Kunlmrn Imcnnm. SUNBURY. OCTOBER 1, 1873. Railroad Time Table. ARRIVAL AD DET4.KTUKE OF TKAISS AT SrSBCBT, N. C. R. W.. South. Srie Mail, 13-80 a m Fast Line, 2.00 am Phila. Ex., MO a m Day Ex., 1.00 p m P. & E. R. R. West. Erie Mail, 6.25 a m Niagara Ex., W.83 n. Elmira MaU 4.10 pm Fast Line, 7-05 p m SHA.MOKIK DIVISION, X. C. B. W. UAVl I ARRIVE Express, 12.55 p m MaU, 9.25 a m Mail, 4.25 p m Express, 3.55 pm An accommodation train leaves Shamokin at 7.10 a m, arriving at Mt. Cariucl at 7.40 a m. Returing, leave Mt. Carmel at 6.15 p m, arriv lne at Shamokin 6.45 p m. TlllI, HCKaWAKKA & SbOOMSBLKO R. R. TkS. leave Northumberland as follows .4a a. m., and 4.40 p.m.; arrive at 10.55 a.m.,aud 5.45p.m. D. H & W. R. R. Trains leave at 6.55 a. ra. and arrive at 3.50 p. m. Accidental Insurance Tickets can be bad of J. Shirinan, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. Summer Arraajement for the Vot Olltre at fruubury, Pa. OfflM Open from 6.50 a. ., to 8 p. m.. except Nt Sunday. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrives as follows : From the East at 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m., " South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m. West, 5.15 a. m., 11.15 a. m., l.oo p. m. and 4.10 p.m., North,1.50 a. m.,11.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m. Shamokin aud Mt. Carmel, 9.2a a. m. Shamokin proper, 4.00 p. m. Mails clooe as follows : ..., For the Eat, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 4.0 p. m. 8.00 p. m. South, :0.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m., 8 p. m. West, 10.50 a. m., 3.50 p. m., 8.00 p. m. " North, 3.50 p. ni.. 8 p.m., Shamokin proper 11.15 a. rn. Shamokin and oSces on that route; 4..1 Money orders will not be issued aftef 0 p. m., on Saturdays. gMim p M Joral fffairs. Prairie Flower Fine Cut Tobacco, nt the Post Office building. Nise cars with passengvre from Mt. Carmel and Shamokin, came over the f hamokin Div. N. C. railroad yesterday moruing to attend the fair at this place. Praiuie FuowfiR Fine Cut Tobacco, at the Post Office building-. One hundred nnd ninety-seven railroad tickets were sold at Witsoutown yetftrday morning to persons who attended the fair at thie rlaee. Prairie Flower Fine Cut Tobacco, at the Post Office building. The Nortb'd County Agricultural fair at Dcwart, will commence on the 12ih, and con tinue during the 13th, 14th and 15th. It prom ises to be a grand success. We hope a good portion of our citizens will attend. Large arrival or Rcbbbbs. Five thousaud pairs or rubber boots and shoes, frwh from the New Brunswick factory, the best make now in use. Ladies' 30 cts per pair to 50, mens' 50 to 75 cts gum Boots $2 50 to tZ CO. Elmira and Watsontown boots, and a full line or all kinds or shoes at the lowest prices. Call and examine roy stock. Sept. 24, St. pd. Philip Clahkv A Torso alJerney bcirer astrayed away from the fair grounds on Wednesday night: Anv per son finding it will confer a favor by returning it to Col. David Tapgnrt, at Northiwirbcrland. . . - k .t PrRE Havana cigars at Airs. it. uvcrc t vi-1 car store, In the Poet Office building. ' J Killed o the Railroad. Charles RayVjf , this place, was aecidcctally killed at Lime Ridff.' on the L. & B. R. R-, on. Weuwwoay sigui, oy falling o(T a freight train. lie-was "acting as bmkeman, and was highly efcecmcd as n in dustrious and sober young roan. lie was the sole support of a widowed mother. Ilis death is much regretted by all who knew him. A Card to Ocr Male Readers. Gentlemen I have jnst bought a large lot or Fancy casiinera (rouflbe White Mills for suis. 8ept.S4,3t.--pd. PniLiP Ci.ak. Ocr tailors, dressmakers and milliners are bow but-y getting out seasonable clothjng for their customers. Seeds ! Ijeeds ! ! Clover, Timothy and Tur nip Seeds for sale by Geo. B. Cadwallader, No. 99, Market St., Sunbnry, Pa. July 30.-t . OrK streets presented a lively appearance dur ing the past week. The Daily Ilarrishurg Traph can be bad at the news store of Mrs. R. Wilvert. at the post office building, every day after 4 o'clock p. m. The Telegraph is an afternoon paper, and. will contain all the news np to 12 o'clock on the same .flay. Subscriptions by the week or month will te taken at the above place. Ownio to our time being occupied during the :past week In performing the dunes or Secretary of the Union Park and Agricultural Association In holding their fair, we are unable to give tho usual amount of locals. As the fair is of inter est to the farmers and others, ws consider it a duty to devote our time to the advancement of their interest to the detriment of out own bns'l ji ess. Philip Clark has Jnst received a new supply of black cashmeres end alpacas, and a general line of Drets goods and water-proof doll. Sept. 24. 3t. pd. The Steele property advertised in the Ameri can, .oca ted In Pordytown, has been sold to it. H. Conrad, of the Falruiount Hotel. THE fine hats and caps at S. Fauci's store, on Virtet street, will attract attention next weak. There will be a grand display, such as has never been sceu in Sunbnry, or the very best and most stylh-h bats and caps. Call and see OfR young friend, Ferd. K. mil, Esq., was i agreeably surprised on lant Monday evening on ntering his father's renidcuee by th pncuce of the members o( the Presbyterian chofr. and still more so, by a ecutleman presentipg bim with a beautiful rose wood cane, mounted with a gold "bead, oil which was Inscribed, -Presbyterian Chnrch to F. K. Hill, Esq-, Snubury, Pa., 1875." This testimonial was tendered as an appreciation of the service gratuitouily given by Mr. Hill as roreanlst and leader of the choli or that church. rrriT riet of tlcar and tobacco or the best qualities, are for sale at Mrs. R. Wil vert's tobacco store, in the Post uiuee ouiming. n r. 0 rt(riri iwnfnr 5 cts. equal.to run v v o. fire cent clears can be bad at the post-office. W re Dlaced under obligations to Mr. Ma- thew Ward, of Mt. Carmel, for a fine specimen wi r.lM-d In his lot. The beet weighs a irac tlon less than eleht pounds. Mr. Ward, besides heinff an active business man, finds time to at tend raising vegetables that are scarcely sur In size or wc'uiht. The stock at the Union Park nul Agricultural Hon fair this wci k was the largest col i.,;n .nd Hie lieet ever s- u nt any fair in this part or the country. We met a large number or our larmer friends from different parts of the county during the tMixt wk at the fair at this place. All agree that the fair this year has been better conducted than at any time before. Prohibiting all kinds i- k ;.,n mr,A 1 1,. f liniiors on the fair around, meets with great favor everywhere. Ouuan griuders are on their return trip, seck nr tliL-lr homes in the eattern cities. They are Aeeomine arlstwratlc In their mode or travel Ing, as they now ride on the cars from one place Xo another. , Hugh A. Clarke, Pre. cseor or Music in the 1!nlversitv or Pennsylvania, has given, .n .Clarke's New Method for the Piano Forte, a work which is destiued to supersede instructors Jieretwfore In vogue. It will be sent by mail for :?3.75, by Boon and Music Houses. That soldiers' rc-nuion in Middleburg, Snyder rauiv. is to take place on the 5th of Oct. We .clip the following iu reference thereto from the