The Somerset Herald. WtllMillAV, JVXKi, IWJ. nrri RLK Ax ktate ticket. FUR GOVERNOR. J. V. HAKTKA FT.oi Montgomery IOK blTKEME JUKiE. IIVSSKS MERCUK, of Bradford. HB AUDITOR UENEUAL. 1IAUKISON ALLEN, of Warren. FK CONGRESSMEN AT LARUE. HEN. HARRY WHITE, of Indiana. LEMUEL TOPP, of Cumberland. DELEUATES AT LARGE TO THE CONSTI TUTIONAL CONVENTION. VM. M. MEREDITH, Philadelphia. J. I.ILl.IM.HAM FELT, Phila. EX. HARRY WHITE, Indiana. (JEN. WM. LILLY, Carbon. I BARTHOLOMEW, Schuylkill. II. X. M'ALLISTER, Center. WILLIAM DAVIS, Monroe. JAMES REYNOLDS, Lancaster. SAMMUEL F. DIMMICK, Wayne. (iEO. V. LAWRENCE, Washington. DAVID X. WHITE, Allegheny. W. II. AIKEN, Lehigh. JOHN H. WALKER, Eric. It appears to be conceded that lion. B. F. Movers will be renomina te for Congress by the Democracy of this district. The Bedford county committee instructed for Lint unanimously-. 4E MODE KEFKENEXTATIVE. The Senate has passed the House supplementary apportionment bill, which given Pennsylvania an ad ditional memlier, making her Con gressmen 27. The bill has been signed bv the President and becomes a law. ALL FOU, titiST. Since our last issue the Republican State Conventions of New Jersev, Illinois and West Virginia have de clared for the re-nomination of Presi dent Grant His nomination at Phil adelphia this week will therefore, be but a matter of form, the masses of the party having previously deter mined that question. AKIUSIFHAST SIUX. There are some one hundred and sixty Republican pnjiers published in this State, all of which, save three, advocate the re-election of Grant. As pajers generally represent the sentiment of the community in which tbry arc published, it may"., therefore be safely inferred that the Cincinnati nominees have not much strength in the Republican rauksin Pennsylvania THE PI BMC DEBT. The Public debt statement issued by the Secretary of the Treasury on the 1st in st. shows that during the month of May the debt was reduced Four million Two hundred and Twenty-six Thousand and Sixty-one dollars, (4,220,001.00). The reduction is less than that of last month, owing to ad vanced payment on account of inter est The entire reduction during Grant's administration amounts to $331,943,926. I IIA3.4-E OF ;B ASE. A few weeks since, the N. Y. Tri bune gave formal notice that hence- . ... . luiita m.euuer 11 nau ceased to Ik- a party organ ; and with in a few days past, Mr. Greeley has notified all the world and the rest of mankind, that, until further notice, he has withdrawn absolutely from the conduct of the Tribufie. That jour nal has liecome the persona! organ of Horace Greeley. Onr former townsman tniah S. Black, dsvs'nt Hon. Jere take much stock in Greeley and the Cincinnati cure-all movement In a late letter to the York Gazette he says: "While I am atHit it I may as well say another word. The apsrefwive and violent temper ot the Cincinnati movement is breaking the Democracy to pieces. There are many thousands of men in the party who will refuHe to lie dragooned or bullied into the atiruiort of that ticket. The Oree- lov men had better suspend their plan of ojienition immediately. I he longer tney continue it the less likely they are to suc--eod, either in July or November. 'We the pt-ople, the rank aad file, the yeoman ry of the country, cannot tie driven to the pi 11 as neirroea are driven in the South by the carpet lagftcre and scalawags." -WM1TVILL HE IH WITH ITT" Our genial Democratic friend, Hon. William P. Schell, vf Bedford,, se cured and accepted, a few weeks since, the "LaW Reform" nomina tion for Governor, doubtless with the Lope of superadding to it a similar nomination at the hands of his party nt Reading. Having signally failed in souring a recognition of his claims in the Reading Convention, the ques tion now arises, what will he do with the barren honor lestowed by his friends, the "LaW Reformers "? Will he remain in tLc field and bide the brunt of battle, or will he mag nanimously withdraw and return to tho bosom of his ancient love the Democracy? a norm e. Gcnl Hawley, the regular Re publican caucus nominee to the U. S, Senate from Connecticut, was de feated by O. S. Ferkt, present Sena tor ho was elected bv a combina- - , tii.n of the entire Democratic vote wiin seventeen bolting Republicans. TI.ereuiKin. the N. Y. Tribune went off into an ccstacy of exultation over this "Liberal triumph," and all the "email fry" Greeley journals shouted themselves hoarse, claiming that the Presidential battle was al ready as good as won. ' But their glee Las had a sudden euding ; their fund hopes a bitter blight, by reason of a letter written by the newly elcct- d Senator, who, after referring to the question of administration, in connection with tha Presidency, says : " To intrust these great interests to "an administration made op and controlled bv Mr. Greeley would be mere midsummer madness. - You and I will continue in " the old Republican track." - Since the appearance of this letter. Senator Ferrt is not one half so proper a man in the eyes of the "Lib erals ; and they no longer feel that there i "triumph in the air." new is thin? The Cincinnati platform, on which Mr. Greeley stands, concedes all the principles of the Republican party to be correct and just, and demands only an honest administration under them, and the vital question of Pro tection it remits to the Congrcssiona districts. Therefore, the Doinorat who votes for Mr. Greeley not only abandons ever principle for w hich he has hitherto contended, but admits them all to Lave been entirely wrong, while the Free Trader, who, with one breath, stigmatizes "Protection" as "systematized robbery," and with the next demand an "honest admin istration." doubly stultifies himself by agreeing to submit to the decision of the ballot whether "systematized robbery" shall be practiced by an ad ministration, whose election he de clares is necessary to honest govern ment. OrT OF T II E AN II E. After an interregnum of three weeks, wc again present the Herald to its friends, in very similar attire to that which was reduced to ashes in the destructive fire of the 9th ulL We had hoped to Ikj on our legs again a week earlier, but the delays and uncertainty of railroad transpor tation from a dozen different points, the necessity of fitting up a place to receive our machines, the demand for labor where half the town was home less, and the thousand and one aggra vating delays and annoyances appre ciated by and only known to fellow craftsmen who have attempted to start a newspaper with a limited force, has delayed our re-issue to the present time. Our friends who re member the snug quarters we former ly occupied, would laugh heartily over our present make-shift establish ment. Our engine a Baxter is lo cated in a coal-house ; our largo im proved Cottrell and Babcock press and a Gordon half-medium in an ad joining old wood-shed ; our composi tors, with their stands, are crowded into a