The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, June 05, 1872, Image 1

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    of J?ul plication.
The Somerset Herald
. -wry 'Wednesday Morning !
per annum, irpald In advance: hiTwls -trill
lnvrly charge 1.
No sul s -riptlon will lie illscol.liuued
rc.n.gcs I-ld up.
notlf- us when ilcrllcr do
..apers will he Ik,, .UUe
Suhrrllrrs removlii from on ' .
lhcr should give us lb. f hc f0
well as thiwwiit office Adllre'
Somerset Printing Company.
jm.i I. stili, .
Iu.iur Manager.
Iti'nrs Card,
will continue In practice
I.. ..i. ..c.....l....' I rvl.
V IMV t I.
..licinC. ali'ltcil'icni , ,L
... il... citizens rv.meriei aim ran.i.:
i the o'd ldacc. a few ti
,rs east
.' :L.I. Il.tfMC. ""v-
U'lIXHM II. KnXTZ. T1",,1!rYJ
I , Somerset. !'.. !,VI,,.V' ",t.'
ti.-n te l-uiiiic'S entrusted 1"
and the adjoining cuiillc'
l.all.'imi. care In Mincrsoi
M!i.H' in the J"
jv ktf.
! il limn K l.U Un.H his professional
D-uSjr. :r;
jmi. XI, u.
,v,. K Xlll A A'M ha nerinnii'
'HtlV ...cuted
1 J ilerliti lr the .r.-.i.v -I Ms
,,.u.- fhsrlcs kriixgor "tore.
i. at - -
IV MiTK'K.-.Miin.ler II. ''..flr-th hus
n-um-d the practice l ' 1" Somerset and
adjoining .until -s. Mure in tin- Recorder s otlicc.
Id.. To.
. Oll.Di'liX. "iTTuKXKIS AT
IV LIW. Siicn-cl, l'a.
llttrc In residence 01
ii uk. U ly.
A. J. t"oliril.
n.i ilinirr in rvnl r'tati.'r.t. 1'a.. will
i.lttii. l U Lu-in.-w cm ruU'
.n.ui.tiH-fh mi'l li.lvlity.
U. litr c:irv witli
u. li-ly.
If J. l H. 1- lUtK.
I . 1,AW. Nirtnenot. I'.
. will praHli lu S..IU-
iru-u- l I. Hkui Ik pr.Ki .'.ly atuiuliil to.
nuv. 1 ly.
DK. VM. 1HXIS. 1'KM'IST. S.mirrft.
J'. i ittic.. Ill ilw lr..nt irt nt jail. u;. i.tsiiiT.
where he can t all time In- ..unl i.n paro.l ttxli.
j.l! kin.lM'1 w .rk. eli lillint.'. r aulatiuir. i i
irai'tliii;. Sa: Arlitwial Uftliot nil kin. U. and "I
tlie lat material, binem-il. Ail uTti.n war
rnteJ. June ".
ll. K.i:..lllll 4lll! IV. All I.USHH-W VII-
ml :
i(. J'a.. will T.'inily in ten. 1 to n 11 i.uiiuei
-jjtriifc't-i to linn, l.itiey a-ivaiieti u ci'iicetion
4,.. i tti m ins rifMoner. on Main street,
j in. 1, TO.
t Sinep't. t'a., will atleiid ti nil liiuo eti
ItUte.l t. In: eare it: S'.iiierM't au4 emn
ti with inniirtni and Bilellty. H ro lu 'in
l,.,uc IcK 1H, 'Tu ly.
I 1 mi.l Jaunty an-l 1'riiHiin Aieul, ir.i,
I lu tlie 'mirt H'.u.e.
Jan. ll tl.
V S-'iiierfet. l'a.. will givv ruit aiteiitinn li
nil liuiiH'f entrusted" to liif i-are in Nmuerset an.l
a.l).iiiiin; (M.untien. ih m I ni4 mreeU u'n
fitc the resliliuiv of K.!. Scull. jy. i-ii.
"TAH. A. ii MII.LKK, afVr twclv-
j yiiri' nwive luetic lu Shanki'ville. liar
ii. n "tiiiaiiently l.K-anl at S.iiervt l..r tlie tirae-ti-T
if me.lieiiH au.l ten-lew LI in.lefr;i..naf ner
vl"e t tlie eitirein nl S..iirwt aii'l vieiniiy.
nllee in the tin Miitp f.fnuerly imui.I.I l.y C A.
k tunnel, where he le ci'iultrl at all time,
Ullles- pr.leisi.4ialy etnraueil.
-N.i;lil rallf ulll-wore.l.
ilw. li. 'Tl-ly.
1 KXKPPKl!. l-hynWan an.l ! ntirt. Ilerlin.
I'a. U'llt ylw r.n.t attenti.m ti all psm
ei;truite.l tit his rare, tltfit one tlm west i( t he
Hralher" same ax weuie.i lu retnture l.y
1 r. 1. t iickT..
M at law. S'liner.. l'Mfeweauil 'usl-
le-w reKjKvllulIv si.lii'itrd
iu.1 I unrtui.llj att.'iul-
S.iuerseU retina.
'piCKKKStilLL, LYONS & Co.
Fine Muntle and Iter Looking Glasses and
I'lcturc Frames a Sciality.
141 wtii.sTi;FKT. rirrsHiKtiH. fa.
Mar 13
Are now pniired to do nil kimls of pUnintr and
liriiiulacturiu o materials
SASH AX1) ihmii:s.
vkxet1an sih'wkks.
i;i:a'Ki;ts. vc.
Iu r-t."r.'. thhiir kihtjiMv u.-l in l
All kiicl- ( -rk ! c trUr.
Juivl!v;. iH JUNKS.
TMi:. PVtiH.
t manufarturc nil kinf- of
1- in 'r.'ianM ti
He will al
promptly ntten.l to
.ic but the HKST -M ATKKI ALwill 1 use... ;
All .k done m the latest and most approved !
!)l- s, at the
S-imr4l, Mttrrli Oth.
FalrWs Standaid
S O I. 11 s
Of all kinds. Ho can lul to bu
. 4dv the ireuuinc.
S.Ttle r.''d t.rou.titlv.
AS ."'Also. Ii.-iirtf.iirc iiarrou.'. War...
house Iru. ks. Iinr..iM Money drawers, kc.
KAll.'IIANk'S MUKSE k 1i..
Mar lin ScHid Avcitue, Fittsburj;.
" !
l'HVMrJ W AMi Si K;i;X,
Nov. 11. 'Tl Bin.
I r. i . iilA i, MhLX A' CO.,
( lpl..i-1'.e St. t'harirn H.Hel.)
41 ooli StRi'FT, PlTTSIll Rtilf
Pa., '
Importer f OiiHi,Hre and Mautifac-'
tarrrtt f (ilasywarc.