i..liusirrove Tribntu: "The soldiers ol me ad joining counties are Invited and expected to par- i.iriDs.te with us. In I niou county, apis. vit.iu.it. VtMti-T and Brooks and others have al- ujv- " made a made a move in the right direction K foil regiment from Union Co. is expected. All ( soldiers are expected to snpply themselves with muskets If possible. All are requested to cor, respond freely with the Corresponding Secretary Fire. A little after 12 o'clock on Wednesday a fire broke out in the planing mill of Wagner, Starr & Co., at this place, and by the time the alarm was given the whole building was a sheet of Dame. The mill, together with about 300,000 rcct of lumber was burned, to say nothing or the large stock of doors, sa6h and blinds in nnd about the mill. Undoubtedly the fire was start ed by sparks from the smoke stack. In about fifteen mlnutee after the alarm was given the West Branch steamer was throwing three streams and the nope Hose boys were working heroically. The office connected with the mill was burned, although the safe, books and Tur niture were saved. The stables or Joseph Hollo peter, Daniel Marsh, Isaac Vincent and W. A. Fisher, along the alley, within teu feet of burn ing piles of lumber were saved. The stable and a good portion of the fence around the lot of B. F. Grier was burned. The loss was sixty dollars which has been paid. Wagner, Starr Co.'s loss is near $25,000, with an Insurance or $10,000, six thousand or which is in the Lycoming, the balance in other companies. The wind was blowing an easterly direction and the sparks and scales were blown a great distance, some or them reached as far as McEwcusville. Oue alighted on the house of Dr. J. II. Hunter, on Railroad street, and set it on fire. Al. Cooner ran over and p' it out in less than no time. Good Tor Albert. It it had went on the editor's "siens" would have been in danger across the way. We have neither space or time to par ticularize this week. Wattontomi ftecord. Terrible Death. On Friday cveniug last, about 8 o'clock, Mrs. Lucinda Ellen Stewart, living with her husbaud about a mile west or Paxiuos, was burned to death by the explosion or a kerosene lamp. It appears that she took np a lamp from the kitchen table aud went Into the front room to do something with the clock while Miss Jane neln. who lived with Mrs. S., was clearing off the table in the kitchen. Noticeing an unusual light in the front room she went in and round Mrs. Stewart enveloped in flames Quickly procuring a table cover from the kitchen she threw it around her mistress and smothered the flames and then ran out and screamed for help ; returning to the house she carried the two children to a place of safety fearing the house might burn down. A neighbor who came to her assistance went for Mr. Stewart who had gone away early in the evening. The victim of the accident did not utter a single cry of pain. All her clothing was burned off or her except her shoes and stockings, ner tongue was burned and so much swollen that it filled her month, and she was terribly burned about her breast. When her husband arrived upon the scene he became almost crazed with grief, and we are sure he has the sympathy or the whole com munity. The unfortunate woman lived but a Tew hours after the accident. She was but twenty-three years or age, and in her early death two small children are bereft or a mother's love. 'Squire nelui was notified and summoned a jury who rcudered a verdict in accordance with the above facts. Shamokin Herald. As Outrage bt Tramps. Bernville corres pondent of Reading Eagle writes: "Sunday night last the barn yards of Mr. Jonathan Deck, miller, near this place, and that or his neighbor, Mr. Samuel Seltzer, farmer, were entered by some scoundrels who cut off the four nibbles or each Tour of Mr. Deck's cows and three of Mr. Seltzer's, besides cutting the udders or the poor cows !q a frightful manner. It is, indeed, sick ening and painful lo behold the poor cows suffer ing intense pain, while the milk and blood runs from the cut off stumps. One or Mr. D.'s cow had nearly bled to death when. discovered next niornibg. They were valuable milkers and it falls bard npon both men. They are respecta ble, and have the sympathy of all their neigh bors. The supposition Is that tramps must have done this very fiendish deed, as the public high ways are Kill of these pests. Last week a thief entered the spriug house of Mr. Oxenrider, and stole al! the butter and some milk therefrom. Some one cut the Ulcs aud took about three feet of them from the barn of Wm. Anspach. Tramps are numerous ; from six to fifteen pass here daily." Look to Your Ciiimset. The cool weather we have had a slight experience of admonishes us to get ready for the winter, by looking after stoves aud fire places and flues. As a cotcuipo rary says, chilly mornings aud evenings are often dangerous, especii,11y t0 children and sickly peo ple, in houses which have no felt the warmth ol fire during the entire summer. In many cases 6light repairs are needed before stoves can be used, aud sometimes flues and chimneys are out or order. Now is tho time to have ihese mat ters attended to, while moderate weather will admit of the necessary delay. A little fire occa sionally will be found beneficial as well as com fortable in almost every house ; and dwellings which have been closed all summer should not only be dried out by the kindling or fires, but they should be thoioughly aired whenever there is fine weather before they are occupied. Ne glect ot these precautious may be dangerous and even fatal. Silver Ore. We dropped Into the Bauk or the Shamokin Banking Company, ou Monday last, to look at a piece or silver ore on exhibi tion there. It came from the Santa Eulalia Silon Mines, in which Judge Wm. L. Hclfen stein and Chie! Burgess C. P. Uclfenstein have a large interest. These mines are situated just outside the limits of the City of Chihauhau, Mexico ; have been worked since 1702 by the Spaniards until their overthrow iu 1S22 ; have yielded millions, nnd are said to be still exceed ingly rich in deposits. The specimen ore above referred to is about a foot long, six inches at its greatest width, one inch thick, weighs over sev enteen pounds, and it is said will yield when re duced, about three hundred dollars worth f silver, ir this is a fair Indication of the rich ness or the mines, our friends are certainly the possessors ot a "big bonanza." Shamokin lhrald. Merchant Tailoring. A consideration or the business carried on In this city In the manu facture or the habiliments or man, at once sug gests .he names or a number o? large establish ments which are distinguished by the magnitude or thciiftrausactious, and the amplitude or the stock vftiich the carry, as well as the quality or their toods, the styles and make-np, and the hijrbXncrcantile character they bear. A per sonal inspection or any one of these Merchant Uiloring establishments, if aided by proprietary . . r . T .. I . n rl.lljv. n ir.nnp.1 rtllt line or the extent or the bnsiness, eanuot fail to produce mingled surprise and admiration at the Tast operations which this branch or industry gie rise to. A passing visa 10 ino cstaoiisn ment or the principal one or them all, provokes jstill more surprise