Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 25, 1876, Image 3

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    Jlnnhtvp American.
UilroaU Time TmI1.
. X. V. U. W.. South. I P. A E. R. K. W.t
"i it- Mull. 11.40 a m i Erie Mail, . in Lltte, 2.00 a. ta Niagara Ex., ni
Pnila. Ex., a. 45 a in i Eimim Muil 4.05 p tu
Day Ex., 1.10 p in I Fiisl Line. 7.00 p in
BllAMOKIMi PtVIr-ll, N. C. K. W.
Evnrs, !0.4Ua in I Ma i, y. lo a in
Mill, 4.-5 p in Express, J.M p in
Au accommodation train Iciivvs Sh.ttuokiii at
7.10a in, arriving al Ml. Curiuel at 7.4(1 a in.
R -tumi:;. leave Ml. Carmel at C.IXI r m, tniv-
Ib.' at Sliamokin G.JO p in.
D. II W. R. K Trains leave at 6.5i a. in.
an 1 arrive al 3.50 p. in.
Leave north 6:45 a. in. 12:55 p. in. 4:50 p. i
Arrive from north 12:45 p. in., ;ui.l 0:10, p. i
Accidental Insurance Ticket cau Ik- hart of
J. SUipman, Ticket Actil, at the Depot.
Mummer Arrangement Tor Ibe Toxt
Ollire at Suuburi, I'm.
OfUt Ojten from ti.50 . ta., to 8 . .. except
oh iSrMav.
Arrives as follows :
From the East at 5.15 a. m.. 4.10 p. m.,
" South, 5.15 a. m.. 4.10 p. in.
West, 5.15 a. til., 11.15 a. in., l.5 p. ni.
and 4.10 p. in.,
No. th, 1.50 a. m..ll.l5a. in.. 4.10 p.m.
fcliauiokiu ami Ml. C'ai iiiel, !.2. a. in.
Miaitiokiti proper, 4.1HJ p. in.
Mails close an loilnws :
Far the East, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 a. in., 4.50 p. in.
S.00 p. in.
" South. :o..10 a. in-, 4.50 p. m., 8 p. in.
" Wi st. 1(1.50 a. m., U.50 p. m., S.U0 p. in.
-'4 North, 3.50 p in.. 8 p. in.,
fehainokiti projier 11.15 a. in.
Mi'.rmokin and oilices on that route; 4.-1
p. lll."V
Money orders wiU not be issued aftef 0 p. m.,
on Saturdays.
J. J. SMITH. P. M.
A rivr Wokiis TO Tltosc Im'KI'.iedTo Us.
We have nl bills to our sulv-cnln-rs t 'ice dur
lug th pa-t year, but have met with very 1'is.r
success in receiviiiL' rep. its or retnillaixi-s. We
are go situated i a-c cannot wail uio:i them
in jeron, a our time would he lost, and our
expenses frequently exceeds the profit of out
buu.e-a. We are furi.i-uini the Ami:kicas al a
wry small profit, an we had expected that our
friends, tiv t-o, would pay more leadi y and
Lave but short standing accounts, feoiiie have
come up lo ourexpectatino while niaay accounts
have been running for three, four and rive years
During the hard times we have, tried lo pay up
our employees retulatly lo keep them finm
KuGeiintr. The stock roiisunud by us cannot
be bought otherwise than for cash. We aie the
loser of the interest or the money invested. We
have now outstanding some sixteen hundred
dollai : suhtviipliou, un winch we aie ioin
the interest ou the rootu-y paid for baud and
stO( k which we ure uol well able lo hear. L'ihIi-i
these tircuintauets we are coUiib-IIc.i loeutoice
our terms more slriclly and demand cash pay
Intnl. We ullail send oil; I" all oui subset ibers,
indellt-d lo us, during the next mouth, and on
the tjrst of April, if uot paid, will ad I the alii
tiotial fitly cents accoidmj: to our teiius whele
advance paynieul is not made. Alter dale
ail subscriptions not paid aillii.i tix iiioilh t0
dollars w i:i be chalked, and all transient advt-r
tisemei'ls will have to tie paid for in mlvai.c--before
they will receive ull ution. We are
forccc lo this measure on atvouul of all olhei
butiuess men ndop'.iu the cash yte n.
TltE delightful balmy weather, ou Sunday, had
the effect of liliiuc the chuiches, tiioiiiiii and
Shad ale telling in WilliM import .it prices rally
ing liom tixiy to eighty Ceiitseach.
For SaLR. A di-sirable resideuce on Fourth
street, Sunbury, is olTered fr sale cheap. Ap
ply I V. C. Packer, E-q., or at this olllce.
A CZTESlAl tea part y wan held al North
omberland on Tuesday evening I isl w hich was
attended by a number of ladies of tuis place.
To hokuuw will be sold a tare lot of house
hold furnirire at the residence Of II. K- (00
rieh, corner of Fourth and Wa'nut si reels. Vr.
( ioli intends moviii west, and will .li.ii-e
of all his household See nilvetli-eiiiciil.
Ve arc glad to Icaru thai II. D. Wharton,!
Esq., is tiaiii a ositiou as cieik in Hie olliee of
assirlalil treasure I L". S. al I'liilade!diia. Mr.
Whartou bi.s k'u n satisfaction i i evety position
be Iras l.eld Lnd. r tl 4t'i.vei iniiei.t, except to our
neighbor of the Democrat, and we leei conlideiil
thmi he will do so in h ue qu.uler-.
A Rt AW AT. Mr. Jol:u I;, fl'. ot's horse,
bitched to a timelier took fiiglil at the
procession on Tue-ta last, uud, iiniuiiig d"u
Penn street, broke the wheels, shaft mid
sprints of the wajjon. The ho:se stopped on
Church street, and fo'tuna ely done no iinlh. r
Gl:DEK Seeds. A '.ari;c afsortment of Gar- 1
den seed, guaranteed to be liesti, have just
been opened, and will lie soid at Dr. C M. M ir
tiu 1 Co.'s drui: si ore on Third afreet.
New Post Mastek. We are plan to 'e.un
thU Mr. (iehret Snyder, of Seveii point
office, has received I lie- appointment of Po-l Mas
ter it place of Win. Kikei, E.- , who icMm d.
The appointinenl is a U'skI one.
Wb are "lad to learn that Sinion A Oppeii- .
be mer, n ra r ol Third an I Maiket si reel-, in
tend in in.' a ei-liy of hats and caps. We
are sure ihcj wil. l-iim; ut i!ie lat'-t siyi.-s at
the lowest prices.
The Ge 'e i an lecture on last Thursday Ve
nn.', 'U he ll'ioriiii'd enmch, was a grand -nc-CCs
in -ery uspect.
It. AC Ft'BMAH lias sold liis I irgecloihinu store
toJ.Ii Wit 'i,td this place.
Geo. W. gTORil has broke ground for a t'oun
d itiou for a hot ! on Thi.d street north of the
Ceuual Hot I. The building will lie erected on
the roost mo ieru plan, And will be handsomely j
juisi cd.
HOW TO KrEP A BllOilM I Ol.DKR "A 'llt!J
iaved Is two-petite fiiii.e.l.'' ilo not set away
.tie broom with the btush end down, for in a
littl- tune it becomes one sid.-d and unlil lo
t weep with. Either turn il over o- stand il up
i the bundle or. or better Hill, screw an eyelet
. the ei.daiK haMg it up. covmi has a new 150,000
Pitttbtirg Vazettr.
t yet. We only expect one in the coutse of j
r or l wo. it son. you pis-r n-tw, ant is
nil a ct-iil to keep prisoners in. In fact
ding on o.iper is nearly as bid as the old
only calculated lo fiigliii-u oil. u lets.
we il nave one equal lo ruisouign.
"ome smart peple who tin.', oui a i
)in loiti. teorters and dilots
i t to know, bill the be-l
to makrof their knowl-ns-in-,
and tiien truiii
not publishing it.
I'lllll- Ciil oi one j
tin. chine nseil at
I Market. Phil
past year,
it. e of the
ry w here
ell con
e have
'lit up.
l glle
ill l
SrMt'KT. Tuesday last. Washington' birth
day, was usheivd in by the ilniue; of bell and
Criu of cannon at midnight. When day
dawned the skies were briuhl and clear, which
inspired many to have an old fashioned I of
February. E.nly in the morning our ftreels
began to present an unusually lively appearance.
Business whs entirely suspended, imii everybody
ul'Deared ill good humor to celctnate the day in
a becoming manner. About 10 o'clock a. in.
Market and 'i'hiid slieets were throiieed with
people of the town mid country to witness the
masked parade previously aiiliotinced to take
place. As the pn.ce-sion ol paradeis tame up
Walnut street a grand rush for a prominent po
sition was made. The) numbered about sixty
masked men, about twenty being mounted ou
hoises, ho reprereule l i h.itacleis (,j "yemiciaut
tunes."' Tin y wue loilowiil with the ariiiiei v,
aiiil'Uiuiiee, (tnnii coips, inla. try and a liot of
jueiiiiis. 'I lie cannon w us mounted on a wagon
diawn by six mules. Many of the par.ohrs
wore co-luiu. s of a lnJ:c:ouS cliaiactel, and
nearly all were d'siruised so well that their niosi
intimate frii-mls w re unable to ;econ;ze I hem.
