r Snmoroni hctcts. i Yesttrds j slier noon a snail Vkj inform ed a policeman that there was a row in & certain house on lieaubicn street, aud the officer went up there. . Hearing a racket at he stood before the door, he opened it without hesitation. A man and Lis wife and a big girl were having a three banded tight, but they let up as he looked in. 'What's the row V asked the officer lie noted their hloodf noses and scratched Row !' tiwy ali shouted la rtiorui. Wtll, It looks Lk-j a row answered the t flicer. i'oufo long!' continued the woman, trying hard to smile. 'This is a new par lor game, and we at.' Jane are playing gin' John. We had him in a corner wheu you came in and three more good lifts would have cmiutrd him out.' The officer went away and left tbetn to finish the game and John together. De- trvti Free Prtff. j Ho was unhappy. Tears rolled down bis lrcsh, rosy checks as he sat leaning up on his hands, which were clasp in front of him. Xo light sorrow caused that look of anguish upon bis fair youug face, latter ly ho wept, but his tears seemed not to lift the load of sonow from his heart. And as he sobbed aloud and moaned , a kind old tuau was passing, but sloped asked lh t-ause of grief iu one so young and iunoccnt. 'My son, what tills thy little heart with nuch trouble ? Hast thou lost thy mother, or has thy Hither been taken from thte by by grim death t Or have the tuigels waf ted thy hltle sister to her heavenly hume ?' Still he moaned and sighed while the tears again filled bis eyes. 'What ails thoe, my child ? What dost thou want ?' Then he looked up. 'I I boo-hoo, I'vo got the the beller ache, tha' that's wha what I want, you ya'.ler haired old ole hyena, you 1' And the old man shook his head sorrowfully as he pasted along. .Sue Was Xot Afraid. Theodore Tildou, in his lecture on the 'Problem of life,' tells the story of the king who could uot Iks made happy except by wearing a happy man's shirt. ' ' When the happy maB was found it was ascertained he wore no fliirt,' This invariably creates a laugh, tnd Theodore takes advantage of it by slid tug iu the following bit of humor : 'Ladies ud cntlmen 1 suspect from the merry tumor you are in that many of you would be airaid ot uubuttomng your vests.' When Mr. Tilton got this off in Newark, X. J., the other evening, a stout and tidy looking Scotch woman in the gallery res ponded : 'Devil a bit am I afraid, uion,' nud then unfastening two buttons of her drews in front, and disclosing the snowiest frill ever blanched by the sun, she continu ed : 'Here it is, tuon, seventeen border linen, and my grandmither's ain spinnSn, too !' Theodore passed on. 'Pa, arc you in favor of the Bible in pub lic schools V asked a West Side youngster at the breakfast table the other morning. 'Why, of course,, I am,' responded the father, pleased that such ap important sub ject should engage the attention of his youthful offspring. 'What makes yon ask such a question, my son ?' 'O nothing,' rejoined young hopeful, 'only I thought maybe you wasn't, as you never have had one at home.' The urchin dodged, but be wasn't quick enough. 'I CAME uear selling my boots the other day,' said Scuttle to his friend. 'How so ?' Well, I had them half-soled.' Victor llvoo says that womsu is the conundrum of ths nineteenth century. We may not be able to guess tier, but we won't give her up. A DEW4RAVIAS mother Athelinea j charactenat vivldurM i and poww; and tbe work j without doubt tbe aioat frrmj'hic reeurd of early Cal 'Mother, isn't it Wicled tO Say 'YOU be I forna life that baa yet anearel. tlowcd, as Algy dous ?' Mother It's worse than wicked, my elear it's vulgar.' Ax Irish coachman driving past sonic harvest fields, during summer, addressing a smart pirl engaged in sheaving, exclaim-1 nl : 'Arrah ! my darlin I wish I was in jail for stealing ye 2' En, elector,' said a bailee of a small Scotch town to a friend, 'he maun bae been an extraordinary man that Shakspcarc ; there are thinjrs hae come into bis bead that nsver would hae come into mine at a'.' Stumbling into his rom, be aatdown on tha edge of the bed and soliloquised thne : 'Feet wet, trght boots, a sore on one band an' a felon on t'other, and no boot jack to ' house, binn cot to be df'renU E'tU r I runs get married, else get a boot jack j whi'tballldo?' Somebody advertises iu the London Tunes for a servant girl that fears the Lord and can carry one cwt. Hand maidens that can successfully wrestle with an hun dred pound weight are not usually the sort 'females that fear the Itrd, or anybody else for that matter. Said a Kevada lawyer concerning n man who had kicked his wife down stairs : Gen tleman of the jury, be h'isted her ! Great heaven, be h'isted her! lie the brute, oDce perLaivs, a man raised his foot and applied it to the form of her who, at the holy altar, ho had sworn to love and cherish !' At llawlings, W. T., a fellow stauding on tbe depot platform of the Union Pacific Itailroad accidentally shot of his rifle. The hall went through a weaitber-board, through a man's ;oat tail and between an iu valid lady and her little daughter. Amid the sensation thfe fellow looked at the washer-board and said ; 'It's a d d smooth hole.' 'Sympathy,' says John Taul, 'is some thing which I never withhold from those in trouble, whether they happen to be friends or not ; there's nothing mean about rne. I find, too, that one can go around shedding sympathy on all sides, for weeks at a time, without spending a cent nr heme ! at much personal inconvenience.' j It is reported that a somewhat juvenile ! dandy said to a fair partner nt a ball. ' 'Miss don't you think my moustaches are i becoming?' To which Miss replied. 