The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, June 19, 1872, Image 2

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The Somerset Herald.
jrxKiK, 1872.
lull OOVKRN'oR,
.1 F.I! A 1ITRA N FT, f Moiit.m rv
X'K tiL TH EMU Jl lRiE,
ILYSSES MERCUK, of llratlford.
for vin; reus men at large,
(JEN. HARRY WHITE, of Indiana.
LEMUEL TODD, of CumWland.
WM. M. MEREDITH, I'liilailolpliia.
;EN. HARRY WHITE, Indiana.
JEX. WM. LILLY', Carlx.n.
L. BARTHOLOMEW, Schuylkill.
H. N. M'AILLSTER, O uter.
G EO. V. LAWRENCE, Washington.
DAVID N. WHITE, Allejrhenv.
W. H. AIKEN. Lehigh.
I Subject to the decision of the District Conference.
E.D. YUTZV, Lower Turkevfoot.
.1. R. MeMILLEN, of Middlocreek.
E. M. SCH ROCK, of Stonvcreek.
.1. ROBERT WALTER, of Milford.
for commissioner,
VAL. MILLER, of Qinmahoniiig.
JOHN H. SNYDER, of Stonvcreek.
JACOB Sl'ElCHER, of Stonvcm k.
The hearty response of the Republi
emi jM'ojile and press throughout the
Union, to the nominations made at
Philadelphia nspositive evidence
thaj. yM. grvat Republican party is
united, vigorous and confident of suc
cess as in days of yore. True, the
Tribune professes to 1elieve the re
sult of the Convention and theenthu
Musni displayed by the vast concourse
present, to have been devised by the!
office-holders; but the intelligent and j
thinking jwirtion of the jieople know
and feel that it was a deserved and
poiitanoous rebuke of indignant citi-
zeiis, in reproof of the crsoiial, ven
cmoiis and malignant assault made
upon the President, in the Senate, a
few days previously, with the vain
lxfpe of destroying his character aud '
ruining his prosjiccts for renomina
tioii. To the pompous and wordy vil
ification of the Massachusetts Sena
a tor, the Senate, the Convention, the
press and the people have responded
in unmistakable terms. There is no
hesitancy in the ringing tones that
ascend from all parts of the country,
giving assurance of full faith in the
integrity of the victor at.Apponiatox,
whose civil career is in full accord
with his record as a brilliant soldier.
Republicans all over the country are
ready for the fijrht, and the malcon
tents arc swiftly drawing off to the
camp of tlie enemy. There is no
hesitancy, no doubt, and no regrets,
except for the weak or sore, who have
Wen cajoled, or Lave suffered their
vjileeu to blind their judgement.
We do not attempt to deny that we
would gladly have had these former
friends with, instead of against us in
the coming battle, but wc sorrow only
for themselves. We had a similar ex-jK-rience
in lfcf4 and again in 1 80S.
AH must rcmomlier the vigorous hos
tility of Hon. Ben. Wade and Henry
Winter Davis to Mr. Lincoln's re
nomination in 1SC4, and the gathering
in Convention at Cleveland, of the'dis
satisfied; and again, the Uilt in 18G8
that placed Chase and Seward, and
Johnson and Cowan aud Dixon and
Doolittle in opposition to General
Grant's election. Those men were
more than the equals in power, and
stood much nearer the popular heart
than the present dissatisfied gentle
men, styling themselves reformers,
and yet we succeeded despite their
The election of General Grant
four years since, was looked upon by
many as a hazardous cxH'rimcnt;
but his administration has shown
their apprehensions to have been ill-
rouiitled, and he is a much stronger
candidate with the tiiasM-s now than
he was then, while the nomiuation of
Henry Wilson,-a recognized friend
of the great laW interests of the
country, an eminent statesman of long
service and tried integrity, adds
to the strength of the ticket in the
jxipular estimation.
Prond of the record of their tarty
and of its candidates, the Republicans
stand marshalled for battle, while
their oMnentn the rag-tag aud bob
tail of their own, as well as of all
other organizations are attempting
to effect a consolidation, which the
plots and counterplots of the Dal-
gettys, who lead its torn factions,
have so far prevented.
At Baltimore on the 9th of the
coming month, the final effort will be
made to organize an opjosition to the
Republican ticket, and all present
signs indicate that the"once powerful
Democracy will there confess their to
tal ruin, and humbly agree to swallow
a ticket in whose wlection they had
no voice, and at whose Lead is their
lifelong and bitterest foe, and adopt a
platform enunciating principles.which
they have always combated with in
tense bitterness.
"Anything to Wat Grant" is the
polo rallying cry of the UesjH'rate
j Democracy, and ibe Guerrillas ami
Buslnvhaekers who arc attempting to
organize tin opposition to the nom
inees of the IMiiladi Iphta Conrcntin.
The ticket at tbi head of pur col
1111111, placed there as duly nominated
becausp it received the largest num
ber of votes at the late election, is a
.'fair HUiiple. of the beauties of the
"Crawford county Kystem." Wc have
a gentleman nominated for Congress,
who, iu liia card publi.-hod in our lo
cal xlumns, declares that he was not
a candidate,"' and knew "nothing or the
printing and circulation of his tickets;
a nominee for Delegate to the Conven
tion whoso candidacy was unknown
to nine-tenths of the electors, and
who was voted for at the polls in four
precincts only; a nominee for prothon-
Jotary who was too much voted for,
having returned for him more votes
from his own tohip, than has been
polled by the conjoint parties in that
'township at cither or the October
! elections, for the last three years, and
j a nominee for Coroner who received
but two votes, all told, while it is
1 . .i . . i i - r .i
I stout i y assonou uy some oi me tut
! successful candidates and their friends
that other of the nominations are the
fruits of the heavy Democratic . vote
Iollcd throughout the county.
We urge nothing against the candi
dates themselves, but we rejcat
what we have o frequently urged,
that the system under which these
nominations were made is destroying
Irwilitieiil morals, relaxinc nartv ties.
!! . . , i t." iv
h"nPaS u,H,n the Lepub ,-
a organization, and ill eventually
' i i. ....i.: ...j .i;..n!..iw
I as will result in its overthrow.
As evidence that we are not singu
lar in this opinion, we clip the follow
ing from the Wayne County Citizen:
Sartthe Delaware Co. Antrirtu : We agree
wlth'tiie Lebanon Caurirr, that the Mart nmw
tul mnanl jrt discovered for dcrtroylng a majority
trtv in a oountr is the adotaion of Uie Crawford
' enantv r-Ftem of namliutlonr. It If rapidly doing:
It work In Lancaster cmnty. and we are "Try
lliai IllO i W.'IU I til IKTM "lit mil i li au
caster's example. It has had equal etleet upon
Democratic and Reulpican counties, the Injury
being caused bv tlie building up of factions within
the rty. each" with am bitter bate to the other
than toward the common enemy. Philadelphia
lias adopted the svstem, lut we shall lie greatly
f utiried U it lasts' more than a year.
