The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, June 12, 1872, Image 1

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Somerset Herald
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IKrimi tlie New York Trllmnc.1
rv W. D. o'COBKt.
Tin' niiitiliix Pi'-kli- the reapera wk-lil
An- I'riiflit to the ranllt tuoni
Tl.-v it" to the njiuleot harvest field
To reap Its wmlth of corn.
The choral wind of ci.cnllis cliant
A harvePt-toiia; ut praise,
Ati-I the nii'Unw ounliKlit fliim aslant
Tlmmurli the Autunin'f Kolilen hate.
Xo tuore to l iiid the atulier shoaret
With n'apiT liamU I 0;
1 iituiiil lin- the ray iuthc k"'Iix1 cavi-s
Frmu the Ork-nt mMy fluw.
The liiy of my lite are vld and (vrc.
Hut 111 In-art I. Kd and Tnutic,
Fur the fmia o! the flnitinirliirdB 1 bear
A r the tuvk.tir cmre they rang.
1 aiu nl'I, hut hw can never decay,
And hy .ti.-uld my rpirit can
The ?nn jhtiln lil-f!lii)r on Uks of (ray.
Ami an old man's hair.
My prouder and jwRfliiunl dayt are flown.
Hut the lluht in the valley shines
Ami lr. id the odorous womllanda Hill I blown
The lmliii of the lialraui pine.
My hopi-s arc plumed with the win of doTW,
And away from earthly things.
Let the amaranth visions of early loe
Kind n-rt for their weary winira.
. l'u'iiii 1k'-s ! rach rest yc fonnd
Wlu-n ye rose from a heart of flaino
To a heaven of lore, to (rather round
t hie simple sylvan name.
MaU-l dream of the years that fell
That fell hy the reaier. Time ;
It u here In the affluent harvest dell
When my youth was in Its irimc.
It was down in the harvest pride, unshorn,
We tood with the reaier bands,
And love to our hearts was tlirilllnnly lTU
In the tremulous claup of bands.
The irol.leii raliatce lent your face
Tlie hyaiiiith hue of the frrain,
A11I Huliinir your cheek with a ualdunly irrace.
And Misun-roses there were lain;
And love saw mysteries lu your eyes
Tw in stars in the mellow morn
And dreamed in your red llj' jiarted dyes
if (K-arU amid the corn.
So the sweet vision of Kditle liutll
Is annaled in Orient lore,
'hen tlie Syrian uoldeiuan nave bis youth
To her lieauty forevermore.
And I was lord of the lands from whence
In the Autumn's amber pride.
Your beauty aud virginal iluio-eucc
Were iKirne a wedded bride.
Thai niirht there was joy in the fabled uause,
When borne were the harvest swains;
Tlie youiiK and the licautitul mot iu the danco
1'u the bounding music's siraius;
Ami the truMiiiK love in Mabel's eyes.
In their clear and holy shine.
Was the love O, spirit in l'aradisc!
When they last looked in mine.
Tlioii hast trathend home to Thy frarner. 1I !
The sheaves oi my tcidilcn years
Hut Thou lea vest ho) In the pulchcr cold.
And sniilis iu a world of tears;
The arc rmcu Immortalities
When the K-!cn blossoms die:
Ani the I'as.'ion that sinks with the sunset feet
Sweet icace in the star-sown sky.
Soltly the winds of Autumn stiijr
Tlii-tr choral soni? of praise.
And a prophecy thus to my soul they bring
OI its slow ly iartlnx days
il Die sleep that shall fondly aud Kxnlly Hlid
t in my eyes from a chilly hand
Of the dawn, with Mulwl by my 41c,
In the calm of another land.
The sun lacked a quarter of noon,
and was beginning to pour down,
scorching hot, upon the piece of corn-
land iu the iiottom. 1 he laborers
stopiHil at the end of the bout to wipe
the perspiration from their heated
brows. It seemed a long way across
i he lot, an.l the dry sanil, unshadowed
as vet mv tne voungeorn, looked lar
less inviting than the closely cropped
turf under the shady elms iu the pas-tun-
lot near by. The little spring,
which bubbled from beneath the
gnarled roots and lost itself a few
paces further on in a tangled growth
of cattails and wild grasses, seemed
tolieckouthe tired men to forget their
toil and rest ln-sitlc it.
Old 1 1 irani rubbed his shining bald
pate with the remains of a red silk
handkerchief and, settling Lis palm-
leaf upon his head aimed a savage
,yv t a thrifty young burdock stand-
jo close to a stock of corn that it
escaped the tooth of the cultiva-
"Now, lads," said he to the three or
four younger men who stood each at
the end of a new row ; "let's get back
lu re agin afore the old horn blows, an'
so hev time ter rens out our mouths
afore dinner."
"I declare. Hi," said John Marvin,
"I lielieve I'll take a rinse now, for I
i am powerful dry.- Joe, just keep my
I row along won't you," asked he care
lessly of the young man next him, who
had already loosened the earth around
two or three hills of his own allotment
The other nodded and proceeded to
bring the idler's task along side his
' own by a few swift strokes of his hoe.
Marvin leisurely climlied the fence
and strolled down the declivity, chop
ping off the heads of such mullein
stalks as were within reach, and pick
: ing up a stone to fling at a goldcn-
w inged woodjH'cker that was foraging
,n the half-tlecaved trunk of a blasted
tree growing near his path.
i He w as just out of ear-shot when
Hiram remarked
"John's a pood natured chap, but
mighty lazv. IIowmany row
have we fetched U for him since We
; iM guii on this twenty acres?"
"This makes my third one to-day,"
j said Joe laughing', "but I guess I am
I the only one that he has asked this
morning. John does not like to work
very well, that is a fact.
"If I had to pay the hands on this
farm, I should almost lie inclined to
dock him when Saturday night comes
'round," put in another of the men, as
he unearthed a Canada thistle.
"Pshaw, Tom,'' answered Joe, with
smile, "John is a philosopher and
looks upon work as one of the neces
sary evils existing in this ld'.vcr world,
lie calculates upon dodging it, so far
as possible."
"If that's what you call a philoso
pher, Joe," said old Hiram, "them an-
imals is not of much account in a
cornfield. You've lieen to school
a '''ter chance than work-
iiiin n, us inn ni am, 11 nil miruiucv
were loys ; nd so has John, though
! ruess he was never over fond of a
Half-way across the field the lag
gard overtook his fellows.
"I say, Ikivr, if it as hot as this to
morrow, I lielieve that I've pot to go
to town to sec alxtut some Summer
Tom winked at Joe, who looked
grave but said nothing.
That night, after the milking was
done, John, with a cigar in his mouth
strolled out into the orchard, where
Joe was seated under a tree, laying
the fading twilight undor contribution
for rays enough to enable him to ex
tract the pith from a coarsely-printed
article iu an agricultural journal,
transferrins now and then a thought
to a note-book, which lay ujKtn his
"I say, Joe," Haid the farmer as he
came up, "let's go into the village to
morrow. I want to Bee about some
clothes, and can't stop to wait for a
rainy day, aud you can make some
errand in as well as not, fo let's go and
have a good time. Let's lay off half
a day any way.
