Terms of lnblication. The Somerset Herald 1 published evry Wclncslny Morning per tuinm. if paid to advance; otherwise t j wlU invariably he charged. . I No suhscrtptloa will he d1.cmtln.K4 """ ' " ; rearage.. are paid up. Pn.. . ul not take oultbelr si, renv '' ''""t M other .mould give " ta r T" wcllnstltp.m,,r- A,,'!rt!"- Somerset Printing Company, JOHN I. SCVLL, Businc Manager. Jjiii'tucv Curd, IH K. M. K IMMKL will continue to practice I Medicine, and tender lili- ,.r.l.-iwl ;rvf t,., to the cifinen of Somerset . "7,rt"K'!f Joutitrv. Othne at th old place, J .f the tlladc House. D' I - -r mil r' L !.. will irive loi't tl-n H. KHMX ATTORNEY AT j and the -Mljoiniinc n-onllt l.ull.lili. (Mtloe in thr .tail ! J) Hf. I DM H HKTBAKKK triKlcr" lit" nfi"ttal . f.-r I., the rili. Smer---t an t vh-Ib- I It-l - U..I1M ...... . ... I U. .1. v mil.l.KK Inn rx-nnaniiillv i.ioaica I in I i iti-rlin t-r the inirti f hli r.ilwi.in. j ir. a; ";Mf. . a u- KflTII'F. Alfl-U.lir H. IVilllMtll has 1 i rt-hml tl nirtice l law In N.mT-t and a lofnlfitf r-wlillrH. i.tiit iu viie uhwiu aijoimnK frb. i!S. TO. OtLHOliN. ATTtHNKVS AT IV LAW KomcriK't, 1'a. t 'Iticc in rrniiiiupe f A. J. OJlx-rn. au?. 12-ly. VAL.KXTINF.HAY, ATTOKNKY AT LAW and deaUT lu real ertat. Nonierw-t, 1'a.. will I attend to all luin-" cntruitU'd to liic care with . IHniitnear and O.lelitT. au-r. 12-ly. -11' . it H. L HAFJi. ATTtiRsEiS AT . LAW. S.iTH.'t, 1'a.. will pnn-tie In S.MU-r-t and adSiiiiinir eouutien. All Luvinem eu trailed t. it help will lie .txiiirtly atten.lo.1 to. auit. 1-i-lr. -i v R WM "I1J.1S. liKXTIST. Sner--t, J 1 1'a. tlh,-rin tlie lnmt rt of jail, up Mairn. w here he ran at all tinier lie tound vwni to do i niikin.l-oI work. neh aa tilline. reirulatini;. ex-I tract li.K. A-r. Artiueinl teeth ol nil kin.la. and "t the ia-at material, inaerted. All o'ratiin war ranled. June J. To. IOHX H. IUU ATTtMtNKY AT LAW. St M- I emet, Pa- will ir.mirtly attend to all husiuew eiitru!i,'d tn tutu. .Money a4ivanred on collerti, ithee In I. if refidence. Main atreet. jau. 1, '70. i 1HHNtl.KlMU ATTt tltXKY AT LAW. .1 Soinen-et, Ja.. w ill attend to all ruinefa en- j trute,t to hi rare in Stmteraet and adjoliiinit o.un- j lit with ppiuiirtneM and ndellty. t in Court. H.Hiw. leh. lH, 0-ly.. HEXIi V F.St 'HKI-L, ATTt IKXEY ATLAW, aul lluwiity and Perud Airolit. No-uervet, ' 1'a. tMliee In th'etViurt Houae. Jan. 11-tt. t li I KXKT HtirsK I The uiHieriirncl repectfull.' iiifomif the pub. lie that lie lis" Icuacd tin well known hotel in the , l.nntii ol Soineraet. It is hit intention t ktnp I it in a tvle whieh he hoM-a willglve iuti"(iKti.u to 1 all who tuny favor him with their cu-t,n. Apr 1" 72 JttHX HILU 7"YKl'S M KY Kits. ATTOKNKY ATLAW.! I S.ieract. 1'a.. will give ,nHit4 attention to all !u-iueM eulruitetl to liiti re in s..H-raet .nd , a.ljoinluiri-tnxiitiea. Otboe t ue the residence of Kd. ScnIL I ui m atreeUopptK V. A. (J. M1LLKK, uftcr iwtlvt' J years' active practice In Shaiiksi'ille. has u.'W M'nnanently hs-atcl at S.HiH'raet i,h Itie tirat tit ot luctlicine.' and tender his prole-i,aiHl st iirea ttt the citieen ot Somerset and vieiuilr. ; trn in the tin shop formerly orcuied l,yi'. A. ' Kimmel. where he ran te consulted at all times, utiles- protes-Mially enirasre,!. ( -.Nitrht calls pnuiptly ancwercl. ' dec. IX '71-ly. i T KXKPPKK. Phvslclan and I VntlsU Berlin. I 1'a. Will irive prompt attention to all cases entrusted to his care. Olhee taie thnr west ot the; Itrjillier House. same aa occupied heretofore lv j lr. P. t'.Musser. y H. Pt ISTLFTH WAIT K. ATTtiKXKY 11 , at Law. Somerset. Pa. Prolessi,tal l.ui-te-s respretfully solielteu atxl putH-tually attend ed to. 1' J. KtsttSF.lt. . ATTOKNKY ATI. AW. Strtuerset, Pel J)!CKKKS(;iLL, LYONS k Co. MAX! FAtTl KKKS k ItKALKKS IX LOOKING GLASSES, l ine M:intle and Pier L'toklng Olasse- and Picture Frames a Stecu!l'y. i 141 VIHIST1(KKT. PlTTSlU Ktill. PA. ! .Mur 13 j :om i:i;si:t tla n i nj-m i li. : GOOD & JONES, ie now pnwre,l toil. .all kinds of pbnlng and ; m:inutaturiiig 4 Ituilding materials. yiJtolllSd. WKATI1KI! lttll!IlMJ. SASH AMI IMKUiS. W I X IX I W k I H M II! F K A V KS, VKNKT1AX SHfTTKKS. BK At'KKTS. Ke. I In ftmrt. anythiiia: ircnerally usiit in li.ic iuild liiif. All kintls of w.irk dnue to order. ir.lers pnmiitlv hlltI. July -Ai 71 trtXUI K JONKS. JAMES PUG II, -V.l 7.V ST11KET, SOMERSET, PA. I now prt-ired to mannfact: .e all kinds of WAGONS, SLF.IGHS, Jtc. He w ill also pn.mi.tly attend to j "Th j f 1 rJC4 ' j Iit tl, lt.-T tllTriflll ; i M...i ' ALL AVor.K WAKRAXTED. All work done In tin latest and nt.t approved tyles. at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PBICES. Somerset. March oth. i FaM's Strti I SCAL K S , If all kind. Be careful to l.ur , ally the genuine. ,l JZ Scales repaired tirnmptty. Ih.usc 1 ru Its. Improved M ini v drawer, fcc. Mar: t tihiiAMi s o in st: a .... -.-'.tiu avtniue. t irisimiv. crNNIN(JHAM. l'HVSICIAX AND SUUt;i:)X. LAVANSVILLF. PA. Nov. IS. n-tm. KYNOLDS, STKKN & CO., (0iaeite SU 4'harles H el.) 41 Wood Str ft, Pittsbi iuih, Pa., Importers f tueeuMtare and Hanufac- tarera f 4'laisware. 'JMN ivARK. The umler.igned Is prriiart-d tr manufacture all kuika ,4 TIN AND SIIEKT IRON WARK. kem"n'!,v.' ,MU'1 a swily irf eoa r and Iwas. kettle., trm, , .j kluJf uf Hou Fnrnlaililnr; ;ooIm tWtieer'.T U' Knf- Sh"P oW Wort of ' ""eer St.. re. Mil In - Bug. 12 lv. NOAH CASKI1KKR. COLE. UR00KS A CO.. Produce Commission Merchants, N0.4CAMHK.Y KTkKKT, BILTIMOW; Jff. TO THE SALE OF BUTTER. Uclcrto J M. H.4derl- C j Messrs. V . .ni.llMI. Meiwr. Meyers a. A m llier II '.. K .. x, -.-. I hann. ii l """ii. iter I In. Ilill- t a-g 1J, Tl-Vv I1Ulk 01 '""""re. pE XEnFLOUIt MILL. TU new ru, U01 UUt un tbe tile of the OLD "DEXXIS0X MILL," PirmIlr, f .Somerast U eom nient.. aadi;, A' ' ' tet Uuprwe UlglWSa't beet klad of work. Jaa t n Wue rM ,all kinds of grain. ALKN'I IN HAY.H . 