The Sunbury American Is Pt ni.isnEn Evert, iiv EM'L WILVERT, Proprietor, Cormrof JJdrd St., a,i l Mula Kjnm, SUMJL'KY, i'A. At One Dollar ami Filly On Is It t is ill (itp in .1i.nA. rl t :i. i ... lU'niiiiiiim.ufll iUTlumit Ik 1. Uyt d lil af "i1"1"""" tue jr. .-so uUHcritin!i iliaciimirm. a r i t tu "'l'tii.u of tli tntmoi.r tin- Ouiitvuf X.rtliiiuiWl:u",l. mini I,' ' - t-ijirrif atva m col Hum at m distal:. -p. ! v .tiiug imj'iid - ml. D K. JOHNSTON, liivMcun of tins celebrated Institution, has ":w,l',u l:,c certain, spt-dy, pleasant and uuci-iuai remenv m tne world for ail DISEASES OF IMPKUDENCE ... t eaiviieis ot tue Back or Liiulis, Stricture. 1 fr.tiH r i t . . . - ui aiaui-j anu Blander, lnvoliin Ury Discharges, Iiupoteiicy, General Dcl.ili-ty.-" Nervousness, D.vspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Coufnfion of Ideas, Palpitation ol the Heart, Timidity, Tremb'in-s, Dimness of Sicht or Giddiness, Disease! of the Head Throat, Noee or Skin, Affection of Liver, Liui'' Stomach or Bowels these terril.le Disorders rising from the Solitary Habits or Youth those ecrct ond solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syreus to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their tnot brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering raaniac, Ac, impo? ible. TOUN'G MEN specially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadTul and destructive habit which annually iweeps to an untimely Rrav inoiisaiids ol young men or the mot exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who intent other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to testacy the living lyre, may rail w ith full contidence. MARRIA'JK. Married Tcrsons or Youuir ilea coulcuiijiatlng marriage, aware of Pbyeical Weakness, ll.i, i Of rVoorentive Power Impotcncy, Nervous Ex tiUblllty, I'alpHation, Organic V eakucss, Ner vous Debility, or auy other PisiplaliUejitioii, peedily relieved. He who places thnself uudcr the care of Dr. J. may lelifriotuly confide in bis honor as n gentle man, and confidently rely u'iou his skill as a I'iiv- iciun. ORtJANIC WEAKNESS. Iuipotenry, ioea of Power, Immediately Cured i i:. it .. t " I uii iuii lEur Ke-ioreu. This Distressing Atfcction which render Life miserable and marriage imposeibli is the eiiaH v paid by the victims of improper indulgence:.". Young persons are too apt to commit exceses from not being awnre of the dreadful const icnees that may ensue. Sow, who that undiands the subject will pretend to deny that the oer f procreation is lost sooner y "those facing into improper habit than by the prudent T Uvi,U- beinjj deprived the pleasures of healthy uS-primr, i ne inoM serious and disl ructive symptom s l o Ix -t li body aad mind arise. The system becomes ran-ed, the Physical and Mental Kunesii.ns Weakened, Loss of Procrcativo Power, Nervous IrriUbility, Dyspe, An, Palpitation or the II. art, !ndteMiou, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting f the Frame, Couj,'b, Cotisumption. Decay and Dtutb. A 11 Kt WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned prrtcn ders w ho keep them trillinir month after 1110:1th itthinif poisonous and injurious should apply immediately. PR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal Colleire of Sur-eon-, Lou den, Graduated from one or the most eminent Orejjes m the United uu, and tlio greater riri of whose ile has been pent in the hospitals f nndon, Pris, Philadelphia, und elsewhere kas efTected eon of the most ustonUhiuu' un that were ever known ; many troubled wiihrinc inc: In the head and ears when asleep, crcat nervousness, bcini: alarmed ut sud.leu aoauds, bashfuluess, with frdjucnt blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. J. addresses all those who have s r If " "T 'IT. T' 7 ,NH f 1MlalIIiiol In iw 10 IMSH E SI 50 IX ADVIM'E. X . 1 . -'rr. y- -f t r 1 , i . n, -j 1 1 iff T1 W Cm Rates of Advertising. On inch, (twelve lines or its wjnivalerit in Nocpeii, 1 H-e) one or two !; three insert iodr K.8 SUNBUKY, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, Al'JlIL I I87G. j.lroffssioii;sl. T. II. II. KASK, Attorney at Law. SL'N HIRY. PA. Olliee i.."f..l... i. (adjoiuin-theoiMeeofW. f. (iTv. nou-h. Es.'i. 1 i'iv.f.; 1 . .. . ' ties promptly attended to. iiiiiiiiry, March l'i, lsr,'.-ly. ai'joiiunc: conn- .. oiii:ir. ATTORNEY AT LAW ANTl COI STV SOMCITOIt. Office 011 Front Stieet below Market. Sunburv. Coileclions and all le-al business promptly Pa attended to. 4, attorney at law, AMI ACTING JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. Nevt Door to Jii.lire Jordan's K-sidenen. Cliest- nnt Street, Sunbury, Pa. Collections and all Ieira! matters tiromntlv at tended to. JEREMIAH SNYDER, ATTORNEY A 1 LA Y, AND c tixc; jr.sriri: of thi; ika i:. C1AI.! COAL! 'OAI.!-;iJANriJROS., 1 WiiiiHTsand Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNRURY, PA. (lovkh wuakf.) Orders will receive urompt attention. AXTIIItACITE COAL ! YMMJXTIXK IUKTZ, Wholesale and f Retail dealer in every variety of A.MiiKACITK COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNRURY, PENN'A. Al! kinds or Grain taken in exchan-rc for Coal. Orders solicited ami filled promptly. Orders left at S. F. Nevin's Confectionery store, on Tliir.i trcet, will reeieve promjit attention, aud money i-"""". me fume as at me olllcc. mitt jink Old Series. vi SlAr.E. One 'c! 'I x 1 jctif k Tnree UK-li. a. ... I'iiir invhea Quarter ,'on;n a.. Half lilnmn ime Column. ii.r.j a.ti 7.00 15.011 3U.U0 2m. ii.W 5.W 7.' 10 S.tHl 12.60 36.00 :m. i4.0ii i. m ii. no ll.oo 14.00 'J0.I 40.00 3f. ! l-.oo 17.i0 3.U0 30.IMI 611.00 It. Jio.eo 15.00 JM,0 25.00 30.10 wrto 16U.0O STEAiVI POWER PrintingOffice riiowuMEBrfs N.oiivcyamlnir.theiol'eetionsof claims, writings, nud all kinds of'Les-al business will be attended to carefully and with despatch. Can be consult ed in the F.uirlUh and German lanirnaiie. Ollicc in Ilaupt's buildmir. Market street, Siinbnry. Pa April (t,T.-.. W. C. PACKER, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa. November 0. 1ST2. tf. O It. ItOYKIC. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Olliee in Wolvertou's Law build iiii;, Second stieet, SUNBURY, PA. Professional usiness atteudeil to. in the courts of Norilonn oerland and adjoining coneties. Also, in the Circuit and JJixtriH Court lor the Y?tri u Dis trict or Pennsylvania. Claims nmmt.tlv coll,..-!. 1 a-t .. . - 1 eu. t-articuiar attention paid to ei.-. ; JJ,tl,r. mittcy. Consultation can bo had in the (Jer man Iani.'uai.-c. j,r!1 .,7.-,. AND W&G-ravG Stones On hand, aud made lo or.b r Scotch (Jranilc 3Iuniimciits lmirted to order. Shop 0:1 Fourth F'reet near Market, Sunbury, Pa, c , , W. .M. DAU(;ilERTY, Prp'r. Suiibuiy. Jan. 1 1, ISTfi. TVT Pd 1875. THE SUXBUliY AMElilCAX Tlio Largest and Most Complete Esta! 4 lihliinent in X01 tliumljcrlauJ County. A ThonsniMl Ycuvh From Xow. I!T l'Al X It. IIATN'n. STEAM l'OW Ell mESSES, IN L. II. KASI2, Attorney .it Law, SUN BUR Y, PA., olliee in VVolvertoii' l..ivr bulletins, Second Mreet. Collections made in .nriliiimierlaud and adjoining counties. April j,"75. .1, ALL the latest Plylc nini novcllics selected .it the lute importers' and jobbers' openings. IHRDS. WINtJS, FANCY FEATHERS, OS TRICH TIPS AND PLUMES, SILK r.i r. ij.v j..LV KI KENS, etc. HATS AND BONNETS In Felt and Straw, nnd all New an,! Stvlicl, .t ... MISS L. SIIISSLER'S Millinery Store, Oct. 15. 1S75. Market St., Sunbury. NEW TYPE, NEAT WORK, TIIK ( IIOK1ST IUY UOOIIS compound M.niil I.i:m. Aik'.icw II. iJili. Frank. S. M.rr MX.V. niLI, A MAICIC, ATTOUNEVS AT LAW,ofMi1 -Next door to the Prc-I.ylei i.,n chuu h, Market S.;i:are, SUNIiURY, P.'5 Northuniberland Co., Pa. JAM IS II M ILLINE II Y JIcDEVITT, T AT A j A W TiOUNET AT J j A W AND United States Coiisio vnit. oiliee wiili S. li. Hoycr, Kmi.. in Wulvertou's I.nv Hnl'.lin.r Sunbury, Pa. Aird S'.'T.'i. O V. WOI.YKKTOX, Attorney at Law. KJm Market Square, SUNIiURY.PA. Pridession ul biiMin-ts in this and adjoiniii'' counties promi't y attended to. - hi Dr. injurrd I.. :.. , .J. inn uij;ence ana solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, nnfittini them Tor either bujiues-y, study, society or Mar" riajre. Tuesb arc some or the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits or vouth, viz: Weakness or the Back and Limbs, p'aius in the Baekatid Head, Dimness or fc?irht , Loss or Mus cular Power, Palpitation or the Heart, Dvspcpv, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of iiirestivw unctions, (ieiu raJ Debility, Symptoms ol Ckm eumptifin, Sic. aiMiui-lue learrul effects on the mind r much to be dreaded Lobs oi Memory, Con tuiiiou or Ideas, Depression or Spirits, Evil oitbodiues. Aversion to Society, feeir-Distrust Love oT Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are some oi the evils loducd. ytiium 01 uj:e cau now tuJii n-Uu r 1,, : . 1.. w- - u,hS their vitfor, becoming, wcat, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a tiiiK'uUir appearance about the eyes, cough aud symptom ol consuiup- UU' TOL'XG MEN Wlio have uijured tb lubclves by a certain prac tice intlulpca In when alone, a habit rrcjiieiitly learned trom evil companion, or at school, the eihxts of which are tightly felt, even wbeu aslesp, and if not cured, renders inarnaire impos hible, and destroys both miud aud bo-ly, should apply immediately. What a pitv that a youiii; man, the hopeo! his comitrr, the'darliu? of tiis parents, should be iiatclici from all prospects and tujoj uieiits ol lire, bv the consequence of deviating fr-mi the of nature aud induljrim; in a certain j-' trct Labit. Su h t-ersons must before eoiitem:..atini; CARRIAGE, refect thHt a sound mind and body are the inos1 m c es-ary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed without these, the journey throu-h life Im-couics a weary pilj:riinaL'e ; the hourly darkens to the View the luiud tecouie. saado'wed with despair and lille.1 with tlienu lau eboly rellei tion, that the happinets o( anothei becomes blighted with our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. Wheu the inlFjruided and imprudent votary ol i.un finds that he has hubihud the seeds ol this i-aiuful diseabe, itXoo often happens that an ill-limed sense of shame, or dread or discovery, Meters him from applyinz to those who, from sducHtion and respectability, can alone bernei... him, delayinii till thoustituUoil symptoms ot this horrid disease rftnke their apaiauec, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased uose. Hoclural Pains in the head and limbs, dimness oT si'bi, derucs, nodes on the shin bones aud arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, pro rressiii with frlpbtrul rapidity, till at last the t-ilate of the mouth or the bones of the nose Tall T. .,a ii.p victim or this awrul d:scase becomes a liorrid object or comniisxratiou, till tleath puts ! a triod to his dreadful sutlerinsr, by sendiu- him to "that Uudiscovered Country from whence j no traveller returns." j It is a melancholy fact that thousands DIE , victims to this terrible disease, through falling Into the hands of Ifrnorant or unskillful 1 RE TENDERS, who, by the use or that deadiy 1 01 eon' Mercury, Ac, destroy the constitution, aud iaeai-able r curintr, keep the unhappy sullcror taonth after month takin? their noxious or in jurious compoonds, and lnntead of beintf restored to a renewal of Ufe Vigor nnd Happiness, in des pair leave him wtth ruined Health to n;,'h over bir ralliun disapl-oiuimeut. To such, therefore, Dr. JontisTOV pledges him self to preserve the most Inviolable becrecy, and from his extensive practice and observations 111 the great IIotpitals of Euro, and the first 11: this country, viz : Enpland, France, Philadelphia elsewhere, is enabled to offer the most cer tain, f i-ctdy and cectui.l remedy in the world l.r ull diseases of imt rudencc. DR. JOHNSTON. ' OFFICE. NO. 7, S. FREDERICK JIASSKIl, Attorney .it l..i- M-v. BURY. PA. Collections' I he counties of Northumberland, Union. tMiydcr. Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. njiilO-li'j ' Dl. . li. MAKTIX, Olllce in Dru btoro, Clement House Blo( k. Office hours : from 11 a. m., to 1 p. m., nnd from C, to ;i p. m. nt all other hours, when not Professionally di aled can be found at his icsi l, ne,-. Chestnut Street, SUNBURY, PA. P.irLieulnr attention Civeu to stirirical cases. Will vUit Patients either 1:1 town or country. 