i 1 Ic 11... -ft, 1.1 len f ll.n Oil, ,.f A! IV TT 1 J We print tin roeK "cvrn" vj " ia: --. mi.-. CwirkTctof HOrAin . !;. ..fthe Herald to allow tluwivet iiv hiditwo-ihintaof onrto-n s 1 lit? OUiilOl OOU m-. ; - to wml ,o their Iriea. j th, nfBA,t, Ifrbrncnt w June S, IC1 ! w rithnnt ArrivtaR tlii-nw-.m f this num-; nm I. ,t at nnr rifTW till in llllCrl lirr. W KDNKSDAY. ht on our new type an,. iro-. j wrapi " nuny ior i.iuinK. per . The fr'; .. i lt .i..ll..ra Wit ncarii.rtv nuiuuvu v.. Ur. W'm. Cu.is8honenf lb fr,,n' rmnii in the jni! its a dental office. Tub Telegraph office ta tVP""',e i.U nre of A. J. Colborn. on M Tmose of our nulwrriber o will find our office in tbe residence r IA. Scull, on Union rtrret. -now .rethe mi?l.tr fallen." We are now usinp Sculls' wood house for a prv room. The Pnmtrrat occupies a ratall frame l.uiKli"? n,'r 'be resident of Ed. Scull, a, printing oflit. An Kkkitkr has started a new gro vry and eonft-ctionery cstablWhmcnt in a r.iti aJjoining Honford't Drug Htore. n Vii i.kr'h Drue and Bonk "tor i now in the building formerly occupied by 'has. Kininiell hk a tinner abop. Mkhhrs. N. A. Banner A Co., are now .-..inl ine the ('fitnniiMUoDen' office in the Court'llouse, as a twnking room. W 11 Coffkotr hasa liandHOWH niom on the rite of bis old dwelling to lie listed for the present as a furniture room. Mp.nnr.. H flh v& Uro.. now occupy a room in the dwelling of Wm. Heffley. on Vairiot street. Isaac Simpson has built a shop on Patri ot rt'rert, near the site of the old one, and a liven- stable in the rear of Lin old dwelling lloUM.'. ArsTiX Df.nmson has his saddlery es tablisbment in the same building with Bly iiiyer' Hardware Store, one. door to the Hu:h. From seventy -five to one hundred sub w ritiers have nobly come U our relief. Nine handsome pianos and sixteensew inp machines were lost by tbe fire. ('. & O. Holderbaum have now the larg est and lu-st selected ockofg xdsintow a. 1k. Kimmei.l has built an office near the sile of his old one. t'Ai.l. and see us we are not hard to find. ('. & t!. Il.il.h rlwum's store is in th cen tral mrt of tow n. Mr. Di.tmyex's hardware store is again iu full blast a few yards north of bin old stand. Vst. H. Picki.no has lxmght the old Judpe Black proH-rty on Patriot street, and will convert it into a hotel. 11. C. Uekrits has erected a store and work -shop on the property of Isaac Hugas, a few yards aliove his old stand. Noaii Oasbkek has built himself a shop in the rear of his old one and has again ocned out. (Jeo. R Pakkfu occupies tke basement of John Ned's residence oo Union street as plfK-c of business. Caned fruit liy tbe halfdon-n or dozen or full case at ('. F. lihonds & Hro.'s to suit all. CorsTRT prHluce wanted at the Fam ily tlroccry & feed store of Conk i Beerits m Maine Cross Street. Mi-ssrs Schelland Kimmell transact lioth their law and lwnk business in one of the jnn' rismis in the Court House. Mi-iwks Knable and Patton will soon start up business in a luilding erected in front of their old stand. V. B. Coffroth, Esq., has received a lurjre lot of handsome and well made fur niture from the city that he is selling at very low figures. Give him a call. As we were not sufferers by the fire, we ran offer a large and better stock of dress foods Ac, to the public than any other firm in town. C. & (i. Holdrrbai'm. E. V. Goodchild baa his jewelry era Hrium in the office of Dr. BruWker, but hetogethar with E. II. Marshall of the People's Drug Store, will in a few days oc cupy a neat little building standing in front of their old place of business. Justice Cummins' office will also be in t lie same building. j Family Grockrt. Cook and BeeritB of, it.- pwi si invf onened out in the new building on Ilugus' corner on Maine Cross Street, lsooccuMed by H. C. Bcente shoe store. In addition to flour grain and mill feed, they have, a full assortment of gro ceries, provisions, toliaecoa Ac, fresh from tbe city, at reasonable prices. Everybody rail and sec for yourselves. Pktkr C. Mkturs and John Gnagy, of Summit Mills, on Thumday of last week sheared twelve Southdown and Cotswold sheep, one year old, tbe yield of the first one being twelve (12) pounds of wool, the remaining eleven yielding from seven to twelve pounds each. This is fact, and we would like to hear who is going to boat it. ii('6wrjr IndsptndatL The Herald occupies one of the rooms in the dwelling house of Ed Scull, on Union stn-4-t, as a composing room, another as the U. S. Assessor's office, and the wood house as a press room. The Post Office in the Treasurer's office, in the Court House. I They can lie had at our office put in ""my wl '. nu ",c """" i live o'nui i mir oi mini i i'-'111 - We are ldly t-rippled financially, but have lost neither heart, hope nor enterprise. We bare purchased new materia and have resumed Uie publication of our journal Our friemls ran aid us materially in two ways : first, if they owe us anything, by jiaying it promptly ; second, by sending us two dollars to pay a year's subscription in advance. It is a small sum to you, but it is much very much, to us, as it will help to pay what we are compelled to buy on credit, and will enable us to go on our way with grateful and cheerful hearts. For forty -five years the Herald has been pub lished, and has laliored for the interests of this people. It has been a faithful chroni cle of their joys, their sorrows, and their prosperity, a familiar household friend,and we hope has been a much missed compan ion, to lie heartily welcomed on its re-ai-pea ranee. Our friends are assured that it shall not be numbered among the things that were but are not, if manly energy and labor can prevent it. Moxhay, June 3d, closed this school vewr. Boards of School Directors should meet, settle up accounts, fill out and forw ard their reports to me promptly. All the reports should be sent in by Sat urday June Mh. Otherwise districts may lose their State appropriation. J. L. PUGH, Co. Supt. By the tfestrm lion of the office of Holier! Lnuchton, Esq., in the late fire, suitors and others are likely to lie put to some in con veience and pcrhniis trouble, ashis dock ets nnu papers were all consumed. We are satisfied tluit the sdagc "lur:c bodies move slowly" is not true, liecause Cyrus Jfeycrs, Ej. , commenced erecting a mansion on Jondav morning lut. and moved into it at Tuesday noon. iVt'r Advertisement. 1 We call attention to the advertisement of England & Bindley in to-day's pajier. The Files made by them are considered amongst the liest in the market, anil their general st:ick of Hardware and Cutlery is very- large, and will be sold at low prices. We advise our readers wishing to pur chase anything in their line, to call on them when they visit Pittsburg. Among the manv amusinc incidents of tbe fire, was one of a man knocking a bole in the side of his house and then throwing flower pots, Ac, out on to the ground. Another is told of a gentleman who care fully locked his account books up in a pri vate drawer, and then went up strirs and carefully carried bis fiddle out intotbe gar den and covered it up to keep it from burn in e. The Little Corporal, for June is un usually attractive in Stories, Poetry and lectures. Among the leading articles are The New England Boy Partner, by Charles Dudley Warner, of the Hartford Cm-rant: The Down Hill Principle, byJ. B. T. Marsh, editor of the Ad ranee . and Poems by Susan Cool id ge, Geo. Coojer, Laura W". Ledyard. The illustrations are numerous and very fine. Hereafter every sulmrriher is to receive a lieautiful new Chromo, entitled Cherries are Bijie." Terms, f 1.50 a year, and 10 cents for post age on Chromo. Address, John E. Miller, Publisher, Chicago, Illinois. The energetic and enterprising editor of the Somcrsent Jkmcrrat deserves much more praise than has lieen awarded him for the successful manner in w hich he has pub lished bis paper since the fire. Wecan as- A Fatal Ekemy to Life. To live in good health and enjovment is- one of the greatest boons alotted" to humanity, and to a limited extent it it ,-iaced within tbe reach and government of all. It will not do to say that we have no con trol over our physical condition. We have if we choose, ead it depends a creat deal on the attention