Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 07, 1876, Image 3

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SUXBURY. Al'KlL 7. J 870.
Kail road Time Tabic.
N. C R. W.. South. P. & t. U. R. West.
Srie Mail, VM a ui Eric Mai), 6.23 a iu
Fust Llue, 3.00 a w Niagara Ex., 13.35 p iu
Tula. E-f " a " I Elmim Mail 4.05 iu
dy Er., l.ll p ui I Fast Luc. 7-00 p in
, 10.40 a m I Mall, 9.15 a m
4.25 p ui Eipress, 3.55 p ro
ircommodaliou train leave Shamokin at
in, arriviut; at Mt. Carmcl at 7.40 a ni.
iuc, leave Mt. Carmcl at 6.00 ? in, arriv
( Slmiuokiu O.'JO p ui.
. II ii W. R. R. Traiu leave at 6.55 a. m.
arrive ut 3.50 p. in.
Leave north 6:45 a. iii. 12:55 p. ni. 4:30 p. in.
Arrive from uorth 12:45 p. m- aud 0:10, p. iu.
Accidental Insurance Tickets can be bad of
J. bhlpiuan, Ticket Aeut, at the Depot.
Kuiuiurr Arraugetueut for (be Vont
Ofllro at Suuburj, ia.
OOlce Open from 6.50 . m., to S p. m.. except
oh Sunday.
Airivci as follows :
From the East at 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m.,
" South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m.
" West, 5.15 a. m., 11.15 a. in., 1.S5 p.
and 4.10 P. m..
North,1.50 a. ni.,11.15 a. in., 4.10 p.m
Shamokin and Mt. Carmcl, V.25 a. in
Shamokin proper, 4.00 p. iu.
Mails close as follows:
r.vtlm Kiit. 5.45 a. in.. 10.50 a. in.. 4 -tO p. m
, 8.00 p. ui.
" South. 10.50 a. in., 4.50 p. m., 8 p. iu
' West, 10.50 a. Ui., -.50 p. in., 8.00 p. m
North, S.50 p. m.. 8 p. m.,
fchamokiu Kroner 11.15 a. in.
SUainokiu and otllccs on that route; 4.2C
t. in.
Money orders will uot be issued aftef 0 p. m.,
on Saturdays.
For Sil t. A dcolrable residence An Fourth
treet. Bur.bury, is offered for sale cheap. Ap
ply to W. C Packer, Esq., or at this office.
The wife of Mr. Christian Martin, residing on
south Fourth street, this place, died on Tuesday
2at, of pneumonia.
Jot-cm Fall of Delaware twp., was commu
ted to Jail a few days ao by Esquiro Fry, '.or
the alleged crime of incest.
No visitors are admitted into the jail, on Sun
days, by Sheriff Strlue.
A la ROE number of persout gathered at l'ie
d.-not. on Wednesday cveum" last, to see a wed
ding laity off. The happy couple were Mr
Urookstrect of Kocbwtcr, N. Y.t and Mrs. Flora
fctroh, daughter of A. J. Stroh of Sunbury .
Nh'KCT Puilips, (eo. Phiii and Wro. Van
dyke, were released from jail, ou Wednesday.
TUcir term ol Imprtoouiueut bavin; expired.
A Watsoktows Rranjrcr recently purcbassd a
revolver for bis wife, and insisted ou target prac
tice that she could defend ber house in case of
bis abseuce. After the bullet was duK out of his
let', aud the cow buried, he said be guessed she'd
belter shoot with an axe.
Daniel S. 3oteb, Eso.., of Freeburg, has been
appointed, by Auditor General Temple, bank
assessor of the district composed of the counties
of Snyder and Centre.
T. J. Silyiu, lately oue of the editors of the
Daily, is now working iu a job printing office in
Ex SuBuirr S. II. Kotheumel removed to
Trcv-jrtou ou Fiiday last. Suubury has lot
oue of its best citizcue by bis removal.
JotL Bittekmak has agaiu lakeu charge of
the Fairmouut House in Purdytowu.
A bPLEKUiu bay horse was purchased lust
week by Judge Rockefeller from Mr. Geo. Seller,
of Lower Augusta towushlp. Tbc horse is gen
tle aud well broke for a family horse. Mr.
teller is one of the txt stock raisers iu the
State, and has stock that is not easily excelled
in this part of the country.
The fuueral of Mr. Levi Scat-boltr, ou Suuday
last, was largely attended by Masonic order, the
different fire compauies aud citizens. The
corpse was taken to the Reformed church,
where an appropriate terunoo was delivered by
the Rev. Mr. Gcarbard. His remains were in
terred with Masonic bouors.
Jous Evelakd, lately a passenger couductor
on the P. & E. R. R., Is now running the Tre
motit House, near the depot, at this place. M r.
Eveland is favorably known to the cUi:':u ol
this place and along the line of rallroal", aud
will make a popular landlord.
A number of jokes were pet i-t rated on the
uuBuspccticg on the first day of April, and the
Juveniles enjoyed the fun of luaklug many April
fools. Oue of the tricks resorted to was the
filling a large envelope with paper aud sealiug
It, the writing ou the side being "April fool,"
which was placed on the pavement for parlies to
pick up. We noticed aa ex editor greedily pick
It up, aud after examiuiug it dropped as though
it was hot Iron. The editor ol the Daily was
also made the dupe of au April fool by a similar
trick of the boys.
Tbeks is some rumor that the Sunbury &.
Lewietown railroad will be put luto operation
ou or about the first of May.
Tub vacaucy created iu Collector U.uncr's
office by the death of Levi Scatbollz, Esq., is
tilled. Mr. P. W. Gray has received the ap
poliitmrul aud entered upou bis duties. It is a
good aud satisfactory apiKilulUK-iil.
Skvbkal young men of Poiut township are
prepariug to emigrate to the Black Hills couutry
Iu a few weeks.
Milton Is infested with clothes thieves.
A coHHEfPOKKBNT from Fitter's Ferry in
forms us that a Suuday school was orgsuiced at
that place, and the following officers elected,
vie: Superintendent, Wm. V. Eilverwood;
Ataislaiil Superintendent, Geo. A. Hopir ;
Treasurer, Samuel Hallrubach ; Secretary, VViu.
1.. lliiemaa ; Librarian, Barney II. Hopper. It
is hoped that the uumber of tcliohiis will rapid
ly luerease, aud that the ollieers will be sueees
lul iu their iuUmou of doing good.
Ir "Mountain Bill" will call ut this olliee and
write bis coiumuuicaliou so that it can be read
or tell us what it contains, we will take into
couslderaliou about publirbiug it.
A Neat Stout.. The store room lately titled
up il Mai-eis buildiug is now occupied by J. B.
llaac, coiifectiouer, and is oue of the neatest
rooms in the county. Mr. Haas keeps a general
asbortaieut of con lection a ries, apples and all
kinds of tropical fruit. He also has York Slate
sweet cider and the bed Jersey crab cider, which
be sells iu large and small quantities. A visit
to bis store to see the grand display of coulee
liouarics will induce any oue to buy.