1 lie, VOL. XXI. Hard tea re. IIARDTTAllE. John P. Blymyer llaf nMiin iMil l.i. store a Few Doors Above the Old Stand- Ami oiler to hi" ractouien an.) friend" a full line ut )r"iili at tlie tit)' lowiKt nrieca. liar d war o of Every Description, iiiox, XAILS AXD a LASS, Moolen Mare of All Klndti, COAL OIL LAMPS, COAL OIL, CHIMNEYS, Anl everything; Ik'1.ikIu to the Lamp trade. W111TK LEAI. LtNSKiO)On, VAHN1SHES, KKl'SUKK, PAINTS IN filX AN l DRY, AND p A I NTFP' HHOn I N HFNFR A T -' " A large stoi-k ot Table Kiiit-N and Forkx, Itg'KKT KNIVKS, Sit a INS, SHKAKS . ANDSCISSOKS, ItlUClXAIN LIXKU li KTTLKS, fcc, . Together with many articles loo iiDiacaai to 1 tiou iu au a.ivrrlisoiueiiL He is deU-rmiued to t aelt at t he very loweat iricu. Hive liiw call. June l't-'L . . LIFE INSURANCE" i For Business Men. i "The Reserve Fund Policy. ISSt'Eli UY TIIK BERKSHIRE ; LIFE INSURANCE CO., lNtllKlllUATKll lsil. S4-cures Sclal I'rolcction t Every Policy Holder. For example: Supi 1 of aue and take a t tlinarv lile rate. e yoa are thirty live year Keserve Fund Policy" at or- I I me annual payment will Insure yoa 1 year and ' 3 day. j Two annual jwiynvnts will inswre yoa 4 years ami vi days. 1 'i"-0 ,nl,u',' rnymenlg will Insure yon ( year Five au'nual iiiyiiients will insure yoa 10 yean Six annual jiayuictits w ill Insure yoa VI year ' and 11 days. ano . uavs. This Protection Appliesto any Age, An I is ixprosriy stated In every Ptdley. I TIIK All V A NTAG E OF MVH PK 'T KtTIt IX. This is toccrtilV that mv late husband. Ihmit-I ! B. Thompson, was Instirtsl In tlie Berkshire IJIe j Insuruute 'ouiainv, J'ittstirld, Mass., fortl.wsi, liecemla'r lwth. lsTti, preuiinm laiyablv uuarterlr. 'That two jiavment were made up to June lwh. 1s71. that he died Oei.lr 13IU, four lutmth after ' lie faiietl to make his payment. I The usual nrools of death were forwarded to the 1 fomiatny. and the full amount ot the poliry, lea I t he t wo quarterly laymen! due at t lie time ut hi j I death. w paid to lue by their (reiieral Agent In' ' l'hiladelphla. W H. (trevea, at itwiromoe, a. w. . corner Itestnul and Kleventh Slreeta (Signed) NKTT1E THOMPSON. W. H. tJreene. late ol New York. Inaared a lew years since in tlie Berkshire Lire Insurance Oea lauy f axioo: but owing to mislortuoe in busi ness was mialtle to make any payment to the ; t 1 .. .1 .. ..... ...... ...I . ..v.ll.a . .ri. ,.. , Ms tWse. have' thi day tw (at the New i or tmute in ine i:iii panv, -til uroauway. corner io( lhamcerseeet).tliree thowaaml two hundred I : and ninety -nine dollar. Ihl iwuic the full amount ! oue to Din widow, after deducting tlie oreruue pay , meats and Uiterest. J. H. FRAXCISTVS. New York. March 11th, To. .Superilitemleut. nf' j Itoad the Follow laimat Paid. I.latt Jauica Jolce. New Yrk "Hy, U.lsai, iayment uvenlue 4 aataitha. F. H. '. liamir. New York "lty, 1.0X0, pay ment overdue 4 month and a dav. Mrs. 41. B. Hart. Chicago. HL 4,000, payment I overdue 7 montlut aud ladava. H. F. Al.sire, llitua. liias., 2,oo0, iayucnt I uvenlue mouth aud 16 dav. Jame H. Adair, New Marnille, Iod 4i.0O0. . ;avment overdue t months aud" 7 dav. j Ilemard O (Irady. lsetiuit. Mich., 43.000, pay- ment uvenlue 1 Tears. 10 mtmth and 11 dav. ! Jone 11. Katahnaik. Fitch narg, Maaa.', 1.0U0, lyment overdue I yeara, 1 ntouih and t daya. OOOIXIULU a. MA KS HALL. Agent, june ia-T4 Somerset, 1'a. The Improved ELLIPTIC SEWING MACHINE. New Draw Feed, LOCK STITCH. There are aonw points la a Kewiar Machine that bulte itesiring to sarckae, should lake kito eaar auoaataaa, uameiy . . . t . . . r. t'atacity lo do the Work Tirqulred. I revdtim fnim Noiae. and e Kuu-LlabUity to get oat of Order. We eUlm that tbe IMPROVED ELUPTIC puaseasea aU theae pointa, and that it la TBE VEKY BEST Now Manufactured. anon And we aollclt aa exaailnalioo of IL Agent want-J co erery nmaij, w tuna we W1U gl the EATciM UHUS U Fltb Avn Pittatsargb, Pa. DOST WHIP 1II.V. , . Out Moy ni i-lBchlrur Un kitten. And kicking hia prlinar aliouL, , , And imllingabeetlctonUceg, ', Hia tac an awry In a pout ; "' li ia mamma, who at lent and patient. Had heard all hli n-ottln-r and aolne, . Now reached fcr the whip an the maatei The terror of low-year old boya. But arandtBa, with snow whit 'kerchief Pinned ever her warm, luring breaat, .. , Where ten little bead- bad been pillowed Ami rocked Into childhood'! awevt real, linked np from her little wool atorkina:, ' Just Anlfhed and laid on ber knee, " j And laid: -'Dear. yua'U rain hla teaiier. Yea had better lax let the child be." 'Ik't whip him : hia father before him ' Wai fl-Kg-Hl and abut ap ia the dark. And Mood ua one foot in the corner. And diaripllned up to the mark ; . We arare him no credit for honor. Hat watched him like a-ridrra watch Ble ( And what did K teacb Mat why mainly . To practice deceit and tell lie. We called It afleetion and duty Qod know- we were Kmd of the boy Bat I gueM hit remeoibranee of childhood - la Bt quite a well-aprlng of joy. , . So (lot up that yellow whip, daughter, And try little Bob once more ; Yob aee he for-rotten hla paaaioa. And lie half aaleep on the floor." Then (-rand mother lifted her darling, And patted hla bead on her breaat. And sang aa old famrite ditty, Till all Bobhy'i woes were at rest. : And ao the wee whip, bright and yellow, . ' Waa laid on the mantle again ; And that la the way theae grandma Spoil nine little boys out of ten. The Pot r tiell, or k Wldewl Hlratageiaa. BY CARL CANTAB. Ueueon Uaucroft, though a vcry ffoKl niau ia the main, aiid looked up to with respect hy all the iuhabitauts of the little villajft? of Centreville, was rumored to have, iu Yankee par lance, "a pretty shaq eye to the main chance" a ieculiarity from which even fleacoim are not always exempt In worldly matters he was decid edly well to do, havinr inherited a j fine farnt from his father, which was MrrowiuMHiy more valuable. It might he mppuscd that under these ; circumstances, uie deacon, w no was fully able to do so, would have found a help-mate to share his house and name. Uut the Deacon was wary. Matrimony was to him in some meas ure a matter-of monev, and it was - w .t"i, v. 'in j , wuu ii, t an i his firm resolve not to marry unless he couid thereby enhance his worldly prosjaerity. Unhappily, the little town of Centreville and the towns in j the immediate vicinity contained few who were qualified iu this important particular and of those there were probably none with whom the Dea con's suit would have prosjiered. So it happened that vear after vear i passed away, until Deacon .Bancroft i was in the prime of life fortv-five, or j thereabouts and still unmarried, and in all human probability likely to re main so. But in all human calcula tions of this kind, they reckon ill who leave witlows out. Deacon Bancroft's nearest neighbor was a widow. The Widow Wells who had passed through one matrimonial cxicriciicc was some three or four years young er than Deacon Bancroft She was still quite a buxom, comely woman, as widows arc apt to be. Unfortu- nately the late Mr. Wells had not been able to leave her sufllcicnt to make her indejx'iidcnt of the world. All that she possessed was the small old-fashioned