The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, June 26, 1872, Image 1

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4 Terms of PuMii-ntioii.
Somerset Herald
At l-l o"i-
iii nu-e i-
I im'-ti lr 1
l r annum, il pat I in J '.i m-
, :ll'ly i t.
X,. -u'- ri;'.in w ill !'
r ar m- - arc pai.l np. 1
. t,a it..-n -iil.-'l i'-
.... , ,!,!. l-ttHC '
xj.r H-..I.I IV-I.-llieeioaii
il.- name ol OK LIl'l. r.-.'
will Ik- il
Sul.-.Ti'- r" n-m '
t In r should v'1'1'
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,. l:,-!iTS IM-jU'-lillUI Li
n,. i:.ko .-lit tl.. ir .
t V : mic a at afta i
11 vy
o oilier
Somerset Printing Company.
JoliX I. SiTI.I
l!llilie.-S Miimlw
NO. 2.
Tli" anecdotes if tin- great mar
shal's eccentricities hi-t hahiu of
wandcringabou! tbccatflp i'l li.-'ii:
his whim of giving the igual for a -.,ault
ly crowing like a cock, his a,-toni.-diihg
endurum e of beat, and colli,
his si.vagc disregard of iciv.ii;d com
fort ami neatness, art beyond calcu
lation ; lnt crhaps t most charac
teristic of all in hi apM-:trance in
ITtifi at the Austrian Court, then one
of the most brilliant in Kuroj.e. 0:i
licing shown to the room prepared f.r
him, (a splendid apartment tilled with
co-tlv mirror ami rirh furniture.)
this modern Diogenes said si n:jIv :
"Turn out sill that rubbish, ami shake
me down a bundle of straw." AH Uf
)'' Ilmlilil.
I I Mr.ll. lli'1
1 ti! itt ( i i ",
K 1 l M l'.L. if en:"'1"'.1"
un.i t.-.i.i.n. i.i- i'n,lr-''H'
t I il l-.i'llii .tl S.lllHe--l .ll"
.s.imirv. ii:li.-r at Hi.- "i l I'll''''- " '"'
,.1 Hif tiladc ll.xne. 1
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inn. -'!.
rim l--r ill.- K
;i' tl.
,.-tiii ui.-n:l I"
it hi- n-..ti-.-
;il-. I
John F. Blymyer
ll:is r- ..mih-.i liip tnr.- a
V XiiTH'K.-
-miii1 1 tli.- u
lliltili .-. It'.IU'-: .
i. Til.
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.!.,! ..I I.! i'
i ittu-i iii t In' K
I '..ilrot Ii
s.mi i.- I
.r-t i
Few Doors Above the Old Stand,:
ii i
i -1 imi:i. . rni. lit u:n.
i.A. f
.1. 1M.
( Mil.'.' in ri'M'trlii-M il
Hlllt. VI 1.
A ml i
r.-1.. Lis t ut.'inrr- tin.l lit iuls a iiiltlinc .
ill tllv VITV li.Hil liliivl--, '
lliii-dwaro of Kvcry Dfsoription,
. . ii l vi ixi ii w. tiui:xi:y at
,..f.l .l...i!. r in r.-al i-stjili-. S..lii. rx l. I'll.. ill
-.1 .
til -:m- ltll
Hi. K-lv.
. -ix. 1 ti nil t.u-lln-f- t-niru-:
iii.;ii. un.i luli-lity.
I H. 1 ltwi;. atti:m-.i m
i . iv s ,-r-. i. i'a.. ill I'l l' ti' - 1 ?.ii
:lll l a.!' "I'll'-i Illltl.
-..-. 1..II..
JUL'. V- lv.
(111 I
.r.'iii;'t ly lit :
i.i I".
lirrr In' . -in
:ll! kill.!- "I
ir;i.-:ii.a. .V-.
III.' l-t lll:lt
i ii. :!.
CUI.l.lNS. liKX'llST. S..m.r--.l.
,. in tin-! rl -I iinl. iij. Ktiiiif.
lit .ill linn-! l.'ini'l ir.'i:iiv't l.i.l"
.-ii. Ii a.- tillniL'. r.'-.-iiinliiii. --iii!
I.-.-Mii't nil kin. If. n in I "I iii-. it.-l. AM rati""- -ir
iiiii.- 7. '7-1.
i.ll 11. ( 111.. AiTUKXIiY ATHW.SllAl.
r-.-. l'.l.. ili r.-ini't lv int. n I 1.' all lm.-lli.--w
irn-i'- l t" Imu. a'n.iii -.- i
.. (III. -.- in I.i-i' -i i' ii'-"-"i M:.i s r.''-'-
!.in. 1. T".
Woolki lV:iro f All ltinl.
MX il.
I v. ill iitt.-n-l I" all I'ti'iiii".- u
.1 i . In-.- ir.- in S..n:.T-'-t -in-l a.l .'iiiin-' .-"iiii
.nh r. n-;.:ii"-- aii-1 li'l. lit.
I il ..-i- in '..iirt
Ii !-. '7'i lv.
i.N i:y k srii
;11 l.U'llV
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an t I '.-lt-i.ll Au'-nl. ilii l.. l.
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: i;M r lin
i I"
I,.:, r-ijli'-.l rr'..i!l"''lv in !. .i-m- tlir .lll'
Ii..- l.-.i-.-.l li.l- w 11 Vli.'Wii h-.t.-l in tin
.1 S .hi. r.-'l. 1: i- I'i- iii!i'litl"ll I- ki'.-.
. in. Ii Ii- li-. nillL'i.v ? jli-l:l- Ii--" I'
.i i l.i"l linn itli lii' il' -H-
Ai-l .-v. t-yllilii- M-I.iiiii tn Ihi' I.iuip traili'.
Wlll Tl: l.KAIt.
Y A I; MS ill S,
nv bali.ii: a. iim w.
She t.-lli mo vhe xear li.-tnilii.4nc iiiiit.
lii rey.i. like jewel." Lri'lit,
Tlio mhij lin ks um her lnw
A jetty ar Hie niiflit:
Ami ir lier ili-li-J nhunlili-iv f. II
. A fliiiwer of raven curl:
H.-r llis were of tlic eoriil lmo,
Her t'lh twin r.w of carli".
Tliv rtn4-i! un lirr j.iutlilul i-lie.-Lf.
Kike tli. .50 tliat I'tu-li in Juiip,
WImh fky aiwl oarth. an I era. nn I air.
To Nkuit all n I Hi no:
ll-r I. .rut a m-uli.t.-'. ui.l. l",
Mi.rt ui.iri.iu.4 than htr l:ut',
WliilooVn lii-r hliu'lit.-i't jf.-tun-
Tlic vcrj- foul of KTatV.
H.-r v.rfi-c in totio a ntty
A. fcnir l.lrJ'j liiiuid note,
Wlwn av-of rl. lii'i't nu'lmly
I n fumiiirr t'iliyn" Boat.
1 know 'II.-1 true: fur I liavc lii-ur l.
At tiiiiCtliat Iic w wcl.
The oouutry rouii'l knen- noni- m lair,
Ir so my (traniljia sai'l.
Hut now -tie'? wltli.-re.l. Ihih ami oi l:
Her vniif Is craeke.1 an. I .-lirill;
U.-r trt inMina lian ln aluin.-t n-tn
The man latcf of her wlil;
Jl.-r lirow Is waiutil l.y lurrown leei.
lli-r eyes are .llumn-d an. I l lear,
An.t often on their silvery filnirc
There hans a crystal tear.
For she lia seen, like Autumn leaves.
Her (trail amunil her fall.
Ami full. .will to the rhun-h yar.l near
Kull many a io.uilK-r pall:
Au.1 Imek srtn to earth she has
Her .lcarest treasures (riven
Hut. looking uii, she suiih-ii ami s:i
1 11 see I lulu all iu hcuteu !"
And as 1 Im-ihI aUvc her hca.l
AnJ Ftri.kc her aiutry hair.
( r stonii to kiss her lr.w an. 1 1 he. k
So Keaincl with linen ol i.ire.