The uii ler-iirncd is par.-d to uo.nnia. ;ure all '
' inir nothing but ashes and blackened
TIN AX1 SIIKKTIKOX WAUE.iwuH to tell where once stood the
I'nisv mart the comfortable homes
keiSL, -r ,n"ti towering churches.
In the history of Somerset for all
HotiM riirniitliiiig C'ooIn
usually ke In his line, shop one uW west of
a.-l.r' More. Main Hlrrt. .S.Mu. nM-1. I'a.
aug. U ly. NitAHt
k-avrtntniiuaiifvithcruii the vxu caw'ttients. afford-
HttXiiaP "tented inhabitants all the
um"!"11'"' "ti"' uj rea-uHi'ie : delights enjoyable on that delicious
n ' Mav morn. How far from thought,
"epairiiigdononillilHsipaK-h. and how near to reality, was that
Main cm.! v l . " jonrw ives. le.p
1 1 ive ns a
II a in street
.i . ..
'liiitde Uoukc.
leb. k IU4f.
Produce Commission
mci uwuiaS, ,
UAIaTIfOItl, 51 1 j
Xtrlvslum strictly Commissi . u vw..i. '
Ncial ancutk given
' ' T I.' C It t m. to.. I
. . (
Kelw to i M' H'M' 'im'"n- s-rsrt. j
Me Mey.'lTatw'.a'
t hun.y Hni. r-re,t,icu .y,,, N
...U-TI.-."--- I
- 11 cAi,r. lis 1,1 1 I I. I
ym xkw FUaa mikl.
he new Hour MlU w fUt rf
OLD ' DEXXISOX illl.I. "
"enu. and i.!.rr;; . . , f "i1 . X In'prove
il'KhefUu.rkei w i'l'luti l work,
. I T lfice ic!d lor a km.lf ot raln.
. . ALtMlXK 11AV.
VOl, XX.
'llll'liitv-rili!" nay the little trcr-tuad,
W hat' sT.ilnu to hapiieB to-day?
I put's 1 had bettiT get out of tliu niad.
If clilldrvn are Cuming tli.a Way."
11c vtrelehea his bind-lcga, ao luag and slim.
Fur a flylnn leap to the blrory-llmb;
And then he iif ien Ills ruly-red eyes
At the funny .moeeallnir. In aulcnui surjiriM.
llepkliKiid junil.: It is Lorry and Leu
With the rest of the romping crew ;
They're seumix ring over the woods again,
A tid what are they going to dot
To l.uil.l U a botihre, 1 do declare !
Is there nny miachief they wouldu't dare?
Hut Mast lug ntutoei Is Jolly fun
Y ou eat 'em aourched, and about half done !
H'hl. kety-elacV nays the saury trec-toaJ,
'What a fus you young ones mnkel
I wou.'.er lfbake.. potatoes are g.odT
How lung do they hare to hake?
He turns to her mother-bird on her neat
Four little fledging! under her breast
"Ho you know, nuulani, lutit such thing'?"
She shakes her head, and'jhfiutten her wings.
t'hickadeelee! I K't you wish they would go?
1 am really afraid," ays she,
"That some of thii-c dreadful children know
I have got my nest In this tree.
It's all very well for you, mjr dear;
With your long k-gs you have nothing to fear;
For luc of course I could easily 11 y.
Hut laney leaving my darlings to die!"
SI Ipiiety -slide! "There's a eoiperhcad u.rk !
Keep Alice and Lorry away !"
Len picks up a stone, Syd "goes for" a stick
The snake thinks he'd betu-ruut (Uty,
He rapidly wriggles himself to his den.
And Kkes out his tongue at the whole race of men,
"Two-legged- hl.llous thtnirs! I affirm
)uly to look at tht-m nukes we squirm."
riticty.wliia : w hat a cloud of smoke.
As tlie dancing broeu eoines near;
Says the Utile lret-toa.1, "I ahull corlaiu.y choke,
II I stop iu this atmosphere.
I guess 1 had best h-ip a little t it higher.
For I .lou t quite relish the smell of that fire.
1.1 go and enquire If Miss Katy Dld's In,
And sec w hat r thinks of this racket and dlu."
Fid'll.'-deo-Jce! for the toad and the snake
The children, care never a whit ;
They ea their sitatoes half-raw, and their cake,
They itobl.le It up every ML
They jump m the logs where the sunshine la warm.
And brown ants and black ants lu eollef swarm;
They hang on the sapliriK, and merrily swing
Kackwnrd and forward, like bints on the wing.
Hut illngery-ding ! lu the midst of the pfny
The sound of the illnncr-l"1!. comes :
Hp-klp-and-jump! they all Scamper away.
An, nothdiar is left but the erutulia,
Xow the bin. flutters down, and tlie snake wrig
gles out ;
The ior little tnv-toad goes dipping aliout ;
They eat up the iraif. and declare they are good.
And bright shines the sun on t be merry green wood.
Great Fire of May 9, 1812.
A Detailed Description of the Dis
i aster.
Fnrtii the t'umlierlaud Pally News
Snmcrsetjs the county seat of Som
erset county. Pa. It is a very old
tow n, having Ix-en settled more than
a century ago. It is located near the
jriTr all irif fiiiini v 111 wit niifiar fir
...... .... , v
a pooti gn. u.lUra. ano grazing re- wipttrat.d from ,((in.nts ttli
gion. the surrounding country, fork' nnt .h :,.,-.,.- to i he air
in extent, being the most valu-
I alile
part of the county, with, per.
imps, the cx-cp.,...i oi the Meters' j
Mills reg.on. The tow n is eligibly f
situated upon a regularlv sloping hill i
... arlv a mile across either wa v. The
main or buiiirss jortion of the town,
was intiiieliat-Iv about the toi or
central part of the lull, and consist-j
cd chiefly of-good brick buildings, I
two or three stories in heihth. Thej
business of the place was mostly of a
mercantile i;ature, although there
were several wagon shops, a foundry
and a few other workshops. Tfce
law business of the county has al
ways lieen extensive, and the legal
profession is well and ably represent
ed in Somerset.
Tlie town is distant from Cumber
land by the old stage road about
thirl v-eio-lit miles and bv rail fiftv-ix
-, ' s;, w,ri.:nn f jl.
i Pittsburgh i Connellsville Railroad,
and the Somerset branch road from
it junction with the former road at I
'! Mineral Point (eight miles south of
j Somerset), the old wagon road is al
inost deserted, and the rattling, lum-
lst i ing stage-coach that for a half cen
tury connected our town with Som
erset, is now no more and the iron
horse swiftly conveys passengers and
mails U-tween the two point.
. The population of Somerset at the
lust census wasalsout twelve hundred
souls. The inhabitants are noted for
their industry, intelligence and hos
pitality. A majority of its citizens
were considered "well off" with this
worM's comforts and iiossessions; and
'U - ing thus able, their homes were
...11 i,-itl, fliA lnriiiuMi an.l
U'onvenieiiees that wealth could af-
ford, and few plcasantcr and hand
W,, - M"r t,w,1' han Somerset lately
was are to ik- lounu in tins country.
