The Somerset Herald. I w i;i llAV. . June 12. 17 A i'aii.v r islalki-l i.f in Johnstown. l.wwt- amH'hi- ware. -ht-Hi. at 'Ti' )'. Priii: Sluro." C A (i IIiiIiIiT'muiii liavc imw t'"' ,-i ami ln-d wliiHil stiKkof!;i'"l'll,,m" V have li:nl imiii-r..ii -r "( nun li'.U. A..-., t l,in.K-Vlni-:N.Ti-. -., . ,ri,l Il. ''" C.A(i! II. l.!iTiii"i' 'i i-1'.rc is in tin- f 11-1 ti al iKtrt "1 m '' 1 waiit'il at the Pain- Coi ntiiv !'" " .. . ., ih ;iki t.v a in;' ' nviTV A I' ..11 Maim' ross ?Mien. htiom:i;v. KiimIi-Iis. IYiis. lil'mk Itooks 1,1 I'n'l'l'-' Inks. lnii More." Ii nniyi.vasiaV wealth averairin ea h inhal.itant l.-4. It .bWnt follow, how ever that eaeh inhahilalU has that amount. CneU fruit 'V the half dozen or dozen or full -. -at V.V. l'lioa-S A liro.'a to suit all. 1'KKFi-MF.itY. Notions Fanrv Go.lst in cn-at vrirtv-l r.-o.l'h " In'g N.-re. (warranted not " stand tire.) Dim I v VaiM'I N kisv nre the latest, and we ln-iv add l'' r' xh'mZ ol"' " !"kl'S a v,,i!,"- ,-ajK-rtopnKluivthein. i- v!f stuck of hair, clothes. I sh.-. t.rth. nail and laii J ,l,- s Irug Store." i TiiKLive(inat-ryis 1 f oi l heir custoiiicrs : a fill S 1 l.r..i.U i.f til r,, . ....... "r . . .... .....I).... I HIKl IUU1II ITU-llCS, ;u 1 i-" 1 asrain up the wants ofllieirciistoiiicrs : a tun une 01 cih.iit-vrii-s, U-st hraiuli. of toluicco and cigars in 1iU 11. Wi: devote 111U1I1 of our spaiv this week if lull liarticulars ot the Ke- publieaii National Convention, held in idelphia. 'hil Maj. Alex Stutzmaii is now imx iiiy ing bis new dwcllinsr house- creeled since the lire, on the site of his old one. and a mighty .i.uil'i.rtaljle little house it is. TnntK -will Ih' a SirawlK iry Fair and IVival at the Town Hall. Meyers' Mills. ., thecvi niiiL'softhe lsth. l'.'lh. aiid2tlh ..f June. A jileasant time may Ik' cxpccUil. Vs w e were not sufferers by the lire, we can oiler a hir-e and ls-tter stiN-k .f dress s.hN Ac, lo the public than any other imn in town. C. A: O. IIoi.hkhiiai m. I i -t oualilv of Mtirars l.v lb. cwt.. or t.arn-ll ieap lor cash at the The Live tiro crv in the basement of the residence of W. J. 'ilaer. Knmii 1:1V Patton n-iil niiv little store in Maud If anything, than their old one. have built them a front ot their old it is much Utter i:. II. M.ut-ii Al.!., of the "People's Di ng Nun-.'' liiv's leave to iiilorui his friends and niaiiv patrons, that he is now-ready to of fer a "choice lot of fresh goods, at the usual l..w pi n es. (.JriTE a iiiimlH-r of pi-ople vi-ited town on Saturday last, and the turn -out u as 1111- iiiiallv large for :. primary election, hut iliiiiilaies were plenty nil. I nil had their l'l h inls out in force. W'k are Mirry to learn that John ('. liar roiie. ofSmiersct Tp.. is aluait to remove Jj-.iin our midst. This will create a vacancy in tin- Hoard of Directors of the Siim-rset .V Mini ral Point It. K. Co. In another column will Is- found 1111 ad vertisement for the as a campaign i.:il r. We hoiieour friends w ill taki hold i.filiis matter and raise a large cv.-r lownhip of the county. club in A ww sx heduh- hasls-i-n plaeeil in opi-r - ' ationon the Coiiiiellsville llail K.Ki.l. Twoi addiliolial trains have Ik-cii addeil. one In ht xii.l one uocomoi al on. A lull schedule will lie published in next week' m il Tiik new llrilian (Com.) I!trrtln! : I;, 1 A prominent wore his white to church last Sutnlav. tlie nrsi ume mr uie i s.:is.,ii but he took care to imt a can I in j,, f Dell band, 'subiii-t to the approval ot tlie i-mocralic National t .mveiition. jj Tiik committee ! fix the lo-:iliiin liir holding the next exhibition of the State Agricultural Sx-iety, met at llarrisburg, U.n Tm-silav the 21st ult.. Alter coiisider- V.ihL' various proiwMt ions, they ch .if Krie. The .lavs fixed for h .f lairisS-pt. luU-r 1. l'.l and .'(!. Die city ha iioK this to D,e;recnsl.ur li. ,,ul,U j .,; e nae ih-cii luioriiieu nun .ui. . Tnte, of Fairtii Id tow nship. gave birth to three Uiuucing liys. all living and doing as well a could Is- cx-c!iil. and the most remarkable tiatuie is that eaeh one has six tm-s on each foot. Con-tautlv on hand at t- Family Iro eery Fei-d store of Cook and I'ecritson Maim- Cross Street, tlmir. oats. corn, mill f.--d. brand, baii-n. salt. lish. lanl. vinegar. sxnis. suwr. eofl'ee, canniil friiilh, tobac co, cigars. Ac., ic, J It is with pleasure that we recommend I to our t. llow -i-rattsnien the Printers Sup- plv House of Allan C. l'.akewell & Co.. of J X.'i. i W.skI Si. Pittsburgh. We pun has 1 i d almost our entire outfit through them. ... 1 1 ...... 1.... ...,it-.-f liln.r u tirwt. ion1 lin.l .i. rl u..fc iuiii ... i laK and that they are a prompt and relia ble firm, deserving"!' stijijiort. Mlssus. Knahle Patton & Co.. late Kna- l.le A: Patton. have evinced an unusual iiimiint of energy and activity since the tire, they have erected a handsome store -r.min. and now have it tilled w ith elegant, iw aiitifa! and fashionable gissls. We have not a d-jubt. that, ere long, they will have, a ll v JiriJ pn x iotis to the fire, the hand soinri and ' s1 store in the town. Tin: advania.-s of having railroad coin luiiiiicatkin lias only liecn fully nuli.eil liy our citizens since the lire. The jrn-ati-r .s.rtinii of the liuihlini' unit. -rial Used since he lire lias Wn l.roiudit here liv rail, and w' V.0UU1 111,1 uae rei'i.ti nan in. 0111- side help, it not liecn for our speedy coiiiniunii-atiim with the outside world. Family Grockky. Cik and il.i-rits of 1l.c Feitl Store, have opened out ill the new l.iiildiiisroii 1 1 iitrus' corner on Maine Cross street, also occupied by H. ('. liii-rits' shoe -;..rc. In addition to tlou rirrain and mill t.e.1. tin y have, a full assortment of .rro. cerii-s. ii-ivisi.ti)s. t.iliaiKiis ic.. fresh from the city, at miMiiwbb irices. Everylaaly call and see fur ourselves. M.'. StI'TTVav Ls resigned the suH-r iii'.eiiiucv ot the lininch Kail Koail. ow ini; to a niultiilicity if (Hitside duties ilr. S. w as no longer able to devote such time and attention to the management of the road as it now r.-iuircs. YYui. Alt fat her. former ly oftliiscounty, but recently of Johnstown siiccwds JIaj. We understand that Mr. A It father is also for the present to n1 as station agent. I nt i.n say to my friends, that I have received my n.-w slock of g.iods and am now in-iured to nivive orders liir all tisls in n,y lin- I w ill sell at the very lowest market rates. Thanking my fiiemls for the litttniliiiL'e heretofore p-iven me. I ho-1 uu,y r.tvive as liU-ral patronage in the future. I w M alw avs endeavor to deal W illi other as u js, t lK. ,,..,, j,v iiilvertiK-iin ut iu anotlier r-olumn. JN, F. BLYMYEK HAT ioo!) Uoaks Io. ThcV lK-nelit every one residing along th.-ciMirse. (i.anl roads save horse rU-sh. t;.,.v faciliate trans KKition of the to nuirket, they save your t inju r, tin y increase the value of lands, they lend attractiveness, to the eye of the stranger, tliey incr.-ase tnillic aiid business of a tow n by its vitality in nil branchc of traflie, SUo usa to'n which r.x-eivn a large oainii f trade l.v UM-an ot the tine roads leading to it, and e will -how a plai tluit is 1-vclv, progressive ami thrittv, with monev cin ulating in plenty, and men in u hram-lu's of indus try busy at beavers. A Goou St ookssiox A writer avhis- owners of plum trei-stosus nd in eat h, just alter bl.H.Miiinjr, R-veral corn m Much have 1,-cn thoroujri.ij. mnk(kA in - -u-ni-d waler. I Ie suvs that the cun n Im inMtts prefer these to the vouu- fruit, q"W,t U', ir ia "' They fmlf u'.n a"n ttua ,,,,rn,,J n,K-n. by which all theyounit inscta j. ATy. This secmii reasonable. We cxnr!, next wirk, to In- aWe lo give Castoiua Is a scientific veticlulile pre our usual n'iorts of tlie lmiiic nj city j Kinttiiii ; a H-rlW-l fulistitutc lor nml more mstrkcts. I t'Hi'rIivo than t'astor f. til, and in jih-asant to ' I Uiko. It (li anscs the pvFlrin in iw4 re- Ovn -itiwns have lx-cn working; with unpn-iU-iU'iitcJ mercy nml ix rscrancc at lrariiic away tin" tlrhrit front the dill'i-ronl c -liars. .T. O'.i Momlay, tlic Will of Juno, Ix-two-ru SiM-svilU- ami Smvrrsct, a 1110 ruii n kci in, .unt-.iiiiinir iMtitmilsuUil an illiistrati-il j-iiluloirtH- and rirc list of (.'