---------- m yr Striped Stockings is Oboroia. He was Bitting in the wagon in front ofa White hall utieet dry goods store, holding the horses, while he asade her purchases. She had just come out to consult him and was standing on the curb-stone. 4 What's that V be exclaimed. Wy, I say them striped stocking is a dollar a pa'r, in thar,' she exclaimed. Striped snakes and green Ilzxurds I What in' thunder d'je want with striped itockin'sf' 'I wants' em fur Mary, an' the clerk sez they're the fasbin' now tetotally ! 4 Want "em fur Mary, do yc ? Llae blazes ! I kno' ye, ole woman ! Ye'd tell Mary the shouldn't war 'cm only on Sun day, and ye'd be up two hours 'for day and her ,em on yer own shanks every Sunday the Lord sent tz long as they lasted, and neyer take cm off tell the ruorm was four hours high !' 4 John, cf I gel op thar in that waggin, ye'll hesh, I warrant ve !' she said, and she looked stormy? Oh, yes, but ye'll har yer striped socks on fust, won't ye ? Yer'd look purty. woodn.t ye, with them pest-rammers o'yourn all striped up like a zebry's in a rirkus ? 4John ef that p'leecman warn't over yander I'd git op thar an' tbake the peel in' ofTn that biled beet nose quicker' Of koarse ye would 1 an' do it Jest to slow all these Allan ty folkes what kind of cotton-seed mashers them is that ye want tpr rig up in stripes tell they'd look like barber shop poles made inur wooden legs, yer would !' 4Oh, yejist wait' I'me bound to wait, kase I'me angshus to see yer flounce 'round hyar with them striped socks on, aholdin' yer ole blaek gowod up two feet high to step over whar some man bez spit, jist to show oft" yer cel lar a pair striped leggins I I 'mind oa'that dollar vardin that yer bought two r three years ago, aud I hain't seen nary show since I'uie buslin' ter see yer kavortin' round agin like a young buff at a bumble bees mass-meeting I Here's yer dollar go git yer stripes I' She didn't take the money, but gathered up bet bundles and slung them under the seat, climed in after them, and as the wagon went out Mitchell street she was working her mouth in an agony of rage and felcin around in the straw to find -where he had hidden the whip. For further particulars see small bills funeral uotlces 1 Atlanta Constitution. How an Indiana Frenchman Kxxps a Hotel. 'Five or six men ride on is horsi-back. I touch my bat and say, 'Gen tlemen, I ver glud to st you.' They say, 'Can vc slay all night 1" I say, 'Gentle men, you can stay all ze nigbth, all ze day. all ze week by gor. you can stay one long year. I bave plenty room, plenty bed, plenty to eat and drink, by gor. I keep ze tavern like h 1, and uo mistake.' 'Zen after awhile some more come up on ze hortteUick, and say, 'Where ze devil is zat Mark Ueaubicii 1" I touch my hat and say, 'Ilt-re.' 'Are u if. luan zat keep ze tavi-rn ?' I ea.v. 'Out. my friends. I bave Zat honare.' Is to houoe fully 'Oui, Monsieur, but 1 haw plenty room, plenty bed and pieutv t ent aud drink.' 4 Vli. tut ze iiz.ii. how many beds have jcu $f-t. Mrk ? ' Ten,1 counting on Ink rt gTs. 'jt'ii oy gjf. wiie bed. 'Let's . ! iu n Vo, t!ihi will slow away twn.a tr."hf. i j;itime you have as sometimes, don't ays Mark. Jb""iU . t -' itr (): u provide for the ex- I trik- Z'j sheet, zc comfort, iu. u z ;t is asleep, and make Zif fi;!i;W nil Z z.: Vd -n zi .l.r. ;t:j J make ze grand spolo gy, uii'l wii-ii tin-si; h.iu voyage in ze morn iu;;. Su Zd : off irty that Mark Beau Win o:u: fit-vcr fdlow, and zat is ze way I ktt j' zc m;n.' 'Indianajiolb Hearald. Vot Voc Livns Ox Astways,'--A citizeu of Toifdo, io n ordinary current if buhirtcss, Ix-caaie pie.eesor of the note of a GiTiimo fKlix.-n keeper. The not be noruiugduv.1. ho tvik it to the party and prewntrtf it fr pHment. The man was vol tr'jar-d to liquidate his obligation, Ki.d HKk for nn extension of time. This being grauiri. aud the condition settled properly, he was turning to leave when the German said : 'Shoost vait von leedle while j. uiit I gits you cm glass goot peers.' 2o thauk you, I don't drink beer,' was the reply. 'Veil din. I gifs you veeskees that is petter as tu.Nch.' 2s. thank you, I don't drink whiskey.' Sbo I den. I know bow I fix you : I haf goot vines, jtrktng down a bottle with a flourish. Again the quiet No thank you, I dont drink wine.' Yot ! you don't trinks nodding ; veil, I gifs you ein good cbegar. Once more, 'No thank you, I don't smoke.' 'Mein Gott,' exclaimed the Dutchman, throwing up both bands, 4noiers, no vees kees, no vines, no dobaoco, do noddings vot you live on, any ways botatoes, eh ? ' Toledo Blade. Ilia Fexxikg Last night, as a frisky colored youth was walking up Clay street, be was accosted by a colored acquaintance, who remarked : 'Well, Brutus, they say you Iz in love ?' 'I iz, Uuncle Abra'm I don't deuy de alleged allegation. 'And how does you feel, Brutus V 'You havd stuffed your elbow agin a post or samth!n else afore now, hasn't you, Tncle Abra'm ? I recon.' 'And you remembers de feelin' dat runs up yer arm ?' 'I dose.' 'Well, take dat ieeliu' and a hundred per cent, mix it wid the nicest ba'r oil in town, sweeten wid honey, and den you cau magine bow I feel J' YkJitburg Herald. .Lacba. Dear Laura, when you were a flirting youug miss, and I was your dutiful swain,'your smiles could exalt to the summit of bliss, frowns could o'erwhelm me with pain : you wre dear to tne then, love, bat, now you're myvvife, it is strange the fond tie should be near.tr ; for, when I am paying your bills, on my life, yoa seem to get dearer and deastr t XAX falls in love Just as he falls down stairs. It is au accident perhaps, and a very probable misfortune; something which he never intend, nor foresaw, nor appre hended. But when be runs in love, it is as when he runs in debt ; it is done knowingly and intentionally, and very often rashly and foolishly, even if not ridiculously, miserably and ruinously. 'AND yew, Mrs. Sullivan,', said the counsel, 'will you be kln3 euough to tell the jury whether yonr husband was In the habit cf striking you with impunity f' 'Wid wbst, sirf 'With impunity.' 