tumorous Ectcljes. Clawixg Off.' Yesterday as a police man was 6trolling past a house on Fort street cast, a woman a year or two over forty, having; her sleeves rolled up aud her hands covered with flour ran out to the gate and called to him. 'It's a little delicate, she said as she leaned over the gate and tried to blush, 'but I'm a person that knows my rights, aud besides, I'm alone in the world and no one to advise we.' 'Speak your niiud freely, madam,' re plied the officer, and he tapped on the pick ets with his baton. 'You know all about the law, don't you ihe inquired. 'Everything, madam. I can tell you how to go to work in an admiralty cafe, and bring you from that down through divorce, bankruptcy, arson, burglary, false pretenses, hitching a lKrse to a shade tree and gcttiug intoxicated. ' 'It's a little delicate,' she softly said as she rubbed the flour oil' her hands, 'but ns I said before I'm all alone.' 'Trust me, madam repose confidence in me,' lie replied, swelling out his chest. 'Well, s'i08cu you were a widow ? 'Yes, madam. ' 'And s'poscn one of the boarders gave you a breast-pin ' I sec, madam.' 'And s'poseu he smiled at you, and scut you poetry, and asked you to ride out on Sunday, aud the neighbors whispered 'around that you were engaged.' 'Proceed, madam I can congratulate you.' Xo, you musn't, for s'poseu' after all this ho suddenly bf-gau to claw otT, and didu't smile on you any more, and didn't praise your cooking, and took auother wo man to the minstrel show V 'Ah ! the traitor ! Perhaps he has trans ferred his affections to some cue else.' 'That's what I think. I know it's a little delicate, but I'm alone in the world, you see, and I waul to know if there isn't law to bear on him ? It isn't right to go and encourage a lone woman like me and j "then -!aw off.' ! 'lie outfit to be roasted alive, he had 1' I don't kuow as I'd want him arrested, but I'd like to have you call on him and make threats. Tell him he's liable to State Prison for c'awing off this wa-. I tell you it's a pretty serious thing to go and en courage a womau of my age aud then skulk around behind the hen-coop all of a sud den. Isn't there a law ?' 'Let's see ? I hardly think there is.' 'Well, you can call ou him. Take him itlone look fierce have your handcuffs in sight. Just tell him that you know all about it, and that I'm good-hearted, and pleasaut, and that he better be careful how he prauees around or he'll think a tornado struck bim. . The officer primised, and she rubbed a cloud of flower off her hands aud rau up the path with a light heart. Detroit Fne Pram. ' ' C'haxgkd His Mind. An intelligent subscriber to the Elizabeth Ntvk came into the office a few days ago, and ordered his paper to l stopped, because be differed with Ilichard La Hue in the views of sub soiling fence rails. Ilichard conceding the man's right to stop the paj)er, and remark ed, coolly, as he looked over bis list : . 'Do you kuow Jim Sowders, down at H&rdscrahlle V Very well,' said the man. 'Well he stopped his paper last week be cause I thought a farnur was a blamed fKI who didn't know that timothy was a good thing to graft on huckleberry bushes, aud he died in less than four hours.' 'Lord is that so V said the astonished granger 'Yes ; and you know old George Eriek-1 son, down on Eagle creek ?' 'W..1! I'mIi nfi,:, i i t ell,' said I'icliaid, gravely, 'he stop ped his pajer because I said he was the happy father of twins, and congratulated him on his success so late in life. He fell dead within tweuty minutes. There's lots of similar cases, but it don't matter. I'll just cross your name off, though you don't look strong, and there's a bad color on your nose.' See here, Mr. La Hue,' said the sub scriber, l-Mikiug somewhat alarmed, 'I be lieve I'll juist keep ou another year, 'cause I alwayt, JiJ like your pax;r. and come to think about it, you're a youug mao, and j 6!ue allowauee otcr be made.' and le- parted, Bati,i;d that he made a narrow j wcipe Irotu tk-atli. . Here is a true story of :i certain -arl, i now living, wlio is a miser, and hoards i bank-uotr.H. IV-ingal bis banker's one day, he hapjM-ned to take out his pocket-book, t ...1 .1. ... -j ... ! 1U W 4111.11 vrur ICU UIUUB'iUU-JHIUUU Jiailb I ! tngiana note. why, my lord,' fan! the astonished banker, 'arc you aware that there are only two other such notes in cir culation ? I ought to be,' was the quiet reply, 'fori have got them bolh framed and glazed at home' 1 Do you intend to iai'cate your house V inquired a western lady of a friend of mine whowab building. lie was a critical, cul tured New Englandtr, as exact as witty. What a droll look came over his face as he answered : 'ily wife says I eat like an aua concH, and I am blessed with the digestion of au ostrich ; but, really, madam. I don't think I could manage my three-story brick.' A Statistician says married women live two years longer than spinsters. An exchange, therefore, charges that every man who refuses to marry shortens come woman's life just two years, aud thus practically commits homicide, and follows tip the allegation by calling on the grand juries to find bills against bachelors over thirty years old. ScnoOL Inspector (who notices a