Joe closed his note-Hook, ami uciu
eratelv folded his liaiMT.reiilving as he
did so", "Can't afford to lose the time,
mv boy, don't need anj- clothes, and,
1 .!!. il.A ...J tl.A r.irm w ulfiklilr
IH'MUr, I I1C Ul Ull IUU 1UIIII tt V t
1vj lii'tiiml the imiut
t tt V VI (III 1 V UU f L'
i I ...H .: i, ;r i
nere i siioum m i -
carrying it on myself."
"If you were carrying it on vour-
self!" said the other, with a cjrl of
his lip, very nearly approaching a
sneer ; "what dot that have to do
. ..
with lavinir oil' half a day? 1011
don't suppose a fellow is to take as
much pains for old Foster as he would
on a farm of his own, do you ?"
"Why not, John, doesu't he take a
great interest in the men he hires ?
Are we not welcome to read his books
aud pajHTS when work is done, and
doctn't he take as much pains to look
after our welfare as though we were
friends instead of merely hired labor-
"I should like to know what you
mean by merely hired laliorers ? I'm
as irood as old Foster anv day, and
don t see any reason wny i snouni
slave myself to death on his farm, Im--eause
he is sharp enough to leave
books and papers around where we
can pick them up, just as he leaves
salt where the cattle can lick it. He's
a keen old chap, and thinks that if the
men take an interest in keeping up
things, as he calls it, ho will get more
work out of them ; but he don't Come Hastily running her eyes over the
it over me, I can tell you." paper, she threw her arms around the
"Now, John, I am really very sorry ohi man's neck, exclaiming, "Why,
to hear you talk in that way, for I you dear, good father, if you meant to
think Mr. Foster is trying to do us all ! r V nU the farm, why did you put in
the good that he can. He expects his ( the deed that I was to give you a dol
work done, of course, since he j Lir for it ?"
pays for it, but a good man can al-j "Because a gift, without a consid
ways get a little more from him than jeration therefore, does not constitute
from anybody else in the township, i a legal transfer. But, Mary, has Joe
"Why, you actus though he had j ever asked you to be Ids wife ?"
hired you to blow for him. Expect to i "He has said that he should, sir, if
have your wages raised, don't you ?" j I were not the daughter of a man in
"I certainly shouldn't object if I j so much Is-tter circumstances than
didn't receive now as much as I could , himself."
have the conscience to charge. 1 "What did vou tell him?"
mean to lie worth more m xt year, ;
though." j
"But see here, John ;" calling after j
him. as he was moving away, "you
won't le angry if I speak plainly to
vou r
i "Whv, no, of course not."
j 'Well, then, I'm afraid that it will
j make trouble, if you try to gi t off to
morrow, for the lioys think that you
'sojer' just a little now and then.
! They are sure to complain loud en-
I ouodi for Mr. Foster to hear of it, one
j or another of them, if fliev really get
Mi. ;,, their heads, and' vou!
tnow, kind as he is, he won't stand I
any nonsense."
"Neither will I," answered the oth-
!er. hotlv. "and if anv sneak savsthat
j lnv wrk, Ik-chuscI don't grub
flit,. ,(io;ger all the time, it won't
make any difference with my goin
town when I chooc-e to."
V..vt titiritinu- f:il Nir K.'t ,
. . c. i..i.r.. i: 1
ou tlie porcn alter nrcaaiusi, icuuoii;
his newsnaoer. John came around the i
house and asked leave to go to the vil-1
lage for the afternoon. j
'Looking over the top of his sik-c-I
tacles, the old man said
"Well, John, we are pretty well
driven, you know ; last week's rain has
given the weeds such a start that we
shall have brisk work to prevent their
getting ahead of us ; though of course
you understand that, and won't ask to
get off unless it were necessary. Y'ou
can go."
As John passed through the gate
Mr. Foster turned to his daughter,
who sat near by busy with the farm
accounts, and said :
"Mary, just see how many days
and half-days that young man has
laid off since the Spring work com
menced." Kunning her nimble fingers over the
pages; she said :
"Why father, you don't intend to
charge them to him, do you ?"
"Certainly not, child, I only want
to know if old Hiram Foster isn't los
ing too much money by hiring a hand
who Las so much business off the farm
in the busy season."
"He has lieen away three w holi
days and five half dayu, since work in
thc sugar-bush stopied. Shall I go
back any further than that ?"
"Xo ; that will do. I guess that I
ahall have to recommend John to turn
his attention to soincthfng not quite
so confining as farm latair, after this
month is up."
"That means, sir, that you will dis
charge him, I suppose."
"Humph 1 you have guessed it very
nearly," he replied. "I cannot en
courage loose business habits in a man
whose only capital lies in his muscles,
and I never refuse a man leave to go
when he asks it. Each must judge
for himself as to the nunilier of holi
days which he requires, for I wish to
satisfy those whom l employ.''
In a few minutes Mary had closed
her hook and was glidingthrough the
half-open door, when her father said:
"Child, there was a young man
from the village, out here yesterday
while you were down at the lower
farm, and he wanted to know if I
should object to receiving him as a
The girl opened her eyes very wide.
"So vou are getting tired of me,
father V
Why put that iutoyoiir silly pate ?"
Why tir, you know have brought
us up to consider your own oc
cupation the most heat hful and among
the most worthy of earthly pursuits.
Now. of course, if 1 were to go into
the village for I suppose I was wan
ted since you are speaking to me
where would be all my girlish lancies
"A little farm well tilled, a little
wife well willed, and all that?"
"Nonsense, girl, I thought that
young Granger's name was Juetmt
Tina time the rich blood, mounting
swiftly to check aud brow, left no
doubt a to the fate of the young man
from the village.
Is that all, father V j
No. Just see how much that saucy
fellow, the mere mention of whose iagcr from Mci.tniipc. ed five or six yards a suitable dis-
nanii brings up so much color, is en- P1 . . . ,. . . . , tance in the case of a single th-e.
titled to call on me for. Kx-t he 1 1,0 I,,rt,,nn tha ''f tn,nP ,,,,f's. .not I5..t wlfen the tree is lofty, a some
will be asking for it one of these '''tntte tne earth to a.. M-der- w,ut Ucr artanw ls to 1,P ,,.
j iy . n I able depth, was in aneient times a ! f(.rr(.,
' "Joehas yoiimote for five hundred, j ri'a'1 11 is " rlfvnl,'t The reader need hardly be rcmind-
sir.anehe ,.lv takes up half of his ( hla ' 'hV t TTV'1' l'"rhl! t,1!,t t,,B ,,,'C"Ssit fi,r
wages overt month." .f J?lM1.n- Tt ' V re- takil,, th(fsc pn(.autions OIlly exists
r0h hofso vouean tell without ! t,lv thunder storms into a jrrot- L.,,,.,,. stori il4 rvaI ; dos(
looking, can vou, Miss Hook-kcepcr ? . n "VT (',f watJ'r hs at hand. When the interval which
Then it has gone so far as thai, has it ? ! 'r11 Hw watt-r wnv be do- L, M.tww.n tho li-.htning-flash
Prav. how much do I owe vou for
butter and eggs?"
