Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 14, 1876, Image 3
J. cui" uitcrit;uL XUAlt 14, 1S7G. I'liue Table. E or TK1I58 AT f MII KV. P. t E. U. R. West. Krie Mail, C.l!2 a m Niagara Ex., 12.85 p ui Elmira Mail 4.05 pm Fab'. Line, 7.(0 p ui lOJj, N. C. It. W. ARRIVE tfa'l, 11.15am x press, 3.55 p m i leaves Shamokin at Carmel at 7.40 a m. 1 at 6.00 p in, arriv- M ItcUirin In ut -u P. U . au A nive at - leave at G.55 n. ni. OMSBURG iLANH. R. n. I. 1 J "I- 4:.u p. m 5 p. ill. 4: 45 p. ii.. nd 0:10, p. in. . . T.,.nraUC e TicketsNian be had cnt, at the Drpot- of Acciueui- .t anient for the Vost uubury, I'm. a. tn., to 8 p. tit., e.'ffjit AND CLOSING OF THE ULS. TIME OF Arrives as folio ' . m., 4.10 p. m., .in., 4.10p.m. in., 11.15 a.m., 1.55 p. m. -, ui.,11.15 a. ni., 4.10 p.m. id '.t. Carmel, '..-3 a. m. oer, 4.00 p. m. Wwt. ;.! Nortli,!-;' s fclllllUoWlll Hi SUamoUin V1 ,r the,. a- , 10.59 a. m., 4.50 p. m. " S.00P- jinutu, " 0..0 a. nu 4 50 p ln-? 8 p. ,. V,t, 10 - ;;.50 p. in., S.00 p. m ti Noi-tu. ' i .. in.. 8 p. in., s'.uiinoUiu l,r 1Per 11.15 a. in Siuimokm i (lj 0fjiPCS , thi.t route; i.'K ii. in- vonev orders wtu not bc itwa uaef C p. in., oll Saturdays. J. J. SMITH. P. M. t ccal Sffairs. The County Auditors have adjourned to meet on the thir l Monday of this month. We don't tarpose that the county debt made the last year, bad anything to do with scaring them. Demoouatii' economy uow cousists of raisin the waues of the appoiuled officer. When liv ing a hili the wages of Commissioners' clerk, dc, was put down to fifty dollars per month. SNiiee wages of all kiuds of laborers aud mechanics are being reduced, the Demo cratic board of Commissioners raised the salary of the cieik to seventy dcilars per month. Democratic ecouoiny always does begin at the wrong cu J. A KEAT board walk has been laid from Second to Third streets, through Ikirbary alley, between the Clenii nt House and Masonic building to S. P. Wvei ton's law building. P. S. Burrell and S. P. Wolvcrtou made the improvement at their own expense. Heavy Pokkeus. There were a number of fat hops killed in this plce this winter. Among the fattest was tin ce killed by Col. C. Nefl on the SOta ult., which weighed respectively 454, 445 and i'.'5, making n aggregate of pounds. Mr. diaries Gariuger killed two iu the 4tii inst. which weighed 942 pounds. Col. Nell has another hog tokill which is expected to weigh about 000 poun(. Sipden Death. Dr. L. D. Kobbius, of Elysburg, this county, W regret to learn died suddenly on Monday of hst wek. The Doctor was hospital steward of Ihe 131st regiment P. V. during the late waj. He was a talented physicist, and was w iiiel; knowu throug saeeess- ful practice. He was i good citizen, and his J loss will be much regnricd by the whole com munity in which he revded. The Tf alsontown Ttcord has been enlarged and the patent outsidi abandoned. The paper has been improved will the expectation of the Sheriff's sales. Autei has an eye on improve ments as well a tobaco. HeUill undoubtedly now jive us some 'phunny things." Long may he wave. Ir you want Centnulal calendars, blotters and first-class tire, lif aud accident insurance to Shipmaii, he cai supply you. Mr. Wm. II. IlAAS,)f this place, who carried ou the baking busines on Fouitu street several years agu, died at lh residcuce of Lis father, ou Fourth street, u fjrv'-v inoruiiig last. He had been Ui for seven yeais during which time he suffered inleLscly. He was aged about 5 years. Us Thursday uioring, the Cu .ust., Mr. Geo. Follmer, watchoin at the First National Lank of Suubury, disovered smoke, and ou cx amiuatiou fouud the oor had caught fire from the heater at the rcgsteK The flooring about the register was consierably charred by the heat. With a few buckets water the lire was ex tinguished without I rcu damage. Mb. Al'TEN, of lh( Vatsonlowii Record, wants to make it appear tlf a tramp had stolen his best coat. Tramps 1 not tolerate such abuse and will, no doubt, ring suit for damage, as everybody knows John never owned a "best coat" nor any other Enos Suire has jur'uased 'lie store lately kept by Heed, Broth Seaslioltr. Mr. Siiipe bas already oin-ned " stin k of goods, aud is f astonishing everybody u his low prices. 'JIoNESTlEh' is the bt of jiolicies, but Ship Wan thinks a Fire, Life id Accident insurance policy in his compauies oially as good. Sou Malick, Es'i-, taken suddenly ill iu the court room J Tuesr of la week from a elicht attack offc-icart dtasc. We are glad to ofik. us e ee that he has sufficiently to attend to business. Sitkrife StkinE, assisl by John S. Hofla, of Turbut.and M. F. Seatn, of Milton, look the prisoners, sentenced byidge Rockefeller last week, to the eastern imenliary on fc-alunlay last. : J . We are (i tbhamokiii Dam Conn-I e olhe last d ty of 1S75. aig Ulioit time they have fcoirood music, and bid tie ofc !est in this part of Band for a sen 1 he band, cousi been organized, fair of becoming the State. r. g. r.nKW Ei Of till- SU'ihll-r , Vr a; lime f np rinteu.leiit -obns renxsvei to Pen Yan, N. 1 gas works I VlslVfil .( ;;7.Vf. sine of V supposoA 1 aft seen 01 ,t'. "l.if extensive I Wi)ort Cazc'.U :cj disappear- t4 who ll is .1 He was ikembrf raveling bc-tn-n. S was about formntirl conreniing flved b. Weisbine, twecn St. 5;ary sand vears ci e. j j l,im wlllb tUankfully' 1 . of Willlasirt. The Pfotcfc granite t niiiineut . W. M. Daughcrty's marble yi .this phiL, i tnic-thinguP'- It is Iwaut :iy design! nnd fin islied in the best stvle k j n n the a. It is to be erected to the mcmori f the pare or our worthy townsmen Hon.4 B. Packer nd S.J. Tucker, Esq. 1 Tub rush for new andu autiful goof is not over yet at Marx fc Bri ,tore ncxttloor to pot offlee. W notief Iail v crowdsJ.nving t hat establishment with arc package The lirm keep up their stock; nstantly, andhe low j,ce induces all who there to bu, An other new stock has just scn opened whli will l.e sold at tli usnal low prices ns herifore. o one can form an idea f their large tok nn f ss they call and ser. ' The HisTORT or Tnit S jvi.iianna. W'wii! resume the publication if the history of the Susquehanna in our next 'isuc. We were m. jelled to suspend rnblish it for the last w0 months on account of 110 having the copt band. The ruture chapter will be more inr.' cfting than those alrendv fchllsbH. TnoaEof our readers wlo visit the city lr the purpoe of purchasinrtiiliel.'s (.1 dress, p pccially ladies' fashionaHe cloakp, fcc, won do vell to examine the stfk of Ely, IInnber rr t Ely, staple and fan J dry No. 1V:i diestuut St., Philadelphia Snu at the fcnUT Music A larr;. assortment for saleon, North'd county, if , tbe periodical stand In je posiofflce. eaf Intttrnnce policy. The New Jail. We are rejoiced to see that the last Grand Jury liaj the good sensce to re commend, almost unanimously, a new jail Tor this county and avoid further disgrace in having it noticed in the State records a? the worst build ing of the kind in Pennsylvania, or perhaps in the United States. We hope now, that the County Commissioners will do thenis'-lves credit by erecting a building of the most approved modern plan, oik: that will not only be credita Die nui useful, aii't in its jiurposrs prove eeo uomieal to the count v. Unt this cannot be done by faltc economy. They should examine jails of oilier counties which have been built of late years, an 1 adopt the best plau betore com mencing the wo: ii. It will require considerable foresight to erect the right kiud of building to be occupied probably for a century to come, and the Commissioners cannot be too cautious in cs ercising their judgment in the matter. A few thousands more or less judiciously applied now may save tens of thousands hereafter. tri i- ru.owsr M't'i'F.R.