Cur Hotel at Suamokin. The City Hotel
ut Shamokin, which has lately been opeued by
ieo. S. Fisber, Is oue of the best kept hotels In
tbe place. The boute is centrally located in the
Business part of the l9kn and convenient to
both of tbe railway depots. Tbe bouse has
beeu enlarged and refurnicbed throughout, and
the rooms are kept clean and ueat. Every
thing about tbe bouse is kept iu tbe most orderly
aud quiet msnuer, so that tbo weary traveler
can enjoy rest aud is uiude to feel at borne. Mr.
Fisher aud lady bave bad large cxperieuce in the
hotel business, and all who stop at the City
Hotel will coon Cud that they kuow "bowlo':ep
Tub clothes ringer is an article that has now
(tecome necessity, but they will wear out and
tbe rubbers on the rollers get loose. Mr. I. N.
Wilson, of Easton, has repaired for us several
with new rollers, makiug them as good as new.
The editor of the Iteily enjoyed two square
meals during tbe past week and yet looks as thin
as a rail. If any of bis friends expect to fatten
iiiiu up by wasting their good dinners on bim,
they will be woefully deceived, as be will not
"fatten worth a ceuU"
Tbbkb are girls who will visit a ball-room and
wain sweetly around for ten miles or more, who
will make up an awful face if requested to step
three feet and bang up a dish-cloth.
Dancing ivn Ciiicistiamtt. I'nder this head
a writer, iu the Jhiilv over the Miniature of
Truth, bad some strictures on dancing aud cliris'
tiaulty, which elicited a reply over the siguature
of L'ritict iu which the latter look the ground
that dancing per c, or of itself, was no sin, a
proposition so self-evident that one would hard
ly have supposed uny intelligent uiau would at
tempt to controvert it. But uot so. Truth iu his
rejoinder, not ouly contends that dauelng is siu
ful iu itself, but imagines that lie can prove it to
be so by scriptural references. There never
wus a book so outrageously perverted as the
Bible, aud that too, frequently by pc'iious who
profess to revere it inobl. Truth, iu order to
sustain his position quote an authority to shew
that "dancing is included iu rcvcliug," or iu
olher word, because a man in a druuken de
bauch may chose to qp nee, dauciug must neces
sarily be sinful. By the same syllogistic rea
soning be might prove that siugiug is sinful be
cause In these rteelt siugiug is perhaps more fre
queutly indulged in tliau dauelng. A revel U
properly defined to be "a riotous feast," and by
the same syftem of reasouing Truth might es
tablish the fact that eating was sinful because
it is au essential part of a revel. The idea there
fore, In attempting to prove that dalieiug and
revelry arc synonomous terms is simply absurd.
Again he quotes from the o'2J chapter of Exo
dus, lath verse as follows: ''Moses came unto
the camp aud saw the calf and the iufteiny."
Why did Truth omit the precediug verse iu
w hich Moses says,"he also heard singing." Moses
says distinctly that "ho heard them tiiiKjing,"
aud wheu be came iffh unto the camp "he saw
the talfani the dancing aud his ungcr waxed
hot." Now what right or authority has Truth,
or any oue else, to s:iy that the auger of Moses
was aroused by the dancing more than the
siugiug. The tenor of the whole chapter shows
that the indiguation of Moses was caused by
the worship of the golden image, ui:d had not
the remotest reference to cither the dauciug or
siugiug, aud there is uot a word in the entire
chapter that can be construed as condemnatory
of either one or the olher.
To talk of the idolatry of uaucing is sheer
Lousensc, as much so as .would be the idolatry
of singing. Dancing Is ot only recoguized In
the Bible, but bus beeu cultivated among chris
tians as au agreeable and innocent amusemeut
in all ages, aud there is high authority, that it
was practiced at one time as a religious
rite among the Jws, and Is eveu now among
soaie sects of christains. On the other baud
gluttony is invariably condemned, and yet we
bear of no denunciations from tbe pulpit against
feasting, or excessive feeding, which is strongly
cnuducive to gluttony, an evil ten times more
injurious, physically, than even excessive
dancing. There Is scarcely a privilege we en
joy, or an amusemeut we iudulge in, that may
not be abussd, and be that cannot discriminate
between tbe use and abue of a thing is not a
fit or proper instructor in uiorals or religion.
Because some kinds of dauciug may be, and
is, sometimes, objectionable, It does not follow
that the graceful movements and measured
stes of a cotillion, ciceially iu our owu dwell
ings should be discarded as iiiiprocr and irreli
gious, and for which is sometimes substituted,
stupid plnysof more thnn doubtful propiiety.
A Little Giul Assai i.tek nv Tkami-s. Two
negro tramps were loitering about the premises
of 1-. B. Wcstfall, in Caketown, on Tuesday
morning last, aud when a little girl of Mr.
Wcstfall was passing along oue of the negroes
caught her and carried her a short distaticc.
The girl screamed aud resisted stoutly, when she
was let go and she ran towards the house. The
negroes followed her, but Mr. Wcstfall came to
her assistance and the negroes ran off towards
the hill east of the P. Hi E. shops. Chase was
made by a uumber of persons, .Ttid -they were
overtaken somewhere about the bloody spring.
They were lakeu before 'Squire Pursel, who com
mitted them for a hearing. What the object was
of these two tramps to make the assault can
only be conjectured. They gave their names us
David Lyuk and Motce Mathews. The utlair
created a great excitement, aud when brought
in the -Squire's office they were followed by au
excited multitude of people. It is about time
that something is doue to put a check to the
ramp nuisance. They are generally a hardened
class, uud should at once be driven out of town
or arrested as vagrants.
Dbatu oe Mhs. Riddle. Wc regret that wa
arc compelled to aunouoce the death of a most
estimable lady, the wife of Rev. F. B. Riddle,
who died al tbc residence of ber brother, S. J.
Packer, Esq., of this place, ou Tuesday morning
last. Her disae was consumption, which wus
hastened by nervous prostration caused by over
exertion. Her bereaved husband U a prominent
diviueof the M. E. Church, uud was lately sta
tioned ut Danville, Pa. The deceased was a sis
ter to the Hu. J. B. Packer, and S. J. Packer,
Esq., cashier of tire First National Bnuk of Sun
bury, and wus highly esteemed for ber many
cliristiau virtues, aud greatly respected us a
neighbor aud friend to the distressed. She was
ii ted ubout forty years.
The Sliiiinokln Tinttt says that that place ha
several cases of small pox. Would il uot be
well for our borough "dads" to give the streets
and alleys of Sunbury a cleaning up, and thus
endeavor to prevent that disease from making
its appcurauce here t bally of Munuay.
