Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 02, 1875, Image 3

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    nnburg .ucritait.
RaUr-tmd Time Table.
N. C R. Sonth. P. & E. R. R. Wert.
trie Mail, 13.30 a m Erie Mail. 6.25 a
Fast Line, 3.00 m Niagara Ex., PJ..S5 u
Pbila. hx., 'J.4U a m I Elmim Mail 4.10pra
va.j l.w p m rasi Line. 7.05 p
Express, 12.35 p m Mail, 9.25 a m
v Mail, 4.25 p m Express, 3.55 p to
An accommodation train leaves Sliamokin at
7.10 a m, arrivinir at Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a in.
Retnrine, leave Mt. Carmel at 6.15 p m, arriv
ing at Shamokin 6.45 p m.
Lackawanna & Kloombbuko R. R. Trains,
leave Northumberland as follows tt.45 a. ni.,
and 4.40 p.m.; arrive at 10. .V a.m., and 5.45 p.m.
D. H & W. R. R. Trains leave at 6.55 a. m.
and arrive at 3.50 p. m.
Accidental Insurance Tickets can be had of
J. bhiptnan, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
Stammer Arrangement Tor I lie Post
Office at Snuburj, Pa.
Ojfflc Open from 6.50 . m., to 8 p. m., treept
o Sundayt.
Arrives as follows :
From the East at 5.15 a. in., 4.10 p. ni..
" South, 5.15 a.m., 4.10 p.m.
" Wert, 5.15a.ra.,, 1.35p.m.
and 4.10 p. ra.,
' North,1.50 a. in. .11. 15 a. ra., 4.10 p.m.
8hamokin and Mt. Carmel, 0.25 a. ni.
Shatnokin proper, 4.00 p. in.
nans close as lollows :
For the East, 5.45 a. m., 10.53 a. m., 4.50 p. m
S.00 p. in.
" South, 10.50 a. ni., 4.50 p. ni., 8 p. m.
" West, 10.50 a. m., 8.50 p. in., 8.00 p. m
" North, 3.50 p. m., 8 p. ra.,
Sliamokin proper 11.15 a. n.
Sliamokin and offices on that route; 4.2C
p. ra.
Money orders will not be issued aftcf 0 p. m.
on Saturday.
total Sffairs.
A Fourth of July sermon will be preached in
the M. E. Church on Sunday next by Rev. Mr.
DcMover. Tbe orders of Patriotic Sons of
America, American Mechanics, Junior Mechanics
and the public generally are Invited to attend.
The Good Intent Fire Company "boys" have
procured new uniforms, and will make their first
appearance In them on Saturday at the celebra
tion. It Is generally understood that the citizens in
general will furnish the refreshments for the
relebratlon on the 3d of July, ail of which will
be on the ground by 12 o'clock.
We judge from those who have the matter in
hand that we will have a gay, respectable, de
lectable, delightful time in this place on Sat nr.
day, July 3, substitute for July 4th.
Cou Ntrr has chauged the named of his
"Washington House" to "Ncff Douse." While
the new name is not qnite so strong, it ix not so
long as the old one, and on that account is an
Pcnn Havana cigars for sale at the Post Office
Treke will be a fine time in Sunbury on Sat
urday. The celebration is bonnd to be a success,
liecause all the fire companies remain at home,
and every man, woman and child appears do
iTtuined to have a good old fashioned 4th.
James Beakd, Esq., has received a commis
sion from the Governor for Justice of the Peace
of the East Ward, this borough, in place of Wm.
M. Hendricks, Esq., deceased.
The finest and most beautiful style huU arc
fonnd at 8. Faust's hat store, Market Square.
They are sold cheap.
We notice that while we were attending U. S.
District Court, Ial week, both our neighbors,
Toungmac and Eichholtz, were absent seeking
rnjoymeut, which is seldom the lot of an editor.
' The former was riding behind a celebrated trot
ting horse of U. F. John, Eeq., through tbe coal
region, while the latter was indulging in mineral
water at Bedford Springs.
Pluntatiojs cigars at the Pott Office build
ing. We rcgrnt to learn of the death of Mrs. David
Blau, of Pottsgrovc, on the 22J iust. Deceased
.was a daughter of Mr. Samuel McNiucb, aud
was highly esteemed by all who knew her.
The editor of the Shaaiokiu Herald talks of
luanied life quite undcrataudiugly. We presume
he is taking leesons aud will soon hitch.
A boat race will come oil on the river, at this
r lace, on to-morrow cveuing. A tub and foot
race is also proposed.
Mr. Thaddhs Uocle, of Milton, died sud
denly at Sclinegrovc on Friday. He bad gone to
that place hoping to be benefitted by the change,
as he bad been iu ill health for some time.
The genuine Carolina cigars are kept at tlie
Post Office building.
We are glad to notice that two of Northum
berland county's boys, Wm. F. Goodwell and
4"uarles F. Jleitu, of Sbainokiu, were cotnpli
taented last week, at Dickinson Seminery. Wil
".iauisport,f jt their excellent examination. They
graduated with the highest honors that could
lie conferred upon them. They were highly
roicplimeclcd by the whole school.
Real Victoria cigars, filled with Havntia to
bacco, at the Post OUk-e building.
The "Snute" Band was out fccreuadiug, Wed
nesday evening. This celebrated organization
' "U assist iu celebrating on Saturday.
T's exercises on the Fourth of July will be of
" interesting character. The boat race on
l"r, will be worth seeing. The people in
this 'icity, we understand, will be with ns in Uabcrs.
Dajl ,ArEBS, weeklies and jeriodicals for
aJe at t,e jQrt oiice building.
A SaiV.ath. About a week ago while sev
eral juvent were piayiug croquet in Harris- i
Durg, a lut.tirt was ftruck in the abdomen
withoue of l Ik maiiots. Nothiug eriou was
apprehended, ai BUe reKUnied her school duties.
She soon grew woi.e ui ,er teacher induced
ln-r to return home. te teA j a frw days af
ter, mortification kavUg cusued.
Eml Wli.VEKT, juuioi editor of tho American,
is the member r the Rep.bUeat Stale Commit
tee for Northumberland county.
I. S. Bcruell, proprietor of the Clement
House, i on a business trip lo liou, X. Y., this
1E Cream Freezeiis. Massers freezers are
lot on.r cheaper, but mill make ice cream Quid;
" -r and smoother than any other freezer known.
The regular inspection of the Fourth Division
National Guard of Pennsylvania, under cota
nand of Maj. Gen. J. K. Slg fried, will take
lace at Sbamokin, on Monday, July 5. The
ompanies of Dacphin, Lebanon, Schuylkill,
lontour, Northumberland, Union, Snyder,
uniata, Perry, Cumberland, Franklin, Adams
nd York are embraced in this division.
The crop of this neighboi hood looks Weil. The
heat crop in Lancaster, Mowtgomciy and omc
f the adjoluing couutics wiil not be a full one.
i many fields we observe that the grain was
ozen out by the scveie cold of last winter,
orn everywhere thns far looks well, and timely
ins will give ns a full crop. The ravages of
potato bug, though bad enough, are not as
d as bad been anticipated. Early potatoes
.ve grown rapidly the past few weeks. We
d in onr garden early rose potatoes a week
ice as large as ordinary eggs.
.JIekry Clat cigars at the Pct Office buildiug
The best cigars in Sunbury are kept at the
wt Office building.
Robbed. Mrs. G ribbons, on Tuesday evening
t, gave tbe alarm that Miue tramps had stolen
.ongh tbe window of her residence, on South
(i rd street, a box of cigars, and a box contain
j four dollars in money, and that they were
their way to take a freight train south. None
the Justices being obtainable, she appealed
the 'inevitable' Capt. Roach, who succeeded
arresting the entire trio, there being five of
m. Capt. li., bad one of the fingers of his
ht band broken In two places while arresting
m, and was compelled to use his 'black jack'
r tbe bead of one of the scoundrels. They
e taken before Esqnlre Brice who committed
ra to await a hearing.
inoe writing the above we learn that the
a who resisted the officers, on Wednesday
off the ear of a fellow prisoner. He is nn
btedly a hard r.
