ffeklatasaiHiacr rite Himself rait a Dog. I VOX D.OVUE. Tone of dose day Mrs. Slau.heimcr hears noise iu shtreet ootd. She roon oudt und !t vs Bcblaasheimcr sitting on Us pack kicking wit hi. heels In the air up. Ued he sphits mil his woudt, unit .htand. mit his bead on, ""d "J ltdt : I bf the hydra-dog pite nle- 1 ll:lf P1,e ntyaclf rait a mad dog !' Und dere til a poodis roou'mg the street uc: andefcrybody hthimgoshooat so fu't at drf couiif. Uud Mr. fcchlausheiincr got fright- j ened, ond the tuy : f fchali I oon mid got kerwlck a dirtoi maa I 4No,' he says, t!iB Wfo! L' h co,Iie' uud dcu vould ciHue pack and pe a liouuled lions whereto tou vat. You know de noose- YEO-ETIHE WIU.CXUE SCROFULA, i4Im1vwb Ilauuer. Yiwetiks wiil eradicate from tbe system firry tint of Scrofula and Scrofulous Humor. It hns jrmaneallT cared thousands !n Boston and vicinity who "had been Jong anil painful sufferers. (aictr, Carene II . The marvelous effect of Veoettxe in case of Cancer and Cancerous Humor-challenges the most profound attention of the medical faculty, many ot wboui are pte-cribing VEOtTt" to their patients. Cablttr. - I YKOa-Tist h never fall'd to car the most nfluxlble ease of Canker. Werrnrlal Dtieae. The VrorrtM! meets with wonderful success in the cure of this cms of. diseases. " - Il TTT 1 1 I m n n wjest n i m NIGKLE TIT K Wl paper aas dot Tea you pile yourself mil a PmIh In IK4 Bowe-). abnakes or livdrantfobia, dc ony tings vat vas i j this complaint the Victim: is I lie great Jor aos-t.va. visky-a . hole r " gallon full.' So she put him wf his leotl" bedt, uu1 vcnl und got dot visky. Und Schlaushelr.ier. vis awful tick; uud if ha vould hear vont dog in abtreet park, he vould hear txo dogs in the reel park, he vould park V. Den Mrs. hiansbciincr vouid had to sir him some vlsky make him nhtop parking. Den he srya, 'Schi.inMiei'iK-r, vere y-.ia got vejr ' Deli he tnys, 'On de siiicvulk.' J)co she tay,-'Vot prt of you, I nu-an, is dot l.ydruiitfoh'j 1" Den h snys, 'It vat h!1 cfer me . KnHRhfum. Tetter, S ilt Rheum, Scald Ilcnd, As., ii! cer tainly yield to the Krcat altersllve ef!cts ol VtttETISE. r Krynlpela. Vkartixk hnt never failed to cure lit most Intelerale case wt" fcrytipelas. Flmplra and flnnrtjr tkeFee. Reaton thon'.d teach ns that a blortijr, roufih or pimpled akin dc,nds entirely ripon'.TtB lnter nul caupend no outward applicatlorf tcan over core the delect. Vtwni It the t1 blol1 pnrili'-r. To mom. I'lcnrs r Hwrcn .mA ht an Imrure state of the biood. 11.11 V E'.rai i.x., IS THE PATENT ninn mum A Smoothing, Glossing, Ruffle, Fluting and Crimping Iron, ALL COMBINED IN" ONJZ. Manufactured by the 1 OITICE AND FACTORY, 168 PENN AVE.. Fiits"bupg, X A feci ana Bi-us;. SUSQUEHANNA COFFIN A CASKET WOKIt!, Front St., above Race, SUNBVRY, PENNA. THE undersigned having established a Goflin & Casket Manufactory, at the above place, are now prepared to furnish to Cabinetmakers and Undertakers, and the trade generally Coffins and Caskets ?r r in r -J". rcn the tays, 'Let me ee vere h t i- P" on. ro I can rot it on a must.rj liiaMcr, p.nd U itBM. 'je b'rjn ihorouKlfly "rawdbti-keoait.' ' j a:iJ ihcte cemp-ainu wt-1 dW Den hty,Tou don't can drjw him omit : I 4'atarrh. aud tnaype yoa ciusht de hydrantfobi pesld-1 ; i ' t.jit cou)j,i:,uu ihc only Mtbstitat i.if bencflt unditvaf ouly rj JivdrautfoMa viky lis df :'iir. h. i:!.i.i;:kM ttiimich the l')d. Veuktisb hoat'eo3Sh. U.gru,t l.W purttlcr. Confutation. 1 . .... t. n iyrt. inn I Tip. faiirtlOllS (ll'TolTlTl: niei. Vrrn!P h:s restored thousaixlt IO nea.iu Dsn the tsjf , !.' te to for Dr. touaeu- n l.e tv. -No: deft no aoct-bi Jociia ! file the rK.wei., but cleans all tUc 'Organs en tr..f ff. P.'.r aviitil I T:l t I'M III- cry.' i Den tie tayt, 'Don't you kuow le brinciple of Jjoniefiputiiy t licit same, tings cute dot me" tins. Veil I t pite on dc outride j y a dojr, to 1 vaccinate myc'f uu de i:ihi.le wit a sausa- pes. Dnt't de only tinji bet-Met bienty of vUk J, dot vat for it tome K'X't-' Veil, to toon he eat dot tausagc he peik a Jwlle. Dtn he D)t" a c''. sii;"- lot Tuccinalion tok right avay. Give me a levt'e family blinc kuow This is the only I,u manun.ctured, that has all these J.- TZZZ . The extremely low price ol this commnauon , ; - Qace and our ntrents to sell at alinitsi every iihum-, u - . . s tbe various uses it is ada;ited to iu laiinaiy worn. . , . Pi t-3 M O wore vibky.' Den he got tliieepy, but el'ery time lie thart for the doctor, he vou:d vake, and pmk a let!e, wad call for a lectie visky. At de lact he vat aound h'.e-i ;iig. Uud fhe vi.t aiid uut Dr. foe Dent rhmldt. Dr. fcoiiueoMihmidt mys, 'Vere did Sch'.aus keimer pile hiintelf V Mrs. behlaubhcimer aj, On hit paik, near lilt ankle.' dcy look on hit- ark un 1 hi abkle, but dey don't fl'id no pile. LkuJAtry Xft. ho have twn loop V'l l'mf"l suffercn If VrKilli i tali n vccninriy. nccoram TcsTittTnriL Pi lt Something Hitherto Uxueahuofis NATfi'.ai. liiMoBT. The pat enter, who was going down, the big river lor the fiitt tiji.e in his life, tecure.! pemiiMkm to tliajl. up bt-Mde the j ilut, a uriiu .o;d giayback ytho hcvcr told a lie ia h.s life. Many alligators lo this river 1' jr.quiitj the Urauger, alter a loos arouud. 