-1 be anniversary supper of Northumberland Lodge, No. l'.IG, I. O. of O. F., on last New Year's evening, was one of the most pleasant features of that town dur ing the holidays. The members of the Lodge have kept up the custom of an annual supper in their lodge room for many years, when the wives lake part aud give encouragement to their husbauds to continue in the good cause iu w hich they are engaged. The occasion is one of plea sure, as there is a rc-u:iion of all the members and their families, who meet to give expressions of joy that they are permitted to encourage each other in doing gK).l an 1 benefitting their fellow men. The supjvr was grand, aud was presided over by our old esteemed friend John A. Taylor, now t he o; lest Oil Fellow in this State. After some two hundred were seated around the tables impressive prayers were oller ed up by two ministers, thanking Him, who rule the nuivere, for the bountiful jrifts, and to be again permitted to meet together in their ai:nual meeting. The Northumberland Cornet Band was present aud discoursed excellent mu sic. After all having done justice to the good things spread before them, 1). D. G. M., A. N. Iliiee, and Grand Warden. S. U. lioyer, were called on and delivered short addresses, after which the meeting adjourned at a late hour all pleased with the eveniug's exercises. Death or an Aged Citiex or Cavfhon. On Tuesday, the 4th inst., John Eoycr, or Cam eron towuship, died after a lingering and pain ful illneis, at the advanced age of years. Mr. Boyer was the father of S. li. Boyer Esq., of tilis place, lie was a generous-hearted and un assuming gentleman, beloved by all who knew liiiu for his exemplary character. He was one of the early pioneers of Cameron towuship, and contributed largely to the many improvements of that township. As a neighbor he was always ready to assist in a good cause, and many will feel that by his death they have lo.-t a good friend. A IIam'Some Present to a Paitoi:. The members of the Klinesgiovc church, ou the eve ning or the ti.lh ult., surpnscd their pastor, Rev. W. W. Col burn, by present ing him with a handsome bible at the parsonage, with the names of the donors printed on in gilt letters. The Reverend gentleman has been I lie pusior of the church for nearly three vtar. and will soon part w ith the congregation under the rule of the M. E. church denomination, and this token of their appreciation of services must certainly hate been giatifying to him. The bible was pre sented by A. M. Campbell, Esq., of Klinesgroe, and was received by the pastor with much feel ing. Our young friends in That vicinity know how to appreciate worth end how to others happy. Death of Wm. DErris, Esq. We regret to announce the death of Win. Deppiu, Esq., of Trcvorton, this county, who after a lingering iilness of several years, died at his residence on Saturday evening last. Mr. Deppin was for many years engaged in the mercantile business ut Mauauoy, and afterwards in the towu of Trcvorton. By his exemplary character he won the esteem of all who came in contact with him. lie was well known throughout the county, and on several occasions was Ihe choice or the Re publican party for prominent positions, -but tnat party being then largely in the minority, he was unsuccessful. During the war he was an ardent advocate of the administration, and contribu ted largely in raising recruits rr the suppres sion of the rebellion. He was a gentleman or good Judgment, and was esteemed by all Tor his f above parties went 111 au old coal drill, "loosened kindness towards his neighbors and his chiistian ' the coal and hauled it away. It was ueld pro anrt exemplary character. ! l"at lauy the leiouious taking of pcr- 1, property, and as ihe coal was iu Hie Unit - lu its natural stale it was legally a trespass and Ej.ection or Orricr.HS. At a meeting of J' not larceuy. Verdicl uol guilty. Washington Fire Company, held iu their hall on J The case of the Com vs Simon '. Bassler the evening of the 0th. the following ollicers ? 'if ul.y removing property from liie raiiroau ... , ; company. In this caso !iuiou alias Lode were elected to serve for the ensuing year : I .,.1 m.n;,,,' n.,,,..:;.,,, i- ..1 Preridcnt Sol. Slroh. Vice-President G. M. Rcuu. Secretary J. Moore Campbell. Financial Secretary T. 1). Reed. Treasurer W. il. Miller. Foreman H. J. Waltz. Assistant Foreman S. F. Nevin. Chief Engineer J. C. Kerschner. Assistant Engineers J. C. Miller, Norman Nodccker, M. C. Bowlby, E. N. Shindcl. Firemen John Mantz, H. W. Bucber, Geo. P. Krohu, W. B. Hendricks. Axemen Wm. Logan, Geo, Bower, A. Kct tlcr, Jos. Poyer. Pipcnien Wm. Krisher, (Chief) H. D. Bucber, John Lyon, Thos. Malone, R. F. Dicf fciiderfer, Samuel Weaver. G. A. Sleeder. Directors B. F. Bright, II. II. Conrad, J. B. .-m. 111, r., r. .11. tcktnan. MtETiNo or ti:e iUAM Do doe oi I. (). or O. F. Ai SiMifRY. A special meeting of liie R. W. Giand Louge of the I. (). of O. F. or Penn sylvania, will be held at Sunbury on Thursday afternoon, February odfal 2 o'clock, for the pur pose or admitting Past Grauds to membership in the (irand Lodge. At 7 o'clock iu the eve ning a v isitalioii in. eling will be held to exem plify the work of the 01 der,w hen ineinbcis not Past Grands will bc admitted. The lodges iu this vicinity should send full delegations to these meetings, as they will not perhaps have another meeting of the (irand Lodge as convenient ror many years 10 come. t St NiiL'Rl te Lewistows H. K. At a meeting of the purchasers of the Sunbury tt Lwlslowu ra.lroad, held oil Friday at the olhco of James H. Campbell, in Philadelphia, the following; ofli cers were chosen : President Aaron Fries, Philadelphia. Directors R. W. Swenk, Laucnsler ; Josiah Hart, Doylestowu ; D.iuicl Buck, Philadelphia ; W. Budd D-acon, New Jersey; Geo. Minn 1, on, NorrUtoWn ; Geo. Schnuie, Selinsgrovc. Arrangements will at once tie made Tor the operation or the road t the best interests of those interested. Commissioneks' Appointments. The County Commissioners, on the 1.1 liit., madethe Mow ing apjHtlntiuents for th! cnsuiiii. year : Clerk D. M. Schwartz, 01" Jordan. Attorney T. il. Puidy, Sunbury. Mcn autiie Aq.r.iiser W. K. Erd-nau, Sli.i mokin. Janitor M. I". Bucber, Sunbury. Physician Dr. F. L. Ilau.t, Sunbury. When the (at is Away ti:i: Mk r. W11.1. Pl-AY. As soon as we announced our int nt ion iu our issue of the lst ult. that wc intended to have a week's vacation the Democratic batteries were opened upon u ; the Iitmvcrat leading olf and followed by t!i Watsoutown lltcurd. Eveu the oi'.v and its depot reporter with the "yaller dog' were induced to I.Mik at us, but then there was no li-uui dune. Wo have ic sumed, an I xpcct quiet will be rest 01 ed. Com.t's Inh han k A:i:ncy. We are glail to find that many of the Tanners in this and ad joining count ies avail themselves of t'nc oppor tunity to get their property insured iu the -"Etna. Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn., of which (ieo. Coble, Esq., of llernilon, is the agent. The ..Etna is a reliable company, and no farmer should neglect to insure so that in case of lire he will receive the gieater portion of his loss back again. The smali sum paid for a policy und assessment", frequently is t he men ns of saving a poor, hard-working man from total ruin by lire, w hich is liable to occur at any time. Call ou (ieo. Coble, Esq., Hern- you wish to secure a. COI UT I'KOCKEDIXGS. Court opened on Mouday inorniug, the 3d inst., Judge Rockefeller on the bench. The Court appointed Augustus Bergcr, Jacob Cable and Henry Haupt tipstaves for the first week, and S. Boughncr aud J. Houpt for the 6econd week. The follow ing '-ases were then disposed of: Com. vs Henry Hackcubcrg. For. and bus. True bill. Found guilty and sentenced to pay the uual penalty. Tuesday, Jan. 4th. Com. vs Geo. Philips. For. and bus. Guilty. Seuteuccd to pay a line of (10, aud undergo an imprisonment of three months. Com. vs James DcMuih Disturbing a public meeting. Guilty in manner and form as in- I dieted. Com. vs David iluvcrs Lareenv. Guilty Seuteuccd to pay n tine of $5, and undergo an imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiarv lor IS months. Coin, vs Benj. Norman Larceny. Guilty Sentenced to pay a line of $5, return the stolen properly, and undergo an imprisonment iu the Eastern Penitentiary lor 1ft months. Com. vs Philip 1 liilips Assault and battery On trial. Com. vs Hiram Richard Munson Larceuy Guiltv. sentenced to pay a lino of f., return the property stolen aud undergo an imprison ment iu the eastern penitentiary for the term of l. months. The (irand Jury returned the following bills : Com. vs Philip Phillips Larcenv. True bill. Com. vs Philip Phillips Robberv. True bill. Com. vs Thomas Kail'ertv, John Rall'erty a: Thomas Welsh Larcenv. True bill. Com. vsj ames DeMulli Nuisance and drunk enness. True bill. Com. vs June- DcMuih Resisting police. 