iamsroue '&fccttes. FsoMtheNew Yoik Gnptft we .learn that Ihe puIl-bBck lias bad some trouble, with St. Peter, and this It the way it k told . . - Rule Fullback toiicM one 2ay The jr.itea of Pradi ; Bt. Peter wiped hi spedac'nia A B1 rubbed bU ancient ejr. And throngs of female anj-els came With enriou pile the wb:!c, Intent, laditi alvraya are, To ice the latest ty!e. Tl.e Saint put on bia ulacses tlu-u An oboei'Taticm took ; 'What I What !' be Mid. 'lb' traverse The lawi of 'niusn't look.' 'Tied back in front ! Piled up behind ! 'Twill nr ver Co, I fear ! Tne tblnc'ia too ridienloui You cannot enter here, What did ehe da t My curious friend, Sin- fcut behind a tree ; And ia a jifley alio was dri-Mcd, A anela onhl to be. St. Feter kisaed her then, aud aid, 'Pais iu ui) liule dear ; But mind, you musn't introduce Such naughty fashions here.' A SoRRT Dl'TCItMAS. Mine frow Va 1:0 bef teraheoittob5 till L;m-1 bcfoic the diet; then ibc vaa to tfoot tfo:e ; remarked Mr. Vauderhorord to hi ccihnoi . . 'Yonr w its wa an amiubia wouiaji, ami you do great injustice to ber memory,' said Mr riugcit.. Vc". vat jou know to much about mine frow ? 'i wa not intimately acquainted w ith her, but I tin sure that all her acquaintance loved her.' Vot ricU bad they to iovt horf -Maybe ' Ma;be whail ' Maybe yon le?ve mine frow, too.' WbJ do you epeak o Mrai:j;ei J" 1 Vy, One day a pijj man eliuht like you. catne icto onr house, aud kissed wine trow rij-lit be fore ber fae. 'Were you pretest at the lime V To pe aure I vot' Wei: what did you dot' I kicked bim r:j:bt pebind hit luck.' 'Did be re-.-iit it I' Tab, be broke roc and de lowkini: (rlast, ami a'.: of ihe crockery in the huurc 'ccj-t t!ie bed, intotuiatli !' Whsl did you do then t' Tbrn I c::.ed rmtcrl m:iter' muter! and I called for ike slitilc, aud tl.e siitny. iiul co:i ttabie to come; and be mud away !' Do yoo intend to charge me with takinu such unwarrantable liberties with the companion ot your bocotn t . . Ue no furge noiLii.jf Tor it now, pecaiitc Le pe tead and pcrrled.' I will not allow jou la tr.ake uch insinua tion. Tou are an old tyrant, and everybody ' (aid you were triad when your wife died. "Evciypoily be one tarn liar.' 'J taw no tymptoius of sorrow.' Me felt more wortlil tau ef mt lsa cow had tied. 'Y'our cow. What a comparison.' She vo a great lots a lieavy loss for she Vot at pic as dat (sj.rcudiii:; out die arms), and the weighed more tan two hundred pouudt.' Look ou:, old n.an, or you m trouble I r'onbt if your wile Wat even kieaed by uny man after ber marriare. At all events you must ajologirc for what you have enid of rac.' 'Tot it apolopce I' Tou mutt beg my urdon, and tay you are torry ; if yon do not I will enter a complaint against you and have yon arrested. ' I pe torry ten. Sorry for what V 3orrv you ki-aed mine frow. Tou incorrigible idiot ! That is not what you matt tay ; for I never do tucb a.tl.ii: 1" No you must I pe torry yi:i neer did such a thinf in my life 'Must I pe torry you never did tuch a ting t' 'No you urisi lake back what you said.' While the dutclmmn wa in this dilemma, h a friend Hans Hai.itiur.ccr, came alone;, and fluall succeeded in reconciling the parlies, ben the trio adjourned to a neighboring colic house. Old Soldier's tTOKins. Several power bs trimmed Ti-teraus gathered in a certain police ttction the :t:ir evening, says the Louisviilc CcvrierJuurnal, to keep out of the rsin for a few minutes, Bnd while there discusser the late war. 'I remember,' said one, 'that a bullet passed cljar through George Gav's bedv and never killed biro.' I collect,' f:;id ancah-r, 'that a ball lodged i i Till Pearson's innr, ccj never w i.ken out, bt lived. 'I,' t-ti iii i t. -k.. .1 when the doctors 'i'occht si- i . i e wat gene up, at a " "i"' . ; .r, inc, 0f ujt ,tArt but C lived. e - ; ' . . tss pierced by a b-.U nd .'i -. . ,-vj -,e pBf rnfn but one. T'i. - -".niri- ir.-d considerable surprise r.n!( u ..i ..-. : all svr all.tlim and ' eepy .. ' .;, a-;:. .ited til! bia ciuiian .Tt..n ii-tt I. t t ,e i drawled in his lpinj ' cents : !: fe i(vk a litiir tiTigli, I allow; b'tJlm Jon-s, n n fit r,i,, of me, was shot thipa.li t:ir neck rn that Lit bend just hung by t!.? fuii.' "uk-U brave. is !' rjarulatrd all ; 'you don't Men ii in fcni lie lived. ii you 1' 't'h, no ; he died,' diawkd slim and sIih py. NorViciM.r IIlsnM. Buiiiy has been n:arkd two weeks aud has lclt bis wife, liuudy. is a lilue ninii and liU ife weighs 1140 pouriilt, and was the relict of the late Peter H..IU. Abcut ten days ufler marriage Bunriy wts turprised ou waging in the morning to Cud his better half tilting up in bed weeping at If her he-.rt . would breat. Astonitlied, bo asked the caue or her sorrow, but receiving uo reply ha beaa to sir uine that there must be tome reertltn Ur nund that she viliiheid from bim, ti nt ;.s tb cause ,f !,er Vnguisl , to be re t.j :ked to Mr B. that as they were married the should tell l.iiu Hie causof ber Kriel. to, if possible, be couid avert it, ami oftcr eontldera tie coaxing he elicited the following from ber: Lst nil t I dreamed I was single, nad Ht I x.-ed tI.rou.;h a well-lighted street 1 caiuc to a iterf -bere a siifn in front adverted busbauds' in c-.ls. TfcU.icg it eurioat, I entered, and rtv.y'A tioin; the wull ttr either tide were mea villi pricw sOired io tbem. 'Such beautiful men ; odidToV $1,900, some lor J&00. and so ou ts ClW, end a I bad cot the amount 1 could rat purcbae. 