A Maa rta ttmn m 1-M1 Oraay ikMl Tabar. A vt-iy lx'iiutifal -liara (or lias, it MM ins lutt-lr pas.-vl away in 1 Miami Mr. Klai's, known 1y ikr name of KinpofrmnkT.-. Kld'.-hal,accor(iiir trtl!oB'lpian pajwTri.amnsstMl large fortune in the linen trade and one por tiou of a mansioji lie liad erected near Noterdam wa devoted to the arranjre meiitof aeollection of pijM.u, according to their nationality and chronolojrieal order. By his will executed juit hlmrtly U-forc hi death, he direct--! that all the wnoLers in the country cliould le invited to his funeral, and that each should lx presented with 10 lls. of tobaco and two Dutch pipes of the newest fashion, on which tdiouid he engraved the name, amis and date of the disease of the testa tor. His relative!, friend and funer al jruest were strictly enjoined to ken. their pipes alipht during the fu neral eereiuonv, and afterwards to j empty t he aves from tue.r pipes on tl.e i ... The poor of the ne.ghWhood i-nd to his last w ishes were to irt.uiu. who atU . n. .. Tim x. ... Artlianm .rl.l,. telll...l nit-ivc annually on the anniversary of his death ten imuuds of . 1 tobacco and a email cask of gKd Wr. He further directed that his oak coffin should be lined with the cedar of his old Havana cigar boxes, and that a box of I- rench corporal and a packet oox oi i renen corpora l'f" ol om nutch tobacco snouia ocpiaceu at the loot ol tiis comn. ins latorue IMjewas 10 oc pian-u ' with a mx of matches, a flint aud fteel, aud some tinder for, as he tru ly said, " there is no knowing what might hapjH-n. It has been estimated that the diceased gentlemen during his eighty years of life smoked more than four tons of tobacco and had drunk about 500,000 quarts of ln-er. It is sad to reflect that one evidently possessed of such noble qualities should have been thus prematurely rut off at the early age of eighty, doubtless owing to his unfortunate in dulgence in a pernicious habit His fate should be a warning to all smo kers. I. A W ERS M I X I NTEBS A X D XMM'OTBS BY O. W. IIOLMES. The lawyers are a picked lot, "first scholars," and the like, but their busi ness is as uusympathiziiig as Jack Ketch's. There is nothing humaniz ing in their relations w ith their fellow creatures. They go for the sice that - tains them. Thev defend the man they know to Ik- a rogue, and not very rarely throw suspicion on the man they know to Ik- innocent. Mind you, I tin not finding fault w ith them, every side of a case has a right to the liest statement it admits of; but I say it dK-s not tend to make them sympa thetic. Suppose in a case of Fever r. Patient, the doctor should side with either party according to whether the old miser or his exjH-etant heir was his diiployer. Suppose the minister should side with the Lord or the Dev il, according to the salary offered and other incidentil advantages, where the soul of a sinner was in question. Vou can s-e w hat a piece of work it would make of their sympathies. But the lawyers are quicker witted than either of the other professions, and bier men generally. They are good natured, or, if thev quarrel, their luarrels are above-board. 1 donti... . Al . , .. think they are as accomplir-hcd as the ministers, but thrr Lave a war ol; . " . . , cramming with social knowledge for l"il''.'- th. Philadelplna Con a case which leaves a certain shallow v"n.twn ;.lJ0U,d STf l"' H-diuK-nt of intelligence in their mem-! " I ndoubtedly, it was orics about alKuit a good many things. pyral convirt.on when the year Thev are apt to talk law in mixed ! W the President would Ik-.-omimnv. and thcvhavc.wav of look-; uom.nated; and in that cxctation ing round w hen they make a point, as if thej- were addressing a jury, that is mighty aggravating, as I once had oc casion t r--c when one of 'em, aud a prefty famous one, put me on the witness-stand at a dinner-party once. The ministers came next ia point f talent They are far more curious j aud widely interested outside of their ! own calling than either of the other professions. I like to talk with 'em. They areintercstiiig men, full of good feeling, hard workers, always foremost in good di-eds, and on the w hole the inot efficient civilizing class, work-iug-downwards from know ledge to ig norance, that is, now and then up wards, also, that wc have. The trouble is, that so many of them work in harness, aud it is pretty sure to chafe somewhere. The' too often as sume principles w hu h would cripple our instincts and reason and give us a crutch of doctrine. I have talked w ith a great many of 'em of all sorts of U lief, aud I dont think they have fixed everything in their own minds, or arc as dogmatic in their habits of thought as one would think to hear 'em lay down the law in the pulpit Thev use to lead the intelligence of j thcir iariihes : now thev do pretty ...!! If t t.stt l-.w.n am u-Itk it arid ftitrt .... .. i1 Ti...n thev must have a f-olleaguc. The old vy here increasing; taxation re miuWr thinks he can hold to his old j d.u'di the d?bt diminishing .every !; :i, !. ...in.iu citizen conscious that the Govern- eve of human nature, as straight as that famous old skipper John Bun van; the young minister falls off three or four points and catches the breeze that left the old man's sails all shivering. By and by the congregation w ill get ahead of hun, and then it must have another new skipper. The pried heads his own pretty w ell ; the minis ter is coming down every generation nearer to the common level of the use ful citizen, no .oracles at all, but a man of more than average moral in stincts, who if he knows anything, knows how little he know s. The min isters are good talkers, ouly the strug gle Ix-twecn nature aud grace makes some of 'em a little aw kw ard occa sionally. The women do their best to sjKtil 'em, as they do the poet; you find it very pleasant to be sj soiled, no doubt; so do they. Now and then one of them goes over the dam ; no wonder, they're always in the rapids. By this time our three ladies had their faces all turned toward the sK-aker, like the w ln-thcr-cocks in a northeaster, and I thought it bent to switch off the tail unto another rail How about the doctors ? I said. Theirs is the least learned of the professions, in this country at least They have not half the general vul ture of the lawyers, nor a quarter of that of the ministers. I rather think, thougn that tin y are more agreeable to common run of people than the men with bW-k coats or the men with green Wgs. People can swear before 'em if they want to swear or not don't care whether they want to ewrar or i.ot, they don't w ant to be on their good behavior. Besides, the minister has a little smack of the nexton about him ; he comes w hen people are in txtretne, but they don't send for him every time they make a slight moral slip, tell a lie for instance, or smug gle a silk dress through the custom house ; but they call in a doctor when a child is cutting a tooth or gets a splinter in it finger. So it doesn't mean much when you send for him, only a pleasant chat about the news of the day ; for putting the baby to rights doesn't take long. Besides, everybody doesn't like to talk about he next world ; people are modest in their desires, and find this world as pood as thev deserve ; hut everybody loveK to talk physic. Everybody loves to hear of Ktranffeca.