How THE Woiiv Uboajuze. It it a sail thing to see Un cr twelye wooiea get toiLfcr and attempt to organize a 'society toVid the poor.' They tried K in Ninth afffiuc- the other afternoon, after having talked up tha matter for three or four Weeks. Thirteen or fourteen of them met bj appointment, and after some skirmish ing one of them called the meeting to order and said that the first duty would be to elect a President. A sharp-faced woman got up and said Ibat she didn't want the position, but if it was the wish of the meeting she would take if vttT. fha would. There was a painful t j - -pause, and a fat woman arose and said that the had considerable experience with such societies, and that she thought she could render greater personal aid if made resi dent. There was another painful pause, and a little woman rose up and squeaked : I ino?e to lay the subject on the table !' The other woman looked at her ia a freezing way, and it was suggested that a ballot be taken. All readily agreed to this, and ballots were prepared and a bonnet passed around. When the votes were counted it was tound that each woman had put in at least one for herself and three of them had put in two or three. The Presi dent jro tcrr., looked very grave es she stood op and remarked ; . 'Lndie. I trust that tit's ermr may not occv r asrair It did. however, or nt lent each one cast a vote for herself, but on the thkd ball l a choice was mado and tba lucky woman tk her seat, smoothed out the folds of her dress, and remarked : The next thiug iu vt&t r is the the next thiug ! A womfiQ with a wart on her nose, thi n made a speech, aaylug that she had lui 4rett6urer of wvcial similar associations, nd that if it was the with of the conveu tion she would accept iLe office. It diJu't setui to be the wish however. 'I move to adjourn !' solemnly exclaimed a woman with a large back-coaib. 'The motion, is not in order replied a woman across the room.' Am I in the chair or you ?' demanded the President. 'I move to reconsider the motion,' squeak ed the little woman. 'I support the question !' t ut in the fat womau. The President wiped her spectacles, rap ped on the store pipe, aud rcrlicd : 'Ladies aud gentlemen, there is no mo tion before the bouse, and the question to adjourn is out of order.' Nt much 1' exclaimed a woman nearly six fcei high, drawing herself up. 'I've seen more meetings of this kind than the President eve beard of, and I know that an order to adjoo.n u always in motion 1 So is y our tongut h j one 0f the league and the President kicked on the stove pipe and said : The chair believes she knW8 ner busi ness as well as any other wonn wearing plated jewelry, or as well as if si had a . wart on her coe ! We will now proceed to elect a Secretary Bd Treasurer. He shall they be elected V Viver voiccr 1' cried one. I motion by ballot 1' added a second. By exclamation 1' shouted a third. 'You mean acclamation, explained the President, looking at the last speaker. I don't wear an Alaska diamond,1 was the reply, 'but I know as much as some folks that do 1' 'Less journ !' shouted a female who was bora in 1810. 'I move the previous motion, put in the fat woman. Will some one nominate a candidate ?' asked the President, A painful silence ensued. Tbt fd of a hair pin would have sounded like t hair pin falling over onto a stove builer. Each hoped to have some one else nominate her, and all, therefore, breathed hrd and kept silence. 'I uoininate Mrs. finally said the President, seeing there was a dead-lock. You cau't nominate and put the ques tion to !' squeaked an old lady with beau catchers. I order the previous motion, said a woman with a red shawL And I'm going hum !' added the fat woman. Soaia I !' Soam I !' And they stalked out, leaving the Presi dent tying up her left shoe, and her eyes (lashing wild cats. And all this is why De troit hasn't another 'Society to Aid the Deserving Poor. Dilroii Fret Press. 'Is you a Friend ob de Cullcd Max ?' Here's your nice roast chicken 1' cried an aged colored man as the cars stop ped at a North Carolina railway station. 'Here's your nice roast chick'n taters, all nice and Lot ! holding up his plate aud walking the platform. Where did you get that chicken, uncle ?' .asked a passenger. Uncle looked at the intruder sharply and then turned away, crying : 'Here's -yer nice roast chick'u gcntl'm'n all hot; needn't go in the house for dat 2' 'Where did you get that chicken ?' re Ideated the inquisitive passenger. Look-a-yer !' says uncle, speaking pri vately : 'is you from de Norf 1" Yes ! 'Is yer a friend of de cullad man T' 'I Lope I am !' 'Den don't you m,bler nek me where I gt dat chickin again! Hero's yer nice roast chick'n all hot !' 'Mat I leave a ftw tracts V asked a medical missionary of a lady ho respond ed to bis knock. 'Leave some tracks? 'Certaiuly you cny,' said hc, lookiii;; at Liui tiniguly over her specs. 