4 Urn C. GO It IX, ATTTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Olliee on cast Market street, opposite the City Hotel, Sunbury, Pa. L Promtit aud "careful altentio:i rau iiiicin. Ms KATE BLACK. Market Sou side, Sn 11 bury I'cnn'n., Will be found the most complete, attractive and v m .ij-csi More 01 CHOICE DRY COODS. ..mmm in: o; j.adies Ores. Goods, Woolen Goods . .. ,,, iui; largest c-stablithments in s, nt, Litir;, 1..1UIL.S a (.'IIIDREX WoOLl-XSItA II7.S. sj, 1-i7 '" niildrens W,:en f;o.ds, k-1 ;.,,'Iv' t,i' Uil,,""'S Sash Ribbons, Neck Ties, " "'- '.icy aim nam Hosiery, First ,.:ht an.u.ermantown Wk1. ALSO XU TI0XS AND TRIMMISUS IN OUK.nT VAKIHTT. Gents' Gloves, Neckties, Hiuikerchicfa, A fill! assortment or Soaps and Perfumery. n invitation is extended to nil to call and see the choice selection. Miss KATE BL ACK. A XKW STOCK OF MERCHANT TAILORING GOODS. SKILLED WORKMEN. OKDEK Pltoni'll.v FILLED. -PI?ICE.S MOI)ERATE.-5 U00K, CAIJI) AND JOU I'EIXTIXG EXECUTED IN THE BEST STYLE. BUSINESS CARDS. WEDDING CARDS, VIHTING CARDS, SHOW CARDS, , BALL TICKETS, BLANKS, HANUI1ILLS, MERCANTILE LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS. BILLHEADS, UN V ELOPES. I sat within my tranquil room ; The twilight shadow sank and rose With slowly Uickcrinu motions, waved Grotesquely through the dusk repose. There caino a sudden thought to me, Which thrilled the spirit, flushed the brow A dream of what our world would be A thousand years from now ! If Science on her heavenward search, zoning the stiller charts apart, Or delving hour by hour to win The secrets of Earth's inmost heart, If that her Future npes her Past. To what new marvels men shall bow Marvels of land nnd air nnd sea A thousand years from uow ! If Empires keep their wonted course. And blind Republics will not stay, To count the cost of laws which lead, Unci ring to the Stale's decay, What changes vast ol riile and realm The low upraised, the proud laid low May greet the unborn ages still A thousand years from now ! Our creeds may charge with mellowed times Of brightening truth nnd love increased. And some new Advent flood the world In glory from the haunted East ; While souls on nobler heights of faith May mark the mystic pathway grow 1 icarcr ixtwcen tlicir stand and Heaven's A thousand yenri from now; Such things may he, but what perforce Mutt with ruthless epochs pass t The millions' breath, the centuries' pomp. Sure as the wane of llowcrs or grass ; The earth so rich 111 tombs to-day, Thero scarce scums space for Death to sow Who, who shall count her chnreh-yard wealth A thousand years from now I And we, poor waifs, whose life-term files (When matched with Aftkic aud Befoui Fleet as the aimless wind, or wave Breaking its frui! heart on the shore We, human toys that Fate sets np To smite or spare, I marvd how These souls shall fare, in what strange sphere, A thousand year from now f Too dim, too vugne, for mortal ken That far phantasmal Future lies ; But Love ! one sacred truth I read lust kindling in your tear-dimmed ey. s ; That states niny rise and states may set, With age Earth's tottering pillars bow, But stillness Love can ue'er forget ; And though we know not 'where' i:or'how Our conscious lore shall blossom yet A thousand years from now ! . fitrjicr'r rr.1 iiiotnpson, Moses Sullivan, William C. v.ook, amea A. M'Devitt, Charles J. See ley. Charles 8. retterman. Georse S. Bon. uei, u. j. Damn e. r.if rlcL- V,, UnK,... I' it; 1 1' T ' . J lectori oe tTi.l. :w nuiu ojuj in 1 uee. Mr. t.iiott moved the annoinlmr-nt. nf comtuiuee of nine to renort nnmea f,.r,t. .1 f 1 1, " "'w- Kaiua auu ancrnatos to the Cincinnati Con V A"reet: t0- James ? Kutan Amos Gartside. Williani -pnioif va ?V TrS!UiUk' F W il Paticr- son, c Xj iiauee and E V Smi I -w Mr. Cessna moved a recess until ."$ o'clock auieiiueu u niCCt at 2t ii'eWlr A .1 tn nnl f!r.ntmni;n.. .1 " , " rpi T ""'Nitiiiou iiujyurneu. r t. it -y n 11011 reassembled at 3 o'clock. u, A citerraan, irom t he "ii iiurmanent nrran ?nt ! following for committee reported the PERMANENT ORGANISATIONS President Edward M'Pherson of Adam ice Presidents, 1st, ED Cobb; 2d, Jo d 1. 1. '.. 1 ! K,ir.,Sn Jnc?33 ; 5th, Thomas II Kern A'AdamSth, Adam Albright : Jth. Will -. , iuiU, oarauei iJavis ; 11th. J ulace ; 12th. Gen Wm MiMtu. i .i. iSo?L,h(TUTGfi8,in"er ; 14th' Jereraiah IIahn 12th, J J Clvde: Kith. John a,i... .17,,.' Jacob L. Bixler ; 18th, II J Keeder ; 19th fcih:0;-11' "on Lew,, oo 'r Trf. L ner;2Jd, David 25th, W T Humphreys ; 2Gth, Thomas V iioyd:2ith. William If if n- ou.i C III Lresaler; 19lh, Lewis C Heil ; 30th! AValiace Guss; 31, John A M'Kt-c: 32d, Dr Wm U Mosser; 3:5d, Captain William Ir J Johnston ; 3oth, Hon William II Koontz; 3ah, C M IJrewer ; 38th, J II Hag-erty ; 3!nh, J it M'Afee ; 40th Sam uel A iscotl : 41st. Dr A W ciwrJi . 10 1 U li Rogers ; 43. Geonre Trnniimn i t.7. 21 D S Atkinson, C W ?,aker Andrew Stewart, Wm Parshall. 22 C L Ma2ee, J II Hampton, 23 II W Oliver, jr., J A Chambers, 21 MS Quay, W S Moore, 23 11 Iluloffson, Simon Trubv. 20 L G Lino, Henry C Blosa, 27 Thos M Walker, j 11 Uamaa, C W Eachelor, j a. ii.'uevitt. Walton Woolsey JIu-h M'Xeill. P S Keeder, Jno W Donan. E L Davis, Joa Henderson. C A Sullivan, Geo S M'MulIcn. W S Brown. E W Smiley. Mr. liutau. from lht committen of nin 10 making his report said that the Lancas er couutv deleirates nrofeatr.l Beieeuon of district delegates to the IvJa tional Convention ; but the protost was not needed, the Convention having already de- .u..ul.u uj moua 01 selectinz district oaloiTates. Mr. Bresslnr. of "Wirt ff:.-.i ..- r..i ln f t UUUO.U Hie IOI- '""'ux. wmcn was reri WUEUE.V3. A COIlllition rf rrronf f... Clal (llKtrpa 11 1 . ,., " pioaient iij ou: coun- "j-, uiiecungaii the departments of bust um, especially tiiose who are dene,,. , w.tu V7.VV IV'.UI lvertieieiits most be paid before imsertiou, excaw . where uaniee have aecuost. f'a ,"u,i"; 'weuty ctuU it lice, nd ten eeuU tor e'-rji uUtqnont iiuortiun. Jr for the hmt two huee, .ud 1.00 for ench adoltioii.1 Governor Ilartranft'a name to tLat Con- mention as the choice of Pennsylvania, and nn.'tnri .n earnest. constantand united Ka?d nPn aI1 questions to bo teo frr ari3in- ia the Cnven anu a t lhe- VOte of Vlvania as a unu a, the majority of the delegation shall followed t?,L lW! h aPP,aD. that which uoa oeing 0ud and continued. j. ne resoluuona were unanimously adopl- Mr. Minor, of Lavetu. n im- 2j) ' j -w.v. wuc iuuuvy Ilesohed, That thin .