V TnE Vacant Seat. Ono moruing a week or two back a nice young man got into a car on Ibe Dayton Shore Railroad, aDd saw to his delight the only vacant seat was by the eide of a young lady acquaint ance. He reached for the scat with joyous strides, and her eyes answered his delighted looks. But just as he got there an elderly party from the other end of the car waltzed up the aisle and dropped into the coveted seat. The young man approached more slowly, and accosted the young lady. 'How is your brother ?' be asked. 'Is he able to get out ?' 'Oh, yes,' she said. 'Will he be very badly marked ?' be continued, and the old gentleman grew suddenly interest ed. 'Ob, nV said the fair deceiver ; 'with the exception of a few small pits ou his forehead, you would uever know he had it' 'Were you not afraid of taking it?' the young man went on, while the old geu tleman broke out in a cold perspiration. 'Not at all,' she replied, 'I have been vac cinated, you know. The seat was vacated instantly, two young hearts beat as half a dozen, and the prattle of 'nice talk' strewed that part of the car, while a gray-haired old man scowled upon them from the hard ac commodation of the wood-box. It is the custom iu Mexico for the clergy to require a foreiucr wishing to marry a native, to bring proof that be is not already aiarried man. An American about to marry a Senora of a very good family was required to furnish the proof of his beiug a bachelor. Xot liudiug any of his coun try meu who kuew him sufficiently well to testify to this fact, he determined to 6up ply the deficiency with the oath of a na tive. Meetiug a Mexican in the street, whom he had never seen before, our countrymau proposed to him that he should swear to his being unmarried for the consideration of live dollars. The senor, after a mo ment's study, said to the Yankee : 'Get down on your knees and creep about.' Xot exactly underslaudiug what he was ut, our friend obeyed, much to the detri ment of his unjncntionabks. The other party then told him that it was ail right ; that he would 6wcar that the American had not been married since he knew him, and that was before the time he crawled. Gencixe Fools. He who wipes his nose with a nutmeg crater, and picks his teeth with a razor. .She who says 'no' to a proposal of a gen tleman when she has reached the age of thirty. lie who gets so drunk at night, that he puts bis clothes to bed, and hangs himself on the back of a chair. .She who rubs her cheeks with brickbats in order to give theru color. He who puis on his hat and takes his cane and starts out in pursuit of an honest and disinterested politician. She who pinches and slaps a child to make it quit bawling. A story is told of a lady sending her servant to the cellar to bring up some oys ters in the shell, giviug him strict charge to bring up none that were dead. Patrick brought a tray full, every bivalve upon it . gaping wide. In reply to the astonished lowk of the lady, he said : 'Sure they must be aiive, or how could they keep their mouths open ?' I5u', Patrick, could you not tell the difference by the smell V 'And sure, ma'am, I was remarking that same to meself. ISut mightn't the others have bad breaths too, if they'd only open their mouths a bit ? ' Til eke is au old story about a clergyman leaving his parrot, squirrel and monkey in a room together, andgumcd to find that a terrib'.e tripartite light had occurred. The feathers had been pulled from the back of the parrot, the monkey had lott pieces of flesh from various parts of his body, and the squirrel's tail had been bitten olf. The parrot was perched disconsolately on the back of a chair, ind, upon the entrance of the clergyman, it explained iu a pitiful tone, 'We've had a hell of a time.' Wasn't the Beecher-Bowen-Tilton three cornered fight of somewhat the same sort ? And couldn't one of them aptly use the words of the parrot ? Poor Leech's Last Sketch represent un Irishman and his wife. The man had lost bis hat, his hair looked as if it had lx'cn pulled and twisted in all directions, his eyes were black