bed-chamber, and the balance of our material is scattered miscella neously over an acre lot, testing the patience of our devil sorely, in his constant search after mislaid or miss ing articles. Wc have been fortunate, however, in securing first-class mate rial in all respects, and our brethren of the press must admit that, consid ering all the disadvantages, the trou ble of adjusting, and the stiffness in the working of new machinery, that we this week present a very credita ble journal from the ashes of the old Herald. the fibe. The unceasing, constant labor, con sequent upon assisting to minister to the necessities of our unfortunate fellow-sufferers, and the arranging for and setting up of our new printing establishment, has so occupied our time that we find it imKssible to write, as wc had intended, a descrip tion of the fire and its accompanying scenes and incidents. We have, therefore, availed our selves of a truthful and well-written ariK-ie,p?cpareo. by the ine Cumberland Daily Newt, who visited this place the day succeeding the fire. No pen could fully jiortray the brief but appalling scene, and none but an eye witness can now realize the ex tent and magnitude of the calamity. Partially burned Chicago, excited the sympathy and secured- the sjeedy succor of the civilized world, but the devastation of Somerset elicited only a passing word of regret, except from a comparatively few into whose ears the tale of her calamity was poured. True, Chicago is a great city, proud est of the proud, and Somerset was an unpretending count town, humble in its aspirations and unknown to fame ; but in proportion to their mag nitude, the latter is by far the heavi est sufferer, and of course is not pos sessed of the recuperative energy of the former. It is wonderful in the extreme how ever, with what undaunted energy our people have addressed themselves to the task of retrieving their losses. From dawn to night the workman's tools are plied incessantly, and build ings, diminutive, crude and tempora ry, arc springing up like magic throughout the burnt district Where stood elegant dwellings, are now rough lmard shanties, and business men formerly occupying Landsome rooms in stately buildings, serve their customers from former out-houses, or temjKirary structures through which the winds of heaven whistle at their pleasure. A spirit nearly akin to cheerfulness, and an undaunted self reliance prevails, and men look for ward to the future with hope and a fixed resolve tt defy the frowns of fortune. Fire is a great leveler, not only of property but of men, and while in instances it brings to the sur face selfishness and meanness, it also draws forth all that is noble and gen erous, and quickly proves a common brotherhood among those upon whom nature has placed the stamp of truest manhood. Will it not do us all good, to lay the following brief story to heart? "A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericbe, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his rai ment, and wounded him, and departed leaving him half dead. And by chance their came down a certain priest that way ; and when he saw him, Le passed on the other side. And likewise a Le- ritc, when Le was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samar itan, as he journeyed, came where Le was; and when Le saw him, he Lad compassion on Lini, and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and sat him on Lis own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the mor row when Le departed Le took out two-pence and gave them to the Lost, and said to him, Take care of him ; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. i Inch now or these three, was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves? And he said, He that shewed merer on him. Then said Jesus go thou and do likewise." . .1 THE BEMOTBATIC t XTEJTIO. 1 he I emocracv of this Mate as sembled in convention, at Reading, on Thursday last, and nominated Hon. Charles R. Buckalew for Governor, the present Chief Jus tice, Thompson, for Judge and Wil liam Haktly, Esq, of Bedford, for Auditor General . An electoral ticket three Congressmen at large, and del cgatea to the Constitutional Conven tion were also selected among the latter of whom is Wm. J. Baer, Esq., of this place. As far as we can gather from telegraphic reports of the proceedings, the resolutions are of the Bourbon school, affirming the Jeffor- sonian creed of the by-gone Democ racy, dodging all present issues, and rigorously silent on the approaching national struggle. Every attempt to indicate a Presidential choice, or to make an issue on tbc Cincinnati tick et or platform was summarily squelch ed in the Convention Of the nominee for Governor Bi'ckalew we Lave not a high opinion, lie is a man or ability net by any means of the superior order claimed by his admirers self-poised and cold as an arctic winter, without any of the elements of personal pop ularity or personal magnetism about hint. That he is honest, individually, we do not doubt, but that be is a pol itical trickster, a dishonest politician, and a bigoted partisan we think there is abundant evidence. As U. S. Sen ator from this State, he was a traffic- er in and dispenser of the patronage of the monstrously corrupt adminis tration of Andrew Johnsox, and as a member of the State- Senate, he Las proved Limself an unscrupulous par tisan, utterly reckless of consistency and law. As a member of tbe Com mittee on the Deohert contested elec tion session of 1871 he contended stoutly against striking out whole precincts where fraudulent votes Lad been cast, as a wholesale and il legal disfranchisement of voters, and an utter violation of their rights, while, last session, in the McClure case he took precisely opposite ground and as the only means of unseating Col. Gray, insisted upon striking out ten entire divisions from the count, and thus placed McClure in the Sen ate against the decided vote of the Fourth district Having thus proved himself capable of resorting to dis honest and illegal means to .secure power to his party in the Senate, and of descending to commit an outrage ujKn the elective franchise for the sake of securing a partisan advantage, we feel sure that all the high sound ing eulogiums of Lis friends, and their loud-mouthed proclamation of his ex alted purity and extreme honesty, will not win for him a single Republicjaj vote. In accepting the. nomination, Mr. BccKAi.EW Jj-i, Accepted defeat OI K WAMUISCiTOX LETTER. Washington, May 23, 1872. TOO EARLY ADJOURNMENT. The jealousy manifestod by the re spective Houses of Congress in re lation to adjournment is not calculat ed to subserve the best interests of the government Many grave inter ests will doubtless suffer by the ad option of the Senate resolution by the House, to adjourn on the 29th inst. after the House had failed to secure the acquiescence of the Senate in the House resolution, fixing the 3d of June as