Many d' the reridi'nces ou the loule were pro
lusely decorated with hunting, and as the pro
cession passed at several points s iliUes Were
fired fr m ti miniature canuoii. 'I In- cannon
drawn, mounted on the uagon, is an old relic
which many of our old i izeiis are
with. Wc are iudetue I lo E. C ti.ibin. E-q .
for tin; skt tcli below of its bistorvto this time.
During Ibe alterniK.n the Stuibuiy Cornet li.iiiil
favored the citizus villi excellent music on
Market square. In the evening I he Washing
ton Steam Fire Company held a ball in l heir
ball which v;!s well attended au I passed oil
pleasantly. A bail was also given at the Sli.i
mokiii Dam Hotel, in the lower part of the bo
rough, by mine host Mr. Chas. (iai uiger. which,
we are informed, was one of the most pleasant
of the season. Mr. li.truigcr, being of those
landlords whose patriotism is always hentowed
in the rilit direction, celebrated this event by
giving tin. youug people lots of ei j oyinetit.
SfMlflit. Feb. '.'j, 1ST8.
Mit. Editor : The fauia-tic's ceielualiou in
our town ycsleiday was conducted in such a
manner that it not only gave ctedit to ih-m-
selvee but ulso lo the town. Their conduct
meriicd the approbation of all w l.o w iiucssed il.
Their otlieers were composed of some of our
t citir us.
Whiie drawing y.;ur u'tentiou lo the old itinl
ui.-cenes of the past,:t may not be amiss its
history. From the best ton we have it
was hr-iuglil to Foil AiiL'iisla in the year 177J
from Fort llailis, (now Hal i isliui g.) and plaee.i
Upon the ramparts of Fori August. i. From tin le
il was taken to Foit Muncywheie it remained
until it whs brought I'.o k to Am.ti-ta in tie
year 1774. In the year 1775, w hen Colonel Hun
ter was ordered with his command to ivoit to
liairis Fetry, the i uniii n was oxleted to be
I blown iiio the i i r upon the order given to
etacuute the fort. he caniinn was I lien liiiow u
into the river In the Vear IT'.b il wis laiun
out the liver t-v (unite Mat:tz in d seVera.
others, the names of whom 1 coUid not ieaiu.
In the year lS-J it was stolen by citizens of New
Bel din, then Union coiinlt, lieio il leiuaoie.i
hie years. Al the end o. thai tune tieoige all 1
Ez kiei Follmer and Jaeol Keefer went over lo
that aiK-a in burg o teeoiei il. Tin V were iii.'
poiuleil in their undertaking, an I lel.iruea witli
oiu m coiiiplishiiiK aii.Mbiuu other thau Jacob
k.elei ha Hit his back spiained by allelli linu
lo hll tile uliuon out the cellar. file next tali
a pan) ol men. la ailed by lieo. i.i ince, ma. li
the m coii.1 ai It-in I and captuied the trophy
und bioULLhi il oiei lo Suntiuiy, where il re
mailed until I he year lSi.3, when Ibe Alitci ilics
1 f.-.insioVe, pitsumiug lo U.lea ciaiin. caun
lo oui town and apluriil II. it remained in
their oses-loii uulii the till of July, 14-4.
when Dr. K. il. Awl, Chas. Kuahail, II. A.
aimpMiu, EtlAMid Lyi'ii, too. Mahaii, 1'elei
Ziiiiuuimau, 'i ta uias MiF.weu, Jeiiy V'aniz.
Jaeob tie if bi-liiie, John ileiehnin. , Weisi I
Zeigler and Jouaihau Pulsed tuade a iliseelil on
cliusKr"ve and captured il. They look It lioo.
the tiime near the brnlvc, ou Wale,
slieel. lue holne used to draw the flat Was
laltCM Iioiii tin blaiiie o' Hugh UeliaS, Esq., aim
pressed into the sell ice. Ibe morning tiein:
the fourth ol Ju.y, the boy- .p, nel lite ou ih
liver bank in liom of E-ijnire Levy's iiridenee.
Mr. Levy became Very eulliusiastic over Hie vic
tory. So much to thai he brought lo ihe scene
a musket ami swoia and stood LUurd wilndiawu dunug the lir.ti. lie was a pecu tar
Ui.iU tu many lerpecis, a nd wait ti e liult of a
gie..t dial.) joki s lj I lie Inns of those dais,
'i in lleil in.poilMi.1 histoty ol (he o.U Ihunileiel
Aasiluiing the year lb-tf, when i.t.oul thnly
young men trom Danville uudei l.sik locajilure il.
A young uiai. Iiuiii this place by the name t
Clinton Fisher was learning the mounting hiai.
Ii' ss lit Danville and beuld, incidi lilaily,
the descent was lo be made, tie lell town cau
ti. u-ly and wmikk! uboiil a miie, whi te he eou-
li-c.ted a boise beiou.n lo Dr. I'p De(iill h.ol been nl to pasluie, and lode to frun
limy fct.U gale the ahum, alter which he re
tniiad aiiU ass. d Iliu D..i.Vuif any al ihe
bii:iie iiboul a tiii.e J i oui town. The Suubuiy
people, in the I .funliu.e, had nol bt eu idle, bui
bad laihed lleil ai;d (land pitkits ou
duty. The cannon Wus in the of the
iiuUsf anjoining the old tiny bouse then oci u
pinl t j I'.ei.j.iuiln Kiohn. Our liitud, Win. B.
M..UHI. Inn t l e t ol lioi.oi, beiim on guar. I
in in lit ol li e l.ou.-e. I . J. Bi was
coii.Uial.uf i ol the toiees winch lillluUeicl some
bail doz u men. When the Dauviile party pi -seated
I lieii aj i taixliee (bey wire Urlnsci) l.
find that tbei iiad been oul-iem railed. 'I In i
were aiivisid lo lelire and gel out of low n as
soon porsihle, ol hi I :se foine ol them ii.ilIu
lelurn teel lo.e.nosl. Mis. Kioiiu i lid M leliil
oilier latli.s had llieil Wi ii oi: il. good If Inn! ion.
Mud Wei.j eUs i.l.sMll tl silriul kettles ol
boning Water. 1 here ate teVeiui other political
it.c.Oeiitk coniicili d with the cannon wnieh we
bale olnitld, hi. I may al s. me luluie time hiiui
A rilitiiN shooln i in.iteh, hi l cell the II.. I
Ion atid Sunbiiaiy li am, catne oil on Ihe fail
lolinils, lli I p.uce. on 1 'li-Mhiy .,sl. A
lalge l.liillher ol speetalois were pi. sei l ai d
felt much inlf ii sled. The lowing i th.
1 g S 4 5
.1110 04
..1 0 0 0 I J
. 1 0 11 0 01
..1 U 0 0 I -
...1 1 0 0 -i
-.0 0 0 1 01
.:i ooi li!
..0 1 A 0 01
12 3 4 5
.10 11 14
.11X0 1 U
.110 1 14
..1 0 0 1 x-i!
. 0 0 0 1 01
.1111 15
.. 0 0 0 1 X I
...1 0 1 1 X -
Hughes ,
Paid e
G i rmau
FilZpalrick .
G. Waits.....
.,n t
(,:.i iw.tllnder
II. J. Wa ll
May aiaket ...
I Gt.-c DlHIgll ...
To al
'lite HaZflon tin
lamed .it the Etipiie
wcte handsomely rtitei
li.i'isv ly li.e, bunbiiiy
The editor of the lnry, being a single grntle
in. u, ways be is sorn that (itJ i ngiiKeiiielits
pn Vented him partaking (lllinel ,nn W a-hill. -.ton's
hirth day. We bad noticed lor some time past,
thai he h id a bankeiiiig alt-r a piece of calico,
but w.- ' no idea that it won!. I prevent hitu
pirlaMugol a first cl-ii-s dinner. If be is i.. a '
ciosely watched he'll cotii.iitt inali linoiiy
liieint. Ii.kI better s -e to iiini ut once.
Wk have receitrd the bill iiitroduritd it!
Slate Liig'sli.ltiri- by out i-llicient rcri'S.'iitativ,
Dr. J.J John, entitled "1111 net lo sectiie to child
ren the benefit of an el-iiientury education," too
late for this weeks issue. We eh.tll putlish it iu
our ucxt, as we believe It will meet the approval
or nearly every citizen in the county. The bill
has passed the committee, and wiil no doubt
pass both Houses, before au adjourntneut t ikes
A PlTiri'l. S( lAE T THE Caitawiss Depot.
On Monday last, as ivo entered the L. it B. II. K.