Oh, no, neighbor ; that would be too extrava
gant. Economize say our borough "duds" aud
pay off the borough debt before any more Im
provements are made. Lift year about three
thousand dollars were saved by the overseers of
the poor by economizing. The borough indebt
edness, however, is ibe same, wbirb maybe ac
counted for by the streets and alleys receiving a
little brushing In the spring and expending tbe
money in that way. We dou't blame the Chisf
Burges9, however, for squandering money In
making auy improvements on our streets, as we
feel confident that be is oppossd to all each pro
jects. The bill to reduce the boomuge on lumber to I
one dollar per thousand feet In the boom ut Wil
liamsport passed the bouse finally yesterday
afternoon by a vote of 10 J to 44. This qucstiou
which has occupied tire tivnw aud attention of the
legislature for so many years is at last disposed
of. Tbe legislature can now pi.x eed to the com
pletion of the remaining busmen of the session
and with the disposition of this bill will proba
bly be prepared for adjournment at or near the
end of oue hundred days. J'atrivt, April Ah.
La l:o e Ll'MHKK Contracts. The demand for
lumber for building purposes coutiuues uud the
outlook is encouraging. Mr. Firman Fields re
ports that he bus just cut ere d into a contract to
supply U00,000 feet of hemlock to a purty at
Shamokin, for the erection of u uew coal break
er, near that place. It is stipulated that the
contract shull be tilled iu thirty days from uexl
Mouday. He will also have a contract for fur
nishing upwards of 200,000 feet of pine and hem
lock for the new tannery ut Newberry. This lum
ber will be obtained from bis miii at Fields Slulion
ou the Northern Central raiJrotid and shipped
direct to the contracting parties. M'illiaiutjrt
Cazetle aiul Bulletin.
Oi k neighbor of the Democrat lately went to
consult a clairvoyant before Venturing much
further into speculations of building the new
jail. This is what he says about it in the JJailg
of Tuesday last t
"aiunbury ha- a clairvoyant stoppiug ia its
midst, where persons for thirty-five cents cum
get a knowledge of their future. The editor of
the Lewisburg Chronicle should lose no time Iu
ma kiDg an investmeLt, as thereby would be ob
tained some knowledge which might eveu puzzle
Providence. The editors of lie Williaiusporl
Oaeette and Lulletin bad belter uot apply, as the
Madame Clairvoyant is uot altogether proof
against mesmerism. If tbe editor of the Wat
son town Hecord will send as his sight draft on
New York for tbe amount of admission we may
be Induced to opeu up lo Ihe world what our fu
ture may be, provided tbe reporters of tbe New
York Herald will agree to be ou band, no there
upon would bang a tale of great momeut lo fu
ture generations. "
The Mt. Carmcl correoudetit of the Sha
mokin Tinttt says :
"There is a rumor afloat that the cveuing
train from Mt. Carmcl wi.'l shortly be run
through to Suubury. We hope it maybe Hue.
Such au arraugemeut would also give us an
other train from Snubnry to come up early iu
the evening.'
(ioiNO roil theGamblkus. The Wllllams-port
SuHtlny Times says : "Wednesday night there
was bustle and confusion extraordinary iu the
viciuity of the Opera House, this city, created
by a flauk movement of the police upou a gamb
ling den that was fust achieving notoriety. For
several weeks il was secretly whispered that
something was rotteu in Denmark, and ou Wed
nesday the authorities coiniug into possession of
certain information, a raid was immediately
planned. The deseeut was au easy one, for the
Chief of Police reaching the door that opeued
into the enchautiug chamber, rapped and it was
was opeued unto him. Then followed u scene
that almost bailies description. The card play
ers around the tables sprang to their feet, as
though they had suddenly beeu lifted skyward
by the explosion of a uitro glycerine mine. There
was a bounding to and fro, wild exclamations
were beard and piteous uppcals for silence.
Capt. Jos. Piatt brought up ou the left flauk,
and the men who but a few moments before
were flushed with the excitemeut of the enticing
game, were uow pale witu consternation, .o
. ... . . : X
artful dodge could avail, or turn aside the com
ing storm. The bell boy might ring, but the
curtaiu with the emblems of diamonds uud
spades would uol down al the blddiug. The re
sult was tLat the proprietor was nncstcd and
those who were so suddenly pounced upon were
held as witnesses. A bran new faro table, com
plete, with all the gambling appoiutmcuts,
check box, were captured, and taken to police
The police deserve credit lor this feat, lor if
there is any law upou the statue book that de
serve to be rigidly enforced it is that against
gambling. There arc families iu this city who
have beeu deprived Irom lime to time of the ne
cessaries of life ou account of the propensities
of the head to venture hard earnings iiihju the
gamiug table. It leads to suicide, aud wretched
ness in mauy tonus, while proprietors pass
through the streets of cities clothed iu rich at
tire, and brilliant with cosily jewelry. There
ure other disreputable dens that deserve to be
swept by nn ollicial tornado. Lit the storm
break at once."
Tbc ubove is a good example set for our olli
eers to imitate. There are several gambling
deus reporlej iu this place Ihrough which fami
lies are deprived of the necessaries of life ou ac
count of tlie propensities of the bead veuturiug
bis hard earning at the gaming table. These
deus could easily be discovered by a little vigi ou tbc part of the officers. Et. Amekican.
The Convicted. Never was an item
of news rcud with more pleasure by the respect
able deuizcus of the Shamokio region than that
relating to the conviction and sentence of the
four criminals urraigued before the court last
week for complicity in robbing the Billniau
mansion iu Cameron township. It put the com
munity in a broad smile from w hich it has uot
yet recovered, aud Coroner Taylor has been the
recipicul ol mauy congratulations for the man
ner in which he attended the case. We have
men iu our towu w ho are ready and wiliiug to
give the roughs of the legiou ull the attention
iu their power, and we want to see our order
loving citiztus staud by the in aud sec that they
lose nothing for their pains. We do not ap
prove of making the coulctl one of nationali
ties ; but believe in meting out even-handed jus
tice lo every criminal, be be Dutchman. Irish
man, Englishman, American, or what not. As
their clinics are so be il unto them. That there
Are a number of others in this vicinity equally
deserving of the fate of Haley, Dclancy, Levalis
and Fair el, there is no douM, and a littie more
bad whisky w ill likely clap the climax for Ihem
also. Whisky is Hie synonym for more than
threc-iourths of the deviltry of the region.
.Sliiimulln Htrald.
Mit. Joiin Roland, a workmun at the Union
Furnace, in this county, has been one of the
most mi fortunate of men. A number of years
ago, be had collected and deposited in a buuk in
Chicago, the sum of $1,400. Oue of the olucer
St the buuk proved a robber aud stole It all.
Subsciuciitly lu raise $700. This be alsj lost.
A few weeks ago his wife died very suddenly,
leaving eight childrcu, nearly all too young to
help themselves. Ou Wednesday of this week
his house was tutircly destroyed by lire. He
mauaged to tuve what effects were iu the lower
story, but ull tbe balance Was consumed.
Among the lost effects was a box containing
t'JM iu goverumeut bouds, which with the ac
cumulated premiums, were now worth about
f 1,100. As the charred remains of the bonds
were undisturbed, it is proposed to send them lo
Washington for idcnlllicatiou, with the hopes of
receiving new bouds iu their place. Such a suc
cession of casualties, is huppily of rare occur
rence. Mr. 11. is a worthy uiau, uud has the
sympathy of his neighbors in his great bereave
ment ULd losses. Ixirlfbtirij VhruuliU.