1 i; '.: :u: to coiutlo her, li. placed Lis arm I'-i'iKij' -..-; nd ber end ashed : i-ud Cid you s ny men like rutf ihVr. V 4'n, yes tb repiied, drawing aT,ay from Vvt, 'loi: like ou ; tb.-y were tied up iu buueh t , liric ji;v.a;us, aud told fir ten cuts a huuCj gr. r? and rent to aiA his lawyer if br. Uat. st:a".ciert cs. for voice. ?.-p-T in Tr," Tli-.Ti- i. In Nit Tork. a u". i vas cirryln- c lire tprtle alonf the tlrect. .4i-a r.a IrUiirr.an rrtnt; rlonir, followed by a ir-rrs t,-y. T?7akrc'-T,r-Tnign trie j by geute TirH 2"t f-4 -MJ; esiui.be: to put bis fin ; .is irto the turtle's mijth.bul be wis to tmait .'a, i. r-.T '.Ti: put my dm;:t tail in rv.i ' Ml -. - i, .Jil . :J: irri;rrc'- rriiJ rr 'Sir, d-tr, fck lils :" -ui i.v'i it in th. tnrtieV ! r.:;'i. ..'e'T. fre!-; wf. it H -!-n tlr. :":,-) S"- Cn-.. n l'-r ;w :c A r: ; t-IJ -nd off 11. I".?. :tp.nf -. r.'Hroail tynA, .-v.nt tt tT'" r .V. - :: rii;f r.'i id i u,,-, ,er l:. Ir -si. I)-.' . '"t co-i-jnfji tMLvin ' r''' ' 'Vli ',2 f.-rova -.wr.ylf t'. r: -;r,-.: -t r,..-. tc-rrd -j'th ' !;c. lb; Iritlimau rnd tz- c: .:. r -.: - ''.--- r-.s 'i r"-V--'-,r.-. - :; l'::ta it: .end -,vi;'i r - - V ; ; ; ". -'. i. . vol.- 'j.' I VEGET1NE wii.LCt icr S.CKOFU L A, Scrolalous Humor. i i VroKmB will eradicate, from tl.e system- every taint of Scrofula and Sciotuioua u U has permanently cured thousands in- Huston and vicinity who bad been long and pam.ul tutfeiers. Canrtr, Cancerous Ilninor. The marvelous effect of Veof.tine in case of Cancer and Cancerous Humor challenges the most pwi!ouna.atieuti.n of the medical facu.iy, manv ot whom are precribi:iK Vfoetinb to their patieutt. rnnker. Vkoetinc has never failed to cure the most ir.flnxible case of Canker. ."rlrrc-nriftl IisCMsiei. i The Yegetine meet with wonderful s.icccss I in the cure of 'this class of diseases. I'aiu in Ihe Bouck. In this complaint the Vfcetine is me i;rem, remedy, as it removes trom the system tuo pro- . ducinj; cause. j Salt Kliftim. j Tntier. Sri't niicnm. Scald Head, Ac, willcer- ! j tnUiiy yield to the ;reat alterative effects ol j I F1ET1E. VEGCTinE-ims never failed to cure the most inveterate ene of Erysipelas, rimple mid Humor of iUe Tare. lieaton shonld teach us that o blothy, rouh or limplcd skin de.-ends entirely upon an inter na! cause and nooniwar.1 application-can ever cure the delect. Yi:;etinb is the trcat blood puritb-r. Trnnors. I'leur or OIU Soros Aretaascd bv an impure state of Ihe blood. Cleanse the b:"o I thorou'hiy with Yeuktim:, and tbefe complc.ini will disappear. Catarrh. For this comi'.ainl t!ie only sunsianiiai ,eucuw ' ... j .i i. i'.,.. t.:.,r VrortinE I call ne oiuaiueu iu"1"-" is the preal Mood puritier. C'ouKlipution. Ypr.EitNE docs not net as a catlmrlic to debili tate tlie bowels, but cleanses all the organs, en abliiiK each to perform the functions devolving upon them. Plies. Yeretinc has restored thousands to health who have been Ions and painful sufferers. ifVvr.riivn u ia"nreirularfv, accofdin? to directions, a certain and speedy cure will fol low its use. raininess nt the Stomach. Yegbtiss is not a s'imulattnjf bitters which creates a fictitious appetite, but a certle tonic, h:ch assists nature to restore ihe stomach to a healthy action. Feinnle WeHUuen. Yeoetinb acts directly upon the causes of these complnints. It invijror t and strenL-th-ens the whole tft-m, acts uon the secretive orpins and allays inflammation. Urnera! ncblllly. In this complaint the food effects ofthe Yege tivi! are realized immediately afler com-.nencini; to take it : as debility denotes delicieiiey of the b'.ccd, uud Ybetine acts directly upon the blood.. Tejjeline I Sold by All Drnewl. Not, 2. lm. Scrlbncrs' Monthly for lSJC. Tlit pubbsliers i'jviie t!iaiou to the fullowinn list of some of th comii ff year. Iu tlie fiflil of ncliou, betid uomrrous Loelrit t:id sliorl'r stories, there Willi Two Rrpmirknble Berlal Rtorirsj. By AMERICAN AUTHORS. The flmt of thfse, i:ow comi !e:e iu oar bund, "GARR1EL C0NR0Y," Ey BRET. HARTE. Rrgius in tl: Xuw Milr miiiiber, and will ninfortweKe mouths. This is Mr. Harte's tlint exiei-dttl work. The scenes mid caane:rm, whicii ihe siiihor has ch"eu from his fmonte field, ;.ililorui, re jaiiited Willi elmreteritie iMilncs and (owrr; r.t d the work is without doubt Ihs Biost crapaic rrccrj vf esrly lali forina lit that has yet spinTd. We sliull also betui ia tue Jai.u .ry l ioniif-, "FHiLir nola xs friends, Or, bliow Your Passports." By i:nwAi:i evkp.ktt hai.e. The sceu' of this s'ory ia l.jl in ths Suutbwesiem terrnoiy. now fonniiiK 'hs St::l of Loui::!ia and Texas, si lbs tiiu of A-ir-ui rtuvr' treason. Th cliar aeieni lived iu a si-etiou whirh was tow Anieiirju, now FreiiCh, aud now S:aiiiali, aud ima record of ihir ad venturous livm nu.kcs a story of imeuiir and ui.ftgitjg interest throufphou. A SECOND 'FARMER'S VAC ATION' By Coi. GLO. E. VAIU. Jr. Col. WaniMO is now in Eu;Oj e, vsitiug, in a row loat rid of two hundred aud filly uules, one of the roost lertile and i':tereHtin ol .h- viiiC-fT'owiiiu valleys of Euro. This s-coud siiim of i.j erH jToniises to l even more inte r'ii.c Irinn that with whica our readers are already tHmi'.-r. CENTENNIAL LETTERS, Flltfd hy John Vance lifiioj. A raR colh'Ctiou ot lU'VoluiioUdiy Ix-tieis, ihaii.ty from stores iu the ltunds oi tiie d.iMTeiiduiits ot Co!. Joseph Ward. Thsy an- full ot j. ,.