Stock Sale.- auuouuccnieut that Amos
E. Kapp, of Thumberland, would have a
Mock sale on 'day last, bad tbe effect of
drawing tuauy tigers to onr neigboring bor
ough, und the cts presented quite a lively
appearance. At; o'clock, the hour designa
ted, the auction Mr. Smith, ascended the
platform and anuced the terms, and the sale
commenced. Thock sold was all choice, Mr.
Kapp having devl much attention for roauy
years past In prooig the purest blood, and has
admirably succee in hit roducing some very
fine Varieties.
The sale came tt the stable of Mr. Kapp,
A lot of sixteen Arueys great aud small was
fonnd ranged in a? under a large shed. Each
animal bore a canhereon was printed the No.
and pedigree of t animal, and buyers were
enabled t o single Iu out at oucc.
The first auiiulTercd was a cow named
Roselta. She waarchased by Jos. McCall, of
LewUburg. for SD.
The second, a we cow named Annie, was
purchased by Dr. 3. Ncwbakcr, of Trevortou,
forsa 75.
Sheffly, a handme bronze cow, was pur
chased by Prof. A.. Raub, of Lock Haven, for
t!02 00.
Minnie, a three r old, was sold to Joseph
Lesher, of Xorthnrcrland, fir ?CS 53.
Beauty, a two ana half year old, sold to F.
F. Merceron, of Caawixsa, fcr $S0 00.
Rose, a five yearld, sold to Wm. II. Waples,
Northumberland, f. ?J5 00.
Fannie, yonng at handsone, sold to Prof. A.
X. Raub, of Lock Hven, for F95 00.
Eureka, an excelkit milkc, sold to Thomas
Johnson, of Northutbcrland for ?5fl 00.
Agnes, a four yeaiold, soli to John T. Eplar,
of PolLt twp., for 00.
A grade cow, flue milker sod to Dr,
W. B.
Stoner, of Northuuib.rland, foiS45 00.
Tolio cattle
A one year old belief sold t Thomas John
son, of Northumberland, for f St 50.
A heifer calf one year old old to Wm. II
Waples, of Northumberland, for 40 00.
A heifer calf, 6ix moiths old, sold to Dr. Joe.
Priestly, of Northmnlerland for f 36 00.
A beifer, seven moiths old, sold to Dr. Priest
ly, for f 40 00.
A two month old bifer, told to F. F. Merce-
ton, of Cat'.awigea, f r f 15 00.
A bull calfrfour wcks old, sold to Dr. Priest
ly, Northumberland. for t50 00.
The bidding was a 'times very spirited, thou gh
the prices received wire not as high as was ex
pected they would bu After the sale, Mr. Kapp
extended an invitatim to his friend to partake
of a collation at hU residence, which was got
up in his nsual exceli-nt style, aud was respond
ed to by a nnmber if persons and highly re-
Evert few weeks tor ueighbor of the Demo
crat has somcting to ay about Wilvert's Ring.
We do not know that we ever belonged to a ring.
but we arc certainly lot usharaed to belong to
such a ringas tbe Rcpblicans,who,while in power
but one year, paid off a Democratic county debt
of some twenty thousand dollars. Our neighbor's
ring who has been it power about six months,
and who came into sllice when there was no
county debt ar.d money iu the treasury, have al
ready exhausted the county treasury, aud are
fast accumulating another county debt for the
tax payers to pay. Iiut we dou'l bear our neigh
bor complain about extravagance now, for fsar
his plans for electing his men into offices this
"all may be spoiled. It is already kuown that
Eichholtz will succeed in nominating his men to
form tbe Democratic ticket. Jake Eichholtz is
certainly entitled to credit of studying Boss
Tweed's mode of running the Democracy, and
be is not slow in managing to secure men in his
bcuefit. The honest Democrats in the county
will, no doubt, be a little surprised at the ticket
after it is announced.
Drowned. On Friday eveniug last a number
of persons were in the river bathing at the foot
of Market street, and among the number was
Alexander Shields, employed on the railroad.
Later in the evening Shields' clothing were found
npon the flat when it was at once surmised that
be was drowned. Search was made, bnt his
body could not be found. Early the following
morning search was again made, when his body
was tound some fifteen feet from shore. Esquire
Pureel empaneled a jury of Inquest, who ren
dered a verdict that Mr. Shields came to his
death by accidental (frowning. Mr. Shields
hailed from Snow Shoe, Centre comity, and had
been employed on the railroad for about three
years. Ho was about 22 years of age. He was
a harmless young man, and highly respected by
his associates. His funeral look place on Sun
day morning, and his remains were followed to
their laf t renting place by a very iarge conctmrne
of frieuds and citizmis.
Turkeys are said to be tbe best destroyers of
the potato bug. In a neighboring county the
farmers, to a great extent, got rid of tbe potato
bugs, which were quite numerous, by driving
flocks of turkeys into the potato lieids. The
turkeys soon Ami the larva: ou the under side of
the leaves and the beetles too if any are there
aud they will go to the field everyday until the
pests are completely cleaned out. The beetle, or
fully formed potato bug, lays its eggs on the
uudcr side of the leaf, and it is llio larva- or
grub that destroys the plants. After a time tbe
nuwincd larvse becomes a winged beetle and
Dies away to deposit its eggs elsewhere. The
turkeys devonr the larva;, large and small,
while chickens do not see them, as they gen
erally pick their food froiL the ground. A few
broods of young turkeys at this reason will clear
lb bugs frotu a large pal:h in two days.
John At ten, Esq., of tie Watsontown lltcord,
becomes a little unruly in bis party sometimes,
and cuts up some queer antics. Lately be an
nounced himself as a caud date for Prolhonotary
upon certain conditions, bit when "Boss" Eich
holtz found thut John was likely to gel iu ear
nest, he at once scut for h in and compelled him
to withdraw. A brother of Mr. Auteu is al
ready nominated by the Democratic committee,
and John had no business o interfere, heuce he
was made to withdraw. Auten has now the pro
mise of a fat office for withdrawing, and we
would not be surprisr4 if he carried an agree
ment in bis poekcts Tor the ippolnlmcut of next
depnty Sheriff.
There seems to be a gtneral move among
publishers to secure the npcal of tbe. odious
postal law pasted by the last Congress. As
claimed, it is really an indinct tax npon pub
lishers, to require the pre-payment of postage,
aud imposes a great burden upon a class who
can least afford to bear i', for experience lias
shown that almost without exception they have
ben compelled to send papers free of postage.
They arc thus paying more taan oue-ialf the
regular newspaper postage of the country. The
change in the law doubling postage on transient
matter Is not less obnoxious, and si on Id be
promptly repealed.
Bl'Rr.LART. On Monday eveuit;!: of this week
the residence of Dr. M;;rr. of Lewisjurg, was
eutcred by some oue aud a gold wate'i, several
rings and other jewelry was stolen. Tic valua
bles belonged to Miss Nettie Bowmen, t niece of
Dr. Marr. It is supposed the burglary as com
mitted about 9 o'clock iu the evening, wbeu mo?t
of the family were in attendance it the Univer
sity proceedings. Those who were at home were
at the front door, which leads to Uie opinion the
theft was committed by some oue who had
either hidden In the house during the day or had
entered from the alley in the rear. No suspicion
as yet attaches to any one.
The duplicates and papers fur the collection
of the different districts in the ounty are not yet
completed, although the Democratic Commis
sioners bave two clerks employed in the office.
Why is it that the editor of the Democrat don't
complain about it. We suppose that as soon as
finished steps will be taken to collect the taxes
at once, and both collectors and tax payers will
be hurried np to make up for the deficiency of
time wnsted to get out the duplicates.
The argument of the lieccber and Tillon case
closed on last week, when tbe jury retired, and
np to this writing (Wednesday evening) have
been unable to agree npon a verdict. They have
been out for six days, and the chances are that
they wi'.l not agree.
The U. S. sieaiiispiilp, Tennessee, sailed for
China, on Tuesday last, from New York. The
officers and crew on board number over COO men,
under the command of Admiral Reynolds. En
sign Wm. II. Masser, of this p'.acc, is among
the former.