1 rue bill. Com. vs William Cook, Emma v'ok, Annie Barutield aud Delilah Snyder Keeping a bawdy house. True bill. Com. vs William Van Dyke Gambling as tav ern keeper. True bill. Com. vs i;iiam andykc. Seliing liquor witliout license, true lih!. Com. vs Levi Alibright. Assault and balttiy. Bill iguored and prosecutor, Frank Welnaw, to pay cost. Wednesday, Jan. 5. The following bills were reported by the graud jury: Com vs Hubert Mtiseuhelicr, Levi Witmen ami William H.mtnau. Felony, bill ignored. Com vs William B Wallace. Assault and bat terv. Bill ignored. Com vs Simon '. Bass! True bill. Com vs Levi Allbright Bill ignored. Malicious mischief. Assault aud battery. Com vs Zebxdee Bostian Larcenv. True bill. Com vs Jesse and Alonr Hensyi. quor to druuKardi. True bill. Com vs JessB aud Aloiizo Hcnsyl. selling li Sclling li- tuor on Sunday. 1 rue lull. Com vs Jesse and Alonzo Hcnsyl. Sellin iu- toxieating drink on election day. True bill. Com vs Jesse and Aionzo Hcnsyl. Selling li quor to persons visibly allected. Bill ignored. Com vs Thomas C McWilliams. Assault on a coiLstablc- True bill. Com vs Frauk Harrison. Malicious mischief. Guilty. Sentenced to pay a line of f-5, costs of prosecution and undergo an imprisonment of tix mouths in the couuly jail. Cum vs James DeMulli. Resisting puiice ofliccr. Not guilty. Couuly to pay coals. Com vt J H Druuiueiler. Assault and battery. Guilty of an assault. Scuteuced to pay a line ol tit), costs of prosecution aud undergo au im prisonment of - months iu lue county jail and Hive bail iu the sum of 400 to keep the peace lor the period of one year. Com vs Aunie Barutield and D.-lilali Suvjer. Keeping a bawdy house. Nol guilty. County 1 lor cosls. Com vs William VanDyke. Selling liquor without license. Pleads guilty. Cum Vs Autouellu Cooiaski. Larceny. Guilty. be:ileuced to pay u tine ot 1, return the stuieu property and undergo an imprisonment, in the county jail, "at separate and solitary confine ment al l.tsor, for live day. Com vs KoOeU Meiscuhciler, Levi Wltinau and Wniiaiii Harl.iian. Larceny. True bill us rc gaiils -Meiseuiie.ler aud Wltinau, but bill iguored as regards Ilaitiuaii. Wiluiauaud Meiseunellcr uiily. The former seuteuccd to pay a tins of j, costs ol proaeculioii, restore stoieu properly iind undergo an iiuprisoumeul "by separate aud feoiitary confinement nl labor," iu tbc county jail tor Ihe term ot six uionins. MeiseuLellcr eeiileuccd to pay a line ol tj, cosls ul piosecu l.on, reiuiu stolen procily aiiJ undergo au im prisonment iu liie couuly jail al --separate aud eoiiiary coiiiiucnicui at iaOor,'' fur the term ot 5 lllOlllijs. Com vs l'hi.ip Phillips. Robbery. Ou trial. EVEMNU SESSION. Court convened ul 7 o'clock, and bin Honor ciiarged the jury ou the case ol Com vs Philip Phillips Robbery. It seemed iu the evidence iu (his case that in a scuttle between William Van Dyke aud Pliillp Phillips, Phillips came iu pos session of Vuul3 ke"s waleli and was afterwards jtrrcsied for robbery. The judge directed the jury to icuder a verdict ol nol guilty, the case properly belonging under an aeliou of replevin or tresspass. Tli. e:isi. of Hie (4011 V4 Ttlilll.'i4 :iol .t.mii.a jaileilv end Tuouias Welsh Larceuv. The I some thiity cars aud throwing them away, ii ! was so piuveu and heuce the verdict, guiliy. j lULKSDAt, Jan. C. t The following bills were returned by the graud jury : ! Com vs Andrew Wilson. Assault and battery. True bill. Com vs John F Campbell. Larceny. Not guilty. Com vs A J Col! Selling liquor without !i- cense. H ue bi.i. Com v Alfred Brady. True bill. Malieious mischief. Com vs Annie Curwin Bill ignored. Assault and battery. Com vs John Slianahan. Larceny. Larceny. Larceny. Bill ig Bill ig Bill ig Bill ig- j noted. j Com vs Mary MeGiil. i nored. j Coin vs Andrew Wilson, i nored. I Com v Andrew Wiisou. i nored. Burglarv. Com vs Valentine Stout. For. and b as. Bill ignored. Com vs Jacob Withingion. chief. Bill ignored. .Maiicious mis- Com vs .Mary McGill. to commit arson. Bill ignored. Coin s James Richardson. Assault and bat- ttry. BUI ignored. Coin vs Jesse ana Aionzo Hcnsyl. Selllug liquor to miuois. ' 'onliuued till i.exl court. Com vs Phillip Piliips. Larceny. Not guilty. Com vs Wdiiain Vandyke. Gumbiiug as tavern keeper. Continued Hit next court. I Com Vs William Vandyke. Selllug liquor without license. Guilty. S ulciK-ed lo pay a lino of $ j'J, cos-.s of prosecution and stand com mitted until ihe sentence of ihe court is com piled MflU, not cxeeriiiug the lirm of Uo days. Com n Snnoi! '.. Bassler. Malicious mis chief. Guilty. Com vs Jesse and Aloi.zo Heiisyi. Sclliug to ilriiuk.irds. Continued till next court. (.1,111 vs bame. ."selling liquor on Sunday. Continued till uexi court. Com vs tame -selling ntoxicatiug drinks on lection day. Continued till next court. Com Vs J. W. Bassler. assault and battery. Nol. P10. rntt-reW by leave of court. Com s James Malian. Selling liquor witliout license. Guilty. -seu(,c.UCL.,i 1,, j,ay u u;u. t-ijU, cosls ol j'roBCCUiioii, ana stand commit led i.nlil tiie sei.tcnce of the coin I is complied with, not to exceed ill) day. Com. Vs -same, (selling iiquor oil Sunday. Guilty. Seiiteiiceil to pay a line of C"0, cost of prosecution, aud stand Commuted until the sentence ol the court is compiled with, not lo exceed IU days, from lue expiration of the seii-It-uce ot the court iu liie case of Com ys fame, selling liquor without license. Com vs (ieo B. GeuMicr. Assault an 1 baitcry. Nol. Pros, entered by leave of couil. Com vs John E Rathvou, Patrick O'Giirra, Thomas O'Garra, James Summons and Patrick Waters. Forcible entry and detainei . This is a case involving some coal lands and will likely occupy several days. Both sides arc rcpresuut 1 I t y i iniiicnl counsel, A. J. Dictrick, Esq., Judge ili ut. y, Judge Maynard, of Wllliamsporl and I . 11. Purdy, Esq., of Sunbury, for theeom inonweaiill, and James Ryan, Esq., of Potls, vi lie, Judge Linn, of Wllliamsporl, and G. W., Esq., of Sunbury, for the defence. .KAMI JLKI report. SiNKt RV, Jan. 0, 1S7C. Honorable William M. Rockefeller, 'i'o the President J ad : of Ihe county of Northuin- umberland : Votn Honuu We, the (irand Inquest, in quiring in and for the county of Northumber land, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, respect luily report, That we have uttended to all the business sub mitted lo us, having acttd oil 44 bills, lit of which have been returned tine bills and 10 ig norant us. We have carefully examined the Court House, and tiud the roof leaks on the southwest angle, causing the plastering of the Traverse Jury room to fall down, which we recommend lie re paired. The Court ('tier and his room are both in a good state of preservation, ami it may not be generally known that the desk and eagle quill in hie room dale back to 1771!. Our friend B.-ckicy endeavored to make us Ir licve t lie ink stand was equally aged, but we have some doubt on that question. Alter visiting all the rooms up stairs we re paired to the county offices, nil of which we find in good order. Wc recoiumeud a new desk for the Treasurer's room. Also, double desk, case, for blanks, Campbell's system of indexing and repairing of gas fixtures for Prolhonotary. The privy is in the same filthy coudition Grand Juries always find it. and would rcconimsud cleaning and a liberal sprinkling of lime. Wc called on the new Sheriff, who very kind ly showed ua through the worst constructed, illy ventilated and most insecure jail in renueylva nia, if not iu the United States, and as so many repairs were necessary we concluded the best thing to do was to say nothing about the needed repairs but recommend a new jail, which we most heartily do. The (irand Jury unanimously request it copy of the Piesident Judge's charge to them, or so much us refers to the early history of the county and Centennial year, for publication. J. A. Both, Foreman. l'rocetlf tig of Hie Xortliuinbor- I liiau ouniy TcacurrK Iiihtilutr. SnAMOKiN-, Dec. 20th, 1S75. In pursuance lo the c iil of County Superin tendent, il. II. Bartholomew, the twenty-first annual session of Northumberland County In stitute convened in Hclfenstein's Hall, at Sha tnokin, on the -Otli day of December, lb75, at 1.30 p. ni. The President appointed W. J. Wolvcrtou temporary Secretary, after which the Institute listened to some excellent niuie rendered by the "Shamokin Glee Club'' entitled "Merry Greet ing." The R';v. H. C. Haithcox then read the first Psalm and offered a prayer. The following gentlemen were nominated for Vice Presidents : Henry Kembel, by Win. M. Boal ; M. Nolan, of Shamokin, by W. J. Wolvcrtou ; E. Enter line, of