1 f.-cl that In my very soul
1 worship at her shrine.
Ami pay. torhihl of lintul l irtli.
H..m:ie alm.1 Uim-!
kimlni'ss from me, or lie lotln'rrJ by "Dili you t-onuv hero to load his
un-. anv wiiv. I shoulil not pivo hiiit cause, ilicnJ"' imiuircil May, iu tu-
man v bundle! to rnrrv
i " Why, irramlma, what have you
frot in them all"'"
t "No mutter, you caucy jrirl. Mr.
fmlov in i-.ti i-ttliiKt in ttil.'f iliutrj
.'HIU'fA lilt 'HI llllli Vliuii.
of uch a wild thing;!'"
" I consider myself but fortunate
to have tho cliaiHi'."
" I5ut the ears are about to start.
'just and humane, to all who wwuld
dignify labor, to all who would edu
: cate, elevate and lijfhteii the burdens
i of the sons and dauirhters of toil.
i ( ... .. ..... ...
lantlr. 1 ' rate, elevate and lighten the burden , "
He looked at her a moment, and ! The follow!.,-i theeorres.H.n.I.nee i-Hhe son and dauKhter of toil. I .!'i '.: 1 . ..!...:..
(I ...I.I. . ..... rn. . ..... i, "r... r, Willi iu (rrcul ree.inl tl... -..el- Jll ', '"""r, BIHI anil llimiiuaill.-, .men
imiiruiii. i i hi ween i iiniiniri .eii le. i refill cut. (ii ....- .., .... " " ..... i , . ...... . . . . - . . .. .. . ...
Y T u-onlil ninel. nitber .,1 1 . x-. .: ,. . ...: ... U M. .1 i.n.L r tbe ,rr..l xi:... 1 irozen i,y me eiilll oiasi ami inieken- soon as) the roll are called ami the re-
" ... . - - , iiui'aiii.iKii in- muiioi, voinemiuii, : -- c- - . 1111lwu ..r liver. ..f ,. !.-.......... ...,.l I......I e.
inv own which he must have done imt 10 ,. ,.nrv -ikiii: whose tnstone renown, ami whose ' "n ' , J . ' . i- ..-"- ( "l
sneeessfullv. for .Mr. Cook. enteriiiLr , . . sueeessful administrat on for the last W """"" M '"tw" """" -w 1 'r, me ine oi u.e comiiame,
w v i-ii il l uiii rwit 1 1 ti n w -
nralry'a Uut-Dr frrnrhlna;.
A en v airy rainji iminediatcly after
reveille, says.Cen. ( 'aster in his "Life
on the l'lains," alwar jiresent a;i
animated and iiiteretin? eene. A
Washixotox, June 10.
Hon. Hknuy- Wilson: In
"' " 1 1
l.v- ; u iui-.
I three
in a inct way, ar.-ut half an hour af-
. .. .i ...:.i.". i.... A
ierani, niui.n. - niiii.r ( hick- . .,. ,,.
lv than she had ."'He in, and meetiii''i : ... .1 1. 1 1:.,.. ....:. ..." i . 1 1 eoididentl v. in the lan-fuaw of tin1
, . , , 11'ipii iii( u ii v (mi . cut i ui, iiciu ' ,t
hcr hu.lmnd, sauft j at VUVmM ' ,lia tll(. .-,,, fitll ( ouvent.on you represent, start on a
I just interruinod a verv interest- . . .; i t a-:.... new march to vietorv.
rear la-irot such publie eonfi-1 s',,rni all,l ,ro,it neviT fiieeK ou in ar- the excejition ol the cook, are em-
1,..i.i.I.1i..ii. ...i etc ,... : nor : never wuiii lie lorei or im' iinncuni ine care i me imr.-c.-. nn-
. . . ... ... I ' . l V . . u , , - - ....
i.:., :......,... ... .........i.
i I lll alHlllllllciit cv .ii.-ai ii.
pressed on with the resolution
and we had lcttor pet on at once."
i, me idling laii ii;nie ner ll leiius l ll l: lllieri l( i-'tni'ril iiiki , , . c .1 . l l l .1
,, i . . i .i ; , , . 4 Presidents or that bod v. have the
pootl-bve and triiiiH-d alonif bv the .Madox: " 5 : 1 : r ...... : . ...... .:
I c i ill i i. 1, . ii. .iiwi ij nil. tl ill , (r.i t'l .v.. ii (ilium
sun' i otir nero, w no iiamieo ner in, intieeu: m nsi is ine mailer : ' ... .i .
... .i - i i, .i . .i i inou selection a the
iinii n ein iiin uiiLrraeKiiiK ( uiiiil, u i' , i it' uutUrT is inev are I'll- .i ... . r .1
... , i . '; . , . j . . 1 the Kepublicun part v for the liositiou
to take the seat the old ladv liad oe- leaped, if I can jtHn? from the a lice-1 . . , 1 . - . .. ,
i .i r..i ' i ? . . 1 1 .i . ... i vice-President of the tinted
copied, ei)jovinr the little episode ex-; tionate tab eaux thev presented." ' ... . .
1 v i .i i i r v. i Mate. The enthusiasm ami unan-
ccedin!rly. I "I am Had of ik, for Madox l a . , . ., ,
, , . . . ... t - unit v which prevailed amonp so many
1 he voiinjr ladv was lntcllifrent a verv line vouno- man." ! i r- 1 r . i
.. ..ii ?.. .. :..i ..i ...i ,.:?i. 1 1.: J i.-i..:"i. i:. . leadni!? men, from every Mate and
1, 111 'l II I m llldUl U II III! ilill" j ilUlll lll MIL Jll." VI 1 7H J j tt I 1 1 I"
ry a if she hud known him foryear, ; nient inoat keenly fur a while, but he
After a while he though he would acknowledged thatit.wa a just pun
po and M'e how his friend was feel-; ishment for hi chifrlishnes.
inir, so '.ciisin.!f himself, he left the . Moral. Voini."; men should alwavs
i .... i:..... iii'.ir e ii i i
prcuv ai:iv ami reuirneu 10 me lor-; immiic 10 oiu laiue.-, ior oiu latne
uii in , iikii ii it iiiicii in
pretty pranddaujrhtcr.
He latter are fed; ami while fntnir are
f a thoroughly groomed bv the nien under
I'tesar overdanrerou roads, throiiirh the up'rinteiidenee of their officers,
inclement weather, and often rose Nearly an hou is devoted to this im
hoarse with cold and worn with trav- iiortant duty. In the meanwhile the
el, to siM-ak to the anxious throii"; company cixik. ten to each company.
l....t..d ii .,ti.r iwn..u ,.,.iin., ... ,..i 1 late that as he siMike hi physical cn-rajred preparm-' breakfa-t, so that
c.M.iicratinp with poiitieaf orfraniza-! Paiu ww,,,1 l""!I"'r, his rigor re- within a few minute after the lior-.-s
tion with whose leadinir doctrine I tur"' 0,1,1 a "-nial ardor restore hi have received proper attention break-
Havinjr aeei-pted, Si year ajro, I
the distinifiiishin"; doctrine of the
. . Iri.iiiiliKi.uii litirtv nf li.-.tfiv ln.vliiii
Candidate 01 : , . . . ,. - u-lm n united bis eiimiiur. v..f !. n. un.i the utTlei-r' servant are bllilv
ma shks.
Juil.N lill.I.
v. r i:i;s. a 1
t. l'a.. v ill ui
.1;! 111-:. .1 t'i I'
.iiiiii- .-. ' ' ti
lielu-i- i.i 1-M. S.
,-it at:.-litl'i !.
iii S .iu.t.-'-i an-l
,. -:r :. .'!-.-
I VU. A.
tn- .i
(J. Mil. I.Ki:. al'ler twelve
.1. I:i Mi.iiik--i ille. Iia--I
at N..i. -I --I I-.: 1 1"' l-ia.'
a-ii l u-ii-t. r- I.i- pr..!. - i"i. il --er
i.-.-i:- ol S"im r.-i-l nii-1 vi'-ioity.
1 li..i I .r:il-; l i.. lipi-l I ( '. A.