. A li. t'oopcr's Sn-miu Saw A Urist "Mill. Tin' liinU r will jilcase leave it at this oflii-c or the Barnet House, Sim-rn-t Pa. nf coal for anr t V -II.M.. 1 1111 111 WUIU Ti : : )uriw.', steam jrener.-itinp. lime lmrniiif; c..c:n In- siinnlieil at Alex iSluUman a ..,,. j.,i, N.-il i Imnk. nuh-ist (..fti.t- K..rn.'li. Mr. Davis, a 1 .nut ii ill I miner fnuii Johnstown, does the linnuMiR out. and tlie platform is now filled with I liea'iitil'ul lump and poml roiliih -oal. Xo Ij,! (lu-j clean. Ixiivc J our order at the Fotindrv. Wk were verv muck pleased yesterday evening to receive a copy of the Somerset ! IL mid, which has resumed publication af ter three weeks interruption by the fire. The paper has liecn rigged out w ith new material entirely, anil presents a handsome apiearancc, very similar to formerly. The energy manifested by the 'lit mid deserves all cneourairenient. and we hone tilt. I'.Hut luuttilo . ,1'Hk. SL.n..rsi..t ivxrion m ill reward it aix-ordin-lv CuJtrhtZd AVw. Vvvn, in11,nlli.-l..rv . lnv..,,li., an article lK.undetl into public favor with the rapidity .;f the -Light running IMmes- tie Sewing Macoine. Agents ot other machines who at the iicgiiiiiingol this year, ruliculea tlie iitea ot a new machine getting a foot hold in the ti. inanity, now find that it outsells their "old unreliables" two to one, and they are throwing up their agencies and applying lor iK-niiissmn to sell Domestics. Those w ho examine it, buy it if they ni-cd a machine, and all who try it arc de lighted with it. H.W. Stdadniaii & Co., (ieiieral Agents, No. 20 Sixth Street, Pitts burgh. .li.i 11 amis' Likss. Jliihanics' liens havelK-en a source of great trouble to house builders ; but the new law w hich goes in to ellii-t June 1st, 1S72, will remedy all the cviU of the old practice. I'y the new reg ulation a man who. makes a written con tract w ith the builder and pays the stipu lated price for the work, can lean iihiii that contract for supMirt against any liens, w hieh the men employed by the builder, or those w ho furnish" the material, could otherwise hrinir auainst the building w hen completed. The parties w ho furnish the iiiati rial are thus comiielled to look to the J contractor for their kiv, and cannot come liack on the house ow ner, after he hasoncc p.iid the contractor. Jmpohtant to Sciiihii iAlthe last session of the Legislature, the I following act was Kissed anrt has la-en 1... 1 .1 1 ,r i , i ""W. " rl "'rV iH-rsons w ho live under our immediate oh now the law ot the State ; 1 hat the word 1 .. 1 il ,l .;i.- I five shall lie inserted in place of the j word "lour" in section twenty -eight, act 1 of -May, one thousand eight hundred and i liliy-loiir ; and school directors shall here- j after keep the schools of their respective ! districts in oc ration Jive months in the year:, l'nritU1, That the length of term j may remain as at present, in districts where 1 the maximum amount of tax, allowed hv ; hiw to be levied for school purposes, shall lie found insullieient to keep the Schools I-n a grealer length of time. ... ,. ... K are unublc to give at this time. 10 . cl.H-k on I uesday morning, any definite returns ot the nriiuarr eh-ctions. as there ;ire several lownshiiw vet to hear from. anil 111 some cases the contest is mighty closj- so that the result may vet lie chan-i ed. The prese nt indications "are that Hon. Win. II. Kountz, Congress, is nominated by alsiut C.Kl ; C..I. K. D. Vutzy, Senate, by alNiut C.iHl ; J. . McMilk-n. Ieirislature, bv alsiut K,l ; Maj. K. M. Sehnick, Pro- thonalary. by 40 : Oliver Kneps r. SheritT, l"'11 ; Ho'- rt Walter. Register, by .VKI ; aleiitine Miller. Commissioner. 4(1 ; J. II. n iter, 1 oor nouse inreetor. lxi; ami Jacob.1. Speieher. Auditor. :!0il. We liope Il.-XI w.-cK to J.lll.llsli a full lllul Complete table. DlsTUKssiNfi. A sad anddislressingo--cureiice h:iiM-ned in tiiis place on Friday morning last. David Rruirh, Es.i,, w ho lives in the western end of our town has j ik-cii sintering terriiily lor tlie past six or eight months with dysiesi:i. and for some time past, his mind has at different H-riods la-en a little deranged. On Friday night last, evidently while lalsiring lindt-a men tal ala-rration, he arose from his lx-d. tied a silk handkerchief round his throat, one tend to the lied Host and strangled himself to ' l.!iiiL'tliel,l..:,.,. His wife, w ho was sl.vpinir in lied i ! at the time w ith him. had given him some ! ! .,i. ,i;. !.w. .w, .,.r 11, ..n r.rt.-.n ,..;,,t,. i. I fore, bul ls ing exhausted through much - ........ ... miti , Mr. I.nigh out ot Is-d.aml in searching forj her c lothing in the dark found his dead j Usly hanging to the lied post. Mr. Rrugh I was a worthy and resKi letl citizen and know n to the w hole community as an lion- est hardworking man. ! ! rsoi.niKKs siioimt reinemiNr tliat our I a -gislat lire lias enacted a law for their la-n- ; i til :inl Uml i.l' tlii ir wivt-s ami i liiUln-n, iiiijM.rtaiitx-. AcciirJin"; to the jinivisions if this act, tlie Ki-oiwli-r of t-ncli f-ounty in tlic State- is requirciltorc conl tlic tliscliarcs of nil soldiers serving in tlic lVnnsylvaiiia ri-dmc-nts. as well as tin-(-oiiiiiiissioiiK of ottif-crs anil non-roni-liiissiniH-d ofliccrs. In olitiiiiiiiijr l:u k pay anil Ikiiiiu v. ir in B.--iirinft nny of the liene (ils cxlctnlc.l tu soliliersor thi-ir lieirR. the ilisliarire is the first paper calltil for. Without it noclatni, however meritorious, will Ik- liiiinlorpasseil ujioii. Soldiers should reoillift this fact, and liavetheirdischarsres reeordi-d at tince, and thus save, it may lie, aliiindnnt troulilc and vexation at some fu ture time. ANllTliKIt SWIXUI.E. A fellow Klssillr somrtim.-s under tlie name of ('. C. Mc Hride, 1ml havinjr s-vcnil nliuc, lias lieen doinir" some of the farmers in the north eastern part of the county. The rascal professed to be tidvinr orders for seamless errain liaps at the low price of two dollars x-rdo7i-n, and if unalile to pet an order for lia"rs, otl'i-red carH-1s at eipiallv ruinous rates. Tin- Malik order to le sfirned was. s" nrraiiL'ttl tliut when the blank alnive it - " ti. m. ii liccamc a promissory note lor lrom siM.iltKi, payable in !I0 days. These were taken to Butler county and sold to another party, who, we are told, projiose to push them when due. So far as heard from, some thirty of our leading farmers have In-en made victims of this swindle. They will lie apt tn keep very cross dogs the lmlance ofthcir lives, if they have these obligations to pay, Mtrctr Jtinpatch. GRAND CONCERT AT CITY HALL, PITTS BIROO. PA., JULY 4TH, 1872. Wc direct the attention of our readers to the advertisement in this week's Paper of the Concert at CMy Hall. Pittsburgh, July 4th. At the conclusion of the Concert 300 Ix-autifiil Building Irtsat Chtkdale Station, on the Pittsburgh, St. Louis and Cincin nati II. ., w ill lie distributed mimn; the Ticket Holders, The price of the Tickets ' has U-en flS.-d at the low prif of nc l)ol- f lartiu h, and V.ill entitle the liolder to a ! chalice of drawing one ot the Lots. To those desmn-rto ret upclulis, the pre miums are very lilieral. Address all -om- niunications to CEO. II. SHANAFELT, 72 Third Ave,, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sixc.iT.AR Accident. The Hedford County 1'rtnt pves an account of the open -inj; of the frround and the sw allowing of a team of horses la-lonj;inp to Joseph Boor in Snake Sprin-r Valley, two miles alxiYo the town, on Friday" last. The sons of Mr. lloor were hauling rails from a piece of woodland, when the pround udienly cai ed in, and one of the horsed going down carried the other along. The ax-r1ure through w hieh they passed was barely large enough to admit of their liodics. 