umcrcur Mk. and Mrs Shott. Mr. Shit hadn't betu out of Detroit ia seren ymn . when the other day, busiu ss called liim to Chicago. Mrg. Sho:t wanted to ro alona. iut tit naid that times was too hard, he didn't want to have the bother of taking care of her,aud she was compelcd to remain at home. He reached home in the eve n !nft after an absence of two days, and . he tit eating hit suppp r he oberred : I tell you it waa a I0113 ride, and I'm glad you didn't go.' 'Loneiome, waa it V the nkI. 'It would have been frareful if I hadn't had a young lady in the scat with nis,' he replied. 'What! a younir. lady in the et Wll you ?' 'That i-jou know thecnr waf crowd- d,' he aaid. And you offered her half your fat ?' I, that iP, f he 'own there,' he etaiu mered. Mrs. Shott'a ears grew red and her eyea napped . 'And ao it waa lonesome, was it ' Yu didn't speak to her, I suppose ?' inquired the wife. Why, I I spoke tmce or twice, of course.' 'Nice young lady, 1 suppose !" Well, no, I, can't say she was.' 'And there you sat and looked your sweetest, and I'll bet you passed yourself off as a single; niaa.' 'I dont no as I did,' he replied as he drank his tea.' Did you inform her that you were mar ried and had thre children ?' she demanded. I don't rewemlier, though I presume I did.' Yott presume yu did 1 Well, I rre sumeyou didn't. I know iust how you sat up there and pretended to he a rich widower, and took care of her satchels, and bought popcorn and illustrated papers for Ler !' Mr. Shott inquired if there was any more biscuit. It's a nice operation your coining home and expecting to find hot bicsuit for you !' she went on. Why didn't you ask if that young lady could make biscuit '( Why din't she come home to tea with yu V 'Nancy, don't ha foolish,' he olwerved. pon't be foolish ! Who is foolish ? Here I was, scrubbing and baking and patching, and breaking my back, and you were braced up in a seat beside a young lady, stroking those yellow whiskers and Ulking about your bonds and mortgages and your lonely widower life !' I wasu't,' he Briefly observed. Daniel, did that girl rid all lbs way from Chicago with you ?' asked Mrs. Shott as she toyed with the handle of the milk jur- Did she ? Lemme sea V he mused, as he helped himself to the butter. 'You know the did '.' shouted Mrs. Shott. If she got off at any of the stations I didn't see her, ,' he admitted. And there you sat and sal, and rede, and you paid out money we need so much in the house, for peanuts and popcorn, and juts paste, and picture papers !' Daniel, Ul me ewe your wallet !' My wallet ? Yes, sir, your wallet !' 'What for, Naacy ?' I want to sea your wallet ?' 'It's the same one I always had.' You lef; home with twtscty-tix dollars, and I know exactly what the trip cost. Fare to Chicago and back, seventeen dol lars. Hotel bill two dollars. I'll allow one dollar more lor inciaentals, and now ( wbere's tbatsu doiUi. v 'I I ! be stammered. 'You what ?' I met Green down !j tbc depot and leot Lim four dollars. ' Janil Sbotl who is Green and where does he live ?' Daniel didn't reply. 'Daniel Shott, you're liad to nis !' She exclaimed. Vou didn't want to take me alotif owing to hard times. You said I'd bother you. If I'd been along you'd bare Srowled for times a mile about the bother and expense, and there you went and bothered with a young lady and squander ad four dollars oa her, aad here I've worn these old shoes stTen months to save expense ! 'I'll get you a new pair ;iretty soon he replied. 'You will, eh ! When ?' 'Before the Fourth of July, anyhow. 'You can squander four dollars on ao vnknown girl and make rue wait four months for shoes, can you V 'What uuknowu girl ?' DftQiel Shott !' And the milk pitcher came down on his head, she caught bim by the necktie and the oldest boy ran out doors and yelled 'fir!' Several of the neighbors ran over, but Mrs. Sbotl met them at the door and aaid it was only a burning chimney. When they asked for Mr. Shott she remarked : 'Mr. Slioit d lesn't feel a bit well and is covered up on the lounge V'lMroit Firt Pvt. Did lis TnorosE? It was midnight. The young aoan had larewelled himself out, and Emetine had locked the door and was untying her shoes, when Ler mother came down stairs with a bedquilt around ber, and said t Wanted to creep up stairs without my hearing you, ch ? . D:dn't think I knew it was an hour after mtdeight did you !' The girl had no reply, and the mother continued : 'Did he proposs this time f ' 'Why motlter 1' exclaimed the daugh ter. 'You can why, mother, all you want to, bat doa't I know that he has been coming Lere for the Iat year ? Dou'l I know that you've burned up at leaat font tons of coal Atart1nar aeatarwl lir ..-, The girl got Iter shoes oil, and the mother stood in the sUir door and asked : 'Eojeline. bare you got any grit ?' j 'I guess so.' i 'I guess you haven't. I just wish a feller with false teeth and a mole on bis cLia would come sparking in. Do you know what would happin, Emehn ?' Well, I'll tell you. He'd come to time iu sixty days or get out of this mansion like a goat jumping for sunflower seeds.' Emetine went to bed to reflect over it. A bashful and not over educated fellow went to aee his girl the other night, and as he started away he put bis arm around her and whispered in her tar, 'dearest I love and the responded sweetly, ditto,'ruean log of course, a reciprocation of his tender passion. The young roan could not find ditto' in bis vocabulary, and asked his fa ther the next day as tbey were hoeing cab bage, what it meant. The old gent rested a moment on his hoe, and pointed to the cab bage in front of him with the remark ; You see that cabbage V ' Yee ;' respond ed the youth. And you see the next one there?' Yes 'Well thats called ditto.' 