and admiration it compclls a tribntc or editorial publicity in the columns or this paptr. And it !s especially due to the es tablishment itteir, that it Is noticed in this man mer, for the number or competent workmen it employs, the quantity and quality or gooes made iuto gentlemen wear, are points which distin guish It as one or the Institutions or the Quaker city. This we tane for o'ir present purpose to apply as much to the management and to the necessity which a certain business creates ; or, rather, at least produces. It is true at any rate, of the merchant tailoring establishment con ductcn by Messrs. Maize A Schwartz, latq Geo. Evans & Co., merchant tailors and cloihlurs, lo cated at No. 110S Market street, this city. The premises occupied b this firm, including Jhc basement, is five stories in height, well lighted, giving the purchaser an opportunity to felcct his material with a certainty. It has a frontage pr S3 feet and a depth of 00 feet. The establish ment Is Indeed a creditaMe merchant tailoring Institution or the city and worthy or CLtnmeufc at our hands. The activity or the proprietors, which is displayed In the transaction or the ex tensiveness of the concern everything is done with a will and for comfort or their patrons. The house, also, from its long standing, is one worthy and reliable, anj is man i rent ly or great importance for the trade to know. Messrs. Maize & Schwartz have given the merchant tai loring business their attention for a number or years, and are necessarily practical, employing none but the most skilled workmen, to insure nrst-ciass work. Added to this, it may alo bo said that each garment which emanates from their establishment, is n.ade under their personal supervision and is subject to close examinatlou before finally disposed of. Teh goods are gotleu up with taste, and in the latest styles. We may also add that Messrs. Maize & Schwartz d" a large business In military uniform an nP nicnts of all kinds, which for beautr"d finish cannot be surpassed. They also wP on Dand a ...v r r(.rtT.n.1ide eiothin fr" ruich lue most fastidious may be s-'l 5 H '9 "ot Jour Blop-Bhop"woik,wl garments put up by the best tailors, a-d llinrte work. TheH",)crs r lue Grm' Msr. E. G. Maize ulvi John S. Schwartz are gentlemen too well knowu iu commercial circles lo need any com ments from us. suffice to say, that their estab lishment to-day is in every way worthy of the proirity it has assumed. -PhifaMphia Coin trure'ud Sept. 23. Mr. E. G. Maize will visit this place next week w ith samples of goods hud take orders for all kinds of Gent's suits. Tub New Depot. Superintendent u. Westfall, accompanied by a civil engineer, was in town on Weduesday and staked out the new depot. Seven car load of stoue arrived on the same day, and the brick having been contracted Tor, work will progress rapidly. -Shamokin Tinitt. A Card to the Pi bi ic The Protective Game and Fish Association of this county desire to call atteution to the fact that large quantities of young black bass are being taken dai!.y in Ihe river below the dam nnd sold iu the market. These young bass arc little yearling fish not lareer than a good sized sun fish, but if left to Srow for another year would weigh from 1) to 2 lbs., besiles they would deposit next year many millions of spawn. The State has been at great expense to pay commissioners and erect breed ing establishments and stock public waters with fish, but their efforts will be fruitless unless sus tained by the people generally. There is no law to prevent their taking them at this season and the only way to protect them Is to frown down the practice of catching them by refusing to purchase. In another year there will be no oc casion to give them any further protection than fornished by the law. We are now paying 20 and 25 cents per ponnd for fish from this river when they should be plenty at 10 cents. the enthusiasm of this occasion, what are we to look for when the Governor makes his appear ance officially in the campaign, as he will the coming month ? Speaking a few days ngo with prominent militia officer, a Democrat, he said "Pershing will loose 10 or 15,000 Democratic votes from his record on the militia question, and the feeling that we do not want such a man at the helm or state during the Centennial ex position." The endeavor to secure him (Persh ing) prestige on account or his cause ip sending the Schuylkill county Commissioners to State's Prison falls to the ground, when it is uniictstood that he only was the mouth-riece, and had to do the duty by the finding of the jury, and that the honor rightly belongs to the candidate for Com missioner npon the Republican ticket in the couuty, who discovered tho fraud, and brought the suit, and pushed it to a successful termina tion, despite the obstacles put iu his way by the Democralic friends of the Commissioners, two of whom were Democrats and one a Republican. As for Democratic reform iook at matters in the com is here under the Democratic District At torney. Parlies in place to know, hesitate not to say, and say it openly, that it is imposible to push to trial any SJit against a prominent De mocrat, and that many such pending both crimi nal and civil are kept off the caleudar. If through dissatisfaction and Democratic iulluence the defeat of Gen. Bingham for Clerk or Court or Quarter Sessions, is successful what may we look for, like Pietro writing from New York, says in your last edition. I beg all may well cousider what they do before they ca6t a ballot, and place our city or State under the incubus or Demo cratic will, that Is weighing so heavily upon the business aud social interests or our neighbor or New York ! This day a week ago was one of unusual excitement here. Iu the morning the jury came in with the verdict or guilty in the Westcrvelt trial, aud about noon the city was electrified by the report that the Centennial buildinjas were on fire. The report proved fortunately to be un true. It being only a shed near them, nsed in boiling tar for the roof. It created as intense heat, aud demonstrated the ucccssity of the ex ercise or greater care. The endiug or all the year's extra rush and preparation in snoke and cinders is too awfol to think of, and every means for their preservation and saretj should be taken. The feeling manifested the excite ment, and fears expressed gave indication of what a strong hold the project had npon the heats of the people. This is too long for more and for the present, I'll cease and sign myself. Yours very truly, Ocasiosaj.. IUupwt's Magazib for October, 1S75. lurper's Magazine for October is an unusually attractive Number. It opens with a beautiful idyll of country life, contributed by Jean luge low, and gracefully Illustrated with six pictures A richly 'illustiated article, entitled "The Land or Lakes," describes Minnesota its resources, natural scenery, and its principal cities, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Junius Henri Browne gives some graphic pic tures or prominent Parisiau Journalists lnelud in" De Girardin, De Cassagnac, About, aud Vealllot, whose portraits illustrate the article. Mr Conway contributes a second paper ou the art treasures ol the South Kensington Museum, profusely illustrated, and giving