'Leave them with the heels toward the house, if you please. A takent, with fifteen daughters, has poisoned bis dog, takeu the locks off the d oors, and huug rope-ladders over bis door yard feucc by the dozen, aud still bis pro vision bill is ao large a ever. AX Englishman dining in a Chinese vil- 'n.. vil ntrvin9 n. aavnrirv Hi all nni ' '"6V --V-J--n .' trouid baTe erprefscd bi pleasure to tbe waiter, liowef:r, undei-toHl oothin .F aJl.k1C,lt J.. . ...VMM WMVI I word of Chinew. The emackiDj? of lips indicated sitisroctum ; and question, ingtnioasljr put P.yiutingnt (lie portion of in est in the dish, and which he HUppnaed t- be lucU,the En;lisbnian, with an inquiries lx;k, taul Quackv quack, quiick I" The waiter, sraw'y r-hafcio hia m much n to say. No,' replied, T.O-.V, wow, wow! To pTXerTe tbe teeth I-xk 'em tip in t!eare. AT twnibt every bf n bcccroM a rooster. The way to kill time Shoot every tnr. The end of every tbin? Tbe letter . A txtr of t'ht Two drstsfenri?. Tjjszly tie Apron string The eol wbitb nfi lilt lo corn A dividend. MAH Dfltasonic Building, Ilave int returned from ririltulelphiaand New York with the most ele gant and fashionable stock of good ever brought toM bonntrv, all of which will be sold at eueh pneea as will DLF COMPETI TION." It would be impossible to give in a newspaper advertisement a fall description of all thVolegant and useful articles we have now on hand and consequently will only mention that we have a full line of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S READY-MADE DRESSES, of the lateet London and Paris desisrne. tl A. T Trimmed and Untrimrned ; and an endlecs variety of mhtnms, Gloves, Loees, jFmi83 Embvoidevie3 emu Sosem Sf Lao. & Frinoes. all Cur stock of Ladies' PLAIN, COLORED AND STRIPED HOSE is verv fall. Wo make a specialty of all colors and "Widths, from 21c. up. Ca 0 iaH IBbI 3? Ife! Gauze MerjBoVusts & otlier Unaerwear in o-reater variety tlian can bo founJ outside the cities, aud at prices one half less than the same goods cau be purchased elsewhere. We have add ed to our present stock an immense supply of AJETIFKDIAIL FJL WIEIHtS the like of which has never been seen at the MOST REASONABLE S U BT UESBRBL in all the latest Ptvles and at astonishing low prices ; and everything that is useful and may be founa .t our store, at prices and secure bargains while the stock is do all we say in low prices. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Next to tbe Post Office, REEIIHGTOH Tbe RKsrrsoT05 Sewino Machim bat sprung rapidly iuto favor aa potftecsioj; the beat combination of good qnalltlea namely : Light run ning, smooth, noiseless, rapid, durable, with perfect Lock Btltcb. It ( a Shuttle Machine, with Aolotnatlc Drop Feed. De sign beautiful and construc tion the very bert. GOOD AGENTS WANTED. VHMil ZHfJI IddreNM REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE CO., ILION, N. Y. IIKAXCII OFFICES OF REMINGTON COMPANIES. . Remington & Sons, Reiuiugtou Sewing. M Co., Remlugton Ag'l Co., jlLION, N. February 20, 1S75. 2 ruos. C tflft invested in Vi'jll fttrwt often VlXJ lUOJUU leta to lortuni. A 7'J p(?c hwk vx) killing evervthins, nd t opy of the V11 StrrrX Kerirw HCTlt Free. 4oHN HlOKt I.NfJ ft CO., Iii;k'.r ud bruk ra, 7'J UrjiUway, Nt Vurk. Jnuo 11, 4-. l)bl'U(MA.NCy, urSOlfL rHRMINf;." How L nt her do may fiacmitd u.l Rain fb love and ITectiuiis of ui.y a liny rbooae iuiuil)y. Tbm Klinple n"utal aoqui.ixliuent all cud iKC"A,fi.,l.jr ii.ail, tor irtc.. tvfbiT iiu a niarmr.' fini'k-, f.vptian t'ra ele. ViHaum, Tliula to Lua. Uv.lilif'.r-Niplil Ruin.. Ac. A queer Ixt Ad Jri f. UlLM AM fc Co. 1 ub. l'Liia. June 11, 4w. Till t a. i i fipca. "ttrfl.-T'o Hard KcbN-r I ini'."--iKl. li -L-t. uTi!v:ii e'- mid!rhe. , jy, Ire Ifrmi oil r.ur. nisi ' . 1 1. iMn-- srvrtnr 4 !ti bit hln-r r njnMe l i.-, fnd lir iit riteuiiivreiiar.ln. jj:rAfu;i 1M1-T.lIO;l-'v'eniioni-nPrl"r V-trM-." r.-.isl.. 1-7 Ch-n. fr.. I-Mln..S.ff tr'irv. N. V. fnt by mo'i June It. T.V lr. Aoritn V'a:ttp. Tlie (.'LNTENNfeVL 0. V J21TUEH of lbe Chitkd Ktaiw. Bhowa 111 i-.iv.ud reoialta uf 1 JC earn of l r Join & I'r irtio. I.vw & X.uiplo:. Ov.-r lijipavta. Tliii'.lr.U-d. 1. -rvli-1) l iivs it, aud ai-nls nuke from t-KM to tW a ujoutli. Ad-ln-aa, . C. M iCWlDY k tk., l ul. lliil ai. li'bia. l a. June 11 w. stock spwurvnoNs. r.tduottfd by ua in every furui, on ComniUrifn only. l np aud C'll: ou bMt hoiiHen aud lowist raU . CoM, (10 to 1 JM. curl oaen pay (.Xn) prottl. r.-a.pulot. rx p'j .nltn bi.-w Wsll iKCd.ttioi.s kre oudud, sctit free, Send for a eopr. TCysHTDOl! CO., IAicKtits Ayo i!xoetc, .Tan 11. 'w. i u .11 Fr-t. N. T. auentk V T L wa.v: '.'.) FOit qu i l. u:; ? .u'-. -i T.. . .... - n.i n. : rt..-t ... M't.- !.! I : u.e iTi,-: ... It Bo. is 1 1 temis to Aiff ti'-. ri 4 p- -y if is i.jtcr t.a;i oitcr book. S VXION.VT, FCEtlSHIj CO., Phil.W, hii. I p.,. JaJe 11, w. CAUTION. NOTICF.. Tfce OESCI-JE TDITIOX Lata l,hrn f.T i v i i v tt i' o i: . (in. 'i... Ivi Jt;vi'0 "'-IK v V-7 L -.0 .. tr .r. :. . .,'M . ;) i':"- '-wilt'H ; .Oil . it!.of tn:tr luuP e.ur. y, ji '1 !( at i'.,u e j ly I -i 'v otw.'v'iv Wuik. Tl: e I- a) : Jc t::ii.V. l','V.0f,,. 7 yte- ki. 8 3 MV. 1J n.f I iiiv W.v9. .pi " 'iirol. Scni tirt 7r.