But the fair and much loved place
w as doomed to the devastating blight
j of the fire demon, which, in passing
over its fairest proportions, mowed
swathe tif desolation and ruin, leav-
future time, Thursday, the 9th day
of May, 1871, w ill Ihj recorded as the
date of the most memorable event
connected with the town. On that
beautiful, bright spring morning, the
sun arose in splendor, and the balmy
air, ladened with the perfume of the
many blooming flowers and blossom-
ItWP tlaaai'iJ tl-nfttJ-t iL-wl-.w.w faaMaHn.
j morning's repast as the family break
I fast table the last ever to be enjoyed
in the dwellings that had solongshel
j tertd the happy inmates homes en
!deared to them bv childhood's asso-
tiutious and manhood's ties roofs
uiniei on u lui y jiuu oecii uuril, BUU
W'hers thev tiiiiiiil ii cmrirl oil vlieir
days on earth. Fair Somerset at that
1 ..... .. . .. : ..t v. ..:An
i .1 , 1
in toe mornings sun, pre-
i scutcd a picture of Ijeauty and con-
....... . ...1 r. . 1
n-iiijueiit, uiiu us its uusy inmaiea
w-ut aljout their daily occupations in
t,M'ir usual ,l('rfu, """"er, the scene
was cfiiniilcte, and all that could le-
! Toward. noon a w arm south-west
wind began to blow, but farther than
raising dust within the streets, it dis
commoded nolKidy, and the afternoon
dnw on as pleasantly as the morning
had passed. Whilst persons were
engaged in their usual quiet way,
and least of all not thinking of any
danger, they were, at half past 3 p.
m., rudely aroused by the cry of fire.
On hastening to the place from
whence Binoke was seen arising, it
was discovered that the stable le
longing to Mr. Francin Weimcr, situ
ated iu the rear of his premises in
the 8outh-western part of the town,
near Keini & Co. 's foundry, was on
fire. As the flames increased the
high wind which blew from the south
west carried sparks and burning cin
ders over towards other buildings, at
once creating a general alarm for the
m . m 11.. ..I I.A
saieiv 01 a iroou.v poniou tu iu
tow u. But no person w as prepared
for what was to follow, the one
small fire apparatus, the "indeieud
ent," wasbroaght to the vicinity and
its suction placed in a well and water
drawn and thrown ujKn adjoining
buildings, where the fire was now
raging and gaining headway. The
flames increased and the wind hurled
burning brands far over amidst other
buildings, and one or two houses and
several stables were on fire within
five minutes from the time the alarm
was first given. Seeing volumes of
smoke arising, and kuowing the gale
of wind prevailing, cvervbodv in the
town began flocking to the scene of
dunger, few, if any jhtsous remain
ing at their homes. Although huu
dreds of people were gathered in the
vicinity of the fire, with pails of wa
ter and the fire apparatus, their ef
forts were as futile as an infant's to
stop the fiery elements, w hich, fed by
the highly combustible material in
the stables and dry wooden buildings
then on fire, sent burning brands in
to the very heart of the town. It
was soon ierceived that no earthly
power could arrest the flames, and a
general panic followed.
Frightened eoplc rushed iu every
direction the wildest commotion pre
vailed, and for a while the people
were almost paralyzed with fear.
Men rushed hither and thither iu the
vain hope of saving some of their ef
fects, or those of their friends. The
flames grew larger and larger, the air
was filled with brands of fire, and
house after house became ignited.
On! on! sped tint demon! now here!
now there! new flames shot up, and
leaping far away would wrap build
ings on opposite sides of the street in
fiery embrace. Persons who had left
their homes to assist others who were
supposed to be in more danger, on
looking back would find their own
houses in flames. Thus the confla
gration raged and spread its devas
tating folds, until scores of houses
were a mass of Ere and the scene be
came a pandemoniu.y. Consterna
tion seised the pc,onle, Jiien ran as
w ild, and women children wen
fleeing in' all -irVtiwns. Mothers
with hulica in their arma were tlirii'L--
ind frir thi'ir fit her ehUrlren nrwl nin-'of
ning for their lives little ones were i
u . t i1ut;;,i,
ftS , terrific hurricane, and it
8,01m.(, that to us0 thft wordrt of
. ..L,.n ittit.lf was jet loose."
, . . ...
"" ntl vnr,ed "T tlT, ,ttt,rn!
emotions of men revealed as the fact
ls-came apparent that the eastern por
tion of the town was doomed. Some
could look upon -their burning prop
erty with a silent stolidity, others
could not but bemoan their loss, while
Lusky voice and trickling tear of some
ln'tokened the deep feeling felt as the
fire wrapped their fond homes in its
cruel embrace. Whilst some men had
the presence of mind to secure a few
of their valuables, others were at .a
loss what to do, and ran about in an
aimless manner, seizing in their fren
zied grasp the very things of least
value to carry them out of reach of
the fire. One man rushed into his
dwelling in this manner, and seizing
a crock of milk carried it outside the
belt of fire, leaving his money and
everything else valuable in the house
to burn. As the fire spread the air
became so hot that houses were ig
nited from the heat alone, and brick
buildings as rapidly disapjicared from
view as wooden ones. It was im
possible for men to get within the
belt of fire to attempt to save any
thing in houses still seen standing.
The whole area of aliout thirty acres
was abandoned, but so close were the
flames that many jwrsons were badly
scorched in their flight, and in some
instances the clothing of women and
children were set on fire as they hur
ried through the streets and alleys.
With returning reason, men set to
work with most heroic determination
to save what buildings they could and
arrest the progress of the fire in all
tossible directions. It was only by
the most daring and superhuman ef
fort that the Barnet House, the Court
House, a fine residence belonging to
W. J. Baer, Esq., the residence of E.
Scull, Esq., and several other build
ings were saved. Farmers surround
ing the town in view of the great
smoke hastened to the scene and lent
their assistance. Wherever a house
near the belt of fire was endangered,
men mounted to the roofs and cover
ed them with wet carpets, blankets
and bed quilts. At some places lines
of men, and women, too, were form
ed and buckets of water passed from
band to band to those upon the
houses. And it was this way alone
that saved the remaining portion of
Somerset Nobly most nobly did
a majority of the men and women
work; many a deed of daring and
heroic sacrifice was done. No pen
can record the many creditable acts
performed. Some will be treasured
up in grateful remembrance others
will pass into forgetfulness. For two
hours the conflagration raged with
unabated fury, when bv a change in
the wind, and for want of more houses
to feed upon, the flames began to les
sen and the worst was over. Men
who had worked with the strength
of giants, now that a further danger
was past, began to feel a weakness or
their over taxed powers. Enquiries
began to be made for missing friends,
and everybody set about hunting up
the members of their resjiective fami
lies, and at last the joyful discovery
was made that all lives were safe.