1ok-s were prM-urcd, and several pentlemeB tie- wended into the vern. One home was found hulged alsiut twenty feet from the snrfHW, at a point where the cavity chang ed direction, hut the other was nowhere to he seen. Tlie first animal was lifted from his position, and search made fur the other, the body of which was filially found about thirty feet further under ground. The ex tent of the ojiening has not been ascertain ed, but from the indications it seems almost bottomless. The fact that the same spot has been driven over for years and do sign of such an extensive ening discovered until now is most strange. 111:1 rkiiH manner ilimt net Mistress or eriiH'. hut oiH-rates when nil other remcdii-s ! have failed. It is certain to wiiterstMlc f' lil. Kamitic Svnios an.l nil other piirpilive and cxeilinj; liinliciiics. The Castoria i-ontains neither Minerasl, Morphine nor Alcohol. Uy its eniolient, fioothing effert, it aiinilates the food and proiluecs natural ale-p panicularly adxpl inj? it to rrviug and titliinjr chiliircn. It cures Stoiiirtch Ahe, Wind Collie, Con- Ntipation, Flatulenrr, Croup and kills onus. Make your Druggist scud for it ; he w ill alw ays keep it, as every family must have it. It "costs hut fifty cents a I a it tie. Nomrrwrt Krllrf. Tiikkr arc several contrihutions r-iHiii-ed hut not yet remitted, amon them, one from T. A. Scott, for f'i.lNKK ne from Don. Cameron (sK-cial) fl.tNHI ; from J. S. Black, various special contributions of fif ties and one hundreds the aggregate we have not learned. Philadelphia has only within a few days liecn hroucht to realize the vast estent of our calamity, and committees arc now at work there, w ith a prospect of making a creditable reHrt of the substantial synia tliv of the eoile. ISallimorc thus far, with one or two spi-cial exceptions, appears to take no interest in our stricken people. ChnmlK-rshurg, Pa., SCI. 2.1 Hev. JamesDarsie, Hmddocksficld, 122.20 eV. lallK'S I U ';,1'l,,?lCI,1)la.n- """'"V I Mill Kun. Inion S. S. School, I W- Philadelphia, r:s.oo 10.50 1,0(10.00 2"i.0 10.00 :!O0.(HI " V., , ' ' j ' m.w "Alh-irheny i(y. , j . , Ny- , j - , 12o.00 J Moutai. Maladies. The srk that kindles a general eontlagration would do but little mischief if attended to on its first npiK-arance : so it is with Consumption. w hieh has nearly always liecn looked uioii as a mortal .'.isense. It never would In come so if 1. . ede.l at its first approac hes. Of the whole catalogue of diseases, nearly every one of tln ni can lie cured by caie and attention. Dh. Keyskk has punlii-hiil a pamphlet of thirty two liaires. in w hieh he shows conclusively the curability off 1 uinionarj t onsuini'iioii oy menus 01 insj jrreat Lrxu K iv now sold by 11114 re siectable druggists. The painphlet will la- sent to any add ress, free of cost, upon application, or w ill la- iriven to any one at the Doctors Medical ollhv. 107 Lilierty Street; Pittsburgh. It contains the main Kiints of treatment pursued by the Doctor in his management of Lung ami other i 'Im.n.f l)iwfiuo n-ifl. et-rt itii nl.Hc of Ailtlll ........... , very extraordinary cures in this immediate j vicinity. 1 1 hoiisamls of witnesses can testily to the value of Dit. Kkvsku's Li nuCi hi;, not only in the incipient or forming stages of Lung disease, but even in long standing chronic cases. That the mortality of Con- sumption could lie greatly lessened bv ear DimxTolts. ,,. .. ' , ..r.... .r n l.-....- ! It Ulll I41IWII Mil II um, MS l, A V 1 1. 1 r Li no Ci kk can hardly lie tjuestioned, when we lia.k at the important cures of 'scrviition nml w ho wnllc our str.K-ts dai v in gisnl health, resound through ils vir tues. Dr. Kcyser's olliee, 17 Liliertv street, Pittsburgii, where examinations lor Lung and other chronic diseases are made daily from 10 a. m., until 1 r. m., and from :i until 0 p. m., tin Saturday niirht until '. Froin the Indtirndent. The long desired avenue. Is tween Union 1 n..l ........ .....e ........ M..1 ...:.i. -...a miu 'iu mi i vis, 111111 ;ii.iii.'i mill street, has at length ls-en opened by orders i of the Isirouirh authorities. It has liecn j n.(1,us Smitll av,.IllM allll is a ,,., 1 . .,. Im,.li(. Friday last, while slna-ing a horse, our veteran blacksmith Samuel (Jlotfelty re ceived severe interna) injuries. And on Monday, Jere. J. Livcnsrood was struck on Illv l.l , ) it . it. A vi 11 U nr 011 w wii the teniple by a colt w hile endeavoring to shoe it, and narrowly cseaKil instant death. Mr. John Smith is erecting a large two story, frame dewllins house, on the site of the old shook shop, lately destroyed by fire, j Mr. .1. .1. Howard, w ho has charge of the building, is pushing the work rapidly, and : in all probability it w ill la- ready foran oe-; ciipant w ilhin a month. Our worthy friend Samuel .T. Liehty, not ; content w ith making his valuable town J proja-rty the neatest, and most convenient 1 amono-st the many of ourboroueli. now de- i sipns adding another story to his dwelling ; hv the use ot the mansard root. I Ins will ; add greatly to the appearance, as well as economising room. SadEvkxt. On Wednesday. 2ilth ult.. as Milton Walter, son of Alex Walter, of; i Kinirw-ood, nccomtianied bv a friend, was 1 111 ' nf-t 01 securing a esilt prepitralory to 1 w's-'l"Jt H. the. knite young Walter ,M '" 1,,s 1'i,n.,, Wil1! ,,rlv, n v"U n''y "" his limb, severing the femoral artery, and g Ids death in two hours. n. a. jiursi m nni, me rnruiii; a warn jn2 house netir their planing mill, designed W(. Wicve as a lioarding house lor the men ; j tb. ir employ : also in ch we proximity to j t their mill, a" dry' house. " ! I'rsina Ifeniw. ; Our Citizens weir quite delighted to sec j ti. f-miiltar face of the Hekai.I). come to r;,"! umn It l.wiks as thouirh there had'nt Ut a terrible lire in Somerset on the unit Mav. ' The frradius of the streets of Ursinn hag been eoinmeiieHl, t last. Our town'ser peant lias arrested quite a numlK-r of the swine iamily, jnd;iinjr from the numlier of inmates in the '-lio?Mmnd;" we think the sergeant will be under the necessity of em ploying some liody'a "prodipil hoi' to feed swine. We notice that a cow lieloniring to I. A. Jenkins, also one owned by Just Sellers, were kilW-d by an enfnne on the P. & V. K. K. We presume that the enpine's on that road, prefer "somcthin.! stronjrertlian milk," as a beverage. Raer's new flourin! mill lias lxcn in oiH-ration for some time. For tlie satisfaction of those who expect to commit matrimony, and would wish to lie serenaded on tlie occasion we will just say, that the "minstrel troujic" of Harneds vi'lleand I'rsina, more appropriately known as the "Kaniraroo Band," are prewired to produce the most horrible noise known t man. since the day that '-Balaam's riding ponv braved. MAitiiii:i. I-IIT S1VVT1F1? In Somerset on the : " ' " - ... - ... 1 14th of. May, 1ST2, by EWit E. Mr. Solomon Uhl to'Miss Mary Ik'VinS, I Sn viler - ' j lKith of Somerset I'a. TISHUE STON E. At Ursilia. Somer-j w" H. tVreene. late ol New York, insured a few fiet COlintV, Pa., bv Hev. Mitchell, Mr. t vears since In the Berkshire Life Insurance Com- V.o l,.n I'isl.iin to'Miss V-itlie Stone 1 i"y f"r3.S0O: but owinit to misfortune in husi Newlon lishuc toiiss ai.iuic rMonc. ma UIlat)le mak)S ,ny pi(vm,.nt to the r-r-iv TlirVT it tlm n-uiiletico of 1 '-omiianv ilurii.K one year ami live months prior to KEHR TRENT. At the nsiik nce ol , Mt l have th day imil (at the New the bride s father, in Somerset 1'a., Alay otRct the o.min.y. 271 Iiniadway. corner Kith, 187: Elder E. Hevins, 31r. Hamilton W Kerr to Miss Ella Trent. New AdrertUemenh. s HEKIFF.S SALE. itv virtue of a writ of FieH Fri iasue-l out of the l!ourt of Common Pl. of Somerset C-ounty, Pa . and to me directed, I will exioe to sale by public outcry, at the -Hoes House," In Somerset, on Frldav the th day of July, 172. at 1 o'clock, r. the following real estate, vii: lit .1. ...I. nil. lt..Mt mmi elaim nf Foster c Wable of In and to the following- descrilieil real ; iiJ. 1 n lot. .und. situate In k.,1. Sonier V.untv. Pa.. m tlie northeast crncr of First and hrfk" ! f" , .Va"i of r.:i t eU fr..n ini 7 leet. i .i ...,.n i,.k in ilenth 1M feet, with a two- srypiank dweliin-bouse thereon erected, with , voi.n.. .n,i inlr.