1,1. e m u-i..i;,.-i:l:.-1 a: all ! mi.--.
.V.i i-i, I.
.r .l.'Ji: : ::n- in-l e '
I. li'I'i:!;. I'h.-i im-nl li.n il. li-riiii.
l';t. V i'i ii.' 1 .r..i...: :iii.-n'.ili I-, all e.i-v--
. !!.. I.i- u:it..' .-ii" il'.r w-: .-I ine
I ll.'H-.-.' -.iiii- : -ellpii-.l !
r. 1 . m U--.-1-.
11 I'lisn.KTiiM A 1 1' I-:. ati'ii:xi;y
:;i l.m. S-.iii. i- t r.i. I'r.'t.--i"ii"l l'ii-i
-i-.-!:ully -.Ii. iti-.t :i!i'l 1 Uli-'tilaily all.-u.l-
A 1.11-e s!. k ol
'!':ill' Kni null I'orks.
I'tn'K I I I.M l-.s.
what are oil iro-
that old
hi a iSI V.
ai io;:x!:y
AT .
S.-!i!' l-'t. '
jirKi:i;x;ii.i.. lyons a- c.
1 m 1 i ii iM i.'s .-v !ii:.i.i.i;s ix
I I'i- rl."
.inn-- a ;-ei:i i!y.
i.r. rrrrsiit m;
VoMLllSKT !'LAN1.N(;-M1LL-
.V ..
"I I nil
in nil k".n .
iinj lii.teli 1!
I ' lulHIt-
.' i.n:!..i.
w ! t iu.i:-i;iiA!i!iixc.
v vii AM' lH ii;.
v. ixi't'W ,x iai.ii: it: mi:s.
KM ! 1AX Ml' I I
Hi: M 'KI !.
.r.t.h 11
I. ! - I-.
.-I in !
i.r l r.
1 H i. i -
.1 ii!-. -J.
( !' Hi ." .'.I IN hN.
j a .!!:. n ;ii.
ami s issj;s.
1itli-r m it li mam :iri i. h .- ti- ntuiH'r.'iir' to inn
titi in nu (tv.-rti!itiHt. IK ii lt(vniiiii-l l
m II mi tin- vT lf4-M j -. 4jv litiu trail,
HUH- l"-7-.
For Business Men.
"The-Kosr'rvv Fund Toliey."
lssrui) i: Tin:
i.ciil;l in: Al iv.i.
Sccnr"i Swcial Protection t,i
Every Policy Holder, .m.
"I sav, Madux
inv lo do now "
" I am iroinv to help
.011 the cars."
"Well, if you don't U-at all for
sjioonev men, Cm mistaken. Ioyou
take 'harire of all the old women,
stray babies, ami unprotected females,
that yon meet in travclinir?"
"VeS. if I See the V Heed help ; SO
if you have no reasonable objection.
to offer, 1 w ill leaveyou for a few nn
inent ami a. i;-t that old lady, as 1
So say in;, vounir Madox !-pranjr
from the train, which was jn.-t upon
the point of startinjr, and went to
render as-i-tanec to the jtcrson iu
ipiotion. ,
She was loaded down with bair
iraire eariM-t batr, band box. and par
I " Who i that handsome girl ?"
the fir.-t iniuiry.
I "She is the old lady's jr.'anddaujrh
icr," replied Harry, complacently.
" Introduce me, will you!"'
" Intleed, I shall not do auvthintf
of the kind."
"Why not ?"
" IJecausi! I do not feel jirivileged
to take any such liberty. I havejut
been introduced myself."
" She is the handsomest iriii I have
seen this long time, and if you do
not introduce me I will manage in
some way to make her tieipiaintanee,
you see if 1 don't."
"I hojM- for-your own sake you
will do nothing rude."
"Ibm't be concerned about that, I
beg of von. Hut I do think, Madox,
thai you might lie good uatured
enough to introduce aiaxild ehiini like
me. She is deuced pretty, too. Why,
her eyes Hash like stars !"
" Yes, and she's
as she is prcttv
brighter, or more intelligent girl.
The Eyr.
There Is no optical instrument mak
er who docs not succeed in construct
ing an apparatus much more ltcrfcct
in many points than the eye that
marvellous organ which we are in
clined to regard as the masterpiece of
vital and organic architecture, 011 ac
count of the great service it renders
to man. 1
This sense of sight, which is so far
I Territory, point unmistakably to the
, triumphant election of our ticket. As
there is no one more worthy of the
position, or wlio.-c election would
give more universul sati.-faction, we
la-g your acceptance of the nomina
tion. Your obedient servants,
Thomas Skttlk,
President Republican Convention,
Ami the Vice-Presidents.
Wasiiixutox. June 14th, Dili.
T lir Hun. Tlitimu S'tll'' and oA
cv, J'fi itiili'iif mill l'irr-1'rfttitlrnt
it tin' Xaiiimal llfiiiilil'uUH Cuii-
fecble frame to unprecedented fast i reailv. ami being very simple
.. . I ... ..!. - X"
I lM'liefhaving lalK.rcd inceantly for "iP "' I'n aehea .1 reipnre out ntue ume to oi,po,e 01
r . . ..-I,:!.. i. ........ ij ...i ,t... .... : 1 i:...i.. r. ... ...l-r...i tl...
mil. in,.- ik iw i 11111.- un.i iu. uii- 11. j ntiii t iiii! iei a: h i nuaiii.i. .
tumuul frost passed unnoticed over fir.-t bugle call indicative of the march
1 the (Jeneral," ami 1 the signal
for the tent to le taken down and
everything thing packed in readiness
for moving. A few minute later thi -is
followed by the bugler at head-
nco, that was almost unknexn ipiarters sounding "i;oots and ai-
to hitchcld or hi followers: his dies,' when horses arc saddled up and
! calm and thoughtful rhetoric produced the wagon train put in readiness for
! results that might seem appropriate "pulling out." Five minute later
only to the most impaioned elo-' "To horse" is sounded, anil the men
quence. oi,s and cries broke from ot each company lead their hor-e in
to line, each trooper standing at the
head of hi hor-c. At the word
from the coin-
sonictimes had neither Minpathy nor;1
Ih'IuT having lalaircd incessantly for
many years to found ami build up the
Iri.tinlilieiii. luirtv nml lini-inir ilnr.
ing it existence taken an humble ' b," "eiitive iopIe ; more than once
part in its grand work, I gratefully j ra'n 'n;-J n' thel.ghtuing;s
aceopt the nomiiration thus tendered, 1 1,Ia.v,,'1 w,'l,.e, he dei'ril-d the tn
aml shall endeavor, if it shall le rati-1 """l'1' of 'th; 0v"r '".""' T'
n.wl l.v tl, ..( fi.iii.Fi.iiv t.. ,u.r! audiences Wesley exerted a singular
form the ilutiVs it iiaiMsi's. KesiKTt- 11
- '
fully votirs
Henry Wilsox.
;rrnutia Ntawlraits Darla.
The house which the (icrman stu
dent or llei.lelgerii use for their duel ! the sternest breast ; strong men fell
-f iilum, fiflil ul ritiluih-ljinu on says a corresjiondent, is situated a; down in convulsion of mi.-crv and
Uif 5i ami :,lh f Un' inifut ' short distance out of town, and despair. The room in which he
mi in th.
