Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 07, 1876, Image 2

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ii. MASStR,
ISomis days a so the Heading Eujh warn
ed the young ladies aud parents of that
city against a 6cheine which had been put
iu practice by some villains in Fhiladcl-
arranged for two
ll.Kided with
For lre.ideul
lioual ouvt-uuou. j
The Uepublicax State Convention.
The action of tnc Republican Slate Con
vention at llarrisburg last week was
characterized throughout by the utmost
harmony. It was au uuusually harmon
ious gathering which in itself argues well
for th future. At the Ilartrauft caucus.
called on Tuesday evcuiug, ulmobt every
delegate then in Ilarrisburs put m an
appearance, and when bis namo was
proposed in open convention next day as
the choico of Pennsylvania for the Presi
dency, there was nut a disseuting voice.
Although the entire programme had been
arranged previous to the assembling of the
Convention, there was no one present who
desired to make any material change there
in, aud all questions were settled without
discussion, aud by a single ttVa wc vote.
Iu this particular there was a marked
contrast between this Couvsntion aud the
one that assembled at Lancaster. There
certainly cannot be any objections to the
i.btform adopted. In the light of the
present day, and in the face of ofliciul cor
ruption now being revealed, mc ursi piau
of the platform may not be regarded sim-
tlv as a clittenug generality. It weans
that the Republican parly has the spirit
. r 1 it.
to iar as u uub iw
oi:i:it.ti. it km.
Scran ton wants a tire alarm telegraph.
leading ruffians have
Philadelphia is said to ln
counterfeit live dollars notes.
There is a pupil at the State Orphan
school seventy-nine years old.
A remarkable "revival" wave seems to
be sweeping over New Philadelphia. All
the churches are feeling the effects ir it,
but it has been especially noticeable in the
Methodist Epicopal Church, llev. Y . A.
Davidson, pastor. Sometimes the churcii
tilled so
that two meetings must be liciu. t.uc
hundred and fifty have ihus far professed
conversion, aud the work ficcmn just
In the Senate on Frday Mr. Bruce, the
speech upon the
contended that
und determination.
power, to demand the exposure and puu-
ishmeut of every oQicer guilty oi mauu
CoxKEcncrT Elkctiox. The result
or the Cor.oecticut election is given in
another part of this paper. The Demo
cratic candidato for Governor has been re
elected by a greatly reduced majority
ti. t omnlninrf i Democratic and D. A
phia, which, if successful, would bring sor
row and disgrace upon numerous homes in
the State and the nation. This scheme
consisted of nothing more nor less thau an
attempt, by means of carefully worded and
highly laudatory letters, to inveigle young
ladies to Philadelphia oil the pretense that
their services would be required during
the Centeuu'.al exhibilien. It has beeu as
certained that these letters are signed by
Hros.. Agents tor
th- Vecutive Committee." They state up stairs aud the lecture room are.
that they desire to emplov "comely and
respectable young ladies.- who will be pla
ced in charge of news and flower stands.or
who will be required to sell pictures, books,
rt hs cashiers iu refreshment saloons aud
the like. Wages arc promised at the rate Colord Senator, in ins
f from eifht to fifteen dollars per week, Mississippi resolution.
besides exiense8 paid and a chance to see there was no jusliueation lor uie
the exhibition gratis. The young ladies to pursued by the Democrats in Mississippi ;
bom these letters arc sent are cautioned that they hnd obtained complete touwui
against consulting their parents. ".s the;, of the State by resorting to violence,
iniyht ohjcrl to so advantageous a scheme." that investigation would show the bad con-
When it is stated that Ilaynes, Arlington dit'on ot allairs.
& Pro. are acliug entirely without authori- Some racals attempted to blow up the
ty from the Centennial Commission, aud nouse 0f ex-Sheriff McCartney, of Dauphin
without their knowledge aud consent, Uie couutyt by puling some explosive material
nl,;i.-tni the vil aius should be maue ap- :c:(i fi. v.lihule of his house, auu uav
parcut to tvery person of discernment.
Unfortunately the recipients of these let
ters arc not all so lucky as to possess both
beauty aud sound judgment, and the pro
babilities are that unless steps are speedily
taken to pin a stop to this outrageous
scheme many nususpectiug girls will get
into the toils aud fall victims to their own
weakness and folly. We hope the mana-
A .. ' ' 1 ...Iii.a ii run
gers ol lue tcuieuiuai, m
these uncouscionable scoundrels are acting,
will avail themselves of all the meaus at
their commaud to ferret out, apprehend
..i n..nki til extent of the law all con
neeted with the villainous scheme
The office of the United States Express
Company at Akron, O., was robbed on
on Friday night of some S2VM,y or
Ilersehel V. Johnson, at the urgent
solicitation of his friends, lias consented to
become a candidate for the Governorship
of Georgia.
A New Jersey rat was found the other
day with a nest made of S100 worth 1
fractional currency. U it haid money, or
soft paper argument ?
Rogers, the abscond. n' teller of the
I'. inV Itnmklvn. has bel li arrested
A Uli'U t f - j --1
at Kuoxville, Teiin. A portion of the 5f2.,
000 was raeovered.
Florenc Jewell, the Postmaster-Gen
eral's onlv remainiug daughter, is engage
i .. ., 1 1,. ii fivim "cw Eutrland. who,
LU il I II IH.I1""1 .. - 17
thou"h handsome and edcated, is not
in" it touched off. The house was pretty
well shattered, but no oue was hurt.
Harriet Stewart, colored, of Lancaster,
has been committed for trial for strangling
her illegitimate offspring.
Get the stockings ready. Hundreds of
barrels of silver dimes, quarters and half
dollars are arriviug at the various United
States sub-treasuries and will soon be paid
A personal reflection. Dio Lewis says
that the women are mainly responsible for
;.,....,, ram in this couulrv. through the
,hich encouragement they give the social
Serioiir Ffrr at lanville, ln.,lliis
itloriiiiix I. us alto ii I J20.OOO.
Danvillk, Pa., April 1. Au extensive
reoccuned here about one o'clock, com-
uencini! in a row of frame buildiugs situa
ted on mill street, between the large brick
building of Watermau & Reaver's com
pany store and the Hon. Thomas Chal-
fauts' three story building, occupied iy
ames Sechler ns a drug store and dwell-
.. .. i.i : ... - ( "i i" it
in". Hie lire origmaieu in i
frame building owned by Dr. R. P.Schultz
and occupied on oue side by Mrs. R. Probst
as a millinery store and on the other by
Jacob Harris as n confectionery. Mrs.
Brobst had no insurance on her goods, and
lost everything. Harris was insured lor
SGOO. There was no insurance on tuc
buildius. The next to succomb was a
has beeu brought to ligbt. The press is
.loins iu share. Let the officers of the
law now do tlieir part.