-n In execution as the pmiertv of; FisiierC. W.l.le. at the suit of John II. Ib-nbl. SHKKIVr'S OrFII'K. I JOS1AH SHAFEK 12th June, 1KT2. ( Sheriff. STATE M K X T OF SETTLE MENT of the Suicrviors of Jenner township for the year ending April 81b. 1872: Amt i.f rod Ui levied. John Manrer. . 324 06 - - Ilchacl Ib-tr. - - J--"l VI . - " Jo-.h H-rkey, KB W - Jesse Witt, - - trtw M 17-2 34 Amt tai ip'l, Jin Maurer. - 5S M Ali. bs.-I lieu. 11 40 " J.. ph Hcrkev, ttti Kt " Jesse Wilt, - tra 83 Hsn 61 Balance due township for the year Ti, M ; JOSIAH MII.LEK, H. W. MAI UEU, ! Attest: H. S. FLhX a-, . E. V. Eakl, Tp. Clerk, jeia l p. Auoitors. A 11TIITCIAL TEETH!! J. . YUTZY. DENTIST, DALE CITY, Soiuertt Co.. Pa., Artificial Teeth, warranted tu be of the very beat quality. Life-like and Handsome, inserted in the lst style. Particular allentb paid n the pros rrvatioa of the natural teeth. Those wishing to consult me by letter, can do so by enclosing stamp. Address si above. jeU-ri tne appurtenancea. . .. . ..i, . .,0 Mii-h . tum nr. New Adwrticmnt. CKVEXTKKXTH ANNUAL RE IT.) PORT of the "SomcrscU'onnty Mutual Fire insurance Company for the year ending- Ma; St It . 'n Trcan. s prrlart Annual ltcirt. . 'u." x"-. 412 ii 416 V tit M ;ou uo t'a.-li recolvnl on m-w plkie ImoinI this JI-HT i rurvlwtl i nin alii . aix:'t ol amwiueiil nn. A 431 as 1; lISarttEVC5TM. No. 1. 1alit SainaH A. aiey-r?, twU In full r !' hv are.. .174 (W Jii 00 MS 74 . 31 M rT to No. 2. " 3. ' u 4. " . " . " 1. " 8. " . la. "II. I'atil Siliininn ItiKiclier, ilo. . JkMi t'oliter. UHiuair.. Jm-ubG. Kvaian,aDu John J, HiiL-lti-n, " Ii revkdue tHmp ; lor ixwtairc ami lalionprr. . " '. H. Kmmtz. nut, n hill " YA. Scull. I'l-inlm " " J .bn J. Ilultmita. iml.. ivp. Air luel, uuvuik nlHoe, tue. . ' JtHK llkki. mlanr ft one 1H 60 12 -t 55 5 . 4 00 400 00 334 1 " w. Vint. herrelarj anil lTisamircr . . lal:rtie In Trpmury 'ln w4v t Inlciwt, tnia 17 Amount of premium note Ual.le toa- pwwmmr IinlaiK-e In Treasury In notea at iutervat. 63.'i 20 sat i AmiMint of Capital t&ttiw 36 Whole number of policlea fcw ued, 1S41. MinTdM B1J9TTKD FOR Tll BSRCIXO YEAS: JaJ p. Miller, Atirnm Ik-am, Michael Zimmer man, Joa. C Llehtv, JSiiinuil ltarclay, T"lla Mevrn, Jcweph Ki-lm. Km. J. Haor. Chrinllan L. Miller and John Hk-kn. of Sunirract county Ha.. and llltlm-r. M. Miller and 11. Val entine, of llvdfonl county la. OKFK EBS EIITKD FOB THE EXHI'INO V EA U i .TA(XB P. MIM-ER. lreflitent. JOHN HICKS, Sec'y, Trra surer ami Oen"l Aar'U .. 1 . . , . 1. ,. (Iffi'-eSom. Vi: Mnlunl Klre 7 JN(I. HICKS, lua. tv., SiHucrwt, May 0. s fv.-in.-urr. UEMAHOXIXO TOWNSHIP , Jacob Spanxlcr, collector of tax lor I lie yeur ending June 1H13, in aoc t with nam towimhlp: To amount of duplicate . By exonerations, -cammlKSion -recelpla from Treunurer, Itv halauce In hiuiiin of ('"!., eiHi 10 5.1 Bi 6.1 W4 ai-fl tri 41 4U itc21K .S 10 Samuel liarncll, Treaftirer, In ncc'twlth Mi 1 townshi: To each received from (?ollcctor, . Slate appropriation. -awl from . Z. Miller, former Trvaa., 11U 14 1 Uy amount of onlers 2I"S 26 SI 24 1J3 "tiuirfTi," Iiuniel ll-rkey Superviaor. in acc't with aai.l Tp.: To amount of iliiplleate, -balance ilue tp. tnm 1ST1, M7 11 ! Uy W' ren.lere.1. KH 94 23 77 - 1 IS ' & 24 . Id sa cotuinliion. exoneration, ... em-nil exiM-niifi. balance ilue lierkey fnrtn tp., 47 11 Charles Luhr.Suiicrvtsor, In acc't with falJ Tp.: To amount of iluplhiite. .... $137 33 onlcrlnuu Val. J. Miller, - - 24 W liulaiice .luc tp. from lihr, ... b VJ Ity tntiorrenilereil, ... 42:i 37 coininisiiion, . . 21 73 exoneration, - - 2 04 Ki m ral expenses, ... i 24 443 00 The nnilcrsiirneil do hereby certify that Hie fore- EoiiiK in correct. W. 11. MIIXKK. J AO IH J. K1MMKRMAV, r lit S ANKKN Y, Attest: Tp. Auditor. HERVASi Hkiikkv, Clerk. J.-12 niOLKSALK HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. 1 263 Liberty St., PITTSBURGH, Pa. 1 7 ' A full a ml complete Stock ot Axes. Shovels, Hoes. Scythes. Snnths. Saws. L.:-ks. ltin IIi'S. Nulls, ami Blacksmirhs' & Carpenters' Tools, i: ia.K rnt: HouiiS; Quality of Files I XSCItrASSKI). 1 ! S E X I S A M V L E () It I E 11 S OLD FILES RE-CUT j.-ia 'life insurance " For Business Men. "Tho Reserve Fund Policy." ISSt'KIl BY TIIK BERKSHIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO., ixeoKiumTKr) is..t. Seem-r Sx cial rrlee(i 1 Every Policy Holder. For exnninle Suppose jou are thirty-five years ake a "Keserve Fund J'oliey"' at or- of aire and take .iiintrv lite nites. i me annual iaynient will Insure yon 2 years and 3 iIhvs. Two annua) nyinent will insure Jon years an.l 12 da vs. Three annual payments will Insure you years an.l T, davs. Five annual payments will Insure yon 10 years and Is) davs. Six annual payments will insuro you 12 years and 11 days. This Protection Applies to any Age, And is expressly stated In every Poller. TH E ADVANTACl KOF.slTII PlillTlXTIuX. This is to certify that mv lute Punlel H. Thompson, wis insured in the llerkshire Life Insurance i 'oinpany, Pittsfield, Mass., forl.uu0. lleix inUr )', lKTo. pn iuium imyal.le uuarterlv. That two payments were maile up to June lwh. 1K71. that he died etolr 131 h, four miiths after he tailed to make his payment. ' . . -." V. . ..r ;. " 'o .. I The usual ol ileum were mrwaroen 10 tne .iiiimnr. wii.i low iuii wuu. . ...v ., the two iUrtcr!y iayments due at the time of his ! ileath. was pal l to me ny meir wcncrai nireni in Philadelphia, W. 11. (Iraves, at their otUee, S. W. , corner Chestnut and tleventh Streets. 1 ..1 i. tl'vttii' Tumipcnv of Chaiuoers street), three thousand two hundred and ninetv-nlm dollars, this being tne lull amount due to his widow, alter deducliiiK the overdue pay ments and Interest. J. II. FR ANOISOVS. Xtw York. March 11th, '70. Sujierintendent. Head the rolloMinc C'lalHiH Paid. List ofj James Joice. New York City, tl.000, payment ; overdue 4 months. V. n. C. Hauii. New York City, I,UuU. iy meat ue 4 months and lay- X T iah. all !S5u Mrs. . II. Hart, ChhKi, HI, fi.OOO, pajmcDt H. F. Moore. Huston. Mass. (U.000, payment overdue I lo .lavs. i Jam- H Adair . rsew jvuy Adair, New Maysvllle, Iud., i2,0u0, ! Dvnn.u v.uiwi., - ' ii a uient ovenlue t yearn. 1(1 monl us ana 1 1 uaya. i.. n Vjitabrook. Fitcliburir. Mass-ai.uuu, i payment overdue years, 1 mouth and days. GOOWHILD av MAKSHALI Airents. june H-T2. .somerset, ra. The Improved ELLIPTIC SEWING MACHINE New Draw Feed, LOCK STITCH. There are some points In a Sewlna Machine that lailies deslrina to in:hase, shuuld take Intoe. aideration, namely: Liifbtness of running. Ease of Management. Capacity to do the Work Beiiuired, Freclom from Noise, and Kon-Liabllity to et out of tinier. We claim that tha IMPHOVED ELLIPTIC msM-sses all these poiuta, and that it Is THE VERY BEST FA.jva:ix.-s- jvr-cVCjHriiE Now Manufactured. And we solicit an examination of It. Airents watit wl la every county, to whom we will stye (he most liberal terms. EATON BKOB M Flth Aire., Plttsbnrgh, P. Englantt & Bnflloy, Xew AdrerlixemeiitM. P If -1 L AJ)jEL V li I A SPKINiG 18T2- . Fentoii, TJiojmpson & Co., . 