-es; people reeairrr to tell the doctor of the wonderful cure. they have heard of; they want to know what is the mat ter with Homebody or other who if paid to be mifljrinjr from "a complica tion of diseases," and above all to get a hard name, Oreck or Latin, for some complaint which sounds altogether too commonplace in plain English. If vou will only call a headache a tbuLtlalaia, it requirs dignity at once, and a patient becomes rather proud of it !o I think doctors are generally welcome in most companies. In old timen, when people were more afraid of the Devil and of witch es than they are now, they liked to have a priest or minister somewhere near to scare 'em off ; but nowadays, if you could find an old woman that would ride round the room on a broom stick, Barnum would build an am- . . 1. T l. .... t.... ... . villi? fin in a twl if tip ITII I 1 II 111 I I 1W - .l ll L klV I mim . . . . - , . wkh 1 . .. . , ui, and budd . ,im. . , ' . f lf ...w ....... .. ,;..!, !.. rmr..-., r.i.i-n.l. nt fill ill. . mull: nunu iwttvwuiai'i'ii . L .t l,v "for the best part of the month to gether" in the year W92, the great showman would have him at any cost for h s museum or menagerie. -Men are eowaras, sir, and are driven by ; fcw lhe wwrei n molive. Men ijiators ami want something to 1 jk at and kiss and hug, or throw themselves down before ; they always did, they always will ; and if you dou't make it out of wood, you must make it out of words w Inch are just as much used for idols as promissory notes are used for values. The min isters have a hard time of it without Ml and book and holy water they are dismounted men in armor since Luth er cut their eaddlc-girths, and you can w-e that they are quietly taking off one piece of iron after auother, until some of the best of 'em arc fighting the devil (not the coological Devil w ith the big D) with the sword of the Spirit, and precious little else in tuc way of weapons of onence ordcicnce. But we couldn't get on without the spiritual brotherhood, whatever be came of our siK-cial creeds. There is a genius for religion, just as there is for naintinir or sculpture. It is half sister to the genius for music, and has some of the features which remind us of earthly love. But it lifts us all by its mere presence. To seea good man and hear his voice once a week would be reason enough for building I churches and pulpits trout the At lantic Monthly Jor May. THE PHILADELPHIA CANDIDATE. A short time since there was no question that the President would be renominated by the Philadelphia Convention. It was assumed by the chief Democratic papers as a fore gone conclusion, because, as they al lege, he was the strongest candidate. That was unquestionably the feeling among Republicans. It vas that conviction which produced the Mis sour: call for a meeting at Cincinnati to influence the Convention. It was the same feeling which caused the Tiilunc to say that the two Conven tions were wholly distinct, and that those who were welcome at the one 1 1 A t - ...,.1. 4t. I . . . - V " e presume noe.er u.ai me ru- crumbling, and it was felt that the re-election of the President would be the disolution of that party, and the elimination of the most baneful or ganized element from our politics. And why was the rcnomination of the President believed to be assured? aud why w as the Democratic party crumbling? Because of the general success of the Administration. The people of the country saw in the President an honest, simple, patriotic man, patiently doing his duty. There was a foolish cry of military desjwt- ism, and they saw in the bite House one of the plaiuestt and least ostenta .tious of American citizens: the mili tary hero of the late war indeed: but whoever gravely declared a tenden cy to military methods in General Grant's discharge of his duties show ed himself profoundly ignorant of the facts. If Congress thinks fit to pro tect innocent citizens from Ku-Klux assassins by laws which by some per sons are considered to be unconstitu tional, it certainly does not follow that General Grant inclines to be a military dictator. Passing from the Idi-nt, these people saw also that uauuiiai vviiuiuvu uivu uao wiviuv proverb. Confidence restored; in- dustry active and secure; prosm-nty ment would defend his liberty; the name of the nation resjK-cted beyond precedent; a country in which the sears of the fiercest war were disap pearing niore rapidly than ever before in history. The chief of a civil Administra tion of which these things could be truly said a chief w ho as leader of the armies had preserved the govern ment and saved civilization uon this continent, and who had sheathed his sword as modestly as Washington, was the spontaneous choice for re election of the mass "of the party w hich had first elected him. Trou bles, meanwhile, and dissatisfactions had arisen. In a government by party they are inevitable. They have always existed in our politics never more positively than in the time of W asbington. But the trouble would not have taken serious form except for the fact of the evident dissolution of the Democratic party, which was the crowning proof of the success of the Administration. Under such cir cumstances there was a possibility of an alliance between a few Republi cans aud the mass of the Democrats, which might overthrow the Repub lican party and take possession of the government And this is the enter prise which has begun at Cincinnati This being the situation, the ques tion is, whether the feeling in regard to the rcnomination was false and groundless. On the contrary, there is no serious doubt that the President is to-day the positive preference of the enormous majority of Republi cans for re-election There are those w ho say that he is the only Republi can w ho cannot Is elected; but those ; who say so merely express their own ! bitter feelings, and can name no man who could be wisely substituted for ' him. If the Philadelphia Conven tion should pass him by, whom would it name? It is easy to mention hon ored Republicans and able men. But we must consider the situation. If it were gravely proposed to Bet aside the President, it would be because it was believed that the Cincinnati movement has shown itself to be menacingly strong, and because it was felt that it must be propitiated. Yet if this were the reason, and no other' eould be- snggestcd, tborgn-f Solf-matta men,- . e!.i?, hare j own conrsf, and nrsue it ns lie pleaf ment for adopting Mr. (Jrccley would not hail the apparent advantages of jes. Opposition comes from above Ik- irresistible, and his Homing t ion I others' help ; and those cimiiiiMunces i Lim ; he ivwivtt little encouragement would make the rhihulclphm Con vention as ridiculous as i1 has made that at Cincinnati. . riainly. if General (Irant i to 1- set aside to reclaim the Uincinnnti ie publicnns, the way to secure the result is to accept the man whom the Cin cinnati Republicans declare to be their prefereaee. If Philadelphia proposes to surrender its candidate 1 K-cau.se of the strength of Cincinnati, Cincinnati will ce rtainly not agree to l-giu again. It will insist that its man is in the field, that he is a recognized Republi can, and that he is proved to have a stronger individual support than any Republican who might Ik- nam-' t it is useless to speculate; for, ue are who'.lv deceived, the chance cd. But unless National Republican Convention is as likely to nominate General Blair as. Mr. Greeley. If, then, General Grant should be abandoned, and some other Republican than Mr. Greeley be nominated, would he withdraw ? He has said that if there arc two Re- .. , - - nublicau tickets and a Democratic ticket, ho will support that one of the i l.i- .. . ,.;.,;o ,.-1 , , ..i, ,., j the best chance of success; and that ;r C tWo.retwo Rcmib - lic-an tickets otlly, he wilUupport that which promises to do what Cincinnati proposes, liut as mere w in m any event, two Republican nowir.a. tious, it is very evident which Mr. Greeley w ill support. He is not like ly to believe the ticket which beheads to te the weakest. Tlw ,!,..