-a: and t'Oii; ! :;vf4MM HCEBARTi I-.RS.. PaW:'. CTiv? SJSit.Si.Wi cccgh. cclTho arseite??, AXD ALL THltOAT DISEASES, PTT rt CNLT I3C IXC- ?OXi$. A TT.IEI? A2TD STKE EEHEDT. Syi tj Prpjl9'. one 11. w. ! rCETCtTT X'J IT. revrry f. rr.ry fjy n. S.'.i ty cits. A-a3rc5S. O. S. AIKE?. KMC, Tr. M?y ??, "?5,-4w. 5 Ladies' and Children's C A. P S Colors. LARGE C from 45 ccut3 "Frds. in this place, aud which will be sold Em S A. S ornamental in a to suit everybody. Do uot fail to cal full, and be couvinced that we can in Masonic Bulletin IS, Mi SUMBURY, PA. RsttiaoTos Ko. 1 Machine for family UBe, in tbe third year of its existence, has met with a more rapid increase of ratio of tales than any tua chine in the market. Remuotox No. 3 Machine for manufacturing and family nse, (ready for delivery only since June, 1874,) for range, perfection, and variety of work, is without a rival in family or workship. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. 2S1 & 2S3 Broadway New York, Arms. Madibon So,., New York Sewing Machiucs. Chicago, 237 State St., 8. Machine and Arms. Boston, 283 Wasbiugtou St., Sewing Machines. , Cincinnati, 181 West 4th St., Sewing Machines. Utica, 12D Cenesee St. Sewing Machines. Atlanta, tia., UeGive'a Opera House, Marietta. St., Sewing Machines. Washingtou,D. C.,521 Seventh St.,S. Machines, TEAS RETAILED AT Importer! 1'ricfi, by Tin: Great Atlantic ail Facile Tea Co, 231 Market fctreet HarriHburg Tbia ia sn organization of capitalists to IMPORT AMU DISTRIBUTE TEAS for one small profit, Having tha aonauutcr all profits of middlemen. We control s Imtkc part uf the But Teas brought to tbia oouutry, ariuoii are ncul by ouraolvee. i-enotis buyitg of oiutr denlors do so to tuoir own dis a44ita;o. Oar lujuxoa in Ciiiua and Japuu bavo tbe wi-y Ut laciiities vl a.JHni, wbKh give ua great ad Vaiiiagtfa. We bave ealavliauei storm for distributtug our tcu in ail tbe pruieiioai cities ut llto United Sutea. w e give to our customers BeMutttnl OH Chromo, (Ukeu from tbe ricliai guc.a of Aicerioan aud Foieln artists) wbcb. If bousbt at pasture sture. would Cost maca mora tban tbe iuieeof UivTm. Tiite chrcmoe are s presmit to oar cuMuuwr. All ffOwdH sold Warranted to gi .' l)icct siisiactibn or ibe iuouey rerundeu. Great Atlantic V Pacific Tea Co., 121 Market street, Barrieburg. UuJ 14, 4w. WANTED i Awnts for tliB lat ellini? frlfe PaCaUeesiuthcSTurid. Siniepaec sje, with elegant piize, pont-paid, Uiceuta. For otber t.cvelties send stamp. Address, I'. P. GIXCE, New inaiom, suss. May zs, AGENTS W)V1V. il.-utir wotiiru. i-H a !. 1'riHit tiiniialied.Uu.-iii--. ' I'-'-rf nut aud honorable i'l '" t'ttt. AW paps cir-iJ--ri.u'l a' dremi "C intl rani. Jioa'lC Ir. : r'. v rl anav " 1 .'ji. i.EL,.'iu5'r...EWv.tBi Msy23,-4w. 65 W!S or'.iclca Sod tbe b' VXt F'mi TiVjierin Amer:c, :(1 W3 $ .W Ciuomos, fw. Ail.M'J CO., U'O Kit 1..J, . Y. My 23, G.-4w. W!!EREVKUIT 1IA BEEN TRIED T." ci.!ii,!ie? itsoll ra ? i irfoci tt"'.itOT cni a for li3:rrioi of tto systrro itijuug IiCra jm- prcpr iCil.-u ! tie L.vcr na Bonel. Ti isiioti Fl vic. iia. bv sMmuintin-? tl s-w ortii.a. rrcr.tly : ul Tifluiiv remote ull uni-aruie, irgnu-teeitetiitiro yn m. It is tioi i JooitJ bitters, but is s VEGETABLE T0NIG wVrt i "sta -ii'ctloii, ai.e ibu3 rfUr. ninths ihnsrpi'9 tor jod to lnTlgi,TOt tae ? ikcoed or umo- ivo cif 'rl. mi". r;ivcs sriith to J tbv vliiJ force. Ttc.iiil i own lWjmmiDils'ioii. aa the larjrs an-J rnpMIy iTXTPftMin? aaira teftify. Price Ona Pollar a oott.?.' Ask tout Uruit for U. .JobW'.tth Hotto wT Cc, ri-J.-t.. Pa. V.toa!o A?'. . My i-4w. T'lCfA,,f!r!'- a jjr.tiia-acto-l. llc'JCT tji? iy woriin? pfi'lo cf both seie. jronrjr aid old. xuikc mor mojwy nt work for tit. In tbolr own low.litos. darin'j their pm motenta, ot all tho ti-n. the n r.t cny tMnc ol. We rtr emplorrn-nt thr.t will Jsv br.ts'llovn.y for every hour's WOTk. Full Tr.Tticar!. icrma. to., free. New la tha t)m. Ton't ipolt for work or buinc cwhe! untU yon bur? ;rmed wht.t rre offer. O. Sirfsost & Co.. Port iMiH. Maine. Jan. 8, 1373. Iy. to Sbbtdisements. SUSQUEHANNA COFFIN C'ASnr.T WORKS, Front St., above Race, sryiwnv, pen fa. THE undersigned IiatUiK established a Coffin & Casket Manufactory, at the above place, are now pnptirel to fomisli to I'abinDtmai.prs and Undertaker, omt the trade generally - CofTins and Caskets Of the hest and lntept patterns nrul finished In the best st yle. Their different patternR inrlnding both Coffin and Casket shapes arc of WALNUT, CHEIilir, CIIESTXUT, Imitation of HofKnrl and Cherry, or,.1 all mhpr Ktvlru- made of the boet mnteriol acd finish ; work done by the most experienced Orders will be filled piomptly, anu Coffins and Pockoia will hp. qhitn.ed to an? D'.ace desired, at the Ehortent notice, and at the most resonable Thn mtronrisre of the fMd is solicited. Send for PRICE and DZSCKIPT1VE USt, and lenrn the styles nnd prices- FRTUNG, BOWEN rj.C-IL. Sunbnry, April 30, lSTl.