I n moron 8 o Striped Mocking. My boots are new, uiy garters too, My pull-back's fit ia splendid. For thanks to pins, niy dress begins Just where Eve's costume ended. But how can I the world uefy Unless my hose is striped ? For as I c. eacU lnst dotl1 8,low My temination biped. Oh ! dainty foot ! gaiter foot I To pity you are shockin ! I se'er can go to church, for oh ! I've no gav striped stockings ! Why Wauled The Tiger. Those who attended the sale of animsls from Barnum'a hippodrome iu Bridgeport, the other day, report the following occur rence : A tiger was being offered. The bid ran op to $4,500. T,lis was raade bJ a man who was a stranger, and to him it was knocked down. Jiarnum who had been eyeing the stranger during the bid cling, now went up to him and said : Pardon me for asking the question, but will you tell me where you are from ?' Down South a bit,' responded the mat). Are you connected with auy show ?' Xo.' 'And arc you buying this auiaisl for yourself?' Yes.' Uaruum shifted about uuensily for a moment, Io'oked alternately at the man snd the tiger, and evidently trying his best to reconcile the two together. Xow, young man,' he finally 6aid, 'you ueed not take this animal unless you want to, for there are those here who will take it oil your hands.' 'I don't want to sell,' was the quiet re ply. ' What on earth are you going to do w iih such an ugly beast it you have no show of your own, and are not buviug for some one who is a showman V Well, I'll tell you,' said the purchaser. My wife died about three weeks ago. We had lived together for ten years, and I miss her. lie paused to wipe his eyes and steady hie voice, and then added 'so I've bought this tier.' 'I understand you,' said the great show man in a l.utky voLv.' i Mystery Solved Tbe Great Secret of tlie Wonderful ! SUCCESS OF VEGETINE. ! It strikes at llic roi.t of disease by purifying tlio Mood, restoring tlie iivcr and kidneys to healthy action, iuvigoratiug the nervous system. ICelirtble rvllen-e.. M k. 11. n. STEVENS : Dear Sin I will most cheerfully add niv testimony to the great number you have already received In favor of 3"our trreat and good medicine, Vkaetikc, for I do not think enough can be said in Its praise, for I was troubled over thirty year with that dreadlul disease. Catarrh, and had such bad coughing spells that it wouldeem us though I could never breathe any more, and Veubtine has cured mc ; aud I do feel to thank God all the lime there is so good a medicine as Y emetine, and I also think it one of the best medicines for coughs and weak sinking; feelings at the stomach, and advise everybody to take the Vk.etine, for 1 can assure them that it is one of tlie best medicines that ever wus. MRS. L. GORE, Cambridge, Mass. Hchi Sbbtrttstmcnts. mcKFonD A.' J fcto Sbbfrtisemcnts. THOUSANDS SPEAK, V emetine is acknowledged ai:d recennneuded by physicians aud apothecaries to be the best puiilierund cleanser of tlie blood yet discover ed, and thousands speak in il praise who have l-n restored to health. Itejmrt from a Practical Chemist and Apothe cary. Boston, Jan. 1. 1S74. 1If.au Mtt Tliis is to certify that 1 have sold at retail 154 'J dozen (1S.V.I bottles) of your Ve cetink since April 12, 1770, nnd can truly aay that it has given the best satisfaction of any re medy for the complaint for which it is recom mended that I ever fold. Scarcely a day passes without some of my customers testifying to its merits on themselves or their friends. 1 am Perfectly cognizant of several cases of Scroful ous Tumors being cured by VroETisn alone iu this Ticinitv. Very rescetfully yours, A I GJLMAN, 4'iS liroadwav. To If. 11. Stevens, Evj. I XL-THE WOMAN'S FB.END THE BEST FINISHED ANf MOST PERFECT " FLAT lltON " EVER MADE. IutorcnangeabloHandli and Shield Combined. The handle Is entirely pepmate, mill may be used fur any number of Irons. It can be adjust ed instantly. mul bring provided v.ith a shield ti.e lisml is completely i wroiectcrt fmiu Hie &&&?Juat. No holder is 2fjrequiretl when tiding. i"" W 1 1 rn Ilia Trnn il Tiotiif. l.itcnicj iiayi, i..,. heated, the handle must be detached. We will eend to any address, on re ceiit of Draft or P. . Order for tiie aiuuur.l, cither of the following tuts: Set No. 13 Irons cf 5. li and 7 His., 1 handle. JI M 2-:j ' 0. 7i:nil81li., ' ' i. iO ' - a 3 " 7, Sand 'J lbs., . K.W) KicUe plated Irons, Tocts. per pet extra. Any party onlerliijr five Rpts will rc ceivo one et extra as a premium. Thoroughly reliable agents wanted. Address BROOKtYff SA5 IRON CO., r- 5 first St., Brooklyn, E.D.,It.T. Noii.-Simple can be ttru at thi tiC-s tf thli ps;.er. kj.'jTrj , "J :.'h .... I 'Pay on Demand.' Kntcriug a saloou on Larned street west, tbe other day, a man laid an old spavined lifty cent shin plastcr on tbe bar, and called for beer. Tbe bar-tender surveyed the old relic, turned it over, and replied : l)ot ishn't so goot as smne prown paler.' 'Doyougo back on the (ioverntneut cf the United Sates ?' demanded tbe stranger. Vberc is dot government ?' Right there, sir. Tbe government of the great United States of America issued that shiuplaster, and agreed to redeem it.' 'I never heard about dot,' replied the bar-tender, pushing tbe money away. 'Well, I'll make you hear of it mighty quick, if you don't hand out the beer and give me my change. You mean somediugs. You Etart a row?' 'Yes, I mean something. I'll have the Uuited States Supreme Court in this bar room iu les'n half an hour, aud before noon I'll have you pokinsr your nose between iron bars.' 'Vat I does, eii ? 'You refuse to take that money. ut it ish no goot,' 'What did you issue it fore 1" I didn't makes no money.' 'Wasn't that money made by the Gov ernment?' dtmanded tlie stranger. 'Who is the Government ? Why, the people, of course. I am pari of the Government, you ate another part, aud so on. I aided to issue that money, and so did you, and we promise to redeem it. Now, you rake in that promise to pay, aud give mc my change, or I'll get up the biggest lawsuit you ever heard of.' 'Who shall take him of met" inquired the barteudcr, as be pickch up the money. 'Any one you offer it to, cr be '11 be liable to a suit for false pretenses. Go right up to the postoflicc with it, demand silver, and if they won't exchange you can get a lawyer to shut the shop up.' The man took il aud handed out the change and the beer, and as the stranger passed out, he called to his wife and asked: Say Katrina, what you tinks now ?' 