house iu which she lived, and a small amount of money, which was insufficient to support her and a little son of seven, likewise to be enumerated in the schedule of her property, though hardly to 1x3 classed as "productive" of anything but mis chief. The widow was therefore obliged to take three or four Ixiardcrs to eke out her scanty income, which of course imposed upon her considerable labor and anxiety. It is surprisiug that under these circumstances she should now have bethought herself of a second mar riage, as a method of bettering her condition? Or again, need we es teem it a special wonder if, in her re flections uKin this point, she should have cast her eyes upon her next neighbor, Deacon Bancroft? The deacon, as we have said, was in flourishing circumstances. He would Ix? able to maintain a wife in great comfort; Ix-ing one of the chief per sonages in the village, could accord her a prominent social iKisition. ' He was not especially handsome, or cal culated to make a profound impres sion upon the female heart this was true but he had a good disixosition, . . tilld - hea rtcd, ailll Would 110 doubt . r L i j i aae a til poou mil i m a, uusouiiti. idows, are, 1 take it, (if anv shall do me the honor and read this story, I trust they will forgive the remark,) less disposed to weigh sentiment in a s'eoiitl alliance than a first, and so in i . - i ilU.tj ... r r.:,,. the tt IdoW S point Ot VICU, the eoll wax a match. dea- Some sagacious xrson, however, has observed that it takes two to make a match, a fact to be seriously considered ; for in the present case it was exceedingly doubtful whether tlie worthy deacon, even if he had known the favorable opinion of the next neighbor, would have been in- lined to propose changing her name! to Bancroft, unless, indeed, a suitable motive was brought to Iscar upon him. Here was a chance for some finess ing, wherein widows are said, as a general thing to be expert. One evening after a day of very fatiguing labor, the Widow. Wells sat at the lire in the cosy sitting-room with her small feet resting upon the fender. "If I am ever so situated as not to have to work so hard," she murmur ed, "I shall Ix; happy. It's a hard life,' keeping boarders. If I was as well off as Deacon Bancroft " Still tlie widow kept up her think ing, and by-and-by her face brighten ed up. She had an idea which she resoltfed to put into execution at the earliest possible moment What it was, the reader will discover in the sequel. "Henry," said she to her son, the next morning, "I want you to stop at Bancroft's, as you go to school, and ask him if he will call aud aee me in the course of the morning or after noon, just as he finds it most conven ient" Deacon Bancroft was a little sur prised at the summons, However, Somerset . . . I!'.') .- i : . : '..'.:! - I i. ....... , . '' -, I .,,!. , . attout eleven o'clock he called in. The widow had pot on the dinner, and Lad time to nit down. She ap peared embarrassed. ' "Harry told me you would like to see me," he .commenced. 1 : ' Yes," Deacon Bancroft, I do; but I'm Yery much afraid you will think rtranjre of it at least of what I have to say to you. ' ; The deacon very politely-promised not to ' lie surprised, thonirh at the same timw hi curiosity was visibly excited." ' ! - ' 'Suppose," said the widow, cast ing down Iter eyrs "mind I am only supposing a ease suppose a person should find a pot of gtdd pieces in their cellar," would, the law have a right to touch it, or would it In-long to themll', V, ,.t The deacon pricked up his ears. "A pot of gold pieces, widow ! Why, unquestionably, the law would have nothing to do with it" ,"And the one who had formerly owned the house could'nt come for ward and claim it, could he, deacon?" inquired the widow, further, with ajv parent anxiety. "No, madam, unquestionably not. When the house was disjwsed of, everything went with it, as a matter of course. , ."I am glad to hear it, deacon. You won't think strange of the question, but it happened to occur to my miud, and I thought I would like to have it satisfied." "Certainly, widow, certainly," said the deacon, abstractedly. ..." "And, deacon, as you are here, I hope yc-nll stop to dinner with ua. It will bw ready punctually at twelve." ' "Well, no," said the deacon, rising, lint obleeged to to ye, but they'll In; e.eciing me at home." "Was it possible," thought he, "that the widow could really have found a iot of 'gold in her cellar? She did not say so, to lie sure, but why should she have shown so much j concern to know as to the proprietor shin of treasure thus found, if she , had not happcued ujmhi some IO be sure, so far as knowledge extended there was no one who would be in the least, likely to likely to lay up such an amount of gold; but then ,1... 1 ,. ...... I,.,.wl...l o.l Erie l Hi; uuut vi an viiv iiuiiuittt n years old, at the very least, and un j ibi a vi 1 1 1 , doubtedly which he v had inanv occupants of a l-iieu- notliinf- It lniirlit t .. c- o be after all. The widow's earnest desire to have him think it was only euriositv. likewise irave additional probability to the supposition. "I will wait and watch," thought the deacon. "At any rate, deacon," said the widow, taking steaming mince-pie out of the oven, "you won't object to tak- ing a piece of my minec-pie, you must know I rather pride mvself on mv mince pies." The warm pie sent forth such an odor that the deacon was sorely tempted, and after saying, "Well, really," with the intention of refusing he finished by saying, "On the whole, I think I will, an. they look so very nice." The widow was really agoodctxik, and the deacon ate with much gusto tbo irenerous slice which the widow cut for him, and after a little more chattine- upon some unimportant sub- "... . jects, withdrew iu some mental per- plcxity. It so hapH?ned that Deacon Ban croft was one of the directors in a Savings Institution, situated in the next town, and accordingly used to ride over there once or twice a month to attend meetings of the lxjard. On the next occasion of this kind, the Widow Wells sent over to know if he could carry her over with him, as she had a little business to attend to there. The request was readily accorded. Arrived in the village, Mrs. Wells re quested to be set down at the bank. "Ha! ha!" thought the deacon, "that means something." He said nothing, however, but de termined to come back and find out, as he readily could from the cashier, what business she had with the bank. The widow tripled lightly into the office, pretending