the time for adjournment This cuts seven days off the time which the House, according to its former vote, believed to be necessary. The resolution should be rescinded, and the Senate and House should agree to continue the session at least until the 3d proximo. Hundreds of bills of great importance have been labored on in Committee for months past only to be thrown aside for want of a few day's time to carry them into force. All night sessions of the Senate, such as that of Tuesday last, when the elderly men who compose that branch of our National Legislature are worn out in vigor of body and mind, cannot make up the loss of the number of dayB actually required for due deliberation on public measures. Already Washington is full of Com mittees to aid the lobbyists in enorts to put through bills which should not pass and which if time for simple ex- nlanation were pivcn. eouia not -re ceive sufficient votes; but in the Lur- rr and scramble of nigbt sessions these jobbing bills are ingeniously tacked on to important measures, and become laws by the dint of manage ment and necessitr arisinir out of combination of haste and misunder standing on the part of Senators and members. A single week of working days will prevent the evil doings of those professed operators on the haste of Congress. THE REVENUE. Hon. Mr. Dawes pressed to vote, under the Monday two-thirds rule for susiH-nding the rules of the House, the Tariff bill without further amend ment This action will throw great responsibility on the Finance Com mittee of the Senate, as in its crude state manr errors will need correction. Among other matters is that of en couraging informers to report frauds in the Treasury, by means of inform er's shares. Without some substitute for this means, to which all civilized governments resort, it will be impos sible to collect the revenue on whis ky and tobacco; rings will run the en tire country as they Lave done before under a weak administration of tbe government despite the use of ordi nary means. ithout them, fraud and force will rule 'supreme. This is but a sample of tbe omissions which tbe House's haste in finance will nec essarily cause, unless the slower ac tion of the Senate repairs them. At ready "phigge" and "fine cut" have shown their organization before tbe Senate Finance Committee and press ed ft reduced rate of taxation before it . If this is all the effort they make to get rid of paying revenue, all will be well, but tbe proposition to tax whiskey seventy cents will rouse the slumbering devil of alcohol, and the U. S. Government will need All its forces to resist tbe tricks of this monster. SECRETARY ROBESON ACQUITTED. At last the report on the Robeson investigation has been made. Mr. Blair, tbe Chairman, who conducted the examination on tbe jriuciple that the party charged is guilty until bis innocence is proven, postponed the in evitable report in favor of the Sec. Kobcson, nntu the majority were obliged to delegate another to make it- The majority report stands up in a manly avowal of the innocence of the Secretary as shown b'y the slan derous falsehood of all the charges against him. Mr. Blair cannot be convinced against his will that some irregularities have not occurred in the Navy Department, though he is com pelled" to " admit that none of the charges were proven, and to acquit the Secretary of them all. It is well known that Mr. Blair has bad a very sore head since the people of Michigan failed to discover Lis su periority to Senator lerry. lour correspondent regrets to see in this course one of many evidences that Austin Blair is not the coming man of Michigan. His disposition to stand well balan ced on the political fence to look over a liberal shoulder has long been notic ed. He is certainly a weak brother in the cause he has professed to es pouse and his report is a first class bid for the enemy to be taken to his bosom. But he will find that Michi gan is not Connecticut CIVIL RIGHTS. The passage of the Carpenter amendment to Sumner's civil rights bill as a preliminary measure to a vote on amnesty did not suit the im perious Sumner and he gave this as a reason why Le voted against amnesty. Ho will perhaps have further occasion to remember that however disting uished a public servant mar be, his personal wishes should bo subordina ted to the will of tbe people. In monarchies even, such exhibitions of temper are rarely seen and never con sidered in good taste, how much less so are they under our institutions. The bill as passed the Senate is so far behind a huge pile of other bills that it Las little chance of being reached by the House during the pres ent session. The same fate attends the bill passed Wednesday morning extending the privilege of suspen ding the habeas corpus to March 3rd 1873. C. M. Washington, Mar 30th, 1872. PROMPTNESS TO tAVR. The heroic conduct of our sailors in the harbor of Marseilles, where they saved & large amount of proper ty from destruction by towing tho burning vessel out to sea, has been favorably commented upon in the kuropcan press. According to the course pursued by Geo. Palmer, of Illinois, who, when the Government sent two companies of trodps to preserve order and to give to the unfortunate sufferers at Chicago all the aid and security they could, and when Sheridan distributed large quantities of army blankets, our soldiers and our Government were guilty of an infraction of state laws, and violent and most wild were his protests against this unwaranted in terference. We would be surprised, however, if France were to appear in a similar quarrelsome spirit against the interference with national law caused by American sailors in a simi lar emergency, to protect and save their sgipping from destruction. Yet the cases are entirely similar, with - i" - 2 - 9",, - - . ai cnicago our troops were uwu tu jjioiclw vui- iiu- cens of our own nation, at the request of the inhabitants and tho Mayo- of the city, while in France our sailors acted without formal . request from any one, and in a country bevond our jurisdiction. This comparison of the two events, brings out the shameful ingratitude and meanness of spirit, and an anxiety to find fault with the conduct of the Federal authorities in the most strik ing manner. The citizens of Chicago did not deem it an interference, when the Dis trict of Columbia taxed itself for $60, 000 for their relief, and when millions were sent to them by the contribu tions of the citizens of the several states. The ume will come when Gov. Pal mer will himself be ashamed of the mean spirit of the part which he act ed in the controversy. THE KU-KXCX BILL. The defeat of the extension of the law against secret political associa tions in the South, in the House of Representatives on Tuesday was oc casioned by the defection of a few Republicans, from some of whom bet ter things might have been expected. As to Blair of Michigan who led the column, we may virtually reckon