'Some more taxes, Henry ?' Xo more daxes, but I am some of dor government, and you are 6ome of dcr gov ernment, and dc baby in der gradlc is a leetlc pit of the government, and I shall get some new gkwc and vote for myself to go to dor gommon gouncil 3' Iktmt Frtt Prtsx. VEGETINE Will Cleanse Scrofula from the System. HONEST OPINION. Mr. . 11. STEXVENS:-- I)t:A MR ltus is toshow tl:al my son was takeu iek in January, 1 hOI, with Scrofula, which came out in large sores aud ulcers on his leg and hij. His leg was swelled more than twice its natural size, lie had several doctors of high standing in their profession two from Boston and three from Charlcstowu without (retting a bit better, lie was obliged to lie wherever Tie was placed, for he had no use of his limb whatever. Wbeu we had given up all hopes of his living we were told to try VEGE TINE, tlie great blood remedy; and lie had taken it but a short tints before we could no & great change. The sores run so bad thut we had to change the chilis four oi five times k clay. Sti'l, he was getting better ; for he could move his limbs and help himself h little. He was soon able to cit up in bed, and, by constant use of VECETIXE, it has cured him. He has a lame leg, which he will probably have for life ; bnt we all honestly believe, if wc hud used VEGETINE before we had bothered with those doctors, it would have saved the used of his leg, and restored it to natural health. I hope ail those troubled with Scrofula will read this testi mony of me and my son, who is now well and able to speak for himself. CATHERIXE MAHOXET, DANIEL MAHONEV, 19 Trctiton St., Cnarlestown, Mass. May Hi, 1S72. Tlie above plain honest statement conclusively shows the quick aud thorough cleansing effects ofthe VEGETINE in Scrofula. Till: lt!M(FOICI AI TO.TIATIC FamilyKnitting Machine! A MOST fSIXfl. AMI WOMIERFI'I. INVENTION ! Now attracting universal attention by its aston ishing performances, and its practical value for every (iay family use. It is simple, Durable, Cheap, to easily kept in repair, and V.'Il.L EAST A LIFE-TIME ! It will kni'. cv. ry possibio variety of plain and fancy work. WITH ALMOST MAGICAL SPEED, aud far better tliati il can ii done bv hand, or on any other machine. All kinds of garments are perfectly formed ai d shaped by tlie machine T Tie Witt Talma itself, requiring no culling ami making it p. A I vw iiw ffirmn .''"i I The SSsl Kcligions iajerl'.b3iShI and toe complete, iu from live to ten minutes ! " H"EeT!j. TALMAGE'S SERMON EACH WEEK. l.very especially every farmers famil i Sliottlil have a U1CKI ORD KNITTER. Il be found equally as useful as the Sewing Ma- ! chine, nnd even more profitable. Every Machine WARRANTED perfect, and to j do just what is represented. i The Bickford Machine is tlie oulv legitimate ' cylindrical Knitting Machine in existence. All i ottiers, not licensed by u, are clear and palpa ble infringmcnts on our patents, aud wc shall hold nil parties who manufacture, sell, buy or use such infringing machines, to a strict le"nl accountability. An Instruction Hook, containing complete and minute directions to the operator, accompanies each machine. December !5..'75. linos" Evangelical, Non-Sectarian, Independent! The Christian at Work. gc, JudiTor. No. 1, Family Machine, 1 cvlinder,72 neecdlcs $.00 No. ;i, 73 tfe joo . ;4a A sample machine will bo sent to any part of the Uuited States or Canada, express charges pre-paid, on receipt ofthe price. Agent wanted in every State, Count v, CM v and Town, to whom very liberal discounts will be made. For further particulars, address Uu'KroKn Knittisii Machine Mfc. Co. Sole Manufacturers, Hrattleboro. Vt. Nov. lfl, is;.). ly. BOUND i lies Mi,i 1 Full IteportMof nr. .loody's Work. I'y Rev. W. M. BAKER, One of tiie most popular of American s-tory writers. two xi:w ntEMii Jis i " AX AMERICAN FARMYARD" After JosF.pn John, executed in twenty-nine priiiliugs and heretofore sold for $15, also an EXQUISITE FLORAL GROUP, Printed expressly for this paper by Mrs. Whit ney, and cliromoed by L. 1'kano & Co. Boston. E-tF"Tliesc are genuine art works, and the best and most expensive picture premiums ever offered .VO.S T LIS EI! A L TEH MS TO AG EXT S, AND EXCLUSIVE TEI'.ltlTORT. TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS : Without premium, postage prepaid vC.OO Willi either premium, unmounted, postage prepaid S. With either premium, mounted by express at subscriber's expense 4.00 2-?"For full particulars as to commission and canvass address It. IC. COKWIX, I'libllslKT, BOX 5inr, NEW YORK. Nov. 19, 2t. Vegetine is acknowledged by all classes of people to be the best and most reliable blood pnnlier in the world. Yegetine Is Mold by All Drugtaf m. Dec. SI. lm. Tumi and Now. They lingered at the j;ate until he could finish that last remark, and she toyed with her fau, while her eyes were looking down from beneath a jaunty hat that only partially shaded her face from the light of the silvery moon. He tood gracefully on the outside, with one land resting on the gate-post and the other tracing uninteligible hieroglyphics ou the panels. They were looking very sentimen tal, aud neither spoke for some minutes, until she broke the silence in a sweet musi- 'cal Toice : And you will always think as you do now, George?' 'Ever, dearest; your image is impressed upon my heart 60 indelibly that nothing can ever efface it. Tell me, Julia, loveliest of your sex, that I have a right to wear it there.' 'Oh, you men are so deceitful !' she answered, co quettishly. 'True, Julia, men are deceit ful,' he said, drawing a little nearer to her and insinuating himself inside the gate, 'hut who darling could deceive you ?' 'And, if I were to die, George, wouldn't you find ome one else you could love as well?' Never, never! No one could ever fill your place in my heart.' 'Oh, quit now ! J l Hat ain't right," ho murmured as she! made a feint to remove his arm from round ' her waist. 