to look very non chalant "Can you give mc small bills for a five dollar gold piece ? " she inquired. "With pleasure," was the reply. "By tlie way," said she, "the bank is in quite a flourishing condition, is it not?" "N'one in the State on better foot ing," was the prompt response. "You receive deposits, do 30U?" "Yes, madam, we are receiving them every day." , "Do you receive as high as as five thousand dollars?" "N'o," said the cashier, with some surprise ; "or rather we do not allow interest on so large a sum. One thousand dollars is our limit. Did you know of any one who " "It is of no consequence," said the widow, hurriedly ; "I only asked out of curiosity. By the way, did you say how much interest you allowed on such deposits as came within vour limit?" . "Five per cent, uia'ani." "Thank you ; I only asked for curi- .osity. What a beautiful morning it is. Aud the widow tripped lightly out. Shortly afterwards the deacon en tered. "How's business, Mr. Cashier?" he enquired. "About as usual." "Have had you anv new deposits lately?" "None of any magnitude." "I brought over a lady, this morn ing, who seemed to have business with you." "The Widow Wells?" "Yes." "Do you know," asked the cashier, "whether sl had any money left her lately?" JXone that I know of," replied the deacon, pricking up his ears, "Why, did she deposit any,?" "No, but she inquired wliether wc receive deposits as high us five thou sand dollars." "Indeed ! " ejaculated the deacon. -'Was that what she caine for ? " "Xo; she exchanged a gold piece for small bills." "Hal" pondered the deacon, re flectively. "Did she give any reason for her inquiries 7 KSTA11LISIIED, SOMERSET, PA., WEDNESDAY, "Xs; she said she only asked from curiosity." ' The deacon lefttlie bunk in deep thought. He cuuic to the conclusion that this "curiosity" veiled a deeper motive. . He no longer entertained a doubt that the, widow had actually found a pot of gold in the cellar, ami ap-M-aranccs to uidicnte that its prob able value was at least five thotisantl dollars. The gold piece which she had exchanged at the bank .appeared to confirm thiu story. ; . "I rather think,"" said the deacon, complacently, "7 can see into a mill stone about as far ns most people," a statement, the literal truth of which Ldeny any one to' question, though ns to the prime fact of people's being able to see into a millstone at all,, doubts have now and then intruded themselves on dit mind.' " . ' 1 Xext Sunday the Widow Wells ap peared at church in a new stylish bon net, , which led to such remarks as these ., ' , p . . .ft ' "How much vanity some people have, to be sure." "How ; a woman that has kept boarders for a living can aflord to dash out with such Ixuincts is more than I can tell. I 'should think she was old enough to know better." , 1 his last remark was made by a young lady just six months younger than the widow, whose attempts to catch a husband hitherto proved ut terly unavailing.." "I suppose she Is trying to catch a second husband with her finery.'- be fore I Would condescend - to-such means I'd I'd drown myself. ' In this amiable speech the young ladv unwittinriv hit upon the rrue motive. The widow was intent upon catchin-r Deacon 'Bancroft, and she indulircd in a costlv lionnet not be - cause she supposed he would lie caught by such finery, but because it 1 year 1871. These colonists settled , ticket. v e could not .have a strong would strengthen in his mind the idea i near their brethren in the Govern- T ticket. The material does not ex- that she hail stumbled upon hidden wealth. The widow calculated shrewdly, and the display had the effect she an ticipated. Mondav afternoon Deacon Ban croft found an errand that called him to the widows. It chanced to Ix: aWut tea-time. Ho was importuned ; to stay to tea. and somewhat to his own surprise, actually did. Tlie politic widow, who knew the deacon's weak poiut, brought out one of her best mince-Ulcs. a piece of whicli, her guest jiartook with zest. 'efTorts of Johann Ct.rnies, who, up to I c',nt,'sl' "' -xpn-ssetl another de " You'll take another piece, I know," 'his death in 1848, exercised a Verv 1"u,m1 lhat '"vention which ex she said, iersuasively. J pvtTful inlluciicc over them, though I t'.,'uU'ai t1"', f"r"1111 a,'t f his nomina- nl?. ...It- v... ....It' 1... I i ii... if. . -.i i. iv. i . . i tloll should also etiilitcinte in iininn. .uii, , j. in U.-11UI1H ,i, sun t int.- deacon, but he passed his plate. "The fact is your pies arp so nice, I don't lii.i'trl,m.taii.''l. n..l.w gcticallv un'i'i i'"-' ' - -l)o you call the nice! i v said the widow modest! v. I shouldn't waiiraiiY bVtter said the deacon, emphatically. "Then I hope if you like them you will drop in often to tea. We ought to be more neighborly, Deacon Ban croft." Deacon Bancroft assented, and he meant what he said. The fact is, the deacon Wgan to think the widow was a very charming woman. She was comely, and then she was such an ex cellent cook! Besides, he had no doubt in his diiind that she was worth a considerable amount of money. What objection would there lx to her becoming Mrs. Bancroft ? He brouirht iin ntutwtif.n 1k.fkrn lir imo dtvaiiirt TL.. ..Mi,,.. i.i.,.i....i ,.e..r.....i ... i..J greatly surprised in fact, she had never thought of such a thing in her life but, on the whole, she had al ways thought highly of the deacon, and, to cut short the matter, accepted him. Some weeks after the ciTeiuony, the deacon ventured to inouire about the pot of gold which she had found in ner cellar. "Pot of gold ! " she exclaimed in surprise, "I know of none." "But," said the deacon, disconcert ed, you know you asked me whether vou could claim it ' "O, lor I deacon, I only asked for i curiosity. "Ana was mat me reason you made inquiries at the bank ? " "Certainly. What else could it be. " The deacon went to the barn, and for about half an hour sat iu silent meditation. At the end of that time he ejaculated as a closing considera tion: "After all, she makes good mince-pies." . - It gives ino pleasure to state that the union lx-tween the deacon and the witlow proved a very happy one, although to the end of his life, he could never tpiite make up his mind about "Thc Pot of Gold." TIIEXEXXOXITEftOF RI siSIA. Pr.po.e4 Emigrate. f. c.I.ny r'. su'th as, disobedience to the atl 4U.ooo th i miua M.,1,. Ithoritics. Beside oil this, thc Meim- nites are educated. Lvery child ft... c. is...!..... . i. ... I knows how to read and write, ami in of the New York Tribune writes: i The United States seems likely to re ceive a large emigrationfrom Russia i during this or the ensuing year. The Mennonite colonies, which are situa ted on the south of Russia, near Bcr-j diausk, numbering some 40,000 souls at least, and estimated at more than twice that, propose removing in al both either to the United States or i to Canada, in order to e , fw.. I me obligations oi military service, which is contrary to their eonseieiice i and relirious belief. It is stiid Unit ! they have already presented ix-titions j tn u'-tf m-l,Kir ia-VM' uunngr to the American "and British Govern- tL Cri"lean. war sent large voluntary nients, asking on what conditions thev j gtftf w irraiu and provender to thc will be received. ' As the emigration ''"'P'J "my. It is only because of such a large body of neoi.le. alliV,e pnvilejrca granted to them are in- conuccted together by religion, friend- snip ana oioou, aim who would vir- tually desire to settle in one place, is j a matter of considerable importance. 