- ..fllw rliiliull'lllllill Coll- 4. 1IV UUIJ V' 1 I .. . ...... . - ; .Uui,. it in in nominate O , 7 1 . ... " ' - tha, r,.n,i;.l,i u-lmiii the iTcat luajori- ty of Republicans prefer. In ISCA there were some Republicans, and Mr. Greeley aud his friend Mr. John rwhrmiA M-nre anion? them, who thought that Abraham Lincoln ought to bo set aside, and Mr. Cochrane u na iinniiilBtcd for VicC-1 resident at Cleveland. But the Republican par ty said, "So; Abraham Lincoln has served his country well. We have tried him, and he is true. We'll try him again." It is a lesson for the day. Harper's Weekly. THE CI E.TIVATIOX F uAKIIt.VK. FLOW IK S . C .1... ,.l.,....w..i ltlVIIIMOU lflft one oi im- lurajAn .Uau,... . which persons of nioderate income j may indulge, and one which becomes ; a lasting source of pleasure to young and old, is the cultivation of a flower garden. An English writer has said, j of all the occupations in the world it h b-st combines repose and activity. It is not idleness; it is j not stagnation ; and yet it ... ,.. ... . quictuae. Like all thin I.ioriai 'I has its lauurcs aim us uisapponu- uiems, nitu 1 in j .1 ..,,i.;,Mi,rH'r. . . '... 11 "'-""""s- .through each ot the hinged has a 1 ,.( a gallon or two of the new bever- muni true to tlicmscives ana tlieir ; rCnrCw I rURUM I IS C rlLLO, But It IS never with- ; lnar-V.i . ., j, over tl lose bom iiiln,ii,.nL imwle Ciiinbrinus I)nk. ; dutv." ' trrftijr iraaiia ..trdwith .wk to under stand. out its. reward were nothing but tion, the aggre, be less. It is better lor tne occasion- al shadows that come over the scene. , lhe discipline, too, is most saiuiar. rtn.l fun.!..!.,. iT llwrii l . , . I p: nr. rrjrulala. imrirt, rvwtmr, aa - afrrtirtlirn. Kd. s, anu, p rnup u im n i .1 hurlier flass. Ix-causc he can view i .r lirulmnt nnl Count of I hinder. I Mie spoke absently, and her eve '!? "! -' .. 8ULCCSSIUI IUIIH Hw.li from Pierv stillKlDOlIlt. ! tU !l ncl ,' lllll l-r's Him to had a lur-UWaV irlailCV. aii if thCV llHlel.a. fomtipatian. Co-tlrm.-. ln.llre.tloa. gate enjoyment would , 'rj,,.v u,,,!.,,, lH come rich lliroin-ii ! 1 1. ii.r.- .'lwooiiifitiiw- of his ..! dwelt, on other thinirs. LllZnl rnSSwirtl ii!nu!.n!iMmir It tries our patience ana it tries our,, . n . learn the value faith. But even in the woM season , there is far more to reward and en-: courage than to dishearten a'"' ! appoint There is noday of the year w unoui bomcvuiu i uuo,,. '," pleasure vo tut- cuuitaioi something on which the w.At u-itli l.i-iht ami 1.llirliT r . 1. 1. 1 -' ; After the first few difliculties have b-cn overcome, the amount of care j required by flowers is trifling compar-ilhdr cd with the gratihcation they auor.l. j lueir vuiutauuii i r""-;su h an appreciation of kuowleilge, ure, rather than a labor, and is one of , R matt4. U(jt jwW i.roaJ t,c current the most healthful aud luting employ-1 mny u,Ct)mv: that ows in U1,()M mcut iu which young people ran be lht;ir tm.y m.vi.r ,t,ani tiJ (k.s. taught to engage. ith children the , u is;(ies, thost- in the hum natural spirit of inquiry incident to ; Wcr (lf WH.it.tv ,iav,. i.-st youth will prompt them to discover , j,imit;vt.s to patience" and iudustrv in something o! the nature ana proper-. ties of the flowers they cultivate, ami . from this germ may spring habits of observation which in after years w ill I be ol the utmost vaiue It is a common mistake to suppose that flowers can only be raised .-;offt.rs tcnmve grounds. Light and air are indispensible, but there are few por-1 tions of this city, even those districts in uivu mi- iii.ji. . t thickly, that do not afford sufficient of; these "requisitcfl for thc suewssful cu!-! in which thc buiiuings cluster i"oi Uvationol some oi tne naru.cr iiiun ;aM, fa ,lp ,(.Bnis t) ,,,, ise tl)(,ir of planU Several years ago an ex-, j aij(, o vf t.as(. an1 ; JU.J10.S hibitionwas held in London, at which, Mor;.ov(r ,1k fam,. of th( P0II of prizes- were offered exclusively for w,a,th rart., jf e. ,)(.om,.s s0 ox. flowers raised in pots by persons i na t,;t llf t)ll S1, f ,.. ..,, v f . i dwelling within certain defined d.s-: foj. thi ,attw u UniMvd tfu. tricta of the city. The promoters of , .. Iua aml rtrt.ivos thc d this scheme were gratified to find that; wisn)l;! a)(, ,JMrtr of a1 their experiment had succeed.-d In-- j wIii,(1 f)nil).r mvtT n.(vive yond their hopes. The number of., i,i, ..i.,,,,,, ,i,nf exhibitors was very large and the ; abunaant quantity oi ueautuui en offered by them showed no trace j of the uncongenial surrounding. .amid . u.cu im-j iiu tu i flowers were grown on the window bins aim parapcis ot inc jhx rv c tions of the city, the impurities of the j atmosphere of which has become pro- verbial. It is also noticeable that a large proportion of the successful competitors at this exhibition were hildren. The infinitely purer air and less crowded condition of American cities consequently offer immeasurably su perior advantages for the cultivation of window gardens to those enjoyed by the exhibitors at the London flow er show, lhe rebel to tne eye, caus ed by thj downy leaves and bright scarlet blossoms of a single geranium will banish half the gloom from an otherwise utterly dull and repelling bouse front, and if the practice of cul tivating window gardens became gen eral, acres of monotonous brick work might thus be transformed and made to become bright and pleasant. T- AaHaatcc arHeir Made It seems as though men born in the midst of wealth and powerful friends should be the very ones to oc cupy most honorably the highest po sitions in society ; they have others to help them, and possess the key to the facilities for a thorough education and a wide knowledge of the world. Yet history shows that it is not the men who are reareu in nomes oi wealtu w.A nn.... I,... .Ln i . i . . . . B.UU IIUH II . UUI. I Ml III! 1 in ,u. n lllll .t.'.u ::" .. . liability to .-nr. f,.ronfil.lf. n.l h.t .., nn.i , own unaided exertions, that, become .1. . 1 , m ... ....u(, . um v. r.vvi.ij . Many wonder at this, and are at aj loss to know from what causo it arises. ! "Why is it," that the humble printer me mosi suining ornaments oi society, j of I'LiIadelplua should become the gseatest philosopher of America ?" "Why is it that the obscure back- j woodsman's son should be acknowl-1 ed chief of the most cirUiied and in- tcliigent nation of the earth ?" "Why is it that thc poor, homeless German boy should surpass all the meu of his time in acquiring wealth, and die worth twenty millions ?" Overawed by thc power of intel lect and breadth of character exhibi ted by these great Keif made men, many are led to believe that it is to nature they owe all this wonderful superiority. But why should nature bo often be more indulgent to the denizen of the cabin or hovel than to the proud heir to the mansion or palace r most f.i vora- to the iittnininciit o Uu- emi j whieh they nsjiiiv, I ave not bi-cn n- ;J,V d by them. On the contrary. thev have traversed a great mid seemingly impassable gulf in gaining their object. True it is, that the. dif ficulties which those encounter who raise themselves to eminence uiv of ten prodigious ; anil it may be that nature is often lavish of her gifts to tin-in ; but it is not to nature alone that tiny iivve nil and character. their wc.dth of iniiid There arc th-r inflii- dices often overlooked whieh tent iu the formation of those arc po- human prodigies which occasionally excite the admiration of society. ! U U difficult to euumerato the uuu!