'Well, sir, they may be coming, but they have not arrived yet.' A LADY applying for admission to the junior class ot an a istern" seminary, being questioned by the President as to her quali fications, replied : 'I ain't much of an arlthmeticker, bnt I am an exct r.eut ;rani inarist.' I: is now generally Ulicved that when ltos Tweed went up stairs to see if there was a robber in the house, he inadvertant'.y sat down upon a box of dynamite, be cause be ia being found all over the coun try. UE sat down ujvon the Poet Office steps, ttulaced her shoe, took it off, and turned it Itottom side up. As the boys around they laughed at bcr, and slid behind a corner, she rose up in all her digni'y and shouted : 'LaJT, laff if joa want to ! But tbcy'e a cobble atun in rny shoe, an' I'm goin' to get it out if ye raff the top f your heads off.' TIIECiUEAT KEFl'TATIOX Which Tsbstisk has nltalued l PrU tbe country as a Ureal mud fiood yiedielne, nnd tbe large number or icstirnonlals which are constantly being received from persons who hare been cored by iu use, are conclusive proof of Its great value. It l rcomended by physicians and apothecaries. Asa Blood-PuriBer and Ileallh Kentorer, it has no equal. , YiMiTiMis uot prepared for a fancy drink made from poer liquor, which debilitates the I system and lends to destroy bealib Instead of: oritur It I Are not ths many testimonials given for the different complaints satisfactory to any reasona ble pesons suffering from disease that they cau be cured T Read the different testimonials given, nd no one cau doubt, lo many of these case lUe person say that tbrlr pain ani uflerlujr cannot be eipressed, o In cases of Scrofula, where, apiwrcutly, the whole body wa one mass of corruption, if Vujktise wiil relieve pain, cieaust, puiil'y and cure such disease, restoring ths patient to perfect health after trying dltler ent physicians, many remedies, suffering for yea rt, ia it not conclusive proof. If you are a sufferer, you can be cured I Why is this medi cine preforming such great cures I If works in the blood, in the circulating fluid. H can be truly called the Groat Blood Purifier. The great source of disease originates in tbo blood ; and uo medicine that dose not art directly upon -li to pnrify and renovate, hns any Jast claim upon pnblic attention. When the blood bccoins life- lens and stagnant, either trom change 01 wcamer or climate, want of exersiac, irregular diet, or from anv other canse. tho Vkoetbne will renew lb blood, carry oft the putrid humors,.clcnse the stomoch, regulate the bowls and impart a lone of vigor to the whole body. The conviction is, in the public mind as well a in the medical pro fession, that the remedies supplied by the Vege table Kingdom are more sale, more successful, In the core of disease, than mineral medicines. VlWETlNi is composed of roots, barks and herbs. It is pleasant to take, and.is perfectly safe to give an infant. !)o yon need it f Do no hesitate to try it. You will never regret it. C AWOT HE EXCF.LLEIt. Chaki.estow, March 19, le5t. II. K. STEVENS : Dear biR This is to re'tlfy that I have used your "Blood Preparation" in tny family for several )ar, and I think that, for 8eiofula or Cankerous Humors, or Ehematlc Affeclisn, It cannot be excelled ; and us a blood purifier and spring medicine. It is the best thing I have ever used ; and I have ased uhnost everything. I can cheerfully reconiend it to any one in need of snch a medicine. Tours respectfully, Mrs. A. A. DISSMOKE, 10 Russell Street. WHAT 151 SEEDED. Bostoh, Feb. 13, HENRY It. STEVENS, Esg. : Dear Sir About on year since I found my self in a frblc condition from general debility. Vegetisk was strongly recommended to ine by a friend who had been much beniflled by its use. I procured the article, and lter using seveveral bottols, was restored to health, and discontinu ed its use. I feel quit confident that there is no medicine superior to it for those complaints for which it is espcclall prepared : and would cheer fully recommend it to those who fell that they need something to restore them lopercfect health. Resp-vtifullv yours, U. L. PETTENGILL, "Firm of 8. M. Pettengill fc Co., No. 1ft "tat St.. Brston. (.IVM HEALTH, NTREXGTII AKI APPETITE. My daughter has received great benefit from lher.se of the Veuetie. Her declining health was a source of grsatanxK-tytoall of her health, strength "ad appetite. N. II. TILDEN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, So. 49 tars Bolldlng, Boaion Mais. GAINED FIFTEEN POI.SDS OF FLESH. Scth Berwick, Mc., Jan. 17, 1S72. H. It. STEVENS, Est. : Dear Sir I have had Dyspepsia In its worst form for the last tea years, and huve taken hun dreds of dollars worth of medicine without ob taining any relief. In Scptetnper last cimmeus ed taking the Vrgetis. since which time my health has steadily Improved. My food dlggests well ; and I have gained fifteen pounds or fiesb. , There are several others in this place taking J Veuetime ; and all have obtained relief. j l ours truly. THOMAS E. MOORE, Over.eer of Card Room, Portsmouth Co-'s Mills. Yrgetine la He-Id by All Drugtftta. Feb. 4. lm. The paMishers inrtte atleution to the foUowtas list ef s-nue of thr umii ytwr. Ia the fleld of Act ion, brsidr nomnroun noTelettr nod shorter storirs, there U1 be Tas Remarkable) Aerial Ktorlea. By AMKRiCAN AUTHORS. The Anrt of th, now ocmplet ia our hands, "GABRIEL CONROY," Py BRET. HARTE. hfitia iu th. Xovemlier numkrr, and wiU ran for twelve moulhi. TUis ia Mr. Hart' Crt sitended work. The aceues and eban-clrni, wbirh tbe author baa choarn f hi. f.vi.hi. Said, rahfornia. ara rmluted witb vi a soau aiao wiu iu mr um j umiuurt , "PHILIP XOLAX'S FRIENDS, Or, Show Your Passports." By riWARD KTEKETT BALE. Tha rrne of tbia aiory ia laid in tbe Sontbwmtera territory, uow tormina the Mtatea ot Loiuuna and lriaa, at the tuna of Aarou Burr'a trraaon. Tiir char acter lived iu a aertiou which waa now American, now Frenrh, and now Ktiauiah, and tin record of ttinr ad veatarona Uvaa mukes a atorjr ef iuteuae and utiflaffglii( interest throughout. A SECON D 'FA HMXR'S YA CA 77 OX' rJ Col. GEO. . WARING, Jr. Col. Waaiaa is now in Kuroi, viaititif, ia a row boat rid of two bandr and SftT niiica. oua of the moat fertUa ana intereatins ef the Ttne-srowliif valleys f Eoroiie. Thia aorond aeries of ijra promlaca to be. etraa mora intareMInn than that with whirh our raadera are alreadj familiar. CXXTISNIAL LETTERS, Eat I ted by John Taare ('henry. A rare eolloetinB of rtrolotknkry letters, mainly from atorea ia the handa ef tha rlraerndaiita of Col. Joari.b Ward. Tbey are fnU of internrt, and will be rrad with a rare reliah in dennextioa with me cetitrn Bial celebration ef ths year. FKIUJA5TLT ILLCSTK ATF.D AKTICXRS OX AMERICAN COLLEGES. "ritten nwji-tively by their frienda, will appuar dur ing UK ar. Tha revived intareat ic eoUi(e hla aiakea tueaa pa'pars eaiM tally llmaly, aua wijl aeeare for them VJinaual atlnUon. OLD XEW YORK. Elef aatlv f-laM-ated artielas en 5ew-Tork, by John F. atluea. will appaar at once, and will attrart the at tralm of all. ia auy or aoautry, who mark with iutrr. mt the deval.iptr.etit of tie fraat toetroroha. and af fortionately remember the ualat peeaHartti.' of iu olden ume. Every umhw is prafuaclr ill xat rated, la aa euabUDg aa to si ta aur decrlpuvc a&d narrative artieiaa, au Intereat and peru.aueut valac never attained la a Don illaatrated pfTiodical. 