back wardness in history) Who 6igned Magna CharU? (No answer.) Inspector (more urgently) Who signed Jlagna Charta ? (Xo answer.) Inspector (angrily) Who signed Magna Charta ? Scapegrace (think iug matters are beginning to look wrioup) Please, ir, it was uot me, ir ! The clerk of an English country club, who was a school master, being called on to give a toast, produced the following 'Addition to the friends of old England, subtraction to her wants, multiplication of her blessings, division among ber foes, and and redaction of her debts and taxes.' Show me a man that dou't laugh and I'll lock up my spoons. The cabman's 'rest' What he gets over nnd above his regular fare. WnEN you keep a man waiting it gives bim a chance to count up your faults. (Ireat talkers are commonly liars.' And we know of some who are uncommon liars. Basiifclness is often like the plating on dpnons when it wears off it shows the brass. What holds all the snuff in the world ? X7o one nose. Have just ret urned from Plnhuleli.hia ami New York with the most elo ffaut and fashionable stock of floods ever brought to this section of the untry, all of which will bcoUl at such prices as will DEFY COMPETI TION. It would bo imix)ssible to give in a newspaier advertisement a full description of all the clegaut and useful articles we have now on hand and consequently will only mention that we have a full line of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S READY - MADE DRESSES, of the latent London and Paris designs. Ladies' and Children's hi A. T S & C A. P S . Trimmed and Unt rimmed ; and an endless variety of ,bhoas9 HxtoweS) aces9 Wcms9 JEmhi9oiiIe9ies9 Laces & Fringes, all Colors, LARGE ASSORTMENT. Our stock of Ladies' PLAIN, COLORED AND STRIPED HOSE is verv full. We make a sieeiaitv of all colors and "Widths, from 21c. up. CO in creator variety than can be found outside the cities, and at prices one half less than the same goods can be purchased elsewhere. AVe have add ed to our present stock an immense supply of AUTI FICIAE, Fli WERS the like of which Iia3 never been seen in this place, and which will be sold at the MOST REASONABLE PRICES. 1 A IB. M, S O S AND "BTT TIT T WT T Nkar Am -war i inr in all the latest styles and at astonishing low prices ; and everything that is useful and ornamental in a E,$WW OWTWIT may be found at our store, at prices to suit everybody. Do not fail to call and secure bargains while the stock is full, and be convinced that we can do all we say in low prices. XO TROUBLE TO SHOW OOODS. Next to the Post Ollice, 1EI3HGTOM CM) The P.i:vin.ton Scwino MjicniNE bas siiruii rapidly Into favor as po.-s-'m;; tba best combivation of pnoir. . . qualities namely : Libt run ning, f niootli, tinUulcc&, r:;pid, durable, with perfect Lock Stitch. It is a Shuttle Machine, with Antoniutic Drop Feed. De sign beautiful and constmc- tion the very bc.i CjOOD AGEXTS WAXTEI). Aditro IlEMIXGTOX SEWIXG MACHIXE CO., ILIOX, X. Y i:i:a.cii offices of kf..mi(;to. niMXn:s. E. r.emin-ton & 8,w 1 ILIOX, X. Y. ) R,;l I!t I III teiiif. M Co., Kcminciou A'l Co., February 1S75. "J mo. ftesxifl & Co.'s Fvlunw.. V x A sio to 8.500. Iw..k ex, lii:. 11, cvr. v ):, nu.t .-.ij y c Uir V..iI : '(., lymV.m 011.I lirukrra, 7J JlmadwKV. New Voik. . . j.neii.4v. 'pSVClIMMANt'y, orKOt'L f 'H T1 V!TX V J r!'u-r Hi.:y t-jin:!' i.it tli.' l.v.-c K.ft aff-ti:UN ot iy n tii.-y .((k.sr iiip;::ii')v. Tii.H iinjnlf nH'ii;l luxiiurtMlmMit H c:'0 i-.iw-p,fnil v ii'i -.t, lr '.m:., toc'hiT wilu k marrj;'K'-Oi(le, rjf,. ':..n On- rlo, Iireaiii". liiii'n t.i I.'iit.. s .i.lii:-Nf tr'if Stij;t., kc. A 1IIT llfUL. AO(lri-" t. I J.I.I M fc 'o. I'llli. 1 lili.: 1-f 11. 4- TnUIM. fillTll.fi... mnit CHI DTWy Jlwi -l'l, cleanly, li.riit. 1 - 11-' 1 . wmiwi nu wiuviriauic, if-oIZ. from all sour, runt y.ctiaUn;?, " traxiDluc. or rjonltiorliVa mi. plranantnmn; vtti In bathliie,od'rfl by the ppof.-s-'on.lnri Uuted, alwayt rllal!e. bK W A Rik of IMI TATIONS: Uenulne MnH "I. B. cley." EsUb". 1347 ChM. 8L, Phlla., k 737 BrM'y. N. Y. Pit by ioU ur xp, k kuld bj ieadluc drug(iu. tieod tor catalogue. Jmif 11, TS. 4w. untm WAXTFn. The CENTENNIAL (.AZKITJIKH .f the I XIIKI) KTATKO. tehowa ihp (Fraud reauiti. of liM) yeiraof Freedom 1; Iri-rn-w. New fcVim.l-l Over Ikioiiiu. Illuirtratid. Lverj-bodv liiv it, eud agent make from $ Itw to tw a 1 month. Adilresia, J. C. HiX'l'KL'V CO., I'ulia. l'ljil- ) adeljibia, Ja. June 11, In. j STOCK SII. I I.ATIOXS. . f'ondarte.1 t-y um in every fonn, on Coininw.O'iu only, j Puts aii.l Calif, on ti lioiiaea aid lowen: rutei.. Co-r, j $100 to t'JiXl, and often ray f-swm jnoBt. IVaipb!i, 1 - t plaining Low Wall alreet nMiiji.itHKie ati- icoiiltti-i. d, rnt free, Seud for a riv. : TfMItlilDfiF. & ).. j iiA.KKRM AMI i'KOKKII June ll,-4w. 2 Wall Kln-t-t, N. V. i , AfiKNTK WANTED FOR I r.. t V M 1 a. J " THE HOLY JL.J1T1D IteinK a Knll Desert, tion of I'jl :iiie, it-i ll.Ktorv, Ami- qnitien, lubatiitaiila ud eimtoiiu, aieordii!