mfon Slincvicait. SUXBU11Y. FEBUUAUY'll, .67(5. Kail road Tluor Table. HK1VAL A5 DEPARTm!! OF TH AIMS AT Sl'MUtTUT. X. C R. W Srle Mail, Fast Line, phUs. ti , Dy Ex.. South. I P. & E. R . R. West ra i trie jiau, u. 4. a u m on - m S.00 a io I Ninirnra he, l'i.U) p in VMS a ci I Elmlra Mull 4.03 1 X.10 p m last Line. 7.00 p m hamou pmsxov, s. c..w. mm 1 AKKIVB Prnr. 10.40 ft m Mal. .15 m Stiiii, 4.'J5 p in I Express, 3.55 p m Au accommodation train leaves Shamokin at 7.10 m, arriviue at Mt. Carmel at ..sua ra Returlne, leave Mt. Cannel at 6.00 ? m, arrl? toe a; Shamokin 6.80 p m. D. H & W. R. R. Trains leavi at 0.55 a. tn and arrive at 3.50 p. in. LACKAWANNA &BLOOMSBURG R. F AT WOKTUUVBEKLASD. Leave north 6:45 a. ni. 12:55 p. tn. 4:30 p. Arrive from north 12:45 p. in., and 0:10, p. Accidental Insurance Tickets can be liad of J. Shlpinan, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. ijfora. Affairs. titv of valentine for sals at the i new stand in the Post otSee. Vn1r nevt.tlie HtU Inst, will be St. Valru j tine's day. Tuere are 24 j rinMier In jail, and more com in; every day with only f.'Or rooms to accom- late thorn. Gas. Some of our public lamps are not wind praof. The lights are blown out on stormy rk-litn. anil the em erCalH uiicoutumed. This O . c. Is eP-cUUy the case at the corner of Second and Chrttaut. Tu town clock, or the Court House clock, the nnnvr title still beinir In doubt), has bfeu v - f 1 ' regulated, so as to conform to railroad time Better late than never. Comk Dows. Quite a number of pedestrians on Sunday and Monday' last. Slipping times, these. Entile W. H. Masck, of the U. S. Ship Tennessee, returned from Nagasaki. Japan, tome days since. He coines home for examina tion and promotion according to the rules of tue service. The operators of the coal mines have sus pended work for a month cause over produc tion nut and pea cj-jI is scarce ut present. The vendue scasou is approachiue. The beet sale biiis are printed at the AiiEMCAS Steam Printing Office iu Sutibury. House and Waco fok Sals. A yoaug horse, suitable for a family Uorse, and a giwd spring wagon, with top cover, will be sold reasonable. Apply at this office or to James Vandyke, Sun bury, Pa. Fikk I Cuauwit ACtc The barn of Joseph Frederick, of CliiKtsquaque township, was con sumed by fire on Friday last. The horses and sleek w ere saved. A lot of grain and farmiug implements vteie a'so consnmed. Losi about t5,UO0. Tlic fire Is supposed to huve been the work f au incendiary. The North Branch conference of the Susque hanna Synod, met in the Lutheran church, this place, on Monday last. Tuesday as devoted to the transaction of conference business. J. Pouter Dtham, of Northumberland, Is the boss chicken raiser. He is the owner of six chickens, hatched last May, that welsh 40 pounds. Lewi Sticxxs, the pormlar landlord, goes to Philadelphia to run a hotel on Sixth street above Ar-h, daring Uie Centennial. It Is said that the uew style of pantaloons to be worn tbl season will be large enough, to tie back. Also, that a modest man can't climb a ladder with a lr of 'cm on. A LADT wants a receipt for beef soup. First, bold the cow over a hot. fire to at to singe off the pin feathers. Some people like to add a lit tle rce. - ftp, after an absence lit JOUonila : about four months, returned borne last week. He looks much improved in health. He reports the Pacific Owst a somewhat diiTcrcut Country hs is represented by some writers. AKKITED Home. Fred. Frenlg, the colored ostler at the City Hotel, who was sentenced to the Eastern Penitentiary for larceuy nearly a year ugo, arrived in Sunbury on Monday last. On account of Fred's good conduct while iu the Penitentiary, two months were deducted from hU time. He looks well, aud feels elated tVia scorned to lead aud write wlille he was eon Cued. Mk. mmos of the firm of Simon & Oppeu lieliuer, will start fr Europe In March, to visit Lis relatives and friends. ANrw fcioKE Kouv. Mies Caroline Dalius U converting her sewing machine salesroom into a store room, aud fitting it up very huudsoniely. Wc understand the room will be occupied by Mr. G o Gibsou tb: well knowu tuot and shoe dealer. Won't FiZ2U. TV iefual of the Court nouse, the Democratic County Commission ers, to Ex-Priet Gerdeman to deliver his lecture on "The Roman Church of To-day," will not stop it. The lecture will be delivered in the Re formed Chuich, on the eVeuint O the 17th iui-t. Price 50 ceut. Ci.ig Oct. Now i the time to buy ch'-ap and good cloihiug at the Clothing Hall ol Messrs f'.mnn and Oppenheliuer, as they arc i!osin out their winter slock to make room fir the'.r spriug supply. Clothing is sold uirt cheap, and everybody who calls ou them will make bar f aa. Tbey carry no slock over the reason, and now i-ell below rust. Don't fail to pay them :i if you are in watit of clothing, gent's turuishiug gooJ, Ac. There never were belter bargains offered. TnE co-partnernhip existing between J. A. 'cer and D. D. Domer, in the publication of Shainokiu T'uu; ha been dissolved by mu ontent, and Mr. J. A. Gi!gcr retire from iper, wbieh 1!I hereafter be ublihed by iam(Win Times company as proprietors, f D. I)omer retaining his connection as tud manager. r Wahington Fire comtny, of this place, ( ii-biale WashiriC'-Oii's birthday bv a grand ieaeis, 11.00. !NMaL sewing society has been organ place, and our neighbors of the Daily -oustant prattling of voices were like ii, fusion of toneuen at the tower of 'he editors of the Daily are both sin box on the weight of Col. NelTt s been opened. Where is Eicli cboiU I They carried off the -V cau do it again. a, of the D H. & W. R. R., Oil tbe vacancy of Harry couJuetor on the P. Jfc DieCeubach has T without giving best conductors d some brake seek other juii ng out -f alive 4 J. ne 1 Tub GEUDEMAt Lecture. The Democratic t'omm issioners appear to have become suddenly conscience stricken iu regard to allowin; ex Priest Gerdeman to deliver his lecture lu the Court House. As the" Court House has been used on several occasions for religious purposes and lectures of various kinds, even Mormon lectures, it looks somewhat strange that Mr. Gerdeman should by refused to deliver his lec ture, "The Roman Church of to-day." More thnn taree-fonrfbs of those who helped to pay for the Court Hnust would, no 1ouM,lIke to hear the lecture, which has been delivered to large audiences in nearly every large city and town In this aad neighboring Slates ; but be cause the Democratic Commissioners bave been advised by the leader of tbe Democratic Ring in this county, through their organ, that the lec ture might ehauga tome Democratic Tottrs, they decline its use with the expectation It will be made a fl ?zt. We arc opposed to drag ging politics iuto rhurch affairs, or in any man ner to proscribe nny church on account of their religious faith, aud, therefore, favor the grant ing the use of the public buildings to any re ligious denomination or sect to advocate their doctrine, so long as it docs uot interfero with our courts or special purpose for w hich it was built. If Mr. Gerdeman's lecture Is such that it will aggrieve certain sects, we say let the drors open for a reply by the aggrieved parties. The more thee matters are discussed the more enlightened wo become. But to close the doors to one particular party, because it is feared it might be offensive to parties and rnin one or the others political prosiecl!, Is certainly no: sal isfactoiy to either political party Iu general. How Isht Das Vok High. "Nothing like the eternal limes of tbiuss.' There was & French rau can show in Sunoury on Tuesday nigh:. All tbe editors and re-ortcrs of the Da'ny were in attendance." H 'atontoicn Record. This last paragraph is a mistake. It was In tended for the Suubury Gazette, whose hat was politely removed when tbe curtain lose. By ac cident tbe name of the Daily was im-erted. Auten has since explained the matter and a) Olo- gized to us, persoually. Daily of Feb. 1th. There i a mit'ake somew here. The editor of the Gaztttt last week pulled the can cau as fol low : "TUe can can, last Tuesday evening, is repre sented to have beeu a poor imitation of the original. Aooording to tl.e account of it given by the boys, it hadu t even the questionable merit of being red hot." Now if Joliu was with tbe "boys"' and showed his polileuess by taking off bis hat, we dou't see that there is room to make a fuss about it. If be is a little unsophisticated he showed bis ap- preciation at least by beiug polite enough to re move his hat "wheu (le band began to play.' Roach Versus BosTiA.