'damn her I' exclaimed the impetuous youth, 'the called me a cabbage bead. TIIK GREAT UfcFUTATIOM Which Veitiie has attained In ll Prw of ttia eonntry as a Great uud Good Med'elae, and the lnnr number of testimonial which are r"tantly being received from person w ho have oeen rurea uy us use, arc ciiunuii" f... great value. It ia recomenneu pujaiciuiiB ana apothecaries. As a Blood-runner ana ilcallli- ReiUorcr. it ha no eo,uai. VKuRiiNKik not prepared for !i fancy drink aiadr from or liquor, winch debilitate the system and tend! to destroy health instead of restoring it Are not the. many testimonial given for the different complaint satisfactory to any reasona ble iieon suffering from disease that tliey can he cured I Kead the different testimonial given, and no one can doubt. In many of these case J the persons ay that their pain and uttering 1 cannot be expressed, a in cast ot scrofula, where, apparently, the whole body wasonema of corruption. If Veoetisb will relieve pain, cleanse, pniify and enre such diseases, restoring the patient t perlect health after trying dlller- I cut physicians, many remedies, siiuVntig tor year, 11 it not conciimve prooi, 11 you are a ufTciei, ou ca:i be rured ? Why is this inedi liue pielonuing such treat cuics f If work in the b!oo in the circulating fluid. It can be truly called the Great Blood PuiiQer. The great ouree of disease originates in the blood ; ami no medicine that dose not act directly upon it, to purify and renovate, has any just claim npon i public attention. v hen the blood becoius l:fe- I les and stagnant, cither from change of weather j or climate, wanl of exerir, irregular diet, or from any other cause, the Veoktfms will renew the biooil, carry ott the putrid buinors,,clcnse the stoiiiOL-h, reguUtc the bowls and impart a tone of vigor to the w hole body. The conviction i, in the public mind a well a tn the medical pro fession, that the remedies supplied by the Vege table Kingdom are more sale, more aucccssful, in the cure of disease, than mineral medicine. Yksetiss is composed of roots, bark au j herbs. It is pieasant to take, and is perfectly safe to give an infant. Do you need it f Do no hesitate to try it. Vou will never regret H. CANNOT ItK KX EI.I.EU, I'lURi.EsTows. March 1S, IV,'J. II. It. HTEVENS : Deak biK Thi is to certify that I have ned your "Blood Preparation" in my family for evctttl years, an 1 I think that, for terofula or C'ankenius Humors, or Rhematie Affetlisn, it cannot te excelled ; and a a blood purilier and spring medicine, it is the best thing I have ever used; and I have ased ulmofrt everything. I can cheerfully reoouiend it lo any or.e in need of uch a medicine. Tour respectfully, Miw. A. A. DINSMOUE, 19 Uufsell Street. Mil AT iS KKIKI. Bostos, Feb. 1", 1ST!. HENRT R. STEVENS, Esg. : l)rK Sik About on year since I found my self in a feeble condition from general debility. Veohtisr wa strongly recommended to me by a friend who hat been much benitlted by its ue. I procured the article, and after usine seveveral boltols. wa restored to health, and discontinu ed it use. I feel quit confident that there is no medicine suerlor to it for those complaints for which i'. is espeeiall prepared : and would cheer fnl'y recommend it to those who fell that they aeed eomct hing to restore t hem to perefect health. RespeclifullV vours. I . I.. PETTENGtLL, . Firm of t. M. Pettengill T Co., Xo. 10 State St., Boston. ;IVF.K HEALTH. KTHI.XGTII AXI ATPETirf-:. My daoahter has received great benefit from the um of lb- VEOETtst. Her di clining health wa a source 1 graat anxiety toall of her health, irenglb and apjx-tile. !. 11. TILDF.S, liiranct and Real Em;e Agent. No. 4'J tk'at Building, Boon Mass. UAIXKIi Fli'TKEX IMIIXDN OF FI.KSII. fortn BiKWH'E, Me , J u. 17, 1872. II. K. STEVENS, Est. :-- DKa Sin 1 have haTDysH-psia in it worn ; form for the last ten year, and have taken hun- j dreds of d-illar worth of medicine without ob-i laining any relief. In Septempcr last commens- ! ed taking the VboEtink, since which time tny health ha steadily improved. My food diggest ! well ; an 1 1 have gained fitieen pounds of flesh, j There are several others in this pla'-e takinj; i Yfwimsr. ; and all have obtained relief. Your truly. THOMAS E. MOORE. Overseer of Card Khui, Poitstnoulh Co' Mills. Vegellne iisSold by All irtigit. Feb. 4. Int. The ulilwuei- iuviie attenti'm lo the le-llown. list of .m!e of the ceiuti a v-r. Iu the field of nciion. ' bcaidrs uin;tn ui bov,ie ted h.Ttr torirs, tber ! wiU b Two Remarkable Serial Morlra. By AMERICAN AUTHORS. TL first f thaae, now complete la our baud, "GABRIEL CONROY," By BRET. HARTE. Begin in tb Soerolr mimtier. ud will ran fortwlT uioiith. This is Mr. Hsrte rxieudxd wur. nil -ii cud caarrcers. wbieU the anther U.-m eboeu Charaeteriii vividus nJ i-wr: ud th woik 1 witliotit douM the anwt pr hie leeonl of erlT Cli- lUI Qli, Uiw UV Yi (hall also liegiu iu the January number, "PHILIP XOLAy'S FllIEXDS, Or, Show Your Passports." Jiv EDV.'AUD EVERETT HALE. Th areue of this story 1 Ikid iu th" Smi!hwe;eiu terriio:-, uos lorni'iitf tl'.s States of ixiiunti.a ai:d Tea, ttie tun of Aanm Itarr' tnui"U. Th ehr :: inet iu a etiou h;cu '.. uuv Anjeriraii, t:iw Freueh, i:d now Npamsh, and tfut recunl of th-;r ad vtutarou Iivn luuke a atoiy el intauae ami utiflafgnig intemn tiiiuuf bout. t A SECOXD'FAIMER'S VACATION By t'ol. GEO. E. WAUIXa. Jr. Cul. Waaiico s now iu Euro), visiting, in row. boat rids of two hundred ami fifty miles, one uf the mo1 fsttii and interesting of tbe vtee-growlna; Tally of Enro . 'I eeoml sens of 1 r promise to he eisu uioie i uteres! mg thau that with uuiru u:.r renriris ar atralT faauhar. VLSTEXXIAL LETTER, flalitfd by John Vuoe ( lieury. A rar collectluu of Kemlu' lunar? loiter, mainl) f : ont stores id th baud of the ttrsuemUiits of '.!. JtH hWard. ThT are lull of intiet, and will he read with rr rebth iu eor.netifn with the 'etiteu Ulal celebralioB cf tae year. BRILLIANTLY ILLl'MRATED AKTICLEH OX AMERICAN COLLEGES. Writtn rMicetively by their friend, will anrear dur ing th year. The revived inU-rest ii: eolleit lite mak- thsas paints ea;eciaily t.inelv, and will aeru- for them nunsur1 attutiou. OLbXEW YORK. Elrgautly illuatratea articles ou Ncw-Vork, by John F. Miuss. will aiar at once, aud will attract the al ti.tioa of all, iu riiy r eountry, who mark with inter est th develoiuiit of h great nietrojb, and af ieeiiouately reotsznlier tb uaii:t .eeulihi-iiirs of na ol.len ttnie. Every uumbr is jirofusely illu)ratd. thu eualilii g u to (iir to car deerij.tue aud lutrram artirlrs, au lntereat aud frn.aneijt valns nvr aithined iu a uou illnsl rated penodiofcl. I'nder ls uecuatonied maiiugf. Iiieiit tii :uga.iue will iu the Jutnr l devoted, a it In tisej :n tiie 1 s:, to aoiind literature and Clinsiaiu jrog-es. The Editorial Departmrnt, icra v nvertvcuiy pg.