1 it will lie well to tell who these Men-1 nonites are, and what are their char-j acter and circumstances. i At the time when the Anabaptists aud other mystical and protesting, sects, flourished most in the Low Countries, Mcuno Simonis, a Catho lic priest, abandoned Catholicism and united many of these errant sectari ans into "Communes of God," "poor and defenseless brotherhoods." This teaching was very simple, and in manv respects resembled that of the Quakers. One great -doctrine was, that war was unlawful and military service sinful. The effort of these communities was to restore the Apos tolic Church to its primitive simplic- At JUNE 12, 1872. lty. this Menuo died in 1501. and about time there was a large emigra - . , tion of his flock, who hotl taken the name of "Melinonites"' to East Prus- sia, in the region o" lantzig, Maricn burg, and Klbiug. Their I'utch neat ness and Dutch industry Boon-made these desolate and swampy regions to flourish like a garden. In 1730 and 1872, theMennonites were threat ened with expatriation, on account of their refusal to serve in the army; but the storm passed by, ami in 1740 iviiig Frederick II. gave them new orivileffes, which resulted in a new immigration from Holland Still many arbitrary measures were taKen from time to time, and in 17S!t they wore forbidden to purchase landed property. Catherine the Second al ready in 17SG invited the Meunonites to llussia, along with other Ucrman colonics, and in 178'J, 228 families ar rived in Kussia, and between 17'J:J and 179(1 there was an immigration of j America, it would seem that the path 118 more families. These all settled ! might be tiuootbeu -.o the Menno on and near the island of Khortitz on ! nites, and everything well arranged the lower Dnieper below Tckaterinos-1 to satisfy them, lay. .The conditions on which theyj ! came to Kussia were: Protection ' from all attacks,- freedom of worship, 1 a rift of lands to the amount of P. 10 acres for each family, exemption from all taxes ami imports tor 10 years, money for their journey ami money ami wood with which to establish themselves, freedom of trade and f see to it that their own efforts in the j polishing slabs ol rosewood ; in an iiianufacturcs the administration of: campaign shall Ix- as earnest and as other, carpenters learning to handle 1 nrttli J it tltita i-itt'tr wav, and cxemp- military service, tion forever from These privileges were confirmed by the Kmperor Paul and extended to all Mennonitt's who should come there after. In spite, therefore, ofthere- peal and mitigation orthc severe laws ! asainst them in Prussia, there was a ! continued and larjre immigration on : -Meunonites iiit- llussia up to the ' mint of Tanrid, in' the region between the rivers Molotchna, Dnieper, and Toknink. not far from the town ofict. The ticket will command the Berdiansk. it),s rrom that tune the .Mention have gone on increasing and prosper - in- until they now numberabo.it 40, - t OOu souls lhev have In ch alwavs . i i r. t l... .1... i. ........ I . - liient, so that they have almost en- ,i i.......t....J ,n,,. lilt I uum lir.l l III. ill.'. I , V . , Olt'l iio.i ,.J.,7:.. We n..e..'.o ,.i,oro..i..r and institutions intact. This thev in h n ere.it unrt own to the character and ui neiti no oiuee ami no raiia.. lines' LU(t ri,,.rs Wlrc oll soveral ..cciwons I offered to him by the Imperial Gov-! offered to him by the Imperial Gov - iriifti,iiit wliii-li tiinrlili- titmreeiittetl i.t..i. i.;i.i.- ; i i iiiiii in. ii i. it instil a ' piiviun m i it,.;.- ..!,. ... o tlirt pi 1 I n 1 cm lilv ii ijo l fused. His advice was several tunes asked by the Minister of Domains, ami the Governor-General of New Russia rarely took an important meas ure without first consulting Comics. These Mennonites settled in a waste Arnn lilt it 4 l.rt In r . ? wtt a TT-K t of waler Thcv liecan to irrigate and linen roi.l no-i-ienlrtirA to ft lii.rl.r point than anywhere else in lussia. Thcv had no wood, and thev Wgan to plant trees. The introduction of . ... 41... ..niiei.i. - owing to them. Thev have not onfv large orchards ofcxcelIentfn.it tree;. but large and productive woods 0fj forest trees, and also extensive plan-1 MoiLiiio l nll,, r ...i t. .1 .r. '...:.i..i.i.. As thev are not ! ' averse to improvements, their methods and implements are all good, and thev use machinery largely in their agri culture. They are also large raisers of stock horses, cattle ami sheep. Though the Mennonites were origin ally agriculturists, thev have entleav- orcd to supply their own wants in manufactured articles, and, in 1854, they had in activity 3j0 mills and factories, including cloth-mills, water and grist-mills, dyeing and printing works, breweries, distilleries, silk piniicrics. Prick: ami tile works, pot- tcrics, ic, and among their villages there were men exercising nearlv every known trade. That the Mennonites are thrifty, in dustrious, and economical, their pros perity is sufficient proof. They are, beside this, very clean, and orderly (a lady could go into even' peasant's stable), and quiet, contented, honest, moral, and deeply religious. There is no drunkenness or gambling among them. Crime is exceedingly rare. The latest statistics I can find arc da ted 1S41, and those show that for 37 years there were only C8 crimes in thc Mennonite colonies on the Mo lotchna, including about 12,000 Tro pic. Of these crimes, 4 1 sprang from the sexual relation, and nine were ' tin. ft.: all tliA r.'t tvorn loiiiiil i.lfi.n. every village there is a school. The Bible and other religious books