Horace has seized the old slave
wh.p, and is using it as lustily as did
IIS lunutT ouuillflll uiivi, vu un
backs of the quaking Democracy.
Hark to its crack in the Tribune of
Friday last :
"The developments at tolitieal con
tentions this week have already
" made inevitable the nomiuation of
"the Cincinnati ticket by Baltimore,
"and very improbable, if not impo
"eible aritf terious attempt at a bolt
Toe the mark, ye shivering Demo
crats! Horace has so arranged
things that it is imjnible for you to
Lit m nomination. The tinkling of
Seward's little bell was as nothing,
compared to the power and arrogance
of your present master.
To le, or not to lef that is the
question, now distracting the Democ
racy. Whether 'tis nobler in the
mind to suffer the slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune', or to take arms
against a sea of troubles, and, by o
posing, end them ? To die to sleep,
no more: and, by a sleep, to ay
we end the heartaches, and the thou
sand natural shocks that flesh is heir
to, or whether it is advisable at
Baltimore, in order to leat Grant, to
forsake creed, organization and name,
and make common cause with their
deadliest foe, gives them pause.
There's the resjtcct that makes cal
amity of so long life: for who .would
bear the whips and scorns of time,
the oppressor's wrong, the proud
mnn's contumely. w w the inso
lence of office, and the spurns that
ttatient merit of the unworthy takes,
when he himself migbt his quietus
make with a bare bodkin? So, to be
or not to be, is the question that will
continue to distract the Democracy
until the Baltimore Convention
launches them on a voyage to the un
discovered country, from whose
bourne no traveler returns.
It is asserted by the Harrisburg
Telegraph that Forney's Pre,
while ostensibly for the Philadelphia
nominees, is really in the interest of
the Greeley faction, and that Col.
McClure has ojK-nly boasted that
such is the case. On the other hand,
Forney stoutly asseverates that he is
heartily in favor of the election of j
Grant and Wilson. 'Be the fact as
it may, it is very certain that by his
warfare on the State ticket, he is do
ing more to defeat the candidates of
the Philadelphia Convention, than if
he was ojwiily and avowedly against
In his late letter to the York Gaz
ette, Judge Black paid: "The aggres
sive and violent temper of the Cincin-
, nati movement is breaking the Dcm
locracy to pieces." .
If the Judge is a reader of the X.
Y. Tribune he will have discovered
ere this, that in its estimation the
Democracy is not only broken to
pieces, but, aa Mr. Mantilina would
phrase it, "has gone to the demuition
The Tribune knows no parties
now but the "Grant re-uomination-ists,"
aud the "Liberal reformers. "
The once "lion-hearted Democracy" is
now but a sucking calf in the eyes of
the "fanner of Chapaqua."
Hon. John Cessna received, last
i Week, tlie unanimous nomination for
Coiurrc at tho hands W th Reub-
lican Convention f Bedford county,
and was empowered to appoint his
own conferees. The following reso
lution was. also unanimously passed
by the Convention:
Keofee4. That the Bepahlicau Bedford
county do preerat to the Ucimblicana of the Slxtb
taeuth CVarreeMoaai IX Hon. John Oeaena
a. their oaaimeaa choice fur candidate farUoa,
ptreM. Born and rataed aa he baa been In oar mldat
we claim to know him be. By a reaklerm of Utty
yearn in the, county of Hedf.ird he haf enabled ua
. !Z. IT. 7 . cnaraeete lor buaoaty. In
teimty, ability aad taoralllT. nhealtaiuiirW
eudortv him Iu every tort!!,. Tt-
deraof hta enrmiea bav only mad aa aaore aai-
ij 'nuk I'lm at the ballot boa : and
ahoold he be made the candidate of the IHatrict.
rrj" u lTrrr than ever riven to
b m before : alttcKh he raduced the ma).rltr of
At the Grant and Wilson ratifi
cation meeting, held in Pittsburgh,
jon Monday evening last, Hon. E. A.
Storrs, of Illinois, made a most hu
morous speech. Among other things
he said, "there is no chance of getting
rid of Gbeelev, who is the horu
model of Das. I'earse's calf: Dan.
had to pull" the cars off the calf to get
him to suck and had to pull the
tail off to get him to quit
The New York I'ribiwc'm out flat
footed in support of Bcckalew and
Hendricks, the Democratic candi
dates for Governor in Pennsylvania
and Indiana. There is not a Demo
cratic journal in the land, that has
discovered so many admirable quali
ties in these candidates as has their
once inveterate fot the Tribune. In
fact, we think that, like all first dis
coverers, it is disposed to claim exclu
sive ownership of these "Admirable
Crichtons," until after the election.
Sats that always well-informed
journal the Beaver Radical ':
The Rcadinz Tpniion waa carried 1'T a coali
tion between Huvkalcw ami the old fotrr clement of
the Democratic iHtrty and the Fourth ward irana
of Philadelphia. The voonar Democracy weredriv
en t the wall. a Ihirkalew ami McMullln drore
the Oreelcy car hither and thither throurh their
manirled rank. Mr. Hurkatew Ixopeiilv htr tlrccH
Icy. and lur Irlendr in the Pennsylvania delegation
w ill ao vote at Italtimore. So earnert was lie for
the diKruiition of the Democratic iiartr to nectar:
Iiik own clevtiun. that he derlred tlie mdninatiia of
a riilit State ticket with lllllinirtelt lor Aailitiir
UeneraL and the latter frcnlleman waa eouiielle.l
to aicar ucroonaiiy at heading to atay prucocl
initt. Major John Rowe (father of his
honor, Judge RowE,)was last week
placed in nomination, as a candidate
for Congress for this district, by the
Republican Convention of Franklin
county. The vote stood Rowe, fi2
Sti.mbaigii, 24.
Capt. G. S. Mullen, of Bedford
county, aud Col. John A. Lemon, of
Blair county, have been nominated
i.i candidates for Senator, by the
Republican Conventions of their re
spective counties.
4'haMrle A. Barkalw.
The Democrats were at least true
to their old-time principles in nomina
ting Charles A. Buckalew for Gover
nor, at their State convention. Mr.
Buckalew possesses two leadiner
characteristics of a first-class Demo
crat he is a life-time office holder.
and has lioen a devoted follower of the
!.,..:..:. .1..., ..f ti. n fi-u n.
A -n -
termissions, for a quarter of a cen-
tury, and may Ik projerly le said,
we think, to be a professional office
holder. He started out as a hair
splitting, State rights Democrat, with
John C. Calhoun as "Guide, philoso-
I pher and friend," and logically follow-
ed those convictions, notwithstanding
their inevitable tendency was to make
this Union a rope of sand, and to
lead to rebellion and war. He was
with the slaveholders from the begin
ning of his political life, and for any
thing that has been made public, all
his sympathies are with them yet.