'lis wuz, sir, now and thin ; but be struck me oftbener wid b Csbt' itjbcrtisfmf nfs. VEGETINE PcsiriEf the Buvoi, Renovates akd Ixvtoon , .tts tn Whole StBTtaf. Its Medical Properties are ALTERATIVE TOXIC, SOL VEST AND Dll'RETIC. Ybgetinx m tuadc exclusively from the jolces of carefully selected barks, root tnd berbi, and so strongly concentrated that It wiH effectually radicate from the system every taint of Scrofula, Scrofulous Humor, Tumors, Cancerous Humor, Erysipelas, Salt RLeam, Bypblllttc diseases, Canker, faiulness at the Stomach, aud all dis eases that arise from Impure blood. Sciatica. TnLmuimT and Chronic Rheumatism, Neural gia, Gout and Spinal Complaints, can. only be effectually cured through the biod. vnr TTiMra aud EruDtlves Diseases of the Skin. Pustules, Pimples, Blotches, Bolls, Tetter, Scaldhead and Kingwarm, ytobtisb ims ucvoi (ailed to effect a permanent cure. For Pains In ths Back, Kidney Complaints, Dropsy. Female Weakness, Leucorrbea. aria frora Internal ulceration, and uterine diseases and General Debility, Veobtinb acts directly upon ths causes of these complaints. It. invig orates aud strengthens the whole system,, acts upon secretive organs, allays InflamaMon, cures ulceration and reenlatcs the bowels. For Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Habitual Costlreness. Palpitation of the Heart, Headache, Piles, Nerv ousness aud General Prostration or the Nervous System, no medicine has ever Riven such perfect satisfaction nfi the Veoetixe. It purifies the blood, cleanse al'. of the organs, and possesses a controlling power over the uervous system. The remarkable cures affected by Veoktise Lave Induced many physicians and apothecaries whom we know to prescribe and use it in their Awn fafltil'lMa Iu fact, Veoetisc is the best remedy yet dis covered for the above diseases, and is the ouly reliable BLOOD PLKtrXEK yei piacea ueiui. ha null!! Are not the many tcsUmoutal given for the different complaints satUfatory any reasonable person suffering from any disease mentioned above, that they can be cared ? Rt-ad the differ ent testimonials giveu, and no one can doubt. In man of thrse ca the persons say thut their ...i- .ffrint- cannot be expressed, as in cases of 8crfi. where, apparently, the whole kw ... nn mass of corruption. If veoetisb will relies pal clease. PriI7 and cure i such diseases restoring the patient to perfect health .nirvinff different physicians, many remedies, itwiering for years, is it not conclusive proof, if yon are a sunerer, you can oe curea i uy ibis medicine performing such great cures t It works in the blood, in the circulating fluid. It can truly be called the ?roi Blood Purifier. The great source ofdisease originates in the blood; and no medicine thut does not act directly upon it, to purity and renovate, has any Just claim nnon nublic attention. - ft' hen the blood becomes Melees aud sUguant, either from change of weather or or climate, want of exercise, Irregu lar diet, or frem auy other cause, the Veoetinb will renew the blood, carry on tne puma numors, cleanse the stomach, regular the bowels, and Impart a tone of vigor to the whole body. The couvictlon is, in the public miud as well as In the medical profession, that the remedies supplied by the Vegetable Kingdom are more safe, more successful in the cure of disease, than mineral medicines. Veoetise is composed of roots, barks and herbs. It Is pleasant to take, and Is perfectly safe to give to an infant. Do you need it t Do not hesitate to try it. Von will never regret It. WOCLD NOT BE W ITHOUT VEGETINE FOR TEX TIME ITS COST. The great Wneflt I have received from the use of VEGETINE Induces me to give my testimony In Us favor. I believe it to be not ouly of great valne for restoring the health, but a preventive of diseases peculiar to the spring and summer seasons. I would not be without it tor ten times Us cost. EDWARD TILDEK. Attorney and General Agent for Massachusetts of the Craftsmen's Life Assurance Company, No. 49 Sears Building, Boston, Mass. Vegrtlae la Mold by All Drngista. Srpt. 24,1m.. AMERICAN CYt LOP.EOIA. The eleventh volume of this valuable work la sow ready. The work when complete w!ll con tain 10 volumes. It Is a library in Itself, and should be In evi-tw household. As an evidence of its great value aiid hiiertft we refer to the follow Ing i 4 MONO THE AKTtCLH tND CONTHlRCTOh TO THE ELEVEKTII VOLUME. .M. le.io. ey. tv Pr.tl. CieVeUn.l Alilie, Wnh liitrtou. D. C Oi 1 Hr4.iH.til liie ) - Mint and Mi.m-y.tiy llenrj rty L':'lr-1. 1 hiia- Metbodioiu. tv Pr..f. C. W. B.-nn-Mi, f. D. MIsI'mih. Forerun (Prute-iunt ). v Rev Char.es P. Uu-h. I). V. Mineraloirv, bv Prof. Juan A. Cliureh. Mercury (in Medicine;, by Pnl. E. II. Carke, M. D. Molecule, by Prof. Jusiab P. Ccwike. Mortgage, and other le;;al articles, by lion. T M.Cooley. L. D. Marrow, aud medical and physiological arti cles, by rror. j. c. iitou. m. u. . -Mulno, Musanehnsetts, Minnesota, Missouri, and other articles in American geography, by Eaton 8 Drone. Metal and Metallurgy, by Prof. Thomas M. Drown, M. D. Articles In materia medica, by Robert T. Edes, M. D. Mikabo, by Prof. Joseph Henry. LL. D., Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Mechanics, by Charles L. Hogvbonm, M. D. Manganese, and other chemical articles, by Prof. C. A. Joy. Mollusra, and other articles iu zoology, by Prof. S. Knee'.aud, M. D. Microscope, by Prof. A. M. Mayer, Steveus Institute. Mineral Deposltes, by Prof. J. 8. Newberry. LL. D., Columbia College, New York. Missions, Foreign (Roman Catholic), and other articlles In ecclesiastical history by Rev. Bernard O'Reilly, D. D. ' Mediterranean Sea, by Count L- F. de Pour tales. Moon, and other astronomical articles, by Riebard A. Proctor, A. M., London. Mennonltes, by Prof. A. Rausrbenbusc-b. Mercury, Metallurgy (Ore Dressing), anl Mine, by hosslter W. Raymond. Melancbibon, Phllipp, by Prof. Philip Schaff, D. D. Magnolia, Maple, Melon, and other botanical article, by Prof. George Thurber. Moab, and other archssological, oriental, and philological articles, by Prof. G. A. F. Van Rhvu. OPENTCTG 1 1 ALL THE NEW SHADES. Seal, Brown, Plum, Navy Bine, Steel, Dark, Green, dx. In Silks, Merinos, Cashmers, Cam els Hair, Glad, Serge and Diagonals. RICH DARE PLAIDS, J2A2TD WOmy BLACK SILKS A Specialty. Imported direct, and warranted to give satis faction. Mourning Goods of Every Description. Housekeepers Goods, Blankets Flannxxs, Qcilts, Towels. Sheetings, Table Linens, Sfpkins, tc. F. JI. ROGERS 4c CO., Old Stand Eyre A Landell, 8. W. Cor. Fourth and Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 17, 1875. 