617 Chestntut Street, Have now in Store. n I i.iwnlni; ilaily. nqie Slo FOEEIGN AN 1 Urea Fabrics, Silts, Shawls, an EMBEOIDERIE Kmhrni inn all the Noreitlee of the Si!Hn, i.lK r est market price. JK-ESTA 15 LIS1I ED. KnaMe, Pain & Co., Are ploancl to auutAin'ie to their former customer ami the ireuerally, that they uow oivupy tMni.,nr. i.nii.iinir imnHiiiateiv ic imut of t he iai well-known efMal.ltuhment of knftt.le Al Fattini, where thev arealruaily in receipt of a ireucnil i-k 1 of Merelininiliiie. pun lmw-il in the eiliea of 1'hlla-! li'lphla nml Pittsl.uixh, eiHiiprtf inn a varitnl as- 1 ortment of j ill U 00 US, Fancy Dress Goods'" AND TRIMMINGS, K(4iiIHiil I'nnoj Notions, Ribbons, i5cc., BOOTS AND SHOES, vit (-TIM11- ' ItAln A.ll !!, 1IARDVAKK,XVK(1I AMW1I.MW WAKK, Q1 EENSWAKK, (lUiH'KKIKS, CAHPETIXll. tilht'IilTHS. PAIXT.S, 1 ILS. NAILS, (ll.ASS, FISH. TOBACCO AND CI3AP.S, lkilrr KalL nml Salt In barrel? at whulCMile and n-taiL We camestlT s-.l h it the e.nt unu.l natrouaue of our liirmcr friemia nael eostoiuers snJ the pul. lie (renrrallv. It Is our intention to a.nt itally ti.onr nlreaily "liirae anil complete, slock, ami in a short tiuiH tii be so re-estahli.-he.I that our store as here totore, shall lie known as hea.l centre for iroo.1 an.1 cheap frissls of every description. KNABLEkl'ATTON. June 12. IIAlimVAliE. John F. Blymyer Ha re-teneU hit !re ft Few Doors Above the Old Stand, j Ami oliers tn his customer mi l .1 full line ! of e;.ls at the very lowest iri.-c, I Hardware of Every Description, 1tOX, Woodeii tVare of AH Kintls. CO A h OIL LA Mrs, COAL OIL . i,imm:y.s An.l cwryil.lnK Ivk.iiidnit l the Uu.ip trrde. i WHITE 1.KA P. ijnsu:imii. VAUVI.SH1;. ;:i:t shks. PAINTS I OH. AMI UliV. AND PAINTERS' GOODS IN GENERAL A lare sl.s k ot Tabic Knite ami Forks.. PtlfKET KN'IVKS. SIHM1.NS. S1IEAHS AXUSClSSdljS. POItl-ELAIN LIN Ell KETTLES, ke., kc.. Together with many articles too numerous to men tion In an advert iseiuent. lie is determined to sell at the very lowest prices. Uive him a rail. June 12-72. (KT THE CHEAPEST ! GET THE BEST! GET. UP CLUBS FOR THE GREAT CAMPAIGN PAPER, !The Somerset Herald. j AVe intend to make the llKKAt.n red hoi during ' ""J" S'"'Y.V..i .L Si.v Months for 75 Cts. We will send the llKHM n from the 1st of July to the 1st of January, 1K73. to sin? Ie subsi-riliers f.rL 111 ciuisstor 10 " " 15 M iS 4Q 0 S0 , 73e None but cash subscript ions received. xoWi n.e to s.ri.H.. j -Send money by letter at our risk. -vnniVAl-E OF SUM ERaiET UlHIH'liH . V) . ... ... . I Sutum34. Thnl the pavements on all the nub. 1 He streets of aaid borouith, except Alain Street, i shall lie put down ten feet wide, to lie constructed j In the manner ami of the materials directed in Sec. IT of the ordinances of said borough, exceiit : in cases where iei'il authority Is iriven by the Hunress and Town Council of raid borough to i make them otherwise. L.C. COLrtOKN. A. J. It lLHOKN, Secretary. Bui-gins, June 1Z At'ui AdtxrtiiH'itieai. . k. Umalit nininl) illrwt Iminllie Manaliii-turer? at D DOMESTIC ; a Scarfs, White Goois, Linens, S JtTTD LACES; eil to the Iri'lehy the piwc- or pai ka'c at I hi-lot j tVJsli.. GRAND COKCERT ! AT I'liTsm kc;ii, im., JULY 4th, 1872. n 1 fin nOfl UflDTU flC PRflPFRTY sou, Uuu VKUftiri ur rnurtni I To be Given Away. 300 1U. 11 Tit I I. I1I11.DIU LOTS AT mUM STATTflN TICKETS 1.00. At omelnsion .if the Concert, the Manager will liUinhute .ai l,u(l,iin,' Ms to the ticket li. .! Ii rs in the iml iimiiuer. hui leinenly au'l iiii-,nirti illv. These U.l tx-l. mur ti" .Mr. S. O111..011. of I'ltts buruli. 1'il.. whusu lillutothu uiuc ii in 1 i -J .ut : -hie. :.iul Irt'i.i'r sit ll:it .-ii eiillv.-niflit It. tlie eilv. will I miike excell. nt ami pleasant h.-iaes t.r the wnrk- iir'iii;ui ami ineehiinU-. These are InTi-.-isinif ! in vuluu ihtily. A rii h six-lis.t vein i.l Hiluinhi i i.ui-t 'wil uml". riii s tiiis;y. A ci.iil hunk Is i.l-ne.l ami In ichhI wukius; nnler. This luuk. ; wliii-li iries full access ti the iikiI unilerneatli, wiil I l- itlven iimiy Willi on which It is sitnale.1. : 1 ne emu, vaiue.1 111 11-, ii-iiis H-r i.u.-ii. i, is worm I A in-ul Frauie ('..Haue fli.use Is al.xi sit- 1 uaU-il on this propertv. nml with the i.utliiii.linvs. iil t niven aiuv'witli the l.t ..n which it is ' l.uill. f):ik lale is a well known. Ihriviuv ami I' town. :tnl at present .stntaiiis an Aeinl j euiy. F.-limle t .lle'i-, ;1 lilt Hull.".!-. IN.-lniliee. Ez ' press tirtice. tin.l lare liiiinU-r of ilHelliiiks, ami taken nliiwtlier. Is a .iesimiilc ' pi tec t..r iniiu.'.trii.tis ivorkln in-u to settle. I t'l.ea 1"i:kmii-mh. To the jrem-r up ol a eluh'ol j lhirlv, 11 haii'lsouiu Silver Wai.-h will t.c iriven. To i the iretter up ef a luh of twenty. Five Tickets will , l.c uiven. T.i t he witter up of a clu'i of ten. Two .! 'I'irk.-ls 111 Is- L'iven. To I he u:et:er up of a eluti ' of Six. me Tl. ket will lie iriven. j The ii:iun-.l ircntlemen, well known uml .roiiiiiieut citien.-i ef ritt.-inirh :nl Allcirheiiy , eiiies, ha-o ! rmlllcl ui to n-ier lo Ihein. They ! wiil vou-h f.r the li..uc.-ly uul iuie-zri;y ol tin -n-' terprise. lion. Janii-s l',I:ickin',n-. .il.-ivorot l'itts 1 hurirli an.l Presi.teut of tlie .Mei:li.inJ.-s Savings I Hank: Heniaaiin Sin.'erlv. Slate I'riuU r: li. ;uii- I "'ii Pun-ell. K'litor an.l l'uhli'herof the Wei klv , .Mirror. Alle-lienv ilv. 1'a oloiiei Sj.iiiim. i kit- , jrorc. County Treasurer. As to title toe;. i.l prop- . ert v, n-ler In 11. s. I-loyl. Attorney ut Mi i Uraut Street, i'iit-l ur-.'h. iflMilillt. n.ii i....rr.i.i. IK-neral .Maii.iai-r. Tn w h.mi .-ill i-omimmicitloiis must ls n-l.lrcs.-c1. teiu (Ulli-e. T'iTkirl Av.-mie. FittsLuruh. Persons rcniittiii uioiicv mi:t scn-l l.y lienlter eJ l ileror P. . Or ler. June li iBOVARD, ROSE & CO., biL cloths, MATTINGS, Stair Rods, &c, &c, : A VtM 'irefiillv Sel.-et.-.l st-nk. liOVAUI), IIOSE& CO., l-l FIFTH AVKM't Agents Wanted rUliTHK orenc sewing machine. I When-v.-r the FI.O!!KMT. ! lins heen . it has met with lie.- are it.-st rum-ess. ' li i.- ih.- only mm -hiu.- nnkiuir li.ur.liil rent "lil.-h- e-. :m. li:iviiiir the i::;versil-le Feo.i. Tlie machin ery i r:.- l, and the Motions p ..-1'ivt-. It runs liiht. ii in! verv I.Kt. and s.w .inr-c.-..r fine lal ; riis. The lleinnier will turn wi ll- .r u.irrow ; lo -ins. .in-i h-Ms iM-antilnlh'. All :i: r.ii tiHu o-.s jf.. with the F.r iiif,..-ui.'Uii :-. to or ;-..;.li ?s HECKERT &. McKAIN. .SSilIi Slr-f, riTisnvuau. june 2-7i i Pittsbtirgh Hirclcizc-d i-ha: 77 :rLr. IJAMES OLID, l'.O Ll'.ierty Strei-t. Plitr burirh. Pj. Al. KAXtrKS. (fl.'ATES. A., intention paid to Fl liXAt'ES. v.-ttu liuil.lins. .. .ni.l purtii-nlar I'liiuu- an.l t'ri June ia- 72. District Court id the I'nlted 1 Suites I For the S In I'jiikruptcy. Western District of Pennsjl-1 Tania: 1 In the matlerof Iwis A. Turner, liaukrupt. western lilsiri.-r 01 fennsyivnnia. ss: A warrant In Hankruptcy has len issue.1 by said "oiirt nuuiusl the estate of Lewis A. Turner. t of the county ef Somerset, an.l state of Pennsylva i nin. in raid" .lisiriet.;.'d a bankrupt "upon ! iM-tilion of his erc.liiors. and the pavmcnt of anv - ileitis, iin.l Hie delivery ol any property Itclouirin: 10 said Imukrupt to him or to hisuse. an.l thetrans- f.-rof nnv nn.M-rtv bv him. ari. forl.i.l.len hv la i A meeiin-c ol the, creditors, of an id Iwnkrupt, to Iin.veth. ir ilel.ts, an I chis.e one or more ii.isnr J ni?es of his estate, will Is- held at a t -oiirt of liank ' nipteyto lie liol.len at ml liiainond street. Pitts I l.unrh. in snl.l district. 011 the 11th day of June A. !' n. 1-172 ut 111 oelK.k A. n.. al the oth.i- of Samuel HursT. es.jr.. one of the K.-iristers ol ltankruptcy ol suid ili-lriit. I A. MflilMMH. I. S. Marshal as Mcsenarer. XliCLTOU'S .'OTICK. 1-j.Uiie i-f Samuel Y.sler. late of Stonyercek deecaseil. tp., letters tesiainentary on the estate luivinir in-en irrantcd Pi the iinilcrsiirncil by the printer au thority, tliose indebted to il are n. lined to make immediate pavmcnt. and those having claims in.iiust it wili present them to tne lor settlement and allowance, at the oth.