Lower Mahanoy, by R. T. Owen ; and J. T. Hcpner, or Shamokin, by S. Shipman. On motion, nominations closed. Mr. Nolan then withdrew his name leaving as permanent Vice Presidents, Henry Kembel, E. Enterliue, and J. P. Hcpner. Wm, J. Wolvcrtou was made permanent Se- j cretary. Messrs. Griffith, John, aud W. li. Harpr, or Miamokin, aud Miss Maggie Iluir, were chosen assistants. Wm. M. Boal, of Sunburv, was elected Trea surer of the Institute. The Chairman appointed J. B. Savidge, Geo. W. Campbell, Geo. W. Hoover, Miss Jeunie Christie, and Miss Amelia Gossler, Committee 011 Resolutions. The President, Mr. Bartholomew, appointed Wm. M. Boal and Ira Shipman, of Sunbury, critics of the Institute. Mr. J. W. Shower, of Jackson township, mov ed that the registration Tee be Used at twenty- five cents. G. W. Campbell moved that it be one dollar, lo include season ticket. Mr. Show er's motion was seconded and carried with an amendment by S Shipman that the money thus accruing be applied to paying for publication or the minutes of ihe Institute and other neces sary expenses. Ihe amendment was earned, also the original motion as amended was car ried. On motion of Mr. Fink, it was resolved: That nil pereons identifying themselves with our public school system, and with the Teach er's County Institute, and becoming honorary members of the Institute, may become active members of Ihe same by paying a registration fee of fifty cents, when they shail be allowed all the privileges of active members. That the pro ceeds thus accruing shall go to the payiugof the isecretary for services rendered, and the balance, If any, to go into the Treasnry as a public fund. That all persons identifying themselves with our public schools are oordially invited to become members according to this resolution. The President then delivered his inaugural ad dress, specifying the nobility of the teacher 6 vocation ; the labor attending it ; the necessity or being interested in it ; and assured the teach ers of his sympathy with them ill the common cause of general education. At this juncture a recess of fifteen minutes was granted for the purpose or enrollment, dur ing which lime the school dist ricts or the county were alphabetically called nud 74 teachers were enrolled. The Institute was then called to order aud listened to the profitable addrtss or welcome de livered by Mr. J. J. John, or Shamokin. This address started rrom the cradle or literature and traced its course through rough and smooth un til the present ; noliug among other things or worth, the lime and place or the birth of the Northumberland County Institute, contrasting then with now, in terms of eioqucnce and hu mor. On motion, resolved, that the Institute Solieitc Dr. John's address for publication. After this the Shamokin Giee Club brought Ihe afternoon session to a Happy closo by sing ing one of their beautiful pieces, entitled "Away we go." The Chairman then aljonrnc l t'ac institute unt il 7.:;. I p. m. EVENIVi SESSION. At the time specific 1 the President called the Institute to order. Mnsic by the Glee Club, "Happy welcome to all." Prof. C. II. Vcrrill was theu introduced, who lectured on "What shall wc study V His re marks were eminently instructive and very en couraging to the earnest teacher. He thought it wise not to lie too practical nor theoretical ; but occupy a middle ground covering all com mon school brunches, with the addition of drawing. Items of civil government: Would have pupils instructed in these because many never attend any other thau the common schools; lour-lifihs of tin: borrowed wolds or tin Eng lish language aie or Latin origin, heuce pupils would do well to study Latin ; the study or Mathematics was highly encouraged ; lastly, that the true object of study is to uudc:s.and, to pleasantly commuuicate. The lecture as well received. After this the Institute a enlivened by the Glee Club tinging "Brooklit," Miss li. F. Chideftcr, of New York, wa. then introduced who rendered "L!Ule Mable" in a faultless style, as such, throwing ;bep emotion hit j the audience. Immediately following .hi' "The widow's choice" was rendered in an ex ceedingly easy and natural manner, in striking harmony with real life. Tbe Jlutile jf the evening was characterized by au enlivening quartette "Jolly Jonalhau, ''com posed or Shaiuokiii pupils, personating the happy mood or the citizens ot the fatherland. At this point Institute adjourned to meet at 'J a. in. Tuesday moruing. TIESDAT MORNING, DEC. L'l. Institute opened by music and devotional ser vices, conducted by Prof. G. H. Verrill, ufter which the roll of members was called and min utes read and corrected, aud after correction ap proved. Prof. Verrill then engaged the Institute upon Arithmetic, giving his views upon thoroughness as advancement is made. Advocated reviewing for the purpose that the farmer cross-ploughs and cross-harrows ; the main poiut being to make and women ; contrasting the French and English systems of notation showing they are alike until 10th figure. The subject of English Grammar was then treated by ihe Secretary. After which G. W. Campbell read an essay on "Morality of our Schools," holding up morality as of paramount excellence and necessity in the teacher, and deal ing heavy blow s to the use of tobacco and strong dunk. 1 he essay was well and forcibly written, and was well received. President declared a recess ot fifteen minutes, during which time teachers who had not yet enrolled came forward aud did so. After recess Miss H. Florence Chidetcr. of N. V. dealt with the subject of elocution, point ing out its use, age, etc. That tone aud ges tures are understood rather than words ; that elocution leaches to be natural. Alter this live minutes speeches were allowed iu discussing the views advanced by those who treated subjects 111 the former part of the day. Prof. Verrill was tin; tirst speaker, Mid spoke to the profit and pleasure, of all. on motion the puper read on "Morality in our schools" be published in the minutes. Institute then adjourned to l.lid p. in. AITEKNOON SESSION. Institute cpened by music, niter which the roll was called. Subsequent to this the subject or draw ing was discussed iu live-minute speeches. Prof. C. 11. Verrill took the lead, showing the value and Im portance of drawing. European draftsmen are employed at high salaries because America does uol possess the skill demanded. Mr. Fink, of fi-haiuokiu lollowed, advocating drawing as au improvement in penm mship, that ihele should be professorships in drawing. Grifllth John en dot sed Ihe foregoing. R. T. Owen thought di awing had been ncgln-ted too long as an ele ment ol education. Ity request of Mr. J. W. Ziegier, Prof. Venill gave some instructions touching the mode of teaching drawing. At the close of this discussiou Miss Chi.lcster engaged Ihe Institute upon calisthenics. the advocalcd the idea of a sound mind in a sound body. After this giving the Institute practical exercises in the nrt, which proved very amusing as also useful. President declared a recess often minutes for purpose of euro. ling teachers w ho came in dur ing Ihe day. At the close of the recess the Shamoktn Glee Club treated the Institute to a piece of superb music entitled "sqic'iling Bee." After this came the spelling contest for tiiu gold watch 100 words, pronounced by Prof Verrill. The papers on which the words were written were collected and put iu care of the ex amining committee. Rev. Haithcox, Dr. J. J. John and Prof. Verrill, who will report the re bii.t to the Prcsidenl,who will ainounce ihe result at a subsequent time. After wnich the Institute adjourned with music by the choir entitled "When you are in trouble," li!l 7:o p. m. KYKSINU SESSION. Insulate opened with the discussion of the subject of the morning's essay, in which Messrs. D.-ihler, Campbell and G. John spoke uflimative ly, and Messrs. Shipman, Fink, Boal and Owen spoke negatively. After which the Glee Club rendered in most happy style "Sailor Song." The Chairman then introduced the orator of the evening, Capt. Arms, of Pitt-burg, who spoke on t he subject of "Boys." Capt. Arms kept the audience in good cheer by his masterly treatment of his subject. He first described b.:v i a very humorous manner, after which In: spoke or their education the education of their God-iui,. 