(!to!ticBeat Iiixverie reeent.'y ina.fe liy the Palestine xlriM ' Eilietlitiona. It iMlla at fiqht. K-?id for olid extra terniH 10 Agi-ritH, and iHe whv it Keha f;nter thun other liook. NATIONAL 1'l.BI.lSHIMi '., riiilnd. IbiK, I'a. JiUe II, 4w. OArTIOX. NOTIPE. The fiflXUINK KIUTKiX Life and Ibor of I V I X UNTO X K , (includinir tbe '"I.ait JorBKAt-s,") iin?uil viilly 'M yena Mraujre adwttnrew, aim) the enrioeitie W ondeia and Wealth of thai liurvi U.u eonntry, and ia alwolnte ly tbe only new, e.tniete work. Heiets It iw-lii; just think, 12.tKi flrat 7 we-!;. fi5 'Bn, WO rare IU'k. inlv f:t.oiK AentM WMOted. Ketjd tor Terin? ar.il tive ir.Kif. HI KBAItl) MHOS., I'nliliaherH, 7VS Snn.iiri at., l'liilad"lp)iia, J'n. June 11. iv,. for COCTGIIS, COLDS, IIO A liSEXESS, AND ALL TIIHOAT DISEASES, IVF.1.1.S (arhomc taisli:tj. I't'T rPttSI-Y IS BMT P-OXf.S. A TRIED AND .SUKE REMEDY. AFoRTI NE IS IT. Ffviry fninily bnv it. Sold 0& !E1j 0 b j ft! iTSf & 9 0 I from 45 cents upward. mk in 3Iasonic Ituildin, 3L 9 JtsT Ki.lNiiT;iN Xo. 1 Machine for r.nnily ne. In the third year of its existence, has met "."- wish a more rapid lucreaee of ratio of pules than any ma !si:u ia the market. 11kmivc;to" So. " Machine for manufacturing and family u.- (ready for delivery only Muei! June, 1ST4.) for ratine, pel tVction, and variety of work, is without a rival in family or workMiip. SEXD FOR CIRCULAR.' CS1 V: 2S Hioadway New York. Arms Mailis-oa Sq., New Voik ewitur Maebiues. Chicago, ;.7 Slaif w., Machine and Arm;. KiMon, "'.VI WariiiiiL'ti'ii St Srwin? Maehineo. Cincinnati, IS! West 4:li St., Sowing .Machines. I'tica, Cene-i-e St. Sewini; Marhini's. Atlanta, Ga., lJi-(.ive"c 0M-ra House, Marietta. !?t.. r-iviiijj Machines. Wnnliiiij;toii.I). Vil cvenlh St-.f!. MachincH. frT7 A 2 kktaii.i:i AT ! IJjilO Importer 'rl--s, IiV TIIK ;fireat Atlantis aai Pacific Tea Co. , "iJurUl Klrt'rt I I:i r r IsFlll r"-. , " '-" au ";'""-:'!"' f tx ;::I:5StM to s!itiiT axe t:Miti:a i k teas ; " "' Miiil s:i'.iir 'lie boi btii.ht I1 'icfl' of 1 'I'Kt'i1"".'-". V i rmiliol 1. I:itpt' ,jrt tf Ihn 'nt Tvn ItronKhM- th'. -ooi"ty, v''ic!i held I ourHt-lvn. 1 IN-.-Ho .it l.i;, ii.' or o' if r l-lors do ho to Ih.-ir owd .Ih- ; a"lv-:.; '.in-(iuum-k jj. .'iiiiifc Ju;j.u h Vf- the vr-ry ti.i- 1: !.- w : i..r, r i-li ive 11 iri-:;t uo- JI"IaK.-. 1 .-.i . i.t 11- tn-. 1 it.ui n:K I hi- I"!ii'rl Stut.w. Vc 'tir Ut our niftMii.-r a 4atililul i! Clirouiu, .;tiikt-ii f.oi'i th iif.i -t t;. Tu ot .iuTiMi ntl Fr.reiffii nrti.'-'- w i-'!, if N:j;ti1 r.t Ftore-, ouli nt luiit-h ii!fr.' 1:: ti c i-rit-'t;j iitt-T.. 'i litM-t-iiniti( xre H -r--i.! It; tMir .:non . ii. AU i;ooua mo d nr uritei io ftive fB.-ftvi is-tinf jetiou .r n;oi."y i' .uiiilr-t. ir'i? Atlitlir V Ecia- T:i'o., U21 Muil.-t '.!", Hh!i!huk. May 14, 4v.-. IT' A"rFT?M A-;ri' for ;! lx-.it iiiiii: l'nzc li I I J 1 T..ek in Ihcv.orM. r.iwjW i..nk ai?ef with li-tf iir j op. jidf 2" ffins. t-'or othr liovelts t:u!ii-. Aii'lrifF, V. V. iit.lTK, w Hi-dtord. ilOM.. Mny it, "".. 1 . ... i tin i 1 1 1 :;: k . .. . r. V :t or v.-. eii i ';JJ--&9 rr....l i:l.:'.!-d '.,.,-.; r'.'aii'aMl honor.-: - 1 circ .11- s j .... n l .i:t :.tL . r)i::iC- -1 " iir - 0:1 i!iiiiii lay lift write rl iimn to l .M.UKHH.-iii - .Nl... TOI.lv May 2S,-4w. H I,ail' to Ageuta. (C. new ar!ioIi- ami the U-st V W Faiuilv l'u)er in America, with two .Mi rliroiuini, free. AM.M'irt CO., : liroadwuv, N. V. ww.iww. r . V II K3t K Vl-It IT HIS ItlilC.V TR I t'.lt ' " ' btt etKM.Hli-il itHt-lf an a i prlV-t n-RUlntor mirl unre rcnw'tly lr fI.tr(i'iB of ti KVHtnti nii g litm im jjrojuT art ion f the 1 Jvt-r ar.d lfoh. 11 in not a PhyHir, but, by HtiTnuUtiiiK the rretivc ot'aiiR, (?t'titly:iM't rsthulty rtiiKivi-.Hull iiiuiritit,n, mikI rHjjnlnf tb oiitin Hyntm. It is not a ductort-d bitirft. but i a VEGETABLE TONIC whh-li HPHiKtH dijjestiott, nrd tlotii utiinul ten the a-iette for looil ni eesMiy to invicomte the weakened cr inac ii'.e oik-O', U'14 K've-i H(i nn.li to all the vital foreen. 1! eniriin i'reiv.:i rei-nimieoiliitioii, the large and rapidly iner's.f ii.tf eale testify. I'riee tine Ihillar a latttle. Ask vonr iirnn;iKl for it. Jdiixvtiin Holi-o-wai k Co., I'liiia fa. Vsnoleaale Aiftn. May -JH.-4W. Ct- rn Dunw-rilay. Ai XJ OZUof working jicople of Inith Rexea, vmin and old, make more money at work for lia, in their own looalite-i, during their mwre mouentn, of all tbe time, than at my ttiinu elKe. We otter employment that will pay h:iulHo!iiely lor every honr'i. work. Full jiartienlarK, terniK. tic, aent frit!. Now ia the time. Don't look for work or l.iiisuetui elsewhere, until yon have learned what v.-e offer, ft. Stismjk & Co.. Port land, Maine. -Ian. . I. ly. &bj bbcrtiscmcnis. SUSQUEHANNA COFFIN A CASKET WORKS, F-ont Si., above Itao, SUXBVRY, PEN 1ST A. THE undersigned having established a Collin ii Cntket Manufactory, at tbe above place, are now prepared to furnish to Cabinetmakers and Undertakers, and 1 lie Made generally Coffins and Caske'is MfZV-tj Of the best and latest patterns and fininhcdj in tbe best Ft ylc. Their different patterns including both Coffin Hnd Casket shapes are of WALNUT, CIlEliliV, CHESTNUT, Imitation of Iiosticood and Cherry, and all other styles, made, of the best material and finish ; work done by the most experienced workmen. Orders will be filled promptly, and Collins and Caskets will be shipped to any place desired, at the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable prices. The patronage of the trade is solicited. Send for PRICE and DESCRIPTIVE LIST, and learn the styles nnd prices. FRYLING, BOWEN F.NGEL. Snnbnry, April 00, lS75.