"Tim egg money la-longs to Kiiti
; father."
"es, yes, so it does. You girl
i Imni tlltll fi Viil i nit iniiriK'..c
J .a ...a.-. fc,.r f t 1 .- 1
i What were the urolits on vourflockof
1 I
Li.....i. vn,,r"
v y ....-i . .
j "About two hundred dollars, sir,
and there was not t,uite u hundred
dollars worth of butter sold. I
must go and skim the milk if you
have .lone with me." '
..... . . ,
Ikm't be in a hurry,' child ; to-day-
is your birthday' isn't it ?"
"Yes, sir."
"How old are you ?"
"Why, father, you know that I am
twenty, don't you ?"
"bupposc I should, puss, if I stop-
ped to think about it: but it is easier
toaskyouthanto reckon up. How
much will you give for the l'wer
farm ?"
"Why, I haven't enough to pay for
the stock that is on it, to say nothing
i of the farm. I haven't over eight
! hundred dollars besides mv stock of
"(Jo to mv secretary, and bring me
.! . i i : . :.. .i .. i:.
inui i;o iiv i in i-iiiix- mat i.' iu uii- in-
tie drawer on the left side."
ti. ,,irl .i;.l ns she ns i.i.i.i..,.
.1. it i.Iiil.l " I... t-..i.l r. ,,,
IJiien it, child, ho said, as she
i . . ' . -
I airaiu stood ociore mm, "and sec
....1 r.... IT
ami see n
you will agree to
j'the document."
the provisions
"What could I say, sir ?
ask me to say anything."
"What would vour an
-wcr have
Im cii if he had ?"
notlong ami tb. ' hbZgto La- ,
i .. . ' i... ... ...... !
t.Ti.. f-.t!..... i ...r.i.
oei'ii U'.ugui inn to consnicr uii iikiiis-,
. ...., i;i... i.:. ....
lliiuim ivuiii: mull ii.i UI1U.-.I n .an nil-
7-r-.. ...
worth)' of a much lietter wife than I ,
i-iiuiil iiiaae nun.
-....i.i ..,.. i.:... ?
"Tut, tut, I can't allow that. Mv :
m.... ' ..p I
it he. land.
.nai i in in mi ui mil iiiium null in .
Ten ve:n-s bavi
liussed sin.-i
above conversation took place.
Farmer Foster is seated at twilight
under the old porch, w ith a grandchild
on each knee. The hist load of hay
from the hillside is passing, on its way
to the barn. The old man seldom re
mains in the field all day now, for lit
is needed at the house to mind the
(llildn'M. hi HilVS! U!)tl Mui'V. hilt lit
1 .;().. . i..; i...
n ni..n uiuiiiiii m n. ,i..i .n.nn
quite agrees with him.
A bearded man, with a rake 11)1011 j
his shoulder, walks behind the wa-
gon ami tops close to the larm-vard j
gate, -stho children run to meet
liim u'i ttjilij ttmf Iu. iiviiiidL lint n '
iiiiii n ii-'in t, huh lit- t .lt uurt utiv k ,
sitorle hand, for the oossessi.u, (lf ,
which a playful scu file takes place.
Joe's right arm struck its last blow-
for freedom at Five Forks, but he of-l
.1.. ...1 ... : . . '
ing how much a man can do with one.
hand after he is used to it.
Kentittir liimsclf 11111111 tin. low.'i' stcii 1
1 ,'f
he bids the little girl ask mamma if a
..r;,.,d., ..on i..., .. 1.....1 ..ri ..1
i't'i ' I rlav ia ii.ivv n M'ti 1 in ui ruu :
.....I ...;il- ti... i...,i.. ;
UalU III 1 1 SV. !' (.Ill -"IU lit, JU iliL il-
and runs into the house. .
Returning presently, she replied :
"Yeth, thir, if he won't carry off the
Just then a boy, riding up to the
gate, calls out. "Mr. Granger, j
I brought up vour mail from the vil
lage." '
.Ti 1. . 1.. .1 n .. 1
1 iiitna vou, iu 111.,,
our old friend, vou needn't "et off from !
vour horse. I'll' como for it" i
Owning a newspaper and glancing;
rapidly over its columns, Joe Kai(i .;
r -
I here s another strike on the rail-
road, and the militia have been called 1
Bless me! if the
hrakemen haven't been stoning the
troops until they have provoked them ;
into firing upon them. Let s.-f-, :
here's a list of wounded : Patrick !
Morrow, J nines McCaffery, Bernard j
Covle, Mat Ferguson and John Mar-j
vin." j
"What !" said old Farmer Foster, j
"can that be the young fellow that j
used to work on the farm, Joe ?" j
"I fear it is, sir. John w as ru il- i
roading the last that I knew anything 1
about him. He was conductor of a
freight train for a w hile, but was so
careless aud unsteady that he had to
go back to a break." .
"Poor fellow, I am sorry for him."
remarked Mary. "He has no home
to go to."
"I'll just drive down to the village
and see how badly he is hurt," said
thc younger of the two men, rising.
"We were Ikivs together, and if John
is in trouble, I must do what I can
for him."
Late that night, Joe returned,
bringing with him in a hired convey
ance, his old schoolmate stretched
upon a lied. He had found him upon
the floor at the railway station, and re
fused to h ave him to the care of the
town authorities.
The poor fellow never recovered his
former vigor, but docs light work
about the farm, and lectures soundly
all idle young men bechances to meet.
"I have a right to preach," he says,
"since I furnisirod a text in my own
It is of no advantage to have a
lively mind if we are not just. The
jierfection of the jvcndulum is not to
go fast, but to lie regular.
Raid a Detroit lady to a gentleman
of that city : "You are not a musician
I believe." "No," said he; "if I were
the proprietor of a hand organ set ex
pressly to play "Old Hundred," I
couldn t get seventy-live out ot it.