'Let me hold you to my heart,' ' he wispcrtd passionately, 'until you have ! confuted to be mine,' and he drew her j nearer to him and held hr-r tightly uutil he had obtained the coveted boon. It seems 1'iU yesterday since our weary footsteps in terrupted that touching little scene, hut. when we passed near the same locality at j an curly hour yesterday moinintr, ere the - moon aua stars lua paled, aud heard a uitle voice exol tim, ;.,, ir ; you stayed :it this long, and you may juht ;ts well make a night of it ! I'll tench you to stay I t me lodge until llirce o'clock in the morn ing, and then come fooling around my doors to worry mc aud wake the bahy ! Now take that and sleep on it !' It seem ed but yesterday, that little scene at the i - 1... i . i . i;aie, uul wnen we accidentally uecame a witness to the latter scene, we remember it had been longer. Scribners' Monthly for 1876. TL i'iiU'n!ifrj Invite cttei.tlmi to tlie following lift f oiu of the ciiuiirK r. In the e!l or lictiuii, benldes ximnvroUK notriettt autl shorU-r iitorief, tuere Two Iteinxrkablr Serial Slot-leu. By AMERICAN AUTHORS. TU Si st of thw, dow cini Me lu our bacili-, "GABRIEL C0NR0Y," By BRET. II ARTE. Begins iu tt Xuvrmbrr mimlr, ami will run fur tm-lrr womb. This i Mr. Hrti ' nm f-xienUd work. Tlif cfue ttiii chnrrctri, which the author has choH-n from his favorite field, California, an- tainted with c'inracteriatic vividnefs aud lower; and the work ia without doubt the aiot ifrat'hic record of ejrlv Cali fornia hie that liaa vet a)-eared. We shall alo Ixylu iu the January number, "riULW NOLANS FHIENL. Or, Mjow Your Passports." ! Hyr.DWAflll KVKKKTT BALE. The scene of this story ia laid lu the Southwestern territory, iiuw fonniiifr the Stales of I. on mat a and Tenia, at the time of Aarou Hurr'e IressDU. Th- char ctera lived iu aecLion which waa now American, now Freueb, aud now Hpaniish, .ul thia record of their ad Tenturuua livee makes a io:y of nitenae aud unflaKgmg intereat throughout. A SECOSD lFA EXElt'S VA CA T10N By Col. GEO. E. W AIUXO, Jr. Col. Wibikii ia now in Euro;, visitiui;, iu a row boat rida of two hundred and fifty unlea, oue of the moat fertile and interesting of tbe vine-growing valleys of Euro. Thia aecoud aerie of iu era proruiaca to be evan more iutereatiLg than that with which our reader are already faeiiliar. CENTENNIAL LETTERS, Kdlted by John Yuuee Cheney. A rare collection of Kevolutiouarjr lyttera, mainly from etorea iu the Laiida of the deaeeudaute of Col. Joeeih Ward, 'l'tiey ai-e full of lutereat, aud will lie read with a rare lel cli in coiuiictioii with HeCiitci; nlal eelebratiou ct the yr. , BRILLIAXTLY ILH STltATtD ART1CLKS OX AMERICAN COLLEGES. Written reerw'lvely by their frieuda, will appear dur ltit the year. The revived interim iu colh-Re lite make tueee paper eejiecially timely, aud will aei ure for them nuuHi-.l atteutmu. OLD NEW YORK. Kiegautly iliui-tiatej aMicle on New-York, by John 1 Mn:ea, will apieKi' at fii-, aud will attract the at tention cf all, in city or country, who matk with inter eat the development of the great mctroolin, and af fottionnti It lememlier tliM juaiut jecultaritit- of i:a olden time. Kvery iiumU r Is piotuaeiy iiluatrated, thua euabling tie lo fcive to our di .nptive aud narrative article, au lutereat and c-riiiaurut value never attained iu a lion lllr.a. rated jric.iti-l. t'uder ita acniatomed manage ment in ii,bri'7.iuc win in the juttire lie devoted, a It hue lietn iu le paet, to conud literature and Canatain jroirreea. The Editorial 3eiarlment, occii.y over twenty j.ag.-a of euch number aud contain lr. liollaud'a Tigoiuua aud timely editorials, aa well as llevi of the latest worka iu Art, Ijteiature, and Science. TERMS: M.00 n Year, la udvHDce ; 35 rtu. u -nmber. The 1I vols. e luplale, Nov. 1870, to Oct. lSTS.bocad In maroon cloth $30.00 do. do. houud iu half morocco. 30.00 Vola. lie-in in Xovemtier aud May. Auy of the earlier volume (1 to VIII) wilileuppuieurteJyto parties who wiah them to complete set at thl rate, i. e., cloth, J.Otl; half morrocco, ft.0o ltookelInt nnd lotniHter wiU , be iip'iid at ralea that will enable them to fill auy of the aUivr offer. Sulwcriber will pleaw remit iu P. O. Money Order, or iu Bank CLecka or JJrafa, or by registered letters. Money iu letters not regxtercd, at sender a rick. HCRIBXKH k CO. Till Uroadwav, w York. CM. ii 1H75. MAKn APPROPRIATE PRESENTS. Among the muuv tlioueand of Rallail jj aud Piano Pieces tliitt we publish, there are fc some that are noted for their great beauty R and lasting qualities. We have made a careful selection of these piece and ofTer them In bonk form, as follows : VOCAL WORKS WITH l'anio Accomjianimciit. Mother Goose Melodies. Beautifully illus trated. (Ask for Novcllo's Edition, or you will pet a cheap photograph copy.) 1.50 In board ; full gilt, $2.b'J. Shilling Lights. A colieitioti of oncred Songs. $1.75 in bonrds : clotl and gilt, $2.50 ' Golden Leaves. 'Cols. I. uud II. A collec tion of Songs and Choruses, by W. S. Hays. Hash vol. $1.75 in boards ; cloth and gilt, '.,.50. Hearth and Home, Sweet Sounds and Fire side LcIioch. Three vols, of choice Home Songs, by Hays. Danks, etc. Each vol, f 1.75 Ip boards ; cloth and gilt, '.50. PrioelefGctna. A line collection or Songs, by Wallace. Thomas, Keller, etc. $1.75 Ft lu boards ; cloth and gilt, -2..r0. P Piter' Household Melodies. Vol. I. Con taining all the latest and best ongs by Hays, Dank,Thottias Stewarlfabout lot) songs). $3 in boards ; cloths and eiit, 1 4. TlicOiwra al Home. A collection of Staml- ard Opera Songs, selected from over S3 Operas, to in boutds ; cloth and gilt. ?5. German Volkslieder Album. 4J souga, with Eug. aud tier, text, $2.50. "9 Mendelssohn's 7C Songs. Elegant foiio editiou. Ful gilt, I S.5J. The same for a dei'p oi?-. In 2 vol., Svo, each, ( 2.50 In paper ; cloth, 13.50. Sehumaiin's "o(al Album. :!0 songs, with Eng. and Ger. text, f 2.50 In paper : foil gill, 13.50. Sunlight of Song. A collection of Sacred and Moral Songs, beatitifullv illuuratcd by the Kros. Da'..el. Full gilt, J4. K ! ;A Complete. Pictorial History ofthe Times." "I he best, cheapest, and most success ful Patuily Paper in the Union." Harper's VeekIj. ILLTSTTATED. Xutices vf the Pnms, Ifa-'jter' Weekly is the ablest and most power ful iliustruted periodical published iu this coun try. Its editorials arc scholarly and convincing, nnd carry much weight. Its illustrations of currcut events are full and fresh, aud are prc pnred by our best designers. With a circulation of 150,000, thr- V.W'; is read by at least half a million persons, and its influence as an organ of opinion is simply tremendous. The IVttibj maintains a positive position, and expresses de cided views on political and social problems. Luuisville Courier-Journal. Us articles