Lihel Scit in Phosi-ect. During the trial of
the Mahauoy robbers the Shcuuudoah Kivning
Htrald hud a siccial reporter at Suubury. After
the triul was coucluded the Herald took occasion
to comment freely ou the evidence, and the se
verity of its article brought forth the following
letter from Mr. Nolan :
Sbamokin, March 24, 1S7C.
Editor Keening Herald Dear Sir : Uuless you
furnish me with the uame of the person who
furnished you your editorial ol March 24. 157C,
03 the Mahauoy robbory cusc, I shall have to
take criminal proceedings agaiust vou for the
language contained therein. I and others bare
bet u witucsscs on the part q,f the defense ou that
case, aud we ure deleriuiued not to live nuder
the imputation of being purjurers. You have
done us a great wrong by the aforesaid publica
tion, nud there is no doubt about relief beiug
sought uuless you make the proper correction
in your next issue. I am with due respect
yours, &c.
P. S. Please attend to this Immediately. I
demand It.
James Nolan.
To thie leltsr the Herald responds that If any
persous feel offeuded at anything published In
that pa)r with respect to the trial of the Ma
hanoy robbers "let them crack their whip.
Ouly if there are auy prosecutions for libel,
tUere wi ttl6 be ,,""e for l,urjrJ'"
Thus rests the matter lor the time being, Mr.
Nolan having taken no further steps Id the mat
ter that wc know of. Shaiuokln Timet.
A Nlw Phocea. They have beeu eiperi
ineutiug on a new process lor making Heel rails
for the part few days at the Pennsylvania Iron
Works. A Mr. Gulick, of New York State, pro
poses by a new process to manufacture rails ut
this mill equal to Bessemer steel rails. He also
asserts that liter will combine more strength,
while they can be manufactured at much lets
cost. Iu addition, by this method the worn-oui
rail cuu be re-rolled, which cannot be doue with
the Bessemer rail. The experimeiit bad not been
fully completed at the time we weft there. Iu
couversuliou with one of the proprietors of the
wotks, he did not apjear very Euuguiue us lo the
success of the experiment, ulthough he fell
enough Interest iu it to allow a fair test of the
new process lo be made. Danville Julrlligeneer.
When a young man has just reached the years
of gusliuhood, has bis boots blacked rcgulurly
twice a day, pull ou a new paper collar before
each meal, trims his linger nails every half hour,
keeps his thrre-fuzz-powder moustache perpetu
ally dyed acd scented uud his hair solemnly doue
up aud elaborately patted behind, with semi
occasionally practising of graceful attitudes aud
seductive smiles In the reflecliveottonis of new
liuware, you cau bet our last "rag-baby" that
some girl's heail or his'n is iu a statu of gentle
Dk. Swatne & Son. Wc refer our readers to
the advertieeaient in another column of Dr.
Swayue & Son, who arc widely known uud have
become a boi'schold name in many families on
account of their excellent preparations for the
restoration of tho hair, consumption and skin
diseaf'S. Those who give them a trial will find
relief iu their medicines.
Tkami-s. There must be nt least 50,000
tramps now traveling ever the United States.
At least nineteen out of twenty aro vagrants aud
should be nrrebtcd under tbc vagrant net. The
uulsaucc should not be tolerated any longer.
The Reading railroad company will finish a
new passenger car every day until they get
enough to supply centennial travel. Coul en
gines are ulso being altered to passenger en
gines. With this issue we bid good-bye to ' number
of subscribers who owe us Irom ?5 to 10 apiece.
We would like to supply them still longer with
the American gratuitously, but Ibe way oar credi
tors arc dunniug us we feel that we must cur
tail exH-iiseg. We however love uouc of them
less, but our ere Jit more.
AnnuKSMTO xiik I'oiM'av. The next linitiu Na'
tional Convention for !!ie nomination of Candidate for
I'resideut mid Vice President of Ihe United States will
Ik' Li Id in tbe city of O'ineiunati, ou Wednesday tbe 14tii
day of Juuc, 13?t, ut twelve o'clock noon, autl will eou
si.Ht of dt-h-gntea from each Statu equal to twice thu
number of its Keuktori and Keiireri:iiiatives iu Cou-
greHtt, uud of two delegated from each organized Terri
tory and thu District of Columbia. In calling the con
vention for the election of deli-eutcs the couiiiiittue.1 of
tlie several States ure recommended to euvite ull Ketiub-
lieau clvctorsund all other voters without regard tonast
political difficulties or previous party uftllialions who
arc oiqioMtd to reviving sectional issues and desiro to
promote friendly feeling and J-ei tnanuut harmony
throughout the country by maintaining and enforcing
all the constitutional rights of every citizen including
the full and free exercise of thu ii((lit of suffrage with
out intimidation uud without fraud ; who are iu favor
uf thu eoutiuued prosecution and puuUhmeut of ull
oiitcial dishouesty and of all ecouonil&d administration
or the goverumeut by lioiicxt, faithful aud capable oul
eers ; who are iu favor of making such reforms iu Uov
eruiueut us exierieiicc may from time to time suggest ;
who are ojq-Hed to impairing the credit uf the uatiou
by dejirieiiitiug any of its obligations aud lu faVor of
s-.iHtainiug iu c-.vry wuy the national faith aud financial
bonor ; who hold that the couiiuou school system is the
nursery of American liberty, uud should be maintained
free from sectarian control; who believe that for thu
lrouioiiou ot these euda thu diructiou of the goveru
nieiit should continue to be connded to those who ad
here to the i-rliici j l M of 1776 aud support thorn us in
corporated iu the Constitution and the laws, uud who
are in favor of recognizing and strengthening tho fun
damental principles of national unity in thiB Csuteuuial
Anniversary of the birth of the Hepublic.
E. D. Moanax,
Cbuiruisa of the Kepublican utional Committee.
Wm. K. Cuanulec,
ltEurce all needless expenses uow and live
closely within your menus. Avoid debt as you
would thij whirlpool of destruction. Keep clcur
of debt and you will have no interest to pay.
A dili. has passed the house to protect the peo
ple of this Slate against iucompcteiit practition
ers of medicine, surgery, etc.
A man never looks so helpless and iu6ignifl
cuut us uLcn standing around in a dry goods
store waiting for his wife to get through trad
ing. "Makiciao.k," said an nufortunntc hubband,
'is the churchyard of love." "Aud you men,"
replied his wife, "ure the grave-diggers."
What is the difference between au angler and
a truant schoolboy i One bails his hook, and
the other hates his book.
The extreme height of misery is a small boy
with u new pair of rubber boots and no mud or
slueh in reach.
A ruts circus, with luucb-counter attached,
would draw well here dnring the Centennial.
Can ladies with enameled faces be said to be
long to polished society I
Wiies birds soar they warble, but when a
throat's sore it doesn't.
Deception oue cannot 6ee through A glass
It is ret orted that Ihe new Philadelphia and
Erie railroad schedule will go into effects on
Easter Sunday. Its principal feature will be the
ruuning Ihrough to Erie of tho "fust line."