1'ua.T Ita arrnatomed manare nieot tha mf aiane wiU ia the iuture t dvvotad, aa it haa been in the past, t autiud liurature and Cbnatalu profraa. The Editorial Department, ooropy over twenty pageant each numlxr and contain Dr. Holland's vigorooa and timely editoriala, aa well aa Review ft tha lateat work in Art, Uiaratare, and Kcienee. TERMS' I M.OaTrsr,lBsdTBBr 5.1 ela. a . amber. The 10 vol. eonipMe, Xev. lgTS, ta Oet. ISTi.baund ia maroon lta IJB.OO do. u. bonod in half woroeoo. JU.0U Vola. bVgia in Soveinlier and May. Any of the earlier Tolumea (I la VIII) wUlba.plrdTaratelyto partiea who wiau tbemto comple'a rl at thia rate, i. e., cloth. IlKl; half mirrco.t-t.00 IooUeilir rivtd roHtmatitera will or au 4Hi at wnKwi will ajmlnv tl.rui l. nil any pi tbaalwve offrra. hulwrnnrra will pleaae riait In P. t. Money Orrtera, or ia Bank Clierka or Irf. or by rrgfru-rrd le:i-!. Money in lettrra not regiateied, at arudxr'a nci. SrRIBXER fc CO. "S Broadway, Kew Y'rk. 0.. 21. 187S. SAVES FUEL1 SAVES LABOR I TUB NATIONAL STEEL TIBF. CLEANER. anion Is one ef tbe wort con'Iartr.r f b -at i r.tiwn. a drpoalt f I Ki ! iirliM; l! . .; eit-:ijf a ! al" 1 5 per rent, oi iui-i. I' ,.. TubeClrwiier N luado of rn ini: il.'i'i. i. -c'tieiit iaof iiaelf a priii?. and t-ntir in a prr t ci!le Mil to pre- aj.'ainl llm lnrule t ue -r. rrmovliiK all the eariMin and eale wltuSut .u r!i(litet Injury to llie tnle. i iamnieed lo elran lirlter. la hitifrer. E l work Tirr tban any In the market. Adopa U sun In u 'y the t". H. J.ary. Tor sale by dil-r. Mend for Vrniar. the cnAL-tir-n s pen ft ro., Agent feir tb l'citt.-d State, ; tt of Kaat ft Street, fw York. Xi ! Snai'i can mt an at lb. 11 nf tbu aaanr. NilV. tO, 1TI.V 4 mo. QtKHI.tUKN, III Gt.IEM AC. H. K. FAGELT fc CO. respectrally ict'ortu the public that Vy t.ave romiuviieed lite maanfuctare of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, 40, (gg. at tbe new shop reocntly erected by J. F. Lerch Crsier r Frth mud Chest at St., SCNEURT, TA., anil soliwU a fair sfcre of Patrooajs. A ril IM'riB. J. F. LEBCn. 8np'. bbcrliscmcnts. NN1TTER THE llll'KKOim AITOM ATIC FamilyKnittingMachine! A MOST CBKrt'L XD WONDERri L ISVP5TIOS ! Now attracting universal ntteutton by Us nstou isblng performances, and Its practical value for every day family use. It is simple, Durable, Cheap, lo easily kept In repiir, and WILL LAST A LIFE-TIME ! It will kui'. every possible variety of plain and fam-y work. WITH ALMOST MAGICAL SPEED, autl far belter than it can le loue by hand, or on any other machine. All kinds of uarments are perfectly formed ai.d shaped by the machine Itself, requiring no cutliug and making up. A good operator will Knit a man sock, with heel and toe complete, in from five to ten minute and from twenty to forty pairs of socks in a day ! Everv especially every farmer' family should have a. BlCKFORD KNITTER. It will be found equally as useful as the Stwiug Ma chine, and even more profitable. Every Machine WARRANTED perfect, and to do Just what is represented. The Bickford Machine Is the only legitimate cylindrical Knitting Machine in existence. All others, not licensed by us, are clear and palpa ble infringmcnts on our patents, and we shall hold all parties who manufacture, sell, buy or use such infringing machines, to a strict legal accountability. An Instruction Book, cotitalniug complete and minute directions to the operator, accompanies each machine. No. l.Famllv Machine, I cylinder.73 neecdles ISO No. 8, ' 3 72 100 " 140 A sample machine will be sent to any part of the United Slates or Canada, express charges pre-paid, on receipt of the price. Agent wanted in every Stute, County, City and Town, to whom very liberal discounts will be made. For farther particulars, address BiccroRt. Kkittiko Machine Mm. Co. Sole Manufacturers, Krattleborn, Vt. Nov. 19, 1S7.V--ly. THE Pittsburgh Commercial ron the CENTENNIAL YEAR. Tbe year UTfl marks on iro porta nt epoch la American history, completing as It doe too First Century of tbe Republic Events of more than ordinary moment are to be looked for; and it Is tbe duty of every pa triotic citizen to keep himself informed thereof. To accompli'li tbla it it only neceosary to take and read a FIRST-CLASS NEWSPAPER SITH AS THB Pittsburgh Commercial. In tbe future, as in tbe past, it will be a Mirror of tbe Times, a condensed History of tbe Age, giving ( u il and accurate accounts of all eveuts. at boine and abroad, Including graphic reports of our Gieat Centennial Exposition at Philadel phia. Special attention will be given to tbe Progress and Interests of Manufactures, Mining and Ag riculture throughout tbe country. The COMMERCIAL MARKS SPECIAL CLAIMS AS A Family Newspaper, Every effort being niad-i to render il a plt-asaut and profitable companion for tbe Home Circle, while its columns will be carefully guarded against otjcctionab'.e matter of all kind. Its nstrket and Fluanclal Reports) Will be full and accurate, embracing 'facts from all tbe leading Trade Onlers of tbe World, and of great value to Merbants. Manufactures, Farmers and all ingHged In business of any kind. Its arrangements for tccuriug Early and Ke li. Mc News are complete. Haviue; able corres pondents at tbe Slate aud National Capitals, Us reports of the doings of the Lawmaker of the and ran be implicitly relied upon. i-. As a Political Journal, THE COMMERCIAL will continue to be, as it has been, a Republican paper, fearlessly de voted to a party. It will resist, as well and at prudently as it may, any attempt lo force upon the party tbe support of Tbe Third-Term Mon strosity ; and while It will strive to maintain a place in the front rank in Suporting an llouesl Party Poliry, it will roerve to itself tbe right to oppose any treasure not in harmony with Re publican Principles, even though it may emanate from tatu know as Republicans. It will stand firm, on all occasions, by tbe platform of the Republican Parly adopted nt Lancaster, which demand "Honest men in office meu with brains enough to know dishonealy when tbey see it, and courage enough to Cghl il wherever they find it." TERMS FOR THE Daily Commercial, 11.TA.F. FltSB T firB-CBIBFKB. By mall, per anuum (10 00 By mail, for six mouths 5 00 By mail, for three months 2 SO By mail, for one month & Delivered by carrier, per week: ... 