-tf. Special Notice to Ladies. o A LARGE assortment .OF KPKIXG and SU1JSEU DRESS GOODS. Fancy Goods and Notious jii6t opened nl Mis1 Kate Black's Store, Market Square, SUNBURY, PEXX'A. SILKS, CALICOES, LAWNS.GINGHAMS, and a general assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Gents' Gloves, Xcckties, Ilmdkerehiefs, Ac. A Full Assortment of Soaps, Perfumery, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers and Trimmings. L.qrlin uto. invited to rail and examine niv j large stock. MISS KATE BLACK. Snnbuiy, May 7, pi.i. NEW YORK TRIBUNE. "The Leading American XewspaiM?r." THF. DEST ADVEKTISIXO MEDIUM. DjSI;, a year. Serui-Yvcckly, f.l. Weekly, ?2. PoHtope Fitc to the Suleriler. S;cinian Cojie slid Adverisiii: lutes Yrt. Weekly, in clul of or more, oidv I, jwtsge Addn-Bi Tut Tkibusk, New York. J311. S, 1K7. ly. BOOK BINDING of all kiutls neatly and substantially douc by JOIIX t OLI.IXS, Third St.. orpoKito the Clement House SL'N BUKY, I'A. Prices of BIHDIHG: s? i: oe hIZK Or VllKK. M O z. Z.S" 2.ST 2.3 "ST -t S-3 75 ? Size ori2mo"To;7 CO 75 1 0'J j 1 M T.V) llarierr8 M.'ita- I I I gine I.... 1 00 1 25 1 .',0 1 75 - 25 I'clerson'BMaKii- I r.inc.Goiley's l.a- I dysMlook ......... J25 1 1 iO I70 200 2 50 Iditi' rajiofi"! " I I I I tory .. 1 SO I 1 50 2 50 3 00 Appleton's Jour-I till uaK.... Ll jilj '5 I " 00 3JKJ 4 50 History of Uu'd I Stats,"Vorortlif j I'ninn, National I Portrait Gallery. I IN) 2 25 3 50 4j5 SOfuTe.r..7 1 MTf200 2 50 " ' Harper" Week ly, Fr!k Ijeslief.', and Scientific American 2 00 2 50 3 00 Picturesque Am- I I I I I erica..... J j 3 25 4 (HI 7 00 Larfe Family Bibles and illustrated work done in tbe brrt miinnrr and at rtnmicMe vi,v. I-SEfpeeial Httciition in called to our HAI.F BINPINU WORK. Sunliury, April 1S75. tf. Dr. J. Walker's California Vine gar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the- medicinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol The question ia almost daily asked, " "What is the cause of the unpar alleled success of Veteoar Bitteks f ' Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov ers his health.' They aro tho great blood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of tho system. Never before in the his tory of tho world has a medicine been compounded possessing tho remarkablo qualities of Viegab Bixtebs in healing the eick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs in Bilious Disease g. The properties of Dk. Walker's Vikeoar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritions, Laxativp, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilions. II. II. ITIcUOSAI-D A. CO,. rwriflflinta md General Agent, San Franciaoo, O.'""' uiX ad cor. W, i i. utnn nd Charlton hui.. ' " hold by nil Vruggiita ana Dealers. 2g SPUIXG AXP SU.MMEK. fj j MILLINERY aMFAEY GOODS! Larpe arrivals, assortments nnsiirjnsecd, latest styles, flnest pooils. Central Millinery, Market Square, 8iitihtiry, Pa. I take pleasure in calling yotir particular at tention to my Spring arrivals of Millinery and Fancy gonclx, which embraces t lie latest nnd most desirable goods extant. Having made every effort to sustain my well known ieitation of seenrinj the linest goods, I ofler this announce ment with the assurance that I have not devi ated rather Improved on former seasons' pur chases. STRAW COODS a Specialty, for this season, iucludinc the prettiest nnd most sn table Hats (in countless st vies) in the m irket. FLO V ERS.RIBBONS,PILKB, LACES, ORNAMENTS, CRAPES nnd uumerous other uoveltirs, besides the lartje nrrnv of seasonable articles in the Fancy (ioods department. HATS and RON NETS made to order as usual, in the most artistic manner. Ilavintr purchased nil my coci'l 'for ci, I am enabled to sell at extremely low prices. Thankful for past favors, 1 resectf iilly solicit a continuance. Miss LOU HIIIPSLEK, Market ri'iwtrc, Smi bury. April 23, 1875. John If. t?r.u.. Jons M. Pr noNoru. NELL V NCIIOXOl'R, Second Street, Womelsdokf, Pa. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS AVINES, BRANDIES, GIN'S, Pure OII Rye VIiikcj. Al'FLK WlIISKF.V, CORIIIALS, All Liquors sold paurrautecd as represented. Orders promptly attended to and public pa tronage respectfully solicited. SELL fc SCHONOUR. 2d Bt., WotnelsdoiT, Berks Co., Pa. Feb. ?7. 174. ly. HARDWARE. We are better prepared than ever to supply the demand foroods in our line. We have just received a full stock of Shovels, Iron, Hoes, Stce!, Rakes, Oils, Forks, Paints, Pumps. .Glass, Cutlery, Varnislies, LEATHER BELTING, " TOOLS, Ami ioodw ns stahi.k fok Btiihlers, Ilottstkeeiwrs, Furuiers, I'lacksroillis, Siiuciunkcrs, Cabinet Makers. Carpenters, Machinisls, l'aiuters aud tho Pt'op'.o. " Call and examine our good.-. C0NLEY HACXETT & MATEER, Opposite Wliitmer's store. March L't'i. Is7."). tf. ? i 2 i" -3 5 X t. 3 rr. 