tl ll? V 1 1 ln-f .n.li-lM. ft1'"'. i ait u-at rum wirhiiU nuNiirinomr' ". . or Seminal Wenkne-. Involuntary S. -n IuiiK.tcn.-v. .Mental and l-li.Uil !; ''"' ' liiiH.i!iiii.-iil-. to Marriuife. etc.: a.--- .-' lion. F.pil. p-y and Kit, iuilue.it h i i' 1; or aeiial eiiravairinw. eTr-ri.-e. ill a scaled enveloa-. ul.v The iv!. i-rat.il antlw.r. in thi" a.l"!ir;l; ' ' clearly .leiii.i.Irite fn.m a thirty year- - . till pracli.-e. that the alariunm ell alaie may l-e radically cured .iin- "1 j;. if, .roil" urn- ol internal tiic.iienu-r the ,., oi the kuite: ptiiiiiinv nl iiknIc ! '"'"v. ,.,J .-iinple. certain and cil.i-tuiil. hy men" e.erv utl.-n-r. no tnitt. r what bi en---" , may cure hiiii'dl cheaply, prl.lti., a-Thli- Iavture .himld he inllie ban . T.-iitli and evcrv man in the bul. B, ; " Sent, nmlcr Vul. ina plain enel..t. .Ire". p.t-pai.l, on receipt ot siJ ceni--- "r ..laini.i. ,., i. - ie-' AIk Ur. r.ilvwweIT '-Marrial.u ' Ji cent. A.hlre. the nuhli-hera. I2T ILwerr. New York, ton oM 1
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