(iKxti.k.mkx: Y'otir note of. the;
Hlth inst., conveying to me the action
of the ('(invention iu placing inv !
when a duel is going on, sentinel ; preacl.etl was often filled with loud
are placed communicating from the j .mt-i-rics and wild exclamations ; wo
housc to the town ; but this is entire-; . ft.l J,,.,, trance and groveled in
ly unnecessary, for, although the the dust ; and these "stricken cases." ,
reaching that it gives us the power to name in dilation for the oilicc of j ,lu,ls an' fr'"t the law, vet they;U!i thev were termed, formed, so
licneirate iniinne spaiv ami aiiiin- ice-President of the I nititl States a " '"h' 11 ul " auinormes; in , marked a trait of the new movement'
i iieini me iinnei-e, ai me same time is lictore mi
iiium- us luniiiiar huh me iiiinuiesi ttie a.-stiranc
object; this sense wjiich is the free- atioii of the
est and mo.-t uiieimiinscnbeil in it- on me by this
actions for our nso of touch is
limited by the lcnith of nnr arms,
hearing to a few thousand feet, the
i senses of smell anil taste having still
i .'
fullv asairrccablc J-rr,'al, r iinmaiions inis sense, i say,
I never met n ' acts through un agent apparently so
iniM'rietiv adapted to its purpose,
"prepare to mount.
manding officer, each trooper places
his left foot in the irrup; and at the
word "Mount," every man rise in
his stirrup and places himself in his
saddle, the whole command prc-ent-
ing the apiiearance to the eve of a
1 Heed not give you ', fl"'t. ,n' inhabitants are rather proud! as to excite the reprobation of the I huge machine propelled by pow-
e of my grateful apprcci-1 of tm'"1 than otherwise, and would Im J eold
high honor conferred ni-' v, r.v sorr.v if tl'''.T w,'n' P"t a stop to. j phi),
and censorious and startle the
... . ... .
up. !.' ". ". i i". liniiosopnicai. lint uesiev saw in
action of the fifth Xa. ! he Mudent wlio took me to see the thes-singularoccurrences the natural
tional Convention of the P.cpulilican ,UwU a",, " Parted at aln.ut : struggle for a new life, and he at least.
Sixteen vears ago, in the ! "an I,al IU 1,1 ' niiinjf, and wa not appalled when hi vast audi-
tart v
same citv, w as held the first meeting 1 Walh,'a alm,lt "llt-vn minute. U e ; ence wa shaken a if with a
of the men who, amid the darkness j arrived at the hoii.-e and, after intro-, wind, when wild sobs
and doubt of that hour of lave-1 'h,''"r Uy aI1 'rp. we sat ! agonv passi d over the
holding ascendency and aggrassion,
er. V im' iM'tide the tinfortunat'" who
through carele-snes or inattention
fails to place himself iu the puddle
simultaneou.-Iy with the re.-t of his
companion-;. If he is not for the of
fence again.-t military rule deprived
and .-houts of of the service of hi hor.-e during tiie
tartlcd throng : suececiling half day's march, he e-
Soiv that I do not feel Well
enough iieipiainted to introduce a
friend. Wood bye Sain; then; is some
thing really magnectie about the
young girl. I feel drawn toward her
iu a way that is uitc ineoinprehensi-
liti. oi I wit! led von (roiiil live find
go 'back to eiijov'her society 'once i w,,rItl' an1 proves the necessity of edition-,"
and with a provoking smile ! ";'"' t'"- to quick ami pre-
Han v left his eoiniuiuion who could i "M ix rceptions in oru.-r to correct its
had assembled in National Conven
tion to confer with each other on the
exigencies to which that fearful dom
ination had brought their country.
iiitv th.. iirivil..iri. of loiiL-i.i.r ut
the little ladv. i w,,M'n -Nture has designedly left im-
He w atched the two in cpuite a di- IMr''t
consolate maimer, f..r, to tell the truth, . 1 ,.vt' ,,as t1"' def,,,'t of w ,,at '
I... Im,) i.. I,..-.. w ill, physics i called the "aberration of
that investigations stand amazed at
the idea how by it we receive any in:
tclligible impression. That we do is
an evidence of the indeiM'mlenee of Aft.-r a full conferanee, tin
the mind, and its pdwer to make use- point of resolve they could reach
ful these necessary and imperfect the most they dared to recommend
means of contact with the outer was the avowed purpose to prohibit
the existence of Slavery ill the Terri
tories. Last week the same party
met by its Representatives from 37
States ami 10 Territories at the same
great centre of wealth, intelligence,
and power, to review the past,-take
note of the pre.-cut, and indicate its
line of action for the future. As ty c
ical facts, headland of the nation's
.l...a . l.v .a I..I.I.. .i...I ....I a . a m a a a
uo.. .. ,noic unit miaeu unu and tliev tell groveling on the earth capes iiickiiv. .is soon as the C"iii-
dratik lM-er, and waited for the duel to ; for he U lieved the Spirit of God w as mand is mounted, the "Advance" i-
(. iiiiii. in.. ! moving them to repentance.
The duels are arranged so that any icriod of stnmg religious
lliere are unci on three day of the ........when Savonarola.
lu st '' whether a provocation i given and Hernard lira ved have similar
or not. 1 he way or it is tin: 1 he i traits of deep emotion U en unobscrv- '
director of the duel takes the names ,.,1 En,- l.mrrvn,-
... j ...
Nor in
A mrrmlittr-m Mankal fcavoroir.
fault and iM-rfect the great work
e.. iiiiiiiiii.-riil.ti.
He took the l wo lir.-l u-ulilieii nut- Ma v. and envied Harrv every beam-i !'r",'n,'1,.v thal the rays
ting her safelv on the cars, came near , ingglance ami smile that she ln-stow- j l'J1?irf through th- centre of the lens I history, there sat upon its platform,.;
Ix-ing left hini-clf, so awkward did he i ed upon him. 1 1'av,, a -'"""n f'H-u but ray which 1 taking prominent and honorable part
find it to manage so many iiieiim-i She w as going to visit in the very i l,aiS a wrtam distance from the cen- j iu its proceedings, admitted on terms
branccs. town where the voting men Iiv-i, i tro " ,,ot eonvert ut tlu name oiiit ! if porfi-t t -imlity to thf Ii tnliii!r h,.- j
After he had got the old com-; that our hero had the pleasure of her j lmt l'as '"'.V"1"1- Tlu nearer they tels of the city, not only the colored
foitablv seated, with her numerous society for several hours, during which co1",'' u rcuHifereiiiv, the peat- representatives of the race which'
packages all alniut her, one counted time their aeiiiaintanc.! ripeni-d very ; 'r tlw" u,'a ,';-ta"''. r the lens is rig- j were ten years licforc in abject slavery
them several times to Im-sure that rapidly, and w hen they l.arted .May ; 'I'"11- i" goou opucai out one oi the oldest and most rom-
uothing was missing.
" M v rubbers are in this oiu
oi u;c meiuiNT Ol im corps in regil-i
lar order, and pairs them off. and;
they are eoniK'IIed to fight, although
they may In-' the very best friends in ' Tu.u st"r,,s t,M of -Marshal Suvor-
t he world, or perhaps even relations. ,"" wuer tuan whole pages
So you see that when a fellow gm-s
into one of these corps he is coiii-I-led
to fight, although he may be a
very jM-accable fellow ; for, as I said
In-fore, they don't wait for a provoca
tion, but fight any way. The sword
that they fight with are made of a
sounded, and the troops, usually in
"column of four." move out. The
company leading the advance one
day march in the n-ar the follow ing
day. This successive changing gives
each company an .opportunity t
march by regulai. turn in advance.
Our average daily march, w hen not
in immediate pursuit of the enemy,
was a!out twenty-five miles. I'pon
. r . .. ., i , (. mug ..urn. 1:1 ine .-vcniiiir II'"
oi ucrcripiiou, me VVOIHleri 11 WIIV III t , ... i r .1
.1-1,1. i 1 . ,' horses Were cared for as in the morn-
w Inch he contrived to adapt himself :. . .- i A ,
. ., , .. , ,' , , , , i"?. o piMrtiinit!e Ix-ing given them
to the rude spirits with w hom he had , . ' . i e ... .1..1- i; i . .
, , . , . , . . , ,. . to graze hetore dark. Pickets were
to deal without losmg one j..t of his ; j aI, tv,.rv 1(rp,aution ail),(l,.d
authonty. hat NaHeon was to;,, iruart a!ruin al 1
the t reneh army, Suvomff was to , 1
that of Kussia ; now jesting with a
Id it might
said, ' because 1 tholii
rain, and I always have
when I wet my feet."