-aot eueii nuu:lr ud coiitaiu Dr. ltirilaiid' vigorous and luuely e-titonals, um wall as Uevuw of tttn ta!t orks iu Art, iJteialure, ar.d .eiiiiee. TKRJISt 9I.OO Yir, in ailtanre ; 33 rta. a urn ber. Til to vol, eorartet. Xov. 170, to Oct. l7Uoul in maroon cloth (20.00 do, do. tftiUU'l ia half iuomxxi. :j.ut) ' Vo'ia. Iiejiii. in Krtveni!r -nd May. Ai.) if the earlier ! ilmne I 10 Villi will lsu li-iise arau-ly to partis wuo wish tlirmtu oiiiilei sia at 'hi rate, i. e., cloth, I f.'Mi; If It f?, . ',KTO, $.Ui llooVcwe-ltr-rst an rowtmunler will ue sui'i'lna at lalea ,uai .ia!Me tuelu to till any CI : lUt auoe ofleia. ! KalwrliiHt wiU lease remi: in t. O. M.-li t Orttet. , m .n Bank 'lcks or Xirsfs, or l.y reifisteted ltteia. ! Money iu leuers nut ref,:ei-ed, at aeuuei ' ra k. j SCUIItNEi: k fO. 74J Broadway, 'w Vo-k. rrt. il. 175. SAVES FUEL! SAVES LABOR! NATIONAL STEEL TUBE CLEANER. I u Is uiie -f t!ie wi.rl c.-mlitefors of h at a depoit .f I-.'i4 ot i.n inciitn I. ,i.e - i.'itloaf la per cent, ot lnet. Tute t'l'Wiie.-i ni iue f pi ;ni; st.-el. ri.u. Is of itself u ejin:i: ami !i-i :i(t pet -.r;.c si n l' pie-- li;aih-t the iti.i;.: nf Hie . !.:'. -iiijj bll tl,e rariMin and " mtliuut !:g!-s: iiilary t the t; f titled iu e.-aii iM-tter. la.t bitiirr. er-' work r i 'inn anv in lii- mai ki t. Adp it and in nse 1". S. Savy. lor aiile by tUa.eia. eIili fur -in f mai.5I!:h spknci; ., Afeul fur th I'nited S'afr, . -" H.t lt) Kn.-..r, ,v Yorta. .it. I., 4 iIm fl-of Ian Mff, Nov. jvi.v 4mos. QRM AUV.H 111 (s til KM AC. H. K. FAGLEV Sc. CO. repeetfnlly inform the public that they have commenced the mannfHctore of T&wm lAHKIAut b. w lil'GGIES, &C, at the pew thop recently erected by J. F. Lerch Corner of Fonrf h and bcniuot Kin.. SUNBURY, PA., and solicit a fair Share of Patronage. A rll "Mta. J- F. LERC'II, Bup't. . : .!i I:i -. QiCKFntt i 3 KkiittfR THE KU UrORD AI'TOTI ATIt' Family Knitting Machine! A most rcKrri. ksn wownEitriL isveth ! Now attiacting ntiiversa! attention by it aston ishing performances, and it practical value for every day family use. It i simple, Durable, Cheap, to easily kept in repiir, and WIU. LAST A LIFE-TIME ! It will kui'. every possible variety of plain nnd fancy work. WITH ALMOST MAGICAL SPEED, and far belter than it can be done by hand, or on any other machine. All kinds of garments are perfectly formed ai.d shaped by the machine i'.seif. requiring no cnttinc and making up. A good operator will Knit a man's sock, with heel and lis; complete, in from five to ten minute ! anil from twenty lo forty pairs of socks in a day ! Everv especiallv every farmer' famil -should'have a BICKFOKI) KNITTER. It will be found equally a useful a the Uewintf Ma chine, and even more profitable. Everv Machine WARRANTED perfect, and to do just what i represented. The Bickford Machir.e 1 the only legitimate cylindrical Knitting Machine in existence. All others, not licensed by us, are clear and palpa ble infringinents on our patents, and we shall bold all parties who manufacture, sell, buy or use such infringing machines, to a strict legal accountability. An Instruction Hook, containing complete and minute directions to the operator, accompanies each machine. No. l.Fami'v Machine, 1 cjlinder.72 nctcdles $10 No. 3, " " ' "J " 72 A: 100 " 40 A Rumple machine will be tent to any part of the United S'.ates or Canada, express charges pre nnid, on receipt of the price. Ajrenl wanted in every State, County, City and T.wn. to whom very liberal discounts will be made. For further particular, address BtcKroKO Knitting Machine Mro. Co. Sole Manufacturers, Brattleboro, Vt. Nov. lit. 1875. Iv. T II E Pittsburgh Commercial FOR THE CENTENNIAL YEAR. Tbe year lSTft mark an iroportunl epoch In American history, completing as it t'.oes the First Ciatury of Hie Kpublic. Events of more than ordinary ronment are to be looked fur; aud it is the duty of every jia triiiiX" itien to keep himself informed thereof. To accomplish this it is only necessary to take and read a FIRST-CLASS NEWS PATER SITU A till Pittsburgh Commercial. In the future, a in the jutst,, it wi.l be a Mirror of the Times, a condensed History of the At, tirinir full and accurate iieeoum of all events, al home and abroaJ, iiicliidiu; gruphle reports of our (iteut Centennial Extxisitioti at Philadel phia. f jieeial attention will be given to tllc Prostres and Interest of Manufactures, Mining and Ag riculture throughout the country. The COMMERCIAL MARKS SPECIAL CLAIMS AS A Family Newspaper, Every effort being mad- to render it a pleasant aud profitable companion for the Home Circle, while its column will be carefully guarded against ol jectioi.ab.e matter of all kind. Its .Market and Fiaanrial IleorlJ Will be full aad accurate. embraciD; racs from all the loading Trade Outers of the World, and or great value to Mecl'unt. Manufacture, Farmers and al! cugitKeJ iu busiucss of any kind. Its arrangements for securing Early and Re liable News arc complete. Having utile corres pondents at the Mate and National Capitals, its reports of the doing of the Lawmaker of the and can be iiniii-itly reiieu upon. As n Political Journal, THE COMMERCIAL rri!l continue to be, a it has been, a Republican paper, feurlely de voted to a party. It will resist, a well aud as prudently as it may, any attempt to force upon the party the support of The Tliird-Tcrtn Mon rttosity ; and while It will strive to liiait.tuin a place iu the front rauk In Supporting, an Honest Party Policy, it will reserve to itself the ritfht to oppose any measure not in harmony with Re publican Principles, even though il may emanate from uien know as KepuUicaus. It will stand firm, on all occasions, by the platform of the j Krpunncan l any adopted at Lancaster, winch demand "Honest nieu iu office men with bruins enough to know dishonesty w hsn they see it, and courage enoagti to tljjht il w liercver they flud it." TERMS FOKTnE Daily Commercial, PoSTauE I'KEIt TO Pi1 lis JH1PEK8. Iiy mail, per annum .... Ky ma:!, for six tnontlis . . By mall, foi three month . . By mail, for oue montli . . Delivered by curriers, per wet a 110 00 5 00 2 SO J-5 15 T II hi - Weekly Commercial, FOR 1876. XO Wli THE TIME TO SVIiUCRIBE. 