-e of John li. l iil. iu Somerset, on Siturdav. sth June. 1S72. KEN EDICT YllDER, p24. Executor. j IX' U TO US' N 0T1 V E. Estule of Christian lute of .Tenner township, Somerset couiily.dcceHSed : Iy-tters testamenliiry on the estate having len irrantcd the niBlersiimeil by the procr autb oritv. notice is hervbv iriven to those indebted to it Lto ni.ike iiuinciliate payment, and those hnvimr claims airaiust it, m present inem. nuiy auincnii eate.l for selt lenient, to tlie undersigned nt the late resilience of said dec-.! on Sntnnlavjnlv 13lh. 1M72. II El (HUE IA liY. llEllltirE v.". MILLER, NOAH Ullll.V, Je5 Executors. iOTATK ! Sniiervii 'K.MKXT if si-ttli'iiientof the Kuiiervisors of Somerset township, for the year euuing April sth, 1S72: Amount of tax levied, D. Phillip.!. : : BS 3 " : H. stiiuinaii, : : wa ti ' " " II. U Younir, : : fc'7 2 " J. Diirr. : : : : 7M 3? Amount of tax expended, D. Phillippi. ; it. SiuUiuaii, " H.'I Younir. . " ; ' J. I'arr, : : i K7 63 Ji) ll WO 31 : 747 6i i 2.K1 N ; Amount due the township for lsn, : : " " from former y'rs, 96 05 tat 31 4 P.rj So NOAH S. MILLER.1 . - SIMON CHI Hi PEN NINO, 1SAA: 11. BAKU! IN. C. M. Sihtkr. Township Audit. n-s. Township Clerk. jei noil SUXDAY-SCH00LS.- m SUNDAY-SCHOOL WORLD. ! A leadlnc peri.lieal for Teachers, with full exphi. I nations of the lessons. IS p. monthlv. Only ifc. a A leadlnc peri.lieal for Teachers, with f nations of the lessons. IS p. monthlv. O THECHILDSWORL'D ted pi. mt lor chii.lreii. loo cople ioou year. i 00 or twice a month jr.'4 in. year. An liiustr.i. puner lor chii.lreii. ioo conic uioufhlv 4.e year. ii w or iwkt a iinniiii w .-o. THE SCHOLAR'S PAPERS Inn the text ol the lesson, und topics lor lite study of it, Ac. Intermediate Lesson Paper of a more simple character, with questions and ex planations. Either ot the anove at tne rate ot ";.c. ; per 100 copies monthly, or tu lor loo copies ryear. Specimen copies of any ui the above furnished ou .OMlimifS..n tn Tho AMERICAN SCNDAY SCHOOL UNION, I I 11! Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. I pe wnrao HADES F Mi'dirril. T.BI.J.tAT.Om j. ' W:MmMm J JT s. CUP1S Oil EASES OF ThT TKR0AT,LUNQ,lIYIR&BLGOa In the wonderful medicine to which th afflict. are above pointed fo relief, the discoverer h.-lleven he has combined in harmony more ol Nature roost aovercum curative properties, which Jod has lnstille.1 into the Tcw.ihtc klnir- dm for hcalim the alclt than were erer bt-fore Combined In one mmilcmo. The evidence of this ru t la found in the Treat Tandy of most obttt nnto disease which It has been found to conquer. In the cure of HroncUl tlx, !ietre C'oughK, and the early aiaeca of ConaDDip- 11011, it ttu astonisnei tne meaicai faculty, aaa eminent pronounce it the rcatet medical discovery of tho ap;e. While it cure the severest CoiiL'hs. it streni:thena tho svstem and pnrHica the blood, hy its great and thur- o.u'a mood purtiyin properties, it cure ail Humor, from th- wor-t Kcrofola to common Blotch, Pimple, or Kroptlon Mercurial disease. Mineral poisons, and their effect, are eradicated, and vieorona health and sound constitution esiaonsnea. f.ryaipciaa. Suit Khsum, Fever Mores, Scaly or Kousli Skin, tn short, all the numerou dis eases caused by bid blood, are conquered by Una Dowcrrnl n'lr-.mnir ana inviporatinc medicine. If vo'i feel dull, drowsr. debilitated, have . low color of skin, or yelfowisli brown spots on frcpimt headache ordizxiness, bad taste in mouth. Internal heat or chills, altercated with hot Rushes, low spirits, and fMoomy fere bodin;, irregular appetite, and tnnpne coated, you are uJerin? from Torpid Liver or IIIIIoaiie." In many cases of " Liver Complalul" only part of these symptoms an; exnenced. Asa n-medy for all inch cases. Dr. Pierce Golden Medical liiscovery has no equal, as it eff-ct perfect cures, leaving the liv er strHn-th-n.-l and healthy. For the cure ol Habitual fionnti pallon of the bowels It is a n-rvT failing remedy, and those who have n-el it for this nunose are loud In its praise. The nmnrietor oaVrsj 1.1X0 ri w ani for a medi cine that will equal it for the cure of ail the dis eases lor waicn It IS recommenucu. Soul bv drui-'-ists at f 1 per Dottle. Prepared by It v. fierce. 3L U ..fJlv r.uuricior. bi nisi nemi. cal Laboratory. 113 Seneca street, Buffalo, N. Y. buid your auqruss lor a pauimiet. This Cut Illustrates th m inner of Ui'nn K 331- PIERCE'S Fountain asal Injector, This ln?tnimcnt is estjeclallv designed for the perfect application of DR. SACE'S CATARRH REMEDY. V It is the only form of lnstrnraent vet invent, with which fluid aiedicino can be carried hini i una ptrjccuy ujqnua to an parts oi tne aneciea na sal passages, and the chamber or cavities com mnnicatiug therewith, in which tores acdnlccra frequently exist, and from which the catarrhal dig thurgo peneraliy proceeds. The want of success in treating Catarrh heretofore has arisen largely from the impossibility of applying remedies to these cavities aud chambers by any of the ordi nary methods. This obstacle in the way of ef feciin? cures is entirely overcome by the invention 3f the Douche In nsin" this instrument, lha Fluid it carried by Its own weight, (no snuffing, forcing or pumping being required, np ono nostril In a full gently nowiu stream to the highest portion of tha nasal passages, passes into and thoroutrhlycleans esall the tubes and chambers connected therewith-, ind flows outol the opposite nostril. Itsuse is pleas ant, and so simple that a child can understand it. Fait aud. .explicit direction ac company each instrument. When nsed with this instrument. Dr. t-atre's Catarrh Kemcdy cures; re cent attacks of "Cold In fbe Ilcad" by a few applications. Symptom of Catarrh. Frcijnerit head ache, discharge falling into throat, sometimes pro fuse, watcrv. thick mocus. DurnlenLcffensive. Ac. In others a 'dryness, dry, watery, weak or inflamed eyes. sto ringing to clear voice altered, nasal twang, offensive breath, im aiired or total deprivation of sense of smell and taste, dizziness, mental depression, loss of appe tite, Indigestion, enlarged, tonsils, tickling couch, Ac. Only a few of these symptoms are likely to ' vl present in any case ac ono ume. Dr. Sage's Catarrb Remedy, when ised with lr. Pierce's Nasal Hour he, ind accompanied with tha constitutional treat ment which is recommended in tho pamphlet that wraps each bottlo of tho Kemedy, U a per. feet specific for , this loathsome disease, and tho proprietor offers', in good faith, 500 reward for a case ho can not cure. Tho Remedy is mild and pleasant tonscenntainingno strong or caustic drags or poisons. The Catarrh Remedy is sold at V) cents. Douche at 60 cents, by all Drua clata, or either will be mailed br proprietor on receipt of B0 cents. R. v. PIJEBCff. 31. D., Solo I'roprietor.JJCFFALO, N. Y 1 mJ J mi-: iii-:sT I'U.mi iN THE WORLD! THE AMEKICAX SUHMEKULU I.ul'Ic-Acting. Xon-Freezing FORCE IU3IP! The Simplest. Powerful. Etleeiive. Dura- hie. Keliul le and Chiiiiicst I'ump in use. It is made all of Iron, an.l of a few simple parts. Itwillnot Fnvrs. as ni water remains in the pijw wheu u 4 iu action. It has no leather or mini i.acLina. as tile suekrr and valves are all of iron. It seldom, if ever, irets out of order. It will force water 4.1 to 60 feet In the air. bv attaching a few feet ot ii .se. It is a:.l for washing I.tiie.-. Win lows, water- i tar-lens, tc. It fiiniishes the nurest andcid.lest water, ln-eause il is placed hi the bottom of the well. TiiiiMs: ; in. h rump, 15; pilo, .'!c. V 1 ii; 6v. L irvr sizes in pnis.nion. WEYAND & PL ATT. S,.le Agents for Somerset Count v. SomcriVt, I'a.. May 1st. IsTi jyt. U. .M. IJEACHLY'S, I'ELEBKATED 131.001) I'LTlwOIi:! Tin's AV.u.-.ftf has Ik-cii In ue over ttrenlu vear$. an t has cured thousands ol cases considered in.