are models of high-toned discussion, its pictorial illustrations ate often corroborative arguments uf no small force. .V. Examiner and VhfiniicU. Its papers upon existcfit iptestions and its in imitable cartoons help to mould the sentiments ot the country. I'Mthvnj Commercial. Harper' Wckly stands at the head of illus trated journals in the United States, in circula tion, editorial ability, and pictorial illustration. LwVes' Heporitory, Cincinnati. M 00 , postage by H Strauss' Waltzes, Vols. I. & II. A E Peters Edition, the only complete PIAN0 WORKS. Fuiry Finger, Pearl Drops, Magie Circle, and Young Pianist. Four collections of easy Piano Music, suitable for younij; players, most ofthe pieces being without octaves. Each vol. 1.75 in boards; cloth anr! gilt, $2.50. Musieal Recreations. A collection of Dance Music. $1.75 in b'ds ; c'tlt vt g'l, $2.50. Golden Chimes. A choice collection of Parlor Music, by Ch. Kinkel. $1.75 lit boards; cloth and gilt, $2.50. Brilliant Gems. Containing music cif medium difficulty, by Wyuian, , Kiukcl, etc. $1.75 iu boards; cloth aud gilt, Ask for tie coiv giving the lull waltzes as played by Thomas Orchestra. j:j in boards; cloth, $4. Peat Is of Melody. A collection of D.ince and Parlor Music. $3 in boards; full gilt, $4. Peters' Pat lor Music, Vol. I. Our latest and best piano Music of moderate diffi culty. $3 In boards ; full gilt, $4. Lo Crcme de la Cretne. Vols. I. aud II. A collection of Choice Piano Music, by Thalberg, Liszt, Heller, etc. This is de cidedly the best collection of bound fBUsic in the market. Each. $3 in boards : full giit, $3. Ufi-lhoveiionata. Svo, full gilt, $4. " " Folio, " 10. Chopin's Waltzes, $1.50 ; Polonaises, $2; Nocturnes, $2; Ballads, $2; Preludes, $2.50 ; Sonatas, $2.50. All lit stifT paper covers. Mendelssohn's Complete Piano Works, Elegant foiio edition, in 4 vols., each, $6.50; 8vo edition, full gilt, 4J vols., each, $3.50 ; 8vo edition, paper covers. 4 vols., each, $2.50. Mozart" Sonatas. Full gilt, $3.50. Welwr's Piano Works. Full giit, $4. Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price. Address, J. L. PETERS, fill Broadway, Jf. V TERMS: Postage free to nil Subscribers iu the United States. Hai:1'i:i:"s Wkfki.v, one year...., I $4 00 Includes prepayment of U I the publishers. Subscriptions !o H.uci'Ei:':s Mju;a.in!-, V.'uek hX, and Bazak, to one aclduss for one year $10 00; or, two of Harper's periodicals, to onc address for one year, 7 00 : postage free. Ac Extra Copy of either the M aoazint, Week ly, or Bazak wil! be supplied gratis for every Club of rive Subscribers at ?1 00 each, iu one re mittance ; or, Six Copies for $20 00, without extra copy : postage tree. Lack Numbers cau be supplied at any time. Tin; Annual Volumes of Hakpkks Wehklv, iu neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free oi expense, for $7 00 each. A "complete Set. comprising Nineteen Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $5 25 per vol., freight at ex pense of purchaser. Proniineut attention will be given in lUurut's Wekkly to the illustration of ttie Ct ntetiuial Iu ternatioual Exposition. Address HARPER A; BROTHERS, New York TIIE LIGHT RUNNING "DOMESTIC." IT PAYS! IT PAYS!! VhatPays P IT PAYS every Manufacturer. Mechanic. In ventor, Farmer, or PiolVsional man, to keep informed on nil the improvement and dis coveries of the age. IT PAYS the head of every family to introduce into his household n newspaper that is instruc tive, one that fosters a taste lor investigation, and promotes thought and encourages discussion among tlie members. The Scientific jA.uiekic.im which has been published weekly for the last thirty years' docs this, to an extent beyoud that of any other publication in fact it is the ouly weekly paper published in tlie United States, de voted to .Manufactures, Mechanics, Inventions and New Discoveries in the Arts and Sciences. Every number is profusely illustrated and its contents embrace Ihc latest and most interesting lniormution pertaining to the Industrial. Me chanical, and Seicntilie Progress of the World ; Descriptions. with Beautiful Engravings, of New Inventions, New Implements, New Processes, and Improved Indin-trics of all kinds ; Userti, Notes, Receipt's, Suggestions and Advice, by Practical Writers, for Workmen and Employers, in all the various arts, forming a complete re pertory of New Inventions and Discoveries ; con taining a weekly record not only of the progress of tin; Industrial Arts in our own country, but also of all New Discoveries and Inventions in every branch of Engineeiing, Mechanics, aud Science abroad. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN has been the foremost of all industrial publications for the past Thirty Years. It is the oldest, cheapest, and the best tnekhj illustrated paper devoted to Engineering, Mechanics, Chemistry, New In ventions, Scieneoand Industrial Progress, pub lished in the World. The practical receipts arc well worth ten times the subscription price. And for the shop and house will saxe many times the cost of subscrip tion. Merchants, Farmers, Mechanics, Engineers. Inveutors, Manufacturers, Chemists, Lovers of Science, and People of all Professions, will find the Scientific American useful to them. It should have a place in every Family, Library, Study Olllcc, and Counting Room ; in every Reading Room, College and School. A new volume commences January, 1st, lH7ti. A year's number contain S32 pages and Sever al Hundred Engravings. Thousands of volumes are preserved for binding and reference. Terms, $3.20 a year by mail, including postage. Dis count to Clubs. Special circulars giving Club rates sent free. Single copies mailed on receipt of 10 cents. May be had of all News Dealers. A rT,T71XTrPt2 Iu connection with JL jCJlAXLiJL JLrO. the Scientific Amer ican, Messrs Mvsn it Co., are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, and have the largest establishment iu the world. More than lifty thousand applications have been made for patents through their agency. Patients are obtained on the best terms, Models of New Inventions and Sketches examined and advice free. A special notice is made in the Scientific Amekicax of all Inventions Patented through this Agency, with the name aud resi- I dence of the Patentee. Patents are often soldi in part or whole, to persons attracted to the in vention by such notice. Send for Pamphlet, containing full directions forobtaiuing Patents. A bound volume containing the Patent Laws, Census of the U. s- and 142 Engravings of mechauical monuments. Price 25 cents. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN te CO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Ollic.-, Co.. F. & 7th St.., Washington, D- C. Dec. 10, 1S75. J O S . E Y S T,E Ft , MANUFACTURER OF NATIVE GEAPE WINE, SI'NBURY, NortU'd Co., Pa. Wr, the undersignt: 1, can cheerfully teftifv lo the excellent qualties of Wiue made by Dr. jos. hyster, and advise its universal nse everywhere, COL. C. NEFF. II. J. FRANK. II. E. DAVIS, JACK WALTZ, GEN. L. II May 25, 1!75. MAJ. J. P. HAAS, DR. A. C. CLARK, FRANK BRIGIT, N. S. ENGI.r. . KASE. ( TA'TV' JlKI.r.'iANTtlll.CItUtPM'iS.itiDiiiit- illllJUllJeil, size '.nil for fl. Novelties mid C'tiriiiniis of every ilesscriptiiiii c el.. I'uila'leliiliu I'a. DO YOU WANT MONEY IVe. -.'4. Iw. XATIOXALl lIl:OMO Dee. 24, Iw. M:ile or J'eiunle SfnJ your aditri fn ami et snii:tt!iiiij that will bring you in liniMinilily over $I. a mentli sure. : i"i n VKXTtiits' rx n x, 173 tireeuwiea St., New York. Short Cut To Wealth. Chance for AM! Male anil Female AninU ami C'aiivanMei-s. I-'ree In. fo: mat ion anil free S.iii.i 1.-4 with every order. V. . Itux ."i:Wj HILTON & CO., l.VJ Worth Street, X. Y. Di e. -. 4w. The "nouicicticp." The "DOMESTIC" is an exceedingly simple machine in all its parts and processes. It is easily under tood ; familiarity with its action Is very quickly acquired, nud it needs hardly any practice of s cial skill iu the operator. The superior advantages obtained in the "Do mestic" are mainly : 1. Light Euuning. 2. Quietness no Cains or Gear Wheels. 3. Perfect Stitch Donbk-tlirend Lock Stitch 4. Durability arising from simplicity of Con struction. . Absence of all Friction. C. (Jreat range of Work. 7. Ease of Operation. We do not say that the '"Domestic" i the only Machine worthy of public favor. We admit there are some possessing real and acknow ledged met it ; but we do claim, aud are prepared to demonstrate, that, the '"Domestic" has many excellences that render it deeiilcdl'i t'liierior to any other Machine now before the public. J.el every woman, therefore, cxamino for ber- scilf into its merits when she tiuys a machine. This is an important intrchase, not to be care lessly made ; one that will Influence her com fort, probably for a long time. With a 'Domes tic" iu her possession, she will rind her sewing become a plensaut exercise of skill and taste, in stead of a slow manual drudgery ; she will have the time nnd strength to add beaut y and elciruuce iu voir, in v. wen oeiore sue lias Keen ooilgeu to content herself with bare titilitv. CAROLINE DAL1US, Agent, Suhurv, Pa. COVG IIS, COL J XS, J 10 A R SEX ESS, AXJ) ALL THROAT DISEASES, HKMV 'AKIiI,IC TAKLETN. ITT t l' ONLY IN liM KHilXKS. A Till Eli AND SURE 11 EM ED V. F'.r eiilo I y Di tm'iBts f;ener;il, ami JOH.nSON, Hl.i,uVAY & C O., l'hiil. h l.i:., IM. Iii. '.'I, in-. A s-2?eai Offer I We will during the HOLIDAYS dispose of 100 PIANOS and ORGANS of first class makers, in eluding WATERS' at lower prices than ever be lore ollered. .Monthly installments received ruiinuig from 12 to 'M mouths. Warranted for 0 years. Second Hand Instruments ut extreinelv low prices for cash. Illustrated Catalogue Mail ed. Ayenttt minted. arerootnn 4M Broadway, i. liuuAc. t, vy a i tits v SONS. Dec. 21.4w. Good News to Farmers! THE CELEBRATED DEXTEIl FEED CUTTEIt wincn win save tit il rbi; tfcNT. to every farmer raising stock, i offered tor sale by the undersigned agent for Northumberland county. This Feed Cutter has been awarded diplomas at every County nud Stale Fair where it has been exhibited. It is acknowledged to be superior to any others in use. Orders will be promptly filled hv addressing JOHN G. GURTNER, Ageut. Dec. 10. lST."i. Suubury, Pa. SUSQUEHANNA COFFIX; CASKET WOKtiS, Front St., above ICaee, SluXBURY, PENXA. mi. .attires. Furniture Ware-Rooms ! KO.tEKTS.fe HOKTERHAX, (Successors to B. L. RAUDENBUSH.) KuKonie Building, WILL SELL CHEAP, AN ENDLESS VARIETY I" IT 15 N I T TJ X3 of the latest styles and best material. CONSISTING OF Parlor and Chamber Suits; LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS. Bedsteads of all kinds, Cupboards, Sinks, and in short everything usually to be found in a first class Furniture Store. TJ3STXES,TK:i3SrG-. Special attention is given to Undertaking in all its branches. Coffins and Burial Caskets OF ALL STYLES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. An invitation is extended to all to come and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ROBERTS & HOSTERMAN. Sunbury, Feb. l'J, 1875. itiulrcas. PE X X N Y Ij V A X 1 .1 IiAIIj PHILADELPHIA & ERIE R. R. t-'-V- WINTER TIME TA HARDWARE. Wc are better prepared than ever to supply the demand for goods in our line. We have j ust received a full stock of . Shovels, Iron, Hoes, .Stcclj Rakes, Oils, Forks, Paints, Purup3, Glass, Cutler-, Varnishes, LEATHER BELTING, TOOLS, AX1 (.CODS .SI STABLE FOJS Ruiulers, Housekeepers, Farmers, Blacksmiths, Shoemakers, Cabinet Makers. Carpenters, Machinists, Painters and the People. j Call and examine our goods. j CON LEY, HACKETT & MATEER, Opposite Whitmer's store. March 26, 1S75. tf. Ou and after Sunday, Nov. 21. Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail sion will ran as follows : WESTWARD. Fast Line leaves New York " " Philadelphia, " " " Baltimore, " " " Ilarrisbur, ' arr. at Williamspurt, " " Lock Haven. '.' " " Bellefonte, Erie Mail leaves New York, ' ' " Philadelphia, ' " " Baltimore, " " ' Harrisbur', " " " Wiiliamsport, " " " Lock Haven, " "' " Renovo, " " arr. at Erie. Limited Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Baltimore, " Harrisbur;;, ' " arr. at WiliUmsport, " Lock Haven, " Renovo, Lock Huven Ac. leaves Philadelphia, " Baltimore, " IIarriBburg, " " arr. at WiUiamsport, " Lock Haven, a Exp.ress leaves Lock Ha van, G.40 p m " Williamsport, 7.55 am arr. at Ilarrisbnrg, 11.43 a m " " Baltimore, 6.15 p m " " Philadelphia, 4.0 u ai " New York, 7.oo p m leaves Renovo, 0.10 a m ' Lock Haven, IO.L'5 a in 4i Wiiiiutusport, ll.o5 a m tlarnstjurK, .03 p m Philadelphia, 6.20 p m 2V t . 9.2. 