The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, June 12, 1872, Image 2
MtW , ( ! SI -. The Somerset Herald. WEDNESDAY, Jtxk 12, 1872. atiox iL be t i blic a x tick et. TOR rBSIDENT, ULYSSES S. GRANT, IT ILLINOIS. I OR VICE rRF.SIt'ENT, HENRY W. WILSON, OV M ASS.UIIl SETTS. ,Ht:PI RI.It 4)l NTATE TM'liET. FOB OOVERNOR, J.F. 11 ARTRANFT.of Montgomery fob tarRKME jiimie, ULYSSES MERCUR, of Bradford. FOR ACniTOR GENERAL," HARRISON ALLEN, of Warren. roB CONGRESSMEN AT LARUE, (JEN. HARRY WHITE, of Indiana. LEMUEL TODD, of Cuuilicrland. DELEGATES AT LA ROE TO THE CONSTI TUTIONAL COSVEXTIOX, WM. M. MEREDITH. Philadelphia. J. GILLINGHAM FELT, Phila. GEN. HARRYWHITE, Indiana. GEN. WM. LILLY, Carln.n. L. BARTHOLOMEW, Sehuvlkill. H. X. M'ALLISTER, Center. WILLIAM DAYIS. Monroe. JAMES REYNOLDS. Lancaster. SAMMUEL F. DIMMICK, WBvne. G EO. Y. LAWRENCE, Washington. DAYID X. WHITE, Allegheny. W. II. A I KEN , Lehigh. JOHN II. WALKER, Erie. (BAST AXD WILMOX. The Xational Republican Conven tion has bei'ii held, and its work well done. It has given us a ticket worthy of support, and certain of success. General Grant is known of all men and his good works speak forth his praises. His grand success as a great military leader and a wise statesman is written on the pages of his country's history. He has been tested, tried and approved as a safe, ruler and a good mau, and he cannot fail of an eh'ction, despite all oppo sition. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, is almost as equally as well known and esteemed by the nation at large, as is Ulvsses S. Grant, and his nomination is every where hailed with intense satisfaction. He sprang from the ranks of lowliest poverty, and by bis unaided efforts has earned a name and station second to that of no stntesman in the nation. A true rep resentative of lalor and home indus try, and a Republican without blem ish, be adds great strength to the ticket on w hich he has been placed. We print the following brief sketch of his career, taken from th Pitts burgh Gazette: Henrv Wilson was born at Farni ington, X. IL. February IC, 1812. His parents leing extremely poor, he w as apprenticed at ten years of age to a farmer in his native town, with whom be continued eleven years, during w hich iieriod he was seut to school at irregular intervals, amount ing in all to twelve months. He early formed a taste for reading, and from a private library in the neigh lorhood borrowed and read on Sun day and in the cveuing by firelight and moonlight, in the course of his apprenticeship, nearly one thousand volumes, chiefly of history and biog raphy. On attainfng bis majority be quitted Farmington, and with all bis possessions in 4 pack on bis back, walked to Xatick Mass., where he hired himself to a shoemaker until be learned bis trade, at w hich he work ed for two years, when, having accu mulated some money, he returned to New Hampshire and studied for a w bile in the academies at Stafford, WolMorougb and Concord. His plan of education was cut short by the insolvency of the person toVhom be bad entrusted bis savings, and be returned to Xatick and resumed work as a shoemaker in 1838. Ia 1840 be took an active part in the Presiden tial canvass, and made upward of sixty sjHH'cbes in favor of General Harrison, the Whig candidate, in the next five years be was three times elected a representative from Xatic to the Legislature, and twice to the Senate from Middlesex county. In the Legislature he was soon known as an active and zealous opponent of slavery, and in 1845 be was selected in conjunction with the oet Wbitti T, to t arry to Washington the great anti-slavery jntition from Massachu setts against the annexation of Tex as. In the same year he introduced in the Legislature a resolution de claring the unalterable hostility of Massachusetts to the further exten sion and longer continuance of sla very in America, and her fixed deter mination to use all constitutional and legal means forits extinction. He supported this resolution iu a speech, which was pronounced by the lead ing anti-slavery journals to le the fullest and most comprehensive on the slavery question that bad yet leen made in any legislative body in the country, and Jjt w as adopted in the House by uiuety-tbw majority. He was delegate to the Whig Xation al ConTcntion of 1848, and on the re jection of anti-slavery rsoIutions by the Convention, be withdrew from it and took a prominent part iu organ izing the free-soil party. II- pur chased at this time the Boston Repub lican, a daily newspaper, which be edited for tw:o years. In 1849 be was chosen chairman of the Free Soil State Committee of Massachusetts, a jKt which be actively filled for four years. In 1850 and again in 1851 be was chosen a State Senator, and during both terms was President of the Senate. In 1852 1m wan made President of the Free Soil Xational Convention at Pittsburgh, and Chair man of the Xational CommitUe of the party. In the same year be was the Free Soil candidate for Congress in tlc Eighth district of Massachu setts, wbero the majority against the Free Soilcrs exceeded 7,500, and failed of an flection by only ninety three votes. He was elected to the Xational Convention of 1853, not only by his own town of Xatick, but iiv the town or Ji rim. ami took a i prominent part iu '.he deliberation uf i that hodv. In the kame vear be vi the Free Soil candidate for Governor, and was defeated. In 1 8 "5 be wa elected t succeed Edward Everett iu the United States Senate, and shortly after taking bis seat made a riM'h advocating the repeal of the fugitive slave law and the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia and the territories. He has ever since been conspicuous in the Senate as an earnest advocate of anti-slavery measure. For a brief period in 1855 be was associated with the American party; but on the adop tion of a pro-slavery platform by the ; i - - ....... National Council of that part v. lie; That political rat and temperance j Ix-agiie resolutions with a w ithdrew from it ami took an active .f thimble-rigger Ed. Rauch-has start- prnval, and njoved the resolutions lie share in organizing the Republican I . nnM cam.,BigIl shopt at L.ncaa. "n lhl. "'"'"tes nd printed. 1 partv on a basis of opposition to the I , , Mr. Hannigan. of Texas, called I extension of slavery. When, in Mar. ! t, r- M.V,,1 The Grfele9 upon Gen. Genre W. Carter, of Lou- lsiifi Mr Siimnop In' .illi'U!riit was assailed bv Mr. Rrooks, of South iject for which it was started, and the Carolina, Mr. Wilson, in a speech tolame ,,r,Wri0l t0 be plavcd bv the the Senate, denounced the act a, a ,,;,,, ltopilbH,ansin this ' brutal, murderous and cowardly $-!,. . , - r ptu't. For this he was challenged i ' tate- ss 11 advocates the election of by Mr. Brooks, and declined to ac-jGltEELr.r and Brown, and says edi- eept the cliHllcnge on the ground that itoriallv: lit take for y ranted that Mr. duelliug is a barbarous practice, nnckale,c , u rr a the wmime of which the laws of the country brand- Jf ,. cd as a crime, but stated at the time that he U licvcti in the right of wlf defenrc iu its broadest wnse. During the four follow ing years Mr. Wilson took part in all imiortant debates in the Senate, and made elaborate spwhes, remarkable for fullness and accuracy of statement, on Kansas, the treasury note bill, the exjenseo of the Government, the tarifl', the Pacific Railroad, and many other topics Ills sHeoii m oeience oi tree laoor in reidv to Senator Hammond, of South Carolina. March. 