-u- rablc bv the pn.fesioii. Ir has not fuiieil in a sin. tie case, to iive reliel il not entirely cure. It is particularly recommended In the followiiiir ih.mplainU: 7('A I1EAIAC1IF, PAf.I'ITATIOX OF Tin: IIKAIiT, LJYF.R COMl'LAIST, 11 II EL' MA TlsI, SKIS DISE. I SES. LA XO L ID CIRCULATION, .Jr.. in any deianifement of the lllood. In all diseases pet-uliur to females it ii a "nre and .Sorrrrioji kra- edy. In short, it lvlnir a Rrinedy aeilns throuirli the Circulation of the Blood on all the iin. riant or sans and cmun. trics of tlie body. It wiil cure al most any curable disease. For sale by MEYERS A XV WALT. Berlin, Pa., and by dealers in Familv Medicines every, where. " Julyia STOP AND HEAD. I hie of the irrentest advaiT tnsres Is now oll-rcd in Tennessee and Ken tucky Liudr, which h;ivo been selected hv tho present owner with sis-ciai .-are us to health pro ductiveness rf soil, couveidem-e of railpmd and river hieililles. and a thorough examination of ti tles. These are now ottered at very low prices, to enable every indasirious man to live "un der his own vine and hit tree,'' and to capitalists a very profitable inve-inient. For full p-irticulars. address: or .-all at ti:e olliee of C, Bkui.miku, 116 Sniilhlield street. Pittsburgh, Pa. JA1IS3 2. F.EED CO., DEALERS IN Watches, Clocks ami Jewelry, No. 68 Fifth Avenue, MTTSISUISCiiK, IA. FIXE WATCHES CAREFI LLY REPAIRED. I)M IN ISTI AT()U y NOTICE. Lsiutc oi Henry IJ-iJjhaw. Utc uf S'iucr!et etmntr. LettT! uf alinfnictnit i on t he aN-renttttt- hav in-j; lecii ifninte.1 to the UQitorHtymtl. imt ire Im hero by ulren U tliite In lfht.. tu nuikt iiiiteilliitr pay nieut. ami thte h-.vinc ctaiin-r n-fatn-'t it wit) ns 4i. t thcin. lulv autheutii -Atoil fxtr awttlriuent ut ihe Uiic ferJHleat-T uf tiiKH-fld!, on Hrttiirxiay, July May th, 18T'i-jf. AtlininiatratirT. SALE. j ONE HALF OF Saw and Crist Mill, : Situated in the Itorouirh of Younirstown. West moreland county. Pa. For particulars, a. hires J. MVll, jei Yotingstown. Westm'd eo.. Pa. pgr v on .WV MiwU'inrov. T A K It A X T Seltzer Aperient. Whtl-th. irii lpi-'"',! f,,r lyleilT hl hutihliiia-. ...Hirkllnif. conllnu. purilytnK. n-atilallii4 dniiil.t ih.-v rail Tusasts lrwi!'iT Sai.izaa ApkrikxtT Well, il l simply I lie hem leal U.-simile ol ihe Seiner Sprli. V at.-r. which, n im years h'.s been s-.mlited the finet i alhar Ik- ami Allenuivr in all F.nrope. SiiLUHV AIJ.-llKl HOISTS- T Mil-: ONLY (JKNMUAL AC'CI- IjEXI lNsrit M Ki:o. In Aiu. rici, wril- Unr JAccHent'Polleies byittw month or year. Is th travelers- llartfor.1, l oi.o. It in sures men of alt trade, oe- cujt.i an.1 prfess.s,' at rates within the means of all. Tlie TATELI!iis"alsu wrile policies of Life and Endowment of all nsunl forms, nnttina; Insurance, Ample Security and Mol- erate t'ost audir a IH-n- nlte Contract. Premium Is the favorite Iy.w Kale. All I "ashSt.- k Plan. No other in the world, of Its I pt ajfe. returned so much U0Hip2LIiym.ey In lneBis to ils Pol- ley holders. l'ah Assets, nearly two millions. Cheap Farms! Free Homes! ON THE LIN EOF THE UNION' PACIFIC UAILItOAR A LAND (iltANT OF 12,000,000 Acres IN THE Hint Fanning and Mineral Lands In America. 3,000,000 Acres in Nebraska IN THE GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, THE t.AUOKN OF TIIK WKST, NOW FOB SALE. Tinse lands are In the central portion of the fulled States, on the 41st deirree of North Lati tude, the central lino of tho irreat teni)wrile nue ol the American I ontlnvnt. and formin ifr..wln- and stork niislnK unauniassed by any In lite Lull ed States. HE A PER IN PHK'E. more favorat.le terms iriven. and more convenient to market than can be foam! elsewhere. Free Homestessls for actual settlers. The best Location for colonies. Soldiers entitle. I ton Homestead of ISO acres. FKEE PASSES to Purchasers of Land. Send for the new lH-s.-rii.llve Pamolilet. with new mans, published In hug-ilsa. iverman. rwe.- . i-h and Danish, maile.1 Ire everywhere. , Address O. F. DWIS. i Lund Commlssi.oer. T. P. K. It. j Omaha. Nebru'ka. EXTUAHKDINAKY 1NDI C E.MENTS i i CABINET ORGANS. The Massi.x k Hamlix tlnriAX 'o. resjiectfully annoiiiK-e the intnsiui-'Iii.n ol improvements ol : much more than ordinary interest. These are REED AND PIPE CABINET ORGANS. Kefmr the onlv successful combination of KEAL I'lliJ with reeds ever made. DAY S TRANSPOSING KEY HOARD. Which run 1 instantly moved to the riirht or l-ft. rhamrlna-the pitch, or transimeliiK- the key. For drawing and descriptions, see Circular. Njw and Elegant Styles of DOUBLE REED CABINET ORGANS. At !. 132. and 12ieacli. Considerins Capac ity. Elegance, and ThoiMuiih Excellence ol Work manship, these arecheaper than anybeloreoitereil. 1 tie niK.) K. tl mlis onrnns are ai-nnowieuK-1 lil-.ST. ami fn.m extniiimry laeilitles tor manufacturing this Compnnv can and now unilerlakes to sell at prices wliich render tliein VNO.1 EST ION A BLY CH EA P EST. Fourfletave Orsrans .' each: Five Octave Or- tl ru, and npwanls. With three sets reeils "l.'si aiel upwards. Forty styles, up lo jl.'sSj ra. h. ew lliusirateil atalovne. ami tesiimonini I ir ulnr. with otiinlons ot more than one Ilie-U'-and mu-ieiuns sent free. MASON k HAMLIN" ORGAN CO.. l.M Tremont St., Boston. Usl Ilnwdwav. N. Y. J y litTABLE SOI I A FOINTAINS. 40, 75 AN'I $Hmj GOOD, DURABLE ANDCHEAP! Shlppe.1 ready for u-e! Maiiuuu-tured by J. V. CH PM AN a. CO., Madison, Ind. i -Semi f. Circular. a- THE MORMON WIFE. X'w th- time for Airnts to wure trrrttorv f-r thin thrill in tr anl femrltriW tk. It' the A'lT"iitur"f and EjpfrUnce of a w. .m;i n writ ten by herIf lor years the wife of a Mormon i'nlihet li-loin till that ii myteritrtiJ. wikel an.l !tartUnr: l'tin-iinif tn thrilling alvrnture, huim roiift antl pathetic svene the iu?t fHifiiia tinir U-.k t-xtunt. Steel iMrtr.iit of tlo Authorvsn. portntiirt of leu'Iini; Mortnorui, tth mvn and wotnen. Life and tfenes iu I'tith.eto. Sot J only hy At-i.t. K'r riri-ulaf :i!'irt",' HAK1FK1 FtBLISHlNtXt)., ILirtf-rl, t. WANTKI). A ci.iiis-tent Atrent tn canvass ami take charge. n a ot rennsyivania. of the sale of a rap-llv-. llinir U.k. l.v the umst eminent auih. ... the lulled Slates, ami to the cor rect tmnsiietlon of everv kind of Huniness. Airents sell Trim 50 t HW perweek. LIHtKALSALA K Y givvn. if .lelre.t. an.l permanent business. ."v n. NKiJita nut, Itarttor I. C.nn. The Christian. A larae. live 8 pa ire tlitritma finally paper, full of lis i.lents. pr.vitlen.'es. music. s-try. true stories for youiiK. old. saints ami sin ners. o sectarianism, coutn.versv.'iai. lilies, nulls. Ills, or patent medicines. 60c. a vear! Iu ii i.ies. Send lih- for three IM tiers In-Aore von rorr i Little Christian, scpies. 41. H. I HASTIVtiS Tract Krpotitorg 111 Lindol $1., lloslon Mass. Something; New Foil AGENTS. Aaems who want to make monev can si ll nothing si. rapidly as our new and lautiliil st.-l emcravinz HE MOTHER OF OUR LORD. It Is the nnet subieet cvcrcairraved. an.1 surorise. every Is-bol.ler with Its w141.ln.ns beantv. Sire ilx.iti. Price c 50. Highly endorsed by'leadinir Divines of all den4ninuUiis. Airents who hn.l that --l-is.ks a-o hanl." can make 10 tier .In. aiih this splendid work of art. Male ami female airents anted. Write for circulars to WOHTHIvii. TON, Dl STIM . CO., Hartford, Conn. Incorporated 1S60. ) pOLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE J COMPANY. orrtl tUS LVD DIRK TOUS. S. S. Dctwiler. Pres't. II. Wilson, Vk-e-Pres'i, Herb't Thomas. Treas. Kobt. Iane. Wm. Patton. Jus. Shroedcr, J. S. strine, M. M. Stricklcr. J. F. Frueault, Sec y. a. r. ims-nmau, tlco. lile. K.T. Bvon. For Insurance or Asreocies. aibiress J. F. FKt'EAl'FF. See r. Columbia. Pa. JOHN HICKS, Aireut, Simerset Co. Pa. TMMEXSK SUCCESS ! Afrents X WANTED, male or female. In everv count in the I'nitetl States and Canada. tos-ll ournew and most useful Patent; from one to six usl lu every family, luo ier cent mm ranted!. Er sample's and terms, inclose ten cents and address FEKUl'SON a CO.. 64 Kiver St., Trov, N. Y. Rare Chance for Agents. AO ENTS. we will pay yon 40 per week in cash if yon will ena-apre with ujatosck. Evervthina furnisheil, and expenses paid. Address r. A. EL1S a. CO., Charlotte. Mich. (JEXTS WANTER A fronts XI. make more money at work for ns than at .inyiiiinic else. Business liirht and permanent. Piiriieulars tree. 1. STIXSoN av CO., Fine Art Publishers, Portland, Maine. U.S. PIANO CO.. N. Y. PKM E. NO AGENTS. Circulars free. $290 $1,000. REWARD For anv ease of Blind. Rlenlinir lichina; or Ulcerated Pile that 11KHIN09 fn.E KicuKnr falls to cure. It is pre. pared expressly to cur the Piles, ami nothtnKelse Sold by all druirjrists. Price 1. QTAMERIXG. Ilrs. White A Oat- rj nian. 4. 