especial atten tion to the Influence or the Museum in the pro g'ess or Art Education. The most Important paper in the President Woolsey's contribution to the lirst Century" series, entitled "The Experiment of the Union with its Preparations." Besides its value as a historical review of our political growth as a nation, it is alsotinely through Its suggestions as to our immediate situation. Of a lighter character, though by no means trivial, is the Hon. S. S. Cox's paper on "Legis lative Humors," full of racy sketches aud auec- Another ot Caslctler's philosophic papers is given in this Number. ,,, .i .i.i i. .iaHr rini in this countrv for the suggestion and eloquent appeal of Lllis Gray s e1" ... ... . : ,.r Vlmin ' It la tin in. paper on "ine .wssiuu m ..tut.... lensly practical discussion of the prospects of popular musical education in America Juliau Hawthorne's thoroughly healthful and . . .. i t 1 1 romanLln novel. "Garth. ' 13 ' .! a i it. i.rr hi-imrnow readv to be launch ed into the wonderful experience or college Ufa. Of shifrt stories this Number has an unusual vanetVJCharlcs V. liresuier recouum .mt acicriiiic story or Southern life, for which Mr Eytiiige ha made two excellent illustrations t.n;.,. i,.Uar mil. of the most brilliant con .,ii,.nr. tn J'titu-fc. lu "The Popular Idol," tells a downright humorous story of bis romantic ad- . . . .. . c I. U.r.irth..An. veutneet in ireiauu. .ra. r " tributes "A Pair of Sea... ;" ud Louise t An Important Fact. The volnntary testimony or thousands estab lishes beyond all donbt a fact of vital import ance to the sick and debilitated, viz, that nos. tetter's Stomach Bitters is an absointe specific for remittent and intermittent fever, dyspepsia, cnnstiDation. biliousness, mental depression. sleeplessness, chronic diarrhoea, and all diseases of the stomach, liver and bowels. The an medicated stimulants usually prescribed in these cases only aggravate the symptoms, instead of removing them. The Bitters, on the contrary, act as a corrective and invigorant, without pro ducing the unpleasant and dangerous conse quences or the old school (practice. The action is mild and soothing to the irritated stomach and bowels, promoting digestion and preventing flatulency, nausea, headache and all intestinal irregularities. A wincglassfol before meals greatly assists digestion. The convalescent may use them with great benefit, ns a means or re storing strength and cheerfulness. A Snake With Ears. A large snake, sup posed to be of the swamp species, was killed on Saturday afternoon last, about one mile and a half from Bcckersville, this county, by Elhan non nausei. Mr. nauscr was 6ut on a hill cut ting wood when a boy named Garman told hire that In the road just below, a large snake was lying. Mr. Hauscr left his work and went to . . . i 1. ,n, I n whun Itn tne place ana me puhkc irmua - - .itt with Kttlelt and killed It. n meoeurert 1 ler aiouuou, - . . " "7 :t ..', Besides Jean lngeiow s l'""t nodical conlilbutions vy t. . "J. Lomsi F. W. Bourdillon, Nelly M. Hutchinson, msincss iVals. OCTnC.'n)ft"erDa5'at'u,me- Terms free. Address tJJ 1UJ)SU G. Siiksob k Co., Portlaud, Maine. Jan. 22, 1875. ly. WriirM vnn on t.n PhilHrlnlnhia. nt.nn nt J f." 1 , 1 the Allegheny IIouse, No. 812 and 814, Murtrnf XI ftfl.fi t.tji. rp-fnrnisliprl t,p. by A. Beck, Proprietor, and price only $2 j per aay. A first class, new Piano of the very best make, will be sold at a reduction or one third its value. Also, a second band Cabinet Organ, nearly new, for a little over half price. Enquire of H. B. Masser. Clear Havana cigars for sale at the Post Office building. Spring Uats.--A laree assortment of Spnnz and Summer Hats have just been received at S. Fust's Hat Store, on Market square, Sunbnry. Stylish Hats of the latest fashion are sold at the most reasonable prices. Xrt'atn.T T T TTnnfar Ti i a 1 a f ol w r.mATtrl Ti i a .n.llnnt tmitalnal In.tpnmon.t tntn t H i Vi ti 1 1 I ! n rr on Fourth street, below Market, nearly opposite mcnts of the most improved styles and make are kept in his establishment. Parlor Organs, Pianos or the best manufacture in the country will bejbund at bis store. He is aiso agent for the best sewing machines sow in use. T1 if a fin-ltt minlnr. D.wh.bi'i.." RAartt.rr tmn chine, on account of its many points of superi ority, has a better demand than any other manu factured, and takes the lead with the public over I - . 1 1 . . !. mnenmes long resarueu as iue uci. aisu inu new Grover and Biker sewing machine not sur passed by any other. Orders for these machines will be promptly lined by .Miss Caroline Dauus, agent. tn..nnD r;c n rv, lino i ii,......! r. i.lrll ' I 'j It I .O .HID3 J tI.LIU. IO .Illy .lljll. 1UI the sale of Parloi Organs, Pianos, and all kinds oi musical iiiMrunenis. ine very est icwru mects are furniaied on short notices at prices to suit times. Ctll or address, C. DALIITS, So. 93. Market St.. Sunbnry. Obstacles to Marriage. TTnnTiV T?t.l i r t, i Ynnt.iT ftn frtm t ht stiTooi of Errors and Atuses in" early life. Manhood icriorep. unpeuinenis 10 fliarnage removea. New methed of trear.ment. New and remarka ble reiacdics. Booh) and Circulars sent free, in sealed cnvcloper. Address, HOWARD AS SOCIATION, 419 N. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., an Institution hating a high reputation for honorable coiduct and professional skill. May 28, 187Wy. On the evening or the lstnst. , at the residence or the bride's parents in ltoona, Pa., by the Rev. William Sbadarach' D.-v assisted by Rev. E. II. Lclsenrlng, J. . 1.Eisb.r1N0 0f tne law firm or btevens iV Leisennngf Tyrone, (for merly of J-linsgrove, Hazleton Sunbury) tf Miss Annie M.. eldest dauchte. r w to 11 feet 4 inches. The most surprising thing Is tfiat it had two well developed ears on its bead, two and a half inches lougi It was skinned and will be smiled. Mr. Hauser think he will take Cherry, of Altoona. Iu Sunbury, August 2jth, by Eer . C. Wheat, Mr. Conrad D. Hcbbs, or iaontown to Miss Alice London, of Snnbnry. ' At the M. E. parsonage in Trevorton, the Kin inst'., by Rev. G. H. Day, Mr. Theodoie F. Ktittle, or Shenandoah, and Miss Ella Cm. LtK, or Llewellyn. Sept. Cth, by Rev. U. C. naithcox, Edward J. YtAftER and Miss Sali.ie E. Gret, both of Pax. sktos, this county. In New Berlin on tbo 2d uU., by Rev. k. fearick, Charles B. Dkumm, of Mile Run, this county, to Miss Maogie S. Catherman, of New Benin i the Centennial. Heading Timet. -The Use. op Promissory Notes. The Com missioner ofinternal Revenue has decided that promissory notes made and used in the ordinary eoursbor business according to the custom of banks and merchants need not be stamped. But if notes are lu any way substituted for checks and kept ns vouchers they are held to be subject to the (two cent) stamp tax. Godet's Lady's Book for October has for Jts frontispiece a very boautliulI engraving, en titled "Fall Game." . Tne fashion plates, with ti.t irlllnciiain the attention of the ladies, fallf, RudAhen patterns, music, misccl- laneourw8ipK:,n"cr' &c eomIletc tUo num' her N1adyib'oind bo without Hodey. ,'r - . " - We h tW1 pleasure of drivaon the Dcwart track oufeatjjr?ay cveulng last, and do not besi t.t.r fbat we consider it as flue a one as v . 1 ..iinaptntPTIll. ... .. . . ..t A The Editorial Departments admirably cov.r their respective fields. . nr.nnto Tho first pace of Srribue'r'a Monthly for October has a design by John LaFar-e, N. A., accompanying the oauaa of "Jessumiue," by ueorgo rarsou. Major rowell.ine -rr.-Tr nr. Pl?t ri.i Ttolhe Grand Canon" of tbe Colarado, Ckus- we ever Bdw. Its construction waRwu'enunuu- i Yerneg "Mysterious Island" appears in Its i ed bv Jacob Kretncr, or that place.'Vho "is an jened form, but occupies more space than lr. H Mr ..rr, alridT described in that Muitiuiue. In the present article he tells thctrairtc fate or the small oauu wuu icji, uu .ir.ri.ur tiin former eXDcdillon. Ma- Ultt ! 1 1 Lli. I il UU....I. . .. . . lor Powell introduces a curious Indian story iu ilic course ol uxuftmuc -t. a- .. lv.:....j m rimArkable RtadT of roe. ou- der the title or "A Mad Man or Letters." u. L. i vtf enlleclions of Liszt and on Bulow;' t...t i iu..iih. SL ilmnii ronclndes what he I.UIIIU1"IVUii.-i- has to say about 4-Mlnor Ictorlan Poets," prior to the publication ot this series in book form by ! .... 1- ...t.lu .... !....' mrt . .. . . , . J. " - III. . UI'LlllllE 1.1 I 111.1 .1.1.1. .CI .v Vbr,.rtu. . -e-- described by Byron D. Ualsted (the lllustrailoons of this paper are noticeable); Mr. Frank S. h variations." the story nropivrrni. Warrior and Statesman ;"Mr. Walk- .... ...ii. .. ..'I I.a WiiithroD-Drui-v Atlkir :" Dr. CI I.C1ID H W".. . , , ' . . . . . . II I T.. Holland continues nis-uiorj ii oeveouaKs; ttuics Verne's "Mysterious Island" appears in its con- adept nt the business, and does well anything he undertakes. It is a credit to the Nyrtnumotr. land County Agriqujlural fioelety .Vi7fooi. i ' We call attentioufto the cardor Messrs. Buck wnltor fe Co.. Banters aud Brokers, 10 Wall St. rme.,1. put up o, tne orc the same as custom - , inlrUsted lo rcilavnc m t j them will be promptly executed. They are large dealers in Railroad Stocks, Bonds, lold ana Stock Privileges and can give the best or refer ences ; and they solicit correspondence with any who may wish investments made in Wall street. Send for their Circular. Ai l the late styles or Ready made clothing and new stock of gents' furnishing goods are being opened at Messrs. Simon & Oppeuheimcr s Central Clothing torc, corner of Market aud Third etreets, preparatory for the fair next week. Their store oresents a fine appearance, and with the large amount of goods scored on the shelves and couuters there is better satisfaction in buy ing than in any city establishment. The prices are such that everybody can aflord to procure a ( new suit for a very low price. . . . ns r, 1 . .. n A I h I'm la a "Plea for Sliooers" by au f...nMa writfr. The roets of tho number besides Mr. Ltbrop, are Susan Coolidge, K. K., Mary L. Kilter, wunau uiucricu v umu- . k. ih. antl.nr nf ".Ii'nniH Morrisun")' UUB bWIU VJ .1. ' ' H. H.,Kate Carlisle, Mary E. Bradley, George A. Baker, Jr., aud K. W. G. Dr. Holland, in Topics of the Time, discusses n..h.. " "Oueus'.ve Peoole. "A Word r,.r.i... Wn..i..n." and "The Slow Times." The Old Cabinet 1s concerned with "How Badly We Do U " Home uud Society, Culture and Pro gress, TUo World's Work' and Bric-a-Brae have I their usual variety. KUXBLKY MARKETS. Scnbiut, Sept Wheat per bushel " prime white " Ilye per bush " Corn " Tnt R Extra Family pr bbl common TJ .. 1. .V, - wucki. uvai Fxd Corn A; Oats Chop pr ltio i " Shorts tt Mixture ... Postoes, fcc per bushel rnrriioN uani per lb snouiaerpr id liaeon pr lb Beef, retail pr lb Veal, do do llrln l MnaT nr IK u ii. i. a, i. . 7. ............ Ponnr Chickens, dressed pr lb Iln. live wi'ltrht BrTrt Prime per lb Eggs Per dozen 30, 1815. (1.30(41.40 1.12fifil.25 75(80 50(3,60 5.507.50 5.507.00 4.00 -i.noffn. i.rtori.75 sorai.oo 10(420 14(a;lS 10 12 14fn-20 10f418 25(0,30 12(415 10(c.13 30(435 13(420 JJeto Sbbtrlismfnfs. fit V:- Oct. lw. ilv muranteeit luitiir our Well Auger Ji I'rilU. f let) mouth paid to good Agents. Auir book fr. ILZ ArOKR H I O, Ml. UWU, SlO. AacXT4'ANTKn! Medal aud Iiloiun Awardn.1 for Holjiaj BTfiTflDTlT DTUTPsJ New 1 lUlUlllAU D1UJJUO 13 llliralioua. Addrera lur ut circulai, A. 1. liULUAA CO., 93d Arcb street. I'UHu. Uft. 1, iw. M . . , w,VW " - - So TO $50 Kcbbeus! Ucodeks! RUKBEK3 ! Three thai saud five bvindred pairs of rubber boots aid I shoes, fresh from New Brunswick aud oth;r inanufacturies. Best;rubbers 50 cents per par. Ladies' New Brunswick rubbers 40 cents, ien's gum boots (3.25, aud ajl rubbers will be old iu ... t o-n ... . - ...J I..... rnK proporilOII. villi m iiw a il u u uj juii .Mi, bcrs. bvnn Brotubf, Sunbur, Pn. II E 950,000 UO. A..4. lurmtea iu n.u 8I.. o:ien U to a Fortuur. l ull tiiM.lnm Kt.i.t frt. Ad- rrwi PEDLETON k BEAD, 05 Wall atrwt, New York. Oct, 1, f. . 1 T? ATriEl.lanatory Circular how 10 to 1 f A f n ) UlS J$300iuvegtel iu Stock PriTiltyrs, PA U IU ? I V I has paid aud will pay Large Pro- QAIl 'IlJjlittta Kuilroad Stocks, Bonds QUJ id tiold WugJt on Margins. Intsnut Six Per Celt. Jowed oudfit aubjt to sight draft. Bucsw.I IB k Co .B-ukorsaud Brokew, No. 10 Wall Strt, r York, f O. Box ai7. Q-t. t, " for COUGLS, COLDS, 110 tiRSEXSSS, AND ALL TIIIIOAT DISEASIS, Uso RCLLiN CARBOLIC TABJETS. prT CP ONLY IS BLUE BOXES. tV TRIED AND SUltE KEMJDY. 4ld bT DriiririaU. O. 1, 4w. The Gaxite of to-day contains a long apology, which is as lame as it is long, in a vain endeavor lo excue the conduct of the Gazette and the Democrat lu regard to thecourse pursued by these papers towards the fair or the Union Park and Ag ricultural Association or this place. A simple perusal of the artiele alone will satisfy any can did mind that the editor felt coneious that he had committed an egregious blunder If notliiui: worse, iu atlemi.ting to cUort money from the officers or the association, and which some un charitable people might be tempted to call black mailing. Ths editor of the Democrat does not deny that his object was to force as much money as possible from the officers, and bom editors justify such conduct. We have no lime or space to say more in this isrue, tint win reier 10 n again. Itfttrr From Iliilalelpblw " Phii.adei.pbia, Sept. S, 1875. Frietvl IHinrrf : , ' Once moro I will endeavor to pen you a tew ciude lines, incited thereto by the glorious meeting we had last Saturday cvctilng. It was the ratification meeting, and it was a crand success. I've seen big crowds in that lo cality, the Horticultural Hall, having lived un der the shadow of it for a long lime ; but I've uevcr seen such as jammed the street from Chest nut to Piuc, and flowed In and out of the hall and crowded il inside seats, aisfes aud galleries. H was the first appearance or the campaign or both the "Veteran" aud. '-Cameron" clubs; neither or which are in the habl', of parading, except upon grand occasions.. The "Veterans" as I mentioned in my last are composed entirely ol soldiers, sailors and marines or the late war ; ; Tub finest suits or clothiug made nj by that Veteran tailor John F. 6cbaeffer, on T.'rd St., below Market, will be one of the featuts at the fiilr. A large number of sniu have Italy been made up for young men who will be is attend ance. All are good fits. Every gainent made at Scbaffer's is noticed as firsi-clar, while lh prices are extremely low. $5Q to $10,000 HUB OWU Ol VCTICU in OlWa ffiiiiroi""'' f",v 900 1 cSS. . Profit. 