'n o o 5 g Co V. c 9 3 C 3! r. -To 3 y. n WATCH KS. JKWELKY A NII.VEK WARE. John W. Stevenson, Corner Third nnd Market Sts, Suiibury, Vn HAS completely reuovated his Store Room, I and opened the largest assortment of j WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, I ever exhibited in this part of the State. Every thing in the Jewelry line is kept in store. Kilver-lVnre, ! ilracelots, Kiiis V Chains. of every description and of the finest quality. Particular attention paid to repairing WatehfM, Clocks, Jewolrj, Ac. IIAIR JEWELRY made to order. Sunbnry, March 0, 1S74. JUST ISSUED! Ani Mailed, post-i-aid, on receipt or the MARKED HltlCE. Pieces marked have Illustrated Title-Pages. Morning Breaks UKn tbe Tomb Easter Anthem, 7'Uomnx, 50 swinging on the Gardeu Gate Song and CUoniu. Thoill'iS. 40 Where is My Lovea Ooo Tiwnliht? Song nnd Chorus, ' y.y. S5 Sing, Darkies, Sing! (As sung by Carl Wagner. J Jlmj. 35 Angel Gabriel Comic bong. Slnntrl. 'M When Silver Locks Replace the Gold hong and Chorus. (Answer to Silver Threads Anion ttietiolil, .i iijui'iu. .k Yoii Never Miss the Lager till the Keg . Runs Dry Comic Song. 40 j Gam; Awa' Scotch Song. !!u7. 30; Alone, and At Home Song and Chorus. j ii. 35 I Mv Wee Wife Waiting at the Door ' i Ballad. 77man. 40 Oh ! Miss Snsie ! End Song and Clio. I.ttjx. ur, Give Me but a Smile Song and C. Stffitrt. 35 When First I Met Thee, Nellie Dear Song and Chorus. Weiwt. :',0 j I'm Capltin of the Guards Comic S. Jf.iix. :I5 j Bevond the Uolden Door Song and ('. r7,.. ;y ! Gertie's With the Angels Now Song and Chorns. diritf;. Please Gml, Make Room for a Little Boy. ( W. INSTRUMENTAL. La Belle Jenncsse Polacea. Wllxou. :;o ; :;o i Awakening of the Birds Moreeau. .fti'jl-tli. 40 40 ! Sweelhoart Melodic Gracieuse. iUvjUith. Twinkling Stars Moreeau de Salon. llVi'mm 50 The Highland Maiueu Romance. Il'.'.'xoi 50 : Cnjus Anlmain (from Stabal Mater) ir'te 40 Dreamland Moreeau de Salon. MmjUith. i'.l ! Echoes from the Palisades Moreeau. j Wiujnef. 40 j Venetian Regatta Transcribed. U"ij;itr. 40 I Merry Foresters Forest Scene. R'uimit. 50 Rocking Waves Transcribed. .Vuyltith. 40 i The Scotch Lassie Reverie. W.cr. 40 i Kiltie's Polka Mazurka. l'rrrvt. IK) j Fairy Iind Reverie. Xonvl. '.'' ; Sparkling Jewels Polka. f 'lirhl'tt. '.',0 ; Think of Me Sometimes Easy Waliz. Waguer. "0 Temperance March (Easy) Wihiwr. 'JO; Men ure Such Deceivers Easv Polka. W.viiier. 'V ; Mollie Darling Easy March. W'wjita: ?J j Peters' HorsEiioLD Melodies, Nks. 1, 2 aud A Collection of Pojmlar Songs, by liars, : Danks, Stewart, ele. Each number contains ! Seven or Eight Sonus. I Price, 50 cents each : Yearly, IS Numbers fir?4. ! Pktkks' Pahi.ok Mi sic, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Each j number contains several easy and moderately ditlicult Piauo Pieeu, by Kiukel, Buebf, Wag- Iter, Wilaou, uic. j 50 cents each ; Yearly, 12 Numbers for 4. La Ciieme he la Ckeme, vos. 1 to 15. Kach number contains 24 pages of ciast-icand dilll- cull Piano Masic, worth at least ?2.5L j Price of each number, 50 rents; Ynirly, 12 i Nunibers for ?4. I Published bv J. L. PETERS, March 5, lS7.-. 5!'.l Broadway, N. Y. IzmviiWlmy. a: 3 3 Qvcv Thirty-four Competitors ara at the- yk. I. " T J SX" ! 'iipua" lEAt lllXK SIIOI AX II IRO. FOUNDRY. GEO. ROIIRBACII & SONS, Suuburv, Pcnn'u, INFORM the public that they are preparea to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders i of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, in a satisfactory man ner. "tirutos to snit any Move. IRON f 'OLUMXS, for churches or other build injrs, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS. &c. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, JtC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still farther improved, and will always be kept on hand. Also, THREPIIISG .MACHINES. Suiibury, May 20. 187L FURfJSTURE ROOKIS! The undersigned begs leave to Inform the citi zens of Northumberland county, that he has opened a FIRST CLASS FOMTORE STORE, On .tlarkrt Strecl,op2osite (he Vity Ilctcl, in Snnhnry, " Where he keeps on hand a large assortment of Consisting in part of Walnut Paui.ok Sets, Bl-REACS. Bedsteads, Wasiistasds, " Lousoes, Mattresses, Cltbords, Book Casees, Fancy Bka( kkts, Looking Glasses, ChamhebSets, Cais Seat Chaiks, Wood S"at Cn.tins, Rockiso Chaiks, . DlXINfi Tari.es, Extension Tables, Mabbi.e Top Tables, KlTCIIEfi FVRXITrRE, He will also mannf.ictnre to order, on short no tice, any article in his line, if not iu store. He is prepared to offer superior inducements to purchasers. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. Call and examine his stock and prices and be convinced. JACOB HAl'PT. Jan. 22, 1S75, T. inos. Furniture Ware-Booms ! ROBERTS A IIOSTER5I AX, (Successors lq U. L. P.AL'DENBUSII.) Tlanouic Kuildiuc WILL SELL CHEAP, AX ENDLESS VARIETY OF of the latest styles and best material. COXSISTIXG OF Parlor and Cliamlier Suits; LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS. Bedsteads of all kinds, Cupboards, Sines, and in short everything usually to be found in a lirst class Furniture Store. Special attention is given to Undertaking in all t its branches. Coffins and IJlrial Caskets OF ALL STYLES CONSTANTLY OV HAND. Ail invitation is extended to all to come aud examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ROBERTS & HOSTERMAN. Sunbury, Feb. Ill, 1S75. C A It RI AC EN, lil'GGIES AV. H. K. FAGELY & CO. respectfully inform the public that they have commenced the niannfaeture of CARRIAGES, ! BUGGIES, 40, at the now shop recently erected by J. F. Lereh Corner of Fourth and Chestnut Sis., SUNBURY, PA., and solicit a fair share of Patronage. April 3-fim. J. F. LERCII. Sup?t. xltveiintiU. Si Sugar, Coffee, Syrup; 5, Soices, Canned Coeds, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. pi s - - 5 u 4 C l , U .' w - CO 3 5 i ' 2 t S. w si ' o O ? V Ti- i rr - .5 w s L i j ; a t O Z - ? 