2.4th ar.." New York. References from rlerjrymen In this city. No pay antil cured. Send for circular. 1 "JKEAT MEDICAL BOOK of useful km.wl- VI eiliretonll. Sent Iree ft two stamiMi. Address DR. BONAPARTE k CO., ClneU.natl, Ohk" , ' ""-"'"i won.. , TRUE FOR M. c..u m.uti r r.W!M J1"1""6 7 m We 1 and Imllcator. i""''rB"',,e frr ! traveler, trailer, boy, tanner, an.l f-.rev- (mirn in neeil of a reliable time keep I I til H. 1 UHl w"uh t'1 works. Blass Aiiiill enstal, in neat OROIDE case. wam.n. warran- I like it. 1.000 sold weekly. This valuable article. in neat ease, will Iw sent, prepakl. anvwhere lor l:3forti Try one. Circular) free. Onlerouly from the Sole Airfrnts. F. KINU CO.. Y'erniont. THE BICKFORD 1 1 wo Tears. iirfii.T, ' FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE,! i THE NEATEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST. ! NEVERUETS OCT OFOBDER. j Knits Everything, Price (Ci. i Partie. desln.os of pnrchaslm, Machines, can vri rin:uuir riki uii'niiiiiMin, muki nave WK-ir .u.v chine. ei.t free of chnnre on receipt of price, by applvlntoJanK-a AleBride. Aaent for Western Penusvlvania. No. 1 Sixth street. PlttsburKh. Pa. i yp rirvuwrw idi uuniiHn, aou nave iiwir , Ijltenirislnir airents wanted In every count v. to whom liberal tenon will be iriven. uutr 14. SOLDIEES' BOUNTY ! i j All soldleri who enttsted between Mav 41 h and Aoicust 6th. )sel, tor thru yean, and never re- ! eelveii any buiiiiiy, oan mw ol4ain the same bv ail- j riressinw a. Alsit, all taoso who fslle.1 to ai.ij. I fortheaikitiloaai mmutv of within iheihue limitod. H. F. BROWN 4t CIA, 11 SrulthUeld 11 SrulthUeld ireet, PltUbunrh, Pa. AjutibWantedrorLlfeandTimesof JAMES FISK, JR. Contain blpirmphles of Drew. Vawlevbllt. Ooakl, Tweed, tyc.. vrtta a kuauelai kiatury of thteoao. try iut tno bt three jeara. and what Oram knew about fBtafk Friday. Over jou wage. Price fi Address ' New York BOOK CO. Mi Nassaa St., New York, J TH0S.MrrA0CEr.J3. -TL5?Avi?iTTS3UF?CH. Soll Only 1 k tw. A Book for Everbody ! $10,000 Per Month. Tlie ijuttntanortjn ajr of this H-'k U itt it ran;. MUhtrU-fi it taii' uiiprtrcKnit;'! alt:-. 'I H E Li F E I' J K.S I S, T M K ' H Ii 1ST. BY HEMY WAEU BEECflER. is a work whi.-h the ra.!in- pul-li.- have is-en waiting f..r with avidity: all or!.in.l r'hliii.ins of itn-n welcome tt heartily as a Issik lo t rea.1. Scholars, the t'U-rity. the Pn s. and the peopb n-a. it eagerly, enjoy II thisouguly. priii-e i -in-crelv. The i.lnt for the Aynt I 'V Cl.'f ICI b kw.w is that it 11 M.sre Agents wanted. Int.-iliuenl niii and women may obtain liiniive employment by tak ing an aui-ii'-v. Full leseripiiva Circulars mailed tree. Very liberal tenns P Canvassers. Apply only to J. li. Fi iKt k t ' .. T. Park Place. V Y II l'.ninhld -in-ft, B.ton. Mi". 7S W. WashmgtiA street, Chie-jg.j. 111. IOWA and NEBRASKA LAITDS FOR SALE BY THE Emboli & Mo. River R R Co. Millions of Acres On Ten Years' Credit, at t percent Interest. No nart of the riwliatl due for two years, and only one-niutli yearly till paid in tuil. Pnsluets will pay lor Ian I and Impprreiueiit' within the limit ol this generous credit. Mw Better terms were uever ollere.I, are not uoiv and probably n .ver will lie. Circulars iriving full pariculars are supplied irratis: any wL-iiing to Induce others to . iinirn-re with them, or to fonn a colony, are Uivite-1 to ak for all they want to distribute. Apply to GEO. S. HARRIS. Land Comin'r. For Iowa Land at Burlington. Iowa. And f-r N-t.ra-'ki LmN a l.m'nln. V-b. . t v. "T A. 1 l'n ..-,.1 ft- -KCOCOAINE : Vs -TBIBfc MARK- The Best Hair Dressing and Restorer. Millions Say " BURNETTS' COCOAINE." Your Druggist has it. Jun 5. h r t c ii i s o x iV c o Manufacturer", Agents and Dealers iu Iron and "Woodworking E.AC1 n:x7: RY , Horizontal ami Vertical Steam Enirines. Hos.-. Belling, Packing ami Mechanical Supplies, CORNER WOOD ST.. . SECOND A VENT E. PITTSBTJEGH, Agents for the Hunt.-.n Steam Governor. Know' Patent Sleam Puaips. Kider Cut OH and Cal.iric Einrines. l"ni..n apr'4 Stone Co s Emery Wheels. A PROFITABLE M Sl.IS. LKJHT Eli VAL TO OAS. AT oNE-EKiHTIl CI 1ST! f 'annul be explixln!. .Va chimnry or ir. t Mrf. len desirimc a Pri.fitnble Dusiness. can sii-ure the Exclusive liiirht for the sale of livoit s pat.-nr Cartsi Oas Liht I'umcrsani! oil. l'-r (.''.iiniii- or States. Wrile for iuionnati' ii or . all on M. B. l-YiiTT. No. lUS..nth Sec.n t Street. Philadelphia. Pa. N. H.CHf'KCHF.Stnrnisheil with Chandeliers and Lumps of every description. 35'a. er than at auv other estabiisiiment in the cumrv-. ap a A CH A TiTiKNGE We defy u other axfnt to pri-lor-e Sewing M.ichlne eiual to .ichine eUal to onr t.W K K. nrNKW R KM IN rTl .V Dl- Seij-1 tor I'amj-k t' work, cirvular. S.r, VXKSitS ItKe)S.. We-tt-m Az"t-. So. 4y Six Sir ft. UTTSbL m.H. !. J-AzoriX9 wantei. aj.r DKMEB BROTHERS, Nt. rjrf SlI 1THKIKLD S riiEHT. riTTBI E.. Cutlery as! House FiinnsMiis Goods. Have constantly on hand a very lanre stock .-f Clr.s-ers' Tea and Spice Cad. lies. Ice I "n am Freeiers. Ice Chests. Water C.s.lers. Clothes Wrinaers. liir U 'aires, tut. l'n.rtetors of the celebrate.) Patent Adjustable Stove Shelves. Wholesale and Ketall. Prk-es low. ap-.'4 i SAnrr.L wxikr. TRAMtitx rr.i:M:T. Stonvereek. Pi. Turner's store. Pa. T THE FARMERS OF SOMERSET COTTTsn-. Thankful fi.r past favors, we oiler tot he fanner of Somerset cunt v. f..r l?i He Hoftiii Eeaper aai Mower, The areat favorite with farmers, whkh lias more advnntaires than ail others as a self r.ike. We t f.T the lollowinit named ifentlemen. or any others who are nsiutr it f,.r relen-n.-e: Elias Hershherifer. Elklick township: A. J. Biaise. Summit township: Ed. Rinmiei. Hn.thers valley township: Z. Walker. .Miii..rd township: William 11. Stahl. Somerset township: AM. . Stanti, Jenner township. The Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. The only perfect Grain nounced o t.v Drill in the world! pro- 1,000 Practical Farmers. or.,,.,, , . .. ..eT 1 ln h " '"x-r. Jenner b.wn-hip: i.v. f.ujjh. Somerset township: Hurry Hay. Hpn- ersvaney u.wnsnip: m. iiorner. Mummit town. shin: S. Flicking r. ElLlick t..w nsMi.: . -art. W .... Maurer. Uuenuboninir lown-hin. ' ' 1 Klihtl I'A I II thKI ( I 11 hi., i J I I Which excels alt oil ers n. w In ne. f..r ! in.i ..r :i - ir.ri..vMi..x. n. . . - . . . . . . eiev Seftarator. The perfect cvlcbrnted Thresher Or.iinS. p- b't'.cr U""'K't """ S""U": Uuf... 11..LI i... . K;' 'Jtlu i! . riroJ ' ,'f.''lp: ?" ', "''': ' t I Upf,;Fi . . . A.-in-n Ittttiw'r. Iln'tri- lit-iLi-hlv. tin.! hfri 11 1- ivy imwiuiu. A LSI I, t 1 HORSE RAKES. t'ORN SHELLEKS. STEEL PUitt'S, a.'.. c. Ami all kinds of the Litest Improved r:irn:i.- Im- plemeuls tll ,. ,, on Ifuntl. No truuhk) to explain the Bnicttiwt workiiii; i f any of oar mv-uiue or to atve as rei-ri-ik-e thr uosc tki4tKh .nuerf ht the eoumy. AM maehinea aukl br aaare warrnnted. and ev erv machine (.wAraatecl to Klve sntislactiim. Persons wishing to buy will please cull ou or ad dre sea abore march a. BOO tn fc FORNEY. IT