-De.tcetive Koacb from Suubury was in town on Wednesday. He came to look for a gentleman by the name of Zcbedec Bostiau who was wanted at Sunbury to explain in regard to a quantity of rope that was stolen off a steamboat. As the train halted at the de pot Mr. Roach saw Mr. Boot inn and Mr. Bos- I tian saw Mr. Roach at the same moment. Then Zebede? took to his heels and Roach took after Zcbcdee and forty citizeut took after Roach. At the corner of Suubury aud Washington streets Bostiau was embraced by a citizen named Sny der, wljj detained tbe gentleman until Mr. Roach brought up the second section. At three o'clock Boetalu was taken to Suubury, having remained in the lockup until that hour. Ska inoki Timet. Democratic Nominations ix tub West Warti. Tbe Democrats of the West Ward of Sunbury met on Wednesday eveniug,accordingto call, in the hall of the No. I engine house. Tbe meeting wat called toordcr, at 7.40 o'clock, by the election of Mr. II. E. Davis, President, and Mr. Lewis Dewart, Secretary. A Ward ticket wat then nominated, at follows : Assistant Bureesses Wm. I.. Dewart aud Vol. Deitz. Councilmcn T. D. Grant, Clias. Martin, Al fred Kranse and John Shlsnler. Constable Samuel Garlnger. Ovtrseert of the Poor Samuel Mantr. and Martin Kenncy. " School Director Rev. C. 8. Gerhard. Street Commissioners JacoV Cattelt and Wm. Erlther. Assessor Jamet Lyons. Judge of Elections Edward C. Elsely. Inspector of Elections John Hopper. Tbe meeting In the Eatt TrVrd wat bid in thc Washiuglon Engine House last evening, and the borough meeting, for tbe nomination of Chief Burgess, Ac, will be held In lh No. 1 house on this Friday eveuing. LJitur America .-Has a Justice of the Peace, w ho is a pi at icing member of tbe bar, ufler enter ing judginei. t on Ins docket, and then enter it iu tue frotbouotary's oilier, a right to prosecute il as attorney for ibe plain tiff. M. Suutiurv, January . 1970. Iu reply to the above, we will e that wa havt consulted tome of the best legal advisers at the bar, who say it was supitoscd that a Justice of the Peace had no Interest in a case before him, and the fact that a Justice who would enter a transcript from hit own docket hi court, and then to pursue the claim by execution to collect the. money, was almost positive evidence that tLe Justice wa an Interested party, und that such i-ouduct wa highly improper, and should uot be countenanced any w here. Some express au opinion that such a Justice wa subject to prose cution und indictment. En. America. Cosuwai At 8 o'clock, on Thursday morn ing last, our fiieud Mr. W. A. Richardson, of this place, chief clerk of the M. R. R. and M. Co., and Miss Selcua E. Abe, of Lebanon, were married iu St. Luke's Protuslaul Episcopal Church, ol that city, by the rector. Rev. Alfred M. Abel, brother of the bilde. Mr. E. C. Perch ard, of this place, shipping agent ut Weigh Scales for the M. R. R. and M. Co., was grooms man, und Mist Hannah Suavely, of Lebauou, bridesmaid. The church was filled with guests aud the ceremony passed off very pleasantly. Beiug dressed iu traveling suits, immediately uflcr the congratulations were over the bridul party proceeded to the depot and the happy pair look the train for Hurrisburg ; from iheucethey intended visiting Ne York and Philadelphia, iu which latter city the friend of the bridegroom reside. From Philadelphia they will come to Shaiiiokin ; but w hen they w ill arrive is not de finitely elated. Wc wish them all the joy, sun shine, etc., thai is supposed or asserted to be long to the partnership busiues. Shamokin Herald. Wuich SrsDAT t Every civilized nation of the world will take part iu the CeuteuniHi Ex poklliou. The commission have determined to close it on the Sabbath that is on Sunday, the Sabbath of the Christians. If they close it on the Sabbath of every nation represented there and why should the nations be shocked In their moral sense by a failure to do sol It will al ways be closed. For the Greeks they will clone It on Monday ; for the Persians on Tuesday ; for the Assyrians on Wednesday ; for the Egyptians on Thursday ; for the Turks, the Arabs, aud ail Mohammedan nalious on Friday ; for the Jews aud SeVcuth-day Buplisl ou Saturday, nnd for Christians they will close it ou Sunday. Ex-SuERirr RomEitMEL bas recovered from bis recent Illness sulficeul to atteud to business again. KllXED. Casper Tharp, af Shamokin, was crashed to death on Tuesday while in the act of lousit.g the water wheel at his saw mill. Float ing ice bad stopped the wheel from revolving, whea Mr. Tharp got ou which set it in motion, and he was crushed rs tweeu the wheel aud a partition, causing iuslaut death. TncuE are some prrsout who foolishly believe that tbe social province ol a new. paper is to puff them gratis. Il is a delusion. Tbur tieek is wonderful. Wc have made a hasty tringula tiou, and we urc satisfied that II is ten h.ches thick; power of resistance in comparison with boxwood at one to five. O.n Saturday last, several men discovered a )uod:e of goods near SQore iu the river, at icorgelow n. After taking It out of the water, and t examining P. S. Bickel recognized it as his, 'iicb' had been stolen out of the store of Messrs. kel A Bro. two weeks ago. A stone was tied he buudle to sink it. -.OMT-r PaTMEIT. Wm. H. Haas, of thlt -, wbo died a few weeks ago, had bis life iu ' in the Mutual Life Insurauce Company, of "ork, for one thousand dollars. After his 'be company was notified by John B. uardian for the children of William ten the company promptly replied that it of insurance would be paid on tbe arch, 15C Tue Republican ticket for ttiis borough has been formed, and as far as we are able to learu is pretty gcuerally satisfactory. In the. 6elee tion of candidates lor borough officers too much precaution cannot be taken to select men who are disinterested personally in borough affairs, nnd who hive not in view selfish Interests. Such persons are generally crowding Into Ward meet ings, and have themselves nominated before the voters bave time to cousMer whether the nprni nation Is a proper one. fn oor borough council nominations we find tome who take leas Interest in the tax-payett than in flillug their own pock et. For several yeare we have had evidence of this fact. The tax-payert were forced to pa several thousand dollars to open streets and pay for land bought and used solely for the benefit of one individual who wat a representative in the council, and who hot ever tlnee been aspiring to return, ne was elected because he was a Re publican, and since defeated because all knew that personal Interest was his ruling motive. Corxcii. Meeting. The borough couucil held n nipfiinir on the eveuinir A the 1st Inst., when the following business was transected : On motion Resolved. That J. W. Fryling be exonerated from rayiug his borongh tax, on Market street property, for 1873, being the amount of $25. On motion of W. H. Miller, Resolved, That the bill of A. N. Briev, for costs against the bo. rough, be referred to W. I. Greeuough and W. C. Packer, to ascertain the legality ot the claim On motion of W. H. Miller, Resolved. That the Chief Burgess be Instructed to notify tbe Overseer of the Poor of the borough to aban don the soup bouse, and to have all tramps ar rested as vagrants, by the borough police, ac cording to law ; also, to notify Justices of the Peace not to graut orders to tramps, for assl- tancc. On motion of James Kershner, Resolved, That a suction pipe be placed iu the culvert at the eat.t end of Market street, uuder tbe super vision of the Chiel Burgess. Ou motion of James Kcrchner, Resolved That a suction pipe be placed in the well at the Yodc-r nrooertv. at comer of Fourth und Arch streets. Bill presented and orders grauted : J. E. EichboUz .