A Stokm Brewing in the Pknnsyl
o T A
J. lie IJCliloiaii" i l i
Wells the Democratic free trade champion 8torm is brewing -n the Democratic delega-
ArtA for Counrcs in the Third dis- tiou of Pennsylvania, vo UK.UUu...
. ..... M r 1 m
:..4 Tk voatiir invt'ft new tihwi uu veiiuuu wn. w
brighten, the prospects for the continued of the proceedings of the recent State Con
. " ,i..n,rnf, ho lnublican patty. The veutiou at Lancaster, a resolution wai
exhibition of the imbecility in the Demo- passed requiring the delegation lo vote as
.:-tt ri?,,r,..niiivs has satis- a uuiL It is now claimed by tue
crauc iiuujc r . . ... i.-... i. u
i as ibe whole ters that tins was a sev UJ i...uS "J
.1... Urtv in the maioritv Wallace men, who had the upper hand in
LUUUL1 1 m i J ' I ,
there is not to be trusted for political the convention, to checkmate any prosit
i v ..mhimr of Dohtical hourly, live divisions iu me vote oi me uu.t.i
niouvw J - I . j
ihetriends oi juugc umu u.m
:..irt.-,:j, a nrvul nntbor. iimi ttmt nillar of the Democracy snouid
j uc i i nun v v n i
dissen- tion in
Another bonanza. The price of seats in
the San Francisco Stock Boaid, which last
year was 20,000 each, has rapidly increas
ed, until last week ?,0,0 was ollered Tor
one in vain.
There is promise of an abundant fruit
crop in Western New York. The winter
has neither been too cold nor warm to do
any material injury to cither the fruit trees
or the viues.
The Jews are to hold a national convcu-
v-w "Vnrlr noul uionin. U taut:
steps for the endowment of a Hebrew uui
versity. This speaks well for that lenaci
ous and thrifty body.
Eggs are worth three cents a uuieu m
Hamilton couuty, Nebraska.
A mountain of superior white chalk has
... i . v...f tl.uf i... rv fiv.iritB choice of Peuusvl- Idaho.
ilv in ita last lbSUe exIreBc mc uuin uk oti up - "" ""'-v'
the financial trouble liave been at their vania, first, last, aud always. This plan, Th(; Jtbt slalt.n)Cnt shows a reduction
worst ; tliat the next few months will bring
but few failures, and that there wid be an
improvement in business, iuvolviug such
au improvement in the money market as
will enable all the banks to pay tneir uivi
,i,.n,L rvtnlr. Rut there is an in
however, was knocked Ui the head by lay- , t,y,nr ,i, bt durinir the month of?4,-
. - . .si ii
in. r-the proposition on me laoie auu io
- r
clinch the matu-r the resolution directing a
united vote was passed. An attempt to
ii. .frirt l,i indorse Judge Black
was thus anticipated and thwarted; be-
evitabte tendency to lower rates of interest I sides, it was thought that euch action
emaller proQU from business, and dimin- would produce coucen oi moeiueUl ou
ished dividends, aud capitalists and busi- the pvrt ol tuc delegation, oeuaioi
ness men should make their expenditures lace sas that if any persou wished to take
in accord with the changed conditions of the responsibility of settiug aside the cx-
dircctious ol the convention, tuey
Uie times.
must suffer the cousequeuces.
IlALT.-Tbe VentocriU noticed, last week.
the fact that the plan of Mr. Wetzel, archi
tect of Dauville, for the construction of the
' new jail, bad been adopted. Ilia estima
ted cost, wa learn, is about 1138,000.
There were other plant aubmitled which
it is aiso known that Mr. Wetzel's plan
was not favored by more tltau one Commis
sioner, who brought bis colleague iuto the
Lames at the last moment. The diik-r-uce
iu the price of Mr. Wetzel's plau, aud
mother considered superior to Lis, is up
wards of twenty thousand dollars. The
best plan being estimated to cost the least
tnoncy. Whether the jicople will tamely
cubmit to the dictation of Messrs. Reitz,
Ilenrie, Eichholtz, Purdy aud a lew other
Democrats who have already formed a ring
to build the jail, remains to be seen. We
rather think that the tax-payers would be
the persons justly cutitled to receive the
benefit of the percentages allowed for cash
payment for material, iustcad of a few well
know n grabbers, who arc ever ready to ap
propriate any spoils fiiat may be layiag
around loose, or that can be adroitly ex
tracted from the pockets of the jieople.
Will Autin of the Watsontown Jietwd
please explain whether the fine mansion
bouse beiug built at Shamokin by Daniel
cococclioa with the buildins of the new
itiiiuoor oi tnc Uthiocrat aud lite editor ol
the Watsontown Record were crying "re
form," "retrenchment," fclci autl promised
i f Democrats were elected the tax payers
would have better times. Now as there
is a Democratic Board there are three
cler ks employed iu place of one, aud the
timet haven't improved any. Won't our
neighbor explain what be meant by "re
form," "retrenchment," etc
Lkgilativr Outhage. Oa Friday
lart the Slate Senate adjourned over to
lutsday fiight, simply because, baying f
completed all the business before it, it bad
nothing to do. The House has accoiu
phshed very little, and has not even passed
upon the appropriation bill. The PitU
bur-h Gazette says : "It is perfectly un
derstood, that the cause of the delay it the
desire of the Democracy to remain in tet-
tiou till the Centennial opens, in order to
bavc a grand jamboree at Philadelphia
The hundred dayt allowed for the extra
session have expired, and yet the purpose
is to continue in Bession tome fifty dayt
louder, in order that the members may
dead-head it through Uie Centennial. Tb
will cost the State from 8150.000 to if 250
000. It should be noticed that the Senate
Las no part or lot in this matter. It Las
ueed its power to the utmost to force au ad
jvuiuiuvui iu me uunureu uayt. it gave
noricc that after April 1st, it would not re
ctire bills from the House ; but this is met
by holding back the Appropriation bill, to
as to force the Senate to break its owu rule,
We never knew a Legislative session to be
prolonged, at large expense to the people,
under the inspiration of so small a motive.
Whatever of dignity may attach to an at
tendance at the Centennial, as a body,
could be realized by adjourning to meet at
the particular time required. But fearing
that this would be pre-eminently transpa
rent, the ITouse fritters away itt time over
nothing, iu order to remain in regular
session till the day arrives for the Centen
nial opening.
We regard this entire affair at gross
outrage on the people. It would be better
for the members to at once vote 50,000
lor the expenses of their jamboree, un
i : i ..i : l ,u: - i . ...
tuututuuuuu mis luigui oe. ue give
notice that the robbery of the people by
the continuance of the tetsion will be re
membered, and the Democracy will be held
to a strict accountability for this outrage,
They were elected on ft cry of reform,
one particular feature of which Wat the
curtailment of legislative expense. They
at once broke their pledges, when in power
by increasing the number of Legislative
officials, but that wai a mere bagatelle,
compared with thit last steal. Their ef
fort to extend the tession will, of course,
prove successful, as they hold the power,
but to do this from a merely sordid motive
it in itself so intolerably stupid and cor
rupt, that we have no language strong
enough to express our reprehension of it.