3 roos. JOS.EYSTER, MANUFACTURER OF NATIVE GRAPE WINE, SUNBCBY. Sorth'd Co., Pa. Ws, the undersigned, can cheerfully testify lo toe excellent qualtles ef Wins made by Dr. Jot. Eytter, and advise its universal nte everywhere. COL. C. NEFP, MA J. J. P. HAAS, H. J. FRANK, DR. A. C. CLARK, H. E. DAVIS. FRANK BRIGHT, JACK WALTZ, - S. t. ENGLE. O EN. L. H. EASE. , May 23, 1875. ' i NEW YORK TRIBUNE. The Leading American Newspaper." Is supplied bv loesl mndailm to rwklao'a In Sun. burr on the arrival of tlis fut null tr.in from Nw Tork st li'30 p. m. ( boats earltar than arer twfor.) SubKTlptloa tj mail (postage I-.ld), dmcl from omca, tl pw month ; (Id per jt. Aldin, Oct. 8, 1878. ' ADVERTISING : Cheap : Good : Aratamatlc. All per oas who ooutwnpUtc maJuug oou tracts -Uii utwa papcis lor tu uiMrtion of aiicrrt!aemeuta, shouid sand K5 txuta to Oo. P. Ruwall k To., 41 fark Kow, Sew Yora, for tbsar FAMt-HLET-BOOK (uiutv-sevnty ed tloa), x.nuUiliit lists ef over fctwiptpcrt mi eatl- Dintra, saowiby iu, coat. Advtnlawnaijta taken for taadlng paperaiu manv Slates at s trwnecdout ltJuv ttou from pabUaUn' num. Git hi book. - ? ; t . Jan. g, 1876. ly. I'l Tfl Qafl auv. Agmita wanted. AUcUiaes V?J 1 KJ 2Uoi working puopit of both sues, voting sod old, make mot raua.y at ork lot iu, In thetr own lounttea, duriu? thair apate moncnt,, of all tua Uaaa, thaa at uv Uunr lac Vt svffar employment tbat wui pajr l.aiiasxmer ft very kour'a woik. Full pareulan, verms, ka., eu free. How hi lk time. Lout look for woik er bulsaess elsewhere, uutU yon hmr lawrssd wkat wt sfler. . SlOtaoa k Co.. Port iai, Stains. Jsn. $. in. ly. Dauchy & Co.'s Column. ;.-. a-ttl 'i t LJ Manu&ctnred by CORRUGATED ELBOW CO. of U. S., 62 Cliff 8treet. N. Y. 45 X 47 Evoe Street, Cincinnati, 215 i 217 Lake Street, Chicago. $20 a day guaranteed using our Well Auger es Drills. $1C0 a month paid o anod Airants. Auger book free. JitE AroRB ft Co., St. Louis, Mo. Oct. 1. 4w. Aobhts WaktedI Medal sad Diplomas Awarded for n.w- PICTORIAL BIBLES 1900 llliiatratioTie. Addrene for new circular. A, J. BOLMAN ft CO., 030 Areh street. Wills. Oct. 1, 4w. ' TiriTpSb.ooo BONANZA. mA tnp"f Iuveated in Wall at, often Jptl JL yJ rartlcuUrs sent free. Ad dress PEUDLETOS ft BEAD, C5 Wall eswet, Hew lork. Oct, 1,4. OTJVrn Explanatory CtrcuUr how HP to d A ft O HiN I SSOOinveateVl In Stock Pr.vileg.-a, 9i lV W rKrirjflta. nailroad Stocks, BonlsOU snd Gold bought on Margin. Interest His Per Cent, allowed on dejweite aubject to sight draft. ByWAr tbb ft Co- Bankers sutl Brokers, No. 10 WsU Street, Sew York. 1: O. Hot iM". O1'- or COdGHS, COLDS, HO A.RSENESS, AND ALL Til It OAT DISEASES, WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUT VP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SUKE REMEDY. Bold by Druggists. w- ; $50 to SIO.OOO Baa been Invested lu Stock Prlvilges and paid 900 . c'T. Profit. "How to Do It," s book on Wall fit., seat f.ee. TCMBIUDGE ft CO., Bankers and Brokers, t Wall 8t Kew York. Oct.1, 4w. AGENTS W ANTED tOToXv' KIOHT SCENES IN THE BIBI.R, and s Bosgnifioiint NEW BOOK Just from Frees. Addresa, 1. C. McCCRDY ft CO., Philadelphia. I-a, Bept. 3. 4w. PIeMnn( and Prolltable Employ meeU. -"Beautiful!" "Charming: 1" 'Ob, how lovely!" "What are they worth V &c. Such ars exclamations by those who see the lanre elegant New Chremae produced by the European and American Chromo Publishing Co. They are all perfect (Jens or Art. No one can resist the temptation to but when seeing the Cbrotnoe. Canvassers, Agents, and ladles and gentlemen ont of employment, will find this the best opening ever offered to mak money. Tor full particulars, send stamp for confidential cir cular. Address F. GLEASON & CO., 738 Wash ington St., Boston, Mass. 8ept. 8. 4t. MIND BEADING, P8YCTIOM ANCT, FASTNATION, Soul Charming, Mesmerism, snd Marrige Guide, show ing bow either sex may fascinate and gain the love snd affection of any person they choose inaianily. Price by mail. So cent a. bemcmber, this Is not a mere circular, but a book of 400 pages. Address, BCNT ft CO., I South 7th fit., Philadelphia, Pa. Sopt. . 4W. THE I IGHT RUNNING "DOMESTIC." The "Domestic. Tha "DOMESTIC" is an exceedingly simple machine In all Its parts and processes. It 1 easily understood ; familiarity with Us action is very quickly acquired, and It needs hardly any practice of special skill in the operator. The superior advantages obtained in the "Do mestic" are mainly : 1. Light Ruunlng. - 2. Quietness no Cams or Gear Wheels. 3. Perfect 8tilch Double-thread Lock StltcU. 4. Durability arising front Simplicity of Con struction. 5. Absence of all Friction. 8. tireat range of Work. 7. Ease of Operation. We do not say that the "Domestic" Is the only Machine worthy of public favor. We admit there are some possessing real and acknow ledged merit ; but we do claim, and are prepared lo demonstrate, that the "Domestic" has many excellences Mint render It dtcidtdly ruptrior to any other ifaehiu now before the public. Let every womti, therefore, examine for her slf into Its merit when she buys a machine. Tbis is an Important purchitoe, not to be care leesly made ; one thut will Influence her com fort, probably for a long time. Wit h a 'Dosiks tic" Iu her posseeslon, she will tin I her sewinu become a plvasaut exerrise of kKl and titate, In tud ofa slow manual drudgery ; !.c will hue t lie time it nd rtieniflh to add beamy mid elegiinee lo noik in wliirh ttefore ftie h is beoij obliged t' ronteiil bennfif with burv utilitv. CAROLINE DALIUS, At-nt, SiiDbnrT. Pa. Admiuiftirai or' Notice, (In the Estate Joseph K. Maurer, dee'd.) LETTERS of admltilratlon in the estate of Joseph