Depot, at Cattail issa, ive beheld a sight, which
lih-iied isr sympathy. A husband with four
6iii!ill chil.iicn, one a babe, ali in a mosi distress
ing cm dition, were occupying the room. On
entering into cotiversulien the father Informed
tH that he buried the mother of the children on
the day previous, and that he was on his way to
Clearfield county, to hi friend. Wc became al
once interested, and made farther iii'juiries into
his case. He gave his name ns Baily, and that
he formerly worked in Northumberland mid
S'ltibury, and moved to Clearfield county. His
wile, being in ill health, she wanted to get near
tier former home, mar Cattau, where they
moved lo a few mouths, ago. Living outside the
town their destitute condition dm tu t become
known until a few days previous to her death.
The father, we judge, who is one of those help
less beings that help to make up au idle woral,
with the ragged children then pioceeded to
leave Ihe desolate home, the overseers paving his
fare to to to bis friends. The children, as we
net t hi-iii. were not half clad, and looked am iz
inly duly. Silling in the depot, a waiting the ol the train, in rushed some live or six
la. lies w ho at mice proceeded to divest the little
w.iils of the tilth and pat on them clean clothing.
The ladies, ive were toll1., Were tioin Cattaivissa,
w ho their cindiliou determined lo
uiiketiii-m happy tiefoie leaving to go among
strangers. A cluiue in the appearance of the
children was the uoik of about twenty minutes,
uud as a kind mother and her daughter were
dressing the hahc the iitlle innocent looked into
their faces nith a sweet smile, as much as to say
"yon have dime nit; au act of friendship w liicli
God wi.i bless you for."' As the train stoppe I to
tiike on passetiiieis, we oticed the ladies procur
ing the little ones coiulorlable seats, bidding
them au uileetioiiiite farew. 11. Il was not a
farewell of their own loving mother that passed
fr earth u few days previous, but il was a
farewell of mothers and ladies with clnisti.ui
h'-aris who done a charitable, ucl toward those
that our Saviour 'united to "come tinlo Him for
of such is tin- Kingdom ol Heaven."' The little
M-cnc witness. .1 lor a short i line- in that deiot, in
performing a hainaue aci is ml remembered ouly
by tliein in th ir prayers, but there is a higher re
ward awaiting those ladies lor such benevolent
acts. Il is true thai scarce one half of the world
know how the oilier hill lives, but where the
sympathy of woman is enlisted their benevolent
acts cause many disi r.-ssed lieatls to cheer up
and meet the realities ol this ingged, cold and
uv -hat liable world.
Smtirr Sales. -the
fo.lou ing to;
She! iff Milne advertises the
i ties for Siile, on March S h,
Foity three i. ls i f g'ouud situate In Sliamokin
borough ; as the propcity ol Daniel Weaver ami
Siiiiiiel Martin.
House and lot ia Northuiub. rlan.i borough :
as the propci ty ol James li.ilcheler,
A I..IUI containing one hundred acres, in Point
township ; as the property of Dr. J. C. Morgan.
A lot of ground in Sliamokin borough : as the
I i.'petiy ol E.izi Kieka.iin.
A lot o! ground in Trevorton, mid a tract of
lau I in Little Mahauoy township, containing
l wenty seven acres; as tile property of F.iias
Voder and Caroline Voib-r.
House and lot in llnciside ; as the property of
Henry Veagt r.
House and nil in Sii imokiu ; as Hie pn peri'
of J diauna au I Lew is M inpiidt.
Carriage all I Biaelisiiiit h sho.i in Suiibtliy ; as
Ihe propel ly of .). F. Lerch and S. O. Heed, As
s.etiee. Six acres of laud ill Lower Augusta township,
improved ; as the propetty of J. 11. Ostium.
A let ot ground in Sliamokin Imrourji ; as llir
piop rlv of Henry J. Yost.
A tract of laud, containing thirty-lour acres,
situ. lie in Sliamokin towns. ij ; ns the property
of Cornelias II ibttek.
Huii-c an I lot in Sh itiiokiu boror.'u ; us tin
property of Thomas Mnrecrofl.
A lol in lieoigeloivn ; as li.e property of E. K.
A iiainher of lots and oiltlols in the Borough
of N.iitiiunilierlaiid ; a- the prop, rty of J. M
Jenkins. House an l lot in Hi v. r.-i b i'ough ; as the
propeity of Andre- Kapp.
House and lot in Waisouto-.vii borough ; a? the
I rop-rty of K. 14. Mi.ler.
House and lot in North iiiib.-ihind borougii ;
as the proierty of James Shriner.
House au I lot in Kiversido ; as the propeily of
Daniel h.
Two lots in Mt. t'annri borough ; as the prop
erty of E. U. Sliliw.igner.
The Demoe.a'ie County Committee met at
ihe t ity II otel. ou Tit. t. ay last. The Boss of
the King. J. F.. Eiciiboltz, presided over the
meeting, nil.! set liji a job lo nave himself elected
a delegate lo the Slate Convention. He was
even chosru a Senatorial delegate by acclatna
lion. J. J. Atiteu and Henry E. Davis were
chosen as Kepres.-niative delegates. This will
be a very i tvug delegailmi to icpreseitl the De
mocracy of Not iliumbci laud couuti, ill the De
inoeiaiie Mate Convention.
We would not at all bo surprised if the latnli
dute for i'lerident w..uid be nominated, at Lin
caster, without any luither ell. nl to hold a ua
tiotial convention, afler ll.e speeches of the
Democratic King of Noithuiuuci lani county are
heard. Tiny are sent by the King bote, as un
compromising and unterritied Democrats ol the
most mo urn liiiprovenienl, and if nol almwed
to yiie tlieii V li they will certainly smash tne
atiite Contention, us sure as laic. There weie
no alternate appointed, but we presume thai
W. T. KicKcy, and the Register and Kecoider. j
L. ;-hipiuaii, .'., wiil accompany the delegation
lo the State Convention lo assist fixing up n
The C'juiiEt t Date ok Wamiinoto.n' aSiutu.
We i.e. ii.l seteial arguments ou Tutsday last
in teg. ir. I lo liiv date of Washington's Midi,
uu.l as both jar;i s were piobably con tit in
their opinions, wc giie the correct history as to
hi- birth lo avoid uuy fm titer discussions' ou that
subject. Washington was born in Yirgii.'a,
neat the banks) o! the Potomac, ou the 1Kb of j
I'.a.i ii . i e if.. Tu....v v..w i ..... it,.. :,,.
" ',
goiiati having been adoptel iu the
iititish dominions, what is known as the 'new
sly ie" was begun, an.l the dropping of eleVrii
dais change I tue iltli to the '.'d of February,
which ever since has been tlte acknowledged
Wahhiuglon aiiuivrisary. One hundred and J
i. ity lour tears nave eiap.iej since ttie I. uuer o; t
. . :
his cotiiniv hist bieallnd lite breath of life.' 1
lli. il.-.itn l.n.l: 1I ice on the 1-ith ol December. I
, - , ... i
1 i'J'J, ni .1 Os, Jcais. lue heart id Hie nation i
throbbed :lli sincere orrow when t!i death
its Kl'eatcpl ni.tti bei.imf known. Il v:i
1 (
cliitcd surely it h.ut eXajer.itioti. that he was
liiM 111 war. !itt 111 peace uud titrl ia the heart
IllS COlllltl V!!l. !l." I
Keci lvr.n We. the utidcisine.l, t.iivini: j.t.-
- - i e li . i r i i i
ri ci-ive I a ft. 11 flock of l.ui and cup? , or ihtr j
i, . , ., . ,.
lutest Mjh, m l! tnake thai mm a sp.-ii.iltyi
, ... . ... .,
with our clot!. ins biii-ntess. We will aiwaisj
keep on baud the lntc-t stiles nnd will sell lli.-in '
at lower prices than any one els- cm alforl to, !
Mil. Simos fi Oi-itmikimi-.k,
Central ( lotbing Hail. :
Cot. Thud ..lid Market Sis., Sm bury.
CtOAtiS Mani fai ti i-.rn in Tim 14th D.-tuici. .' u" f?u'Sti. His cur-tom is coustaully ou tha in
in 187.1. We are indebted to I-niiih S. GoMVr. ' "'! all who stop once return again, and
E-q., lor the following statement of the number i tl,u ''''' iraveier is made to feel ni. horn.-.
i f eieats iiiaiiufiiclurc.l in the "ud division of the ' '
Mill Di-irict of IV. iisylfani.i, dming the year ' M t:. Et. DttuMiiEt.LKK, prorietor of tho City
lh;). .Tuniala county is in this Di-tnct but bus Hotel, marie his house tin leading attraction ou
l.o lllillillfiiclolies. Tin
Norlliutnberlun i,
iiiiiub.-r is us follow : ,
1.10U,fl. j
4.V1.M.VJ !
The revenue tux on e.g.-ns is id per lliou-atid.
in ikiug the slim of -J,ol7.uS. which wa paid
lo the govet nnn-nt. A pretty good lax. we judge,
I for cigar smokers to pay in one year.