him as one of the Greeleyites, who after long hesitation Las made up Lis mind to go over to tLe enemy. Mr. Blair is a gentleman of ability and we regret that he hastaken this very strange course, as he has very few followers in the state of Michigan. It comports with his action regarding the Secre tary of the Navy. nt'RRIED ADJOURNMENT. If the House had not agreed to re scind their action of adjournment on the 29th and postponed adjournment nntu tbe 3d of June there would have been an extra session called. Several measures of great impor tance must now necessarily be aban doned, while the tariff and other im portant legislation will be hurried through at breakneck-pace, which will render the laws unusually defective. I cannot conceive why there has been such great anxiety displayed on the part of Congress to adjourn. The first of July would have been amply early enough to give members time to attend to their re-nomination and re-election. TH CIVIL RIGHT BILL. We Lope tLe civil rights bill, which passed the Senate and which received the majority rote in the House but not the two-third majority which was neccessary to take it np, will yet be passed. The measure simply pro rides that common carriers and tavern-keepers shall make no distinction on account of color, and serve every well behaved traveller alike. This is but common justice, and if the Democrats and "liberal" Repub licans, so called, choose to make an issue upon this question, we Lave no doubts of the result Let us hare the civil rights bill passed. ' TESTING RECALCITRANTS. ' Mr. Butler yesterday reported the Ku-Klux bill anew in the House, when filibustering immediately commenc ed. . A number of dilatory motions were made and tbe House adjourned without action. As opposition to the Ku-Klux bill is made distinctively a party matter by the Democrats, it will soon be settled whether or not the Republicans who roted against this measure of protection to the South, and who Lave been hitherto relied upon as Republicans will ad here to this cause when it is known that assisting its defeat is aiding the opposition. LIBERAL CONVENTION NO. 2. A large number of earnest workers for the Cicinnati Convention who were disgusted withthoiionilnationof Greeley and Brown, have called a a new Liberal Convenkuto meet at Stein way Hall New Yrk, to-day. From the names just published as ad herents, the Convention bids fair to be of "greater consequence; make a broader breach iu the ranks of the Liberals than was it first anticipated. J THE PHILADELPHIA CONVENTION ' will be very numerously attended. A ' large number of delegates and others have arrived in this citv, and their report is exceedingly . enconrageing. On tho whole the political horizon is much clouded, and the re-election of Grant as certain as any future event can he. DAVIS for or: eley. Jefferson Davis has just been an nounced by the editor of the Mem phis Avalanche as coining out for Greeley k Co. Las written a letter to Wade Hampton declaring for his friend. . . C. M. The Chicago Times makes this frank statement of the situation : "There is not a Democrat in the United States whocould be induced to vote for Mr. Greeley by any other consideration than success. If he can not bring votes enough with him from the Republican party to place his elec tion beyond all doubt, the Democracy would be perfect idiots to take him for their candidate. His nomination has not changed the tone of a single Republican party convention. It has not brought to his support a dozen in fluential Republican journals in the United States, so far as the facts show. It has not induced a single shrewd Radical politician in Illinois to ex press any doubt that tho Radical par ty will carry the State in November by a sufficient majority to elect its State Ticket and give the electoral vote of Illinois to the Philadelphia candidate." And the Chicago Post administers this mild rebuke : "This is factious. The Democrats ought humbly to eat what is set be fore them by the superior beings who met at Cincinnati The overture of the 'Liberals was, 'We'll take the offices and rou furnish the votes, or you furnish the votes and we will tako the offices." Mr. Edward Atkinson, the well- known Massachusetts political econo mist, and one of the foremost advo cates of the Cincinnati Convention, fairly and squarely bolts the nomina tions. Hesavs: "Lest I should bel supposed to intend to support this: nomination. I desire tosav that l nave been an humble candlo of the Lord in promoting the nomination of Horace Greeley, for President I desire to atone for mv want of sagacity and as tuteness bv onoortinar his election in v a a every possible way." The Richmond (Va.) ITA7 is en thusiastic over "Uncle Horace." "In our deliberate judgment," it remarks, "the election of Mr. Greeley, under existing circumstances, wouid be a thousand fold better, both for such and for north, than that of Mr. Jef ferson Davis himself." This is deci dedly the most equivocal compliment paid the "sage" siuce he sold out at Cincinnati. To be preferred bv the chivalry to Jeff. D"is-Jinnself ! Oh, Horace..-- "" It is a noteworthy fact that or the Democratic newspapers received at the New York JTcrld office, twenty-nine favor the nomination of Gree ley, forty-five call for a traight-out Democratic nomination, and eighty eight express a willingness to wait for the decision of the convention. It has been ascertained that of 380 delegates chosen to the Phila delphia Convention, 168 have been in structed to vote for the nomination of President Grant New York, and the States yet to appoint delegates, wil largelv increase the list on the side ol Grant f A prominent Western Democrat was recently asked if he would sup port Greeley. He said, "I would stoop a great way to conquer; but to stoop so far and get licked after all, wouldn't lc agreeable." The Christian Union asks: "What are we to gain by a new party made up in haste, without common princi ples, jumbled together, not to correct grave public evils, but to avenge pri vate griefs, or to reward violent and irregular ambition ?" The Richmond, Enquirer, in the course of an article on the Presidency, after stating the objection of the late Southern rebels to voting for a man for President who contributed to their defeat in the field, an objection hold ing good against even General Han cock, says: "With Mr. Greeley it is quite a different thing. He was not a soldier in the war at all. He was not in power and he used all his in fluence, first, to permit the South to depart in peace, and afterward to set tle the difficulty upon any terms that were honorable alike to both sections. Every confederate soldier in the South can vote for Greclev without feeling that he made any sacrifice of his principles or his manhood." The Norristown, Pa., Herald says : There are two men hereabouts who declare for Greeley when they are drunk. When they are Bober, they are Democrats, judging