arc, of course, to lx found iu every house. These Mennonites were visited by Haxthauscn in 1843, and by Pciz holdt in 1855, and both travelers bear testimony to the worth and the pros perity of the colonists. Pcizholdt says: "It is my firm conviction that Russia possesses no more industrious or more use ful citizens than the Mcn- I timilti. " TTt. in tlila liiii.. tin. fiitt uviiivvt-i w J ' fc " ...... . . . . , . . v ......a nonites Kuvc always been loyal sub- jects to Russia. Ihcy have never i ...... " t i ti friuged, and tiiey will be compelled to enter thc army against their con- - ,"c. they wish to emigrate m I',lti!,a- It can readily be seen that it will be of great importance for the United States to obtain the accession of so large and compact a Ixjdy of educa ted and intelligent colonists, connec ted together by ties of blood and re ligion, and so thrifty, industrious, and moral. Nowhere else in Europe can such immigrants be found. These 40,000 Mennonites." would be worth 100,000 Gonnans from the Black Mountains or Wurtemlx?rg, because thoir intelligence, morality and thrift stand so much higher. Their success in tree culture on an arid steppe points naturally to the W cstern prairies as their future home. Should they go to Utah, they would be a most valua- bit; counternoise to the Mormons, fori , .. jtucv have all and more tiian an me good qualities of j i none of their bad the " ones. Stiints." anil What the Mennonites asked in their petitions to the American ami Uritish goverments was whether they could obtain laud free or at low prices for their whole colony; whether thc-y could have ex emption for themselves and their de scendants from military service of every kind ; and whether the govern ment would advance them any money to defray their traveling expenses. Though the colony is prosperous auu J some of the , members rich, yet there are there, as everywhere, eise. some poor who cither have no land, being mere day-laborers,, or have so little property that the forced sale, which they would have to make on quitting their homes would leave them almost destitute. AVith the numerous emi LTant aid societies wLich exist in j . i The Newark (N. . I.) Con riir savs j the National Convention Las done a noble work and laid broadly the foun - dationsofa splendid victory for the party and country. The people should well directed as the action if their chosen Representatives... of Philadel phia. The skies arc already radiant with promi.se. Let them be resplen dent with victory in NovemU r next ! So far (says the Cleveland II rald) I as real, true enthusiasm is concerned, j dormitories, with their neat beds, nu the nominations of Grant and Wilson J merous enough to lodge a regiment of citircti a tiegree mat augurs j the brilliant success of the Republican j '-t m tithe; party, or in the country, i out of which to make a strerwr tick supjMirt of the soldiers, and of the j friends of the soldiers ; it w ill com - i ma ,u u.e supi-ort ol me Workingmen, 1 it will command the support of . . t ! ""V"1' J iimiu.isti niT-aim u i wni win, let Baltimore nominate ' I lf...... i ..1.... -V"1 Ylu' ",uu- 1 he Cincinnati 2iwcsavs The' i. I voice of the people demandinir that ?h' rat should again be put 1 m tue r"ut a qwadrennial xlitical . , ''.'r-'""'''1 t'hraso a tleclaration of prin- ''l'1'-' 1'''"- l thorough that i'I"1" ! ' ! every lioiiest American could stand i by i , ii. . i ta . I T . Uii'T eoiituk rict', such frwuu'nit-lare in the cardinal doctrines of our system ! There is yet another department of of government. Had the convention ! this school, which answers to our at Philadelphia ignored either of j House of Refuge, just as the depart these plain expressions of tlicpeople's ment which I have already described desire, it would have been a failure. ' answers to our Children's Aid Socie- The men selected are! tv. There are seventv-five bovs sent j so well known to the nation that it ''. almost superfluous to mention j tllt'lll at great length. We shall not lo so. The lKOiile of this country will never so far discredit themselves ... . j as insensioie 10 or lorgcuui 1 of the services of Ulvsses S. Grant , aI lotions of trust and honor to ' !' "- "' eallwL He be - longs to the nation. He is now. and iH for four years from next 'March. President oftlif I nited States, i Ol Heiirv Wilson it is not needful that much ! said. Like his asso - I ' the ticket, he lielongs to the i l'"l'' "f tun. nation, lie ts one of meix'opie, a son ol toil, sen etiuca- tod, self-made iu the purest and best ducts of the Ckinampa, or floating sense, aud in the highest positions to ! gardens, as thcv are sometimes called, which he has lx-cn called has never ! though thcv are only narrow parallc forgottcn that the same heights of ' lograms of fertile soil surrounded by C T) m 1-1.. l- .1 honor to which he has attained arc accessible to all who choose to strive for them. He knows that any "tan ner tif Galena" or any "shoemaker from Natick"'. mav, under this free government come up into thc higher places of honor, and to all such his oju'h hand of smvpathv has ever been : extended in cordial helninr. His re-1 cord as a public maa is part of thc one is formed by a piene of matting ineffaceable history of the nation, supported on .poles. . No season in He is a man of the modern period, Mexico seems to be without its fruits; aud iu the stirring events of the last j the banana may be had iu perfection twelve vcars has plaved a prominent H the year round ; the orange is now part. It would exhaust our space to : s n a t can be ; the granadita, or tell a tithe of the things that Henry I fruit of the edible passion-flower, is Wilson has done to promote the cause j t this time common in the markets, as of human libcrtv, dignitv and labor, j well the tapote priote, or dark col and elevate the' conditions of the toil- i orcd sapote, a green fruit filled with a ers of the land. He mav safely trust 1 rich jetty pulp, like a sort of marmal- his present claims iu the hands of the people, On such a platform, aud with such men as Philadelphia has furnished, t he Republican party will enter upon! a new era of usefulness and success, i The Y. Evening i'os says that as between thc Presidential candi dates Grant and Greeley the supe riority rests largely with the former. The nomination of Greeley rests al-j most solely on the plea of availability on account ot supposed personal poj ularitv. The 1'uxt thinks and no one knows the character of Mr. Gree ley better than William Cullen Bry ant that "this assumed popularity of Greeley is a sheer absurdity, and rests upon no better foundatiou than the supHsitiou that, because he is laugh ed at good-naturedly, his monstrous assumption of simplicity of character, singleness of heart and integrity of Hirpose are therefore credited." TIIEIITY OF MEXICO. Hit t'bmrltuble Imatltutiwam, .Market. and Frulta er the 4 llatiale. Mr. William Cullen Bryant, the veteran, editor of the New York E ceil ing Pott, is publishing in his pa per htters within during his recent visit to Mexico, which, are exceeding ly interesting. From the fifth of the series we copy the following portion relating some of the charitable aud other institutions of the City of Mex ico. The letter is dated March 11, 1872: One of the most interesting things to be seen in Mexico is the school of Tttcpau de Santiago, a charitable in stitution, founded and supported by a Mexican lady, the Seuora Baa, wife of an opulent gentleman who has for merly filled the ixst of Governor of the province of Mexico. ve caueu first at the house of Governor Baz, as he is called, one of the finest mansions in Mexico, fitted un with great taste and attention to comfort His lady, a native Mexican of a somewhat slight ULO NO. 1. but elegant Gjrure and quiet manners, i camo out ana accompttiiicu us hi our visit to the school. Just in the.-kirth ; of the cit v, or perhaps a little outsidf of them, stands a soaeion buildinsr, once the Convent or leepau de San tiago, and this has been taken by Senora Uaz for the charitable purpose to which she devotes a large income and gives her daily care. In this school five hundred boys, picked up in the city, parentless, or neglected by their parents, utterly friendless, ami if not taken from the streets certain to Ix long to that miserable class calcd the lepero, and to grow up in ignor ance and habits of indolence and vice, are clothed, fed, educated, taught a variety of trades and employments, anl fitted to become useful members of society. We pussed from room to room, in some of which the lads were studying their lessons, and in others attending to the occupation in which they were to be trained. Here were the future shoemakers of Mexico, busy over their lasts and lapstones ; there the tailors, learning to sew and cut out and fit garments, and in an other place the printers busy at their tyj-es. "The proceedings and ordi nances of the Common Counci! are printed here,' said !enor Laz, and we 1 were shown several samples neatlv j executed. In one room were the voting cabinetmakers smoothing and the saw and plane ; in a third several turning-lathes were humming. The lxiys wero all neatly and comfortably clad in the garments made by their own tailors. We passed through the prodigiously long halls which serve as soldiers, and came last to the kitchen, where ample preparations were mak ing for their meals. In this school the course of educa- tion includes grammar, drawing and music. The benevolent founder of the school visits itevery day, observes ! the progress of i'ut- pupils, sees . that ! their comfort is not neglected, and : . i i i . :i r t .1 a. ! inai ner p.at. . ia.iu.uu carr.eu wut. ; Such an inroad as her ' institution is aiaamx .. y ! ' iscrx must at icngtn reuuee uieir uuniler and increase the proportion of those who live in comfortable houses r ,. and follow habits of regular industry . I can hardly imagine fairer omen of the future peace and prosperity of l.ivia-aa IhaiY ThU VkALbl AYOm Tkla f.f Mexico than this noble example of oue of her daughters, who applies her large fortune and gives the leisure t . ta a whicn ner lonune aiiows ner to me I x. i M work of rescuing such numbers of her fellow-creatures from the degradation , ana niiscrv 10 w men me seemeu xo j. . , . . i I... Ilp tiiA M'onniL'ta vxrma rt ; tht'ir birth i to it from the tribunals for reformation 1 These young delinquents are all kept dv themselves, and never see the i other inmates. I fancied 1 saw in 1 the faces of some of them, a peculiar t . 1 .u..,,.... slyness. One of them, aud one of the ; vounget, was asked for what cause ; he had been sent there II.s answer ( was a little too d'screot He was UfnrrJ, he said, w, h taking some- thing mai oeiongeu to anomcr. The same day we visited the mar- ikct which lies beside the canal con- neciiug me laae o. ii oco un ma 01 C naico. i uere tue nawxniomeu "oi come u iiu mm me ,ns- canals, irotu wnicn xney are waiereu and kept constantly green. Over a large space of this market we saw women squatted ou the ground in the dust beside their vegetables, their fruits and their wares, for at this sea son the sunshine is constant and the showers do not lall till .May. It any shelter from the sun is wanted a rude Meantime thc aguacale, or what in the English West Indies is called the alligator pear, is reserved for a later season, and the Manilla mango, the Cncst variety of mango, is just putting forth its clusters of red blos- soms ; its fruits will not be ripe before next summer. Other fruits follow in their order until the year completes its circle. On our return to our hotel we saw a crowd of people about an open door. and looking in we saw the drawing of a lottery, iu which the bystander- seemed to be much interested. A hollow cylinder, full of bits of pajx-r indicating the blanks and prizes, was made to revolve a few times ; a little boy then thrust in an awl through an opening among these bits of paper, and on its point drew out either a blank or a prize, and this determined the fate of the ticket of w hich the number was read just before thn cyl inder was made to revolve. A large proportion of the earnings of the t humbler class iu Mexico is thrown I .i . i ..r I. ........ ' . " . ' i ill oitwo men and crushing them out of ft, and it is not to be wondered al h rw,IllUanw of ,llimanitVt iel0(!. that where the passion for thwwrtuf . fc . , -h gambling is so very common there ceIcIjraml t, Kolu0 should be such extreme po ; . on of tho wh,e4 &J ?aia t0 ,(0 tLt, T liv. i.ice v sited an institution in which, until the era of Mexican in deiiendeuce. orphan children of the emigrants from Biscay to Mexico were educated. It was a munificent endowment, founded by the opulent I.iseuvans while the country was un der the rule of Spain. A million of dollars was expended iu erecting a building of vast dimensions a per fect palace, enclosing several quad rangles, and half a million dollars set aside for the support of thc inmates. It was origiually called tbe Colegio de lass Biscay ias ; but the Basques in Mexico might, I suppose, now be I counted on tho fingers of onti's hand, and the Mexican government has ta ken possession of the institution and nturiMl It th National School for Girls, nere senventy-eight orphan girls of oil the different ra'.is in Mox co arc sheltered, reared, educated and provided with a home till they mrry. Drawing and music are aniens the' accomplishments whl' fi " they nro taught embroidery, of course. Tin inmates w m of nil ; some h.i'l already reached in t 1 1- lift-, and a ! spinsters were sure of a shelter tii! ' . I f I C It 11 I UH'V lllc!l (U OHI gi". nriiui' sliovtit over the whoie, and could ii"t ' u' admire the clean ami comfortable iM-arance of evervthins in their !t- rv apartments, The long i-Ieepi-'..'