- $20 50 3 4G Sol. Stroh. B. F. Diehl S. Maniz Alex. Mautz ' Thos. Malouc Samuel Ilime Sol. Weaver Daniel Beck ley Geo. E. Davis - Ira T.Clement Suubury Steam Fire Co., No. 1 Wabhiugtou Steam Fire Co Good Iiitt-nt Fire Co 3 50 4 1 00 1 00 5 00 5 25 y cs U 23 IS 25 CO 00 35 CO 20 00 75 00 100 00 Geo. D. Bucher, bal. sal'y p. yr John Bourne, salary for year District IssTiTfTE.--Tbe eleventh meeting of Sunbury Teachers' Institute wat belt! in the High School building at Suubury, Feb. 5, 1S76. Institute was called to order by the President, Mr. Boal. Roll was theu called nnd minutes of previous meeting read, and upproved as read. Mr. Hower dealt with algebra, giving as a defi nition of fractions the following : A fraction it au expression for division of the numerator by the denominator. Among mnny remarks made by Mr Hi.wer were the following: 1st. The apparent and r. .1 Sign of fractions are not the same. lid. l-orlnesame reason mat we can not add five horses and three apples together. 3d. The reason why we roupt invert the terms of the divisor in division of fractions before we can divide 4th. Why it is when we divide any quantity by a fraction whose value i lets than a unit the quotient is grcaterVhan the dividend. igned for next lesson problems in fractions. i motion of Mr. Wolverton the following re solution was passed : Resolved, That we extend an Invitation to Mr. Collins to give Instruc tions on the elementary sounds of the letters in the English language. Mr. Zeigler next engaged the attention of the Institute upon tbe subject of G rammer, dealing principally with the verb. He stated that after having taught the general principles of verbs he would next teach the proper uses of tbe verb. Iliist rating with the verb "be." He also wrote upon the board a general out line of the verb and cxp!alo4 his method of procedure with the same. General application of parts of speech to be deal, with at next meet ing. The folio in topics were then wrtlteti upon the board and discussed by the members of the Institute : 1st. What is your opinion of tbe concert method of recitation I 2nd. What is your opinion of the reasoa why some teachers fail in discipline ? The first topic was opened by Miss Christie, followed by Miss Painter, Miss Reun, Miss Fish er, Mis Gossler, Mr. Wolverton, lra Shlpmau and Mr. Boal. Institute adjourned to meet at i o'clock. Institute was called to order at l)$ o'clock by Mr. Boal. The first exercises in the afternoon consisted of a number of words being written upon the board aud the correct pronunciation discussed by the teachers. The second topic written upon the board waa ojeued by Mr. Wolverton, to'lowej by Mr. Boal who stated that one of the most fruitful sources of failure in discipline U a lack of preparation for the position which they occupy. By request, Mr. Collins next entertained the lusti'.ute ou tbe elementary sounds of the let ters. Th thanks of the Institute are duo Mr. Collins for the able maimer lu which he gave the Instructions. The following topics were as signvd to be deait with al uext meeting: Alge bra, Arithmetic, English Grammar A. M., Pro nunciation of words, Discussion of topics. Ge ography P. M. Adjourned to meet in two weeks. IRA SH1PMAN, Secretary. Suubury, Feb. 5, 1S76. In tuk Oats Btsisess. Sometime ago a man from Lower Augusta appeared at tbe office of Patterson, Llewellyn & Co., and wanted to sell some oats. He was sent to Big Mountain Col liery where tbe oat was weighed aud a receit L'iveu for 6 Si pounds. This receipt wat to be brought back to the maiu office where It was to be paid. The inuu changed the receipt from SU2 to 1802 pounds and received pay for tbe latter a inount. This week he auin appeared aud want ed to sell more outs but he was recognized and arrested. He finally agreed to settle the bnsi nces but what was done iu the matter we do Lot know. He gave bis name as Isaac Hoover, which however wa uot correct,' as his Uli'ctHy was easily proven. ALainvkln Time. Death of Mr. Isaac Wolvebton. Mr. Isaac Wolverton, a teacher in one of our public schools, died on Saturday last nnd was bnried on Tues day. His funeral, which took place from the M. E. Church, was a very large one. Mr. Wol verton was married only a few months ago. Shamokin Timts. John JzuotoruAT Auti of the Watsontown Jlteord, publishes his financial eluteinent in his last issue, and points to his batik account of the Wulsoutowu Bank with pride aud satisfaction. The summoniug up of hi finances cousisls of a large blank dollar mark. How many other edi tors can show np such an exhibit since sub scribers have suspended payment, no one is able to tell. Surely there will be a sorrowful lime among subscribers who neglect paying ibe printer when ther come to past iu their check. Proclamation. Fellow Citizens : As it behooves a great people, the cllirens of these United Slates, the whole world and "the rest of mankind," to be economical In all theii purchases, thereby sus tain life, comfort aud happiness, und to save money these bard times, aud lay by something for a "rainy day," therefore I, Moses of tbe firm ot Marx A Bro., next door to the post office, proclaim the glad tidings, Hint a full supply of new goods have just been received from tbe eastern cities, and are now open for inspection, and thai greater inducements than ever are offer ed. Owing to buying all for rash, we can sell at lower prices than any one else ontslde of the citv. We bave a greater stock of goods In our line, and sell cheaper than cnu be found outside of tbe citv of Philadelphia. We offer now the first arrival of Hamburg edgings of our own importations. We invite everybody to call as it is no trouble to show goods, whether you buy or not. Our terms are cash, and don't foigel your pocket book, and the place where you can buy the cheapest. Wc remain your obedient servants, MARX A BROTHER, Next door to tbo pott offlce- Nnpreiue Court Proceed ings. lit 4. A. I. CCMMISG3, PHOTHOSOTABT, N. 1. Commonwealth vs. Henry Pcifer. Error to the Court of Oyer and Terminer of Northnm. berland county. To Sept. Terra, 1S74. Opinion filed Sanitary Slst, 1876. W. A. Sober for Com monwealth. S. P. Wolverton, Geo. Hill, Sol. Malick, for defendant. Per Curiam. This case diffeit lrom. any de cided case. The first proceeding was la ti-e Court of Quarter Sessions for a misdemeanor, aud a true bill being found, the indictment wat afterward quashed. Tbe defendant wat then held in recognizance to appear at the next court of Qnarter Sessions, when, by an order of tbe court, the recognizance wat certified Into the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and an indictment tent up for a felony. On this the defendant wat tried in the Court of Oyer and Terminer. The offence wat different, and the trial wat in a different court, eo that the costs in the Court of Quarter Sessions upon the quashed Indictment can with uo propriety be deemed costs of tbe tho Oyer and Terminer. We seo no error in the ruling out of these costs. Taxation and order confirmed. J. A. Cake, who sues for himself aud for the Commonwealth, vs. E. R. Jucoby. despatcher of the Pennsylvania railroad company, Lessee, &c. Error to Common Pleas of Northumber land county. To September Term, 1574. Opin ion filed Jauuary 31st, 1S7G. T. n. B. Kasa for plaiuliff. H. T. Beurdsly for defendants. Per Curium. The act of 20ih March, 1845, under which this proceeding took place, is ex press in its terras that if an engineer or agent of a railroad company shall obstruct or block up a crossing of a public road or street, he shall be subject to a penalty of f 25, to be recovered, with costs, In the name of the Commonwealth before a justice or the peace. This action was not 60 brought, bet was brought in tbe name of Cake himself, who had no authority to sue. The charge also was merely for having allowed the crossing to be blocked up. The act fixes the penally not on one who merely allow or per mits a crossing to be obstructed, but on the per son doing the act. The act being penal cannot be extended by construction. Judgment of tho Common Pleas affirmed in each case. S. O. Reed, assignee, dec, of J. F. Lerch, vs. Ira T. Clement. Error to Common Pleas or Northumberland county, to September terra, 1874. Opinion filed January 31st, 1876. Sol. Malick, W. A. Sober, for plaintiffs, T. II. Purdy for defendant. Per