from the past they will be for Greeley three weeks out of each month until after the election. It has been noticed that red-headed men take more kindly to white hats than any other class, the nomination of Brown evidently being considered a special compliment to them. The effect, though a little woodpeckerish, is striking. Over the doors of the Baltimore Convention outrlit to be placed the following, emblazoned in letters of gold by day and fire by night, which is a quotation from an article written by Greeley a short time ago "All Democrats arc not horse thieves but all horse thieves are Democrats." It is stated that there are received and kept regularly on file at the Amer ican Newspaper Advertising Agency of Geo. P. Howell & Co., IN ew York, no less than 582 different American Daily swspapers, 56 tri-weeklies, 4C semi-weeklies, 4,992 weeklies, 8 semi monthlies and 320 monthlies,' making a weekly average of over 8.500 peri odicals of all kinds which are regu larly filed and kept open for inspection by advertisers and others who may be interested. The visitor to Xew York from Oregon, Texas, Florida or Maine, can find at this establishment the lo cal paper published at his home. CoLi'MBL'8, 6., May 28. The Dem ocratic Central Committee met here to-day, and decided upon holding the State Convention in Cleveland, Au gust 7th. A general willingness was expressed to support Greeley in cas he is indorsed by the Baltimore Convention. Whnt m-ndei; Phillips Narn No &i'ftio llns read te political speeches nf Wendell Phillips, deliver ed within the last year or two, will charge him with licing" very warmly attached to President Grant. There fore it will not be said Unit hit opin ions are biassed by any influence from the White House. He has been, in terviewed recently by a representa tive or the cw ork Jlrrabl, and in the conversation which ensued ex pressed himself ns follows: "You know that I am neither a Republican nor a Grant-man; whom I shall vote , for, or whether I will vote at all, I do not know ; but certninly as Bgaiiu-t Gri thy I am for Grant , We have had one Andy Johnson I will not run the risk of getting another in, and Horace Greeley is such. I want a man with some decided principles. Greeley never had any. Besides, I consider Greeley a secession candi date. The plot to nominate him was hatched by Southern white rebels more than a year ago, and hos been mainly nursed by them. I advise any one who means to vote for him to find out first what agreements have been made by Mr.' Greeley's friends with Jeff. Davis and his staff as to office and patronage. I am perfectly cer tain that there is a distinct, mutual understanding, it not a positive con tract, between them. If Horace Greeley enters the White House, Jeff. Davis will be as trulv a part of the Administration as Seward was in Lincoln's da v. No negro can vote for (Jreelev who values his life or pro perty or cares for his race. If br a frown of Providence he is elected, I shall advise every Southern loyalist to load the revolvers that Grant's ar rest of North Carolina Ku Klux has allowed to be laid oside. If he is elected let the negroes live in squads of fifty, whom no coward will dare shoot down, and show no property af ter sunset Lonely men will be shot, and no bluck man will own a mule forty-eight hours if any reliel knows the fact. For a loyal administration to protect the negro, awe the rebel, and give the workingmen a chance, Grant's little finger is worth a baker's dozen of Greeley s." This opinion, very candidly ex pressed, shows that Wendell has read Horace thoroughly. It exhibits the "Liberal" candidate as he is. The picture is perfect. CullUlOB on the PlUnbarah and rllaville Ball Bd. Com- On yesterday morning between sev en and eight o'clock a passenger train, engine No. 730, and a construction train, engine No. 164, collided on the Pittsburgh and Connellsville Rail road, at a point near Bidwell, about seventy miles from Cumberland, and Mr. Hugh E. McMichael, engineer of engine 164, was almost instantly ! in the Morgan county Circuit Court killed, and some eight or ten persons for swindling an old man in this city injured, two it is thought fatally. ! out of a comfortable sum of money by The particulars, as near as we can j a confidence game in 1871 and sent to learn, are ns follows ; The construe- ' the penitentiary where they arc now tion train had that morning been or- serving their terms are the persons dered (by the agent at Connellsville, j implicated in TyndalPs murder, "ac it is said) to proceed easteriy to a cording to evidence collected by the certain point by a certain time, but by 1 detectives, some misunderstanding, or blunder, I the construction train was running on ; Tbe APmrU the main track at the time the express train going west was due, and when rounding a curve near Bidwell both engines, were running at full speed, came together with an awful crash. The engines were driven one partly upon tue oiuer, unci a majority oi uie cars in both trams were piled up ( ()f 1K.rsim,ion. Ue against each other and broken Mr-j fjviIed to enter into anr amicable ar McMichael was hurled from his en-1 twilh tLe hole of gine and thrown upon the ground - Ae A h and in a letter to Gen- olkkiit iu-onitr foj.t ilitiitir anil in5 uo : . . . : . . . badly injured that he died in a few . . v v .. , moments thereafter. Four nun, la borers on the construction train, were slightly hurt. Upon the passenger train the two brakesman, Henry Blom and P. Jeffries, had their legs broken and were otherwise injured. Both locomotives arc badlv damaged, and also one baggage and one passen- irer cur Immediately after the accident was ! known at Connellsville. surjreons were j sent to the scene of disaster and ev- cry possible attention given to the i the crops, from which it appears the wounded. The passengers were de- j crops are generaly backward, particu tuined at the place of the accident for jlarly corn, on account of the coldness about three hours. Those west i of the Spring, but a larger area being bound were transferred to the train I planted, and with the weather hence easf. which had arrived in the mean-! forward, the prospect for at least the time at the place, and were sent to their destination, and the east bound passengers were transferred to a pas senger car left uninjured by the acci dent, and were sent on to Cumberland, arriving here at 4:30 p. m. It is a remarkable coincidence that this accident occurred upon the very ! Oats and other small grains are gener pot where the collision happened ! ally looking wel), the former cereal when mail route agent Collins was promising an abundant yield. burned to death some months since. Cumberhtnd Daily Xacs. - j St. Louis, May 30. Mail accounts Horrible ae-A Mother Murder. ,,f freshet in South-western Mis Her Illegitimate CHII. j Uiat whoe fanM m yaj. ' i . r o" : ; 1. 