1.1 THE Weekly Commercial. FOR 1876. XOWIS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. 36 Columns OF Choice Reading Matter EVERT WEEK. IT IS THE TAPER FOll TIIE M ECU ANT, THE FARMER, THE MECHANIC, THE MANUFACTURER, THE Containing a Greater Variety of Choice Reading and Miscellaneous New than can be fonnd Iu in any weekly pnper published in tbe Slate of Penn vlvanin. Complete Weekly Market Reports I specially rnrrAKEii ron it. TERMS FOR 1ST0. Weekly Commercial ( Post t s Pnrru.) One Copy, One Year CLl'R RATES : 1 75 Ten Cop!ee, per aunnm, each .... 1 50 Twenty Copies, " and over " . . . . 1 25 Aud One Extra Copy to the getter np of tbe club. Additions may be made to a Club nt any time during the year al tbe Club price, the sub scriptions continuing a Full Tear from the time tbe additions shall havj bees made. These prices are invariable. Terms Cash In advance. Remit in Drafts or Poa tolBce Money Orders, If poMlble, and where neither of these caa be procured send the money In registered letter. f8PECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. Address all orders and letters to "THE COMMERCIAL," Dot. M, 1975. PiTTewt-seir, P. I I llfil 1876. $to Abbcrtismtnta. I X L-THE WOMAN'S FRIEND IntsnJ-angesbls Eandls aad SUell Comoifisd. , . . The htasle Is entirely .separate, and may be tuicd for siy number of Irons. It can be adjust ed Instantly, and being provided with a shield tha hand is completely protected from the Ltt. No bolder Is Jrpnnired when nsing. When tha Iron is helug riata Mr , m. heated, the handle rout be detached. We will send to any addiws, t.n rtt celt .f J-Kiff or 1. O. Order for tie anwuiit.. either of the fu.lotti.ii'?c-s: 8t No. 1-3 lions of 6, b and 7 Ha, I hundle, f-S.OO S-S " 6. 7aniiflllH., S-3 7,eaudH. " s.ta Kkkcl plated Iron", "Bets, per set extra. Anv party ordering five seta Mill re Sue Frenaum. Thoroughly reliahla agents wanted. Address BROOKLYN SAD IRON CO., 85 Fint St, Brooklyn, E.D., 3. Y. Sna.-8aav tutima At cSticf tU tp. - - Pecembor 3, '.. -4mo. Evangelical, Non-Sectarian, Independent! The Christian at Work. T. De Witt Talmage, Editor. The neat Religious paperPnbllahed MR. TALMA'iE'S SERMON EACH WEEK. Fnll Ueportrtof Mr. Moodj'i Work." By R. v. W.M. BAKER, Oue of the most popular tr American ?tory writers. , TWO XEW PREMIUMS ! " -4JV AMERICAN FARMYARD" After Josrimi Jons, executed in twenty-nine printings and heretofore sold for 115, also an EXQUISITE FLORAL GROUP, Printed cxprcfslv for this paper by Mrs. Whit ney, and chromocd by L. PRaSO fc Co. Boston. fjg These are genuine art works, and the boat and most expensive picture premium ever offered MOST LIBERAL TERMS TO AGEXTS, ASI EXCLVRIVB TEBMTORT. TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS : Without premium, postaife prepaid $3.00 With either premium, unmounted, postage prepaid - Witb either premium, mounted by express at subscriber's expense -00 tifFor full particulars as to commission and canvass address B. R. I'ORWIX. Publisher, BOX 510.1, NEW YORK. Nov. 19, 2t. THE LIGHT RUNNING M DOMESTIC." The "Domefttle. The "DOMESTIC" is an exceedintly simple machine in all Its part and processes. Il is easily understood ; familiarity with Iu action is very quickly acquired, and il needs hardly any practice of s ' skill iu the operator. Tbe superior advantages obtained is the "Do atiSTic" are mainly : 1. Light Running. 2. Quietness no Cams or Gear Wkeels. 3. Perfect Stitch Doublo-tbreftd Lock Stitch. 4. Durability a rlalng from rimplbUy of Con struction. 5. Absence of all Friction, fl. Great range of Work. 7. Eaee or Operation. We do not say that the ''Domestic" is the only Machine worthy of public favor. We admit there are some possessing real and acknow ledged merit ; but we do claim, and are prepared to demonstrate, that tbe "Domestic" has many excellences that render It (UcilJly titptrior ta mny other Mthi now before tbe public. Let every woman, therefore, examine for her self into its merits when she buys a machine. This is an important purchase, uot to be care lessly made ; one thai will Influence her com fort, probably for a long lime. Witb a 4Domks Tic" in ber possession, she will find her sewing become a pleasant exercise of skill and taste, in stead of a slow manual drudgery ; she will have the time and strength to add beauty and elegance lo work in which before the bat been obliged to content herelf with bare ntilltv. CAROLINE DALIUS, Agent, 8nHurr. Pa. i A PREMIUM GIVE TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. THE OLDEST MAGAZINE IN AMERICA. 1876. . Volume 02. 187G. In addition to our splendif" Steel Engravings and reliable Colored Falon Plates, will be given from lime to timeeloCanl Cbroino Illustra lions. These iluatrallon given universal satis faction. No other Ma,ane has as yet attempted this fenturc. 8TOKIES BY CELEBRATED WRITERS. We have on file several fine stories for 1878, from the leiis ol Ue following popular writer i Mr. C. A. Hopkitson. Ino Churchill, H. Vickery Dumont, Lonlse 8. Dorr, 8. Annie Prot. Mont gomery C. Preatoa. Arrangement have been made with oth'-rs of life popularity. Our other departments. Invaluable receipts. Designs fur the Work-table. Knitting, w th Colored Engraving ol the same. Netting, Model, Cottage, Original Music, Etc., are a l retailed. A B'lliniEI SIBDiilD "THE MO UMNO CALL" Will be given to every ubtcii.er, wmiber ingle or In a club, who pay in advance fo 1878 and remits direct to this office. FOR FI.OR1IM. tiiir THKOIT.II PASSAGE TICKETS to! JJ ST. AL'UUSTINE and all lauding ci ST. JOHN'S RIVERand interior points in FLOtlDA, by steamship lo SAVANNAH, and thetee by railroad or steamboat. Apply to WM. L. JAMES Ocnernl A-nt I'hilodtlphi ami Swthtr. Mail S. Co., 416 South Delaware Avenue, Ibllad'a. Oct. -ist. YOU CAN Save Monet By subscribing fort.ur Musical Maz arine. Tbey arc issued monthly, and sou tain ten limes as much music as yoa caa boy elsewhere for the same amount of money. 