-tf. Special Wotlcc to Ladies. -o A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SPRIXO and SHT.MMF.K GOODS. Fancy Goods and Notions just opened A Miss I Kate Ulack'8 store, MarKei cquare, SUNBUKT, PENN'A. SILS, CALICOES, LAWNS, GIXGI1AMS, and n eaeral assortment of Ladies Dress Good, ... x--.i..:a U....ll'Aiv.l.;1ifa Jt'i X Full Assortment ofSoapn, Perfumery. Bibbons, Flowers, Feathers nnd iiimmings. Ladies are invited to call and examine my largo stock. MI33 KATE BLALh.. Suubury, way , ii . NEW YORK TRIBUNE. "The Leading American Sewspaper." THE BEST ADTERTISISO MEDIUM. Daily, 10 a year. Semi-Weekly, Weekly, $2. Pnatovn Fim to the Subscriber. Kiwciman Copies ami Advertising Rates Free. Weekly, in cluba of 30 or more, only fl, iotage paid. Addreaa iht jkibube, Kew York. Jn. . ioio. BOOK BINDING of all kinds neatly and substantially done by JOIIM COLL.IMS, Third St., opposite the Clement House 8UN- tSUKI, fA. Prices of BINDING: ?a 2 ? S SlZEOrWOBK. M S3 S c&soE. f y 3 go 3 - g f.5S8?lP SiielTiamo vot. 60 1 frrrruJTT30 I 50 Harper's Maga- tine 1 00 1 25 1 50 1 75 2 25 Peterson's M a ga- j zine.Godey's La- I dys' Book 125l 40 1 70 200 350 Ladies' Reposi- torr 1 30 1 50 1 75 2 50 3 CO Applcton's Jour nal.. 1 50 1 75 2 00 3 00 4 50 nistoryof Un'd States, Warofthe Union, National Port rati Gallery. 1 80 2 25 3 50 4 75 Bheet Music...... 1 10 ( 3 00 2 50 Harper's Week ly, Fr'k Leslies', and rk-ientiQc American 2 00 2 50 3 00 ot- erica. 25J4 wj 7 00 Large Family Bibles and illustrated workdoue in tbe bttt manner and at reiuonaoit rait. tiT'Especial attentiou is called to our HALF. BINDING W ORK.. Sunbnry, April 16, 1875. tf. 'i M l: Ma-rU. . - . . . . ...... an - Dr. J, Walker's CaHfotnfa Tine- gar Sitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from tbe native licrbs forma on tho lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains or California, tho medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tbe nse of AlcohoL The question ia almost daily asked, wnat is the cause or the unpar alleled 8CCC0S3 of VlNXQAF. BITTEK3 f ?' Our answer ia, that they remove the cause or disease, and tno patient recov ers hi3 health.' They aro the great blood purifier and a lifo-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator andlnvigorator ot tne system, isever neioro in tne ni3 tory of tho world has a mcdicino been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vuteoar Brmns in healing the tick of every disease man is heir to. They are a rentlo Fursativo aa well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation bi ico Auver sua v ucorui vrgani in xiiuous jjiseases. The properties of Db. Waxsee's TnreoAK Bitters aro Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, diuretic, .Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorilio, Altera- uvo, ana abu-ajuioub. H. II. MCDONALD fc CO., - Druggirts and Genual Agent, Ban Francisco, CaUft tua, suit cor. naemngvoa aaa kmmuoo ou., im Sold by sU Druggists and Dealers. SPRING AND SUMMER. para MILLINERY aii FANCY GOODS! Large arrivals, assortments unsurpassed, latest styles, finest goods. Central Milliuery, Market Bquars, Suubury, Pa. I take pleasure in culliug your particular at tentiou to my Spring arrivals of Milliuery aud Fancy goods, which embraces tbe latest and most desirable goods extant. Having made every cUbrt to subtaiu my well known leputation of securing tbe finest goods, I oiler tbis announce ment witb Ibo assuracce that I bare uot devi atedrather improved on former seasons' pur chases. STRAW GOODS a specialty, for this season, including tbe prettiest and mott su.table nts(incountlets8tv!cs) iu the market. 1 'LOW ERS, KIBBON8,SILfcs, LACES, ORNAMENTS, CRAPES and numerous other novelties, besides the lare array of Seasonable articles In tho Fauey Goods department. II ATS and RON NETS made to order ns usual, in the most aiiUtic milliner. Having purchased all my goods 'for co A, I am enabled to Sell at extremely low prices. Thankful for past favors, I respectfully solicit a conlinnance. MUs LuU SHIahLEI!, Market Square, Sun burv. April 23, 1V75. Jonx II. frxu. John M. FcnoNorK. MILL NCIIO.XOl'R. rfecond Street, WoMttsnour, Pi. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS WINES, PRANDJF.S, GINS, FurP OUI Kye Whitltoj. Arrtr VThtket, ComiAt. Ac. All sold gaurrantpcd a" rrprnaff".-?. OHcra promptly attended to nnd public pn trccage rcrectft)lly solicltcl. SELL, & SCHONOUR. Sd St., Womelidorf, I'.crV" Co., Pa. Feb. 27, 1ST4. ly. HARDWARE. We are better prepared than eTer to supply tte demand for goods In oar lice. We Lave Jast received a fall stock of Shovels, Irou, Hoes, Steel, Rakes, Oiia, Forks, Paints, Pumps, Glass, Cutlery, Varnishe3, LEATHER BELTING, TOOLS, AVI UDN SCI'TARLE FOR Builders, Houaekeepers, Farmers, Blacksmilhs, .''hciiMnakers, Cabinet Makers. Carpenters, Machinists, Painters an.l the People. Call and examine our goods. CONLEY, HACKETT k MATEER, Opposite vVkitraer's store. March 2Cr 1875. If- -I o 4 a a 5' 3. 1 .v CTj - B QD t3 P WATCHES, JEWELRY v SILVtH- WARE. Johu W. Stevenson, Corner Third and Market Sts, Sunbnry, Ptt. H' AS completely renovated his Store Room. and opened the largest assortment oi WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited In this part of ibe State. Every thing in the Jewelry line is Kept in 6iore. Silver-Ware, Bracelets, Rings & Cliains, of every description and of the finest quality. Particular attention paid to repairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ac. HAIR JEWELRY made to order. Sunbnry, March 6, 1874. JUST ISSUED! And Mailed, post-paid, on beceipt or the MARKED DU1CE. Pieces marked have Illustrated Tltle-Pages. Mornlnsr Breaks Upon tbe Tomb Easter Anthem. Thoma. 