1859. attain n ni. March. IK51. anain- ed an immense circulation through the free States. In January of the same year the Massachusetts Legis lature re-elected him to the Senate by nearly a unanimous vote. On the as sembling of the Senate in March, 18(J1, be w as made Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, a post which the civil war rendered one of unprecedented labor and responsibil ity. In this capacity he introduced and carried through Congress, dur ing the extra session of 18Cl,the acts to authorize the employment of 500,- 000 volunteers, to increase the regu lar army, to croriranize the mili tary establishment, and various others of nearly enual importance. It was said by Gen. Scott that he did more work in that abort session than all the chairmen of the military com mittees bad done for twenty years; and in a published letter dated Janu ary 27, 1862, Mr. Cameron, the Sec retary of War, says of him: "No man,' in my opinion, in the whole country, has done more to aid the War Department in preparing the mighty army now under amis." In the reirular session of 1801 "2, Mr. Wilson introduced a bill abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia, and also the measure for abolishing the "black code." His career in the Senate during all the subseoucnt years has added to the wealth of the foregoing record, and, take his indigent and obscure or igin, his youthful energy and persist ence in enriching his mind with use ful knowledge, his untiring diligence, his wonderful attainments, his signal and rapid wocrress, his bold on the public admiaation and confidence, bis continued onward and upward w av as a representative statesman. All are but so many steps by which he bar earned and reachad his present distinction. Who will not say that he has not well earned it? Who will uuestion the wisdom of the Conven tion in nominating him to the second office in the nation, or that the voting niasse will ratify and confirm the choice in Xovember next ? X.U. M14JIIAUT. The Pittsburgh GazetU announces, as w ill Ik seen by reference to its ar ticle in another column, the deter mination of Mr. Hugbart to retire from the Presidency of the Pitts burgh & Connellsville Railroad. We had beard some time sinee of this purposed retirement of Mr. Hlohabt, but hoped that he might influenced to change bis views. By bis voluntary relinquishment of the position, the road w ill sustain an almost irreperable loss, and the bud- dinreiitcrnnses aloner its line a se- c X vere blow. His w as not the jiolicy that wrings the last farthing from local tonnage.cripples new enterprises and frightens away capital by its exactions. On the contrary, he fostered every new source of trade and traffic, lending it a helping hand, and laboring to build up for it a re munerative market, -well knowing that increasing prosperity for it in sured increased and remunerative transportation over the line of his road, and the present immense carrying trade on the western division of the line, testifies to his personal sagacitj' and the wisdom of his policy. By Ids withdrawal, the road will lose its best, truest and most devoted friend; and the citizens along the line will miss and regret the ever genial, always obliging, energetic and sympathetic sharer of theii hopes and fast friend of their interests. The labors and sacrifices of Mr. Huohart in behalf of this road are known throughout the State, and his voluntary retire ment at the moment when, through his Herculean labors, it has lieeu launched en a career of prosjcrity, will strike the public, jiot ouly with regret, but with surprise. We accept his own declaration,that impaired health has driven hirn to this course, and the more regret his loss, because suierii)duced by such a cause. We have never known any one occupying a similar position, so confided in, so trusted and relied uj on, so universally esteemed; and bis successor, be be w hom he may, will discover, that to fill, in public estima tion, the position carved out and oc cupied fir years by William Open Hi tiHAHT, is no easy task. We have devoted much of our available space this week to the pro ceedings of the Xational Convention, as possessing more interest for a ma jority of our readers than anything else w e could lay before them. We are in receipt of. the two first numbers of a new journal start ed in our neltrbljor town of Greens- burgh, yclcjted "Frank Cuwan't JV jer.' The editor, whose name tho bant ling Ix-ars, is a gentleman of fine cul ture and rare abilities a son of ex- Senator Cowan and the ranks of journalism will doubtless be largely b'iM-fitted by this aeeessicu thereto. The paper is a bandsoine sheet, ty jKijfraphuall) , ijfairsave lhe bead, and evinces care and judgment in its make-up, and will unquestionably prove a success, fchould not the Dem ocracy of old Westmoreland kick out aginst the UBEEZ.ET and Browk movement, which ft vljroromdy pua tains. For the sake of auld"an syne, we Lopa it will prove . re munerative to its founder both io honor and profit. 1 he hrst number discloses the on- ,e J4ru.y j... Gentnd will in due liute. revive the vnanimou indorsement of the Liberal 7?.iiA;.. " Gentleman who claim to Ik- P.pcul,- licans and yet w ant Jlckalew audi. the Democratic ticket elected in i.:0!' lino State, can be suited by subscribin tor the "Greeley Banner.' Those w ho stand by the true Republican . nization havc ai,untlant 1roof i,y l , , . . , . ' J leyism and Locofocoism havc struck hands, and are going to make com mon cause against General Grant. Great joy w as manifested all over the country on the receipt of telegraph ic dispatches announcing the nomina tion of Grant and Wilson. At; many ditlercnt points salutes were fired, and huge impromptu ratification ! The enthusiasm apicars unbounded, and the calu" paign is opening points heard from. with vigor at all REPUBLICAN Xational Fa it rrufinii Xifll ICHt IUII Grant Unanimously Renominated Amid tho Wildest Enthusiasm. Senator Wilson for Vice President . , Indiana Makow It The Platform of Principles. loctrUu'ofthe Party Reaffirmed. PR0TECTI0N TO AMERICAN INDUSTRY. AllOLITION OF THE FRANKINlJ PRIVI LEGE. Philadelphia. June 5. The Committee on l latiorm not nat ing come in, there was some ueiay ini.f ,,, f.i. ;,....., nll,,l it. .it 0HMiing the session. It 11... 