'Not to many now, tincc thiy nut lo thotiu' 'eia lor their hide aud taller,' was the reply. 'Uted to bt' lol,eli T" I coli't waist to tell you aho.U 'ein ttiiiiiicer, replied the pilot, ti9'hitig heavily. Why l' '"Cause you'd think I a ly'm' to yon, eud lhl't suuslhiu' 1 never !o.' I kiu ci.tal at keerds, drink whisky or cli:iw pmr tcibackrr, but I emit lie.' 'Then there ned to le lolt of 'cm V iuquireJ the raseiiy.cr. Tin nion tifiaid to te;i jc, miner, hut I've j eo-mttd 'ievcu hundred aliigatett to the luiic icu SM il,' lepiH-U i- e rigger. oaid, and il rectn. a certain and speedy enre wlu ro! t.w its ute. ralntness at he aiotaeh. VrorrtM is not a :imulting bittert which crcatcv a fictitious appetite, but a gentle touic, which sits nature to restore the stomach to a hetiihy action. I cmslr Hcaltaen. Veoctise nct dln-ctiy npn the ciusts of these omplaiuis. It invigor tes ia tirciiK.u ent the whole sftem. acts u-on IbOi secretive organs and allays iiitWmmatioU. General IseMlitj. In this coiiil laint the cood effects of tlje Vege- , -.w tp ilizo.l i:ii'iie.l';a:e!v aftf cofuructjeing to uike it : as debility der.oji-s deficient of the' Mii4. uud Vmietine acts uuetny njuu etjl Ins i Maid aj All DfhtjUls. 0f. 26. 1m. Scribncrs' Monthly fr 187G. Tu iiaUwiiert taivlle tlenti :i to tbr followiiie list ... .k. ,if, xrmr. Iii tlif field of ficiion. bandn uumriM wivetouca anil turi tort, there wiilb , Xwm Kenarkaale fterlal Ktarles. By AMERICAN AUTHORS. Tli fl-a: of then", riow cumi-lett in cur hauds, "GARR1EL CONROY," By BRET, n ARTE. V Win 111 Itt HoMTiher ntirehrr. cd will r.r for twelve rncuths. Thw ts Mr. Harto tnn ntcnM wr.rk. Tu rh.rmn. whifh tbr antbnr cfcow-n ! . .M alifuriiia. arc inteil wilii .wrriu tinilum tod riiwrr: inn i'ie vMbuat dtrobt tli Kt Tliic ncrd of -r!y CaU- f.nua l.f that h:K vet a.jarM. We rlu;l! ate" i" in 'lie January mmibf-r, 'iL:, soLAys fiulxds, Or. nxf Your rassixirts." it. HVAI1H KVI.RI TT HAI.E. T:- !'f tin r'ory ! Kid In th Motitliweslern l.. ri-riKl':- ill'" '1"" '('It. t ! yl:iue.l the tiaii"cr. 'It Itvks ,Y& Govcinoient tui veyor aastibiw !C ;ed 'em off at I called out." teii't thv least tloubt : it,' taid the pa ti er he heaved a tijjii. J'i:i !.id o' that, uruner. iuie UlUrs would thi:ik I Has a otr niitu I'm telling the tokxn liulh. Thi .. .1 to tc b :iii.:o tor fc'.i.gjii ti u ;i;i y were k thick t!i:il t'.ie bvi. .f the lc:a ki.li d :ni av:tagc i.f loil-ua.i. to Cue tr.slf Is that so T Tri!e n tjoop -1, n.is'er ' I ea to mhi:1 ! ' sorry lor loc eus- . il brule:, 'cause they'd kill 1 iota A : s i, as. 1 s.iM, and we hurt a pile Mri . J Siulcil itU -iie captaij who alias cirri ii i t lidus i!.-: Iioilie.- of lit i'lieiil to Iln'oW ovei t" j the wosn.!. oil" 1' j y H !.' j" '1 rue rf jou i;ve, ii- t.l. I doii'l "ej et I'i: eve; ! 'iv.'.i !: r kind, ':.rislUu man. And Lii-- a.'.igi.ioiw g' t to know the N incj J.ivr, and tu know C:ipt. aui tli--j' ! saim out and rul their lais ugln llio bo.it uu p.:: nt nil' look up au" try to smile !' Tlis-y would ? 'fcoleui i tn;t!i, str.iiig r. And once r.e.i jround'-d on u wi'.li a'i ioi':l..!i l-m Til. I Uhiiil. the aiiiciitois g.nhered ai-niiid lcr, got under iu r stern, and liumfie.! her cie.to iv; r tbe l'r by .i trnnd puh ! Il hM,k like a V:g t"'J, but I never tJJ a lie yet, u:rl I never lir.il. I voiii lu'l Jie f.ir:i!l t lie money you conM put aboard this bout.' Thfre w painfu: pause, uud after arliilv our pilot continued : Our inji:ies g'.u out once, nnd-a crowd of aiii gators took a towli.ic uod :.KU:ed us forty-live, milct np streum to Vicksbu.g !' They did P A15d when the news got aloi-g the river tl.jt, Cnpt. Tom wss dead, every nlligator in the river 4tni!licd his left ear iu luul as a badge of mouro in', and lots of 'cui piued away and died ! The passenger left Hit ( ilot-houve with the re mark that he didn't doubt the statement, and the old uiau gave the wheel a turn, iud re plied C 'Thar's out thing I won't do for love or mo ney, and that's make a liar of mytclf. I was Irung up by a good mother, and I'm going to tick to the troth ir fbls boat doeu't make a t:it. Vicktlurg Jlti alti. -.titi-oTi?- Ihr Tiiti"ii wtr j of lutrus and niifla2tnfl i'if.! ihi.iiof lwtiit. A SECOSD 'I'A liMEll S VA IAT10X T.J .1. Ol.'i. I.. WAKIXO, Jr. Cnl. wotTn fa r."W t 'i"or'. viaitinc. In a row. U-c' r1r if m-o hini'IrM :.! a.'ly iniir, ofifi of the tti-"' !( ::(? r.'l iiilerrf iit ol ihi4 vinivproinii valleys t-i Keri'i-c. TVs 5' -"i 1 - .f i;ra pnmisrt to be rv; r.'i o!irr ii th.-. .bnt viin wliirb otir rcae ,.r hr:i-KXyiAL LETTERS, f hi Jolta Vane t'hentr. .t-'.-r ' Ki I'trji-i,., i v li-. 'i-i. lnatTily 'n-i.i a- '1 - Ii.i-ilp ot t tk. i!,-' a.-,i ?a el CVI, j,.-, :." t. i' irv .i-i ; ui. in nii'-af, iA will ri' . 1 : .i .. 'v : J i. .?r r.,-.'..i- -fcntri.