unburn mtritan. SUNI3U11Y, SEPTEMBER 17, lS7o. Itailroad Time Table. IKKIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TKA1S3 AT BCKBt.'KT, X. C. R. XV.. South. 1 P. & E. R. R. West. Sric Mail, 12.30 a ui i Erie Mail, B.2a a m Fart Line, 2.W an) Niagara Ex., ri.35 n. Phil. Ex., U.40 a m i Elmira Mail 4.10 p ra Day Ex., 1.00 p m j Fast Line, 7.05 p m SHAMOKIN DIVISION, N. C. R. W. LEAVE AKKIVB Express, 12.25 p in j Mail, '.(.25 a m Mail, 4.25 p ui Express, 3.55 p m An accommodation traio leave Sliamokin at 7.10a tn, arriving at Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a in. Raluring, leave .!t. Carmel at C.15 p m, arriv iuir at fcluimokin G.45 p ui. Lackawanna fc Sloomsiiukg R. U. Trains, leave Northumberland ns follows D.45 a. m., aud 4.40 p.m.; arrive at 10.55 a.m., and 5.45 p.m. 1). H k W. R. K. Trains leave at 0.55 a. in. and arrive at 3.50 p. m. Accidental Insurance Tickets can be had J. bhipinan, Ticket A sent, at the Depot. of Nuuiuirr Arrangement for (lie I'ost Oltire at hHuburj, OJice Ojien from ii.bO a. ., to 8 p. tit., etcept oh titmdayx. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrives as follows : From the East at 5.15 a. in., 4.10 p. ni., " South, 5.15a.m., 4.10 p.m. " West, 5.15 a. m., 11.15 a. in., I.C5 p. m. and 4.10 p. m., North,1.50 a. in. .11.15 a. in., 4.10 p.m. bhamokin aud Mt. Carmel, 'J. 25 a. ra. bbainokin proper, 4.00 p. in. Mails close as follows : For the East, 5.45 a. ui., 10.53 a. m., 4.50 p. m. 8.00 p. in. " South, 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. in., 8 p. m. " West, 10.50 a. m., 3.50 p. in., S.OO p. in. " North, 3.50 p. in., 8 p. m., Sliamokin proper 11.15 a. rr. Suaniokin and offices on that route; 4.2C p. ni. Money orders will not be issued aftef C p. m., on Saturdavs. J. J. SMITH, P. M. jural tTafcs. Indolence never earned a dollar for any man. Jealocsv cannot be coated over with pre cents. Never wold at meal time. It spoils diges tion. Ake you ready to contribute something to the fair t . ArovsTi s SmiNGMAX has sold the undivided half interest in the German farm in Point town ship, Northumberland county, to Henry Mayer, at Salem, for $4,500. EvniiT variety of clears and tobacco of the best qualities, arc for sale at Mrs. R. Wilvcrt's tobacco store, in the Post Office building. S. F. Hewer, of Shamokin, amused himself iu culllug a blacksmith bellows for J. II. Read, for which he was sent to the bear trap institution. 2 for 5 cts. Clears twofur 5 cts. equal to five cent cigars canTe had at the post-office. Black bass are caught at the Shamokiu dam by parties lishiug alinont every day, and we are glad to learn that they are returned into the river again. Robert Farssworth, on Eatt Market street, lias a canary bird fourteen years old. Mkb.'Johk Clark, of Purdytowu, had an at tack of paralysis on Monday last. The price of butter has been forced up to 35 and 40 cts. jt Pi. Too high entirely for the times. Skf.ds ! fcEElis ! ! Clover, Timothy aud Tur nip Seeds for sale by Geo. B. Caiwallaiei:, No. 00, Market St., Snnhnry, Pa. July S0.-4 . Prairie Flower Fine Cut Tobacco, at the Post Office building. j J. E. EicniiOLTZ has become the purchaser of John Collins' book bindery. Mr. Jacob Young man will run the establishment aud all kinds of book binding. Boating on the Pennsylvania canal is good at present. The transportation of Coal is brisk, and boatmen get pood rates. The cistern under No. 1 engine house is to be abandoned by the council because it needs re pairing. The Millcr-burg fair la6t week, wc regret to learn, was not as much of n success as was desire! to be. Praikie Flower Fine Cut Tobacco, at the ost Office building. Some people are exceedingly thin rkinned and take otfeu-c at v:ry little tuiugs. The winter bonnet for the ladies will, it Is said, be luuded with feathers and birds. We noticed on our streets a few days ago our esteemed friend John McFarland, of Delaware lowiikhip, who has just relumed from a trip to his native laud, Ireland. Mr. McFarland looks improved iu health, and wc are clad to learn that he eujoyed the trip, aud had a pleasant time itmong his relatives and fiU-uds. Committed. Hugh Douueliy, from Locust . Gap, took lodging in the county bear trap build ing on Monday. He was engaged iu commit ting an nsuuil aud battery on his wife, aud lite officers of the law interfcrred iu his amusement. The trotting at the fair, at this place, promi ses U be very exciting, as some of the uoted trotting horse iu the country U be entered. Borne blooded slock will be on huud,nd we may tzpect extra lacing. Rev. G. W. Memfeklt, pacter of the Lutherau church, at this place, has icccived a call to take cliarge of the Lutheran congregation nt Water town, N. Y. The congregation here will de cldc whether to accept of his resignation on Sun day next. Andrew Daniels, blacksmith, had one of .Lis fingers broke at the R. & E. R. K. shops, nt this place, on Tuesday latit. A LARr.K gray crane was shot by Mr. Nath Fnrman, on Tuesday moruiug, on the hill below this place. It stood 4 feet C iuches in high, and measured G feet from lip to tip. It will be stud cd by Mr. James Washington, bos barber and farmer, who has had considerable practical ex perience in prcs-rving the skius of animals aud birds. Tne Clement House continues to increase its custom dai'y through that clever and polity landlord, Mr. I. S. llurrel. Mr. Burrel has every comfort that count be wished for about the house, and his tables eonipaie with the best in the country. .Arrangements hae been made with the Le high Valley railroad, und Dauviile, Ilaztllou & Wilkcsbarre railroad companies for excursion rates from Allentown, Easton, Arc., to Sunhury, to attend the re-union of the 47th Ri'gimeut P. V. V., ou the 22ud or October next. Going for Fitsn. A party composed of Messrs. E. B. Wet-Hull, G. li. Cadwallader, J. J. Smith, H. F. Maun, E. M. Uucher, W. C. Pucker, Geo. E. Hoffman, A. N. Bi icc, J. M. Tufts and N. 8. Eugle, of Sunbury, intend start ing ou the 27th iiict. for Cituamloigua Lake on a tishiug excursion. They are expected to re turn with a good supply. Orders for fish will rceeive prompt attention by eit her of the above gentlemen. Wm. WiucnT and Herbert Wright, of Putter son, Juniata county, were arrested for selling tobacco and lienor without license on Thursday last by Jas. Vandyke U. S. detective, and brought before l". S. Commissioner W. A. Sober. They were placed under bail for trial nt next U. 8. District Court. ' Sam. IIeilner, formerly of this place, now with Ivins fc Bro., No. C4 North Second street, Philadelphia, is hup, y. Sam. is one of the best salesmen in the city, and deals fair with all their customers. He is one of the most polite mcu that we can find iu Philadelphia, and we always find him rejoiced on meeting an old friend. He sell goods extremely low for their quality. Any thing in the furniture line may be found there, and at prices that will be an inducement for every one going to housekeeping to get the most fashionable and best furniture t hat can be found anywhere. "There is always room at the top." Clarke's New Method for