7. .s v - ?. - 2 "5 to M M i Cement, Salt, Pish 8 Phosphate, 3 Land Plaster, I Harrisburg Cider j Mills. i Maize & Schwartz, Successors to Geo. Evans & Co., 11 OS Market Street, Philadelphia, MERCHANT TAILORS find MILITARY CLOTHIERS. Men and Boys' suits made to order in the latest styles, of the best cloths and nassimeres in mar ket, at prices suitable to the times. Military, Band & Fire Organizations promptly unifoimcil. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours beingthc leading house on Military work, we feel that we can offer Inducement which cau not be attained anywhere else. Not. 17, 1ST1?. PEXXSYtVAXIA UAII. ROAD. PniLADELPniA & ERIE R. R. DIVISION. SUMMER TIMETABLE. On and after Sunday, May 23J, 1375, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Eric Rail Road Divi sion will run as follows : WESTWARD. Fast Line leaves New York 9.25 a m 12.55 p id 1.2'J p m 5.00 p in 8.55 p m 10.20 p m 11.50 p m 3.25 p m 11.55 p m 11.55 p m 4.25 a m 8.35 a m 9.45 a in 11.05 a in 7.50 p in 7.40 a m 7.o5 a m 10.55 a m 1.55 p in 3.15 p ni 4.30 p in 8.00 a m 3.30 a m 1.25 p m B.10 p m 7.30 p in Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Baltimore, " " 4i llarrisburg, " " arr. at Williamsport, " " " Lock Haveu. " Renovo, leaves Philadelphia, Elrr ira Mat " cammore, ' Hamburg, " ' flrr. at Williamsport, " " Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Phihtd a Express leaves Lock Haven, C.40 p ni 7.55 a m 11.45 a in 6.15 p in 3.35 p m H.45 p m 9.10 a in 10.25 a m Wilhauisport, " Baltimore, Philadelphia, " New York, leaves Renovo, Day Espres " Lock liaven. Wil iumsport, 11.35 am ' arr. at Harrisbnrg, 3.00 pm " " Philadelphia, C.20 p m " " New Yorki 0.15 p in " " " Baltimore, .35pm Erie Mall leaves Erie, 11.20 am 4i " ' Renovo p m " ' " Lock lluveu, 9.45 pm " . " " Williamsport, 10.50 p m ' " arr. nt narrisburg, 2.25 a m " " Baltimore, 7.35 a in " " " Philadelphia, B.45 a m " " " New York, 10.10 a m Fast Line leaves Williamsport, 12.35 a m arr. at narrisburg, 3 55 a m " " " Baltimore, 7.35 am " Philadelphia, 7.35 a m " ' New York, 10.25 a ni Erie Mail West, Niagara Express West, Elraira Mail West and Day Express East make close connection at Northumberland with L. & B. R. R. trains for Wilkesbarre and Scranton. .Erie Mail West, Niagara Express West and Elmi-n Mail West make close connection at Wil Iumsport with N. C. R. W trains north. Erie Mail East and West, Niagara Express West, Fast Line Wet and Day Express East make close connection at Lock Haven with B. E. V. R. R. trains. Erie Mail East and West connect at Erie with trains on L. S. X M. S. R. R., at Corry with O. C. & A. V. R. R., at Emporium with B. N. Y.ifc P. K. R., and at Driftwood with A. V. R. R. Parlor Cars will run between Philadelphia and W.lliamsport on Niagara Express- Wwt, Fast Line West, Philadelphia Express East and Day Express East. Sleeping Cars on all night trains. VVM.A. BALDWIN, Gen l Sup't. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENT:?. Jancauy 17th, 1ST5. Trains Leave Hsiindos as Follows Excepted.) For Shamokia, 10.40, 11.00 a. ni (SfSDAYS and 3.40 p. in. For Mt. Carmel, Ashland, Tamaqua, Pottsville, Heading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. in. Trains tor Herndon, Leavf. as Follows : (Scndats Excepted.) Leave Shamokin at 8.00 a. m. 1.50 and 3.55 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9 15 a. m., Reading 11.30 a. m., Pottsville, 12.10 p. m., Tamaqua, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p. m., Mt. Carmel, 3.21 p. m. Trains Leave IlAURisnuKO, as Follows : For New York, 5.20, 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 7.40 p. ni. For Philadelphia, 5.20, S.10 0.45 a. m., 2.00 and 3.50, p. m. Sundays. For New York, 5,20 a. ni. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. m. Trains for Harrisbvrg, Leave as Follows: Leave New York, 9.00 a. m., 12.40 and 5.15, 7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 0.15 a. m. 3.40 and 7.00 p. m. Scndays. Leave New York, 5.15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.00 p. m. Via Morris and Essex R. B. J. E. WOOTTEN. Geiurol Sup't. Reading, Pa. Nov. 13. 1S74. CEUTRAL.DRUG STORE W 51. Q.B.CADVLLADER Is the place to buy pure and fresh MEDICINES, DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR for medicinal purpost'9, and all other arti cles usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggift. I am prepared to furnish in. quantities to suit purchasers and at Philadelphia prices, . CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. I'm tl.iM.I, i'.om.m, Iloseinlale and Lehigh CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy und Clover Seeds. Also, Gnrden Seeds of ail kinds. Aall and get a Rural Register for 1ST4. GEO. B. CADWALLADEK. Sunbury, Feb. 0, IST-l.