12.55 k 1.20 p 5.00 p i. ( 8.55 p m l'J.20 p m 11.00 p m 8.25 p m 11.55 p m 11.55 p m 4.25 a ra 8.o5 a in U.45 a in 11.05 a m 7.50 p m 7.20 a m 7.o0 a m 10.45 a ni 3.20 p ni 3.30 p ui 4.45 p in 8.00 a in 8.30 a til 1.25 p m 0.10 p m 7.30 p m ay Ex.' e.00 1 'I0n Philad'; Day Express Erie Mail leaves Fast Liu New York, " Baltimore, Erie, " Renovo " Lock Haven, " Williamsport, arr. at Harrisburg, 4i Baltimore, " Philadelphia, " New York, leaves Williamsport, air. at Harnsburg, Baltimore, ' " Philadelphia, ' New York, Mali West. Limited Mail y.I.i p m 0.35 p tn 11.20 a m 8.25 p 9.4 p ui 10.53 p in 2.30 a m 7.35 a in 6.45 a m . 10.10 a m 12.35 a m 3.55 a m 7.35 a m 7.35 a m 10.25 a m West, Lock ' 10.40 m , arrrj, .bays ""Pin. In tnvU. And Ihe-pO p. a"s Have hunj For years bavervBEj Like fairy drea.j.. Aud iu their fiyht",' , A lather oid c.r.d gray Aud the soft winds play wi And the old "man sleeps in Inside the door, on the sat Liiit, airy footsteps uik And a maiden fair, with 3 Kneeis by the old man'- An old oak wrecked by thi While the ivy clings to th ni tloo Cuoleha. Thio is years has prevailed to a fi ous portions of the couutr kuown of the cause or the meat, although thousands nually lost by what is sail But like many other diso farm stock, there is little result of improper food or late number of the National a correspondent, in speakiaj of this disease in the Westet following very pL-rtiuect Tan . .1 a tors- ' "e,.. trr.i uir y. 1 Xf. ""fi,. 0 at hir.. . or ft, la "ate. . w;.'en... the Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soioes, Canned Goods, Queens, Villow and Cedar Ware. Erie jiavcn Accom. west Hi!:; uay express East make elose connection at Northumberland with L. it B. R. R. trains ter Wiikesbarre and Scran ton. Erie Mail West, Limited Mail West and Fast Line West make connection at WKHamsport with N. C R. W. trains north. Erie Mail East and West, Limited Mail West, Fast Line West and Day Express East make close connection at Lock Haven with B. E. V R. R. trains. Erie Mail East and West connect at Erie with trains ou L. S. & M. . R. R., at Corry with O. C. &. A. V. R. R. at Emporium with 15. N. Y. R. R., and at Driftwood with A. V. K. R. Parlor Cars will run between Philadelphia and Williamsport on Limited Mail West, Fast Line West, Philadelphia Exptcss East and Dav Ex press East. Seeping Cars on r!1 nitght traius. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. I'!iilac2rl2haa& Heading ECnllroad. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENT OF TRAINS o Ji E V) o o S3 r 5. f-i 2 -' Ui c 'Unuucetiouablv the best sustained work of the kind In the World." Iaiii-p'r'M .tluaziiie. ILLUSTRATED. SAVES FUEL! SAVES LABOR! TUB A I'lCKMlin ;ivkx TO NUtMlICIKilll. KVEKY on I one of t"n a l-uo-it of 1 QODEY'S LADY'SBOOK THE OLDEST M.(iA.INE IN AMERICA. 187G. Xotice ofthe I'rett. The cver-lnc' easing circulation of this excel lent monthly proves its continued adaptation to popular desires and needs. Indeed, when we think into how many homes it penetrates every month, we must consider it as one of the educa tors as well as entertainers of the public mlud. Botvn Vluhe. The character which this Magazine Dossesses for variety,euterprise,urtistic wealth, and literary culture mat lias Kept pace with, if it has not led the times, should cause its conductors to record It with justifiable complacency. The Majazine has done good and not evil all the days of its life. Brooklyn Eagle. Some of the most popular of modern novels have tirst appeared as serials in this Manazin Iu all respects, it is an excellent periodical, nnd rpiIE undersigned having established a Collin JL & Casket Manufactory, at the above place, are now prepared lo furnish to Cubitictmakers aud Undertakers, and the trade generally Coffins and Caskets 1nl Jimi lOlO. fu"y dwrves It great success. Philadelphia 'r t loiu! "'' of IS r inn. ..i i uim- cirtner it j;-.'i ioi ii"ii a siTn.'.'. ei:! i -1 . t. . ' ; '.t:'.u oa to pre-i. i.-ltit t:,e im. n.- .. . t-enot'lii all tnc r,ul.i.n bi;-1 (.:,. J .:'!!tt Injury to tin tai. i-.i:;fo.fI III , a, i.,..r .( ),, r i .. r !l!n any in the r;u:- ;cct. ,n. ' : a i.! ' I". H. Navy, t or r.iie br :c!-i. h. i. .ik : jik c HAL-ii;ns fsPKM i: t o., AgenU for tli I'retvd M:il, r J'.ant nih h-tit Xifim.m.M ran In at l lii I Ihlt ir. Nov. ;n, 1575. taint. (UiCKiACajLM, hk;gii:m av. In addition to our splendid t-leel Engravings and reliable Colored Fashion Platen, will be giveu from time to limeclcgant Chromo Illustra tions. These iiust rations given universal satis faction. No other Magazine hae as yet attempted this feature. . STORIES BY CELEBRATED WRITERS. We have on tile several One stories for 1S7G, from the iens ol the following popular writers : I Mrs. C. A. Hopkinsoti.Ino Churchill, H.Vickcry I Dumout, Looise 8. Dorr, S. Annie Frost. Mont gomery C. Preston. Arrangeineuta have been made with others of life popularity. Our other department. Invaluable receipts, IVajjrnc f.,r the Work-table. Knittli.g, w;tb Colored Enirravinirs ol the same. Netting, Model. Cottages. Original Music. Etc., arc aii j ntai'e.l. i l.tdytr. TKK.TINt : & imm IB MB rc-pectfully inform tbe publieNjjst thev have I MHf I V Si a r r commenced the mutmr.,.t..,..,,r: ' ' " l,kljjj. H. K. FAGELY &, CO. Theodore Til ton is coming home from Via lecture engagements. His hair is get V so long that be can't stand it. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, 4C cm at the new shop recently erected by J. F. Lerch f 'ernrr or Fourth himI 'hnluVt Sin., SU.VBl'RT", PA., " I anu solicit a lair fin. -ire ot Patronage. I A ril 3 6m. J. F. LERCII Will be givm to every subscriber, whether single or lu a club, who pay In advance for 1S70 it nd remits direct to this olllcc. I OK I I.ORIIK. I7OR THROUGH PASSAGE TICKETS to ST. AUfiUSTINE nnd all landiutrs on ST. JOHN'S RIVERand interior points in FLORIDA, by steamship to SAVANNAH, nud thence by railroad or stenrnltoat. Apply to WM. L. JAMES General Agent Philadelphia and Southern Mail S. S. Co., 41G South Dclawr.rc Avenne, Pbilad'a. Postage free lo ull Subscribers la the Uuited States. Jlxnrcit's Magazine, oue year 00 1 00 includes prepayment of U. S. postage bv the publishers. Subscriptions to Nakfeh's Magazine. Week ly, and Bazak, to one address for one year, 110,00; or, two of Harper' Periodicals, to oue address for one year, $7 00 : postage free. An Extra Copy of either the Magazine, Week ly, or Bazak will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subcribcrs t f 4 ou each, in one remittance j or, Six Copies for S'JO 00, without extra copy: postage free. Hack Numbers can be supplied at tiny time. A C omplete Set of Hauckk's Maoazine. now comprising 51 Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be scut by cxprc.'