- nfii.i I '.N I I.V ILt.t sTlt TI U AKT1CIJ1S0N A MEIUCAX ( OLLEdES. StUIf f(r ttJCIU -: :li:"t:-iH i . ..; .1 v.iii .--;!i-i Yhe at- ..-.i t r-oLa, and af- ,r i!-irt I roi!'irit:B of it l "iy iiH'1-t-cr i'-."tiw iUai4.til. :bns snMf:g i ir:-.r to inn il.'"!. 'r.f :.o narr'ir irilclrt. ai .T fiiiai:'.' i.-i-ir I'l-nr alin;i;ril In a ni iv - i i i -!!. coil. l'W'-n:i aeropiuineit maiiw tW i i ih wn'.'i ii' 1 1'- l'liuw Ii lifvofM, -a y .m r'M in Hi- t-aat, to iitiii3 immrrf- ami cansiam Ts Kdltrlal Peparftaent, rcu ;-vrr iv I -)l (jlj itl'.l'-T ."jit cmllli f, i i f ti- li! Tni-t 'i- Ar, 1,'i'T-itdrs, it.d TKHJWi 4.00 a Year, In advanre ; S3 eli. . Kamksr. Tnc 10 v. K e.ir.iiiteir. Ikui. Im O, loO.-t. IS7."i,l.u:it In ni.p.oii i-Mli Xi.Oil to. de. loii'irt ir bilf rjo; wo. yu.v Vola. triu hi Sov"inira'il 1iJ-. A:iyof tU-earlier T'llmoi (I to VIID'w.n un i: lie.1 r)-t'te,yt failiea a dm ati-ii lai in ti C'liijv'ete be:.a ;J lliia rat", 1. ciotu, ;KJ - .11 I . -'-ei i. ' HdMilCM'llcrN mill I'oHtniantrrM ill i. i H' o -i ,.i en tint v-.iii t:.,MiiiO luiu io nil r.l') ol i : he : aj , f i'i' . ra. MlliM-rlh"---. '!! I l."a-iTUit fi r. O. Melii-y nl-r, or in ll-'ia f!Mi-V '.r lJi-n:.-, e.r by reviaiin d letUra. Wviiiiy i i i..,:em i rt n wi-ved, at aaudnf's rirk. Si'KIitM.l: . Ttl'lliiMiwar, S-iw Yori. ) '. IP"--. Is he any thing anyhow !' si.i.l oneyotini; i.:Jy 0 suolhcr, as thev piomcuaded Charles street. :id discussing a nice young man. 'Oh, yes,' replied t!ie other; Vie's sonicthiii; ; he'n au Wful b:g lool.' Ae-:i',a Wante't. rVH- clirtii- for msWn drTot-r wljolt or airt mr Te. Ulisrnf com in-a-.u-a. twii-l f.ir mint. v. B 'i GREAT AHhKU AX 1KACO., Jl k 3 Veay St. J. 1 Off. it, w. TP a Q "r"" '""- " firtlea ho Aoaani Wj-irs ! Miti and Dii Kma A w11 fr HV.:"" l'lCTORlAL BIBLES 13CH1 Illn-tratinia. A'ldiw. for ne-r clri-umra, A. 3 HOLM A K a to., ri Ar-b atreel. I'bila. Vt. J9, w. Shnrt. Cut To Wealth. Tut Ujasl-m.ister who delivcicd ti:e foilotii: dead now : 'Old Bachelors : Like sour cider, hey grow more crabSed the louder Ucy aie kept, and when they see a little mather they turn to Tinegar at oucu,' Ak editor' hair thot right up mi Ii ends the rllicr i:ight when a large cockroach rose to the Tiui of the paete-pot and hoarsely inquired, H-t,e you got anything more about t-t;m!ey P 'N A mow-oa roE kirts' is what a wvsicni ' 3jwr call tlieui. Narrow-garge i good, but key draw iong trains behind tlieui, and nhen 'wedsr tncrtion the sparks Dy terribly. Oto i-adj (hal-Jy to stranger) 'Wei!, Miss, That rt) yon staring at f What do you see iu iyfceT' Toung Lady 'Nothing.' (End of .-wi vert l ion.) Stsot) lt I titi-i it have no lumber tasit tJio-a. ir ; but h'lt !j a p-'ir -f Jarue ainta. Ctntomer Sine) ! Do you lke me for Cia-dertU'r f Clmiiemi for AU '. aud r'smtle Agrina. ui. i.-Bvin-n. Tree In trmstkni an 4- Ire Rs-ni.lx- ti, o,..r-r ,ler. P. O. Boj S.lf.'l B1LTON ... !5'J WortU Slrxrt, V. Y. lie. , s-'or COCCHIS, (X)LD6, HOARSENEaS AS l) AI L TIIKOAT DEAES, I Two nlLDt' riKliOI.K T.tniiKTN ITi" I i'UM.V IN JiJ.I'E liilXI.W. A TitlEI) AND SLUE KEMELtV. N.'i! li t-ii,-siili.. t't:. 'i'i, 4w. Iiiim'nc Suww ! 4W;000 of the (icnuine a-rra.t-r w.M. 1 1. Ihriii-i m Mor t.f the nolilr X:t I til wiiil-Lun! ot tiir Sile h ya:ery, h liii (joid, t!i tjonk'Iiir. -.ml irilliouauf uier'itioii Iwlna-,rai hii dra, n) -tioiia, a. euilid ilhwatiofa. Milliona want it W waul !! I- qnirlily, l-n-'fiU KTii. Hend for trtr.a. HVBBmi fllnS Fu! ;-Si Patiaota St. FHilt., Pa, JOS. EY8TER, M .NUFAC1 URER OF HATIVE GRAPE WINE HUNHURT. NoithM Co., Pa. We, th uad-raiKnt.1, ran ebeerfnlly t-atlfy lo the eiccllent oiialtict f U ine mode by Or. Jos Eytter, and advise ita nuiversal ne everywhere. COL. C. NEF. MAJ. J. P. HAAS. II. J. FRANK. DR. A. C. CLARK, H. K. DAVJf. FRANK HUKilT, JACK WALT. N. -P. F.NtiLJ'. ;F.N. 1 . II. K ArE. -s hmm mimm t-:i-tV "ni vJi'- f .- H i i ft W c t-3 O H CfJ i i w 5 -o Of the best and latest patterns and finished in the best style. Theirdiffercnt patterns mciuums both Coffin and Casket shapes are of WALKUT, CIIEIiRY, CHESTNUT, Imitation of Rozevcood and Clicrnj, and all other styles, made of the best material and finish ; work done by the moi-t experienced workmen Orders will be filled promptly, anu Coffins and Caskets will be shipped to any place desired, at the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable Thc patronage of the trade is solicited. Send for PRICE and DESCRIPTIVE LIST, and learn the styles and prices. , Sunbury, April SO. 18T5.-tf. Q.1UKIAGES, BUGGIES AC. H. K. 'FAGZIItV fc CO. respectfully inform the public that they have .Ann,un.fl tliA mfinnfuctiire of innuuii,iiw -'- )VlM1 ' - The cut above represents the Iron on Us side ; showing its convex -.moothiig surfJce and the lossine hell also, the rounded point for ironing frills, bands pr running up into Rather. . Above the Iron is shown the Hating and crimping attachments, which .. : : tlm raud mfiv Iio. Jiro ro.nlilv adiusted on the or iiutinsr or vriuiitusi " ' j .. ' J , , ... t- am iisoil in connection wit u corrurraieu nuniisur crimping base lxards,.