' My best cap is in that," lifting it
very carefully, " for 1 c.cct to stay
u day or two, perhaps, and our folks
see lots of company. My knittin' is
iu that one there, for I though 1 might
; orousiv spherical. In a
. . i. . . . . . : iii.iniiiii.iif tln .1. ... ............ I .. ......
gave imu a cordial invitation to visit ' " 1 jol
lier, which ho accepted with evident ; 'lt i1. the ray ln-ing centralized by
delight and verv soon took advan-1 "att,'l."" t,u" U'"s- T"1 ,-.V4 "' n,,t
t age of. " spherical, but has an elliptical curve.
The vouii.- ladv was visitin..- ber ! 'rli f"r some time thought to be
aunt, a Mrs. Cook, w ho knew Harrv
incut of the once despised abolition
ists, to whom was accorded a to no
other the warmest demonstrations oft
...... . tl... r e.i 1 ....... .... ....... Part that can He Int. Tor the imocr
rrr,.MaaA.tll4IMI tail la ' I I i . 1
... i.: i i .1 nan of the Im..v is ini.l.le.l fl.i. tlv contempt, and
. an advantage, bnt the contrary is the f he had so ably and for so many year
long and very thin nie.-e of t eel i soldier, and now rebuking a (tcncral : !
which Im-iuIs very easily, and is a ' OUP l,a-v sharing a ration of black' I suppose we all. those of u who
sharp as a razor, so that the least ! ,)n'J 'eide a bivouac fire, and the I write in verse or prose, have the ha!
totich leaves a mark. The students ! m'xt ""'t .sjM'aking as an equal to j "ual feeling that we would like to In
here are cut horribly, ami some of 'ri'e and potentates. SuvorofT remembered. It is to be aw ake w hen
them an-really disgtis'tiii" to look at ! ,',,lm!4 Ixfore us as an uncrow ned king, all of those who are around u have
their faces arc so frightfully scarred. wuos uthority needed no out-' '"".f I1'1" wrapped iu slumber. It is
The head is the part of"the body j w'ar,l "vmlxd ; an autocrat of nature's 1'h'asant thought enough that the
aimed at. and i- iu fact the only ,king, full of a rough, hearty famil- name by w hich we have been called
bv reputation, and so welcomed him j lni"1- -lll1 ""s '"rve is not even
very graciously to her house. : w-11 "centered," that is, placed sym-"
He s...ii lcaine a freipieiit visitor, '"u-,r"'all.v ,, t1"' visuaI w ''tea
and then offered to give his friend, ,, ,,s- hat ls change.l and twisted in
Pitrlcio-h. the intr.Ml.ieiion be ba.l ' ''"' direction. From this results
iarity, that w as in no dangerof breed
surrounded by men
that the sword cannot cut through ; wno f'"J".v,'a th """'"" w hile
... .... C , J. .1. .1 .. . i : ..i ..
represented, and to the men and wo- "", I'" When lighting the o.p.ea.-ure oi u,e
men, living ami dead, w ho had toiled i ' i" - vr the head in such a ! !' I'?n,os..d, grimy man, w ho was
through long vears. of oblooiiv ami ! "':"'r that instead of striking 'it j ,u tht',r '"rnat.on of earthly
. . 1 -- . . i...i... .....i .1 i...: ....... iHiWcr and 'Tuinlciir
seit-saerinee lor the glorious jniition """"" ' oig prou-ci-1 :
of that hour. It hardly needed the ' " large mm spi-ctaeles, it is verv
it niu.-t He owned, however, that
in his owniK'culiar vein of pleasantry,
the old Marshal more than once met
with hi match. One of his favorite
jokes was to confuse a man by asking
him unexpectedly : "How' inany
il.m't i ""rs are there in the skv :
i A.
!...u pi-, par-
V At. 'ON
.1 1 iii.iinii o um- nil kill
s. i.i:k;iis. .v..
re thirlv live viiir
n .p.-w !ir va r a i-win in ,.
Al.!. Vii:!C WA1MJA NTK!.
K-r T5mi.l': Shjih yi.u
t.t :iif hikI t:iko a -Hv i t
iliiiarv lite ratr.
:i'i.uu.l jrtt.i ui nt u ill inmro yn 2 year nn
'Ui nnniul i.iyiiioiit- vill insure yu4ypar?
Mi l 1J tl;i Vit.
'J'hrN-.imtunl i:iymiii? will injure ji.oIyoar
rili'l S! .
-'iv j:iymotit" will iniir yu 10 rearc
itit'l M l:i.
Six himu il .nvi!u i,l- will iiiMire ym 1J yrarn
:inl 11 i;ivs.
4.1 . t 1 11.1. J.r tltitllC -!tl. lila I ... 1 1 . T
folded." " j for sometime desired, and which ,e )v,-ttt 'as la-en called the "asfigmat-. brilliant siinimarv of it's pi itfi.rni to I 'hloiu if ever that a real injury oe-
" This one is full of doughnuts for ! now accepted, Itemming thereupon a ! ,MU" of tu' 'vt'. -o"sists in not set forth its illustrious achievements. ' , ur further than cutting up their
the children, and that near von holds more eon-tant caller than Harrv him-1 'M',u.-a,,!l' tu at ,,4 same distance The verv presence of those men was!. lhat doesn't la-t long, for
two pair of new socks for inv self. " : a vertical line with the same distinct- alone significant of the victories aI-i the wound soon heal up and leaves
...i,.' 1,.. it.ii.L l. e.,,,.w.f'l...v o,.v One evenino- a iiniiiU-r i.f vomer '"-ss as one that is horizontal. This re- i rcadv achieved, the mogress already ! a s,'ar. which the students are very
i i- ii i ' ' i .... ii..... i :.. M-. i i., . 1 cent lv discovered nlienoiiii.ui li.i ...... I.. n ...1 . 1... ...t. .......... I I :.t. 1 lirollil ot: in tact, tliev
gooti as in.tse HI ohl lllollier , J ojne wei eimecieti 111 .ur. toons, t -' "' '"i pii '-i'"" h n n . i --- -- - ; ,, 1 , , .1 -
L-.." ee.rnt narlors when the convers.i. iracicit me attention ol all ! the nat on liatl a readv traveled cry inucu oi a Know unless he nasi . - ... ,...v m.s .,,.-
They are nil here. I see. safe, and , tion happened to die out for a while. ! 11 sometimes constitutes a disease of tween the years lsiili ami LS72.
I am liiiich obliged to voti. young ; May proiMiseil that each one should j t'"' ''' Again, 1he retina of the Rut grand as has been its record,
man, for intending to me. You will tell a story.
T he uroiMisitioil
approval, and was carried on with ' u"s ''X0. w hich is unsyinmetrical, bad- and grapples w ith the problems of
zest and enjoyment by all concerned; ; ' ''"ireu, niin-i in spots, at least jst- duty and danger. It pro-mses, as ob-
laiighter and ojiplausc- jiroving the " ' iran.-iucni . -oi at all. J he jects of its immediate accoinphshinent
sueci'ss ot each narrator.
a good husband one of the-e
'- .i r .-. '!..! I. i;:h.
This Protection AnpliestoanyAge,
An i ic(-X'rc- --iv Ft:ii.-.l in every I'oll. ;
c A I. i'
III nil kill-I
ll t Iii- ir.-niinu-.
Semi r.-p:ilr.-.l en .1.11.1 1 v
t 1 1 1 : a 1 1 a x T v k i f s r 1 1 r 1 1 t w t i x.
So, blushing and laughing, the gen
tleman went back to join his disgust
ed companion, who had watched the
proceeding with a withering con
tempt. " Now," he commenced, " will you
tell ine what you wanted to make a
fool of yourself in that way for'
" I do not acknowledge that 1 have
done so yet. Another thing, my
mother travels; doesn't yours!"'
"If she does, she will have too
much -clise ever tot ruble people with
her bags and bundles."
eve nas .-pois w nere ii is entirely ; the Kepiiliiican party rests not on its
met w ith general I ''""o to impressions of light. Rut is past alone. It looks to the future,
When it came to May's turn she
gave a full and lively account of the
ul iv
V V-... 11-ih.mji' Harrow".
li-e 'IrU' k-. 1 1.:. .r. . M-.n. v i!ihiiit..