K. Maurer, lute of Line Mountain, Northumberland county. Pa., dee-used, have been granted n '",, "' H.v' siu u. notbermel, the flrl rcsMiui: at Line Mountain, tbe second at Suubury, Northumberland county, Fa., to whom all persous indebted to said estate are requested to miike payment, and those hav ing claims or demands, will make known tbe same without delnv. AARON W. MAURER, SAMUEL H. ROTHERMEL, Administrators. August 6, 1875. Ol. KEEP IT HANDY X The Reliable Family Medicine. DIARRHEA, Dysentery, Cholera, Summer Complaint, Cramps, etc., quickly cured by tbe use of JARDELLA'S Compound Syrup of Blackberry Root and Rhu barb. An old, well tried remedy, entirely vege table, pleasaut to take, quick and certain in effect; can be depended on in tbe most urgent cases ; may be given to the youngest infant as well as to adults. It contains NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. It Is a pleasant extract and readily taiten by children. It has often saved life when pbysl ciuns had deepnired. Keep it In the bouse and use in time. All we ask for it is a trial. Don't let your dealer put you off with something else. Buy it. Try It. Sold by Druggists and Store Keepers throughout tbis Stale. Prepared only by HANSELL A BRO.. July 9, '75, 2000 Market Street, Philadelphia. AdmlnUtr-ator' Xotlce. (Estate of Andrew Ditty. Deceased.) LETTERS of Adniini-tri.tlon on the estate of Andrew Ditty, lnte of Lower Mabanoy town ship, Northumberland court y, Pennsylvania, de. ceased, have granted to Jnhn Ditty, Milton Ditty and Adam Lenker, residing at Georgetown, In said county, to whom all persons Indebted tosuld estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands, will make known the same without delay. JOHN DITTF, MILTON DITTY, ADAM LENKER. Administrators. Georjielowu, September 17, 1875. CHASTITY ; Or, Ol'R NI.CRET M.K. Dr. Dio Lewis's new and great work. Invnl uable to all, whether married or single. Price fi2. 00. Sold only by aifents. In its table of contents are : Reason iinm Passion, Early Mar. riages,Marital Etccsses, Unjust Suspicions, Pre venting Conception, Woman's Ruling Passion, Foeticide, Hereditary Influences, Masturbation, Obrcene Literature. Celibacy, Advice to Tonng Women and Young Men. The P-icUl Evil, Nocturnal Emissions, Care for Sexnui Longing, Practical RutrpeMlons, etc. AGENTS WBNTED everywhere. For full description. Table of Contents, extracts, strong testimonials, and liberal terms, address the pub lishers (at office nearest you), GEORGE MAC LEAN fc CO., Philadelphia, Cincinnati, or Chl caea. Sept. 10, lm. AdmlnUtrator's Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of ad ministrator de bonus non cum testauiento annexo, uave bteu giaute4 to the undersigned on tbe estate of Mrs. Catbariue Krosloos, late of Lower Mobonay township, Northnmbertend county. Pa., deceased. All persons Indebted are requested to make payment, aud those having claims to present tbetn rot settlement. G. A. BOTDORF, Adm'r. Lower Uobooay twp., 8ept. 24, 1875. Ct. For NherftT. To tht Votert of tforthnmberlmd County. At tbe earnest solicitation of many friends, whose opinions and Judgment I could not do otherwise than re-pect, I have consented to be an Independent candidate for the office of She Kirp. K ehoacn in the coming contest where the people vote dlrectlv for the man, and are not thwarted in their choice by rings and corrupt combinations, I can only promise to consistently do my whole duty so far as I am able. DAVID WALDRON. Milton. 8fpi. 23. '75 tc- Adjourned Co art. "Try HERE A 8 the Honorable W. M. Rockefel T T ler, President Judge, and his Associates, for this District, have Issued their mandate for an adjourned Court for Northumberland countv, to he held on the 4ih and 18th of October, A. D. 1S75, being the 1st and Sd Mondays of said month, lo the borough of Sunbary. I therefore give notice, that all persona Interested, to be and appear at the place aforesaid at 10 o'cloek a. in., ef said days. SAMUEL U. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offloe, Ssnbary, Sept. 2, 1675. ; ONE MILLION CORRUGATED Stovepipe Elbo-ra-o USED BY THOSE DESIEISa Economy, Beauty, Cleanliness, and A PERFECT DltAFT. PRESERVING MADE EASY! o Housekeepers Experiencing The SUPERIOR CONVENIENCE AND RELIABILITY OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT IN FRUIT JARS DESIRE THE ; "C0HANSEY" JARS, WITn GLASS LID AND SCREW-CLAMP. IN ONE PRICE ; OB TBE 'TB0TECT0R" JARS, WITH AVTT-XUST LIXED METAL TOrS. No Sepakate Pieces To (fie Topn, to bt Lout. No Wrench Required For Opening or Clotinrj. AN BE OPENED More readily and 'losed Many Time More Itapidly, AND JtBE MORE RELIABLE. Convenient. C Oifaper THAN OTHERS. Be certain to Try Them. COIIANMEY GLASS MPG CO., Manuf'rs of WINDOW GLASS, BOTTLE, and FRUIT JARS. . Come Third and Arch St., PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 29, 1375. 4t MILLINERY ad FANCY GOODS! . Large arrivals, assortments unsurpassed, latest sly'.es, finest goods. Central Millinerv, Market Sqtinre, Sutibury, Pa. I take pleaeiire In callini! your particular at tention to my Spring arrivals of Millinery and Fancy goods, wbii-h embraces the lntet aud moet desirable goods extant. Having made every etlort to sustain my well known reputation of seeming the finest Koods, I offer 'his announce ment with tbt nsturHCce that I have not devi ated rutber improved on former ejjn. p .u w.. uviutr a wue a spccliiTly, for this season, including the prettiest and most sn table Hats (in countless styles) In the market. FLOW ERS.RI8BONS,8ILKS, LACES, ORNAMENTS, CRAPES and numerous other uoveltits, besides the large array of seasonable articles In the Fancy Goodsdepartruent. II ATS and BONNETS made to order as usual, in the roost artistic manner. Huving purchased all my goods 'for coji, I am enabled to sell at extremely low prices. Thankful for past favors, I respectfully solli :l a continuance. Miss LOU SHISSLER, Market Square, Sun bury. April 23, 1875. GOOD PAY FOR AGENTS. "Outofllic IlQi-yly nurly." By MAX ADELER, is the best book of its kind in print. And it is a good kind, for yQ ianb over almost every page, and feel better for it after wards. "Quaint, graphic, and peifectly natural; lis auttlor is a wit ol the Iint water." Loudon (England Figarn. "Full of fun. but more full of sense ; every where fresh, original, Ingenious, droll, nnd delightful." Gardener's Magarltie, (London)Euglund. "Surpasses anything In IU line which we have had for years." Chicago Inter Ocean. "Every way satisfactory" Phila. Ledger. "As comical as anything ever written Dy toni liooa." roila. Evening Bnl letln. "Inimitable" Louisville Ledge. "Full of tbe richest humor." Toledo Blade. "Con tains food for mirth euough to defy all the wrinkled care of Christendom" Brooklyn Ar gus, lias nearly 400 line original engraving, bun, ueiuic tow in prine, sens immenbeiv.t inroairu I Agent ouly). Exclusive territory given. 