-.. -'" read with a ran- u-i- -o:!T:f!.ou with the enteii niieieor&lioii cf "' year. BRILLIANTLY ILI.tTlUTrf ARTICLES ON AMERICAN COLLEGES. Written rcsiicc.iveiy liy i.eii li :e.. .is. will sj pei.- dui iliR the year. The revived n teies u col life n.akes these jiaiiers esi-ecially ime iy, oi.d . Ui a cure iur iheui uu usual a-.tf uliuii. OLD NEW YORK. Elegantly illustrated artirles op New-York, I y John F. Minrs. will aiifir at oi.c", and r.JU attrjet the at teutiou of all, in cay or coiiuirj, who mark Willi inU i eat the develoi.iucia' of ih i ir-n olis. ..i.d tl- fectiouately ren.-s:uber the quiiu! 1 1 cuiiariries ol i:s olden time. Every nuiuljer is .rofus!y illustrcted, tius en-tiling ua to sri'e lo our deeni tne aiid iruiie iii-tielis, an interest and ern:ai;e,.: ..iue i.ever at'.r.u. d iu a le.u ilitmtraied i e. :ihi.e i. V de. i s ;tc-ustoiiHul muiiai!!--meet the n..R ir.'.. e will in the ju-nre I devoted, as it lias tieeii iu the p:ti, to souud insrv.ure and Christum ll)re. The Editorial fteparfmeiif , occupy over -weuiy p .K''i i e eu ..umi-i unit t.oat:iiu ill. lloiL.i.d's vigorous .Hid taae.y cdMoih.Is, as w. 11 as Ue-.iews if the l:::-: units in An, Li'erarare, and Science. 9I.OO a Year, Iii ndvatieet S3 -ls. a mnlM-r. The in T.ils. c-iiui lete, Vv. 1S7H, 10 M. lK7."i,U.ui.d in m.tioon cloth iiih.fi do. do. Umiid in lK-lf iho:.m--o. ao.'.'O Vois. h-yin in Nom -inner and May. Any of the ailn r voinm-s (I 10 VIII) will l.e siipt i-d sepaiute'v to j arta-s who wish th.-in to con.ph-te s-ts at this rate, 1. e., iloih, f.'si; half morrteeo. f.l.'si Kookiacllorsinnri lst niasvtr-rs. will he aui 1 UtU 11: iftiit thai Will 4-J.aule luelu to till ituy Id tlie ats.ve ofT-rs. HiilwriN-m will please rruit iu P. O. Mnncy Orders, or in Bank Checks or lirats, or I y registered letters. Money iu letieiii not i-ristered, nt sender's nek. RrninNF.R k C'. 7 BrosdwaT, New Tork. I Oct. 2 1S7.S. l)SVi HOHANi T, orfior-L !I .r.Mttt." Un X ejili.rai in,-!, fnaniii.t'a :t!et a;4iri tlir love and affcciioLa cf ai.y iron tber ctKMa. iuaiantlv. Tina aimt'le Dental aeuire-iai.-ui all r.-ui )oraaptire,ljy mini, for 2?:., lojjll-er wail a ninrrnire puj.is., I.rvj li.i:. Ora cle, Iirflatr.e. Ilmta to I-hee, Wea.ln.-Mj;; Shii 'a, kc. A ijuear lui.a. AO Iresa T. W U.M 1I k Co. IMih. PUila. Kuv. li, 4w. Wanted? Acciiti forthaLMt iwililig l'riee park- K" lu t Lie moil.t. Ii contain ) l.f'a j !r, IB anvcioi R..ldn IVn, I"a Holder, TeiiCll, atnt Var.1 Mr-aauie. aiid a .iv 'of .lewrlry. Siugi .atka:f wiiL ei-((tijt pr.w, postpaid, Tc Cir. atlsr frrr. J-.tflDE k.CO., Tiifl I! road way, K. V. Nov. li. 4. iL BITES. i xid I'XI.IAI I.K MKN AND WOVKX to si.iint Order iu a l imrusi pa.di.g l.iiniui. n!il -a-tai riw'il and ir'.ialile housr. l.i-..;n:vr t'ri-i.iv. LlLn.l indrmrnt oflared and roaa'ant em; I. .!noit ; ii. ItrlernirM at to character r-qnir !. I r full ; I anicniara, furioif. 3 ent afaii:i anil ril!r-. I i.'ii.uni.Ti:. YotMi i ii.. I ?ov. IJ, v. Caiouivy, 1mU,I1. WIFE NO. 19 HY A.V. I'M 7. 4 yoi BrirlNiii VoDnf-'ti Itrltellioun W ll'r. I I lie only coin, !' i:i),an of all tlii fi-cri-la of Ertpliimi'a llarrm rrr Wriom. U..rn in M..rmoimin, ANN LI.IZA now eiiK -in ill -orld. i.o aii.r "'1.':". .71,. Vi'Z&Z iniia.r.itir,,,, i.,...n.. v o. v,,k. Jt i the bwl fill U.. k 1 nl.uaheJ. lO.IKM) nc.e me- ;o.l w.n.i. can iia-n,; lo)iiiei I ai,. ,1, ,.k fioi, fjrs io S",;,h-.'.;r bat addrws. 1C'.rl?i. OILMAN k. iXj.. h..t..,.; C. 4,jv. 12.4vr NIP and TUCK. (CUromo.) The Great Atlantic ana Pacific Tea Co. .''Bdquurl-r35 A 37 V?y Ht.,X.Y. A N lil;(l l1 in- Vfil; ini'ARTIWTIltfl 'l A ilir.-cl to r-..i atiu.r'-a to; o-i ainnll jrofll. S-rt7 P'ancu r.ituil K'G'ca. Hc.il" ifnl Oil fa u.. if 6i-7'r..ji ai.-a, j rf nir'l lo j irciin of 1, S. 3, 4 or lcoriSnf Tl.-1 Vino n' t Ii: i inv l..r fir- livi-y s f ; Ifii.li. 1 4'uronio mi;(t : "JflV o TU'i'K." s. ii.- llos omul) let in., aiMiwon a livfiy fki tiou'li 1 tvhy and b'n i-f ilo fnt- .'a. : i,u,u ' f a f, -:t. I. i.. o lull ,f ruari:ig tun iti.-t nil ilv.ii jjn can :--tl ! P a'trj mr, a. Dir ii ir ti.. ,,r tl, ..... Tin ba'lic 13 jus: Ni, HUd Tm-ii. and a;.d must awn Is I t.!wntl, Kow rbdv lordrhve-y t 'i-'l Mkf. '-TW O MONTHS FRI'.K 1 1 Ii'EW.Y0RKTRI3UiE. "Tke Leidinir .mrrfcai Netjspaper." On r;-i;. of CI anil tiiis adTertnnnt, TI!E WFEK T'Y 'i, K !" - ' li-tr I'-iiJ ui ai.tMldrm - r.1 J .)e"nil,.r ;1. JH', or for tl2.50, liz c;i; for v ..Ir-.-SL; lor till, till rlv-i wo. A.1.1-r, 4ras TUZ TICtCXE, Nnr-Toi'l. v. a if. ir. IS THE Oil Wl TX TTT TTI FLffl mm A Smoothing, Glossing, Ruffie, Fluting and Crimping Iron, ALL COMBINED T3ST OiSTlH. EVSanufactured by the OFFICS AND FACTORY, 1G8 PJ5HN AVE Tl:is is the only Iron manufar.u.rd, that i.a all th.-s.- qnitlitio . and 'ispens familv. The extremely low price of this coml.inati.m. places it vv.lhm wart of blinc our airents to sell at almost every bouse, as no one will be without it who lias once setn it. una knows the various uses it is adapted to in laundry work. H s t : The cut above represents the lion on iis side ; showing its convex "-mootliing anTare and tlie Ho'Sin" heel, also, tlie mnndod foint for iinnins: frills, bauds or nnining U.into srafiers. " AboYe the Iron is shown the fluting and eriniinr attachment?, which fnr ilntino-or crimi'inir, as t lie case mav e, are readily adjusted on the l.tt.