Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 31, 1876, Image 2

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    J?un6utD mk
ri. . MASSERf. .
E. WSLVERT. Editors.
For President i
ISul.j. ft tU,e Jocision or the i:MM.l.ncau X:i
tonal ouveulion.
.ll IXJK jKKIiV lil.At K's opinion of the
Iumocratic House .f Representatives was
xprcsecd, according to a Waidiiiigton cor
rt spondent, in the following emphatic
terms, lie was rcinor.i'.rating against the
committment of his client, KiIbourne,when
one of It 1 Democratic friends said : "Hut
Judge, we couldn't do dincrcutly.'1
' Couldn't do diilercntly !" retorted the
Judge contemptuously ; "couldn't do dif
ferently I All that the Democrats in this
House are after is garbage-garbage ; and
it wou't le loti'jr ls-f.rc you'll be thrown
out as garbage yourselves !'
TllK Southern Democratic jiajM-rs are
not all blind. "With what grace," the
Richmond ll'ie asks, "can the Democrat
of New Hampshire point to the sjieeches
of Messrs. Hill and Tucker as imprudent
wheu they selected a 'copperhead anti
war Democrat,' as their candidate for
Governor ?' The query is well put. The
Xorth cau turn out Democrats, in every
Stite and iu every county, who wr-re as
rebellious in heart and . as trni'orous in
act, according to their opportunities, as
either Hill or Tucker.
Thk Iuii-asier correspondent of the
Xew York Times classes liuckaJew, who
heads the Ieinoi ratic Electoral ticket, as
a Wallace man. The conversion must
have been very recent, then. Our convic
tion is that if Wallace's political lite de
jH'uded uiwn Ihickalcw, his head would go
off as quickly as IJuckingha.-u's when
Richard the Third captured him. There
may lie a truce that exist between a dog
and a cat who cannot get at each other.
Lancaster Convention-. The state
Convention of the iVmocracy held at Lan
caster this week was harmonious and the
proceedings and platform give universal
satisfaction Wutsout"irit Jlnnrd.
What a whopper ! If it had not !cen a
convention f modern Democrats, we
might have been induced to believe the
above, but as several were ejected from the
convention for their boiste rous conduct,
and many honest Democrats left tin- city,
and did not go into convention, it docs not
ccm like having Is-cn 'harmonious'' nor
that the proceedings give "uuiversal satis
faction. "
TllK new salary bill has not yet Ih-pii
passed by the legislature. In no way are
the people plundered to so great an extent
ns by the exaction of illegal fees. All
officers ought to he salaried if posible.
Silver. The Government has Mopped
the issue of fracUrnal currency with the
inleii'.iui of substituting si!( r coin for tlte
small noi-s of 10, 2 ami .".0 cents. Silver
bus become so much reduced in value, as
compared with gold, that it is not worth
more than greenbacks, or about 12 to It
per cent less than g Id. This has otca
sioaeu by the enormous production of the
silver niiues of Nevada, and the small
demand for exportation to China and other
places. The Com? tot-k lode, a silver mine
discovered in LSVJ, has already yielded
nearly three hundred millions of dollars.
Gold alone is now oonsidcrol the standard
of value in nearly all the great commercial
ONE of the Jury Coaiwiksi oners of Nor
thumlierland county charged .G'i.24, and
the other one chansi-d 5f4-"t.r0. Total, ?10-J.-74.
Directly under this they add: Mis
cellaneous expenses, $147.41). Ain't that
nice and satisfactory way to state this ex
tras! How satisfactory such a statement
must lie to the taxpayers. Kveryhody
knows what miscellaneous means !-- fr! ins
ijvove Tniits.
It aiers that ti.e editor of the Tinn,
who is the worst kind of a Democrat can
not ere stomach the actions ol our D. mo
rrilie board of ( 'omtnifcsioners. Will the
mule Au-lin r explain t!i" above to his
friend '.Wiri-di.
Dusiot UATic Platform. The follow
ing ik the platform adopted at the La'ucaTler
Convention on Wednesday of last week :
"The Democracy of Pennsylvania in
convention met reasserts its oft rcjicated
declarations of devotion to all of the pro
visions of the Federal Constitution aud to
a perpetual union of the States ; pledges
itself to rigid fidelity to public trusts, to a
pure ati.freconoinieal administration of the
Federal, Slate and muuicipal governments;
to local self-government in every section ;
to the honest payment at the public debt,
and lo sound preservation of the public
faith. They see, with humiliation and
alarm, the evidences of bribery, fraud, nn.l
M'culation in high places ; the distress that
prevails, ami the wide spread financial ruin
that iuiiends over the jieople of the State,
and they charge that these evils are the di
rect results of the personal government,
unwise legislation, vicious policy, extrava
ance. and corruption of the Republican
party and its officials, and inviting al! of
every shade of political opinion, who be
lieve in official purity and fidelity, in the
adjustment J" financial questions upon a
sound basis, having regard for the interests
ol tin: wuo:e people aiut not ol a class, in
the recognition of the final settlement of
all questions submitted to the arbitrament
of the word, and in a policy which under
the Constitution keeps abreast of the pro
gess and civilization of the ::ge to unite
with them, they declare.
1st. That the civil service of the Govern
ment has become corrupt, anil i made the
objection ol iKTsonal gain, and infidelity
to public tiust has become the rule and uot
the exception. We believe that honesty,
capacity, and fidelity are the only tests of
fitness for public station, and that the
wholesome penalties of the law should be
used with rigor toenlorce ofiicial account
ability. 2nd. That the recent and repeated ex
posures of fraud and corruption in the ad
ministration of publi-j affairs call for a
searching and thorough investigation of
the condition if every branch of the pub
lic service, to the end that al! corrupt prac
tices may be brought to light and that all
who have abused their public trusts, what
ever may be their station, may be exposed
and punished, rind we urge those in charge
of this subject at Washington to a prompt,
thorough, and exhaustive examination of
their respective fi -lds of labor.
3rd. That retrenchment and economy
are indispensable in Federal, State and
municipal administration as an essential
means towards lessening the burdens of the
people, and we commend the eflorts of ihe
majority in the House of Representatives
mr me reuiiciii-u oi me expctiuiiiires ol j
;km.kai. items.
n Saturday there wcrem port atTl'hTTa
delphia 150 sea-going vessels, including 21
Meaniship8 and 5 ships, all engaged in load
ing or unloading cargo.
The man who placed the first Uuiou flag
on the fortifications at Richmond has been
awarded a medal of honor by Congress for
gallantry. II is name is William T. Grant,
and he is at present a defective in Read
ing. Sentence' to isk II i:ns. Andrew
Lanahan. convicted in Luzciuc county for
the murder of John lleilly, ami Michael
Doyle convicted in Carbon county, for the
murder of .John 1. Jones, are to be hung
on Thursday, May 4th.