When the Kansas outrages were be
ing perpetrated, and slavery was be
ing unlawfully ami brutally forced on
that free territory, Mr. Buckalew was
in the State Senate, and wc hapen
ed to listen to a debate that took place
in that body on the subject. Mr.
Buckalew took the lead in the dis
cussion on the Democratic side, and
he sustained and justified those out
rages with all the ability and sophis
try that he could command. He was
replied to by John. C. Kunkle, and
with magnificent eloquence Kunkle
exposed the anti-Republican ami in
human tositions of Buckalew. These
outrages were really the begining of
the war of the reiK'Uion, and as Buck
alew sustained them, he never went
back on their logical results through
our national troubles. He was in
public life through the war, but we
can call to mind no word he uttered
no act he did, on the side of the im
periled Uuion. Indeed, wc remember
that in his district, where his influ
eacc has long been recognized as
very great, what is called the Fishing
Creek Ucoclhon took place, and meu
among his constituents were those f
the few in the North who made armed
resistance to the Union authorities.
Whether the spirit that incited these
men to co-oiieration with Southern
rebels was the fruit ofMr. Buckalew's
political teaching, or whether it grew
out of their innate depravity, we do
not know; but we certainly never
beard that Jlr. Buckalew uttered a
word in their condemnation.
Mr. Buckalew's friends have been
trying to give him a reputation for ex
ceptional honesty antl fairness ; but
his conduct iu the Lyndall-Deccrt and
the M'Clure-Gray contested election
cases proves him to lie a man capable
of resorting to the most mon
strous unfairness to serve his party
and to accomplish a political end. In
those two cases, which were similar
in every respect, except that the Re
publicans were to gain by contesting
the former caso and the Democrats
were to gain by contesting the later,
the positions he took and the olicy
he sustaintcd were directly onnosite
in the former case refusing an in
vestigation ; in the later case forcing
an investigation, and conducting it in
a manner that appeared to show that1
he was determined to make it termin
ate in a way that should give his
party the control of the Senate. And
so has Mr. Buckalew been a partisan
all his long office-holding career.
And as to his ability, he is much
overrated by his supporters. In the
United States Senate he scarcely held
a third rate position ; and among the
able men of that body he was com
pletely dwarfed. Among township
and county politicians he had won
some reputation for ability, but when
brought in contact with the able
minds of the nation, he was almost
entirely lost sight of.
Mr. Buckalew is simply a Demo
cratic politician, with all the old Dem
ocratic itrejudice, and with a still ab-
jsorbing love for the fallacies of the
Calhoun school of States rights ad
vocates a school that prepared the
way by the ad vocacy of their unnation
al principles, for the rebellion and
all its accompany evils. There is a
shadow of nothing in him that can
invite a Republican to give him sup
ort Lebanon Courier.
We heard of a delegate to the Cin
cinnati Convention who got very
drunk, and in that condition started
home. He stopped at a hotel to get
his supper, but was not in a condition
to determine what he desired. Just
then a waiter came to him and asked
him what he would have. He replied
"Anything (hiccup) to beat Grant:"
Louisville Cvmmen-ial.
Wc have tidings from California
that the wheat harvest is progressing
throughout the State. The quality is
all that can be desired, and the crop
will be the largest ever gathered on
the Pacific coast
Tk rrraMaa letter Areptlna; the
Executive Mansion, )
Washington, June 10. )
To lion. Thomas Settle President
National Republican Convention ;
Paul ,Stolacli, Elishna Raster, V.
A. tiarijenl and ttlhere. Vice Pi&-
tdenta :
Gintlkmen Your letter of this
date advising me of the action of the
Convention held in Philadelphia on
the 5tb and 6th of this month, and of
my unanimous nomination for the
Presidency by it, is received. I ac
cept the nomination, and through you
return my heartfelt thanks to your
constituents for this mark of their
confidence and support. If elected in
Xovemljer, and protected by a kind
Providence in health and strength to
jierform the high trust conferred, I
promise the same zeal and devotion
to the good of the whole people for
the future of my official life as shown
in the past Past events may guide
me in avoiding mistakes inevitable
with novices in all professions and in
all occupations.
When relieved from the responsi
bilities of my present trust by the
election of my successor, whether it
be at the end of this term or next, I
hope to leave to him as Executive a
country at peace within it's own bor
ders, and at peace with outside na
tions, with a credit at home and
abroad without embarrassing ques
tions to threaten its future prosperity.
With expression of my desire to see
the speedy healing of all bitterness of
feeling between sections, parties or
races of citizens and the time when
the title of citizen carries with it all
the protection and privileges to the
numoiesi tnai it uoes to tlie most ex
alted. Very respectfully
Your obedient servant,
U. S. Grant .
Tallauasse, Fla., June 11. The
Conservative State Central Commit
tee met here to-day and appointed reg
ular delegates to the Baltimore Con
vention. A State convention for the
nomination of electors and a State
ticket will be held in Jacksonville at
a time to be hereafter named. A
majority of the delegates appointed
are pledged to favor the acceptance
of the Cincinnati nominees, but will
abide the action of the Convention.
Des Moines, Ia., June 11. The
Democratic State Convention to se
lect delegates to the Baltimore Con
vention met here at eleven a. m. B.
B. Richards was selected permanent
President, and John Gallagher and
m. lltman, Secretaries. 1 he fol
lowing resolutions were presented by
the committee on resolutions and
unanimously adopted.
Resolved. That the principles
enunciated by the late Cincinnati
Convention, taken in connection with
the letter of Horace Greeley accepting
the nomination of that convention,
constitute a platform in which all the
elements of opposition to the present
corrupt administration of the federal
government can stand.
Resolved. That this convention
instruct its delegates to the Baltimore
Convention to vote and act as a
unit upon all questions.
Dover, Del., June 11. The Dem
ocratic State Convention met to-day,
J. B. Pennington occupying the chair.
The Resolutions denounce Grant in
the bitterest terms, and the thirteenth,
fourteenth and fifteenth amendments
to the Constitution as a fraud on the
American people.and call for a straight
Dcmocratc ticket The following are
delegates chosen to the Baltimore
Convention: ew Castle county,
Senator T. P. Bayard and Hon. B. t.
Biggs ; Lent county, ex-Gov. Sauls
bury and Hon. James Williams ; Sus
sex county, L. L. Martin and Hon.
John H. Paynter.
The Democratic State Convention
met this evening. Nineteen counties
out of thirty-two were represented by
eighty-seven delegates. Simon Fair
was temporary chairman, and W. D.
Porter permanent chairman. Porter
made a strong speech in favor of the
Cincinnati nominations, which was
received with rapturous applause.
Numerous resolutions were introdu
ced, all urging the support of Gree
ley, whose name was received with
an ovation of applause whenever
mentioned. More than half the dele
gates to the present convention came
instructed to support the Cincinnati
movements and to urge no separate
nomination at Baltimore. The feel
ing of the Convention is evidently
nearly unanimous in this direction.