1 All.liAX k S .Mi ll!-!-. N. I'd.
Car IT i "- Am-i.ui-. ri:t.-.u
I nv
cr nin;m am,
I'll VM IAN AND il'!:t;KiX.
I.W AN-V U.I.I.. 1'V.
I VNdl
I w
.. I.,, s-. ( .. r!,.. l..i, l )
! j;: i r, Pitt-in i:h:i. Pa..
ii t. r- ef (luwn-ware am! M.iiiiif:ic
tun r- of Ida ware.
n vAi:r.
ii'ii'-'-i.-n ii pr. p.ire.t I.i iii.iiiulae: ure all
Tlii-Is loeortilv that my late lmli:init. Daniel
It. Tho'upAin. was lnsiin-.i In 1 lie Hi-rfcshlre IJle
In-nrnii' i f'-mpaliy. I'iltf tli-l.l. Ala-s.. l..rl.iio.
Ih. i-ihIkt lt'tli. l7(i. premium imyalilr quarterly. iw.i pavuieiits were in-.ile up to June Iwili.
17I. thit heiiie.1 I -lolier T;th. hr ni.mtlis aller
he taile.1 to make hi payment.
The umi.iI proo)S(4 .l.-ath were f..rwar lel tothc
mii.1 (Im. lull amount .rf the iw.liev. Um
il.e iK.i.'iuanerly pmiu-nlsilur at the tiin of his tlTW iird proved.
Id aill. WHS IRII'l HI llie l- UP ll n,.it. .u I I 11 I ,
riiila.l. lpl.ia. W. II. Uravc. at t heir otllee. S. W. IKT lillllllleS aild Hiaile
.-...ii.-rl lies: uut ami Lli-venih Stn-.-t. . . : down bv her
(Si-iM-.!) XKTTIK TII(MISX. sll (low 11 li IH r.
W. H. (In-elM-. lulc ol New Y.nTk. il.sure.1 a I. W , " S() Villi haYC CollK
. rs s n.-r u Hie llcrk-iiire IJte insurauec . u- . , , i..,,.,,
i..,i- ..... I ... ..i., t., ...i-'..rii.iie iuhiisi- the old lad, hae ou
in s-' was' to iniike any juiyim-iit to the smiling a cordial Weh oilii
. .'inpniiv iiurinu one vear uii'i uu- iiiiniiup iii..i ...
I.i- .I..-.-..-. I have' this .lav Ili.l (at tlic New
ink oili.-e u( il, i '.Hiipany. J71 Hniaiiway, wrner
ol 't.iiin.-r- i-:r.-i-i . three" thi.tisaml two humlrcd
an.) timet v -nine 'l-llnrs. tl:iG Im-iii the lull amount
.Iu.- to his wi.l.. alter ili-.'.U' tuiK the (rtvrdue mv-
ui.-nl- allil llllerert.
.1. II. FKX(.'IS4'I S.
X. w York. Alanh llih. '711. ui.-rlii!.-n lent.
"Yes, if she forms her opinion of grow ing red, grew very pale, for in .
other people from her own son. In ! this sudden disclosure of his rudeness, i
that case, I think perhaps she might he read the downfall of his dearest
fcctlv translucid? Not at all
cornea and crystallite lens of the eve "coumlcte liberty and exact eoualitv
are not absolutely limpid, as apjiciirs for all;" the enforcement of the re
w hen examined through an intense ' cent amendments to the national Con-
incidents just related, repeating the j ,m,t' or violet light, which renders it stitution; reform in the Civil Service;
conversation of the young men al-l '"'orescent. I his phenomenon is due the national domain to Im- set apart
most word for Word. ; to the traces of a substance analogous for homes to the people; the adjust-
Harry's face, w hich grew redder to ","', a 'wdy which possesses in ' incut of duties on imports so as to st
and redder, would certainly have be- 1 lm' highest degree the proiiertr of flu- cure n miincrative w ages to labor;
traved him if May had once glanced "'rescence, that is, of emitting a light the extension of bounties to soldiers
o! it own, under the excitement of and sailors who in the line of duty
blue or violet lights. The chrystalinc became disabled; the continual anil
lens, itself, is not of a homogeneous careful encouragement ami protection
conittositiun, uut has a crystaline of voluntary immigration and the
structure of six branches. This is ' guarding with jealous care the rights
the cause of the stars appearing to us of adopted citizens: the abolition of
at least one scar ,,,)n 10 ono ''is sentries, on a bitter
The largest corps student that ever Jan""ry night, such as only Ku-sia
appeared at Heidelberg was an Amer-' an produce. The soldier not a hit
iean, w ho came here an average-sized j "furled, answered coolly : "Wait
man, and went away something to i ,iult' autl 1,1 1'11 .vuu." and he de-
Ix hold. and having the honor of lH-i""'ratelv began to count. "0m
hall be familiar on thelitis of tin
who come after us, and the thoughts
that wrought themselves out in our
intelligence, the emotions that trem
bled through our frame, .-hall live
themelve over again in the minds
and heart of others.
Rut is there not something of rest,
of gently and gradually fading awa.
out of human remembrance? What
line have we written that was ru a
level with our conceptions? What
page of ours does not betray some
weakne.-s we would fain have left un
recorded ? To become a classic and
share the life of a language is to be
ever open to criticism, to comparisons,
to the caprices of successive genera
tions, to Ie called into Court and
stand a trial In-fore a new jury, once
or more than once in every century.
ing the lcst
is'st duelist in
fought somcthiu
drinker and also the 1 lwo l"ree, "Ac. In this wav he went ; 10 ,H? ioregottcn is to sleep in peace
' I l a . m ...I fit V I . 1 w . a
IleidellxTir He i irar,,,.v on to "undred, at w hich ' tneuiuiisturui'd myriads, no Ion-
v' : r ... . . . ... ,...1.: . . . .i . , -it
like a hundred i I""" cui oron, vi no was already Hair ft' r --"ojcci 10 me coins ami neats.
duels, and never got defeated till
nearly the last one he fought, when
he got his nose almost cut off; but,
in. his direction, but she
avoided meeting his eyes.
Sain, in the meantime, instead of
hesitate sometimes. - I am going to . hopes, and, excusing himself verv 1 xvltl1 rays. .Ml attempt to explain the franking privilege anil the speedv
talk with the nice old lady." soon after, he took his leave, feeling this phenomenon were vain, until it reduction of the rates of postage;
.A. nd Harry Madox left his old friend angry and mortified enough. was ft mnd to la-, in the visual organ 'the reduction of the national debt
to join the new one, for such she af-1 Tlic next morning he called bright j itself. It is for this reason that the ! and the rate of interest, and the re-
She lint aide all and early at the otlice of young : cresi-enr 01 me moon, u pen 11 is very 1 sumption ot sm-cic payment ; the en-
room for him .Madox. and saluted ruin w ith the ex- thin, seems to he doii'ile or triple to cotiragement of 'American commerce
clainatioii : some jiersons. : and ship-building; the suppression of i
to talk with "I sav Harry that wasaprettv These fucts are enough to show anv ! viol-nee and the protection of the j
1 "
' Yes, ma'ain," he replied,
will not be intrusive."
." Oh, 110, we old women like
"if it
1 mean trick you served ine!"
, one how prone the untrained eve
ballot-box. It
this summer, sir." We cut
l-:u! I lie I'oIIom iiijr,
( Itli him l'sild.
I.M of
11 v Wit SlII'LT li:o WARK.
a 'uiiply
i kill
.f i-.-pj.-r au-1 t.rass
Hoiim' 1 iiruiHliins (.ootl.
?. 1: ly.
Sl...p one il.k.r west .
r.-i-t. s-.iu-r-.-T. la.
niiaii i aski:i;ki:.
lillooKS A- CO..
Produce Commission Merchants,
Mi. K A !KN Sl I.I.l.T
to Tin;
1:. i-r In
SI. Il'il-ierlu mil
't.. Alrvcr. A .... i..:.i:..
Itnciliik. l'rv-i.i. 1,1 v. .. v..
t l.auile-.