1. .!.:(, ....1 1 there has been some serious iliUi-rcnce of opiuion iu the committoc. UI 10:30 the Chairman, T. IL Sttl ! called the Convention to on cr 1 lie roll of Mates was called, ami the pres. enee of each one was aunouncea i.y the chairman of the respective dele - alKut a hundred persons had obtained entrance surreptitiously to the Wly all of whom were expelled by the Scrgeant-at-Arins. Prayer w as offered by the llev. Dr. Harper, of the Xorth Broad Street Church. He spoke of the day as one w hich would bo memorable iu the fu ture ; a day which was to record an other page in our national history ; a day in w hich centered and around which clustered not merely the wel fare but possibly the destiny of the nation. He prayed that the platform tobe established should lie the em bodiment of wise, just and humane principles, and that the men to le se lected to bear the banner of the Re publican party to fill the highest places of honor and trust in this land should be especially blessed, and that the ef forts of the Convention should be crowned with glorious success. Mr. Oliver Ames, of Massachusetts, from the Committee on Rules and Order of Business, rejiorted that the States be called in alphabetical order, and that each State shall be entitled to double its Senatorial and Congress ional votes according to the recent aji portionment. The report of creden tials shall be first, and a platform is to lie disposed of lie fore nominations. Roll call shall not be dispensed with on nominations, and w hen a majority given for any candidate shall apjM-ar, the Chair hall put the question to the Convention "Shall the nomination lie made unanimous ?" In case of di vided delegations the Chairman shall state the vote in detail for each candi date or projiosition. The rules of the House of Repre sentatives were generally adopted, but only five minute sjieeches were allowed, except by consent of the Convention, except that in nominating candidates ten minutes each shall lie allowed. The Xational Committee to be named by bc respective States. The report was unanimously adopted. Mr. Pendleton, of Iowa, from the Committee on Credentials, repor ted all the States and Territories re presented in full, there being no con tested seats except Dakota and Utah. From Dakota they admit all for dele gates, with two seats lntween them. In the case of Utah they admit the Hollister-Gould delegates. Mr. Southard, of California, moved to amend the report so as to admit both setts of Utah delegates. He un derstood one set were excluded lie eansc they were Mormons. Mr. Stoddard, of Massachusetts, said the excluded delegates were ex eluded because not regularly chosen. Mr. Spencer, of Xew York, said these men had come a great way, and he proposed to admit and marry all. Mr. Wurtz, of Xew York, said that proposition bad been made in the committee, and that the compromise had been distinctly refused by the Mormon delegates. The amendment was rejected and the ropert was then adopted. The chairman stated that the Xa tional Executive Committee is called io meet in an adjoining nan immetii- Oft) IV AtYlil tliA fwliiiirnivwtiiT r.r illA ""v " V " 1 Convention Mr. Parson, of Alabama, offered a resolution extolling peace, but warn ing England that we will uphold the government firmly in maintaining our rights. . Mr.Parker moved to submit thereso lution to the Committee on Resolu tions without debate. A motion to table was rejected, and then a motion to refer was carried v . 1 of New Jersey, moved Mr. Parker, that all resolutions offered be referred without debate to the Committee on Resolutions. Mr. Robinson, of Louisiana moved to refer without reading. Mr. Parker accepted the amendment, and the res olution was adopted. Mr. McMichael presented a com munication to the Convention, which being resolutions from the Union League of America, the Convention by a vote ordered to be read. They set forth the principles of the Repub lican nartv and nrged the importance of faithfully standing by and uphold ing them against aH foes, opposition or treachery. A n expression sustain ing universal civil rights, and anti-Ku.-Klux leglsUtio!) railed forth ap plause. . . Mr. Loripg, 0f Massachusetts, fol lowed the reading ' of the. Union brief np- i-inna. w ho led a rebel brigade Uur- ing the war. He wanted to hear from the rx-rrssfon side of the house. Cries 0V;,r,;T" '".r1,'; tJu lhe l)la(forni ", u- ( art, r came to tne platlorni, )Ut wkti eo jI)audibly that is was diflicult to hnr him at first. He said he had lioeii a rcls l, but was rccon- trmted, and came out of the w ar with two planks in hisplatform first, that ir lie couldn't get what he wan- I toj jie wouj ta. wi,at J,,. t.ou,l and second, that a whipcd man had inoriirht to dictate what he would j J've. He had learned that the will of: . ' , . ' . .. - . ! lining io Jir. uieuic-j, iic rui.t n". lM'oole of the South rcsiM-ctcd more :the man who "was firm, and vaouM make them lnhave themselves. If the Democrats nominate Greeley at Baltimore, he believed General Grant would get more Democratic votes in Louisiana than Greeley. Great cheers. . . Mr. Stranbach, of Alabama, U ing called out, addressed the Convention in strong German accent, lie recited some of the cruelties of the Ku-Klux to illustrate the importance of decided legislation In conclusion, be pre dicted that Schurz would not muster a eoriMiral's guard of Germans to f.d i low ins own Hiiuicai iuncrai Mr. Steers, of Illinois, was called I , A . .... .', ........ ,t... out. Jie. ne ii-iiit.-:w-iiiA-tt m 11 ! Hie grcaicsi cuipei-iijif run- ui I Union. There was only one man in tl I the delegation who was born in the j State. He eulogized the energy and ! enterprise of her people, and said if carpet-bag trees produce such fruit let u l,,ant tht,,,, for 1,,Ml 8 sa.k,'a" th,.lanI. The speech was interrupted jhy rejK-ated cries of "1 line, tune." j but the Chairman interfered and re I stored order. ! Mr. Steers proceeded with his 'speech. He ridiculed the pretences !of Carl Schurz. who. he said, had ! failed miserably, both iu war and in peace, lie ignored mm as ins ieuow citizen, saying that be was so no lon- ger. lie predicted tne re-election oi 1 President (Jrant as bis own successor by a larger majority than any candi- date had ever trot. As he closed his remarks there was great confusion and impatient calls to proceed with business. Several delegates propos ed to co on at once with the uoniiua- itious. instead of waiting for the re- i . tli ,.,,:.,., rhitform tl. .t I '..iMiniitP.. u-iuilil lu uri'imred to i : r.jf iimiP V 1 nun flor:..!. -.f f! lri friim his . , t, dl.liratiou. paid tuo i ........y;,...,, mrtv of Missouri is uui- ! . . Th , fron tllt. . mu gnJ valIovs of ti,at lState one un - i versa! shout for the nominees of this Convention. The divisions of the party bad ltecn unfortunate, but they had leen now healed, and the Repub licans and Liberals now stand on one common platform. He said Gratz Brown had seemed to think after his election as Governor that he owed , most to the Democracy ; he had ac ! eordingly left us. Let him go. We (wish him every success except election on the tail of the Liberal Republican ticket. Mr. James R. Lynch, colored, Se cretary of this State of Mississippi, was called out and took the platform. He said the colored race were waiting anxiously to hear of the renomination of Grant. Mr. Lynch continued at some length. He said the colored jieople of America were gravitating to the South, and argued their indis jiensability to the development of that section and Mexico, and Central America as well. He repeated that General Grant w ill lie strong at the South. Greeley's name has no charm there. The man who h4 the genius to command success in the Geld when the popular heart was weak, is the man for this hour. Mr. Spencer, of Xew York, moved to susjM-nd 'the rules, in order to pro ceed to the nomination of President, only deferring the nomination of Vice President until after the platform was adopted. An Ohio delegate called for a crip pled soldier of that State General E. F. Xoyes. Gen. Xoyes, advancing to the plat form, said that the feeling of the Ohio delegation was to talk less anil act more. He thought that they ought to finish their business and go home. He was afraid that they would not Ikj able to go home to-night if they wait ed for the report of the Committees on Platform. Therefore he wished to proceed with the nominations at once, and let the platform come in after wards. He promised for the nom inees of the Convention a larger ma jority than Ohio gave to Grant four years ago. Cheers. There was al solutely no disaffection in Ohio. tChccrV There had Iwen a few iila-ral Republicans, as they were called, but they were now ashamed of themselves, and were stronger friends of Grant now then they were before. He persisted in the opinion that the Convention should at once proceed to the nomination of a candidate for President. Chcci's of "make the motion." In conclusion he moved to suspend the rules and proceed to nom inate for President, Carried.