(not shown in the cut), which are furnished . with each Iron. AS A SMOOTHING IRON, It is one of the finest iuanulact urea; naving hwiiu-a iuiuunai;C, x.., prevents the wrinkling and blistering ot linen, as is sometimes uit- when the common FLAT IRON is used. AS A GLOSSING IRON, r It is the most -complete, and only perfect glossing Iron made reducing this tedious performance to the same simplicity and speed as that of ordinary rri, vi e th Tmn boino- ROUND, forms a closser the entire iriiiiinir. Aiic ' j- . . . i width of the Iron, which, when in use, does not iatieuc the operator, nav ; TjTnm? n mnrL- or rlosa in strios. it is much more easily lianuled and operated than any other, and, with the explicit directions which ac company each Iron, enable any one to gloss as beautifully as the m st ex perienced laundryman. r I H W H i i i O CO AWW FLUTING. VW ultt . o -Vs rH S 3 P K S a - w Furniture Ware-Rooms! ROBERTS & IIOSTERMAX, (Successors to B. L. RAUDEN'BUSII.) Ulasonic Building, WILL SELL CHEAP, AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF FURNITURK of the latest styles and best material. CONSISTING OF Parlor and Chamber Suits; LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STAMD3. Bedsteads of all kinds, Cnpboards, Sinn, and In short everything usually to be found in a hrst class Furniture Store. . TJIST IDEIR-TIKIIX-'TGr- Special atleution is given to Undertaking ia all its branches Coffins axd Burial Caskets OF ALL STYLES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. An invitation is extended to all to come and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ROBERTS & HOSTERMAN. Sunbury, Feb. 19, 185. HARDWARE. We are better prepared than ever to supply the demand for goods Iu our lino. Wo have j uet received a full stock of IE.XSYIiVAXIA KAIIj ROAD. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE R. R. DIVISION. SUMMER TIME TABLE. jyriniltimi!. j.' j- y.2: a m Yi.rM p m 1.30 D IU 5.00 p m S.55 p ra 10.20 p m 11.5U y m 8.25 p m 11.55 p m 11.55 p ru 4.25 a iii S.oo a m 9.-15 a m 11.05 a m 7.50 p m 7.40 a m 7.i5 a in 10.55 a in urv CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C.;. at the new shoo recently erccUt.y J. F- Lerch Corner of Fourth and fBrtnut sis., SUNBURY, PA., and solicit a fair share of Patronage. A ril S-Cm. J. F. LERCH. Sup't. Administrator's Xotice. Estate of Philip Wertz, late of Lower Angust township, deceased. LETTERS of administration having been granted to the undersigned on said estate. All persons -indebted thereto are requested "to make Immediate payment, and those having claim? against the same to present them without delay for settlement. ,.-FnT7. Sunbury, Sept. 29th, 1875. Administrator. 1815. ' FAIL STILES 1815. IN Shovels, Iron, Hoes, Steel, Rakes, Oils, Forks, Paints, ' .,! Tumps, Glass, Cutlery, Varuislies, LEATHER BELTING, TOOLS, A5I GOODS SUITABLE FOB Builders, Housekeepers, Farmers, Blacksmiths, Slioeniiikers, Cabinet Makers. Carpenters;' Machiuists, Painters and the Pbope.. Call and examine our gooda.. . . - . ' CON LEY, HACKETT&. MATEtR, Opposite Whittncr's store. .March 2(5. 4875.-tf. ALL the latest stvles aud novelties selected at the late importers' and jobbers' openings. BIRDS. WINGS, FANCY FEATnERS, OS TRICH TIPS AND PLUMES. SILK VELVETSVELVETEENS, RIBBONS.FLOW-.- ER3, etc. HATS AND BONNETS In Felt and Straw, and all New and Stylish, at . MISS L, SHISSLER'S ' , r . . Millinery Stt-re, Oct. 15. moiVrket St.. Sunbnry. On and after Sunday, May 23J. 1375, the Trains on the Philadelphia tfc Erie Rail Road Divi sion will run as follows : WESTWARD. Fast Line leaves New York '; Philadelphia, " " Baltimore, " " Harrisburg, " ' sir. at Williamsport, " " " Lock Haven, " " " Bellefoulc, Erie .Mail leave New York, - " " Philadelphia, " " Baltimore, " Harrisburg, " " " Williamsport, " Lock Haven, " Renovo, " urr. at Erie, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia Baltimore, " " Harrisbnrg, 41 ' nrr. at Williamsport, 1.55 p m " " 44 Lock Haven, 3.15 p m 44 44 44 Ecnovo, . 4.U0 p in Elii ira Mail leaves Philadelphia, 8.00 a in 44 ' " tciltimore, a.oo a m 44 44 44 Harrisburg, 1.25 pm 44 14 air. at Witii:imsport, ri.10 p m 44 44 44 Lock Haven, 7.30 pm EASTWARD. Philad'a Express leaves Locli Havsu, C.40 p ra " 44 . WU'.iamsport, 7.55 a ra 41 " arr. at Harrisburg, 11.45 am 44 " Uultiinore, 0.15 p ra " ' 44 Philadelphia, S 35 p in 44 44 New York, . B.45 p iu Dav Exiiress leaves Renovo, .0.10 a ui 44 4- 44 Lock Haveu, 10.25 a to 44 44 Wil iumsport, 11. G5 a m 44 44 arr. at Harrisburg, 3.00 p in : 44 . 44 4- FhiUidelphia, fi.30 p m 44 44 44 New York U.15 p in i 44 . Baltimore, 6.35 p Q. j Erie -Mai! leaves Erie, 11.20 a m I 44 44 44 ' Renovo " 8.25 p m 44 44 44 Lock Haven, V.45 p ra 4 a 4i 44 Williaiusport, . 10.50 p m ' 4- arr. at Harrisburg, 2.25 a rn 44 44 Baftimore, 7.35 a in " 44 Phihidelphia, 6.15 am 4 44 44 New York, . 10.10 am Fast Line leaves Williamsport, 12.35 a m 44 ' 44 arr. at Harrisburg, 3 55 am 44 44 44 Baltimore, 7.S3 a m 44 44 "Philadelphia. 7.S5 a m 4 44 New York, 10.25 a m Erie Mail West, NLigara Express West, Eluiira Mail West and Day Express East make close connection at Northumberland with L. &. B. Ii. R. trains-tor -Wilkesbarre and Scrnnton. Erie Mail West, N,i;igiira:Esprcsa West, and Ehnira Mail West make close connection at Williamsport 'with N.' C. R. W trains north. Erie Mail-East and West, Niagura Express West, Fast Una. West. and Day Express East make close couUi;cliu.'aiLock Haveu with B. E. V, R. R-trains'.. fi-. Erie Mail EasVaaf .4?et couut ctat Eiie with f train on L. S. $ M. U., at Corry with O. C. & A. V. R. R.;rtnfporiura with B. N. T.ii P. ft. R., and at Driftwood with A. V. R. R. 'Parlor Cars will rna between Philadelphia. and Williamsport on Niagara Express West. Fast Linu West, Philadelphia Express East and Day Express East. - Sleeping Curs on all niht trains. Wil. A. BALDWIN. Gea'l Sup'W 'am t'.ivt, brj, l-r.f 'm dead bill,' It net M old doctor said to i eor'e of f tcioti jiftt tf.rrinfl into prae- Dn VovtUrtt troiWt Jou T' Mid at to th slghtd. I only fe'.t a l.ttl down ri tft fnonth.' V 3I ': 'If'1" ae! I. .'. llelBaft tl A VJ ViUiif wivi:i .: nf t-lli mrm, young aud nll ni-.li. Kiore nuii.f-y at wirk fvr ua, In thvir tifu lucii'.ia. duiii.a tlif-ir '- tuonuit, tf all Ilia i:n, than at any llni rir.. W uKnr mi I05 mi:l that Will v kan-lannnriT tor vary kiri wnrl. Full attrtirniaraj. 1,-ra. ant fra. B.rm It 11m lime. IwnN lot for woi 4T t.aiaiM Jfwi.?a, astil vol hava aaTin4 H rf r. O. irmrow 4 Co.. For; torj, ti. a.. la-JS.ly. t PVEKTIHIfiii : Cbaar t : fa -astir. All )r A tun Woo auiM.atlt BMtiuf aunt rmm It im- tpaaj for tka urn ''ia af t4MrtaaaBaia. atioaMI tn M aMtj ta Oao. . nwal a fk- na, aw Tar. t c -aC7 HT-tvwifl (r4ya.iai if Mi. tan), nirteaniay aM nf If naaaa rh al rlrai. havnif taa mfj. lintpiMiiW Mkaa for Ivadmf atpart In aaanrtataa at araiBteaoaa rtdto tm fro paUivwrra' raiaa. fii r . . . !?. ly. -!a "- This cut represents the Iron when ued As a Flutiiyg on Ciumpixg Iron, ly simply attaching the detachable corrugated plate, which is done in an instant, it is then ready for liuting in connection with a corrugated base board, which is furnished with each Iron. Its completeness will be seen in what iLULjl4ft'r4l,,P' i"4'3 on tnc on ly true principal, viz: Ironing as aTproper finish for all starched fabrics. This is the only fluting machine that has ever leen presented that will properly iron flutes, and make them correspond in liuish with the body of the article being fluted. Also, with its crimping attachment, it will crimp beautifully, all classes of children's trear. and impart the same lustre and linish as it does the flutinrr. Thero is no machine made that is adapted for this class of work except this; nor have we seen anything that will approach it for simplici ty, perfect jicrforrnauce and ease of ojieration. This alone is indispensable to every family having children's articles to do up, as there is much to do, and "which is always "the most tedious process of laundry work. This merit alone makes'it far more valuable than any other so-called crimping machine, which is USELESS for this kind of work. This Iron enables any family to do their own ornamental ironing, and do it better than they have ever been able to get. done at a laundry, there fore saving extravagant prices which they have been obliged to pay. At its cheap cost, what family can do without it Don't fail to see this Iron ; it has been finished to please, and all wonder at the beauty, utility and cheapness, of the HoinB Glossin, SiotMi, Mi, Flatim aui Crimpi Iron, which, we can safely say is the finest finished Iron in the market at any price, and sells complete for only $3.50. Ve want active reliable agents to place territory for us throughout the dillerent sections of the country. To such we offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS, And in order that you may seethe Iron, try it, and judge of its merits and saleable qualities, we will send sample (where we have no agent) com plete with Fluting and Crimping attachments, all finely Nickel Plated, together with directions, starch receipts, circulars and order book on re ceipt of $2.50, which amount will.be allowed you, and will be deducted from the price of your first ordty'for goods, on compliance with our liber al terms. Thus you will get sample Iron, order book, &c, For BJoiMng. Send for sample at once, and secure an agency, YQU WILL HOT BE DISAPPOINTED. If you should not take an agency you will at least have a beautiful and useful Iron which you can readily sell at the retail price, which we will allow you to do. AVc find all that is necessary is to let the public know there is such an article in existence, and its own merits and low price will sell it every where. "We are placing Territory very fast and giving thousands employ ment in furnishing this complete and useful article iu reach of every fami ly, liecollect we send samples complete for $2.50, that you may see it and try it. We guarautee every Iron to le fully equal to the sample, which state ment we place on the head of every order book. If -ou do not send for sample, and would like further information regarding this XEW, VALUABLE AND SALEABLE ARTICLE, please remember that it will only cost one cent for a postal card to send us your address and request for circulars which will be cheerfully forward ed. Please preserve this fiajier for future reference, and if you arc not hi a posit ion to take hold of t lie business yourself, you may have some friend you would like to see make some money, to whom you could show it. JIACIlIXE SIIOI AN IKO FOUNDRY. GEO. ROIIBBACII & SONS, Kanbnry, Pcnn'B, INFORM the public that they are prepared to do all kinds of -CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the i ? XV-iih lUa.. t.1,1 nf skillful tnechanici, they aretabled to wKucaIoME&,AvOMEN AND CHILDREN. or NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, Address, that may be given them, iu a satisfactory man-ncr- Gratex to suit any Move. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build lnes, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, &c. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS; VERANDAHS, hhq AT RESIDENCES, AC, &V. The PLOWS, already -k,!t for tueir su periority, have been still further tmprovvj, ..r,d will always be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Suuburv. May 20. 1S74. Spring & Summer Goods. NK1V! NEW!! NEW!!! -AT -; Reed, Brother A SeaKboItx's' Cheap Store, Market Street, Snnburj, Pa. DRESS GOODS, The Latest Styles aso Bet Quality, comprising all the novelties In fabric and shade. Full Assortment of Notions, which are being sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Ai-so, Groceries and Provisions, pure and fresh. QCEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, AND WOOD and Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and common, always on hand. BOOTS AND SHOES : - - . Utt CoiiFOKT o F the Cow . At a !ate Dairy Couvenlion at Elgin III., President Ea- ville made the following remarks on taking care of Cows : 'Iu am not going into the detail of the care of dairy cowb, but will lay down one general principle. This, I think, if carried out in the minutia, will secure the desired end. The principle ia this : In everything consult, so far as possible, the comfort of the cow. Let all the ar rangements that appertain to her keeping, such as food, drink, sheltet, treatment, and general management, be such as shall tend to her comtort and quiet; then, and not till then, can we reasonably look for the bast results. The question of feed for the dairy cow is so important that I trust you will pardon me for taking time to urge it upon your attention. Breed is important, but feed much more so. Persons about engaging in dairying look over the reports from this Association, or read the papers. "They see ao, niapy. cows .kept, and from them so much money made, and they seem to forget all the rest. They go on and get the required Dumber ot cows, and .when the end of the year comes ihey are obliged to divide the profits by two, for the reason that they have not well considered the busi ness iu all its detail. Many-men (I will not say dairymen) seem to think auything is good enough for a.cow. The warm side of a rail fence 13 good enounh for shelter, and a charics to feed ' at the straw-slack, with an occasional dressing of "marsh-hay ." .: and a chance (o run ia the standing corn- stlks, good enonbh care and feed for the cow. ' , They seem to feel that grain fed to cows is aim ost thrown away. The horses and hogs must have all tbe grain, and leave the cows try fake cart "of themselves. 'These are, in my rinitjc, Tery -mistaken notions, a for its costs omy a little tuore to keep a cow well than iu the manner I have described. Indeed, it costs only a little more to keep a cow upon grain than upon hay. Exam ple: I will takeone acre of good grass to fur nish winter fodder for a cow. The same acre, if planted to corn and properly culii- vattd, will ut only furnish winter fodder, ' but will furnish grain enough, if fed with the stalks in winter and the pasturage ia " summer, to give us a good flow of milk during the entire milking season, while the hay would have done little more than sustain the animal life. The difference of cost, then, in the two . police m rajs alii methods of feeding, is the difference of-ex 1 A. Yv . "T"' ' q;b.cadvllader - Is "the place to buy pure aud fresh MEDICINES, DRUGS, V PAINTS, OILS,-'"- GLASS, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR for medicinal uurnoses. and all other arti cles usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. Suecial attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent acre. an acre of grass and an acre of corn: We have the same invest ment for land, and it is only the difference in labor, and when we strike the balence between the cost and profit, we shall And a large balance in favorf the 'rain. To aid farmers iu arriving accuracy ia estimating the amount of land in different fields under cultivation, the following table is given : 5 yards wide by S long contain one druggists. I am prepared to furuish iu quantities to suit acrt; r 10 yards wide by 484 long contain one Home Iron G 1 ompny No. 900, Pittsburg, Pa. Please state in what paper you saw this advertisement. November 12, 1875.-4 1. 5 AMERICAN CYCLOP EDIA. The eleventh voluniuof this valuable work is now ready. Tbe work when complete will con tain 10 volumes. Il is a library in itself, and should be in every household. As an evidence of it great value and interest we refer lo the follow ing : AMONG THE ARTICLES At. CONTIlIIltTOUS TO THE f.LEVENTU VOLUME. Metcorolocy, bv Prof. Cleveland Abbe, Wash ington, D. C. (Old Probabilities.) Mint and Money, by Henry Carey ISaird, Phila delphia. .Methodism, by Prof. C. W. Bennett, I). D. Misrions, Foreign (Protestant), by Rev. Char.es P. Bush, D. H. Mineralogy, by Prof. John A. Church. Mercury (in Medicine), by Prof. E. H. Clarke, M. I). Molecule, by Prof. Josiah I'. Cooke. Mortgage, and other legal articles, by Hon. T. M. Cooley, -L. 1). Marrow, and medical and physiological arti cles, by Prof. J. C. Dalton, M. L. Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, nnd other articles in American geography, by Eaton S Drone. Metal and Metallurgy, by Prof. Thomas M. Drown, M. D. Articles in materia medica, by Robert T. Edcs, M. D. Mikabo, by Prof. Joseph Henry, LL. D., Smithsonian Institution, Washington. ' Mechaulcs; by Charles L. Hogeboom, M. D. Manganese, and other chemical articles, by Prof. C. A. Joy. Mollusea, and other articles in zoology, by Prof. S. Kui-elaud, M. D. Microscoiie, by Prof. A. M.- Mayer, Stevens Institute. Miueral Deposites, by Prof. J. S. Newberry. LL. U., Columbia College, New York. Missions, Foreign (Roman Catholic), aud other articiles in ecclesiastical history by Rev. Beruard O'Reilly, D. D. Mediterranean Sea, by Count L. F. do Pour tales. Moon, and other astronomical articles, by Richard A. Proctor, A. M., London. Mennonitcs, by Prof. A. Ranschenbusch. Mercury, Metallurgy (Ore Dressing), and Mine, by Kossilcr W. Raymond. Melauchthon, Philipp, by Prof. Philip Schaff, D. D. Magnolia, Maple, Melon, and oilier botanical article, by Prof. George Thurber. Moab, aud other archaeological, oriental, and philological articles, by Prof. (i. A. F. Van Rbyii. THE CHOICEST DRY GOODS MILL, IN E II Y of Miss KATE BLACK, Market Square, north side, Sunbury l'ciiu'a., Will be found the most complete, attractive and cheapest store of CHOICE DRY GOODS, consisting of Ladies Dress Goods, Woolen Goods for Ladies' from the largest establishments in the cities. LADIES' C1IIDHEX& WOOLEX SHAWLS. I ndies, Misses' and Childrens' Woolen Goods, Silk Velvets, Ribbons, fcash RiNbons, Neck Ties, Kid Gloves, Kancy and Plain Hosiery, First (juulity Zephyr and Geriiiantown Wool. ALSO xorioxs and Timims ats IN GREAT VAHIETY. Gents' Gloves, Neckties, Hankerchiefs, Ac. A full assortment of Soap and Perfumery. Au invitation is extended to all to call and see the choice selection. MISS KATE BLACK. TWO MONTHS FREE ! ! NEW YORK TRIBUNE. The Leading American Kewspaper." On rceipt of $2 and tliia advertisement, THK WEBK LT TKIBUNE will be aut postage paid to any address uutiU Deotmber 81, 1M7S, or for U.o", six oopiea ; for 122, eleven : for l:K, thirtv-two. A'l'lresn, Addrcat XIIE TKiBCNK, New-York. Jan. 8, 187S. ly. READ Y-MADE CLOTHING, of all sizes and of the latest styles. FLOUR. A constaut supply of western white wheat tiour a speciality. Tne public are invited to call and examine our Goods tree of charge. Our motto is 44(,uick Sales and Small Protits," and to please all. The highest prices will be paid for all kinds of country produce. ' Bv strict attention to business and keeping at all times the most complete stix-k. and selling at thelowest prices, we hope to merit a f -ill share of patronage. " REED BROTHER & SEASHOLTZ. iiuuhnry. May 21, li75. 8 I Sugar, 1 Coffee, I Syrups, I Soices, I Canned Goods, I Queens, Yiillow and I Cedar Ware. E to $ o to a. o o a o 5 a 1 rs 5 c ta W 2 W t i- o 1-1 A 3 c o Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. purchasers and at Philadelphia prices, calcined plaster, ' philadelphia lime, ; - - finishing sand, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Roman, Roseadale and lhigl ' CEMENTS, Laud Plaster Tor Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also, Garden Seeds of all kinds. Aall and get a Rural Register for 1874. GEO. B. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, Feb. 0. 1S74.-IV. Dr. C. M. Martin. Geo. W. Eloosi NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BnMn2, Snalmry, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN CO, 1 f -yT AVE iust received a rrcsh lot of Pare Drugs X-IUand Patent medicines. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth. Nai!,Clothe,Shoc and other brushes. TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. PISE EXTRACTS, POCKET BOOKS, KNIVES, C, tC. P.EED:3 GRAND DUCHESS .COLOGNE. ' the sweetest perfume in America. I'arisilau, a Kid Wove Wali, warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate shades without injury to the kid All the leading preparations for the Hair, SECiAHS, THE BEST IN MARKET, . Pnr Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes, Physiiiaas Prescriptions und family. receipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal ing to rpceivc a share of your patronage. September 11. 1S73. ALL TEE IaET7 SHADES. Seat, Brown, Plum. Navy Blue, Steel, Dark, Green, fcc. In Silks, Merinos, Cashmere, Cam els Hajr, Glaci, Serge aud Diagonals. jlTTCII DAKlt I'TAIDS, HAND WOVEN BLACK SILKS'. A Specialty. ' Imported direct, and warranted' to give satis faction.. ! Mourning poods qf '. Every Description. Housekeepers Goods, ! Blankets Flannels, Qctlts, Towels. Sheetings, Table Iiiu-ns, Sapklns, kc F: . flOGER A CO., "' ' Old Stand Ejre A.I.anlen, . S. W. Cor. Fourth and Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA.! , 1 Maize & Schwartz, Successors to Geo. Evans ii Co., 1108 Market Street, Philadelphia, MERCHANT TAILORS nnd MILITARY': CLOTHIERS. Men and Boys' snits made to order In the latest styles, of the best cloths and eassimeres in mar ket, at prices suitable to the time. Military, Band & Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. ... Ours being tha leadiaf hoffie on Military work, we feel that we can offer inducemc-.t which can not be attained anywhere else. Nov. 27, 1873. Sept. 17, 1S75. 2 mos. g ts ..2 9 a a c es c o- o - a s Y. H s S 5. 2 s I 5 4 5 -- 3 r: t-i - 5 . .s . oa 3 - S 2 - a S f-i .5 ..-. g . . Ml . - J - r, : r O ' " 7- A ..--, v - . f. . 3 O ' o ' ta Hoc ! 20 yards wide by 242 long codtain one i acre. v - j 49"yarda wule by 121 long contain one acre. 80 yards wide by 60$ long contain one acre. ' 70 yards wide by CO long contain one acre. CO feel wide by 720 long contain one acre. 110 feet wide by 3o0 long contain one acre. 120 fctt vvidt by 3G3 long contain one tit-re. 220 fcut wide by IDS long contain one acre. 2-13 feet. wide by 1SH long contain one acre. 440 fctt. wide by 90 long contain one aerc. A bo; 21x16 in., 22 deep, contains one barrel. ' " A box 16x16 in., 8 deep, contains one bushel. A box 8x3 in., 8 deep, contains one peck. A box 4x4 iu., 4 deep, contains a half peek. The slaudcred bushel of the United States contains 2150.4 cubic inches. Any box or measure, the contents of which are equal to 2 Lop. 4 cubic inches, will bold a bushel ft grain.' In measuring fruit, coal and other substances.oiie-Cllh tniist be add ed. Iu other words, a peek . measure five times even full makes one bushel. The usual practice is to "heap" the measure Gioantic Faumino in Dacphin Conctt. James l'oung, of Middletowu, docs farming on a !g-.intic scale. Ilia sales of wheat this fall and winter will aggregate ?3,000, hay ff4,000. The yield of cru ou his place this season ex ceeds 10,000 bnt.heis. Last wiutcr h fattened for market 213' head of cattle. He believes in steaini:ig iood for his cattle, aud for thaX pur pose hu has erecteJ in one . of his capacious barus a boiler d)i feet bigb, with a diaiueiur of two aud onc-sixta feel. Il is twelve horse power, aud carries CO pounds of steam. He liuds that he caa use much of his produce, by steaming it, that would go untouched in a Taw or uuprepared state, llti uses up all his cora stalks by steaming. Prior to tho use of steam, il took, all tho hay be coula produee ta teed his cattle, . Now he feeds mure cattle than ever, and has larger quantities of bay to sell. Last year he. sold two hundred tons. Mr. Xoung is about putting iu a luu-horsn power euiun to run his threshers, loildu--culitt SJKte., and beiievcs il wiil b a great saving. . .. The butter Mr. l'oung manufactures ia of so superior a quality il never reaches the. general market, and comuluuds a higher price than the besl grades quoted. His cows are principally Alderneys, aud he has forty of this breed as nearly alike as ttfin sisters eaea.- one. In addi tion to tne other peculiarities of the breed, hav ing black hoots, a bluek tongu j, and a long, handsome, black-tipped tail. Independent Journal. Too Mich Land A writer -iu tha Gtrman lowu Telegraph contends that most farmers cul tivate too much land to do the work well, and, therefore, it is uuprolitable. Iu the course of an article on the subject he says : 1 hold to the principle that one should culti vate jns. as much land as he has the capital an ability to cultivate wtll, and not an acre more It Is far better to get two tons of hay from on' acre than from two. , Better 10 harveat sixt bushels of corn from an acre than to go ove three after that amount, as too manf do. S with'grain aud potatoes. So with everythln raised. We have farmers here who will plar ten acres of potatoes aud get five hundred bus! els,-and others that will harvest the- san amount from two acres. ; Here is an evidence a vast amount of labor entirely, throwD away, say nothing of seed wasted and feelings hai all on aecwmt of this Insatiable thirst- for a cnmuliUing and mnnlng over smnch land.