With all the tumult and devasta
tion, no person had been lost, wnicu
was one great comfort in summing
up the result By six in the evening
the fire had subsided, and the women
and children who had fled to the sur
rounding fields began returning into
the desolated town. Those persons,
whose houses had been spared bunt-;
o in
ed up their friends amongst this home
less, and took them to le kindly cared
for. The Court House having been
saved, its doors were oened to the
sufferers, and many took occasion to
find shelter for the night within it
The track of the fire was a deso
lating scene. All of the best part of
the town was a smouldering heap of
ashes and ruins. here but a few
hours before tood a handsome house,
filled with all the comforts of life,
there remained nothing now but por
tions of the blackened walls or a sol-
; itary chimney. Standing ujkii the
west side of the, looking
eastwardly, one saw nothing but
broken, blackened, toppling walls,
and charred trees and shrubbery.
The beautiful yards surrounding many
of the residences were now the sad
dest of the sad sights; even the trees
were burnt, and their bare and black
ened trunks stood like silent sentinels
broodiug over the scene. The flow
ers were blighted and the tender
grass was seared.
As the night advanced the worn
out people disapjH'arcd from about
the smoking ruins and sought some
: place to lie for rest. Ueds were
placed upon the floors of those of the
residents who had them, and the wea
ried ones sought repose. Some slept
in the court-house, some in stables,
and even some in fence comers, but
the majority were provided for in the
houses left standing. The scene of
desolation at night was awfully un
impressive; the flickering flames from
still burning piles cast spectral shad
ows over surrounding object, and as
the flare would light up the ruins of
some loved home, the picture was
complete to make a weird scene of
devastation and sorrow, only to be
found in the wake of the fire demon's
track. With the coming morn the
citizens arose with feelings far differ
ent from those of the preceding day;
and gathering about the still smoking
ruins gazed listlessly upon the sad ami
dreary sight Here and there were
eroups gazing at the ruins of their
homes with such feelings as only those
similarv situated could nortrav. The
work of the fire king had Wn com-
plete, and within the compass burned
not a building of any description had
leen left. The fire, as Itefore stated,
started at Francis Weimer's stable,
aliouttwo hundred yards west of the
diamond, and, then spreading right
and left, as far as the second house
below Widow Ankeny's, under the
hill, although a house fariher east, at
the turn of the road, last at the edge
of town, lR'longing to and occupied
by Widow Finnesy, was burned.
Southwardly the fire was stayed on
the south side of Union street, but
burning everything on the north side
street lselow Mr. rrank J.
! Kooser's resilience. From the start
ing point it spread northwardly to the
liarnet House, and thence through the
! diamond to the Lutheran Church, and
thence castwardly to the house below
Mr. R Wt'vond's residence, tiecnpied
...1 1 .. il l.
ai ine time iv me aiernnuisi .Minis
ter, Rev. Stewart. From these points
not a single thing in left uuburned,
the w hole area' anout thirty acres, is
one mass of ashes.
It is astonishing how everything
combustible was burned up. Noth
ing but earth could withstaud the
great heat. An estimate made by
a gentleman familiar with the place as
it was, puts the nuniVr of buildings
consumed at one hundred and seven
teen, fifty-one of which were occupied
as dwellings.
The loss to some of the sufferers is
almost incalcuable in some instances,
as the accumulations of a life time
were in a single hour totally destroyed.
The many household treasures,
keepsakes, books, clothing, and a
hundred other things upon w hich a
priceless value was set, cannot be re
stored. The loss of projKTty which
can lie valued in money, is estimated
$750,000, on which there is not more
than $75,000 of an insurance. The
majority of the property-holders arc
able to stand the loss, but to a large
proportion of the remainder, trades
people, ' mechanics and laborers the
loss falls very hard indeed, as in ma
ny instances all poscssions were their
swept away, and while a few hundred
dollars would perhaps cover the cost
of the same, the owners cannot afford
theexpenseof restoration, as numbers
of them have families dependentjupon
them for supjiort. To these help is
now necessary.
List - of losses the following list
gives the names of some of the suf
ferers and buildings burned.:
The dwellings of Messrs. Hunt seek
er and Baer, the grocery store of W.
W. Davis A Bro., cabinet shop of W.
B. Coffroth, with his fine block on
Main street, including Flick's Wash
ington House and the Odd Fellow's
Hall; I). S. Knee's hotel; Samuel
Pile's dwelling house ; Noah Case
beer's tinware establishment ; store
and dwelling of A. J. Casebeer A
Co.; Sayers & Conover's hotel, the
Boss House ; and the finest establish
ment in the place, that of Knable &
Patton ; J. H. Miller's stove store; the
postofuce, kept by Mrs. Ogle ; the
banking house and dwelling of M. A.
Sanner & Co.; the Glade House, a
large hotel ; the dwellings of H. F.
Schell, F. J. Kooser, Dr. E. M. Kim
mel and Mrs. Wilson ; Mrs. Chorpen
ning, Neff and (Jeorge Chorpenning;
the drug store of Dr. A. O. Miller.
Heffley A Bro's clothing store ; G. W.
Benford's drug store ; J. II. Zimmer
man's shoe store ; the Baer Mansard
block, including the library and pho
tograph gallery of W. II. Welfley ; the
large grocery store of C. F. Rhoads
A Co., the banking house of Schell A
Kimniell ; G. B. Parker's store, and
the entire block ending with the
Lutheran church, also the law offices
of A. J. Colborn, Samuel Gaither,
VaL Hay, W. H. Postlewhaight and
others ; Marshal's and Pisel's store
and Goodchild's watch and jewelry
establishment, and the dwelling of
Mr.- Stutzman ; the variety store of
Mrs. J. S. Hinchman ; A. Dennison's
saddlery establishment ; the dwell
ings of II. C. Berits, J. O. Eimmel,
John Knable, Cyrus Meyers, Mrs.
Ankeny and Mrs. Samuel Bricker,
the fine large building occupied by
H. C. Beritz, J. F. Blymyer, A. H.
Coffroth, J. It. Pugh, County Super
intendent, and the elegantly furnish
ed lodge room of the Masonic frater
nity ; Mrs. M. D. Tredwcll's millinery
store and a barber shop, and Mr.
Isaac Hugos' dwelling ; both newspa
per office, the Herald and Democrat,
with their pVesscs and material, were
destroyed, and the Presbyterian
church and the dwellings of Michael
Keifer.and D. S. Weyand, and engine
house fend other buildings belonging
to parties the owners' names of which
we could not learn at the time.
The many incidents of the fire
worthy of mention would fill a
volume. There were many hair
breadth escapes and many daring
deeds. Men risked their lives to save
the property of others, and in several
instances their work was successful,
particularly so in the. row of frame
buildings in the , vicinity of Mr.
Simpson's residence on. Union street,
and at the Iiarnct House,; and a fine
dwelling , Belonging to Mr. W. J.