36 Columns OF Choice Reading Matter EVERT WEEK. IT IS THE PAPER FOR THE MKCHANT, THE FARMER, THE MECHANIC, THE MANUFACTURER, THE !F -A. M I X. "5T . Containing Greater Variety of Choice Reading and Miscellaneous New than ean be found in iu any weekly patr published In the State of Pennsylvania. Complete Werltly XIarkrt Report urEci ai.i.t rnsPAKgn for it. TERMS FOR lfTd. Weekly Co3I3Iercial (POSTACil PhEPAIP.) One Coj'V, One Year CLUB RATES: I 75 Ten Copier., per aunnro, each .... II SO Twenty Copies, ' and over " . . . . 1 25 And One Extra Copy totheetternpof the club. Addition may be made to a Club at any time during the year at tbe Club price, the sub scription continuing a Full Year from the time the additions shall have been made. These prices are invariable. Terms Cash in advauce. Remit iu Drafts or Poatofflre Money Orders, if possible, a t where neither of these can be procured tbe money in registered letter. WSI'ECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. Address nil ordeis and leltara to "THE COMMERCIAL," Dec 24, 1873. Pirnwvaoa, Pa. 1876. II 1876. I X L-THE WOMAN'S FRIEND THE BEST FTNTSHITO ANI VOKT PERFECT "FLAT IKON" EVER MADE. IatercaaBgeabls Handle and Shield Ccmbiatd. The handle Is entirely separate, and may be need fur any number of Irons. It can be adjust ed Instantly, and being providrd with a shield the hnnd is completely protected from tbe heat. No bolder 1 reonlred when using. When th Iron is beini! fWaiM Mr. if. heated, the handle mailt be detached. We will send to nv ddre, on re ceipt of Draft or P. O. Order for Ue amount, t iiher o( the following sets: Sot No. 1-S Iron of 5. . r d 7 lb., 1 Lai.r.ia. (H f-S " . 7 atrial:.-.. - K 3-S " 7, ii.l9!ba . ' Kickel pialed Irons. 7 Dels, per et erva. Any party ordering flv weta will re ceive one wet tilr at prcualuiu. Thoroughly reliable stents wanted. . Address BHOOKlTf SAD IRON CO., - t5rirstBwBrookIya,E.D.,lI.T. s: (ul.Hinit 'Sc. of li:t pspcr. December '75. 4inor Evangelical, Non-Sectarian, Independent ! The Christian at Work. T. De Witt Talmage, Editor. The Brit Religion paperriibllwaied MR. TALM AGE'S SERMON EACH WEEK. Fall ltprtjr Mr. Moodj'ti Work. Hy Rev. W. M. BAKER, One of the most popular of Ataerican story w rilers. TWO t:W PKEJIIliMJl ! AMERICAN FARMYARD." After Johei'H John, executed in twenty-nine printings and heretofore sold for $15, also an EXQUISITE FLORAL GROUP, Printed cxpreslv for thia paper by Mrs. Whit ney, and chromocd by L. Prso A Co. Boston, i j ti,. nr e inline art works, and the best I and most expensive picture premiums ever offered VOST LIBERAL TERMS TO AGESTS, ASD EXCLVU1V8 TRKKITORT. TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS : Without premium, postage prepaid 13.00 With either premium, unmounted, postage prepaid ' With either premium, mounted by express al subscriber' eipene -00 lFor full particular as to commission and canvas address II. It. Oltn iX, l'libllrshrr, BOX 5105, NEW YORK. Nov. 19, 21. THE LIGHT RUNNING "DOMESTIC." The "Domestic." The "DOMESTIC" is an exceedingly simple machine iu all its part and processes. It is easily understood ; familiarity with it action is very quickly acquired, and It needs hardly any practice of i skiil ia the otierator. Tbe siijieiior advantages obtained in the "Do mestic" ore mainly : 1. Light Runnini!. 2. 4uietness no Cains or (.ear Wheels. 3. Perfect Stilcli Double-thread Lock Stitch. 4. Durability arising from Simplicity of Con struction. 5. Absence of all Friction. C. Great range of Work. 7. Ease of Operation. We do not say that the Domestic' i the only Machine worthy of public favor. We admit there are oaie possessing real and acknow ledged merit ; but we do claim, and are prepared to demonstrate, that the Domestic" ha many excellence that render it JteidtJlj tuptrivr to tny otfitr iVA.n now before the public. Let every woman, therefore, examine for her lf into its merit when she buys a tnachine. This is an important purchase, uot to be care lessly made ; one thai will influence her com fort," probably for a long time. With a 'Domes tic" iu her possession, she will Dtid her sewing become a pleasant exercise of skill and taste, in stead of a low manual drudgery ; he will have the time and strength to add beauiy and elegance to work in which before she ba beeu obliged to content bere!f with bare utility. CAROLINE DA I.I US, A gent, SurMirr. Pa. A PRKNII'n U1VK TO HI I1M It 111 Kit. EVERY LADY'SBOOK. THE OLDEST MAGAZINE IN AMERICA. 1876. Volume r. 187G. In addition to our splendid Steel Engravings and reliable Colored Fashion Plates, will be given from time to time elegant Chromo Illustra tions. These ilustration given universal satis faction. No other Magaiiue ba a yet attempted this feature. STOUIES BT CELEBRATED WRITERS. We have on file several One norie for 1576, from the en ol the following popular writer : Mr. C. A. Hopklnson, I no Churchill, H. Vlckery Dumont, Louise S. Dorr, S. Anuie Fnt. Mont gomery C. Preston. ArraugetneuU have been made with other of life popularity. Our other departments. Invaluable receipts. Design for the Work-table. Knittirg. w tb Colored Engraving ol the atne. Netting, Model, Cottage, Original luic, Etc., are all retailed. A HlElTil fiJlJiDIO THE MOUMSG CALL:' Will be given to every ubseriher, whether ingle or Iu a club, who p.ivt iu advanc for 1ST6 and remits direct to this office. FOll FLORIDA. IOR THROUGH PASSAGE TICKETS to : ST. AUGUSTINE and all landings on ST. JOHN'S RIVER and interior point in FLORIDA, by steamship to SAVANNAH, and thence by railroad or steamboat. Apply to WM. L. JAMES General Agent J'hUtkltl Ma and Suvthim Matt S. S. Co., 410 South Delaware AVeuue. Pbilad'a. Oct. 29 -ISt. YOU CAN Save Money By subscribing for our Muaieai Ma azines. Tbey are issued monthly, and con tain ten times as much music as yon can buy elsewhere lor the sam amount of money. "Peter' Household Melodies,' Nos. 1 to 13 now ready. A Collection of Hongs by Hays, Dank, etc. Price, 50 cents per Number, or 12 Numbers for 14. "Peters' Parlor Muiic," Nos. 1 to 13 now ready. A Collection of Easy Dance Music. Price, 50 eents per Number, or 12 Number for 12. "La Creme de la Creme,'' Nos. 1 to 25 now ready. A Collection of Difficult Piano Music. Price, 50 cents per Number, or 15 Numbers for 14. feud 60 cte. for a Sample Copy of either of the above, and If you are not satisfied with your bargain, we wiil refund your money. Address, J. L. PETERS, 842 Broadway, N. Y. Dec. 31,'75.