Corosf.3'8 Isqcest.-Ou Thursday of last week
the jury empaneled in tho case of the unknowu
man ruu over on Wednesday, at Fisher's Ferry by
the cars, reassembled when the following testi
mony was heard, and a vordict rendered as ap
pended :
Charles C Harroan, sworn. I reside at Mont
gomery Station, Lycoming Conuty ; occupation
a carpenter, now a railroader ; got aboard of
twin at Halifax ; I was In the gentlemen's
smoking car, when I saw them putting him in
the baggage car; 1 went into the baggage car,
and Conductor Shenaflcld asked me whether I
would not stay iu the baggage car with bim ; I
told him I would stay ; the reason he asked mo
was that tbe baggage master got sick, aud could
not remain in the car ; the man was liviug when
I first saw him ; he lived until we came to
Selinsgrove station ; he did not speak any ; I
never saw the man or do not know him lo the
best of my knowledge ; train stopned about fifty
yards ou this side of culvert west or Fisher's
Ferry and put the injured man on the car.
Levi Thomas, sworn I reside at Fisher's
Ferry, Northumberland county; I did not see
decease on the track before the train passed ; 1
found him on the railroad track, about one hun
dred and fifty yards from my door, in the neigh
borhood of 6:30 o'clock, p. m. ; when I first saw
him, he was living ; was living when we put him
on the train goiug west ; never saw deceased be
fore I found him on the railroad ; 1 am not em
ployed by the railroad company. (Remnants of
clothing shown jritness, and reconuized as parts
of clothing worn by deceased when found by
him.) I made no search on the body of de
ceased. Samuel Hollenbach, sviorn. I reside at Fish
er's Ferry, Northumberland county ; am era
ployed by'lhe N. C. R. W. Co.. in the capacity
of track foreman ; on the 23d inst., the first sec
tlou of Empire freight cast passed Fisher's Ferry
about 6:30 p. in. ; c!d not see any one on the
train that was not an employee, not being close
enough to the railroad to recognize faces; 'Squire
Iliieman and myself went to wnerc deceased
layed after Mr. Thomas found him on the rail
road ; he was living wheu I first saw him, and
when he was put on the train. (Ruinuauts of
clothing sbou witness, and recognized us be
longing to deceased.) The body of deceased
laiJ betwecu the rails on the track ; seen no one
on the track be lore the train went dowu.
This closed the evidence, and after a few min
ntes's deliberation the Jury rendered tbe follow
ing verdict :
"That deceased came to his distil by Mealing
j ing his way on the fast sec tion of Empire freight
cast, on the X. C. R. W., and fell olT near
Fisher's Ferry, the train passiug over him and
injuring him to such an extent that death ensued.
Name of tbe man unknown to i:e."
Shamokin Items-
From the Herald of June
The new jiowder mill of Mr. A. S. Speccc,
near Trevortou, was started on Thursday last
and is working splendidly, with all he orders
he can fill. Considering that everything per
taining to this mill was completely destroyed in
the last explosion, the rebuilding is considered
quick work. Mr. Peter Shipmuu of Boyle's
Ruu was the boss mill-wright.
On Sunday last ns Mr. Nathan Swank, a
farmer liviug uear Elysburg, and Mr. Frank
Llewellyn, of Shamnkln, were driving down a
hill near the former place, the hold-back strap
broke causing the horse to run away, throwing
the inmates of the buggy out. They fortnnatc-
ly escaped with u few scratches and slight
Monday at noon as little Joseph Wooilcy, in
fant son of Mr. Geo. Wooilcy, East Sunbury
street, was playing on the porch at his grand
father's (Mr. Euocb Jones) ou East Commerce
street, he fell to the ground, a distance of about
13 feet, striking on his head. It was feared he
would live but a few hours, but at this writing
the little fellow is apparently in a fair way of
recovery. He is almost fourteen mouths old and
a very interesting child.
The grand pic-nic and parade which had been
advertised to come off on the 3d of July uudcr
tbe auspices of tbe Sliamokin Guards, has been
postponed until some time in September next.
Tbe company had all their invitations out and
everything augured a most complete success
when the trouble among the miners spoilt the
programme and it was thought best to postpone.
It will be a success ret.
On Mouday evening a pecnliar and very paiu-
rul accident occurred at the bakery and confec
tionery of M. V. Bowman, on Independence
street, in front of which is a porch containing a
cellar-way through the centre of which runs one
of the Joists of the porch. Mr. J. R. Stout, of
Trenton, X. J., agent for a wholesale confec
tionery establishment in that city, was standing
on this porch conversing with Mr. Bowman,
when boy employed by Mr. 15. opened the cel
lar door juet back of Mr. Stout, who stepped
buck and fell with his side on Ibc joist and would
have falleu into the cellar had not Mr. B. caught
him. He sustained serious Internal injury ai d
on Monday night it was feared he would die, but
we ore glad to state he is now ou a fair way of
recovery. Ho is kindly cured for at Mr. Bow
man's residence. He has a wife and family In
Accidents at the Mines. Alexander Ignat
aich, a miuer working at Luke Fiddler colliery,
had his leg fractured by a fall of coal on Friday
afternoon last.
On Tuesday about 1 o'clock a terrible accident
occurred at Buck Ridge colliery, by which Ed
ward Troy, familiarly known as Edward Leonard,
bad tbe right side of his head smashed in by a
fall of top coal, killing him instantly. Yester
day seven weeks ago he was married to Bridget
Hickey, daughter of Stephen Hiekey, on East
Sunbury street, with whom they lived. He was
spoken of ua n very exemplary and steady young
man. At the same lime his helper, John Cliesna,
had three ribs broken and was badly scratched
aud bruised though not dangerously injured. He
is alfco married and lives on South Franklin
James Hardin resides in Buffalo Mountain
when he is at home, but occasionally comes to
Milton with a two-horse team. He made one of
these vUila on Wednesday, and, after transact
ing his business, concluded to commence bis
fourth of July celebration by filling himself with
tanglefoot. About four o'clock p. ci. be was
seen to leave the saloon at the corner of Frout
and Broadway, turn down the latter street, and
get iuto his wagon, driving towards Front street,
in turning the corner of which he lost his bal
ance aud fell out of the wagon, but was not
hurt. Policeman Creiizer assisted him into the
wagon, and he started dowu Front street, bnt
soon came to grief, as he fell out again when op
posite the HiitT House, and this time received an
ugly gash in his bead. Dr. J. H. Miles Impell
ing along pcwcd up the wound. Policeman
Crcitzcr conveyed him to the lock-up, and some
benovoleut citizen put his team in a stable to
await the recovery of their master. He will
probably realize his situation when he sobers up,
gets out, pays his fine and goes home to be in
terviewed by the old lady. Milton'ian.
Millinery Stoke Robbed. The millinery
store of Miss Kale Black, on Market square,
was robbed on Monday night, under the follow
ing circnrnBtaDces : About 8 o'clock a lady
called and paid a bill to Miss Kate. After
which, the eveniug being warm, and the band
playing on the Square, she in company with a
number of other ladies, went to the front door to
enjoy the music. She remained there some time
with her frieuds, when upon going iuto her store
she discovered that her purse and a box contain
ing tho money she had taken In last week had
been stolen. The thief evidently entered the
store while the ladies were in frott. Yesterday
morning the box which had contained the money
was found at the foot of the lot. Miss Black is
unable to tell the exact amount stolen, but she
estimates that at least fifty dollars was taken.
Three men were arrested yesterday, but nothiug
criminating them could be shown and they were
released. We were told by an officer who made
an examination of the premises, that tbe thief
is evidently some one who is not unacquainted
with Miss Black's store. Daily of Wednesday.
On G. A. Bowersox, son of Samuel
Bowersox, told his wife he was going to the barn
to put the gears on the horses, as ho had some
work to do, and remaining longer than nsual
she went out to see where he reinaiucd so long,
when he was found lying behind the horses In a
state of unconsciousness. He was carried to
the house and a physician summoned with all
possible haste. The physician pronounced it a
severe stroke of apoplexy, oue side being severely
paraii.ed. At this writing, Tuesday, Mr. Bower
sow has rallied a good bit, and he Is thought to
to be out of danger. He is quite a young man,
which makes the case a very singular one. Mf
Jliubnrg Pott.