-it nt" flio Tron. and used in connection with corrurratcd flutina-or rriimiin"-base boards, (not shown in eacli iron. AS A SMOOTHING IRON, It is one ofthe ilnest manufactured ; havinj a coiiycx turned face, wliich, tireYcnts the wrinklinrr and ilif,terinr, of linen, as is sometimes the case when the common FLAT IKON is used. A S A G L 0 SSING I 11 O N , V . . i -.1 i.. If. is the most comoiere, aim tuny evueut ijiiismii ih'.i nmut.-, intuuin mm tedious rierformance to the Funic sinijilieitv and speed as that ol" ordinary ironing. The heel of the Iron beinc UOCNI), lonns a dosser the entire width of the Iron, which, when in uscsdocs not latipe the ojierator, hav- in"- no lUlHjU to mark or gloss in and operated than an v other, and, -r " I 1 company each Iron, enaiiie any one 10 Iierieneed laundryman. K "A a. C2 r. 'J'Ims out represents the Iron when ueil As a Fluti.vc; or Cimmimiyg Ikox, hy ennjily attaching the dctachahle corrujratetl plate, which is tlone in an instant, it is then ready lor llutinir in connection with a corrugated luise hoard, which is f urnished with each Iron. Its completeness will lie seen ;., vliui it win flo, opieratinr, as it docs on ihe only true i.rincijial, viz: ironing as a irorer finish for all starched lahrics. t his is the only tlutiti"; machine that has ever hcen presented that will projierly iron llutes, and make them corresjKind in finish with the hody ol the article heimr ilutcd. Also, with its crimping attachment, it will crimp heautifully, , all classes of children's wear, and impart the same lustre and finish as it d cs the flutinr. Tht're is no machine made that is adapted for this class of work except this; nor have we seen anything that will approach it for simplici ty, jierfect performance and case of operation. This alone is indispei s.Mc to every family having children's articles to do up, as there is much io do, and which is always the most tedious process of laundry work. This merit alone makes it far more valuahle than any other so-called crimping machine, which is USKLKSS lor this kind of work. This Iron enahles any family to do their own ornamental ironing, anil do it hetter than they have ever heen ahle to get done at a laundry, there fore saving extra vacant . prices which they have I ecu oUiged to pay. At its cheap cost, what family can do without it 't Don't fail to see this Iron ; it has heen finished to please, and all wonder at the heauty, utility and cheapness, of the Heme GtaiHiL SmoutMiiE, Mm M an! Criipi Iron, which, we can safely say is the finest finished Iron in the market at any price, and sells complete for only ..r0. We want active reliahle agents to place territory for us throughout the dillerent sections of the country". To such we oiler , SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS, And in order that you may seethe and saleahle fpiahties, we will send sample (where we have no agent com plete with Fluting and Cr'miping attachments, all finely Nickel 1'lated, together with directions, starch receipts, circulars and order hook on re ceipt of $2.50, which amount will he allowed you, and will he deducted from the price of your first order for goods, on compliance with our liber al terms. Thus you will get sample Iron, order hook, &c, Send for sample at once, and secure an agency. YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. If you should not take an agency you will at least have a heautiful and useful Iron which von can rcjidllv sell nt the retail iiricc. which we will .. . J ' UlIoW VOU tO Io. . We find all that is necessary is to article iu existence, and its own merits anil low price will sell it every where. e are placing lerritory very last and giving thousands employ ment in furnishing this complete and useful article in reach of every fami ly. Recollect we send samples complete for i?-..riO, that you may see it and try it. We ? to U iiW llJOllt WO lilSK'C Oil tilt; lifiltl ol CVt'I'V OnlCP liOOK. ... , , , , ... .. , ... It VOU (IO Hot HCIlll top Killlllll.', HUM WollH IlKO tlll'lllCI" 1 Illorilia 1 1' HI this xkw, vai.uaiw.i-: and sajj:ai;lk ai;tk;lk. plc:ie niiiciiiiKT that il will only fsl one tvnt t n a postal canl to soud us your allross and rnjucst lor circulars which will he chceii'ully l'orwanl-cd. JMcasc j.rcst'rvo tliis! ji;ii' i'nr fut uro ivi'i-RiK't'. :inl if you nn.' not in a jmsition Io take liolil oi'thc liusincss youi'si ll". you may have some iViond vou- woulil like to sec make hoihc iikhicv, to whom you could show it. A duress, I Home Iron Comp'nyy Io. 900, Pittsburg, Pa. Pleaee state in what paticr you kiw this advertisement. XoTember 12, 1875. 4t. in M PATENT O o the cut), which are furnished with c.t. ..t,-.: t .v, i.;. srrijs, u is inucn luore easny iiamn-u with tlie explicit directions which ae- 1 1 , l' .11 . il . .1 I gioss as ueautiiuiiy as me iuom c.v II II. mpny, AAAW r. o wv Iron, try if, and judge ol" its mcr.t.s 11 let the i ul die know there is such an oual to ll.o s;i!i..c, wl.ich slate- ! SUSQUEHANNA C'OFFIX sV C ASKKT V.'OKKN, Front St., utiove Ksice, SUN BURY, I'ENiVA. rpHE undersucd bavin- c-.ahlished a Collin X. fc Casl-tt Manufactory, at the aliov place, are now prepared to furnish to Cabinetmakers and Undertakers, and the trade ucncrally CofTi.ns and Caskets f the best and latest patterns' and finished in the best style. Tin ir different patterns incl'idina both Collin nnd Cask-t sh:iles are of WALNUT, CUKIiRY. CHESTNUT, LuHdthm Jltimrtwl owl Cherry, and alfollier stvlc-s. made, ofthe b;:;t material and finish ; work 'lone by tin: mo-t experienced workmen. Onle's will be filled '!Oiiij tly, and Coffins and Caskets will be shipped to any place .haired, at the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable prices. The pal rona:.'e of the trade is solicited. Send for PKK'E ami DKSCKirTIVK LIST, and loam the styles and prices. KUYLIN'fJ. LOWF.N & KNdF.L. Sunbury, Aprii 'M. 1ST5.