which we pay to the first inroads of ill health. The Lungs have so important a part to perform in the well-being of the body that any disarrangement of them should ciilist our earliest Care aud at tention. It is well to know sometimes how far they are diseased. Dr. Kevseu w ill tell you this with almost the accuracy of mat hematics.. Jiy a strictly etientitic in vestigation the Doctor has enabled himself to sound the Lungs with his Lung Sound, so as to tell exactly how far they are dis eased or impaired in their functions, and w ith that more than w onderful remedy, Dr. Keyser's Lung Cure, will restore the system "to its wonted health and H:rfcct working. Let the incredulous man try but one bottle, and bis incredulity will give way to a belief in the curative virtues of Dr. Keyser's Lung Cure. It goes to work by a gradual restorative system, and builds up the system little by little until the w hole form is restored. The cost is a tritle, f 1,50 jK-r Isrttle, or four liottles for f.1), taken at one time. Send for Dr. Kevser 8 Pam phlet of 32 jiages, by mail, if you want it. Office hours every day until 1 o'clock, and every afternoon from" 3 until 6 r. m.. and on Saturdays from i until 6 at night, at 197 Liberty St., Pittsburg. Tin bute of respect. At a regular meeting of Somerset Lodge, No. 1X5, 1. O. of G. f ., Saturday evening, June 2d, 172, the followingpreambleand resolutions were unanimously adopted : WnEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God, in his mysterious providence, to remove from us, one of our worthy members, Brother Alex Savior, therefore, be it llttolred. While we huml.lv bow to the decree of Him, whodocth all things well. we feel that in the death of Brother Say lor, we have lost a true and faithful friend, and the order an earnest and active memlier. llc$oltcd. That weextendour most heart felt sympathies to the nfilicted w idow and I James S. Patterson, Pittsburgh friends of the deceased, feeling that w hen 1 James Borlin, Greensbunr, Pa., we offer this sympathy, we do so with a full ';. K. Scull, Irw in's Station, Pa realization of the loss, because of the w arm I F. Z. Sliellenbarirer, intimacy existing lietwcen us and the de- Prompt Li rkrai.it Y. The first sub stantial aid furnished the sufferers of our town after the great fire came from the Boot & Shoe house of Mosclv Metzsmr &. Co., 435 Market St. Philadelphia, Pa. 1st telegram as follows : Philadelphia, Pa., May 11, 1872. Messrs, Knable it Pulton : Draw on us at sicht for ."00 for immediate use of your suffering people. 3IOSELY, .METZOAR X J. 2d telegram. Philadelphia. Pa., May 13, 1872. Mi:ssrs. Kimble iV Patton : Drew on us for r.OO more for the use of your sufferers. Moscly, Metzgar & Co. 3d teletrram. Philadelphia, Pa. May 14, 172. Messrs. Knable & Putton : Draw on un for the third live hundred dollars. Mostly, Metzgar & Co. 4th telegram. Philadelphia, Pa., May 18, 1872. Messrs. Knable & Pattou : Draw on us for $500 more for the relief of your suffer ers. Moscly, Metzgar & Co. 5th telegram. Philadelphia, Pa., May 21, 1872. Messrs. KnalileA Patton : Draw on us for fillO more for the relief of your citi zens. Moselv. Metzgar it Co. Thus it w ill be s-en that this lila ral and energetic firm forwarded within ten days the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars for the relief of our" suffering jeople. This prompt and lilicral action iion their part we think, deserves the commendation and heartfelt gratitude of our distressed!- itizens, and we have not the least doubt but what they arc Unlay the recipients of the same. from the many liouselesa and Homeless, HTsons who have reain-d the reward of their creatliencvolencc. ..The linn of Moscly, Metzger & Co., is one oi the largest liooK .v shoe esiann-ii-ments in Philadelphia, and as such offers inducements to the country trade;, which can not lie excelled by any other house of that city. We feel that it is no more than justice to such liberal and lienevolent men to urge even merchant in Somerset county who deals in their line, to give them a call when visiting the city, and we are of the opinion tliat they will all Ik- suited in both prices and material. Democrat. Iil-lrli-tOurlof the Viiltctl Sullen Fur t lie y In ftnkrtiitrT. AVcsleni District of Pennsyl vania: J In the innttcror Tvwl A. Turwr, Iiswkrupt, Western Uistrlrt of IViinsylvalUn. rr: A warrant Su Iiankruitey Ims lfn leaned hy saiil Court suHlnst the estate i.l L-wi A. Turner. i;f Uie puintv of Somerset. anJ sUteof Pennsylva nia. In iull illctrii't. a.lju.Iiifi a ranKru nm elillon l Ills on-illtors. ami Uie payment of any iVlts. a.n'1 the delivery il any pmiierty heliKudnir to sai l liankmpt to hlin ur to hinUMe. anil thetntna I'er of any pmiierty ly hlin. are ferlil'lilen by law. A tnuelina- or the enslilnrs "f suhl bankrupt, to prove their ileiitR, uti I cliKe neir nrnre aiMlir nees of his enate. will I hel.l at a ( 'ourt of llniik ruplerlol hi Med at 03 l'ialiiond street, i'itta lun.'h. in s.iiil ili.'iriet, ou the 11th day of June x. n. 187'iat loo'clui k j. M . at the ollii-e of Saumol Harjier. er., one of Hie lleirineni of Bankruptcy Of Ml.l llirtrii-t. A.TMt RIMU'H, t. S. Marshal as Messena;er. E ?X ICC UXOR S NOTICE. tp., rlate of Nauiuel Toiler, late ot feliaiyercck tleeeaseil. letters testamentary on the atmve estate having Iwn )rrun!eil to the uiKlersifrtieil ly the pniir au thority, those inli-hteil to it are nollhed to make iiiimiHliutu piiTinrut, ami thoae lwtiiur claims aicalnsi It will present them to me lor settlement and allowawe, at the oltlee of John II. I hi, lu Somerset, on Suturilay, 8th Jnne. IS72. llENKDKrr YtltlEH, ap'-'l. Executor. 7XECUT0KS' NOTICE. Estate of Christian Iiily. late of Jenner township, fNomersei couniy, ueeeaseu : Letters testamentary on the almve estate havlnir lieen irrunlifl the urslcrslicueil hr the roer auth ority, notice is hereby riven to those Indebted lo it to make Immediate psvmcnt, and those havlnir rlniuis ai(iust it. to preseut them, duly authenti ented for settlement, to the underslinied at the late residence of said dee'd on Satunlnr July lath,18Ti 5Et M(f K I.I j)Y. tlEOKtlK W. MlIXEIt, NOAH UOHN, jei Executors. IvKi.iF.r Frsr. Contributions received thus far for the llelicf of the Somcrsot suf ferers up to monday morning the 'M inst., we give below : Hon. I). W. Kow. ( hamla tvb'st, $ Hsl Samuel Oaither, Esq., Somerset, Uto H. T. Weld. Eq.. Mt. Savasie. KH) Iledford County, jier o. J. Jordan, 34 Cambria County, er If. J. Rolicrts, I.IKXI " " " J. M. CampU ll, 2,tKH Gnrc:e W. Wilson, Pittsburgh, 2" Youghiogheny Hank, Connellsville, I'.Hl BrkL'c Co., " Hhi Moscly, Metztrar & Co., rhiladelpliia,2." A. II. Franciscus & Co., " " for "Grac" " Jose ph Home & Co., Pittsbiirh, Cbrlin, FolliuslM-e iz Co., W. E. Sinurtz & Co., J. U. Harvey & Co., Ilathnore. Md. CtimlTland", Md.. per S. M. Haller, Hon. Jacob Zies:ler, Ilutler, l'a., sure you, that the men are exceeding tew, i csctL iK-intr. bs it were, a loss to our fam- who would po to half the trouble and ex-: .. M to theirs. Hon. A. K. McClurc. Philadelphia, . James A. Ueaver.Ik-llefonte, Pa., MeClcllan, Uniontown. Pa.. II. A. Partlett A: Co., Philadelphia, Vnfliiriil' SmitJt Si.liii-rMt fit.. Itemoerat sustained. Thouph our loss has , v f Iif(. wc nrp admonished tolals.r more ! McFarrin, Allegheny city, lieen preat, we can't see that ourneiRbhors e"arnwtlv in the work we love to do, that ! Wheelwrisht. Mudi:e& Co., Utilt., Md P. W. Shatler, 1'otisville, l'a.. iense to have their paper out on the reini lar publication dav, after such loss as the llfolrtd. That In-ine thus reminded by j the death of our Brother, of the uncertain-' has lieen less. .Mr. lion man lias our sin-1 i,i ,. n ..t,.r.,l tir,. 1)aiel Flick, Eo,.. has purchased tbe rere thanks for the cordial and hearty man- j JUnolred, That in remembrance of the rctidcucv of 'm. J. IJaer, Esq., on Main J ner In which he extended us the use of the ' hap.