'anted powers. The nature of home, both noble a id ignoble, was graphically described ; the sphere of father and mother was feelingly noticed as touching upon the future boy. That the best mode of govern ing boys is to secure their respect. Personal es" pcrience noticed with much humor. The lecture-" was well received. The Chairman then announced that the report of the critics would be heard in the mornin" After which the Glee Club rendered "Away we go 111 une style. Attcr which luststute ad journed till 9 a. in. Weducsday morning. WEDNESDAY MORNING. the Institute convened at 6 a. m., the Presi dent 111 the Chair. The Shamokin dice Club Bang -"Coronation j after which a portion of scripture was read and prayer otlered by the occiciarj, . i. voiverion. me toll was then called, and the miuutes of Tuesduy were read, corrected ana, as corrected, approved The Chairman appointed the following ladies a committee to secure cubscribers to the "Peon syivania School Journal," viz: Miss Anna John, Miss Amelia Fisher, Miss Maggie Hull', auu .miss jercmic L,ongmorc. The critics then reported, after which Wm M. Boal, of Sunbury, spoke upon the subject or -organization." Mr. Hoal first describeo. organi zation in general, then traced its fitness and ap plication to the public school stytem. His re marks were rull or good sense and very practi cal. Following this was a discussion upon the subject, iu which Messrs. Campbell, S. Shipman and Dr. John participated. rrof. errill took the floor at this point, and discussed "Philosophy jf Education" First, he defined science as principle systematiscd. That to know advantageously the following are necessary: 1, collecting facts; 2, comparing facts ; 3, elementary classification : 4, higher classification : that ail knowledge is of mailer md mind. Pending tbe discussion Ihe time given to that subject expired. Recess at this juncture afforded opportunity to enroll teachers not enrolled. After recess, the subject of history was taken up by Mr. Saul Shipman. He said the object of history was to teach children to love their coun try ; that it shoaid not be a study of drjfafaets ; it should be in connection with geography. His views were theu thrown open to a gcueral dis cussion, in w hlch Messrs Fink, Gritlith, John and G. W. Campbell participated. .Miss Chidester iheu gave instruction upon elocution, commencing with phonetic spelling particularly noticing the uilferent sounds of the vowels, showiug the need or familiarity with the correct sound of them, to eecure correct pro nunciation. During this exercise the time for adjournment arrived, nud the Institute was ac cordingly adjourned till l1 j o'clock, p. in. AFTERNOON SES3ION. Institute opened with the singing of "Kiud words can never die" ; after which the roll was called. The clecution or Committee on Perma nent Certificates was the work of the afternoon. Preparatory to tins election, names were writ ten 011 the board, representing the teachers eligi ble to the office, viz: (i. W. Campbell, John B. Savidge, S. S. Ueeder, R. T. Oweu. G. W. Howcr, S. P. Fink, Jeremiah Longmore, Saul Shipman, J. T. Hcpner, Mrs. Mary Gray and Mattherw Nolan. The Chairman gave live min utes to prepare ballots and appoiuled Mr. Dci bcrt and Mr. Sheep as tellers to collect the bal lots. On motion of Mr. Boa!, all eligible were mails nominees. Pending the counting of the ballots by the tellers. Miss Mag:;ie McMurtrics, of Sha mokin township, read a select piece entitled, "Darius Green and the Flying .Machine'" in a manner quite commendable to the reader. Immediately following this, Pror. Verrill gave a very practical drill on "School Government." He dwelt upon the following topics as or especial value, viz: 1, Good Nature ; "J, Presence; 4, A Student or Character ; f, Ideas ; Persever encc ; Organizer. Under "Tluwjs lo be i.'yiif," he specified these : 1, Plan; 2, Study temper of School. Knowledge of Patrons "In conducting classes," lie fpeciflcd these : (a). Test, knowledge ; (b), Expression; (c), Imparting instruction. He thought teachers should talk of their business should grown in kuowlcdge. At the conclusion cf his driii, the Chairman declared a recess or fifteen minutes, during which lime the new-coming teachers were en rolled, making a grand total with the prescut of Following the call to order, was the address of W. P. Withingtou. Subject, "Enforced Edu cation." To analyze would be to detract from its excellence so thorough, so clear, so compre hensive, so erudite. We hope to see the address i'i loto in print. Miss Chidester then gave an exercise in Ca listhenics, greatly to the iutciest and pleasure of all. The tellers here announced the following re suit of votes Tor Permanent Committee, viz: G. W. Campbell, 40 : G W. Howcr, S5 ; Mrs. Mary Grav, U5; Saul Shipman, l5 ; R. T. Owen, SO; J. T. Ilepner, 04 ; J. B. Savidge, S5 ; S. P. Fink, r.' ; Jessie Longmore, 1; S. S. Ueeder, 12 ; M. Nolan, 5. Mr. Campbell moved that a rising Vole be takeu to test the validity of the election. S. Shipman amended by moving to postpone all rurther action on this point uutil after recess I htirsday morning. 1 his was carried. Imme diately after which the Institute adjourned until 7,'j p. 111. ENVNINiJ SESSION. The evening sessions opened by singing "R lin upon the Roor." After which liie orator of the Jay. A. Frank Sellz.rr, of Lebanon, Pa., was in troduced by the Chairmau. Mr. Seltzer's subject "What I know about Money," was made completely alive by the peculiarly happy style of his treating it". He noticed the Iron and Golden Ages respectively, wilh remarkable pungency, among other thii:gA reading extracts from tbe diary of Adam and Eve. Paper money was humorously dealt with, pointing out its relation to the Government. Among the many ways to make money, he thought inheriting it the easiest, the surest way, the right way. Ihe latter part of the address was designed lo encourage the teachers to culti vate and maintain personal integrity. After the Glee Club sang a beautiful piece of music, the Institute adjourned until U o'clock, Thursday morning. TlintSDA Y MORNIMJ 0 A. M. Tn the absence of the Choir, Prof. Verrill read l'.iti Psalm and otlered up prayer, next follow ed lb. calling of roll aud reading of the minutes, which jftcr correction was approved. The critics reported some verv valuable and well taken criticisms, after which Prof. Vvrriil took up "Object Teaching" and made a number of good suggestions udvorating its being taught in the schools. Penmanship was then treated by S. P. Fink of Shamokin. Mr. Fink first treated of the Vriu cipals of the art. and insisted upon giving pupils the right start iu Penmanship for the reason that a wrong start, is nmch more dillictlit to acquire. The subject or Geography was sub sniuently discussed quite humorously as also profitably by Messrs. Boal, Fink, S. Shipman and Campbell. The following resolution was then passed, viz : Tina Messis. R. T. Owen. G. W. Campbell aud W. F. Derr, be elected au Auditing Com in it ice to audit the accounts of the en-Treasurer or this Institute an 1 report previ ous to adjournment this afternoon. Recess: After the Chairman had called the Institute to order, the matter of the rcsolutiou referred to this hour's consideration as per minutes of Wed nesday afternoon, on motion W. J. Wolverton was indefinitely postponed, after which the sub ject of Elocutiou was again takeu up by Miss Chidester of Syracuse, New York. She called upon different teachers to pronounce and phone tically spell Words writteu on the board. This exercise was of general profil and appreciation. Immediately follow ing thisa drill in Calisthenics was couducted by the same instructress who in troduced au ex'ended variety of figures calling into action the entire physical organization. The exercise concluded by a very pleasant prom enade, when the Institute adjourned to l'j p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. Institute opened by roil call an. I singing "Home of the Soul' by the Glee Club. Alter which there was a genera! discussion upon the following subjects : 1. "How shall teachers prevent tardiness and absence 1" 2. "Should teachers be psid according to the glade of certificates I" 3. "Should teachers be required to attend tiie County Institute"' Messrs. G. Johu, S. P. Fink, G. W. Campbell, W. M. Boal, Mary Hay, Pi of. Verrill and W. J. Wolvcrlon discussed the subjects to their indit ed extent, after which Dr. J. J. John treated the Institute toa terse and practical address upon the subject of "Enforced Education." He spoke of the very probable action or our Legislature on this subject, recounted European States in which i-uforced education was a blessing. He also read extracts from N. Y. laws to fore shadow what we in Pennsylvania may hope fully expect one year heuce. Dr. John mani fest deep interest in our public shools, and his reinaiks are always wi ll received. REPORT OF PERMANENT CERTIl itATE COMMIT I EE. The Committee organized by electing Mrs. M. S. Gray, to t lie chair, and it. T. Owen us Secre tary. The following resolutions were unanimously au 'ted : R. olveil, That all business transacted by the Committee shall be us an organiz it ion, not as individuals. That applicants are expected to come prepared with all necssary blanks filled on day of examination together with a valid Pro r.