It it simply the wildest description of steal
ing under the forma of law.
The New Vork Eetniny Poxt, like most
other independent papers, it becoming
thoroughly disgusted with the Democrats
It sayt :
"From the time that they allowed Mr.
Carl Scurz, a briliaut and independent
tiattsman wuu crowds of ft icuds all ever
the Lnion, to supfilauted by an insig
nificaut rebel Geneial. to the latest out
break which they suffer Mr. Ben. Dill or
tome other irrepressible fool to indulge in
on the floor of Cougress, they have wade
an almost unbrokeu record of stupidity or
One of the few bills that have been finally
passed by the Legislature this session pn
vides as follows :
"That any persou within this Common
wealth who shall playfully or wautonly
discharge a gun, pistol r other firearms at
auy other person, shall be sentenced to pay
a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars,
and undergo an imprisonment not exceed
ing oue year or both, at the discretion of
the court."
A conference of about a dozen prominent
Democrats and Republicans was held on
Saturday night at which it was concluded
that the chances were very good for the
passage of a compromise currency bill,
which in general features should Le liko the
amendment ollered to the silver bill of Mr.
Morrison. The intention is to have Mr.
Morrison report such bill as may be agreed
upon after further consultation from the
Committee on Wayt and Means.
K Trili ir tr 4. im... t v f
-!" ill.HAJ4.-WU(! oi me
severest storms ever known in Alabama
prevailed throughout the grater portion of
that State on Monday. Seven inches of
rain fell, the wind was high, the lightin"
continuous and the thuuder mutually heavy.
Many houses have been blown down, great
damage has been done to the cro ps. and
railroad travel is luterrupted. The Ala
bama River at Montgomery rose 50 feet on
Monday, and was rising at Uie rate of 4j
Inches jr hour.
The following cablegrams arc made pub
lic through the Omaha Jhrahl:
Windsok Castle, England, March K
187. Ifr. lltrnm Grant. I'resithnttss
V. S.A. : I understand that vou have fot
stem-winder that was built for me. I
think it is real mean in you to take my
things, aud I want you to wipe off your
chin and seud my property home. You
can get auother from one of them post
sutlers. This is busiuess.
Vie, Einpress-Cjueen
White I lor T, March 10. 176. Pic
lona Gueljjh ijuem of I he Lion and the
Uuiorru: If you want a stem-winder you
had better get Mr. Wales to steal you one
in India. My Fred wouldn't let me
without astcm-winder if Mr. Ingalls hadn't
iveu me oue. You are cheek v anvhow.
Reguards to Nelly and the baby.
Mks. Hiram Ulysskss Gkant.
Of the White House,
P. S. Our eagle cau lick your lion.
The grangers ol the uniteu maies nau
over 18,000,000 invested iu their various
The burning of the Norwich, Conn, alms
house restored to mental health a man who
was insane before the fire.
The Sau Francisco Cnll says that Mr.
Montgomery Blair has bought tor Sl.00i,
000 the New IJria quicksilver mine.
Rev. J. Hewitt, of
onal church, has
IUU vv. - " I 1
been accepted by the vestry.
The Hazeltou Stnllntl cills the whiskey
of ait baiiuskkPcoflia VATuish1 whiclusa
good name wr iu . . . . ,
i suoe.
A icceut marriage notice cuds with the
singular expression, probably added by a
waggish friend : "May their future trou
bles be little ones."
TH I .
a neru wan a neavy snow storm in .e
York on Saturday. The Hudson Rive
Railroad trains werr Jtlayed by laud sides.
while those ohe Harlem road aud else
.i i i i i i . -. .
wiiere uiocseu ny suow units in some
places fifteen or twenty feel deep.
Secretary of State F:sh is advised that the
revolution iu Mexico has assumed such
proportions that it is believed it will result
in the complete overthrow of the present
government. i lie outbreak extends to
neaily all the Mexican States.
Governor Hartranft has signed theCoun
ty Salary bill : also the bills making ap
probation for an educational display aud
for a State buildings at the Centennial.
Bnget O'Donnsll was found dead Sun
day morning in a field on the nothern
outskirts of Wilkesbarre. Peiiusvlvnnia
A post-niorlum examination Mas held and
it was shown that she had been choked
to death. There is vet no clew to thn
murderer, but the police are in search of a
tramp, who wn seen iu that neighborhood
last evening.
A twelve year old lad named Murphy,
living in Greenburg, has applied for letters
paleut on a railrorwl twitch, invented bv
kimtelf. Ii is pronounced by railroad men
to the best yet discovered.
The first whiskey trial iu Chicago has
resulted iu a verdict of guilty, the defnd
ants being charged with having defrauded
tne government out of a tax on 100.000
gallons of spirits.
The evidence in the Belknap case is beiu"
prepard by the district-attorney of the
District ol Co lurabia for the presentation
to me grand jury, and it is probable that
indictment will be tuuud ia a very short
Hie Legislature has passed a bill ap
j.i.iiii,iiuiS cio,'jj ior an educational ex
hibit at the Centennial Exhibition and to
erect a model school house. The bill has
also beeu passed appropriating 10,000 for
the erection ot a building on the grouuds
for the accommodation of Peiiusylvaniaus.
The Governor has signed both bills.
A deadhead has been snntcuced in Lou
imnrisonmciit at hard
labor. He -rot a free railroad ticket by
lalselv telliiiir the a;;cut that he had lost in
Most of the coal miners in the Shenau
doah district resumed work oil the operr
tor's terms.
The ways and means committee will
,l...l,lu lm to report the tarill bill
IliVUItUiJ v - J - i
by the last of this week.
The 4,000 men workiug at the canal ba
sin at Montreal, having "struck" for a dol
lar a day, were all discharged.
It is stated that the Spanish minister of
finance will prflpose a reduction iu the sal
aries of the clergy and government offi
cials. It is expected that there will be startling
developments when, in a day or two the
investiaation of the safe-burglary case is
resumed iu Washington.
The Mississippi has overflowed its banks
opposite Memphis, ami covered a large
tract ot laud. It is believed that the loss
in stock is considerable.
Mr. Cave's report on Egyptian finances
.... . 11 A '
is not regarade& lavorabiy, auu r.gyptiau
securities were yesterday from two to four
per cent, lower than on Monday.
Three hundred thousand dollars in coin
was received yesterday at the United
States treasury depnrtroert from San
Francisco 200,000 in dimes and SlOO,
000 in quarters.