- past'six nt with us. and as a stiecial Mtwt, and intends converting it into a ho-1 Ihmorrat' columns and for the publicity ! mrk ,,( n-siK--t towards the departed broth- he pave our apjval through his columns to j ,.r WP tllP (i1Hrt(.r f our ige in t-l at en early day. x the first 4pe of to-days purer will be "ur "'"Tlloers I"T i " " D'T U11H mourning for thirty days - jifMrta, innt a copy KIILIVuiTII "II . ' T I found a full and vivid account of the fire. Any of our subscribers wishiegcxtra copi can wcure them by sending to our office. Mil. Sa ykks of tbe Koss House has built a frame dwelling on the site of tbe old ho tel, w here he will ojien out business in a lew days. Mh. Shki'I-kkson has opened Lis shav ing ls m in a building expressly built for that purpose, one diair north of i.lymyer's Hardware More. cured the lws iin ut in W. J. Itoer's build ing where th-y have again started in busi-in-ss in fph-ndid style. IHT ijtiality if sugars by lb. cwt., or barrcll tM-ap for ca-1: at the Ybe Live iro t rv in the basement of the residence of W. J. Haer. The Live Grocery is again up the want ot their usti nnr : a full line of choice prt cries. U-st brands of tobacco and cigars in t"W n. A. J. Casf.iiekk i Co., ha ve erected a large store riiii on the alley in theirold placi! in which to commence bus ims. It is to ! used in the future as a ware linue. i. are now under headway, and hope in the course of a few weeks to have our otliee in full blat. Hut we fear it w ill be many a day until we can replace what we li:ie lot-t. H". J. Ptk lias a large lot of building st. me. in front of tbe Barnet House, prepar atory Uicoiimiioice building immediately, a two story brick J welling for his father Sol omon liaer. the sufuvriltera of the Uttnorrat will to its rescue and thoroughly enterprising editor. i In the terrible conflagration of the SUh of I ft"'? Z"Km' 'rfM"fU' 1a N. ... .i -f?...- ..r : H. C. M hinley. Dale (it v. J. ColbTirn, in the corner rH.i of his ' Z L .a " - Kenne.lv, Stewart. CbamUrs, . ... Tv llorliiiior 1'iittoiiwvilo I;i The following attorneys have their law- offices in tbe places named W. II. Koontz. in the front rooni of the jail ; A. II. Cof froth, in the Hex-order's office in the Court House; 1 1. F. Scbell and J. (). Kimmell, in one of the jury rooms in the Court I louse A residence on main street ; W. J. & II. L. Ihter, in the residence of W. J. Iltu r on main street; . 11. i osllcwaite, at lus residence on Union street ; Samuel Gaith er, at his residence on Turkcyf:t street ; Val Hay, at his residence on Patriot street: F. J. KooHer, in the County Treasurer's office in the Court House; John K. Edic, in the Pmlhonotary's office, in the Court House; Cyrus Meyers, in bis new office opMisitethe rcsidenceof Ed Scull, on Union street ; John H. Ubl, in his residence on main street Jiftolrtd, Thnt a copy of these resolu tions lie submitted to Uie family of the de ceased, and that they lie published in our County tmiiers. F. C. SAMPSEL, W. R. COFFROTH, Jit, L1LLIE C. ROBERTS. Lautler, Hurst & Co., Irw in's Sta., Samuel Duuliitr, & Co., I'hiladelphia, Most ly Metzgar & Co., ("ith) A. A. Barker. Elx'nsbttrg, Pa., Hon. i. F. Meyers, Washington ciiy, Thos. E. CiH'hran, York, Pa.. John G. Miles, Huntingdon, Pa.. Bedford.' Pa., L .Clearfield. Pa.. Hon. John Scott. Wahinrfon city, Dr. B. Howard Rand, Phila., Hon. James Pollock, " t . U. Matson, of the heaviest lossers. of twenty years lalsir were destroyed in as ! many minutes. Tbe office, though one of. the last buildings to take tire, went like a flash. Our hands, at the cry of fire, having rushed down street, lmtame so engaged in assisting their fellow sufferers, that the of fice was deserted and bnrned to the ground without an effort lieing made to save any thing. Our account liooks are all that arc h'tL In the ruins can be seen the remains of our elegant steam ixwcr press, a quarter medium joblier, a lieautiful little engine, and pieces of that faithful and true old friend, the athington hand press, that foreign. We have just put in our office one of 1 j ' Cottrell &. Babcocks improved country j teen ycare did its work nobly and well. Of therearofjlir( n hichby the way, we think are iiuriier cutter, our dry press, two large the best country presses manufactured, and imHsmg stones, all our handsome stands, the pearancc of the Hkkai.o w ill liear . dt-sks and furniture, a large lot of printing testimony to the fuct of the elegant work j imper and stationary, files of the Herald they can do. We have also set up a Bax-1 for more than twenty years, that no money ter engine, which far excefds our other ' could buy, nothing can be seen. Sixteen one, and everybody knows that it was a I hundred pounds of type lay under several lieauty and worked like a charm. We have i inches of dirt and saiiil a shadeless mass, also received a Half Medium Gordcn Job- j Our lossjs heay, and in some instancif Iter, and are again prepared to do all kinds . is irreparable, lml we have not lost heart of job work. We hope that the business ' and have an abiding faith in the generosity men will call on us and see the style of : and liberality of our subscribers, work w e can do. Our prices are as low as j It was our lxwst, pcrliaps that was wick in tbe city. If our business mvu w ill jrn-! ed, liefiire the fire that we had one ol the tronize us it will assist greatly in putting us on our fret again. I Ladies, York, Pa., A. H. Franciscus, Phil 'a. Geo. E. Wavs, Mrs. Clark, " Mrs. Ash mead. Miss Clark, Samuel L. Cruitburg, Mrs. S. L. Cruitzbtirg. ShriverBros., (KM Fellow, Allegheny city, 0. A. Morris, Yirk, Shellsburg, Eliza Elder, State Normal Sc hool Miller-ville Bloody Run, I-aac Simi-win, Es., was the first man to put up new buildings after the fire. In than forty-eight hours after the confla gnition, his bouse was up and ready to Move in. S HKi.i. A Kimmell, Bankers, will 1 found iu the tinind Jury Itcm, at tbe ( ourt House, prejiared Ui "attend to all bus im as usual. june4. '7i G t. Geo. W. Bkkkhui has purchased the DrugSMreof Sr-brork 4 KnepK-r. and now dip. iisi drugR and medicines to the pub lic from bis store in Aaron Flk k'sbuilding. on main Mrect. Connellsville P. & A. Small, J. S. Black, C. B. Scott, York, lot) 5 250 50 KM) KHI l.'Jtl'i 50 5,(HI 700 20 20 50 250 ;ti2 10 25 2!l 25 50 1S5 25 500 20 50 . 50 5!0 o 25 25 205 . 10 1.000 1u5 20:1 20 70 725 10 50 5 50 4SJ 5 132 200 41 looo 2(M) W) 4 1 M I X 1 ST U A TO lt'S NOTICE. lj.iiite of llcnrj- Gashaw. late of Somerset county, deceased : Lcttcm of administration on tho above estate har- lfitf been (granted to the undersigned, notice Is here by iriven to those indebted to make immmliate pay. incut, and thi'se haviuir claims against it will pre- si-nt them, duly autlieulicateil lor seltletnentat in late residence ol said deceased, on Saturday, July i:ith,lx72. lmi J.unn, Way trtlf, IST'i-jea. Administrator. ' MliecUaneou. JE.MP'S XUKSEItY, 1IAHNED.SV1LLE, ROMEBSET CfJ., PA The snbserllier Informs hli friends and the pub lic that lie is now tlevuttnif hla entire time to tua The first one ever started In the county, and Is pre pared to furnish promptly all kinds of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Vines and Plants. . HIS OOSNEITION WITH KNOX'S PITTSUURQ NURSERY The tarirest and most eomnluU In th t'nited States, enables him to Kuarautea to bis customers me choicest varieties and thrinleat a-ruvla. lils rlcrs are lower than ever before. His resolve is Boot and Shoes, JJ00TS AND SHOES. Harry C Beerits MlffUnnemr. ' T A It II A XT'S;- Seltzer Aperient. Dot to be outdoue by any In th Slat In iirtr or iuaiuy. inese wonls will M msxleirooai lie will personally eoti. lt orilers this fail, but orders ad' nuality. These wonls will be made (rood! He will Hi be promptly attended lo. HARRISOX H. KEilPH. dresiHMl as above Sen.1 them In early. WITH STATEMENT of Httlcmeiitof the k) Sunt- yeareudliiK April Sth, l!7i: Amount ol tax levied, II. I'lillli..i. : - It. Stutriuan, ' " " H. I Yuuna;, : " " J. Durr, : : : I3 61 6lii '2S : 768 W Amouut of tax cxiieitdod, I. 1'hlllipid, : It. Stiitzmau, " " it. I Vounn. J. liarr, : : 4-D uv 747 99 2.331 M Amount !u the township for 1S7I. : : Irom toruier y'rs, M Oi V4 31 .1UJ 38 NOAH S. M II, I. EI!. SIMtlX fllOKI'ENNIXO, ISAAC O. HAKKK.V. (.'. M. SHAvr.n. Township Auditor. Towusliip lieik. J- jOU SAT E. . ONE HALF UK Saw and Grist! Mill, Sltu:iU-d in the IKirouvn oi J unscsiown, v uioreland eoiinty, l'a. For purL.-ulars. add rest VounKsiowii, u estm'd Co., I'l Jei TtlI AMI l(EAI).