1 Vrnm f be Znnrsville fWir we iret ' villi? CWiVr wcget:"- v -r'"ft f a most frightful j othcr 8 rcams were completely washed a few miles from ay leaving nothing but rock and the particulars of crime committed that c tv. on Mnmlav hist. It seems i that Margaret Brewer, aged alwutl twentv-five years, and the mother of! - ?n " : 1:... .1 twentv-five years, and the mother of 1 ail meglumine &011, Hiirura niu, nirii - - . ' with her father, mother, a grown up sister and some smaller brothers and sisters in a log shanty in Ilieh-hill towuthip, Muskingum county. Mar-i garct's child was a constant sou ree of i trouble and quarrels in the family, the grandfather, it is said, treatingthe lit tle boy cruelly. On Monday morning the mother took an axe, and going to the bed where her son was sleeping, struck him twice with the edged side of the weajton, crushiug in his skull and scattering his brains over the lied and walls, killing him instantly. The woman's mother and sister, who were on the outside of the house, saw her commit the deed. An officer of justice was apprised of the crime, and 011 reaching the hut found the guilty mother sitting on the foot of the lied where the ghastly corpse of her child lay. On being arrested she acknowl edged her guilt. On the way to jail she remarked to those who hud her in custody, "I do not feel so badly as I expected to. I have nothing to re gret; I would do the same thing again." "When told that she would bo hung for the crime, she said : I w ant them to hang die. me ; I want to Wire Murderer Ljraehed. Sparta, K, May 30. John Bran ham, who murdered his wife yester day by splitting her head oen with an axe, was hung last night by a par ty of a hundred men, who collected in front of the jail alwnit one o'clock and demanded the keys from the jailor, which were reluctantly given up. They then took Brauham from the jail, carried him half a mile from town and hung him to a tree. His wife was hurried to-day, Xo cause for killing his wife is kuown. The Public Debt. Washington, June I. Tho de crease of the public debt for May is about four and a quarter millions. rill LA DELPHI A. Philadelphia June 2, 1872 Very few delegates have arrived. George Hawley, of Connecticut, Gov. Noyes, of Ohio, and Gen. Burnside are among the arrivals to day. " The opinion is general that Greeley will be the Baltimore nominee, and among the Republicans the wish is no less general. It is claimed by his friends that Pennsylvania will be for him in the Convention. The Demo cratic leaders admit that while many of the people are "going back on" Greeley, they cannot help themselves, and few expect anything else than a split in the part)'. , Buckalcw'a .... nomination . . creates much dissatisfaction here, and there is a prospect of a serious split. The Sunday Trancript, which is influen tial in tho party, has taken decided grounds against him. Col. corner, who has returned from Washington to-day, is understood to be reconciled to the Republican State ticket, and will hereafter throw all his influence for it. The great Republican Wigwam will be dedicated Tuesday evening, whon General Logan will speak. Got. Morton is also announced. Reports from every quarter are that the great business interests of the country are wheeling in for Grant, and view the possibility of a change with alarm. itimmerctaL Sea Davla Drlara far BnN Nashville, May 29. Andrew J. Kellar, editor cf the Memphis jtta lanehe, who arrived here to-day, states that Jefferson Davis has written a letter to Wade Hampton, declaring for Horace Greeley. Mr. Davis also adds that the Democratic party would act injudiciously to make a nomination at Baltimore. As a man, Mr. Davis could not refuse to support Mr. Gree ley for his kindness when under trying circumstances. The opinion at Mem phis to this extent sustained Davis, but it is said that as Alexander II. Stevens and Mr. Davis have always disagreed, it follows that as Stephens opposes Mr. Greeley. Mr. Davis, there fore, supports him. The old leaders see the folly of opposing public opin ion, and must follow willingly or un willingly. Mardrrers DiM-Terd HearcD. After a Year's Chicago, June 1. A Jacksonville III., special say s after a year's inces sant search and investigation by schrewd detectives for the murderer of Hon. Sharon Tynsdall, Ex.Secre tary of State, disbelieved that the men who committed the crime have been discovered and evidence found to con vict them. Charles Durning and James Kennedy, who were convicted I Washington, May 31. General . Howard was recently sent out to pac- ify the hostile I pache Indians of Ari j'zona. On hs 9y there he request- ed Cook to Umjyracily suspend hos I tile operations against these Indians ... . , ' lPflm:tr tn tat tflA i i . i. u.,i ,.irlW nrinnn . quest for a suspension of the cam paign, and advises him to take vigor ous measures at once to punish hostile Apaches, whom he designates as rob bers and murderers who will not be conciliated. Th Crpa la the tl'eat. CiMCAOO. Mav 31. The papers publish reports from a large numlier of points in Illinois and Iowa in regard to the present prospects of average yield is good. Wheat, par ticularly Fall, is looking badly in ma ny localities, and in some counties they arc plowing np the" wheat fields 'and planting them in corn. This, however, occurs in some of the north- ern counties of Illinois every season. Rraul ta af the Freshet. K' 01 ""S r" - VUV -Cr" f "V "fc Large numbers of live stock were drowned, and hundreds of yards e . 1 . . 1 1 i,-.e :l 1 7 , , , .. ... 1 p 11 1 1 l i iirii uu iii 1 ruin 1 1 im-ii iiiiii the adjacent IVhIs. Konth Carolina' laflueaee for tireeley. " . . n'.i, o. ton County lemocratic convention held here to-day, adopted resolutions' indorsing the Cincinnati platform and candidates, and instructed their dele gates to the State Convention to use all efforts so to shape its actions that the whole influence oT South Carolina at Baltimore shall be directed to pre vent any nomination other than that of Gereeley and Brown. - Fire mt Taaaaa, Fav. Tamaqua, May 31. At two o'clock A. M. a most destructive fire broke out in Dean's carriage factory here. Tha flames spread rapidly and liefore six o'clock the whole block was destroyed, including' Dean's factory a chair factory, hardware store, two saddlery shops, several grocery stores in all about twenty buildings. The total loss could not be ascertained. The property was partially insured. Ietraetla ofa. Brewery. Cuambkrsbvro, May SI. The ex tensive brewery recently built and owned by Messrs. Kurtz & Wert was destroyed by fire last night The loss will be about $10,000, with an in surance of $8,000. The cause of the fire has not yet been discovered. fatal AaTrar. We have been informed that a most serious affray occurred at Point of Hocks, Md., on Friday last- . On that day two men residing in that vicinity named Heater Appold brothers-in-law, quarreled about some livestock, which led to a fight between the two men' in which both used knives, and