! sii'iied to extinguish fire produced bv I
" 7 1 . . . . 7
j the lightning; but more probably it is
I T i A .1 SI 1 I t I li li .11 II 1 tlKAfont l.tll
I I1U IHIU 11!" tiiin'un iitru
to whatever may bo Iwlow; but this
' does not prevent fish from being
'killed bv lightning, as Arugo has
j . . 1 a
'. I,m'el out
. t V : "t I- i -I i
, the Lake of K.rknitz, and
ie fish in it, so that the in -
In the year H'uO, light
. 1 1 I
nuig fell on
killed all tlx
"i,",,l1a,',s ,'',n neigii.H.rii.i...i ere;nn(1 tll(, thllIl(1)T irt t
i"",",'l'; twen y-eight carts w, h i iillish so lh
the dead lish found floating on the ,-,, t ,)(!ral,Idiv ap
f" of the lake. I hot mere ,1-,, h (ll)Sl.rvir.s ,tai((n-
u niM.riitni'tiMii u well ulinu-n liv tlio . ... '
is no protection is wen Known iv mo
i T ,V T- i """"'tliouglitliffttorin were raging imme-
called fulgurites, which are known to ; ar(jm(1 him So BfJ thc
; be caused by the action of bghtnmg. , . .-a, y t() h u may
: often penetrating the ground to a , . f f , at tl rtom l,a H paiiM?d
o, un.,. ... v
stances have been known in which
A..4t .i i
j "h ' - ' ' . . - "fM
h ' -
J E'iSl i im-
: ,1,,l't! "ding li htn n spr. i isini iosay. .e o.e v . .
When the Chateau i
Neuf les-Moutiers church was struck'
bv lightning during divine service, '
two of the officiating priests were se
verely injured, whilo a third escaped
wlio alone wore-Vestments orna-;
nientrd with silk. In th same ex-
. . i.:ii l .i
1 1'1'"""'; '""".1 'n?
! "lward of eighty injuied. , But it is
pward ot eighty injuieu. iui i is
1.. . . 1. .. . t. ll.llM llOIlk
lI'IH IIOllllI I""' n
. , . r ...i ; 1. ... ihn .hiirf-li nil tt wliii'h
piisvui in .ii -
1 , .,, , 1. 1... . -i .,. i i
were kuicu. ii uu msu w- "" ' -
ett tnat nars cmoreu uiiuiiiiin mi -
more liable to be struck (other eir -
eumstanees being tho same) than
liirht colored. ay, lnore: dappled
and piebald animals have been struck;
. . ... .i . r. .... . 1 . ...
and it has heon noticed. Iliai alter tne
stroke, the hair on the lighter parts
has come olT at thc slightest touch,
while the hair on the darker parts has
not been affected at. all. It seems
pi-obable, therefore, that'sjlk and felt
clothing, and thick black-Jiloth, afford
a sort of protectiin, though not. a
very trustworthy one, t those wlio,,,,,, the Presidential question..
wear them. ,
Tin-notion has'tong been preva
lent that metallic articles should not
' be worn during a thunder storm.
There can le no doubt that large me
tallic masses, on or near a person, at
tract danger. Arago cites a very
noteworthy instance of this. On the
"f ? 1 Vwhile a thumW
storin was in progress, there were as-
.' - i...
prisoners in im-
. ,, - ... ,
'...f.oit b.ill .f Kilinriirdi
ii. in
jau. -vmoiig.j
them stood their vVwf, who had been
, , - , i ,
"'"'"V""1 (W
ed bv the wawt. AVheary stroke of i
, - . . . -
Hgntuing It'll on ine jirisoners, nun
the chief w as killed, while his ooin
i ,i
panions escapen.
It is not unite so
clear that :
metallic artich
are sources oi
ger. The fact, that when persons.
have been struck, the metallic por-:
tions f their attire have been in ev-
lilt lit. lit 1! l Hi ill ' 1 H 1 1 ' va 1... .s
cry case affected by the lightning, af
fords only a presumption on this
point, since it does not follow that
these metallic articles have actually
.1 the lightning stroke. 1 11-
1 stances ".1 -.vhich a metallic object has
; been struck while the wearer has es
caped, are more to the point, inougn
some will bo apt to recognize here a
protecting agency rather than the re-
verse. I Here is, sat s .1 rago,
" source of danger whero
l.ii.rrr. OS-
' 7 "
! seinbhlges of
men or nnima.s are
ascending currents of.
' present in the
Y"1or rausi"a WJ l" ?lT. -
1 1 .1 ;
Like water, moist air is a good con
ductor of electricity, and lightning b
attracted in the same way, though
01 course, 10 tne same c.mcih, ov
p . . . . 1...
Hi ascend
ling column of vapor, as bv
a regular Hgntuing comiueior.
1 1? 1 .
It is'
" 111 4 1 fl 1 '
on this account, tirobably, that flocks,
- 1 a a :
of "'"P aro P0 frequently struck, and
, so many 01 them killed ov a single ;
! stroke. Barns containing grain which ,
has been housed before it is 'l'1'1' '
I dry are more commonly struck by
lightning than other liuildmgs, the !
j ascending column of moist air being: vou favr Horace?" (He did fa
; probably the attracting cause in this! V). him fl ,iule ;u ,jir. fi,t,t v
case, as 111 the lornier. 11 nen we are ;
,v ',li' ".v tnundi-r-sioriii 111 ui-
"l"'" ,lir' precaution is more necessary ,
..1 . 1 .1 ix r . .
"an """ 11 ' ' "
know , specially when no shelter is
near w hat is
, I.I IllOSl JU ItllCIll COlllSI
to adopt.
It has been stated Unit there is;own or anv othcr language, vet his
danger iu running against the wind ; v,.r;H.ri )a(.k tl.e heroic ring which the
during a thunder storm, and that it .Mt,.tl m. lirtx wlu. a y;r.;j
is better to walk with than agaiust i SWeepsthe striniw."
the wind, One should even, it isj
saui, 11 me wind is er uigii, i u 11
W illi me tviiiu. I ue utuoiiuic 01 .
these rules seems to Im- this: a cur-
rent of air is produced when we
rilll ;
against the wind, the air 011 the side,
turned from the wind being rarer
than the surrounding air. A man so'
running "leaves a space behind him I
in which the air is, comparatively j
speaking, rarefied!" Lightning
would be more likely to seek such a ,
space for its track than a region iu!
w hich the air is more dense. An in-
stance is recorded 111 which, during a
gale, lightning actually left a conduc-1
tor which passed from the mast of ai
ship to her windward side, in order j
to traverse the space of rarefied air I
on the ship's larboiird side.
It is quite certain that trees art
very likely to be struck by lightning, i
i .t .. f .. ii ..a ;i : . i
and tnereiore, tnai u ,s an excecuing- ANyny T0 beat GBAXT.
Iv dangerous thing to stand under' ,, ... , .
trees in a storm. No consideration ",lc 1 was r-'athermg up my
of shelter should induce any one to! draw's, two men somewhat intoxicat
adopt so dangerous a course. The j Pot very inn eh excited m discuss
ihmoer it, fact, is very much trreater ' "W the relative fitness of Grant and
when heavy rain is falling, since tin
-i? i . -., , .j..
tree, loaded with moisture, ta-comes
an efficient lightning conductor. For
similar reasons, it is dangerous to
seek the shelter of a large building
(not protected by a lightning conduc
tor in a thunder storm. One of the
ni.t ti.prilili. r.ntiistroiilies lriimi'ti In '
the history of thunderstorms ot.clir-Poe. Why this strife, this conten
red to a crowd of persons who stood' "". h'tterness of spirit? And
in tlie porch of a village church wait-
inir till a thunder shower should have!
ing till
passed away.