-lra. Good News to Farmers! THE CELEBRATED DEXTEIt FEED CUTTER which will save FIFTT PER CENT, to every farmer raising- slock, is offered for tale by tbe nndersigued agent for Northumberland county. This Feed Cutter ha been awarded diplomas at every County and State Fair where It has been exhibited. It is acknowledged to be superior to any other in use. Order will be promptly fllUd bv addressing JOHN U. GURTNKR, Agent. Dee. 10, 187&. Banbury, Pa. flu llbbtrtiscnttnts. 18 BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUN. 76 ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF A TEAR. rOSTAOE PKFPAlli BT THE rt BLISHEKS. TUS BEST EASIILT JOVKSAI. AMI TUB CHEAPEST. A VEIlT "MorSElK'LD WOltD." IT IS TO BS A TEP.rtAIH.E f'ENTENSIAL RECORD. tI,20J IN PHF.MIUMS full NOVELETTES POK T1IE WEEKI.T BIN PlK 1 f7G. The Baltimore Weeklt Si:n is beyond com pare oue ol thu best weekly pa port, published in the United States. Iu proprietors iniike especial aim to secure for its columns the choicest litem lure, the latet-t news, foreign and domestic. Un heal intelligence iu agricultural matters, tin most reliable commercial and market reports and the best current miseelisiny. As incentive to literary ability, and thereby to please the taste of its many thousand readers, the proprietors of The Weeklt Srx have offered prizes amounting to (1.200 for the best six noveleties, to be selected by a critical cotumiitee from offerings by writers in all parts of the coun try. It is expected that this liberal offer will attract the best story-telling talent in the United States, and thus afford the chastest lit eral)' bntiiitiet of Jht Centennial year to its host of reader. The publication of the price stories will be commenced early in the year, and all who desire to partake, of 'heir alt .actions should at once order subscription. THE CENTENNIAL TEATt. A ISTr) is to be the Centennial year it will be full of incident which will be attractive to al the people, and the Weekly Sin will have special care to furnish its readers with accurate information a to ail important event. For the first time in many year there ia considera ble change in the political complexion at Vash ington. A President is alo to be elected, which will insure an exciting contest because of the present anomalous condition of party poiitices throughout the United States. Of ail these matters The Weekly Si n will be a faithful, concise and accurate chronicle. THE PAKMEK Will find the Baltimore Weeklt Sln a valuable instructor, its original articles on and judicious selection of matters Intimately connected with tbe jrreat national interest of agriculture amply repaying the price of subscription. The raper is designed to meet the needs of persons residing in every part of our county, but more especially the towns and rural disliicls of Ihe Middle, Southern aud Western Stales, care ful note being regularly made of local matters In those rcgious, in addition to a complete and concise history of current events ALL OVEK TUB WOKLIK The merhuul and the mechanic will (lad the Weekly Sun an evei tresh Encyclopedia of use ful kdowiedi;e. The Weeklt Si:n's market report are espe cially valuable, giving the latest prices of all kinds of produce in Baltimore and the piincipul cities of the Union, tor the Utter the telctrapu beini; availed of up to the date of publication. TERMS INVARIACLT CASH IN ADVANCE, POSTAGE FREE TO Sl'USCRIBEKS. One copy, six mouths fl 00 One cop) , one year 1 5o Three copies, oue year 4 00 Four copies, one year 4 50 Five copies, one year a 00 AM) ONE HOLLAR PER COPT FOR ANY Nl'MKF.K OF COPIES AIIOVE FIVE. Ten copies f 10 00 Willi an extra civy of ihe Weekly Sun on year. Twenty copies t JO 00 With u u extra copy of ihe Weekly uu one year, and one fojiy ol the Daily Sun six month Tbiity copies J30 00 With au extra copy of the Week!) Sun aud oue copy of the Daily Sisn one year Forty copies ?40 00 With auexiiacop) of the Week!) Sun. and oue copy of the Da ly pun oue year, also au extra copy ot the Daily Stiu for cix month. Filly copies $00 00 With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun, and two copies ol the Daily Min one year. Seveuty-five cepie (75 00 With au extra copy ol ihe Weekiy Snii. and three copies of tbe Daily Sun one year. Oue huudred copies $100 00 With au extra copy of the W. ckly Sun. and tour copies ot thu D.ulV bun oue year. The above axtieme low rates ol ubscriplioii lo Tut Baltimore Weeklt Sin ;ive the publish ers only a fraction over the iiiii of the while paper. Aud iu add Hon lo the above premium each subscriber whose name is on our book al commencement of the new or may sub cribe to the Weekly Sin after that date will receive a copy of THE BALTIMOK" SL'N ALMANAC FOR 1576, a new illustrated publication comprising tuirly two paes, einor.iciiig the twelve calender mom lis illustrated, aud with uatromiial ailn, eclipses, moon's phases, ciijalioii of time, a chronological record of Auieiicati lust -ik.U events, and iuforiiiulion, the wtune presenting a Ulol valuable table of contents for the farmer, uiecbaul, maiiutaci urer aud the uublic general- iy- Getters up of Clubs will find the above terms line most liberal thai can be o tie re I by a First class Family Journal. The proprieloia not only prepay the postage on the clubs received, but also on the premium copn.b, both Daily and Weekly. The safest method of remitting funds by mail will be found to be by di al I or poMolhec money order. Addles, A. S. ABELL it CO Pt iii.isueus, SUN IKON ill 1LDING. Baltimore, M d, JOS. EYSTER, MANUFACTURER OF NATIVE GRAPE WINE, SUNBURY. Noilli'd Co., Pa. Wl, the undersigned, can cheerfully testify to the excellent iiuaUie f Wine made, by Dr. Jus. Eyster, aud advise its universal use everywhere COL. C. NEFr. MAJ. J. P. HAAS, II . 