- ities lucessarr to greatness, mjici there arc so many ways iu which men may be great ; but it is evident that no man can become cinilunt without a knowledge- of human nature, and the more deep and penetrating that . - .... I 1 ...Til Knowledge is, x.ic more exu-um-u w m w "1S ,oniroi over otm-rs. urcai-i ontroi over ft Hers, wn ; ne 111 llinilitl UitilH , ii'i vn i mat liiiliu siiouiu isir-scss a w mc unu j varied store of information, but ulso ! that it .sliould- q.ih k i. )h rn-i ve and j powerful to grasp the deepc.-t subjects, li:ive independence and decision, Thes- are especially necessary t) those who would rule, and were prom- incut features in the character of Cromwell, Xindeoii' I, and Washing-1 j ton. llicso qualities uro possessed, ! in some degree by ulmost nil eminent j 1 men, and, a. 4 a general thltiir, th I . greatness ol any mail will depend; i upon ttic extent to w nu-i lacy arc normally developed. Now, it is obvioUa i that an uc-1 quamtaiioe w-nn tinman nature is not j to be gained by a mere study of books or by private meditation, but by asso-j which are regarded as ciation with men ; and not with men j (Janibrinus was a tiddler, who, bc of one class alone, but of every class nig jilted by his sweetheart, went out and character. And who associate imo the woods to hanjr himself. As with incrn more than those who rise j 1,( was sitting on the bough, with the from the lowest to the highest class of! (-,rd about his neck, preparatory to society? The average man in the I taking the fatal plunge, suddenly a walks of poverty many have a wide j tall man in a green coat appeared and knowledge of jgimranco and distress, ofl'ercd his services, lie might be both from experience e.nd observation ! conic as wealthy as he liked, and but of man in the midst of luxury or', .juke his sweetheart burst with vexa clothed with Dower and served and : iimi nt Ih p iw-n f.illv but in tbirtv 1. If ... noiiorca, lie can om v ionii a laiiit con-; Cf..,t;un Thos(. u xh(k mi),(1!o elass cjm.flv j.ow lm.n eav conditions, whor' th(.y arc la.ith(.r (,pprCssed with want 110r n.mb red proud with SUCC0SS anJ LoU((r The rich, by birth, havcianv t.Vcnt ; as well be hung for a a knowled-a- of man iu'all his pride I sl.."e as a lamb. Aided by S"atan. and ostcutation. but possess scarcely Illor,. ti..in .-.. ,.0ncei)tion of hiin. , ,n a .tatc 0, ,,1)Vcriy ana oppression. ! It,, on,. vho risiii"- from the luivot . 1 of c ... a;!S4.s . their mvn eX4.rtioils wi,0) ,iave thp w . th( dl, in uuio, 1 ire. It isj (hoj.e who carn t,u.ir ,jrst ti,.l!ars bv f . tlll !.,,. ,1.- iv,.althi..st mcJL ,i)niar course is vt.rv favor. able to wc Jth of mind. It is' of the ...... ;,,..,,, tl.:.t ih, to should .rd tran.pnl : ,jrst ,)e a nj,.,ri.ciatioii uf knowl tf (lowers, ! ViJge . aU(l tl.u is Jikt.y t0 be thc ruw. ' 1 '. I,ia- j when its first ru'liincnts arc gained first be a hiirh appreciation of knowl . . .. . i. wilu treat toil anu ituiicuitv. inosc . i,,,,,,!,,,. ..;rmiJ,.,;w.oa ,,1.,. ,jave htr011Jf craving intellects,' prize fi.w oks fow luruns o tnoi,., and having once gained J t,u, .,urrJlit of knowi,.,. . , , f ..,. II... V - t .(UoIUssaii(1-ovil ,w,)its ,)Ut t0 n ... ... ...) :,nbitrv ! 1 1 1 !1 I It 11W till offer a greater rewanl. Knowledge j is lhi. n.wan, (U1(1 knoxvi,1(1. t0 tie ,()(r )Hy Wl.aitl, .! , .tr a)1(, frii.ndg anJ-famc . aml tH. n,r he is th), uwrif ,)rilliant n!i , aUractive its lffl.rr, H,,,K-ar. On the . .onalrcadv other han j,,,..,, iwt".jiJlir wealth and friends, and ..... ... . .. ... ,()ve nn(, a(llIlirati((Il whi,.h aris(.s from now-i,.,.,,,.;,,,, f ,i;,.. Thm an iuim. .iniotinl of lnu,.Ww floatin-throuffl, the world which is not to lc found in bo.,ks. T, . ... , . Viir- , ,,, 1,I.at.t;caI ilm,rtancc. It , ' . 1 . f , . , ' , . , j Lrr,.at InVn"to ndai.t him self to the ! age. It is from this that men frame popular laws, nnd in various w av I rain the favor of the pep!,.. It "is the man who from ncccssi v. a.W ates with evcrv kind of ,,cm 1c. tliat ! ., , , . ! 1 ', I 11 aA t,tj.-i u'Mi.iiiiiiiv 1141 1 11 vuii this field. Another aid to mental greatness must not be overlooked. It is impos sible for the mind long to remain stronjr aud active, if it 1; continually encun.lH-rcd with a sickly and dilaoi- , . . . .,1 , , , - . ; .....it. immilii ti.'iiiiLii .111.1 jtcrfection arc mighty auxiliaries to intellectual power ; and whatever con- .!:.:.... ....... ..:i.... . . .1... a 1 . 1 1 r, , ,. , . ' , 01 iKxiv as w en as 01 mum must aiso i lie favorable to mental greatness. t... 1 ... 1 . .. .- ! . . 1 . 1 lv t li .ii ujjilwi. inu tti tin. Iiiititl.li.r possessions of the humbler j 1 n'Ci f.tmri t lii li'i tn in;i' 1 1' ' classes. i.auiiiio.iv m .. .... - , , : of the ambitious sons ofitovcrtv ; and i i it matters not what course he is in clined to pursue, it is difficult for him to cheat Nature out of her dues be fore that great protector and servant of the inind is made worthy of its trust, and able to perforin perfectly : ... .1 . ! an me uuues imposed upon mm z uuui a iiiii-.i iifmu nun. 1 , ' . . i ependence and decision were ; i ' I as among the qualities csscn-' . . t, 1 . , I lntf named j l".fi" """-rB- "Ul i" "1" "1' ' ienn nrim. null- frnm inm.;.!i.niiu.c T ;..! ... .-.,... t? ... :...t . i v.... ....... u ...... . ...... ... ... w. : .. , ;ivou wouni not hkc it, .iargarei. 'on-iousucss results front a frequent . y woulJ m.vor wi(ih to t.ha, tiillnnm n hah nnT.i A-a. wtnt ..-. a.,..i 1 " j , . , , ... . i And decision of character is develop-, ed by such conditions as require one t0 choose between important alterna- " "yvii w mark out n.s own course ; auu pursue u umieviaungiv m uu- ftttc .uf all oUtaele. Now the rich " n learns to uepeuu on is V".0""1 OI llK , j is sursounoed witn manv advisers and flott..r..ra . Vrn. K,.inl. ,nr.t i va nt I,. I ..... - j l i .ia uiv rnyrr ir iiiuin., ax. i unit l.iiiu r i . i . r . . 1 ! Ullll .I. 13 1II tl IV1I. 11 11 111 u. w Hum imiinTii. i.fi iii r.lllll.11; t-u.'-wil .i . ii 1 i xi that it is seldom necessary. But the c .., , . ". .. Ron 111 th. Tinnr tun., lu ...irli fliri.ii-.. . , uiton ins own responsibilities, nisi If. -i i r friends enect nonrnfit from liini nnd ..H.1UF7 i a -m in; niuill UMIII HUH, U11U have enough to do to take cac of themselves. Prejudice prevents rich from seeing any good qualities in him. The poor can not appreciate them. He is left to form his own es .v. timate of his powers, to mark out his i fn in his eii'iit anil his own strong nii'i'taiiil vigorous body is nil he can safely rely upon. Benjamin lYanklin's history iilus- trat s this principle. So man ever J nicnt to provide for. A life of amuse fought against poverty more sturdily j ment is u dog's, life, Jennie, at the than he. No one ever struggled up-ibcst." ward with a more steady and undcvi-J "I should like to be convinced of it uting step. Few have iraim-d their by actual experience," said Jennie, knowledge with more dilliculty, or so i doubtinglv. much of it from experience. No one j "So I said and thought once. I had a wider or more varied store of have Im-cii so convinced. And it is j information, or u mind more vigorous, or a character of more streirgth and j independence. The same principle is confirmed by Lincoln's history. Aye, . a thousand others might be named tplyou live in the fashionable j show that those who, by their own j must do as the fashion nunided efforts, have risen from the docs. You must rise and humblest to the most honorable posi- tions in society, have reaped thu most appear at certain ball, parties, eon impi.rti.nt