- Great Cheers. Mr. Culloni, of Illinois On lichalf of the great Republican party of Illi nois, of the Union, and in the name of lilierty, loyalty, justice, law ; in the in terest of economy, good government, peace and equality of all before the law ; remembering with gratitude his achievements as a soldier in the field and statesmanship of his Presidency, I re-nominate, Ulysses S. Grant. Cheers, long prolonged. Mr. Woodward, of Xew York, . , rnII ....,:,, trt aust, ,M.f,,, . ' it makes the nomination, winch is an (iluction. until Alw York can second that nomination. Four -ears ago ho sustained Grant liecause she recogniz ed her obligation of gratitude to him. To-day she endorses him liecause he has la-en tried and found true. He referred to Sumner's citation of Stan ton against Grant for the purpose of showing that Stanton and Lincoln both new Grant thoroughly, andtrus- ted bim utterly, not only to crush i the.uion in his own silent w out but also to negotiate the great rebel surrender and its terms. From bis grave the dead Stanton rebukes the living Sumner. Cheers. Xew York endorses Grant's nomination and asks God's blessing on the cause. Mr. Boruck, of California, said a few words. The roll was called for the first bal lot, which resulted as follows: As each State was called the Chairman of its delegation, in a few terse sen tences, announced its unanimous vote for Grant, each announcement being the signal for applause. Xcbraska, in announcing its vote, said that Stato gaye six for the man who will tan the hide of If oracp, in the vote of Democratic corruption, and damnation. . . Mr, Townacnd, ill pasting the vote j of Xcw York, gave it for ("rant the man of w horn ( Jrcclcy said, he had never U-en Is ateu and never would lie, Long and uproarious applause. On the call of Pennsylvania, her chairman was greeted with applause and loud erics of "Platform, platform." Mu. McMiihad declined to come for ward, but said, Pennsylvania without any w ords lent her full heart and cast (illy-sevcn votes fur Grant. When General Burndc rose to vote for Rhode, Island he was greet ed with great cheers, w hich was con tinued -until be took the platform, where be cast e ight votes for his old comrade in arms General Grant. The District of Columbia delegate Said slur hud a desirable house to rent, which was much sought after, but the District wanted tu re-let it to thesamu tenant. All the States and Territories hav ing la-en called, the Chairman an nounced that the entire vote, 732 iu all, havinir been fast for Ulysses S. j Grant, the hitter w as the nominee of this Convention as its candidate for the Presidency. The whole Conven tion rose ciiMutr, together with the audience, singing the hymn "Glory, Glory Hallelujah !" the baud playing Yankee Doodle." The cheering and singing continued for some time, the whole Academy ringing with music and the shouting and cheering of the delegates. Mr. Church, of Indiana, wascalled to the platform and sang "Red, White and Blue," the band and audience joining in the chorus. The enthusi asm would not lie silenced until Mr. Church followed with "Marching Through Georgia." At the conclu sion he called for the three cheers for the loyal black men who stood by our boys as they were "marching to the sea," which were given with a will. The Chairman said the Committee on Resolutions were ready to report. Cheers. " Delaware here announced James Riddle as its member of the National Committee. k The Platform Committee failing to appear, Mr. Craighead of Ohio, mov- ed to suspend the rules and proceed to the nomination of a candidate for Vice President of the United States. Adopted. The Chair announced nominations in order. Mr. Morton 'McMichael, of Penn sylvania, took the platform and pro ceeded to nominate Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts. He claimed Pennsyl vania as the place, birth and baptism of the Republican party, and as the first in the field and in the fight w hen : reliellion raised its head, of all the i,Vll stntes it was the nearest to the t -"J - - reijiuted ? Four )-ears ago she pre sented a war Governor as a candidate for Vice Presidential nomination. He I was defeated but she went on faith- ! fully and gave her vote to the ticket lie then proceeded with some remarks on the tariff question, which were in audible to reporters. He was under stood to complain that Pennsylvania had no representative in the Cabinet. He was frequently interrupted with cries of "Xanie your candidate." He then presented the name of a states man to the whole country an hon est, able man, w ho always labors for the laboring man. I name Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts. Mr. Loring, of Massachusetts, se conded the nomination of Mr. Wilson in a few eloqent sentences, which re cited his services and eulogized his public and private character. Mr. Ray.of Xew Hampshire, also se eoned Mr. Wilson's nomination, be cause be was a good and tried man, al ways iu favor of the cople in every emergency. Richard W. Tonipson, of Indiana, was next received with great cheers. In behalf of the entire Republican party of Indiana, and by the unani mous instructicu of its Convention, he nominated Schuyler Colfax. Gerat cheering. He did this with satisfac tion, liecause it was a just reward for dovoted public services. He is not unknown to fame. Four years ago the names of (Jrant and Colfax were associated together. They were the battle-cry which led to that great triumph. They should not sepa rated until we achieve another tri umph, because the firm is not yet in solvent, and the time not yet come in which to divide its assets. He paid a high compliment to Senator Wilson. He and Colfax had both carved their way to honor and distinction, but Grant and Colfax, united iu one cry, will again be the signal for victory. Wm. A. Howard, of Michigan, se conded the nomination of Colfax. He said Michigan had first perfected a Republican party organization, and we still stand were w e stood then. He proceeded with a graphic sketch of Colfax's career from a printer's boy to the scat of second officer in this great government, and urged the propriety of his renomination, Cheers' Mr, Lynch, colored, of Mississippi, followed. It seemed to him as if tlie spirit of Lincoln is here, and he re membered what that patriot said on one occasion that it was not a safe time to swap horses. Applause. He proceeded