Tde iK-inocratie papers say very little
about Pendleton ; but it is probable that,
like the owl, they are keeping up a very
active thinking about him. It is lamenta
bit: that Democratic editors should be re
strained from s leaking what they really
feel about the disgrace that has befallen
their party. '
15. llachmau, of Columbia, Ianciister
county, has in his possession ,i cane made
of wood from the first house built on the
Susquehanna. It is 17- years old. Mr.
!:ichman proposes having it made into C.vo
gavels, one of which will In; presented to
the borough council and the other lo the
school board.
Treasurer New has resigned, and his
resignation has been accepted, to take effect
April 1. His successor has lieen selected,
but his name will be witheld from the pub
lic for the present. Mr. New says he re
grets that he left his private, business to
come here, and to think of running the
How a Itank Itohberj w us Fruit ra
- . v.
IIakkisisuku, March 2(i. Iast y a
. man giving his Jiame.iLS Ma jor Rollio ar.
rived at Chambeisburg. He represuted
himself as a wealthy Southern geutleuau,
and by his line social qualities, won tees-
teem ami confidence of a large nuuibr of
the solid citizens of the town, a long
them tin; cashier of the First Na onal
Rink. " On Friday night liiilins
called on the cashier with a -friend h in
troduced as Johnson, who he s.iid, dsircd
to make a deposit of : HX.i unli'. ni.rning
The cashier accompanied the men t the
bank, and while he was placing a paikage
containing .'!il,t)UU, which arrived b; ex
press after banking hours, in a pnrate
safe with Johnson's bogus deposit, I'mmen
made a despei ale' assault on the calitcr,
gagging him and seizing ihe thirty hou
sand dollar package.
As ll.ey weie going inward the front
door to escape, the bank clliecr parially
removed the gag and gave an alarm An
inmate, who had Imtii up stairs, cauie to
his rcscu..:, locking the front door tout ofl
their retreat. I! illins drew a pisol on
him and commanded him to npeu tit; door
Tin: in. in rel'u-ed, and the robbers made,
their exit by a rear dour. In going down
the stairs. Rollins fell, mid a negro, who
bad been in the building, jumped oi him
and held 1 1 i tn until assistance arrived.
The stolen money was all fouud on him.
Johnson had mean while escaped on ahorse
stationed on the outside. Yesterday morn
ing he was captured ah ut twenty miles
from Clumbersburg. Both are in jail
trust the reasons which coutrol nie iu this
.ulfcifeUiU, yy ."o'y " jrarwiit-'l by
you, and the gentleman you represent, but
that they will uot be denied a measure of
that approval which .you have so gener
ously and paitially accorded to my past
life. If, on the completion of my present
Senatorial term, the same desire lo approve
a finished course shall exist, I will then
meet you with pleasure, and free from any
restraints, for my work will have been
doue, aud a j lister estimate can then be
made of how it was done.
I am, gentlemen, with sentiments of
gratitude anil esteem, your friend. (
Simon Cameron.
Hon. John W. Wallace. Hon. Sohieski
Ross, Hon. Chapman Freeman, Hon.
Alan Wood, Committee.
Why!: Fled The oiinli j
office with a reduced force, aud at the re- J Washington, March 2:S.-Cakb P.
dueed salaries contemplated by Mr. Ran- Marsh was again before lie; sub-committee
Jail's bill settled his determination to quit ,,r the Judiciary Committee this morning,
aud go home at once I uis u,.,,tjoti was called to the article in
Brigadier General Crook attacked ami ; the New Yoik Tiibuue i,f March, 1872, iu
destroyed the village inhabited by Crazy j relation to the post-tradcr-ships at Foil
Horse and his Cheyenne Indians, near Sill, stating thai Evens bad paid Marsh
the mouth Powder river, on on the 17lh ; 12,K.O a year for the place, &c. Marsh
inst. Great quantities of supplies and : testified that he called General Relkuap'a
ammunition were secured by the troops, j attention to the as tide, aud utked who
The general will next attend to Sitting j could have wrilteu or iuspired the article,
wheu General Belknap replied :iiat he sup
posed that it was the work of General Ila
zeii. Marsh explained the reason why he
went to Montreal after giving his testi
mony before the Committee on Expendi
tures in the War Department. He an-
Hull, Arc, provided he find can them.
The Easton fire department has broken
uji in a row. The city council took upon
itself to elect a chief of the depai
office always heretofore filled by a man cho
seu bv the firemen themselves :ntnl thne nf
the companies have withdrawn from ser- j l'1"'"'11 IlC rLil1 l ' tll,;
House, winch appeared on mo morning oi
vice, taking their property with them, and
three wards are now without fire appara
tus. It looks a little as if Mr. Moody, Drew
an illustration from real life when be said
Iheriiav: "It is the same old story
me i- cenu ,.ovet nmeni m a just man.iaru, the story of the present day. There is a I
and their determination to lessen the nuru- ' ;lt ,,..,! f ti1:tl OW- (;ive !)al ,.,:
Ier of useless officials. j Ule ,11(st pr.inent place in church. Let
4lh. That general amnesty to all persons j lim JLSit ,.vv .,,, t,, ,, ,ur.
implicated in tlie late reheHion against li e
; the day he kit New Voik, that he might
; be indicted for a criminal otknee, aud
; hence his anxiety to gel out of the way of
Till Foal Wogioiis.
liu: 3eii;ocra!.c Mat'
;asc i.o 's .i oi ;!.( yi ry a
of the l arty -'o'.iiiiii-' i.-, j.i -
onvt ntion
i.-1 k-i;:' Ti -lighter-.
grcc. i h
-ocvi.r;- !,
ly lei:, io u
in-. :i mituri
! aud builies of ct:y kind ami de-
qui'-t town of I.'iiiciisu r was
r !; i t !uh- lug iiitoau inrili-
a I li.i passions ol I u
ad fiiii i'lay. The t-ciisiMe
and decent mi ;ijl-if! of the parly were ul
ter'.v dlsgu-ted wi:h this it.N rnal exhibi
tion, bin they siiil hang n to a party : hich
is controlled hy men whom lbey fear as
touch US the) despise. - J 'itl.-li it i'J '"l.i'.in r
c iii 1.
Government of the United Slates, who
! have uot already lieen relieved from disa
! bihlies by the action of Congress and of the
Pnsid. iit, would le .in alhnvabie and pro
i jier cxeicise ,f Governmental power In ihe
j year ol the Centennial Celebration f
American Independence, and that the re
commendation of such a measure by Pre
sident Grant in a public message, aixl i's
endnrscu cut and passage by a ilepubliean
House of Representatives at a former ses
sion, constitute full proof that such a mea
sure is fit, judicious, and timely.
olh. That the Democracy of Pennsyl
vania . !iy aiqtrove of those provisi.n.o
of tl .ate Constitution to wit ; the
eighteenth section of the third article, and
the second section of the tenth artiele--which
protect not only school funds, but
other public moneys, from appropt iation
to sectarian uses, and that they fitly illus
trate that doctrine of ihe separation of
Church aud State which always has Ixeu
a cardinal one Willi the Deniociatic party.