'Peters' Household Melodies," No 1 to 13 now ready. A Collectioi of Songs by Hays, Danks, etc Price. 50 cents per Number, or 1: Numbers for 14. "Peters' Parlor Music," Nos. 1 to 13 now ready. A Collection of Easy Dance Music. Price, 50 cents pr Number, or 13 Numbers for 12. La Creme de la Creme,' Nos. 1 to 25 now ready. A Collection or Difficult Piano Music. Price, 50 cents per Number, or 12 Numbers for 4. Send 50 it, for a Sample Copy of either of the above, and if you are not satisfied with your twirtaiu, we will refund yonr mouey. Address, J. L. PETERS, 843 Broadway, N. T. Dec. 31,'75.-lru. Good News to Farmers THE CELEBRATED DEXTER FEED CUTTER which will save FIFTT PER CENT, to every r,R.VE YARD LOTS farmer raising stock, Is offered for ante by the GKAV E TARD LOTS undersigned agent for Northumberland county. VERANDAHS This Feed Cutter has been swarded diplomas at every County and State Fair where it has been FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. exhibited. It Is acknowledged to be superior to The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su any others iu nse. eriority, have been still further Improved, and Orders will be promptly fill ad bv arldreein rill always be kept on band. JOHN O. OURTNER, Agent. . Also, THRKPJUNO MACHINES. Dec. 10, ll.7. innbury. Pa. Snnbnrv, Maj HO. 174. Seto 1 bbtrtiscments. 18 BALTIMORE WEEKLT 6 UN. 76 ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF A TEAR. rOBTAOB PRPralD BT THE rt'BLISH ERS. TUB BEST FAMLLI JOl RNAL AD TIIB CUBAI'eST. a vebv "Hoissnoi.D word." IT IS TO BB A VERITABLE CBXTK!.ttAt RECORD. 11,203 IS FRKMICMS rOR 50VE1.RTTES FOR TOR WEBKLT KX FOR 1S7U. Tub Bal'ijmokh Wreki.t Srs ia beyond torn- pare one ot the best weekly papers published in j the t'nitcil States. Its proprietor make esecial aim to secure for its columns the choicest litera ture, the latest tiews, foreign aud domestic, the best intelligence in agricultural mutters, the most reliable commercial aud market reports, and the best current miscellany. As incentive to literary ability, ani thereby to please the taste ot its many thousand renders, the proprietors of TliK Weekly bcx havcolTcred prizes amounting to ? 1,21)0 for the best six novelettes, to be selected by a critical committee from offerings by writers in all parts of the conn try. It U exprcted that this liberal otter will attract tho beet story-telling talent iu the United States, and thus afford the chastest lit eraiy banquet of the Centennial year to its host of reader. The publication of the price stories will be commenced early iu the year, and all who desire to partake ol their attractions should at once order subscription. THE CENTENNIAL TEAR. As 1S7C is to be the Centennial year it wiil be full of incident which will bo nttraclive to all the people, and the Weekly Sun will have special care to furnish its readers with accurate information as to ail important events. For the first time in many years there is a considera ble change in the political complexion at Wash ington. A President is also to be elected, which will insure an exciting contest because of the present anomalous condition of party politices throughout the L uited State. Of all these matters Tur. Weeklt Si n will be a fuilhful, concise and accurate chronicle. THE FAKMEH Will find the Baltimore Weekly Sun a valuable instructor, Its original articles on and judicious selection of matters Intimatclv connected w'uh ! tbe great national interest of agriculture amply repaying the price of subscription. Tbe paper is designed to meet the needs of persons residing in every part of our county, but more especially the towns and rural districts of the Middle, Southern and Western States, care ful note being regularly made of local matters in those regions, in addition lo a complete aud concise history f current events ALL OVER THE TVOKLD. The mediant und the mechanic will find the Weekly Sum an ever fresh Encyclopedia of use ful kdowiedgc. Tub Weekly Scn's market reports arc espe cially valuable, giving the latest prices of all kinds of produce in Baltimore and tbe principal cities of the Union, tor the latter the telegraph being availed of up to the date of publication. TERMS lSTAKIABLY CASH" IN ADVANCE, POSTAGE ! TREE TO SCDSCHIBEKS. ! One copy, six months 61 00 ! One copj , one year 150 Three copies, ouo year 4 00 Four copies, one year... . 4 50 Five copies, one year 5 00 AND ONE DOLI.AU IER COPY FOK ANY NUMBER. OF ! COPIES ABOVE PIYB. j Ten copies 10 00 ' With an extra copy of the Weekly j Sun on year. j Twenty copies 30 00 j With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun I one year, and one copy of the Daily ! Sun six months j Thirty copies $30 00 i With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun ! and one copy ot the JJally nun one Tsar Forty copies U0 00 With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun, and one copy of the Daily Sun one year, also au extra copy of the Daily Sua for six mouths. Fifty copies 50 00 With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun, and two copies of the Daily Sun one. year. Seventy-five copies (73 00 With an extra copy ol the Week y Sun, aud three copies of the Daily Sun one year. One hundred copies 1100 00 Witb an extra copy of the Weekly Suu, aud four copies oi the Daily Suu oue year. The above sxtieme low rates of subscription lo The Baltimore Weekly Sum ive the publish ers only a fraction over the cost of the white paper. Atd iu addilon lo the above premiums each subscriber whose name is on our books at coinmeucemeut of the new year or may sub scribe lo the Weekly Sum after that date wiil receive a copy of THE BALTIMOkR SIN ALMANAC POK 1870, a uew illustrated publication comprising thirty iwo pages, emoraclug the twelve calender BioulhH illustrated, aud with aslromkal tight, eclipses, uioou' phase, equation of time, a chrouo:oglci record