to urge the nomination of Colfax. Loud cries of vote ! vote! vote! Gcrritt Smith urged the nomination of Mr. Wilson. Mr. Parker, of Xew Jersey, advo cated Schuyler Colfax. Mr, Quarles, colored, of Georgia, favored Wilson, of Massachusetts. Mr. Senor, of Virginia, nominated John F. Lewis of that State. A colored delegate from Texas sug gested Gov. E. J. Davis, from that State. Mr. Munn, of Tennessee, nominated Horace Maynard. The nominations for Vice President gave evidence at the outset that Mr. Wilson would be chosen. Tje ap. plause that grccied the presentation or Schuyler Colfax's nime by Mr. Thompson, of Indiana, came from such parts of the hall as to show that Mr. Wilson was uppermost The chair announced that the Com mittee on Resolutions was present, and put the question whether the Convention would now hear their re port. He declared it carried. Mr. Schofield, Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions, annouccd that Gener al Ha wly, Secretary of the Commit tee, would read the resolutions. He sii.l that the committee had but a short time in which to consider so large a umber of questions; so that if the gentleman did not find in the platform everything that they desired he hoped they would rest assured that it was not excluded from any in disposition to take up and act upon all. Gen. Hawley then read the platform. The Republican party of the Uni ted States, assembled in Xational Con vention in the city of Philadelphia, on the 5th and fith days of June, 1872, again declares its faith, appeals to its history and announces its position up on questions before the country. Fintt. During eleven years of Su-. premaev it has accepted with grand couragp thp d'it'o of tfip thqp, it suppressed, a gigantic rebe.llioii, emancipatod four millions of slave., decreed equal the citizenship of all, and established universal suffrage. In exhibition of unparalleled magna nimity it criminally punished uo mau for political offenses, and warmly wel comed all who proved their loyalty by obeying the laws and dealiug just ly with their neighbors. It has stead ily decreased with a firm hand the resultant discords of war, and initiated a wise policy towards the Indians. The Pacific Railroad and similar vast enterprises have been generally aided and successfully conducted, the public lauds freely given to actual settlers, immigration protected and encouraged and a full acknwludgcmanto of natur alized eitizens' rights, secured from European powers. A uniform nation al currency has Wen provided, repu diation frowned down, the national credit sustained under the most ex traordiany burdens, and new bonds negotiated at lower rates. The reve nues have Wen carefully collected and honestly applied : despite the anuual large reductions of the rates of taxa tion, the public debt has been reduced during Gen. Grant's presidency at tht rate of one hundred million dollars a year. , A great financial crisis has lecn avoided, and peace and plenty prevail throughout the land ; mena cing foreign difficulties have lecn peacefully and honorably compro mised, and the honor and power of the nation kept in high respect ! throughout the world. This glorious j record of the past is the party's best pledge for the future. We believe i the people will not entrust the gov- eminent to any party or combination of men composed chiefly of those who have resisted every step of this bene ficial progress. Second. Complete lilierty and ex act equality in the enjoyment of all civil, political and public rights should j lie established and effectually main j tained throughout the Union by effi- cient and appropriate State and Fed I eral legislation. Xeither the law nor its administration should admit of any ! discrimination in respect to citizens by reason race, creed, color or previ j ous condition of servitude. I Third. The recent amendments to the Xational Constitution should be cordially sustained, because they are right; not merely tolerated because they are law, and should be carried out aceordiufr to their fpirit bv appro priate legislation, the enforcement of, which can he safely trusted only to .the party that secured these amend- ; mcnts. ! Fourth Govern - The Xational ' ment should seek to mantain an hon j honorable peace with all nations, pro jecting its citizens everywhere, and ' sympathising with all people who trive fur irrouior uriv I e J Fifth. Any system of civil service . under which the subordinate positions the Philadelphia nominations. :of the government are considered re-j Xkw York, June f. The Repub j wards for mere party zeal is fatally j licans here fired one hundred guns iu i demoralizing, and we therefore favor City Hall Park on the announcement I a reform in the system, by laws which of "the renomination of President jehall aliolish the evils of patronage, (Jrant. i and make honesty, efficiency and fi-i Dfspatches from many principal delity essential qualifications for pub- j cities state that the Republicans fired lie position, without practically crea-j pUUrt jn honor of the nomination of ting a life tenure of office. j Grant and Wilson to-day. There is j Sixth. Wc are opposed to further j great enthusiasm. ' erant.s of nublie lands to eoroorations ! f r.nd monopolies, and demand the na-; tional domain lie set apart for free homes for the jieople. I Seventh. The annual revenue, af- j ter paying current expenditures pen- J siiiiw nnd tho interest nn th nubile 1 debt, should furnish a moderate bal-! auce for the reduction of the principal ! reaentaUve men of our country. Eye iU rvonno r,.t c n,..,.K a 1 witnesses bear testimony that a more may lie derived from a tax upon to bacco and liquors, lie raised by duties upon importations, the duties of which should be so adjusted as to aid in se curing remunerative wages to labor and promote the industries, prosperty and growth of the whole country. EUjhth. We hold in undying hon or the soldiers and sailors whose valor saved the L'nion ; their pensions are a sacred debt of the nation, and the widows and orphans of those who died for their country are entitled to the care of a generous and grateful people. We favor such additional legislation as will extend the govern ment to all our soldiers and sailors who were honorbly discharged, and who in the line of duty became disa bled, without regard to length of sir vice or cause of such discharge. Ninth. The doctrine of Great Britain and other Eurojiean powers concerning allegiance once a sub ject always a subject having at last through the efforts of the Republican party been abandoned and the Amer ican idea of an individnal's right to transfer his allegiance having been accepted by European nations, it is the duty of our government to guard with jealous care the rights of ad opted citizens against the assumption of unauthorized claims by former gov ernments, and we urge continual and careful encouragement and protection to voluntary immigration. Tenth. Tho franking privilege ought to bo abolished, and the way irepared for a speedy reduction iu the rates of postage. Eleventh. Among the questions which press for attention is that which concerns the relations of capital and labor, and the Republican party rec ognize the duty of so changing legis- 1.,.:... .... ir...i ..ii 1 luuifii n?t nuuni iuii I'ruireuuii anu the amplest field for capital, am: i ior lalnir, the creator of capital, the larg est opMrtunities and a just share of the mutual prolits of these two great servants of civilization. Twelfth. We hold that Congress and the President have only fulfilled an imperative duty in their measures for the suppression of violent and treasonable organizations in certain lately rebellious regions, and for the protection of the ballott-box, and therefore they are entitled to the thanks of the nation, Thirteenth. We denounce repudia tion of the public debt in any form or disguise as a national crime, wit-, ness w ith pride the reduction of the public debt and of the rates of inter est upon the balance, and confidently expect that our excellent currency will lie perfected by th speedy res umption of specie payment Fourteenth. The Republican par ty is mindful of its obligations to the loyal women of America for their no ble devotion to the cause of freedom. Their admission to wider fields of usefulness is received with satisfaction and the honest demands of any class of citizens for additional rights should be treated with respectful considera tion. Fifteenth. We heartily approve the action of Congress in extending amnesty to those lately in rebellion, and rejoice in the grow th of jwaceand national feeling throughout the land. Sixteenth. The Republican party propose to respect the rights reserved by the people to themselves as care fully as the powers delegated by them to the State ami Federal Government It disapproves of resort to unconsti tutional laws for the purpose of re moving eviU by interference with, the rights not surrendered by the ' people to either State or Rational Qovern ment SeumliMiith. U i- tho duty of tho general government to adopt such measures as will tend to encourage A merican commerce and ship building. Eighteenth. We lelicvo that the modest patriotism, the earnest pur pose, sound judgment, practical wis dom; incorruptible integrity and illus trious services of L'lisses S. Grant have commended him to the heart of the American people, and w ith him at our head wc on a new march to victory. Mr. Burns then moved the ado tion of the platform a a w hole. Car ried with only a half dozen dissent ing voices. When the roll was called, the vote stood 3C4J for Wilson, 321 j for Col fax. Before the result was announc ed, Yirginia changed her vote to Wil son, securing him his nomination. Tremendous confusion arose, States changing ineir votes,, uuu alter somci cneenng, .ir. vt nsou'4 nomination was made unanimous, on motion of General Lane, Chairman of the Indi ana delegation. This generous ac tion on the part of the delegates from Mr. Colfax's own State was the sig nal for renewed applause, which con tinued for a considerable time. When the excitement had subsid ded, the chairman announced Grant and Wilson as the nominees of the Convention. The Convention then adjourned by singing " Auld Lang Syne" and amidst the playing of bands and fir ing of guns. The Gentile delegation from Utah, w ho were admitted to scats in the Convention to-day, instead of the Mormon delegates, sustained their application iu a strong pacr present ed to the Convention, which concludes as follows: "We cannot see how the Xational Republican Convention could recog nize polygamy by the admission to seats of Smith and Fuller, with self stultification, without placing a pre mium on disloyalty anil quasi rebel lion; without doing great injustice to the loyal people of Utah, and outrag ing sense of decency as well as that ' of the true Republicans of the entire nation, without distinction as to party. The following dispatch was sent to Senator Wilson to-day, after his nomination for the Yice Presidency: Philadelphia, Juuc G. To Hon. Henri Wilxon, Washington, D. C. The colored workingmen of the coun- . 1 .1 . . try send vou their congratu ation, i I i -n and second your nomination, and will (march in solid columns to the im1Is in November and cast their votes for jthe representative laboring man of ; the American nation. Signed Isaac Mters, Pres. Colored Xational Labor Union. ' Adopted. Indianapolis, Ind., June 6. One hundred guns were fired this after- ' noon by the Republicans in honor of OI K WMH1XUTOX LETTER. Washington, June C, 1S72. THE PHILADELPHIA CONVENTION. All accounts-eoncur that the Con- ventiou is an assemblage or the rep-! intelligent and solid assemblage has rarely gathered in the United States. Considering that the nomination of Grant was a foregone conclusion there is very considerable enthusiasm man ifested. The speech of Gerrett Smith was not only effective in itself, butTemark able as coming from a veteran iu the abolition cause and one who had long retired from partisan coufliets. MEETI.NO COLFAX AND OKA NT. This morning while walking up the Avenue I happened to meet Schuyler Colfax, who seemed to lie more dis turbed and anxious than usual for a gentleman of such smiling and "re possessing apcarance. We passed the usual salutation, but he hurried on as one exceedingly preoccupied. Xot far behind came the President, taking his accustomed walk with the I inevitable cigar in his mouth, looking .. l .. 1 .t .1 .'" I os uuium.-iu.-u usm-uiu on i ne any i oi the tall ot Kicbmonu or the snrren der of Ijee. Perfect 6elf-pssssion seema to lie his leading characteristic. ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL CONVENTION. The Free Trade men who lost the control of the Cincinnati Convention by the maneuvers of (iratz Brown and the Greeley strikers are determined not to submit to the swindle. It is un derstood that another Convention will tie called to meet at Cincinnati on the fourth of J uly for tho purpose of nominating candidates and present ing them to the IJaltimore Democratic Convention for its acceptance. Thus our Democratic friends will be placed i like the ass between two bundles of j hay, and it is hard to tell bv which si.leth.-v wi;i lie nttrftet...! " It U nf i no consequence however, which way the minority sides.for it is believed that the Hepuhlican party has a clear ma . ...n. . II. M H.I..I. I. .1I. U...I..M. .1. HI H . ' . . . " .l.. , r . - - to secure the election or Grant. THE NEW REFORM INSIGHT. President Grantbefore he signs any of the numerous private bills that are annually hurried through Congress without muchconsideration, has es tablished a practice of sending every one io me neparuuem lu w men u ap- pertains, for a thorough and rigid ex-1 a .i. it . . . t i . ?. - .....iiaituu ui iuic Biiuug luc raniVyi '1 1 ll I u till II. ow.itam kflu .1i.nrl, ' him to detect several frauds, for he .ji.j in cj iu itnv All 1. T imui. it j l t let.. ' t tins veiOCO. mime imu-UOCIl private bills already : and the care thus taken , ' , , nas not ouiy saveq tne uovernment i .. . large sums, but nas preveutea tue es- tabusnment of precedents w inch would have cost much more. EDUCATIONAL EFFORTS. Earnest efforts are being made here by the friends of education to in duce the territorial Legislature to es tablish four additional primary schools in which the new method ' of objective teaching known as the Kin dergarten system will bo introduced 1 There are in this city one hundred and twenty-three private schools and about one hundred and thirty public schools. The existence of so" large a number of schools notwithstanding the fact that parents are