- I me of the irreatest a. I van- LTtlI .1 11 taffes is now otlered In Tennessee and Keu tuckv Emds. which have heen seUvte.1 by the present owner with secial care as to health, pro ductiveness ol soil, convenience oi r.iiimau an.i river facilities, aud a thorough examination ol It tics. These founds are now otlered at very low nrlivs. to enable everv Industrious man to live -un der his on n Ine and liir tree," and to capiuilists a verv nnilltabli.- investment. For full lartlruiars. a.blrcss or rail at the nltt'eot '. IIkki xiiku. 116 Suiithtield sircct, l'ittsl-urKb, l'a. JAMESrEESaTc; CO., llEALEItS I Watcte, (Ms ani Jewelry, No. 68 Fifth Avenue, PITTO I51TI II, PA. FIX E WATCHES CAUEFI LEY EEl'AIitETV yy. v. m. r.EACiiLY's, ('ELK Kit AT EI' BLOOD I'LriwG-E! This B-Bir.; has lieen in ase over lwl ytar: an 1 has cured thousands of cases cunsiilered incu rable bv the iirofession. It has not failed in a sin- Kle case to Kive relief if 11.4 entirely cure. It is imrticularlv rcauiniuendeJ in the following !ol1,l;ltllls; SICK HEADACHE. PALPITATI0S OF THE HEART, LIVER COM PL A 1ST, RUE IMA TISM, NA7.V DIME A -ES, LA X0 LID CIRCL LATI0X, Ac. in any deranneniciit of the Wood. In all diseases Ii uliar lo It males It is a sure and Sueertign Item ed y. In short, it K nir a Rrmrdy acting thnuah the ( ircufoiiuH o ( Mood on all the iius.rtnnt or ir.ins and einuis-torl. s ot tlie IkmIv. It will cure al most auy curable disease. For sale bv MEYERS k AN A WALT, lb-rlin. Pa., and bv dealers in Family .Medicines every where. " July 71 JJAK.X NET HDfSE. 20070 Death ok a Stkaxoer Ai.voriT as "EjitKii Awiks" Case, I'euhapk A VikeV Secosd Makiuac.e while IIek FlltcT llfPBAJcn l Livino. A casH? has jurt occurnil in this city which has much of the wmhlancc of romance, anil hut for the AV. V. Datu i Hmo., the very first to put up a builtlm; fr husiness pur-1im-s. It st.ituls on the Kite of the old one, ami it is now filled ith the choicest jtm- CerieS. ilK .TtiMAit Zimmerman now occuiiu-s a r.siiu in liis dwelling on Union Urtrt, a a shoe rttre nd the Adams exprt-s ottice. IliK hoe makers have their nhop in C'hor s utiinp. liable, adjoining the store. 'tKiK A r.i.i.RiTu have a warenKitii in the rear of the Btiot & Shoe sti ire. that they ti-4- as a fttl establishment Mr Conk ha r.siin i.ned.Kir further north in which he has ojiened a frrocery store. Cahtohia Is a scientific vepetahle pre paration ; a perfect ultitute for and mtire effective thnn CaRtor Oil, and in pleasant to take. It cleanse the nystem in a HKt re markable manner ; docs not distress or prilet but operate when all other remedies have failed. It is certain to supersede j the fact of Mr. Peter Hay's store, in Pills, Castor Oil, Narcotic Syrups arid all : bury, Somerset Co., Pa., having tioi-n sn.l i.mlitiir mt.rlit have atliirtleil lnateriiil best printini; oflicea in AVesU-rn Pennsyl- j f(,r an cnrtaiiTuig newsjwiK-r urticlc. On vanut, outside of the cities, and not exceed ! snn.iav afternNn there arrived in this fin ing fifteen minutes In-fore the lire, we re ceived by the afternoons mail are "!pt for the last dollar we owed on the renting establishment Constantly na hand at the Family Gm cery & Feed store ofOmk aud Beerits on Maine CroKR Street flour, oats, corn, mill teil. brand. lcon. salt, fish, lard, vinegar, rus. sugar, ttiffw, canned fruith, tolwc- Hemiuk going U prew we hard the re-J-rt that the old Fit htner stand at Witten iiurirh in Larimer township was entirely vr i"1 7 tiTV rrid"y ' ,HHt wk- Mr j.din Aeimerwas keeping the Uvern at '.he Ume. Mu. Johx lliu, the present proprietor of the Barnet Hons, b, di n ing of great pra.se forcha-ing his Wrthefirvt forty-eight hours succcttline- th c ii.j . i . T I n left open as usual hundreds of per son would have became intoxicated who ufl. r a xtid eola?rthght didotherwkse. Win. H. UTelfler, the photogw,.!.,.,, ,n(j by the way one tlf the Lea vkt sufferers hy .f t C'iT !r rp1,K ruvs. Lrt every rson secure one thLKDo 1' n,11tu"" in feuing out le t wrilr nA "".""" D on. he fir7 Ar"I of the fire. On uie aru-le Uiken from that livelr tourn.l ! rr,M .tottrinfr full jiarticuUrs of the K uutltr evwlastjag obligations. other purgative and exciting medicines. The Castoria contains neither Minerusl, Morphine nor Alcohol. By its emolient. soothing effect, it assimilates the food and produces natural sleep particularly adapt ing it to crying and U-cthing children. It curt Stomach Ache, Wind Collie, Con stipation, Flatulency, Croup and kills Wrms. Make ytnir Druggist send for it ; he will always keep it. as every family must have it It costs but fifty cents a bottle. AViir is This Thi s. If there are any M-rssins who know more than others ulsmt the merits of different tewing machines, it is the men who sell them. During the past three weeks more than forty of the lu.wt skillful and intelligent sewing machine agents, who have, hereto fore, represented such couiaiiics as Wheeler & Wilson, Howe. U rover & Baker. Weed, Singer & Co., have volunta rily quit them, and have taken the agency of the "Light Running Domestic." because it is iuc easicw uuu-uiue lo sell, the easiest to learn, the simplest ia construction, the most durable, and the latent improved in every respect Just think of it? With but less than one-fourth as many tieces as a "Howe," aud guaranteed to 'clean out" , any machine yet invenU-d. K. W. Stcad man & Co., General Agents No. SO Sixth St, Pittsburgh. Reuiw we give a list of the candidates and the offices for which they will have to ! roted lor at the primary election on Sat urday next j C-okgress. John Cessna. State Senator. Geo. G. Walker, f Allegheny Tn. : Col. E. D. Yutzr, Lower Turkeyioot Tn. ; and Col. Weller. LrolhLATVKE. Hon. J. It M Millen. D. HusUml, Dr. S. 8. Good and Joseph E. Mason. Phot hokot a rt. Henry F. Scbell, Elias Cunninglsam and E. M. Schrock, of Stoneycreek Tp. Sheriep. Oliver Kneper, Geo. W. Pile, Geo. P. Hay, Daniel 8. Knee and Martin L. Sutk r. Keoisteb it Hecohder. J. Uotiert Walter, of Milfitrd Tp. ; John II. Lrpley, SouthanijHin Tp. ; Aaron F. Dickey, Bornerset Tp. and Jolin 8. Ellis. Commissioner. Daniel Phlllipi. SonM-rset Tp. ; Solomon J. Baer, Summit Tp. ; Valentine J. Miller, tjuemalutning Tp. ; Benjamin Iwry, Greenville Tp. and FrancSa J. C'ountryiiuui of Brothers val ley. Poor Uoesk Director. Jacob G. Kayniond. of Stoneycreek Tp. ; Jefferson lUioada, of Sotaerset Tp. and J. II. Snyder, of Stoneycreek. GotrxTT AroiTOR Jacob J. Spekla-r and JeMc Crist, ot' Jenner Tp. Salisbury Store Roiirers Discoveh ei. We mentioned in Saturday's News Sali- roli- lied on Thurstlay night last of about f 1,0(10 worth ot goods, bince that time the jer lietratore of the deed have lieen found out On Friday morning last a woman of Salis bury, in (rasing through some bushes a few hundred yards east of the town, in search of her sheep, discovered some store goods concealed U-hind a log, and in look ing aliout in other places she discovered still more goods, much to her astonishment. Returning to town she informed her friends of the discovery, and they, tijton going to the place and examining the goods, recog nized them as belonging to Mr. Hay, being a part of those stolen from his store. A pistol was discovered in one of the bundles of goods, w hich was recognized as liclong ing to a young man residing in the vicinity, named liul'us Scott. The finding of this pistol led to the suspicioa tliat Scott was implicated in tho roblierr, and he was forth with arrested and taken before a Justice of the Peace for a hearing. He subsequently acknowledged his guilt, confessing that he tiKikiirt in the robbery, with three other vounir men. whose names he cave, who had lieen employees in the construction of the railroad now tieing made in that region. Scott stated that the robU-ry hail lieen planned previously amongst tlie four, and on that night was successfully carried out ; that hit part of the affair was simply to keep watch in the road leading out east wardly from tlie town, and that the three others entered the store and carried off the goods to the hiding place aliove town ; that they made frequent trii for thnt i hours or more, carrying all they could at a had. They did not have any wagon, as was supposed, liut carried the goods on their backs, and as soon as one load was de posited at the secreting place they would return for another.' Scott told where all the goods had lieen secreted, and the iMrtics who went to bring them in found "aliout a two-horse wagon load. Everything with a few exceptions, was recovered. Scott is from near Mor gantown, Wert Va., where he has very re spectable connections residing, and it is a great pity that he hat subjected them to the mortification they must feel over his implication in thei-ohix-ir. lite three oth er parties implicated have made their es cape to parts uuknown, but it is hoiMtt they will soon lie finind and sent to the Somer set jail to keep Scott company, as, since the fire, he is tlie only prisoner now in that fireproof building. , Scott says it was the intention of the four parties in the mWiery to meet on the ground where the goods were concealed. on the following night and distribute tlie luaity, but he being sorry for w hat he hud hmc did not go lo the appointed rendes- vous, nor does he think other parties did, as they lea red arrest and he is of the opinion that tbe other man cleared the the country the day after the goods were taken. 