In the open air, when a heavy thun
der storm is progressing and no shel
ter near, the best course is to place
one's self at a moderate distance
from some tall trees. Franklin con
sidered a distance of about twenty
feet the best. Henlev also consider-
JUNE 1-2." 187-2.
'and the thunder-peal is such as to
. , at u tJ u j ' rcaitv ,
miles away, it is altogether unneces
sary to take precautions of any sort
however brilliant the flash may be. or
1 however loud the peal. It must be
notiifil, however, that a sto
,r . ,s ' r id, ,f t,M
!,, .. )Iw
orm often
observed to di-
lat the storm is
approaching the
same precau-
'its nearest aimroat-Ii, ami is receding,
,,. ,.,.,,: tll .).;,.,
1ul ' uccoiuiiiK i" ""-"
thunder storms travel, are as yet very
anl 1 ""''
a!t!imtw th;lt ''T""; ' 1"--
tW(,t.n ,as,, aml , ,ias ,.jrull t0 ln.
. ft , diminished, the
1 ' ( .
storm is therefore certainly passing
u vv ay. u nnmwr s uuun-ui.
ICOI.Mt KlXti K.llfltl.KN.
Mr. Griswold, the "Fat Contribu-
( (,
of the Cincinnati Times mid
Chrontrft, on a recent steamboat trip
I Al . ill ? I 1. 1C 1-.
1 , . . . , ,,-
. ... 1-..... .. ....... r..M If.. ...11..
liming u I ui' ioi i n-T-mi-iii. jii- ivnr.
1 ., r , ,,
. tne storv as ioiiows:
r nrid ot raniiding oy railroad, 1
; j,aVe recently been indulging my rov-
; u,r disposition in a steamlxiat ram-'
,(. ,i,nvl. t. (
: l I . .
no, and I propose to
. ' ri.t i
' ramlilo about it on paper, for the read
... . . . .
(.rs0r the Tmrxanl t'hronirle. !
I took thc steamer General Lvtle, "
0f the Mail Line, for Louisville" the !
ot.r evening, and had a delightful I
trip. After ten I thought I would!
' take a vote of the passengers. j
: This is the period for taking votes I
on board railroad trains, steamboats, j
The result is fretiuentlv published in
the newspapers as "A Straw," though
I have observed that no newspaper i
ever prints a straw that does not I In Scrilitrr' Monthly for June,
show the political w ind to Im- setting' which is already upon our table, Dr. ;
in their direction. When I essayed !! tl- Holland gives a nt-w and not
to take a vote of the passengers of lover-agreeable picture of American
the General Lvtle the other night.
; hytl, fIM , thfllk of (ht. embarrass-
ws I won d encounter in securmar
i. . . . ... . .
n. I am not much in politics, though
. ..robnbly as much in politics as
! is in me.
lM-gau with -the captain
of the
Lvtle as a starter.
' Captain Whitten," said I.
vour choice for President?"
"Will." replied the ImiLI commando!'
- . f , - -
U-'Ugli t.apiam 1 .erce ,,as
" 1 resident as the old Mail
L"1- l'v'r had. Iteck.m he 11 do for
some years yet.
He thought I was talking about
hte President of the Louisville Mail
Line, but I put down one vote for
I next tackled the mate, w ho w as
below superintending some perplex
ing maiucuvre in freight,
"Mate," said I, cherily, trying to
. . f .1 ......n,;,, , (i
getting in their way worse than ever.
a of who are vou
- -
"Who am I going for?" roarei
1 the
! mate, angrily; "I'm going for you if
you don't get out of this.
I got out immediately. I had to
, . ,., tlU .,.,-
1 ,1.,.I11i..,l tn tin, cabin.
A schol-
. -
a.Iv ol,,1Vr mim was reading by a
ta))c wart reading bv a lamp,
,nori. j(I.01H.rVf vt.t be was by a ta-
1,1,., too.)
.-Alv Vrii n.l," I remarked, blandly,
., . 1 ,11.,,,i111.,,.i l,k and neiicil.
..Tiat is a fair (.uestion," said the
Sl.,iarv looking man, laying down
jlLs Il()u. whil.h j ,Mm.ived was a
Latin work of some kind, "and I will
answer it without undue circumlocu
tion. While many of the odes of
1 Horace are unexcelled cither in his
j tol( u,m Virgil might sweep the
striii"S, b
ut couldlie sweep the South? j11"' ,,ou wlar, they are receiv
.1... .,:.. ed as members of the family; and
.1..- ....... . ... ,.,,,.1 inn
.v,.or b,ii.rnnr. mr friend." eon-
r s. 1 J "
f oatifinu me tlint vim nri. in
reality a Greeley man."
"How so?" inquired the man of
"You call a Virgil a poetic lyre?'
Dow n went the scholarly man for
A man of letters.
I am a man of letters, as this letter :
wni show. If she shows anything
why letter!
It may not bu generally known, by
the way, that letters 'were invented
;,, phieniein. but thev were. That is
the reastin vou can't
Pha-nicia edu-
cation without them.
See it? Fin-
jsh ye, eh? How's that? Ha!l
' -
ureeioy uir ine rresuiency. t line
one insisted that Grant knew nothing
about farming, the other inquired con
temptuously "what Greeley knew
'bout war? He never fired (hie) two
hors-lumlM-r-wag'ii!" He seemed to
think that settled Horace.
"Mv friends," said I, "let us have
.i . e .1 i ? l i.ii -.
""l"'"' or nt-cuoa.
"0h: V"u. ,(f J d." "M the
man ot gin. "An houy to heat Grant."
now the LADIES GO.
My next exiieriinent was among
the ladies. I approached a dark-eyei
daughter of Kentucky, and in a fath
erly and motherly way, which the dif
ference in our years warranted:
"Daughter, if you could be Grant or
be (Jreelev, which had you rather
"15. Gratz Brown!" shcreplied.with
a proud toss of the head.
There is something I admire in
these Kentucky women they never
go back on a native Kentuckian.
"I am for Adams," cried an angu
lar old maid in a shrill voice. "Adams
is my man." The ladies ought cer
taiuly to favor the Adams movement,
since Mother Eve was the original
Adam's woman.
"I support Grant," put in a brawny
lloosier farmer, "anil the country will
supKjrt him, trfo."
"Well," returned a sinister chap,
"the country may support Grant, but
you can't expect the country to sup
port all of Grant's relations into the
bargain, can you? This relation bu
siness is played out."
I afterwards ascertained that the
sinister chap had recently run away
from a wife and six children in tin1
East. He don't believe in taking care
of one's relations, lie don't.