A committee on resolutions was ap
pointed, and the Convention adjourn
ed uutil to-morrow forenoon.
Topeka, Kansas, June 11. The
Democratic State Convention met
here to-day, nearly every county be
ing represented. Resolutions were
adopted denunciatory of Grant and
his administration, and indorsing the
Cincinnati platform and nominees.
Delegates to the Baltimore Conven
tion were chosen, instructed to oppose
any nomination and to insist upon
the indorsement of Greeley and Brown
Drai aal Cmfr r Aalaaala. Urmxj
Leu r Pranerty.
Tort Jervis, N. Y.' June 13. A
gale of wind passed over ' Milford,
Pa., unroofing houses, uprooting trees
and killing a numler of cattle.
Binghampton, t., 1., June 13.
A terrific gale, accompanied by rain
and hail, passed over this city yester
day afternoon. The menagerie and
aquarium tents of John Robinson's
circus were blown down and wagons
tipped over, while the tents were full
of people. Several persons were in
jured, but not seriously. The crowd
was terribly frightened. People in
the drenching storm, amidst upturned
cages of roaring animals, presented a
curious ' scene. During the storm
lightning struck the spire of the Con
gregational church, Fourth ward
school-house, the smoke-stack of
Blanchard & Cartlett's sash and door
factory, the residence of Vincent
Whitney, a slaughter- house and sev
eral trees within the corjorate-liniits.
A number of . frames of unfinished
buildings and may trees were blown
Tb Sejataera Pre a.
Washington, June 13. Out of
seventy-three papers published in the
State of Georgia, forty-one are oppos
ed to the indorsement of. Greeley and
Brown, twenty-six are favorable to
the indorsement but prefer a straight
out Democratic nomination, while six
are committed to the indorsement .
The best motto of the campaign is
that of Glcnni W. Scofield, of Warren:
"Wc are for the man that whaled,
against the man that bailed Jefferson
Davis." : "
A n exchange say& : "The tanning
aud the manufacturing business, this
season, will be unusually profitable.
Grant w ill tan the bides of the cue.
mies of equal rights, and Wilson will
make them up into shoes for lilx rty's
vanguard. ' .. , , . f , ; , , .,.
The following from Greeley's jh-h is
as true as when he wrote it a year or
two ago: ' The people of the .United
States know Gcil Grant liaveknoin
all about him since Donelon ami
Vicksburg. They " do " not "know his
slanderers, and do not caro to know
The New York ITbtW, like Rachel,
refuses to be comforted. It says :
"Greeley r (tracts none of his calum
nies ; he makes no apology for bear
ing false witness against us for thirty
long j'ears; and yet he "conies among
us, to adopted him as our party chief I
Antl, stranger still, there are some
among us faithless enough to emulate
Job's wife and say to the pHrty.
"Curse Democracy and die!" ,
The Press savs that it has Ijccii as
sured by members of the Indiana dele
gation that the failure to nominate Col
fax will make no difference iu that
State. It will be carried by a handsome
majority, aud Mr. Colfax himself will
take the stump and canvass Indiana
for the success of the ticket
In the mid.1! of the rejoicing at
Philadelphia, there came a dispatch
over the wires, a distance or three
thousand miles, from the State of
Oregon, announcing a glorious Re
publican victory there on Monday.
Oregon has been under Democratic
rule for four years, but now has re
turned to the Republican fold, prepa
ratory to taking her place in the
Grant line next November.
By way of commending Greeley to
the Democracy, the Tribune claims
that the venerable blonde burlesquer
has frequently voted for Democrats
in municipal contests. The Chicago
Post says that inasmuch as the mu
nicipal officers in New Y'ork have
been almost invariably the most cor
rupt rascals to be found anywhere,
i.does not appear that Horace de
serves many thanks from the public
for his assistance in electing them.
The Lcwistown (Me.) Journal says
the Democracy of that section of the
Pine Tree State are a unit for Gree
ley, and this is their reasoning. "We
ij go for Greeley because it is the only
chance wc have of getting into power
and we believed that when elected by
us, he will change his course and be
come practically a Democrat, as we
have noticed that men are usually
moulded by those who elect them to
office; and our votes must elect him,
if he is elected at all."
The Baltimore American recom
mends for a motto aliove the doors of
the Baltimore Convention, a quota
tion from Greeley, as follows: "AH
Democrats aro not horse thieves, but
all horse thieves are Democrats." 1 1
seems too bad thus to quote against a
man his own utterances, but Mr. Gree
ley must submit to it with all the
patience he can, for he has not spared
the feeling of others in the past, and
he has no right to expect mercy at
their hands, now that like poor Tray,
he is found in bad company, the very
ones b denounced so bitterly in the
The Mobile Tribune declines, for
one, to lie caught with party chaff.
It doesn't care a rush whether the
the Baltimore Convention indorses
Mr. Greeley or not The Southern
people have had experience enough,
it says, of alliances with the North
ern Democracy to make them charv
of again committing the blunder of
furnishing pretext for the charge that
they were attempting to "undo by
the ballot that which was accomplish
ed by the sword."
Horace Greeley made an address
last fall in Trumbull county, Ohio, in
which he said : "I saw the other
day a suggestion that I would proba
bly be the best Democratic candidate
to run against General Grant for
President I thought that about the
most absurd thing I ever heard or
read. If the Democratic party were
called upon to decide between Grant
and myself, 'I know that their re
gard for what they call principle
would induce nine. tenths of them to
vote against me."
Brick romeroy draws the follow
ing pen picture of the Democratic par
ty : "Look at the Democrats of the
United States. A pack of fools ! A
congregation of cowards under the
lead of thieves. Three million of
men afraid to move f An army of
men without a leader a mob without
a head a host without a name or an
idea ! Where are the captains the
generals the leaders the organi
zers of the party ! Asleep, drunk,
stealing or making bargains with po
litical enemies!"
Laat af I.I te-U reat Dantaa;r tm Prop
erty. New York, June 14. A terrifick
gale which swept over the city be
tween three and four o'clock this af
ternoon was very disastrous, in its ef
fects. In Grcenpoint the gale was
very severe, and houses were unroof
ed and trees torn up in every direc
tion. The roof of the New Y'ork Dye
Works was blown off, causing dam
age to the amount f $3,000. . A large
brick building in Williamsburg in
course of elevation, corner of Broad
way and Lynch street, . was blown
down, burying nine men in the ruins.
One man named Beers was taken out
dead and others were terribly woun
ded. The brig G. E. Jewctt was
torn from her moorings in the East
river and was driven into the draw of
the Newtown creek bridge, jaming
herself so tightly that neither her nor
the bridge could be oved, ' The
vessel will probably be a total loss.
Several persons have been seriously
injured by falling timlers blown
down, and one boy was killed.
Mala) BepMbllrava Caaveatiaa.
Lewistown, Me., June 13. The
Republican State Convention met to
day, Joseph W. Porter presiding.