On the first of Jnly the new schedule of rates
for postal money orders went into effect as fol
lows: On orders not exceeding ?15, ten cents;
between $15 and (20, fifteen cents ; $30 and 40
twenty cents, $40 and 9 50, twenty rpnts.
As Centennial year approaches the spirit of
celebrating every important event connected with
our revolutionary history is rising higher in the
scale of patriotism, and more general through
out the Uniou. The old feud between tbe two
sections of our common country is last passing
away, and a more substantial national feeling to
day is manifested through the Intermingling of
those of all sections at the celebrations which
have already taken place. North Carolina has
had her Mecklcnberg celebration, Massachusetts
her Concord and Bunker Hill celebration, in
which all participated in acknowledgment of the
grand results of tbe heroic struggle of tbe
united colonics. Let us rejoice over the fact
that we are a united Republic that tho bloody
page recently added to our history is but an ele
ment of strength to the uniou of States estab
lished by the blood of our patriotic ancestry one
hundred years ago. We see In the journals
throughout the country, that preparations are
making to celebrate tbe coming 4th. Let ns
raise the Stars and Stripes iu our Park, and join
iu the general jubilee.
Order of Exercises for Saturday, Jclt
3d. The parade will form promptly ni oue
o'clock, on north side of Park, right resting on
Second street, companies taking position in line
according to seniority of dale of organization.
March rp Second st-eet to Arch, out Arch to
Fourth, down Fourth to Market, out Market to
Fifth, down Fifth to Chestnut, out Chestnut to
Front, down Front to Walnut, out Walnut to
Fourth, up Fourth to Market and thence to tbe
north side of Park. Companies will leave their
apparatus aud form in two ranks on Park pave
ment, march around the square aud cuter the
Park at the east gate. Column will mass on
the south side of music stand. Music by hand.
Oration by W. A. Sober, Esq. Music by band,
alter which tbe companies will be dismissed and
the whole assemblage will partake of dinner
generously provided in the Park by the citizens.
The exercises of the day will conclude with a
sack race on the river bank, about six o'clock, a
boat race aud tub race on the river immediately
There will be daucing in the Park on a lariro
platform prepared for tbe occasion. The Park
will be illuminated in the evening, and the bo
rough police will keep good order.
The following gentlemen will act as assistant
marshals for the occasion : M. L. ITendrfcks,
Jas. Farra, Geo. E. Hoffman.
W. C. Packer, Chief Marsl al.
Frighttcl Accident. On Saturday after
noon Mr. Jacob Bride, of Lewisburg, was en
gaged in repairing the roof on Mr. Samuel Ma
thew's stable, a rain came np, and after the sky
had again cleared, Mr. Bridge attempted to Cnish
the job. In walking over the wet roof his feet j
slipped and he fell to the ground. On being car- j
ried to bis son's residence it was found several
ribs were broken and oue lung badly injured
from a rib tearing into It. The in juries are such
that it Is scarcely possible for tbe wounded man
to recover. '
TnE term of the governor elected this year in
Pennsylvania will be three years ; after that fu
ture incumbents will 6erve four years. Thus
the coining term will expire simultaneously with
that of the Lieulenaut Governor, General Latta
having last fall been elected for four years.
We learn from the Lock Haven Republican
that a miserable scallawag tried to "come it"
over a former Miifiiiihurger. This is what that
paper says : A tblef tried to break into tho
residence of our foreman, Geo. R. Eilcrt, last
Tuesday nlghl, and had he succeeded George's
"form" might have been "pied," ns money was
evidently the object. The bnrglar got a wrong
"Impression" of printers, and his act is "proof"
thereof. Georgo has provided himself with a
donble barreled "shooting-stick" and now has
no fears that his "nnoin" will bo "(squabbled."
A Card ofThankM.
The officers and members of Sunbury Steam
Fire Co., No. 1, of Sunbury, desire, through us
their representatives, to acknowledge the kind
nesses, courtesies and hospitalities extended to
them on the occasion of their recent visit to Al
Icnlown, Reading and Harristmrg.
Unfeigned thanks are due to the entire fin?
departments vf tto ettlcv. mill milcularly to
"Good Will" Fire Co., of Alientow n, "Rainbow"
Fire Co., of Reading, and "Hope" Fire Co., of
HurrUburg, whose special gncsts we were ; and
to the chief engineers and assistants of the com
panies ; but, most of all, our acknowledgments
arc due lo the lad!c.' Their bright smiles ami
beaming beauty, their woving haudkerchiefs,
their boquets and wreaths of choicest and fra
graut flowers, wiil dwell with us sweet and pie--
cious memories forever. To T. II. Good,
the accomplwhrcT flavor of Allentown, to the
councils and citizens of that city ; to citizens of
Reading who united with our brother firemen in
tendering ns a welcome.
To the courteous Mayor f Harrishnrg and
the councils and citizens of that city, we return
sincere thritiks for kiud attentions and open
hear'.ed hospitality. Also, to the landlords of
the "Cross Keys" Hotel, of Allentown, "Berks
County House," of Readiug, aud "Slate Capitol
Hotel, of Harrisburg, for unceasing efforts to
render onr stay pleasant.
Our thanks are also due to the gentlemanly
correspondents of the Sunbury American and
Sunbury Dally, H. D. Wharton aud F. K. Hill,
Esqs., who accompanied ns, for tbe graphic de
scriptions of our trip published iu the papers
which they represented.
We left home on the 15th ult., anticipating
an enjoyable trip, but uot expecting an ovation.
We returned oil the evening of the 1 StU ult.,
among the most delighted and satisfied of men.
We cannot find fitting terms to speak of our re
ception at Allentown by the fire department, the
welcome by the Mayor, councils and citizens,
aud the banquet by the ladies. Our reception at
Harriehurg, characterized by the warmth
of feeling and profuse hospitality, exceeded any
thing we could have hoped for. To all our
friends we say with sincerity, our visits were of
unmingled pleasure, and the 15th, lOtli, 17th and
18th of June will be kept in memory as among
the most pleasant days of our lives. We anx
iously await for the time when you will prompt
us to reciprocate. Now we can only renew ex
pressions of thanks. We have no command of
words adequately to convey the feeliugs of Ihe
Wc are indeb ted to the officer of the several
railroads over w hich wo passed, and to conduc
tors of trains for kiud aud prompt attention.
In behalf of Sunbury Steam Fire Company,
No. 1, we are gratified aud obliged.
A. X. Brice,
G. B. Cadwallader,
W. C. Packer,
List of Letters remaining Iu the Post Office In
Sunbury, June 29, 1575 :
Mrs. Emma Beard. Miss llader Brewer, Mrs.
Bill Coaplev. Frank Davis, Milton Dewees (4),
Miss Ella "Mains, Miss Sarah Kline, Miss Ma
Thoiton, Jacob Zearby.
Persons calling for letters will please say they
are advertised.
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
State Teacher's Association-. The railroad
arrangements for the animal meeting of the
State Teacher's association, at Wilkes-Barre,
August 10th, have beeu satisfactorily completed.
Tickets will be sold on all roads leadiug to that
place, at excursion rates, from August 7th to
the llih, good for return until the 17th.
The fly season Is now upon us, and it will
only cost three onions to try the experiment of
keeping your picture frames, looking-glass
frames, &c, from being ..-..'d over by tbe
flies. The receipt Is three onions boiled in a
pint of water. Paint your frames over with the
liquid, and the files will never them.
Whether the size of the onions mast be determin
ed by the size of the frames, or the size of tho
fly, the nnthor has not divulged.
Some people will never learn to give up the
practice of stopping their teams on the street
crossings. They of course think it is pleasant
for pedestrians to walk around in the dust or
Most splendid fitting suits of clothing are
made up by John Shaffer, on Third street. His
cassimeres are not escelled either in eauty or
cheapness in pries.
For Sale ! Two second-hand bulk window
glass, 25 by 45. Also, 10 sets or window eash
with 11 by 16 glass, ail in good order. Enquire
of H. B. M.ier.
List or Jurors Tor August Court,
commenting Monday, Aug. 2d.
C. Bartholomew, Lower Augusta ; John
Bower, Xortb'd ; I. Buddinger, Mt. Carmel ; E.