Several cases of small pox are reported nl
A seven teak old son of Charles Seusenbacb
had his right had crushed in the P. & E. It. K.
yard ou Sunday laet by being caught between
two curs.
Muubiiry High School.
The following is rejirt of the standing of such
nrinlier of the high Hchool, lor the wet k ending, Mar.
i), lt70.
Iiu ra Schneider. ....
Auuie KehafTer
Sallie Brook
HWI Kddiu liuchxr 100
Kddic (iearhart 100
OT John llueher ts
'John Harrison 40
!W! John Varuall..... 1"0
l'hil. Ncfl H'J
St Chas. CoolH-r W
'Ambrose Hill tr.'
14 Martin Hendricks 17
kichurd Morgau fl
M S. lirumheller IM
(ieo. lteuil -HI
7 Hariv liinter W
Wiu.'llruner 100
71 Via. Keller., 70
75 Carv Klilin M
S7 ChiS. S -sholti a
37 Alhert Seasholtz.
IKi Johu Bourue 41
CC Oscar Helm 81
lu leo. Hurtiuuu V0
17,Chas. liuckert K)
I.ula liyerly
r'loreneo Boyd....
Kmiua lira)
J.nnie V. Mills....
Maggie I. MiUlum-
I.ixie Martz
E1U Kline
Nuusm Siuiib
Mary Simpson
Amy Weimer
Minnie Wutkiua.. ..
Ortiggiuj; Out Exittteuce.
Tbe n;rvous, weakly invalid does not enjoy
life, but merely "drug out existence," ns the
phrase is. Unfitted for the active pursuits of
life, uud incapable of partaking of Us pleasures,
to which health ulone can give a zest ; disin
clined lo social intercourse, and a prey to mel
uhchuly, tlie valetudinarian M indeed au object
of pity. Yet there is nothing lu all this that
cannot be remedied by that genial alterative
tonic aud nervine, Hosiettcr's Stomach Bitters,
which supplies deficient stamina, braces the uer
vouk system, and overcomes those bodily irregu
larities to which nervous wcakuess is most fre
quently, attributable. Diseases of the kid ncy
aud bladder, imperfect digestion nud uteriue
troubles are fertile sources of debility. Their
eradication however, becomes u mutter of cer
tainty when Hostellers Stomach Bitters are sys
tematically used lor that purpose. The Bitters
likewise annihilate aud prevent fever uud ague
and other deSilitaliug febrile complaints of a
malaria! nature.
(In to Washiuglou's barber shop
The first in the town.
To be shaved right, aud hair cut,
And colored np brown.
Ladies and children are lnvltrt to come,
Who will be wailed on kindly
With the rest of the throng.
Switches, Braids nud Curls repaired, altered and
made to order from combings ;
This is the age of advance, progression aud
Iguoriug old land marks,
Aud reveling in wonder.
We yet weather the storm
Through powers Divine,
To welcome the patrons
Who jnst come in time.
Other old staid firms
Have ull withered aud blu-t.
And yielded their places
To new-comers at last.
Not aloiia iu this calling.
But in all kinds of trade,
Have these numeious great changes
Been solemnly made.
K'eu the great preachers,
Old churches uud schools,
Have all felt these changes
To annulled or renewals.
All the old merchants,
Teachers, landlords and so,
Are embraced in this picture,
And truly wo kuow,
The old Supreme court,
Stage coach nud the horn,
That used to be sounding
In towu in the morn.
The beautiful packet,
With Its live, cheerful frelirht,
Gliding sereuely
Al a slow paeiug rate,
The old horse power ruilroad,
Fire buckets uud hats,
Miiitia, battallious,
And little bit batr.
Have all beeu well rendered
But passed to the rear,
Aud must be remembered
By many yet here.
Not alone business marts
But the people 'is well,
Are embraced in these changes,
As those living cau tell.
Many nolle examples
Of the good uud the blest,
Have passed from these streets
To the realms of rest.
The old resorts also,
Appeal for their share,
And recall the bright scenes
That have transpired there.
The cold spring woods,
And the Iluutcr farm,
The fort, the nowk,
Paint, rivurund barn.
E'en the great blue hill,
With the old leaning tower,
Has shifted the scenes
To suit the new hour.
Dearsceucsof our childhood,
To memory so clear,
When we yet thus recall them,
Seem strikingly near.
Some have beeu wishiug for us
Like the rest to go under.
And as we have not done so
They view us with wonder.
Some say we're not able
To write such a piece,
Cause, why, we're too much
Of an African fleece.
That is ull right.
We've no more to say,
But kindly invite you
To come over this way.
And not to go past,
Nor from around our shop,
To get shaved and your hair cut
At some other shop.
Wc nre the living mementoes
Of history aud song,
Having survived tho great changes
Of many years long.
Tho' beset by opponents,
Iu our good old sphere ;
We ure still living to kick,
And kicking to live here.
J. W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor.
and regular agent for Dr. Livingstone's new
and complete works, uud the finest illustrated
family bible ever witnessed or presented lo the
people in this vicinity ; the new Centennial His
tory of the U. S. Biugley's National History.
Ocean Scenes, or, Triumphs of thirty centuries.
The History. of Stale Prison Life by ono who
was there ; and the undeveloped West or com
plete history of the whole Westeru country
everywhere, big trees, gold regions, Rocky
mountains, puiries, Mormonism, &c.
ijusiness liocnte.
Bone Dcst. A superior article of Bone Dast,
of home manufacture, aud being much purer,
nud far superior to Hint which is got abroad, is of
fered for s:ilo. Persous in want of a pure arti
cle, ure invited to call at thu coal olllcu of II A AS
& FAGF.LV, Frout Street, Sunbnry, Pa.
A. J. STiton informs the public thut he still
biugs out his sign us au auctioneer, on Market
street, Suubury. Those having sales will Uud it
to their udvantagc to employ him, ns he gener
ally gets good prices. 2tnos.
Sheet Ml'sic. A large assortment for sale
at the periodical stand iu the poslolUce.
Insurance. Jacob Shipman has the agency
for all the oldest and best Fire, Life and Acci
deut Iustirancu companies uud is daily taking
risks at the lowest rates, consistent with reliable
insurance. Don't delay in putting an insurance
on your property, and secure an insurance ou
your life and against necidents. Cull at Mr.
Shipmaus office, corner of Third and Market,
np stairs.
1 nsc hance. Having been appoiuled Agent
for tbe following Insurance Co's at Sunbnry,
Northumberland aud viciuity, namely: The
.Etna of Hartford, Home of N. G.t Hoyal of
Liverpool, Eng., Lancashire of Manchester,
Eng., Commercial Union Loudon, Eng., and
Amazon of Cincinnati, and having located on
East Market St., Suubury, mil prepared to write
policies iu the above old aud reliable companies
and all classes of property, at as low rates as
are cmuistcnt with solvency and reliable in
demnity. Persons having property to insure will please
call on me, before placing it elsewhere, us we
make uo assessments aud levy no taxes to pay
losses. Lifti uud Accident Policies written ou
favorable terms.