Curiam. This case U governed by the de cision in Thomas vs. Smith, 6 Wright, 68. It is as much an improvement under the act of 1853 us the ice-house described in Thomas vs. Smith. The eases of Schenly'e appeal, 20th P. F. Smith, US, and Schmidt A Co. vs. Armsliong, P. F. Smith, 355, left Thomas & Smith unimpaired. Judgment affirmed. We tie permitted to copy the following ex tract from a letter written by a young man In Weft Virginia, to a fiieud in this placo : Winchfstek, W. V., Jan. 27, 1876. Dear Sir : As I am ut leisure just now, I thought I would write you a line and call your attention to a great speculation in lands, which is, in my opinion, one among the most protnis- ng fields for enterprise I kuow of. It is this, and timber men in your country would do a rich thing by looking into it. In Tucker county, West Virginia, on the wa ters of the 31ackwater river, on the proposed route of the Washington and Ohio railroad, and 10ja' miles from Oakland, on the B. & O. R. R., there is a tract of nearly ten thousand acres of the rim t quality of farming land not moun tainous or billy, bnt gently nndnlatlne, and when cleared all nice, tillable land. The whole tract Is heavily (I might say) densely covered with wild cherry, oak, plue and other growths of most valuable timber. The wild cherry is enormously large, from four to five feet in diameter, and many of them said to be tixty feet high before you strike a limb. This lumber delivered ou thu cars at Oukland brings thirty-five dollars per thousand feet. Other growtht of timber on this land it said to be from four to s'.x feci in diameter, and all of the finest quality. Timothy grass grows most luxuriantly and Is a spontaneous production. -. Beside all this minerals ai 1b abundance, coal, etc. Now this tract can at this lime be bought for five dollar and fifty cent per acre, one half cash, the residue Iu one aud two years, with in tercut, ut tlx per centum per annum, secured by deed of trust upon the whole properly. There is none of the tracts that I know of cleared, but if it were aud wat supplied with suitable im provements, would bring tec times the amount foi w hicb il is now offered. Tbe title is uudispulublc, having been con veyed to the present owners by the Common wealth of Virgiuia, and date away back to the olden times. If a company of capitalist would unite aud develope the mineral resource aud eugage iu tbe manufacture of lumber, clearing aud Uiiuiug the land under cultivation, I think it would be oue of the richest operations extant. I huve gotten my iuformaliou from those who have seen and beeu on the land, but themselves are too poor to do anything more than look on aud admire. Tour bumble servant too. If a company would fona I would cast myself iuto the ring and go wit.i them. The owners mostly reside here and can be easily reached, so that any iuformaliou dneired cau be given. The taxes on this land, I am informed, are regularly paid up, uud the whole thing stands luarely out to enterprise aud capital. I remaiu your Irieud, J. B. 11. Mt. CtitMKL, February 10, 170. Jii. Ati.rrietit : Everything connected with the mining interest Is below par at present, and times are correspondingly dull. Busiuess men are al most suspended, as weil as the workiugnien, who find enough to uo to make expanses tally with their income. The beautiful snow which fell here last week, and from which so much fen was expected iu sleighing parties bas all gom:, and the mneh de sired pleasure i deferred. Valentines have made their appearance, and considerable fan 1 called from tending them to various parties about town. A good ttotk of them It oa band at tbo pott office. On Sunday last, John Gottball, of tbls place, died of tvDhold pneumonia. He was a shoe maker by trade, and about 25 years old. We notice in the county papert various com munications relative to the late County Institute, all of which go to prove that a good deal of 111- fecling was generated at that time, which is uot at all consonant with the dignity of the piofession. We trust tbe matter will be dropped as no good cau possibly come from giving it greater pub licity. Ou Wednesday eveuing the Republicans nomi nated their ticket, on which are as follow : Judge of Election, George Brown; Justice ol the Peace, D. J. Lewi ; Chief Burgess, Geo. E. Moscr: High Constable, Wm. Hull; Assessor, J. S. McWilliams; School Directors, Ihos. Scott and 1 hos. Morton ; Council, John Stinej Chas. Wightinan, H. f. John, 1 nomas ll Thomas and L. C. Herb. Some of the nominee are omitted, as the ticket has not yet appsaretl However, these are all food men, and we doub not tbey will be elected almost unanimously General satisfaction with the ticket, as express ed on all sides, is one of the indications of its certain success. Mr. Geo. Brown was chair man of the nominating couveulion, and conduct ed it in tbe most agreeable manner. Good or der pud harmony prevailed. Respectfully, yonrs, Dick Ssart. There appears to be a general demand through out the State for a reduction of rents. Carpet rag parties are becoming popular. How is this T Tbe Supreme court of Pcnnl vania says that willful negligence of housefly duties, laziuest and obstinate tileucc on tbetrt of a wife do not constitute sufficitnl groumlor divorce. Take beed, ye bachelors. This isap year, too. "Ob, my !" We understand that tbe Nortburubeind Bridge company will commence tbe re-erdon of the bridge on tbe Sunbury side of Bird's Und In the spring. Trial List for Adjonrned" Court.' . vommejrielnat February 2.3,1876. Caleb Persing vs Jeremiah Lewis, et al. Tres pass. Ziegler and Sober for plff, Wolverton and 0.-m for defts. Elizabeth Bomboy vs Peter Voneida, et al Appeal. - Cumnolngs for plff, Lawson for dft. Elisha Elliott vs II. B. Weaver. EJectm't. Wolverton and Boyer for plff. Pucker and Hill for deft. Wm. McC'leery's admit vs Geo. Baker and an. Debt. McCletry for plff. Bound for debt. W. C. and Hary Toon it Michael YTllvert. Sc-l fa snr mart. Wolverton fof plf, Boyer for deft. A. A. Green vt E. Sober. Debt. Cake for plf, Wolverton for deft. G. S. Lewis vs Swalm A Cowman. Summons Incase. Davis for plf, Joy er for deft. II. & J. A. Hinkles vs John Markle. Sum mons in case. Lawsoe and Brown for plf, Wol verton for deft. David Allison vs Joseph Bacher. Appeal. Wolverton for plf, L. 11. Kase for deft. Meredith & Conner vs James Malone. As sumpsit. L. n. Kase for plf, Ziegler for dft. Commonwealth of Pa. vs J. J. Reiraensnyder. Debt. Lawson and Brown for plf, Reimensny der for deft. Columbia Fire Insurance Co., vs A. Geist & Son. Appeal- Liuns.Dill Marr for plf. Hill for deft. Lncretla Marry, Ac. vs John B. Heller. Sum mons in ease. Hackenbcrg for plf. Hill for deft. A bin. Lerch vs Wm. J. Haae. Ejectment. Wolverton for plf. Sober for deft. Five cases of Commonwealth vs agent of Pcnna. R. R. Co. Appeal. Cake for plf. Beardsleyfor deft. O. H. Silliman, agent, vs Terrence Qulnn. Appeal. Kase for plf. Wolverton for deft. Elizabeth Fagely vs. Joseph Groves, &c. Vi et armis. Boyer and Oram for plf. Hill for deft. David Davis, tc. vs David Helser. Summons in case. Simpson for plf. John, Wolverton and Hill for deft. Commonwealth vs Daniel Lamb, engineer Penn. R. R. Co. Appeul. Cake for plf. Davis for deft. Geo. Null vs Geo. Star, adrnr. Appeal. Bow man for plf. Boyer for deft. Six suits of Win. Belknap vs James Mc Corkle. Geo. Youn?. John S. Snvder. Jas. B. rWallace & wife, Charles A. Morgan, Ac, and James Park. Appeal. Cake for plf. L. U. Kase for delts. D. G. Kutz vs Daniel Barnhart. Appeal. Purdy for plf. Zeigler for defr. Wain wrigbt A Co. vs Geo. E. Beard fc Co. Summons in case. Wolverton for plf. Boyer for deft. John Tressler vs the N. C. R. W. Co. Ap peal. Hill for plf. Davis and Packer for deft. Polhouse A Paul vs Kern A. Co. Assump sit Hill lor rlf- Wolverton for doft. dward. C. Logan vs Samuel Vankirk. Sci fa. Wolverton for plf. FOR WEEK COMMENCING MARCH 6, 1576. James M Pelt vs Philadelphia & Reading R. R. Co. Summons in case. Comly, Clement and Kercher lor plf. Gowen, Kelta aud Wolverton for deft. Francis Jordan vs Cameron Lockhart. Eject ment. Oram for plf. Wolverton and Lloyd for deft. Same vs Excelsior Coal Company. Same at torneys. M B Spahr vs Fussold A