the Piano Forte, is the leading book for teacher and student ; such is the opin ion of the thousands of eminent teachers who have adopted the work. Sent by mail for $ 3.73. Lre f Walk?r, publisher, Philadelphia. '. Some railroad companies talk of compelling their conductors to carry satchels within which to deposit their tickets, fare, money, &c., said satchels to be locked with keys not in the pos session of the conductors. This measure is to be adopted to prevent peculations by dishonest conductors, and we fear will have a tendency to drive ofT houest men. and have their places sup. plied with those of "easy virtue." The lug ging of a satchel of this sort would be very hu miiiatiug to a man of honor, while a rascal, who has no honor to guard, wouldn't care a button Attach a cannon ball and chain to au houest roan's ankle, and the evidence of disgrace con, stitutes the prime punishment, while a rascal would feel grieved only nt the physical burden oud galling of the chain. More hono'able con ductors than those on the 1 . v L. n. U. are hard to find, and we hope none of them will be comiK'lled to bear this yoke of implied disgrace. Lsvixb n rj Vhrou U-le. Both our ueigliTTors of the Gazette and Veino- erut are given to jokes. The former lately wauled to get a joke on us by misrepresenting us in ihe late County Convention, and at the same time intimated jokingly that the editor of the Democrat was not as strong in faith as he ought to be. The iaiter copied from the Gazette the misrepresentation joke, and put himself right with the Democracy, and states that he did it because his party might think he was as poor a Democrat as the editor ol the Ga-.ct'.e was a Republican. These jokes were all well enough if thejt did uot expose each others weak points. Wc don't believe that the principles of either extend bey ond dollars and cents. The former declares that he does not publish a party organ, while the latter wants his party to assist his "ring" in fleecing the tax-payers. Wa would'nt be at all surprised t" 6ee Barunm iu this vicinity soon to secure these two jokers. The Democratic delegates from this county to the Erie Couveution last week were nearly all favored with positions iu the Convention while there. G. W. Ryon, Esq., Representative dele gate, helped to make an inflation platform. Robert Montgomery, Fsq., was put on the com mittee ou credentials. A. G. Postlcthwaitc, of Northumberland, was appointed Secretary, and Capt. Thos. Roach, train despatcher at thedepot at this place, was Sergcant-at-Arms, but was unsuccessful iu keeping order or keeping the delegates from stealing a rooster for Billy Mc- Mullen, of Philadelphia. The rooster was perched for some time on Billy's hat until it was discovered that the motion of the cars had an unfavorable effect on his bowels, which resulted in his sudden removal, but uot until Billy's shirt bosom and ward robe generally were found in a damaged nnd unpleasant condition. The fair to be held at this place on the 2Slh, 2'.tlh and COth of September and 1st of October, we are glad to learn will be attended by more persons than on any previous occasion. The exhibition promises to excel nil previous efforts on account of the liberal premiums offered. Farmers and others have gone to great paius in raising stock, grain, Ac, in anticipation of this fair, and bv the inducements held out, will bring their products for exbibitiou. By the in formation we could gather thus far we may ex pect an unusual number of articles brought here, und the fair to excel any other in this part of the country. The stock, agricultural, fruit and floral departments will receive more attention than anything that has ever before been seen in this county. Col. Taggarl's block of poultry, which is attracting attention everywhere in the State, alone Is worth a visit to sec, as no such a variety of fowls has been exhibited anywhere in the State. The accommodations to exhibitors will also be belter than before, a by cxjierience the cfluers have learned the needs, and arc making ample preparations to please every ex hibitor as well as those visiting the grounds. Parlies along the line of railroads will be glad to learn that the fares will be reduced to excur sion rates. Pay Day at the Central Clothing Emi-o ru m. Ou Wednesday, pay day of the railroad company made things lively about the Central Clothing E;nKriuiu, .T Messrs. Simon A Op- peiiheiuier, corner Third aud Market street. During the e:aire 'their store was filled by customers, aud the immense lot of goods carried away viu truely astonishing. The ucw stock jusi opened attracts great numbers, aud the extreme low prices causes every one to buy. Goods are almost given away. Those who have not been iu their store will be repaid by paying a visit aud look upon the magnilieieiit styles. Everybody can lie suited, old or young. The attention of our readers i called to the advcrliscuicul of Messrs. Baxter A Co., Baukers, of 17 Wall St., New York city. This well known house make a specialty of stock privileges, and operate for their uou-icsidcnt customers, by se- j leering stocks aud closing contracts free of charge. Uy this justly popular mode of invest ment S 100 pays 1000 prolit within 30 days, if the stock moves 10 per cent., and pays in like proportion Tot a greater or less movcineut of the stock. If you send to them, full information "how to do it" will be given, free. The "Unexpected" (colored) base ball club organized in this place a few weeks ago, Tues day afternoon last they played the "Dauutles" club ou the CoilcI grouuds. The "Unexpected" played well ; but as they could uot expect to bent the "Dauntless" ciub on At-couut of their large experience, they, nevertheless, showed con siderable efficiency in the," game. The score stood us follows : Uuexpected, 14 ; Dauntless, 31. The several railroad have issued orders for excursion ticket lor the fair to be held at Sun bury, Pa., ou September 28, 29 aud 30 and Octo ber 1, 1875, at the following rates for the rouuil trip coining aud leturn, to wit : ON THE PHILADELPHIA ANU TRIE RAILROAD. Races at Dewart. The following races will come off ou the new track between Watsontown and Dewart, on to-morrow (Saturday), at two o'clock p. m. Three minute race, purse $35. First horse $20, second 10, third f 5. P. La ser's "Flying Jennie," J. R. Cooner's "Stone Wall," nnd Geo. Vincent's "Pastime" are enter ed for the race. Purse for 2:50 horses, 35. First $20, second f 10, third 5. R. Datesmau's "Brown Joe," J. Derr's "Handy Andy," and C. Gainberlain's 'Harry Clay" have been entered for this race. On the same day James Eekroit will trot his gray stallion, "Bashaw," agaiust time. The trotting purses are for mile heats, best three in five iu harness, and will be governed by the rules of the national association. Entrance ten per cent, of each purse. Arkested. J. Lawrence, agent for T. II. Stout, was arrested on Thursday for peddling sweet potatoes around town in violation of the uiarkft regulations, and fined ?3 and costs. The section nndcr which he was arrested reads as follows : "Site. 2. No pcrsou or persons shall be per mitted to peddle or vend on the streets of this borough, any eggs, meat, butter, poultry, fruit or vegetables, from wagons, carts or other con veyances on auy day of the week except ol regu lar market days, mid on such days only after the hours fixed for closing the said markets, tin der a penalty of live dollars for every offence When yon visit Philadelphia call nt Nos. CI, GO and CS north Second street and see Sam. Heil- uer, formerly of Sunbury, sell the handsomest furniture sold iu the city, for Ivins fc Bro. This linn have the largest assortment that can be found iu the city to select from. Sec advertise ment in another part of this paper, nnd examine their prices. None but the best articles are kept in that establishment. Wn regret to learn that Mr. Charles Harris, son of Mr. H. A. Harris, was severely injured on Mouday last, by jumping from a train at Montaudon, while the curs were in motion. Mr. Hauls was throw;! violently to the ground aud received a severe oontusion on the iiead besides numerous bruises on other parts of his body. He wa brought to Milion and Dr. J. II. Miles was called in, who rendered the iiec.lcd surgical aid, and at last accounts the injured man wa getting alor.g well aud considered out of danger. There is no use of warning people not to jump off the cars when in motion. They will do it and thev will cet hurt. MMonl'iii. lug passengers from building to building, on a narrow guage railway, the cars being propelled by a patent force without horse power. The distance, the entire round, is said to be about eight miles and the fare to be five cents. Pro perly managed, they will make it pay, and be at the same time a relief to poor, tired human na ture. In conclusion let me ouly say prepare to be on hand. None of us, iu all human pro bability, will be able, conveniently, to attend the next. I may give you another before the Centennial, and if so, will certainly subscribe myself. Yours truly, Occasional. SUtfBURY MARKETS. Bunbcrt, Sept. 10. 1875. IjRain Wheat per bushel tl.2M41.40 We direct attention to the advertisement iu another column of Messrs. J. M. Rogers fc Co., importers of dry goods, nt theS. XV. eor. Fourth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, old stand of Eyre & Landell. Their fall stock is very inten sive, and buyers both at wholesale and retail will find it one of the best establishments iu the city toi:t their stock for fall trade. Mt. Carmel Items. Cascai ties. Lewis Parsduski, a Polander, was severely hurt by a fall of ccal nt Stewurts- ville on the 10th iust. At the same colliery two men named A. P. Heplerand Win. Rtiroff, were hurt last Monday. The former had his leg broken and the latter was struck ou the head by a falling prop. A lad by the name of Becker had his collar bone broken by falling from a swing on Sunday, the 12tli in-t. Seven Points, Sept. 0, 1875. Ktlitor Anici'i'.'au : A few evenings since our es teemed townsman, Mr. William Raker, was awakened from his slumbers by loud rapping at his door. Upon inquiring what the party want ed, he was informed that his presence at the band room w-is needed, and always haviug re sponded to the call of the association, he dressed himself and proceeded to the room. Upon ar riving there he was cooly informed that the band held an old grudge against him for some time, and had this evening determined to reward him for it with a good caning, and to his sur prise the leader stepped forward, and, ou behalf of the baud, presented him with one of the handsomest c;i:"ies I ever saw. After recovering from his su-prise he received the beautiful testi monial in a few feeling and well-timed remarks. The band was happily enteitained, wheu all re tired to their homes to dream of the pleasures of the evening. Mr. Raker is an active citizen ol this place, always ready to lend a helping hand to a friend, aud at all limes is found in the front rank of any movement calculated to promote the interest of his tow n. The band did well in handsomely acknowledging bis merit. From Williamsporl and return " Muncy and return " Montgomery and return " Dewart and return " Watsonlowu and return " Milton nnd return " Montaudon and return LEWISIIfKG AND SriUCE CltEKK R. it. From Lewisbarg ami return " Miffiiuburg aad returu " Milimou'. aud return " Laurelton and returu SHAMOKIN DhAKtU OF N. C. It. W. From Snyilertown and return " I'axiuos and return " Shamokiu and return Fulion and return " Mt. Carmel and return XOHTIIThN CENTRAL It. R. From Selinsgrove nu:l return " TrcVorton Junction and return " Georgetown and return " Millertburg and return 1.50 1.10 .05 .77 .07 .50 .40 1.12 1.33 1.43 .40 .50 .70 .!0 1.05 .30 .50 .70 1.10 Personal. Mrs. J. B. Shipiuau, mother of Jacob Shipman, of this place, who hay been on a visit to her friends in this county since Decem ber last, contemplates starting for her home :n Iowa, ou the 5th of next mouth. Mr. Shipman wns a icsident of this place some twenty years ago, but moved to the wet with her husband, where she has resided si nee, and beeamo one of the old inhabitants of that country. During her visit here she has met many of her early friends with whom she spent her childhood days, uud who were rejoiced to see her once more, al though in her d"clining years. She will be ac companied to her western home by her son Jacob Shipman, and her departure will be much re gretted by old and new friends. The Executive Committee of the Union Park aud Agricultural Association, are requested to meet at the Arbitration room, lu :he Court House, at Sunbury, Pa., ou Salurtiay,3eptembcr 18, 1875, at 1 o'clock P. M. A lull turnout is requested, as business of important will be transacted. Emani fx Wilvert, Sor. Malick, Secretary. President. The bam of Win. Marr, of Mt. Pleasant township, turned to the ground, with all its con tents, ou Tuesday last. The owner and other persons were threshing grain in the barn on that day with a horse power machine. Suddenly flames broke upon them from beneath, and the men were barely tblc to escape. One of the horses on the power was rescued from the flames, though badly burned, and the other was con sumed. Mr. Marr's entire crop of winter grain and hay were iu the barn. We have not been able to learn further particulars. No insurance. filnotmb'trg Columbian, fsrjit. 