Mh. William Rakck. Esq., Seven Points, hav
in! purchased I he firm of James Whipple, in
I.DWrr Augusta townthip, nlmiit 4 miles from
Snnbury, intends moving on il about Hie 11 oi
April. The farm contains an abundance of fruit
and some of the besi springs of water, w hich Vr.
Raker intends putting to good use. He ha. in j
con tc m plat ion the r ction of trout ponds, and f
going into tlte propagation of all kinds of !i-li.
Tin-re are few farms better adapted for that pur
pose than the oue ho inteuds to ocettry. If our
farmers would mote generally go into business
of raining differeul species of fish, tbey would
toou Gnd it profitable.
Tun following Is a list of the officers elected
in Northumberland borough and Point township,
on Tuesday of last week :
Chief Burgess J. C. Forsyth.
Council John Hoffman. J no. F. Redliue, Jno.
T. Colt, Henry S. Graham, Abel Johnson, Cyrus
Brouse and Win. Elliott.
School Directors Win. II. Llghou and John
Constable Thomas London.
High Coustahle James Welker.
Supervisors Joseph Martin, Sr., and David
Judge of Election George Everard.
Inspector David Shaw.
Assessor George W. Weiicer.
Assistant Assessors John Neshil and D. M.
Oveiseers of the Poor J. Mathias and J. C.
Judge of Electiou Win, Grady.
Inspector John Humor.
Assessor Henry Watts.
Assistant Assessors John F.plcr and Ellis
School Directors: John C Hopewell, Thomas
Vaudliug and John V. Walker.
Overseers of the Poor Robett Carry and
Abraham Haas.
Supervisors Benjamin neicbeubacband Cyrus
Constable Jacob Probst.
Auditor John V. Hopewell.
Tue lloitoLdli Election. At the e'ection
held iu Milton, for borough olliecns, aisl week,
theiewasa deep interest manifested and the
tickets were all freely scratched." Below we
give t lie result :
Burgess C. II. Dougai.
Assistant Burgess John M. Koush.
Coustahle John A. Summers.
High Constable George Erwine.
Auditor Spencer L. Finney.
Town Council W. 11. Phillips.
School Director Johti K. Trego.
Overseer of Poor Joseph Daldwell.
Justice of Peace E.iiuuud Davis.
Assessor John Miller.
Assistant Asscssois Thos. B. Iluil,
Judge of Elections I). M. Krauscr.
Inspector. Fcrd. Piper, Koheil Kiddel.
Town Council W. H. Heber.
Sci.ooi Director L. M. Morton.
Overseer of Poor Henry Harris.
Asseesor George W. Iriiit.
Assistant Assessors Leuas Stoft, i. F.
Ju.Ue of Facetious II C. Sticker. Joe A Logan, Maifeias Slrinc.
Tun followiug ticket was elected in Turbut
low nsinp ou Tuesday of lust week :
Judge of E.ecliou William Heiueil.
Iii-peeiors Win. G. Follmer, Keese l.
Gnu by.
Constable Michael Faubeou.
Oveisiirs d i'oor Jacob Slamm, Thomas
Caj.ei vi.-oi t Daniel Fisher, John Hoy.
School Directors Samuel Ilotl'.i, John Mas
lellar. Assessor John W. Huellier.
Ass"l Asscssois Hiram
Kiapp, Keese D. Gauby.
Auditor John Hang.
"These two were lied.
Slieaier Samuel
The Entekpkisic Lit n.niNU asi Loa; Asso
UAiio.N. By refereiice lo -another column our
leaders will see that the above association is
now prepared lo sell slock in its second series.
'1 his as jo'.-ialiou is an enterprise of ihe mechan
ics and laborers of Cakelown, but it is so man
aged that I'.ie ftockholdets ol Suubury will be
saied the necessity of going that distance to pay
the.r dues by the nrraugettienl of having tbe
secietary of lite association reside in Suubury
proper, lo w horn ail dues can be paid at any
lime previous to the regular meeting. The as
sociation itself meets in Cakelowu, uud will
consequently furnish all members from that lo
cality ali the convenience that could be desired.
As th' greater part of the g;ains of any associa
tion of like character is del ive J from the amount
of money borrowed, this association claims that
il is better situated for that purpose than uuy
association iu this vic.nitv of couutrv.
P. 1. IIackem'.eik), Esg does uol confine his
.oil- of pets lo horses, dogs and birds. He has
lately added lo the list "old clocks." Docs he
bear of a clock of the old cabinet style with
the movements ot the moon and a baud of musi
cians attached he immediately dispatches a
courn-r lo secure the relic aud does uol stop at a
sizable reduction of bis bank account to beconiu
possessor of lliu valuable pi ize. Hi latest ven
ture is a mammoth clock with solid waiuut cabi
net case, n band of musicians, capable of play
ing eight tunes, the movements of the moon,
A:c. Tins clock, as near as can be asccitaiued,
is 150 year.-! old, having been broug; it from tier
many by the grandfather of the party iioui
whom Mr. Hackeubeig purchased it. Il had
been in possession of this paity. for over fifty
yeais, aud could be traced back nearly seventy
years more. When we come to consider that
p.-inlulum chicks were only invented ahoul two
hundred years ago, the clock now in Mr. Il.ick
euberg's possession cau he looked ttpou as oue
or the oldest lime -keepers in tha world. Tbe
s,IUi ia had oct'er m-tn: it lo th Centennial.
j ColMltl PlllNTt.I'.N A Nil Pllit.IC OfTICES.
i The. edit ir of the liolidaysbitrg Hrtj'mttr i a
i caudi.laie for Sheiilf of Blair county. Tito Al
J tootia Tribune coiiiinciidB Mr. Over's litness for
the oilier, bill discourses thus on the difficulty of
a country printer becoming a candidate for pub
lie olik e :
"Our observation for lite last third of u centu
ry has been that, in the wiij hunt for office,
j country punters are not a surccs. o class ol
ineti are more il.v tre tied thau they, an i no t.H'ii
'...," .
; Woik harder for party success. Jt ecn.a lliat par
tisan country printers have no rights which the
commonest numbskull and bummer is
bound lo resie-!. He is used merely as a tte-
pitig stone for others to mount to the public crib !
:illd fi-iiHL theriie! Ve ! bia i.ri l!i.'l khnilld- 1
, ,
crs to bear ui and sustain the n klv candidates
,. , ... . . ,
winch would otherwise be kuocked down by pop
. . ,. ..... - . .
umr iiiaiicuttiion anue uunoi-oox. ineiewuoi-
. , . . r ,
i mis iuc vvuitvij iiukci leweites nuiu iiuurii if i
:ious and Ibe county printing are deemed a sulli- j
cieul reward Tor his services, and upon which he j
i '..l.ri.t in ..... .w t..i, . i...i t ,.;.,. mt .r ..... I
I U .. L I . . ... J t I II II , IfM. .11 I ' V. 1 .UI VI. ... ..
! till'). it1lfil It a nfij ... .p nilv ... ff., .tf,i.-if
barely a decent living, to sav nothing of the kicks
and cuti.-i aud general o'liutu he has lo boar all
.1... . C ...l - I .1... A r .1
I" l,,1: niii eers UI n ucm mill me uo.r.i ui luc uui
party, llouhluot to bn so. The laborer i
worthy of his hire.' !'
Mr- l'Flf K ,!l I!KK,L' ,,f t,ie -';' nt 'i,u.
utll"" " l' " Tuesday last iu
a '1l,",rr f,,r lhu KutMH 'r lh'
bouse. Peter is becotning exteii'ively and la
l foruhly known for the manner in which lie treats
Tuesday evening by illuininiitinij the whole
building. The lights were beuulifuliy anauged
by his son Oliver, who runs ihe books of the e-
tati'ishineii t ninl meets all gttestA with a happy
smile upon ltis coiititcuauce. Mr. Druinheller,
tin.UL'li u De?iiio', is a patriotic mau, a pro-
grcKMve citizen, and knows how to keep a flist
class hotel, uh uil who slop ut the City Hotel
will testily. The resilience of G. W. Smi'.h, the
boss g oceryinaii of Suiibitry, alH had his resi
.leiice, ou Maiket street, illuminated baud
xituelv. It cats very little more to have printed crvel
upes, letter and bill beads, receipts, and iiotet
I ii i it-; I neatly at litis oilier, than to use plain
paper, and they save time, advertise your
in s, avoid mistakes and look neat.
Ati kMl'iLD iMEMiiAKifsc. On last Thurs
day tvenitijj a btiudle of straw was place.! under
he stable belonging to lit ary Frymire, oo Fil
bert ei reel, and set on fir.-. Fortunately the
straw was consumed without setting fire to the
tub!e. Mi.tontn.
A iroat Watioual Work.
The Centennial History of the United States,
from the discovery of the American Contiuent
to the close of the First Century of American
Independence. By James D. McCabe, Author
of "A manual or General History," "The
Great Republic," Etc., Etc.