Kelly. Assumpsit. Hill A Son for pit. Purdy for detts. W. II. M. Oram and another, eir's vs R. B. Douty. AssuiHsit. Wolverton and Oram for plf. Boyer for deft. Thomas Saumgardner vs Same. Assumpsit. Wolverton for plf. Boyer for deft. Same ve Same. Same attorneys. W. W. Apsley A Co. Geo. Hill executor. As- sumslt. Brice lor rlf. Hill A Son for deft. Wm II. Backhouse vt J. D. James. Assumpsit. Hill A Son for plf. Purdy for deft. L. D. Csulston A Co. vs Fusseld A Kelly. Ap eal. W.C. Packer for plf. Boyer lor deft. . Edward Engle vs Christian Snyder. Appeal. Batdorf for plf. Boyer for deft. W. A. M. Oram A an. vs Rebecca Ann Douty. Sci fa Ac. Oram aud Wolverton for plf. Boyer for deft Cook and Pardee vs Ira T. Clements. Reple vin. Fouit for plf. Boyer for deft. James Black vs John Bly. Appeal. Porter for plf. Foust for deft. John F. Wolfinger vs Emma D. Wol linger. Divorce. - Woltlnger for plf. Lawson and Por ter for deft. Daniel Strawscr et. al. vs Benj. Bixler. Eject ment. J. B. and W. C. Packer for plf. Cle ment aud Boyer for deft. Trustees of state Insane Hospital vs James Toole. Summon iu case. Grier aud Vau Fassen for plf. L. H. Kaso for deft. Kicb't Lobb Tt Samuel W. Clark. Assumpsit. John and Hill for plf. Boyer for deft. First National Bank of North'd vt A. C. 6impson. Assumpsit. Wolverton for plf. Simpson for deft. J. A. Cake vs Dr. A. S. Cnmminirs. Appeal. T. H. B. Kase for plf. Ell Kcriin and Co. vs Robert Campbe!, owners et. al. Mechanic's Lein. Zeigler, and Purdy lor plf Mai ck for deft. Watnwngbt and Co. vs A. r. Marr. Attach ment. Porter for plf. Bound for deft. J. W. Benle vsG. W. Brown. Covenant. Briee for plf. Purdy for deft. O. II. Sillman, agent, vs Columbia Insurance Co. Debt. L. H. Kase and Wolverton for plf. U. F. John for deft. Andrew Hoover et. al. .vs Samntl Reefer. Ejectmeat. Wolverton for plf. Brie for deft. Same vs Same. Same attorney. Lewis Lamb vt Penna. R. R. Co. Summons in case. Hakenberg for plf. Beardsley for deft. C. F. naff s Wnisoctown Boot A Shoe Com pany. Appeal. Huckruberg for plf, Foust Tcr dert. James E. Toole vs James S. Marth. Me chanic's Lien. Yltcent for plf. J. B. Parker for deft. John G. Marklevs J. K. Clement. Replevin. Brice for plf. L. t. Kaso for deft. Charles Hlne vs Vta. Wine. Mechanic's Lien. Vincent for plff. Cake for deft. T. Swenk vs Michael ScCee. Appeal. Hack enbcrg for deft. First National Bank er Vorth'J vs Amos E. Kapp. Assumpsit. Cake for plf. Wolverton, Linn, Dill and Mr.rr for deti. C. P. Helfeusttin vs Triuiy M. E. Church. Assumpsit. Wo' verton for plf. Oram for deft. Grand Juror for Xarrh Term, 1S76. Ri'.lman, Henry P., Delaware. Clifford, John, Shamokin bor. Curtis John, Shamokin bor. Coooer, John B., Watsontown. Crawford, Elijah, Turhut. Cares, Conrad F., Milton. Dunkelberger, John, Lower Augusta. ' tckerl, Crawford, North'd. Fasold, Henry, Lower August;!. Koous, Samuel, Suubury. Creamer, Jacob, Coal. (emmeter, Samuel A., Turbut. IcKean, James J., Delaware. tvki8, Samuel F., Suubury. Piul. Caster H., North'd. Rgney, Patrick, Coal. Red, Farnswortb, Point. Koike, Simon, Ml. Carmel twp. . &Ude, Jacob, Jr., Lewis. Stenk. Thomas, Milton. S.iter, Michael, Shamokin twp. Snith, Benjamin, CliilHsnn",'.:". Waver, Peter, Scnbury. Yorty, Isaac, Zcrbe. Ust of Petit Juror for .Tfarrh Terns, l&7tf. Albright, Joseph, Watsontown. llatit.ii, Peter, Turutil. Hi , John, Watsoutown. Bidorf, Levi, Little Mahanoy. Bight, Peter, Sunbnry. iiigs, Henry, Sunbury. Urven, William, Lower Augusta, doner, Samuel, pelawarc. (rower, Jacob, Point. . fltrk, John, Banbury, tavia, Morgasi 3tt. Carmel twp. JorrlJter, Philip, Upper Augusta. bok, Ellas, Jordan. Aaupt, Lewis D., Sunbury. Melt, Joseph, Coal. Itietber, Michael, 1 urDul. IMier, franklin, Turbutvllle. K'lug, William, Snydertowu. Lrisenring, Franklin, Shamokiu twp. I.atiha, Henry, Mt Carmel bor. Ltlrd, Rnstel P., Riverside. or head, William P., Milton. (oerdorf. Peter J., Upper Augusta. ..Piters, Henry, Sunbury. ' R;gau, John, Shamokiu. Riker, Coruelious, Shamokin. lfcnninger, James, Northnmberlnnd. fiddle, William. Turbut. rockefeller, Godfrey, Rush. . laup, Henry. Tnrbutville. itecd, Daniel F., Little Mahanoy. Keilz, Isaac, Lower Mahanoy. Raup, John, Mt. Carmel bor. Ran pi, Jacob, 8r., Lewis. Sbuman, Jerome M-, Shamokiu. Savidgc, Benjamin, Turhntville. Seller, Emanuel, Shamokin. Snvder, James W., Turbutvllle. Scbreffler, Uriah, Washington. Smith, Levi, Milton. Schcffler, Joseph, Point. Saindel, Philip M , Upper Augurta. Starr, Andrew, Lower Augusta. Sterner, Jacob, Delaware. Schreffler, John, Washington. rVher, Samuel, Shamokin twp. iVitmer, laae H., Lower Mabauoy. 'erntz, Henry, Mt. Carmel bor. national Medication. dedication is only successful wheu It Is rntlon ji aod it U rational ouly when it begins at tbe tirlunluir. Iu other words, to Weakness, either eneral or local, is the origin of tbe great ma jority of diseases. Reinforce the vital energies, regulate digestion and secretion, by strengthen ing tbe organs which perform those all-import-aul functions, and dyspepsia, constipation, kid ney and bladder complaints, uterine difficulties, impure circulation, and the thousand and one ailments which are the consequences of debility, are completely, and in most eases permanently, removed. The best, salesl and most agreeable t3nic and alterative that can be employed for this purpose Is Hostctter's Stomach Bitters. Tbo experience ot twenty-five years, during which time it has outlived perhaps ten tiroes that nnmbei of ephemeral preparations which entered into competition with It, bas proved it to be nneqnaled as a remedy for all disorders ac companied by or proceeding from weakness. business ftotals. j.. Or in Per Day at home. Terms free. Address V'' O- U O. Srissoa & Co., Portland, Maine. an. 2U, 1875. ly. Whkk jou go to Philadelphia, slop at HlC ALLEGHKNT HOUSE, iS 0. biz &nU Sift, Market St. Re-fitted, re-furnished, &c. by A. Beck, Fropriator, and prU only 2 per aay. doanw Ovt at CaH PbiceA. In order to mako room for our large spring and summer stock, we bave reduced oar prices 15 per cent for cash. We are selling tbe celebrated three sole Elmlra boot for $3.90 ; men's gum boots 13.00 ; boots, shoes and rubbers of every de scription sold in proportion. Call at once and rerelve bargains at ' Smith d Bro's. Boot and Shoe Store, corner Third and Market St A. J. Stroh informs the public that be still hangs out his sign as an auctioneer, on Market street, Sunbury. Those having sales will find It to their advantage to employ him, as he gener ally gets good prices. "mos. Shuet Music. A large assortment for sale at the periodical eland Iu tho postoSlcc. maruaats. In Sunbury, Jan. 20, at tbe Clement House, By Rev. J. A. DeMoyer, Mr. Nkwtox E. Noblet and Miss Mart E. Spies, both of Halifax. On the SOtb of January 1376, before George W. Coble Esq., Jons Auchmutt of Herndos) Northumberland connty, and Axxii Bittebma of the same place. On the 27th nit., at the Reformed parsonage, Turbutvllle, by Rey. T. Derr, Mr. Jacob S. Um btead to Miss Sallik A. McGomoal, both of Montour county. One tbe 1st Inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, In Turhntville, by tbe same, Mr. James II. House, of Milton, to Miss Sallie E. Stein er, of Tnrbutville. On the 8th Inst., in tbe Reformed Church, Turhntville, by the same, Mr. W. HrsTEK ScnoTLER to Miss Ci.ara T. Smith, both or Mon tour county. .03. At Trevorton, on Tuesday last, Mr. THOMAS FOULDS, Sr., aged about 66 years. The deceased was widely known for Lis good qualities of heart. He was a true friend to tbe poor, and was always ready to aid them in their afllictiou and distress. His death will be mourned by many whose benefactor he has been. In his death the community has lost a good citi zen. Hit remains were Interred on Thursday by the I. O. of O. F., of which order he was a member for many years. s---r .w - AsftJguee's Notice. :VfOTICfi is hereby given that Ia.