8end . to the publishers, and tret the points. Address, vtbunuc. .MAt.j.iLAX K uw., I'bllHuelpuia, Cincinnati (whichever I nearest you). Sept. 8. 1 m. J i OTICE "VTOTICE is hereby given that I have pur i li chnsc3 the fotlowiDir articles of nertnn.il property at Constable Sale, on the 12th dav Au- ; gust, 1S75, as the property of Wesley Deltrich of , oarsfon townsiup, orlbnrjbcrlund county. Pa.. 1 .i i. - i.,....j .i ..T mnu ivmicj iu-j Buuiu iu iiiiu ounng my win and pleasure: t beds and beddluir. 1 lounire. 0 cain-bottoiu cbnirs, 0 other chairs, 1 parlor cooKiug stove, l cupboard. 1 hooK-cae, 1 cook stove, 1 morning glory stove, 27 yards of carpet, 8 rocking chairs, 1 Bread-box, 1 clock, and his interest of a lot of tobacco In tbe ground. Ac. JOHN 1. REED. Sharaokln twp., Aug., 20, 1075. 3t. AGEXT'S OUTFIT FREE! Largs Commissions and Cash Premiums FOR FKU.I50 A LIBRARY OF FAMOUS FICTION, COMPRISINO THE TE! Jewelti of Imaginative Literatures Pilorim's Prookess, Picab or Wakefield, j Robinboji Cnrsot, Paul and Viroin'ia, Gi'lliver'i Travels, Elizabeth, I Vatiiek, Piociola, 1 UspntE, Tales from Arabiam Niohts, Complete In ONE VOLUME of over 1,000 pages, I'eautlfully illtulrated with 81 full-page Engrav ings. It Is the WORLD'S STORY BOOK, nd all want to read It. . Agent's Outfit fret to all who mean business and will faithfully can , vnss. 3. B. FORD & CO., 27 Park Place. Oct. 1, 1875. New York. KOTICE. "VfOTICE Is hereby given that application will X be made to the Board of Pardons of the State of P-una., at its session on the first Tues day of November next, at Harrisburr, for the commutation of tbe sentence ol David K. Snoop, now confined In the Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, upon sentence of the. Court of Nort humberland county. Emelisk Sboop. October I, 1875. Admtnlistrator's Notice. Ei( ate ot Philip Wertz, late of Lower Augusta township, deceased. LETTERS of administration having been granted to the undersigned on said estate. All persons Indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, nod those - having claims against tbe same to present them without delay for settlement. ISAAC WERTZ, Administrator. Saubury, Sept. S3th, 173. III! fjjjj? .ill- til - . l K ej C o s J Br is ; a i 5 -g a 5? r V S S Sis 2 vs i E o S 2 - - XV a ? V 5 o o 5 Jg SPRING AND SUMMER. rj Special Notice to Ladies. o A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING and SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Fancy Goods and Notions jnst opened at Miss Kate Black's Store, Market Square, SUNBURY, PENN'A. 8ILKS, CALICOES, LAWNS, GINGHAMS, and a general assortment of Ladies Drers Goods, ' Gents' Gloves, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Ac. A Fall Assortment of Soaps, Perfumery, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers and Trimmings. Ladles are invited to call and examine my large stock. MISS KATE BLACK. Sunbury, May 7, 1875. PIANOS Wero again awarded the highest premium, over all Makers, at the late Franklin Institute Exhibition, and are the only First-class Instu ments that can be obtained at Manufacturer's cot prices. 9300 For au Elegant 7J4 oct. Rosewood Piano. Tbe following are a few of tbe Principal medals received : First Prize Medal, (Franklin Institute,), 1874 " Silver " (Grand Piano,) 1S58 Prize. " Crystal Pft'.aoo World Fulr,NY1853 Gold " American Institute, N. Y. 1S4S " Prize " Maryland Baltimore 1!18 " Silver " Franklin Institute, Phila. 1848 Pianos ordered by mall, are carefully selected, and remittance is not required, until the instru ment has been received and approved. All our styles and classes, nre built of the same excel lent material and workmanship. Every lnstra ment Is guaranteed. Write or send for illustrated catalogue, and price list, giving full description of styles, prices, etc. SCHOMACKER PIANO MF'G CO., Warerooms 1103 Ohestnut St., Phila. June 11, 1875. 3mos. SUSQUEHANNA COFFIN A CASKET WORKS, Front St., above Race, SUNBVRY, PNJTA. THE undersigned having established a Coffin & Casket Manufactory, at the above place, are now prepared to furnish to Cabinetmakers and Undertakers, and the trade generally Coffins and Gaskets Of the best and latest patterns and finished In tbe best style. Tbelr different patterns including ooiB louin and Casket sbapes are of WALNUT, CHEERY, CHESTNUT, Imitation of Bosevood and Cherry, ' and all other styles, made of the best material nd finish ; work done by the moat experienced workmen. Orders will be filled momDtlv. and Coffins and Caskets will be shipped to any place desired, at the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable prices. The patronage of the trade Is solicited. 8end for PRICE and DESCRIPTIVE LIST, and learn tne styles and prices. FRTLING, BOWEN & ENGEL. 8nnbury, April 30, 1875.-tf. Qvev Thirty-four Competitors 9IACIII.E SHOP AXD IRO FOUNDRY. GEO. ROnRBACH & SONS, Snnbury, Peon'a, TNFORM the public that they ara prepareu to JL do all kinds cf CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop In connection with their ioUDdrj, and nave supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With tbe aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders or NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. Grate to anlt any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build Ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOB YAHD9 AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for tbelr su periority, have been still further improved, and win always be Kept on band. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Snnbnrv. .May 20. 1874. (gPRING AND SUMMER STYLES milliStejeiy NEW STYLES, NEW FEA I IIEKS, NEW FLOWERS, ORNAMENTS. Hats fc Bonnets TRIMMED AT ALL PRICES. ZRrBBOHNTS IS THE Latest and Best Shades. Good Assortment of Notions CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FANCY ZEPHYR GOODS AND INFANT'S HOODS, At Misses L. t 8. Welser's Millinerv Store. Market St., Smibury, Pa. April 23, Iblj. C ARRIAGES, BCGGIES AC. H. K. FAGELY & CO. respectfully Inform the public that they have commenced tbe manufacture of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C, gH at the new shop recently erected by J. F. Lercb Corner ofFonrth and Chestnut Sts., SUNBURT, PA., and solicit a fair shars of Patronage. A ril S-em. J. F. LERCH, Sup't. Paris Wzisb Furniture Ware-Rooms! ROBERTS Jt IIONTERMAN, (Successors to B. L. RAUDENBUSII.) Masonic Building, SU-ifcTBTTIRrsr, -jpj. WILL SELL CHEAP, AN ENDLESS VARIETY - OP FURNITURE of the latest styles and best material,. CONSISTING OF Parlor and Chamber Suits; LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS. Bedsteads of all kinds, Cupboards, Sines, and in short everything usually to be found in a flrst class Furniture Store. 8peclal attention is given to Undertaking in nil us orancnes. Coffins and Burial Caskets Or ALL STTLE8 COS8TASILT ON HAND. An invitation Is extended to all to come and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ROBERTS & HOSTERMAN. Sunbury, Feb. 19. 1875. HARDWARE. We arc better prepared thau ever to supply the demand for goods in our llae. We have just received a full sto?k of Shovels, Iron, IIocs, Steel, Rakes, Oils, Forks, Taints, Pumps, Glass, Cutlery, Varnishes, LEATHER BELTING, TOOLS, AND GOODS Sl'ITABLE FOR Builders, Housekeepers, Farmers, Blacksmiths, Shoemakers, Cabinet Makers. Carpenters, Machinists, Painters and the People. Call and examine onr goods. CONLEY, HACKETT & MATEER, Opposite Whitmer's store. March 26, 1375. tf. Spring & Summer Coeds. NEW I -YEW 1 1 XEW!!! AT ' ', Iteed, Brother & SeaahoIU'a Cheap Store, Market Street, Nnnbury, Pa. DRESS GOODS, The Latest Styles asp Bb-t Qcalitt, comprising all the novelties in fabric and shade. Full Assortment of Notions, which are being sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Also, Groceries and Provisions, ; pnre and fresh. Qtjeensware, Glassware, and Wood and Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and common, always on haud. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. BEAD Y-MADE CLOTHING, of all sizes and of the latest styles. FLOUR. A constaut supply of western white wheat Hour a speciality. Tne public are invited to call and examine our Goods tree of charge. Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small Protlts," and to please all. Tbe highest prices will be paid for all kinds of country produce. By strict attention to business nnd keeping at all times the most complete slock, and selling at tbelowest prices, we hope to merit a f jll share ot patronuge- REED BROTHER & SEASIIOLTZ. Suubuij. My 21. 1S75. Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. w K O H CD w o o Pi a w z, H O W CO a a (4 Z. P BO a b. V s aW c v J3 z to CO W w o o C sr. p. S o I tt o IS) s o o a a e P5 c o C o Cement, Salt, ' Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. Maize & Schwartz, Successors to Geo. Evans & Co., 1108 Market Street, Philadelphia, MERCHANT TAILORS and MIUTA1U CLOTHIERS. Men and Boys' suits made to order In tbe latest styles, of tbe best cloths and cassimeres In mar ket, at prices snitable to tbe times. Military, Band & Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours belne tbe leadine house on Military work. we feel that we can offer Inducement which can not be attained anywhere else. ot. 37, IS73 tailruns. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. PHILADELPHIA ERIE R. R. DIVISION. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, May 23d, 1875, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road Divi sion will rnn as follows : WESTWARD. Fust Line leaves New York " " " Philadelphia, " " Baltimore, " " " Harriaburg, " arr. at Williamsport, " " " Lock Haven, " " " Bellefonte, Erie Mall leaves New York, " Philadelphia, " " Baltimore, " " u Harrisburg, " " " WUliamsport, " " Lock Haven, " " " Renovo, " " arr. at Erie, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Baltimore, " " " Harrisburg, ' " arr. at Williamsport, 9.25 a m 12.55 p m 1.20 p in 5.00 p m 8.55 p m 10.20 p m 11.50 p m 8.25 p m 11.55 p m 11.55 p m 4.25 am 8.35 a m 9.45 a m 11.05 a m 7.50 p m 7.40 a m 7.35 a m 10.55 a m 1.55 p m 3.15 p m 4-30 p m 8.00 a m 8.30 a m " L.OCB Haven, " rtenovo, leaves Philadelphia, Elrrlra 'Mail " " Baltimore, " " " Harrisburg, " " arr. at Williamsport, " " " Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Philad'a Express leaves Lock Haven, " WUliamsport, l.so p m 6.10 p m 7.30 p m 6.40 p m 7.55 a m arr. at tiamsburg, " " " Baltimore, " Philadelphia, 11.45 a in 6.15 p m 3.35 p m 6.40 p ra 9.10 a m " ew loik, leaves Renovo, Lock Haven. Day Express 10.25 a m " V U lumsport, 11.S3 a m arr. at Harrisburg, 3.00 p m " rbiiadelpbia, Upm " " " New York, 9.15 pm j " " " Baltimore, 6.3.5 p ra t Eric Mail leaves Erie, 11.20 a m ! " ' " Renovo 8.25 pm Lock Haven, 9.45 pm " " " Williamsuort. 10.50 d m ' " nrr. at Harrisburg, 2.25 a m " ' " Baltimore, 7.35 am " " " Philadelphia, 6.45 a m New York, 10.10 am Fast Line leaves Williamsport, 12.S5 a m ' arr. at Harrisburg, 3 55 a ra Baltimore, 7.35 a m " " . Philadelphia, 7.35 am ' " " New York, 10.25 a m Erie Mail West, Niagara Express West, Elmira Mail West and Day Express East make close connection at Northumberland with L. & B. R. R. t rains for Wilkesbarre and Scranton. Erie Mail Wert, Niagara Express West and Elmira Mall West make close connection at Williamsport with N. C. R. W trains north. Erie Mail East and West, Niagara Express West, Fast Line Wctl and Day Express East make close connection at Lock Haveu with B. E. V. R. R. trains. Erie Mall East and West connect at Erie with trains on L. S. & M. S. R. R., at Corry with O. C. & A. V. R. R., at Emporium with B. N. Y.fc P. R. R-, and at Driftwood with A. V. R. R. Parlor Cars will ran between Philadelphia and Williamsport on Niagara Express West, Fast Line West, Philadelphia Express Enst and Day Express East. Sleeping Cars on all night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l 8up't. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. ARRANGEMENTS OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Mat 3d, 1873. Trains Leave Heihidos as Follows : (Scndats Excepted.) For Sbamokiu, 10.40, 11.00 a. ni. and 3.40 p. m. For Mt. Carmcl,Ashland, Tamaqua, Pottsvllle, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. Tbatss tor Hersdos, Lcavz as Follows: (Sunoats Excepted.) Leave Sbamokin at 8.00 a. m. L50 and S.55 p. ai. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. ra., Reading 11.30 a. m., Pottsvllle, 12.10 p. m., Tamaqua, 1.0 p m Asbland, 2.35 p. m., Mt. Carmel, 3.21 p. m. Trails Leatx Harrisbcrs, as Follows : For New York, 5.20, 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 7.40 p. m. For Philadelphia, 5.20, 8.10 U.45 a. ra., 2.00 and 3.5C, p. m. l"5DATS. For New Tork, 5,20 a. m. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. m. Tbaiss roK Habrisburq, Leave as Follows: Leave New York, 9.15 a. m., 12.45 and 5.30, 7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m. 3.40 and 7.00 p. m. 8C5DATB. , Leave New Tork, 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.00 p. m. Via Morris and Essex ft. R. J. E. WOOTTEN. General Sup't. Reading, Pa. Nov. 13. 1371. CEHTRAL.DRUG STORE Q.B.C'ADVvMLADErl Is the place to buy pure aud fresh MLDJC1NES. DRUGS, PAIXTS. OILS- GLASS, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR for tnediciu'il purposes. aD(l all ether arti cles usually kept in a tirst-class Drug Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggists. I am prepared to furnish in quantities to suit purchasers und at rbiiadelpbia prices, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Portlaud, Roman, Roseudale and Lehigh CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also. Garden Seeds of all kinds. AaU and get a Rural Reeister for 1874. GEO. B. CADW'ALLADER. Sunbury, Feb. 6, 1874.-ly. Dr. C. M. Marti. Geo. TV. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BuilE Miry, Pi DR. C. 31. MARTIN & CO, TTAVE Just received a fresh lot of Pure Drugs JL-A. and Patent medicines. We hare also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMB8. Hair, Tooth. Na!!,Clothe,Sboe and other brushes. TOILET AXD FANCY ARTICLES. 1-IT1E EXTRACTS, rOCftBT BOOKS, KSIVES, AC, AC. REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume in America. Paris3lan,a Kid Glove flash. warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate snades without injury to tne Kid AU the leading preparations for tbe Hair, SEGARS, THE BEST IN MARKET, Pme Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes, Physh'lans Prescriptions and family teceipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal in? to recerve a share of your patronage. September 1L, 1373. TOY CONFECTIONERY STORE. Everybody is invited to come and buy of the handsome assortment of TOTS AND CONFECTIONERIES SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame building, adjoining Moore Disslnger'a bulldine. THIRD 8TREET. SUNBURY, PA. JuH opened a fresh supply of Con feet loneriss of every description. TOYS OF ALL KINDS constantlv on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS & DRIED FRUIT. PUKE RIO, COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Bane & Cakes, every morning FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. ORAXGEUS, LEMONS, FRESH FISH EVERY DAY will be sold at tbe lowst rates. . The best ot Albemarl Shad will be delivered at the resldeoca of purchasers in any part of the town. tall and see the excellent assortment or roods and ascertain prices. Ta Cheap Lmb aitd Cheap Grscthocsks. In rime-brirnlng there Is of Course a large amount of heat wasted. If only tbis heat could be economized it would be a great gain. This Idea struck an inventive Irishman, and he conceived the idea of beating greenhouse and forcing fruits as au adjunct ef the lime business. Tha idea seems to have been something of a success, and the "Cowan patent" Is tbe result. So far as we can Judge from the English papers, there are quite a number of combined lime and green houses being erected on, this principle, and things seem to work satisfactorily. . As we no., demand It a hot-water boiler forms the top of tha kiln, and from tbis hot-water pipes are led around through the glass-houses near in which tha plants or fruits are grown. Exactly how the matter la arranged in detail we do not quite" understand. The kiln must cool some time to get out the lime ; but per. baps there is a double kilo with two sets of boilers connected with the single set of pipes, and oue can be set to work while the other cools. . . We bave never bad much of an opinion of these complicated things. In ordinary lirce bnrninir one can in a meftsnre stop lime-barn-Ins when there is little demand for the article, but if we have greenhouses dependent on tbe bent the work must go on or the plants die, whether the lime Is needed or not, and this, ought at anyrate to be an argument In favor of cheap lime, if not of cheap plants and cheap forced fruit. It may be that here again tbe ob jection has been foreseen and provided for by another boiler which can work by itself when no lime is needed. However, we may soon bave a cbar.ee to see exactly how tbe thing works, at we bear a wealthy citizen of Philadelphia, who is fond of country-Ufo, is about to put one In operation. It Is one of those things in which we should not look for much success in this country ; but then "the proof of the pudding," &c We are glad to know it Is to be tested by practice In this way. Oermantom Telegraph. Use the Rolled More