-1 the State Central Commit ti. ZL?Z"m perfect orsioization oTtta'-'L" imsfcllimcous. K i;iMt iAVA STATU ( X VE. no.. The CAKDS, GK. ( AIU 'A M.A IIKK.M irket Street, . SUNISUKY, l'A. Dealer in Druj;, , MeUicines, l'iiints, (ills, Class, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, ( iiT:irs, Pocket lio)kB. Dairies, Ac. 71 1. I.I AM It. I.KIMAN, JI STICE or Tlln l-KAi i;, SHAMOKIN. I'KN'N'A. Collections and nil other business etilruleJ to his ease urill receive pioiuj't attention. Shaiiiokin, J;u. til, 1STC ly. lKXTISTItV. GEOIUJE M. HKX.V, StmjfMt' HuHhnj, Mirla Squire, SrMtiuv, V., 1 prepared to do all kind of work j.eitainiiiir to Dentistry. Ite keeps constantly on hand bir.'e. assortment of Teeth, and other Dental material, from which lie ill be able to select, n,l ineci tne waiiltof his customers. All worK warranted to "ive satisfaction, or else tlii. iiioticv refunded. The very beet Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders kept on hand. His references are the numerous patrons for whom he has worked for the last twelve ear Kuubury, April si, li' 4 ftottls mxtJ iicstaurants. C1.K.1 Mar I III VT IKkl SK. Third Street below larket, tuiihury, Pa. PfclKIt 1U li UKL1.. Proprietor. Kooms m :il aim co-iiioiiaon-. Tables supplied with the delicacies of the season and the waiters attentive and oblwiuc feunqury, Jan. '-'i, 1(n75. Has just returned from the Kastern cities.wilh an elciraut aeicrtions 01 LOTUS, ( ASSIMKUr.S, and vfsii.;s, tllipv" . "I:.KT8, UOOKs. MANIFKJn'1?. II -TTMH-1 STATKS HOTKI.. W. F. J Kl I'CH EN, Proprietor, tlppositu the De pot SllAMOKIN, PA. Every attention irivcii to travellers, and the best aecoinnio lations given. Apiii;. tf STREET. CiLTiyoui;, M. 11. Uft hand side pohiR from Baltiiuore street, a few do.r from the corner. Fail not to observe uuiuc and number. ... , 1 ltf-So letters received unless pottnid and eonlaii.'inp a stamp to bo used ou the reply. Per son writing ahould state ajjc, and scud a portion of advirtifcmcnt describing fymiaoms. There are so many l'aitry, Desn:uiiiir and Worthless Impnstcrs advertising themselves as Phy-ieians. triUinp with and raiulii); the t.ealtli of all who uufortuuiitely fall into their Vvcr, that Dr. Johuston deems it necessary to sayes i. iarlv to those nnaequuinted with his refuta tion that liis Credentiais or Diploma ulwajs ham; in his office. EMXiRSEMENT OF THE PKESS. Tlie many thousands cured at this Establish ment, year after year, and the numerous 1111-1-oiUnl Sumical Operation performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the representatives or the press and many other papers, notices of which aave appeared atraiu and ai;a':n before the public, be.ides his kUudiiiB a a tteutUuian of character and retponsibilitv, is a suflicieut guarantee to he ' ofllieted. Shiu d'iseases speedily eurcd. April . 1S75. lv I TMIH IC ASU II.AM MII.I.S Thiid Street, ndioinln? Vhila. & Erie K. It., two Ninitri s North of the Central Hotel, SUNBUKY, PA. 1UA T. 'CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum !.cr required by the demands of the public Jlaviua all Hie latest improved machinery for niauiifa.turiiic Lunber, he is now ready to till or trs "f all kinds of FLOORING, SII)IN;, DOORS SHUTTERS, tAhli, BLINDS MOCDDIN;a, VE RANDA, BRACKET!, ' . nad a') kiuds of Ornamental ScrowlAV'ork. Turtt ins of every description promptly executed. Also, A lanoE AssoiiTwrNT or ' BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shintrles, PitJt.ns Lathe, ke. Orders' promptly tilled, midshipi-cd by vLl":l, vatioxai, 11011:1.. Ai'fii'STrs i VV M.II l'ronrietor. (leorjretown North d County, Pa., at the Station of the N. C. R. W . t;hoiee wines aud cigars at the bar. Tlie table is supplied w ith the best the market all'ords. (iood Mablini; and attentive ostlers. nl'M M I-1IS KT-STA I It AST, Lol'ISJIUMMKL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SUAMOK1S, PENN'A. HaviiiKjnst refitted the above Saloon for the accomodation of the public, is now prepared to ...rv, fri..iwU with the best refreshments, and fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt quor. business Sarbs. TVMKi:! IXSIKI 1! J. S. C'UIIIIHIIIUS, In the Craves Building, Ea-t Market Street. S U X 15 u it v , r E X X ' A , Reprcsei.ts the very beft Fire, Lite and Acci dent Companies. Fire Insurance is his specialty, lie represents such companies us the .Ktna of Hartford ; Royal, of Liverpool; Home, of New York, and Amazon, of Cincinnati, the mott re liable companies in existence. Mar. ID, 170. If. " AUCTION EHH. wil.MAM ki-:i:nb Oir.-r his services as auctioneer in Sunbury and vicinity, llavinir had much experience, those havin.' sab s r vendues will find, by employing him, that he will sell Roods al i.''l l'"ctP' aml that I'is charges are reasonable. March 10, '70. Cm. of the finest French Brands, Iriminiugs, vc. lie is now ready to receive orders for SPl'.INC AND SUMMER SI' ITS of any desired style. The latest styles ol pal- terns 011 hand, and NEAT PITS OUAUAXTEED. Vou will find prices at leant as reasonable as elsewhere, (iive me a call. C1IAS. MAIIIL, l'oniTll ST., Oj'jwUe CITY HOTEL, S I N BURY, PA. Sm.b.iry, April SI, lS7r.-lf. wat in:s, v sii.vek- AVAKF. John AV. Slooiini, Comer Third and Market Sis, Sunbury, I'h. AS completely renovated his Store Room. and opened the largest assortment 01 WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWEI.R SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited in this nart of the State. Every thing in the Jewelry line is kept in store. SIImt- nrv. Itracelets, of every description and of the finest quality. Particular attention paid to repairing AViilt lirs, 'lork, Jowt-Iry, Ac. HAIR JEWELRY made to order. Sunbury, March 0, 1S74. John II. Sr.u.. John M. S iinoi k m:i.i. a scik.oi it. Second Street, Wor.i.snonr, Pa. POI.KItJX AXDDOM E.STIC LIQUOKS WINES, BRANDIES, iINS, 1'ure ! Kj AVIiImKoj, Arri.c WiusKKV, Cokoials, V:c. Ail Liquors sold t;aurranteed as represented Orders promptly attended to and public pa tronaire respectfully solicited. SELL Ac fcCHONOUR. Jd St., Womelsdorr, Bi lks Co., Pa Feb. '.'7. 