-ssional Certificate. Thai in order to preserve the dignity an 1 standing of a Permanent cerrt tieate, the Committee expect thoroughness to characterize the applicants iu their examination That the elementary branches shall be treated by the following pe'sons. '(lithography Mrs. M. S. Gray. History and Grammer S. Shipman. School Government f ... ,, ... . ,, ,. . ... . , , G. V . flower. Reading ec Higher branches Written and Mental Arithmetic I. T. Hcp ner. Geogiaphy t Penmanship R. T. Owen. Method of Instruction S. Sliipniau und Owen. The time and places of meeting to be on the 5th nd bill or Mav, 187(5. ut Sunburv. Mrs. M. S. Gray, " (i. W. Howei:, S. Shipman, ii. T. Owen, J. T. Hrp.NEi:, Committee, Adjourned to 7 p. tn. The cvBiiing session opened by the choir sing ing "Happy Welcome to All" after which Slias Chidester, treated the audience by reading select pieces entitled "Mariner's Hymn and Miss Flora McFiimsy" both of which where faultlessly ren dered, holding the audience completely entranc ed throughout. TJic preseiitatioii of a gold watch to the teacher TiiUsing the fewest out of 100 selected words Fpelled by the teacher of the Institute was the next ou tbe programme. Mr. S. shipman hav ing answered these conditions was accordingly presented with the watch by Prof. Verrill on be hair Supt. Mr. Shipman responded in au appro, priate speech. The Choir here gave the Institute a piece cliarming music, alter which Miss Chidester again appeared and read the two following pieces, "A Senator in Italy" and "Balloon Ascension," both or which she rendered in such perfect accord with their respective sentiments as to place Miss Chidester deservedly among the best of elecutionists. At the close of this exer cise she retired amidst enthusiastic applause. An odd feature of the proceedings was the ap pearance of a colored quartettee club upon the stage, at this juncture, affording considerable amusement upon their retirement the following resolutions was heartily passed viz : iicsolVcQ. lliat WO teachers, of NnrltinW- land county, feel very thankfol to an Allwise Hcing, that the present to the best speller fell upon so worthy a person as our ex-Sunt. Saul Shipman. After a few rcmaiks by the Suoeriiitendeut exceedingly appropriate to the occasion the In stitute adjourned 10 meet at 9 o'clock, Friday 1101 OlJg. FRIDAY MORNING. After the call to order, tiie choir sun:' "Kind Words can never Die," following which devo tional exercises where couduted by Wm. M. Boa). 1 nc roll was then called and the minute f Thursday where read and approved. 1 tic reports of the critics followed, subseouent to which a last, farewell drill iu elocution was conducted by Miss Chidester. In this, as in all her class-drills, she made the practical and use ful in elocutiou clearly apprehended the teahers. 1 he exejcises in Calisthenics, which immedi ately followed, was enlivening and pleasant. Here tiie Chair declared a five minutes recess: after which it was resolved, that the addresses of W. P. Withingion and Dr. J. John bc so licited for publication in the minutes. Ihe Committee appointed last year to publish the proccecdiugs or the "last three County Insti tutes," reported as follows : Printer's bill for printing 003 copies ?54.0t) Incidental expenses, 00 Total bill 7'JO Money received from Mr. Savidge?4S.'.'0 Money received from Publishers for Advcr'.isements, 20.CO Total amount received, .VJ.0S Leaving the amount due the Institute ?1 1.10 E. Schneider, Geo. W. Campbell, R. T. Owen, Committee. The Cu.mniitee on Audit reported progress, and on niotiuii was discliarxed. The Report of committee ou resolutions was as follows : Whkkeai, We reeoKuiZB .".greater ueed for Hieial preparation ou the part of the teacherand a ureal awa kening 011 the part of the people on the subject of gen eral education ; aud Binee the county Institute U in part Hiieli an instrument iu advancing the profession ot teaching by the instructions imparled aii.l the inter-e.- i awaki'iieil in the cause of general ciuejtion. Ke.olveil, That our thanks are due to the (food e ple of Shamokin w ho so k:u.l!y volunteered to eutertaia teachers Iti-solvcd, That our thanks are tendered to Svoretarv, William J. H'ulv, rton and Assistants Wm. JIarjH-1, it. John, aud Miss M. Huff, for their able report of the I.nieetdiuits of the Institute ; lo W. Ii. Oweu for the able manner iu which he conducted the musical excr cise ; to Mr. J. fc. J- Kurtz for ,'nitii:ioiH use of or Kan ; t Miss A. K. .lo0 Ior her performance ou nrgim, and t the pupils of tiie Shamokin Inch school, who attested the musical committee. It'snlved. That the thanks of the Institute are due to Pnu. C. A. Verril and Miss II. V. Chidester, for Ihe val uable instruction with nbich they favoced'he Institute. Kesoived. That the thanks of the Institute are due to the Mimical committee for the very cheering manic with which they treated the Institute. UMlvcd,That the lectures of Captain Adams and Cel. Frank S.-ttzer, for the wit, seDtiment and eood princi ples in which thfy atioimded, and were highly nppreia tiou of the Institute. Resolved. That the thanks of the Institute are due to the County Superintendent for the anxious and feeling interest lie bas manifested to make the Institute purely literary and us beneficial as possible to the teachers or the county. Resolved, That it is the sense or this Institute that in all cases where the labor performed by male or female teachers, and where th5 qualifi cations demanded are the same, salaries shntild be e'jual. Resolved. That these Institute gatherings un profitable and interesting to those teachers who attend them, and that they deserve to be con tinned and encouraged by every friend of educa tion in the couuty, ami especially by the teach ers of the county. Resolved, That it is tiie sense of this Institute that the Legislature or the State shouie suact a law requiring children between certain ages to attend school a certain length or lime every year. J. Ii. Savidoe, Geo. W. Hower, Jennie Christy, Amelia Gossler, (J. W. Campiiei.i., Committee, j The resolutions wi re considered M-ri.-ttim. and iuvjI- j se-.i. A.iaiuoiiai 10 lue above were tli.Molh.wuitf reiti cio:; nnVre i by individual teachers: 1. Tiutthe thank of the lu:.;nte are due to the teach. th of Si.aniiikin f.r their kind and pnompt atten tion in seeming entertainment for teaeh.-rs attenrti'.tf Institute. i. That the teachers of N'orihumtierluiid County In stita'.e hereby exprevH their reifret localise of prof. J-:. Schneider's removal from our midst, and iu the loss thus sustained by 11s of a faithful ro-laheror, both in the school r.H.m anil at our County Institute ; and at the ain" time we' him ui. on havnnf lievii caucii 10 a more iiicraiive u. ic. 01 laixir. aiwiua hmi our iwht wis-j.-s ior lus success 111 the :i:ne. Tiie f.Ol.iwiurt preamble ai.d resolutions were offer, d and passed, viz : Wiikkea, Tiiroauli tlis? misguided zeal of certain nu-i ib is 01 this Institute, the court' of wm.e of ng j uiosi "a. jj.-iic and experience.! workers of the past and j prei.-nt h'-sslei!, has Is'cu most grossly inisrej-resciitcd lo the Hoard of lureetors of thix l-roiiii and the .-o- ; .le, by which misrepresentation! thev have ln-eu ar raigned as ant.iKouistic to the best interests of thr In- Htitiite; and, win-rras, an unwarranted rrfleeliou has oven ijN. upon in- uu.'oiifcijct' 01 me i.McuerH ul -or- ' thuriilrt-rlaii'l county, iu ii.Htirute assembi.-.l, by a res-..- j bit 10:1 oil .