.s, freight at ex pen sc. ol purchaser, for fl 25 per volume. Single volumes, by mail, postpaid, f 3 00. Cloth cases, for hind lug, 58 cents, by mail, postpaid. A Complete Analytical Index to the first Fifty Volumes of IIahpek's Maoazine has just been published, rendering aviiable for reference the f Tst and varied wealth of information whieh constitutes this periodical a perfect Illustrated , literary cyclopedia. Svo, Cloth, lj IK); Half! c all, 55 li5. Scut postage prepaid. A series of papers under he title of "The First Century of the Republic," contributed bv the most cminet American publicists, is now being published in Hakpek's Magazine. Thi-srric cf over twenty papers gives a comprehensive re view of Progress during the century now closiug, In every department of our national life. Address HARPER fc BROTHERS, New York . (f the best nnd latest patterns nnd finished in the best style. Their different patterns including both Collin aud Casket shapes are of WALNUT, CHERRY, CHESTNUT, Imitation rf Iioseu ood ami Chary, and all other styles, made of the best material and finish ; work done by the most experienced workmen. Orders will be filled promptly, nnd Collins and Caskets will be shipped to any place desired, at the shortest notice, nnd at the most reasonable prices. The patronage of the trade is solicited. Send for PRICE and DESCRIPTIVE LIST, and learn the styles and prices. FRYLING, BO WEN & EN (5 EL. Sunbury, April 30, !S75.-tf. Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. ElSSSSSgSUBBii fflaize & Schwartz, Successors to Geo. Evans & Co., 1103 Market Street, Pliikdeli.liin, MERCHANT TAILORS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS. Men and Roys' suits made to order lu the latest styles, ofthe best cloths and cassimeres in mar ket, at prices suitable to the times. Military, Band & Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours being the leading house on Military work, we feel that we can otrer induccine":t which can not be attained anywhere else. Nov. 27, 1S7U Janu.u;y 1st, 1370. Ikaiss Leave IIekxdox as Follows : (Sundays Excepted.) tor fchamokm, 10. -10, 11.03 a. in. aud 3.40 p. m. For Mt. Carmel, Ashland, Tamaqna, Pottsvillc, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. Tkains fok Hekxdos. Leave as Follows : (Sundays Excepted.) licuvi; Diiauiokiu at o.w a. m. and o.So p. ni. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. iu., Reading 11.30 u. 111.,1-onsviue, is. iu p.m., Tamaqna, l.-Op m Ashland, 2.S5 p.m., Mt. Carmel, S.21 p. m. Trains Leave Harrishitro. ab Follows : For New York, 5.20, 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 7.40 p. m. For Philadelphia, S.'.'O, 8.10 0.45 a. m., 2.00 aud p. m. S IN DAYS. For New York, 5,20 a. m. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. m. Trains for Hariusiiiko, Leave as Follows: Leave New York.. 'J.OO a. in., 1.00 and 5.15, 7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, .lo a. m. 8.40 and 7.10 p. ci. Sundays. Leave New York, 5.15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.10 p. in. Via Morris and Essex R. R. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Suu't. Reading, Pa. Nov. 13. IS 71. n -mix k . The causes of tho disease .k e bnr vo,ut : as it ,s more prevalent iu low IWJrained localities than on high aud wtsll-draiued soil :t is considered to be due mainly to miasmatic and malarious emanations. GwflMment in filthy sties, impure drinking watered waDt 0r chan-e in food. &c, are also among tha caases e are convinced that many aoimals of this class are annually lost from the ffects of improper food, no n living a a:, atmosphere surcharged "llu emuvia, me product of or vegetable decomposition. Dec stances, lias undergone a change expo; WINTER GOODS. jiilmm;ry I MA1IIIXK NIIOI AXI IKOX FOF.MIUY. V,VA). ltOIIHIJACII & SOXS, Nunburj, ronn'a, INFORM the public that they are prepared 10 do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, nnd have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and lioring Machines, witii the latest improvements. With the aid o? skiiU'ul in ehanies, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given themin a satisfactory man ner. iarutt'M to suit uuy Slote. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build in:r, of ull sizes. RRASS CASTING.-?, .Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS j VERANDAHS FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further improved, and will always be kept on hand. Also, TIIREPJIING MACHINES. Sunbury, May 20. 1874. Missel L. A 3. Wciser, Market street, Sunbury, Pa., olfer special inducements in their Fall and Wiuter Millinery Goods. just opened, consisting of Bonnets and Hats, FEATHERS, FLOWERS. RIBBONS, SASHES, Uu- A M h. 1 i?, tVL. Fancy Zephyrs Goods, Infant Hoods, and an immense assortment or TOTioisrs. Ladies' Dress Cutting, lilting and basting done in every branch. Tlie public are earnestly invited to call and ex amine our stock before making a selection else where. Nov. 12, 1-575. L. & S. WEISER. rij-rrrtmcf e CENTRAL DRUG STORE Q-B-CXDWLLADER Is the place to buy pure aud fresh JIEDJCIXES, DRUGS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, PEltFUMERY, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR for medicinal purpsscs, and all other arti cles usually kept in a tirst-class Dru Store. Special attention paid lo compounding pre- Bunpuous ana inmiiy receipts Dy competent urupgisas. I am prepared to furnish in quantities to suit pttretiasers and at Philadelphia prices, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Roman, Rosendale and Lehigh CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy aud Clover Seeds. Also, Garden Seeds of all kinds. Aall and get a Rural Register for 1S74. GEO. B. CAD WALLA DER. Sunbury, Feb. 6. I!j74.-Iv. Du. C. M. Martin. Geo. W. Bloom T.EW DRUG STORE, Ko. 13, South Third Street, Clement Hcnse Builft Srtnrx Fa. DR. C. M. MARTIN k CO, HAVE just received a fresh lot of Pure Drugs aud Patent medicines. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth, Nai!,Clothe,Shoe and other brushes. TOILET AM) FAXCY ARTICLE. FINE EXTRACTS, POCKET BOOKS, KNIVES, tC, C. REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume in America. I'ai-iMtau, a Kid Glove Wash. warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate shades without injury to the kid All the leading preparations for the Hair, SEW.ISS, THE BEST IN MARKET, Pine Wine nnd Liquors, for medical purposes. Physieians Prescriptions and family icceipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by. fair deal ing to receive a share of your patronage. Sertemher 11. 1S73. animal COniDosin!- :ih. both animal aud te?ptnhto ..... a turil mat 1'om ions keeuin.' nr rposure to damp, and wtfcki, .loaded. nerhaDs. wil., the sporu'es of poisonous fungi, brine front the meat tub-these and other similar sub stances are often given to c, a3 fo0(J am, ,u many instances have been ai0Wa to ye great losses. Much that w. Have Wen conTicce, ns of the necessity of more attention bein- paid to the quality of the food of these animals' than is generally being done, and also to the nitnro of their lodgings, as well astheair they breathe. This disease doubtless assumes different form. under different circumstances, bntthecanses are probably the same iu all, an might traced to something radically wroog in the food or gener al surroundings ofthe aOocted animals. V, bj San. 4 A New Cure rott the Geapi Issect Our readers know that of late years it has been thought that some of our worst troubles in grape-growing come from f .jary to the roots of the viues by a small hvect known as the phylloxera. The French, tiher through their government or through softies, have offered large sums for plans that sbaa be at once cheap aud easy and yet entire!,- cfcrtive as a remedy. Several offers have been tnUo tor this rewardj but none of Ihein have ir.irci to be the royal road to the iusects' clestntion. At length the sovereign remedy has beenfoaud in noIess a character than our old friej tucalyptm globulus. It is only necessary to plaaa tree of this won derful thing in a vineyar.nd the insect im mediately takes its depart m to foreign lands. What a pity it is that lis remarkable treo will not stand frost, and tljt the major part of the United States must onihat account be be yond the pale of its redeiing virtues ! It is to drain swamps by its grcjj roots sucking ui the surplus like a sponge it i to furtish im mense forests of the mod valuable timber ia little longer time than it ties to rnn down a piece of fertile land by piling Indian corn ; it is to be as certain S' tiTe of disease as the holy verses of the Korwora Ia the sacred bags aro-ind the necks of Kahamet's faithful followers ; and now it is t tie an insecticide, or at least an insectifuge, of intense value to the grape-grower I How sad t onr lot is cast in this northern clime, and tli a mere trifle in the way cf a degree or two afint ahonld stand be tween us and these treeilons blnsstn - Germanto'cn Telejfnph. t Fkcst is Vallets. Jidl tbau thirty years ago wc urged the import4je- of not planting tender fruit trees, as the ptjh.at the bottom of valleys, where the cold 'SeUles, ani where the warmth iu summer acTutnmn promotes a more succulent and teiidorj-ovrta. But it ap pears that even now soiuer slor to believe it. It appears that at a inectftIast winter of the Farmers' Club at Old MiiioavMich., (as re ported iu the HorticttltitutjuM of the mem bers attributed the greter )iandicated In val leys to the variation ftermometers. Ten thermometers were a-orTiag'y procured. On low ground they wenLown to 9 degrees below zero : on being reuiovt onli e ,ewtTet higher to a small ridge, al rest t eigo. degrees. Higher poiuts showei-reatjr lerences. Wo have known peach bu to U !t)llv dest . " . at the bottom of auollow; Vtle sixty feet higher, and out of ,e Iaks it cold air, the trees bloomed profus. Coa&i Gentleman. Colman's Rl'itAL 'oion'' thinks the Berk shire breed of hO''jtMq. IHore desir:ihln points than any othel-ii t!iw il the points that are to be deiirej ) To raise pork proily ia' te,l have tho best brceJs, snch as e thq d'stablished and of fixed cliaract) pbc.J 'if neat and compact form; soutnd v 5fln m jjjij-aM r tiou ; proliUc breedoineJioru i quief peratnre, such a aasflv f;, ejed at aiJ age ; such as wll 4 VbaeJ 'nnd 'nei i . f ; turn ftwawaflR. --" ' ' market will viT J ! CEt UIPTOX'S IMPERIAL fOAI i IS THE "BEST." This Soap is manufactured from pure mater ials, and us it contains a large percentage of Vegetable Oil, is warranted fully equal to the best imported Castile, Soap, and at the same time poss.ses all the washing aud cleansing properties of the celebrated Germau and French Laundry Soaps. It is therefore recommended for use iu the Laundry, Kitcheu,and Bath-room, and for general household purposes ; also, for Printers, Painters, Engineers, and Machinists, as it will remove stains of Ink, Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc., from the hands. Manufactured only by CRAMPTON BROTHERS. 3, 4. 6, S. and 10 Rutgers Place, and 33 and 35 Jefferson Strict, New York. Nov. 13, 1875.-emo. l I fV- V -r - " - V I -X V" B SI 2x r Is ! X A &S 5 I ) i I3 I I . II I If VXx ? 5 s g NTS- 3 g ; n u a hams, bacon f !( OSTKICU F?' tbat Mr. Miir circus propr- African ostrifs, ancf irdj & mat iwout tTw vnlze on his place r Ha'j ods, a acullUjwnaT tifteeu uiiiuroui 5, I Francisco, it ia L Queen's iuteioa to ise oetrichesSolelj their pluma'a taen being expect j toi; over 5'.'00 th ot Ij hers yearly, jk b. vnsled, it i.-a'J 00 in the cuterptisl A r.itooi'wre, lie" ' in foal, owued Islaud, bre ncr ln leg, and Ins-tea a stroyiug f as is tha (most universal oast a veterin J surgeon : j,ced her in l!ngs,rt Kg, and swe;ki raare was tnrned all righted none th, worse- for lhe accident. Manyvoable hors, that nr killtd tncy ha? me ui..or, l0 6real. a limb m!ght oe savc. ms nuutane and sensible examp ;c : Ii head ' the foot, so highthan the feet-i to gcthe head on th chilnnnd shonldef artecs, aud interfen of tf blood. Even 1 slP little from the 'the head may be a little! it never bend the r,ek kniow. This cramp th vein ami the free circulation men tne chi!, i. , ...ji,i fh.i.ilin. . . " "'erit , ,uula oe tbIn ofMr,notoffeathe. - na,,e ECEirT FOB M.UI50 ,. T. . I I uru irivet th, ,-.. The tKWJtcl .nufacture of wri5 f for ,tgalls, eight onnctjeach wlphS !f .,1 copperas, a few civ, faZlL md'S' am arabic, for a gajua of ' ",0 Dces . f the sulphate of i!l0Ro f to when first written wtiL hnf - . 11 i4 bIne 5 k,,,w. V omcs an in. '' tr, 11 'Kht. ''eat. I I