(j;h. That the Matutc for the resumption
of sptcie payments on the 1st da- of Jan
uary. 17'. is impossible lo execute. It
is a dclilierale proclamation that at that
date the United Slates will go into bank
ruptcy. It paralyzes industry, creates dis
tiuMof the future, tun-.s the laborer and
producer out of employment, is a ttanding
tbieat upon the business man, and ought
to It forthwith repealed.
T I i. That gold and silver are the only
tPV M s f.r the ( n: reliey .if the. lo public,
are.', C- t.--. Mi 'i d ikc ? u-li st- rs
f r li e r sn:i. ..;! of p.tvtil' ''Is 'is
Vio most s'ocly ill- 1 c; e lily te;
U . i - '
S h. T:-at l:
oiii national iteiu-'i ii s, which . hecks the
some ll w of capital through tie-
thesi up in church, because he is 'wealthy.'
He has built the church perhaps oreiidow
ed a seminary. No matter where his mo
ney came from. He may haw got it gam
bling in st cks. or d ing so in thing else of
a Ilk'1 i:l ;u'H -ter, but be has given il to us.
M ike room fir him, he h:;s got a gold ring
The Is. lie oi'I'rael ioiiu! ' --f uc
Treasurer New slated S.ttur.l.iv
Wn.KKsr.AUKi:. Pa., March 2iJ. The
suspiiision rtf mining operations iu Ihe
Wyoming valley region will cud to-morrow
S: veral operators began work a week or
mole ago, and to-morrow the remainder of
them, together with the large operators
wiil resume.
The I.i high and Wiikcsbarrc company
will set a full force of men at woik at all
but seven of their c illerie.-. These seven
wili remain idle throughout the ensuing
year unless llicir shall Ik- a greater demand
f..r c-o.-.l.
Oul oi nearly live hundred men Usually
t lu re was in the in usury at the close of employed at Sugar Notch, where some of
busini ss -il ,WM.W) iu fractional currency, these works are, only six y will be cmploy-
whicls consists of nine hundred thousand i d, and these to keep things in repair. The
dollars in fifty cent notes, seven hundred ' prosiH-ct oi resumption has bad a hiaring
tliousand in in-i-nij-me cems notes, and 'effect upon business, and belter times are
sixty thousand in ten ctot notes. When ! looked for.
tho tmionut shall be reduceif to one million j k - -
dollars the treasury will shutdown on the Sennloc aineron'-i ISirt ni:iy.
issue of fractional currency. As it is issued j
a, the rate of about one hundred thousand j letter ten derino the complimen t
dollars per day, the issue will cease about j of a dinner and the declination.
the end of this week. The government ; j
will retain the one million lo meet its own I WASHINGTON, Maicll 2.1Ou Wednes-
renuiieir.ents iu na incuts. Two hundred
and fifty thousand dollars in fifiy-cent notes
uiIo.viiient Scarce in I'liila-tieljilila.
! .1 T...1, 1Ttl 1Ti. .-iefeitrr l'-imrno
, .UiUk.ll II in, ,
t attained his seveuty-eighth birthday. In
-Ve. Editor : Please say to any of your
readers who may be thinking or coining
to Philadelphia to find work, that they
had better not come. The city is flooded
with men from all parts of the country,
who have imagined that the Centeuninl
vouId bring with it plenty of employment
for everybody ! They have forgotten the
fact that thousands of good workmen, re
sident in ihe city, are now out of employ
ment because of the stoppage of the wheels
of industry in foundries, mills, shops, and
stores- and while the exhibition has given,
and will give, work to thousands, yet the
supply already far exceeds any possible de
mand. The new comers are not only bit
terly disappointed, but worse, for their lit
tle means is soon exhausted, and they are
driven often to the very verge of starva
tion, while hundreds have to seek the shel
ter of the station houses, or walk the
streets the whole night long.
In response to an inquiry made of the
President of the House of Correction, the
following has just boen received :
Office of 'The Hocse of Correction.'
PiiiLADELiiniA, March 0, 1ST.
John Waxamakeu, Esq.,
Dear Sir : In reply to you: favor of the
2Sth ult., I have had prepared the enclos
ed statement, exhibiting the number of
admissions to this Institution during the
mouths of December, January, and Feb
ruary last, and also the proportion of
that number who were committed at their
own request.
Of twenty-two hundred and forty-two
(2212) admissions, no less thnn eleven hun
dred and fifty-one (llol) were self commit
ted. The supposition that, as a class, the oc
cupants of the House of Correction are
those who seek its food and shelter only to
avoid labor is erroneous. On the contrary
as a rule, they work cheerfully enough,
even at the hardest and most disagreeable
out-door employments stone-quarrying;
ditching, etc., though in very many cases,
the men have been educated to clerica
rather than to manual iabor.
The result is, therefore, startling, as an
iudjx of the overcrowded condition of
many branches of industry. and I can fully
endorse as excellent, the idea suggtsted in
your note, namely, to urge through the
columns of the country papers, young men
to fin, )rl,tir t'iCi mr, and not crowd to
the city in anticipation of obtaining em
ployment, at least at the present time.
Yours, truly,
Wo condensfrom tho Lehigh Ecnintcr the; of a Xmvcrsation alx.utOut Hall, in
I'll iliuteAhiy iVunumaker &. lirown's " Laret
lotiii'i-rMyL'0 iu America." A visitor aud
n' t udxiMfro tho speakers :
I fcW. " Wht comer u tho TiuiHin on f
jHUwJUuU. "Huuth-Ea-'t comer of j-IA and
":-.rUi t. l'lpfipe d im tlie SIXTH, fur tome
: triiierers feekinf? Ouk hul, have beua mitLd
Ly dtfjiijniiiif persons."
V. "It is iiertecUy colossal I Do you know
it dimensions? '
A. "12,'iog gunTO feet W on Market, and
l-o odd on Sixth, Bix Etorics hieh, lias over
three uere-i HoortoJ?, nml eovers spare ouco
et-iijiicJ Ly V4ire5luu twenty diiTufuut liuai
i cvi"
V. " i you use rtccm-potrer?"
A. " A ei;;iit yuun;; cngino famishes power
f..r i!ie fiviijlit ami passenger elevators, and tiio
I.- ikri stei'.m for heutiujj, an! the other opera
tMiu of thu house.-'
V. " Whit or ii r li Toutake with poods?'
A. "Tlicynre. lir t ucr.ed and arranged in
tiie basejjoiit.on lontrLvir counters.and taken
t!u ni e on thu fif juiiyMcvutor to tho iuiiJcc
toi's r iom on th?pyTi Coor."