1 Hilly "JNews," May 30. The undersigned r"!ifftrii!lv informs the nub ile that he lias leased thi well known hotel in the Honaiudi of Somerset. It is his iuttntim to keep It in a style wiilcli lie Hopes wllli(lve sallslac-llon lo all who may lavor him with their custom. April 7i JiiHN HILL. T IIK UE.ST ITMP j by the St. Louis Express train a su k and care-worn man. who applied at the Ante r- ican House near the depot for lodging. Being sick and weak, the proprietor, Mr, llaj-, showed the man to a convenient room. He stated to Mr. Hay, that he was from Colorado, and previously from Cali fornia, to which distant Slate he had pine from Somerset, Pa., aliout fourteen years ago ; that he had a tiimily residing in Som erset, from whom he had not heard for a long time, and that he desired to go on by the next train, if able to travel, to sec his family. He did not give his mime, but in conversation stated that he was a black smith and used to work at the trade in Somerset : said he had heard of the fire and wondered if his Cmiily had liccn burned out On Monday morning he was to ill to pro coed on his journey, and Mr. Hay deemed it projicr to summon a physician. Dr. Wilson was called in, and he at once per ceived there was hut little hoe of saving the man. who appeared to lie in the last stages of disease of the lungs. The stran ger continued to grow worse, and died on Thursday nisrht alxnit 10 o'clock. Mr. K. II. Butler was applied to for a coffin, anil a ! 1 1 grave was dug on eunesuay lit the rot ter s Field, on the alms house proiicrty, ' jks . r r - IN THE WORLD! THE AMEKH'AX SfHMEKtlEl) Double-Acting. N'on-Freeiina; FOSiCTE PUMP! The Simplest. Most I'owerfn!. Ktiective, Dura ble. Kcliablu and I'hiNipcst l'umjt la u-e. It is made all of Iron, and of a few simple iwrtr. It will not Freeze, as no water remains in tbe piw wiieu not in action. It has n leather or aunt j. Linj. as the sucker and valves are all of iron. It seldom. If ever, sets out of order. It w ill force water from tu to 0 feet in the air, by attaching a few leet of hose. It Is ar.mil forwafhing- Hujjgies, Win-lows, water line 1 rar.leus. hx. It furnishes the purest and coldest water, because I) Is placed in the bottom ol the well. Terms: Inch I'ump. 1S: piie, SO: J font. 1 - i; eoi Larucr sites in proportion. WEYANT) k rLATT. Sole Agent for Somerset County. Somerset l'a., Alay 1st, ls-Ti STAXIIAKl) AM LIUl.'AN BILLIARD TABLES. Everything- s'rtuiiiin to llilliards at lowest prices, Illustrated Catal.isucs sent by mail H. W. Collender, New York, Success..r to THELAX k (tlLLEXDEK, 7038 HIUIADWAV. gOL UIIL, A. H. Franciscus & Co., IMPORTERS ASD DBA LRUS IS COTTOX YARNS, 1JATTS, WICK, Twine and Ropes, LOOKING OLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCT BASSETS Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, Airt rAt-ITRBRS AID JliBBRUS OT CABPETI9TO, OIL C LOTHS. MATTING, RUGS, Ac. 613 Market Street anil M0 Commerce Street, .Philadelphia. June 10-tr. ST OYSTOWX. Respectfully In form th elthwos of Somenet ami th public generally, that he has juat replenislMd hi . . . XEW SHOE STORE, In the New Building on Main Cross Street, WITH A j i SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS F The uudersluned. nronrieKa of tha lltMmntwl Hotel, on the southeast comer of the 1 Ha mood, be- in lnouceu v travelina; pu and hospital call. His bouse will be conducted wlih tho beet onierand lurnish One aceominutatlnns. SAMI EL CUSTER, Stoystown, Pa April 17th, Wi. ie soui neast comer ot the mamoud, be I by bis many friends, would say u the ill-lie llutt be is now prepared to receive bly entertain all who may give hlin a GRAIN CRADLES. The under sinned Is now enaria-ed In making; upwards ol viuOraln Cradles, of au Improved pattern, us ing; the sharp ir round Clipper Sevthe, which la the best manufactured. Tbe cradles will be distribu ted through the c.nnty between the 1st and SOth of June next. Persene wishing; to parchasa will find thcin for sale at all the principal business places In the county. A larite number are made ready al tbe maiiulactorv at Berlin. Price pr. 17. IJEO. P. HAY, Berlin. Pa. V i 77i Vinar liuirr nut vn t ncy Irimk, m i- o( P-sor Rum, Wlnker, Vrr-nf Spirit aad Refuse Liquor, fl.irrf? !, tice-l, -4 westeoed to plexi the ta-ste, ci!.l - l-tnici." " Ap;ie!ifenM "Restorer," etc., inji icti.i ine n.irwcTssu to dronkennnt aod rata. but .ire l.it Mirtl.cinc.ntA.3a front the native reole and UermtH x.-Utrw. free frr-m silMkruhnlic StimeLiDts. T'wv are lit G-rat Hood PuntieT ad I.ife-cirin Principle, a Pftrtt Renovator and luvignraiw of tbe Svm, c.iirrinc T aU pwHiHti u.it-T and restmtnf mt unttjvi in a ntm.iUTciuaitmii, rtiticJiiDP it, relrekiiin and iiiTt'r.itint Ht fs Kitwd end lxH)r. I liey are eoe of ftdtum-iratinu, jthutk t their action, eerum m llteu reMiiiv .ir nut relM(je in ail fanm M .o-m 35 Prr-oa caMlaktlhM. tilt ter accord ins ' d rccnnnt, and reiitaie) ionc; aimwelL, provided their bote ar i.ot destrfrved b mineral poitn or other mean, and the vital organs wasted beyond the potM oi repair. Dyipr jnU er Indlirf illnti. Headarche, Pam tn lite i!iouMer V.icH i telil inest, S-Hjr F.r utiui.s of tke Staiach, Bad Tatc in the Month, lliiious Attacks, Falpttatto f the Heart, luftittimation of the Lung, ram ut the re.otj oi the K:dm-y, a:.d a li tntlred other joitifu! ivmj tom, are the ui7priii4 i.f ycrnb. In these complaint u h no equal, atui one ixitiie wwi prove a better guar: ant re of itj menu tUun a lcn!?!liv advcrtitetient Fur Ft-1 it. tie ftmpln.Ml. in youiif or old, marnrJ ur Mr, at the dawn of woman hoot I, or tlie turn of lite, tticne '1'onic Hitlers dilav o decided an innuc:rcc thai a niarLcd unpiuveuicttl is aaot rccp lib'e. For lMflar..ni.ory unci ( hronle Rh til at I Kin a:.J t'itt, Xvs;vism Of liidietiOii. I;iiimiv Keniitteitt and Intermittent levers I'iseawe of the U.fW, LiVtfr. Kuhttvt and U!.idilrr tbA It it term have been m.t K-cvd':I Such are caused bv V itiatcd I.eisOft. Ii ch r ceiierallv traduced Ir deranea- irit i4 i he I) :eitivt OfiMin Thrr rc a Untile Pitt-era. Irt mm we-ll an a ionic, ostesAiu3 aw the tecuiiir merit of act in t asatiowcritd a-ent m rciitvmi! C'oii 'elim tr luflam malum f tin. Liver and Vtsccr.ti On: .in a, and in lbliutu For Skl nUrar. EruM.n. T.tter. Rlt- Rheum, lilotchi-s, Sikm. Tiintt'eit. I'twinte ttuiia. "ar- hune'es. Kms norm. Su!ti IUjiL S.w t rw. pef.i. Iich, Scurfs lic.ihrattinof the Skin. Humors and Diseases of the Skin, t wliatever name or nature. .ire literally du up and earned out of the vtein tn a thort time lnr the tie of tliete Kitirrs. Om Litti.'e in nch casc will conviucc the muU iut.rctia.oua of their curative e.TccM. lcati tli Vltlntcit IllaaJ fimver vm imd i:s iini unties burtting ihronh tWUinm Pimplee, ErnmirMiv or SrM: cleanse it wiicn too tind it ob structed aud ;it(;RiU in the veins : cicanse it when it ie ioul : our fe.:ni-s will tell tw when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of tbe urstem will ftilow. Urntcftil IhonenHila itrociaim Xixkhk Pit