ndvant ages from, and owe j certs, exactly as your friend do, or much of their greatness to, those very . be voted A.':rr-,nnd out of the world conditions which are so generally altogether. Vou, iny iroor Jennie, considered unfortunate obstacles ; and these an- eminently Avtt-uiade tiieu. e an- eminently MlJ-Mule men. is n ain w oum-r, men, nun me uen - , ,.v tio n wit. ihmiii unu iivi.. uiij one ircuci auon miuuiu ieuuiiie im; . ' udministratorsof justice and the lords I ! of a place during the next? Is it; j wonderful that the most illustrious of. i been drawn from the ranks of the self; ' made nieii ? Jt mut ever be that the genius which has been refined und i purified by the most trying ordeals will blaze forth T.ith the brightest ; splendor ; aim mat must oc an exw en - ing great mail who, though reared in a place of luxury, is still able to cope with the man wlu has tarried long ! and traveled fur in attaining the ob- Meet of his ambition. J. K. KcCh - I - hind, in 1 'trtnuloyicai ' Juuruitl. tor or The I'uputiir liTKruilar the Invoii I . years bo laust give up his soul to ! Ht clzebub. The bargain was struck, I f,)r (;.smoriiius thought thirty veurs a I i0g tinie to enjov one's self in, and ' iH'rliii i rS the devil initrlit Lrct him in ! 1. Invented chimin'' bolls and lac-ar ! Wr f.,r l,.tl. ..fw'bich achievenu-nts minie is hehl 111 gratiful ri'iai'm- l,,,.,, I.,- tin. Ti-ntoti .No sooner swccincari. ubnii"i vpnunruii u-micn. savs the Icjrcnd, and no lived in poa. ror tnirty years lit- tat! Iteneath his b-lfry, with the chimes, I meditatively drinking beer with his; nobles ami burghers around him. j Then Beelzebub K-nt Jocko, one tf his imps, w ith orders to bring backi (lambriuud befuro midnight. But Jocko was, like Swivcllcr's Marchion-' cps. iirnoraut of the taste of beer. I never having drunk of it even in a sip, and the Flemish too much for him. fsehopM-n were He fell into a .1 .1 .IM ...i... . :n m,xt dav at noon, at whieh he was so mortified that he had not the face to iro back to hell at all. So (litmhrinus livi'il on tr.'iimllilitv fur n iiitnrv or two, and drank so much beer that he i turned into a beer barrel. v.rvrV ! (ttnrlr j j only a i -rii.or-H wife. """: - " . r-- ! I wo women sat together at sunset . iu the poureh do..r of a white cottage that stood under the "old ancestral j tree, and am.-ng its fields of wheat ! and con like n poet's vision of aquiet j n sting place for some weary, suffer- j ID.. hoUt. I AlUl OIK .f tin use two women had Hsfully hal the holy Koinan Emperor quaff- many go astray, but that so many re-1 -.rii" J nifTATrifP nil i eyes to see, ears to hear, and heart toiall(, hi; Lanpiss is niade up with feel and appreciate it nil. She was a them tall and stately lady, apparently thirty j s,;, ros0 from h(.r s,.ut &!i sj10 years of ag.- n.t exactly handsome, j ailll ,4tr..lU:l down the garden path but with a grace of air and manner imii. icciiiiariv tier own. lhe 1 mi . rn-i vii. im- eareiui : toilet the n;imel-ss air of elegance , tlie Iost . t1()UKilt. The rid and luxury the pale check and soft!)1!c pf n,.r fri,.IKl-8 ufe was at ltt!t white hands, lx-trayed the city dame, j lia(h. t.i(.ar t0 hor Sm. lm(1 ofu.n h.le the weary glance in her large I WOIl(l(.r,.d whv Margaret, in the midst dark eves, which even the pleasant ; (lf aUher wealth and luxurv, should quiet of that sunset hour could not Mm s0 sad and ill at ease. She drive away, showed that 1 mie had j W0IUK.rt.,l no longer now. To be the not dealt gently with her and her j wifc of a Ul.m wll( j,as uo iOTe for and her heart s idol, but had thrown j vo j what ..,oww iU,,y, can thpre them, shattered and ruined, at herijr . a and sensitive woman fr,It: . , . I than this. Her companion was about five Jt.,ulk. turned with tears iu her eves (years her j.in...r, and manv times l prettier a little, roun;l-laced, apple . . ....... ...... -, "l'l"'- cheeked woman with dark blue eyesj "ww'n '",'r: .a .rm,",u'" i w 'V H V 10 1,1 w"1 "'i1': j tage bj he afterno,,, dress of tinted ",u.s '" " f ,on'- , . At 1 U'T t.t !c ,n'1 fi n' w"" al "" sp.o.ea .n a q. eruious, mscon- tentea expression. Mie was contrast ing her own hand, plumii and small, but certainly rather brown, with the slender white fingers of her city friend, all glittering with rings. "Just look at the two," she exclaim- . v" , " v" V""" . i That conies of making aim 1 uv. , au.i pft-oiii unu uiim se, ami sweeping ing, and washing dishes and making beds all the time. That man told the truth that said woman's work is nev- icr done l know mine never is. Uh , ucsvr, ueari 10 mini, uiai you, .iar-, f 1 1 I A- I 1. A. -W KUM-1-, ruu should have married a rich ' nierchaut, and be as rich as a princess . ... . . I fl fairy'taI , ' . . . . 1 , ,., , . x. ii- ... ii... iui in v, uiaui ..im. ..uuui x ui ae. . :' , . . ' and nothing in the world to compare I with you. l am sick of being a far ! titer's wife. I Margaret Yon Ilowth looked ; down at her grumbling little friend i with a sad smile. "Jcnnie, it seems to me as we sit t '.l 11. ' here iu this quiet plucc, and look over, ., , 1 . '. ,, ., . all these pleasant hclds that are your , . .t . own it seems to me that vou are: vt.rv wicked to talk like that " 1 . .....'. i 1 c sa, re, .,e ,e, ...u i . 1 . . . ' 1....I I . . ... . .11 a places w liu me. ..porlia.,3 not 'oud v (.han0 places w;th ,1U. J ' Y(il ' rou like to AnJ U-Mrs. Yon Howth, instead of Mrg iru.am parke?" Jenilic iiesitlltcd. She dearly lov- eJ her liantltfome HISiWMll. I "Weil. I don't mean to irive u Hi- .' , , . ..i i ;i "" . 1 "w ..uu inai i wish niai nc wai a citv nicr- i . . 1 e chant, instead of farmer, aud as i rich as your husband is, that is all." h.i.Va- And that is a great deal." said ., . . Mrs. on Ilowth, cold r. "Jennie ' .' ' if vniir U'Kll klllil 1 1 .1.. , 7" u" wuul Jour uw Wuula be.' ', , i.m , w ' .vours is, I suppo What ! aui iau ." in jioMiiua. i r..ai iiv. iui wuai is I. I l..A 1 . . that life, ' do vou know ? " "How should I?" "It is a weary one, Jennie, with more genuine hard work in it than all your making of butter and cheese can bring." "Oh, Margaret!" "And oh, Jennie! Believe me, my dear, there are no people on earth who work harder than the fashion able who have only their own amuse- , all vanity Hinl vexation of spirit, iuv j dear." 'But how?" jM-rsistcd Jennie. 'How? in ten thousand ways. If world.you ablo world dress, and shop, and lunch, and dress acitin. and who are by no means fond of dress, i what would vou do at a fashionable i watering place m the hottest clays or iitlUUM. Willi lift; llJallx1'! VI IW1I1 from morning till night, and n French maid to tyrannize over you all the time, into the bargain?" "Horrors!" ejaculated Jennie. "halls that you must go to in spite of fatigue, purties that yon must ! grace in spite of the beat, calls that t you must make on people w hom you ! detest ! Oh, Jennie, I should far j rather 'be at home with the butter : nnd clieesc, II 1 were vou.' j Jennie was silent. Here was the i dark side of the picture which she ! had never seen or dreamed of ln-fore. "You love your husband, Jennie ?" 1 said her friend after a time. j Jennie ox-ucd her eyes widely. "Love him! why, isn't he my bus j band? " was the naive reply. Mrs. Von Ilowth kudu'il. 