Again to tub Wm. II. Miller has
agaiu taken hold of the Excelsior Boot and Shoe
Store, and will be happy to wait on all his old
customers us well ns new ones that will favor
bim. I will sell at the lowest possible prices for
cash, having just got a new supply of fresh
goods of tbc best manufactories, und wish il
understood that I will uot be uudcisold. Cash
secures bargains. Cal and tee mo. No charge
to show goods. New goods received every few
W. II. Mili.ek,
Prop'r Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store.
Closing out sales of boots, shoes uud trunks
at W. 6. Furmau's "Suubury Shoe Store," (1
door west Cadwallader's drug store. In order
to make room for spring und summer goods,
will close out my entire stock of full and winter
goods ut a reduction of 10 to 15 per reut. for
cash until April 1st. Call at once and securo
boots, shoes uud rubbers ut astonishing low
prices. No trouble to show goods.
W. 8. Fi kman, Prop'r.
Suubury Shoe Store.
"Messus. Horace Waters & Sons have made
improvements in putuos which were considered
pretty nearly perfect before. By the use of a
new scale uud treble, and by making their pi
anos squure graud, they have secured the best
rose, the best shape, and the lowest price nl the
same lime. They warrsut all their instruments
for six years, uud give most liberal facilities to
those who wish to pay in Installments." tU
aminer and Chronielt, X. Y.
A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, aud
all the effects of youthful indiscretion will, for
the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all
w ho need It, the recipe and direction for makiug
the simple remedy by which he was cured. Suf
ferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex
perience can do so by addressing iu perfect con
fidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., New York.
Dec. 17. 1S7".
Obstacles to Marriage.
Happy Relief for Young Men from the effects
of Errors and Abuses lu early life. .Manhood
restorep. Impediments to Marriage removed.
New inethed of treatment. New and remarka
ble remedies. Books and Circulars sent free.
In scaled cnvcloper. Address, HOWARD AS
SOCIATION, 41'J N. Ninth St., Philadelphia,
Pa., an lustitiitiou having a high reputation for
honorable conduct aud professional skill.
May $, 1S75. ly.
C'liiiroliet of Hunbury,
The M thodist Fpincopul Church, Arch Street, ltev.
J. A. lieMoyer, paster.
The I'reHbytrruu Church, Mutket Square, lie v. M. L.
Ho, pustor.
The i. iiturran Church, Tiiird Street, Hev. O. W. Heui
perly. jester.
The reformed Church, cor. Seeoud ami Chestnut
streets, ltev. C. S. lieurharl, paster.
The lliiptixt Church, south 1 ourth struct, ltev. A. C".
Wheat, patter.
The Lpiaeopal Chili cli, llroadway, ltev. Ir. Hewitt,
The ltoniau Catholic Church, Arch street, ltev. Father
Fleming, pastor.
Nocrct (Hocletlet ot'Hutibury.
Pathiotii: Okdku Hon g Axkhica. Washington
Cuuip, No. l'J, 1'. I'. H. of A., meets iu lUd Men's Hall,
Haupt'a Building, Market utrout, every Tuesday evening.
Siinpi'hauiia Comuiuudcry, No. 11. M. A., P. . St. of
A., meets Hit'oiid Thursday of each month, iu llright'a
building. Market square.
Wuwhiiigtou ('amp No. 194 uiuc'.u every Monday eveu
ill lted Meu'a Hall.
Kkkiuth i.v I'rmiA. Kaateru Star Lodge, No. 143
Kuights of Pythias ; meets every W'eduesduy evening
in liright'a building, corner Third uud Market streets.
Cayuga fodgc, No. 41s, Kuigutu ol 1'ythias, meets
evry Friday evening iu bright a Duildiug, eoruer of
Third and Market utretH.
giista Kucampment, No. 140, 1. o. ol (. F., meets on
the llrst snd third Monday of each mouth, ut their ball
iu Ch uieul's building, cor. Third at. and Market square.
Sunbury Ixslge, No. J03, 1. O. of . F., meets every
Saturday evening, iu Clement's building, Maikwt square
Anna Lodgs, No. M, Degree of Hebeku. I. U. of I). F.,
meets OH the nee And and - fourth Motiduy of tuch
month, in Clement's Hall Markvt square.
Fort Augusta IMtge, No. O'ill, I. O. of (. F., incuts
evury Tuesday evening, iu llriglil's buildiug.
Sovlulkin l'ATUiorio Kniohxh. Lauce and Shield
Conclave, No. 11, S. P. K., meets second aud fourth
Monday evening of each mouth, lu Bright' building,
cor. Third uud Market streets.
t'slTKli AlltBli'lH Mkcuanii-b. Hrady Council, No.
'.M, . I'. A. M., meets every Friday evening, iu Cic
ineut a building, Market square.
Ivraovr.D Oiidkh or Kan Mkn. Sho-ho-ruo-kin
Tribe, No. 6S, I. O. It. M., meets every Thursday even
ing, iu Iheir hall, Haupt'a buildiug. Market street.
Masons. No. 22, A. 1. M. meets iu Musuuic Hall,
Third street, on night of lull moon.
IIhotii tuiliioo Locomotivb Fnoin kS-Rs. Hunbury
Division, -o. 1W, B. of L. E., meets thu ttrnt uud third
Sunday of each month, ou third floor of the Post Oftice
buildiug. Third street.
Ja. O. I'. A. M. Masou Council, No. 131, meets every
Thursday night, nt their ehamlier, iu Cli m.-nt's hull,
Market square.
Whkn you go to Philadelphia, stop a.
the Allegheny House, No. 812 and 814,
Market St. He-fitted, re-furnished, &c.,
hy A. Heck, Proprietor, and price only
per day.
The advertiser, hasinj: been permanently cured
of that dread disease. Consumption, by a sim
ple remedy, is anxious to muke known to his
Tellow sufferers the ireans of cure. To all who
desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription
used, (free of charge), with the directions for
preparing and usiug the same, which they will
find a sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, .tc.
Parties wishing the prescription will please
address, . Rev. E. A. WILSON,
l'J4 Pen n St., Wiliuiinsburh, New York.
Dec. 17. 1875.
suNBCur, April 7, 1S7G.
Chain Wheat per bushel 1.35M1.40
" prime white 1.30fc1.35
" Kye per bush 7r,(5)S0
" Corn " 65(370
" Oats " 45(50
Floi'r Extra Family pr bbl 7.50(oiS.OO
Com mon 6. 50(7.00
Buckwheat 3.00
Feru Corn & Oats Chop pr 100 lb 1.S0
Shorts & Mixture 1.50(1.75
I'otatoks, Ac per bushel 40iu50
Provision Hani per lb It(t20
Shoulder pr lb 1418
Baeouprlb 10i$lS
Beef, retail pr lb 1414
Veal, do do 10(310
Dried Bee f pr 1 b 25:t'd
Poi'i.TKY Chickens, dressed pr lb 12115
Do. live weight 10(j10
Bcttek Prime per lb... 3o(o:;5
Etuis Per dozen lsri'JO
Scto jbbfrtisemtnts.
Wlitu-o Advertising tun tracts caa be uuulo.
Adniirtltttrntor'a Notice.