3. ' "the war cry, &c. ;" aud well they may The people and nation have nothing Letter From riiiiadelpliia. Philadelphia, Seit. 14, 1875. Fr'uwl W'iircrt : I suppose you will not think amiss a few Hues from heir. Judging from the reports of tiie American, the political canvass has opened with you vigorously, and with, I should judge, a good prospect of success. Since the meeting of the unterritied at Erie, and the display of their "Hag Flag," and the miserable rehash they call principles, all dissatisfaction or doubt of success in our ranks is healed up, und has given way to a determined air to do and work that when the sun sets November 2, 1S75, it may be upon the defeat aud demoralization of the Democratic horde, and be the practical set ting of the Centennial National contest. The greatest activity now exists in all parts here. We had a rousing old-fashioned meeting Satur day evening to open the Slate campaign. Our enemies are dreadfully worried over what they are pleased to call "Ihe bringing up the dead issues,' fear it but foigivcuess for those w ho believed they were right, aud were braye enough to defeud it ; but for the miserable creatures who were too cow ardly to do so, and uow are on their State nnd county tickets, never ! Two things ate essential to success iu Pennsylvania, a good war and pro tective tariff record. We lorgive the treason, but don't forget it, and are not willing to give them the chance of repeating it Next week it is expected to recognize the veteran (Harlranft) club that creutcd bueh a favorable impression nt the great couvrntion at Pittsburg in '72, com posed entirely of o'.d veteran soldiers now of the lirst pnsit!ons in sociilyand in business walks. We have aii.ext'elieut city ticket, aud cannot be otherwise thau successful. Jut uow here with you and throughout the length and breadth of the land, the nil-engrossing sul j.ct of thought and talk is ihe ''Centen nial." A view must be had of the buildings and i;iiiiieii-e space assigned the use of the Exposi tion to form any idea of its magnitude. It is now a mutter of eel Utility thai the buildings will be ready in time, and one cim hardly realize that fourteen months a :o these great structures were not commenced, and thai on the 4th of July, '74, the grass had to be mowed to admit of the removal of the first spade of each. But it is so, and the progress made every week is plain ly to be seen. Memorial Hall, which is to re main a permanent building, is now being plas tered, the outside being finished to ,hc very top of the statue surmounting it. Machinery Hall uud the Main buliding are ulmost under roof and the former nearly completed, the latter being glazed. These are temporary buildings. Hor ticultural Hall (permanent building), is very uea?ly completed, and Agricultural Hall well under way. These are the buildings the Exposi tion furuishes. In addition many nation nnd even states will provide buildings of their own. Outside the ground ail is bustle. Ou every side hotels aud rows of houses, to be used for hotels, and afterwards throw u into residences, are being built, and to such an exlcut the over cautious are crying it is being over done. A few day ago I had a letter from an army officer on the extreme edge of Tcxus. He say "every man I meet say he's going to be iu Philadelphia in '7C. I am too, unless unavoidable occurrences prevent." So also a correspondent from the forests and lake cities of Minnesota says "with the same breath as they complain of hard times, they say we're all going to the Centennial in '70. I do uot believe our people realize the crowds that must be provided for. No ci'.y iu the Union can accommodate so many. Our country a'l around can be so readily reached. The latest thing is the Granger pUin. A relative prominent iu that interest wishes to know if they can se cure 20 or 30 acres to put up shedding and tents to accommodate the fraternity. They want no "middlemen" to live off them. They're going to bring their families and take their time and not spend a littie fortune to do it. Inside the grounds the West End P, R. XV. Co. have secured the exclusive right of lmvintr a track and earrv- Jtiry List for first Monday o ("October Baruhart Adams, Washington. John Boyer, Cameron. Jacob Cassatt, Sunbury, W. W. i James Carl, Lewis. John Cathcart, Delaware. Eli Dreher, Mt. Carmel boro. Charles Ditty, Shamokiu, W. W. Aaron Derr, Little Muuauoy. Samuel Faust, Sr., Sunbury. Christian Gonsert, Cameron. John W Hutlier, Turbtil. Jacob Hoiilz, Turbut. Israel L. lliii, Lewis. Wm. W. Uorner, 8unbury. Erasius Hoffman, Rush. Henry Hill, Shamokin twp. Jackson Kershner, Shamokin twp. Eli H. K uouse, Shamokiu. J.ieob Kline. Shamokin twp. David P. Mart z, bhamokiu twp. John Krissmcr, Jordau. Jackson Lcighow, North'd. Samuel P. Muflley, Turbut. m Jacob Metzinger, Mt. Carmel twp. John O'Donuel, Mt. Carmel twp. Wm. Owen, Shamokin. l'JliasPeifer, Jackson. Daniel II. Rothcruiel, Zerbc. Jacob F. Rohrbach, Suubury. Godfrey Rockefeller, Rush. Juo. F. Rothermel, Shamokiu. Emanuel M. Spalz, Lower Mahanoy. Peter Thomas, Jackson. Gideon Wolf. Lower Augusta. John G. Wynn, Lower Augusta. Reubeu Woif, Lower Augusta. The Multiplication of Disease. Diseases multiply. Oue begets another. A trilling indisposition may, therefore, originate a complication of dangerous maladies. Indiges tion begets far more formidable diseases ; a mul titude of ailments arc traceable to constipation j fever mid ague unhinges the entire nervous sys tem, and is therefore the source of the protean ni. incuts which affect that portion of the human organism. Hostttter's Stomach Bitters, how ever, whether resorted to at the inception ol those disorders of the stomach, bowels or liver, which give birth to the majority of diseases and disabilities, or taken when they have ripened In to formidable maturity, arc alike powerful to cure, lac process ot recovery is, ol course, longer when the malady has gaiucd headway, but it is none the less ccrt.iin. Dyspepsia, con ssipation, biliiousness, kidney complaints and in termittent fever, invariably yield to the opera tion of the greal alterative and iuvigorant. prime white Rye per bush .... Com " Oats 1.121.25 7580 75&80 Flour Extra Family pr bbl 5.507.50 common 5.50(7.00 uucKwneat 4.00 led Corn & Outs Chop pr 100 lo 1.503.00 Shorts & Mixture 1.501.75 Potatoes, &c per bushel 80(S, 1 .00 Provision Ham per lb 10(3:20 Shoulder pr lb UdylS liaeouprlb 10 12 Beef, retail pr lb 14(20 Veal, do do 1018 Dried Beef pr lb 2530 Poultry Chickens, dressed pr lb YiCctlH Do. live weight 10(ftl2 iutter rnmeper lb 30f.35 Eis Per dozen 1 S(ji'20 )usxucss jjlocals. O ' Tn Q "J A Per Dy at Uouie. Terms free. Acl.lreec V") V4VO. Stisbom Co., Portland, Maine. Jan. 22, 1875. ly. AVnEX you go to Philadelphia, stop at the Allegheny House, No. 812 and 814, Market St. Re-Ctted, re-furnished, &c, by A. IJeck, Proprietor, and price ouly $2 per day. Smith fc Bito. have jnst received another lot of boots and shoes, is heard on street corners every hour in the day. They are constantly re ceiving new lots to take the place of those sold. Their sales are rapid, n they sell cheap, and keep the best in market. Their new styles arc very handsome, good and substantial. Prairie Fi.mvr.it Fine Post Oflicc building. Cut Tobacco, at the Pfitn Havana cigars at Mrs. R. Wilvert'l ci gar store, iu the Tost Ofiiee building. Have you raised u campaign club for tlie Aineican t Now is the lime. For 25 cts. in ad vance the American will be sent from now until after the elect ion. A first class, ucw Piano of the very best make, will be sold at a reduction of one third its value. Also, a second hand Cabinet Organ, nearly new, for a little over half price. Enquire of n. B. Masser. Clear Havana cigars for sale nt the Post Office building. Srinsa Hats. A large assortment of Spring uud Summer Hats have just been received at S. Faust's Hat Store, ou