-1 f. H. K. FA.GELY & CC. i re"tecl fully inform the public that they have j commenced the manufacture of CARRIAGES,; 15UGGIKS, 4C. at the new shop recently erect "l by J. V. Lcrch Corner of Fourth ami riiestiiut Sts., SUNBURY, I'A., and solicit a Tair Share of Patronage. A nl Mm. " J- F. LERCH, Supt. AiiisUisistraior'si Xoliro. , j F.statc i riniip Wer;z. late or Lower August a j township, deceased. i TETTERS or administration having been , J iTMiited to the iindcrsiirncil on said estate, j ' All persons indebted thereto are re.ilete.i to , make inimeui.il-: i:n-m, im i"". - claims against the same to present them without I delay Tor sett lenient. ISAAC WEU'lZ. ; Adiiiinistr.itor. ! Snnbury, Sept. e:lh, isTo. j 1 1875. FALL STYLES 1875.! . xvl-l-Lj-Lj ' " j Atetip y FRATERS os. tricii tips and i-ia mfs. sh.r V I'.L V ETtS.V ELY El E E X S. Rllii'iiVS FLOW ERS, etc. HATS AWD BOWrtlETS i la Felt end Straw, nnil nil New and Stylish, nt i MISS L. SIIISSLEK'S ! Millinery St. re, I Oct. 15. ls5. Market St.. Siinluiiy. ti v:nr. muh' txi new I'OI MKY. CKO. KOIIKI5ACII & SON'S, Kunbury, I'vuii'm, j INFORM the uolie that they are prepare. i in j JL do all kin-Is or CAM I.MtS. :,i! naviiiL' I'laen n new Machine Shop in connection with their Fotintln. and have supplied themselves with New Lathes-'l'lanins and Borinsr Maehitn s, n it a the latent improvements. With the aid o' skillful imchaii'i-s. they ure enabled to execute all orders j of " 1 NEW WORK OR REI'AIRlNi;, j that may be triv-n them, in a satisfactory m-in- j ner. j (;rat'M tit suit nisj Stv-. IRON t oLl'MN'S, for churches or ot her build i mil's, of all sizes. ; liRASb CAtTlXtiS, Ve. Ornamental Iron :i ' FOR (iRAVE YARD L"l- : VERANDAH 5, , AT UESIDENCKs, At ., A(. The ri.O aircnti. ..,.,,,., .,. ii,.n ,.. j p. riorily. have been still Outlier iMp. . ,, ; v.i.l aluavs be kej't on b.itirl. ' Also, THRESIIIMi MACIIINE.s .-si.iil.iu. May -ii. is?-;. , Tin: i i:oi( sr iu:y ojs 31 I L L I X E II Y ot M s KATE IXACK. VI U t M i . .-id.-. ' S ii u b ii r y I c ii ii ' a . . j Will be fiviii I the most co iipiete, attractive an-.l j C-ln a pest -tore ol ( !l(ll i". 1KV (l(M)lb, I c..l.:-i.-t;n j ol Li l:e liie-s (ioo.l. Woolen j.i..d lor Ladies' lioiu the lar-e-l el iblisliiue.il- in j the cili.-s. j LA it IKS' A- i:imi:i:.s wimLtxsilA nv.s. j I allies. Mtses' and liildn iis' Woolen (io.id-. j Sl.k Velvets, Ribbons, ;tsll R; le.u;s, X ck Ties. I Kid Ii oles, I' a: K'V a a 1 i'l.lll llo-ielj. Fll-t tj'l.lilt Z.-ph r alel tiei Ill.ltiloiVii Wool. ALSO i NOTIONS AND TRIM MIS US IN (itiKAT VAIilKTT. I tieiita lilovcs, Neckties, 1 1. 1 u ket cbi.ls. :c. A( lull is.,,nriieiit ol Soaps and I'l ilaiiiery. An I iiivilat i. n is i-xt-ti Ii I to i.li to eai! and see I lie j choice se.eeiioM. MISS KATE LLACK. JOS. E Y S T E R , M A Xl'FA' 1 UKF.K OF NATIVE GRAPE WINE,! SCXBURY Xoith'dCo.. Pa. Wr, the nnnrmped elc erliTv tcstil v to tie . xc lent qoalties ot Wine tniide hv Dr. Jos. F.vst. r. and advise its universal use cv, rv l,. re. ' f 'OI V XFFr M '.l J P I! S j ii. .i. fiViXK, iiuVa. c. ( LAi:k". i II E. DAVIS FKAXK BKKtiT, ' Mi IT li 1117 V S FCl '' .. iv k V? I M iV's is;.".. " ' " 1 ! Q' TI.. m A-t-'.t-... Ao.-I,s.Ki V1-? iWO-4or ,. kii. ..-'.( le of l.tli f.-s. ; Voll.a! :!" itie.- ..-': luc . !'" :e, ilurill'; ;li' I :."e ni.niM.ts. c.t r.ll Ihe tin.e, tluoi any imi e'a. -c f-ilr x. loni.'i.t lh:i? will I :iy h .Nil-, inely lor e;y h..inV work. YxiW j-artieul.t teip.i. A;.-., seni tie. ih tie.- -iii.e. Pnn't l. k I..' woik or bni.M.-r.y p!'t'c, until y..n have L i-. .1 vl.ie WV ofll-C i. Susm.N k Co.. I'.M laud, M i'l e. .I.o.. H. is",. ) ,. VH 1 l.'l sS;; : cliear : (;-..! : Siv..r e. A,! ) er s'..i.s v n. i-.i.-ttcai) l: e in..k;e c ;..: r.:t.: i.-u-. :: i-'S !..: tlie ii.s-. i...t. of .' .!'..'. . i-me.i'ii, r:n.i;i-l h.-. -I jl (:,' '!' f..- i. I'. I'-cell A '., -11 l . -k liowr. Xe Veil:. -lieu I'IMI li l.i: l-f.oi 'K ( pit.ci y-M- n- .-ft -lion), eii'-o.o-ief' lifts of i.mt L'O'm ne.vsi ijns an. I es'i-nia'e.-, stl. winy the c-.sl. Ad-.e! iH.-n:eilM taL.-li for 1,-a.lii.; l'.o ef. i.i niiii.y Sr ,;..h ; a tT..;i.-:.fl.iim ii-.iii.--timi fioin nl.l.s'.ri ' l .if. s. 1 1 i.T Till: Hook. Inn. s, 1-.7'.. ly. i FALL and WINTSIi 3f . L. Gosslcr, Foil i lh street, 4 doors helow M si k. l, . -t s; e, invites I lie utieiitioii oT all desirine; (In- !;s t r FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY! To In-r w-ll aelrcteil sort incut j-it n r. ive I tioiu New York mid l'liilii.e!iliin, eoiisisiini; ol .nio' 511 anil 'll1lr n'l linl ami ltoinirtia. I'vnt licr. f Iflwrm. it 1 I.Hi'i'n, Milt. V-a-la ItiblM.IIN. Suili It II.Ih.iih. Neck I icta. Iiil (.I'.v'-n. Kuiicy II -cry, Iwt !imlllj Tt plij r anil IjirriiiHiilowii Vi ool. ALSO NOTIONS & TKIMMIMJS IN GREAT VARIETY. All of tlie above offered at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. t-STMiss dossier will, an lieretofor, pTo all orders for Millinery her pernoii.il supervision. Call aud fcee new good. Nov. Vi, 1S75. 