Sidney Graham was nominated by
acclamation for Governor, and Samuel
E. Spring and Alexander Campbell
for Electors at large. .
The resolutions adopted reaffirm
the declaration of principles of the
National Convention at Philadelphia,
cordially endorse the nomination of
Grant and Wilson, and promise them
the electoral vote of the State by s
greater majority than in 1368 ; express
the thanks of the people of the State
to Congress for legislation tending to
promote shipbuilding and revival of
commerce ; reaffirm faith in the prin
ciple of prohibition, and close by
complimenting Gov. Perham.
The Convention closed with cheers
for Grant and Wilson.
AeMlttoaal Partlralart. ! the Urent
fttorna la IlliBwis.
Chicago, June 8. Further reports
of the great storm of Thursday night
in Central Illinois show that , there
was an immense amount of damage
done in Peoria, Fulton,-. Knox and
other counties in that section of the
State, the destruction of bridges on
the country roads having been almost
universal, " fn "the city of Peoria.
fences antl trees were blown down,
cellars filled with water, and every
railroad leading out of the city suffer
ed more or less. No trains left there
yesterday. The Chicago and Quincy
Railroad had about tour miles of
track aod taiany bridges swept away.
The Toledo, Peoria and Wabash road
also' suffered severely? losing one 1 50
foot bridge, and, the entire road iu a
number of places is gone. , A large
force of men are at work repairing
damages, and will . cause but little
detention of trams. Iu the town of
Hiltou damages are fearful.. The
town is almost entirely flooded with
water, and barns, stock, etc., have
been swept miles away. , Tho most
singular thing is the running up stream
of the Illinois river. The immense
volume of water poured into the river
below has created a back-water, and
there is a strong current running
northward. The river lastnight was
still rising very rapidly, and fears of
damage from this source were enter
tained. OHIO.
Taw Late Toraaeli
l-Aa Awfal Tlalt.
tloa. " 1
Cincinnati, June 11. Later par
ticulars from the scene of the tornado
which visited Quiney and Degraff, in
Logan county, on Saturday evening,
show that it was more terrible and
destructive than the first reports in
dicated. A sultry day was followed
by the appearance of a cloud in the
west at five o'clock P. M., which gath
ered in blackness and size with fear
ful rapidity. A heavy wind set in,
and at 5:30 P. M. the whirlwind struck
the earth, five miles from Quincy
moviug northwestwardly. It , was
hardly more than five minutes in
reaching Quincy, through which it
passed, making a clean sweep of
houses, trees and fences along its path,
which fortunately was comparatively
narrow. " In Quincy fifty or sixty
dwellings and stores, two churches,
anil as many more shops, stables and
outbuildings were unroofed, or rocked
on their foundations, or demolished.
The air was literally filled with flying
weather boards, furniture, laths and
plaster. A parlor sjove was caught
up by the wind, hurled through the
air and falling on a woman crushed
her so that she died. '
The Baptist and Methodist Episco
pal Churches were completely de
stroyed. On its way to Degraff, the
tornado struck Boggs' flouring mill,
five stories high, containing three
thousand bushels of pram, moving-
the building nine inches from Us foun
dation, carrying away the roof and a
portion of the fifth story. It plowed
its way through Degraff, scattering
destruction in its path, but hurting
fewer persons and injuring a lesser
number of buildings. After leaving
Degraff it passed several settlements
and finally rose from the earth, and
was seen for miles carrying in its fun
nel shaped form timbers, rails and
debris gathered in its destructive
The papers this morning give the
names of thirty-nine persons injured
in Quincy antl eleven in Degraff, the
list not comprising all injured in the
former village. Mrs. Rail reported
killed in Degraff, is yet living. Two
of her children were killed. Mrs.
Glick, of Quincy, has since died of
her wounds.
Kairideafa Harder.
Indianapolis, June 11. Henry
Buckshot killed his son-in-law, Henry
Rawther, at Huntingburg, on Satur
day last. He was arrested and con
fined in jail at Jasper, and was found
dead in his cell this morning, having
hung himself.
Plaater If ardered ay a Nerra.
M empiiis, June 13. Tuesday morn
ing the body of Billy Rawes, a young
planter, was found in a cotton field,
near Bell's station, on the Mempnis
and Louisville Railroad, with his
head crushed from a blow with a hoe.
Suspicion pointed to Martin Rawes,
colored, who was at work with de
ceased, and who had disappeared.
Some citizens went in search of Mar
tin and found him at work near the
station. On being arrested he con
fessed havintr killed the deceased, but
stated that Billy and he had quarrel
ed, and the later had started to get a
gun, when he struck him with a hoe.
The ground where the deceased was
found bore evidence of a fearful strug
gle, and the prisoner was not be
lieved. Infuriated friends of young
Rawes were with difficulty restrained
from lynching the negro, but better
counsel prevailed and he wa taken
to Brownsville and jailed. The de
ceased and his murderer were raised
together and had always Itccn warm
ly attached to each other.
He Im Rtabed TkrMfk the Heart.
Shortly, before twelve o'clock last
night a gentleman passing up Arch
street, Allegheny, saw a man stagger
and take now oi tne irou ruuui m
front of the M E. Church, corner of
North avenue and Arch street, and
then fall to the ground. Seeing the
man laying there, he picked up a
stone and rapped on the gas lamp two
or three times, when officers Wilson
and Cowcll came up and were raising
the man who had nothing but his
pants and shirt on when a men
named Lynch appeared and said :
"I've cut, that man, I guess I've give
him enough" Officer Wilson took him
in charge, and both men were convey
ed to the lock-up.
Drs. B. B. Smith and James Kirker
were summoned, and upon examina
tion found that there were two wounds
in the back of the neck ; and one just
aliove the heart While the physi
cians were examining the wounds one
of them exclaimed "he is dead,"
which proved correct' The murdered
man was insensible from the first mo
ment he was picked up and remained
so until he died. " "
Lynch stated that he lives with his
sister, Mrs. Teetsat 174 Arch street,
aud that upon going home last night
he . heard voices iir her room, and
thinking that very strange,' he deman
ded admittance, and it not being gran-
tea, he burst tho door open, and found
this ' man undressed ; in her room.
With the strength and rage of a mad
man he struck the intruder first on
one sh6uldcr, then on the other, then
a third time above . the heart: The
woman tried to interfere, when she
was knocked down three times. She
was also arrested. "
erepllaaofUeaa. Barnaldeaad Har
tranft The former Pay a a High
Caaapllnaeat to Our Candidate far
Oorrrner-Ureal Eathaalaana.
Special Dispatch to Pittidinnfh Commercial.