-ly. Dk. C. M. Martin. Geo. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Thrr? Street, Clement House BdW, Snalmry, Pa. DR. C. 3L MARTIN & CO, HAVE inst nceived a fresh lot of Pure Drugs and Patei medicines. We have ala fall assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. ILtir, Tooth, Nail,Clothe,Shoe aud other brushes. TOILET AND F.1XCY ARTICLES. FISE EXTRACTS, POCKET BOOKS, KNIVES, C, C. REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest ierfumc In America. Parisian, n KiI Glove Wash. warranted clean perfectly the most delicate shades without injury to the kid All the l.-adinj; preparations for the Hair, SECSARK, THE BEST IN MARKET, Pure Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes, Physieinns Prescriptions and family icccipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal inn to receive a hare of yonr patronage. September 11.1S73. TOY 'XFEC'TIOXERY STOKE. Everybody is "nvited to come and buy of the handsome assort ncnl of TOYS ANL CONFECTIONERIES SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, In frame luildinr, fdiotains: Moore & Dissinger'a building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Just opened a fresh ,-npply of Confeotioneri.'s of every description. TOYS OF ALL KIXOS constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS & DRIED FRUIT. PUUE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns & Cakes, every morning FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, &. 9R.1JGF.KN, LEMOSS, FRESH FISH EVERY DAY will be sold at the lowst rates. The best of Alhemarl Shail will be delivered at the residence of purchasers in any part of the town. Call and see the excellent assortment of goods and ascertain prices. - " " Philadelphia, ' " " Baltimore, ! " " llarrisburg, " " arr. at WUIianisport, ' " " Lock Haven, " " " Bellefonte, Eric Mail leaves New York, ' " " Philadelphia, " " Baltimore, " Harrisburg, " " " Williamsport, " " Ick Haven, " " " Renovo, " " arr. at Erie, grirahnral. Ticks ox Lambs. A correspondent of the Country Gentleman asks for a remedy for ticks on Iambs, and here is the answer he get : "For 100 Iambs boil np 6 or 7 pounds or plog tobacco, or twice that quantity of stems from the cigar factory, in 8 or 10 gallons of water. Put a part of this liquor into a tub or large ket tle, diluting with water, but not so roncn as to weaken the strength so that it will not kill ticks. PlaCK a wide plank with one end resting on the edjio of the tub and the other supported a little higher. Take the Iambs by the legs and nose, dipping thein all over in the liqnor, except the mouth and nostrils. Lay them on the plank aud squeeze all tbe liquor jossib:e from the wool aud let them go. A little practice will enable jou to so dilute the liquor that it 'will nearly all be used np when the last Iamb is dipped, and still be or requsite strength. If the operation U re peated about two week alter shearing, thj ticks will probably be exterminated from tie fiock. They can surely be exterminated by dv ping old and young after shearing, In the tobie o water, to which has been added about ojc fonrth ol a pound of arsenic to 100 head. What plowing, digging and harrowing are to the land, thinking, leflecting nnd exauning are to the mind. Each has its proper citure ; aud, as the land that is suffered to lie jrass and wild for a long time will be oversprea with brushwood, brambles, thoras and weeds, whieh have neither use nor beauty, po there 111 not fail to sprout up in a neglected, nnc tlvated mind a number of prejudices und abstd opin ions, which own their origin parly to ttsoil it self, the passions aud imperfections ofne mind of man, and partly to those seeds whi chance to be scattered in it by every kind o doctrine whieh the cunning of demagogues, le singu larity of pedants, and the supcrstil.o of fools raise. Our exchanges are full of plans tocstroy the potato-beetle, some of them good eugh, and some of them absurd enough. We Te already printed a great deal of valuable-nformatlon about this matter. " For large patcs or plant ings, nothiog coald be more efleual than the "buggy and pan," as described J an low cor" respondent ; and for an acre of0 to take a two quart fruit-can, knock ont oi end, fix tightly iu a wooden bead, in that fatten a handle four or five feet in length ; nate a hole iu the other end to pour in the Paris green and flour, one pound of poison to 'n of flour. Perforate the rest of the can with holes like in a common dredging-box, walk tlong the rows on the wind side, and dust away a the morning when the dew is on or after a nln. Repeat as often as may be necessary. Tliere is not tb least (laa ger from the poison with care ; at leaot we bare not heard of anybody being injure! by it ; and as to the beetle they are as harmless to handle as other ordinary insects. Changing Seed. A change of seed in agri cultural operations is almost always beneficial. Growing the same crop in one locality from the same seed, year after year, often tends to de terioration. The ndvisibility of this change of seed from one locality to another, is the oat crop. Seed grown in the cool atmosphere and soil of