-rooms, in which wt re rows of neat little lieds, et retched away like the galleries of the Louvre in Pari.-. The matron who showed us the.-e room, and who accompanied us t the great kitchen, where the dinner of the inmates, was simmering, smoked, as i-he went, a vi'jarillo, a pinch or two of fine tobacco, rolled up in .ip ; so as to form a little cylinder. It is customary among the elderly Mexi can women and those of middle ai. to smoke tobacco in this form, but when I sioke of this to a .Mexican lady she answered, "The practice is going out of vogue ; the young wo men now do not smoke." But I have not yet done with the school. All these ample accommodation-1, are not alone for the orphans who are gratuitously provided for. A hundred and forty girls of Mexican families are received hre as boarders and pupils on payment of ten dollars monthly. Besides these, there is kept in the building a dav school for little girls of the poorer class, who amount to an indefinite number, ami tor whom nothing is paid. From the National School for Gir! I went to the Foundling Hospital, which is here ealletl the Cuna or Cradle. Here I found myself in a swarm of three hundred of these par entless creatures, from grown-up boys and girls down to the bale of yester day. Some of them were p!iiin louking infants, asleep iu their little beds, and there were one or two lying uneasily and panting with fever. I was surprised at the small number of bovs in the hospital. "How is this ?" I a--kcd ; "what is the proportion of boys to girls in th;s institution '" "Three fourths arc girls,' was tL" answer. "But why should they send girls to this place rather than boys ?" "Simply because there are more T,f them. The births settle that matter. Here in Mexico are born three girls to one lKy'' I expressed my astonishment at this, but I was assured that the sta tistics of the country showed the fact 1 k,ij Wn -tiifi.il nnd imb ed i - J.trP f,r the Foundiinir Hospit- I al is pretty rood evidence of the vast ! , 1 - J . . '.. j in a, siuilin- ecclesi prctlominaiice I icmaie UI.WV- i n - stLnM,tic ewh cnducted us over I tL); bui,(i of rft, Lrf tLe tWl ,,rivaU. houses so coiinei ted as to v ,, .,,1.,i .,.. nf t ..- in mates, already a woman grown, to play for us on the piano, whieh l.e did very creditably. Fourteen of the girls then sang iu chorus two or turee ; .. h am.Won wLieh showed i " ' . . . . that thcr had Uen carefully train-d. Tbe Storm In Ohio, Cincinnati, June II. Later infor mation from the scene of the tornado ! which visited Ojtincy and De Graff, Logan county, Ohio, on Saturday evening, shows that it was more ter rible aud destructive than first reports indicated. A sultry day was follow ed by the appearance of a cloud in the west, alxmt five o'clock in the evening, which gathered blackness and size with fearful rapidity. A heavy wind set, in, and at half-pa.-t five o'clock the whirlwind struck the earth five miles from Quincy, moving south-easterly. The destroyer was hardly more than five minutes reach ing Quincy, through which it passed, making a clean sweep of houses, trees and fences along its path, which for tunately was comparatively narrow. In this village fifty or sixty dwellings and stores, and two churches, and as many more shops, stables and out buildings were unroofed, rocked upon their foundations or were demolished. Thc a;r literaT fiHed with fivin boards, furniture, laths and plaster. A parlor stove was caught up by the wind and hurled through the air, fall ing upon a woman, who was so crush ed that she has since died. The Bap tist and Methodist Episcopal churches were completely destroyed. The tornado on its way to De Graff struck Bogg's flouring mill, five stories high, and containing three thousand bushels of grain, moving the building nine inches upon its foundation, car rying away the roof and part of the fifth story. It plowed its way through De Graff, scattering destruction ia its path, but hurting few persons anil damaging a less number of buildings. After leaving De Graff it passed sev eral settlements, missing houses, ami finally rose from the earth and was seen for miles carrying in its funnel shaped form timber, rails anil debris which it had gathered in its destruc tive march. The papers of this morning give the names of thirty-nine persons injured in Quincy and eleven in De Graff. The list does not com prise all the injured in the former vil lage. Mrs. Roll, reported killed in De Graff, is yet living, though her two children were killed. Mrs. Glick. of Quincy, has since died from her wounds. tHir.two. Terrible .iceident -Death af lore, fuaaafc'a Elepliant Some. Cuicaoo, June 7. A terrible acci dent occurred at the ruinsof the Grace Episcopal Church, ou the corner of North Lasalle and Superior streets. Workmen are engaged in tnkingdown the walls and clearing away the de bris. About noon, while two of them, one named Rickson ami the other Swann, were sitting on one of the walls eating their dinners, some other workmen placed a heavy ladder against the wall. They hail scarcely got it into position when a large sec tion of a heavy twe ntv-two inch wall 'fell with a fearful crash, burving the largest in the United States, andval netl at $20,000," died this afternoon in Forepaugh's Menagerie, now ex hibiting here. The death was from natural causes. The body has been presented by Forepaugh to the Chi cago Medical College." The skeleton will be mounted and placed in its museum. An Atlanta man wants the thief who stole his well bucket and rojie to come back and get the well, as is is of no present use to him.' "Madame, a great many persons were disturbed at the concert last night by the crying of your baby." "Well, 1 do wonder such people will go to concerts.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers