'"'Hater of Advertigliig." One Inch, (twelve lines or Its eqniTalent in Xbepatria type) On or two raaaa-uoBa, rtkmeqwrt4otts S'XOS .'. BSAtia: , i i . im, fcr. ; jjs. - ij. Oos inoh (190 P.UO $4.00 C.U0 flO.WO Twotnoha. S.UO COD 7.G0 .U U. Thrss isohes S.00 7.00 9AM 1X0$ IS, roorinenas 7.00 9.00 UJO' 17.00 9&.0O Qoaiter Coomo. .10.00 13.00 14.00 tO.OO 30.09 Half Ooiumn 14.00 13.00 KI.OO 80.00 S0.W Ona Column. 36.00 40.00 to.OO 100.00 Tearr adet tiacmants payable quatwrly Tracaeieat aaawatt anas hs-yaaA Safu linaninii, aaoaa waers paAiei havs acooonta. LocaX'oticea twenty cents a' line, sad tan esata for every aubaeqtwnt iuaertion. 1 Cards in tfie "Bnaiaeaa Direetory" cotatca SO. 00 per ywrfoi the ant two linwyand tl.00 lor eaca adduioaal - The;Suntairy Arnerican. Vomer of Tldrd St.tfHtil 'tMarlxt Sqtftre, UXBCfcY, r.i. . , . 1 At On Dollar acl Fifty Cent If paid ertictly fajijfuo; f 1.75 if Inud'witltiu I he year; orf i.OOluallcaiMjp lia iwveut in delayed till after expiration f ttiyeir? aubacriiiiii liweuutiuued uuul all arrwti are paid uuIeHs at t'ue gption of the iitilieliw-., Thkse tkbms ark p.kiiiilt aiiherek to. AU ww ul)H-ij riiJii to the American hy ' -ao::ljrmi; uutai.tr jf tu omuty of Xorthumtjerlai'rt, miiit Ikvuo oTov!iid wi-.li ttw Cash, 'i'uis is made uewssury by V Ue dUiejirty eipCiiyctM in c-.illivU.jg uiniipd subsciii -. Ntnw -'a diwaiiee. i- ' ' ' " . - - r 1- " i SUNBURY, PA.. F III DAY MO IWING, DECEMBER 3. 1875. '. j New Series, Vol. 7, 5o. 34. V I Old Series, VoK3G, Xo. 34. PKIt'E i 50 IS ft pf AXCE: S IIOSIMTAL I' 1" .-, ;ifcin of this L'te'IratjJd. Institution, has. -..-4i"vcred the most cerla-Mk(jeedy, pleasant aud ' etlcttWJl comedy in the worlJpa.. ft A I.t I WOK fc.' LOCK -.-.' , DfSEA&ES OF IMPBUDEXCE. Weakne&-6fr-trte Back dr'tm!sK Strictoros, Afi'ectious 'or.'ltfilneys and Abudja, ; luvolun tarytKaehar.Iiiipotency, ienrlf DebHi ty, . Nervflusuess, DyTi&SA- languor, Low Spirit, 4.-onfS!i !ef. idcai l3tj.(tion of the Hcart.Tinstditr. TVeinbtlc-s.v iMmneaR of Sight .- Thtot j'NxieyT jsldn- A five Hops of Li -of the Hfad."r of IA ver, Lun srs, ...., I ; j r-ioinach' .ls.'3gwtls thnse.' terrible. Disorder ' arising Wdhrtrie Srrtitary Irabu s of Youth those ' secret "nd.itary practice." mdVfatal to llieir victims thaua.he'ojjg'ol Syrens toftio Mariner of Ulysses, lighting their most -brilliant hope of antViuation1, rcnn1fBB marriage, fcc.,jraaNit " .,- Mty . -T. - 'At I ' i i r- 1. t OtfXQ MEN - ri)fri.lUi, Wtia fcave. become iUv yiuiiin oCsolM j ttltifch auuuai?r evecps to.-ilff .untitmly (craWl.' l. , ', 1ae LAve etrancWinlaii,cal' fitlj tie rgf' tfndcrg of eloquence 6l? wia4ij tj 4iJbtafly ti ft aware i i iriii i,rw3j nfinnrivvi:uiu t J--': .'J', fr: olr Dtt3'Ahatlvrf, tended Q.sl !.. -yf i. i. V tfw'CU'v etieveii ' ' ""i - 1 ii Lr 3 V'"- He td-rlaces h'me?! uodct the cAri of I)r. at! . ; J F R Effi AH I ui potency, Jf of p'verAinncdit(ly Cured. VU; and full Ticf Reatowd. i - " w rV-"-t1 ii 1 n m ill-rl ImTn -rblr t lnniltT ' 'Bl "J . ' " T j ' ' I - - - . Yonnr pttE&ons areloo apt to cllJ. excesses frotnTiot beiugaarc oi incarcaa'.ui civjwienccs that may, ensue. Nw,whojl'-anii'rta!ids V f, L.irL will nrrtead tt ttrTn CBtMSiuower ' jti BoofeatioB is loU oirJbjL'uMii; fatlSiata J . W!froper habits thaaby tiprua-jjKf j Bosidet . r' fhMiip deprive Ae-jUcarJuX healthy oflSpMntt, ojkfeV tl t'bjtjikai"; 5'1, Ja64f dnaf i.iaa " Aci)t4,li;r "Vfo(iCOTc towerfc NrvoM., ?TrcliaV.ij:K5i.t)yipis;-aa, ftlillation of, the H&ri, . -.. ... -jvjtJLuuu, CoB6titntiona- Debility ..Wastiaq; Gradnatcd frim one of tU .host c.n.nevi "f "Ywn-cSSf .C" Wy aDd'M.e.vni teii ?c,v n theTJn ted States, and the bHirrown qj:f our patrona. ted fome of-tue niott.astonlt-laii i cures Jia w ere .ever known ; mairy troublefl wiUxxlo-;- iu( in Ui head and ears -when! asleep,-irrcaV ; cerToatess, teioij alsriufd at sudden tseaflds , bawhloinew,1, with frcqnenl blnstiiap, jittcrt'ded sometimes witl draijgcnieuV of mind, were cured. irumadiate atffc;. TARE PJKpCULAU NOTICE. ?Dr. J. (ut-Jiessis all thosfc whHiaTe iniurrd . thermelwi jniproper indifiuioe and solitary TiabitH.' vjkicli ruin both body and mind, unlluinir them f'iteitLer'wwitfJts, stttdy, 'swicvr' mar- j j. riajrv.fcr.- . " i.. ' 1 niie are some or tne-jsrr aua mciajieooiy ellects produced by early haU!brof tJ(t':aW ; j Woaknofca fif the Hick and Limbs. PStos'TSa f!i , Backend Head, Dimness of. btjrht, Lossof Sins-W: cniar Power, Palpitation of the Heart, fltyspcpsjv Jiervons Irritability, Derangement of Digestive t unctions General Debility, byuiptoms or Lon etrm'Qon, &e. , 'f . ? k y "JklS'.TALi.t The -U4jful effects on the mind are mtch to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of . Spirits, vEvil Forebodinirs, Aversion to Society," ielf-Distpui-t, Lore of Solitude, Timidity, &c, artf some ot t rronnen. - r ThousamiS, of persons of all aires -eon' now. judire what is the caiifeof their declltilnirtiuiilth, Josint their vijfor, beconi'mp;, weu, pale, nervous and emaciated, bavin:; a 'sinrnlar apicaran?e about the eyes, cough und sym""AS ot coiisuiup tion. "". -- . YOUNG MEN . Who have injured th luselves by a ociwa prse- tice iuJuIijed in when alone, a habit frequently learned from eS'il companions, or at school, the etleets of which are nightly felt, jeven when . jile;-i, and if not cured, renders marriage inioft ihie, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What n pity that a youniruaii,the liopeof his eouiit ry. the "darling of hi parents, should be snat-iic(i fnm all prospects aud eujoymeiits ol life, by the cdiiseijuenee of deviating from the path of nature and icdulfring in actrtain- t. cn t habit. .-neli irtons mvht before Ont emulating MAKK1AGE. P iled that a sound lujnd and body are the mos1 .uei-csKirv requisites to promote connubial hapbi-ii"-h. iiidut'd without these, tlic journey ttirougli life UrOine u weary pilgrimage; Clio. prospect Inmr'.y darkens to the iew; tlie mind becomes ehadiiwed with desjmir aud tilled with the melan choly reflection, that the happine' of another becomes blighted with our own. ' A CERTAIN DISEASE, the m':-L-u;ded and imwruilent votary ot pleaMirc find that he has iml.ilied the- seeds ot j this 'painful disease, it too often happens that an UWiuicd sense of shame, r dread of discovery, deter Jiim from applying to those who, from , education and rcsjiccUbility, can alone befriend him, defajingtUl the constitutional symptoms ot this horVid disease make their appearance, such as weeTHted ore throat, 'diseased uoso. nmtuial , pains iu the head and" limbs, dimness of Mirlit, 1 di afncss, atVodes ou ths spin buuea aud lawn.-, b!t -hesfO the head, fcra ndfejureiifllics, pro icresing with' Yrightful 'rapidity, till at la the palals of t10 liiouth orTtie4iones or the Jiose fall iu, aud th1- victim of tltM awfui diw ase becomes a hot rid 'object of eoinnjissrariofi, till' death puts jt period to bis dreadful snfferiirg, by s.-ndnnr ; bim to "that Undiscovered Countr, from winriic- j Doravcl;er retnms." It is a inclaucboly fact that thousand- JUL victims to this teirlhle disease, through falling Into the hands of Ignorant or nuskillfni PRE- .TENDERS, who, by.jlhe nsc of that ncaaiy rot .r VeVen'rv Ac.-. 4etrov the coiiatitirUoiu and irfcarable uf curing, keep the unhappv suller. i j iKonth aftsr luonlli taking vueir noxious or in jurious coinpouuds, and instead of being restored to a renewal of Lite ifror od Happiuess, iu des- ' J'air ka fill I i: ave situ with ruined Heaitti. to slgh-ivei i trailing aumpywimwue-ot. 1 A.ieh. tlierefore". Dr. JonNSTON pledges Inm sell to preserve Ihf niost lniioUbie becrccv, nnd. from his cvtoifsite practice and observations' iu. -ih. gniit llosjiihiis of Europe, and the, first in' this country, vis: "England, Prance, Philadelphia and elsewhere, is enabled to iTer ths most cer "oin, sredy and" effectual remedy in the world Iqi; A disease ofiifurndeftte. ' . "v ." a " ' DR. JOHNSTON; .'"' ri' CE, NO. 7, S. FREDERICK STREET. .X . . CALTIMOBB, M. D. Left handside going from Baltimore street, a few jjoors from the corvr- Tail not t0 observe nam'' and number. . J" No letters received unless postpaid and contuiniDjra stamp to be used on the reply. Per sons writing should state age, and send a portion of adviitisenicnt describing symptoms. There are so many Paltry, Deslgnfnjr and Worthless Impnsters advertising themselves as lMiviririnna. trifline with and mining the tealth of all who unfortunately fall Into their power, that Dr. Johnston deems It necessary to say es- cciullyio those naacqnalnted with his re.onta ion that his CredcntUls or Diplomas alwaya ang in his oflies. - . f ENDORSEMENT OF THE TBESS. The many thousands cured at thls'Establish- nent, year" after year, and the numerous im ortant Surcical .iH:rations performed by Dr. obnston, witnessed by the representatives of the ress and many other papers, notices of which ave pppeared again and aga;c before the public, esides liis standing as a gentlsman of charaeti-r nd roiKinsibility, is a sntticicnt guarantee to the HHilcd. thiu diseases' speedily cured. April 9. I S75- l v F.linER AXI FXAMXta .MIL EN did Strex-t, ndjolning Pbila. At Erie R. R Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. , t wo 717,1 T. CLEMENT, S prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. vine all the latest improved machinery for uulae.uriug Lunber, he is now ready to till or- -r;t kinds of v GORING, SIDING, DOORS. SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, all kinds of Ornamental SVrowlWork. Turn, of esery description prom ptly executed. Also5 ' '-. A LARGI5 ArtTMET "r BILL LUMBER. iILOCK aud TINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets I jithe, &c. -rdcrs prorurtl y tiled, and shipped ty Railroad iherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT- i-H-Clr Til. It. KASE,"Atonifcy. a LAw, BURY, PA. ; Olllee InTMarket N iNiuarc, (adjoiulusB6 offlce of V. I. Grteiiouch, Esq.,) It-offtBiooai bu&uiea in this' and adjoining couii- lies fuoiDPtly attended to. ' ' ' Suubufv, ;Mawh 16, lsriJy.' ".. 1 ATTORSTTnif 0OUNEL,iwii-ivT LAW, ! . ''y . 'Liverpool, J'erryunty, Pa. liiiiecWltfcirf la Jhe eftuntk-s of Nojjlf- , . AU bnjuit'. tnAtUrf la Jhe ewuntks of oct ntnirji.-vBjSBTderv UtilasT Perry and Junisj;H rnTVinilv-iTttTiapaTo. t-onsniiaiioti8 can oe nan iB tlieenu.iir!iiTdTnili. Urkjnaires. J PT'l I l ISfUVli- V - i 1 , JVtTOKXEY ATLAXV . ASBiCOrNfl'eOlICITOK. OflW on Fropt Street below Market, Sanbury, Pa. JolrrtioBsana air lef rf basiness prorn;)tly 8ttenS;Mo. , .-vJ . ' naaa .-a Offl, fn Hannt bulldinsr. South East Corner of Market SquareSnubury, Pa. ' CTI0. lit I t!d I I So iflriia oia '"1" . Also ACeo)r i.'"5 ane Companjr v ,- U"' rr---J'rr"-'',,'!""-w:'T o"'.. . "- a - -m WVr ' trtet of Pesnsvlrinla. Claitfis prottt'OtoWi- ed. vParticuiar attention paid to fU; .r nan lancuats. 5- 1" . - HjJ KASE, AU'ojfcy at Lftj Bt.- ' AJa BVKI,4iA.mfc ti WoIVertrTB rfaWs La buildincr'cc(nd 6rrcet.jfLM)ltectionuaeTe Jij (f MerrWlAatJ - Andrew H, Dill.. " Jf". STUarr. LUTX. DILE IMAItlS,- - VTTOliXEYS At- LAW, Nct dooc to the Prcsbyoerian church, Market '- Square, SUNBCKX, April 9.'75 ' Northiimberlaud f o.. Fa. JAMFJs II. JIcOEYITT, Attorney at ;IiAw.ANr ; U Usitcd States Ooissionek. Office with S. B. Boyer, Esrj., in Wolverton's-Law Building, ..Suubury,- Pa. '. ' Aprili.'75. O-T. WOLVEItTOX. 'Attortiv nl Law. k7 Market Siquare, ti UN BL R Y, PAC Profession al business in this and adjoining counties prompt - y atteuded o. Hit. 5IAKKER, Attorney at Law, SUN'- BURY, PA. Collections attended to in the comities of Northumberland, Union, S:iyb-r, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. j)110-ti'. G' 1 i.o. xv. xie;eek. ATTORNEY AT L.WVJ, Olliee otiposite depot, Third Street, !Sti n- bury. Pa. Collections and all professional tuisines pr mptly attended to in the Courts of Nortliiim berjatid and adjoining counties. ' Oetolier -"J. 1S7S. DR. n. MAItTIX, Olliee in Druj Store, Clement House Block, Olliee 4ioiirs ; from 11 a. m., lo 1 p. m., and from C lo J-p. m.. at all other hours, flicu uot Professionally en- aired can lie found at Ids residence, on Cliustnut j otreei, PLl.ltl, I A. rarnentar luiyiiuu given to surgical cases. "kVill visit Patients either in town or couHrv. IT" V. liOHIV, '"' t ATTTORNEY AND "COUNSELOR AT LAW. . Olliee ii cast Market MrtrH .-pposite the City Hole). Siinbiiry. Pa. Prompt au l c.iretul alleutioti p lid tocouifey- atieing. May 14, ls75 !'. lt. AIU AEEAIEK.Market St n . t. SUNBURY, PA. Dealer In -Drugs, Medicines, Paints. i, Glass, Varui.-hes, Liquors, Toliacco, Cigars, PK-ket Boks. Dairies, :c. IKEXTISFItV. (iKUUli E M. IIESX; t .Si;Aon'a lJuildiinj, Mmkif S'liom, Sunburt, Pa., Iptepared'to do all kinds of work pertain. Mg to Dentistry. He keeps constantly on hand a larL'C assortment of leetli, and oilier w eiii i material, from which he will be able J,n.'! eei. and mec. tnc wants of his customer. All worn warranted to-giveatisfaet inn. r i the money refunded. ' The very best Mouth Vah aud Tootli-Py lei - kept on hand. His references are tho numerous patrons f"i whom lie bus worked for the last twelve year-. Sunbury, April 21, lb?-. , ..." hotels aulT Ucstaitranls. VTA.LE.IIOLi;, (Formerly Danville lol."re opened'July lt,lS75.) Market Street, Danville. Ph. L. G. STICKER, Proprie tor. Guests conveyed to and from the Depot. Good sample room for agents. Aug. 13, TS.-lr. . ! CKAWFOKl .HOI SE, Cor. Third and Mulberry, Business Centre, Williamsport, ; P. . ; . . .Win. 1 HAW rtu.n, rropncior. Dec. 11. 1STJ." . CEEMEXT llOUKE, Third Stre-t below Market, .Sdnbury, Pa. PETER S. BUR RELL, PropVte'tor. .Rooms neat and co nfortable. .Tallies supplied "Ub the deltcaeies t the season and the' waiters attentive and obliging. Suuqury, Jan". 22, -187 j. U.MTED HTATES HOTEE, W. F. KI fCHEN. Proprietor. Opposite thj: De pot SHAMOKIN, PA. Every attention gii -n to travellers, and the best accommodations given, j April 5, 1-573. tf j VT ATIOXAE HOTEE. AUGUsTUs j WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North d Countv, Pa., at the Station ofthe N. C. R. W. Choice wines and cigars at the bar. i The table is supplied with the best the market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. HEM 2M EIH KENT A IKAXT, LO U I S H U M M E L, Propriet O', Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. . Having just refitted the above Saloon for the A" X. ItltM'K, ACTIXO JtSTIC E dFiriT ' ; n N B UBMX.-.; !?-,, SA' jVjl !' 'TheVe who pit.es Marvi,,, birds CraveyancingJticeonectioMoreUwriUiiit J . nutMirMB')iiiirrli,itli Stt-'Coiiinf I "-.' rftt S),ri i h i --At it I ,t ' L . and all kibds.orLe"wrf ttlT aWtended : 'jf 'V'fTSLr.- ?5t :r v- V-.-.;.. . ' Tho ,IUMCy that ' wjrm 8,1,1 ,rno to cai-ully BlTftltU dl Am Col.ultj ti''ZZlj- v" Wa ' 'i. - I ' ' , i " Must lend a l.elpinz hand, latheEudmhand-GArmaulajgV .. .,.1:'.;T'.-.;f s , For those that talk.-v,t ftl to do. , Hapi's'buUdrn)tv Xlw-ket ttreet. ..bary, Hi. lftfaL,.:;;i.-S., ' ,..:a. ! ..'-' iV-: V. :'J" . T .,; .s ip Can basnstiU v - ii accomodation or the public, is now preparra i serve J'tf friends with the best refreshments, and fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt quors. . XJusincss (t;uis. ....... I'tCKEtt HAAS. w- f- MIOAOS. HAAS V RIIOAOJ r.ETAII. DEAI.EHS or ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. OrncE wiTn Haas, Faoelt A; Co., Orders left at ScasUoltz & Bro's. olliee, Market Street, will receive prompt attention. Country custom respectfully solicited. Oct. 23, 175. if. COAL! CO.l Ij! CO A 1A f! RAN T BROS., Shippers -nd Wholesale aud Itetail Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASII COAL, SUXBUKY, PA. (lower wiiakf. ) Orders .wUJ roeeive urompt attention. AXTIIUACIXE COAL! TIXE !IETX,'WhuJ'we and tail dealfr in" (iwrv'varietv of ypiiMcpttrvpvT.r v arf, Air.kiods of Grain taken in exchange for dial. Orders solicited and Clled 'proniUy. .Orders left at S. F. Nevin's Confectionery Tft jre, An -.Thir ktrcet, will rccieve proinpt atte.iition.'aud money receij-tedfov. the same as at lite olliee. CO A I,, Fl.Oiat, (.IMt A5I I'llOS- riiATi:. "HE undersicned havlnt: connected the Vn-.iT litmmess wKh tiis extencivt FL(ttii:fc GRAIN ladjii'sJprepnrtxl to snpply fiirailk's with the VEKV It JEST OV COAL. .V V: t'HEAI WXaT CASH. Egrtr, Stove iiud Nut, constantly on hand. Grain J taken in eictrnii!re forCoal. " I 'tim alto prepared to supply to fanneis and . -t tiers v .. . ? v , . , . TltE.NAJt0NL,ILBON,E: J !.;... l.is'Pbo?ptMUJ-tt iiUer. than ($'. . n&ia.iu, tltibf ouulry, 1 bold at u'leaaomtiblc If'-- price. V '' "! -Z ' Vf ' v SVXItrirt' MAIHtLE ' Fourth street below : tariiei, 1 . . !.ilvA.-sL-r. ;i .iV!y..-j;-;H1fc iieODce, t inucf y..A-.--i. .' L ....l 1.;." i" jaweeon inctBiotnere urensv , U A .TOU1,C J"aJ rat'i' " a'-AA fimnmV Tlie hnnnrfj And InRtilP' tmon'S- i'oi! of-tim-;"'aml the crash of revolutions fit eifca'aistan' we stand a living monumental incuicnto of the 'Ingenuity and perseverance ap pertaining to "the identity of progression, plyiug our Tocation with the highest style of rt and perfecion, and tispiring to achieve the highest; fpward of merit attainable in our hnmhlf capaci ty and the sentiment' of respect and. approbation' which the presence of superior appliances find cs-' tsh'.ishmenl are always woii to inspire. ' ' Always to please We shave with eac , , Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the bead with eoothing earn, And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the towii. . Then allow me politely request you to stop, , And not go past nor from around our shop. . To get shaved jin the basis of ability norns some have done Tor our nse of ths ballot for prinr' .ciplc sacred aud right nor under the common secret and invidious irnise of enmity to conifHej- trm fTor ive t-m or a mwis mi,w 'tTre-Txif i ids skin, ought not to atfect his usefulness or his qualifications. A fair chance U uil that we demand, to give the proof to all the i.uid. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Sunbury, April 5, 1STG: No. lfl, Market st. iclxi Abbcrtisrmcitts ; A XEW KTOC'IC OF MERCHANT TAILORIHG GflOBS. CIIAS. MaAllIL j . i I'us iii'l returned from the Eastern cities, with an j elegant selections of ; I.O J US, . ASSIMEKES, mid VESTIXGS, ! r thrt fitol Kreiich Brands, Tiimmitii I i now ready to receive orders for o now rcudy to rece SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS of any desired-style. Tlie lates- styles of pat terns on hand, and X EAT FITS ( JUAU AXTEED. You will liu l prices til least as reasonable a elsewhere, Give, tu.- a call. . CIIAS! MAIIIL, rounrir st., n,,p,,yne city hotel, 8 US BURY, PA. Sni. bury, Apiil 'J, Pji-l.-tf. iV-tTCIIEK. JF.1VEI.ICV A SIEVI.K UAftE. Joln W. Stevenson, Corner Third and' M.uket Sis, Sllilbtiry, Vu. HAS completely renovated his Store Room, and ripened the largest assortment of ! WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, &OLID SIL- j VER AND PLATED WARE, I ever exhiUitad in tliis part of ihc State.' Evcry- j thing in the Jewelry Jje is kept In store, j Siler-i are, . Itraeelet. ' ItiiiS V t'liainj, oft-very dtscriptiou aud ofthe fittest quality Partricular attention paid to repairing Yi Htt'lie, Floekv Jewelry, aVe. HAIR JEWELR-Y made to order. Sunliury, March I), 1JTI. John II. .Sri.L. Jons M. Si iiomh i: SEEE aV M'HOXOt'K, Second Street, Wovki.siiokf, Pa. FOREIGN' AND DOMESTIC LIUOIIS WINES, BR NDIES, GINS, Inre Old Kje sVIiiwkej. Al-ri.n WlllSKKV, ColllllALS, &;. All Liquors sold gaurraiiteed ns represented. Orders jirotuptly nttemfed to and public pa I tronage respeitfully solicited. j SELL oc SCIlONOUIt. 2d St., Womelt doi f, Berks Co., Pa. j Feb. 27. 1874. lv. New Millinery S ore, HEKXOOX, XorlliM County, Pa. MRS. KATE M EC K respectfallj informs the public that she has opened a XEW .MIEEIXEKY STOKE, on Front street, Herudon, where she has juat opened an entire new stock of Full and Winter Millinery Goods of the latest styles and patto'i's, consisting of am m asraaiaa. FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, nnd all Goods found in a first-class Millinery Store, which arc offered at extremely low prices. Ladies are especially Invited to cull and ex amine all the new styles, and ascertain ths prices. KATE MECK. Hern Jon, Oct. lfth, 1S75. Gmos. 4; vSYEAM POVER PriMngOfflcl TIIE SUNBUliY AMERICA 0al .,1 The Largest and Most CoipetEs'tl . " . lishmeut M - ,'in Xt rthurri1)(rknd (jntj. 'yV I: - - " v. Vs ' - . ' "Cf ; , '. f &J5Ct- JL Xv fe:Iti"f T ,V;-vB. y , v;j . v. .ci. "t"s!.' ' . :agJV.r.'ii.'r'.i''"r 5??Ka''jkt t 'V. . ' . MEvfrtrof-fi-, i.ff . ."id ;'PMeE.S MO0ERATE.-6 j . " , :t . : ; - (a . . . w a , -4 -'' I". YfJsITlNG C,AWK4, tltun .CAliuaf. -'1 BALL TICKET,. BLANKS, r1 vre . v. , v ' " MEBi'.VNTTI.E IvETTER, HEADS,' XOTE n . v- vt t . r ". BILLHEADS, 1 5 . " 'ENVELOPE CARDS, CHECKS ANDJSFjf, .PROGRAMMES, DOIm;ER5, PAPER BOOKS. MANIFESTS, CIRCULARS. ' . f Vlirr.M.i tfiat is tiaeded in the printing de- ' ' -! partnicnt will b; executed with promptness and j at low prices. All arc invited to call and cxa- minc'oiir samples. No trouble to give estimates j and show goods. Wc fchall cheerfully do this - . to nil, who call for that purpose, it!io'.it charge. I-T'Orders for Subscription. Advertising Joti JfiiiUing, thankfully received. Address EM'L WILYEIIT, Proprietor, Ui'BURY, r.. iftttjjiin T IIH SUNIJUltY AMERICAN U TIIK ,r,,l BEST AD VEM&IXU MEDIUM In the Central part of the State, IT CIRCULATES In one ofthe Most Thrifty, Intelligent and WEALTHY SECTIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Sample copy of paper sent to any address free ofchsnr. .f.leri :).l.ctirT;. IU f EfHXU OX THE NAI. ULIZA COOK. s'f is weii to woo, "lis well to wed, For to t'ja world hath done ..Since myrtles grew aud roses Yic-.v And morn in bronchi the sun. But have a care, ye votiiit; and fair, Be bine e p.edc with truth ; Be ce'rta'a that your love will we.r. Beyond tt: days of yonth !j For If you sj'ive not .Ireart Vt heart, 'As well ns hand tor hand ! You7ll lind you!ve played the unwise pajt. , And "builu upon the suud."t 'Til wll to s.ive 'tis well to have . A coodly store of pild, . . , Aud' hold t:i.",ij:H of btiiuh'. stulf, For charity is culii. But place not ail your hope and trust In what the deep mine brings ; "We cannot live on yellow duct L'tlmixed with purer things ; 1 And he who piles up wealth alone " ' . '.. Will often haVe to sU id Beside Iris coffer reat, and own .. . . ?Tis"buiIt upou th.nand.?' ' v : 'Tts 2l-t flHMits in kindly gui - AM eoothe where'er W caa ; Fair speech should bind the liun j And love link man to man ...... .1- 1. lUiiian in'.Ld, But stop not at the gentle worda ; . KENT I1Y EXPHESAS: OR, AVII.VT FRANK EVANS MISSED. ilariuu Htirliin wtis aloue in the world her tnoilier just buiieil .She was a beautiful, brown haired girl, with soft, shy eyes of violet, gray, aud rosy lips compressed to a. firmness far beyond her years. For, after all, she was scarcely sevoulecn, aud so D; ao;n Gray was telling her, as he sat by the tire spreading his huge hands over the tardy blaze aud asked : 'But what ate you going to do to tarn .your bread and butter child ?' 'I ilon'tkriiiw I haven't thought. M.uu Ova had an uucle in New York, who' 'Yes, yes I'.e henrd her ti ll about him he was mad 'cause your mother didn't marry just exactly to suit him, wasn't it ?' .Marian was silent. Deacon Gray waited a few minutes, hoping she would admit him inlo her secret meditations ; but she did not, a-ul the Deacon went away home, to tell his wife that 'that Harlan gai was the very queerest creature he had ever come across.' In the meanwhile Marian v. as busy pack ing her f .w scanty things into a little car pet bag. by the weird, Bickering light of the dying wood lire. 'I will go In lSYwjYfrk,' i.Iit said to her self, setting U. r small yearly teeth lirraly together. 'My mother's unc'e.sh.fir heas my cause pleaded through my own 5jps. Oh, I wish my heart would not throb so wildly I I fim no longer meek Minnie Harlan, I am an orphan, all alone in the world, who. must tight life's battles with her own single hands.' Lower Broadway, at 7 o'clock in tha e veuiiig. What a Babel of crashing wheels, hlirrvin - l""' v. ..!..murlB noises it was ! Minnie Harlan sat in a coiner of an express, oflice under the flare of gaslights, surrounded by boxes.and won dered whether people ever went crazed in this perpetual diu and tumult. Iir dress was very plain gravpopliii, with a shab by, old-fashioned little straw bonnet tied with black-ribbons, and a bine veil, while her only article of baggage, the carpet bag, lay in her lay. -Sin: had sat there two hours, and was very, very tired. Poor little thing I' thought the dark haired young clc'k nearest her, who in habited a sort of wire cage under a circlet of gas lights, And then he took up his pen and piunged into a perfect Atlantic ocean of accounts ! 'Mr. Evans.' Sir.' ' - . The dark-haired clerk emerged from his ca-e with his pen behind his ear m ob. di- i-nee to the beckoning finger of liis superior, j 'I have noticed that young woman s't- tiuVW. "fur some .time-how came she'! here r" 'E txpnssea on, s:r,. inun iiuiugioii. . . r : o: - .v.. Iowa an ived this ftflvruoon.' As though p r Minnie II irlan were' a box or, :w paper pwo l. 'JYhofor V ' .. C'ons'igned to Walter Harrington. Eq.' 'And why hasn't she been called for?' 'I sent up to Mr. Ilartington's address to notify him some tiine ago ; I expect an answer every moment.' . 'Very odd,' said the gray-haired gentle man,' taking up his newspaper. 'Ycj!, sir, rather. ' Some three quartets of an hour after ward Frank Evans came to tjte pale gill's kiih- v iLli indescrihahlu tiitv in his hazel t,vi;s " 'Miss Harlan, wc have scut to Mr. Har- - tin toti's residence-' M looked mi with a feverish red ut ' on her cheek, and her hands claK-d tightly ' on handle of tlx; faded Carpet hag. i '.,.lxv, reoitto inf.rni vu that he sailed for Europe at 12 o'clock this day." A FUilde.i blur came over Minnie's eyes .? likn a leaf. In all her cal- ..i..ib.,.K-, bad made al'.owance for an exigency like this. 'Can we do, anything further for you.-" qul)sli(,U(.J l!ic young:c!erk p.iiuly. Vkoiuiug no one cau u" .tuj uhui; v . Frank Evans had been tinning away, bi' something in the piteous tones of her voice appealed to every manly instinct with in him. 'Shall I S'Jtid to any other of your friends ?' 'I have no friends.' I. .1.. .....1 ...w. Perhaps I can have your things sent to some quiet family hotel ?' Minnie opened her little leather purse and showed him two two-cent pieces with a smile that was almost a tenr. ''This is Till the money I have in the world sir !' j So young, so beautiful, and so desolate. I Frank Evans had been a New Yorker all his life, but he had never met within an ! exactly pa railed case to this. He bit the j end of his peu iu dire perplexity, j 'But what are you going to do ?' 1 don't kuow. sir. Isu't there a work house, or some such place l couiu go to until I could find something to do I' 'Hardly.' Frank Evans could scarcely hi;Ip sniilin;? at poor Minnie's simplicity ! 'They are putting out the lights and preparing to close the blBce,' said Minnie, starting nervously to her feet : I must go somewhere.' 'Miss Harlan,' said Ffank." onietly. 'my home is a very poor one I artf only a five hundred dollar clerk but 1 am surte my mother will receive you under her roof fiip a day or two if you can trust me. ' . Trust you ?' Minnie looks at'him thco' violet eyes obscured in tears, "Oh, sir, I should be so thankful.' " ; . . - 'IIow Tate you are, Frank I. II ere, give me your overcoat it is all powdered with suow, and" ' ' , . But Frank interrupted his.bustling,cher-ry-chetked little mother, as she stood on tip toe to take off hi3 outer wrappings. 'Hush mother ; . there is a young, lady dowu'stairs.' , .'. " 'A young lady, Frank ?' . .;. 'Yes, mother J expressed on from Iowa to old IIarringtdn the rih merchant. lie sailed for Europe this moruing, and she is left biitir.uly alone. . Mother, she looks, lite poor Blanche, "and I knew you wo'uld not refuse her a cortier here until Bhe could find Bomething'to do.' Mrs. Evans went lo the doer and called cheerfully out : ' , 'Come up stairs, my dear ; you're as"wel com as the "flowers in ' My. Frank, you. did quite right, you' always do.' . The days and weeks passed on, and still Marian '. Harlan remained an inmate of Mrs. Evans' humble dwejling. 'It seems just a3 though she had taken our dead Blanche's place," eaid the cosy little widow ; 'and she is 60 useful Jfbout the house. I don't know how I ever managed without her. IN ow Minnie you are not iu earnest about leaving us to-mortoiy ?' 'I must, dear Mrs. Evans. Only think I have been here tw months to-morrow j anJ the situation of governess is very.ad- vantagcous.' 'Very well. I shall tell Frank how. bb stiuate you arc' I ' 'Dearest Mrs. Evans, please don't. Please keep my secret.' . . What secret is it that is to be so religi ously kept ?' asked Mr. Frank Evans, cooly walking into the. midst of the. discus sion, with his dark hair tossed about by the wiud, and his hazel brown eyes spark ling archly. , "Secret !' repeated Mrs. Evans, energeti cally wiping her spectacle glasses, 'Why, Marian is determined to leave us to-mor- i row 'Minnie!' 'I must, Frank. I have no right further to tresspass on your kindness.' 'Xo right, eh ?' Minnie, do you kuow that the old house has been a diflerent house since Jyou came into it ? Do you suppose we want to lose our little sun beam V Mtunie smiled sadly, but her hand felt very colti and passive in Frank's warm f grasp. You'll stay, Minnie ?' , " .Xl)i- - - - - - ' .She shook her head dcteruiiuedly.' vThcn you must be made to stay,' 6.aid Frank. 'I've missed something of great value lately, .and I hereby arrest you on suspicion of,the theft !' Missed something ?' Minnie rose, turning red aud white. 'Oh', Frank, you can never suspect me V 'But I do -suspect yoU. IU ract, x- quite sure that the article is iu your pos session.' 'The article !' . ' 'My heart-. Miss . Miuuie ! Xow look here I know 'I ata very young and very poor, but I love you 3Iinaie Ilarjau, and I will be a gooU and true husband to you. Stay aud be. my wife ! So Minnie Harlan instead of going out as a governess, according to the pro gram me, married the dark Laired young c.erk iu Ellison 's express office, Xew York. They we:e married early in the morning, and frank took Mtuuie home to his mother, and then cut calmly about his business iti the wire cago under the circlut of gas- ! lights. - . ... ". ! 'Evans '.' i 'Yt'8 sir.' ; i rank with his pen belniyl his car as of yore, quietly obeyed the tresis of the gray headed nfficial. 'Do you rememln-r tho young woman i who was expressed on trom AlUltugton, Iowa, two months since ?' 'Yes, sir I remember her.' A tall, silver-haired gentlemau Mure in terposed with eager and quickness : " 'Whore is she? I fitu her uncle. Wal ler Harrington. I have just returned from. Paris, when the news of her arrival reach ed me. I' want her, she is'the only living rtkitive left me.'. ' 'h! but, sir,' said Frank 'you can't have her.' 'Can't havC her ? What do you mean ? Has any tiling happened ?' '" 'Yes, sir, something' has happened. .Miss Harlan i was married to me this morning.' Waller Harrington stared'. ' 'Take ine to' her,' he said hoarsely : 'I j can't he parted; from my only living rela- t've ! a mere wnim.- "I wonder it he eal.s tl.e marriage service ! and w"e.lding ring mere whims,' thought honest Frank ; but he obeyed iu silence - 'Minnie.'said the old man. in taltermg accents, 'you will come to me and be the daughter of my old age ? 1 am rtch, Min- ! trie and you are an nave iu ine wuu. But Minnie stole her hand through her husband's arm. 'Dearest uncle, he was kind to me when I was most desolate and alone. I cannot ! leave my husband, Uncle Waller I lovi! him!' i .'n,r... vii mi's, both of vou. come and be my children,' said the old man dogged ly ; 'and you must come now, for the great house is as lonely as a tomb.' Frank Evans is an express clerk no lon ger, and pretty Minnie moves iu velvet and diamonds ; but they are quite as hap py as they were in the old days, and that is saving enough..' Uncle Walter Harring ton grows older and feebltr every day, and his two children are the sunshine of his declining life. "As I was g'oin' over the bridge the oth er day," said a native of Erin, ' I met Patllewins 'Hewins,' says I. 'how are you?' 'Pretty well, thank you, Donnelly,' says he. 'Donnelly!' says he; that's not ray name.' 'Faith, then, no more is mine Hewins.' - So with that we looked at aich . : .nnnrrh if WKA nnvthef omer agtu, , ov I of us.'1 Misctllnntovs. . JJfroru tje Xew York Tirnj ' vecTARIA.X SCHOOLS. ' " 1- '- ' '. There .was one clement in our recent po- Ilitical ctntet which has not been .much coosmt nted upon, bur which influenced, in a sHtfOl'Vay, gruat .numbers of voters. The Democratic Coirveiition aid nothing of "sectarian sohooU," while the Republi cans hid spoken out boldly against any in jury U be done 10 the public schools by ad mitting Church schools among their num ber, or giving thorn a share in. the common school fund. - Though, the subject waa very I little dfscused in the public canvass,-the avgraga'-voter throughout the State felt that one parti" was strongly pUedged against anyvnteiference with thu comnloa School system, while the tithec wak trltllmg with the qoeetloft," if n()ihiflg'W)rs3.,. It waa tv? tirembertd at the polrs Uiai rt was a Demo cratic ITouse which had nearly placed the Cliurch schools' of St;- Vincent, do Paul anjgpg the "Common schools," and passed the ael fnkfiomiag the "Gray Nuns -to -be public pcljobl teachers. It is true 'that liis pafty found it necessary to fbrco Senator Kerhan to throw out an anchor to wind ward in his Brooklyn speech, by denying any purpose among Democrats to interfere with, the common schools. It is quite pos siblethat these are theiionest views of the Senator, who is reported to be'of that elass so strongly rebuked by the Holy Father a.'Liberaf Catholic' .-His views, however, liave 5eCn anything tlit acceptable to the Catholic organs, 'who have abused hin roundly for them; and we doubt, if' his name were up for any office mong the Ro man Catholic voters of the State,; wbjllier ho would poll a strong vote now. IS or did his disclaimers much inflneuce the thou sands. of 'independent' voters who trans ferred heir ballots this year from the Democratic to the Republican ticket. " The truth i?, the majority of the Demo cratic party of this State is largely made up. of Roman Catholic voters. The ignor ant among these, are under the exclusive conUrol of tbeir'priests. These as a class cannot endure 'Liberal Catholics,' arid t hey luld a logical liosition on tho school question, diredsly opposed to the liberal view." Thsy claim that the salvation of man's soul is the first interest of all ; that there is a salvation extra vxlesiam ; that a school without, the Catholic religion is 'godless' and therefore dangerous to the soul, and that consequently the first duty ofthe Catholic is to opposa nil education in common schools where no religion is taught. It is not because the Bible is read in our pubiro'schools, or the-Lead's "Prayer said by a Ihyman, that they object, but because the schools arc 'godless,' being destitute of the Calholic religion. With this view there is manifestly no, truce or compromise possible on the "part of American citizens. It is thB doctrine of priestcraft. The object is to get posses sion by the priests of popular education, as they did once in Italy. The schools, the 'fcMl--r-ult..;of, .liberty,' .would ibecdJn. u.c longer' fbmmot schools, training" teach chihi for' his duties as a citizen, butCtVurcrr schools, so educating him as t'i make him subservient to a creed and .a hierarchy. Modern science arid modern improvements in teaching would sooa fare here, as they do uuder the direct influenca of the Pope. The Syllabus would speedily weed out most nf the studies pursued in our schools and uormal'collegesrVT' 'uii.n.i.1 -.iia.veeduca- tion as it is now in French rural parishear or under the eyes of the noly Father. There would be a blank uniformity his tory with Frolestanisiu left out, scieu.ee from the standpoint of the Papal Syllabus, mental awakening as priests desire it, and republicanism as guided by a foreign priestly ruler, with the habit everywhere taught of implicit obedience to the priest and the Pope- of Rome. Such an educa tion is the last thing which .the American people desire- introduced into their political Bystern. , " Fortunately," however much the Irish Catholics may be under the thumb of priest aud bishop, the German Catholics are much more independent. They will Lstand with the American. Protestants on this question! Aud it only need vigilance during every session of the- Legislature and at every election to prevent any vic tory" of reaction, and to preserve intact that best inheritance from Dutch Protest ants our common scheol system. FftftAboat the KIMe. A prisoner condemned to solitary con- fkiemeht, obtained a copy of the Bible, end by'Chlee years' careful study obtained the following facts . The Bible crt'ios 3,980,489 letters, 73.C0"2 words, 21,173. verses, 1,189 chap ters, aud Cli bonks. I The word. 'and' occurs 4o177 times. The word Lord occurs 1,&5 times. 'Thttword re,verend occurs but once, whiefHs iu the 9therae of the litis Psahu,- ThV 21'st verse of the 7lh chapter of Ezra contains all the letters in the alphabet ex cept the letter J. . The finest chapter read is the "29th chapter of the "Acts of the A postles. The 19th chapter of II Kings and the 37th chapter of Isaiah are alike. The loogi's t verse is 0 9th verse of the 8th chapter of Esther..- ' The shortest Verse is the 35th verse of the 11th chapter of St. Jqun. The 8th, 15th, 21st-and 31st verses of the 107th Psalm are alike." Each verse of f he 13b"th Psalm ends alike. There are up . words or uanies of more than six syllables.,. The truth is, speculation has run wild Men have traded beyond their power to pay ; rtod banks that participated iu the wild scheme are in a like condition, and when payment is demanded they are un able to do so. .It is the history of trade, that about every ten or fifteen years we ex penence just such contractions as are now taking place. A stream swollen by rains will rise, yes when the extra supply of wa ter ceases, it tiuds its level. Ihe same is true of business. It will stand expansion for a season, but a time when banks and business men must settle, is sure to follow and then comes the crash. We are pass ing through such an ordeal, and when all the weak and tottering institutions crumbk and fall, we shall begin to emerge from the financial gloom which now overspreads the financial world, and buikl up new fortunes and new enterprises on a more substantial basis. SsIIwlas A Oat. i ' ' ' -V . - ' .'.-: ; Dr. GIbbs, one of the editors, of Hall's Journal of Health, who i himself an edu cated physician aud surgeon, while on, .a railrotti 'train the othr day was consulted by one, of the employees on the train ia re l&tioi. to bis little boy, who bad thatmora ifl swallowed a cent. 'What, hare jog done for him ?' asked '. the doctpr. . We gave him a dose of castr oil,' was lbs reply. 'Good practice so far ; as soon as too reach home yive him the white of three raw eggs daily ; let hit diet be bread and milk, .and ' nothing sour. The directions were;foUow jd faithfully.the whites ol the eggs' relat ed every day, and the dose of oil ft night.;, and oahe fourth day the'-oept wa. dm- , cbarge4;t t was one of tbsLnew : copper ooias,; considerably corroded by the actipri of. the gasuic juices. Siricefatal re sqKs often follow the swallowing of is cop pet coin, the judicious, treatment, advised ia.tbia instance 6QouIi .be. remembered by all who have the care bchildrenl.-Th esspii po:ats to ite twrno :a.mind are simply these. : AJouoiea, .or the whites of ' SM .j&HfC 4Ae4,free Ijrooi acid s, aud ca.- oi oil." ; , ... ... . ,':. Glanm. ;- ProDably'the' Romans were tha fjjst to employ glass for windows. Some rem y ants of glass panes ire to . be ' found, to- flay in their frame's, in the buned houses of Her culaneum and Pompeii The substituted glass as a material for bottles id place of the leather which is stD; ip vogue among the poorer classes in the Octeol. Epicur eans ia wine then, as now, deter, mined the age of thoir article by the seal, upon the cork aud he lable impressed upon the glass. Glass goblets were " less popular. I Gold and silver, reluctantly yielded the palm to the new-fangled rival which sought popularity by appealing, not to the poverty of the poor, but' loathe desire of novelty among the rich. Even artificial stones and pearls of glass were not unknown. Whether mirrors of glass were known to the Romans, or whether they depended exclusively, as they 'certainly did chiefly, upon the resources of the Jews polished metals is a question of grave dispute among the learned in such matters a dis-t pute into which we shall not venture to enter. It is safe, however, to say the onlf use of glass which modern -art can claim with assurance, 'as exclusively its own is the employment of it in optical instru ments. Josh Billingsism. Love is like the measles, it goes hard late in life ; there is." not so much credit in playing a good hand, but iu playing a poor hand well ; very poor people .have no friends ; youog man,' don't cry for spilled milk, but pick up your pail nd milking-stool aud go for tbe-uext cow ; the life insurance agent is the most anxious business, he talks to you till he convinces ou that life is a Iirdshi and death a blessing to your widow aud children ;fuss is like aMrop of cold watr ia hot grease, it sputters and sputters and then spatters again a titsokey is human dough mods-to- -order ; success in life is apt to make us for get the time when we jrasn't much ;aman that can wear a paper collar a whole week -and beep it clean isn't good for anything else; tlie world loves to be cheated, but wants it done by honest men ; the country hoist'-jockey is. a red-hot specialty ; it is singular fact that a man can trade cows and be pious, but cau't swap horses with out trying to cheat somebody ; if a man puts dfywiewaojLumbrelia and picks up a good one it is a mistake ; if he pnu down a good umbrella and picks up a poor, one it is a blunder ; I have kuown men so pious that when they went fishing on Sunday, they prayed for good luck ; there is no sure care for laziness, but a second wife sometimes ,clps it a little. - - - . - Avery old graveyard has been discovered at Sparta. Tenn., with stoue and terra cotta graves, in which human skeletons twent j six inches long are well preserved. In the Drchistoric eux-h a race of oiaraies aresuD- a w m posed to have dwelt at that point.' Down in Clinton county it has become the fashion for rbe girls to kiss the school master good morning. If th7s system could be generally introduced there would-be less complaint from schoolmasters about small salaries. Lois of good lookingvoung men would be willing to teach school for noth- ing. . . . . " ' V. . Since the first day of. .January, 1S7G," there has been shipped from the port of Philadelphia to foreign countries thenor mous quanity of 500,421 gallons of petroleum; When the shipments from other ports ia taken into account, the quanity of this , commodity sent -abroad excites astonishment, ", . "X'o.'' he said, contemptuously,, "it's easy enough for a man to make money now a days. Times are different from what they was. Then they, were solid work about it. XoW all you' nave to do is to takeyous surplus ana buy thiBjs, when - . .1 . . A - 1 . -.. - . they're low.and sell when they're nigh, and ttiota. il i tn a mitahpr! A philfl PAUlrf A( it. By the way," he ad Jed j "could you lend me half-a-dollarlor a . few days. ' Next year an entire new legislature will be chosen in this state, according to- the provisions of the new constitution. The Senators chosen iu 1873 will serve three vtftrs ; those cooseu in win serve two years, and those chosen in 1375 will serve one year. With the next session of the senate, therefore, the terms of all the seca- will expire, and the election in 1876 will be for two hundred and one members cf the house, to serve two years, and fifty members ofthe senate. The sentorial districts are numbered from one to fifty, inclusive; those chosen in 1S70 from the even numbered districts will serve two years, and thoe from the odd numbered distrcts for four. At all elections subsequent to 1876, sena tors will be chosen for four years. A Methodist preacher traveling in the back settlement in a Western State stopped at a cabiu,, where an old lady received hira verv kindly, giving him a warm sapper. and asking many questions: "3tra. sr. where mought you be from?" ' "Ivada, I reside in Shelby county Ieatucly.n Wall, stranger hope no ouenes, tzi vbM raoughi you be doing out here?" am. I am looking for the lost !; o t'-i tribe of Israel." - "John," Viow'sd lis Hi lady, "herel a stranjer f tt ki frco Kentucky a hunting Aoti (M r i d inat rt m( lifc thu j?'-'1- t t al ein-.a.VtaM ram that cac"so ear ai'. . y