50 8wingiu5 on th Garden Gate Song and morus, yftomim. 4U Where is My Loved Ouo To-night? Song and Chorus, Hum. 35 Eiug, Darkies, biiig ! (As snng by Carl Wagner.) Hay. 35 Angel Gabriel Comic Song. Stewart. 30 When Silver Locks Replace tbe Gold- Song and Chorns. (Aubwer to Silver Threads Among tbe Gold, Leiahton. 35 you Never Miss tbe Lager till the Keg Runs Dry Comic song. 4U Gane Ana' Scotch Song. IVaiui. 30 Aloue, and At Home song auJ Chorns. limit. ui My Wee Wife 'Waiting at the Door- Ballad. Thoma. 40 Oh ! Miss Susie ! End Song and Clio. llay. 35 Give Me but a smile song and c .veiMii. a When First I Met Thee, Nellie Dear- Song and Chorns. Sttx-art. 30 I'm Captiin of the Guards Comic S. Jfay. 35 Beyond the Golden Door Song and C. H hile. M Gertie's With the Angels Now Song and Chorns. tnnttn. M Please God, Make Room for a Little Boy. Cur. 30 INSTRUMENTAL. La Belle Jeuuesse Polacca. W'iUou. 50 Awakeuing of the Birds Morceau. Mmjlalh. 40 Sweetheart Mclodle Uracieuse. Maijlatu. 40 Twinkling Stars Morceau de Salon. U'iltott 50 The Highland Maiden Romance. Wihon. 50 Cnjus Anituam (from Stabat Mater) Wagner 40 I Dreamland Morceau de Salou. Maylalh. 40 Echoes from the Palisades Morceau. Wagner. 40 Venetian Regatta Transcribed. Wagner. 40 Merry Foresters Forest Sceue. Wagner. 50 Rocking Waves Transcribed. Maylatht 40 The Scotch Lassie Reverie. Pacher. 40 Kiltie's Polka Mazurka. Prevot. 30 Fairy Land Reverie. Xurvel. 35 Sparkling Jewels Polka. Vhrittie. 30 Think of Me Sometimes Easy Waltz. Wagner. 20 Temperance March (Easy) Wagner. 20 Men are Such Deceivers Easy Polka. Wagner. 20 Mollie Darling Easy March. Wagier. 20 Peters' HorsEuoi-D Melodies, Nos. 1. 2 aud 3. A Collection of Popular Songs, by Hays. Dauks, Stewart, etc. Each number coutaius Seven or Eight Songs. Price, 50 cents each : Yearly, 13 Numbers fort. Peters' Parlok Music, Noa. 1, 2 aud 'i. Each number contains several easy aud moderately difficult Piano Pieces, by Kiukcl, Becht, Wag ner, Wilson, etc. 50 cents each ; Yearly, 13 Numbers for tl. La Creme de la Ckeme, Nos. 1 to 15. Each Dumber contains 21 pages of Classic auJ ditll cult Piano Music, worth at least 2.50. Price of each number, 50 eeuts ; Yearly, 13 Numbers for (4. Published by J. L. TETERS, March 5, 1S75. 099 Broadway, N. Y. 7W IiSUAliS2, fcafltSafc Qvcc Thitfy-four Competitors Si w 1 Ik S ft ' 5. v t-H ? 1 X -5 cr s o IK MACHINE SHOP AND IRON FOUNDRY. GEO. EOHRBACH & 023. Kunbury Penn'a, INFORM the public that they fire prepnrea to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and harln? ada;d a new Machine Shop in connection with tlulr Fonndrv. and hare supplied themselves with Nw Lathes, Planing and Boring Machinee, with the latest Improvements. With the aid of skillful inechfirjica, they are enabled to execute all ord. rs of NEW WORK OP. REPAIRING, that may be given them, in a oatinfiictnrv timn uer. rate to snlt any Mote IKON t'OLCMNS, for chnrcheR or olhr build Iiikb, of all size. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, At'. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their fu perlority, have been still further improved, nud will always be kept on hand. Also, TIlREriilMti MAtniJii.a. Sunbnry, May 20. 1874. FURNITURE ROOMS! The undersigned begs leave to inform the titi- zeus of Northumberland county, that he has opened a FIRST CLASS FOBNITHEE STORE, On Market Street, opposite the City Hotel, in Sunbnry, WLsrc he Lcc-ps on ka'ni a large tsioilui'.M'.t of Cousistiug in part cf Walsut Parlob Skt. Bcrfacs. i'.kdsteads, washstasd3, LOUSGES, Mattketises, CrjPBOAnns, Book Casees, .Fasct Brackets, Chamber Sei, Cais Seat Chaiuh, W ood CnAin, Roceiso CiiAir.s, DlSIMO TABLES, F.xtensios Tables. Marble Top Tablks. KlTCnEG FLTiSllUnE, LOOKIKC &LA3SC9, Ho will also inauufactcrQ to order, on tboi t no- ticei any articlo in his liuc, if not in store. ne U prepared to offer superior inducements to purchaser. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. Call and examine his stock and prices and be convinced. JACOB IIACPT. , o mos. I Furniture Ware-Rooms'. ROBERTS A IIOSTER9IAN, (Successors to B. L. RAUDENBUSII.) Masonic Building, SITISrBXJJR"Y3 3P.A WILL SELL CIIEAr, AK ENDLESS VARIETY op TUIINITUIIE of the latest styles and best material. CONSISTING OF Parlor and Chamber Suits ; LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS. Bedsteads of all kinds, Cupboards, Siuks, and in short everything usually to be found in a first- class Furniture btore. Special attention is given to Undertaking in all its branches. Coffin? and Burial Caskets Or ALL StTIS CONSTANTLY ON HND. An invitation is extended to all to come and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ROBERTS & HOSTERMAN. Snnbury, Feb. 1, 1875. QARRIAGES, BIGGIES AC. H. K. FAGELY fc CO. respectfully Inform the public that they have commenced me manuiaciure oi CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C, A, at the new shop recently erected by J. F. Lcrch Corner ofFourth and Chestnut Sts., SUNBURY, PA., and solicit a fair share of Patronage. April 3-Cm. J. F. LERCII, 8up't. jHcrcanlUt. Sugar, Coffee. Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. L u (6 O f- m u w 6. 00 c i 5 O 1 ? w u d s . aa W " 5 K Z o i 'C -a X 55 c it 3 v a- o o O 2. o i- 3 o n Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. Maize & Schwartz, Successors to Geo. Evans & Co., 1103 Market Street, PhiladelpLia, MERCHANT TAILORS nnd MIL1TA11Y CLUTIHKttS. Men and Boy' suits made to order in the latest styles, of the best cloths and cassWneres in mar ket, ut prices suitable to the times. Military, Band & Fire Organizations promptly nnifoimcd. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sont free on application. Ours beingthe leading bonseon Military work, we feci that we can offer inducement which can not be attained anywhere else. Not. 27, 1873. mi PES.VSVLVAMA RAIL ROAD. PHILADELPHIA X ERIE R. R. DTYISION. SUMMER TIMETABLE. On and after Snnday, May 23d, 1375, tbe Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Eail Rnad Divi sion vrill run as follows : WESTWARD. Fast Line loaves New York " " " Philadelphia, - 9.2 a m 13.55 p m 1.20 p m " " Baltimore, " " " llarrisburg, " srr. at Williainsport, ' " " Lock Haven, " " Bellelonte, Erie Mail leaves New York, 5.00 p m S.55 p m 10.20 p m 11.50 p m 8.25 p m I 11.55 pm 11.55 p m 4.25 a m " Philadelphia, ' ,: Baltimore, " " Harriebuig, " " " Williamspbrt, " Lock Haven, " " " Renovn, " " arr. at Erie, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, Baltimore, " ,s Harrisbnrg, 8.35 a m j 9.45 a m 11.05 am 7.50 p m 7.40 a m 7.35 a ia 10.55 a m " arr. at Williamsport, " " " Lorfc Haven, " " " Renovo, Elniia Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " Bultimore, - " " llarrisburg, " " air. at WUliaDisport, " " " Lock Haven, EASTWARD. 1.55 p m 3.15 pm 4.30 p m 8.00 a m 8.30 a m 1.25 pm 6.10 p m 7.30 p m Phil.ui a Express leaves Lock Haven, " WUlianispoit, 6.40 p m 7. 5 5 a lii nrr. at Harrlsburg, 11.45 a m " Baltimore, " Philadelphia, " New Torir, d.15 p m J.d5 p m 6.45 r m i.MVes Renovo, 9.10 a m " Lock Haven. 10.25 a m . Wiiliumsport, 11.35 a m arr. at Harrisbnrg, 3.00 p m " Philadelphia, 0.20 pm " Newiork, 9.15 pm " Baltimore, .S5 p m Erie. y. JkW leaves Eiio, 11.20 a m " " Kecovo S.Zopin " " ' Lock Haven, 9.45 p m " " " WiHiamsport, 10.50 pm " arr. nt Harrlsburg, 'i.'io a m " " " Baltimore, 7.35 am " " " Philadelphia, 0.45 am " " " New York, 10.10 am Fast Line leaves Williamsport, 13.35 a m " ' arr. at Harrisburg, 3.55 a m " " Baltimore, 7.35 am " ' Philadelphia, 7.35 am " " New York, 10.25 a m Erie Mail West, Niagara Express West, Eluiira Mail West and Day Express East make close connection at Northumberland with L. & B. K. R. trams for W ilkesbarre and Scranton Erie Mail West. Niagara Express West and Elmlra Mail West make close connection at Williamsport with N. C. R. W trains north. Erie Mail i-a&t and West, Magara express West. Fast Line West and Day Express East make close connection at Lock Haven with a. k. V. R. R. trains. Erie Mail East and West connect at Erie with trains on L. S. k M. S. R. R., at Corry with O C. & A. V. R. R., at Emporium with B. N. Y.& P. R. R., aud at Driftwood with A. V. R. R. Parlor Cars will run between rnlladelptila and Williamsport on Niagara Express West, Fast Line West, Philadelphia Express East aud Day Express East. Sleeping Lars on all mgbt trains. VY .U. A. BALDWIN, uen i sup t Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. Jancabt 17th, 1375. Trains Leave Herndon as Follows : (SrsDArs Excepted.) For Shamokiu. 10.40. 11.00 a. in. and 3.40 d. ra. forMl.i;annei,ASUiaua, lamaquu, ruivsvmc, a..A a i m . . n.u rri Readimr and Philadelphia. 10.40 a. m. Trains for Herndon, Leave as Follows fScNDATS Excepted.) Leave Shamokin at 8.00 a. in. 1.50 and 3.55 r. m. ' .... .. n . . . rtn Leave Philadelphia, a.ia a. m., iteaaing 11.00 a. m., Pottsvuie, 13.10 p. m., tamaqna, p m Ashland, p. m., ill. (jarmei, i-zi p. m. Trains Lzavz h arrisburo. as J) ollows For New York. 5.20. 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 7.40 d. m. or Philadelphia, s.m, o.iu a. m., 3.5C, p. iu. DUN DATS. For New York, 5,20 a. m. For Philadelphia. 1.45 p. m. Trains tor Harrisburo. Leave as Follows : Leave New York, 9.00 a. ra., 12.40 and 5.15, 7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, a. m. 3.W ana t.w p. m. BCNDATS. Leave New York, 5.15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.00 p. m. Via Morris and Essex R. R. J. E. WOOTTEN. General Sup't. Readiug, Pa. Nov. 13. 