taxed for the support of the pnblie schools, is evi dence that the latter are not conduct ed as efficiently and successfully as they ought to "be. . " The Kindergarten method has made great progress both in Germany and in the United States. It has already been adopted as part of the public school system in Boston, and it is to be hoped that it may yet lie intro duced throughout the Union. piMlNCTIOJt OF OFFICER. Tho new tariff and internal revenue bill which, however, will not go fully Into effect until January next, pro vides for a large reduction of internal revenue officers. In the place of some three hundred collectors and assessors there will V only eighty, and other j officers reduced in the same propor-, tion. Thus without ostentation these great civil reforms arc being carried ' out, and very soon the js ople will not only deriPc the benefits of diminished j : taxation, but also a great diminution of our national expenditure A llONlKK THE liREKLEYITKS To PU K. I have just received a telegram from Philadelphia stating that I 'resi dent Grant was renominated at one ten P. M. to day. Such unanimity iu nomination but forcshudovvs a tri umphant election. The first examination under the new civil service rules in the Treasu ury Department took place yesterday. There were 21 Contestants for three vacancies in the I bird .uaitor s ouicc. An-other-trial for vacancies in ;th Auditor's office takes place to day. The war department is completing arrangements for starting the expedi tion for the survey of the Xorth West Isxindary. Experienced engineers will 1m; detailed to accompany the ex pedition. Gen. S. A. Duncan, Assistant Com missioner of Patents has resigned his position. C. M WILLIAM ODKX IICUll IKT. KailffMtion mf llnctinrt. PfMi. i plllH f. i tutoihM mmiarK It a-milntps dent mt lh PlttnbMrsrh nl On- un.t iitin n it-ir through the cir ulati-.n. Kivin nlUvlll KUroMH ompnr. j vi.r au ! hhd. elearn from an authentic source, a,.,itl lltir wtli.. 'v.trin that Mr. Huohart has determined to ' J"HN mh.u ;. u St.. n- y rs . . . . . Nile Aoeiil l..rthi- I nut Stur.. tender, within a few days, Ids resig nation of the Presidency of the Pitts burgh and Conncllsville liailroad to take effect on the 1st of July proximo. We are further assured that he with draws leaving a friendly and amicable feeling between himself and the stock holders of his road and the authori ties of the IJaltimore ami Ohio Hail road Company, with w hom he has had such intimate and important business relations. The withdrawal of Mr. Hugbart from his Ksition at the head of the Pittsburgh ami Conncllsville Hailroad Company w ill strike every mind with surprise and regret not one of all our internal entcrpri.-escver encountered obstacles and opposition so formidable and persistent ; Mr. Hugbart has for fifteen years given the prime of his life contending with 1 these hostile influences, combating i 1 . , ... .'. ., ... tan enemies and dinculties. hven 1 1- ntu- ally overcoming them all and complet ing his road, making all its desirable connections and establishing daily trains lietwccn this city and Balti more. All his energies ami resources have for long years Is en taxed to the utmost limits of endurance his la liors and sacrifices have at last been crowned with success and two great commercial and manufacturing centres have been un. ted with iron cords. The vast and liencficial result dit to his great aehievment are only ls-ginning to be realized, when tin cities destined to gather rich harvests from his labors are startled by the announcement that Mr. llugliart, the especial champion of the work, with out w hose efforts the road had lomr ot commercial nenents anil inessingsi w hich but for him had never fr,r- miuinated. We are triad if . - - It lie true, that there have lxen no bicker ings or estrangements, no injustice or ingratitude in the Councils or action of the authorities' of his own road or of the Baltimore and Ohio Company, but if there were none such, how is it that Mr. Hnghart retires from the of this el. ilil of bis af fections, from the topmost place in a management which he hail so well know that these tpieries will vex the minds of hundreds of the prominent men in l'ittshurgh and IJaltimore and Cumlierland, ami all the towns be tween, who will ever regard the retir ing officer and the high toned and j ..i . e.i ... a ! IIOUCSI lliuu null (tiou mi 1..-J". t. We understand that Mr. Huirhart has ... - . in... ........ ... i.L-A ....JI.1....J nut, line iiiui-i mt ii in i.itt .i.-..hmi.-, made or embraced opportunities to j utriftd ri-.ui Imf retiri'S iriiin iimee ! a jxHirer man than when he accepted ill 1 1 l..i j I ....... .ti... .t. .it irill V a lnHll it. ti ini. i ii . ...j. ...... ...... ....... i.f ileeik faithful to every trust and mindful of all interests but his own. Such men are worthy PittMmrtjh Gazette. ' of all llllllor. Trrn1 1 mmmwmhmmmm ..,., I lood tm lly-T. II- .na iiim.rit iwp. w j i rar Tlmawnl IIoDrlnii lamlllr. T.nviM.v .Tim ft Thi -7Vm.'.4 morninir eommentinir on the excitimr debate which took place in the House of Lords, yesterday, on the motion of Earl Russell for withdrawing British arbitrators from the Geneva Confer ence says the debate proves the miii- istrv r n..t cnnvineeil t tin f the Sun- j - - -- 7 -i plemental article precludes indirect claims. ' A dispatch from Italy, received here this morning, contains informa tion of a terrible calamity which de- vastaicu ami taiu w asj,e targe, portions of the coast InMindary of that country, . . i it.-i i.l ... . The particulars are not given, but it learned that the disaster has been occasioned by a sudden anil almost unprecedented rising ot the waters or the ocean, (footling the country for j manv miles, sweeping through town.- villages and hamlets which are situa-j ted on the sea cost. The amount of j property destroyed is beyond- coinpu- j tatiou. .Many lives are ixiieveii to have been sacrificed, and upward of 4.000 families rendered houseless bv the flood. The Italian authorities iin mediately on i ln-ing apprised of theP ncd to devise means for - i disaster hastenc " 1 rrlievin? tho unfortunate utferer Irrrlblc'Ceal Oil F-xplo.lon. Cincinnati, June 7. A coal eXIllosioil took place in the Cellar of " " -" " - n.., xf;!,......; .... v.r.x. ihuii ..1UJ.I1...I n .-n'lr wii r inn tore on rect, near Vine, at! o'clock this eveniu". It blew the show windows nd contents and the doors into the street, blew out the end of a small frame which constituted the rear of the store, demolished queensware ami ",Ulh s" w""',tl 1; lamps, and severely burned Mr. Mil.x- hrTrnvtrM A,,E k vpihey with st.wii i , . 1UUUC V an.l KeTCheekOuthls. t'atai. ues man, who was alone in the store. Isev- mun,i .i tnii iwrtiiuUir. tr.. s. m. srr. lit eral persons on the sidewalk in front : Vermont, of the store were prostrated, but not Free tn Itouk t scent. injured. Mr. Milxman's injuries are severe, out jHTnaps noi latai no tlie Oil limited no one Call tell. .N O one was in tne cellar at the time. . am ... . I Speculations are that spontaneous ignition, barrel exploded. The sounded quickly, and t tinguished by the en cot out of the cellar. r of contained queensware, much of which OETtheoniy standakh hook ..i the k1 , , . ' s:ire.l rearlr Hiall who p..