1S71. lV. New Millinery Store, III.KM, NorthM mnly, I'a. CIRCULARS Everything that is needed in the printing de parlinciil will be executed with promptness and :it lov prices. All arc invited to call and exa mine our samples. No trouble lo Rivn estimates and show go.!. We shall cheerfully do this to all, who call for that purpose, without charge. ; ?' Order for Subscription. Advertising or .Jot- Printin'', .hiiiikfully receive.!. ,d dress EM'L WILVEItT, Projuietor, SUNBURY, PA. Ilcpuhlican State Convnnfinn na. numblcl in the Opera House, at Ilarris Imrz, at 12 o'clock, ai., ou Wednesday, March if'.ltli, 1S70. Anion., tb.. ,l,.h.,i.. were moat of the leadiuj; nu u of tliu party who particiimted in U,e proceeding with nu interest and j)irit that evinced a deter mination to deliberate for the ood of the country find party, Xo wrangling or dis turbing elements were prtscut and the pro ceedings were marked br a ,.iithubia8ui seldom seen in political conven- j occasion by the fcnrtitlon or popular airs. Following is a detailed report T Convention was called to order al 1 o'clock by Col. II. M. Hoyt, Chairman State Central Committee. The roll of delu ate8 whs called by A. Wilson Xorri., Sec retary, and every district reported fully represented. rive delegates from the P.epublican Arsociation at Washington were accorded seats on the tloor of the Convention. TKMPOlt AUY OROAXIATION. Hon. John Cessna, clmirmau 01 the cau cus, then nominated (Jeneral W. H. koontz. of Somerset, as tempoiary thair mau. The nomination being unanimous. ly ratified General Koontz came forward and delivered an address. ADDKKsS OF GENERAL KOONTZ. General Koontz said the Commonwealth ouoht to be potential in the coming nation al convention. Two years ago the Demo cratic party achied such success at the poneral elections as save it a decisive ma jority in the popular branch of Congress. It Las made loua proiespious ui itwoum). abuses, but the thouglittul people 01 una country will expect but little iu that direc tion from the administrators, wuu mo N, m annexed, of Jacob Thompson, Joim . loyd, Toucey and .lellerson Davis, ine Hepublicau party lays claim to popular onlideiicc, urst, irom tne utter 111uap11.11 ,f il.i. DtMiiocralicnartv to govern : second from its owu bright and splendid achieve ments iu the wast ; and third, for its high aims and purposes in the future. Thin nnrtv lias resolved Hint tne siriiuhiu of official life shall be elevated. It lias 1 .1.. .... t.i t..n L 1 r.ti rtt ' ' resoiveu iiiai uusuiaj iunu 01..... It has resolved that the reign of terroi tiii-mioiiniit ftm .southern section 01 iuis fountrv shall cease, and that the rights,thc rwi lift I ri.'his. of rll. high and low, 1 . ' 11.1. 1 rieli and poor, oiacK. uuu uh.n., shall be the undoubted aud recognized law of the Republic. With these high aims and purposes, with our nonoreu wnuui, i. .i ti V. Hnrtrtmlt. than whom none are more brave iu the held, nont couiu oe more trusted iu council, a pure and honest iniin to be. the standard bearer of this par- .,o.(,. tiw.rp can be no doubt that In the litll t 1 1 ul" w . f..inr victorv will, as it lias in the past, nerch upon the banners ot the ucpuuncau . -.TT. 40lh' E V Matthews oeui .iv Alison; 47th, John MI1- .....u , wm, ueorgo v Allen ; 49th, M W Caughey ; oOtb, Hon S Xewtou Pettis. SecrcUioies-Luciaa llogers, William L V , ."- u covert, Harrison Sny der L.chard Ueltz, Charles A Porter,John '.'"".".ayres, John T Thomp. -yo, .. imam oiimti, Aaron stover, C T !?'., rn1"1 .-wpe, A Ilerr, Amos Kuttcr, Charses S Gilbert. I W Grow, J K Iawes, L T Harland, JG Xokes, J K Loyle, I r (, X Cl.uc. A P Stevens, J U M'Laughhn, James Kell, Dr D Deckert , ;S I;f"boK,I' c'apt J T Zug, George li Or :ady, J 1, i, Kinsloe. Cant Chnrioi t- Samuel J Jordan, S A Smith, C B Could, j aulloru, Mark Donley. R J P.ic,ard son, Samuel Steele' Col S Weyand, George Uursier, R Sweitzer. Ilartlv Il.m,. ".T 1S'AtdM' J-.reraiah Lyons, J P Stlby, U Metteck. Sergeant at Arms William J Carroll Doorkeeper James Schuyler. Messenger A M Fields. Mr M'Pherson by Hon John I Mitchell and W i the ban J playing 'Hail t0 tho Chief.' Mr. M'Pherson said : (kntleuten rf the Von cent ion: Knowin" your anxiety, which is but natural under the circumstances, to finish the importaut (.lift iphioh I, V t . .u1Ua, orougni you togetlier, in tlio most expeditious manner consistent with the forward dispatch of it, I only de tain you to say that I thank you for the high honor you have conferred upon me. lhe Committee on contested seats re ported as follows : i'he undcraiimed. a mmmitti.a o,,..:..i . 1 , tiitvilOLCU oy this Convention urn wintt.i,i ...... Oeg leave to unanimously report that they have carefully examined all written evi dent upon their daily labor for support? And whereas, Many schemes have been proposed to relievr thk currencTe-8PeCia!!y 'm Ur ba8i" of tom!!et,Cierea"'.N rIan3 PrWl seem to meet the great emergency now upon us ; And whereas. It, is a fact of history that CVtrv fltiiinclul ,...,; .u . . . J. a 1 , vuoio niruugn wuicu we .....V aaocu nas oeen causal h i., protection to American ; "'"rT neut of the tariff, and in. Z.l " no f ; 1 ' ... ""'"mi ui uuui's f 7 B . WU1CU comc in tompetl uon wuu our home labor: the ConvfiS .aia he. Jsment of this oW. Ghegan and Harry Ilun .'t lltciiu V LTIIR mplhrul tf wli.f I 1 Or - 'Ihirrf I K T . lies 1U a ftft PnOTEHTIVH TiDrifr. i.:i. ami W!ll;. T i t. ...''" ahnii " . . iriuuii o. ivonv ; x ourtd. Kobert S. iCLCUa ranvaba M largely due ; and the industry and abilitv with which Major A. W. ed m the management of our political cam paigns daring the last five years, takn th; opportunity to give expression to the obli gations which their zeal has. placed the Republican party under, and to earnestly invite them to continue durinz the nevt campaign to serve the party in the capaci ties in which ther have alrej.d h distinguished ability, aad that the State Committee of 187(i bo appointed upon the basis adopted at tlie Convention at i"..