-oIL 'Eess UN ler, of Lower Mahanoy township, North umberland county, Pa., has, by voluntary deed, assigned all his property, real and personal, to the undersigned on the second day of February, 1S76. for the benefit of hit creditors. All per sons knowing themselves to be indebted to said Isaac H. Ressler will make immediate payment, and those having claim against him will pre sent them fr payment to BENJ. M. BUBB, Assignee. Dalmatia P. O., North'd Co., Pa. Lower Mahanoy, Feb. 11, 1876 It. EI. IE. II A AN' EXPECTORANT Tbe Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and all Diseases of the Throat abd Lungs. Wiii Cure, and often when apparently bopeies One bottle may not complete the work, but if the patient continues tbe use of the EXPECTOR ANT, taking in regularly, relief will soon be ob tained, and a Cure mado. PRICE 50 CENTS. Spld by all Druggists. What a Physician Say. Grekx Briar, Pa. I dispensed your Haas' F.xpectorant among my paiicuts, and it has proved more efficacious than any other medicine of its class that 1 have been using in my medical career. Truly yours, I. Leo Mingle, M. V. Feb. 11, 1876. 3 mos. j , . .. AMERICAN" HOTEL, Sunhurv, Pa., W. A. HAMBRIGHT, Proprietor. Uas been re fitted and re-furnished throughout. Good aud ample accommodations for all. The bar Is sup plied with thu best liquors. . . , Sunbarv, Jan. !3 ly. '' CALIFORNIA. TBE CBICAQO & XORTM-WSSTIBX OAILWAS. Embrace nailer one management th Great Trunk Kailway Line, of tbe WEST and NORTHWEST, sad, with Us numerous branch and connection, forms th. auortest and quickest route between Chicago and all points in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Mickifran, Min nesota, Iowa, NetttBska, California and tbe Wrstera Territorial. Its Omaha aud California I.Iae Is the shortest and best route for all points Jn Northern Illinois. Iowa, Wakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Vtuh, Nevada, California, Oregon, China, Japan and Australia. Its Chicago, Madisou and Sit. Panl Line la the short line for Kortncrn Wisconsin aad Minneso ta, and for Midi ton, m. Paul, Minneapolis, ninth aud all points in the Great Northwest. It Winona and Nt. Peter Line Is the only route for Winona, Rochester, Owatonna, Mankato, Ut. feter. New I'lm, and all points hi South ern and Central Minnesota. Its Green Bay and Marquette Line 1 the only Hue for Jannrville, Watertowu, Fond Pa Dac, Oshkoah, Appleton, Ursn Bay, Kscanaba, Negau nee, Marquette, Honguioa. It Freeport and Dnbnqne Line I tbe only root for Elgin, Bockford, Freeport, tbd an point via Freeport. Its. Chicago and Milwaukee Line Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the onhr one passing through Evanston, Lake Forest. Highland Park, Wanke gan, Uaciue, Kenoaha to Milwaukee. Pullman Palace Cars are run on all through train of this road. This is the ONLY LINE running these cars between Chicago aud Kt. Faul, C'htfsgo and Milwaukee, or Chi cago aud Winona. At Omaha our Sleepers connect witb the Overland Sleepers on the Union Faeinc Railroad for all points West of the Missouri River. Ou the arrival of the trains from the Cast or South, the t ruins of the Chicago 1 Nortb-Wmtorn l:aitwnv Lt:ti: Chicago as toilowa : For Council bluffs. Omaha and California. Two Through Trains daily, t.ilU Fullrrtan FaUce Tirawiug Houm and Nlfpiug car through to Council Bluff. For St. I'sul aud Minneapolis, Two Through Train daily, with Pullman Palace car attached ou both trains. For Greeu Bay and Lake Superior, Two Trains daily, wth Pullman Palace cars attucbea, iut running through to Marquette. For Milwaukee, Tour T. roi gh Trains daily, Pullman on lii'ht train., Parlor Chair car on day trains. For Sparta end Winona and points in Minnesota. One Through lrrjn datir, with i'oJlman Sleepers to Wtnona. For Dcbnque, via Freeport, Two Through Train dsily. with Pullman ears ou night train. For Cnboqus and La Crosse, v CUaten, Two Through Trams daily, wub Pullman cats ou night train to McGregor, low. For Siox City and Yankton, Two Train daily. Pull, man car to Missouri Valley J miction. For Luke Geneva, Four Trains daily. 1'or Kockford, Sterling, Kenosha, Janfvil, and ether points, you can have from two to tyu train daily. New York Office, No. IIS broadway ; Boston Office, No. 5 State afreet J Omaha OUlce, '-'ij Furuhain street ; Kan Fraucinco Office, l'.'l Montgomery street ; Chicago Ticket otBc : 6i Clark street, under Bhennau House ; corusr Canal and Madison ireta ; Kiurie 8trset Depot, oorasw W. Kiazia and. Canal tres ; Well street lepot, comer Wells sud kliuzie streets. For rate, or information tot r.ttaiiyible from yonr home ticket agents, apply to W. H. TEtsvrT. . Mwvix JIuiiBiir. (tenjass. A;;ft, ChlOiifo; ' Gen.Hit'.'t, Chicsifo. Feb. 4, lSTtf. ly. f IM.IAM 1V.1TFR, lIoue. Mgn and Frewroe Painter, SUXBUIIV,. FA. Will attMid to graining, painting and Frearoeiug in oil, of church"-., halls ancl private house, at short no tice. Jan. 2S, l7ti. 6ms. XOTICL. All persons are hereby cautioned cot purchase uoie duted Jauuary 34, 1878, payable to the order of John Al bert, at the Milleraburg Bank, Dauphin county. Pa., for ixty (tiki) dollars, a I will not pav said note unless compelled to by la. WILLIAM Pt'BENDORF. Jordan twp., North'd Co., Jan. 2a, 1876. 3U WILLIAM K. ERDJIAST, JCSTICE or THE PEACE. SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Collections and all other business entrusted to his case will receive prompt attention. Shumokin, Jan. 21, 1876. ly. : 5 ''hoticej ; it ""OTICE Is hereby given to all persons Ic 1 debted to me on note or book account, that 1 am now closing my accounts np to tbe first day of January, 1379, and that tbe same must be settled before or on tbe flrt day of Fchuary. 1S76, after which date all old accounts will be lsft In the hands of a Justice of the Peace for collection. Sunbury, Jan. 14, '78. VAL. DIETZ. Administrator's Notice.. (Estate of Ralph Thirloway, dee'd.) ' NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of ad ministration having been granted to the un dersigned on tbe estate of Ralph Thirloway, late of the Borough or ill. Carmel, North'd County, Fa., deceased. AU persons Indebted to saUf es tate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for set tlement. DAVID J. LEWIS, Adm'r. Mt. Carmel, Jan. 14, 187. 2tto S&btrtisemtnts. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. PURSUANT to an alias order of the Orphans' Court of the Connty of Northumberland, in tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the sub- pcrlbers Administrators or the estate or Joeepn K. Maurer, late of the township of Upper Maha noy, m the connty o! orthumberiand, aec a, will erpose to sale by public vendue, on Wed neiday, the 2S4 day of February, 176. at 9 o'clock In the forenoon, at tbe Mansion house of Jos. K. Maurer, deceased, In the township of Upper Mahanoy, North'd connty, 1st. All that certain lot, piece or parcel of gronnd situate In the town of Gowen City, in the township of Cameron, connty of Northum berland, and State of Pennsylvania, the same being known, designated and described on the general plan of said Oowen City, as laid out by John Caldwell, as lot number nine (9), In block number nineteen (19.) No. S. All that certain farm, messuage or tract of land situate In Upper Mahanoy town ship, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, bonuded on the north by lands of Simon gnyder ana Aaron w. onydcr, on the east by the Man sion farm of the said Joseph K. Maurer, de ceased, on the south by other lands of said de ceased aad lands of tbe heirs of John Manrer, Sr., deceased, and on the wejt by lands of the heirs of Jesse Oeist, deceased, and of imon Sny der, containing one hundred and fourteen acres and forty-two perches, more or lcs, whereon is erected a two-story frame dwelling house, a bank barn, wagon shed and other buildings. Also, a fine apple orchard In good bearing order. The State road from Mahnnov to MinTsville passes through the premises. No. 3. Also a certain other tract ol land (be ing wood land) situate in said township of Upper Mahanoy, Northumberland county, Pennsylva nia, bouuded by lands of Aaron W. tsoyder and lands of the heirs of Felix Maurer. deceased. containing twenty-six acres and one hundred and sixteen perches, more or !