each stabbed the other. Se serious were the injuries received that one died on Friday, and the other on Saturday. Daily New. NEW ITEVft. The largest orchard in the world is In California. It contains 426 acn-s. and more than .75,000 fruit tress. A Virginia paper advocates a tax of sixteen cents per pound on tobacco, liquors, dojrs, old bachelors and mem- bera of the Lcgidlatnre. One million four hundred and twen ty thousand dollars, in donble eagles, were coined at tho United States mint In San Francisco in April. Army worms have made their ap pearance in large nflmlicrs in the fields near Jacksonville Illinois, and are cutting down the meadows and young corn. " ' - TLe rain has been very copious throughout Minnesota, and reports come from all sections that crop pros pects were never better, especially wheat and grass. Wendell Phillips says: "We have had one Andy Johnson, I will not run the risk of getting another in Horait Greeley. I want a man with some decided principles. Greeley never had any." The Philadelphia Bulletin suys "The Republican party is not for Greeley," and tho "Democratic purty is not for Greeley." And that's what's the matter with Horace. As a scheme to divide the Republi can party, the nomination of Greeley is a failure. As a method of splitting tbe Democracy in two. it is a com plete success. The Senate has passed the House supplementary apportionment bill, which gives Pennsylvania an addi tional member of Congress making her delegation 27. Right. The son of Col. Taylor, Paymaster United States Army, stationed at Leavenworth, was found dead in an alley in Levenworth on Thursday morning, shot through the head. The man last seen with Taylor was arres ted on suspicion of being his murderer. One of tho wives of the Viceroy of Egypt is said to be a Boston woman, who belongs to one of the first fami lies of the commonwealth, and whose ancestors on both sides came over in the Mayflower. Secretary Boutwoll, whilo at his home at Groton, Massachusetts, last week, plowed an aero oi land. Mr. Greeley will have to look to his lau- rcls : he must "clear ' at least a two acre iui ui tiiumr iu luaiuiaiu um re- putationasa "man of thepeople." There will be nearly or quite fifty colored delegates to the Philadelphia uonvention, and not allot tuemare, from the Southern States. Besides thoso inside, an influential committee appointed at New Orleans by the Xa- Iionai convention recently m m-mmuii there, will be on hand. An Ironton, Ohio, jury has render ed a verdict against the Buckeve ; House property, owned by T. J. Da-, vis, in favor of Mrs. Justice for 9,000. j It was proved that Mr. Justice bought i whisky at tbe Buckeye House and , was killed bv the cars the same da v. i A few da vs ago the United Brethren quarterly conference, held at .Man heim, resolved hereafter to use the un fermented juice of the grape "fruit of the vine" to celebrate the Lord's Supper, as recomruonded bv the lust annual conference held at Harrisburg. ,, T. . . , , George F. (, lark, attached to oven7 circus in making a balloon ascension ! in Memphis on Friday, struck against Jackson's block. The ropes support ing th trapeze, on which he was seated, parted, letting him fall to the ground, a distance of fifty feet, cut ting and bruising him in a horrible manner. Says the Chattanooga Times : "All the information we have received from the growing crops in this county leads us to believe that we will have the largest crops of wheat and oats we have had for many years, unless something happeus to prevent. There is a very large area of wheat planted and it is all looking splendidly.'' A special dispatch from Versailles and other points in southwest Miss ouri sa vs a terrible tornado passed over .Morgan county on r-aiuruay . . . ... , oivmnir (In T no farm rl KVerv Fisher and others, houses, barns, orchards, fences, &e., were completely destroyed. A number of persons were Killed ana several wounucu, most of whom are not expected to re- j cover. In the vicinity of Florence a creat number of houses, barns, Ac il nrrc ufhirujcu. ii-iuna uu -uu- ; day night there was a heavy fall of rain, which flooded a large part of the town and carried away the railroad ! bridge and a long stretch of railroad I track. I Two aged citizens cf St. Louis, j Mo., have never missed paying an afternoon visit to a beer garden in j . ,1 . . ,. .1 4 . A ....... .... thatcity fortwenty-nineyears. They always" appear at about the same hour," sit at the same table, drink the same quantity of beer, and play the same number of games at dominoes without variation, day after day throughout the year. Tiik Bar Room Remedy, for weak-! Ulra VI 411.' ciuiiiuiu a-" ' - Bitters. They are surcharged with Fusel Oil, a deadly element, which is rendered more active by the pungent astringents with which it is combined. If your stomach is weak, or vour liven or bowels disordered, tone, strengthen ; 1 i i ...:.v. v-:..- auu reguiatc mrui una . "irgui v- j ters, a pure Vegetable Stomachic, j ' . 1 k a. e r 1! Corrective ana Aperient, free Irom al- j cohohol, and capable of infusing new i - . Vitality HltO VOUr exhausted and dlS- j Al.i ai-dtont Anr i urucicu m sii iu. tn j I 4.000 AGENTS Wanted our New B.. .t i 1 It I m m I a VIl V Kr'l 1 Dy W. E. Waaa, the noted Pioneer and Huiimitim. A moat area rate and fawinatlnx deaeript km of th wildnera anl wealth of the bonndiera Weat : IU antold riebe. lili Injun. Bulfalu, Wnlve Jo, t'ruwded with valuable iuformatloa.'iairklinirwith the kMnMt wit and rarleat humor, rlvallnir Murk Twaln't bmt, and aplendldly Illustrated. Will I Immanmly popular and aeli beyoo.1 preeelent. F..r aamule uairea. II lustration a. term e., addrew UCHHAKU HKOS-, Pul.lWhers. 733 Sanaum Street, Phila.Klphla. poll SUNDAY-SCHOOLS. m SUNDAY-SCHOOL WORLD. A leading periodical IbrTeaehera, with full eipla natiooit 0? the leeaona. 16 p. m.mthly. Only arc. a THEGHILOS WORLDS ted paper for children, loo roplee luuuthly. uoe year, til 00 or twice a month fcM ?u. Lea pAper tor cnuurvn. rear. ii2 00 or iwicv mi; rue onuni ad'o dadcd f iv- int. uuiiVLfin y rnrL.n i Inir tha teat of the leaeun, and wrlca tut th study of It, fcc Intermediate Lesson Paper of a mora utmple character, 'with qoeniuns aol ex- planattooa. Either of the above at the rate ol TV. per 100 eoples monthly, or for lUOcoplevperyenr. iiecirnen eopiee oi any oi toe aooee iunu plica CVb to M A.VEKICAN SI'ITDAY SCHOOL T. lUa Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. AGENTS (there ii a rash lor It) oa Dio Lawis' lat and VI 11 1 ill U IWf 1 IVt ,rttort mrFm. jrpiIREE YEARS IX A MAN i,,'?r ,. ' ! f TK AP! A eompanii4t to Ten Nlht In a Har- tr, M Jolly friend Secret. k,m, hy T. S. Arthur, (the tutwt poiitr ol -t- It la bv odd the moat taking and aaleahle book In merteau author.) i now pa..y. it u a tarili' thefleld. 