- ter last year, with Gen. IT. T TToi-f ... Chairman and A. W. X'orris. Secretary. Agreed to. After the appointment of the State Cen tral Committee, the Convention adjourned. Members of the State Centbil Committee : PhiladfTniiiiB':,.,t ti;f-; James McAvoy and James L. Brown : Se- ia lH,UUrrl'B OUT A 4.l.,Af. siiall aflord employment to the thousands austsoi me cheapness of foreign 3" w u e uu m m;inJ instances i. ? l" "reicneauess and want. Keferred to Committee an Hp Mr. Strang, ff. Committee on Itesr j, . ? "?-lM Allowing resoltions : we ncrejy "hirm the i V V. r. J -" '"-""'iwu Ulie t,ii,a ai aucaster in 1375, and. in view of recent events nt Vh;nr.tJ emphatically endorse that part of ft which demands 'honest men in olliee men with enougn to know dishonesty when icf nee it, anu courage enough to liht It ""wicur uiey nnd it' Tin R,mih1i nvrl I:. . . .. I ..v-cl. ""J ' t'JIUlUlLLl'll nv ira nr.nn. Il- . ltlon.S. its historv nml it. .1.,.; .. - , it, . o uu in trepid and houest affaiis, and wherever in Xntiom.T stQiQ or municipal life maladminUtrtwU i,. existed, or doos exist, we demand that it .M.w:u ami corrected, and the guilty jt-uucu , aim to mis end we pledge the lull measure of our support as citizens cuu as voters. lieaolved iitcu suu v:niam il. i,ist; Fifth li Y Bonham and . A. Ilownil sit-ii. 'it t Smith and Thos. Xoble ; Seventh, Ezra" Lukens, John McCullough, and 3L S. ri i . - vyijanes u. ainer. and Adams-E. McPherson, Gettysburg, Alleahanv IF. S Viom; ii u 7 John X. Xeob. William If Mi'!c.0. i, ert Leed, James Boyd, Abraham Winters, lieed. IIi: SUNI5UKY AMERICAN -yy ILtltlASI W ITKIC, IIuumc, Nlifu ami Fresroo SUXBUltV, PA. I'a tiler, Will iht'. inl to uminiiip. rai"'R oil. .it churi ljuc. hulls tir. Fr-'o init in . at bhort lio- JS, l7i'. Chi". K1I., FLOIK, CKAIM AM 1MIOS 1MIATE. ryY. unJ.Tiirni'd having conner-tcl tins Coal X .uim'PS with his exteiiwveFl.OUK.: fiRAlN trails, is pri'paml to supply familii's with the VF.ICY ItKST OF COAL. C HEAP FOK CASH. Eirir, Ptove nil Nut, ronntantly oii hanJ. (Jrain takVii in cxfUunSre fr Coal. : u1m priaml to oui ply lo farmers and others THE NATHlXAh SOLUBLE HONE. Tliis l'hrifi.hatc U of a higher gra.le than j UMial iu lhB, country, ami is eolil at a roasimablc Vriv. Suiil.nry, S' i't MKS. KATE MI'.CK nsjiectfjlli iiilorins the l ublic that xhe h is opctiej a MEW 5IIM.IXF.KV STOKE, on Front ttroi t, llrrnln, wlu re sho has jut t;M-iit-(t an rntirc lif-vr ftock of Fall ami WinttT Millinery fiomls of lhe latrrt tjli;ainl ialli"k, consoling of im m 'JJDBB3'J34 FEATIIF.US. FLOWEUS, ItlllliUNS, and all (i.Kiils rounJ in a firt clnf MiHinfry ytorr, whirh arc olh-rcd nt ritrenn ly low i.rici a. Lntlii'i aru pspiciallv inviti'd to rail ami t auiineiU the niw htylifc, anil nsrtni tho lrit-- KATEMECK. Il-rinlon, Oot. 15th, linn. HAAS' EXPETOKAXT The Great Rcinrily for CoiiL'hs, Colds, CoiiKUnitioii, and all l)isi-asc of th Throat nnd Minf. Will Cure, and oftoti when npimrentiy honelLs ue iw.nit. mnv nnt nomtilete the work, hut if the ....t;..,! .,,n in, Ufa the use of the EXFECTOlt- ANT, takinsi in regularly, relief will noon hr ob tained, and a Cure made. I'KICE 50 CENTS. Sold by all Uriigsixts. W Unl a I'lijHi in Sj. (iltKKN IiillAK, I'a. I dispensed ynr Hans' Expectorant iimoiig . .,.iii.i it has urovcd more ffflcaeioin than any other medicine of Its clnss that 1 have been unig in my medical career, Li Misi.i.e. M. D. IS TIIK BEST A D VKlUSISd MEDIUM In the Central part of the Stale, IT CIKCLLATES III one of the Most Thrifty, Intelligent and WEALTHY SECTIONS Or PENNSYLVANIA. Sample copy of paper sent to any address lice That wa htnlr tniha r';: .: (i . . " viuu:uuuu wuitm w glve us candidates for Presl l"''".".uu v ice A-resident who are above U5i"uuui u wuose personal integrity Hie nation can most surely trust ; andthat It'll (1 Ian i i .. ... 1WJ. iu our irieuos throughout the Vtw io inaKu sure mat, in presenting can. uni.iies ior congress aud the Legislature, .... j ..... on,. musu oniy wuo are known i ui: iiunesi, capaoic and faithful to vAinsiiiuuon. the in rl v The chairman concluded amid long con tinued plaudits of approbation. i.l .1. Wevand. Thos. It. Cochran. Cy- .,c t l.v S. Newton l'ettis aud llU"ll Mullen, were elected temporary r-dcia "" . . . . . r Jud-e Pettis moved tlie appointment oi si rnnitnittce ot seven on contested e;ii, u na nitreed to. Mitivit ....... , i...:.... l..itiva I ' s. (ii bert. J. Ik. i m luui...".. .. . .... , r' Af... A. M. Hcrr. li. Uiciiarosou, vs. M. Marks and U. It. Smilii were appoiui- , .1 uimli .iiniimttce V. V . OUt... w....- . p tr st i-.ui.T moved tlie aDiionumeni oi n committee of one from each Congressional .i;i.w.t .lrnft resolutions, which was uiaiiKt . . . agreed to. , M If llinif ham. J. Havmond ciagnorn n r . . i Dr. M'Adams, Christ. Kneass, Atiam ii bri"ht, George " ltullock, Samuel P.ut'.er, Jacob Knabb. Tliomas li. coenran, janies i K. Dawes, Pencliot, ineo. .-iiong, Thomas A. lliley, J. .) Clyde, A. i. iei Pi. It. Strang,' George T. Swank, John II. Shiebly, K. G. l ahnestock, John a. i - Kee. J. I. M 'Connie, i.eorge i."in, Josiah Spear, John Bower, Silas J. Marlin, A. G. Apple, P. Y. Hays were seiecteu us such committee. Mr. Fetterman moved that the Senator ial district be selected to report ollicers for permanent organization. Agreed to. AYilliam 15. Collins. Charles V. Thacher, Harrison Snvder, Ptlis P. Fips, John Cloud, It. K. Smith, Wm. 15. Kllmn, Da vid Martin, Wm. J. Smith, Sam'l F. Gwin ner, Geo. AV. Grant, Joseph A. Shoemaker N. M. Wood, Frederick Smith, Joseph 15. T .mollis Ihvvid Williams. J. G. Ilcilmau, IT V.nnnr. L. 15. Kaler. G. S. f. Alex ander, G. L. Halsey, William Lilly. S. II. linv 1) l. Dvnovan. II. J. Olmstead, Hnhort. A. Smith. P. L. llackf?uburg, Cal vin i Smiih. Andrew G. Cropper" George P. Smith. Jeremiah Lyons, James 11. M Chim James A. M'Nn'iL'ht. K. T. Tut ton. Jas. F.Millikcn, J. 15. Ascon, It. M. liurk inan, J. T. Dale, J. A. Agee, Jasper M. mlatunn tnieala UOOn ttllTWr-OC Orlady as Senatorial delegate and John W. Mattcrn and Wm. It. Gilleland as Re presentative delegates, at the same time informing this Convention that the warrant for such conclusions of your committer is found in the certificate of the member of the State Central Committee anJ the Chair man of the Republican County Committee of the said county. While your committee ask leave to commemd the conciliatory courso pursued by Mr. Fisher, the Senato rial contestant, :n his action looking to healing of all dissensions ainoug the real Republicans of that county. . 