Dawson, Mt. Carmel bor. ; J. J. Fausnauch,
Milton ; B. Grier, Watsontown ; P. M. Gibbons,
Norln'd ; J. H. flcim, Sunbury ; A. Holshoe,
Jackson ; J. H. Kase, Rush ; H. J. Lndwlg, Del
aware ; J. McEUece, Mt. Carmel twp. ; T. Mc
Willianis, Delaware ; A. Matern, Upper Maha
noy ; P. McWilliams, Delaware ; D. Reed, Lit
tle Mahunoy ; J. S. Spatz, Lower Mahanoy ; J.
Schreffler, Washington ; M. Scholl, Sbamokin
twp. ; Dan'l Schaffer, Jordan ; J. X. Schwartz,
Sliamokin bor. ; Isaac Snyder, Shamokin twp. ;
W. Vankirk, Chillisquaque ; A. Ziegler, Jack
I. X. Bownawitz, Lower Mabauoy ; Adam
Botdorf, Turbut; John Blain, Turbut; Xath
Brower, Jackson ; John Albert, Jackson ; Ed
ward Baum, Jordan ; C. G. Brewer, Upper Au
gusta; John Butler, Chillisquaque ; W. B. Bird,
Sbamokin bor. ; J. Conuell, North'd ; A. Cad
wallader, Milton ; C. A.Conrad, Lower Auguta;
R. Datcsman, Milton ; H. Duukelberger, Sha
mokiu bor. ; Jacob Fetter, Sunbury ; H. Gassier,
North'd; T. F. Garingor, Sunbury; H. Lahr,
Lower Mabanoy ; W. J. Lyon, Sunbury ; David
Moyer, Lewis ; 8. Martin, Siiumokln bor. ; W.
Miles, Milton ; Wm. Macket, Sunbury ; W. B.
Mertz, Coal ; J. Minsemoyer, Turbutviilo ; Jas.
May, Shamokin bor. ; J. S. Newcomer, Tnrbut ;
E. Osburn, Watsontown ; Hugh O'Donal, Mt.
Carmel twp. ; James O'Gifleu, Milton ; G. M..
Renn, Sunbury j C. Reuinger, North'd ; Jere
Raup, Milton ; Sol. Raker, Lower Augusta ;
Martin Goss, Upper sgusta ; A. T. Goodman,
Watsontosrn ; J. Hosenplug, Chillisq. ; 8. Hoge
land, Milton ; E. Heckert, Jordan ; A. Ueim,
Shamokin bor. ; J. U. Hopewell, Point ; John
Klapp, Lewis ; Win. Krisher, Sunbury ; W. F.
Kreigh, McEwensville ; J. A. Kaseman, Sba
mokin bor. ; P. II. Lcnker, Lower Mahanoy ;
Peter Long, Cameron ; D. U. Schrcffler, Maha
noy; Jacob St'oub, Milton; Enos Shipe, Upper
Augusta ; G. W. Smith, Sunbury ; D. Startzel,
Shamokin bor. ; A. Shupp, McEwensville ; H.
Snavely, Shamokin bor. ; Joua. Sbalter, Turbut;
James Toole, Northumberland ; G. W. Traut
man, Jordan ; G. Wagoner, Mt. Carmel bor. ;
W. Weaver, Chillisquaque ; J. Yocnm, Shamo
kin twp.
PETIT JURONS for acqust 9th.
Abm. Adams, Jordon; R. A. Amerman, Sha
mokin bor. ; Jere. Bassctt, Rush ; John Balliet,
Delaware ; Robert Curry, Point ; Daul. Dcrr,
Coal ; Geo. Folltner, fcunbury ; J. W. Fryling.
Upper Angusta ; Peter Grady, Mt. Carmel bor.
J. K. Ganger, Milton ; J. C. Forsyth, Northum
berland ; Thos. Graham, Milton ; J. Hcnrich, Mt.
Carmel bor. ; J. R. Hilbush, Jackson ; G. Har
rison, Sunbury ; D. Kaufftnan, Lower Augusta ;
II. Kerchner, Whghington ; Danl. Keller, Lewis;
J. Lciscnriug, Northumberland ; J. K. Lyttle,
Zerbe ; J. C. Morgan, Sunbury ; A. Moore, Jr.,
Rush ; D. G. Marsh, Turbut ; R. Lawull Mc
Ewensville ; II. K. Price, Shamokin ; L. Raup,
Shamokin bor. C. Sampson, Coal ; D. Snyder,
Upper Mahanoy ; L. Sheridan, Watsontown ;
Thos. Singley, Turbut : W. Wilson, Milton; I.
L. Witmer, Lower Mahanoy ; U. B. Weaver,
Zerbe ; A. Wynn, Lower Augusta ; J. F. Yager,
Chillisquaque ; D. F. Zimmerman, Lower Augusta.
' The Wrong Side of the Meridian.
On the down hill side of life, which an old
medical writer quaintly terras "the wrong side
of the meridian," when the functions decay and
the. frame gradually bends under the weight of
years, tbe system requires to be sustained under
the bnrden Imposed upon it. Innumerable
physicial ailments and infirmities then press up
on It to which it bad been in earlier life a strang
er. The surest and pleasantest support nnd so
lace of declining years is fouud iu Hostctter's
Stomach Bitlers, long recognized as the most
wholesome and agreeable of diffusible stimu
lants, the most potent of tonics and alteratives.
The aged and infirm may place implicit confi
dence in this invigorating elixir, which uot only
checks those maladies to which elderly peisons
are peculiarly subject, hut in a measure retards
the encroachment of time npon the constitu
tion. July 2, 1S75 1 mo.
nsincss Jo nils.
C .n C -a n Per Dv st home. Tunis frw. Aliir"s
V-U O. SxIssoN & Co., Portland, Maine.
Jtn. 22, 1U75. ly.
AVriEN you pa to Philadelphia, stop at
the Allegheny House, No. 812 and 814,
Market St. Re-fitted, re-furnished, &c,
by A. IJeck, Proprietor, aud price only ?2
per day.
Icn Cream at Wholesale. S. F. Nevin, of
this place, Is now ready to supply dealers with a
first-class article of Ice Cream in any quantity
All orders addressed to bim !v mall will receive
prompt attention. Mny 4t.
Ice Cream! Ice Cream !! At Ncvin's every
day. He has received a large supply of those
convenient little boxes, which he furnishes gratis
to parlies purchasing a pint or a quart of cream.
May 28. 4t.
A first class, new Piano of the very best
make, will be sold at a reduction of one third its
VafTie. Also, a second hand Cabinet Organ,
nearly new, for a little over half price. . Enquire
of n. B. Maner.
Parties wanting Syrups can be supplied with j
all kinds ol fruit syrups, both wholesale and re- j
tail at MELICK'S Drng Store, Sunbury, Pa. j
Clear Havana cigars for sale at the Post Oflle
Organs, Sewixo Machines, Ac Miss C. Da
ling has opened a ware room on the first floor in
her building, two doors east of Whitmcr: Co s.
store, Market St., Sunbury, Pa., where different
kinds of cottage organs and sewiug machines of
the best make can be purchased at the lowest
prices. The. bt manufacture can always be
found In her ware rooms, uud persons in want of
good musical instruments or cxcelleut sewing
machines, an; Invited to call and sec her stock.
Lost. A ligl'l colored canary bird, with a
small darit spot over the eye.
Emily J. Enole.
No wonder that. Messrs. Smith Sr Bro., of the
Excelsior Boot and Shoe store, sell more hoots
and shoes than any other. Their elegant assort
ment is such that will' phase everybody. Tho
r.ew spring and summer styles are now open,
and arc not surpassed for either beauty or wear.
The public are Invited to call aud examine their
stock free of charge. They tiro receiving new
stock every week.
Geo. W. Coble, Esq., at Herudon, this county,
is authorized to act as agent for the .4nfriea in
that place, in receiving subscriptions, job work,
advertisements, and receipt for all bills he may
present from lis.
ScBWRirTioxs taken for any-daiiyor weekly
paper In Philadelphia or New York nt the Post
Otfic-j building.