Market sqnare, Sunbury. Stylish Hats of the latest fashion are sold at the most reasonable prices. Musical. J. J Keefer Uua-Utrn1'5"'! llis excellent musuf instruments into the building on Fourth street, below Market, nearly opposite the City Hotel. Any kind of Musical instru ments of the most improved styles and make arc kept in his establishment. Pallor Organs, Piaiio'of the best manufacture in the country will be found at his store. He is also agent for the best sewing machines now in ue. The light running "Domtitic" Sewing ma chine, on account of its mauy point of superi ority, has a better demand thau any other manu factured, and takes the lead with the public over machines long regarJed ns the best. Also the new Grover and Baker sewing machine not sur passed by any other. . Orders lor these machines will be promptly tilled by Miss Caroline Dalius, agent. I'arlnr Ortjawi Miss C. Dalius is the agent foi the sale of Parlor Organ-, Pianos, and all kinds of musical Instruments. The yery best instru ments are furnished ou short notices at prices to suit times. Call or address, C. DALIUS, No. 93. Market St.. Sunbury. Obstacles to Marriage. Happy Relief for Vouug Men from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. .Manhood restorep. Impediments to Marriage, removed. New methed of treatment. New and remarka ble remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed cuveloper. Address, HOWARD AS SOCIATION, 41'J N. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., an Institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and professional skill. May 2S, 1875. ly. CJlmrclieH of Huubnry, Tin- MKhodist F-i iscoivd 'imrc:i, Area Stio l, ltev. I. A. D. Moyer, jusier. Tlie rreribvleiiun I'nurch, Market Sqiure, ltev. S. J. Millikfii. pastor. Tlie Lutheran Church, Third Street, ltev. G. VV". Hem l rly. pester. Tue rei'orieetl Church, cor. Hv-coiul and Chestnut K!PetH, ltev. ( S. (iCiirhurl, j.ater. Tue Baptist t'lmrej, K.'titii fourth Rtretf, Rev. A. ('. Wh':ii. .u;er. The j;pisev; al Chinch, lLtudwiiy, Kev. Dr. Jlvwitt, p:.ie.er. The Itoiuaii CalLnlie ciiureii, An il street, IU v. Father 1 1 lui'iR, j asior. Kci'rct HotdcticH of uiiUury. 1'ATBiOTie Oi:i?:k Sox op Amebic a. Washington Cimi, Nil. V 1. O. S. fif A.f mee;s ill KeJ Mea'H li:.ll, ilal)itH LuiluiliX. Mulket street, vn j Tmt..i.iv vvvuiiiK. KusqueijjUL'a Couimandery, No. t'. A., P. u. H. nf A., meet H'MMiid TlinrxiUiy oi e::rli month, iu lirhdifs liuildiuK, Market stpiure. WNiniigroii Camp Nt). 1!'4 hhv!h every Muinluy even in Kill Men's K ill. Kmihits or J'vtiiiam. Easleru Klar Loityr, Nil. U Kiiir;h:s of pylii.is ; meets every Weilijed;iy rveuini;, in lliiffht's ImiMniK, com. r Thiiil aud Muike! streets. Caytigj Lode, No. 41t, KnichlH ol ! Irian, nv- Is every Friday rveDiiiR in lirighl'H Building, corner of Third and M u-ket streets. Isi.ri'i:sii.i Okkkkok Oii Fkli.ows. Fort u Riista Kuraiiipnfiit, No. 14(1, I. . ol . V., meet ou the lir.it and third Monday of each month, at their hall iu Clenieiit'a lmildiiiK, cor. Third hi. and Market square. Niiiibury Lodije, No. 'Jo.!, I. . oi O. r meets every Sat iinluv evening, in 'lenient 's ImildiiiK, Market square. Anna ld;e. No. M, I "f lir-liek.i. I. of D. t'., meets on the second and I'omtli Monday of each month, in Clement 'b Hall Murkc! square. Fort AiikukU Jxde, No. fcft, I. li. of . K., meets every Tuesday eveuinir, iu Bright' lmildiiiK. Sovritrms lVTHionr Kviouts. I.anee and Shield Conclave, No. II, S. J. K., meets second and fourth Monday evening of eaeli month, in Urihl's bf.ihuni;, cor. Third aud Market stre.'tn. I'NITKK A2f kkican Mixbakich. Brady Council, No. 221, . I'. A. M., meets every Friday evening, in cle ment' Imil.ljntf, Mai kit square. Iwennvr:r oni'KB ok Bf.i Mr.N. Shivlio-imvkiu Trilie, No. li'', I. . It. M., niec's every Thursday ven ine, in their li ill, llauj ' buildiuK, Market street. Mason-s. No. 2 A. Y. M. meen in Manotiic lli.il, Third street, on night o! lull moon. Brothkhhoou Lix'OMoTiVK Knmkkkb. Snntmry Division, o. !S, li. of V. F.., meet the Unit and third Sunday of each mouth, on third floor of the Post office bnildinif. Third street. .In. ). t:. A. M. Mason Council, No. 131, meets every Thursday nisht, at their chamlier, in Clemeni's hall. Market square. tidinxi'dws. Sept. Cth, by Rev. 11. C. HaithcoX, Enw'AKD J. Yeaoeh to Mis Sai.ue E. Ghet, both of Paxi no, tbi county. Sept. 12th, by the same, Mr. Elias Wetzel and Mrs. Carolina Hoffman, both of Shamokin. dels Sbbfrlismcnts. ORPil l.VS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Couit of Northumberland county, will be ex posed to sale by public vendue or outcry, on Friday, Ootobcr 8thf 1S75, On the premises, in Lower Mahanoy towuship, iu Mahautongo Valley, the following Real Es tate, to wit : Purpart No. 1. A TRACT OF LASD, Situate '.n Lowef Mahanoy township, Northum berland county, Pa., udjoiuing land or Michael lleekert and Kiu'l Ueckert, Purpart No. 3, of estate of Philip ncckert, deceased, Win. Binga mau, Adam Rudysilt and aud others, contaiuinir 10! acres and 120 perches. Wheroon are erected a large FKAME DWELLING HOUSE AXD BAXK RARX, Wagon Shed, Spring House aud all necessary out buildings, Cider Press, an Orchard with choice f ruit. The tract is iu a high state of cul tivation and well watered by running springs. ALSO: T . V . . . i ui pun .-to. .,. a iraci ot land, siinatcd in Lower Mahanoy township, Northumberland county. Pa., adioiuinar lauds of Geonro iirosious. John Patrick, Wm. Deppen nnd others, contain- inr. . ? 4 ...inf. 1 .1 - inS u .m.i j, jiLitncs. iiuoui ten acres oi which Is well timbered and the balance in a ood state of cultivation, nnd w ell watered with run ning spriugs. Late the estate of Philin Heckert. .1 , ' ueceusuu. Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock. A. M.. on "said aay, w nen the conditious ol salo will be made known dv EML HECKERT, Administrator, of Philip Heckeut, Deceased. Lower .Mahanoy twp., Sept. 10. 1875. CHASTITY; Or, OI K SECRET SIXS. Dr. Dio Lewis's new and great work. Inval uable to all, whether married or simile. Price bold only by agents. In its table of contents are : Reason rerun Passion, Early Mar riageSjMarital Excesses, Unjust Suspicions, Pre venting Conception, Woman's Ruling Passion, Fielicide, Hereditary Intluences, Masturbation. Obscene Literature, Celibacy, Advice to Yonng Women and Young Men. The Social Evil. Nocturnal Emissions, Cure for Sexual Longings, Practical Suggestions, etc. AGENTS WBNTED everywhere. For full description. Table of Contents, extracts, strong testimonials, nnd liberal terms, address the pub lishers (at olllce nearest you), GEORGE MAC LEAN CO., Philadelphia, Cincinnati, or Chi cago. Sept. 10, lin. tfctfrfisiiunts. GOOD PAY FOR AGENTS. "Oiitoflhc Ilurjly Hurly." By MAX ADELER, is the best book of its klud in print. And it is a good kind, for you laugh over almost every page, and feel better for it after wards. "Quaint, graphic, and perfectly natural; it author is a wit of the first water." London (England Figaru. "Full of fun, but more full ofeense; everywhere fresh, original, ingenious, droll, and