There lias loujj been a great and universally
felt want of a History of tbe United States
suitable for general use. This want is now be
ing euppl led by The National Publishing Co.,
of Philadelphia, who have issued a handsome
volume, styled "Tbe Centennial History of the
United Slates' by James D. McCabe, a well
known historical writer. This work will, un
doubtedly, take ronk as tbe Standard History of
tbe United Slates. It is no dry mass of details
no bombastic effort to inflame the national
pride, but is a clear, vivid and brilliant run-alive
of the events of our history, from the dis
covery of the American Continent down to the
present Mine. It traces the evidences of that
mysterious race, the first occupants of our
country, aud gives a most interesting account
of the Indians of North America, from the time
of the coining of the white men. The voyages
of Columbus, the cxploratious of the different
nations of Europe and the final occupation and
conquest of tbe land by England, are told with
graphic power.
Every step of our colonial history is traced
with patient fidelity, aud the sources of those
uo'.ile, and we trust, enduring institutions which
baTc made our couutry free aud great, are
shown with remarkable clearness. The causes
of our great struggle for Iudepeudence are told
with a logical force aud ability unsurpassed in
any work of the day. Then follows a clear and
succinct account of the fonnatiou of the Fed
eral Conslituliou ; the establishment of the
Uulc n ; the course of affairs until the breaking
out of the Second War witb Eugla td ; and a
full and comprehensive accouut of that War
and its results. The eveuts of our career from
the close of that contest to the comtneuceuieut
of the. Civil War, follow In their order. The
bistuiy of the Civil War is related with intense
vigor, and with a strict lidelity to truth. The
author pleads the cause of no party or section.
He states facts, poi tit out the lessons which
they teach, Htid appealing; to neither passiou nor
political feeling, trusts to the good sense of
his countrymen to sustain bis views. This book
contains an Appeudix, giving an account of the
approaching Centennial Exhibition.
Il ir comprised in one large, handsome octavo
volume ol IW5 pages, and contains iVi tine en
gravings on steel uud wood of, historical per
sonages and scenes. The price is so low that
ail can afford lo purchase a copy, und each sub
scriber is presented with a superb lithographic
engraving of the Ceuteiiutal Exhibition Build
ing aud Grounds. Il is sold by subscription
ouly, and Ihe publishers waut ageuis in cvtry
Election Noticb. The members of the Union
Park and Agricultural Association are kereby
notified that an election of officer w.ll take
place, in accordance with the character of said
Ass.aiation, for th following; offices, to wit:
A Ptesident, Vice President, Treasurer, Record
ing Sectetary, Corresponding Secretary, Libr
riau and an Executive Committee, on the 2nd
Monday (March 14,176.) or March next, be
tween the hours of one aud three o'clock, P. M.,
at the Arbitration room. Suubury, Pa. A full
turnout of all the members is requested, as the
success of the Association much depends on fall
deliberntion and exchange of it member
Solomok Mil.UH, Presd't.
Em'l Wii.tert. Sec'y.
The Uepiulic Magazine for March has beeu
received. It contains a large amount of valua
ble political information than can b: fouud in
any other publication. It should be in tbe bands
of every loyal man. North and South, and the
fiiim- as and catidor shown in the treatment of
all public questions should commend it lo all
who favor honorable journalism. The coining
Presidential campaign wiil be one of the most
active iu our history, nnd all citizens who desire
to be forearmed in the great work of national
defence should subscribe for The Reitblk.
Send $2 for a year' subscription to Republic
Rublisbing Company, Washington, D. C.
S000 yirds of carret bought at forced sale, are
oflcred at half price at Marx ctt Bro. next tioor to
the Post o3ice.
Wind vs. Gas. On Wednesday night there
was no gas burning in the street lamps on
Chestnut street between Front and Third street".
Where docs the fault lie, with the wind, the
lamps, or the ens company T
The Weather. Monday was a pleasant day,
terminating with rain at night. Tuesday clear.
Wednesday morning the mercury went down to
ten above zero, with coTd winds. Thnrsday it
continued cold, the mercury standing at 12 in
the morning.
The Willianisport Oatette Kultelin now
issues n Sunday edition, eight pases, filled with
cTcellcnt rending matter. The manager of the
paper know bow to eet up a daily Joarnnl, and
send out one of the spiciest, newsiest pnblica
tions in the State.
Pkeparatopt to my going out of the marb'e
business, I offer all the tin is hod work now on
hand, consisting of monuments, headstone. Jtc
at cost for thirty days from date. Persons
wishing anything in this line will find it to their
iutercst to purchase immediately.
Feb. IS 2t.
Tue Proceedings of the Snnbury Teachers'
Institute were banded in just a we were going
to press, too 'ate for this issue. We hope that
in the future they will be received somewhat
fooner. nnd that they will not be written on both
sides of the paper. We shall cheerfully publish
thctn if our rules are complied with.
Hoksh Stolen. A horse owned by William
Milh"im. residing near the Bull taven:, in Mon
tour county, was stolen from the barn of Bony
Shires, in Lewis township, Northumberland
county, on Wednesday night of last week. Mr.
M. was unending; a social gathering at the
house of Mr. S., and took bis horse from the
wagon and t:ed him on the barn Door, with the
harness on, and from there the horse w.s taken.
From llerndon.
Hermio!, Pa.,
Feb. -JCJ, 1376.
.lit.s. Kd'foit Amtiitan :
To let your many readers
know that we (Hcrudouites) are noi asleep, but
are making some exertions to keep with the- itn
"proved and fast improving lime, we proposed to
let some of our works be recorded in the columns
of your worthy paper, und allow your readers
to criticise, as they would judge best of, our
merits and demerits. We have recently orga
nized a literary association, or which the writer
is correspond ing secretary, to whose lol il has
fallen to send yon our proceedings ror publica
tion, w hich, we hope, may not fail to interest
our many readers. Tbe lovers of education
met in tint room of the Herndou High School
on Tuesday evening, 1st inst., for the onwinzi
tion, which resulted in the election of (J. W.
Will, Chairman; G. T. Isrral, V. P. and Jour
nalist ; F. A. Lahr, Kec. Sec. ; L. W. Showers,
Coires'ng Sec. ; J. H. N. Loiidtruslager, Treas
urer ; M. C. Wilt, ass't editor; and Levi Reed,
ergeant-at-ar'ns. The quest ion. " ftiolve!
That war is a greater evil than intemperance,"
was taken up and discussed when the society
adjourned lo meet Tuesday evening, Sth inst.,
the question debated on thai evening whs, 4'f
i..ieJ, That corporal punishment should be
abolished in our public schools." The affirma
tive w-as sustained by Messrs. Lahr, Showers
and Kituffinan, and negativa by Messrs. Israel,
Will and Kniss. The Chair decided iu favor of
the nlUi illative.
Ou Tuesday svenine, 15th inst., the house
was called to order by the chair, who appointed
Mr. Showsta as critic for the evening. Music
was furnished by Mr. Lahr at the organ. The
qtiesliou "Jx'uolreil, That war ia a greater evil
than inleuierance," was discussed on the afTlr
i malive by Messrs. Lahr, Suyder and Kniss, aud
on the negative by Messrs. Miowers, Isrcal at d
Kauduiaii, The chuir decided in favor or the
negative. The Journal was good. The editor,
Mr. G. T. Isreal, with his junior assistant, Mr.
X. C. Will, know how to coudict a journal, and
way some day i.e found ranking with the lead
jug journalists of ibe land. Instructions wers
given iu element f music by F. A. Lahr, and
orthography by L. W. Showers which also prov
ed talitfaclory. Tbe junior members bad an
essay coutest tor a chromo which justly came
into the possession r W. W. Derrick. After
discoursing some good music, tha bouse ad
journed lo meet on '1 uesday evening, 'JlM lust.
The elercises or said society, consists or regular
and general debate, instructions in the elemtnts
or penmanship and orthography, select read
ing, referred questions aud the reading or a
journal, Ac, Ac.
Correi'njjr Secretary.
Rational Medication.
Medication is only successful when it Is ration
al, and it is rational only when it begins at the
beginning. Iu other words, to Weakness, eitbei
general or local, is the origin of tbe great ma
jority of diseases. Rei .force the vital energies,
regulate digestion and secretion, by strengthen
ing the or guns which perform those all-important
functions, and dyspepsia, constipation, kid
ney and bladder complaint, uterine difficulties,
impure circulation, and tbe thousand and one
ailments which are the consequences of debility,
are completely, and in most cases permanently,
removed. Tbe best, safest nd most agreeable
tonic and alterative that can be employed foi
this purpose is Ho;. tetter's Stomach Bitters.
The experience of twenty-fire years, during
which time it has outlived perhaps ten times
that numbei of ephemeral preparations which
entered into competition with it, has proved it to
be uocqualcd as a remedy for all disorders ac
aompanied by or proceeding from weakness.
CJlutrcliei of Hunbttry.
Th Methodist r.jaseoial f aurca. Arch Street, ltv.
J. A. DeMojer, pnnter.
The Presbyterian Church, Mitrk-t S-iusre, Hi t. 8. J.