. Nokristown, Pa., June 8, 18T2. -The
long talked of reception to
General Buriiidc took place here this
afternoon. The General arrived from
Philadelphia in company, with Gener
al I Iartranft at half-past two o'clock
anil was received by the military of
this jlaw, Conshohocken, Bridgeport
and Phtenixvilie, numbering in all
aliout five hundred men. A salute
was fired, when the procession formed
and the line of march was taken up
through the principal ' streets to the
fair ground the streets were throng
cd with people, immense crowds being
present " from different parts of the
country. During tho parade the wil
dest enthusiasm prevailed, and cheer
ing for Burnside, Ilartranft and Grant
was very frequent ; The, principal
stores and dwellings were decorated
with flags and streamers in great pro
fusion. On the General's arrival at
the fair grounds, the twelve compun
ies composing the line broke ranks
and partook of a , beautiful rcpast-
Ueneral JJurnsidc then hold an im-
promtu reception, and shook hands
with his old comrades of the Fiftv-
first regiment, With which General
Ilartranft, by a gallant charge at the
battle of Antietam, took Antic tarn
bridge. The parade then reformed
and returned to town, where, after a
dinner at Col. Boltou's residence,
General Burnside was introduced to
an immense crowd of citizens, and
sMke as follows :
"I thank you heartily for your kind
reception. I promised my fellow sol
dier, General Ilartranft, at Cleveland
the other day, to pay him a visit and
see once more my old commaud, but
I had no idea of seeing such an im
mense and enthusiastic assemblage of
soldiers and citizens waiting to re
ceive me. I thank you for vour
kindness, both you and my comrade
Ilartranft, for whom I have greater
regard than for any other officer of the
armv. lo him, who never nincneu
from danger , when work was to le
done. 1 I am more indebted for what
ever of success I may have attained
than to any other. But for him aud
his gallant soldiers of the Fifty-first,
his townsmen and yours, I should
have accomplished nothing. Cries
of That's so." I never think of that
bridge at Antietam without having a
feeling of deep emotion. My Ninth
army crop saw the hardest fighting
and lost the heaviest. We lost more
men when General Ilartranft charged
the bridge and took it 'than General
Sherman did during his inarch to the
sea. Cries of "That's too true."
When I saw the old flags to-day, how
my heart filled with thankful emotion
for your gallant General mmi his brave
soldiers. I thank you all for your kind
During the Geueral's speech there
were frequent cheers for Ilartranft
and at the conclusion that gentleman
stepjied forward and sjioke a few min
utes, reminding his fellow comrades
of their campaign together, and
thanking those present for their inter
est in the occasion. The crowd then
cheered for, Owen.and General Owens
accepted to their request by making a
short speech, eulogizing General
Ilartranft anil his commander. Gen
eral Burnside was then, at half-past
eight o'clock, driven to General Ilart
ranft 's residence, where a general re
ception of our citizens was held.
Many eminent persons were present.
Ktate Teatperaaea t'aaveatlaa at At
taaaa The Saaaiaatioaa aad Keaola
tiaaa. Altoona, Pa., June 14. The
State Temperance Convention ' met
here to-dav. There was a fair atten
dance, and the proceedings were inter
estinir. The following nominations
were made :
Governor S B. Chase, of Susque
hanna count;: Supreme Judge, Jo
seph Henderson, ? Washington coun
ty : Auditor Gem ral, Barr Spangh-r,
of Lancaster county; Wongress-at-
large, Col. Geo. F. McFarland, A. J
Clark and B. F. Rush, of Bradford.
Resolutions were adopted as fol
lows : The first - approves of
tho action of the Convention of
August, 1871 : the second affirms the
proceedings of the National Prohibi
tion party at Columbus, Uhio, Febru
ary 22, 1875 ; the third declares traffic
iu litiuor as a beverage injurious to
the ln-st interests of society, and de
mands its suppression by law; the
fourth resolves against the great dan
ger arising frem competition of the ru
ling parties for the liquor vote ; the
fifth pledges the adoption of political
measures, but not at the sacrifice of
moral means; the sixth invites all
citizens to join in the effort to rescue
the State from the dominion of intem
perance. The remaining resolutions
recognized the duty of protecting
American industry, justice to women
as voters, and equality of lalwr with
capital, and express continued reliance
on the blessing of Almighty God.
UraatandWIlaan la t allforala-
San Francisco June 12. A large
ratification meeting was held here
last night, and addressed by Govern
or Booth and other prominent offi
cials. Politicians express the utmost
confidence in the success of the Phila
delphia ticket -
The majority for Wilson, Republi
can, in Oregon isaltouttwo thousand.
There is a Republican majority on
joint ballot in the Legislature.
"Hurrah for Horrors Greeley and
Grass Brown," exclaimed a drunken
Philistine in Kentucky.
Lazy California bar-tenders place
the ingredients of a cobbler into a
tumbler, and then wait for earthquakes
to mix them up.
Here is a California earthquake in
cident : An unruly colt had broken
loose from his tether, and the owner
was chasing him alnnit the lot when
the shock came. The colt disappear
ed, but the farmer has a first class
draiu across his forty-acre farm.
There is an artesian well in Paris
which is nearly two thousand feet
deep, four feet in diameter at the top
and two feet at the bottom, and which
discharges upwards of five millions of
cubic feet of water every twenty-four
hours.; - .. .. :
Divorces are often obtained on the
most trifling grounds. Iu . Chicago is
a man who asks for separation from
his wife because she gets drunk every
night in the week, and beats the .chil
dren with a poker. Talk about a wo
man with nerve like that not being
able to rear a family. . . . , ,
Constable Hess, of Martic, and ex
Sheriff Rowe. of Providence, Lancas
ter county. W'ere whipped by a woman
last Week, on' whom they attempted
to serve an execution. She whipped
the sheriff with her fists and then
"went for" the constable with a club.
They finally escaped by taking to
their heels. '
Tax aad Tariff Red art Ion.
The tax and tariff bill, which lately
passed Congress makes some most
important ami welcome changcsi in
taxation. It, for instance, reduces
the amount of tho stamp tax by the
turn of $7,5)O,0GO. It -stabiihc a
Unilorill tax of twenty CCIlt.i H r
poti ml on tobacco. It
. .
the spirit tax into one inqMt, thus
doing away with a great many chan
ces and enticements to defraud the I
Ui . I
reduces tliK duties upon
salt fifty per cent It cuts down the
coal impost forty per cent ; the lead)
impost twenty-five per cent ; the im-
ost on iron, copjx-r and other metai,
and on manufactures Ot them, ten per
cent, i he tnnffon wools and woolen
manufacture in reduced ten percent.
On cotton fabrics the reduction is the
samcw Hides arc admitted free of
dnty .So. also are shipbuilding ma
terials ? of all descriptions a great
benefit to our shipping interest. A
large number of articles used in man
ufactures, such asdriicrx. chemicals and
dye-stuffs, arc placed upon the free
list. The system of imposing ami
collecting the internal revenue taxa
tion is altered, revised and simplified.