Straw Hats, trlnmcd and untiimmed, a large
assortment, aud at the lowcet prices nt Marx V:'., Masonic building, Sunbury- Seeo wanted by G. B. Cadwallader,
Central Drug Store, Sunbury, Pa.
A Wilcox it Gihbs Sewing .Machine, entirely .
new, and of the bfst make, can lie had cheap by
applying at this office.
SruiNO Hats. A large assortment of Spring
and Summer Hats have just been received at S.
Faust's Hat Store, on Market square, Sunbury.
Stylish lints of the l:itet fashion are sold at the
most reasonable prices.
Misical. J. P. Kecfcr has lately removed his
excellent musical instruments into the building
on Fourth street, below Market, nearly opposite
the City Hotel. Any kind of Musical instru
ments of the most improved stylesand mukc are
kept iu his establishment. Parlor Organs,
Piunos of thu best niiinnfactnrc In the country
will be found nt his store. He is also agent for
the bet sewing machines now lu use.
The light running "Domestic" Sewiug ma
chine, on account of its many points of superi
ority, has a better demand than any other manu
factured, and takes the lead witti tnepunncover
machines long rcgarJed as the best. Also the
new G rover and Baker sewing machine not sur
passed by nny other. Orders for these machines
will be promptly filled by Mis Caroline Dalius,
agent .
J'arlor Orgunt Miss C. Dalius is the agent fot
the sale of Parlor Organs, Pianos, and all kinds
of musical lustrumeuts. The very best inst ru
ments arc furnished on short notices nt prices
to suit time?. Call or address,
No. 93. Market St.. 8unbtiry.
A Gentleman who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the
effects of youthful Indiscretion will, for the sake
of snfferlng humanity, send free to all who need
it, the recipe and dircctiou for making the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wish
ing to "profit by the advertiser's experience can
do so by addressing iu perfect confidence,
dec..V74.-r,m. Cedar 8t., New York.
The advertiser having been permanently cared
of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple
remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire
It, he will seud a copy of the prescription used,
(free of charge), with tbe directions, for prepar
ing and using the same, which they will find a
sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,
&c. Parties wishing the prescription will please
address Rev. E. A. WILSON,
194 Penn St., Wiillanisburgh, New York.
Obstacles to Marriage.
Hnppy Relief for Young Men from the effects
of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood
restorep. Impediments to Marriage removed.
New methed of treatment. New aud remarka
ble remedies. Books and Circulars sent free.
In sealed enveloper. Address, HOWARD AS
SOCIATION, 419 X. Ninth St., Philadelphia,
Pa., an Institntion having a high reputation for
honorable conduct anil professional skill.
May 25, 1875. ly.
Candidates' Cards.
For County Conimiwsioner.
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for the
office of County Commissioner, subject to the
decision of the Republican County Convention.
Upper Augusts, July 3, 1875.
County Treasurer.
To the Yotert of Xorthuniltrrland County.
Iu response to the solicitations of a large uum
ber of my Republican frieods, I hereby announce
myself a candidate for the office of county Trea
surer, subject to the action of the Republican
County Convention.
Shamokin township, June 25, '75.
Tor County Treasurer.
To tht Votert of Northumberland County.
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for Coun
ty Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Re
publican County Convention. .
Lower Augusta Jane 4, 1875.
For County Commissioner,
of Lower Augusta township, offers himself as a
candidate for County Commissioner, subject to
the Republican County Convention.
For County Commissioner.
To tht Voter of Xorthumbtrland Courcy.
I hereby offer myse.f as a candidate for County
Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Re
publican County Convention. If successful in a
nomination and election, I shall endeavor to dis
cbarge the duties of the office to tbe best of my
ability and to the interests of the people of the
Lower Augusta, May 28, '75.
For Sheriff.
To tht Votert of Xorthumberlmd County.
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for the
office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the
Republican County Convention. If nominated
and elected, I promise to discharge tbe duties of
the office In a manner satisfaclorv to all.
6. M. REXN.
Sunbnry, May 21, 1875 tc.
For (Sheriff;
To the totcrt of Northumberland Covnty.
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for Sheriff,
subject to the action of the Republican County
Convention. J. H. ADAMS.
Shamokin bor., May 21. . , tc
For Sheriff.
Subject to the action of tbe Republican County
Sunbury, May 14, '75.-tc.
For County Treasurer.
To the Votert of Northumberland County.
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for the office
of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of
the Republican County Convention. If nomin
ated, I pledge myself lo use ail honorable means
for my election, and if successful, promise to
discharge the duties with fidelity and to tbe best
of my ability. GEO. W. STROH.
Sunbury, May 14, '75.-tc
For (Sheriff.
To tht Votert of Northumberland County.
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for the
office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Ke-
publican County Convention. If nominated and
elected, I pledge myself to perform the duties of
the office Impartially and to tbe best of m v ability.
Delaware twp., May 14, '75.-tc.
For County Treat n re r.
To the Votert and Tttr Paiern of Northvmbrrland
I hereby otter myself as a candidate for County
Treasurer, subject to tbe decision of the Kepub
ean County Convention. If successful in a nom
ination and election, I pledge myself to preform
tbe duties of tbe office without partiality and to
the best of my ability ; and I obligate myself
to discbarge tbe duties of Treasurer at 50 per
less than is now paid that officer, and that
1 will put a competent cleric in the office at all
times lo transact the business In my ub&encr, so
that there will be no detention to parties coming
from a distance, who have occasion to do busi
ness in that office. At the expiration of my term
I will have my accounts settled np within TO
Little Mahanoy twp.. May 7, '5. tc.
For I'rothonotarj-
To the Votert of Northumberland County.
I hereby announce myself a caudidate for re
election to the office of Prolhonotary, subject to
the action of the Republican County Con veution.
Snnbury May 7, '75. tc.
For Sheriff:
To the Votert of Northvmberla?td County.
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for the
office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the
Republican County Convention. If successful
in my nomination and election, I pledge myself
to fulfill the duties of the office to the best of my
judgment and ability.
Northumberland, May 7, '75. te.
County Treasurer.
I hereby annonnce myself as a caudidate for
the office of County Treasurer, subject to the de
cision of the next Rcpublicuu County Conven
tion. If nominated and elected, I will endeavor
to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity
and the best of my ability.
Zerbc township, April 30, 1S75. tc.
For County ConimiMHioner.
To the votert of Northumberland County
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for County
Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Re
publican County Convention. If nominated and
elected, I promise to fulfill tbe office Impartially
and to the best of my abilitv.
Delaware twp., April 30, '75. tc.
For County Treasurer.
To tht votert of Northumberland County.
1 hereby offer myself ns a candidate for County
Treasurer, subject to the decision of tbe Repub
lican County Convention. If successful in a
niyiinntion and election, 1 shall endeavor to dis
charge the duties of the office to the best of my
ability, and to t he interest of' the tax-payers of
the county. A. CAD VTA LL A D F II.-
Milton, April 30. 'T5.-tc.
SrNBfRT, June 30, I8T5.
GnusWheat per bushel Sl.OOfJl.SO
prime white 1.12fH 1.25
Rve per Lush 75($S0
' Corn " T.XnSO
" Oats " MffiGO
Floi-r Extra Family pr bbl !i.007.00
Common 3.."07.00
Buckwheat 4.00
Fr.n Corn & Oats Chop pr 100 lb 1.50(a. 2.00
Shorts & Mixture
Potatoes, Ac per bushel ?03, 1 .00
Provision Ham porlb lti20
Shoulder pr lb HtaiS
Bacon pr lb 10(3 13
Beef, retail pr lb !4fV30
Veal, do do lOClS
Dried Beef pr lb 25(530
Poi'i.TKY Chickens, dressed pr lb 12(u.l5
Do. live weight- 1 Ota 13
BfiTEii Primepcrlb :Mui35
Ei:g9 Pcrdnzcu 1!18
itch) tibrriismcnfs.
Eatate of Rev. 3. P. Shindel, dee'd.
"'OTICE is hereby given to all persons inter
1A estcd that the undersigned, Auditor, to
distribute the balance in the hands of Benjamin
Hendricks, Trustee of the estate of Rev. J. P.