'Soim wimoa 'in hociety' might think that u rt'uson why you should not love him." sh said dryly. "And he loves you also? " I .should die to-morrow if I thought he did not!" Tut, child ! People leave the world when (Jod wills it. not In-fore. I dare sav vou would Murvivehi.s infi- delitv. Manv women hefore'vou have lived through such things. n "Don't talk of it, Margaret, I could not leur it! Why, his love is all the world to met How could I hear to lose it?" "Then don't wish him to he a city merchant, my dear. I daresay there are a great many good men in the city men who love their wives; hut, on the other hand, there are so many temptations, esjreeially in society, that I .sometimes wonder, not that so Jennie ventured a question. "Margaret, is yours a happy mar riage? Do you love jour husband? And does he love you?" Mrs. Vou Ilowth started impuls ively, and turned crimson. '-Jennie, I would have loved hint I would have been a good wife to him, but he never loved me. He ,1 I. . ..! 1 "'o'lgnt nie 10 piace me at me m-au of 1"s hou.se, because he thought me I ladylike and interesting; that was all. He told me so once, though not (llu so plainly as this. And since the we have each taken our own wa.v. idcicndeiit of each other. I seldom see mm ut our house in town. I have my carriage, mv dianionds,niv opera-bo.x. In the season, I go to w- - X" k.. r. T,u,Ml"a "r -' ,.. tw, ...i.- .c .,..r Lon U nw presence. e urt! perfectly jxjlite to each other; we never quarrel ; and I suppose were I to die to-morrow, he'd be the most j inconsolable of widowers for a week: jnmwt Vou will n-.t wish to change Wl( ;vi,h ,m, a)Jfti, your hus. ,UIi mi-ht chamre as mine has done, ,.x,,OS(.(i t the same temptations. T,.U)k nt.lven t,at vou have him as M. iS( a trlu. mall who iovw villi nnil lU'Vir niiinl tlu Im t tr rth! vou : anil never nnnil the butter ..l,,,... i,.,,,,:., Lmw v.-... .n-n i..,,,. ,, .1 .1 r .ii.au- wi. to IUlt.t lwT l,UIUlS(,me husband , as he came from the he d. ..w.n little woman," he cried, and then she got the rough embrace, and hearty kiss for which she was looking, ,.Vns Margaret was right. The utter and cheese were of very little consequence, while love like this made t,K. task tttsy tonldlire. And the ro- sy-checked little woman bent fondly down over her Hiram, as he flung himself on the porch-seat, and fanned him, talked to him, brought him cool lemonade, and made him thoroughly haiiity, while he enjoyed his rest iMor Margaret 1 Happy Jennie ! cver j again would she wish to be anything more, only a farmer s wife. It is rather a costly affair to be t a ...it in tho British Hons., of Coinmons. There lately was a con test in the West Biding of Yorkshire. There was no bribery or corruption, but the h'q'dimulc exiH-nses of Mr. I'owcll, the tory candidate, who was elected, and which he must pay out of his own pocket, are oflicialy reported at $53,f15, while Mr. Holden, his un successful antagonist, had to pay $42, 1CJ). Considering that an M. I, re ceives no salary or necuuiarv allow- am.e of any sort, he has to pay verv - highly for the h H,niy ior mi u Pari amer m0 u i annum i. honor and glory of tai nt man. Mamma. "Xow take your mcdi- tlIa. hke a g.HMl g.rl, and when you . . . . ir.ii n'.ll 111 l.n tr tr.it a mnn ii-.llir " fl, , ii a aa i v w mm v w f . Sick child "Please, ma, have it a Dolly Yardcit." "Sav Jones what's the matter with your eve." "Oh nothing only my wife told me this morning I'd lietter get up and make the fire. I told her to make it herself. That's all. Th( fllmvinir S(1111PWi1. ,,rn,r,.,A ,r.(1 ; n v,U,Z -e--i ---rr ----. lUKTI t e TCgrel lO nilU Uialtlie announcement of thc death of Mr. is a malicious fabrication." . W. "Sure, an it wascn't poverty that drove me front thc onld country," said Michel, the other day, "for my f..I...r l..l ,.r, '"-"V- - U1,u tur'i' Pave InilR u,c year rouU(l' The conductor on a freiu-ht train on a Maryland railroad was curious en ough to examine a box of elegant workmanship, ane found a plump and healthy babe nailed up in it The youngster will be named after him. R R R' BADWAY'S READY 'RELIEF CIRE4 TI1K WORST PALIS) In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR ftfUrmiiincthfaMlvcrtuieinerit p4mitm sCrrKB with paim. KADWATt HSAKY REl.ltr IS A CCKK roB EVERY It was Um Irat and la Tho Only lln llmdy IfcM taaually Hop Um moat icmlall pain. ilmji IndamBialloBs, ud eura CuwifMtittfta, wliUicr f UM Lunv Stomach, Hawaii, ar atkat ifcuMa at nig ma, ay I application. IN i'HOlt i Omt TO TWE1CTT MIXtTTKS. an inaltar how Ulnt ar (itraoatiaa Um fala lk KHKUMATIO, Bad-rUMm, lntm, CrlppM. Katrauaj Baumlcle, or proatmud wtik 4laraaa loay aaffrr, RAOWAY'8 READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INftTANT XASK. WTLlum ation or th kidnkys. INKLAMIf ATloH OT THK BLADDSR. UtrLAMMATluJI or TIIC HOWKLS. CONOVHTION ttV THF I.ITKCS. BOBt THROAT, UlrH. I l.r BKKA'l H1N, BTSTIRIC8. Cnour. DII-irrHKKlA. catakkh. ixrxrK5r.A. bead ac uk, tooth acht nruhaLgta, rrecmatuv. cold chills, aoub chills. Tb. appHoUea of U Beady Relief to the aart ar aarta kn laa Bala, at diAcuilr ual UI aut4 am and ooaifolt. Tvaaty aropa la half a tnaiMrr of wVm will I fcw aimnrau ror. CRAMPS, SHAHMS. 8-CB S l llM A' H UltARTBI KN. HICk IIKAOAellK, VIAKHHKa! UraENTKHT. COLIC. WIND IS THK IKlU aXlk and U INTEUNAX, fAlKit. TravLtri alieui! alaar carrr b bottlt af Raawav'a Rraay Itellof wita Hum. A few drua Iu wur til rrtni Mckiiaai or pabia from cbang uf waUr. It la ka Ua Uuui Fraoak Braudr ar llitlara aa a allaiulai.t. FKTER AMD AC IK. FEVIR AND AUUK eurcd for ty nuu. Thmla ail a rrtiiailiitl aaent in tlita wwrld tht wlU etira rvvr a-4 A(ua. and all oik at Malarias. Hillovs, ScarlM. Tr i.h..nl, Ydlow. aodotbrr Frvrra (aldr.1 ty RAIiW AY'S t-ILlJi) ao gulck aa HAUWAY'S HEADY KtULf. Fill caitU Dcr butlla. buid b Drauwta. HEALTH llESUTY ! ! BTROSO AND PriiF RICH HLOOD-INCKEAKK OK FI.F.MI AND WF.UIIIT-CLEAR SKIN AND LKALT1FI L COMI'LE.XIOJI eKCUKED TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MAIlK THK MlKtr ASTONISHINO CURF5: SO gl H K. K ICAI'11 ARK THE CIlANOt.-i THE BODY I NKEKIKIFS I'NDKR THK IX. KI.UE.NCF. Or Till I Kl LI WOKDfcUFLL ULD1UKE. THAI Every Day sn Increase In Plosh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. F.viry drop of the S A KS,UA KII.Li A X RESoI.V L'N r oHiiiiiuuicattr thrMiih tua Ulood. bwr&t. I'rlne, and otuer flaltla aiMt luicm .f tlie ralam iha Tlaur of lif. lor U rvuaii ttoa waatr of lha Ixxl j witk aew and atui U-X.U. rtr in Omi TliHtd. Mouth. Tumom. NmIm la tll trlaWtla < ttlMTT ln f 1b HattB. HoK Km. MiuoHtu uch:rj( Itm tli raV autl tli wt.r-4 fi rm "f 8tln tiiacjAWH, Ktti;tUi:t, Fvrcr 8ra, ScalO Hrtut, IUnjr Wuriu, Sii lUictm. Krypttl Acn, Black hitaV, Worms In lh rirUi. Tamws, CmitMf In tla C walls of Hpmn, and all waalea A bi Of ftrtuct pW, arc I tit it Ut curte ri jr of UiU woadar of 3iol cm f'liiijtrY, an'l a fiw data' saewlll prove Ut an 7 fkMwin tj( It htr iilirr of uem fonuA uf 4immm iu jitrtit powi-r U cure Ikrm. If tUm imtWnt. tltllr k-matijr rtxlnccd hf tat wtsU m! ttrrnuilirti ttiut m iR.iiimali; rrvalnf. auc erU iu ttfTf!tliit tht-rtt waMr. aati riaira Ui aunic ttiiii b.-v matert-tJ from bcilthv lfl-r-"l ami Uila ibe .SAUSalAlIILLLVN will aau atH-nra. Nt nly tlH-) tl. SimirAn.Luii Rksolvvxt ISrcl a!i ktiaiwii rmtxIUI aitftita Iu I lie rurt f Chruktc, Hrrufu . ru., i unktitutiouala auJ bk.tt iiauaaca ; bul U b only -'.lnve cttre for ilctiicjr 3t Rlaldor Complaints . r.atary. ;xl YV-mt firav!, llMUvctt, Jlropur, f Wtrr. ItirHitii.vnev 4 L'ritw. lirlchl'a bla AHtiiuiiniiria, ana m all catn wiiarv tbrre un wttik . let4i. or tltc waUr Im thick. cttMly, lulled with i.t4iK:.'S litvc the rhU uf aw rgs( m Uirraila ilka whit .:. tvr tlitrrw i a Hxirtftil, tlark. Uli sripcktraticr, ad .ite Ifu'ic dtil diNiaita, mM brn ibr w prick inc. ''ir-tr, ci.fntii.n whrn trr. ftntl pain Iu tLc . -t t ti- Uu k. aiiJ ahu,( tlnr l.Mut. Fitcr, l-0O. WORMS. TH ciify kMti aud nrc BcvitJjr X t( J i. fpe.ic. 