delightful." Gardener's Magazine, (London)England. "Surpasses anything In its lino which we have had for years." Chicago Inter Ocean. "Every way satisfactory" Phila. Ledger. "As comical as anything ever written by Tom Hood." Phila. Evening Bul letin. "Inimitable" Louisville Ledge. "Full of the richest humor." Toledo Blade. "Con tains food for mirth enough to defy all the wrinkled care of Christendom" Brooklyn Ar gus. Has uenrly 490 fine original engravings, and, being low iu price, sells immensely ,(through Agent ouly). Exclusive territory given. Send to the publishers, und net the poiuts. Address, GEORGE MACLEAN & CO., Philadelphia, Cincinnati (whichever is nearest you). Sept. S, 1 m. Xellce to Ilie lloirn and Legal Ke- rcsentalives of" George CU-ie aud ( ath rlnc 4iei.se. late ofthc Town- fhi ol Jordan, Count- or Xorth- uinberland, aud State or I'enus) 1- vauia, Oeccased. Sur writ of Partition, November Term, 1575. To David Geisc, Beneville Geise, George.Geise, Rachel Yr'ensel, Elizabeth Lcsher : Take notice, that an inquest will be held on the premises of George Geisc and Catharine Geise, ueeeased, ill the township of Jordau, county of Northumberland aforesaid, on Saturday the Oth day of October, A. D. lTo, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, to value and divide certain real estate of said deceased, to wit : Two cer tain tracts or pieces of land situate in Jordan township, Northumberland county, Pa., one thereof adjoining lands of Join Kressinger aud j canal company uot haviug yet delinitelv Abram Adams, containing one acre more or less, ! mined their line,) the location not to be- on which are erected a two-storv dwelling house, a stable and out buildintrs. The other thereof adjoining lauds of Davis Doruinoyer, John Kres singer, Isaac Rebuck and others, containing twenty-five ueres more or less ; also a certain tract or piece of land situate as aforesaid, ad joining lands of David Scliwartz,Josiah Schwartz, Peter Sehwurtz, Samuel 1 ergerand John Daniel, containing one hundred acres more or less, on which arc erected a two-story dwelling house, a bank barn and out building, to and among the heirs nnd legal representatives, if the same can be done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof, otherwise to value nnd nppruise the same according to law, at which time r.ud place you are requested to attend if you think proper. S. II. ROTHERMEL, SherifT. Sheriffs OUiee, Suubury, Pa., Aug. 27, '75. St XOTICE. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ) Qo County of Noi thnmberland. j At an Orphans' Court ho'den at Suubury, in and for said county, on the fourth day of August, A. D. 1875, before'the Hon. Wm. M. Rockefeller, President Judge, and Joseph Nicely, Esq., his -- Associate, Judges of said Court upon L.S. the petition of G. W. Zieglei attorney v- for Thomas R. Evans, one of the htirs nt law of David Lloyd, dee'd, The Court grant ed a rule on you Mrs. Ann Bennet of Belieview, Luzerne county, Pa., and Thomas R. Evans the petitioner, the only known heirs of the said David Lloyd, late of the Borough of Shamokiu, Northumberland county, Pa., dee'd, to come into Court on the second Monday of November, A. D. 1S75, and accept or refuse the real estate of said dee'd, ut the valuation or show- eau.-e why the same should not he sold according to the Act of Assembly in such ease mad and pro vided. Witness the Hon. William M. Rockefeller. President Judge of the said Court at Sunbury, this eighteenth dav of Atigtisl, A. D. is;.",. GEO. li. REIMENSNYDEU, Aug. !7, 1S75. Dep. Clerk O. C. ( OAli. M.O( R,Gi: I AMI I'JIM- I'iiati:. rI'MIE undersigned having connected the Coal JL business with his cxtensiveFLOURA; GRAIN trade, is prepared to supply families with the VERY REST OF COAE. t UK VI' FOR CASH. Egg, Stove and Nut, constantly on hand. Grain taken in exchange for Coal. I am also prepared to supply to farmers an l others TIIE NATIONAL SOLUBLE BONE. This Phosphate is of a higher grade than is usual in this country, and is sold nt a reasonable price. J. M. CADWALLADF.R. Sunbury, S.-pt. 10, 1S75. if. PUBLIC SALE "TTTILL be sold nt the public house of Henry On Saturday morning, 11th Inst., CARRIE, little daughtei of Mr. John Cruicksliank, aged 4 venr". 1 month nnd 1 dnv. ICE A I. ESTATE. sold nt the public hon 'onrad in Pnrdytown, Northumberland couuty, Pa., on FRIDAY, THE 2Uh DAY SEPTEMBER, 1875, All that certain half interest iu a ot of ground situated in Purdytown, being 'M feet front on Market street, ami 200 feet in depth, adjoining lots of George Conrad on the west, and Alfred Fassold on the cast, whereon is erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, containing 5 rooms and an entry. A two story bakery with au oven, a rcw slaughter house, stable and necessary outbuildings, a lot ol choice fruit, &c.,fec. Also, nt the fame time aud place, a lot of baker's utensils, late the property of Messrs. Steele fe Bro. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. ni., of said day, when conditions will be made known by. AMOS STEELE, Surviving partner and Executor of W. J. Steele, deceased. N. B. Persons buying the above property will also be offered the other half interest of the said lot of ground. A. STEELE. Pnrdvtown. Sept. 3. 1875. SIierllT's Sales of Real Estate. BY virtue of sundry Writs of 2d Plnries Fieri Facias, Plnries Levari Facias, Venditioni exponas, alias Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northum be r land county, aud Testatum Venditioni Expo nas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, and to me directed, will be exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry, at the coun uouse, in sunbory, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, 1875. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following pro perty, to wit : Four certain lots or pieces of ground sitnate in Shipc' addition to the borough of Sunbury, in the coutily of Northmnberland, and Slate of Pensylvania, one thereof bounded northwardly by a twenty foot alley, eastwan'.ly by lot of Reid, southwardly by a forty feet street, and westwaed'y by lot of S. R. Shipe, contain ing in width twenty-five feet, and iu depth one hundred and eighty-eight feet, more or less, marked on the plan of said addition as lot num ber eleven, with the appurtenances consisting of a to-story frame house aud other buildings. One other thereof known and designated on the plan of said addition as lot number one, bounded northwardly bv laud of J. Shissler! eastwardly by a twenty foot alley, southwardly by lot number two, und westwardly by Front street, containing in width twenty-seveu feet, and iu depth one hundred und sixtv feet. One other thereof known and designated or the plan of said addition as lot number two, bounded northwardly by laud of J. Shissler. eastwardly hy a twenty foot alley, southwardly by lot number three, and westwardly by Front street, containing in width thirty feet, aud in depth one hundred and sixty feet, and the other thereof known and designated on the plan of said addition as lot number three, bounded north wardly by