M:V Fl.OI l! Mill
1 he n. w Kl.r Mill limit ..mhe
i-nts. .ni,,:, , 1 r !' """ Improve-
J.u 3 "'kvi l"1"'' liod I- all kln.l. l rraln.
1 ALtMixt HAY.
.lames .li.ii-e. Xcw I 'I! jr. tl.tiou. payniinl
ov'-riiue 4 iii"titlin.
y. II. f. llamiip. New Y.a-kl'lty, l.iO. iar
lii. ul oK-rdiif 4 i.HMiths an. I iilavs.
Airs. . II. Hart. I 'liiitia-o. 111. f'.OiXI. paynnnt
ov-nlne 7 T'Hithf an.l ljilays.
II. 1. .M.ire. ll.xt.Ki.- Mass.. fiuoO. fiaymcnt
ov.-r.lue It luolitlis au.1 10 .lavs.
Jame H. A. lair. New Slamiilc, In.U fLOt.
iaM!:.-iit overdue unwiths ami 7 data.
ii-roanl (1' Hetniil. MW-ti., p.ot. iay-m.-nt
ovetilue t year. 10 imail hs aud 1 1 .lays.
J..I-. It. ialro.k. 1 iti-hhiirr. .M-!. l (0.
pnvui-nt ovetilue 3 vears. 1 lu-tith and Xdavs.
illK-HlLIk SI AKS1IA1.U Aifeuls.
' June ia-'7'2. Somerset. 1'a.
... mt
The Improved
New Draw Feed,
Thi-rc- arc aoiite ..ints in a Sewing Mnrhine that
la.lies deslrftiir to jnirehas.., idiould lake lutocon-sid.-ralion,
I.iL'l.tiu ss of running.
Ij.- tit Malta tp -ment.
I'aieity to do the Work llequlreit,
1'rewdoiu Xoise. and
Non IJahiiily to (ret 'it of Order.
Wc claim that tl 1MI KOVKP KIXUTK
.ws all tlMse miuts. and that it l
Now Manufactured.
And w. aolielt an examination of It. A (rents want ',
cd In every county, to wh.u w will Klic the muat I
lllieral terms.
tAlH.N UltUS., Ill Flth Ave..lJitt.liurKh, Pv 1
also placed on re-
What do vou mean ?" I must Ix' to error and self-decent ion ; cortl the opinions and purposes of the
"Wbv tellimr Miiv Stnnliiii nil tlmt on. I fl...t nnr iw not o i, In . 1..,. liai'tV in favor of iininestv- uo-niii.t nil
- - --. - - - -- - - - - ...... ...... . . . 1 ... I .-IV Ul, Ulll i -- - I --. -- I ... . . . . . . .
ridiculous storv." j a mental act. In infancy, the eve js ' fn'i of repudiation, and endorsed Klass. e inreu iour honest tanners
1 . . . a a. I ..... . . I .1 1 .. a a. . a I til ll-lvt 11 41 111! I lat.I tlta.t.i aw.k a-1
ntfi.n- " I ni'V.T to hi Iht dtio Wonl nlunit ni.l..l In- f i liuiuU or ti.iiili t. ... i III' Il 1 11:1110 1111(1 lo:iri'Iul im n-v ot t lit i " 1 " " t'"1 " " RB' 1 l"
mm m a a ' T . I I i ".t l) . . .1 A A 7 . "... 1 a -I
tion as well, it not iH tter, than pn tty ; I', anil i atii jiisi as tniicii iii the iiark ipiire experience ol the nature and ( -loiuiuisirauou in reguni 10 the 111
yoiing girls; and you are a very giMnl ' as you are." . ! consistency of things; later in life, i dian.'
lookiiig fellow." i " V,,u wvor told her! Who ii: j the eye asserts its superiority bv in-; 'l,t while clearly defining and dis-
" Thank you," said Harry, '"but I this world was it then ?" ; structing the hands to M-rfonii ingeu-! tinctly aiinouiicing the policy of the
did not know as you would like to ' " I have not ihe slightest idea, but j ions and cunning work. The two , Ki'puhliean party on these ipicstions
talk to a giddy pate like me."' I must say that my curiosity is a senses seem thus to continue mutually , "f practical legislation and adininis-
Harrv la gan to lx- lunch amused, ! good deal excited alout it, and I am j to assist and act upon each other. tration, the Convention did not ig-
nnd so they kept up a merry talk, tin- going round this morningtoask her." ! I ouch lends to sight material aid and ' nort' great social problems which
til the train ntoimed at the station! " ell, I have received my conge. I support. The eve refines and irivcs are pressing their claims
for solution
w here the old ladv intended to get that is evident enough, and I suji-' intelligence to the material sense of ,.un,l wn' deinaud the most careful
out. Rut just In fore this, she said to ; pose that I shall soon have an oi-, touch, so that, w hen sight is wantiii" j study and wise consideration, rore-
Hirtuinty to oner vou my congratula- touch takes its place and perforins its "'"l stanus ii.e laoor quest ion. Lon
tions." I duties. periling the relations of capital and
A short time afterw ard Madox was The eye iu its direct and steady ; Ia'r, the Republican party accepts
seated on a snug little sofa, by the look embraces but a small compass of the duty of so shaping legislation as
side of his fair lady love, looking very ! actual sight; in fact, we clearly sic " secure the full protection and the
as there is iu New York State, if she ; w ell pleased with Ins situation, which but a small tM.iiit, w hich come just amplest Held lor capital and for lalior.
, is inv grand-daughter. They sav she might, perhaps, have ln-en said of his in the focus of the eye; and it is ow-, tin creation or capital, the largest op.
looks jusi like me," and she laughed !p panion also. ing to a quick vibratory movement of prtunities and a just -share of the
'mischievously I " ill voti tell me," he iK-gan, the eve that we are able to see large ! mutual prolits ot these two great scr-
frozen, thought it high time to ride j the blasts, the sleet, the dust, w hich
off, not, however, without inquiring j assail in endless succession that shad
the name of this readv reckoner. The : w of a man which w e call his repii-
nothing daunted, he steivned uu t.v bis ' in'it day the latter found himself pro- i tatiou. I he line winch living we
adversary, holding his nose on with I '""led, and the story (w Inch Suvoroff would wish to blot has Ix-cn blotted
his hand! and challenged him to an-;to111 with Prt'at plee to his staff) j "t for u by a hand so tender, so pa
other duel, which was accented ; speedily made it way through the 1 tient. so used to its kindly task, that
They fought, and the indomitable whole army. j the page looks as fair as if it had
American, the hero of a hundred' , u an"ther occasion one of his j never borne the records of our iufirmi
duels, came out ahead, to the gratiti- ' '''Il,rals of division sent him a Ser-1 .v ,,r our transgression. And then so
cation of all his admiring friends. He;P''ant w'tH dispatches, at the same ! ,l-w would be w holly content w ith
is considered to have Is-en the Teat-! tmM recoinmending the In-arer to Suv- j their legacy of fame. The dignity of
est man in HeidelU rg (which he cerJor,,lrs ntiec. ,a silent memory, is not to be timler-
tainly was a regards size), aud his! "e Marshal, as usual, pro-eeded valued. Fame is after all a kind
name w ill probably lie handed dow n j to tt"t mnl ''.v 'r"''4 f w himsical 'f rude handling, and a name that is
from generation to generation, and i 'I'"'"1 ,mt ,ne fateehtinieii was "ften on vulgcr lis seems to borrow
l(Mkod up to as something almost im-' '''I"' trt tue 'H-t a-ion. "How far is it something not to lie desired, a the
mortal, bv the students. " tne moon ?" asked Suvoroff. j paper money that passes from hand to
' i "Two of your Kzcellcncv's forced hand gains somew hat w hieh is a loss
' . ...1 ." . i.i . . - ' .1. .....1 t . . -T e e
I niurciics, auswereu tne egeatlt. : ' sweei, uanipiu reiuge oi
"If your men began to give w av in ' oblivian, so far as earth is concerned.
a battle, what would vou do?" ! f"r us poor blundering, stammering
"I'd tell them that just behind the ' mislichaving creatures w ho cannut
enemy's line tLere w as a w agon-load I l,,n vr a leaf of our life's tliarv
I of porn-brandy." i w ithout feeling thankful that its
! "Supposing you were blockaded j failure can no longer stare us iti the
I was to mow mvself and vou had no provisions left, how fa'", "t unwelcome shall In- the
4'nltiui; KraM iat Ihte If radanta.