"1 am waiting for tho Baltimore
Convention," said a man horn I re-
I member to hare seen at fa rs w th a
fat.inati11, itt(. anio CttIi,.,i "Three
far.l Monte." I told him he needn't
wait the Baltimore Convention,
' I ,., ': ......:.. . : " 7, "
Ut lilt J. IJIl.tUl IJrlJtU Vll i:iILlJJI, Jl III
wold go there lots of folks to "go
(f()r., , Philadelphia. Thinking to
molify him
for he scowled fearfully
I said: "Come, old high-ball, tell
me who I shall put you down for."
He moved angrily away, and I
heard him mutter a remark about
putting somebody downJJ "for a d d
fool," but I don't think he meant me.
When I got through taking the
vote it summed up as follows:
For Grant, Several
For Greeley, Frequently
L',. r . i ti.:i t :...
i or in n. l I'iini, i lie .uuil ajiue
! ,. ... ' , . .' ...
I r or W omens rights, The romale Line
For Louisville, The Gen. Lvtle
For-get-me-not, The Fat Contributor
The aliove, you perceive, shows a
clear majority for the people's choice.
When I announced the "straw," the
scholarly man remarked, in a solemn
"Ih-hold the child, by Xatnre's kiihlly law.
Pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw."
The Iueliuesi of I'urmisia;
i.ire in
! life in the follow ing sketch
j An American traveler in the Old
frltl uoticex, among the multitude
i r .i : . .. -i
iii"! .urn uu-ut-w iu uih ne, iiib
' garnering oi agricultural populations
been awurf -
in sou tr.o.
! into villages, jie ha
Itoined in his own country
distributed upon the farms thev culti-
ivate. The isolated farm-life so uni -
ll here either dtH.S not exist at
,s : all in the greater part of continental
i Europe, or it exist as a comparative -
K- .,,...l..r,. in-,;t.,.;.. ti. ..i.i ..ii
... "r'tV UI. timiioil. lit. I'HI l'P-
,,,; of ca; atld ,)roft.
; siof t.lustm.d togl.tllt.r fr ilWc-
, ((n aU(I built walls around them-
I selves. Out from these walls, for
! miles around, went the tillers of the
I soil in the morning, and back into the
gates they thronged at night Cot-
tages were clustered around feudal
I castles, and grew into towns; and so
i Europe for many centuries w as culti-
: vatcd mainly by people who lived 111
u oir.i ill
villages and cities.
many of which
vi-i.ri. wnllcl unit nil r.f i lit,.. n,.s.
....-.,.1 I.:...,...... ..r .i..r..- frt'.J
early settlers in ourown country took
the 'same means to defend themselves
from the treacherous Indian. The
towns of Hadlev. Northficld and
iv c.1.1 .....1... 1. . .
I'eerneiii, 011 ine t. ounefiifui nivcr,
are notable examples of this kind of
' buildings; and to this day they re
jmain villages of agriculturalists.
! That this is the way In which farmers
! ought to live we have 110 question,
and we wish to say a few words about
There is some reason for the gen
eral disposition of American men and
women to shun agricultural pursuits
which the observers and philosophers
have Wen slow to find. We see young
men pushing every where into trade,
into mechaiiicfil pur.uits, into the
learned professions, into insignificant
clerkships, into salaried positions of
every sort that will take them into
towns and support and hold them
there. We find it impossible to drive
poor people from the cities with the
threat of starvation, or to coax them
with the promise of better juiy and
cheaper fart;, they stay, and
starve, and sicken, and sink. Young
wutneii resort to tho shops and facto-
rtcs rather than take service m far-
rather than take
when they marry, they seek an alli
ance, when practicable, with mechan
ics aud tradesmen who live in vil
lages and large towns. The daugh
ters of the fanner fly the farm at the
first opportunity. The towns grow
larger all the time, and, iu New Eng
land at least, the farms are becoming
wider and longer, and the farming
population arc diminishing in num-
,H'r5. anu. ,n me localities, degraded
in quality and character,
It all comes to this, that isolated
life has very little significance to a
social Wing. The soeial life of the
village and the city has intense fas
cinatiou to the lonely dwellers on the
farm, or to a great multitude of them'.
Especially is this the case with the
youug. Tho youth of both WXe who
have seen nothing of the world have
ari overwhelming desiro to meet life
and to bo among the multitude. They
feel their life to bo narrow iu its op
portunities and its rewards, and the
pulsations of the great soeial heart
that comes to them iu rushing trains
and passiug steamers and daily news
papers, damp with the dews of a
hundred brows, thrill them with long
ings for the places where tho rythmic
throb is felt and heard. They are not
to W blamed for this. It is the most
natural thing iu the world. If all of
lifo were labor if the great object of
life were the scraping together of a
few dollars, more or lessj why, iso
hit ion without diversion wouJd he
economy and prufiU hut so long as
the object of iifo is life, aud the Wst
and purest aud happiest that can
come of it, all needless isolation is a
crime against the soul, in that it is a
surrender and sacrifice of noble opportunities.
v - i
iN . ')'2.
We are, therefore, not sorry to see
farms growing larger, provided thoso
who work them will get nearer t -
gether; and that is what they ought
to do. Any farmer who plants him- j terward a profeur in the Ohio es
self and his family alone far from j lyan University. Since IsT.O he has
possible neighlMirs- takes upon him-
self a terrible resjonsibiIity. It is
impossible that he ami his should -
- 1 developed
and thoroughly nappy
there. He will be forsaken m his old
age by the very children for whom
he has made his great sacrifice. They
will fly to thc town for the social food
and stimulus for which they have
starved. We never hear of a colony
settling a Western prairie without a! most prominent work.-; U-inc his tn a
thrill of pleasure. It is in colonies tise on "Calvinism," "CbriMian Puri
that all ought to settle, and in Tillages j ty," and ".Ministry," and hi 'L-f-rather
than on separated farms. Thertures on "Darwinism."
meeting, thc lecture, the public amuse- j The Ilev. Isaac W. Wily, I. D,
ment, the soeial assembly, should be . w as born iu Pennsylvania i.i H;,
things easily reached. There is no i He took the degree of 1. D. in l -Ii,
such damper ujion free soeial life as j and, haviug entered tLc coiifi itutu ia
distance. A long road is the surest , 1 t'.i, went to China as a mi.-ionary
bar to neighborly intercourse. If the in ls",o, w here he remained four year-,
social life of the farmer were richer, j In lHH he was chosen president ' f
his life would by that measure le the i the Pennington (N. J.) si-ininarv. ui 1
more attractive. ; in Ii4 u-as appointed i-ditor of the
After all, there are farmers' who I-wHe Il-potifj, aoviii.ui which
will read this article with a sense of i he still retains. He is the tinth-.r of
affront or injury, as if by doubting '"Fallen Heroes of Fit-!io-," and
or disputing the sufficiency of their ; "B'-Hi-'ioii in the Family,"and has ,.,!.
soeial opivortunities we insult them ited a iiiimlj-r of imblicatioiw.