tus the most wonderful Invij.iraut thtt ever sustained the 'iukinff svsteni. Pin. Taue. anil other WoriM. ImLii. in tbe system of so mm thottsaud, are ctfecttially de stroyed auI removed. Say a dis(uij;uiaed phvsioU wnst: There is MrarccWau individual mtm the face uf the earth tvluc bvly iscxemut from the presence of wifrnn. is not ujk.1i i he lie.ililty elements ot the botty that Bounht lo tbe Eutern dtlenat the lowcanh prloui. and U prPiNsreti to furnish th publte with erery thlug pertalutuK to bU Uue of busmen, AT VERY LOW PRICES. lit will kocp eoDnUntly oa hand atvl b prvjtMr ed to make to order ou short notice, BOOTS SHOES FOR Men, Women' and Children, Embracing ererj line of Srst elass (roods tn mate rial and workmannhlp, fra the tiny illnprr ta the bnaulmt tread brufraa. The ladles will be lurnlab ed with SLIPPERS, OA ITERS, BOOTS, BALMORAL, BUSKIN OF CALF, M0RROCCO, KID, AND LASTING MATERIALS. And of the most lashiooable stylos. He will lnrare a rood lit and giro fallKfartli to all who may glre him a call. He Is aUo prepared to lurnbih shoemakers with complete assortment of SOLE LEATHER, j KIP, CALF, AND M0RR0CC0. ALSO, Lasts and Shoe Findings Of every kind, which will be (old at the lowest cash prices. -All kinds of repairing dene on short notice. He hopes by keeplnsx a large and good stork, b selling at the toweat pomlble prices, and by fafr dealings and strict attention to ba-lnwa, to rvedre a liberal share of public patronage. apr. , '70-tt H. C. BEEHITS. j What is this grand spcvlnc I v' thl jdraaght they call TT' Lrrinvl it 1 SaLTzaa Araanrf W ell, W la 'luii.ljr th ( hciii I Iral hte almlle of the Seltter 8iirlnn el. which, j for lot year, has been aii-mmlrd tb Unert I atliar tie aul A Iterative In all Knpae. w'Mmi AUlKUiUlMi- fMV. 7)NLV tSKXERAL Arci- J DEXTIXSi nAM'EfO. ln.merlp:i, writ ing JAoeHenPolW's bvtic month or yi-nr, h th It In- ra l, iic- eupatloos and ppifcssluns, at r.uca within the means of alL The TbavkucbsuIso write plt'Jes of Life and Enduwuient of all aual furius, anlilug Ample Security- an I Mod erate Cost nmler a 1U site Contract. Premium Is the farurite l,.w Rale. A It Caah, Stuck Plan. No other Iu the world, of It j age, has relnranl si moi-h money In bunrflta u its Pi4- Icy-hoMers. Cash Assets, nearly two million. Homes! Travelers' sure nu n of all trn Insurance, CompanyB' PEIVHEGE, and the laxly was to have Ikiti intrrrvd tliat aftennwn, tint owinir to tlie Ikiivv rainslorui jirevnilinsrat tlie time the lmrial was postponed until yesterday inorninir. On Weilnesday Mr. X. t). Hinrliman, now of Uiistity, but formerly of Somerset, calld nt the Ameritiin House to -e the man's remains, with the hope of identify -inir them, as the nuui had failed to t-ll his name to any one. and Mr. Hay did not think to jtk it of him. Mr. Hiiichmnn is strontrlv under the imiretion that the man ' P ApTT AT was Ed. Dillon, a blacksmiih, who l.-ft ! aajj, Somerset for California aliout the tune sta ted by the stranper. The man was aliove medium size, with long brijrht brown hair, slightly curlinjr, with retnilar features, somewhat prominent. He liad no letters. pajH-rs oranvthin? uitn bis jierson poiiii; to show his identity. He had about $10 in money, which comprised his elRfls. Dr. Elder also visited the remains whilst they were at the American Houe, but be watt unable to identify them, although he thought they might be those of Harry liushelierper, who was also a blacksmith, who had cone from Somerset to California aliout the lime mentioned. Mr. llini linmn howeTer still thinks they were not Huslia berer'a, but Dillin's. Neither or these men lias been heard from for many years, and Mrs. Dillou, acting under the belief tliat her bus! wml was dead as bmz a;o as nine or ten years, married again, her sec ond husband having lieen an employee for years at the Ross House in Somerset. Should the dead man here be Edward Dil lon, the affair become of more seriousness, and Mrs. Dillon, wliois yet livinir, ia spar ed a visitut ion from her first husliand whose presence? would hare been to her like one arisen from th dead. And then would have couie the question of duckling lietwcen her two IiiuusumIk, It i a strange coinci dence, and as we stated in the lieginuing haa much the semblance of romance, and a long atnry could be written on the fiicts. VumberUmd Stv. I Si: .-3S .t farporatel Ij Act cfLeElsIatiire.! $100,000 $500,000 Depositors secured by Seal Estate investments exclusively. Six Jcr'Ccnt. Interest Paid to depositor on the cornpoundinz principle. worm, exi;.!, Imt npon tlie diejed Immnri and slimy dcpOHls tliat lircd 111 cm liTing aionstcra of disease. No system ct Medicine, ne vermifuges, no anllie'in:- lies, win iree uie mieia Ixoia worni. hat Hkk Iht- lcr. Mcchnulcal Diseases. PerwiM rar.ircd Piiuts and MiueriK such as Pluiabcr. Tan citrrt. Gold-beatert, and lliiieM. al lliet adrancc iu Hie, will be suuiect to piralr.n 4 tlie IlimtU. . I n caard a;ain this take a dose of Wai.kkb s Viasa.a Uirrxas ooce or twice a week, as a Prerentire. Ulliaas. Remittent, mt Iwlcrmltlewt Severs, winch are to rfcvaient io the vailcrs of stn (treat rivers throughout the lyiitcil Stales, esjtccially Uiose of tlie Misaiasippi, OIi Mimmri, Hiiioi, Teo nesee, Cumberland, Arkanaa. Ril, CoJurauVs Draros, kio Crande, I'eirl. Alabama. Miiile Snuiuli. koan. oke, James, and many otlwrs, wild llmr ti frribnta nas, llirouliont our entire ciHiatrv duiin- tlie Sammer and Autumn, and renurkjliir so durinz seasons el unntuii heal and iVrnc are Hirariauly acconipauied ; br eitensire derantfeaicnts ol tlie atom:H.k and liner, and ' oilier abdumin.il Tiscera. There are alwatmoreeles obstructions of tlie liver, a weakness and irritable stale ; of the stomach, and great torpur of the IjoweK bein( ciocu up wiiii Titiauril accamuutions. la Uwu- treat- ' l l" " ekiiiw a "'wxt un i irr7 c swa tlkrse Tanous organs, is fctilully necessary. There no catliarttc Aa- the purpose cqnnl lo Da. J. Walks.' VtNSCAa I'.ittfrs at they will speerliiy remove the dark-colra-ed viscid mailer wiih winch tlie bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally reslin-mx the healthy fuacttons ol tlie digestive organs. Scrofula, or Kind's Krll, White KweTmes. Ulcers, Krysiueias, Swelled Neck, Gaiter, Scrofulous Inflammations. Indolent Inflammations. Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores, Eruptions of tlie Skia, Sore Evss, etc. etc. la these, at in all other coastilutioaal Dis eases, Wai mi l VixacAi HiTTans have shown their great curative powers ia tits most obstinate and in tract ab!o cases. Dr. Walker's Call ferula Tlstecar Diltera act on all these cases in a similar manner, liy puritying the lliood they remove the cause, and by resolving away lite erecia of tire ttinammatioa (tbe tnuercntar deoeeiUI the aiTecied paru receive hoailli, aud a permanent cure is rnoctca. sue proven tee ol ui. Wai.mi's Vihiga. IttTra.s are Aicrietit. liaiuoretic and Carminative! Nutritioua, Lasalive. lliuretic. Sedative, Counter Irn tint. Sudoridc. Aiterative, and Aub-lliliera. The Aperient and nnld Laxative properties of la. n Ai.li i vikuca i;tTTKas are the best safe guard ia aH cases of eruptions and maiigiiant fevera, their balsat.tc. beating, and soe-.hiag prouertiet protect ths lifrmori of the fanccs- Tlwir Sedative properties allay paia ia the acrvoas t-stcra, stoevacb, and busrels, either from inflamsnatino. wind, cwitc. a amps, eta. l"hcir Counter-Imuut inttoeBce eataadt tkrougkout the system. Tlieir Diuretic pmpenies act on rite Sid neys, correcting and reznlating lire flow of ariue. 1 Iwir Anli-liiliout prolKtlies sumulan the liver, in the secre. lion of bile, and its discharges throni-k the biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, fur the care cat B:hous Fever. Fever and Agae, etc Fortify f be bsxiy- atralnal dleeaae bv pori-f-in) all us fluids wita Vinesa 1Iitts. No eei. deuia: can take bo'd of a system thus .ecarmed. The liver, the stomach, tke lwwc'a, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered d.