1 "low to uo u," a uooa on rtau b.. fTESBRIDGE a CO., Bankers and rokrn. a Wall St.. iew York. V O-1. Agests wantedlor a first-classitifa Insurarce company, workiii' under the no-forfeiture lw of Massachuset, with good re'able men liter al arrangeu.en will be mnd Address, with refereuce, W'f' L. Garrett, 15' South Fourt St., Plilladelphi? S- 24, '75. lu. J or jr l,i for first Moidajf oTOctober Barnhartllarast Washington. John Bo-'t Cameron. Jacob Clt Sunbury, W. W. James Lewis. John (thcart, IV-laware. . 1 ttr Mt. ITi.r.nol hnrtl. 1 ui buiuii-i --" " I f. 11 ur 1 ----- " ... , , ... . . Arr,i and your correspondent has the honor or being Cuari Ditty, bhamoki", Tu fair cr the L uion Park and Agricultural J nrl,flnI,a,,on. In our front Aarrr, Little M-h.noy. ...1. , SanW nst, fcr., s?uuoury . . .. . knl,.il tolurnnc I 11 - . . tanks tuai nigiu wero m n" j uv Col. Mooiehead and our Vice President, Gen. Sclfridge. The Governor who happened to be iu the city, reviewed us at several places, witb- nni nr L nnorlliri- till afterwads : aua It erativcu " c - ' i . i ..,. ,Annrt lmn- tun ir.ir.rv tun. nuamuKiii iw i. lue oovs Ereai jr vo ucnt mo . j - 3 J . .. .. U'..raliimr Shnnlokill. IT D. i.-i.i " nl..,. .lih hl favor tf CHID. t uiu iiiu.i r.u fiv. . f ii ii KnnnRp. KhamoKin. r Our appearance aud passing through e hall, Jacob" Knne. Shamokin twp. ws greeted with long continued chefnr. ""n DaVid P. Martz, 8lmiuoklr4wp. ou, lattcred old flags received even ter bon John Krissmer, or. Outside Pror. Jackson was sc'" "'V iuM "",., p. Muffley. Turbut. , oi tw;'" ,..,.,,.- Mt. Carrael two. , l jacoo '-:.. i .John V uoanei, -" ' r- Ablation, at tills place, which commenced on Tuesday last, was a complete success in almost every respect Aud this too, nolbwithhtaiiding an other fair was in operation at Milton,on me same day, and Ihe "two leading journals" as they call themselves lu Sunbury, ihougbt they wouia juelcb the thing by refraining to uot'ice it. Like the frog in Ihe fable, in trying toeularge himself by Wowing they bun-ted lu the vain etlorl. i lie entries numbered 740, and the articles on exhi bition were highly creditable. We cannot at tills lute hour attempt to notice the fair, as the engagements or the junior editor as Secretary, left him no time. A rull account win oa gicu nfrt week. We can only say that the exhibition far exceeded the sanguine expectations of its best friends. TJftim.nf.ii. Messrs. Marr, Dcwart and Green ough returned from their pedestrian lour o Cooperstown, N. T., on Friday last. They re j port of having a good time- nnd iook mucn im CurUn Goiusert, Cameron. iot W tiamer, mruui. I rb Hout, Turbut. i.cl L. Hill, Lewis. W. Horner. Sunbnry. rastns Hoffman, jiusu. .,.i,.rh nm irnrta. The fiure UJUDl D aa av. V J V - A A.. II n ... incet'ng, after the great crowd f - courajing, was tbe presence p-"-p r . i ,.,oscd us being ln- orso nany who In ti P . flucncel by the liberal ' and thevile slanders onr fallant candl datc moit able reporf-d 1 '"'8 tto- . j i ... nn if tbe office, ana -ow factory idmimstrat-on luc .,',.. ror ... , ' . . mm -.pTag to admit the error, like hono-able men w rnMnf power or tie mc" 1 " y. - Wm. Owen, ssnamoKiu. KUaS Feller, -4ckso. Daniel 11. r.o'.rmei. -.." r Jacb F. BOO r-uoui-, . Godfrey Rociefell Bi.i, Jno. F. Bothermel, SincuA Jf. .. Emannel M- ePa' Malionoy. t Vfi Peter Thorn;' Jac0.n- ' tVia i- Wy nn, Low.r Augista. rfcuben Wolf, Jiwer AiBta.- - t ' . ' AGENT'S OUTFIT FREE! Urge Commissions and Cash Pnmlums FOR EELLINS A LBRARY OF FAMOUS FCTION, cfivPmsmG rn tes JeveU of Imaginative L,it-ratnret PltOUM'S PROOKESS, PlCAK OF WAKEFIELD, toniiRO! CncsoE. Pacl and'ikginia, Ouu.ver'8 Jravels, Euzabeth Vituik,- Fi:-liM.A, Ukdine, Tales from iviM.v.v ohts, rv...;j in fiVE VOLUME of ovrt.CD0 niures. Ijtautifully ill ut rated with 34 full-paje Eugrav- n CS. it is Uie WORLD'S STORT BOOK, amliilbl.iii in mil il . Ai'pnl'a Outfit fret tn all who mean business and will fhlthfuliy can vass. Oct. 1.IS73. J. B. FORD&C0-, 27 Part Place. New York. GOOD PAY FOB AGENTS. "Oat of tbe Hurjly Barly. By MAX A DELE R. is the best book of its kind in print. And it is a good kind, for yon laugh over almost every page, and reel Deuer lor it after wards. "Quaint, graphic, and perfectly natural ; its antbor Is a wit ot the first water." London (England Fiearn. "Full of fun, but more full of sense; everywhere fresh, original, ingenious, droll, and delightful." Gardener's Magazine, (London iKngland. "Surpasses anything in its line which we have bad for years." Chicago Inter Ocean. "Every way satisfactory" Phila. Ledger. "As comical as anything ever written by Tom Hood." f Phila. Evening Bul letin. Inimitable" Louisville Ledge. '-Full of the richest humor." Toledo Blade. "Con tains food for mirtb enough to defy all the wrinkled care of Christendom" Brooklyn Ar gus. Has nearly 400 fine original engravings. and, being low in price, sells immensely, (throush Agent only 1. Exclusive territory given. Bend to the publishers, and eet tbe points. Address, GEORGE MACLEAN & CO., Philadelphia. Cincinnati (whichever Is nearest you). ttept. 3, l m. When you visit Philadelhia, call and see SilBl. HEH.IUEE, - XOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that I have pur . chased the following articles of personal property at Constable Sale, on the 12th day Au gust, 1S75, as tbe property of Wesley Deitrich of Jackson township, Northumberland connty. Pa., and have loaned the same to him duriug my will and pleasure : z beds and bedding, 1 lounge, 6 cnin-bottom chairs, 6 other chairs, 1 parlor cooking stove, 1 cupboard. 1 book-case, 1 cook stove, 1 morning glory stove, 27 yards of carpet, 2 rocking chairs, 1 Bread-box, I clock, and his interest of a lot of tobacco in the ground, fce. JOHN 1. REED. Shamokin twp., Aug., 20, 1075. 3t. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order, issued out of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland connty, and directed to the undersigned, Administrator of tbe estate of Joseph Troutmau, late of Jor dan township, Northumberland county, Pa., de ceased, will be exposed to public sale at the Pub lic House of Ellas Fagely in Jordan township, on Saturday, October 2d, 1S75, The following described Real Estate, viz : All that certain tract or PIECE OF LAND, Situute in Jordan township, Northumberland county, Pa., bounded on the north by Samuel Teager ; on the south by land of William Stro hecker ; on the east by land of Henry H. Shadel. and ou the west by land of Jacob Latsha, unim proved, containing THIRTY A CUES, More or less. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day, when terms will be made known by DAVID T. TROUTMAN, Adm'r. Jordan twp., Sept. 10, 1875. Nptice or Application for Charter. NOTICE is hereby given, that an application will be made to John F. Hartrantt, Gover nor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in pursuance or an act of Assembly of said Com monwealth, entitled, "An Act to provide for tbe incorporation aud regulation or certain corpora tions," approved April 29th, A. D. 1&74, for let ters patent incorporating the subscribers thereto into a body corporate, entitled, "Ccutcnial Build ing and Loan Association of Monnt Carmel," the bnsiness of which is to be transacted in tho borough of Monnt Carmel, county of Northum berland, and State of Pennsylvania. The ob jects and character of the said association shall be the accumulation or a fund from monthly dues, fines, premiums and interest on loans to purchase real estate, erect buildings or pay off mortgages, and such other purposes as provided for, by act of Assembly, and tor these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all tbe rights, benefits and priviligcs of the s ild act of Assembly. S. A. BERGSTRESSER, BERNARD HARVEY, JERMIAH HARVEY, BERNARD BRESLIN, PATRICK BURK, II. D. ROTHERMEL and others. Monnt Carmel, Pa., Sept. 24, 1S65.-31. Order of Court. And now, August 0th, 1375. In pursuance of the first Section of the Act of Assembly of this Commonwealth approved the ISth day of March, A. D. 1875, entitled "An Act to authorize the Judges of tbe several Courts throughout tbe Commonwealth to fix tbe num ber of regular terms of said several Courts and the times for holding the same, the time for summoning the Grand Jury and for the Returns of Constables, Aldermen and Justices of the Peace to the same," it is hereby ordered by the Judges or the several Courts or Northumberland Connty, chat the regular terms of the Court of Common Pleas of the said County of Nortbnm- bciland shall be holdcn five times in every year, at the Court House, In the borough of Sn" bury, to wit : On the first Monday " January J ' i . t .i r to contiuue two weeks, on ine mcirau .wuuuaj i March to continue two weeks, on the llrsi .Moo- day ot June to contiuue two weeks, on tbe first Monday of August to couliuue two weeas, auu n the second aiounay oi aoiemoer iu cuu.iuuu two- -,i., r tin. business deDendinir in ihe said Conrt shall iv,ire tt ; provided that tho Conrt mav, by a special u.a, hridee or enlarze the said terms in accordance with the Act of Assem bly in such case made and provided, as ihe opiuion of the Judges the business may require. It is further ordered that me Conrt of Quarter Sessions of tbe Peace of Northumberland Conn ty shall be holdcn five times in every year, that said Conrt shall commence on the several days appointed for the commencement or tbe Conrt of Common Pleas of said county, and shall continue during the tarns time, if the busi ness depending in ine saiu conn snnu require it. It is further ordered Ihnt the Court of Oyer and Trmilnrr nniTTmrnrai- im nullum j lu . and for said county of Northumberland sbail be holden five times annually, at the several times appoint ed for holding tbe Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace or the said connty. It is further or dered that tbe Orphans' Court or said county or Northumberland nall beheld ave times annually during each term or the Court or Common Pleas or snid county, md nt such other limes as the Judge or Judges tbcrcor shall think necessary or proper, it is arectea mat mis order eiiuii bo published in no, less than two newspapers in the county at lea thirty days before next terra. that being the time tlvetl lor the taking e licet of this oreVr. P. C. From the record, LLOYD T. ROHRBACII, Prothonotarv, &c. Snnbury, Sep. 17, 1S75. 4t. " "public sale" OF REAL. ESTATE. WILi. be sold at the public house of nenry c'ourad in Purdytown, Northumberland CQBLty. Pa., on FRIDtY, THE 24th DAY SEPTEMBER, 1S75, 1 that certain half interest in a lot of ground sitiated in Pnrdytown, being SO feet front on Market street, and 200 feet in depth, adjoining lets or George Conrad on the west, and Alfred Fnssolii on tbe east, whereon Is erected a FRAME DWELLING IIOUSE, cnntalaing 5 rooms and an entry. A two Etory bakery with an oven, a lew slaughter house, stable and necessary outbuildings, a lot of choice fruit, &c, Ac. A "so, at the same time and place, a lot of baker's ntensils, late the property of Messrs. Steele Bro. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. m., of said day, hen conditions will be made known by. AMOS STEELE, Surviving partner and Executor of W. J. Steele, deceased. N. B. Persons buying the above property will afeo be offered the other half iuterest of the said lot of ground. A. STEELE. Purdytown, Sept. 3, 1875. TriMtre's Kale orilal Estate- PURStANT to an orde of the Orphans' Cour. of NorthumbcrtoBd 'county, will be exposed to sale by public vtniue ot ornery, ui trie court iinuse, iu ine miuiji. -t P:.. nn WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 29th, A. D. 1S73-, n -to n...iir iirti.ft fnrptiAnD. ilia rniiowinir .in scribe- Real Estate of Charles Hoilmau, deceased, to will A certain messuage or tvo tots of ground, sit uate in tbe Borongh of Suibory, connty of Northumberland, and Sta'e f Pennsylvania, bounded and describd as tji jwb, to wil : Front ing m Main streeid bou'n.ted n the west by an alley i ou the rt, by lan ls Mrs. Rosetta De Wart on td etist by a lot late or Sebastian Haupt, :ceased, and being one hundred and ic'vrnty feet or thereabouts in-front on Market sircr-i, and two hundred and fifty feet or there about in depth, whereon is erected a one and oue-halT story rrame honse andframc stable, being fart of outot 'o. even In the original plan of .ia borough. B-n-IOTBERMEL. v ' Trustee. Sunbnry, Sept. 10, 1875. 5 RULE OS HEIRS. Commonwealth or Pennsylvania, oq County or Northumberland. Al an Orphans' Court, held at Sunbury, in aDd for said county on the thirteenth day or August, A. D. 1875, before the Hon. Wm. M. Rockefeller, President, and Joseph Nicely, Esq.. Associate, judges of said Court. In re of the estate of Samuel Hales, late of Sba- L.S. mokin township, Northumberland conu-v-v- ty. Pa., deceased. On motion or 8. P. Wolverton, Esq., Att'y for Rebecca Tharp, the Court granted a rule direct ed to Rebecca Tharp, a sister of said Samuel Hales, dee'd. inter-married with W. C. Tbrp, residing in Shamokin township, Northumberland couuty, Pa. The children and hciis or John Hales, lata of Lycomlug county. Pa., dc'd, viz : Isaac Hales, residing at or near Montgomery Station, Lycoming Co., Pa., Jane Inter-married with Usher, residing al or near Amooy. Lee county, Illinois, John W. Hales, residing, -t or near Beatrice, Ggo county, Nebraska, Ed ward Hales, residing at 1409 K, 21st St., rblla. delphia, Pa., and Nathan Hales, residing at 328 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. The children and bir of Sarah Hales, inlir-marrlcd with John Watts, both of whom are nw deceased, viz : Hunry Watts, residing at or near North umberland, Northumberland Co., Pa. John Watts and William Watts, residing at Hartford, Warren Co., Iowa. The children and heirs of John Lamberson and Elizabeth Laaix-raon, for merly lies, and a sister or said 8am.ei Hales, deceased, at who are now both deceased. The children and tbtAr residences being as i.ilows : Belinda Lamberson an Miriam Lambersou now residing at or near Pomcroy P. O., Mage rj Tli io ; John Lamberson, (residence unknown . ILnnah Lamberson, Inter-married with Catitine Hales, Inter-married with John F. v ltron, (residence nuknawn.j Ueirs and per sons intet.sied in said eate and all other per sons interested, to be aJd appear before the Hon orable tbe Juiges of id Court, at a Conrt to be held at Sunbur. on.be second Monday of No vember, A. D. 1875, t ten and there to accept or refuse the real estate )t (aid decedent at the ap praised valuation pr upon It by the inquest duly returned. In testimony wbreof, I have hereunto set my name and the scaler tbe Conrt at Sunbury, this elgth day of Septcnber, A. D. 187S. GE). B. KEIMENSNTDER, , Deputy Clerk O. C. Snnbnry, Sfpt. 7, 1875. 