1874. CENTRAL .DRUG. STORE W'&, Q.B.CADVLLADER Is tbe place Co buy pore and fresb MEDICINES, DRUGS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR for medicinal purposes, and all other arti cles usually keut in a first-class Drug Store. Special attentiou paid to compounding pre- scriptions and iUroily receipts by competent druggists. I am prepared to furnish in quantities to suit purchasers and at fhiladelplua prices, CALCINED PLASTEK, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Roman, Rosendale and Lehigh CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also. Garden Seeds of all kinds. Aall and tret a Rural Register for 1374. GEO. B. CADWALLADEK. Sunbnry, Feb. 0, 1874.-1T. Dr. CM. Martin. Geo. W. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE; No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BAil Miry, ft. DR. C. 31. MARTIN & CO, HAVE Just received a fresh lot of Pure Drugs aud Pateut medicines. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth, Nail,Clotbe,Shoe aud other brushes. TOILET AXD FANCY ARTICLES. FISE EXTRACTS, POCKET BOOKS, KNIVES, C, C. REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume Ih America. rariiau, a KiI Glove Wash, p warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate shades withont injury to the kid All the leading preparations for tbe Hair, SEGARS, THE BEST IN MARKET, Pure Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes, Pbysu-ians Prescriptions and family leceipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal ing to receive a share of your patronage. September 11. 1ST3. TOY sfc CONFECTIONERY STORE. Everybody is invited to come and buy of the handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, iu frame buildlns, adjoining Moore & Dissioger'e huildiuir. THIRD STREET. 8UNBCRT, PA. Just opened a fresh supply of Coiifeotioucrijs of every description. TOYS OF ALL KINOS constautlv on hand. The best RAISIAS, FIGS, CURRANTS & DRIED mull. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fiesli Pread, Bans & Cakes, every morning FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, &c. ORANGEKS, LEMONS, FRESH FISH EVERY DAY will b nolil at the lowst rates. The best of Albemarl Shad will be delivered at the residence of purchasers In any part of the town. Call and sec the excellent assortment of goods and ascertain prices. tgnrullural. vNwaVNvrv. AGRICULTURE. Thou goddess of the golden sheaf And of the purple Tine t Of opening flowernd bnddlug leaf. Thy coronal we twine ; And grateful heap the ripening store, Of autumn sere and winter hoar. On altars wholly thine I Thy votaries in every clime, Faithful aud zealous are ! Joyful we hall the glad spring-time, Onr wailing fields prepare ; And when the waiting pulses start, In nature's sympathetic heart, Dispense the seeds with care. No toil nor labor we regard, The promise is oui own ! Unfailing shall be onr reward When autumn winds have blown It cheers ns in our daily task, "f ia all the recompense wa ask To reap as we have sown '. White Leghorn Hens. A writer iu t he Sural World who "goes hia pile" on the White Leghorns, thus writes abont them : Having given this breed a fair trial during the last eighteen months, perhaps 1 can interest some ot your readers with a few ir marks in regard to their qualities. They are of medium size, but good layers of good sized, pnre white eggs- Thry seldom of fer to set, and if they hare a gon-l range, they will find most of their living in good weather, and lay both winter and summer. They are be coming very popular, both for beauty and as lay ers. They cannot be excelled by any variety in the number of eggs they will produce in a yea'r. The chickens feather out and mature very ear ly, are easily reared, very hardy and exempt from disease. Pullets often lay at five months old. Pallets of this breed batched oat the first of August will come to maturity and begin to lay before Brahmas and Cochins that were batched in June. From tbe experience I have had with this breed, I consider them the best breed of fowls in existence, and if they have a good range, they will produce more pounds of eggs and dressed poultry than any breed, to the quantity of food consumed. Daring very hot or very cold weather, when the large breeds are setting around In some corner to protect them selves from tbe beat or cold, the Leghorns are stirring about and appear to be comfortable. They are very gentle and stand confinement well, seldom flying over a four foot picket fence. Their flesh Is white, jnicy and of good quality. For the farm or city they are very showy and ornamental. Asparagus and Celert. A medical corres pondent of an England journal says that the ad vantages of asparagus are not sufficiently ap preciated. Those who suffer with rheumatism, are cured in a few days by feeding on this delici ous esculent ; and more chronic cases are msch relieved, especially if the patient avoids all acids, whether in food or beverage. Tbe Jerusalem artichoke has a similar effect in relieving rheu matism. It may be well to remark that most plants which grow naturally near the seacoat contain more or less iodine, and in the rheuma tic complaints iodine has long been a favorite remedy. One who has been in the drug business told the writer some years ago that many of tbe popular nostrums which some disinterested peo ple "for the good of their fellow creatures" sold at two dollars a bottle, consisted of a few cents