-red by one of its ; and, whereas, by that resehit'.oii the prcsidim; officer was placed iu a J most unpleasant aud embarrassing position, therefore j be 1! It-solved, Thiit we. a a iody of t-ac'in's, iu justice : to the parti, I hit "misrepresented, do most empuati- i rtiiy .1-11 mat any cause ior such accusation exists; belli -.iii that whea dinVreuceii ot opinion uiauilVxt th.-inseiv-i in any orjcanizitiou, it tecoiura the minori ty to trae 1 uily iiC-pll-sce. it-solved, th-: an order 01 twelve dollars be d.avu on 1 ti-Treasurer to pay the Secretary for services rcn llcs.ilvcd. Tuai an order !.- drawn ou th Treasurer for the exc-ss of expt-nsj of County Institute over the receipts thereof, in favor of County Superintendent. Ib-solvcd, That the Secretary instruct all baviuj any funds belotn:in to this Institute to pay the name 10 the Tteasui-er, Mr. W. M. Iloai, of Stiiibury. lU'Solvrd, That the Secretary have the minutes of the procccdiiik's of this Institute published in three of the county uewspiiH-p. 'I he Chairman appointed the followim teachers a ('otumittei. to assist him in makini- arratieuientH for the next County Institute, viz: W- J. Wolverton, YV. M. lioal, ti. W. Campbell, Mrs. M.,ry Gray and Mrs. M.try Itiio.b s. The County Superintendent then declared the twen-ty-urst iiunual session ot the N.orthmnl-rla:id County TcicutTs lnstMiic adjourned sine die. W. J. WuLvr.Hrt.s, See. WW. K. IlAltlT.I., 1 lltiii-Krn l.iuu . As.-isti.lit J Miss Mmkhk Hi rr, .Maiuteuuuee ol lleulth. The maintenance of health is often more dif ficult than its recovery. Vitiated conditions of the atmosphere, unhealthy occupations, ex tremes or heat or cold, and constant exposure to rough weather, are all so many provocations of disease. There is hut one sine way of effectually guarding the system when thus subjected to in fluences prejudicial to health, aud that is to es tablish, by judicious tonic and alterative medi cation, vigur of the body and regularity of its functions. The properties of an invigorant and corrective arc happily combined In Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters, which at the same time that it infuses unwonted vitality into the system, over comes all tendency of the btoiuach. liver bowels and miliary orrans to deviate from regularity in tiie discharge of functions upou which tho wel fare of tlie-cntire physical organization is de pendent. Health cannot ho more (ll'ect'.tally maintained than by using the Bitters. business jjCorals. j O t . O ,) II I'er 1 Per Day at liun Terms i'r-e. Atttlr. V-i U Stinsus & Co. Inn. -Ji, 17.".. ly. I'orthiiiit, Main. When you go to riiiht'klpliia, stop at the Allkgueny House, .No. SV2 and 814, Market .t. lie-fitted, re-furnished, &c, by A. 15eck, Proprietor, and price only i? per day. A first clasp, new Piano of the very best make, will be sold at a reduction of one third its value. Also, a second hand Cabinet Organ, nearly new, for a little over half price. Enquire of IL B. Masser. '1 hi; Central Clothing Hall, since the holidays, had been rather quiet until now. Another large stock of new goods have been opened of all the latest styles which is creating nnolhcr excite ment, aud the usual rush for cheap clothing continues to increase. Their stock is ail new and made tip of good material, ana is sold on the principle of "small profits and quick sales." Kveiy oue. iu need of good clothing should call on Messrs. Simon A Oppcnheimer, corner or Third and Market streets. All kiuds of ready-made clothing, of the most fashionable styles, are sold cheaper at tho Cen, tral Clothing Hall of Simon & Oppenhclmer than elsewhere. Closing out sa'.es of boots, shoes and trunks at W. S. Euruian's "Sunbury Shoe Store," (1 door west Cadwalladcr's drug store. In order to make room ror spring add summer goods, will close out my entire block of fall and winter goods at a reduction of 10 to 15 per cent, for cash until April 1st. Call at once and secure boots, shoes and rubbers at astonishing low prices. No trouble to show goods. W. S. Firman, JVop'r, Sunburv c' Panic! Pasic! Panic in Prices Great Panic in Pbiceb at the Excelsior. Raving just reduced our prices to suit the panic times. the public are respectfully invited to call and ex amine our large and well selected stock of boots, shoes aud rubbers before purchasing elsewhere These goods are all manufactured by the lead ing manufactories in the State. No goods mis represented to sell them. Call at once and be convinced that you cau secure bargains by buy ing yonr boots and shoes at Smith & Bbo's. Shoe Store, No. 80 Maiket street m . Musical. J. P. Kccfcr has lately removed his excellent musical iustrumcnts into the building on t onrth street, below Market, nearly opposite the City Hotel. Any kind of Musical instru ments of the most improved stvlesand make arc Kepi in ms establishment. Parlor. Organs, Iianosof the best manufacture in the country will be found ut his store. He is also agent for tiie oest sewing machines now 111 use. Obstaclesto Marriage. Happy Relief for Yonng Men from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early lire. Manhood restorcp. Impediments to Marriage removed. New methed of treatment. New and remarka ble remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed enveloper. Address, HOWARD AS SOCIATION, 419 N. Ninth SI., Philadelphia. Pa., an lustitntion having a high reputation for honorable conduct and proressionnl skill. May 23, 1975. ly. Farmers and laboring men look to Your in-i- tcrest and buy the celebrated E. S. Reeve and Towanda boots, guaranteed to bc the best boots m the market, for sale at Smith A Bro. TO CO.SlMHTIVE.S. The advertiser, basing been permanently cared of that dread disease. Consumption, by a sim ple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow suirerers the rr cans of cure. To ail who desire it, he will send a copy or the prescription nsed, (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis, &c. 1 arties wishing ihe prescription will address, Rev. E. A. WILSON. please 191 Penn St., Williamsbiirgh, New York. Dee. 17, 1875. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who salTered for years from Nervons Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will, for the sake of sufTering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe nnd direction for making the simple remedy by which lie was cured. Suf ferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex perience can tlo so by addressing in jH-rfect con fidence. JOHN C. OGDF.X, 42 Cedar St., New York. Dec. 17, 1375. " ...... j Harris On Weduesday cveuiug, Jan. 5, 1S7C, at the residcuce of the bride's parents, by tiie Rev. Mr. Caldwell, Geo. F. Ouekdokf, of Upper Au gusta township, to Miss Alice M f.ti.ek, of P.nsh township. On the morniug ot the 1st inst., by Rev. Dr. Watson. Cyp.cs Bnows, Esq., to Mrs. Keiiekah nnoADE!?, notli ol Miltou. mil Iu Washington township, January ttth, 8AM L EL II., son of Nathan E. Kelires, aged 4 years and 27 days. &lu Sbbfrtiscmtnis. AOTICE. "VfOTICE is hereby given to all persons in JJ debted to me on note or book account, that 1 am now closing my accounts np to the first day of January, 1S7, and that the same must be settled before or on the tlrtt day of Febnary. 1876, arrtr which date all old account will be lsft in the Lands of a Justice of the Peace for collection. Sunbury, Jan. 14, '7(.. VAL. DIETZ. Administrator' Notice. ' (Estate of Ralph Thirloway, dee'd.) ' j "VOTICE is hereby given that letter or ad- i i. ministration having been granted totheun- ; dersigned on the estate of Ralph Thirlowav, late or the Borough of Mt. Carniel, North'd County, ra.. deceased. Ail persons indebted o sair es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them lor set tlement. DAVID J. LEWIS, Adm'r. Ait. Carmel, Jan. I t, l7d. liiiiitintrior H-c. (Estate or Catharine Grtnsert, dee'd.) "T C'TICE is hereby given that letters or ad-A-i ministration having been granted to the undersigned 011 the estate or Catherine Genscrt, late of Lower Mahanoy twp., Northumberland County, Pa., deceased. Ail persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make immediate payment, and those haviug claims to prescut them duly authenticated Tor settlement. ANDREW GOXSF.R, Adm'r. Lower Mahanoy twp., Jan. 14, 17C. Iteport of-Tlio First ationnl Bank of Sunbury , I'a.' Report of the condition of "The First National Bank of sun!)iiry," at Sunbnry, iu the Slate of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, Friday, December 17th, 175: RESOURCES. Loans and discount 5270,454 44 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation i!00.00O 00 U. S. Bonds to secure deposits 5l,000 CO Other stocks, bonds and mortgages.. 