Burr and jUio Court-house, and also at
the large 'brkk house under the hill on
Main street The scorched and char
red sides of these buildings tell too
plainly of the intense heat to which
they were subjected ; they each were
on fire at least twenty times, but for
tunately men with pails of water rap
idly passed up to them on the roofs
put out the flames, as also in all other
eases iu their respective vicinity to
wards the west , Had the Barnet
House, and the tow of frame build
ings mentioned, burned, the conflagra
tion would doubtless have extended
to the remainder of Somerset
One of the first rays of encourage
ment the stricken people received was
the arrival early in the. morning after
the fire f a wagon load of bread and
revisions from, tha good people of
Berlin a neighboring town, about
nine miles ditaiTJL- This wagon was
followed soon by, others from the sur
rounding vicinity and it was not long
before a commissary department was
set up in the Town Hall room of the
Court-house and the needy were sup
plied with, food lA '
In the afternoon of Friday a town
meeting of citizens was called at the
Court-house for the purpose of making
arrangements fur the relief of the
sufferers. Hon. JJudge J. W. Kowc
was called to the chair, and D. J.
Brubaker and G Walter, Esqs., ap-
p'inted Vice Presidents, and Hon. W.
II. Sa.uier and Elias Cunningham,
Esqs., appointed Secretaries. Among
the proceedings the following resolu
tions were unanimously passed.
Heaved, That Edward Scull, Esq.,
Hon. W. II. Koontz, and Hon. Isaac
Hugushe a committee to prepare an
address to the public detailing the true
character of the calamity that has
befallen us, and th extent of the loss.
Jiesolved, That a committee of five
be appointed, whose duty it shall be to
receive all contributions and distri
bute the same, and that they have
power to appoiut such sub-committees
as may lie required, and that M. A.
Sanner, "DanieL Wevand, Edward
Scull, A. J.. Colborn and A. II. Cof
froth, Es(fs.,-be said committee. '
Revoked, That thts thaiiks of the
people of stricken . borough be
tendered to fhiCrinlu" -citizens of Ber
lin borough for the instantaneous and
well-timed relief which they brought
Resulted, That all the jolicy holders
and resident insurance agents meet in
the Court-house to-morrow at 10
o'clock a. in. for the purpose of ascer
taining the exact amount of insur
ance. Resolved, That it is the sense of
this meeting that inasmuch as the
county buildings and records have
been saved by the citizens of the bor
ough, that the Commissioners should
make an appropriation of $50,000, re
lying upon the endorsement of the
peopje for their action.
Mr. Geo. Charles, one of the editors
of the Cumltcrland Daily News, was
introduced to the meeting. Mr.
Charles stated that he had come sim
ply as a reporter for his paper, but
that he could say to the people of Som
erset tfiat the people of Cumberland
had heard of the disaster that had be
fallen the fair town of Somerset, and
that, as ueighbors and friends, his peo
ple felt a deep sympathy for the strick
en ones, and that he was assured by
the Mayor and several of the Coun
ciliuen, ujon the eve of his departure,
that a town meeting would be called
for the purpose of raising a fund for
their relief; that he wished the Relief
Commute would place themselves in
communication with Mavor Piatt, of
Cumberland, and let him know what
was most needed, and he felt assured
the citizens of Cumberland would res
pond nobly.
Mr: Holsinger, of the Dale City
Chrutlan Comjxmion, also made simi
lar remarks for the residents of his
town, pledging that the people of the
Me vers' Mill region would liberally
contribute to the relief of the sufferers.
The meeting then adjoerned to meet
again on the following afternoon.
By Saturday morning the commis
sary department in the Court-house,
under the charge of Mr. Hertz Kicser,
was well provisioned, and Mr. Keiser
dispensed the food and other supplies
to the callers ladies and children,
many of whom came with baskets: .
On Saturday forenoon Mr. M. A.
Sanner received an encouraging tele
gram, of which . the following is a
copy :
Johnstown, Pa., May 10th.
Draw at sight for $1 ,000. Hope to
do much Wtter at public meeting to
II. 1. Roberts, Cashier.
Assurances of help from other
places were received during the day,
and the people began to reel more
hopeful for the future.
The large iro i safes of the bankers,
Messrs. M. A Sanner A Co. and
Messrs. Schell A Kimniell, were found
cool enough to be handled at about 10
a. m. on Saturday, and these gentle
men proceeded to open them. All
money in charge of these banking
houses had been safely carried to a
secure place, but all the valuable pa
pers had been placed in the safe. In
Messrs. banner & Co.'s safe the con
tents were found in good preservation
and in Messrs. Schell A Kimmell's
they were also in good condition ex
cept those coming in contact with the
vafliisheu sides of. the shelving.
Safe makers shohld stick a pin here.
and never varnish the inside portion
of a fire-proof safe, as in the case
above alluded to it might have destroy
ed the contents of the safe, and but for
the varnish every paper would have
come out all right
During Friday morning fome boys
JUNE 5. 1872.
, ,
going aliout the burned district came
too close to a tottering chimney, and
it fell upon one of the boys named
Parker Kimmell, a brother to one of
the editors of the Herald ; Parker was
hurt very seriously, and at first sup
posed fatally, but on Saturday morn
ing he was said to be recovering and
thought to be out of danger.
Mr. Cyrus Meyers, while assisting
a friend to remove effects from his
house, hung his coat, containing over
$300 in money, upon an apple tree.
A short time afterward he discovered
his coat had caught on fire and was
consumed, together with the money,
and in addition his own dwelling was
in flames and he was delayed by walls
of fire from reaching his burning home.
lion. W. II. Sanner had just count
ed out $125, and was about deposit
ing it at one of the banking houses,
when, hearing the cry of fire, he laid
the money . in a desk and ran to the
scene of conflagration. In a few min
utes the fire had spread with such
rapidity that he was unablo to get
back to where he had left his money
and it was consumed.
Ewery lawyer(except A. J. Col
born.Esq.,) having his office within
the burned district lost his entire li
brary, ooks and papers. Mr. Col
Wn's books were saved by his two
Sons carrying them in time to the
During the night after the fire, the
telegraphic instrument wnich was
saved from the fire was placed urwin
the head of a barrel in the street, and
communication opened with Pitts -
burch. when that city and other
places were telegraphed the news of.
the disaster. Subsequently, on Fri
day morning a store box in the street
was improvised for a table for the
magnetic instrument, but that was
shortly afterwards abandoned, and
the instrument placed in the window
of W. J. Baer's private office, where it
was kept in ceaseless operation until
Sunday morning. " Great praise is
due the handsome lady operator.
Miss Annie Lyons, for her untiring
perseverance in forwarding and re
ceiving dispatches. She was greatly
assisted in her arduous work by Mr.