Tobacco warehouses are aloli.hed ; so
likewise the system of paying moie-j
ties to informers, which has produced i
so much fraud and corruption. The
number of collectors and assessors is
reduced nearly 300. Altogether, the
reduction of taxation will ljc between
fifty-three and fifty-five millions of
dollars per anum. All this has been
accomplished by the Republican party
at the same time that the reduction
of the public debt has been at the
rate of $70,000,000 jx r annum for the
past three years.
S'ich a record, savs the Chicago
Inttr-t h-eaii, is the highest tribute
that can be liuid to the administration
of General Grunt. Like himelf, it
exhibits deeds, not words; pertinent
facts, not sheets of infinite platitudes.
We liclieve the iteople are far better
satisfied with these golden grains of
sjM'cchlcssyet impressive results, than j
with those glibly spun prumi.-cs with i
which Philosopher Greeley ami his!
motley followers are endeavoring to j
delude and deceive the people. j
o o o VX
Or Sagar-Coatod, Concentrated. I
Blllona Granules. Til C M LITTLE : lflG OlUGrSGL HGrclIQ.
In Parvo Phytic.
Tho novel ir of modern MnlicaL Chemical and j
Phartnaeeatkal nek-nee. No ase of any lonirer j We intern! u make tne Hkk.vld ret kot .liiritu
taking the large, repulaive and naueeou piil. t) rouniuc ranipaiirn. arxl it hol.l in tiu
compueed of eiicaa. crude, and balky inj,Tedienti. , hal ol rrrv Kepuolu-aa in the count',
when we can by a careful application of chemical
cienca. extract all the cathartic and other mlt- j
cinal properties from the nxirt valuable roots aud ;
taertw, and concentrate tliem into a minute Oran-
nle, acareely alaraer (ban a ntaatard fbaSv Ilkll I ll fill T." f ti
eed, that can be raadily awallowed by those of OH I ! MM 4 t.
tho moat aenatiira itotnacha and utaudioue tarU-a. '
Each little ra raati v relict repreeut, in a ,
moot concentrated form, as much cathartic power '
aa la embodied In any of the lanro pills found for sill ;rnl the llti: w n the lt f Jult
aaie in the druir shop. From their wonderful ca-I to the lt ol Janunrv. li;:t. to jiukIc .ulrilr
thartic power, in porwlion to their iie. peoplo f,-i,
who bare not tried them aro apt to rappore that ,
they are harah or dra-tic la effect, but tach hi aot
at ail ine caae. ine ainereni active nieuiciuai pun
etple of which Ihrv are compoeed being to har
monised and modided, one by the other, aa to
prod nee a moat aewrelalna; and thor
oagh, yet gently aud kindly operating
$SO0 Umard la hereby offered by tha pro
prietor of theae Peileta. to any cheniirt who,
upon analvsi-. will 1 nd in them any Calomel or
other lunua of mercury or any other niiMrai
nelnff ciitiiIr Tr'tabIe,nop.tcuIar
care hi required while Suing them. They ope
rate without disturbance to the eonatltntion. diet,
or occupation. For Janudice, Headache,
Coualipaiioii, Impure Klood, Pliu
in the Shoulders, T IglTtiieaa 0 tBe
1 lickt, Dluiiieeu, Soar Eraetatioue
of the Momirb, Bad taate) in
month. Illllous attack. Pain In
region of Kldiieya, Internal Fever,
Hlaatcd feeling about Stomach,
Ha.! of Blood to Head, High Col-
In explanation of the remedial power of my Pur I
came Peileta over to great a Tarlety of diaeaeee, ' A katUnx periodical for Tcaehers. with full tx h
I wib touy that their actloai apon too 1 nntion. ot the U-sn. 16 p. motithlv. Oniv.iv. i
animal ceonoeny la universal, not a TUC PUII HQ WH DI'H -v,'r Aa
gland or tla-no escaping their una. I (1 L. KJUlLUO VVUtlL Liliut:i
live impress. Aire does aot Impair them ; ie.1 k-c ur rliudrvu. 1"0 r...m m..niuly.
thlr an-rbatintr and belnff enclosed In claas ' vtvir t'ri no ..r twine a month f'-i
bottle preaenro their virtue nimpetred for anr
length f time, in any climate, to that they are al-
wav frrth and reliable, which la not the caae
with the pill found In the drug Mores, put np in
cheap wood nr pste-board boxes. ReooUect that
for all i'wi'H wh-re a Laxative, altera
tive or Purgative is Indicated, these little
Pellet will cue the moat perfect Mtiefaction to
all who use them.
They aro sold by all enterprising
Dauggiats at 2a cents a bottle.
Do aot allow any dntfnriit to induce too to
take anything eUc that he may any la ut aa
rood aa my Pcili-ts because he makes s largtr
Sroflt on which be recommends. If your
ru'ift cannot (apply them, en dose S3 cents
and rccoive them br return mail from wa
POUT of the "Somervt County Mutual Fire ;
Insurance Comi-uny," I.r the year eii.liuir May at h. '
1872: .
Bal. in Treaa. aa per hit Annual Report,
May l. HTl
Caxh received ua new nolk-iea ia.ued tilts
lli 42 ;
year !
Ca.h received renewal ' I
aev't ol aif!Mueul no. 2. Ton ou :
jeiita i; !
X,i. t. Pai.l Samuel A. Meyer, bal. in
full for hmi by fire
No. i Paid Solomon Hooehcr. do
371 )
7 i no I
w ;s I
.11 M :
S7 M
)S M j
12 -i I
13 on ;
2i 26 I
I ml j
" 3.
- 4.
- a.
" 7.
" H.
" .
John Pointer, danutire
J aciih 1 1. ' Kuynian. daniaac.
John J. Huirhea.
for rcirniM atanip
f. pttaire awl ntutlierr.
Wui. H. Kiaaits. rent. In full
Kd. Scull, printing
John J. Hottman. pub. rep.
lor fuel, moving lltce. a,c. .
Jno. Hick, milary lor one
4oO on
su ia
veil r.
a. Secrt'Uirv and t rra.nrer.
Balance iu Treasury in notes at lutereJt,
JrJltO 17
Amount of premium note liable to as-
Balance in Treasury in notea at interest.
qaVTia 20
3.-4 14
Amount of Capital VGmv M
Whole number of policies Issued, 111.
Jacob I). Miller. Ahram Beam. MichaVl Zimmer
man, Jos. C. Ucht. Samuel Harciar. lot.iaa
Mcvers, Joseph Keim. Wm. J. Bner. Christian
L Miller ami John Hick, of Somerset county Pa.,
and Leonard Bittner, M. C. Miller and B. Val
entine, of Bedford county Pa.
JACOB D. M1LLF.K. President.
JOHS HICKS. See'y. Treasurer ami OenT As't.
By order or the imart.
Office Som. Co. Mutual Fire 1 JNO. HICKS.