1 -VT J. It. M'ArEK. A. X. Hkkr, ClIAS. S. GfLtiERT, William L. Sjuth, Cyrcs S. Mark, It ALPH J. RlCIIAKDSOX, Tim following ceutlemen were selected as Electors : KLKCTORS AT LARGE. 15enjarnm II Rrewster, Philadelphia. John W Chalt'ant, Allegheny. KLECTORS. 1 John Welsh, Philadelphia. 2 Henry Diston. Philadelphia. 3 Christian J. IIofTman, Philadelphia. 4 Charles Thompson Jones, Philadelphia. Kdwin A Fitter, Philadelphia. 6 Dr Itcnjamin Smith, ltuekac 7 J W. I5eruard, Chester. 8 Jacob Knabb, lterks. 9 John It. Warfel, Lancaster. 10 Dr Soseph Thomas, ltucks. 11 Ario Pamec, Iuzorne. 1-2 Itcwis Pughe, Luzerne. 13 Edward S Sillimau, Schuylkill. 14 William Caldcr, Dauphin. o Miles L Tracy, Wayne. 1C S W Starkweather, Lycoming. 17 Daniel J Morrell, Cambria. 18 Jeremiah Lyons, Juniata. 19 William Hay, York. 20 William Cameron, Union. 21 J B Donnelly, Fayettec. 22 Daniel O'Neill, Pittsburg. -: William Neeb, Allegheny. 24 Audrew 15 Rerger, Lawrence. 2o Samuel M. Jackson, Armstrong. 2d James Westerman, Mercer. 27 W W Wilber, Warren. The following were elected district dele gates to tho Cincinnati convention: DELEGATES AT LARGE. ALTERNATES. J I) Cameron, W R Leeds, II M Hoyt, R W Mackcy, DELEGATES. 1 II II 15iugham, Wm J Pollock. 2 John L Hill, Mor M'Michael, 3 (i W Fairmau, M II Stanton, 4 W m It Maun, W II Kemble, o J M Ityram, Jos Johnston. CUT Darlington, Alleu Wood, jr., 7 G E Darlington, J Smith Guthcy, 8 W. S. M'Manus, E E Griescmau, J O J Dickey, Henry S Eberle, 10 II J Reedor, E li Young, 11 Chas Albrisht, D A Iteckley, 12 E X Willard, II W Palmer, 13 L Bartholomew, Daniel C. Miller, 14 Samuel F 15arr, I. W. (.'rove, 15 J E Carwalt, J W Smith, 10 John It 15owen. S Rogers, 17 John Cessna, Edward Scull 13 John Stuart, John Wister, 19 Cas H Mullen, Ed M'Pherson, 20 II T Harvey, T H Murray, David Aiken. Henry Ilasley, Jno N Purviancc, Wm D Forten. ALTERNATES. John O'Dounell, II CSolby. A C Roberts, Geo S Jones. Thomas Smith, John 15 Sepler. Geo D Phclan, E II Jeffries. Jas Whitaker, Jas L Tull. J Paul Knight, John Wood. Isaac W Vanlear, W H Osborn. J K Sterrett, L II Smith. It F Eshelman. Dr. A Craig. R C llammersley, 15 E Schuman. J Lautz, Edgar Pinchot. J 15 Van 15ergcn. L C Darte. Wallace Guss, E Wilvert. W II M Oram, A 11 Stevens, George F Reutlev. W M Dietrick, J C Johnson, ltcnj L Hewitt, R A Clark. AV II Wood, Frank Schoch. A Koser, il Ed Hersh. J II Haggerty, John 15 Linn. lirxnlrnl Tl..t il,.l) i. .-.vt. ., iuu ivepuuiicaus or Penn sylvania, having nothing in their past his tory which they wish to blot out, or toan o ogiza tor.or would have the nation forget arraign the Democratic leaders in Congress and their abetters, for the preference shown to tlie deadly principles, and for th ...k. servieuey shown to the defiant leaders of the force amuesty upon men- twifrotad .oc wa re pentent to ask it,or lo guilty to deserve it; and for the combined recklessness aud cow ardice of their course on financial questions a recklessness which mischievously holds out a threat to overthrow existing laws, and a cowardice or incapacity to originate a substitute for theai all which expose tlie l)..mrwratic nar v as without a national iustinct, or an unsectioual impulse, or an ffirmative nolicv. and as unlit to be trust ed by the country which, when last under their control, they madly hurried into the vortex of Civil War. linked. That recent events in the late slave States clearly expose a purpose on the part ol the Democratic party to seizj tLem all, and wield them, as a unit, in the next Presidential electiou ; that to this end bru tal and bloody conspiracies have beeu made to coerce voters, and base legislative con- gp'.racies are at mis it o rue in iu umuuu in order that an unprincipled and fraudu lent majority may deprive properly-chosen ollicers of their legal rights ; and as against these outrages we take an appeal to me nonn'p of the nation. ,,..,...- r, j ifrnfiirni I nai me cuuiiuuu auicn ui.- mmil that our nublic schools shall not on. ... . .... i r v im frw to all. but shall be preserved irom all special control. All attempts to divide the school fund, for any purpose whatever or to divide auy portion ot it into any chan nel not under "oonular control, is to bo frowned upon and resisted with unyielding firmness. The recent deteat, in tne .uuuio- cratic legislature of Maryland of a consti tutional ameudruent to secure tlie common school fund of that. State against division, reveals at once a crave dansei and its source on.i with niiipr like facts makes plain the i,,to- nfi!nncnvi to submit such an amend t w.0--- , T-...l i.ient ta thB Constitution Ol me uuin; tii.iii.ii ne when adonted. will effectually de MW, J" C It f..n,1 tho rmiimon hctiool 8VBICU1 irom an bnomioa nnll Of C!OVCft. w 1 ... m. il . litsoked. That tlio attempt oi me imu ocralic House of Representatives at Wash iu"tou, iu the face of the depressed condi tion of American Industry, to inflict upon the nation a free trade tariff is an insult to the intelligence of the people, and an evi .i..iw nf the inability of the Democratic party to meet the present wants oi tne couu- try Tlie remedy lor our suuenus muv. Iriea in in a hi" her. not in a lower, tariff. UevAved. That the noglecl oi tne puonc the State bv the present major ity in th lower branch of the Legislatuie, .....1 iIir nlainlv annarant purpose of that ... r j r. .....:,. ma oritv to needlessly prolong mo k with the sole object of thereby encreasing ihnir nnr is wortbv of the strongest cen cur,, and must, if persisted in, awaken the just indignation of an outraged people. . licsohed. That the unitorm policy or me Republican party of Pennsylvania, in keep ;.... ti.n linnlena of taxatiom while steadily reducing the public debt.should be iwrsistentlv maintained. When the debt is 1 out", the nublic expenditures should ... nnniim d tn the civil expenses of the State Government, the support of her pnb lit. nn.l anl .lier' ornhan schools, and the efficiency of her reformatory aud penal in stitutions. 