1 It la on avltally important aubiect. i evp.e of llipior makini; an.1 ellin:r. a tlirillm re It I bv America' most nonular writer m he.lth eiinl of a three year' hie. in a mv dratu u'l'- 11 m, lor in pnee, tn larirest and bandaomerit ; book ever told by ulMcrlpUon. Amenta, th ueoite me! ! -..pie 1 a to areeairer foraoch a book, and will nre yon to : Wins It to them. Writ for term, ave.. Ir OEX). MACLEAN, Publisher, T33 SaiuuDJ Street, Philadelphia. I'y-KLLS' CARBiM.IC l...f 7 ''l ' "" Th- T :",;l'",A'"1 ' "'"'. ..,,' TM h. r ''"i '" I-l'"'" . t-T(..-f,.( v, VKSLLl",1.1'1" I'ISKSK. HimkU '. ' M: Ml ATI' N ol ih I ii i:, , , , Cn nt inn i u',-,iiv.n.y ..,). THEA-SW-rtP. A Pare hlnr T rh B:3T TEA Imn..rI..., armnfI to .nil I. t l''il oi in niir tnv!i- mark 1:. lrtlnl ;m. 1'onn'l I'li.-k.i'.c. . Ir. .in ami so l'.,iiM. I;.,.-,. lheO--:it At!:intir am! i'v On. wor A'lAI.V!,!, ah the lani uor an. hlin. O'iue ;m'l r tho wvu'lcrlu! Si LI) I WEKK A Bov h the languor sn.1 l...-ifu,!.; ..f 'n,H.. .'.'. hlin. C..iue ;in. r-ivc vi.,r an.t ,!r.-th Ir.,,,' tho wwlcrlul rvnh Ain. ri' in I-.xk; vi- r !w W-i f-v n.t bv) I J U11UJ5KI5A. In;r an! U'v.-"!ully known in l d;iIIvi -.iu,,tr aoafowrrlul Joiili-. aii'l i-,i..t cur:i,,.r ' IIl. KIiI. it it ! un.l rrn t- ea.-.t-i u,, Mii. iI,1,,t, iuu it:.l on It." tfrrat n-piKail in. A i';r,iJ t ,. men. ni hikI -i-inin: Tn.ii'-aN ,, tm j,,tJ , an., ii ;wh5 inff ni"t roWTItll 1 tiei known to MjlrrU .Mnliva. aii'l Dr We IN' KvJract or Jiirelx la a iM-rftft r-inlT f..ra!l illwaw f t, I:.. ru-:inl"- HVjknw, (ilaii'luloiin Tumour Ini-v S. n.lul.1. Intrntal Alm-cM-v. .ml w t 1 remove a i oh.'trm-tioriKil the Liver, Sj.l., lntc-tinc-. l t riii ank I rhtary or:r:in.. It In itr-artti-iiiini!aii.lnouriiln2. Like nutri ciou f.l uki ii info tin- Mmunt-ii. 1' "inuiit.--mi.l .iiilu- through the iir:uUti..ii kiv.,- Thr.irau-I hiallli. It n-uulMf!- tli- Ikiw.1.4 (Ui tt th n-roM. . t, llrwtly on tin; wirvtivo orL':ui, an 1 hv it jnrw. .. ful Toiiiran-I n-Kturiiiir L-tfH-u. priaiuuv h'alti . an-l vtiMPiu ' ii. ti to tin- wo.,)., -v-trm Jt'll.N K. .HH.UHi. 1 I'latt St.. .Ww Y'.rL Sole Aif'-iit l:r thi- I 'n!--i star.-. I'rii-p. One Ikiilar r lioiile. Seu.l y Un-til:'.- HOUSEKEEPERS! HorsEKEErKi:.: HOUSEKEEPERS! HOUSEKEEPERS' M.aPHCLPS aco. V -M-ifa trm ar-- THE NOVELTY Ha the Patent Flange Cca Wlieels on Beth Ens of the KotM. THE NOYrXTV , inc. .w i.ui XIE XOvelty l'",,'ru,',,""lri'"Ji; j the novelty1" tht e'l'c''' w"rkia- w ' TH E x, ,vtLTV L" t,,e """" wriim.-r. Nthrm..ti!urnMwrin-. Th?-1 with other rt'lvantaa-f make it m..r .1.-.. rnttle than anv othfT. No Practical Housekeeper j "nl o hn Wrinwmrtilh heiauin: Trv It arvl :iti.iv yi'Ur--ll tint it ! th.; re mWly washivo k wniiii-.i MACHINE ri). h'l I himbrr Vrft, .v. r-ni Soi! everywhere SIO ln.Tle ') if n. ail n. examine. . Sample o-tit Itff'mr fp.ei f-.r J.-,- niai retail )un-c icr flu. if. L. ttULCuTT. ! Chatham Sunup. New Y'ork. Atrali Wanted f.r the Aiiroi.i.-raphr ,t HORACE GREELEY or Kemillm-tion-'ur a l.o.iy Lift., liln.airate.l- The Life an-1 rime of irn-at a PMramhp-t-i-t "! Kefnuer miinot fail tj imerer erenr tro. Arnert. ran. ienl .; 50 f r i-ain- ie ropy. K K x it EAT. Fuhlisher. x5 ltnxt.lw.i v. N. Y. PSYCHO CHAKMI )MANf'Y, OP. SOUL IN'";. ir )W h.-r - m;v fSi- rjZ?X SrrT VTXr , I'ream. Mint to Li-lie. A iiu-er. exeith; - ju. k. i. .o.w ,m. t. william m it. puLh-i" ' -"-'!'"'- . WAEEEN KANGE. FIRM PREMIJM AM.1VST., Wl. Ih.ul.le E!-vate. then, tt'araii!,- ( wt, Rp.jihw lh.r. E'r!er tliiarl. ihnnplnjr shaking Unit" liipi-l Iralt. Fl'LLEK, W AKliLX til -'a Water Street. New York. AY COW.- amo tp'paini ..n Hit- pr mix ..( C. liaP-iav. in Solllere; t..w;i.-hjp. S..iieret Pa., on lvh Mav. 17.1 a while an 1 Km-is ..r;, cow. left ear ini oil. nn l the riirht tar en i.pnl; ah.u! hve vrar.M. .m l i!rv. J- CYlil .s MIAVEK.Tji. CVik. EPS! SEEPS!! SEEPS!!! Ml New S.-e. C.ttnlo complete li.! of irue for 172. o.mai;,i VEUEEAIILE. FIELD in.l FLOWKK SEEI'S. with iliri-tions firea!tivatioo. ih w rvmiv. an-1 b ent fpe to any aJ.;p-. A!". 1T 1 VT TDl'lV VIYI J 1 i-IIT..-...., ... ;.f aii kiuds. ifcm14m.-t.. nasket. em Flower i..r i i... in ' - . - i ami .imi i.iii.i. l " y --- i ; apl 17 Hie j.i.v r-- .. nr.A mi. M--ii-man. lSi Soiitliiit'lU St.. 1'iit-iiuriih. 1 (j.VKN AWAY TU ANY liOOX AGENT. 5 UKEKXISAC'Iw: AND A SfKl-iMKH OF Til:: GliKAT INDUSTRIES Or IHtl JlltU STATES. 1300 PAbES AM) 500 LXiRAVIM S PU INT ED IN ENGLISH. X GE1U1AN. Written hy 'J Eminent AathiT. Int-Itbl n:r li Tan: Greeley and Johu 11 Gotten. We want Airenl in every town t -lU-it erl.-r-! for tlii work, on tefmi. It fell to ;i nix j e. ami no lit.riry li.uM he withont it. It i a plete llltrvof all Lranehe ..f in.iu.-try. r-.' I of nianula. tUP . ete. . like work ever iwlorrpul -f liliiil. Iiie nir.-nt .-.-ill 1: iu eint iiay. rnutii..r j I-.", iu one week, another 2o:i iu two w-.-ek. .:i j early will t-tire a i-hoi.-e in territ.-rv. J Eull panu ul ir an l terni m ill lie enl lree. wu h'.i 1 .pet-inirn of tlii lireat Work. an.l a .! rreen'.... k. J. U. Ul liK X HVl'E. Hart!..r.l.t r.:. ! KENNEDY'S HE.MUK'K OiNTME.Nr. The proprietor 'in. Iiy th- a-i-'-anee of Etniuent l'hi..-i:iii an: I henii! 'u.vee.letl in uiiiwinj t l.r " uni.lli'IO'tl lir.ilM'1-T i.-i .10.. m.. miIili. till, liteii ami Ue-in oi '.he H.:r. I. k Tree, anil l.taiiie.l a valu.i! . lip'tirati. to lie atil.iii k aaa .io-- or l'later lor Kheiitu.-itim. 'tvn---. Pain Jiorene ol the l'ik. 1 m-. or StoniiK-b. Pile. Salt Klienm. Seurvy. Sore. I leer. Hnnioii. - ir forms ir t-liite. I'luioiain. -re ttreu.-t an.l Nipi.l.-. U:nuw.r:i-. fhatlliir. aiel Skin lile:l-- o. I:: tlaiiiuiatorv nature. I HAS, A. fi.ilt..lii.V. Airent. 7 Sixth Ave.. New York. rYyll E BES' I T l'.U'Elt, TRV IT! Tu, KUntiic America l. the i-bcaH-t an.! o. uiutrti w.-eUy paper pui.i:.-h,-.i. kw uum berexaitain troni 1" to l.' original rntrravinu- "I wm maeiiim-ry. n.vei invention, lin.;.-. Ei. m '"" " r,k'- 'i'""--- improve.) im,, imi menl. awl everv ikw dii.verv in 4 lieunirv. V vear uumU r contain SSI pH.- and wveral tin" '"' enitravina. 1 n.i.n.l of volutin- grit iireerve.i for tin)ini and relerenee. l'lie pr.n-- timl receipt are well worth ten time I lie ut - r, tion pri.-e. Term. .! a year t.y mail. Spw.-iw.-ii rent lp-e. .ny oe na.l ol .ew iH-aler. PAT EN'l'S oltaine.l on t lie hct term. M.lei of new invent kin an.1 kelehe eainine.l. al ai- vk-e free. All latent are pul.lilie.l in the S. I-1- "hc American the week III. y f-n. Sen-I :.r ;ki-u- miu-l. 1 iu irauf . nmtuiiunK law aiel luu .hti.- 1 tion fur t.taiiiiii'r Patent. A tor paper or c .iLi'minu Patent. M I N . Jtt'O.. S7 Park liow. N. V. Iir..uh'' V and Tth St., W D. '. " Mnnow1,A"K kapii'I.y with st.ii.ii AlAUUtjr and Key t'heckOutDI. fatalia:'-. ample an.l lull partleular tree. S. M. Setk. ku. Kralllclioro'. Vermont. I'ret' to Ixk Aucnt-H. We will enl a han.Umie IVKH-tusof our .Vnr Illutlratr I Family biblt, over . tine Seripture lllutrati.i to any li..k Aetit. Iiw.' charge. 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