4. FRANK, DR. A. C. CLARK. H. E. DAVIS. FRANK BRIGHT, JACK WALTZ. N. S. ENGLK. GEN. L. II. K ASK. May 23, 1873. V - SUSQUEHANNA COFFIX A CASKET WORKS, Front Ml., above Race, SUSJWllY, I'ENXA. TltHE undersigned having etahlished a Coffin A. A Casket Manufactory, at the ubofe place, are now prepared to furnish to Cabinetmakers aud Undertakers, and Ibe trade general! v Coffins and Caskets Of the best and latet pattern and fini-hed In the best style. Their different patterns inclndin!! both Cofflii nnd Cas.k-t shapes are of WALNUT, CHERRY, CHESTNUT. Imitation of Rnttwool and Cherry. and all other styles, made of the best material and flninh ; work done by the rat eIerieuced workmen. Orders will be filled promptly, and Collin and Caskets will be shipped to any place desired, nt the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable price. The patronage of the trade is solicited. Send for PRICE and DEH'KIPTIVE LIST, and learn , the styles and price. FRTLINti, BOWES A LMitX. Sunbury, April 30. 1875. -tf. IA IIIMC SHOP AMI IIC. FOI X Ml Y. UFA). IIOIIKBACI! SONS, Kunburj, Peun'a, JNFORM the public that they ars preparen 10 do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machiue Shop in connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with lhe latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, in a satisfactory man ner. Grate to uil any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sires. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS; VERANDAHS FOR TARDS AT RESIDENCES, iC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will always be kept on band. AUo, THREHHNG MACHINES. Bnakurv, Mar . 1- VrTisrillantms Manhood: How Lost, Huh Kntor ed! Just published, a new editor of Dr. Ciilver wull's Celebrated Essay on the ridical cure (without medicine) of Spcrmatorrlioi.i or Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses 1m potency, Mental and Physical Ineupieify, I;u pedimeius to etc. : a'so. Consump lion, Epilepsy mid Fiis, induced bv selfinl il j genre or sexual extraviinnei-j Ac. t I-if Price, in a sealed envelatie. on!v six cents. The celet rated author, in this adluiiable Kt say, cle.irty demonstrate. Irnin a thirty yenrs, successful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use ot internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure al once simple, certain, and ef fectual, by means of which every sui.vrer, no matter whnl his condition tuny be, may cure j hini-elf cheaply, privately , and ladeali.. X-SS This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Send under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post -tamps. Address the Publishers, F. URUGMAN & SoN. 41 Ann St., New Ymk ; Po.-l Office, 4.". Jan. 14. 1S70. ApplU-ation For t'liurt-ht hurtrr. N'UTICE is hereby given thai apidicntion will be made to the Hon. Wm. -t. Rockefeller, President Judge of the Court of Common P ea of Northumberland counlv, by member of "The Aincrican Primitive Methodist Zion Church," of Mount Carmel, on the 115th day of March A. D. 1S76. to grant a charter of incor poration to the said chuicli, according to the Act of Aseiub!V of April 2M ti A. I. 174. WM. FLEW. DAVID HARRIS, JOHN GREEN. JOHN THOMAS, ALFRED WHITE, THOMAS M. THOMAS, JOHN POWELL. I Mt. Carmel, Pa., Feb. 12, 1870. I Furniture Ware-ixooms ! j ROKERT.S A lIOSTt.R J1.4X, j (Successors to B. L. RAUDENBUSTI.) 5f asonic Building. SCTISTBTJ-R-Y, J?J- WILL SELL CHEAP, AN EXDLEtS VARIETY FUHNITUlt 12 of the latest styles and best materia!. CONSISTING OF Parlor and Chamber Suits; LOUNGES, -TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS. Bedsteads of all kiuds, Cupboards, Shots, and in short everything usually to be found iu a first class Furniture Store. Special attention i given to L'nJertaking in al. its branches. Coffins and Uurial Caskets OF ALL STYLES CITAT1.T ON HAND. An Invitation is extended to all to come and examine our slock before purchasing elsewhere. ROBERTS & HOSTERMAN. Sutibury, Feb. 1J, 1S75. Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. s - U . s 2 S t s .1 1 1 i sr. x -(J) V jj i k. - 00 . - t- o M 0 7 u a. c c Li sr. Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. Maize & Schwartz, Successors to (ieo. Evans V Co., 1108 Market Street, Philadelphia, MERCHANT TAILORS ami MILITARY GLOTHIKUS. Men and Boys' nits made to order in the latet-t styles, of the best cloths and e.issiincres in mar ket, at prices suitable to tbc times. Military, Band Si Fire Orjraiiizations promptly uiiifotnu-d. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Our being; the. leadin house on Military wmk. we feel that we can offer indiiceinf t which run no! he attained anywhere else. Nov. 17. KALI. AMI WIXTER MILMXEI! V 4.00 1S. Misses L. 6i S. Wciaer. Market street, Siinbiiiy, Pa., oiler special inducement iu ihcir Fall and Winter .! i 1 1 1 u c r y Uootl. just opened, consisting of Bonnets aud Hat. FEATHERS, FLOWERS. RIBBONS. SASHES, ORNAMENTS, AC. Fancy Zephyr Goods. Infant Hood-, and an immense assortment of IsTOTIOlSrS. i Laities MP'S inning, lining ami nasiing done in every branch. The public are earnestly invited to call and ex amine our stock before making a selection else where. Not. 12. 1S75. L. A S. W'EISF.R. (KUIPIOXS ITiriCKIAI. SO A I IS THE "BEST." This Soap is manufactured from purd mater ials, and a it contains a large percentage ol Vegetable Oil, is warranted fully equal to the best imported Canile, Soap, aud at the same time possesses all the washing and cleansing properties of the celebrated German anil French Laundry Soaps. It Is therefore recommended for use iu the Laundry, Kitchen, and Bath-room, and for general household purposes ; also, for Printers, Painter. Engineers, and Machinist, as it will remove stain of Ink, Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc., Trotn the hands. Manufactured oulv by CRAMPTON BROTHERS, 2, 4. 6, 8. and 10 Rutgers Place, and 33 and 35 Jefferson Street, New York. For sale at Philadelphia, by KOONS A RUOFF, 202 North Delaware Afenoe, and by grocers generally. Nor. 1, TtrWv mo. 5. FIXXYI.VIA Ittll. HO n. PULADKLPlllA ERIE B. R. DrVIMON. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Sundui, Nov. i'l.-t. Is75 ,( Traits on the PlUladelphia.fe Erie Kail Roi.d'oivi sioii will run as t illnw- : WE&XJVARU rasl L.iue leaver- 7ew Vork 9 2 i a in ! l ; . l.-l- i ., 5.i.; p in j 9.55 p u i l.-0 p m 11 50 p in I i. p oi ' II .V y n I I "lO ; ;it 4.T i .. o5 a in y.4: m i li t.') a m 7.50 p m 7.JU a iu 7.o'J a in li'.4. . n. .'A.Xo p- in p in ' 4 4" p iii I H.aj a iu 8.30 a in Piila.ii lphi .'.1', Hfrist.iirg, " arr.ut Wij:uilspr, " " " L-c Haven, B Bells(,e Ei te Mail leaves N.-wyork Phi'-r l,"i... h.utiii.