w ith a sort of contempt. We assure i The IU v. Stephen M. .Mcrrili, U.
tln-m that they cannot afford to treat ' n Jeffersou cou:,y,
thoroughly sympathetic counsel inihio, in He entered tin-,
this way." We know that their wives : fcrenee inHMJ and. after many year--and
daucrhters and sons are mi-our labor as presidinir elder, was np.,int-
siilo, quarrel with us as they may;
and the women and children are right:
"The old man," who rides to market
and the postofllee, and mingles more
or less in business with the world,
gets along tolerably well; but it is
the stayers at home who suffer. In
stead of growing wiser and lx-tter as
they grow old, they lose all the graces
of life in unmeaning drudgery, and
instead of ripening in mind and heart,
they simply dry up or decay. We j ferenc of the M. E. Church, and wa
are entirely satisfied that the great ! in the intinerant work until ls."t.
curse of fanning life in America is t w het, he was elected profei,r in the
its isolation. It is useless to say that : Oneida conference seminary, at Cazc
mcn shun the farm because they are i novia, New York, and in the ('.ilowi i.
lazy. The American is not a lazy ! year was chosen preside!,: .if that in-
man anywhere; hut he is social, and
he will fly from a life that is not so -
cial to one that is. If we are to have,
a larger and Ix-tter imputation devot -
ed to agriculture, isolation must be
I shunned, and the whole policy of set-
jtlement hereafter must be controlled,
urKreau, mou.neu ov mm-,.., con-,,,-
Frr. M1ti.
One of the most important helps in
nianageing a farm successfully is a
nousew lie w noinorougniv aiipreciates
j U the efforts put forth to make the
! f"rm Pav- uch a wife is, indeed, a
ill....;.. ... I 1 ;e
u"" l".mr ""--"""o. iui u wuc,
' . V . ' 1 "l " ll" " " '
! . ? ".- me oroan acres
nn U'nl PfP rtu'n f,.r the la -
1 !K,r I?'1. nt only useless but
! a Positive injury both to her litis -
, I.I 11 11- .
band and the noble, calling of agricul-
ture. Our lady readers will say it is , tiipointed to look after the w hites inid
easy enough for us to find fault with blacks in Mi-.-issippi. l-p. n h:s re
the farmer's wife, but we wish to be 'turn he was elected editor of 7.1.
understood on this point, for we huveilleratl, and for several t ears he has
an idea of writting one word that j conducted that journal w ith s:uTinl
shall reflect on the fair sex. Every ability. Besides his volume of tr.iv
fanner's wife knows that there is a ! els, he published in 1 m'.'.i a large v.. !
very large numta-r of farmers who : time of national and anti laverv si r-
have failed to interest their wive in !
their pursuits, i-aile.l to interest ;
. - . , 1 1
1 rliese ure the words wo 11-1. ntnl tbt .
1; .'-'- , !
n nU1,a- 1S W,u'ru W Of
1 in our minu, is w nere niosi ui me tin-1
ficnlty lies. Farmers do not under-
J fand edluahn'J their wives so that
he-T",a' 1k'C0," "8(ful ln ,n,a,la?( -
the faniu borne may take ex - n -
t0 vi'W ofthe ca-e, but it is
1 the truth nevertheless, for iu these
ing the farm, feonie may take excep- i
tious to this view of the case, but it is j
thc truth nevertheless, for iu these
- , . . . , . , .
i davs girls are brought up with an idea ;
of becoming the wife of some man 1
... l : . . . 1 j . . j a. . 1 c ,
,,u nut uonu-jr . up ie mrruer,
out, imiuv Jar --uon 01 uieir
eAtietiuiioiis, nun at last uieir lot is
cast with some honest tiller of the
soil. They may lie
They may lie able to put up
with the man of their choice but thev
are not in sympathy with his calling;
simply because they have all their j
cu'Os't Tiva fu.n niti.1. ti. lta.lia.t-41 I
sweet lives Wen made to believe that
'w.vw u.u wiv V IV ' ' lit V k 1.1 44. v
farming iuoneof the least among tin- j
many pursuits of industry. Now, if!
... t , .. . - . ,-
..sUur,..a. .t mtur i..a,, nail
true, we all know, there ih i something
wrong at the fireside. The farmer,
a! a fn.iuirnl riiUa I -l t L' j nnthuiii.1.1
"fi , T" '"""'"'I the acre. To do this Le intend
too many are only half way in earnest ! ,..,, i f,,i t,.. ...... . ... .
and fail to inspire the family with con-
hdence in their operations. Often the
father of the family is found repining
. ,
..n.l .1... ,...-.lU... m. ,1-... . .1... 1.
.. , . ,, , , . . . .
fill lifAtl .. tl a T I ll.. l,laA.,.l . n 4l, nnlt.
v ....v.. . c-.i(ia .. I'ibiiii ll. im- li.llll
. , . iiii i
inui icou.s iu tout unu ut.turv, uuu 111
., . r f ,
his free country who may uot - aspire
to these things for their children?
1 his is w hy H is there are so many
wives who do not interest themselves
in the farm. They come by their dis-
likes honestly; for if thev have not
Wen taught to despise the calling of
their fathers they have never. W-en
taught to respect it This is why
they Wconie wives with no ideas as
to their duties to themselves or to
their husbands, and this it is that
causes us to say that farmers must e.l-uc-ftto
their wives after they marry
them. A farmer's wife, if she does
not sympathize fully w ith her hus
band's calling, must by force of will,
interest herself, for in no other way
can she do her whole duty. She must
bring up her children in such a man
ner as to impress the truth firmly on
their minds, and that truth is, that,
after all, the fanner is the only true
nobleman, for he "eats not the bread
of idleiu-sV and his family "niav en
joy the fat of the land."
Walk Iu. Twenty-five or thirty
years ago, Rev. Charles (J. Fiuney,
now Presidput uf OWrlin College,
was carrying on a series of revival
meeting in some eastern city, Boston,
we think. One day a gentleman
called to see him 011 business. Mr.
Finney's daughter, perhaps five years
old, answered his ring. "Is your fa
ther in ?" asked the stranger. ' "No,"
replied, tho demure maiden. 4But
wtdk: iu, poor dyiug sinner ! Mother
caa pray for you."
ma not, m ways gone ny
"IM " iiiiii ins, n iiicii in I'liiiing'iiaiton ir i .
IS . i , .. . Jle does not aliow a single ounce of
at least, might have placed him in as ! ..n.. ., . , .i , i r .
r . ii . i i , anv suhstanee that w il make a fert: -
eomfortablo a position as A or P.. who ! .
, t 4i.i 1 , , . , .- ! izer to go to v. a.-te; u- s imiek. loan!.
went to the same school with him. i ...... . , t. . . . -,, , , , ,
mi- . ., ,. .- . saw -dust. iVc. ; Used nil loads of mm-k
this tram of thought, if expressed l ,t . .