-s All of said tract being nuimproved. o. 4. All that certa.n messuage, farm, tavern stand, mill-property and tract of land, being that part of the Mansion farm of said deceased, lying north of the line dividing the counties of Northumberland and Schuylkill, and situate in Upper Mahanoy township, Northumberland couuty, aforesaid, adjoining tract number two, above mentioned, and bounded on the north by lands of Aaron V. Snyder aud Jncob Meser, on the east by the said lands of Jacob Masser and land now or formerly of Eliz Smith and of Benjamin Reiner, south by the southern or re maining portion or said Mansion farm of said decedent, lying in Eldred township, Schuylkill connty, south of tbe county lino dividing the said counties of Northumberland and Schuyl kill, and by the school house and church lot, and on the west by other land of the said Joseph K. Maurer, deceased, (tract No. 2 above men tioned,) and land of the said Aaron W. Snyder. The said portion of the said Mansion farm sit uate in said township of Upper Mahanoy as aforesaid, containing 133 acres and 140 perches, be the same more or less, whereon are erected a targe two-story brick tavern stand or dwelling house, being the mansion house of said deceased, a large bauk barn, two large sheds, a water power grist mill, in good rnnninir order, aud a two-story dwelling honse, occupied by the miller, near the mill. There Is also a tine apple orchard, as well as a choice variety of eherrv. Peach. plum and other fruit trees upon tbe premises. ii-.e public or Slate road leading from Maha noy to Minersville pnsse3 directlv throngh this traet. Persons desiring to view the rremlses will please call on Aaron W. Maurer, oue of the undersigned, residing in tt:e said mansion house of said deceased. The terms ai.d cr-ndltlrm will be made known on day of sale hr AARON W. MAURER, SAMUEL II. ROTHERMEL, Administrators. Jan. 2S. Ib7. . ORPHANS' COURT SALE. - Pursuant to an alia order of the Orphans' Court of the county of Schuylkill, in the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, the snbscribcrs, administrators of the estate of Jos. Jt. Manrer, late of the township of Upper Mahanoy, iu the connty of Northumberland, deceased, will ex pose to sale bv public vendue, ou Wednesday, the 23d day or February, 1376, at 11 o'clock a. ra., at the honse or Daniel Hetb, in Eldred township, Schuylkill county, Pa., Ho. 1. All that certain messuage and tract of land situate In Eldred township, Schuylkill coun ty, Pa., being that part of the Mansion farm of Joseph K. Maurer, deceased, which lies south of the liue dividing the counties of Northumberland and Scan ylfcill, and is boande J on the north by the northern or other portion of said Mansion farm, of the said Joseph K. Maurer, dee'd, situate In Upper Mahanoy township, Northumberland county, Pa., aforesaid, and by lands of Benja min Reiner and of Samuel G. Herb, respective ly, on the east by land, of Daniel Dnnkleberger, on the south by lauds of Franklin Herb and of George Borer, Esq., and by other lands of the said deceased, hereinafter described, and on the west by other lands of the said Joseph K. Mau rer. deceased, tbe said portion of said Mansion farm, lying iu Schuylkill county, beiu situate in Eldred township, and containing one hundred and fifty-six acres and one hundred nnd lifty onO erchts, mong er less ; 1! of which is clear ed and in a good rtnte of cnltivatinn, and on which are erected a two-story tenant house and bank barn and other upnasemiKita - No. 2. All that certain tract orplrce of land, situate ia Upper Mubantongo township, Schuylkill coun'.y, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a heap of atones ; thence by Daniel Herner land, south S degrees east, 5 2-10lh perches To a heap or stones; tbence by John A- Olte'sland, sooth 89 degrees 53 minutes east, 9 4-10ths perches to a heap of stones ; thence by John Miller's laud, (of which this was formerly a part), north two drgreea west, So 4 lot hs perches to a heap of stones; and thence by Peter Weary' land, south 83i de-, grees, west 9 4-10tbs perches to tho plaee of beginning, containing five acres, strict measure. No. 3. All that certain tract or piece of tim ber land, situate in Upper Mahautongo town ship aforesaid, bounded and described as follows to wit : Beginning at a post ; thence by land of Sebastian Zimmerman, south 9 degrees east 96 6-lOlhs perches to stones ; thence by land of John B. Otto, south TSJi degrees west 49 7-10ths perches to stones ; thence by tho same north 9 degrees west 99 perebes to atones ; thence by land of said 8bastian Zimmerman, north 87 degrees east, 43 6 -lOtha perches to tbe place of beginning, containing twenty-eight acres and one hundred and seventeen fetches of land strict measure. .''. So. 4. All that certain tract or peiee of land, situate in Eldred township, Schuylkill count ty, Pa., and bounded and described as follows t Beginning at m stone, thence by lands formerly of the heirs of John Manier, Sr., dee'd, south 23 degrees east 92 perches to stones; thence north 55J degrees east 30 perches to a stone ; thence south o3 degrees east 57 perches to stone ; thence by other lands of the said Joseph K. Maurer, dee'd, south 81 degrees east 4 percbs to stones; thence north 1$ degrees east 31 S-lOtbs perches to stones t tbence south 114 degrees east 17 6-10ths perches) to stones ; thence south 9S?i degrees east 04 5-10ths perches to a pine ; thence by land of Daaifl Rrrb, north 20 degrees west, 44 perches to stones ; thence cor th So.; dec reus west, iJ porchii to a tree ; thence north 2 degree, east 73 perches to a store In the Road ; thenc along said road, north 2J j degrees cast 07 perches to a stone ; thence north 52 degrees wet, 2i perches to a stone ; thence north 89 degrees west 23 perches to a stone; thenee by land of the heir of John Manrer, Jr., deceased, south one half degree west, 81 perches to a stone j tbence south 71 de grurs wtMt, 13 perches to a stone ; thence north one half tlgres east 2 perches to a stone ; tbence sonth 71 drgrees west perebes to a stone ; tbence sovth Tii,i degrees west 43 perches to lb place of beginning, containing ninety-seven acres and fifty-five perches, strict measure, all of which is cleared and tn a good state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a large two-story frame dwelling house a- bank barn and other outbuildings; also a flue "apple orchard aod other fruit trees growclmf uf-ou tbe premises. No. 5. The one nndlvii!) d haif of in and loail that certain tract r pieew-ur land, situate in the township oi J.idred, conuty of Schuylkill, and Slate of Pennsylvania, bounded aud described a follows : Beginning at a stone corner of land of John Kessler ; 'Iheuee north one degree west 8 2-10ths perch;- to stones; north oue degree west S3 3-101 hs perches to stones; thence south SS' degrue 40 9-10tbs perchea to stones ; thu nee south one-half de gree west 21 perches to stones ; thence south 71 i degrees west 43 4-10ths perebes to a stone, the place of beginnlug, containing in the whote eight acres and fifteen perriw, be the same more or less, all of the said tract being unim proved. Late tbe estate of said deceased. Persons desiring to view tbe premises wiii please call on Aaron W. Manrer, one or the un dersigned, residing in the said Mansion house of said decedent. Tbe terms and conditions will be made known on tbe dav ol sale bv AARON. "W. MAURER, SAMUEL H. ROTHERMEL, Administ rtttory. Jan. 2S, :S70. -VTOTICE. .131 The heirs of Felix Maurer, late of the county of Northumberland, will offer the other undivided half of the above described tract No. 5, for sale, at the same time mid place. SAMUEL H. ROTHERMEL, Attorney for the heirs of Felix Maurer, dee'ed. NEW TEA STORE ! ... - - i v ' . The uuJerslned hate Just opened a !N"IB"W v TEA. STORE, Market Square, SUNBURY, PA Where the intend to make the finest Tens, the beet CoSeet, nod strictly pore Spiels a , . : speciality. Thsy are now re ceiving a larjre STOCK OF TEAS, the finest good ever offered in this vicinity, and are selling for CASH at greatly red need rates. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine onr goods and prices. A. F. H.AZELTI-NE & CO. Sunbury, Jan. 28, 1?W. mos. - . ' .. ; : .1 8ehi Jbbertismtnts. PUB'LICSALE. -Will be sold by Public Vcndu, iu Point town ship, Northumberland County, three miles nort h OnTharaday, Febaary 17. ISTC, The following personal property, to wit ; FOUR GOOD FARM HORSES, some of which are good single drivers, 1 three yeaning ft Pavi 3 with Calves bv their Mn 41 ttir.r. 2of which are springing ; 2 yotng Steers, lyoun? bum, l mil nroi Alderney Bull, 3 years old, 2 breeding Sows with Pigs, I sow and uiue I'izs five weeks old on day of sale, L Chester Ti'biie Boar, 13 Sheep, goo.l stock, 1 Buck and 12 ewe; I four horse broad wheel Wagon and Box. 1 good Spriog Wagon with pole aud shafts, liuy Ladders, Hay Rake, Grain Fan, Com Sheller. Hay Cutter, Hav Hook, ilope an1 1'nlHes, Land Roller, A Good Reaper and Mower, 5 Plows.l Patent Corn Cultivator. large Cultiva tor, 4 Shovel Harrows, 3 Spike Harrows, 2 long Sleds, Log Sled, Grind-stone, Emery Grind Stone, Grain Cradle. Mowing Scythes, Digging; Iron, Grubing Hoc, Pick, Shovels, 3 Ox Yokes, 80 feet of Leather Belt nearly new, large Manure Fork, 2 pair of Spreaders, 4 Plow Double-trees, lot of Single-trees, Log Chains, Fifty Chain, Cow Chain's, Brest Cbaius, Butt Chains,' MKTS OF GOOD HARXESH, Collars, Bridles. Lines, Halters, Wagon Saddle, Grain bags, Forks, rakes, and a variety of ar ticles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A credit of ciht month will be given. THOS. BAUMGARDNER. Isaac S. Lonoacrb, Actloncer. Point twp. Jan. 21, 1S70. .vi Hn hood i How Lot, How Kestor ed! Just published, a new editor of Dr; Culver well's Celebrated Essay on the ridical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhuea or Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Ioi potency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Im pediments to Marriage, etc.: also, Consump tion, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravaganee, &e. rPriee, in a scaled cnvelape, only six cent". The celebrated author, In this admirable Es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without tbe dangerous use ot internal medicine or tbe application of the knife ; pointing out mode or cure at once simple, certain, and ef fectual, by means of which every snfU.-rcr. no matter what his condition may be, may eire himseir cheaply, privately, and radcaily. UfTbis Lecture should be In the hands of every youth and every man In the land. Seud under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two poet tamp. Address the Publishers, F. BRUGMAN & SOX. 41 Ann St., Nctr Tovk ; Post Ofllc:?, 4."i. . Jan. 14, 1.7). KEADINO. PKYCHOMAXCY, FA.SCINATIO.N. JL Hou! (.'harming, Hasmerism, and UarriaKe Guid. showing how either iri nisr lascinjte and Kain the love and aoVetion of sny person rhT cbooiw iuata'K'T, I0 paites, By 50 tin. lluiit & .o l:f. . itl) .Si., irilla Pa. Frb. 4.- F-nd 4 Catalogue p Marrlud If J. . tor A anil IV and JL S:n, Fire Slaps of Delaware. Dvh Mancha, y :a rnji. Delaware, urn. . iw. HISTORY li WAS TUD AUEXTS, iu tier town. t canvina for Dr. OF roBRELL. ri.Tr and zonular DCMWCVI VAMIA IHistory of Pennsylvania. I L.I1IVOI L.I rill in, from tbj rarlirst diseoTery to the prraeut time. A splendid book, complete in one volume, illtutratni. and jjllblinhfd at pnr within raeh of tbe psoplf A raw chanc for nrst-rlam rsn ranwr. Adiiiraa the pnbliHbvr. QUAKRIt CITY PUBLISHING CO., 17 k 21U (joinr St., fbi'sdelpuia. Feb. Iw. PATENT INTEBI.OOKrXt GKATE BARS, MASUWAfTl-RKD BY THK NALAMA.VOEK CaltATE BAR CO. These Bar have been tued and approved in npward of S,ooo Uiifnwnt Furnaces, ia Factories, Htramrr and Locoinntivrp, and are superior to all other in DURABILITY AXD ECONOMY I.N THE USE OF TVU. Baiiafaction fruaranred. Befereuc? in all part I'. 8. Office, 1M Bbpadwt, S. Y. P. o. Box !!. Feb. s.-lw. Immense Success ! 50,000 f Uie iieuuiiic already sold. Tola veteran explorer ranks amnc th most heroic figurea of the century, and this) book one cf the mot remarkable, of the ? Thrillmv in interest, illustrated pnifiisely, and bring the only entirs aud authentic lilt ; to niiUioo are eager for it, aud wide-awake itfeuts are wanted qnickly. For proof aid trms, sudrs, HUBBARD BROS., Pubs., VIS Saosoea St., Phiia, Feb. 4. w. T)5ICHOitASCr, or BOriT CHA"H3a A"G.'t How " X either sex may fascinate sod rain the iovw aad affsrtiona of any person they cboos) instantly. Ta aimpie mvntal acqmrsdment ail eaa mod, tot 23c tosether with a marrtam guide, Egyptian Ora cle, Dreams, Hints to Ladisav, Wedding-Sight Shirts, fcc. A queer Beofc, addxvew i, w ii,ia a lo. rs.riu. - Jan. 31, w. NIP apd TUCK. (Caronw. .Mb Great AIMtie aul Faofic Tea Ql Headquarter S fe 7 Vj st-,- . Y. AM OROA5IZATK)X FOR IMPOltTISeTEAS and selling direct to consumer for one small profit, Sixty Branch Retail Stores. Besatifol Oil Carouos, of different sixes, presented to purchaser of 1, J, 3, i or S pounds of Ten. The Company has now realty for de livery a sr-Jradid Cbromo entitled : "MP AND TUCK," s new (three pound) picture, allowing s hveiy akurro.-sU between baby and ttla pet Outj for thn noweasion of a doll. It is so full of roaring f nn thai no deeription ran fell the story ao well a- tbe simple title sf the mrtlst. The battle is just Nip aud Tuck, and sud mna be aeeu to be appreciated. Kow reedy for drhTery at ifl Market 8t Harrisbnrs; Pa. Jan. M, w. MARRIED PEOPTjU Invent ton tvt what you want. Reliable and Durable. Stalled aa receipt oi Ticts. Additea Dr. MOS VAN k CO Middletowu, Conn. ; Jan. St. w. nA VAIT Hale or Female nend your address) UJ XUU and get something that will bring you WANT MONEY ia honorably over 1160 month cur. i jS'lM VEXTOR9 rSION, 173 Ureenwica SU, Sew York. Jan. 31. Aget Whtsd reus TW GREAT CENTENNIAL HISTORY Tik) psgee, low prire, quick sale. r term. P. W. ZIElil.tB A CO 511 Arch St., Phil. Pa. Short fX,4" ' C'hacv for Alt! Ma! SVIAW I n-t maar Agents) and TVs TT7rolTVl ! auvaseers. Free Iu. and f rev IU II vtuiAU ; tormstion SaTvrlos with everr order. . K Box Xsfj. UiLTOX 4 CO, lii Worth Sir.l. X. Y. Jo. 2U 4w. Amenta for the beet selling Price Pack ago in the world, lc contains li sheet parer, IS esretopea, Ifoslen pvii. Pen Holder. Pencil, patent Vrd Measure, and a piece of Jewelry. Rings? Package, with pair of ignt fiold Stone, ftleeve Button, noes paid, ?.. s ror ii.uu. inn pat-sag nan been eTamineJ by the putuh.r of the Abtf.kicii and found a represented worth the luocey. . Watcnes gireo wiv to all Ajfcws. CInnUrs free BKIDE A CO :) Mraaelway, Sew York. Jail. 21, w. for COCG1IS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL TimOAT DISEASES, TJaej WELLS ' CARBOLIC TABLET. -x vrt CP O.Vl.Y I LI"E BOXES, ATKIEI) AXD'SURE REMEDY. Far Site 1st nri5s;s gerw-fsl, sod Jrti..MN, HOLLOW AY O, l:hi4eJ.Li, P. 1 87G. WUKIIE "3f W ?TS7G: To A(K'IlIGAX,Oiof tb Uirotuo!, fioartihtii ip-1 fcftiltir-V Xtttpq ! WHAT FOR 1 To buy PACaI out of the ONE MILLION ACRES of fin? fai'UVQfr find for sale by the Git AND RAPIDS 4 INDIANA R. R. ' Strong S"i'v Ke.nW Y,rkte. Snr Oroe. Vwl School.. K. R. run "through tvntre of gTant. Settle ments all slung: All kinds of l"rodnc railed. Plenty of water, timber and IxiiUluig' matmalis Price from $4 to U per a.-re; one frvh sown, balance on time. ;yStnd for illustrated pamphlet, fill of fact and fiftiees. n l be convinced. Addregu, W. A. HOWARD, Comm'r, Grind Rapid. Mu.h. P. K. I PF.IEI E, Sei'j Land Dep'L Jan. 81. 4w. Administrator Notice, . (Estate of Catharine Gnsert, dee'd.) VrCTICE U hereby given that letters of ad .11 rainistralioti having been granted to the qnJersigned on is estate of Catherine Gonsert. late of Lower Mahanoy twp., Northumberland Cotiutr, Fa., deceased. AU persons indebted to said estate are requested to mako Immediate payment, and those having claims to present them dtilv artthehtieated for settlement. - " ANDREW GONSKR, Adm'r. Lower Mahanoy twp-., Jan. 14, 187C. "yossobial. Go to Washington's barber shop The first in the town. To he shaved right, and hair cut, And colored np brown. Ladies and children are Invited to come, Wbo will be wailed on kindly With the rest of the throng. Switches, Braids and Curls repaired, altered aad made to order from combings ; We are the living mementoes Of history and song, Having survived the great change Of many years lous, Tho' beset by opponents, la onr good old sprier j We are still living to kick, And kicking to live here. r J. WASHINGTON, Proprietor, and local and. traveling agent for Dr. Living, stone's new and complete works, Third street four doors above Market, Snnbnry, Pa. Dev. 81, 1"75.