-i,- " " - ll.lllsti,,. ' " ",H,ii " " L.-k Ha.,, " Kenovo, " " arr. afErie, Limited Mail i.-avc- Pliilatcli,!,, , Haiti! n ii,i.ii,hl t " Lxk Ha.-. Kenovo. ' Lock H.ieti Ac. e:i:-s Phiiadcip; , " ' - Baltimore, " " " - llarrisburit . al VVil.i.ii. 1.35 p in ti. 10 p m 7.o0 p ill " ..rr. ul WiHiaiiiMMM : in .. ... I " ' " Lock Ha veu EASTWARD Philad'a Express leaves Lock H.itcii, 6.40 , , i " Williaii.sporl, 7.55 a 111 ! arr. nl llarrishurg, 11.45 a 111 j " " " I'.a.tiiiiore, .j.i;, ., , - Philadelphia. . u .,, i New Yo.k, '.,,, j Day Expruas leaves Kenovo, j,lu a in '" " " L'M-k Haven. 10J5 a iu " " Wil iuiiispoi t, II. a a m " urr. al Harrisbnrg, 3.0loui " Pliiiadelphia,- B-iJOpin " ew vrfe? .j.15 ,, B " ' Baltimore, 0.;;5 p 11 Erie Mail leaves Erie. Il.'Jiiaui " ' Kenovo 8.a5 p 111 ' ' ' Lock Haven, 'J.45 p id ' " Wiiliamsport, 10.55 u m ' " arr. at Harrisburg, 2.3o a m ' " Baltimore. 7.35 a in " " Philadeiphia, 6.45 a in " " ' New York, 10.10 a iu Fast Line leaves Wiiliamsport, 1-.15uiii " " arr. at Harrisburg, 3 55am " " ' Baltimore, 7.35 ro ' ' Philadelphia, 7.i5 a in ' ' New YorK, .. 10.a5ara Eiie Mail Liinied Mai! Wti, L--k Haven A.-com. W'e-t anil Day Express East make elo-e connection at Nortliuiiilerhiiid with L. & B. K. R. trains lor Wi.kesbuire aud ecr.m ton. Erie Mail West, Un.ite! Mail West and Fast Line West niakr connection at Williamsp.irt with N. C R. W. trains north. Erie Mail Eat aud West. Limited Mail West, Fal Line Wet aud Day Express East make c!;se cmuecti'on at Lock Haven with B. E. V. K R. trains. Ei ie Mini E.11I and We-t Cuunecl at Erie w.t'i trains or L. S. & M. R. R., ul Corry unit O. C. V. A. V. R. K. at Emporium with B. N. Y. .v. P. R. R., and at Driftwood with A. V. R R. Parlor Cars will run betweeu Philade-'phia aud Wiiliamsport on Limited Mail West, Fast Line WrsU Philadelphia Expiess East and Da) Ex 5 less East. Seeping Cars 011 ail nitghl trains WM.A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Su-.'l. rtiilMdrlithiikA- Rradiuc KatlroHd. A HUANG KM EXT OF PA.sEXGEK THA1NS. Jaicart lt, tsTf?. Tkhins Leave IIekmwjm as Follows: (i xoais Excepted.) For Shamoki.i, 10.4U, 11.00 H. in. ni l o .40 p. m. For Mt. Carmel, Ashland, Tamatiua, Potisvtile. Kead ina; aud Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. Thaim roi IIeujido!!, Leave as Follow: Ol NU.O EXCEPTBD. Leave bhamokiu al b-00 a. m. 1.50 aud .i-.V. p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 915 a. iu., Ruadiux 11.3-J a. m., Pottsville, 12.10 p. m., Taiaaipia, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p. m., Mt. Carmel, 3.21 p. in. Thains Leave Hakmisbi uu, as FoLU.we : For New Vork, 5.20, S.10 a. in. aud .00 1.4 p. ni. For Philadelphia, 5.20, S.10 O.4.". a. u.. iMi and 'i.lXt, p. ni. St kllATB. For New Vork, 5,20 a. 111. For Philadelphia. 1.45 b. m. Tualns roK 1Iakhibik, Lca t as Foluiws : Leave New York, y.OU a. iu., 7.45 p. Ul. ; Leave Philadelphia, 'J.15 a. ni. 1.00 aud 3.15. 3.40 and 7.10 p. m. Sl'.SUAlS. Leave New Vork, 5. 1."p. in. Leave Philadelphia, 7.10 p. iu. "Via Mortis auu Erses K. IU J. E. WUOTTENv Onttrtl Snp't. Reading, Pa. Nov. 13. IS74. 5 its. CENTRAL gPRUG STORE q.b.cXdwllader Is the place to buy pure aud frvsh MLDJCIXES. DUUGS, PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, PERFUMERY. NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR fur ruedicinnl purposes, aud all oilier arti cles usually kept in a tirst-clitss I fruit Store. Special attention pniJ to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggist. 1 am prcparrd to furnis'.i in quantities to uit purchasers and at Philadelphia price, CALCINE!) PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Poiliand, Roman. Roxen.Ule and Lehigh CEMENTS, Lund Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also, Garden Seeds of all kinds. Aall and get a Rural Register for 1S74. GEO. B. CADWALLADEK. Sunbury, Feb. 6. 1:4.-Iv. Dk. C. M. Makth. Gko. W. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, . " I Clement Use Wssi Solitary, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO, n,AVE just received a fre-h lot of Pure Pmg and Patent medicine. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET CuMBs. Hair, Tooih. anil other brushes. TOI1.1.T AX1 FAXVX ARTKLKS. FINE rXTKACIS, PIM KFT B'HKS, KMVES, AC, AC. REEIV GRAND Dl'CllEJso lOLtiG.NE. the s'veetest perf;itne in America. ; rariinii. a Kit! ;iovc Vifi warranted to clean perfectly the niost delicate siiudes without iniiiiy to the kid ll the leading pVe ai;l':o"i lor the Hair, SF;lt. THE BET IN M ARKET. Pine Wine and Liipmrs, for medical purposes, Physi' iatis Prescriptions and family teccipts coiupoiinded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal, ing to receive a share of your patrouage. September 11. FALL and WINTER M 1 1. 1. IX Ell Y C.OODS M . L. Gossler, Fourth s'reet, 4 doiirs below M irket, west side, invites the attention "of all desiring the latest styles of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY! To ber well selected Assortment Just received from New York and Philadelphia, consisting ol I.iMtitv H and Childreu'a Huts aii! UoiiiirtM. -'fathers, t'lonrm, 11 e a I Lueen, Silk. Velvets Kibboni. Sash ltibboiist. .eeli Tiets, Hid Iote, Fancy II)! erj, Is Qualit Ze iliy r aud (jieriuautown 1V00I. ALSO NOTIONS .& TRIMMIMiS IN GREAT VARIETT. All of the aboe offered at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. t-igMis Goss'.er wiil, as heretoror, give all onler for Millinery Iter personal supervision. Call and see new goods. Nov, 1S75. -1-VR. I. E. SMITH. Ilomorpathic rhysiciar j J offlce and resident corner of Fifth ar ' f 'hatniil Him.. Snnhnrf. Call in tlWB or CO' ty promptly attended to,night or day. Ot hours 8 to 9 a. ra. ; to 4 p. m. 1 8 to 9 f. tr i,-Sdnt!tnraI.'i 1 - - : 3 A FEW Puit-in.t IV.... r. 5-Tl7'' 'VC"'"'r r"r" nr'-r "om pers.,,,, in ditTer-nt sections of the 'ennntrVTaskhrit as sistance in procarins fiuijuimi, m tne ritJ u Is bnpossMe to answer all such letters, aad a few words or advice on the subject mav aave rfcirodMe of m-tki-,.. trf,., .,:..;Ca u-ew rr eiuploym. ni. Tlie tendeiieY of our vou..-. .en t.. fl,.k i, ,., ,h, cifj.., (ni. i thw g- v -.!...., r Hh- H .h..,., b.. , .....r. -i i., tlets ...(...jj T1)t. lii-oj enp lai..n .rf cily life 5 the ease. luxrT , r. suce oil-i-li.