William Mier, but for whom Miss
Lyons would have been over-tasked,
and perhaps have been less fortunate
in keeping open communication with
the rest of the world. The News re
turns thanks to both these operators
for promptness in forwarding dispatch
es toour paper. And while speaking
of thanks, we take occasion to return
our most grateful acknowledgements
and considerate wife for attentions
paid our reporter during his stay in ded. The sufferers are in a sense our hecs' political views, but the idea that I would be supported by the entire liem
Somerset. Thcra are other persons j next door neighbors, and we are en- he is a man who has any principles ! ocratic vote and the whole Cincinnati
;. IU nlai-nlnu'linm K id a! inrleht.
ed for kind atttentions and a willing-
ness to render favors.
Thro we" -any incidents coming
to our knowledge of acts "Vm'trfy'Sr-k
record had we but the time and space!
to include them in this article, but our
account having grown to considera
length, we are compelled to close
without saying many other things we
desired to mention.
NrrrEaixo boxekset!
The Tew la Aahea.
Thursday, May the 9th, 1872, was
a day of dire disaster to the lieautiful
town of Somerset On that day the
demon of fire laid the hand of des
truction upon the place and almost
blotted it out of existence. In com
pany with a number of others we
visited the ruins, several days after
the fire, and beheld a sight such as we
never saw before. Where once stood
the fair town, with her industrious
and hospitable people, now can be
seen nothing but devastation and ru
in. Where once flourished the busi-
ncss, the wealth and prosperity ot thej and hundreds of suffering and iiu
place. the ghost of the red demon sits f noverished men. women and children
gloating over his work of devastation
The work of the fire fiend is most
thorough and complete. No instance portion to the dimensions of the two
in the annals of destructive fires can j towns and the wealth of their respec
compare with that of Somerset The tivc populations, the loss of Somerset
fire at Chicago, the most terrible on is perhaps equal .to that of Chicago,
record, destroyed not a half, nor a and the Buffering of those who have
third even, it is said, of the property been burned out of house and home
of that city, while at Somerset, inside is not less. Somerset is in ashes !
of two hours and a half, more than ! Half of the tow n burned! Loss one
two thirds of the value of the place
was reduced to ashes.
It is pretty well settled that the fire
originated from sparks that flew from
the foundry into a stable close by in
which there was hay and straw. A
bundle of straw first took fire. The
owner of the stable on discovering the
fire in the mow ran up and attempted
to throw out the bundle, but as the
band had been burned in two, he was
unsuccessful, and the fire was scatter
ed over the mow, and in a moment the
contents of the stable were ablaze.
When the first fire broke out the wind
was blowing a perfect gale, which was
increased in intensity with the fire.
In less than five minutes from the
time that the alarm of fire was first
given, a dozen of buildings were on
fire. With terrible effect the flames
now leaped from building to building,
and seized upon everything of a com
bustible nature. House after house
went down with frightful rapidity, and
the inmates were compelled to flee for
their lives. Whole blocks were swal
lowed up in an instant in a terrible
whirlpool of flames. All attempt to
arrest the progress of the devastating
fire proved powerless. Consternation
and terror reigned .supreme. The
heart of the stoutest men grew faint,
and women and children were running
for their lives and screaming in the
agony of their despair. Men would
rush to assist their neighbors in try
ing to save their property, and on
looking back would find their own
dwellings in flames. Homes with all
their attractiveness, their valued con
tents, the fine shrubbery around, the
product of years, of toil and attention,
were consumed like stubble before the
fire. Nothing could be saved. The
air above and the earth beneath were
filled with the devouring element
Elegant furniture, and household
goods of every description were carri
ed out in the streets only to be licked
up by the flames. Instances were
frequent where goods took fire in the
arms of persona attempting to save
them, before they could be carried
across the street Persona who were
worth their thousands in the morning
who had elegant homes for themselves
and their families, were houseless and
penniless by night, with not even a
coat to shelter their backs. -
'if'- -. -rf
oral cl
is variously estimated at
The loss
from eight
hundred thousand ,to
million. It certainly cannot be much
less. The wealth of the town is al
most entirely destroyed. All the
stores of every description, except
one, all the hotels, but one, two bank
ing houses, all the lawyers' offices, the
two printing offices, two churches
the Presbyterian and the Lutheran
are in ruins. Over one hundred and
fifty buildings, fifty-two of which were
dwellings and stores, and which cov-
ered an area of about thirty acres, are
now a mass of ashes. It must be re
memliercd, also, that comparatively
nothing was saved from these build
ings. This must be accounted for
from the fact, testified to by all who
witnessed the conflagration, that in
less than thirty minutes from the time
the fire broke out, frcrtf building
tptw destroyed was on fire and beyond
redemption. The amount
of insur
anec is about $100,000.
Somerset has certainly received
"baptism of fire," and a terrible one
it has ueen. The business of the
place is paralvzed ; but the people are
not despondent. What is most ur -
gently needed is aid material aid,
from home and abroad. ith the
proper encouragement, Suncrset will,
il ft e . ,t.
Phfenix like, rise from her ashes,
strengthened, and more l.cautiful than
evcr. Without such aid she will lie
utterly powerless for the next halfj
century to stand where she stood on ;
the morning of the ninth of May
A volume could be written of the
! Somerset fire ; of the many incident.
! aud hair breadth escapes ; of the ma-
n' heroic deeds or her brave men and
women, but the limited space allotted
lo. us, in this issue, forbids. We
would, however, especially impress
Lour people with the tact that we owe
an imperative duty to our suffering
neighbors. Let that charity which
"covers a multitude of sins," actuate
us in our contributions to alleviate
the distress of the uufortuneate peo-
i pie of Somerset. Bedford Gazette.
It is creditable to our eitizens that
they are acting so promptly to relieve
the" sufferers by the Somerset fire.
The committee appointed to solicit
aid will meet to-day. Considerable
sums have alreadv been raised, and it
is to be hoped that the contributions
will continue to be liberal and prompt,
The farmers of the surrounding coun -
try are sending in provisions, aud
what .would le most acceptable from ibecn bought over by Grant, and one
us is money and clothing, along with member crying out "Turn your face
provisions. To the timely and pathet- j to the White House.aml get your re
i anneal bv General Koontz. pub-1 ward." We have never admired the
lished herewith, nothing need lie ml-
i tirelv eertain that thev Will not look
to us iu vain in their hour of distress,
Cotninereial May, 4.
When a'sudden and direLJ cftlam-j
nity tails upou any portion of our f-
low-citizens, whether they In- m our
midst or afar off. Christianity and
philanthropy both teach that the
heart's warmest sympathy of those
who escaped should go out toward
tnem, expressed not inworusoiu,
. . ; 1 . I 1 ...
m deeos. nen c uicago ia iu asn- g3 Wood gn, MurrLw.v whoae
es, the sympathy of half the civilized 1, t th rea , for, and
world won i expressed in remittances of k ll05.e enmity thev will find in the
food, clothing, and money by null- U run m0'st dntfl.roU!lf but men
ions for relief. . And it was right. ; ,ike Mr Vo)rhees, w ith whom pob'ti
Then the citizens of Harr.sburg . , nn. na or nnt ..,. f
opened their hearts and their purse
and contributed liberally. They did
well. What will they do now for the
relief of suffering fellow-citizens of
their own State? Chicago was
thousand miles off in another State.