Shindel, dee'd, to and among thoje legally en
titled thereto, will attend to the duties of his
appointment at his office, in the borough of
8unbury, County of Northumberland, Penn'a,
ou Wednesday, the twenty-first day of Julv, A.
D. 1S75, at ten o'clock A. M.
June 25, 1875 St.
Office on east Market street, opposite the City
Hotel, Sunbury, Pa.
Prompt and careful attention paid to convey
ancing. May H, 1?r,. tf,
Were again awarded the highest premium,
over all Makers, at the late Franklin Institute
Exhibition, and are Ihe only Firet-claas Instil
ments that cau be obtained at Manufacturer's
cost prices.
I $30O
For an Elegant 7V Jj oct. Rosewood Piano.
The following are a few of the Prinpal medals
received :
First Pri&? Medal, (Franklin Institute.). 1874
" Silver " (Grand Piano,) 1J.W
" Pri7 " Crystal Paiace WoiM Fair.XYW
Gold " American Institute, N. Y. lti
Prize "Maryland " Baltimore ISIS t
" Silver " Franklin Institute, Pbila. 1S4S
Pianos ordered by mail, arecarefnlly selected,
and remittance Is not required, until the instru
ment has been received and approved. All our
styles and classes, are built of the same excel
lent material and workmanship. Every Inst ru
ment is guaranteed.
VST Write or send for illustrated catalogue,
and prieo list, giving full description of styles,
prices, etc.
i Warerooms 1103 Ohestnul St., Phiia.
June II, 1 875. Smos.
Administrator's' Notice.
; (Estate of Jacob W. Wilvert, duceased.)
f "VTOTICEis hereby given that letters of ad-
-A ministration having been granted to the i
J undersigned on the estate of Jacob W. V :lvert,
All persons iadebted to said estnte are rcqnusled
to make Immediate payment, and those having
ciaima to present them, duiy xal bent ieafed, for
Sunbury, May 7, "75 Gt.
"VfOTICE is hereby given that I have pnr
x chased the following articles of personal
property, at Constable's sale, as the property of
Isaac Bdrdncr, and bave loaned the same to him
during my will and pleasure : one cook, ono coal
stove, one sink, sis chairs, one barrel of vinegar,
one clock, one table, one barrel, three bedsteads
and bedding, one mirror, a let of carpets, one
loange, tc.
Herndou, May 27, 1S75 w.
To Whom It Xay Coneeru.
alHIS is to notify all to whom it may codcern,
. that I bave purchased of W. H. Delcamp,
on the 27th of April, 1875, the following pro
perty and loaned the same to said Delcamp at
my pleasure : 1 Black Horse, I Black Mare, 1
Bay Horse, I Dun Horse, 6 sets heavy Harness,
1 Heavy Wagon and Log Chains. ' AH persons
are warned not to purchase or interfere with the
above property without my permission.
Lykens, May 4. 1875 Sw.
ni I.F OV HEIR".
At an Orphans' Court held at Snnbury, in
and for said County, on tbe twenty-second day
of March, A. D. 1875, before the Honorable Wm.
M. Rockefeller, President, nnd Joseph Nicely,
Esq., his associate, Judges of said Coarl.
Upon the petition of G. W. Zeigler,
L.S. vendee of Charles Weaver, one of the
s-w children of Eliza. Weaver, deceased,
who was a sister and heir of Charles Hileman,
deceased. The Court granted a rnle on yon :
Edward Hileman, Amelia Kiehl, (late Amelia
Hileman,) Harriet G ass, (late Harriet Hileman,)
Mary Weaver, (now Mary Wright,) Louisa
Weaver, (now Louisa Scott,) John Weaver,
Fanny Weaver, (now Fanny Boyer,) and Geo.
W. Zeigler, vendee of Charles Weaver, heirs and
legal representatives of Charles Hileman, late of
said County, deceased, to come into Court on
the first Monday of August, A. D. 1875, and ac
cept or refuse the Real Estate of said deceased
at tbe valuation or show cause why the same
should not be sold according to the Act of As-
flolnb, , 8ach d an"d pr0Till(,,
Witness tho Honorable William M. Rockefel
ler, President of onr said Court; at Sunbnry,
this 21st day of April, 1875.
Deputy Cl'k O. C.
The 'Doniefttie.
Tli? DOMESTIC" is an exceedingly simple
machine in all its parts aud processes. It is
easily understood ; familiarity with ils action is
very quickly acquired, and it need hardly any
: ,i ! .i ... ...
! r''f lu sm.i m ' operator.
MESTir" are mainly :
1. Light Running.
2. IJuietness no Cams or Gear Wheels.
. Terfect Stitch Donble-tbread lck Stitch.
4. Durability arising from Simplicity of Con
struction. 5. Absence of all Friction.
6. Great ranire of Work.
7. Ease of Operation.
We do not say that the "Domestic" is the only i
Machine worthy of public favor. We admit f
there are some possessing real and acknow- !
ledged merit ; bnt we do claim, and are prepared !
lo demonstrate, that the "Domestic' has many '
excellences that render it decidedly tuperior to '
any oUttr Machuu now net ore tbe public.
Let every woman, therefore, examine for her
self into its merits when sho buys a machine.
This is an important purchase, not to be care
lessly made ; one that will influence her com
fort, probably for a long time. With a "Domes
tic" iu her possession, she will find her sewing
become a pleasant exercise of skill and taste, in
stead of a slow manual drudgery ; she will have
the time and strength to add beauty and elegance
to work in which before she has been obliged to
content herself with bare ntility.
Sunbury, Pa.
SUNBURY. North'd Co., Pa.
Wr, the undersigned, can cheerfully testify to
the excellent qualtles ef Wine made by Dr. Jos.
Eyster, and advise its universal use everywhere.
N. 8. ENGLF..
May 29, 1875.
The eleventh volume of this valuable work is
now ready. The work when complete will con
tain 16 volumes. It is a library in itself, and
should be in every honsehold. As an evidence of
its great value and Interest we refer to the follow
ing :
Meteoroloey, bv Prof. Cleveland Abbe, Wash
ington, D. C. (Old Probobilities.)
Mint and Mony, by Henry Carey Baird, Phila
delphia. .Methodism, by Prof. C. W. Bennett. D. D.
Missions, Forvifjn (Protestant), bv Kv. P. Bush, D. D.
Mineralogy, by Prof. John A. Church.
Mercury (in Medicine), by Prof. E. II. Clarke,
M. D.
. Molecule, by Prof. Josiah P. Cooke.
Mortgage, and other legal arllcles, by Hon. T.
M. Cooley, L. D.
Marrow, and medical and physiological arti
cles, by Prof. J. C. Dalton, M. D.
Maine, Massachusetts, .Minnesota, Missouri,
and other articles In American geography, by
Eaton S. Uronc.
Metal and Metallurgy, by Prof. Thomas M.
Drown, M. D.
Articles In materia mcitica, hvKoum T. Edes,
M. D.
Mikabo, by Prof. Joseph Henry, LL. D.,
Smithsonian Infttltntion, Washington.
Mechanics, by Charles L. Hogeboom, M. D.
Manganese, and other chemical articles, bv Prof.
C. A. Joy.
Mollusca, and nthnr article in (oology, by
Prof. S. Kr.ecland, M. D.
Microscope, by Prof. A. M. Mayer, Steven
Mineral Deposited, by Prof. J. S. Newberry.
LL. D., Columbia College, New York.
Missions, Foreign (Roman Catholic), and
other artlciles in ecclesiastical history by Rev.
Bernard O'Reilly, D. D.
Mediterranean Sen, by Count L. F. de Pour
tales. Moon, and other astronomical articles, by
Richard A. Proctor, A. M., London.
Mcnnonites, by Prof. A. Ranschenbusch.
Mercury, Metallurgy (Ore Dressing), juid
Mine, by Rosslter W. Raymond.
Melanchthon, Fhilipp, bv Prof. Philip SchalT,
D. D.
Magnolia, Maple, Melon, and other botanical
article, by Prof. George Tburber.
Moab, and other archaeological, oriental, and
philological articles, by Prof. (i. A. F. Van Rhyn.
"The Leading American Newspaper."
Daily, $10 year. Senii-Weckly, 3. Weekly, $2.