The committee on naval expenditures
has subpanaed Secretary Robeson to ap
icar before it and explain why the navy
vnnla ;in llsei 1 as nolitical mills to tirind
J r
out voters for the powers that be.
A resolution was offered iu the national
house, Monday, to autimnze the commit
tee on the District real estate pool to mves-
tH':ite all known matters louchinj: official
misconduct of any government officer.
The committee appointed to send
deputation of trench workmen to tin
centennial have published an address to
merica. They hojie to establish a con
fraternity of the artisans of the two na
Judge Black hasn't an exalted opiniou
of his party friends in Congress. In con
versation with one of them the other day, he
it reported as haying : "All that the
Democrats iu this Jinnee arc after his gar
bagegarbage ; and it won't be long be
fore you'll be thrown out ns the garbage
yourselves !"
The Congressional investigating com
mittees have failed to deyelope anything
citins Secretatj
three-storv frame building owned by Jas.
B. Schultz, and occupied by Jno. Millhouso
as a shoe store aud dwelling ; building and
contents a total loss no insurauce on
A two story frame owned by J. Hcim
bach, aud used as a stout; store by Elleu
boyer, was next in order, aud was com
pletely destroyed. Ellenboyer had no
insurance and lost everything. The
building was insured for 1,000. The fire
extended to the Hon. Thos. Chalfant's
large brick, completely gutting the two up
per stories and ruining the first floor, i-nisli
ler's drur store. His stock was p;
insured but he loses everything else?, hav
The most a city correspondent can do of
real value to his patrons is to reflect the
opinions of the Metropolis, the topics of
minor interest and such details a are
hardly worth payinir for at live cents a
word by telegraph. Then the subjects oi
most interest iu town are the very ones
which the editor steruly forbids to his
luckless writer. We correspondents are
made aware that country readers do not
care to hear about theatres, lectures, books
and music, at all, but little about the social
political, or club lite so iar uistant iiom
theirs, in every way. Writing New York
letters under these restrictions is not mak
in" bricks without 9tiaw, but making them
alf of straw, and pretty finely chopped
straw at that, so it is a matter of contiratu-i.,i-.,
m thf writer when he finds his
paragraph on the poor out of work has
L,....i .mmp nnp. in Yates county to send
him an application for a servant girl to
i,..! nn a farm. offeriuL' her a "ood home
.... - . ril . , rn t 5 iT
for years it sue cau sun. ine aVVny
was handed over to a lady visitor of St.
John's Guild,, who will take care that the
demand is tilled. Persons who make such
requests in future will remember that it in
necessary for them to send satisfactory
references from people of standing as to
their ability to pay and treat a servant
well, belore any one will be willing to risk
going to them.
Vnone who baa any feeling for the poor
cau object to aid in the work of helping
them to homes and employment where the
henetitis as much on oue side as the other.
In the country, where help is scarce, it is
nitiful to see the numbers out ot worK ncre.
v.,t. it U difficult to liud those willing to
leave the citv. A sewinz machine agent
r, rc;ii- lat . genl io ew York tor an operator to
artially to a Western city, offering a salary
nearly twice what oue could get here, out
'flute Sbbettismcnts.
Life, Growth, Beauty. xToTi('Ei-'her,:tyntbat tatco-inner-
' IN ship heretofore existing between Urs. W.
,nvl.ra ,,,, rvfv1? pFvTrVRVP W. Robins and J. M. Cooper, of Hickory Cor
L0M0N HAIR COLOR LfcSTOKtL. uKtg l oVKT MuUauo, township, in tue practice
r.1 MmlMnn oraa. this 20ih dav of March, lb'ti,
LOS DOS HAIR t0IX)R RESTOKLK. ai4solvea by inutuai consent. The book ac-
. conuts, &c., will be settled by Dr. 3. M. Cooper,
Not a Dye ; makes the hair soft aud silky ; wlu) wjll contmue the practice ot luedieiue at .lm in allthnriZfi! ti COlltCt &H
demises the scalp from ull impurities, causing I moneyS aue auj Will settle all accounts nainst
... tw w tue late firm.
the huir to grow wiiere it bus iauen ou ur u
comu thin.
Can he applied hy the haud as It does not stain
the skin or soil the finest linen. As a Hair Press
ing it Is the most perfect the world has ever pro
duced. The hair is leuovatcd and strengthened,
and natural color restored without the applica
tion of mineral suhstauces.
Since the introduction of this truly va.uoic
Hickory Comers, March 24, 1S7& St.
. e ' in
iug no insurance on ins iuuiuuk:. .un
building was insured for S.OOO. Water
mau & Heaver's company store was unin
jured. The origin of the fire is unknown.
Till: 'OSSEt Til X I fci.B-.nii".
AaUitor'M Xotlee.
In the Court of Couimou Pleas of Northum
berland Couuty.
. The Miners' and Laborer's
Sating TunJ Association of Fi. Fa. No. 303
Ashland No- Term, A.
vs. j D. 1875.
Frank Both.
The uudersi-jned hereby gives notice thfct he
wai appointed by the court, Audit o . o make a
report, after thirty days personal notice given to
Ik. nnpi ii.riirieiiri. niKLruiiLiU" 111c w i i,t.i-u j
1UV ll I . 11 13 v . - ...
. . . . .. . I . wv.nn wl.l.n
nr un lm witii tni rf-is una rcueuu ulivu ui
Jirly all
uifl. To
' manure
ater, and
n wanted
b soil to
in crop,
preparation into this country it has been the rHmt.0 made to be approved hy the
wonucr aim uuiuiraimn ui " I nrt ,i Hiri-tpil bv the act Of AiseinoiT iu ucu
i. . i .. i : .,1 .. i, wiii nriAniiiLtfir i J ... . -1 . . 1 1
nrnvi tl to be the onlv article that will absolutely
without deception, restore gray hair to Its origi
nal color, health, soltnes, iusire una oeautj,
and produce hair ou laid heads of its original
crow th and olor.
3 . . . . i r., ... ...1 n .1
1 His neauLiiui auu ir;rui.y )tiiuiiii
u omimli-LH witliin itself, no washinir or prepara
tion bi fore or after its use, or accompaniment of
any kind bein required to obtuin these desirable
cases made and provided ; aud will meet all
parties iu interest at his office, in the borough or
Sunbury, on Tuesday, the 25th day or April, A.
D. 1870, at 9 o'clock a. in.
' F. K. HILL, Auditor.