-"- Was broken. UMnnjHM u made;.)' A-"ul ' I T lll'JH f 1111 A i tnvtssinx tT 1 ll ll'l ll 1 1 lilllV I l ""B I'ietioiiary v ' v The Bar KfK Urmeot. for weak-; J" ness Of the Stomach la UOSe- uf Rum I Etlort. than In ai.r other pussil.le way. Vf ta i' Ritters. They are surcharge.! with ! ktkV. Fusel Oil, a deadly element, which j M$?fX rendered more active by the pungent i Eiin terms. A.iurew v. m. u.i, ia tis'"b l astringents w ith which it is combined. Xtw York- If your stomach. is weak, or your liver jour bionmcii is weak, or yournver or ooweis tnsortiereu, tone, strengthen ana regulate them with inegar Jlit - ters, a pure Vegetable Stomachic, Corrective and Aperient, free from al- cohohol, aiid capable of infusing new Vitality intO your exhausted and tllS-l . . ordered system. 4v El.l.S' TABLETS. KorC. '.. ! nn-l K.fflr-n- Th-Tii-T i. i In .-..mUi. ni. i, with. .u.. r.-f, ((ill r. ni' ll.v. I,. ,r l-.riii. f.,' ,-i THKiivr.l I.i , IMSKA.sK. Huwo, M.S.Sun'l I Ll 'KK ATIO.N .f hr I Ht:u r. Iinnn'li.t'1'lv p-ii'-vnl. an! fri. i.irri:. .r. ...... I,,,, : l twin.! Oi' t i. priw.r. ,r n-lt' l m ,,r 1 '.p al .lull' iilt.- ..1 ji j.r.' n tffUiu. oniinn 1 ,n !' ! ..n. Sd U III"! I " li.l..,, I, t ...U.l.r- 1 .1 I'M . f, jr i.t. ..,,.( t..rrirt-Mlir. .ll.H N .;. i IN I'Ihii N. V.. ..le Aitvut h.r n.r I . s. IP4""?! v. v. Vi THKA-.NUTAIt. A Pure 4'hlur Tf rh BEST TK Irwi-rv.!. Wrr.ii.t.'. t.. null alli:.-i.- nt tif. In .nr trrt'l mark I'. tl.j.l aid I'ufiri.l P:j-k;t j. ..n ly. :v ;iil i lMjnl ls..x.-j. K..r mli' at wh..l.i.le ilr ,v TlirfSrrai Atl.mti.- an. I )'i. ir.. 1 -M .... I I ifa.x .A. N. .n. 0'!; a the In hlin. C the w ii' WOl'I.D I WERE A F.OY i the l.tniru r an-l hWtii'l of Spring mhi tifm hiin. i 'hu- ami r--tvK viif.,r uinl iiireiith tfnu the wn-l rful South Aim-ru-an Josh .TU .RUB Mi A. L.n:r an'. miv.Tuy known In tr nativ mn:rv. an a Puw-rful T'mi. n4 -rit PurUi-r or thr HI. --I. it ii f,iunl rvm to xn:rl t4t anti'-ipfttinrx l'urHl:. on i n-at n jutai AcMrtinx to tn m?'l.-l mil ii-ifnririi-p4Tio)lu-a.l of Imii-n nit-1 ';tri. it tr? ni'Kt Pwf:r.'"ul "J - ni'? jnj r tu a kuwu to Ai.if.-rii .l"lia, Ir Well' Extract of JureMa l- l'rf'" rruly fl.rall Ii-a t thr I. rr;tni' ;ikri. rUnliiIou '1 u it tour. Iroyiv. NT'iiui i. ItiU'rnui A lvim-, anl will rvtttr m) oNirii' ti..r.j of tii Iv r. SdIc ii, Intrytlncs, v rin at ii I rinary oruni. i'rk" I Hi !l)ar jf-r irftir. Sen i for 'ir. ui -r IIOUSKKEEPEP.S! HOUSEKEEPKKs: IIOUSEKEEPEUS! IIorSEKEEPEK' THE NOVELTY iUn the Patent Flange Con: Wi5sLs QaBQtIiEii3s i.f Oil- K.i THK MJVKLTV U'U . -inittr fr-Iv at t-i:h. r ' Tiii: M LI.TY the Iiicn( I'lirv..! r:.ti..:. THKXliVKLTY If the ra-iit wi.rkii.K Wrii.'." THK NOVELTY 1 the 3tn.nt'.-! Wrirw-r. THK NOVELTY I I the m.I damMe Wrin'-r. TIh'w wi'h oth.-r annoce make it ni..rK i. -i i than any other. No Practical Housekeeper . iin atl'url t. l.liv a Wrlnr until -he ha'-examine.-. THE NOVELTY. Try it an-l :iti-!y y..ur-!f that i! i-s the . S-.M i-v.ti wl'.-re. ! H fl.Y IVASIIIXd i WKINIilNVJ j .MACHINE I'll. Ihanbrrt Slrrtl, Stx l'o.t. ! 4 f "i nvni Wet.. I'a 11 r.l examine. r ; that retail .jin. k i..r !. II. L. WOLI'liTT. 11 f halluitu S-iilare. New Y'.rlt. ! scenl Wit it teil .r th' Aai.rfi.4rRi.hy ..I : HORACE GREELEY r lvei.lleei..r. "I l'U.v Lite. Illil-tnite.!- T(... i Time - ifreat a ri.iauthn;ir ari l j li.-i. rami." 1.1 il 14. Ifi!erel even tnl' -Atin r!. jean. S.-0.1 f..r yjtni.le e..j.r. E. K. TKK VT. I ful.!l.-l.i r. ma i:r .a.!aay. . M)SYMOMANrV, OK soli. il V f;i- ;-: I rli to-. ,m ( ;,'Uv!i..n-- if jtnv i ! i tiKY !'!'. iiif:iutiy. T'li.- imi-fe mm:; ! iu:r':in nt i-an ,--, free, hv na:l. fr 'JA or.. ; tpM-f hT w i'U ;i i:i:;m;i!ri uui.ic K (.:in Onicii. i rrvrim. Hint r I-i A i;iier. i b,H.fc. i. WILLIAM r.. PuMith- ! en, i'hikt'lt'ljiliia. "VTlRREIM RANGE. FIRST ITiFMUM AM. INST., lsTl. Inutile Elevate.! th en. Wnrtiiina t.wt. I'.p.ilina I"N'r, Een.ler linanl. lriinij.m X Shrikin iir.v" I'ireet lint ft. KTEEEK. WAUiiEN CO.. jo W ater Street. New urk. s TKAY COW. i t ante iiv.o1iu.ji the ir.-tilie .! .Lm-.thin j J- li'",';v- t.-w-h,!. sm j "tl lih May. l.ri. a white itiel Mes .!.-,! . .. .. . . i ... ... 1 . . I........... .-a. t-m aii. wiu riiriii ear eri.j... uN.ut l;e vmr .1-1. nr.! lrv. je5 CYKI S SHAVEILTi.. Clerk. j S- r. 1. 1 ; : h , j i : : ; I .... v . ... , .. .-...i t aiai..-ue i..r l7i ei.iita.:.::. x i J V E J EEA I'.I.E. rUXTa.l FLmVKK Sr KI'S. tie-vnt free t.. any a.hlre--. A!.. ' ! PLANTS. TKEES. VINES an I SHKt llllllKV ..fall kin K It. -ll iiltl'. lia.ket'. etlt !.. er. Ir j W i l J ill if-1. I'artM-.. Si. imiiLvl hi 1 K'.t t v ie t. - i .Tier. JAM ES M. 1EN ETT. Nee...:ili. a ,- ,;c s,.,ul,iiel. St..,. 1m. A WAV TO ANY I.IH.1C AGENT. . ?J .isa a srn-nKS i-r tiik giu;at ixi)rsTi:ii HE THE ENITEII STATES. w) p.u;fs am 5o fm.kivix.s. I'KI.NTEIi IN ENGLISH i i.EKM VS. W itteo !) 20 Eminent Author?, ineln.! 1 ineli T atet John li. i r..i:ili. We want Airent in every town to --eier fur till! w.-rk. en literal ti-rm6. It jki. t-- n.V' U1 e. an.1 nu library iiotiM lw without if. It f i j.lete history of ail hranche ot in-tiistry. ii. "e. oi niauufaetun. ete. No like wtrktverUrl..revu'' liheil. One aareiit .4. las in elirht .lay. .r l'i' in one week, another in t wo .rvkt. Aa I ear V ai.Tlliltloll wu. .-are e....Tr ... i.-rruorj KulI pavlKi.-n i term win be . nt irw. with a -ien .nhij.1 KENNEDY'S HEMLOCK OINTMENT. The proprietor ha, by flu- .-it aiKe of Eminent lhy.-i tar an.: Chemi-t u.r..!e.l in utilmn' tf.e ! iiittie oil. I'it.-li an.l lierinul the Hviu-ltx-k Tree, an.l ot.iaine.1 a vaitiaMe lreiiirati to le a(..llek asa S.iive ur Piaster lor ivheuinatinu Cp.i'. 1'ain or Soreness of the rtu k. Ct.-t or Stoina.-h. 1'ile... Salt K-.f uru. Seurvy. Eleer. liuni.-n... Sere Corns. Eri'st Hites. ChiiMaius. S-re Hreast ami Nij.i.le.. Kuii;..nn-. Chaltnic auJ Skin lisea-4 of li tv nature. I HAS. . CKii EN ii., Aitent. I Sixth Ave.. New York. mil BEST PAPER. TRY IT! ihe Si'irntific American Is-the eheatHt an.lle-1 lllutnitel weekK i.a-r puhlishe.!. Every nam hercoiitiiins from lo to la original enirntiitu "t new tuaehinery. n..vel int'emiou, Itn.lite. eerinic work... Archiieeture. inu.n.Te.1 E.irm lint'le- nient... nn.l every new .iisi.very in Chemistry. A year uuihIhts eontain s;l paifei aihl several hiui i i Tlreil lH-autiful enirraviinrs. Thousands of voiai f are preserve.! for hiii.tiuic anl reference. The are i' oealre.eipts nrewell worth ten timesthesu( r. !' i'"-- "..rr''r'iy"'- ; sent tree, ti ay iw tia.l ot .itm m-aiers. PATENTS ohtaine.1 on the hest terms. M-W-- of new inven'ii4is anl sketehe. etamhie.1. anl al-vl.-e free. All patents are puhii'heU iu the svii-u-line Atueriean t lie week they issue. Srn.l for y- plilet, llo paues. eontainiua; laws anl full u:n ' j lions for ol.taiiiintf Patents. I A'l.livss lor pa jT or cnei-mlti Patents. Mt NS k CO.. :!7 Park liow. N. Y. HraiK-h othee. o r. i Wewuisen.i ahaminome Prostus..i . r v , i,,;,,;;,;-::.,.. i- i.eliare. A.l.lress N.tno.tAi. Pt nusiimif.t, f II IIwuIfllKI k:t ri. rj j, YKVRS IN A MA ; I tkap: a ot.nipanl. to Tew Nihts In p' : "'."'m Arthur, (the most p..puir . - . it i. a st.irio : exi. ..t i..,uor makinx an.i stliiin thriiimj liJ.' ( ;lthwK"ilV?. Li certain t hsve an Immensn tle. Apply J"" atrener an.l !. ir.v.l as well as make money, to ! j?m.'stoiiakt co. pu'.iishors. Phii. VLfUi 1