Miltiken, j.astor.
The Lutheran ("jnnrh. Third Street, (I. W.Hera
ijeriy. lueter.
The reformed Church, cor. Second and Chestnut
streets, Itev. S. Genrhart, taster.
The Baptist Church, south Fourth street. Rev. A. C.
Wheat, paster.
The Kpiscopal Church, Broadway, Kev. Dr. Hewitt,
1 aster.
The Roman Catholic Church, Are'u street, Rev. Father
Fleming, pastor.
Kccrct fj-toeletleH orfrunltiry.
Patriotic Onnra Sokh or Amebica. Washington
Camp, No. 19, P. O. S. of A., nuwt iu Red Men's Hall,
Haupt s HuilLtiug, Market street, every Tuesday evening.
Susquehanna Comiminderr, Xo. 9. M. A., P. O. S. of
A., meets second Thursday of each month, iu Uriuht's
building, Market square.
Washington Camp No. 19-t nnvts every Monday even
iu Red Men s Hall.
Kkiohtr or Ptthias. Eastern Star Lo'H?e, No. 143
Knights of Pythias : meets every Wednesday evening'
iu Bright' building, corner Third and Market streets. '
Cayuga Lodtre, No. 416, Knights of Pythias, meets
every Friday evening in Bright's Building, corner o.
rtrru and Market streets.
Independent Obdeb op Odd Fei.i.ow. Fort Au
gusta Encampment, No. 1 10, I. O. of O. F., meets on
the first and third Monday of each mouth, at their hall
iu Clement's building, cor. Third st. and Market square.
Snnbury Lodge, No. 203, I. (). of O. F., meet every
Saturday evening, iu Clement's building, Market square.
Anna Lodgs, No. M, Degree of Rebeka. I. O. of (. F.,
meets ou the second and fourth Monday of each
month, iu Clement's Hull Market square.
Fort Augusta Lodge, No. 620, 1. O. of O. F meets
every Tuesday evening, iu Bright's building.
Sovereign Patriotic K.ikihts. Lance and Shield
Conclave, No. 11, S. P. K., meets ncrond and fourth
Monday evening of earn inontn, m Itrigtii s "milling.
cor. Third aud Market streets.
United American Mechanics. Brady Council, No.
2-J1, II. 17. A. M., meets every Friday evening, in Cle
ment's building. Market squat e.
Tribe, No. 69, 1. O. R. M., meeis every Thursday even
ing, iu their hall, Haupt s building, Market k.reet.
Masons. No. 22, A. Y. M. meets m Slasonfe Hall,
Third street, ou night of full moon.
Broth ebiiood Locomotive Engineers. Suufuiry
Division, o. tin, B. of L. F.., meets the first aud third
Sunday of each month, oo third floor of the l'rnt OUice
f building, Third street.
Jk. O. V. A. M. Mason Council, No. 131, meets every
Thursday uight, at their auamber, iu Cie meal's halt,
Ma rket square.
tusuicss Corals.
C " to C?1)ft P'r fay at home. Terms fre. Address
Qr) 1U?ZU ii. Utinson Co., Portland, Maine.
Jan. 22, 1S76. ly.
Wiiek you go to Philadelphia, stop at
the Allegheny House, No. 812 aod 814,
Market St. He-fitted, re-furnished, &c,
by A. Deck, Proprietor, and price only $2
per day.
Closijo Oct at Cami Pkicss. In order to
make room for our large spring and summer
stock, we have reduced our prices 15 per cent,
for cash. We are selling the celebrated three
sole Eltnira boots for $3 9J ; men's gum boots
t3.00 ; boot", shoes and rubbers of every de
scription soid in proportion. Ca'.l at once and
receive bargains at Smith fc Btto?.
Boot and Shoe Store,
comer Third aud Vntkct St.
A. J. Stkou informs the public that he still
h trcjs out his sign as an auctioneer, ou Market
street, Suubury. Those having sales will And it
to their advantage to employ him, as lie jrcner
ally Rets gocil prices. Cmos.
SnKET Mcmc. A lari;e assortineut for a
al the pcrioulcal stand in the poslofBee.
A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and
ill the effects of youthful indiscretion will, for
the sake of suffcriui; humanity, send free to all
who ueed it, the recipe and direction for makitiK
the simple remedy by which he was cured. Suf
ferers widliinx to prolll by the advertiser's ex
perience cau do so by addressing iu perfect con
fidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., New York.
Dec. IT. 1S75.
Obstacles to Marriage.
Happy Helief for Youn? Men from the effects
of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood
restorep. Impediments to Marriage removed.
New ineilied of treatment. New and remarka
ble remedies. Books and Circulars sent free,
in sealed enveloper. Address. HOWARD AS
SOCIATION, 41J N. Ninth St., Philadelphia,
Pa., an Institution having a hitrli reputation for
honorable conduct and professional skill.
May 28, 1S73. ly.
The advertiser, hasing been permanently cu:ed
of that dread disease. Cousuniptiou, by a siin-
1 pie remedy, is acxious to make known to his
fellow sutlerers the neans or cure. To all who
desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription
used, (free or charge), with the directions rr
preparing and usiDit the same, which they will
find a sure Cure for Consumption, Afthma,
Bronchitis, iVc.
Parties wishing the prescription will please
address. Rev. E. A. WILSON,
194 Penn St., Williamsburg, New York.
Dec. 17. 1S75.
On the 17th inst., at the residence or the
bride's mother, by Rev. C. 8. Gerhard, Dr. Sam
I'EL F. Gilhekt. or Elysborg, aud Miss Ella
A. Seasholtz, or Upper Augusta, Northurnber
laud County, Pa.
ScnbCkt, Feb. 24. 187C.
GHAis Wheat per bushel.... .... fl.8o(fjll.40
44 prime white 1.30fi,1.35
44 Rye per bush 750j,SO
44 Cora 44 CifJi 70
44 Oat 44 4fra50
Fuifii Extra Family pr bbl 7..i0(a,S.00
Cominon C.5U(f7.00
Buckwheat 3.C0
Fest Corn A Oats Chop pr 1U0 lb l.W
Shorts Mixture 1.51X1.75
Potatoes. Ac per bushel 8'Xjil.OO
Provision Ham per lb ltivrt'-'O
Shoulder pr lb 14(itlS
Bacon pr lb 10(.l4
Beer, retail pr lb Ufa IS
Veal, do do luQM
Dried Beer pr lb M5(U:il)
Piil'l.THY Chickens, dressed pr lb IOilj
Do. live weight lOf-j-l i
BfTTEi: Prime per lb :!ti(r(,:5
Ewis Per dozen lrtvi 'jr.
iicto Sbberliscmcnls.
110 USE HOLD runs ITU RE.
The undersigned will sell, at his residence, on
the corner or Fourth and Walnut streets, H 'an
bury Ph.,
On Katurtlay, February 30th, 176,
The rollowing personal property, vii :
Pallor Haatcr, Cook Stove, Carpets, Tables,
Five volumes of Scientific Americans. Clothes
Press, one Walnut Exteusive Table, one BoU,
Spring Bottom Chairs, Canted Fruit, one Wheel
barrow. A general assortment of
One new Mower, Force Pump and Hose, and
many other articles too numerous to mention.
Sale to commsnce at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said
day, when the condition of sals will bs mndo
known, by
A. J. Stkou, Auctioneer.
TliVlKiiterprie Uulldiun- iMnTlnjiu
NOTICE ! Notice is hereby given that the
books are now open for subscriptions to the
2nd series of stock of the association. The 2ud
series dates Itn commencement from January,
1876. The books will be closed ror this month,
on Monday evening, Feb. 28t!, It 8, P. M. All
those thereror, desirous of subscribing, should
lo so at once. This can be done by applying to
any of the Board of Directors, to tbe Presdt., E.
B. Westfall, or to the Sec'y., Frank S. Marr.
Notice is also hereby given lo the stock hold
ers, that the next regular niceties will be held
at tbe larj;e brick buildins in Cakctown, on Mon
day Eve., Feb. 28th, between the hours of 7 and
8, P. M.
In the Court of Quarter Session of!
the Feaee oflNnrfird County.
TOTICE is hereby given that the following
11 perrons have filed petitions in the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace of the Cbunty of
Northumberland, for Tavern, Uestauraut aud
Liquor store licenses, and that the same will be
presented to the said court on tbe second Mon
day of March next.
Henry Haas, Sunbtirt Boro..
Christian Ncff,
Ed. T. Drnmhellcr,
Charles Garlnger, i4
Samuel Weaver, '
W. A. Hambright,
James H. Jellncs, '
Audrew M. iiccse, "
Joseph Wotner, "
Old Stan..
Heury J. Reader.
Charles D. Cox,
William Fisher,
Mary E. Hull,
Henry E. Lutz,
Milton boro..
Charles W. Sticker,
Joseph Deppeti,
Edward C. Herb.
Thomas Scott,
Georjje Eckert,
diaries F. Hess,
Mt. Car me! boro.,
Nortli'd boro..