of American historical evcutt, and information, the whole presenting a most valuable table of contents for the farmer, awchaul, manufacturer and the public generally- Getters up of Clubs will find tbe above terms tbe most liberal that can be offered by a Kirnt clase Family Journal. The proprietor not only prepay the postage on the club received, but also ou the premium copies, both Daily and Weekly. The aafest method of remitting funds by mail wiil be fouud to bo by drall or pot,iolHce money order. Address, A. S. A BELL f- CO Publishers, sjUN IKON BUILDING. Baltimore, Mn, JOS. EYSTER, MANUFACTURER OF NATIVE GRAPE WINE, SUNBURY. Nonli'd Co., Pa. We, the undersigned, can cheerfully testify to the excellent quallies ef Wine made by Dr. Jos. Eysler, and advise its universal use everywhere. COL. C. NEFF. MAJ. J. P. HAAS, H. ... FRANK, DR. A. C. CLARK, H. E. DAVIS, FRANK BRKiIT, JACK WALTZ, N. S. ENGLE. GEN. L. I!. KASE. May 23, 1S73. Jtlnnfcdari u. V SUSQUEHANNA COFFI at CASKET WORKN, Front Nt., above Race, SUNBURY, PENXA. rpHE nudersigned Laving established a Coffin JL A Casket Manufactory, at tbe above place, are now prepared to furnish to Cabinetmakers ml Undertakers, and tho trade generally Coffins and Caskets f the best and latest patterns and flninhed in the best style. Their different patterns including both Coffin and Casket shapes are of WALNUT, CHERRY, CHESTNUT, Imitation of Rosewood ami Chirry, and all other styles, made of tbe best material and fiuUh ; work done by tbe most experienced workmen. Orders will be filled promptly, and Coffins nnd Caskets will be shipped to any place desired, at the shortest notice, and at tbe most reasonable prices. The patronage of the trade is solicited. Send for PRICE and DESCRIPTIVE LIST, and learn the styles and prices. FRYLINO, BO WEN A ENGEL. Sunbury, April SO. lS73.-tf. .1IACIIIXE NIIOI AND IRO FOIXDRY. GEO. ROIIRBACII & SONS, N anbury, IVun, INFORM the public that they are prepared 10 do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop In connection with their Fonndrj, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be elver) them, In a satisfactory man ner. Uratci. to suit Buy Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build imrs, of all sires. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencinc L iitI lisrillaxttras. Furniture Ware-Kooms! ROBERTS A IIOSTERMAX, (Successors to B. L. RAUDENBUSH.) Masouic Builtllug, SUB-CHRTZ', FA will SELL CHEAP, AN EXDLE!3 VARIETY or FUItNITUItTJ of tbe latest styles and best material. CONSISTING OF Parlor and Chamber Suits; LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS. Bedsteads of all kinds, Cupboards, Sin., nud in short everything usually to be fouud iu a flrst cluss Furniture Store. t TJsTIDEITAKIXvrG. Special attention is given to Undertaking iu al. iu branches. Coffins and Burial Casket OF ALL sttles constantly on hand. Au invitation is extended to all to come and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. P.OBERTS & HOSTERMAN. Sunbnry, Feb. lt, 1875. HARDWARE. We are belter prepared than ever to supply tbe demand for goods in our line. We have just received a full sto?k of Shovels, Iron, Hoes, Steel, Rakes, Oils, Forks, Taints, , l'utaps, Glass, Cutlery, Varnishes, LEATHER BELTING, TOOLS, AM) GOODS SUITABLE FOR Builders, Housekeepers, Farmers, Blacksmiths, Shoemakers, Cabinet Makers. Carpenters, Machinists, Painters and the People. Call and examine our goods. ' CONLEY, HACKETT& MATEER, Opposite Whitmer's store. March 26. 1675. tf. Sugar, Coffee. Syrups. Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. o j g - - c t S 3 : ? r- M an w u o X a u A CO o a. c o o U 3 5 Y. 5 c i Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphato, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. Maize & Schwartz, Successors to Geo. Evans Co., 1103 Market Street, Philadelphia, MERCHANT TAILORS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS. Men and Boys' suits made to order in the Intcsl styles, of the best cloth anil eassimeres in mar ktt, nt prices suitable to the times. Military, Band & Fire Organizations promptly unifoiiued. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours bcinthe lead in honseoo Military work, we feel that we can offer induccinevt which can not he attained anywhere else. Nov. 27. 1873 FALL AM) WIXTEU tlll.MXEHY ilOOBS. Misses L. & S. Weiser, Market street, Sanbury, Pa., offer special Inducements In their Fall and Winter .Millinery Goods. just oiencd, consisting of Bonnet" and Hats, FEATHERS, FLOWERS. RIBBONS, SASHES, ORNAMENTS, AC. Fancy Zephyrs Goods, Infant Hoods, and an immense assortment of ITOTIOlKrS- Ladies' Dresa Cnttinir, fltliwr and basting done in every branch. The public are earnestly invited to call and ex amine our stock before making a selection else where. Nov. 12, 1S75. L. t S. WEISER. CRAMPTOX'J IMPERIAL HO A I' IS THE "BEST." Th'n Soap is ni.inuractnred from pure mater ials, and a it contains a large percentage of Vegetable Oil, is warranted fully equal to tl.e best imported Castile, Soap, and ut the same time possesses all the washing and cleansing properties of the celebrated German aud French Laundry Soaps. It is therefore recommended for use "in the Laundry, Kitchen, and Bath-room, and for general household purposes ; also, for Printer, Painters, Engineers, and Machinists, as It will remove stains of Ink, Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc., from the bauds. Manufactured only by CRAMPTON BROTHERS. 8, 4. 0, 8. a::d 10 Rutirers Place, and S3 and 35 Jefferson Street, New Tork. For sale al Philadelphia, by KOON3 & RUOFF, 208 North Delaware Avenne, and by grocers generally. Wv. r T873.-wn. PE.VXKYLV.tXIA RAIL RO.sD. PHILADELPHIA Jfc ERIE R. K. DIVISION. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Sundav, Nov. 21t, 1375, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Kail Road Divi sion will run as fullows : WESTWAIiD. Fast Liue icuvua New York " " Philadelphia, " " " Baltimore, 9.25 a m 12.55 p m 1.20 p m 5.U0 p ra 8.55 p ra IH. 20 p m II. 50 p m a.25 p m 11.55 p iu 11.55 p iu 4.25 a iu S.35 a in y.4.' a m " " " Harrisburg, " ' arr. nt Williumsport, " " " Lock Haven, ' " " Bell'.