Suubury, March 34th, 1S7G t-
Hartford, April 3. Hartford city
.. 1 11. -A . Tr.,,ronl1 't OOfi . I .'ill nut rtl
"IVCS liOUlUSOU il,UV , iugnoun, u,"v nuiuv.j,
twater, Greenback,
not one woman could be induced to take it,
though it was offered to some whose earn
ings were hardly enough to pay their board,
oni wiirmp i-hancc at best was very preca-
iiuiii TIk. nnur ereatures will run the
risk of starving rather than go out of town
where tbey would be welcome and comfor-
The fact is, they will not leave the city j
so lorn: as they cau exist iu it. To the i
poor bred here, aud accustomed to the
citv, there is nothing so terrible as the
country. They cling to the city with ull
;ia wrcwhpdness. ignorant that their is
anything belter for them outside. Half
the unemployed girls in New York are
needed in the couutry, where they could
have good comfortable homes, out tney
Administrator Notice.
'Estate or I.aac B. Shatler, of Lower Mahauoy
v township, dee'd.)
... 1
T)l) AA1? I "VTCTICE is hereby giveu that letters oi
rllUUr LLN ministration have been granted to the
undersisncd on tne emic i ;
late of Lower Malwnoy twp., Northumberland
County, Pa., deceased. All person I hdebted to
r renueef I to make imincdiuU
. Smith, Tern
majority, 513.
ivc liobinson
Atwater, 119;
You havn't seen this head-line lately in
my letters, and you wouldn't now, only I
have something new. It is rumored that
the whole matter is to be re-opened early
iu the spring. Tiltou, it is said, has new
evideuce in the case, evidence that will
satisfy the public beyond all dou'H ; aud to
vindicate himself he will commence a new
suit, backed with all the money that may
hi neeessarv to ti-'htit out. I k'ivc this as
. . ...... ..1. r.... ita rn
a rumor, ior a chuuol yuuoi i -
rectuess. It is a curious thing that lleech
er has taken no part whatever in the
Moodv and Sankev meetings, he being tnc
liobinson 17,ol2; lngersoll l'J.ooU ; .mun, 0Dy clergymen ot any uote who n; o uut.
Temperance, o7J ; Atwater, drecnjacK, 'flic other clergymen of Uie city i:gni suy
420. Same towns last year gave Greene 0fhim.
171201; lngersoll '-'O.-yJ") ; Smith, Temper- freights.
aucc, 1.0.")3. Hepulilicau gain of l.l.""i. The merchauts of New York are making
-....!..,',,r liim.rtal i no ilouht re-electcu. on f tr.irt to cpt back their lost trade.
by the popular vote and legislature lH mo- They are sick of lighting Boston and Palti
cratic. The Democrats re-elected their Ul0re barehanded, aud arc going to protect
,i. T 111..
ler;uicc. JU. nigeraou n
Last year it was l,"20l.
Fourleei. other towns
2,803 ; lngersoll, 1..VJI ;
Smith, 14. The same towns last year
gave Green, llepublican, '2,074; lngersoll,
5,322 ; Smith, Temperance, P. . I lie uc-
w V i
publican gaiu in those towns and in iiart
ford city, SJ4.
more kepi t.lican gain.
Hartford, April 3. a towns give
w .1 1 I . At ..... r A n
mayor in iiariioru, ana eieci two iuiih-buu-tative
in the legislature.
Norwich, April 3. Indications are
that Waite, llepublican, is elected to Con
gress over Wells, Democrat, by a good
themselves. They are organizing -to uo
what should have been done years ago,
viz. : liuiid a straight air hue freight road
from the city to the prominent freight
gathering points, with proper terminal
facilities. They propose to own the road,
aud have it operated iu the interest of the
citv aud the people of the AVcst, and to do
awav wuu an tue nine swiuuic-s auu
Hartford, April 3. One hundred and tj0U3 that have driven the trade pway from !
nine towns give Hobinson V27,'J84 ; Iuger- the city. The matter is in the hands of
soil 33,490 ; Smith 1.0SG ; Atwater 781. men who mean business, and who have the
The same towns last year gave Greene 2,- ,Uouey to do it. It is expected to have the
214 ; Insersoll 3.").020; Smith 1,923. Net vey coiumeuced early in the spriug, and
i.inh-nii i.nin l.:u;7. The senate stands n,.. mml i-ommencad at once. It will be a
probably 4 Kepublicans to 17 Democrats straight road to St. I.ouis, with branches
aud a Democratic majority in the house of to the principle points, aud will be exclusive
ly for lreijjht. I lie trains win iuuiwc
average ot sixteen mues au num.
Read this Home Certificate, testified to by EJ
ward B. Garri-rnes one of the mofrt competent
Dru;,'-iat4 and Chemists of Philadelphia, a man
whose veracity none can doubt.
I am lmppv to add my tesliinony to the great
value id the ' Loudon " Hair Color Refctoier,"
which rcstmed my huir lo Its original Color, and
the hue appears to be permanent. lain satistis 1
that this preparation i nothiuic like a dye but
ocrati s upon the secretions. It is also a beau
tiful huir dressing and promotes the growth. I
purchased the firt bottle from Edward B. Gar
rigue?, clrusM, Tenth and Coales street, who
can also testify my huir was quite gray when I
commenced its use.
Mks. miller.
No. 730 North Ninth streot, Phlla.
Dr. Swayne d Sou, Respected friends : I have
the pleasure to inform you that a lady of my ac
quaintance, Mrs. Miller, U delighted with the
success of vour "London Hair Color Restorer.
Her hair was fullinsi rapidly, and quite gray.
The color has beeu restored, the falling oir en
tirely stopped, aud ft new growth of hair is the
result. " o. uakkiuies,
Uruist, cor. Tenth and Coatei. fhlla.
Ju!y22d, 1S71. Dr. Swnyue & Son: Last
u-intrr iiliile in Trenton. M. J.. I procured six
bottles "Loudon Hair Color Restorer," which I
like very much, in fact belter thin any thing I
have used iu the last nine years. If yon please,
send me one dozen bottles C O. D., tare of W.
S. Fogler & Sou, Druggists, No. i-M iremom
street, Boston.
Respectfully yours,
Ada Bakek,
No. 5'J Rutlaud Square.
"London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing."
Has roniph-tcly restored my hair to il original
color and ymthlul beauty, utid caused u rapid
ard luxuriant growth.
Mks. Annie morkis,
No. CIS North Seventh street, Philadelphia.
Dr. Dalton of Philadelphia, says of it : The
London Hair Color Ruotnrcr i used very exten
sively among hit patients and frieuds, as well as
by myself. 1 therelore speak from experience.
Addrcrs orders to Dr. Swatnb & 8on, 330
North Sixth street, Philadelphia, Peun'a., ole
Lower Mahunoy twp., March 3, 'J6 6t.
iyA ftps
FSaNKUN institute
f,f rHUITJMSai
mi- net
again make thciu unhappy
Jellerson Davis has become Presideut of
the MisMSdippi Valley Society and Interna
tional Chamber of Commerce, and has
csiaoiisneu nig oilicc at .ij Camp street
New Orleans.
A drunken herder near Fort Kearney
killed a man last fall. The murdered
man's wife has 6ued the ialoon keeper that
sold the liquor to the herder that killed her
husband, and will probably make a case.