Ins. Co., Somerset. May a. Secretary.
n. r. m. r.EACHLY s,
"I T f AT . TlTTTIf! Ii
and has cure.! thousands l cases cnsi.lere.1 incu-
ruble by the professbm. It has not failed in a sin-
Ifle Cie to give relict if not entirely cure.
It Is particularly reommcmlea In the unloving
In anr deransement of the Hfooif. Tn all discuses
peculiar 10 n-mair m - : ,le ,n,mu,g real estate. Tli:
I All the right, til lc. Interest an.1 claim of Foster
In short, it being a Remedy acting through the ( Wablcuf in ami to the tollowuig tb-jcrt fl real
Circufaioa tkt Hiovd na all the Itarfrtsnt or-. t ute, via : two certain lota el gnHUwl. ltute
gans and anianctoriesof theludy.. Jt will cure al- , rsiua Boraigli. Somerset County. Pa. 1IH
wait any curable disease. j nortb-east comer of First ami Park streets. kna
For sale by MEYERS k. AN A WALT, Berlin, I and namhered . the general fJ"'""'
Pa., and Jiy dealer ia Family Medicine .very-. lots n.-. 1 ami i I of bUa -k a. earli Iron . J7 ,
whJre. July a 71 ! an.1 extending back ia depth feet, with a
.. - Jitory plank dwelling -house thereon erected. '
OTOP ANP BEAt.-One of the greatest advan- j TOSke. m exeewtb as the r-mpsr.
J tag.- is now .Here,l in Tennessee ami Ken- F,V. hl ne "uU "f J"hn
tucky Limla, whk-b have been selecte, by the e;rVt. JOSIAH SHAFtK
present owner with special care as to health, pro- Tr'. 1 ,,-!, I Sheritf-
diH-tlveness of soil, convenience of railroad ami' uJW- .
river fnrllltles. and s thorough examination of U-! - ' " .,
tie. These Laml are sow odera.1 at ry b.w ; nf J R MENT OF SLTT I. re
price, te enable etrery Industrious man to live -ma- I M FNX , the Supervisors of Jcnncr towubiu
lalai aviataa arlvaaw sasaal tlaa t Mas ' SiKwl tah aa f ittm 1 latt g I SV 'MI"' .......
. . c . I : u .
Very taTestnnt.' VtSfiSSSZZ
addns or call at the erBce of C. Ukuxukk, 11
3 S. HEED & CO.,
. DEALERS D? ...
Wofpritxi flnrVt! 5TirT TowdIptt
' , No. 68 Fifth Avenue,
AVwt Adr?rliemml.
MIev Patton & Co.
An- .l-"l I" iii.i'.m t..thir ..rin-r ru-umr
. I.l ll HI! 1 1 1 1 (.ft!.' r?l 1 1 V Ih.l IK w
. ,MM)IM--V iMiiUliuv illlUMllmll In frAt ni ih.
; well-known rxtal.liehmenl of Knable a Pat.
I whfre they are already In rwiot of a wral w-ii
-iht and puui-iu-nb, euprutni( araricia-.
airtinnt of
- - ' J J J U ij
) t H J
M .HerrlianMia. pan'naaeii m in rmea ui fhila
i s, amy iress uCCuS
StapleitHtl a-'ttMey -
Notions, Ribbons, &c.,
j WKEXSwake,
i retail.
r:i i r v Salt anI Salt in barrel at ahvle.-ule im
We earnestly anlU-it tbe cDtinaeil patrinaze(
our loruier frti:ni ail cajt'uiera aitl the puM).
ici'nenily. It ia our intention U aH daily tMatr 'l:ine ami romplete k. ami in a h..rt
time W lie re-etaltlirlil that oar abre aa here
tofore, nhall I known a. hea.l centre U t ! ar
elieup K'-! 'I evtrjr ilcscriptluo.
junc IX
In hilt or I(
1 " m
- Oe
!0 - - T5'
Yow i the Time to SuhrilM.
VS4-dJ money hj letter at oar rik.
;-i'(iti i-v i - f'll
I i uu l -NI'A 1 - 11
; fit 007 ULntl Q rirLn '-
iux the text id the le?
m, iuiu io, in,- ..uui
of it. Su
Intermediate Lesson Paper
', f a more simple character, with o.w.ti. u an.! rx
1 piarmtiona. Either of tlie alane at the rate ol T
per luo eopies monthly, or tor liaioi,de-ryer.
! Specimen copies of any ol the alwve lurui-lied
i aplicC"n to
! ll'Si I'he-tnut Street, Philadelphia.
Jacob Swnaler. collector of school tax t.rttie
year ending June li;i in aoc't with said toaii-hif :
i To amount of duplicate
- l'J
3 m
ATM fl
41 4U 1"
P.y cxoner.itin!, -coiuiniiwioa
Irom Treasurer,
i Uy balance in hand ot CoL,
Samuel Darned t, Treasurer, in aoc"t with ai
To conh received from Collcvtor. .
Staff atirotiri:tt ion.
anil from N. Z. Miller, t rmcr Trea.'
110 u
lty amount of orders,
commission. -balance
in bawls ol Treas
Iiaiiiel Bcrkey SuTviH.r. inacc't aith
To amount of duplicate. -bulunce
due tp. Irom 1S71. -
: M
. 0 C'
t4: ii
Ify Ia!.r rendered. -
commission, ...
ex.mcrution. -
general exiicnse. -
balance due Ucrkey from p..
SI 77
. 1 1."
Cliarie Lohr.Supervisnr. in aec t a iih id Tp.
To amount of duplicate. -nnlrrtrom
V;1. J. Miller,
balance due tp. from Lobr.
117 S'.
. 24
4i3 IM
By lalair rcmlered. -coiumission.
general expense.
23 37
21 73
. 1
i 'ii
The nndersigned do hereby certify that the l. re
g ing is ciirrect.
Attest- Auditor
IIkkh vx Bkkkict. Clerk. )d-
263 Liberty St., PITTSBURGH, Pa.
A full aud cnplete Stock of Axe. sn...-.
H'ars, Scvthe. Snaths. Saw. L-ks. Hiu-
ges, Nails, and
"v f
i Agents for
..m.. unRU'
! r' ""' aa ..
I Quality of File VNSl RPAtn
S END S A M 1 L E O Ii 1 fc u
By virtue of a writ of Fieri Fa cum h-.ue-l
the Court id tllluon pleas of Somerset toum-.
P.. and to nie directed. I will exjaaw to sale r
public outcrv. at the "Ko House." in iiiret.
Ill' IOC . . -
" "" '
Amt of road tux levied, John Murr,
K4 0
. 321 l
Michael Beta. -
Joseph Berkcy.
Jeans Witt, -
Amt tax exp'd. .Toha Manrer.
Mk hael Bet. 311 40
" Joseph Bcrkey, i t
- ' Jesse Witt, - 7"i
Balance due township Ibr the year 1
H. W. MAl'KUa,
Altet:- H. . FLKIJH,
t F. EaeX, Tp. Clerk. Jew Tp. Aaditora.