'l iiiaicp of Id Venn' Carouth Cured by Itudwny'ft IZcuoUent. HaTKHLv. M.( Jvjly IB, tM. !. Ratiwav : Vr 4tuM TMt m a rf, m1 t..:. All iW MtJ thf mm m hta Im H." I trv-i r,r ikiufj thaat rrmmiemA4 ; I art aWtftara alpal Bk. I M mW UMlMil. Ma4 th-U 1 I4 J U 1 Wt had a fellk t sl" tww I kmd Mfco-i for I ! ara. 1 kwk x WaUlM of tUm Uwnt. auJ mm aS W Uaatvaav' Pills, mm4 tmm twtv ItM M J-m Kvav-iy KrllW ; arnl t'.al. U Ma 1 IH tliMfff lat M w r rWU, a4 I fnt UMtrP, MMVIW. IKa aJ-JH IkaUa kaT tm ! jrawa Tb nw la ta lfl ml! U IrVWarh. Va ih ft-l. I Wrtlt ikr la W lOf tiM ! t taaiaa biiblua KM )MIM. HA.NXAII r. KWAPT. We. P'in4ali.nc uo arcurv, ailovral. HrilrkMvm.ua ilnva. tar" Ouwrva Ih Mowng t NiuUiJ trattitillf fruia li4ilcra of tht nifvatlva Orratta: ('.aiMipMua. hwd rll. F'llam f Ika Pl4 la lU tTaa. fi.l.i W lU. Sunk, 5aa. HMrlbara. ml N:m m Wmti n Um .. hw IukWmm, fwl4f m riatwriaf a. 1W PH mi IKa .. KMalB mi Ik H4, llrr4 4 THMK UrmmmmlimJ. I I.IIm. Bl aWllaarl. CWllaff r ikialicalm hw.Hn aMa l a l.vinr r I.ii W V nmm. M ar Vfmot Uhn Um i tit,t.nr m4 Dall Paia k ) Hmrnl. HA-mmcr ml rmr4ralii.il. VitL.MM mt tk. Mkia ..4 K.. ri a tmm SiJ., (Ul, UU. mmm mmCmmm fk ml it. Umrmimg m mSm Vlmtm . A tVw 4 -mm, ..I RA1WAYS riLU tVrc IL ira- . fn.aixl! tlir i..vr lv nl .-i--lr. trW. Jv catt' -Krt. fiol.O UY I'KlHiOISTR. -i'.r.Al) rl.SK N! 'Ihftt.- Sral aa U'-.r. . hA!.r AT A :( . N". mj Mairli-a jlb. N. ::.f. 'ti.ii.m aurtji laiMiaamis wi.l ac akl k :ra. u amtMoo u rant a pvHtlvecurr. farrlr v.rrla- oasaw. Or Sngar-Coated. Coaeeutratci, Itoot and Herbal Jolee, Aati. DtUoai Grannies. THE M K.STTLE CIAXT" CATIIAHT1C, or Hlltia Iu Par?a FhTale. Tho norcltf of modern Medical, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science. No aa ot any longer takiuf the large, rcpnlviaa and Moeeoua pUl, eoropuaei of clieaj), crinie, aud bulky InjfredieDte, then we can by a careful appiuation of cbeaiical actence, extract all the cathartic aud other medl ciual properties from the moat valuable root, and hea.M, aud coiiceutrate them into a minute Gran ule, aeareelf larger than m aaaatardl eed , that ca i be readily (wallowed by taoee of the rnont aenaitlre atomncha and utaUuioal tMte. EachlitUe PnrRaiive fellet repreeeote. In rooet concentrated fiinn. a lunch cathartic power aa i embodied in any of the large) pi lie found for pale in the dru ahupa. Frua their wonderful ca thartic power, in pro-wrtlon to their fixe, people who have not tried tfieni are apt te tuppoae that they are birh or drastic in effect, but each 1 aot at all the cam-, the different active medicinal prin ciple ol which they are eompoaed beinjj ao bar nwiiized and modifled, one b tho other, aa to pnclure n meal eareh'lna aud Ihor HnKh, rrt gently aud klatlly c rating rutburtic $SUO He ward la hereby offered by the pro prietoc uf theae 1'elleU. to any chainlet who, upou anslyai. will Bud In them any Calomel or other luruie if mercury or any other auMnl puiaun D e I n e r 1 1 rt I jr V e y e tab 1 e, no pu. .tea lar care ia required while Being tbem. They ope rate without disturbance to the auoailtntioa. diet, or occupation, ior Jaandlce, Headache, Couatlpntlon, Impart Hlood, Palat in Ihetihonlden, Tlctrtneaa of the ( heal, Disslneaa, Sour Craetattona of tbo Ktoniaeha Bad taelet la a on tli, Bllloaa attacks. Pain la realon of Kidney, luternal Fever, Illoared feellua; a boat tttoaaaeb, Uaab of Blood, to Head, ntfh Col ored trine, Unaoeiabllltf and, Ulooajr rorebodlaajet take Dr. Pierre Pli-aaaut Pa rfallwe Pellet. In expkiniii ton of the remedial power of my Pur. gntivo l-elleta over ao preat a variety of dieaaeea, I wioh toaay that their aetloa a pen tho animal tronomy la aaiveraal, not A aland or tlaauo eacaplnir their Maaa tire iniprraa Ase doe sot Impair them 1 their eoar-ruktin Bed being; encloeed tn (las bottle precrvo their virtue unimpaired for anv length ol time. In any climate, ao Uiattbey ar X waye froh aud nimble, whieh la aot tho CM with thc pill f.mnd In th drag store, put up In cheap wood or paaie-board boxe. Recollect that fur all dhM-aoet where a Laxative A Itera tive or Haraatlvo I Indicated, tbeae little l-ellt-t will irive the most perfect aatlancUoa to all who nadtnein. They aro Bold by all enterprising Dauggisui at 2i cent a bottle Do not allow any drngjrlst to indace res to take anything elre that fee may aay Is Just aa food a Biy Pellrta becsoa be make B largtr Srolt eu that which, b recommeBd. If your nifl.t cannot rnpply them, encloM tS cents and receive them by return mail from O Ji. r l-IE&CJC.M.DPtvp'r,. BUTTAXO T. 'a rpnciET iHrrxs-xTeV ' KnivA and Fork. VA tL I BPOONS. BCIBBUits. Jj 'aXI, SHOVCLS. LOCKS.WTCl ... w Hineet. rtaiB, niet, eve ICirpenter'i, Blacksmith'!, udl AGRICULTURAL lUULi, irr. . Cor.Librty4BUta j JOKS Dl HKKT. JOB X D BOBKKTS. JOHN' PI BERT & CO., II BA2iT-ECEiIES3, NO. 240 MAIN STREET. J 0 II X S T 0 W NrP E X X A. We mil Draftx ncirutlable In all pari or the Vnt ted State and tJanadaa, and In Foreign enentrlea. Ilur Uolil, Coupon and Uoremment Moud at hiKheet market prieea. Iyn nwiuey on approved eruritT. Irrafle and t'heck on other banka cash ed. Money received on deposit iynlle on deniauJ Interest at tht rale of Six per cent, per Annum paid on Time Deporils. Kverythiun In the Banking Lin receive ear pmmlit attention. Thankful to our friend and cuetomen for their paat patronaee. we aollett a eontlnuanee or the (awe, and Invite other who have hualneaa In oar line to give a a trial, anurine; alt, that we .hall at all time do all w eaa to rive entire fatlefaetloa. K.bfl 7 JOHN UIBKUT A CO. 1TJIUAKD HOUSE, C'oBxnNiRTn- ab CBKBTsrT Stbkets, PHILADELPHIA. H. W UANAQA, Feb 14 71 Prcir:etnr. HO DAnWAV'G ii a ' m i MiMvllnneoM. c r. BJIOADS. ""Aun- rpiIE LIVK GROCERY. C F. R II 0 A I) S A C O., Berpeetfully anonanee to the public that they have opened their groeery in th bear men t of the dwel ling bob lately occupied by w. J. Her, bow th Waablogtia Hotel, nl are dally nvelvliitf fresh rupplie of erytliln In the GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY Lis. Oive aa a call. Oor gntxH are of the very beat quality. W will endeavor to .ka all. We keep all Ih bent bran.1 uf T1JIVH AND l EAU COFFEK, TEA, St (1 VII, KK'i; SVUt P, MOLASS EH, H A K I.Nf 1 P ) WU Kits, WASHING POWIJEKS, SA, 1MKMI, HAPOLIO, ALL. KINIiS SOAP, EX. LfMrW(MII), EX. IMIFFEE, VAX1IXA, LEMONS. KPHKS, allkinus toh.v(x:o, t'KJ.VK.S. S.M'FF, CANNED FHllTS AND VECIETAULES, ALL KINDS UK1EU FKI ITS AND JELLIES, STOVE POLISH, KHOE-UL.VfKlNO. CANDLES, CANDLE A LAMP WICKS. HIJOOMS, IIUrsHKS. H1CKETS. If HS, UASKETS, ROPE, .VL FISH, OIL, SALT, FRENCH k COMMON C A X D I JK S , NUTS, ALL KISDS, CRA CKERS, FHU IT BISCUITS, SUGAR JUMBLES, SPICED JUMBLES, CLXGERSXAPS, PERFUMERY, Toilet anl Fancy MclBw Gsaerally, BKStKMBKB THK PLA K. IN BASEMENT OF THE LATE RESIDENCE W. J. BAER, KSi. Kov. 15. 