3 Furniture Ware-xvooms ! ist!ij.::Tsv iiukti:kma., (Successors to B. L. HA U DEN BUSH.) V2asiiio liiilling, WIU. KLI. CHKAP, AS KNDL1S VAUIETY OF of the latest styles and best material. CONSISTING OF Parlor antl Chamber Sait3; i.OUN(iE.S, TABLES, CirAlltS, STANPS. Bedsteads of all kinds, Cupboards, iu-, and iu short tveryihiiiir usually to be found in a first class Furniture Store. TJZLST ZDETICIlsTG- Special attention is given to Undertaking in ail its branches. Coffins and J'ukial Caskets I.F A I.I. S1V1.ES CONSTANTS' ON 1IANH. An invitation is extended to nil to tome and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ' ROBERTS & HOST F.P. MAN. Suiiliury, Feb. IV, lSwo. HARDWARE. tYe are better pn pared than ever to supply the demand f"r goods in our line. We have just received a full sto-k of Shovt-ls, In ti, llucsi. .Sli'i.-!, Hakes, Oils, Forks. Paints, Pumi'. (ilass, Cutli-ry, Vaiiiishes LEATHER BELTIKG, TOOLS, A.M gis si itaism: ru iSuil.U is, Ilousfket'iiers, Fitnut-rs, IJlacksmitlis, Slioctiiakirs. Ciibiiiet Makers. Macl'.itlists, Cuvtitiis, I'tiiutt-rs ami l!o-- lViile. Call mnl e.X.ini!!!- our mh1s. CONLEY, HACXETT & MATEER, Ot'poMte Wliitiner's store. March :.;. 1S75. tf. F Sucar, Coffes, I Syrups. I Soiccs, I Canned Goods, 1 Queens, Willow and 1 Cedar Ware. 9 -J ' a - - I so i 5 I S 11 o i v r - C ' r - 6 f I : Cement, 0 Salt, Fish, Phospiiato, I Land Plaster, Harrisbiirg Cider 'i Mills. I 0 tt32:xZtttt?&&Z3tt7l r Wia'7P. 8). SfthwarLZ. Sncccssors to Co. Evans .V Co ' ll(n .Market Street, 1 'hiladclphia, MKKCII ANT TAILORS u,i , " ' ,,.,.i r ft.vl'-. ol the best cloth, a . I ,i,i...i in n.ar- j Kll, .It J l KCS sllltaoie io i,n ion. s. Militrv, I5aud & Fiio Oriranizations " iirioxlilK- llllifiil llll'll. Samples Cf Cloth, Witll PhotOgrapilS, Sent c i. . tree Gn application. ( in.'mtrtlie leadin honeon Military work, ive fee! that we can offrr indticeme- t whi. h can- " " : . , rot l.e attained anywhere else. .Xov. -J". llJ I U L tl tVIVn.IS MIM.IXI'.SIY I M!s-i 1.. .V . Wei-cr. T:irkct street, Siinleiry, ' I'.i.. otl.-r r o-io 1 inducements is: lln-l! Kllll Winter Milliner. (iooila. just ojcn.-.l, consisting i f noii'iel.- nil.! II.it.;, FEATHERS. FI.OWEKs-. I'llt.-ONis. SAMr.S. ORN M ! N TS. AC. I'i, . 7. piivrs (ioii.ls. Inf.inf lioo.N. an l nil iniitieii-e ns-oit iiient of jntotiotsts. L.ulii's' lres fiittiiiL', fittins mid t'listtinr done in every liranen Tlie . ili'ie :ire eariii stlv invite I to c ill slid f X- io'..' . . 1 1 1- -'..ek ! lore oi-ilii'ti: a selection rlse- li -r'. .,v 1 1ST.-, L. S. WI ISER. rKtVITOVS ini'FKl.tL SOAP IS THE "REST." T:.i- S. i.i) is III inllf ietlire.l fiolil mr 111 iter i.u. mm i is ii coot i in a lai-'o- t'ereent.ii'e ot Vi uet id e tl'l. is v irr iiite l fully ci.il il to tt r heit li. m 1 -. (isMe. Soap, and at ll-e saaie time f.nsi.." all tlie wasliinsf and eleansiiiir properties of the o-lehriiled (ierman and Frencli Laundry Soaps. It. is therefore rccommeii'V'l for use iu tlie Laundry. Kitchen, and Ratli-roooi. mnl for treneral household ptirpo.es ; also, for Printers, Painters. Enifliieera. and Machinists, ns it will remove stains of Ink, (irense. Tar, Oil, Paint, etc., from the hands. Manufactured only hy ( RAM PTON BROTHER?. ' 1, 4. , S. and 10 Ruteers Pl.nec, nnd 3S aud So Jefferson Street, Naur York. Not. 19, lOTft.-6mi. PillLADKLl'IIIA & EP.IE 11. It. DlVlslbV.' SUMMKIl TIME TA IfLK. On and after Sunday, M iy 23,1, 1&7), the Trains on the I'hilailclphia Kiiiiitail Uuad 111 vi sion will run as follows: WKSTWAKD. le.n er. New York tt.'J."i a m Phihuielphia., 12.55 y in " li.iiliiiii.te, l.lid p in ' llarrh-liuri:, 5a;u p ui in r. nt Wiliiumsport, S.5.J p in l.oek Haven, 10.M p in Ueilefoiile, 11.50" p ia leave- New York, $ IU riiilaiiulplii.i, 11.55 pin Kaitiinore, 11.55 p m I!;. i nsliurir, 4.25 u iu " Wiiliatiport., ' S.u5 a in ' Loek ll.i veil, - 'J.-15 a in ItetioVo, U.U.Va m tsrr. at Ki ie. 7.50 p in r.'ipre-.- I'-ave I'iiilailt lpliia. 7.4iJu. iu lialtimoie, ,. 7.:;5 a in " ilatrisburt;, "ln.55atu ai r. at. Willi:imsport, 1.55 p ui " " I.oeU llaveu ' i.lfi p iu ' llenovo. l.u'Jli in Mail leave-. l'lii..ul'j:pliia, S.IJiJ a in ' " Baltimore, S.oil a ui Harri'litiri', 1.25 pm i.rr. :il Willintnport, t.lJ-p m " Ioek Haven, 7.Jt p to KASTWAIi!) Kxj-res leave Lock llaTeti, 6A0 p in ' " " Willi;import, 7.55 am at r. at liarri.-!)tir, 11.45 am " . Ilaltiiiiore, 0.15 pm " ' I'liilad'-lphi.t, 1J.;;5 p :n New Voik, .4. p in !!.-- I--W Ueimvo. '.1.1 'lain LoeK haven, laaaui VU iuniapoi l, 11-oOaai at r. at II irrUlmr, o.OU p m " I'liiiailelpliia, ti.2ll p ia N.-w Yuik, Vl.l.Vp m El ii ira t. 4fc ; Phiiaf.'i I Pav I ni j ii.' :t iiiiore, ....") p to Krie Mail leaves Krie, 11. -0 a in " ' K' liovo H.25 p ui " ' ' I.oek il.iven, !M5 p in " Williamsi'oi I. 1 J.:Vt p ia ' ' ui r. ;.t II it ris-lmrir, 2.25 a in " K.iltitiHne. i.miiii ' " I'liila'lelpiii.i, t.15 a in " New York, 10. H) a m Fast Line ieaves Willi unspoit, 12.:. 5 a in " ai r. at Han i?bttrir, o 55 a m " ' " Haltiniore, 7.:;5 a tn " ' Pllihi.lolpliia, ".::.") a 111 ' ' Ni w York, 10.25 :i.m t-... -J..-I IV.. Yl.,.c... ?-v ... VV.. r I Klmira Mail Wei-t .-inii Uay Kxpres K.i-t mar close eot'.iii e; ion at NoitlnimSierlaii'l will) Jj. it i 15. 11. R. train- for U ilkeslune anrl Scruntnn. ! Erie Mail We-t, Niagara Express We.