Now a once flourishing town in our own
State is in ashes half of it destroyed
driven to the country, dependent on
charity for shelter and food. In pro-
million,-of dollars! The suffering
people, driven to the country for bread
an3 shelter ! Now w hat is to be done ?
In the case of Chicago the citizens of
Harrisburg were liberal. In the case
of Somerset will they be less so ?
We suggest that the Mayor call a
meeting of the citizens for relief of
the Somerset Sufferers. Any contri
butions left at this office will be ac
knowledged through the Telegraph
and sent to the proper persons at Som
erset who arc appointed to receive-all
contributions from abroad. Harris
burg Telegraph, May 14.
Te the Prablie.
At a public meeting held at the
court house, in the borough of Som
erset, on Friday, the tenth day of
May, A. D., 1872, the undersigned
were appointed .a committee to pre
sent to the public a brief statement of
the terriblo disaster inflicted upon our
town by the recent destructive fire,
and appeal for aid iu behalf of our
suffering people In discharging this
duty, we will endeavor to couvey a
faint idea of the fearful calamity, in
as few words as possible. About 4
o'clock on Thursday, May 9th, a fire
broke out in the western part of the
town; a fierce wind was blowing at
the time, and all efforts to check the
flames proved futile. In less than
two hours this once beautiful town
was laid in ashes. The extent of
ground over which the destructive el
ement raged is about thirty acres in
the central part of the town, includ
ing all the stores and hotels, save one
of each ; all the banks and offices, in
cluding the two printing offices, all
business places exce pt the public build
ings. One-third in area of the solid
ily built and nearly the entire busi
ness part of the town is in ruins, and
certainly three-fourths of the wealth
of the place Is utterly destroyed.
The fire raged with such relentless
fury that the terror-stricken people
had to fieo for their lives, and conse
quently but little of persoual property
was saved. Indeed, many escaped
with no other clothing than that upon
their person at the time. To a large
number of the sufferers it is a total
loss ofejvcrything they possessed.and
they are left houslesa, homeless, with-
r fy
NO. 51.
1 out a thing in the vorld and deju - nd
a tent on tne puonc ior oreau. wtners,
upon whom the calamity i. not so He-
vere, are greatly in need of aid to en
able them to take another start in the
I battle of life,
The loss will not fall
far short of a million of dollars, and demand desperate remedies, and the
the total amount of insurance will j case of the Democratic party is eer
not exceed one hundred thousand tainly desperate. It was somewhat
Generous public, that in the past
; has responded so nobly to the cry for
help from foreign lands, ami to the
appeals of our countrymen w ho have
suffered like direful calamities, we call And it is that very nomination which
upon you in behalf of this suffering now inclines the Democratic party to
but hopeful people fur aid mbdanr ward him. General Blair is under
Hal aid. Your charities will confer a stood to have worked zealously for the
lasting favor upon them, and we sin- result at Cincinnati. Many Demo-,
cerelv hope that in the exercise of i cratic papers have declared for Mr.
your liberality and generosity, it will
I lie like the quality of mercy.
i strained, but twice blessed, blessing
him that gives and him
that takes."!
Michael A. Sanner, Esq., of Som-
erset, Pennsylvania, is the treasurer
i of the relief committee, to whom con-
tributions can be sent,
I """"""""
I The VMrkM Speech W faavt the lav.
j "
; ji l.,,.,. (;h,br vi'
fr Voorhees ha spoken in
pua-'e that will hot be mistaken,
the thinking men in the great Demo-! "iat i"1' lailure or the Democratic ton
cratic party will ponder well ! vention to indorse him might effect
his words before they allow them-' hi." Mr. Wood drew the moral
'selves to be won over bv the sophis-
f tr;V!J amj arts 0f political intrigue that
i.av.P characterized the Cincinnati
movement. Even to the Democratic
eTM 0f the honorable tre ntleman from
Indiana the policy ami course of th
present administration, when compar
ed with the history and doctrine of
Mr. Greeley present themselves in
such a light that Mr. Voorhees' de
scription of them was sufficient to
bring out loud applau.M from his pi- j
litical opponents. In fact, in words j
of our Washington special, w as the j
"most remarkable political sensation ! Adams would paralyze the party en
of the season ;" it can but have a de-! thusiasm, upon which so much de
moralizing effect on the friends of the P, n,'s 5 while Mr Adams himself
new movement. i would be seriously weakened if he
The New York JW savs: I w",re the regular Democratie eandi-
The sneech was treated bv the on- date. Many would have voted for
j j-osition members in the silliest possi-
i . i.
i ble way. the sreneral drift of their re -
! marks "being that Mr. Voorhees had
doctrinaire extremity of Mr. Voor-
fur sale 1 to ridiculous for wrioiw ar.
j gument If Ae does vote and advises
! hs followers to vote, as he hints he
mav iu certain contingencies, for Grant Pear ne wt-re thejormal Democratic
it will be from a sincere conviction candidate. Republicans would under
that honesty and consistency require and that the necessary bargains that
Lim to use rven that extreme means
!of otiosiii!i- the Cincinnati nominee
The consternation caused in the
, , , ,.lllmns of Tl .,,.
by what the supporters of Mr. Gree
ley affect to consider his treason, is
very natural. A little more such
treason will seriously endanger their
call!iC For it is n0 su,h cftnip fol.
j .mvb --a T-rav vi.'ivil'.' v Hvt mm aa. we v s,'tr V m
bargain and sale, but of deep-rooted
belief. He has many of the qualities
of a real leader. He represents, thor-
oughly, the fundamental principle
which lies at the Democratic creed,
and which has such a vital force that
it has managed yet to survive all at
tempts to kill it The distrust of cen
tralization, the profound lelief in the
eternal presumption which lies against
government interference, the convic
tion of the superiority of the law s of
nature tp the laws of men these are
the ideas w hich still gives vitality to
the party, and these are the ideas
which Mr. Voorhees conceives and
A Washington dispatch to the
World says :
The speech of Mr. Voorhees yester
day continues to be the subject of
talk to-day, and the friends of Mr.
Greeley arc busily inquiring, "What
will be" the effect of it?" It is well
understood here to lie the opinion of
Mr.' Kerr, of Indiana, that the Demo
cratic party cannot, without dishonor
to itself and great injury to the coun
try, accept Mr. Greeley as its candi
date (jT President
la Faushiera a fool.