-scaae-raoef bv this teal kivie orant. Direct lonsTake of tlie Diners rat going le heal at night Irons a half to one aud oue ualf wiae-glaeafuU. W. DAVIS Sl BRO'S Grocery and Confectionery, SOMERSET, PA. vVe denlro lo Inform the people of this ciimmti nlty that we have purchased (be lirocry and Oon feeUtaiery of 11. F. Knepper, Em., opnorilte tbe Kamet lionm. and have made valaal.Ie ail.lltlnis to tbe already ftne stork of Uooda. We seU all the best brands of FLOrH, AND JIEJL, tfJFFEE, TEAS, SUOAKS, BICE, SYHVPS, MOLASSES, FISH, SALT. SPICKS, APPLES, FLAVOBINU EXTRACTS, DEIF.D AND CANNED FKVITS. ALS, COALOIL, TOBAIVO, CIQAES, SXt'FF, UHfUlMS, BUCKETS, TIBS,. AH kinds French and common CANDIES, NITS, CBACKEBS, FAXCT CAKES, PEHFIMEKT, AND TOILET AKTICLFS, COMBS, BKI SHES. SOAP, kc " ftiiks0 " 'urtmnt TToji, fcc., for the little JJJJ1 "3rU,tar? ta th.Oi.rTanUCon- J aaaarsB vsB la (. Davis' Cheap Grocery, OPPOSITE THE BASNET HOI'S E. nor. t-ly. Cheap Farms! Free ON THE LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A LAND QUANT OF 12,000,000 Acre IN THE Bcft Farming and Mineral Lamlt in Arurrlin. 8,000,000 Aerf Iu Xtbrala IN THE OHEAT PLATTE VALLEY", THE GARDEN OF THE WEST, NOW FOR SALE. These lamia are In the central portion of the I tilted States, on the 41st dt-trrw of North Latl tU'lc. the ccolral line of the irrrnt ti'iiii-r.iti x-tie of the Aineiicati Continent, ami lor gr.il;i crowing anil stock rabilrjg uusarpasecil bv any In lite t'uit ed States. CHEAPER IN PRICE, more favorable terms iriven, and more oonveuient to market than cau lie fuutxl elfewhwre. Free Homeeleaals tor actual settlers. The bent Location for colonics. Soldiers entltlnl to a Homentcad of ltlu acres. KK EE PASSr-S to Purchasers ol Lan.1. Semi ir the new Descriptive 1'amphli-t with new mat a. published In English, (rerniua, Swed ish ami Danish, malictl free everywhere. Address O.F.DAVIS. Land Commissioner. T. P. h. K. Oiuana. Nebraska. EXTRAORDINARY LNDl CEMENTS IN CABINET ORGANS. The Manns a. Hamlisi Oruaw Ci. rcKK.-tfully announce the Intrirluctkai or Impron-nicnt much mora than ordinary Interest. These aro REED AND PIPE CABINET OKOANS, Bclnir the onlr successful comliitiation of REAL PIPF.S with reeds ever made. DAY S TRANSPOSING KEY BOARD. Which can be instantly moved to the rltrht or led. chung-tnir the pitch, or IranMioritnir Uie kij. F'or drawing anil descriptions, see Circular. Now and Eletrant Styles of DOUBLE REED CABINET OKOANS, At lsC. 132. and 125earh. Consl.lerinir Capac ity, FM-trutice. and Thonmirh Ejtcell-nce of Work-tnnn-liip. these are cheaper than any i-ioreott,-rcd. The M AHua aw Kakus f rrarii' are a-kn' '!!-e-1 BlST. and from extraoniinarr fncilltrus lor manarw-turiui; this Company tun allurd a in I now undertakes to sell at prices which rvmlvr ihcra I'NtlVESTIONABLT CHEAPKST. Four fMave Ortrana M each: Five flrtave Or vans 4170, 12a and upwards. vV ith three ta-tn reeils 1 50 ant upwards. Forty styles, tip P Al-s each. New Illustrated Catal-arne. ami testimonial Cir cular, wilh opinions ot more than one thousand munk-ians sent free. MASON. HAMLIN OROAN CO., H Tremoot St, Bosion. 596 Broadway. N. Y. Jtfutrrll'iiMiiHJt. THC;.M?rADDENJn. llTrAwiTTSS'JRCH. tSoltl Onlr by AgentM. A Book for Everbody! $10,000 Per Month. Tlie liwtnntaneott srtcccss of this Book Is'not Strang.-, althouifh it Is having nnpreeolcnte-l sales. THE LIFE OF JESCR. THE CHRIST. BY HEMY f AID BEECHES, la a work which the rrsallns; puhlle have been waiting lor with avMlty; all siartsaml corliliis ol men welcome it heartily as a book to he read eh)lars, the Clenrjr. tho Press, and the people rr! It uui('T! v. eii.y it thorouitlily, pratw it i-c.-rely. Tlie point K.r the Airent I'l' CIi'I IU) lo know Is that It 11 nraljlaO! .More Ai(KUts wantr.1. IntelllKent bkb aial women may oUaln li rathe emlyuHrnt hy tak ing an airencr. Ko!l desrrtptlre I'lrcalart mnllcl lrre. Very lils-ral terms t. "novasm-ri Atiolv only to J. IS. F' Ht I a. 1 't .. 27 Par Phice. V V.; II Kniwlield ttfvt. Kooloo, M-s. W. V. Minna; naa sirvet, ChicaKu, 11L IOWA and NEBRASKA LAIRDS FOR SALE BY THE Biirligofl & Hi River RRCo. Millions of Acres On Ten Yean' ,'redlt, at ( per eent Interest. No part of the flwipal due (or two years, and thence only oi e-nluth yearly till paid in lull. Product wi'-: pay for laud ami Imprivemeots within tbe limit ol this zeuen.us creiit. -liettcr terms were never otfered, are not now and prohahry never will he. Circulars tiivinii; full particulars are ratiplie.1 srr;itl: any wlshintr to Induce others t emigrate with !lim, or to form a roPaay, are inviied lo a-k (f all thev w int to illi-'rilm'e. A pjily" to t E I. S. II A KRIS. Land Cssn'r. lor Iowa I.i 0.I11 at liurlinaon. Iowa. Xn l f..r N.-l r i-kT I.tnd- at Lincoln. NVK 1 winv' KCOCOAINE t of I -TBaBC MASK- The Best Hair Dressing and Restorer. Millions Say " BURNETTS' COCOAINE." Your Druggist has it. June S. J KT A l!LE SODA FOC NT A 1 VS. $40, o0, $T5 AND $100 noon, DC E ABLE AND CHEAP! lil(ipcl ready t.r u-cT Manufactured l-y J. W. CHAPMAN .CU, Ma.Ii..n. lud. sTs7SenJ t r Clrcular..f THE MORMON WIFE. Now Is the time for Atrcnts tn secure territory fur this thrillins; and fearless book. It iiiinprisrs the Adventures and Ex)icrii-nce of a woiuiii writ ten by herself for years the wlte of a Mormon Prophet discfoainir till that is mysterious, wicked and startlinir: abounding In thril'iiiiar alventun". humorous and pathetic scenes the most f.iscinii tinaT lsik extant. Steel laa-trail of the Autlre an. portraits of liglinir Mormons, hoth men and women. Life and scenes In I tab,etc. Sold only hv AtfcntH. F'or circulars a.lilnis Hartford pi blishino co., Hartfoni. ct Eat Rood ruwrtshinz hnd. such as beef steak, saallna chop. vewiKsa, roast beet; aud vegetables, and lake out-door eevrcise. They are composed of purely veget able ingredients, and contain ae spirit. J WALKER, Prop'r. IC IL HcDONALDstCCU, Drujmits and Vn. Att San Francisco, CaL. and a, ot Wadiiai;t.m and CharlKm Sis., New Vork. SOLD BY ALL DKUCX.IS1H AND DEALERS. Boots a,ncl Slioes, HATS AND CAPS, Leather and Shoe Findings. JT. II. Zimmerman Takes Pleasure In ralllnir the attentioa of the elt Itene or Somerset and vicinity to the lact that be has opened a store In bis residence on Vnlon street, where there will alwava las k.is.sK.i.. mwv, inn-Hi ol Boots and Shoes, Of Eastern and home manufacture, a larire and war sell sasissa sMa.l . .s .ar HATS -A.3STID CAPS, And a xreat variety of Leather aud Shoe Finding Of all kind. There Is also attached to the store a CUSTOM-MADE BOOT Si SHOE DEPARTMENT, With N. R SNYDER as cntrer sua .. ki. alone Is a sufficient iraarantee thai all work made P in tue aaop win not only at tbe leet of eastom. rs .ut that only the best nuterlal will lie used auu ine Jtest Workmen Will be emtiloved The mihlo. Aoun.r..n. - ----- uai siaausuae Bia Stoea. F Oil SALE AT S7,OOQ OO, S0B 1st October. 1872. (k'lOO 1st Januarv, 18T3, it)0 1 ait aV avsr-41 ti. a utU . ' i woo asaar a jear mereaiier. WITHOUT INTEREST, A Farm of 229 Acres, Havlnir two New Howsee. Vw n-nk .,1 Orchard and SutrarCamp, well timbered and well Improved, within half mil of North Fork Kail-road. Possession 1st April, 1473. Oood paper will be Uken liar the finrt two rv. menta. Ptanession tor enttinsr tlmhov 1,000 is paid. W. J. BAEB. Somerset, May S, Ti J. D. UVSWHSDIX tfAlteuliam it directed fa the liherml pre ristioaui for trithdrmtring satoaiey depemlted. Il ras be riosse in ssstaZt wOKf, WITBOV1 XOXIVJS moX THE DUfOSlTOK. ' . AU rotHMMMsVafssisie tri!l rermlre prenmpl rrptj. JAMES T. BRADY, JVetsUrnt DAVID CAMPBELL, Trtaturtr. JJEIM k LIVENGOOD, SALISBURY1 ELKLICK, P. 0. Soamsrr Ch tt, Pkxx'a. Ura (Is boocht and sold, and sol red ions mad oa all raru of the country. Interest allowed oa time dc'netts. Special arramrmeuls with Uaanllans ami otbera who bold anaaers la trast. Jnn 17 n J a. UABVEY k CO., - BITTER COMMISSION MEKCUJSTS, 67 EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE. liberal cash advances on en cufudnmenli aad returns iromly maile, QUOUSE & SHIRES, Monuratturerstif all grailfg of ' oigabs; BEDFORD, PA. - Attention particularly askesl of Joiners. AaT-Orders solkrlusl by E. 1L Marshall, drairirurt, Somerset, Pa. . my.. jGENTS FIND LTTEBATVKE, ART AND SONO . ' Ia th baat tellina; book ever efTered. It com bines the baawr of anecdote, tke wisdom of essay, th m forma tkal af history and btcsrraphy, tbe sweat, aees and mnkw of poetry, the eaqnistt charra of fie, and 400 beanUfal illaatrathaas. "Solid rssadina; ft jrraverwsusaents; plcaaaat pie turee lo lllamlne qatot hears; aad (terns of auaa for the social etreta." - An aKrat writes. 