Estate of David Snyder of Lower Mahauoy, twp..
"VfOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
13l ministration have been granted on tbe es
tate of David Snyder, late of Lower Mahauoy
township, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having
claims to present them duly authenticated for
WM. DEPPIN, Adm'r.
Lower Mahauoy twp., April 7, '76 Cl.
GEO. 8. FISHER Prop'r.
Term?, 2 Per Day.
This bouse is centrally located, in the business
part of Sbamokin, and is convenient to both of
the railway depots. The .house having been
lately enlarged nud furnished throughout, is now
opeu for the reception of guests.
April 7, '7G ly.
Auditor otico.
A. s. cunnuinus.
i;s, No. -'J, Janu;
in. ) Fa
January Term,
Henry mailman. J Vi. tan.
Notice b hereby j;lveu to all persons interest
ed, t int the undersigned auditor, appointed by
the court to distribute the money in court, in the
ubove stated case, to any and ainonir those le
gally entitled thereto, will attend to the duties
of bis appointment, at his office, iu the borough
of Hunbury, county ot Northumberland, Pa., ou
24 day of April, A. D., 187H, ut 10 o'clock, A. M.
W. C. PACKER, Auditor.
Snubnry, April 7, '70.
' AaHiguee Notice.
ri"HE undersigned hereby give notice that they
JL have beeu appointed Assignees of the es
tate of Micbuel Hepuer, of Lower Muhanoy
townMiip, orlQumberlaiia county, ra. All
persons iudebted to said estate are requested to
make Immediate payment, and those- having
ilaims will present them for settlement.
Lower Mabanoy twp.,A7,'76.-6t. Assignees.
Just published iu a Sealed Envelope. Price
six cents.
A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Ra
dicul cure ot Seminal Weakness, or Spermator
rhea, Induced by ielf Abuse, Involuntary Emis
sions, lmpoteiicy, Nervous Debility, and Impede
mcnts to Marriage generally; Consumption,
Epilepsy, and Fits ; Meutal and Physical Inca
pacity, Ac By Koiikkt J. CrLVEUWBLL, M. D.,
author of the "Oeeu Book," dec.
The world-reuowued author, iu tbe admirable
Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience
thai the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may
be ellcctualiy removed without medicine, and
without dangerous surgical opeiutions, bougies,
instruments, rings or cordial ; pointing out a
mode of cure at once certain aud effectual, by
which every sufferer, uo matter what his condi
tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately
and radically.
.Tf7"Thi Lecture will prove a boon to thous
ands uud thousand.
Scut, under seal, iu a plain envelope, to any
address, ou receipt of six cents, or two post
Address the Publishers,
41 Anu St., New York ; Post Otllce, 45S.
Jan. 14, ISTti.
A MAGNIFICENT Picture 14x13 Inches in
size, printed on heavy plate paper, beauti
ful in design and artistic lu execution. It repre
sents a Confederate Soldier after the wr returu
iue to his home, which he finds lonely and deso
late. In front of the ruined cottage, telling a
sad tale of the miseries of war, are two graves
with rude crosses, ou oue of which some friendly
hand has bung a gurhiud. To the right the
calm river and the rising moon Indicate peace
und rest. The stars seen through Ibe trees, re
present the Southern Cross. Il is a picture that
will touch every Southern heart and should hud
a place in every Southern home. Sent by mail
mounted on a roller and post-paid on receipt of
25 cents, or 3 for t'0 cents.
Address JOHN BURROW & CO.. Pub's.
Bristol, Ten.
rf" A stents wanted everywhere to sell our
cheap nud popular pictures. $5 to f 10 per day
easily iniule. No money required until pictures
are sold. Send stamp for catalogue aud terms.
March 31-4L
The riiilmlelphla uud Iteadiug
ICailroud 1'oiupHuy
Hereby gives notice that ON or BEFORE the
They will open a Passenger Station in Fair
mount Park, upon the line ol the Junction Ru.i
road, lu close proximity to Memorial Hall aud
other principal buildings of the
TION, And that regulnr passenger aud excursion
trains will thereafter be run between the new
station and the various points upon their several
railway lines.
Till; attention of citizens of Philadelphia look
ing for Summer Residences, aud of strangers de
siring to secure houses or lodging iu the viciuity
of Philadelphia during the period of the Exhi
bition, lscalled to the fact that, from nearly ull
places upon the railroads of the Company with
in twenty or thirty miles of the city, passengers
will be uble lo reach the Exhibition without
change of curs in us short a lime as it will re
quire to make the tiip by horse cars from many
points in the city.
Special Excursion Trains will be run for the
accommodation of Schools, Societies or other
For Information apply to C. G. HANCOCK,
Ut-neral Ticket Ageut, No. 227 South Fourth
Street, Philadelphia, uud to the several .'.ucul
Superintendents, or to the undersigned.
Reading, March 10, 1876. St. General Sup.
1870. WHERE NOW ? 1S76.
To MICHIGAN, one of tbo foremost, flourishing and
healtliy States !
To buy a FA KM out of the
of Que farming lands fur sale by the GRAND RAMUS
Strong Holla. Heady Markets. Suro Crois. Ouod
Sebouia. It. K. runs through centre uf Kraut. Settle
ments all alung. All kinds uf Products ruined. Pleuty
uf water, timber uud building material. Fries from
4 tu (111 er acre; oue forth down, balance on time.
US'" Bend for illustrated pami blet, IA of fai ls aud
figurtB, and be eouviuced. Add mm,
W. A. 1IOWAHD, Coiniu'r,
Uraud KapiJg, klich.
P. II. L. rEIKCE. See'y Laud Dep't. Jau.'Jl, iat e.o.w.
Notice is hereby given to the public not to
to trust my wife, Hannah Fowler, nor sell ber
anything on my account, as I will be responsible
for no bills of her contraction, after this date
March 2'Jd, 1970. A. C.
March "J, 3w.
Wo condensefrom the Lehigh SenMer the
substance of aon venation about Oak Hall in
PMladcdua A'ananxaker & Brown's " Largest
Clothlngyywse In America." A visitor and
nttendauCwr.-o tho speakers :
Visitor. " What corner U the Building on !'
Attendant. "Booth-East corner cf bUUi and
Market Pleas note tho BIXTH, for somo
strangers seeking Oak lull, have, been, misled
by designing persons."
V. " it Is perfectly colossal I Co yon know
its dimensions T"
A. " 12,000 square feet (A on Market, and
ISO odd on Sixth, six stories high, has over
three acres 04 ftoortajf, and cover space once
occupied byljlpreuu twenty (Uiftirunt busi
ness places." Lr
V. Do yon use team-power?"
A. " A giant young engine furnishes power
for the freight and panenger elevators, and tho
boilers steam for beating, and tho other opera
tions of the house."
V. " What order do yon take with goodsf
A. "They are first opezed and arranged In
the basement, on long few counters, and taken
thence on the fjgjL'hyelevtUur to the inspec
tor's room on thi?fcm floor."