-a- liuh present tlu-ms t ulr ,.a.Ilai I'tU". Int. often : t'-, - fl; aii-in ;ivcs. Th.'v f,.....ri .i. ...... . j ' "m nin l tht picture of e.- th a t'ley see in UM, .iuiji,,,! miiig iu with t!ie city people. there is -t ih.. . V(.r, t,m, ..,,.,, al, lfU ....e,o, iu.-. ltfnl ,n lhe m our dries. nti. InrW. h CiHrte r 'tu trit co-nit., ... . ... . ' sii erior vigor t! viinnt'ta'n, and at th. j .in lin success ny me j, r . frmn -..- luncrihuii irotu tne frn.. I tk . KT. 1 . ii.i'Mi wnicn haeirowii ui with them tllTit U HnMUa.r.,l . -J "fin! tnr.-truir- L'len. Hitler .li-api.intmei,t. a. mem mat n-Uor ind ir-r -.i 1 . 1 " i"" 10 us prosperity as the ..rfffprritT f(f ,;e with virgin pr.iriej vrnili,e foMU mine, of eihi.htles wei.. abun,,iriK m ciim ite -f the contiiieH, ,rf. onr " with the protection of our law aCBjUB iUi evry State and Territory of the Uni the last dream of nur young men should be of ;rCi It N a' safe mle frtr those who ?an dri .er a home to stay there ; anl wht-n they cannitilr shonld look tow-ir tht' setrim; snn; wTii'rethe present r-.ntnry will see additional ten of mi! 1 lions of peopie prosperous- in their work of de- vlMi-inii the bonnd es wea th of the .Great West. Phila Timet. IIoldi-vo os Fob Higher Prticn.s.-r-Tue q-ies-tion eorae up whether it U beat Ao x-ll a rrop as soon as it is ready for market, or to hold on for higher prices. Ii i a qnestion which eannot be decided by vwppcr article. There are so im-ny temporary or local cirenmstance which iaijre-y enler into Die question and on whL'h everyone mil ileeide for himself. But In a gen eral wa. tire Is no doubt thnt it t besf to'sei! as soon as reidy, and this is the advice we have frequently given in thes.' column. Eveu Ihouiili p:k-es below, ami there Utile reaouab;e prospect of a rie in a sbois time, there are the tosaes from" brinkair and waste, which In a large nnmber of eaet are quite as much a an- nveruge increase Jn price would be. In the article which we havethefore given, and to which we h ive alluded, we have presented the r:icts particularly, aud we remember especially , referring, to the case of a friend who put- one Imn.lrcd bui-bel of potatoes iatne cellar in fall, and which ocly tamed ont eighty when s!d in th spring. Here was a Io of twenty per cent., and with Interest on the receipt if they had been -old in fall requires a good advance to make it worth while to hold nnd' r such circumstances. We.refer to the matter now b-cause we believe that this figure twenty per cent., even by those who are concious'of a.Ios by keeping, is gener ally believed 'i be q'lite a. much as is iot ; but we have recently seen some figure which show 1 h it it is ntW mnch greater than this. Twenty p" Mir. i jiven a about tbc loss by shrii.kage in corn ; but a mnch a thirty-three per cent, w claimed as the Ios hv pJf iloes it hep till late i.. the season, say June. Th's is a strnng argu ment against the general principal of holding on. (itrmHtn TtltfjfapK. Pkeparino ro t as Ouchakp. Although it Is a frequent practice with many farmer l set their trees first and prepare their soil afterward, still '-many wrongs never make a riirht." It is J Impossible to obtain an evi n depth to ihe soil by I this method of going tosrork. and one can never promot- a regular loose surface close up to the voung tiers Tit so doing.' In fact the man who J derides where his orrharrl l to he planted one e:ir In .nlvanceof the word, and puts his ground in the beat possible condition before a tree I et, will not unfrequently gain several' yeriTs r"Lrs"' forelght. Wi' wi.old suggest that he should plow It deep ly in the spring, give it a good coat of m.innre, grow only hoed enjind then again plow in the antumn, eroswie (o-ihe direction taken lathe spring. These two feature are of paramount importance, i. ., a thorough p'llveriziliou of the soil aud a liberal coat of manure. . As apple are not as subject lo the blight as peir, and cannot be grown well in poor soil, pat on the manure with no sliming hand. Whether plant ed in tbe anttnim or spring, tbe soil having been p i viously well loosen.-d. the fi'iers are encourag ed to grow, and the trees will at once make rapid he-idwny. "Why do uot my trees start to grow 1'' said a fanner, la'.eiy. "They are plant ed in sod, but I plowed up is clone to the bodies a possible afterward-" Had he give'i the root sufficient en couragement at - ttrst. 1 here would not have existed a necenity Jor making the: in quiry. WiiiTEWA!H!Sii Tkes. Tlie advaulig of liming fruit aud o-namerital trees i generally ceded, but man; omit this practice, on account of the unsightly appe.irauce which whitewash ing gives to the entire premises. Those who see no ea'ity in their trees, half .whit. and half green, cm" all the advantage of liming, miuus lite liiiewa.-h. by letting tbe waxu settle and then pouring off the clear water, which when ippiied to the trunks of tree dixrs not dis figure theui. and al lhe same time produces the same benefit as a thorough wbitew.Kthing. fjouscboll, Wasuiso Fllio. Take j; ivinceof ga neara phor dissolved in i pint of alcohol t also Ji fiound of borax anil iouiia of al aods, and disaolve in one gallon of hot rain WAter, aad tb fluid i r -al ; after tirr!ng all the ingrediei together add one gallon if co'd ninwater bef adding the gtun camphor and alcohol. In a add alut four tab!epiHnful to a pii t of sreip .ipply to parts of clothing most soiled o!ik in warm w.iter h ilfan l;0ur.or w'die up th-- lrwikra-t d:slii-s. then pi-.-iceJ with w . h -.jf nsu 1 . mt boiiiHg over ne mil 1 have us. d 'hi for one Tear and know it t and" does not' rot the clothe. ; fhey wast half the labor and It nukes the clothes T:ble cli ths th-it are s:iiu, d with tea or stains riio.ild he tliio.m iut vUr bauiwj few niiuules, when they wiil N found Ire snrins, while soap or net when dry will stain permanently. Ladies, try the a" lesson your labor. jtm. w r How to Mark am The lo m.'ike au omelet is In t ike three of milk fo: each egg. and a pinct" one a'so. Seat V'.e egg light minutes, and pour them in' a piece of butter the s: melted a moment be' to mibh'e and rise ii h.tloin must be 1: knife so that tin should lie rook and made iu If a little ent into ; proved. derm Fish boue ' there certf C ca V. d I