It has always been a belief of ours that tbe true value of the roller has not been understood, and we bave received considerable credit from our contemporaries for our efforts at various timet to have this useful implement belter understood. What we bave said of It In the past has chiefly had reference to its nse in the spring season, but as we see farm--ing conducted dnring the summer, we are tempt ed to inquire whether even still more nse of the roller might not be made with advantage. We all know bow great Is tbe valne of a well pul ve rized soil, but we bave come to regard mere stirring with a cultivator in summer as pulver Izing. It is to a certain extent of course. No matter bow roughly done, it ia better tban a bard-baked surface. Under this condition the soil dries very rapidiy. Still tbe lumpy coarse way In which the cultivator often leaves tt ground Is anything but pulverization. We see a tendency in some quarters to faVof bard packed earth ; but the thorough pulveriza tion we recommend Is a very different thing from this. A soil that la thoroughly crushed flue will not dry out near so last as one which 1 coarse and lumpy, and this preveutiou of tbe escape of moisture is as well worthy of attention, as the freight question, tbe co-operation question, or any other of the numerous ones which are up permost just now. It is not perhaps easy to carry out a plan after we know it is a good one ; but surely something could be done to keep the soil from being so coarse and lumpy as we see It so often after our cultivators bave been over tbe ground. . There ia something wrong either with tbe soil or tbe im plements. We want a clod crasher as well as a boe barrow ; let It be In tbe form of a roller or what it may. Cake or Horses. The London horse book says: All bores must not be fed in the same proportion, without regard to their ages, their constitution ana work ; because the impropriety of such a practice Is self-evident. Yet It h con stantly done, and is the basis of disfases of every kind. Never use bad hay on account of tbe cheap? uess, because there ia no proper Eoarl3hment In it. Raca: feedlcg Is wasteful. Tbe bettar way is lo feed with chopped bay, from a manger, be cause tbe food ia not then thrown out, and is more easil y chewed and digested. Sprinkle tbe bay with water that has salt dis solved In it, because it is pleasant to the ani mal's taste, and more easily digested. A tea spoonful of salt in a bucket of water Is suffi cient. - CosDiJtESTS rs Poclti Diet. Cayenne pep per, mustard or ginger can with great benefit be added to the food of fowls, to increase their vltcor, and to stimulate eug-production. This apparently arlidcial diet will seem to be natural if we remember thut wild bird of the gallina ceous genus get access to very many highly spiced berries and buds ; articles that give the "game flavor" to their flesh. The ordinary food of the domestic fowl is not entirely without some such addition, since there being more or less aromatic principle m wheat, Indian corn, and other grain. Netertbeless It is not sufficient in quantity to supply the place of tbe stronger spices, a taste for which U a part of tbe fowl's inherited quality. A moderate quantity of Cayenne, Ac, added to the ground grain is pro ductive of bealtb and thrift In poultry. The Poultry World. norsEnoLD. From the Germantoum Tetegraph.- Coddled Apples. After tbe smaller fruits are ont of season, coddled apples make on of the very best desserts that can be sent to tbe table. Gather small, nnrlpe apples, do no peel them, but cut them In slices from tbe core ; put them in a saucepan and pour oa water enough to cover them ; cover the saucepan and stir the apples occasionally to preveut burning, and when thoroughly soft, mash them through a sieve. Send to the table In a glass dish, with milk or cream, if yon have it, and put tke nut meg and grater on the table for those who like this spice. Vegetarian Hotch-Potch. Fonr large tur nips, one pound of carrots, one onion, one let tuce, and parsley. Put fonr quarts of water into a pan, set it on tbe Ore, and put In tbe ear- rots and tbe turnips (part o" which mast be grated and the remainder eut In small pieces) with the other vegetables (all cut small) ; sea son with pepper and salt, adding a small piece of soda, with a quarter of a poand of good but ter, or three tablespoonsful of olive oil, and let boll well together slowly. Other vegetables may be added. Eat with biead or toast. Rcsbias Compost. Take any greens which the season affords, stew In a porridge pot until all texture of tbe greens is entirely destroyed the green water must be (.rained off and thrown away ; stewed carrot may tnen oe aciuetf, or parsnip, Jerusalem artichoke, or pumpkin, and one or more well beaten up eggs ; flavor with a little thyme or other sweet herb aud salt ; mix all thoroughly, and let It get cold. It ought to be as solid as butter. Tomato toos. Slew six ripe tomatoes and pass them through a sieve, add six eggs, half an onion, flnely minced, a quarter ot a pound of ham, minced, and a little salt ; mix toe whole thoroughly in a basin, put It In a frying pan on the fire, and keep stirring with a fork for about ten minutes. Serve very hot on fried toast. AS XXGLISB WOMAN. Freckles. Freckles, says tbe Herald of Health, are not easily washed out of those who bave a florid complexion and are much in tbe sunshine, but the following washes are not ouly harmless, but very much tbe best of anything we know ; Grate horse radish fine ; let it stand a few hours In buttermilk, then strain and nse the wash night and morning. Or squeeze the juice of a lemon Into balf a goblet of water and nse tbe same way. Most of tbe remedies for freck les are poisonous, and can not be nsed with safety. Freckles Indicate a defect la digestion. and consist In deposits of some carbonaceous or fatty matter beneath the scarf skin. The diet should be attended to, and should be of a nature that tbe bowels and kidneys will do tbelr duty. Dally bathing, with much friction, should not be neglected, and tbe Turkish bath taken occasion ally, If agaveajaai.