V. " la inspectingnhe first operation V
A. "No, sir, measuring. Tho goods are first
eaiured in the piece, then inspected. Tho
oth passes over rollers In the face of a strong
Xght, and two men ait, ono before and ono
Behind tbe goods, watching with the eye of a
hawk for the least pin-hole imperfection, and
Barking every flaw, so that the cutter may sea
smd avoid it when be comes to cut thu gar
ments." V. Yon must employ an arnry of cutters?"
A. "Come to our filth floor and see I We
keep 70 bands all the tiAp coding np the cloth
luto garment, besidc machine that do
a dozen men's work esc irft a stroke."
V. "Do you manufacture all your own
goods ?"
A. "We Ho, and most carefully. Our ex
aminers inspect every stitch ana seam, and
certify to every garment as extra-well mado
before we put tur ticket on it, and beconio
responsible for It."
, V. "Your system most save you a great
deal r .
A. " In every direction, sir. It is tb system
and economy we practice all Uewi throuch,
that enables ns to put our prrwfci jfown to the
people as we do." jy
,Y- "After inspecting the work, what becomes
of ltT'
A. " Before It goes Into Stock It Is UckeUd
Every single garment has its number and
other points noted on it, so that iu entire his
toncan be traced without tail, upon our
V. " You must hare SO or 40 salesmen r
A, Why sir, on busy days you maySee 100
lnt.11 "Ot" rooms and suites ou rooms,
selling to the throngs of customers."
V. Do you do an order buCe' by mail
and express?" (7 '
A. " Vary great. All over the country. Our
Corner Third ami Market Streets, Sunbury, Pa..
have tho Largest Assortment of
Ready-made GIiOTHiniG,
ever brought to Sunbury which is made up of all the latest style goods
found in City Markets.
Having bought for cash, we are enabled to sell 50 per cent, cheaper than
can le bought elsewhere. Our stock has been selected with great
care, is of the latest styles, aud made up substantially
from the best material. We sell .
BOYS' SUITS, from $2, upwards. MENS' SUITS, from $4, upwards.
"We have also the latest styles HATS & CAPS, which we make
a specialty.
White and Colored Shirts,
the best selection ever seen in Sunbury. Trunks, Valises, and Satchels,
The best assortment to select from.
great variety of splendid goods, but we invite every one to eall and exam
ine for themselves. .No charges arc made for showing goods, and we will
consider it a favor for all to give us a call, whether you buy or not, as it
will be a pleasure to us to show what we have got to convince all that we
have not exaggerated ujon our large stock. . Come and see the grand
sight. More Keady-Made Clothing than was ever seen in Sunbury.
Returning our thanks to those who have heretofore patronized us, we
hope they will invite all their friends to give U3 a call.
Truly Yours, . , .
March 17, 187G.
When you visit Phlladelohia, call and see
smm il '
WHO sells 5 " . . .
Parlar Suits in Hair Cloth or Fancy Repsfrom $50 up.
r Sis ii M UtrSIO 1.
Walnut Dressing Case Suits, $88.00.
Best Wire Wove Spring Mattress.
Feathers in Pillows or by the Pound,
la Large Quantities and of the Fluent lualitj.
SeDt. 17, 1875. ly.
Eshlcmau Shirt Wt's Co.,
806 Chestnut Street.
J. Albert Eshleman. John L. Hammer.
Iu our new and perfected system of Shirt Cut
ting, wa use no pattern. ' Working entirely by
Measurement and drafts we can tit a stout man
as well as a thin one, aad adapt tbe fchirt to tbe
mD if be be Low, High, Square or Round
shouldered, Full or flat Chested, Corpulent or
Mnrcb 24. 187 tf.
Nnnbury, la.
W. A. Ilaiubrlxht. Proprietor.
Has Ix erj retUttd nud re-furnished throughout.
Good and ample accommodntlnus for all. The
bar is supplied with the best liquors.
Sunbury, Jan. U8 ly.
perfect system add raliu of elf-measuremsnt
make ltrossiWe to picas people 2,000 miles
awayjprfecUy as iftney were here la
V. "isuppose you have at least half a down
A. "My dear sir I we have more than fomtf v
each charged with its own business, and each.'
thoroughly organized, a necessary wheel with
in the great wheel." lLU
Y-1 5 i1lT0U nam doten or so of them T
A. With pleasure. The Custom Depart
ment, for those who prefer custom-made to
leady-maili rirf FumishmgSpaXent,
The Shirt Tttfetory, with It. busy machine,
makinir our own first-class shirts. The Trina
ming Department, itself as big as many a reini
lar store. The Garment Stock Boom.
Keceiving Room. The Order Department,
named before. The Special CniformHpr
nient. The Delivery Department witiitl
score of messengers. The"
V. " Jlold, hold 1 sir, enough r
A. "I'm not half thronghr The Adrertlslnr
Department, with its bilblnd sigiTdbuW
editing and publishinnbusiness and Mpuiar
Journal, cirubee, W.Wccuwmhly :'
(tell allyour fnMioteod foritrThe Uesm
Department, wit rTin many rooms. The Bote
Deportment. The Youth? Department, lie
Children's i Department. witV Its special
entrance for ladies. The Telegraph Dfirt
ment. The Chief Clerk's Ipmieiitwii
its book-keepers and sjwutotsCGenersl Man
aper's Department; financier's Office, and
other o&ces of the firm all busy as bees
thinking, planning, exe&ting, buying, in ak
in?, regiitering, reeak-infc, sending out, selling,
and in a thousandlya Joining their tbreeev
to carry on a businessVith the people amount
ing to between f 2,000,000 and t3,(H OW iin
jiually." V. "S-t-u-p-e-n-d-o-u-s!" '-J
A. "Indeed it 1st I forgot to name the
' Cashier's Department, which handles ltt5buu)
. of retail sales on some single days r :
V. "3,0001 Immense 1 That' sw hat tnahlsa
the house to boy cheap and seUheap r
A. "Exactly I You have Jjfat nit it The
people throng here. knClruf that we depend
on low prices and Imrni-luWlf sales "
V. "What are tho 'roust'Ui' I hear to
much about?"
A. "Our system of business deallnr 1. One
price, no deviation ; 2. Cash for everything; 3.
A guarantee protecting the purchaser: 4. The
money returned If the buyer can't otAerwifd
be suited." . ,
V. " Nothing could be fairer.'
A. " Nothing. And the people see It
V. " Well, 1 thank you, sir, lor your polito
attention." , -
A. " Net at all. It's a pleasure to Mfve you.
Call again ; and be sure of the plate Wana
maker A Brown's Oek KikUrioaBl-XUt Our
ner tilxth and Market"
V. "Thank youl I snail be) happy to do .
Good morning."
TVe do not want to boast of
-A. CATiTil
Tie undersigned hare j ust opened, a
Market Square. BUHBTJBT, PA,
Where they Intend to make the finest Teas, the
best Coffees, and strictly pure Spices a
speciality. They are now re
ceiving larre
the finest poods erer offered In this Tlclnity, and
are seilini; for CASK at rreatly redaeed rates.
The public are respectfully iaTited to call and
examine our goods and prices.
Sunbury, Jan. 28, 1878. moa.