-t anil Elinira .Mail VVesl make close cotiueelioii nt I Wiliianifport with X. C. ii. W .trains north. ! Erie Mail Eaf-t and Wel', Xiajtara Express ; West, Fh st Line est Hn-1 Day Ex;ress East m ike eiose eoiiiM ctioi. ul Lock llave.i uiili 15. E. V. R. R. trains. 1 Erie Mail East an. I We-t euinn-et at Erie Willi triins on L. 6. & M. . R. R.. at Coriv' with O. ('. .'c A. V. R. R-. ;il Kio ori nn with 11. X. Y.iVo F. K. R.. ami al l)iiltwoo. uli A. V. R. R. Par lo' Cats will ruu between I'Uila.leipliia atiJ W::!iaml ort on XiaL'ara Express West, F.ist Line Wet. Philadelphia Express ICii-t an 1 Day Expres East. Sleepinir Cars on all nishl train. iVM. a! UALUWIX. l.en'l Stij 't. I'SiiliKlrlphiit A Hcailiug ISuilroutl. AKiiAXGEMEXT OF PASSEXGEll TUAIXS. NoVI-.MI-.KIt 'i"l!d, IS.". Ti.ains Lkavi: 11ki;m)in as Follows : (Sim. ays Exi F.rTED.) For Sliamoki.i, D.40, ll.UO a. m. and 3.4J p. in. For Mt.Carmel, Ashland, Tamaqua, Pottsville, Readinv; aud I'hiladelphia, 10.40 a. m. Tkains ron Heundon, Leave as Follows: (Scniiws ESIEI'TED.) Leave Shamokiu at S.U0 a. in. 1.50 aud o..V p. m Leave I'hiladel; h:a, lo a. m., Keadiuz II-W .. D., ...... ill.. Dl.i., ... T....... ...... 1 f n i-i 11. I1I.,A.1.LS11IIT, I..l. '.111., Allltl'f.i, . - 1 ' .i- Ashland, p.m., Mt. Cunncl, o.Ul p. m Tkains Leave Hakkisruko, as Follows : For Xew York, 5.2:), s.io a. ni. and 12.00 7A0 l. m. For Philadelphia, S.'JO, S.10 1.4." a. in., 2.0C and o.TiO, . m. For Xew Tork, 0,1 a. m. - . For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. ra. ! TttAiMS rim IlAKKism p.fi, Leave as Follows: j Leave New York, D.li a. m., 1.00 aud 5.15, t 7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, SUj a. in. 3.40 and 7.10 p. in. SfNDATS. i Leave New York, 5.1." p. in. I Leave Philadelphia, 7.10 p. ui. Yi;. Morris uud Essex li. 11. i J. E. WOOTTEX, General Snp't. Heading, Pa. Nov. LI. 174. I pzav$ is. CEKTRAL drug STORE q.b.Cadvllader Is the place to luij pure ami fresh Ml DIC1XES. DllUGS, 1'AIXTS. OILS. (iLASS. rEUfUMEliV, XOTIOXS, CKiAIiS, TOIJACCO. LIQUOU fur metliciti:l purposes, and alt oilier arti- ! cli s usualiy kept in a tirst-class Druu Store. Special aUcntii'ii paid to coiiipouiiilini; pre j scripu. ow anil t : i : i 1 1 y ri-ceipts by fompeteni ilruouisls. 1 um prepared Io iur .ir li in (pimtities to suit purchasers and al Philadelphia prices, t'AL INED PLASTEIt, PlIILAPELPfllA LIME, FIXISIIiXti ti VXD. Pl.ASTLUIXt; HAIR. Poitland, Uoman, Roscudaie and Ja-li'mlr CEMEXTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also, (ianletl Seed of all kind. Aall and net a iltnal Register for lsT4. C.F.f). IJ. CADWALLAPEIL Sti: hiii v, Feb. II, ITl.-iv. Di:. C. M. Maiiiin. IjF.o. V. Bloom ! NEW DRL'C STORE, I No. 13, South Third Street, j Mg h ' J' ! DR. C. M. MAIITLX "& CO, jH AVE just received a fre-h lot of Pure I'nti and Patent meilicines. flair, Tooth. Nai'.CIotlie.Shoe and other lit . .shv -r a x- Ik riviv mrfilfv , 1 UI l,l,T AM) I AM 1 A IE TH M.V FINE FXTKAl TP, rorKr.T HOOKS, KMVES, 4C, C. ! p.eeiv (;i:and diciiess colo;xe. the s'veetest perf.nne in America. ' .... ... . ... ... i-ansi;sn, a iui .ove :sm, J uarrunteil toolean perfectly Hie most delicate i shad.-s without iii'in v to the kid j All the leading preparations for the Hair, . SF. SIN. THE P.E.T IX MARKET. ; .... Pine Wine and Li-itmrs, for medical i urpose, . ,,,.. -.., .'....' , ,.,. J coiaoo.in.le.l with care. Tliankl t! for past I'avyrs we ho.e hy fair l'-a in-r t reci-ive a share ol votir .at.onc.i;e. Si-l.telill.er 1 1 . 1ST;!. " Z, ! : 3 -.-- C r- i a. - ' s. - i -J7- " I : a irs i H ! i S t - w tc j I 4 HNS . Frotn GodMj'iLndis Book. Xu Hull a .TuiiJiEY llakj a stuffing as for vtul : ur if jn wish a plain tutliDg, poutid a cntt-Ler or nonie hi tin) crura very Udl, chop raw salt pork veiy fine.tift Boiue sae and any t.thtr sweet herbs tbnt are - likii J, seasniiei with ptp'ptr, and uniuld iht-iu t.y. thi-r with tlie yelk ot an ejig; pin this under the breast, ai.d lit- ch sely. t;ei mi ilie turkey iu bollitio Mater enuuuh to cover it; boil very slowly, and take off tlie scuta as ii rise A larje turkey will r quire more, thaii two bi uis" bulling ; a suiaii ..iii; an hour and i half. Garnish with fiied fnict pieat uid serve with ojeter or cullery auce. " Ok: Fiii the body with oyster9. and -let. jl Imil b) Kieam without water. Whu sutlicieiifiy done, lake, it up, fttraiu the' oravy that will bt; fvund in the pap, and which, wheu cold, will he a fine Jelly ; trliekeii it wiiii a lit lie ti-ur aud butter, add the liquor j!' the 5ters intended for sauce, aiso btewed, anil warm tlie oysters Up In it ; whiten it with u. ljltie fcorkti t'reata, and puur it over the turkey. To Uoast a TcKKEa'. Prepare" a stull in nl pork sausage-meet, oue beateu egy:, and a few crutus of bread ; or, if sausages ale to he .v rved with "th.. turkey tutii;jo;as i'r iiitt-i Vi.ti ; in either, a lilile shred biianni 14 au ituproveium. , Stuff the bird titider tlie bnast ; dreifoc it irli llour,aud put it tltivvp.in.-a clear, brisk lire ; at a luoderaie disL-iuce the fust distaDce the half huiir. but afterwards nearer. Dasie Willi butler, and wiu-u iho turkey ia plunap- -d uj, and rtie steam draws towards thc -,' liie, it will be Ufinly d.iao ; Ui.:u drtd if- .