Last summer Mr. P
"I think we'd better rut
saiil : '
some '
her young companion:
"Now, Mr. .Madox, I think you;
w ill Is- rew arded for your kindness to
an old woman. I will introduce you.
when w e -top, to just asprettv a girlj
Will voti tell me," he 1k
When it was time to leuvr the ears " how you found out all the story that
Harrv took the carict bag, band Imx, i you told last night."
big bundle, little bundle, and a he "Do you wanttoknow very much?"
lifted the ladv on the platform, r-he ' she inquired mischievously,
was saluted by the pretties little sice-' " Yes, I do, indeed," he replied,
inien of female humanity that he had , She laughed a little and then said:
extents apparently at the same time
Pro fi-niuir John If. St'imrii'r.
vants of civilization. To woman, too.
; and her new demands it extend the
! hand of grateful recognition and
The surprising feat executed this' Pr,,flVr "t resicctr.d inquiry.
timmer by Prof. II. Crcclev and h;s ! recognizes her noble devotion to
i.inlt l.nt" trmitu. . ....i:.;..i ! """try and freedom, welcomes her
select of C,,,IIUrX a,,U IH-llolll, WCk-OHies Hei
ever seen, so the vountr man thought. ; " I was introduced yesterday to a ; a(.robats are not surpassed even jJV a,"'issi.m to wider fields of useful
Kves black as night, but soft and , ladv. who immediately exclaimed, "I
inching, ml lips and cheeks, and J" have seen yon la-fore, Miss Stanton. n
; black, curling hair, a neat little figure : "Where ? " I inquired, and then she
set off bv an elegant traveling suit, went on to say that she saw me in
all presented a picture that he never the cars that day, and noticed every
forgot a he lived.
Ma v," said the grandmother, "tin
that accomplished anaconda mention
ed in the old song, who could
-Swallow himself, crawl through himself,
Conic out with irrcat hu-ility ;
Tie himself fa a how.Lnnr man hU lull
thing that occurred, as she hnpis ned: And wink with trrmt aidiity."
to be occupying the seat right U hind i
a. m . a I 1 1 1 1 1 1
is .Air. .Madox. lie lias In-en yeryj)oii aim Air. iiiricign, ami nearu
! kind to.iniv and how I want yon to , every thing you said.
. U kind to him and not treat "him as j "Funny how things happen somc-
, vou'do some -oung men I know."
She made a saucv low and said
ness, and commends her demands for
j additional rights to the calm amlcare-
ful consideration of the nation. To
'guard well what has already been se-
cured; to work out faithfully and
w isely what is now iu hand, and
to consider the ipicstions which were
Read what an Indiana paper savs homing up to view but a little way
" Rut, grandma, you don't know as
Mr. Madox will rare to receive anv
times, isn't it?"
"Not so very funny for poor Sam,
though. He is fulling very much
mortified aloiit it."
a . 1 .
oi a recently winoweu gentleman :
"The broken hearted man erected a
pine slab over his wife's grave, and
presented a $400 piano to the young
lady w ho was so kind to him in the
hours of affliction."
liefore us. the Republican partv is to-
(lay Avhat it was in the gloomy years
of Slavery, relH-llion, and reconstruc
tion a national necessity. It ap
peals, therefore, for support to the
patriotic and li'ierty-loviu", to the
the meadows
I saw the sturdy peasants go round i would you supply yourself?" t naptism oi dust which hides forever
once ere I dipiK-d my flashing sevthe j "From the enemy !" j the name that wa given in the bap-
into the tall green gras. "Arc voti! "How many fish in the sea ?" tism of water ! We shall have good
ready?" said I. Perkins "I "anij "As many as have notlieen caught." (,"pany whose names an- left un-jo-
here."" "Then follow us." I followed : And so "the examination w cut on . ken by jMi-terity. Who knows wheth
them ; followed them rather too j t'" Suvoroff, finding his acquaintance j ,r the best of men be know n, or
closely, evidently, for a white-haired armed at all points, at length asked ! whether there be not more remarka
old man who immediately followed !''"" s final Pst : "What is the 1 hie lcrsons forgot than any that stand
Mr. Perkins called upon us to halt, i difference bet ween vour coloriicl and remembered m the known account of
time 7 1 he greater part mu.-t lx- con-,
replied the i tent to lie as though the- had Hot
John change places with me. I , soldier, coolly : "Mv colonel cannot ,H,, n ; to He round m the register or
hain't got loiir to live anvhow. make me a captain, but vour excel-1 ,J,Mb n,t tl"" "''"rd of man. Tw en
Yonder iH-rrviu ground will mh.ii "'"'' has only to sav the "word !" . ! ty-sven naines up the first story lie
have these old lsmes, aud it's no mat- j Suvoroff, struck by his shrewdness. , fr- ") "",M". the recorded names
ter w hether I'm carried there with i 'pt his eye upon the man, and iu , pvi t since contain not one living cen-
Then in a low linn voice he said to myself ?"
his son, w ho w as iu.-t ahead of nie. I "The difference is tin
turv. Olirrr H'riiitrll Hoi mm.
one leg off and ter'ble gashes iu the ! '""g tune after actually gave him the
other or not. Rut vov, John yon six'citied promotion. f ( .
are young." The old 'man changed j Suvoroff alw ay affected the utmost : TilK Toledo lihnh- says : (Jrceley is
places w ith his son. A smile of M-ace-l brevity lioth in -H-aking and writing, 1 just finding out that the bailing of
fill resignation lit up his wrinkled t'-' terseness of hi dispatches In-iug ; Jefferson I'avis is calculated to injure
face, as he said: "ow sir I ami almost unrivalled. The eorresiKUi-! I" prospects. Ills latest dodge.
! his prospects. His latest " mean ..I.I " ; denci' with Prince Potemkin. relative : therefore, is to sav that Davis
I said ' I mean that if vov continue ' to the assault of Ismail, is unique iu puilty of no crime
to bran'ish that blade as vou have . military history. I otemkin copying
been brau'lshin' it, you'll slash h 1 J the brevity of hi general, wrote to
out of some of us ln-fore w e are an , 1,1,1 thus :
heur older." There was some reason ,' "Marshal, you will take Ismail
mingled with this white-haired old j V,,Hn "'"'' ays, at whatever cikst.
iH-asant's nrofanitv. It was true that i "1'oTKMKlx."
AUilOIUlil lllilll- till tmff Ida; 1 ho dav after the letter
sou's legs, and his father w as jH-rhaps Suvoroff carried the town Jiv storm. : the wlndesale, and can point to Davis
naturally alarmed. I went and sat ! ith a loss of fifteen thousand men j as its author. Rut the gentle hu
,i.. i,n,i... . ! ..over Inoweil ,wi .1.:... ..:..k .i i : iiianitariaii who heads the mongrel
w as
was tint a murder
er, and so did not deserve imprison
ment. Thirty thousand Union sol
dier were tlelilierstcly starved to
death at Andersouville, as many more
in other reln l prisons, while Jeffersou
Davis held the helm of the Southern
That was mardcr bv
.. . er . . a
a literary man in my ine, x over
heard the old man say, " that know'd
What two colors arc undiscernible f
Invisible green and blind man's buff.
C !....., ..... lull,.,! till.
. i . ... . OUU ( st-v. ui'l "in
to the enemy, summing up the fearful j Imir(lt.rer of soldier, but would
tragedy in one doggerel couplet, 1 pledge him a seat in his Cabinet in
runs as ; order to gain Southern votes?.
which, lrtterally translated
follows :
. ' Praise to Oud, ami praise to the !
Istaairi taken, an 1 then Ibe."
A water rejiort A clap of thunder.