Ex-Vice Presideut Colfax has had six
hundred iuvilations to lecture this season,
and excepted one hundred and twenty.
From this source he has realized over 512 -
000 siuce last summer, clear of all expo-uses.
The authoiities reprertnting the Gov
ernment of France have announced that
they will hold an Exhibition in Paris open
to all nations, in the vear 1S7S or liTO
'M or more
Norwich, April 3. Waite is elected to
congress "j w ..... i;oq and 800 plurality.
JWWOTTris.nw ; annul
JO : Atwater HG1 : scale rimr ifci. Ile-
publicun gain l,l13 over last ycr. New
Haven uot included iu this.
Telegraphic News.
Oue by the name of liell has testified be
fore a Congressional committee that Uab
tw., i'ulmj nuo jrauiy uau Him lo go
to St. Jxmis, to Mr. Dwycr's law ofilco.
Galveston, April 3. A Xeus special.
uatad JJrowusville, April 2, says :
mis morning at live o'clock General
Toledo went out of Matamoras with 100
men to reconnoitre. He was endeavoring
to ascertain the position of the revolution
ary force. While thus engaged u column
of cavelry suddenly passed between him
aud Matamoras, completely isolating him.
The maiu body of Diaz's army inarched
boidjy upon the works in the upper part of
the city. Not a gun was tired from the
works. The regular troops and national
guard hurrahed for Diaz. General Labar
ra discharged his revolver, aud then re
treated to the river bauk with about twen
ty-five men. He asked permission to pass,
which was granted on condition of his be
coming a prisouer and being disarmed.
He and the detachment are in Fort Brown
Later particulars of to-day's doiu" are
Iieing ascertained. General Labarra was
with General Toledo recounoitering the
forbes. General Toledo fell back to th
Casa .Mata, but had been aepe rated from
General Ltbarra.' About half-past seven
o'clock a liht took nlace be
Ninth Regular Cavalrv aud the regiments
of Lapareua aud Augiuc. This wns out
side of the town. The Cavalry surrender
ed. Two pieces of artillery were tnkpn at
New York, April 4, 17;.
A family iu Minnesota wrote to know if
Rcoilec uru bearing date about 1770, would
be of onough interest to send to the Cen
tennial. It may meet s imilar questions in
other minds to say that articles bearing uo
earlier dale than the last century, are
hardly of value uuless they have added in
terest bkcause they belouged to some persou
of note, or are so jieculiar as to be curiosities
in themselves without regard lo their age.
liic euleuuial will not have place for
lialfthalis offered. If of peculiar model,
such things are desired by bric-a-brac col
lectors, and will increase iu valuo with
every decade. I warn my readers who
have old things they hope to part with for
prolit, uot to expect too much for them, as
collectors are pretty stingy and shrewd iu
their dealings. When sold at auction,
quaiul articles sometimes run up to .hand
some ligurcs, as lor instance, au inlaid
Japanese cabinet, lately sold at Leavitt's,
began at $40 and was knocked down at
$4U0. An old delf coffee-pot or a pewter
one may bring twenty-live dollars, from. a
collector, but the fancy prices seldom fall
into auy hands but the auctioneers. If
persons wish their questions answered bv
letter, 1 will remark that the method of in
closing a stamped envelope will not be out
ot place.
will be double-tracked its entire leugiu.
Tim rrfil u-ill SnVO the farmers cf the West
five vears, for when finished it
, . . . BUSINESS
is dull again, and the weather is averaging
badly. Last week we were treated to a
regular hurricane, which blewdown build
ings, aud tore things generally. Hut :he
mild weather that followed has brought
the couutry merchants, aud therufor it is
hailed with delight.
The city is fearfully unhealthy. The
spring suns arc exposing masses of filth
that have accumulated during the winter,
aud the miasma that is in the air is some
thing frightful. Ague aud liillious Fver
is more prevalent than it is in Indiana, and
the variety is of the most malignant.
Uillious Fever means inoic here than it
does iu the country, and whsu it comes to
Typhoid, look out. Their is a poison in
the air that is terrible, and children and
weak adults are dying at a rate unheard of.
Unless steps are taUn at ouce to clean the
city, the summer will bring a pestilence.
It is a shame that it should be in such a
couditiou, when the aicount of money paid
each year for the purpose of cleansing it
ought to keep it as sweet as a flower-bed.
The advent of Moody and Sankey, and
me enormous audiences they have attract
ed, have had the effect to set Christians to
thinking of various things. Among others
the system of renting pews, is being dis-
cusseU with much feeling. The more
earnest workers insist that the churches
shall bo free, that the seats shall be free,
aud that the system oi "first come, first
served." shall be adopted. They insis
that only in this way can the masses be
brought into the churches and under gos
pel influences. On the other baud the
holders of pews hold that as there are al
ways sittings for all who come, there is uo
reason why those who desire it should uot
have there sects, and continue the regular
family idea of tho church. The matter has
got into the papers, and much is bein
said pro and con. The preachers are tak
ing it up, and the Christian world is being
divided into pew and no pew parties. I
March 01. TU '
"VTOTICE is hereby given that an application
JN will be made to the Hon. William M. Rock
efeller, President Jndire of Noithumberland
county, oa Saturday, the 23J day of April, ir,
at 10 o'clock a. m., for the incorporation or the
vn,tt,nmiurl:inrl Conntv Bar Association, a cor
poration to be organized for the purpoe of pur
chasing a Law Library Tor the nse of its mem
bers and thoe who may hereafter become mem
hr. and of maintaining a suitable room for the
same at Sunbury, in the said county.
G W RYt)Nt
Sunbury, March 31, '76. ' Directors.
TW dittr,""""S "UU daugerous complaint and
permanently cu Doctor "Swayue's C'om-
pouud Syrup of Wild Cherry."
BRONCHITIS A preinouitor of Pulmonary
Cousuinptiou, is characterized by catarrh, or iu
ilamiuutiou of the in uncus niembraue of the air
passages, with cough and expectorutioo. short
breath, hour.seness, paius in the chest. For ull
urouciiiai u nocuous, sore, loss or voice,
Hemorrhage, or Spitting of Blood, may pro
ceed irom tue larynx, iracina, Droncuiu or luiiis.
uuu iiuiii various causes, as undue pnygi-
cal exertion, plethora, or I'iIIdcj of the vessels,
weak lung, everstruiulug of the voice, suppress
ed evacuation, obstruction of the spleen or liver.
Dr. Sirayuc's Compound Syrup cf Wild
strikes at the root of disease by purifying the
blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy
action, invigorating the nervous system.