V. "Is inspectin Jiie lirit f Tierarlon
A. " No, sir, nicasurinsf. The goods are first
measured in tlie piece, then inspected. Tho
cloth pas5e over rollers in the face of a strong
lirlit, mid two men sit, ci;o before and ono
Lehiiid the goods, watching with the eye of a
hawk f ir tho least pin-holo imperfection, and
marking every flaw, fo thiit tliu ( utter may feo
ami av.,id ii whtu ho come to cut tae gar-
V. - Von rant omploy an arry cf cutters?"
A. "Come to our filth flojE and seel Wo
keep "j hands all the t: cnting np the cloth
into garment. besidtfeftff machines that do
a dozen men s work caeiwi a stroke"
V. " lo yuu uiauuiatturo ail your own
A. Wo do, and most carefully. Our ex-amine:.-)
inspect every stitch and seam, end
tt-Hily to every F-'uuwnt as estra-well mudo
Leiure wo put our ticket on it, and Lceoiuo
rusjionMhlu 1. r it.''
. " Vour tyttcm must tare you a great
A. " In every direction, sir. It is fb system
and economy we practice all t' wij through,
Uiat enables us to put our prrftsCwn to tho
people as v. e i! ." r
V. " Alter iu; pectin; the work, what becomes
of it?
A. " Before it goes into Stock it is tictded
Every single garment has its r.umlcr and
other poinu noted on it. no that its entire his
tory cuu Lo traced without fail, upon our
bo .k ."
V. " Yon mnt hare SO or V) salesmen V
A. "Why. sir, on busy days you tnavsee V'i
tue various rooms and suites oyrooiii.
t.-.!iiig to the throngs of customer" "
v. cio you uo fcn order l.n. I
over the country. Our
perfect system Mid rules of self-measnTement
make itjosaih(fe to please people a.WJU milts
away jt aserft-ctly an if they were here In
ami exprcs
A. "very great.
J miliary,
I )eeemK-r,
ski.k roM.MU iT:o.
-".: 1 1
it wanted is to lipid the Government in tlie
hands of the Republican party, and they
feel it best to go to Cincinnati unpledged,"
that the best man may be put in nomina
tion. Pledged or unpledged. Secretary
Hristow holds a very hih place in the
alleelions of the Rqmblicat.s of Xew York
Tlie shysters iu the party don't like him.
but the solid men do. They want just
such a inau, and when Conklin's friends
rind that he cannot be nominated they will
support the honest Keutuekian with a hur
rah. He has done hi whole duty, a d is
veiy Rt ron i; here. Mark this. .New York
is join;: to press him in spite of instruc
tions. There is an overwhelming enti
lut nt in his favor, now, and it is growing.
All sorts of schemes are on foot to raise
money for the centennial. There is to Ihj
a preat ball the 27th of nest month for the
purpose of :ttinjr a few thousands. 15y
the reports from the committee of the cen
tennial, it seems as if the women of Ameri
ca were Hot to have anything lo show ex
cept pictures. There" will not be wall
space enough for all that are sent. All
right. Mrs. Washington spun and wove
cotton dresses striped with silk raveled
from old stockings for her family ; and ihe
Winslow women, who are justly entitled
to be called the first ladies of the country,
as they came over among the first to Mass
achusetts, were clever at embroidery and
bead work, but their descendants have no
such skill to display, or are not to be al
lowed to display it. All that the executive
committee of the centenuial want to en
tourage in women is the ability to sculp
auu paint, jnow a plain man may tie ex-
cused for putting in a word here. I believe j
that I speak the sentiments of a good many I
people oi tlie oest class in saying that visi
tors to the centennial would be greatly in
terested to sec all departments of woman's
work represented there. They would like
to see such relics of needlework as were left
by women of revolutionary times, who
were notable house-keepers, and boasted :
skill witli tleir needles that will show j
creditably at even this lapse of time.
There is uot an old family in the country '
which has not treasures hoarded up of lace i
and sampler work, knitting :md embroidery i
that is, pictures by the needle, and fancy !
work whose uame is legion. We staid, !
conservative people would like to refresh
our ideas of old times by comparing these
dainty reminiscences with what our right
clever daughters and s:sters can do. We
would like to see the finest evidences of
skill in every department of woman's labor
exhibited, to the credit and encouragement
of the industrious as well as the glorifica
tion of the gifted. There is too much of a
notion abroad that it is unbecoming to be
expert at hou.e-keeping. that all a young
uomeu is to think fit to devout herself to is
C-iusie or art, forgettina that not one in a
thousand has talent euougii in either direc
tion to bo worth training, but that all
women can be taught to be good house
keepers and good dressers to appear well
themselves and to m;ike oth.u-s comfortable
about them. The highest ladies iu Eng
landthe Princess Louise and the Princess
Christian ainony ihem lmve institutid n
School of line netd!e-woik in London, to
which no woman has the honor of admit
tance unless she is of noble birth. An ex
hibition of ancient works of the needle, was
held some years ago at the South Kensing
ton Museum, the effect of w hich was to
revive the taste for embroidery to such a
degree that it has set the fashion of two or
three years past. Dresses and furniture of I
the richest sort are now so lavishly decora- I
ted with embroiders as to create a new j
branch of trade and give employment to I
reduced gentlewoman, many of whom were 1
amateur aitisis of no mean talent, but who j
clio.-e to express it by' the needle instead of;
the bruh. Perhaps you do not know, i
Ti!T,1' w'T"';,y,,,e """J"' lY" ! lluvin-hou-l.t for ca.-li,we arc enabled to sell 50 per cent, cheaper than
aitiele, that the fashion of your brocaded i 1 i. i i i i 1
or dam .sked wool drts at a dollar i cud i l';U1 "e '"Huf i '" ''i'- vur stocK lias oecii selected With rreat
was taken from the old fashioned stulls at j
this exhibition, whicti awoke such an
admiration for the old styl that manufao I
turers were obliged to imitate it iu woven j
goons of all claB. I qu it.: this to show
the iniliienee a judicious- encouragement of
works of f.kill can do and the profit there !
is in protecting instead of snubbing them. ;
The wife of a decent vorkingman left her :
family in Ilrooklyn, Monday morning, to
i"C.8' ; t"''"t -selection ever n in Sunbmy. Trunks, Valise,, and Satchels,
5:sf;;! .WAis rs: ; cs-ent's itj h ishistg goods--
found earlv in the afternooM, towed in and i The best assort incut to select from. Wo do not l... r
. " v.jv v V M 1
V. " I suppose yon fcave at least half a uWpn
different departments?"
A. " My dear sir I wo have more than tin
each charged with iu own bnsine-8. and each
thoroughly organized, a neceskaxy wheel w itl
in the preat wheeL" i
V. Will you name a dozen or so of them V
A. "With pleasure. The Custom Depart
ment, for tho&o who prefer custom-mado lo
ready-made. TJr Furni&hinv Deiiartment,
with its l&5Kito stock of lill underwear.