7? frJrpif That the recomcndation oy Governor Hartranft of a uniform system of .... inoi nrtvernment tbroti2uoui tne State, aud of the adoption of effective mea nre to prevent a further increase of muni t.irtnl ill .lelitrdness. is worthy of all corn mendatiou and should be put into practical operation at as early a day as possime. ltfsnh-ed. That in recoiuitiou ot the era inent services, both in the field and cabinet the raie executive ability and the unswerv in rectitude of Governor John F. Hart' r-infr th Republicans of Pennsylvania TV . . ...;!. n.) nreseni nis name iu iiic t.ttr..;.i.rTt;r.n nf tho Republicans of the Un irttt ftir nnniination for the Presidency of i,o iTnitml States, in the full contidence that tho great qualities which have render iratioH of State affairs model, even by the coafession of political foes, would insure us wise, capable, un flinching, honest and successful couduct of the vast and varied interests of the na tion, and that tho delegates from Penn sylvania to the National Republican Con vention arc hereby instructed to present Armstrong-A. G. nenry, Kittannin-. Leaver-David Aiken, leaver. Ledford-Samuel J. Jordan, Uodford. Blair-AI Tyhurst, Tyrone Bradford No report -Iucks-Sarnnel F. Gwinner, Tayiorsvillc Butler T. C. Campbell. Perks Horace A. YnmU r V. Grant. Readiner. tambna-Dr. E. II. Plank, Ebensbur Cameron-B. W. Green, Emporium. " Carbon-E Will Bayle, Mauch Chunk. Centre John G. Love, Bellefonte. Chester Barton D. ter, and Captain Wro. Wayne, Paoli. , T,ry' ltalPn' KMt Bradv. Clearfield Hon. J. fi urnoii.. Vn field. . J' v'rear Clinton John W. Harris T vl- tt;.. 1, . . - 1 w ttmcu, .Columbia James C. Tlmr, tt bun. w"-, "W Crawford W. S. liose, MewlviJIe. Cumberland-Wm. M. Dindsay, Carlisle Dauphin Charles H. ler..n ir-: t , mll. - vtfcu,t, tiiti l ia- ourg, and William Irwin. Lvkenstown. Delaware Edward Rice. Media. Elk J. O.'W. Bailey, Rid 'way Erie George W. Colton, Erie. Fayette Joseph J. Farrey, Connellsville rorest JohuThoBinson stpvuni-. i-.,.. r . . , . ' 1 uM..iH.vt .5 null x ranblin Georco It. iVio.t;,. rn. bersburg. - Fulton Dr. S. E. T)nfrinM xrt.r.t.i!. burg. . Green W. G. W. Day, Wavnesburr. Htintin Tm.oni n t i r .. mm i vim' r . . k . lacauum, iiun- I,awreno8 Ju. a. iJuroia, - viwuc Lebanon No report. Iehish Robert Iredell, Alientown. Lycoming Henry Brown, ) llhamsport Luzerne E1 ward II. Chase," JKilkes- barre; John G. Noakes, be ran ton. McKean tv. J- uoiegrove, ioiegravt. Mercer J. C. Brown, Greenville. Mifflin E. C. Hamilton, Lewistown. Monroe Theodore Schoch, Stroudsburg MantToioerv Maior J. G. McOuuid, Norristown ; Daniel O. Hitner, Conskockeu Montour W. il. uraaiv. ianvine. Northampton N. J. TJenner, Bethle hem. Northumberland IK. II. AI. Oram, Shamokin. . Perry James McIIenry, New litoom- ueld. . , Potter D. C. LarraBee, uouuerspon. S.-hnvlkilI James K, Helms, Schuylkill Haven ; M. M. LeVelle. Ashland. Snyder Samuel a. n eizeu, ijcuvcifcuwu Somerset Major E. M." Shrock, Somer set. . ... Susauehanna Chap. Jonn v. jnorrw, Friends ville. , Sullivan E. V . Ingham, ZJipone. Tica J. B. Potter, IFellsborongh. 1 Union George IF. Schock, MirHinbaig. VanangoCharles W. Mackey, Franklin IFarren George O. Cornelius, warren. "Washing lou John C. McNarry, Can- nousburg. Wayne Henry jW. oeeiey, iioucu.-. Westmorland James A. Hunter, Greens- burg. - , . . wvommz uyrus u. wiap, iuumauu.. 1 ork li. w. lcvaii, oi. Tn r:n:T.B. Here is some excellent ad vice which we wish all the girls to read and remember. There is nothing lovely about a oirl who is unkind to her mother, and we sincerely hope, if you have a mother to love, that you will always irea uet mm kindness. nave you a father ? Have you a moth er? Do you love them j uins, uo yyu know the value of your mother? No body loves you, nobody wia wve you, as she does. Do not be ungrateiui lor vnai love ; do not repay it with coldness. U- loved and unloving, you win live mm if yon do not love and honor your father and mother. Never call either 'old man or o'.d wo- . - . r. I. I , T . Zn tKia ItAlir. man.' il i too ohcu a uwik, try for young people to name their parents thus. This is rude, impudent and unduti ful. Any aged person is an old man or ao old woman. - , There should bo something sacreu, sonw thin" peculiar in the word that designates parents. The tone of voice ia which they t. i -1 1.1 K.. at ffrttlirtun ft anil are auciresseu muum u ubvu. respectful. A ihort, surely answer iroiu a child to a parent falls very harshly ou the car of any persou who has a true idea of filial duly. . . , BeWe, girls,' that you each wm Tor yourselves the name of a dutiful daughter. It is so much easier to be a good daughter, than a good wife and mother. A child's duties are much more easilv performed than a parent's ; so that she who is a good daughter, may fail to be a good wife or mother ; but she who fails in this first, most simple relation need never hope to uL another so well. Be sure, then, that you are a good daughter. It is the best pre paration for ever station and will be its own reward. The secret you dare not tell your mother is a dangerous secret, and one that will be , likely to bring you sorrow. The hours you spend with her, will not cause you re eref and you should never feel disappoint ed o'rout of humor, for not being per mi'ttedtogotosome place to which you wih to eo. You should love her so well that it would noi oc icn. as uubiuucui in give up the gayest party to remain with Nothing is more beautiful than to see a girl take off her things and sit smilingly down with her mother, because she wishes it Go and kiss your mother, as you used to do when a child, and never grow too large or wise to be a child at her side. J. M. CADWALLADEU. 10, 1H75. If. Truly yours, Feb. 11. Is?. ' I'loi3 or thcriae. Jcli:lT 1UA T. CLE.MKST. of chatuc. 4 S