-fonte, Erie Mull leaves New York, " Philadelphia, " " " Baltimore, " " ILirrisliurif, " " WhTniiisport, ' " " Lock Haven, " " " Kcnovo, ' " nrr. at Erie. Limited Mail leaves Philadelphia. " " Baltimore, ' " " Harrisburg, " " urr. at Villiunigurt, 11. 05 a in 7.50 p m 7.20 a m a m 10.45 a in o.20 p m S.oO p m 4.45 p in 8.00 a m 8.30 a m . 1.25 p m 11.10 p in 7.1)0 p iu " Lock Haver, " " " Renovo, Lock Ilaveu Ac. leaves Philadelphia. " Baltimore, " " Harrisburg, " " urr. at Williainspoit, " " Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Pbilad'a Express leaves Lock Haveu, " Williumsporl, ' urr. at Harrisburg, " " " Baltimore, " " Philadelphia, C.40 p iu 7.55 a in 11.45 a in 0.15 p in 4.20 p :n 7.B5 p in 9.10 a m " New Yoik, leaves Reuovo, Day Express Lock Haven, 10.25 a in " " ' Wil iumspoi t, 11.35 a m " nrr. at Harrisburg, o.OO p m " nulartelplua, " 4i " New York, " " " Baltimore, Erie Mail leaves Erie, " " kt Renovo ' " " Lock Haven, " li " Williamsport, arr. at Harrisburg, " " Baltimore, " " " Philadelphia, " " " New York, Fast Line leaves Williainspoit, " ' arr. at Harrisburg, " " Baltimore. " Philadelphia, " " .w York. 0.20 p m 'J. 15 p m t.o5 p m 11.20 a in 8.25 p m J.45 p in 10.55 p iu 2.11j a m 7.35 a in 6.45 a in 10. 10 a in 12.lj5 a m S 55 a m 7.o5 a in 7.:;5 a in 10.25 a m ' Erie Mail West, Limited Mail Wesi, Loek Accom. West mid D.rv Express East fl.tveii n .ich mill li f.Aitas cask i m;ikr e'.nf fOitnpft ion nt Xikrlhiiiiilu.rliil wild 1 L. & B. R. R. trains lor Wilkesbarre and Scrau ton. Erie Mail West, Limited Mail West and Fast Line West make connection nt Williamsport with N. C R. W . trains north. Erie Mail East an I YYt. Liniit-d Mail West, Fat Line West, aiui Day Express Easi m.,K. close connection at Loci: II iven with B. E. V. -R. R. train". Erie Mail Eai"t ami Wc-t connect at Erie with truins on L. S. & M. S. R. R., ut Curry witu O. C. i. A. V. R. R. at Emporium wiih B. N. Y. P. R. R-, and at Driftwood with A. V. R R. f Parlor Cars will run between Philadelphia and Wiliianisport on Limited Mail West, Fast Line j West, Philadelphia Expiees East, and Day Ex press cast. OKcping iars on an intent trams WM. A. BALDWIN. ISen'l Siip't. I rhilailelphiacV Read in); Rnilroad. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER ! TRAINS. Jantakt Ist, 1H10. ' Tltal?s9 Leavk Herndos as Follows: (Slm-ats LXCEPTED.) For Shamokin, 10.40, 11.00 a. ra. nn i 3.40 p. m. ForMt.CarmeljAshland, Tamaqua, Pottsville, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. Tuai8 for Hehsdon. Leave as Follows: (Scsdais Excepted.) Leave Shamokin at 3.00 a. m. 1.50 and 3.55 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. ra., Reading 11.30 a. m., Pottsville, 12.10 p. tn Tamaqua, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.33 p. m., Mt. Carmel, 3.-1 p. m. Tbains Leave Hahkisbi-ko, as Follows : For New York, O.SJ, !U0 a. m. and 3.00 7.40 p. m. For Philadelphia, 5.0, S.10 V.4 a. in.,2.00 and 3.50, p. ru. SfSPATS. For New York, 5,20 a. in. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. ra. Tbains run Hakkisuiko, Leave as Follows: Leave New York, y.LKJ a. m., 1.00 and 5.15, 7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m. 3.40 and 7.10 p. m. Scsdais. Leave New York, 5.15 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, 7.10 p. in. Via Morris and Essex K. R. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Sup't. ReadiiiK, Pa. Nov. 13. 1S74. CEKTRALJ)aUG STORE siN. v Q.B.Cr'ADVLLADER Is the place to buy pure and fresh MfcDJCINES, DRUGS, PAINTS, OIIA GLASS, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO. LIQUOR for medicinal purposes, and all other arti cles usualiy kept in a firm-class Drug Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggists. I am prepared to furnish in quantitie to suit purchaser and at Philadelphia price, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Roman, Roseudale and Lrhiuh CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also, Garden Seeds of all kinds. Aall and get a Rural Register for 1S74. GEO. B. CADWALLADER. Sunbnry, Feb. 6. 1874.-1V. Dk. C. M. Martin. Geo. W. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Bife Snnlmry, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO, HAVE jut received a fresh lot of Pure Driiif-" aud Patent medicines. We have ateo a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth. Nail.Oothe.Shiie and other brnshe. TOILET AXn FAXC'Y ARTICLES. riSB EXTRACTS, POCKET BOOKS, KNIVES, C., AC. REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume In America, rurisian, n KiI Close Wash. warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate shades without Injury to ihe kid . All the lending preparations for the Hair, KECJAItN, THE BEST IN M ARKET. Pure Wine and Lienors, for medical pnrposes, Physii inns Prescriptions nnd family leceipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal ins to receive a share of your patronage. September 11. 173. FALL and WINTER 9IILLIXERY GOODS! M. L. Gossler, Fourth street, 4 doors Wow M.-irkrl, west side, invites the attention of all desiring the latest stvlcs of FALL AUD WINTER MILLINERY! To her well selected Assortment Just received from New York and Philadelphia, consisiins: ol Ladieft Misses' and Children llatHHiid BotiMCtM. Feather, I'lowers.Keal Lares, KilkN, Velvets Ribbons. Knh Ribbous, .Neck Ties, Hid (.los es. Fancy Hosi ery, 1st Qualit) Zephyr and Germaiilonn Wool ALSO NOTIONS & TRIMMIN IN GREAT VARIETY. All of the ahoe offend at ihe LO MARKET PRICES. ESTMiss Gossler will, as heretofor, g; orders for Millinery her personal upe Call and see uew goods. Nov. 12, DR. I. E. SMITH. Homajpathic otBce and resldenca comer of Chfstuut Sis., Sunbnry. Calls in to' ty promptly attended to.nlght or hours 8 to 9 a. m. ; t to 4 p. rs. ; 8 Nov. 5,'75 3 mos. grirullaral. EakLT GkOUND A Ureal advanlao m vt:iy farm and garden is to have some piece of early land. It land frerii-s deep, il takes a Ion:; lime to tliaw out iu epriiinT and become diy enough , to work, und this keeps bark eruppl. till quite lute ; indeed, il U often two or three weeks alter lti3 whether would realiy permit of planting be fore il orieri can be done, aimply because (be 1 .ud ia luo wet or loo Cold lo let il be proper to be done. Many have sloin piece of ground, th-il lay well to tbe suu, which give them this advantage. Water runs oil easily, and Ibe sun by day warms the surface so tnal the frost can not penetrate very deeply, bo thai il soon thaws out iu the Spring, and U aoou Jry and warm euougu to piaul. Ual lliocxj wn have Uul tin udtantagt: ol ruiiiu sUifuCc, but to whom a lilt:e paiCU ot extra cany ground Is of great use, have lo take eome plans lo gel it. Oue thing ia woitli reiiieiunerint:, naineiy : thai the deeper thu grouud ireeZos lue longer a ia iu Ilia .ting in Spring, uud l:r.l lu - welter it la I be deeper it Irei-Ze-s ; so llial lo drain Hi- iaud BO thai water wil. mu eist,y away, either over the surface or ihruilu lire subsoil, is oneoi" the best methods of iiierea"..!! its early capacity for worK. Many lake ouv iheir manure iu lue wiu ter he.i lue giouu i L- Jioaea aud Ihule ia iiltie eise lo do, ami .