lot number two, eastwardly bv a twenty foot alley, southwardly by lot number lour, containing in width thirty feet, and in depth one hundred and sixty feet. Also, A certain lot or piece of ground situate in the town of Trevorton. conntv and State afore said, known and designated on the plan of said town as lot number twelve, Iu block number seventy-eight, fronting on Market street tweuty- uve ieet, ana extending ottcK that width one hundred and twenty-tlve feet to Railroad street, Also, All those lour certain lots or pieces of ground situate in the borough of Sunbury, or adjacent to the bjrough, county and State afore said, DoundctI and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a post on the eastern bank of the Sunbury Gut on the northern line of a 6treet or laue, which is a continuation or extension of Race street ; thence along the northern line of said street or lane south sixty-three degrees, fifty minutes cast titty feet to a stouc : thence bv land of J. J. Reimeusnyder, north twenty-six de grees ten minutes east two hundred andseventy ouc feet to a stone in the southern line of a forty foot stiett ; thence along the same north sixty- iiiree uegreea utty minutes west sixty-eight aud one-half feet to the eastern bank of said Gut; thence down the said Gut south seventeen de grees west sixty feet ; and south twenty-three degrees fifteen minutes west two hundred and t welve feet to the place of beginning, containing fifteen thousand four hundred and t went v square feet, beiug part of out lot number nine, as marked on the general plan of Suubury, with the appurtenances consisting ot a story frame dwell ing house and olher buildings. Also, All those two certain lots or pieces of ground siiuate in Lppcr Augusta towusuip, iu Courad's addition to Sunbnry, bonuded and de served as lollows : One thereof beginning at a post corner nnd the north en6t comer of an other lot latelv belonging to C. A. Reimeusny der, and on the south line of an alley, thence oy said alley sonm sixty-uve degrees east thirty feet to a post, theuce by Frederick S. Martz's lot sotiin twcniy-hve degrees west two hundred feet to a post, thenee'bv land of Geo. Conrad uorth scvcnjy-Uve degrees west thirty feet to a post, thence by lot late of C. A. Reimensnvder north tweuty-llve degrees east two hundred feet to the place of beginning, containing six thou sand square feet, aud the other thereof begin ning at post corner ot tins and the north-east coiner of lot of D. K. Ilauck. south sixty-five degrees east thirty feet to a post, theuce along saui aney souin sixty-uve degrees east thirty feet to a post, thence by lot of George Conrad south twenty-five degjecs west two hundred feet to a post on the nortli side of a street, thence by said street north sixty-five degrees west thirty lectio a post, inence Dy lot or said David K. HaucK uorth twenty-five degrees east two hun dred feet to the place of beginning, containing six thousand square feet, with the appurtenances eouaisting ol a double two-story frame dwelling house and other buildings. Also, Three certain lots or pieces and a Dart of lot of ground situate in Shissler' addition to the borough of Suubury, State and county afore said, two thereof known and designated on the plan of said addition as lots numbers one and two, ir. block number two, each containing in width twenty-five feet, and in depth one hundred and fifty feet, bounded northward bv an allev. eastward by an alley, southward by a forty feet street, and westward by an alley, with the ap- purtenauecs consisting of a stable. One other thereof bounded northward by an alley, cast ward by lot number six, southward by a lort feet street, and westward by lot number four. containing in width thirty feet and In depth one nuiKired ana ntty leet, being lot number live, in block number three, with thcappurteuances con sisting of a story frame house, Ac., and Part of lot being the eastern twenty-six feet of lot number lour, lu block number three, bounded and Jescribed as follows : begiuning nt a rolut 'our feet from the western corner of lot number four, east twenty-six Teet to lot number five ; thence nortli one huudred and fifty feet to an alley ; thence west twenty-six feet along the line of said lot ; thence south one hundred "and flftv feet to the place of beginning. Also, All those certain lots situate in a cer- taiL tract of six acres more or less, ou the south ern side of the borough of Milton, count v and Slate aforesaid, iu Waldion's udditiou to the borough of Milton, located hi said tract (the deter-exaet. the said lots to be twenty-live feet each in width, and 1 loin oue hundred und thirty to one hun dred and fiftv feet in depth, as the propertv of the SUNBURY FIRE INSURANCE COM PA NY. ALSO, All that ceitain lot or piece of ground, with the brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate ou the westerly side of Secoud street, nt the distance of three hundred feet uorth of Mar ket, square or King street, in the borough of Northuiubei'laud, iu the couuty of Northumber land, and State of Pennsylvania, containing in front or breauth, oa Second street, sixty feet, more or less, and extending iu length or depth of that width two hundred and forty feet, more or less, being lot No. 214, as numbered in the plan of said borough : Bounded south east by said Second street, south west by lot numbered 215, in said plan, uorth west by an alley or street now open or to be opened as and for a public rouil or street, und uorth cast by another lot marked and numbered iu the plan as aforesaid, No. 213; as the property of HENRY G. LEI SENRING, Trustee. ALSO, . All that i art of a lot of ground situate iu the borough of Northumberland, county of North umberland, Pa., and numbered in the general plan of said borough as 84, bonuded and describ ed as lollows : Begiuing on the south west side of (J'lt'en street on the comer of Second street, thence along the line of Queen street in a south eastwardly direction twenty two feet and six In dies to a point, thence ou a line parallel with Second street, iu south westwardly direction filty t iii feel, thence on a line parallel with Queen street, in a south eastwardly direction twelve uud a half feet, theuce on a Hue parallel with Second street, in a soul i westwardly direction sixty-two feet lo a private alley, thence along said alley in a north westwardly direction on it line parallel with Queen street, thirty-five feet lo the line of Second street, and thence in a north eastwardly direction along the line of Second si reel one hundred and til'leen feet to Ihe corner of Queen street, the place of begiuning, with the appurtenances, cou-dsliiig of a two story frame dwelling house and out buildings. Also. All that certain part of a lot or piece of ground situate as aforesaid, bounded and describ ed as follows, ta wit : Beginning ut a corner on the south a col side of Queuu si reel ut the inter section of this lot and lot of Matilda Toole, thence north wut by Quecu street thirty-seven and one-half feel lo a lot or Jacob II. and Thos. Kueh, thence south west by said lot of J. II. and Thomas Ruch fifty-three feet to a corner, thence south east by said lot twe.ve aud one-half feet to a corner, thence south west by same lot fi fly seven feet to corner of lot of Robert M. Slack, thence south cast by said lot ef R. M. Slack tweuty-tlvo feet to a corner on lot of Matilda Toole, and thence north east by said lot of Ma tilda Toole one hundred aud ten feet to Queen street, the place of beginning, with the appurte nances, consisting of a two story frc.nie dwelling house ; as tho property of J. H- RUCH. Seize !, taken lb execution and to be sold by S. H. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff. Sheriffs olllce, Suubury, September 10, 1875. Anditor's Notice. (Estate of Robert M'Kce, Sr., dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter ested, that the undersigned, auditor appoint ed by the court to distribute the balance in the hands of S. H. Rotlmrmel, as per his Recount filed, to nnd among those entitled to the same, will attend to the duties of his appointment ut his olllce, in the borough of Suubury, county of Northumberland, Pa., on Monday, the 13th day of September, A. D. W75, nt ten o'clock a. in. . XV. C. PACKER, Auditor. Aug. 27, 1S75. When you visit Philadeihia, call and see WITH 02 w O O GO SO aa f Ida ml Ui CO so T3 P. 3 3 O C5 (X a Q o so WHO SELLS SOLID WALNOT MARBLI TOP CHAMBER SMS FOR $55.03. Parlar Suits in Hair Cloth or Fancy Reps from $50 up. m rdiiow ui mm irii Walnut Dressing Case Suits, 868.00. Best Wire Wove Spring Mattress. ALL OTIIEIi GOODS EQUALLY LOW. Feathers in Pillows or bv Ihe Pound, la Large Qtittutities ruI of the Finest Quality. IE-HIVE .Ar HAT,!,! Sept. 17, 1871 ly. inn mil i OF K 2 E3t3g?SSE332ES3 gS 1 BOTH IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC sosw nuiMMXo, TllIni) iHjy,iJPj. Now tlmt trale is reviving MARX & BRO. w ill receive Xew Goods once op twice every week. AV'e buy all our Good, the best .13 well as the poorest, at OWSST BOTdSI Prices! OWEST'BOTTOM Pries which enables us to sell accordingly. We will not enumerate our good;-, but tho public are invited to come and look at our stock It affords us pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not. Give us a call and exam ine quality of Goods and Prices. Yours Truly, 35 "32 Masonic IBuilding, Sunbury. X. B. KID GLOVES of our own importation on hand iu large quanti ties. e guarantee every pair. Ao a large number of imported articles which we have not space to enumerate. NOTICE- NOTICE is hereby given that I have pur chased the following articles of personal property at Constable Sale, on tho 12th day Au gust, 1S75, ns the property of Wesley Deitrich of Jackson township, Northumberland county, Fa., and have loaned the same to him during ray will nnd pleasure: 'A beds nnd bedding, 1 lounge, 6 en in-bottom chairs, 6 other chairs, 1 parlor cooking stove, 1 enpboard. 1 book-case, 1 cook stove, 1 morniug glory stove, 27 yards of carpet, 2 rocking chairs, 1 Bread-box, 1 clock, and his interest of a lot of tobacco in the ground, Ac. JOHN 1. REED. Phnmokin twp., 20, 1075. St. pes- ;f... . . . . ONE MILLION CORRUGATED Stovepipe Elbows USED EY THOSE DESIRING Economy, Beauty, Cleanliness, and A PERFECT DRAFT. Sold Evorywliero. Manufactured by CORRUGATED ELBOW CO. oy U. S., 52 Cliff Street, JC. T. 45 Jk 47 Unco Street, Cincinnati, 213 & 217 Lake Street, Chicago. FASHIONS and GOLD COIN PRESENTS! Smith's "lutant Drat Ctsvator." Tw COT aiww in n ' Tutetaluxira- hteoaMa Knnr. n w " tlx fullnMa w tb bi. auklnc u trJirht front" " ku fin Xijpo rtOv . 11 hiacwi 7rouffn Sraaa anotbar. rrtra,4Scauuek. Mailed. Kn sis. Thin rnatnma win! the admiration of all. It Is ona of luoaa atylca that ia stir to plsase, especially as It is appropnaia iur muj material, and requires less goods to make than any other suit of equal beauty. It to one or the 1 ladlf eeatamts of our city. The stout lady will find It possesses Just the secret charm that improves nor Bjnre, wane ino susrn t"" form mar feel they were never so advantageously h...f.t iiitiKrnraln tabuer soape : theovmkirt Is draped to form a wine uiu. side or tbe sasu, wuicn mny uo same, or Ribbon. Requires W yards of S7- tnrn moil lurmiuc buil .xu- " ...- rrai: pattern, with cloth tnod-1, S3 cts. No. or oversairt, pauein, who cloth model. 25 cts. No. of underskirt. 3T23; pattern, withcloth model, 50 cU. Mtuiea on receipt oi pnrr. Ott tk0 Pattern rnifl Cloth -Model of lh EXTtU SUIT will b"IVKS FHEK PKEMI I to vrh send 81.10 la no. aa one year's subscription ta tho "i'ATXtilS BAZAAR." A. IT - loiuu Fasl BDHDETTE. SMITH'S it TTT 11' n j ra 01 FINE ARTS and POLITE Literature. Single Copies) 25 Cents. Sabaeriptloa Price. 3 a year, pott-paid, laelaaiBt? a premium of Iwa Dollars' worth of patterns free to each subscriber. send rar CERTIF1CATM for th!; smnnnt upon Twirt of miiecription. (TWO n0",!:lt,fcr7!, ELEVATOR! will ba Kiren IN PLACk t Una HolUr werta of Patterns, UT doimij. TheM03STIlX.Y WOULD OF fAHIIIOV," the Yery finest to," ..iamx- .. . .1- .ir-'-"'' : 315 1 $4,500.00 in Gold Coin to Give Away I- We will give 82,000.00 iu COLb COIX I We will give S2.50O.O0 in GOLD CO to Co pcrsous who send u tho largest number of subscribers to our "world of l uslnon, at each, before March 5, 1876. A9 follows : To Getter-up tlio Largest Club ?:!iH).0O in (iold Coin. 3.1 Largest Club iWO.OU la (iold Coin. ?A Largest Club 130.00 In Oold Coiu. 4th Largest Club 1S0.00 in Gold Coin. 5th Largest Club 120.00 in Gold Coin. Cth Largest Club "110.00 in Gold Coin? 7th Largest Club 100.00 In Gold Coiu. Sth Largest Club 75.00 in Gold Coin. Oth Largest Clnb 50X0 in Gold Coin. 10th Largest Club So.00 lu Gold Coin. 11th Largest Club 25.00 in (iold Coin. and fo on to the 65th Largest Club. OIX to 1J persous who send n tho largest number of subscribers to our '-Bazaar' at $1.10 each, before March 1, 1870. As follows : To Gatter-iit of the Largest Club.. J.I lTige.t flub 3d Largest Club 4 tb LtrsestClnb .Mb. Lrrsrest Club lith Largest Club...... 7th Largest Club...... 8th Largest Club 9lh Largest Club 10th Largest Club lllli Largest Ciub... nnd so ou ;o the 153d largest Club. f ,i;)0.1io in CoM Coin. JiXKOO in Gold Coin. 15).0Oia Gold Coin. 125.UO in Gold Coin. 100.00 in Gold Coin. 75.00 in Gold Coin. 50.00 in Gold Coiu. 25.00 in Gold Coin. 25.00 lu Gold Coin. 25.00 in Gold Colli. 25.00 in Gold Coiu. Yon get a premium for evcrsubscriber yon scud ns. And every subscriber gets a premium. Both of these Gold Coin Preseuts otfi-rs will be fonnd at full length In the September Number, be sides tbe names and P. (. addresses of 102 persons to whom wc have jnst paid (3,135.00 'j Gold, according to enr previous offers. You can write to oue or all of them, and they will tell yon that we do exactly as we promise. " "7'TTT X T7,GrP wa-v ,s t0 sen'l rr own subscription to either of our Magaaire J- VJ J JLV AJAliKJ JL when you will the first number aud your Certificates of Pre miums, which yon can show, and at once begin getting subscribers, or send 25 cents for ono copy. Send Stamp for Fashion Catalogue. A. HVRDETTE SMITH, P.O. Box 5059. 911 UroadwiiT, ewYrI( Hlr, Soft. 3.