-' Huh t ley with Hour,-' and biftte if witli a liulti'mory ber, tfrs't ru:-i'tel iu the- - ..... busing ladle. Serve with orairy in the disl and bread sauce iif a turttn. i; may be IT:I1-Ili(illi.rl UMti: ti'ii!u.i.M.B ..tt.;i fr'..A f. " "i.i'.caKco.ui iM.uiinuimn- meat, it' veal ttutliOr lised. J?nuielime the oizz:i!ihut:d iivt-r are . dii.tiiinti the yelk nl sin spriukleil wilh eult and Cm emit-, arnl then jiui" utKlt-rthe pinions. be fiirt the bird 1 put t thefire. A" very Ittr-ii turkey will rrtjuire three piiai's'r'iaats iu; ; utie ii t'ulit or U-u'uuuinfsriwo Jioiirsl - - imil a tu;i!l one, an hour and a naif. - ' ' .- ' '- -V . .' Tu Roast a Gijoj-e. G the -:iine rein'inti tn pnuitry llial'poric dues to the tlcsli of ntber domtstsc quadrupeds-; thitt i, the llesh iff goose, is nut suitable fot, or agreeable to, die very delicate in' con- stitutioD. Dae reason, doubtless, is that Jl is the fashion to bnn it to table, very rare d"ae ;'a detestable mode! ' Take a youn goose, pick, siniie aud clean well. Make tne Btu:liu: with two outlet-! f oaiona (iii'Miui tour cotijiuiu sZedj, and one ounce of i;reeu uae chopped Very line ; theu add a lare t-'iilee-cuu of atile bread cruras and aud the satue of manhed poUtoen ; a little and salt, a bit of butter as bi$ as a vralnut, thejelk if tin an ejiir or two; mix these well tooethe, atid 8tutl the s;(Mi'se. Do not I'll it eutirely; the stuffing requires rootu i m swell. Soil ir ti tin anit. nt h,.ih n.Ia . to prevent its swelling round, and to ktep the etutliu form coniinj; out. The fire must be brisk. Baste it Willi salt and water at tirst, t'neu with its own dripping. ; It wili take two Lours or more- to roast it ! thoroughly A oreen hsl; that is, one ui.iler four nnth9 old,- is seasoncu with pepper aDd sail instead of sao atid ouions. It will roast iu an Lour. Sauce for a Roasted Goose. Put iuto a siiucepau a tabkspoutiful of made mustard,, half a teaspoouful of Cayenne pepper, a glass of port-wine and-a gill of oravy ; mix. and warm, iu;d pour it tUrotili a slit iu the apron into tlie Ix.dy of the oi)oSe, just before serving. Christmas Cake. Five teauupfuls of iliutime leaeupful ni uiel'd butter, oue tea cupful of ereaiu, ou teaeupful of treacle, one teacup ful of moist suar, two egs, half iiti ounce of powdered -ginejiT. half a p.. mi. I of raisins. "He te:is;i"onful of farlvitf-a:- of s"n;i ..lie laldi ni.inful ot vinegar. Make the htiiler sutlicieiiliy wartn to meit it. hut d not alio it to oil ; put the flower lulo a li.isin, add to i' the sUiiar, inoer, and rais:us, whicii siioiiid Ik-sinned and eut int.. small p'ti-es. hen lin ' dry i:ji;re- . ilieiiu aro in irouuiy mix i t. (,.r in the butler, cream, tre acle, aud wii whisked eejs, and sieit tiltj uixturn l ir ; levr cnio uies. Disolve lh sMla ia tbe vinegar, add it to tlie douh, aud be partifUl;irtri!itfhefe litter iiiredienis are wi-il incoqiorated with t lu; otliei'd ; put the cake into a butter ed mould or tin. place it in a lunih rate ov-u iiiiiiit-tiiateh . and hake it lro:n an hour and three quarters t- two hours aud a quartet-. Holiday Cake. One -pound ol flour, hait a pound of butter, half a pouqd of pounded loaf U4ar, three es. one teacup ful i if ere uu, half a pound ofj;iu.rr:iitsV one ' teaspiH'Ulul "of carbonate ot &ia essence of lemon, or alia ids t isL- Wocw'the tiutter' to a cream ; dredge the ftotfY add Uie sugar and currants, nud uiix C inredi. nts well together. Wtiisk the eireju. mix iheru with tlie cieaiu and flavoring and srir these to tlie floury add the cat bouat of s .da U-at the paste wfc!I for t o luiuiiit s, jxiur it into' smaii buitertd pans, aud bake tl.e' take from a quarter to half ui hour. .Grated lemon-riiie may be juosfituedi for .tbe.ai- mond llavonyij;. whfoli wi'i make i!. cakes equally nieK . .. Uicii i'LUii ruiiDlxo.-tou: veri. care 1uil one pound of the besf ruiaiu, wasli ami pick ou pound of cut rants, chop vury small one punud of fresl heel" uot. blanch hud chop stii;ill or pound' two . ounces f sweet almond: and one ounce oniitleroni s; mix the whole 'wefl tooeihtr, with one pound. of sifu d dour, aiffl tht aame weij;")! of ci U.u of hread synkt d iu uii!k. tiiei siju. ; zi .1 dry a id stirred with ,isi.iin unti, nil it. d to a uiisli, before ii is iniud with the ll-iur. Cut in Sinad pieces two titictj each ptef'jrved citron, orange, and leiuori peel, and add a quarter of ati 'ou'iCjC- mixed spice ; quarter of a p"Utid of "hii.it biuar should he put ioio a hasiu, wiih eiyl aud well betiteti together witll a.lhre. pmned fo'-R ; s'.ir this with the puddirv aitt.l make it. f a pptjier eotisisti tice i: 1 1 k. HeineiiilHT thai 1! milsl II -t lh-ma. Iho :hin. 'or the fruit will sink to the fx ! t"ti. hut he made to the coiiaislenci'of go ; tliii-k tiaitt" Tvvo w iru ol.-issfiilst of hran - leuild be p.ivred over the fruit and sf-i. mixed loo,.; )t.r jn :i basin, and allowed slatid ihri e or tour hours before the puddi in made, sliiiiio iheui marasioiially. must he lied in a cfotli. and will t.iko I liours of costant hoiliUi.-. When dune, u il out on a diidi. sift loaf u.ar ' over t ; . arid serve" it with wine satire in a hi mid son. i oti'inl Srotiiit the puddi Tlie ;-U'.idilo will he "I l-it!sid. ral!e i hut half the qtiaolilv id' materials, used the saute proportion will he equal! llOiLD I'LVM PfDDIXO. -The rrua a simTiII loaf, half p"uud i iieh of tm currants, raisin, ana oeei suet Bureu. . . unces ot can led leel, three ilrop ot ts of lemon three erji-s, a little nutme tablespoonful of flour. Butter the rrn and bci! tbcm Gve hours. Servo brandy sauce.