Jacob Hunsickcr, '
Julia Ann Johnson, "
Jacob Keuucr, "
Thomas J. Statu ni,
B. E. Adams, Sliamokin bor
Sara'I S. Byerly,
Geo. S. Fiohcr, "
Thoft. Gillespie,
Wm. F. Kitcheu,
John Larkin, "
John McMunus, '
Edward Nicholson, "
Clayton E. Kebuck, '
Micuucl Ready, 4i
Heury Simmons, 44
Mary Tiiiitnes. "
J. A. Weaver, 44
D. H. Wilcox,
Old stand.
New staud.
Old stand.
William Farrow,
D. II. Dreisbacu,
Frauklin Keller,
J. Ii. Coouer,
John H. Gilbert,
C. F. Young,
Chas. B. Boycr,
D. iuiel I. Latsha,
Jared Henuiuger,
Juhu Boyd,
John Downer,
Cameron tp.,
Cial twp.,
l)ela'.vate lap.,
lacbioa twp.,
Jordan twp.,
Little Mahanoy, 1
Patrick Kidney,
Jacob Kramer,
David Billman,
Johu Albert,
1. O. Billman,
Elias ScualTer,
D. M. Zarttnan,
Elias Byerly
Abraham Kotberme),
Frankiiu Saw,
A. Wuld,
Elias Wiest,
Michael Graham,
HaunuU McDonnell,
Lower Mahunny,
Mt. Carmcl twp.,
Thos. P. McDonnell.
P. Murray & M. Murray,
James Ratl'crty,
Marv Scott.
Thomas Tobin,' 4
Mifflin & Hartliue,
Joel Bilteriuan,
Eurl 11. Geint,
Nathan E. Kebres,
J. B. Euders,
James Cooper,
Sbamokia twp.,
t pper Augusta,
Upper Mahanoy,
Zerbe t'a'p..
r airick II. Curran,
Thomas Foulds, Sr., 44
Thomas Fouids, Jr., "
Williams Foulds, 4
Benjamin Knoiiss,
H. B. Weaver,
Jacob W. Bright,
Wm. C. Youiifr,
Jacob Kiitner,
Daniel Kuauf,
J. A. Summers,
Mary Kiley,
Lewis F. Hiiniratl,
Andrew Iler'o, '
Suubury boro., Old staii !.
Milton boro..
Mt. Carinel boro,
Sliamokin boro.,
Dennis Gilbert.
Andrew Janaeky,
George Noll,
Michael Schlaeder,
L. J. Delate.
Vi xtSotitown
William A. Fisher,
George W. Art man, Cameron lp..
Henry E. Byerly, Jacksou
Richard Wild, Zerbe
Samuel Clayberger, Coai twp,. New stuiid
Mary Devnt,
Ed. A. Dawson, Ml. Carmel boro., Old siaud.
Michael Horan, 44 "
Nicholas Wenck, North'd boro., 41
Daniel Heim, Sliamokin boro., 44
tieore McEliece, 44 "
John Ross,
Tlioraus Laughliu, 44 "
Oerk's OlDce, Suubury, Pa.. Feb. Id, '75.
Application Tor Church Charter.
"VJ OTICE is hereby given that application will
be mad to tbe Hon. Wm. M. Rockefeller,
President Judjre of the Court or Common Plea
or Northumberland county, by members of
44Tuc Americau Primitive Methodist Zion
Church," of Mount Carmel, on the 13th day of
March A. D. 1S76, to grant a charter of incor
poration to the said church, according t the
Act of Assembly or April sain a. ik iiii.
Mt.Ca.-tuc?, Piu, Feb. l'., t70.
IrNiOlotioa of Partnership.
SfNBf rt, January 24th, 1S76.
The firm of Conley, Haekelt it Mateer is Ibis
day dissolved by mutual consent. Tbe books of
the late Crtu will remain in the bands of J. H.
Conley A G. W. Haekelt, who will continue the
hardware business at the old stand. All per
sons indebted will please make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims present them for
settlement to CONLEY A HACKETT.
Snnbury, Feb. 18, 1S76. St.
FOR 1S70.
ItrightertV Better t han Ever Before
Sixteen pagm size o? Harper's Weekly filled with the
product wus of I Me best writers of tbe present (lav, and
adapted to the want of ever; miiutr of the household.
Thrilling Mtoriis, 'urratious bf Adventure. Geological
Wonders, Farm uud Uousekol.l Affairs, ' i:ural His
tory, Children's ami Grandparents' Miscllanv, etc.,
and eacli Department baaatitked with emrraviug from
th beet artists iu the country.
Two great original serials betiin with the Utw year:
A Tale of the Westera Islautls.
Or Life in the Ureal Forest.
Short storita In every uumlxr and
Send for it. Ageuts wanted everywhere. Cash com
mission paid aud premiums. Sample copies free to
those who will get up clubs. Address,
J, 3, 5, 7 uud 9 .Mirhlgau Ave..
Remedv for Coughs, Coids, Consumption, and
ull Diseases of the Tbroal and Luu.. Will
Cure, aud often when apparently hopeless One
bottle may col complete the work, but if the
patient continues the use of the EXPECTOR
ANT, taking In regularly, relief will soon be ob
tained, and a Cure made. PRICE 50 CENTS.
Sold by all Druji;ists.
What a PhjHieian Kaja.
Gheen Briar, Pa.
I dispensed your Haas' Expectorant among
my palieuU, aud it has proved more efficacious
than auy other medicine of its class that 1 have
been uaiug in my medical career.
Truly yours, I. Lw Misglb, M. 1).
Feb. 11. 1376. 3 mos.
AMERICAN HOTEL, Suubury, Pa., W. A.
HAMBRIGHT, Proprietor. Has beea re
fitted and re-furnished throughout. Good aud
ample accommodations for all. The bar is sup
plied with the best liquors.
Sunbnry, Jan. 88 ly.
Administrator Xotlee
(Estate of Catharine Gonsert, dee'd.)
"VTCTICE is hereby eiven that letterf of ad
L( ministration having been granted tu the
nudersigned ou the estate of Catherine Gousert,
late of Lower Mahanoy twp., Northumberland
Connty, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims to present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
Lewer Mahanoy twp., Jan. 14, 1878.
NOTICE is hereby triven.
lcr, of Lower Mahano
nmbertand county, Pa., has, by
assigned all his property, real antf, fa.,, "
the undersigned on the second day oK,..,'
lS.tJ . for the bensfit of his creditors. A.,
sons knowing themselves to be indebted ttK
Isaac H. Retsler will make Immediate pavsiav
aua those havinii claims against him wi'll prc
ent them for payment to
BENJ. M. BUBB, Assignee,
i ?,llntia P. O., North'd Co., Pa.
Lo.ver Mahanoy, Feb. 11, 1376 It.
Administrator's Xotlee.
(Estate or Ralph Thirloway, dee'd.)
VTOTICE is hereby given that letters or ud
Ll ministration having been granted tothaun
tierpincd on the estate of Ralph Thirloway, late
of I he Boroii-.-h or Mt. CarmtJ, North'd County,
Pa., deceased. Ail pcreous iadebted o sail es
tate are reiitiested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims to present them lor set
tlement. DAVID J. LEWIS, Adin'r.
Alt. Carinel, Jan. 14, lSiti. -
7-I MM 91 WATER.
Hoiie. Sign autl Freroe Fainter.
SUM5Li:v, l'A.
i VViilaiciid to xrsini.iB. pnii'tiiiK ami Freseoeiug iu
ofl. of yumc-M-n, tails and private houses, at short r.o
j lic. , Jan. 28. 18TS. Cms.
tt7ii7i1am k. ebdjias,
Collections und all other buslnesa entrusted to
his ease will receive prompt attention.
I Sliamokin, Jan. 21, 1876. ly.
rim enieaoo k sobth-westkrm E-ailwai
Kmtirae-s muter one management the Great Truck
It lilwav I.nifS of the KSX and KOIiTHWEST am),
with it niinii rous branches and connections, foncs the
stiortest nnd quickest ronte between Chicago aud all
points iu liliiu:s, Wisconsin, Northern Michigan, Min
usirta, Iowa, Nebraska, Cililomia and the Western
', Territi-ries. Its
Omahit and California Line
i Is tne s:i.rte"t and best route for all points in Northern
Illinois. Iowa, Ifc.knta, Nebraska, Wvoniiug, Colorado,
, I'taii, Xoviul-i, I'jlii'oruia, Oregon, i'hina, Japan aDd
Australia. lis
: hit-ago, .1IuIisou and St. Panl Line
Is the short line for Northern Wisconsin and Minneso
. ta, aud for Maditon, St. Paul, MinDeapoiis, llolmtl and
all j oiute in the Great Northwest. Its
iViuona and St. Peter L,ine
j l the only rontn for Winona, Rochester, Owatouua,
i Mank;:to, St. Peter. New l ira, aud all points in Soutii
; eru aud Central Minnesota. Its
Greeu Bay and Marquette Line
j Is the only line for Janesville, 'WatfTtown, Fopd Pm, IMhkosh. Appleton, Oreen Eav, Lseanaua, (f1.n
i lie', Marquette, iiougiiton. Its
Freeport and Dnbuqne Line
Is tbe only route for Flifln, Rnckfonl, Trtport, and ali
poiuts via Freeport. Its.