A popular writer savs : But fashion
know s nothing of beauty, cares noth
ing for beauty. Fashion sets aside in
the most summary manner all at
tempts of nature to interfere with, hin
der, or baffle her. It takes no aceount
of native beauties, native defects- It
i no respecter of persons; that, at
least, must be said in it favor. Cla
ra has rather a lone- neck. Claribel a
very short one- What does fashion
care about that ? Deep collars or broad j
ties are all the go, and poor Claribel's
head seems to start direct from her
shoulders- She looks absurd ; but all
her friend would tell her she looked
still more so if she were out of the fash
ion. Long bodies and short skirts
suddenly come in, and woe to the wo
men whose bodies arc longer than
their members. They must cxagerate
a natural defect in defen-nce to the
omnipotent edicts of fashion. Skirts
all at once expand in every direction
and become as long as they are broad.
Ladies who never step from their car
riages save into a house or a
ry a couple of yards of silky tail be
hind them.
Why cannot individual women make
a stand once for all, and say each in
turn, "I have found out what suits me.
I am tall, or short, or middle-sized,
slim, stout, or dumpy. This new fash
ion of your makes me look a fright
I have studied the matter now for
some little time, and I have hit off to
a hair the style of dress which most
become me, which sets me off to the
best advantage, which does me most
justice, and all the modistes in the
world shall not persuade me to make a
guy out of myself." Just look at the
advantage of such a course. Three
glorious good things would at once
flow from it We should have beauty,
variety and economy.
The IVniocratifr Convention bm
la-en called to meet at Baltimore on
i the th of July, and there is a ercat
th ai of speculation as to its probable
action. Th- oiietion i whether it
will ratify the Cincinnati nomination.
It is a question which mates man
rub his eves as he read it. Will the
Democratic party nominate Hoi act
Greelet for President ? Are we to
hear Democratic orators aravelv de
manding purity of administration and
and advocating Horace Greelve ?
The inevitable laugh woujd seem to
lie dangerous to the chance of suc
cess. e are indignantly told, how
ever, that a candidate cannot be
laughed down. Very possibly. Bat
j whoever should see a hne-e banner
- hanaring from Tammany Hall and in-
-enheu, "itegular democratic nomin-
at ion; for President, Horace Greeler
flf w Virlr
may at last be per-
m.ueu to smile.
We are aware that desperate cases
so when it thought of nominating Mr.
Chase in 1 8fi8. But Tammany would
not have thought of him had he been
alreadv nominated as a Republican of
any kind, as Mr Greeley has been.
Greeley. Privately every body baa
heard the most orthodox Democrats
' cry,
Hurrah for Greeley!" The
World insists that at least until he is
nomiaated it may argue that he ought
. not to be. as if su pectin a resistless
tendency in its party to accept him as
a candidate. And that excellent
Democrat, Mr. Benjamin Wood, fa
miliar to all New Yorkers for bis ua-
triotic devotion and absorbing pas-
sion for the purification of politics, re-
' marked at a meeting of a Democratic
, , . , ,
club, when wartnly praising Mr.
I Greeley, that "in Tin interview he im-
: plieitlv stated to me that he would
,,ot leave the field because of any
i nomination made at Philadelphia, but
,hut ' r"nd Mr. Greeley implied.
,hat the Democrat did not accept
him he would probably turn them
over to sure defeat.
The Democratic Convention can
nominate regular Democratic candi
date, or it may select a man like Mr
Charles Franci Adams, who has no
strong party sympa'bic, or it may
ratify Mr. Greeley's nomination, or it
may decide to make no nomination.
The last course would be a formal
disoslution of the party, and will hard
ly be adopted. To nominate Mr.
i "'M had he been nominated at t in-
! cinnati w ho would
! u'-d,:'r the nevr circumstances.
'-' ' 1 fc kvu aj alllll
k iii-ui'i .a t . uiivir l vcr uvuiiu,,4
by the DemiH-ratie Convention, he
would not be so
a candidate
as many suppose.
The theory of hi
strength in that position is, that he
dlSaneCtiOn. But tDl SCeiUS 10 US a
misapprehension. The great bulk of
his Republican support would disap-
must follow such a nomination to
mate its success even probable would
be a betrayal of their principles
irilJt?2W. -!?.
publican withdrew, the nomination
of a Republican by the Democratic
Convention could only be interpreted
as a virtual dissolution of the party.
Its conservative element would in a
body support the certainty of prosper
ous stability with General Grant rath
er than the wild chaos of the future
upon which the election of Mr. Gree
ley would usher the country. The
Democratic Convention could not
well hold it party if it nominated Mr.
Adams; it would inevitably dis
perse it if it nominated Mr. Greeley.
There is another view which the
Cincinnati gentlemen may well pon
der. The spectacle of Horace Gree
ley and a following of angry Repub
licans combined with the late rebels
and the Copperhead brganization to
defeat General Grant and the Re
publican party would excite' an indig
nation and disgust in the patriotic
heart of this country, in which the
wound and terrible memfriesof the
war and the struggle which led to it
are still fresh and sacred, so profound
that there would be another uprising
of the loyal people which would carry
Grant as triumphantly into the Presi
dency a he and they carried the Un
ion army to victory. One of the fatal
errors at Cincinnati was the supposi
tion that, because the war is over, the
war is practically forgotten. Conse
quently the hold of Grawt open the
heart of the people i not undertood.
Editors and politicians and people
with grudges and dreamers and the
orists, and many honest and generous
men, easily forget. But the people
long and faithfully remember. When
the election comes that memory will
The other course open to the Con
vention is the nomination of regular
Democratic candidates, Mr. Hen
dricks, of Indiana, and Mr Bayard, of
Delaware, for instance, for Vice-President
; and that is the course which
we believe will probably be adopted.
The split in the Republican ranks will
be considered by the Convention fa
tal, despite the persuasive whisper of
Mr. Greeley through Mr. Benjamin-
Wood, and the chance of Democratie
success will be thought to be at least
fair. Such nomination, also, will re-
tain the conservative element of the
party, while they mantain the party
organization and spirit It is undeni
able that the ratification of Mr. Gree
ley's candidacy would be terribly de
moralizing. It i probable, therefore,
that party feeling will carry the Con-
vention and nominate a regular Den-
ocratic candidate, either by a Cincin-
nati yell, a Mr. Greeley was noiuina-
ted, or by a rebel yell, as the last Dem
ocratic candidate wa nominated ai
Tammany HalL Harperi Magatine.
TiiK lat joke at the expense of H.
G. report that "in an agricultural .
essay on tobacco he assert that the
fiue-cut will not ripen Well anleas the
tin-foil is stripped from the growing
bud early in the spring, and that plug
tobacco ought to be knocked off tho
trees with club instead of being pick
ed off with the hand.
Snook wa assured by hw genial
father-in-law that hi bride wa worth
her weight in gold. At the end of
the first week of honeymoon he entic
ed her on a havscale, figured it out
that she should" bring $24,680,90, and '
sent the word that he would
discount the first five figure of the
price if they "missed her at aorne'
badly. " :