The only tttandard remedy for hemorrhage,
bronchial and u!l pulmonary complaints. Con
sumptives, or those predisposed to weak luugs,
should uot fail to Use this great vegetable remedy.
lis marvelous power, uot only over consump
tion, but over every chiouic disease where a
gradual alterative action U needed. Under its
use the cough is loosened, the night sweats di
minished, the pain subsides, the pulse returns to
its natural standard, the stomach is improved in
its power to digest and assimilate the food, aud
every organ has a purer and better quality of
blood supplied to it, out of which new recreative
und plastic material is made.
zrmtrn unjust, miU; Crocuses, Farm,
Garden and Flower Seeds of all kiuds, in iubd
tities to suit purchasers. Call and get a Rural
R'8'8t:r m3.4w
Just received at the Drug Store of
a full assortment of James Vicks' and Chase
Flower aud Vegetable Keedsj,
Also a choice lot of Flowering Bulbs. Hiacinths,
Tuberoses, Gladiolas, Crocus, Tulips,
Lily of Valley, Ac.
for destroying insects on Plants, Trees aud Rose
bushes. Sunbary, March 10, loTti.
Prepared nly by
North Sixth Street. Philadelphia.
Sold hy ull Prominent Druggists.
The bold aud uucoiunrouiisin!! stand ta-
lfi'tl llV f tlrt Will ."tirfit: in niinniilw.n n
instructing the New Vork delegation for slla11 uVl ilt.lumPt to settle :t-but W1" -,lve
Uoukliu, meets with thejieartiesi annrovel ""w"u 1,1 a sPuecu """e oy an auvo-
i-.i i . .. - - - .
Iteiiing Files
that WILL
AX EXPEKIEXCE of nearly THIKTY Ian iu the
Flower aud VtKetsble Sl buiiii, ha nniTinc.,1
ua that there an but TWO KINDS OV NEirn
iu the world, vu: tucmo Uutt will, aud thoae that will
not grow. The lonm-raie pricekn th latter worth
ies. The sale or utterance worthies 8eed, through
cupidity or lack of buaitten .taut1 ing, raues aad havoc
with the busiuea of legitimate Seedsmen. 'or nearly
thirty year mxt w have made the growth and proeure-
iiunii a u l uuuil Bti&l) a study,
until we are proud to say, forvigu or native seed grow
ers from whom we proeurch of our supplies a wo
do not raw upon our own farms, never think of offer
ing us any but lirsr-claas seed. To this oue point we
attribute our iuive, aud the uuivenul verdict of the
Press and People is that Seed nroeured of Rriim Km-
inn win grow.
To give austouiers the benefit of our own sctusl -rneuee,we
isauean ILLUSTRATED Quarter
ly FLORAL WOBK. which l sent to any addrtM
prepaid tor the mere nominal auljecritition un. ...
ceuta. which amount Ih replaced to the credit of the
customer on receipt of au order for 1 or unward worth
of Heed. We send no seed that we have not fiist tested,
therefore itfia jiert'ectly safe to buy such as we recon.
niend. Our January Number contains several huudreu
Engravings aud much useful iuformation to tha im
tear or profesxional gardener, will be out about Dec
15th. Seud for it.
I "Descriptive Price Lima, l-iri-iilim ..
by mail on application.
Rochester, N. Y.
or. Chicago. III.
nj ui--i vu apimcaiiou.
lmiGGS & BR0.,
to make way Willi the testiruouy there Monterey lort bv the revolutionist's. nn.I
. t .
against iihocock. iiiey, however, all dony carried by hand to some part of the city
The weekly etateincut of the Imperial
bank of Geruiauy show, a decrease of 8,-
2,000 marks.
it, and say that liell is a bad character.
A locomotive on the Tyrone aud C'leare-
field Itailroad exploded near (Jrand Itid"e
on Friday, killing three men and fatally
injuring the fourth.
The postmasters of New York, Philadel
phia, Uoston and other cities have received
orders from the Secretary of the Treasury
io cut on me luel, gas ana water from the
governiueut buildings. The reason assi-n-
eu is the exhaustion of the appropriation,
and the neglect of Congress to make pi o-
V i u i r.ll fur tl.A x -Yiorrmriri,'
.IIISL, . ,111. LUIVltlll. i I , . , , a
variously esiimateu at ironi iu to Mz.
Hunting in Potter county has been poor Colonel Parrott was thrown from his horse
this winter, went of suow haviug interfered in au affair outside the town, and
sadly with the sportsmen. Leroy Lyman, is a prisouer. An oflicer of General Diar
the veU-ran hunter of that region, reports r;ves the following list of captures : 420
inai lie has only beeu able to kill "oue fox men, 17 nieces of artillery. 712 stand of
1 he former gunners served them. Wheu
they were firing upon Casa Mata the Twcu-
ty second infantry abandoned the Port of
San Fernando and entered Casa Eate
Xhe tight at Casa Mata was brisk fur
half an hour. The revolutionists at temp
ed to take the works by storm, but were
repulsed. Just as they were ready for au
other attempt a white flag waa raised.
Colonel Cristo ollered his sword to (iencral
Diaz. The latter complimented him, and
told him to weai his sword. The number
of men surrendered by Colonel Cristo is
two minks, eight coous, eight wild cats,
eight bears aud seventeen deer," which be
thinks mighty poor luck. Pol t mile Journal.
small arms, besides those iu the hands of
the prisoners. The surgeon reports three
killed aud twelve wounded. The officers
report live killed and sixteen wounded.
ot the best republicans of New York. It is
evident that Cnkling did not fall iuto the
hands ot the best class, and that fact has
turued against him many who would other
wise have given him a harty support. To
day nine-tenths of the republicans of the
city are throwing up their hats for Curtis.
aud Coiiklin is iu uo position whatever lo
carry the delegation. And may I whisper
a word of advice to Kcpublicausevervwhtre
Don't instruct. Don't "o into the Nation
al convention with any pets, or with your
hands tied lor anybody. The party never
was made for a man. It has work to do.
cale of the pow system. "Talk." said he.
'of the necessity of briugiug sinners in to
near preachuig. ho needs it more than
f do ? And who ueeds iuducements more
than we do ?' As ho was a pillar iu the
church his statement was a most candid
confession. Pietko.
The KueccKsl'ul Physician.
There is probably no man to whom the
community owe so much as to the honest.
lair-spokeu physician, who does Ins actual
outy both to himself and to his patients.
aud instead of being used as the means of lleally skillful physi :ians are uot so numer
elevating uiuiviauai!", it siioulil use indi
viduals lo do its work. It is going to be work this year to elect auy one, and
if their is the slightest forcing iu the cou
veution if the nominees caunot carry the
the united strength of the party, the jig is
up. The nominee must be not only "the
best mail in the party, but the strongest.
And wait till we all get together aud com
pare votes before deciding as to that man.
There must boa very liberal spirit at that
convention, or we are beaten to death.