'Tl ly. THE HIGHEST MARKET PkK'E PAID lok all ki.sds or vovsrar PkobirE. s. !. Kujf. w. w. m vni.t. a. r. n.wts N. KEIM k CO., SI CVESSOIW TO STl'TZM AN A KEIM In the SOMERSET FOUNDRY. .leg Wave tu My tu its Pmtnms ami Ibe TuMic that tUet will euntinu tfui..ly w.utrvr h notslrd tu lJ. 11 I V lJwll.l-- U..Mdtraaatr-.M I'snienteiA Wi-Aioiith Mimrn. MiLLerm Lnm- llir IT 1IIIT7 UJ r nriat-ri r, uuinirie, ii. bv. " oenuen mua tUiDuuiviuiTis vnvnu, STOVES FOR COOKING AND HKATINO. Of tlie moet dreinible kindx, which liav never, aa yet, lalled to lve tntire salixraetion, are always. ; kept on hand. PLOWS, tf the vartoaa pattern hext adaite. Ut the wruilx of our Fanaerx, wamnte.1 to Hive aatixbwii.41. The larire number alrea.ljr In uxe throuifhout thix and. the adjolnia; rounllex. and a aiea.li.v hien'aa loir deuiaml. are a rulBeient uuarantee ol their ; me lit a. I CAE WHEELS, For Mlninv, LnmtwrliiK. Rallnuvl Huildinir. Ac. j of the moat a.pnveduttern anil best material, I aiad to order on abort notk'e. i MUST AND SAW MILL IRONS, ; SHAFTING, PULLEYS, i 1IAN0EKS, I BEVEL-WHEELS, M1LL-SPIXDLES, SAW MANDHEI-S, i ANTI FRICTION ROIXERS. ' ! IRON RAIUNil, BAUX)NIK-S BRACKETS. Window and Door-Sills,' The -How' Dire, and the -Parker" Reaction Water-Wheels, I STOVE PIPE. Ht'LLOWWARE, PLOW-CASTINOS For all the different Plow aae.1 in the eounly. We are the autboriicd air-nl( for the nle of SPEARS ANTIDCST PARUIR STOVKS. In this eonnty. We tell, at manufacturers' price a, TII E SPB AUV E MOW ER, THE Rl'SSEL REAPER AND Jlt'WEK, THE BEST STEEL PLOWS, THE BEST HORSE RAKES, And Agricultural Implements generally. Wa hop to merit a continuance of thepatpwaire o liberally cxternied to this eatabllahmeut. Oar prices wlU be fair and oar term liberal W. O. KEIM A CO. jata. 10, Tl. Mi.irrfh,,,,,.,,. i I ) K T K if II I! F F L K Y ' S HIGHLAND FARM, NEAk SOMERSET. Pa., Breeda Thruui;h.hrl TKI iTTI.Ntl aud H EA V T ! DHAUGHT HORSES, ALDEUNY CATTLE, CUTS WOLD SHEEP. CHESTER WHITE HOOS, SCOTS H SHEPHERD IKXJS, BRA.VAH i lii.tvt I!hihti Ulan CHIf!KENS. STALLIONS FOF. 172. j Sea-.n l-i:ir; tl April; rnia July aih, IsTi UKACK LEICESTEIWHIRE. fmj.rt.-. from Fuxbind. an ! full 17 han-l hixh. wrnrlia. when In vr -l eiKlitlon, l2 u.andi.. jrt hlsti'k. illl pienl.l artk.ii: Im; if r.,ul.. re.1 l,y all eolnart. il )ultf' llf: l!l - ni. u ol a .IriUHlit B).rae in l'minivliratiia. 11m maill. eolta have lieen lupN-. to e-ry ui.irkt In Hie e.uutrv, cm. mninliriv riei 'run .'. i to ! ). and' mar.-, from ici'i. to 4J5. A yeariina; nlly havinir l-r, 'l.l I'f to, in i--.iuh.rei;iini I ".runty. Pa., ajjoy. w:ii retti..! f,,r a 4 .1 1 larf one year ..l.t, l'pla.'k lA-irrrter-liire a arc ly that eelebRtt.'d L-ii-.i!ter"hire Hep,, hi dam l.y liiui-her; ruu .lam Ur Knrtner'i jNii'.'br. Lrf-'ii-e-tcr-filre lin. waeL'oi ! that farfnille l rtik rttrr linkj Hen., the Miuwr ol eiKt,t Azrirultural t'riier. K..M . ! ro'n d.im w.u sr. by lhal noted iM-rbyiihire hor, It.-ai lilae: 'ran.latll l.y that Doled iiirse Pi..u'ti H.y. lifc-li w in Die ire of Ills Drayman. Lri' e-. b'mliire Hero .Uui ran jot l.y that real brel L i ceirrhire l.re.1 home ithu-k Lfiaterhire. wka-ii wairi by that r:.l br-.wn L'lrrmerHhire hor-e Old li.-eter. lii. h ifM T, iitallions that travel.-.! . the name waon. Oi l l i.-ester u Kot l.y Vr 1 Wild'. Ul:u-k wiii. Ii rerved mar k at Be irui!iea earti. iila. k Iea by i.l.l iM-rt.aahire aim Ii r. .-.I ut five guineas eiieli Man: l.'v jm wnptioii, k.e. 1 T. rui i-J) W) f..r Iiutuniuce. ALII AM liRA. liot l.y Mi.MI.-ton. he by Rywlyke' llan.'.l. tvni. an. he l.y Alia!iali. he l.y M alilhriuo, he by 1,,,,. .Mewin;. r. .t:i tii l y Iriink l'ien-e. he by r. latiil Hluk Hawk, he by An.lr.-w Jaelton. h- i,T Youinr liehaw. he by linj.. Arabian (iraji.l .liitw. l. a t-eautifui l.y. with axniall tar, perf.-ti.. ..I (oriu and t-iujr. A .l.-wii t.-nt ol au. h k..yi 'I rotttnir lfliro.1, he ntn not Ihii develi'p that did Ip.ttiinr ai tiMi ot Kiiicii lie now nivea jhj proiniw. Hia aire ta.k the nrat emium at .!. State lair, at Klimra. N. Y.. in Iwi'A aa the lev Horse lor v. ttitiK Knuil.'ter. trtinx In n-iM now at.iii.ix at -Ji ln-ur:ime: and Kya-lvk-, ILinibi. ti.iiun. in t .'heater, lauji-fecuuty .V V . at A;'aj lu.uran.'e. T.tiiiii A.1 tor In.-uranre. Parting ith a mare before a!ie Ix kw.wn t. be wiih I. ail. torteitf tlie insuran'-e. All ax.onl and eM-aK-s at the rifk ol theowm r. ttarPaaturaife ..r marea Irom a dlatanee at rea xouable rattx. A x-ial premium will be Kiven y me for the l -"t eolt ot y i'- ierliire ii.-t. of a Mie rt.lliii addle: for the iH-t hlly. the a. rvta-e of the hor: and tor the thir l Uxt ei.lt or hlly, the ' aira.yu Stock Jfturnal ..r one year; to tie deeided at .-ur column County Fair, it held; and If not. then the time will ie aunouneed tocoiue od early in (vti.- ber : to la; decided by three competent )iidi.'a. , p3 P. ii Ea r LEY. :OW IS THE TIM K! (;ooi) in:i.iAiir.i: ac.knis. To SELL THE Nev Under Feed Wilson Sewing Machine IN THIS COt'NTY. Heat Marhine In the World. Heat aeliin Ma ' ehine in market. Priee. efMupiete. mit v. Writ ten wnrratitv lor five yeara. Ap!Iv im:ur.ltatel to SMI1 H A. FORRESTER, mar N 15 Sixth Street. Pittabunrh. Pa. J AMSAXI)15UILI)IN, LOTS. HuihMne W. In the, Borough of Somerset, Eligibly "ituate-l. and :Mit BeralaiiMrM in v. ON AfTOMMOItATIXO TEKMS A jairtion of the ian.li. are Improved Farms, nlierx art unimproved. : n.ME-sroNiu FiniM'LAY. IRON-ORE aa-l ST( NE-Ct VL Are foiind . n me of them, of fair quality and ouantitv. Y"T term?, ait-., rail on or addreaa 1). WEYAND. Au.ril.-t 3.-. "Tl-tr. Sottnerael. Pa 239 REIV10VAL 241 AlMSl TIINOT, SIIAXXOXcxCO.. Have K.-mv! TO TilKIU NEW ni'ILKIN., Nirtt. A 241 i.iitKitTY .sTur.trr, ' CJpp..?ite Wol Street, I riTTSBUIKill, 1 An 1 1'lK-n with AN ELEGANT STOCK OF -D-KY O-OOIDS, Niitiuns and Small Wares. ! S ELL AT LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. Buyer are invited tuealL r. VKHrTHSoT. W. T. HHA?I?I43I, J. IX ftTKrH t el 14 2 mo ( AKHETT I Lumber Company, C, A l: R ETT. Si M EHS ET ft .. VA. Earnest, Oelp L Camp. ' PROPKIETOKS, HUE PINK- YELLOW PIN E. tAhl. A N D 1 1 ES T N I T 1.1 M K E R. SAWED ANDSH V El MiIN 5LES. AND PLAST ER1.NO LA 1 H . Building Lumber '. ta a Kill' uf -K. f -..vfiiu Itr.U'n tmi IuiuUt dealer nmptly MM t h.Urule nixa. auu;. V. '71-tI. A. H. FRANCISCUS & Co., R13 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We have opened for the Si.rln-aT trle. tb laiv et an.1 liest ai.rte.l Murk of Pniladelphia Carpets, T ilde. Stair and Fl.mrOtl Cl.iths. Wirklow Shmle. ami i'ai.-r. Cant Chain. Cotton Yam. Hat tins. WaddliiK. Twinea, Wieka. Ckark. UaikinKllanaea, Fam-r Baaketa, Bro..ni lluaketa. Bucket. Brushea. -l.he W rii wra, W laalrnand W U hjw Ware in the Unit ed State. I nr larue Inrreaae In busined enable U sell at low prli ea and turuiah the beat quality of .. SOLE AlJENTS FOR THE Celebrated American Washer, TRICE, i 50. Ovtr 13.D0l soltl in Six Months. Term.: Carp1'1. lay. All iher ;i!a. 3U day. Net. Feb. . ! fi REAT INDUCEMENTS. i Per.n wantinir tirat-elaiw Fruit Tree Vtnc and l'laut aliould call uu HARNEDSVILLE, Somerset County, Pa. ; Tou can purcha.ae of him at lower rate than ut ! any other party. Feb. 'i Ti ! "r.XH00D : HOW LOST, HOW iJ.Tl RESTORED. J""t pabliahe.1. a new -ti. of Dr. Cnlverweir tVlebrate.1 j-y . i the I ree'ii-af caretwitle ut nili.-luelofSperatirrlw. or Seminal Weaknc-. Involuntary Seminal 1 , IniiaHenrv. Mental anal Physical la.-anac"!'. , Imiaaiiinenlii t Marriaire. etc.: alaii. l-oneump- ; tion. Epilrp.ran.1 Kit, iu.lucedbyatlf-iu.lulsenoe, I or aesu.ll ettravajtam-e. BflTier. in a aealed enveh'pe. only cent. Theeeb-brated anthiw. tn thi admirable eaeay. elearlv demount rate fr.n a thirty years' aaeeee fnl i.ra.'tiee. that the alarnilnir ei.ae.uenee aelf-abuae mav be radically cured without the dan jeroua uae uf internal medicine or the application ol the knife: pointing out a mode oi cure at almple. Certain awl erteetual, by mean of wha k every aullerer. no matter w hat hi eowlith nwy tw. may cure himaell cheaply, privately and nuit colty' -Thia Lecture sbnul.l be In the han.1 of every Tout h ami every man la the lanai. Sent, nmler ae&l. in a plain enveh.pe, to any dre, poat-pald, on receipt of ix cent, or two p Maniiw. . . Alsiv Dr. Culverwell's "Marrlair Uulde" pf ia cent. Addres the publiaher. i CHAS. J. C. KLINE A O.. V.T Bowery. Now York. Poet Offlce Bx