, i . t v, ' . J "(the present w inter in lieu, ing h;s
aloud, must affect wife and children. . ,; . , ,; ,,,, ,
n i i ni' . -l . . . stock: ties up his cattle at nig .;.
thev iM-hoId his toil-staned garments, . ,. ,. , , ,
The f"ll'ivi)ig are bi'n i' -l,i 1
j the new bi.-hops clio.-cn by tin'
I CHI C of tilt! Ml-lii'lirt, C'UUl'lil,
ll'VV i
ieic.-sion iu New York :
I The Iti v. Tiiomns Bowman, I. !.,
, is a native of Berw'u k, I'a., and a uT.r-
uate of Dickinson College, l-'nr ti -i
years he was tin- piv.-Mi'iit of J;.- k-..-mwi
Seminary, at U'iiliamsport. P i ,
and in I.s.'iSt ho was elected in iil' 'ii
;f A-libiirv I'liivei .-ity, at (ire'iie;t ..
. tie, Indiana, where his hujiie now j ..
j lie is very iipi:l:ira- a pn-ai !nr, and
. one of the prominent omtor of t!;o
' T1" V,LV- Wl"' Ti- ,I;'r,:-. l- f-. 1
; L. R, a native of Ohio, i.- no?.- nearly
i lift v-five years old. He has been a
i m.inber of the General Confcri-nce
- since I ,;, during which time he hi;s
; uct-d a-i secretary. Afrer ten yi ar-
, of pastoral work, he has chosen pi in-
, of the Baldwin In.-titute, and a!
been assistant missionary secret
the G neral Conferem .
nrr r.
I lie I'.ev. Kamlolph S. .Foxier, I.
!., L. L. I., also a, native of Ohio, is
now in his lifty-third year. Jb- v. as
transferred to the i w York confer
ence in I.s;o, and in 1n')s. sip-cecil.-d
Ir. M'Cliiilock as president of the
I rcv theological seminary. lr. Fos
ter i. a ell known as en author, hi-
ed editor ol the h ttrn (,W iu A'l-
co' uie in iMiS. ins -ssa .-
on HiijMir
- and i ill
tant theological (tiestii,ii- i
cult passage- of Scripture h
greatly praised.
The Hey. Edward (J. Andrews. I.
I., was Imrn in .New Hartford. .New
York, iu IfJl't. entered tin; We.-h-va-i
University, Middietowu, Cnin ciil.u:.
ami w as graduaii d in 117. Tin-
i next vear he joined the Oi
lia co:-
. stitution. After ten years' service in
; the seminary he w as' transferred t
the New York Ea.-t conference in
; lso t, siendiiig the eight years
; chiefly Ln prominent church'.- r;r..,.k-
" T. Kl.v iliu, n ..,. WJS ,,.,n,
at Maiden. MuSS., ii, S. ptemlM-r. lsi 1
III 1S4T he graduated at the We.-lev-
!ln University, and in the saiie- vear
. ,vas j,, 'vr,,fviir ,-,f (;r,., ' avA
j Latin in Amcuia Seruinarv, N. Y. In
j 1S4S he was chosen president of this
( institution, and three years afterward
he joined the .Yew England Coufer-
('iice. linen tieiierai liutiers re:
i ment went to the scat r.f w ar. Bishop
j Haven was sent as the first chaplain.
! - . - . . .
ms coi,,s-iou ianng.ttito April is.
1 1 1,1 "e man.' a visit to
r.urope anil ine cast, and on his l e-
1 turn issued a volume of travels
the title of Pilgrim's Vallet."J
1 had an extensive saie. He wa-
a' . - , .
stationed at Boston, and in 1 ('.", was
! mons, speeches, and
! Iiterarv and reform el;
I'surrnlrn.Ml EHTtrt on I ho I.-i.-n..
A r Co(l Clr-vl,ntl,niU U l i.iv,
! well in the Maine Fanner tm-n th ft
1 oIJ , k. of hv, V(T ;v
; am.s u a M,lM.rfiPia, ItJ:(Iin(,1, ,i)ak;,
' . .
: ' . t-t. mien-sung siari im nts m
regard to his ow n practices Three
years ago he purchased a far:u ..f IM
am VhoIl Le tok
acres. When he took iio-s .-.-ii.11 be
, tur,1(1 ;t (Jt t
pasture with the
.'Vir.litTiiii r.f 1 .!...--: Tl... I.- . .. . ..
i' 'M' ,. 4-,? C 11
.i,, ,.. i i.. ....
! Llllll Ulll ooii - liL . lllll lif Ii'lV
and stock to help cat it believing "is"
it would pay to 1'ml hay that
..nn rnij.ol it ii-..iit.? ..n ........1. .
:r f .'1 ' ir; . k...- ,. i . . '','-7.
i.v .v..t. ..'.- ..... .uii. ii, i s s;.uni
j fOt'tf
incr a-otI
j, tiru.r
in amount, but he expresses
"is tieierinina.ion not to cultivate
niori. tjian tho o-, arn.s ,;,;.,.,. n,.
, 40 tons of h uih (iv(
m ' tw tns ,i;,v
a 0f C(,n) mpa, a -
j ,t0(.k t.a , , aj,
t tho 25!u
!his standard of prndin -tii-n. tl
I .iii.. ... .
ISmuuaio lanillg ill il lUlliCi arc
or oi.i manure as a top-drc-sing
1 1 S-
I f II .1, . I .... .,..1 - .1-1
l"" i steanis all tin- hat and roots . .
. l.:e-'. . b ir - .. t ,t
t Ills stock. lie read- the paper-
j cari.flll, , . .,., J. r
L,M. FsI:uu.r , k
" "
j Small Horses. The Si;tfm-t'
I Faritur savs: The arguments may
all be in favor of great size, but the
facts are all the other way. Large
horses are more liable to stumble ami
be lame than those of the middle
size. Thev are clumsy, and cannot
fill themselves as quick. There is
nothing more surprising to Western
men than M visit Montreal, and p.
see the small, but stout. Canadian
horses hauling large, two-seated car
riages, full of people, with apparent
ease. A horse weighing tltui. takes a
chaise or Concord wagon, with two
men in it, and makes fifty or sixty
miles a day, over 'hills that might
have terrified Hannibal. Kut their
weight is where it ought to Ik. It is
compact, and not lying along looe.
It is muscle, ami not pulp, that we
want in a horse.
A tiANti of Chinese hllmivrs i:
Louisiana, w ho had taken umbrage
at the conduct of the negro overseer,
surprised their employer one morn
ing recently, by march ing iu solemn
file up to his mansion, bearing on
their shoulders a dark object. This
proved to bo the obnoxious foreman
securely bound with many chords,
whom thev di po-iti d on the piazza,
nearly frightened to death, with
the' wold.-: 'Too iiiuchee nigga,
too inuchee."
I Hit' llt "ddUII' 1 , 4.- t .f itJiltl-"