Chicago and Milwaukee Line
Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the only one passing
throitcrh Kvunston, Lake Forest. Hiztitaiid i'ark, Waiikr
gan, llcine, Keuosha to Milwaukee.
Pullman Palaee Car
are run on all through trains of this road.
Tuis is the ONLY LINK running these rtr heiwetu
Chicago and St. Paul, Chicago and Milwaukee, ur Cli
eago and Winona.
At Omaha our Sleepers c.iuuect with the Ove.-iauil
Sipers ou the L'uicii Faeitii; luiiixad for all points
West of the Missouri Kiver.
On tbe arrival of the trains from tbe or Sonth.
the trains of the Chicago t Nortlk-Western Railway
Leave Cmicaoo as follows:
For Council Bluffs. Omaha ausl California. Two
Turougli Trains daily, with Pullman I'aiae? Urawjijj
Room and Sleeping crs tumugh to Council Bluffs.
For Ml. Paul and Minneapolis. Two Tiironith Trains
daily, with Pullman Palace ears attached on both trnins.
For Greeu Bty and Lite Superior, Two Trams daily,
witb Pullman palace cars attacneu, aud run mug throng
to Marquette.
For Milwaukee, Fonr T'urough Trains daily, Pullman
cars on night trains. Parlor Chairs cais on dny train.
For Sparta and Winona and points in Minnesota.
One Through Train daily, with Pullman SWpers w
For Dubuque, -.ia Frrport, Two Tcn.U(.h Ti-aii.s
daily, with Pullman cars on niiebt trainv.
For Dubuque aud I.n tr.iM., via Clinton, T.
Through Trains daily, with Pnllniau ears on n'iu train
to Meliregor, Iowa.
For Sio City and Yankton, Two Truiui, dailj. P.iH-m.-in
ctrs to Missouri Valley Junciion.
For I.-.kc Geneva, Four Trains daily.
For K.-ckford, Sterling, Kenxaua, Janentiili-, and
otii.-r points you can have from two 10 ten trains d.ui..
N.-T York OSice, No. 413 broadway ; Doston otScr.
No. S St-jte sireet ; Omaha Office, FarnbaM strett ;
Snu Fr:ii'aco Oftice. pl Montg...niery street; Chicago
Tkkft Otiievs : 62 Clark street, nudf S itotus-;
corner I 'leal and M.idisou sirw-ts : i;ret-t 0' ot.
ci.rncr W. Kir.zie and f'anal st recta ; Weils stne
Dej or, corner WV1J- nd Kii'Zie streets.
For rules or iLtonnati(.n not auninabu- from j.n.r
bcine tii k -t ;.gnts, apt ly to
W. II. siexsctt, Xmns Hu(.Hirr,
G;-u.i.iss. Aa'i, Cl-.i-."g'. t.-n.Snp':, Cfiieji.
1V1. i. 1S7(!.-It.
flsiiihood : How Lost, How SCetttor
ed! JuM pubiihe.!, .1 new editor nf Lr. Culver
well's Celfbrated Hwar on tho riiiit-al eitre
(without mrdirir.e) of pi-rir:iiorrl:a'A or Semi
nal Ycaknes!, Iiivoiitutarv Seminal Losses, Itn-puti-ncy,
Meutiil ami Physieal Incapaeity, Im
prdittvnts to Marrivre, etc. : !. Consnmp- -tion,
Epilejisy aud Fits, induced ty seif-indiii-jence
or sexual estruvaiinci:, &c.
l-Priee, Iu a sealed en vein pe, ouly sis cent?.
1 he celel rated author, in this admirable Es
say, cienrly demonstrates, from a thirty years'
successful practice, that the alarmititr conse
quences of self-abuse may be radically cure!
without the dangerous ne ot internal ni'-dieitie
or the application of the kniie ; pointing onl n
mode of ture Rt once simple, certain, nnd ef
fectual, by means of which every sulfercr,
matter what bis condition may be, may c'ire
himself cheaply, privately, and radca'ir.
EFTbU Lecture should be in the ImiiJs of
every youth and every man iu the land.
Send under seal, in a plain envelope, to auy
address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents ortw.i
post stamps.
Address the Publishers,
II Ann St., New York ; Post Offlec, 4.o.
Jan. 14, 1S7H.
t p T'-mc;100 ELEGANT OILCHKOM. )S,mout.t
i"tjLj10 ed, size !-:ll for 4. nr 'if for 1.
Cbrumosof every desscriptier.. NATitlNALCHUOMi'
t:0., PUiladtipUi Fa. Fell. 11, 4w.
AnttmWetnti! Medal and t'ilinv Awarded for
tXf.0 Ilinsttions. Adilress for new cirralars, A. J.
HOLMAN k O., Arvh street. Puils. Fell. Is. 4i.
1.000 AQENTS, Teieliem. Stmletils. ?rf-n "aud
Women, wanted to sell CXX ltXMAL U.lZTTEUt
of the V. S. s'aows jmnd tults of Km Years pronrevy.
A whole Library. B.i:oa Oiotie." Not a luitiry.
bit a uecsity. In?i,r-o,i-an. Itet selling Book Pul
Urhr l. 4.xkI Pay. Want :i. Agt. in rvrry eitv of
lo.MH. Address, J. V. Mecrurr k Co Phihu, Fa.'
Feb. W Iw.
WIHTKIi KOB ot'H K.W ASI 1 1 j-
CAL CHARTS. Tne I .t seUing articles of ti
day. Address, HAA.S1S I.CBRECUT. Map
and Chart Establishment. 1U Liberty Str-et, N. V.
Feb. Is, iw.
Ag'anu lor tbe best
suiting Pries Park
age i:i th world.
It contains 1
sheets paper, 15 envelopes, golden Prn. Pea Koider,
Pencil, patent Yard Measure, and piei-e of Jewelry.
Single Package, with pair ot elgant Gold Kton- Sleeve
Buttons, post paid, 20cts. 3 for $1.(0. This package has
ben examineil by the publisher of tbe AsiKan ii n.l
fousd ts represented worth the money. Waiihrs
givsn swav to ail Agents. CirenLars free
BRIDE CO.. "S9 Broadway, New York. Feb. 1, 4n.
For s!e br Druggists general, ADd
JOHXSOX, HOLI.OWAY CO., Phipdeirhia, T.
1870. iYHEKEX0iriTS7.
To 5IICHIO on of the foremost, flonrishinff and
hoaltoT Ststea !
To bay s F ABM oat of tbe
of One farming lands for sale by the GBAXD KtPIDS
Strong S.i;s. Heady Markets. Sure Cropa. Oool
Se'.'imis, R. K. mns through centre of grant. Srttle
ui. e.s ail aloiitf. A II kinds of Products raised. Plenty
of water, thulier and building materials. Priee from
i4 to 1H per tere; one forth down, balance on time.
if'Hrud for illustrated pamphlet, fui of facts and
figures, jn-l N- Cfnvuiefd. Address,
W. A. KOWAKD, C&mm'r,
Orand Rapids, Mich.
T. It. I.. PKIKitF. S-c'y I and Dep't. Jan.21, 1J .o.w.
JL Houl I'bmiing, Mmmerism, and Marriage Guide.
bowing how eitht-r sex may fascinate and gain the
love and f.3-.c';.ii of sny i rrson they choose ii stantly,
400 page?, I5y nud Si ts. Hunt Jt Co la S. 7th 8t
Ibila Pa. Feb. 4, in.
ISend ACataliigue p iiai-ylandlfi. F. Mancha,c
for iV. and 1 and '1 Smyrna. O
Free Maps of Delaware. Delaware.
Feb. 4. 4w.
Ar I town, to canvass for Dr.
(Jr I Cornell's new and popular
to the present time. A splendid book, complete in one
volume, illustrated, and published at a price wit Urn
reach of tbe people A rare chance for a first -class can
vasser. Address the publishers, Q.UAKRU CITY
PC HUSHING CO., 217 k ai Quince St., Philadelphia.
Feb. 4. iw.
These Bars have been used sad approved in upwards
of fi,f"X different Furnaces, In Factories, Steamer
and Locomotives, and are annertor to sit others in
gnarantsd. References in all parte 1.
Oihce, 13-1 Bsoadwat, X. Y. T . O. Box 1C"..
Feb. 4,-4w.
Immeni Snceess ! iO.OOO cf tile Geabin
already sold. This veteran explorer ranks an( "
one of the most remarkable ol tbe affrsr tor
in interest, illustrated profusely, and T.
t .... ,..V.ktB ( tha nm. . T
nam mih ihuruw m , m.v wu. . x urw
11, ana wiae-ww sgeiiie arw -
proof sad terms, address.