-prea.l it iu a.Sv.uiee for cpriug. This does very well iien eainnes i uot of luiu-ii moiijuui, but otli rwiso i: i & drawback If tiounj Iruzeu be juvtr!. me iuv ui Lh.- un have nuie etl'cel on lb- mg, and we have lo ait lor l lie warm rains to struggle through and eoileu Uuu the whole. If eovereiWiefore frosi, it prevents il penetrating deeply ; but then il keep buck rapid thawing. Nothing is either gained or losl therefore .. lar n the suu is con cerned ; bill if warm rain come, there is a gain i:i llie ear.incas ol sueu ground. If oury a s.uali pieee lor vegetables in a gar den be desired to be very early, aud there are bui lew iu wmeli such a little Uuct be not Very desiraoie, a good plau is to coer wuh strawy mauuie eany, before the frost get iu, aud then ruke otf eur.j iu ihe Spriug. A little care of mis kind makes a oupie ol weeks' difference iu many cases, aua Ibis is wot 111 look lug for 1 f" artfui" Telegraph. ' aums. iir agricultural paper lella as i liial "small laruis make near uei 'li.nr- th makegiKxl roads; they make plentf of good schools and churches ; lucre is uiouey made in propotcu lo the labor; less labor it wanted; every uioig L- Kepi ueal ; less wue have i ta paid lor hep ; less lime i wasted ; more i raised lo lue acic ; besides, n i, tilled bolter ; there is no Watching of hired help ; lue miud la uol kept iu a worry, a slew, a Int. u 1 ibe time. Tuere's uot so much money lo be paid out for agricui turai impienieuis. Oar wives ur:d children have time lo read to improve their minds. A small horse is soon curried, and the work on a small lanu is ulwjys pushed torward iu aejsou. GiTe us small farms lor coraiorl ; aytf, auj give as small laruis for proril." And all this is true if we oarry to the small farm the sauie CarU cap ital lh.it we would put ou a larger oue. Ths writer of ibis haa had a very varied experience tUin season, eSieudin from im-j Cauada lo tbe ui .utAira, auu uuuenaKeu cue.njr in pur suit ol u(jricuitura; kuoiedrfe, and ue is luile sure that if inosl or our lurmcrs wcuid aeil naif their iaud and pui the labor ami casual spread over lar jje larms to the suia.ler ones left, it wouid be a ureal move iu the riht direction. Forney't Weekly Preet. Muuaj;meutoruu.rj Ilirds. biiESDiNO. The breeding cage should have pieuty of line gravel er ac-saud at lli bullous and a lump of uld uioriar, for ihe birds to pirk. Gout'a hair luual tie supplied lor llie ueai. Tue I binls whuii put up ah'juid be fed on braaJ-lhe yeik of bui.ed e,;g aud a little ug t- Let Item Lave fresh greuua iu ui.id. rali.i. The birds rii .u.d Uit be i'lioe i to brcKl more lUau twice or thrice a year. The (eriod ol incubation is loui'tucii i'y; iu ery warm weather, thir tccu. The last ut March U cany enuuU to put the buds in ihe breeding cae. if the hen tlttert her eijg'e, VmJ are pvofjJOJ bud, uud aliomd be lhrwu ul. Il Ihe lieu eat her etjj$, lend her well very early iu the uiorLiug, or late ut night. If the male break lue eggt, let huu have two licus: lUeso iuuaI uol be allowed iu the same cage, or they aiit light. If iha hen nejlect to feed her goung, stir bcr out ol the Lest uiiti supply her w.luai. abuudauce of uuncaie lood. Aa aoou as llie young nre halcli e.l, place beside the usuai leediu irou.h a cup iouiaiuing iiuc.y gruted hard-boiled e:r-ind ola.e breatl i ubbud h no and soukud iu mi.k : also, oue coiilaiulu:; ciUshed rupe-aeeti, boiled aud al leraards washed witu fresh wuler. The young uiuy be piuced iu aeperate cages iu about four weeks. Feeding. Cauary-seed alone is suUicieut, but usuuliy a mixiure of caiiaiy, heap, millet, and rape, known us bud seed, i UeeJ. Each Cage should have a piece ol euule-tish buue. Food is besi supp.ied tu lue eveuiug, aud all alule food aud retuse ol eveiy kind should be removed uuity. The bolloin of the cage should be strewn with liue gravel or saud, fresh water supplied daiiy, and a eaucer oi wuler lor bathing twice a week. Gieeus .liouid be cautiously supplied. To Distinguish iiib sex. fuc throat ol the male vibiales h.ie siiit;iug; Ibis uappeus with llie lieu, llie tua.es arc laigcr, more jellow ..bvVe the bill, uuUcr the luioal, uuj lu the pinions of Ibe wiugs. i'hu bojy of lh.; iua;c i longer aud more lapei iug. singing. Buds witu toug, straight, and taper lug bodies are the beat singers. By putting twtf or IhreV birds together, they wui ie with each other. Disease;. Surfeit lioui improper or eieessive looj slluuf swelling of llie belly, wuieu, OU blowing up the feathers, uppcurs iranspareut aud covered wiiu utiic biM-uvesscis. Iu bip' iron: oue to three years o.d 11 auows ilscll c.ibs and humors ..boui the dead. Tue v eauaiy seed, and udd solue hicl iuige ; put a .iU.e aUiou iu the waler. me ullecled pari wiili uiiuoud-oil. tlLS. fioiu cuiii. Ii pio.iuces a ur cough, and is dillieuil to cuiq. Give ine UaXevd mixed wiiu the bnd-seea aud i lock candy iu the wuler, uud loru few mo a iilt'e aoiled bread and luiik. tit hi.-ilVc; perspiratiou, iroin a u e iih .eU tocaill, or silliuc loo CiuS uesl. T he leallieia ulv l utllea una lue b.ra leebie. iVash wuh sail for seveiai uioruiiig, or pnuk.e a eiicrry ov r the bird, aud put ii iu dry. Ego iioi. ni, from cold. Give uini-l rugar, or auoiul llie alKt .-weel oil ; it thes tali, give oil. MoVLTlNO. Avoid bread and egg, wil'' Siutting is ca' which may be Fits. Plu ler, and eu' Hie blooC Lice keep SUU'' ih ix - i J