Mind, the democracy are pressing Tildeu
.: T.i- .
vii;orouiy, aim wuu a consiuerauie degree
I was eorely afflicted with one of the most dis
tressing o( all discuses Pruritus or Prurigo, or
more commonly known ns Jtcliinfr Piles. The
itching at times was almost intoleruble. Increas
ed by scratching, nnd not uufrequently become
quite soit-. 1 bought a box of ' Swayne s Oiut-
ment ; Us ose. pave quick relief, and in a short
time made a perfect cure. I cun now sleep un
disturbed, and I would advise all who are suffer-
mi; with distressing compluliit to procure
"awayne's Ointment'' at once. I had tried pre
scription almost innumerubla. without finding
One Huudrrd Years Ago. iking k Cho. By Hays. 35c.
,..r uuuuiru jeara aku. V"nel Ior .Hale Vukil. lllc.
Marcliing'Nratii our Starry Flag. S. Cho. Olorer. 3uo
Let tba Uills and Valos Uesouud. yt. Mixed V. 12cl
Seatter Swpet Flowers oVr her Grave. Danks. 30c.
Wep vet the tirnve of the lovsd ones. Panka. Sue
Memorial Flowers. Ballad Mendelssohn. Sue"
Scatter Swe. Flowers. Trio for Fetualx Voices. 30c
Ween o'er the Oraves. Trio for Female Voice. aucl
Joseph W. Ciikist,
(Firm of Koedcl & Christ,)
Boct and Shoe House, Sii North Secoud St..
ous that their vir'.ues need no mention, im ii-rimmem r..ii..r
. -- r i j -
ami nence tnc aivi rlisemeuts ofJ)r. K. V
1'ierce, ot Uuualo, inuy well claim the
reader's attention. Dr. Pierce is a type of
a ciass oi men who oDtaiueu success by
Ml fsiflll AtVil Li l riif a-if1vkt nnt nia ..a.
iug too much, or creating false ideas as to OlVliS JJlOill AoJiiO.
luiuijr. xue uuijr reuuuie puysician 111
these days of complicated disorders and
high-pressur living is the "Specialist,
the man who understands his oue branch
of the business. .Such in his lino is l)r
Pierce. For the benefit of his readers he
has written a "Common ISence Medical
Hanulton's New Mvthod. Prise, 75 cents each.
Swuynu's Al'.-liculiiiir Ointment Is also a SDeci-
nc ior letter, neb, fcalt Khcum, SSciild Head,
Erysipelas, Earbcr's Itch Blothes. all Scalv.
trusty. Cutaneous tiupiions. Perfectly sale
aim uurmiess, i'eu ou the most tender infant.
rnce 50 cents. Scut by mail to nv address ou
receipt oi price.
Prepared only by
330 North Sixth Street,
Hedgwick's Perfect Method for tne Comet....
Sedgwick's t'onijilete Method.
. 75c.
, SI M
of unauimity. A large sum of money has Advisers," which is well worth reading bv
vkkii lam m iu;o cuy uy u:s irienus, muse who neeu sucn worn, null strict
and a bureuu iu his interest has been es- business honor, hijrh professional skill
tablished at Washington. A choice lot of reasonable fees, and a largo corps of coru-
piiiiucai ouiiiiners are tneir setting up pcuieui assistants,!. 1'ierce will doubtless
tilings lor .Mippery Sam," and they have nia'e his name familiar as "household
iioiits mat lie will sweep the nutter. Til- words."
den is the shrewdest wire-puller living,
and he slands n uood show for the nomin
ation. Ihe only thiii; that stands in his Irom . It. Chisholm. JI. I)., of New
way is the forcible enunciation of his hard Jledford.
iiiiiiinu uinu'a m Imili ii n , 1..... . l. I nT I. i .
uu "j . io u-aiufi, uuu iu tut; i jinvc cmpioyeu tnc leruvian ovruD
II-. 1 1 I . 1 1 1 1 lw. ;.. u mil .1 1. . . I I- 1 1 - . . . J
nici., ... m omaiv tnuu'ii io eoiuorum- SIICCCSSIUI V nrMnn i iniwimm nlirun
isc that. If the demncrni-v nf llii wi'st tin-I ili:irrlm.a iw.r., ,i..i,;i.i :
licve he can be elected thev will take him. nta. oml A..Af th- .;... JZ 5"l,.or """i"1"' MercBrial and Syphilitic Com-
for thev do want t,s. nrtiri. Il ... .... ii.i.t. i... . "..::: " ." . " c:,st" w".eru P""H'C virus of
, .. .... ... . v.... ui,,,, reutiinucii, iioi.iu u ten, nna tne parent, causes a development of Syphilis or
limn mnnpv lu.lmiii Mm n .. . i.... l: r... . In . - . . . ,r . J vi
" .. . iii. . it, ,iii,u mi , uijit can- i iu luiiimu n mi n nix 'pmrn iv. a a an i criiruiA in in rsiin. iinirmiir im. nv.ii hiai
uiuaiu uiciiLiuuuu. alterative tnnir flip svriin nnoiif tr h n.l tucciuai ill couiDieteir erailiciitinir evi-rv w .t,nr
THE unkmi'Loyed. by clcrgrmen, editors, cashiers, clerks law- bf tbt8e di'nSeroU9 complaints, aud all diseases
Ihe writer of these letters is pleased to vers, niwl ndipm wlm hri thpir lin.
I.I f . . I . w.
uuu. mem oi more use to readeis than than muse es : ns we 11 ns nnnr-uivo nrin.
simjily for the news they give. As to uews ters, tailors, shoemakers, seamstresses, and
iiileeil. it is a sorry task the correspondent all those, cranntinn nnnilnoi ihm
has who tries to get up for papers who in ill-ventilated and over-heated rooms
have every item served by the telegraph a who arc liable to suffer more or less froru
week before his account can reach them. I nervous debilitv."
Celebrated all over the world for its remarkable
arisinir from
Describe symptoms in all communications, and
niinress letters to tilt. BlVAI.NE A SON, Phila
delphia. No charge for advice. Sent hy Ex-
e h ess to ai Advkess.
April 7, "16. ly.
Sedgwick's Perfect Method for German Aocordion. lie
Kedtfwick-a Complete MathoiU. 1 io
k . . m rtnrei aiiHnou ior r rwncn Accordion. 75c
d(jwirk's Complete Metkod ji 5J
Sedgwick's Perfect Method for German Concertina. 75c
Sedgwick's Complete UethotL. ji jj
Published by J. L. PETKHS, New-York,
843 Broadway, P. O. Box 103 Stanton D,
and mail, post-paid, on receipt of the marked price,
March 31, Ira.
Hotel and Restaurant
Havinjr a capacity to accommodate from thirty
to forty guests. The house is well furnished,
and is one of the beet locations In Sunbary one
block from depot. For particulars address
Sunbary, Pa.
March 17,