3t. WITH Til O O o Til GO SO O -J UJ O -J I XL '5 o n r u z 03 o c Til WHO SELLS SflLID lALNUT MARBLE TOP CHAMBER SUITS FOR $55.00. Parlar Suits in Hair Cloth or Fancy Reps from $50 up. Mi Ms ii Plnsli from $90 1 Walnut Dressing Case Suits, $68.00. y- Best Wire Wove Spring Jattress. ALL OTHER GOODS EQUALLY LOW. Feathers in Pillows or by the Pound, GIVE HIM A CALL1 Sept. 17, 1875. ly. OF NEW I BOTH IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Wl$BWmYP$LX, y rf" OWE Now that trade is reviving MARX & BRO. will receive Xcw Goods once or twice every week. We bny all our Good?, the Jeat ns well as the poorest, at BOTTOMPrices! BOTTOM Prices! which enables us to sell accordingly. AVe will not enumerate our goods, but the public are invited to come and look at oar stock. It attbrds ns pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not. Give tis n call and exam i rwquali tvL-oflG ooda. and Prices. Yours Trulv, . Masonic Building, Sunbury. X. 11. KID GLOVES of our own importation on hand in large quanti ties. e guarantee even' pair. Also a lanre number of immrt'wl nrfW which we have not space to enumerate. Notice to the Heirs and Legal Rep reentatiTes of George Getae aud Catherine Geise.late of the Town ship or Jordan Connty or Aorth umberland, and Ntate of I'ennsyl vania, Deceased. 8ur writ of Partition, Novemlier Term, 1875. To David Geise, Benevllle Gelse, George Gciw, Rachel Wensel, Elizabeth Lesher : Take notice, that an inquest will be held on the premises of George Geise and Catbarioe Geise, deceased, in the township of Jordan, connty of Northumberland aforesaid, on Saturday the 'Jth day of October. A. D. 1ST5, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to value and divide certain real estate of said deceased, to wit : Two cer tain tracts or pieces of land situate In Jordan township, Northumberland county, Pa., one thereof adjoining lauds of John Kressingcr and Abram Adams, containing one acre more or less, on which are erected a two-story dwelling honse, a stable and out bnildinirs. Tbe other thereof udjolniu lands of Davis Dorn mover, John Krcs singer, Isaac Rebuck and others, containing twenty-live acres more or less; also a certain tract or piece of land situate as aforesaid, ad joining lands of David 3chwartz,Josiah Schwartz, Peter Schwartz, Samnei terser and John Daniel, containing ouo hundred acres more or less, on which are erected a two-story dwelling honse, a bank barn and out buildinc, to and among the heirs and legal reprexeutatives, if the same can be done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof, otherwise to value aud appraise the same according to law, at which timo and place yon are requested to attend if you think proper. f. If. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Suubury, Pa., Aug. 27, '75. 3t XOTKE. Commonwealth or Pennsylvania, f Couuty of Northumberland. At an Orphans' Court holden at Sundry, in aud for said conn. on the fourth day o-'August, A. D. 1S75, before the Hon. Wm. M. Rockefeller, President Jtwe, and Joseph Nice'y. Esq., his jusociate, Judges of sari Court npon L.S. ' 'be petition of G. W. Zieglei attorney v ' for Thomas R. Evans, one ot the htir at ww of David Lloyd, dee'd, The Court grant . a rule on you Mrs. Ann Beunet of Belluview. iiuzeme ooimty, Pa., and Thomas R. Emus tbe petitioner, the only known heirs of the said David Lloyd, late of tho Borough of Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pa., dee'd, to come into Conrt on the second Monday of November, A. D. 1375, and accept or refuso the real estate of said dee'd, at tbe valuation or show cause why tbe same should not bu sold according to the Act of Assembly in such case made and pro vided. Wituess the non. William M. Rockefeller, President Judge of the said Court at Snubury, this eighteeulb day of August, A. D. 1875. GEO, B. REIMENSN YDER, Aug. 27, 187.1. Drp. Clerk O. C. ORPIIVVV tOlBT SALE OF VA I.VA BLF. REA L ESTATE. IN pursuam-e of an onkr of th Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will beev- io saic oy puone vendue or outcry, on Friday, October Sth, 173, On the premises, in Lower Mahanoy township, In Mahantongo Valley, the following Rl Es tate, to wit : Purpart No. 1. A TRACT OF LAS Dl Situate in Lower Mahanov township, Northum berland county, Pa., adjoining land of Michs.-l Heckcrt and Em'l Hcckert, Purpart No. S, of estate or Philip Heckert, deceased, Wm. Binga man, Adam Kudyiill aud aud others, emuaiuin" 10. acres and I -Hi perches. Whereon are ererfed a large DWELLING HOUSE .AXDBAXKJLLRX, Wagon Slicd, Spring House and all neeessary out building., Cider Presa, aa Orchard with choice rruit. The tract is In a high state of cI tivation and well watered by running springs. x ALSO : Purpart No. S. A tract of land, situated in Lowur Mahar.oy township, Northnmbcrland county, Pa., a foiuing lands of George Brosious, John Patrick, Wm. Duppcnud others, eontain- .-ii-ira aim u-t (icrciica. a coot icq acres of which is well timbered t"d the balance in a good state of cultivations, -ad well watered with run ning spring - wtc tne ,tate of phju- Hert deceased- Sale-o commence at 10 oMbck, A. M., on said dav. when the condition of sale will be made jrjown by KM'L HECKERT, AdminUrator, of Pniu Uetkest, DecMeI. Lower .Mahanoy twp., Sept. 10. 1S75. TWEXTY-TI1IBD ASM AL E.HI-KITIU.X COAL, FLOUR, Git A I. AM) niOM PIIATC. TOE undersigned having connected the Coal business with his extensiveFLOURdc GRAIN ttaie, is prepared to supply families with the VUIY BENT OF COAL, CHEAP FOR CASH. Eggftove and Nut, constantly on hand. Grain taken q exchange for Coal. I on also prepared to supply to farmers and othcn HIE NATIONAL SOLUBLE BONE. Tils Phosphate is of a higher grade t'lft! is usutt in this country, and is sold at c, seasonable price i. M. CADWALLADER. SnrA.nrv, S-rt. 1 0, "1 t f. OF THE STATE AGRICULTDBAL SOCIETY, for 1875, will be held at Lancaster, 3?a., Commencing SEPTEMBER 27, 75, To Continue Five Days. J3FBooks for Entry will close September 30. Aid ITnlPilnnA TnA .knM.A.l n Competition u co-estensive with the United States, and the citizens of the several states are cordially invited to compete for onr prizes. For premium list and other information apply to either of tho nndersigned. GEORGE SCOTT, President. D. W. Seiler, Recording Secretary. Elbkiook M'Cosket, Corresponding goyg tjtry. Sept. 10, 18.75. Auditor's Xotlee. r.jiaic oi Koocn .u Kce, 6r dc7d. " "VTOTICE Is hereby given to all person inter JJN esled, that the undersigned, auditor appoint ed by tbe court to distribute the balance in uf hands of S. II. Kotharrael, as per his aeconat .filed, to and among those entitled to tbe same,, will attend to tbe duties of his appointment ak hia oihee, in the borongh of Snnbnry, canty or Northumberland, Pa., on Monday, the 13th day of September, A. D. 1873, at ten o'clock a. tn. W. C. PACKER, Anditoc, Ang. 27, 1S75. t Middleburg A. K. Gift. proved in health.