350 00 Due from approved and reserve agents 6,4'Jl SO Due from other National Banks 20,013 Hi Due from State Banks and bankers... 16,770 23 Current expenses and taxes paid 1,S12 22 Protest account . 28'J 06 Cheeks aud other cash items 2,121 14 Bills of other National Banks s,H7 00 Fractional currency, (including nick els) 1.437 Legal-tender notes 4:5,000 00 Redemption fund with U.S.Treas(5.0 of circulation) 0,000 00 t;;:;.5.j0 ss LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in 52OO.0OO 00 Surplus Fund 40,000 00 Other undivided profits 22.1S0 C4 National Bank Notes outstanding.. .. 100,700 Ot) State Bank Notes outstanding....T 5.0S5 (K) Dividends Unpaid 6,58!) IS Individual Deposits subject to check.. 221,479 f.3 United States Deposits 20,041 00 Deposits of U. S. disbursing oflicers It 00 Due to other National Banks 7.205 10 Due to State Bank and Bankers 350 f3 V. 13. 555 SS STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA: CorsTt or NoRTnrMBr.ui.ANi, ss. I, Samuel J. Packer, Cashier of the above named bank; do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed. S. J. PACKER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mc, this Slst day of December, 1S75. Signcdl Em'l Wii.vei'.t, Notary Public Correct Attest : LSLnod, A. JORDAN, I jimi. iia.s., ; D rector" i J. l. l .1. ivr.i., , VYM.M. ROCKEFELLER. ) Sunburv, Jan. 14, 1S7G. iflONUMENTS AND v Q rave S t one.- On hand, and turn!' l order. i - i Jr J i sTar Scotch Granite 3Ioiiuinents!ii,viie8,he,,'iei,tloB of a!l firing the latest stvles of imported to order, .nop on r onrth r-tr near Market, Sunburv, Pa. W. M. DALGHERTV. PrpV. Sunbury, Jan. I I, 187. .Manliooil : Ilotv I.ot, How IC"tor- Ml! .Just published, a new editor of Dr. Culver well's Celebrated Essay on the ridical enre (without medicine) of Spermatorrlite.i or Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Im potency, Mental aud Physical Incapacity, Im pediments to Marriage, etc. : also, Consump tion, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extra vaganee, !fcc. I tf Price, iu a scaled cnvelape, only six cents. The cclel rated author, iu this admirable Es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without tbe dangerous nse ot internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode or cure at once simple, certain, and ef fectual, by means of which every ufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may enre himself cheaply, privately, and radcally. taPThis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Send nude seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pott-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address the Publishers, " F. URUOMAN & SON. 41 Ann,St., New York ; Post Offlee, 45SG. Jan. 14, 1870. DR. I. E. SMITH, Ilonictpatbic physician,' office and residenci corner of Fifth and Chestnut Sts., Sunbury. Calls in town or coun ty promptly attended to,night or day. Office - 8 to 9 a. tn. ; 3 to 4 p. ro. ; S to 9 p. in. Wi't a mos. jeto rSbtortisnwirfs. N Election orDireetors. OTlCEi hereby given that an electiou for five Mutna sf 'rS bI tUe -holder3 of tbe Sunbury bl held tt FnD1 and Association, will Third strl,helfroo,r?itt ClemenC. building, on JAN-IT A7Mark on FRIDAY evening. JSO. W. BUCHBR, .T xV n ''3'0 81 O'ClOCk. EM'L. WILVERT, Pesident. 8ecretnrr Dec, 1,1873. XOTICE. TOTICE is hereby eiven that tbe regular au- ?! m-L'U,f tWK the ckholde nd mt tul member, in good standing of the 'Sunburr Fire Insurance Company," will be held in thi Company's omee.irSuubnry, P., o MO DAY the 10th day of JANUARY,' 18TC. ,t 2 o clock p. in., all are expected to be present. TOXMORIAL. Go to Washington's barbershop The first in the town, To be shaved right, and hair cut, Aud colored up brown. Ladies and children are invited to come, yv no wm be waited on Kindir With the rest of the throng. Switches, Braids and Curls repaired, Altered and made to order from combing; vt e are the living mementoes of history and song. Haviug survived the great changes Of many years Iouir, Tho' beset by opponents, Iu our good old sphere; We are still living to kick, And kicking to live cere. J. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. and local and traveling agent for Dr. Living stone new and complete works, Third street lour cnors ahovc Market, Sunbury, Pa. U:. SI, LS75. This is a beautiful Qaarterlv Journal, flnelv niusiraicii, ana containing au e'.egant colored Frontispiece with the first number. Price only 25 cents for the year. The first No. for IS76Ju6t issued. ISVick's Flower & Vegetable Garden 3" cents ; with cloth covers 65 cents, Address. JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. Dec. 24, 1S75 2t. YOTJ CAN Save Money By subscribing for our Musical Mag azines. They are Issued monthly, and con tain ten times as much music as you can buy elsewhere for the same amount of money. ''Peters' Household M-;odies,"Noa. 1 to 13 now readj. A Collection of Songs by Hays, Danks, etc. Price, 50 cents per Number, or 12 Nnmbers for t4. "Peters' Parlor Music," Nos. 1 to IS now ready. A Collection of Easy Dance Music. Price, 50 cents per Nninber, or 12 Numbers for 12. "La Creme de la Creme,' Nos. 1 to 25 now ready. A Collection of Difficult Piano Music. Price, 50 cents per Number, or 12 Number for $4. Send 50 cts. for a Sample Copy of either of the above, and if you are not satisfied with your bargain, we wiil refund your money. Addre?, J. L. PETERS, 843 Eroadway, X. Y. Ike. oI,'7..-lm. "The First National Bank or Sun bury, PeBn'B." "VJOTICE U hereby given that tint regular an li ntial election of Directors of "The First National Ban!; of Sun'mrv. Pa.," will he held on TUESDAY thi -J.t!i day of JANUARY, A. 1. 1H70, at the Bankire; U mse. n; the Borough of Siinltiiry, Pa., between thi hour of 1J a. tn.. and 3 o'clock p. m., of said day, in accordance wilh the provis itii of theAot of Congress. S. J-IPACKER, CashJer. Sunburv, Pa., Dec. 17. 1375. A PLANING MACHINE. A Planing Machine for planing Cooring, Ac, is wanted at the steam saw mill at Henidon. Address, ZIEGLEK Sc BROTHER. Dec. 25.-4t Herndon, North'd Co., Pa. 1815. FALL STYLES 1875. IN LXLTiTTsTJR V. ALL the latest styles and novelties selected at the late importers' and jobbers openings. BIRDS. WINGS. FANCY FEATHERS, OS TRICH TIPS AND PLUMES, SILK VELVETS,VELVETEENS, etc. HATS AND BONNETS In Feit and Straw, and ail New and Stylish, at MISS L. SHISSLER'S Millinery Store. Oct. 15, ls75. Market St., Sunbury. TIIE CHOICEST DRY GOODS MILL IN E R Y or Jli-es KATE BLACK, jfarkct Square, north side, Munbnry 1'tnu'i., Will be fonnd the most complete, attractive and cheapest store of consisting of Ladies Dress Goods, Woolen Goods for Ladles' front the largest establishments in the cities. i.miies'j- cinDnExs' woolex siawls. Ladles, Misses' and Children' Wooden Goods, Silk Velvets, Ribbons, Sash Ribbons, Neck Ties, Kid Gloves, Fancy and Plain Hosiery, First Quality Zephyr and Germantoirn Wool. ALSO XO TIOXS AXD TliMMlXGS IX (1KE.1T VAItlETT. Gents Giovfs, Necktiei, Hankerchiels, Ac. A j full assortment of Soaps nnd Perfumery. An ! invitation ii extended to all to call and see the i choice ieicrlioii. MISS KATE BLACK. FALL and WINTER MILLINERY GOODS ! M. L. Gossler, ' ! FAIL AND WINTER MILLIMERY! t Trt hfr TT11 f.i.'l-tA.l t4lnrlmi.nt tncf ,nnli.l To her well selected Assortment Just received from New Vork and Philadelphia, consisting of Ladies M !' and Children lint aud Hounets, Feathers. Flowers. Real Laces, SHU. Velvets Klbbons, Nah Ribbons, ek Ties, Hid troves. Fancy Hosi ery 1st quality Zephyr and liermantOKU Wool. ALSO NOTIONS & TRIMMINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. All of the above offered at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. f-.Miss Gossler will, as beretofor, give all orders for Miliiuery her personal supervision. Call and see new goods. Nov. 12, 1875. Good News to Farmers! THE CELEBRATED DEXTER FEED CUTTER which will save FIFTY PER CENT, to every farmer raising slock, is offered for sale by the , undersigned agent for Northumberland county. J This Feed Cutter has been awarded diplomas at every County and State Fair where it has been exhibited. It is acknowledged to be superior to : any others in nse. Orders will be promptly filled by addressing , JOHN G. GURTNER, A gen Dee. 10. 1873. Sunbury, p