The Ehirt Kfltijry, with its busy machines,
making cur own lirst -class shirts. The Trim
ming Department, itself asbig as many a regu
lar store. The Garment Stock Room. Tho
lieceivin? Koom. The Order Department,
named before. The Special Uniforms Depart
ment. Ihe Dlivery Department, with iU
score of measenpers. The "
V. " Hold, hold 1 sir, enough V
A. "I'm not half through I The Advertising
Department, with its bilLandtign distributors,
editing und publishing business and popular
journal, circultvjgnir. jfte, U),M copies monthly
(tell all your fri.'Sio send forit. The Meni
l)epartment,witJriU many rooms. The Boys
Department. The Youth Department. Tho
Children's Department, with its special
entrance for ladies. The Telegraph Depart
ment. The Chief Clerk's Department, with
its book-keepers and assistants. General Wan
airer's Department; Financier's Office, and
ether offices of tha firm all bnsy as bee
thinking, planning, exerting, buying, mak
ing, registering, rcc4-irJfe. sending oat selling,
aud in a thousanUys joining their force
to carry on a businessVith the people amount
ing to between fc,X,(Xiu and fiooo.octi an
nually." V. "S-t-u-p-e-n-d-o-u-s!"
A. "Indeed it is I I forgot to name th
Cashier's Department, which handles iu &,0U
cf retail sales on some single days!"
V. "S2..000! ImmenselThat'5. what enable
the house to buy cheap and seUheap?"
A. "Esactly I You have hbt hit it Th
people throng here, knArinif that we depend
on low prices and immOfsales."
V. "What are the 'roui bcles' I hear so
much about?"
A. "Ourcyftcrn of burinesg dealing 1. One
price, no deviation ; i Casta for every thing ; 4.
A guarantee protecting the purchaser: 4. The
money returned if tiio buyer can't otherwise
be suited."
V. " Nothing could be fairer.'
A. " Nothing. And the people see it"
V. " Vi'ell, i thank you, sir, for your pollio
A. " Nf t at all. It's a pleasure to ssfve yon.
Call again; andl-e sure of the plan W ana
maker &. urown's Oak HailAooui-Xait cor
ner Sixth and Market"
V. "Thank youl I staall be happy to do so.
Good- morning."
"A j j
Corner Third ami Market Streets, Sunbury, I'a.,
liave the Largest Assortment of
ffL s. 9 Kff m win, k 9v
U SI 1! fefl kkl till-
ever brought to Sunbury which is made up of all the latest style goods
found in Citv Markets.
care, is of the latest styles, and made up substantially
lroni tlie best material. We sell
HOYS' SL'ITS, from S2, upwards. MEXS SUITS, from $4, upward
We have also the latest styles HATS & CAL'S, which we make
a specialty
WSaiis and Colored Shirts,
an; to h.- allowed to the centenuial exhibi
tion, to he Used :is ch:iu'f.
Telegraphic News.
Tli' Spring I'looI.
0-..1 d.-tr.
.Ii .-' Ill lU jill M 'll (i
Tin; W;:Miin-t..n Sftr Hat.-8 that th.e re-
I't xaiiiinaii.m if Mr. IVmil. ton !y tin-
.f tl
IJi'Ui-e. places
than thai in
u-iaxy Cmnini
ii.oi ,u a i-.M-.j,,,, , V( U Wl)IM
I. Kll In- w : ...,. , ... . ,
4SW ' " nil H-.- Ilili'IlV IK"-
'"ia i. I
.t-.... iu i pril 1 ?"
,; l-ul.t ; Jin- K. iiMckv
uh U.e V;.r 1 l.,...,i.
fun- Mr. C
thai al ili- tiitu
rai'ri.:id ciaiui thr
chauiK Is i 1' fi'.ti-rju iM aud d I ics to hnii.-st '
.i!ir a drcrnt livi-!il'i-id. is tlm direct, in-i-vit
ih'c Iruit !' i xliayajauc: aud of reek-
I honor of this event and hi ionjj public aer
i vice il was irojioed by his colleagues iu
j the loner branch of Ci'ii'riss to give him
! a dinner. The following is the letter of i:i-
vitation and the Senator's declinaiou :
I Wasiiinoton. J). C, March 20, 2?7G.
I llm. SinWi) ('. fro 'i
Ieai: Sin ; It is with fni;n;i of the
I ui'Ht siuccrc and i-ariit-st ch-iracti-r.hat ive,
I the undersigned, on beh ilt and atliie re-
qui st of our KcpuOlican ciili-aue! of the
i Stale ot IVt.nsvlvania in the 1 "on- fourth
liv ty wi'h 2o bale of '!fss extend to yu their alUnionate
d ft-Lshtnsr down ,,Jc''ni:ratu!ati,,!. upoiii.-ur hayiiii; otercd.
Wltll all llial Viuor ior wn.iai your ne lias
n s' i i.-niai kali! ., ilniinp aired, yur s.. v
i lily ei jlii Ii year. I- nkin back m-r the
many years during which our i;.d "I I
iii.rf br.d.e. Four ler- ! St He has had the advanta-e of y.,u.Mip,r-
. . l-t YIMOU aim mux i-i in im i i.n. ,iuirt -
si iln I Tos-lli Ihe iMUld HUH I. . . 1 . f .1. . I .,.1 l! .!
' (eel J.rotl'i ot the ii-eutil ol tile I. ill li! 1 i-a 1.
'2 he damage at tlie in. 11 w''l - tl(e uiicrrin,; wlib nil, and the i-oiiuii In n- j
iii '!:t l o- three iiiniillis nt inure. ' give s'ati Miian-.hi;i which have narked '
In llnoni:
rniiviDKM i:, K I.. .M .rch
., luiiuu lai 10 a corner ol tin; nicr bv rones. .a- . . i 7:.i 1. 1 ... .... . " .
...I :it . . 1.11. 1.11IL11 Ol II '11 11 II I'lHIlS. I I VVIl I I V TO fil' API- Al.A n II I
m re u iav, waiting lor a Uoron. r to re'e ise r i ' i x- i .... .vi ,fuC cu ami exani-
it. The di.itracted liuvi,;..,.i i,. i i... I '"- ir tlietiisclves. .o clianres are made for showiny c-oods ntul ti-a -;ti
1'I.O' D IN C'OXNI ( Tl I T.