worth of iodine in solution. Iodine is dan gerous, however, in over doses, affecting espe ciaily the eye. Scientific American. ! Bkas fob Houses. The Journal of the Farm says : Brau whan led to animals la laxative, and on this account should not be fed to horses In any quantity when hard work is at all required of them, because weakness is caused by this re laxation of the bowels and great injury inflict ed. The thaory that introduces bran into horses' stables Is as pernicious in Us effects as the in-) discriminate nse of bran itself at the whim of; the stableman, and the theory is, thai horses f sick or well, should be fed upon bran mashes.' A little bran with other and more substantial; articles of food may, however, be occasionally given with advantage, bat always taking care not to feed it in quantities to give rise to loose ness of the bowels, nor be counted to tbe poor horse as so much other solid food, for in doing so yon not only deceive yourself, bat cheat your horse. Viktce is Whistijsg. in old farmer once said to ns that he wonld not have hirrd a man on his farm who did not habitually whistle. He always hired whistlers. Said he never knew a whistling laborer to And fault with his food, his bed, or complain of any little extra work he had asked to perform. Such a man was generally kind to children and to animals in his care. He wonld whistle a chilled lamb Into warmth and life, and would bring In a hatful of eggs from the barn without breaking one of them. He found sUjCh a man more cartful abont closing gates, putting up bars and seeing that the nuts on hia plow were all properly tightened before be took it into the field. He never knew a whist ling hired man to kick or beat a cow, or drive her on a running as to the battle. He had no ticed that sheep be had fed in the yard and sheep gathered around him as lie whistled with- out fear. He never had employed a whistler who was not thonghtfil and economical CuTTise Flowers. Never cut flowers during iutense sunshine, nor keep them exposed to tbe sun or wind. Do not collect them in large bundles, or tie them together, as tbis hastens their decay. Do not pull them, but cut them clearly off the plant with a sharp knife not with cissors. When taken in doors, place them in the shade, and reduce them to the required length of stalk with a sharp knife, by which the tubes, through which they draw up water is per mitted to ascend freely ; whereas if tbe stemt are bruised or lacerated, the pores are closed up. Use pure water to set them in, or pure white sand in a state or saturation, sticking the ends of the stalks into it, but not in a crowded man ner. If in water alone, it ought to be changed daily ; and a thin slice sbonld be cut off the endt of the stalks at every change of water. HOUSEHOLD. . To Reno v a Mildew From Li?em. Mix soft soap with powdered starch, half tbe quautity oi salt, and a piece of lemon, and lay It on bolt side's with a painter's brush. Let it be in the open air one the grass is preferable till the stiiiu is removed. Germantotcn Telegraph. To Remove Ixk-Stains. A solution of chlo ride of lime in water, to which a little acetic acid has been added, is among the many re ceipts recommended to remove iuk-stains frorc linen. Germantotcn Telegraph. Colorless Vahsish. Dissolve 3i ounces of shellac ia a pint of rectified alcohol ; boil for a few minutes with 5 ounces of well-burned anr recently-heated animal charcoal. A small por tion of the solution should then be filtered, ant if not colorless, more charcoal must be added When all color is removed, press the liquo: throngh a piece of sijk, and afterwards tllte! through fine blotting-paper. This kind of var nish should be used iu a room heated up to a least 60 F., perfectly free from dust. It drie in a few minutes, and is not liable afterwards t chill or bloom. It ia particularly applicable t drawings and prints that have been sized, an may be used for gilding. Fire-Proof Starch. According to Professt GintI, in his report on practicheinlcai prepan tions at the Vienna Exhibition, ammonia alut (sulphate of alumina and ammonia) and by posnlphate of soda are additions to starch whici make it very effectually fire-proof. This is im portant, as both are cheap substances, easy t obtain, and withont any action on most colon The latter substance prevent, though, not t perfectly as some other compounds, a (nil is flam mat ion, while it is a fact worthy of remar. that tbe quality of the starch which causes it t give stiffness and gloss to the material to whlct it is applied is not in the least affected. Oxidation shown by Cuasoi or Color o. Contact with Air. If a tolerably concei tratod alcoholic solution of naphthalene red I boiled for a few minntes with line dnst, a colot less solution is obtained ; and if tbe flask I corked while full of the vapor of the alcohol the liquid remains colorless, and the sine settle to tbe bottom. If tbe flask is then shaken so a to wet the sides, and to cork withdrawn, the ir uer walls are instantly colored deep red. It ' only necessary to boil again, in order to repe tho experiment. J