Northern Vermont and Canada, is found to be more luxuriant when resown in the Middle and Western States, and nuifonnlj turns out heavier weight to the bushel. If the same seed U sow n every year, in the latter States, without new im portation, the produce per acre, and the weight per bushel gradually deteriorate. There is great danger in turning stock on a grass field on which plaster has been recently sown, or until the plaster has been taken np either by rain or h"avy dews. At Roanoke, Va, some stock turned upon a field on the same day on which it was plastered, ail died in a few hoars. There were no indications of 'hoven,' the stock being iu good condition, and the sudden death was believed to be solely tbe effect of the sol -phate of lime. HOUSEHOLD. Cooking Kuubaub. Rhubarb is best cnt in lengths, boiled uwater and sugar, and served with boiled rice nund the dish ; or it may be treated like "Gooseberry fool." A little good cream gives it a delicate taste, which it never has in a pudding or tart. Tbe fa' owing are ex cellent recipts for making rhubarb jam and nnaramlade : Cut the rhubarb as if for tarts, and to every quart give one pound of good moist sugar; put the sugar over the rhubarb, and leave it twenty-four houis to diaw out the juice. By this method the pieces of rhubarb remain separate from each other when the preserve is done. It .keeps gooa a year if kept in jars well dried and in a dry place. For tbe marmalade procure six oranges, peel them, and take away the white rind and pips, then slice the pulp into a stew-pan along with the peel, cut very small ; add thereto one quart of rhubarb, cnt finely, aud from one pound to one pound and a half of sugar. Boil the whole down iu tbe nsnal way, as for other preserves. Mude in this inauncr, it is nearly equal to Scotch marmalode, which is regarded on all hands to be the finest anywhere made. Gennautotcn Telegraph. A Perpetual Paste. To make perpetual paste v.hich will remain sweet for a year dis solve a teaspoonful of alnm iu a quart of water, to which add sufficient flour to make a thick cream. Stir in half a teaspoonful of powdered resin and bal f a dozen cloves, to give a pleasant odor. Have on the fire a teacup of boiliDg wa ter, pour the flour mixture into it, stirriug well nt the time. In a few minutes it will be of the consistence of much. Pour it into an earthen vessel ; let it cool ; lay a cover on, aud put it in a cool place. When needed fur nse, take out a portion aud soften it with warm water. From Godct Lcuhft Book. Damsons. Four ounces of suaar and half a pint of wa'cr, to be boiled for ten minutes ; one pound of damsons to be added, and simmered gently from ten to twelve minntes. JELLIES. Currant. Mah and strain the currants. Boil the juice and skim it. To each piul of the juice allow one pound of loaf-sugar. Measure the juice when it is boiled, and then throw the sngur into a pan, and make a syrup of it with a little titer. Then add to It the juice, and let it boil rapidly till done. Jellies should always be mude quickly. Those who are very particular, use only the juice which first flows through the straiuin bag, us the thicker particles which come through when the bag is squeezed prevent its being so brilliantly clear. Jelly should a' ways be boiled like preecrvuo. if boiled a second time it w ill uot be Jelly, but only of the consist ence of syrup. Strawberry. Express the juice from the fruit through a cloth, riraln it c.ear, weigh, and stir to it and equal proportion of tbe finest -sugar, dried aud reduced to powder ; when this Is dissolved, place the preserving-pan over a very clear fire, and stir the jelly often until it boils; clear it carefully from scum, and boil It quickly f rom fi ltcen to twenty-five minutes. This receipt Is for a moderate quantity of tbe preserve ; a very smail portion will reqnire inuch less time. row Germanlov Tdeyraph. Respected Friend. My wife sencs yon two good old -fashioned Quaker receiptsor yonr epe eial bttwflt. Quaker wives and mothers are generally practical housekeepers, devoting more time to tbe kitcken and less to fashionable visiting than the ladies of other religions so cieties. For the above reason their husbauds suffer less with dyspepsia and live to a greater age (on an average) than others less fortunately connected. To Stbw Cranberries. One quart of berries to 1 lb. of white sngar, one-half pint of water ; when the water is dissolved and the simp boils, put in the fruit and boil for fifteen or twenty minutes. Pnt iu a mould, and if done right they will turn out in proper shape. If the ber ries ure inferior it may take rather longer to cook. Dried Beec Piut of salt.teaeup of brown su gar,teaspoon of saltpetre.roixed well together,for every twenty ponnds of beef. Divide the mix ture into four equal parts, lay the meal on a board nnd rnb one of the parts in every consecu tive morning for fonr mornings. On the fifth or sixth day it will be ready to hang np. If the mixture is done in cold weather, and the mix ture well rubbed in, it will keep during the hot test weather, or until used. We like it best with being smoked ; ia nice broiled while new, or frizzled with cream ; equally so chipped and eaten raw. . p. n.