Xii:wi' il, Conn.. M.nch 2'j. Twenty
live feel of Ihe ll .rill end of the. Ualtie Mill
and I V) feel of the bulkhead of the
dam weie w (-In
CO'.'. "11. 1 m-hI WliSlltlli;
c ii' il '! it op -li d !ui !i. d :!.e i urre i',
V.:u - v i r i - mill. Tin- c-ivercd
in- I .-v. i y::!..i . bii' :;! n i damage
b. i : -ie! i
The writer is led to send thi3 coininuni
cation because of ihe lare number of let
ters and calis he ii constantly receiving
from persons in preat digress, whose ex
perience is suggested it! the foregoing ; and
he feelii that he cannot do a Winder service
to the young men outside" of l'hilaueluhiT.
than to urge them, fur t!i(ir oini s'tl.t, to
remain at home, unless they have the posi
tive promise "f something to do when thev
(line lo the city, and come for the purpose
of claiming the prunii-;c.
I'lf-a leut of the riiilad.'Iphii Vouii,'
Men's Christian Association.
oris i ; iv voisu i,::rri.:c.
aiiowen to take it iiome. but was told that coiisnu-r u a iavor lor an to give us a call, whether you buy or not as it
it could not be removed without a C .nm- j will be a pleasure to us to show what we have :ot to convince all that we
JLttr.rSaJri.s ! I?! wrTTVri-.T' stock- 'Como ?a -
closed, aud the poor man walked thi- i.ier ! s,llt- Aloie Ju-aly-Made tlothmg than was ever seen in Suuburv.
ail ninht, .nournin-; by the body of his wife. Ketuniuig our thanks to those who have heretofore patronized
- u.i ..n.uiiuii K .ne next cay coiiio ( inje uii y win nriteaii uieir iriemts to jive us a call.
ne laM.- me corpse oi llie wile liome ti her
children. Anything gadder than this sight '
can ardly bs imagined, the hehiiess liirure '
us, we
i Sous . I
! . .
m:i;v s kaili i:i-; .11 ih.i: i: i: i: i r
I.K.NTS - roI.ITH.AI. - A ( i: ri X.M AI.
i!i.-.iKi:-A sausio;:v i;t.-ii.
dressed as she left her home, her noeket-
ho.ik clutched in her hand, tied in the water 1
j by r-pes about the waist, exposed to the !
j mockery of the wind and w ives, hercryiiiL'
j children waiting her return, and the half- '
; crazed faithful mourner keeping his watch !
j ajl the wild night in the darkness by her The so- etacle was seen by thousands
j hunting to their work t; e next morning,
i and comir.eiiled on Seven-Iv, but no one
! dared to meddle with the" bo.! v. a 'airwt
the law. It is thought the women was
pushed or blown frm tin-dock, on her way
home, in ihe g.ile (.f Monday.
has h. en a trid;- bvtt.-r .liis week. There
are a great m tnv Western and S,.ih liem
March 17, lST'I.
Truly Yours,
When you visit Philadelohia, call and see
ii i . . t . ..": -. : l . .. . . . . . . . D-.i iui
i.vs am, ii is. iom hi , UO-U..U.1 lainpe,.. - . ..,vy r. i) am. Saiunlay in-lit j ,,.ls ,.v,.r f,,,,,,,) , VtM1 !U, uml-iwj, .-.
cau-e-1 fn s!icts in a:i the streams ntni I We desire to express, in an apuipna'c
i-,.ii-.i.l, iii'iil.- ih -'. i ui 1 1-m ..f small d.nns ai.d ! manner, our warm est.-.-m for yout the
il i the tinal:i: s ol llie country, and we
ileiinuiice tl:f authors r-f that legislation as
oflieiais who have iuisell!i;d the foundations
a'ike of the Slate and of llie home. We
call upon iho people to aid us to halt them
iu ibis fata! career, and to fit their laces
in the direction ..f practicable measures
which shall eventually enable the Treasury
of the l.'liiled Stales to keep its plighted
lar.h with the rich and poor alike. We
Xk-y Vonii. M.iivli
your course. Throughout your lot. lui-y, DUKvy's fa 1 1, f 1: 1-: j nierchants :n the city, ami they are !uiiir
itiid iHeMil public caree'r. no man lias tl'-- j l;' "ches i in a i..ti- .1V, and i making j w '' ''. t'duM'iJ.: ireed The trade is
8-.-rvi;d your triindsli'p iu vain, an i.o man ""O""-.: an aion:;,!. , gr,:,t many years I ":t '"rmer years, t.iif. :is
iooijiai. il wiui me ut'o-r siaginittou t :!n-
last twelve months, it is g i.
continue I.) improve. Kxpenses
tueiit ihe till.: of the corporation which be "' ihiuiigh the power of
i c pres. in en lo uie roa.i was ilispuud, and
was at that time time pending in tl,,.. Kan
tucky courts, but this fact was cotu-i al.-.l
by Pendleton. Further than this, the
case was subsequently decided adversely
to Pendleton's corporation. A rehearing
was granted on nome technicality, and the
controversy was finally compromised.
Th. se facts throw some light on the re
mark of Senator Stevenson, that the stock
holders regarded what they got under the
laim as so much nionev made.
Wcirich's heafas level on someeubjecl,
alali events. Hear him on dancing :
"It all dcjtftids on the preacher, if the
preacher don't object to dancing why the
lull goes, o i ; but if he ic subject todysjii p
tia and opposes dancing, why just then it
is a lertible tin to dance."'
Tin; Wathuino Tkoioh Act. The
bill in rrard to th erection of public water-in-
iioiigh along Ihe highways lmt become
a l...e, although important limitittion are
fittdihui. Any -ne who i-hall erect a
troiigVi not lei-s than four fret lor.f, twelve
incl.' R wide, sin ten inches deep, and keep
it conlinua.'.y s'.ipp'.iei'. (when not frozen)
with cictt riming 'rat-r. shall ! entitled
to avi annual redii' li -n of s."i f;om histax's.
vVl.t re there is no springs or str.-am, the
s nii'-' bounty is awarded for the providing
f-.f a pump and trough, t be kept in good
order. Supervisors may e.rct such wat r
i im tri'Ughs or pumps, should private in-divtdu-ilg
omit to d.oso. Any n-rsoii injur
ing ot defacing such trough shall be pun
ished by a tine of not over $20, or imprison
ment not exceeding ten Uy, on conviction
licfop" any justice. The limits fixed by the
law are that 'i"U:!:s erected under the a(-t
tre to be n nearer tl ) fivt mile to ea. h
other on any ptblic road, and it ia not to
apply to counties of leu than 45,000 inhabitants.
IbeFeihial (iuvi ruiiieut which shall give
u performance for promises, and restore
solvency to tin: nation by restoring pros
perity to the people.
UrWu-ui, That in common with the peo
ple ol our sister PfaU . r- r- ,ice in "tt'.e
opportunity to celclnale the Celltcniiial ol
the a o. laiii.iiioii of our cmaucip:Uifn from
,the gov. riiiin.nt ..f the lhillsli Crown.
Marking, as it did, the epoch of tle great
est event in modern hitory, we feci a just
pride that"it celebration fchuuid be upon
the soil of our owu Commonwealth and in
the city tvheie Independence wa-, declared.