Postage Fre to the Kobooriber. Spectman Copies
and Advertising Bates Free. Weekly, in clubs of 30 or
more, only 1, postage paid. Address Tht Tarsus,
JiewVork, Ian. 9, 17. 1.
St., above Race. .
THE undersigned having established a Coffin
& Casket Manufactory, at the above place,
are now prepared to furnish to Cabinetmakers
and Undertakers, and the trade generally
Coffins and Caskets
Of the best and latest patterns and finished in
the best style. Tcelrdifferent patterns inclndln'j;
both Coffin and Casket shapes are of
. Imitation rf Boseieood and Vherryt
and ail other styles, made oC the best materia)
and finish ; work done by the most experienced
OrdcTS wiil be filled promptly, autl CoiEns and
Caskets will be shipped to any place desired, at
tbe shortest notice, and at the most reasonable
The patronage of the trade is solicited. Send
for PRICE and DESCRIPTIVE LIST, and learn
the styles and prices.
Sunbury, April 20, 187.".-tf.
j Special Notice to Ladies.
Fancy Goods aud Notions just opened at Mtfs
Kate Black's Store, Market 8quarc,
and a general assortment of Ladies Dress Goods,
Geuts' Gloves, Xeckties, Handkerchiefs, &e.
A Full AsHortment of Soaps,
Perfumery, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers and
Ladies are invited to call and examine rov
large stock. MISS KATE BLACK.""
Sunbnry, May 7, 1875.
Spring & Summer Goods.
XE; NEW XX XEff!!!
Iteed. Brother 4c &eageltz'
Cheap Store,
Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.
The Latest Sttles asd Best Qcalitt,
comprising all the novelties in fabric and shude.
Full Assortment of Xotioxs,
which are being sold at the lowest Cash Prices.
Also, Groceries and Provisions.
pure and fresh.
(jueexsware, glasswark, and wood
akt Willow Ware,
Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. '
A very large
both glazed aVid common, always on hand.
of all sizes and of the latest ytvb.
A constant supply of western white wheat fiortr
a speciality.
The public are invited to call and examine our
Goods iree of chanrc. Our motto is "Quick
Sales and Small Profits," and to please all.
Thtt h1crip nrim will h tv 1.1 IVtr it? ' f
eonntry produce. ,
By strict attention to bniuess and keeping at
all times the most complete stock, and selling at
thelowest prices, we hope to merit a fall share of
Snnbury, May 21, 175.
ADVEHTISIN'.I : Oh-..r ; i.-,.l : is-mntir. Ail jt
sobk rho enmetuplsie roiLiufi rouirjcts wiiU bc" for fbe inwrtiou of ad-.tTfis- ji. -uts. should -nd
25 cents io Geo. P. Bowfll '., it I'ark liow. Nrw
York, lor Iheii- KlVPHlhT-taMiK ;iil?i. :j-i.nty U
tion, fcnrairiiKg l;vn or over uvrtvi-m atxt nti
lustra, showing tec cur. A.vir!i!ieTitrt' takra lor
IkuUuh pBprc In nuiij Sntm at a iit-iut ikIudm mliie
tion liuw i.uWifirrV rmrs. 4kt mc book.
Jan. S. l!7 . ly.
Tfi Qjfl P"f,,i,y- Asfnats KsnJiJ. AUi-Im -
W t OSUof woriuDsr pwple of both mih,
totmg ami old, make more ruouey at work for oh, iu
their own toeahtex, during thrir spare nionrntn. o aM
the time, than at any thing efcw. We offer apk.rn-Tit
that will tay baoin!y for rvry hour' work.' fxiH
Vartiralar, term. At-., Hem Ire. Now is tbe time.
IKin't look lor work or buiftit eiewtrcre, until von
hare learned !',a? we oSV". . Srr(s 4 Co.. Pnn
land. Maine. Jan. !, isT ,. ly.
oirST. liMir Chii; seal at nistiit. N'nMurr a a
oar. Ooocl ra?tr. 'hnf ttuttj, Mi'VCul, ficcia.
Jiia 4.
1 to aatrll The Pm-
mimon Sons te-
di-l AUviiarr," by B. V. Pierw, II. I. The iiio rtaiy
selling book out. Eii-iii terrttorj and liberal tajrroi.
Adtireiw the Author at Buffalo, X. V. . Jim si, 4w.
Men or women. $.'4 a wei-fc.
Proof fara;sheaXBusiuo.lea
ant and honorable wil h 110 ri-k.
A IS pago cirenjar and Vaiiutblo
Samples free. rySend yoc tad
dress 00 postal card. Dou'tOe-
Iny Bnt write line u
Jnue 25,-lw.
hat esiabuHhed itself as a perfeti regulator aud aur
remedy for iittorriern of tbe ayatem ai-wina; Jfoas lw
proper action of tho I-aver and Boveln.
It is not a Phyrie. bn. by atimiilaiint? th eorive
orau. pentl? and tradrtallT remove all v?rrita-a, ast
regular the entire avutero.
It in not a doctored laaur, but in a
whi.-h sfsista diMtka, and thiu aliiouh w the appciiie
for food Decenary to invigorate the weakened or inac
tive organs, and aivea atrength to all the vital forot.
It carrie it own recommendation, as the iarfr and
rapidly inrrvasluij aak-a ta-aiify. Prive On Dollar a
bottle. Aai your drupeiirt for it. Jrmstj-roN- Hollo
wai Co.. Phila., Pa. Whok-aai Aajta. Jane 2H,-tw
invest.! in WaU Street often
oooa eriaiDiiiu everything-, and copy of the Wall
Street Review rJent Five, JOHN HKKLING
k CO., Bankers and Bmkem, 7i Broa.liray, Sew York.
June 11, nr.
X either sex may i'aariruain aud gain tho love asU
affeoiiona 0 any person tiiey choose InHtantir. -Tbta
simple mental aciUireilient ail dan rxwwireabjaaaul.
for 25c, together with a marriage puide. EirypUan Ora
cle, Dreams, Hin to Ladiex, Weddinr-XiRht whirls, Ac.
A queer book. A.l.l-e-. T. WILLIAM k Co. Pub. Phila.
Jane 11, Ave.
IrVE10"- ':'' Hart Eubber
. ire from ail soor.nwtr. challox.
pleasantness: used In bathlDff.eodorsed br the tmx.
TATI0KOeodiMaKaunpe4"LB.iiaeleT.-- V.b .
U4B Phi la. A TSfBr-dT, N. V: 8ent bVaviS
June 11, TS. tw.
AoEHrx Wrri. Tne CENTEiST'flAli
GAZETTKKB of the United Stats.
Show tbe grand results of 100 Tesrsof freedom A Pro.
gress. New 4 Caimplote. Over 1U0U paifi-a. Iihut luteal.
Everybody buys it. and agent make from $liai to tJUOa
month. Address 3. V. MeCVKDV CO., Pnbu. PhlU
aateiphia. Pa. . .Tnne 11, (w.
Conducted by uh in every form, on Comwissioa onlv
Puts and Call, on beat houses aod lowest rate. CoV
tM to 2ii, and often pay ttooo prottt. PmurhleL
plainine how Wll street upecUaUons tu oi2tl.
eent free, Seud for a .),
Jnne 11, 4.
2 Wall Street. X. Y.
Being s Full Description of Palestine, it Hiatorr, Anti
quities, InlaalutauU iiad customs, according lotbe great
Discoveries recently made by the Palestine Exploring
Expeditions. It sells at sight. Send for ot extra
ti rms to Agent, and see why it sells faster than other
book, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO, Philadelphia,
.tune 11, w.
Lift and Lisbon r
I V I I J T N E .
(including the "-Last JorBSAUs") unfolds Validly his
30 years Mrange adventure, also the cariositis Worofora
and Wealth of that marvelous country, and is absolnta
ly the only new, complete work. Hcnca It sella: JiiNt
think, 11,000 ilrat 7 week. Sea pages, 100 rare ill,
only t3.0. Ageote wanted. Send ior Term and posi
tive proof. H UBHAliU BHOS., Publishers, Sinsom
St., I'htladclpiiia, I. Jans 11, w.
tol.l by Dniggint. Jnaell, twfc