8oM K7 eopiee this week j wlU ell too this month easily. " Our sum? system raasswsfaf sVass away with abjections to tke basin ess. Particulars fro. A val. aabt present to every new A rent. INTERNATIONAL PC BLISHINO CO., mjl 93 and 94 Uberty Mtreot, Ntw-Tork. A competent A pent to eanrass ao.i take chanre. In a portion of Pennsylvania, of the snle a me klly sellinir v.k, by tlie nt eminent author in the T'nited States, and indistrrnsaMe to the cor. rect tranraction of every kind of rlnstness. Airents S.-I1 from 40 lo lou per week. LI iir.KA L tA LA R Y (r''"- 'f desirol. and permanent buiness . S. S. SCKANTON JkCO., Hartioni, C"nn. K I'TCHIS () N C O . Manufai turcri, Aoais and Dealers In Iron and Woodworking nti-1171 piorrs, Horirontal ami Vertical Slc-am Entrine. Hio. Itt ltlntr. Piukini? ami Mechanical Supplies, CORNER WOOD ST., k SECOND AYENt E. PITTSBTJBGH, PA- Agents for the Hunfa Steam Onvemor. Knowrs Patent Steam Pumps. Rider Ct Off I and Calorie Engines. I"ni9 alTii Siono Co s Eruvry Wheels. A rilOFlTABLE BUMS ESS. LIOHT EtiT'AL TO OAS. AT ONE-E1U11T1I CrSTI Cjuaof s etjilaird. So raiainrj sr anci avd. M-n .tclrin a Pn tit.ildc I!ttin-s. can aeenre the K.vcliisive Klssht forthe sale of Dyiaifs Patent Curt. Oai Uirhi Knrm-rs al OIL for Counties or States. Write f-r Information or call f M. H. I 1 1 1 1 1 . No 11 "i-iuth ccor ! Street. Plilladi Iphia. Pa. k CH I ' Kl "11 KS fumisheal wit h Chantlellers arid Lamtia l everv ilcm riiitu. '4 Pr cent, cbeati cr than at any other estalilL'hment tn the country, ap a Machlne-.inaltoonrNEVV REMINGTON EM PIRE "UKiiP FLEDr- Send for. sanitles of PIUE - KKI work, circulars. Ac. CAKSl- li'. Western .'ts. So. 4J i' street, tlT I Sol son. f t. apr ae aja-Arents wantcl. The Qiristian. tSS family pflper. full of ineidrm.s. providences, music, ptaitry. true stories for youmr. old. saints and sin ners. No sectarianism. coutpversv.'politii-s, pulls, pills, or patent medicines. Hoc. a 'year! in ci pi.-s. 441 Semi loc fur three papers beire vou ronret '. Little Christian. copies. L H. L. HASTINUS, Tract RepoiUort 19 ftadoi af., Hoston Mass. DE3MLKR BEO1 No. 1J6 Smitufield Street, Pitts rw;ii. Pa. Mauufisvctnrtrs of Til. And Dealers in Something; New FOR AGENTS. Agents who want to make money ran sell nothing so raphlly as our new aud beautiiiil steel tu:ra inn j THE MOTHER OF OUR LORD. It 1? tlie finest subject eve'emrruTeil, ami surprises ' ! Cntlery an4 House Mil G cA ! , t . 1 . ... 1. I . rmm r-ro . . V J Have constantly on hand a very lanre stork ,f tinsvrs' Tea and Spice Crwhtles. Ice Cream ' Ereeaers. Ii-e Chests. Water Coolers, Clothes Wrinu-ers. Ilinl Caires. ke. I'miH-letors of the celehratetl -'iTSl latent Adjustable Stove Shelves. Divines if all denominations. Aitents Who hn.l ' Wholesale and Retail. Prices low. ap-Ji that "Hooks jro hani." can make lii per dar with i " " this splemlld work of art, Male ami f. male aaents Sahitt. noortt.- rRA5KLisj masar. wanted. Write for cimilars to WORTHING- Turner's More, Pa. Slonycreek. Pa. TUN, DUSTIN it CO, Hartlorl, Conn. ( Incorporated 1KW. ) COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE I COMPANY. Orril'KKS 1JD DIUlitTORS. S. S. Detwller, Pres'L I Roht. Crane. H. Wilson. Vice Prcs't, Wm. Patton.' Herb't Thomas. Treas. I Jas. Shnieiier. J. F. Frucaurf. Secy. j J. S. Mr inc. J. R Harhman. I M. M. Strk kler. treo. Ikarle. I K. T. Bvon. For Insriranif or Airencies, a.ldress J. F. FRI KAI FF. Sec y. tVdumWa. Pa. JOHN HICKS, Agent, Somerset Co. Pa. IMMENSE SUCCESS Arr nt- WANTED, male or female, tn every count v In the I lilted States atalt anad.is, tos, U our new ami most nsefnl Patent: from one lo si used in everv family, lou per cent, anaranteeii. Eur samples I ami terms, inclose ten cents ami aitoress FERGUSON It CO., 64a River St., Tmr. N. T. T 0 Till! FARMERS OF I SOjVLES.SETCOXJlSrTTr. I-oger A Forney, Thnnklul for fit ftivors. we offer tot lie formers of Somerset u uuty. t r l.iTA" Rare Chance for Agents. AGENTS, we will par von 40 per week in cash If yon will eniraae with biatiwe. Evcrlhin-x furnished, and xpcnse paid. Address r. a. tl.is a CO., Charlotte, Mich. 1 V make more money at work f"r as than at anything- else. Hu"ines liirlit an.1 pertuaiicut. Particulars free. G. STINSlN It CO.. Fine Art Publishers, Portland, Maine. piano ).. n.t. price, o.mn NO AGENTS. Circulars fr.C i.'U 1.000 REWARD Fur any ease of Blind. ISlreJinir, ltchinn or l lceralnl Piles that DkRixo'0 Pilb Rekkpt fails to cure. It is rrre. pared express,! to cure the Piles, an.1 u,ihmi.i Sold by all dru'r;irls. PrU-e L He Mlieiii Eeaper ani Mower, The irreat favorite with tarrutrs, which has more advantaifes llian all others as a self rake. We or fcr the lollowin-r named (renlliiacn. or any others who aro u.-inu it ftir relereuc-v: Elias Hershhenrpr. FJklk-k township: A. J. Kissw, Summit towuship: YA. Kiminel, itrH.hers valler town.-hip: Z. iilkir. Mill- rd township: William II. St.ihl. Sirm-rset townsliip: Aiex.. Stanton. Jetuicr townsliip. The Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. The only perfect Grain nouiu-ed so li Hull in the World! pro STAMEK1N0. Drs. AVhitc A Oat-1 man. 402.4th av..' New York. Rcfercnres from i etenrymea in this city. lor circular. No nay antil cured. Send 21,000 Practical Farmers. CI HEAT MEDICAL HOOK of nsefnl kn. wU 1 ediretoall. Sent free nr two sunuis. Addrees DR. BONAPARTE kCO., Clncmuatl, Ohio. TRUE; Ti. .r... ... lt.iii. r 1mni-r townshll: Geo. i roi.au-rh. Somi-rset towo.-hlp: Harry Hay. linrth- ersvaliey tscam-hip; m. Ilorurr. nuuiuiu ,.. Swisa Maxuvtle 1 ime ki- r . s Flii-ktusri-r. V.lkli. k towu.hip; t apt. Wm. Imlisnsahle to every, Maurvr. tlnemabouinw tunblp. It IK f 1 ami Indicator. traveler, trader, hor. larmer. and Kir ev erybody in need of a reliaUe time kt-erv ' er. I sua! watch site, steel works, trlasa crystal. In neat OROIDE ease, wsrranv : ted to denote correct time for two vears. Nothing ti-t t.'i'i tIf T,"WI fTTTEli l.k.lt. 1,000 sohl weekly. This valuable arth-le: ThLl A. U-l I H ' '-' r"' In neat ease, will be seut, prepakl. anywhere lor : l;(orX Try one. circulars free, tinlrronly i from the Sole Airents. F. KING It CO., Itrettleboru. Venmajt THE BICKFORD JAHIIY K1TTIKG MACHINE, Which ex.-els all uhers now in ne, M band or power, from N-. 1 to No. i. iivlsvv Kiiar:ilor, THE NEATEST, REST, iSu CHEAPEST. ; . , K EVER GETS OCT OF ORDER. KnlU Ererythlng. . Frlc. . - ! The moat u. rfeet "UdwateJ Thkf' t araliHraixI l.aior in the State; n"s ,w- Parlies desirous - of purehasinc Machines, raa ... .. ., ret circulars and liilormatlun. ami have their Ma- , u-ij, ttaii.1 Iaivan. Asmerset fc.wnsliip. n -- chines sent free of charsre oa receipt of price, by : Kelm, Elklh-k mwaship; a"" H pplvinx to James MeKnde. Asent mr western ersvalUy township; Peter f"1"'-"- Pennsvlvanta. Not 1 Sixth street, Pittslttruh. Pa. raiterprtstna; atrente wanit-o in every eountv. i. hoa liberal terms will be given. . . mar ia. j liy tovni.-hip. AUStk, SOLDIERS' BOMTY. HORSE RAKt-S ; . T m - . t - tUX SHEIXEK8." STE:LriVS.a.-..Ar. a of the Uuat buW.srsl Variateif Issr AI1 Soldiers who enlisted between May 4th and , ' ' a an st Ith. 180L S"T threw years, ami never rv- I eeired any bouniv, ena now obtain th some by asU i dresslna: ns. Also, all those who lulled lo apply i lor I he adilltionai nounty of sw wnniw ise nose . .. . . , II ..! u V HkllU N a. IU. IIS SmillitirlJ . AIM WreeKWbuiiFa. - pl.rn.nia. Agents WantedforLifeandTimesof Ai uiuti it e pair liuud. JAMES FISK, JR. No troulite l" ipmmttieiirasalwl w.,rkliox.f ...,.r,a ma. 1.1ms or to ive as relercm-.. the fVmUins bUraTatililesia? Drew. VaaJerldlt. DihL most tluirooKh uirm Jr.; ....- i.i i.i.i..- ril... ail niai-huirs nu.i i.y us ar. - Tweed. kC. with tr fur tbe last th alas! MBlstck I'rielajr." Over sou p-'e- Priea Ol tlie ..UTI- , All liia " --- -' ... ..Lsi-etuaa. try for the last three years, j aad what Grant knew trrmUM - milmi)td. saaea, X ric rerswew.- 9 , to. Audi Nsw York HOOK CO. 144 Naaaaa St., ! dress as above. New Tort, inar.it. k FORNET.