A Xl.w C'kmknt. The following rc
cipe ib as-cried to produce a ceuientof yery
supci ior character for uuiiiug stoce and
insisting the action of water. It becomes
as hard as stone, is unchangeable in- the
air, and resists the action of acids. 1 is
made by mixing together I'd pounds sul
pher and 41 pound-, pulveiized stoneware
and glass. This mixture is exposed to
gentle In at until the sulpher inells, when
the mass is. steered until it has 1 come
thoroughly liomoenoil-i, and is then run
into moulds and permitted to cool. H hen
required lor Use u is heated to g-l-S l-uhreii-lieit,
at which limp rat lire it nulls, and
may b.; employed in the usual manner. At
V Fahrenheit it becomes as hard a stone
aud preserves its solidity in boiling water.
A bar of silver o feet ) inches in length
and valued at $72,HH, arrived at New
York city, recently, from one of the silver
mines of Mexico.
Out or nineteen hundred and ninety-one
prosecutions brought into Schuylkill coun
ty courts, since January, 17-, hix hundred
and thirty-two were for assault and bat
tery, two hundred and eighty-four were for
surety of the ieace, ten for riot, twenty
three for murder.
bridges. Tw d i:ii-s on lie- M issahas-Uck
were carried "ll, and the n.-w mill at
Waiishuck was if". :ed to the depth ol llnee
or four feel.
liisi: IX tim: Mi.i:i:ima k.
MaX-UI:sTKI:. X. II.. Much J.;. The
Merrimack is rising rapidly and fears of a
dangerous are entertain..!. North
em trains arrived s.-vt n hour late to day.
Several bad washouts are reported. Cel
lars in this city were lloo-lcd. The damage
from ihe storm cannot at pivsmt be esti
mated, liniboi: (Joxk.
YVfiiw-M - - -- 'i'i--.
damage by flood? to-day In this vicinity is
estimate. 1 at 1 1 10,000. Four dams in this
city am! four in Millfury have been canied
away. Three slone aich bridges in Ibis
city are totally destroyed, and all the low
lands are Hooded. On the Norwich and
Worchester road a section of an embank
ment twenty-live feet hi Ji and a half of a
mile long is swept away, and travel cauu-.t
be resumed for a week.
Nokwicii, Coxx., March '2d- The
damage in Kaslcrn Connecticut by fresets
amounts to several thousand dollars. The
Norwich and Worchester section of the
New York and N. K. It- and '-he New
London and Northern road are badly
washed in several p: ices.
the worst place
on the former being near Putnam and on
tlc lattera mile above the cily. Ilighwiys
art badly gullied, many milldams carried
nwa,, and at least half a dozen large
bride,,. Several lives are lost. The scene
I af the famous lank.-.: tails an I It cky
(Jorge war, especially tnagniiici-nt. The
water in this city is in liy il t ided, al least
a dozen Hior.- suifering an average dama-e
of -'ooo or fcj,,M):jc:icl. Immense tlirongS
of people were out to vuw the scene all
Mmocs Aci iie;t.
Nkw HAVix, cons., March 2d.-()n
SUurday nighta train of cars un the Cin.l i
road ran into a vaslnut tlsree
r i - . I o-v
.Moom . .iMiii-i. me Dcoiii,,i;
j leading public mat: of Pennsvl vain and
I our atl'i-cliouate regard tor you as a'iieii-1.
W'a be-, therefore, i li it you will li ne an
early day which wili sail your cotnuienc
lo accept a public dinner from us oij epre-
sentaUves, and through us lroni t:itM-opii
of i-ur State. M e ale, dear i. lieril.'ame
Yi-rr sincerely, yours,
John W. Walk k,
SoniKsKi Uoss.
Ci i a cm a x Fin w a x,
A I. a x Wood,
Co mi'.tee.
Uxitkd Statics Sicxatk C'Hiiiikis.
Washington, March z l-7o.
Gkxtlkmkx : I acknowledge ih' invi-
ui.iuu j u u.v v- nt-.ct y oil at liail-
quet on such a day as may be indicad by
myself, and the terms in which thalinvi
tation is conveyed, with profound plisur.'.
You are pleased to refer to my jmst le in
words of approval and compliment, ;id to
expres the hope that my health anddgor
may continue. I thank vou very shindy.
Myaiiu through life has been to l mv
duty, aud do it as unostentatiously . pos
bible, to time to settle t! e cutro
versiessure lo arise concerning lU me
thods and motives of any man whcfecls
strongly and acts vigorously. In th reli
ance your letter shows me that I havti-een
fortunate. After passing si vinlytvcn
years in ihe State that gave me him and
sixty years of that long lifetime in dive
private pursuits and public duties, iti be
yond expression pleasant to hear the nice
ol the Keprcscntatives of IVnn.s) lunia
express their satisfaction and appro'.l.
And this enough. Xo ciitertainuieuthat
could be given, no sentiment that mijt lie
added would be capable
joy your invitation has conferred. hi'e
acting my 1H, t in the National Couiils I
have a.ways remembered with all.-cti.t the
great Comnioi. weahh that has so, (ten
honored in... and I am now iinconsLhus of
any wilful ... gleet of her mighty intents,
ot any liikewariiincss wh, i, .r wulla.-has
-en in question. Mo.v than partisanbip
the good of P. ni.s. l.-.t.t . I..... i i i 1
' . " " "" s i" in .1
lldi-.V. li s--Veral -mill ll i. . lie .-iv.
ing his n..t- lor a large auioii'it. the ii.p r
i sl on which w.mid he slllliciellt lo ii: iin-
iirc di
tain them. It was understood that the
priucipl.r was never to he paid, and the
u.'Uf tactions w.-ie put in the form of notes,
tiial in the. ev.-nt ol ins death they might
become cliai -t-s nit his cs ate. The jlivw
Scminaiy in Piainh.-id. X. .1.. held his note
t-.r .S2.V1,OOU, ,he ililerest being about Sl7
OOU. which he always paid promptly. Xov
that I Jin. liew has gone iin-ler, ihe notes
arc worth jn-t what the paper weighs, and
the h. mil, ari s ar.: niouriiiiig. They have
iiolhiug whatever to run m, and are as
hard up as Drew himsel:'. Hereafter they
will jiiohalilv insist that the money he paid
over when it is subscribed, that it may be
sale. One church did lhat, but unforiu-
imieiy it. i. iu tin- money to Jlivw shortlv that is gone with the r. sf.
TllK OKTTINO AWAVol- .H ).;K i:ai:i:i;tt
is the s, usa; ion ot the week. The Judge
was one of the most prominenL lawyers hi
Ihe city, and is supju'sed to be verv rich.
Uul aias Hast Tuesday he sailed for Kiiron.'-
and has immediately discovered that he
I creasing every day. aud there is a betler
I (-....'oi.
I -
The huge, drastic, grip;ng, itkening
pills, constructed of crude, coarse and
bulky ingredients, are fast being supersed
ed by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative
Pell.ts, or Sugao-Coated, Coiurnl rated
lioot and Juice, Anti-liilioiis
iriitiiilea the "Little toant" Cathartic or
Mxltniii in l'n, vo Physic. Mctleru Chemi
cal Science enable Dr. Pierce to extract
from the jniiTs of the most vahiahl- ro.,l
and herbs th-ir active medicinal principals
I.;.. i. ...i. ... ... i - . ... .... 1
"linn, in:u women into nine i tii.-ts or
'ranules s.-'i in Uj lam rllin,t )uiiti rd tad,
renders each lii;!e P.-liet as active and'
poA-eil'ul a.i :i iarc pill, while they are
much more palatabls and pleasant in elli i t.
IU:. Ii:a A. Tiiayku. of Uieoiisburg,
Ohio, writes: "I reguard your Pellets as
the best r. ui. dy lor the e. -millions of which
you pr. cribe !hem of anything I have ever
:isi-d, so mild and certain in cllect, and
leaving the bowels iu an excelent condition.
It s. ems to me they must taka Ihe place of
had convened everything con vertih!.- into
money, aud had taken il with him. Ii.r 'et-
tiug to pay an enormous load of indebted- all oilier cathartic pills and medicines."
i-wiLo Ilia ' it t-s ic.f,. I ..... A a I - ,
1 1, . l" c "' Ul'" i ''Vox Macomui:::. dm
a luiiuiiu- UNO iioioiiig can ne mad.! out .t
them and in hi iff, it is ruin all around
i ncic. .s no n o.iiiiu in mis case specula
tion aud high living did the work.
The ipjcstioti of rent is a verv serious one
I . i
in jnow ioik. t on me avenues a liist-
class house is worth or rather was worth
S 12,000 a year, and running from that
all the way down lo i ,0o0. The "French
flaP'systein is coming into vogue lor fami
lies who desire to live in something lik
elcauce but cannot allord a whole house.
A llat has in it about eight rooms, that is
lo say it is on one floor, through from front
to rear, titled up into rooms. The parlor,
sittieg-rooiu and bed-rooms are elegant,
and the kitchen ami ccllerage are not only
roomy, but commodious, these apart
ments rent lor from $".0o0 per year, down
to Si, 000. 1 he pooler 'people get smaller
Hits hi 'her up from down lo -(M.
though at tlie latterfigure they go up a long
' way, and in a very mean part oi tlie cily
--ists. v er-
niilion, I). T., says: "We think thev are
going to sell like hot cakes as soon as ihe
people get aquainted with them and will
spoil the pill trals, as those that have used
them like them much bettor than larae
4 fL xz.miV
D t'ffr tor'-t .t'tijsiij
'arlar Suits in Hair Cloth cr Fancy Repsfrcm $53 tip.
I i
As a Democrat I was fWcd I Vou will see from these figures that rent
Party in th,. jnu-reop (1f is a very important item in living in the
in my heart
lo oppose mv
protection. As a Kepubli'ean I ' Uve i citj tliat it is tlie c.v.certhat eats out in
sought to combine th,. i.-".;... " i . ' f nr'a f.atful rate. Take what a man
of that great or-miy '(;....;.. ..'..a: i 'J '' ! to t,av for a bouse to live in, and a
f . . " i ii a' ill' i iirri' - - i
for that wise po!icv. And I now !ook b ck "ore to do business in, and there is mighty
with an approving r.,,,,. . . ... ! iml.- left.. Now-a days il lie gets out even
miles abovo I both the great 7M,Iit,Vai n.,rii.. ,.r 'i.-i i lit is doing exceedingly well.
i; ... period covered bv mv --i;J n. ...... w. i 1'OMTltAl
"c, lender ' T.,.,.,.r . -vm.v m-nucii ne.
. - ........ . . -. ..
and baggage car u.mb ..j jMtn " ''"'e, it is mat your ..f v
tion twenty feet d,,, and full , f ta?,v j '""rse asI''1 is so gratify.,
Kngineer Il,n Ca-pe, " .f..Wttep- ! 7 . ,Su, , n reganT for.e
badly injured. Xoot,, " ! me wUhA
were done to any one. iu accepting your j, " : " r T
' 'tion, I feel Ibrccd to dfne H; 'Zd I
Ir. islrss Italsam ot" Wild
llie staiiilaril remedy fr the bure .f
otighs, colds, influenza, bronchtis, horse
ness, asthma, whooping cough, croup, sore
throat, diphtheria, dilliculty of breathing,
quinsy, phthisic, pain in the breast",
spilling of blood, liver complaint, bleeding
of the hiiies, and all diseases of the throat,
lungs, and chest, including even consuinn-
tiou. It sjems hardly necessary to dedicate
at length upon the virtues of this favorite
remedy for all diseases of the lungs, throat
and chest. It was introduced to the public
by Dr. W'istar nearly half a century since,
and by the wonderful cures which it per
formed, gained an immediate and enviable
reputation, which to this day it liaa fully
sustained. From the gulf of the fSt.
r.mcc to the shores of the Pacific, and in I
many countries abroad, there are few vil- j
Jage or hamlets without "having testi
monials." to the rapidity and certainty of
its curative e fleets. The propielors, mind
ful of their responsibility to the afflicted,
exercise the utmost can; in the selection
convention in ' and compounding of the various
Sis in Plisli from
Walnut Dressing Case Suits, $68.00.
Best Wii:k Wove Spring
Feathers in Pillows or 1
In I.:ii"' tuuiilif i-s uimI of II-
-S-pt. 17. lSTo. ly.
c. .....;..i ..f 1 Svraetl
im-' ' ' , ... . . .. ..... ......,,( .,;,.i. ii, n..t,, ; .i . i
.'tor Senator .illKlin ooea ui . v.w.a - i.n- ia uoiiiiose(i ; ;
Tfce'i sigutil luivi-just a
Market Square. SUN HUE Y, PA..
Where they iu'einl to make the Cost Teas, t!i
In-it (', anil strict I j mire .Spices a
!"l'Ciality. They are now re-
criviag a lare
. oiutrlicllll
i ' IViiiihlicans of the city lavorahiy atic uie sick arc assure. I mat the high ; u,n soihis-vit ..tamt iu tins vicinity
., V .a-hn is oonular and w hi e possi- .tamiaru or excellence on winch its popu- -'"'""a !;i-aiiy re.iuee.i mi,
SSrU Crr-prefer him! the larily is ha, always he maintaUd. I ZX
e, ,i st Lea,' I see that this is no time to fcfcril - l'OWLK A, hONN Propietors, a. T. hazeltlsk &
push favorites, or consider sections. V hat ' Boston. stubury, j;U1. 2s, mo.