and swollen, his noe was broken, aud his clothes were in more than their natural tatters. His wife was reproaching him for his folly in running into a tight, aud by way of reply, be says, 'Whisht, Biddy, whisht it's mate aud drink to me.' Some travelers were visiting a cavern in South America. While the party were within, investigating the gloomy interior, there was noticed an old negro standing outside, aud he was asked : 'Say, uucle, why !on't you go in ?' Ah, de heben, help us,' said he : 'I see trouble on the top of earth, and don't want to go into dat hole searching arler misery. ' WnERES the molasses. Bill V said a red-headed woman sharply to berson, who had returned with an empty jug. 'Xoue in the city mother ; every grocery has a big black board outside, with the letters chalk ed on it X. O. Molasses. 'Axd now, Mrs. Sullivau,' said the counsel, 'will you be kind enough to tell the jury whether your husband was in the habit of striking you with impunity ?' 'Wid what, sir?' 'With impunity ?' 'He was, sir, now and thin, but he struck me oftener w id his fisht.' If there is anything in tins world that will make a boy sing with 'true iuward ihk,' I would not live always,' it is spad ing garden when his companions are play ing 'three old-cat' in the adjoiuing lot and the old man is slicing seed potatoes on the porch looking out ou the garden. 'It is not our fault,' says a Milwaukee editor, 'that we are red-headed and small, and the next time that one of those over grown rural roosters in a ball room reaches down for our head and suggests that some fellow has lost arose bud out of his button hole, there will be trouble.' A couple of disputatious neighbors were contending as to which is the oldest business in the world, when the wife of one of them, with her babe in her arms, si lenced tbem by declaring that the oldest business in the world is the nursery busi ness. A very old mau once went to the King of Sparta, and lamented over the degen eracy of the times. The King replied, What yau say is undoubtedly true, for I remember that, wheu I was a boy, I heard my graudmother say the same thing.' Ax angry teacher was whipping a pupil, and having prolonged the exercise far be yound the bounds of moderation, the boy looked up and calmly said, 'Come, sir, you roust be tired, let's take a rest ;' and he wrested the whip from the teacher's band. MAEI TMvd f.5 Smthury, 2P., Have just returned from Philadelphia and New York with the most ele gant and fashionable stock of goods ever brought to this ection of the eounti v, all of which will be eold at such prices as will DEFY" COMPETI TION." It would be impossible to give in a newspaper advertisement a full description of all the elegaut and useful articles we have now on hand and consequently will only mention that we have a full line of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S READY-MADE DRESSES, of the latest London and Paris designs. Ladies' and Children's HATS & C A. P S , Trimmed aud Untrimmed ; and an endless variety of Mibhons &Iove. Eaees Fmi&3 JEmhvoidepies, Jfeteefty9 lPe&fimw Laces & Fringes, all Colors, LARGE ASSORTMENT. Our stock of Ladies' PLAIN, COLORED AND STRIPED HOSE - is very full. We make a specialty of 1111 1IB3I1I all colors and Widths, from 21c. up. CfOlifcOeSt from 45 cents upwards. Iwnvuoi in ffreater variety thau cau be found outside the cities, and at prices one half less than the same goods can be purchased elsewhere. We have add ed to our present stock an immense supply of AUTIFICI A!L FILIDWIElIHtS the l:ke of which has nevef been seen in this place, and which will be sold at the MOST REASONABLE PRICES. AND in all the latest styles and at astonishing low prices ; and everything that is useful and ornamental in a IP'S mar be found at our store, at prices to suit everybody. Do not fail to call anl secure bargains while the stock is full, and be convinced that we can do all we say in low prices. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW (100DS. MAEZ Next to the Post Oilice, The Ui:minoton Skwing Machine has sprung rapidly into favor as posessitig the best COMBINATION- of good qualities namely : Light run ning, smooth, noiseless, rapid, durable, with perfect Lock Stitch. It Is a Shuttle Machine, with fcSSilSs2? Aiitmiiiif ie Drmi Feed, i 'r:V.'0.;;THS sign beautiful aud construc tion the very best. GOOD AGENTS WANTED. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. AdIrCN REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE CO., ILION, N. Y. IlItAXCII OFFICIOS OF ItEMIXGTOX CO.M1MXIKK. j Jll.ION, N. Y. ) E. Remington fc Souk, Rcuiiuglou Sewing. M Co., Remington Ag'l Co., February 2G, 1S75. 2 mo. Sxmrto & frcW '- 1 j; CJ-- frV'Tj,r ')' made by telling Tf.ak r.t lurnhi vlv Li X khs' r-BU-K", or Krtiing tin H'.li iu towu mid country fw tU oMent IVa t'oiuj io m Ame rica. tretieHt iii(tuieuiuts. Smt fi.r eirrular. ("AN TON TKA to., Hk fbamln-iK :n-rt, K. V. ly 14, :5. TM) TPSAMIT-E to Agent. IjiujV ('oiimsatios i I J V JCi XjN'KFDLF-ltoOlt. With t 'lit OIIKHt. Heilll :;'T111 ' i F. K OL.I-CK, Xm Hedli.vd Miiwi. May 14, 4. i AlrLiN JO Axlljlialkc,.-riul- I : lifbed. if-inl for eiicul.ii- mid vnr terms lo I i Antral. NATIONAL li'lil.lsHINO I'll, 1'hii.a- ! Uti.i-HIA, f a. May 14, 4w. j i kiivjiii mini:. j I A valuable mine lor h if. Will jy Ion rT cent. Ir- I i vrwtigation itohcited. l-'ar iiilorrunMoii, uddnns, W. 11. j Moore, ttwrjjetowii, t'olorrilo, or J. . t'f.zzeus. New- IKirt, R. I. 'Slay 14. 4. UVINGSTONE'C ri: aisi i-:viiiiatiiJ Witu his iiiiii.'U l.AHr Ji mal.k, now reaoy ! New aud authentic, liie uv..l tl-idiiK itdveuiureH in Africa of ttie reat tieru travelt-riind eiij'lifitT. trofiisiJv liniiriiti-'!. Son AES r Wanttii ouicHy. I reig'ii j-n? It fcn.ij: Do yon doiilit ? Thea wiite for extra term and we will pruve i' : or, if in lm-rtc to l4t?in work, send tl for oomjlete outlit, to l.niMism;o: IM'Dlikhrhh, L'inciuuati, Ohio. May 14. 4. COCGIIS, COLDS, 110 iVRSENKSri, AND ALL TIIHOAT DISEASES, TTe 1VKI.I.S' rAKBULIC TAKLETN. PfT tri'ONLY IN HI.t'K BOXKS. A TRIED AXD SURE REMEDY. Kold ly Iriif?giat. May 14, 4v. TEAS ki;taii.i:i at Importrrx lrl-OM. BY THK Great Atlantic ani PacLfic Tea Co. 231 .Market Ntrcet IIurriMburg. This is an organization of ee.jiitalistH to I.W'OKT AND I H ST It I It L'T K TKAJ for one small jirufit. Having the noDsunier all jirofi's of uiiddlemeu. We control a lrffe part of the B-t Teas lironstlit to thi eonntrj-, which are sold tiy ourw lvc. lerou liuyimi of other dealoro do no to their oV-u dis advantage, our bouse iu t'hina aud Japan have the very best facilities ol selecting, which give it grat ad vantage. We have etaelihel Ktore for distrihiiting our tea in all the iiiuci;al cilis of the I'utted .State. We give, to our cuaiomer a IlonuUliiI Oil hromo, (taken from tht rlchct gem of American and Foreign artita) which, if bought ut picture More, would Oiiet much more thau the price of the Tea. Thw chromu are a preent to our ciiBtonieis. All good aoid Warranted to give .erfeet sariifactiti or the money refunded. Great Atlantic A PHfillf Tea Co., 221 Market street, Ilarrisliurg. May 14, 4w. W YTT7F4 Afeiit for the l)e-t welliug Vriw lVt lJjl Package iu the world. Kingle pack age, with elegant prize, Kt-paid, i cent. For other noveltie eud stamp. Addres, K. F. tiM't'K, New Bedford, Mow. May T.".. 4w. 0 Za Ik A S , & HTTWIT BR 9 in Masonic Building, Remington No. 1 Machine for family ue, Iu the third year of its existence, has met with a more rapid increase 'of ratio of sales than any ma chine iu the market. Remington No. 'i Machine for manufacturing and family use, (ready for delivery ouly since June, 1S71,) for range, perfection, and variety of work, is without a rival iu family or workshop. 'teTSo 2M t 2S3 Broadway New York, Arms Madison S.. New York Sewing Machines. Chicago, '.'.;7 Slate St., S. Machine and Arm, Boston, I'M Wahhiugluu St., Sewing Machines. Cincinnati. 1H1 West 4th St.. Sewing Machines. Utica, Cent-see St. Sewing Machines. Atlanta, Ga.. IM.ive's (ijH'ra House, Marietta. SI., Sewing Machines. Washington,!!. C.V.'l St vent ii St .,S. Machines. ! CHUISTIAK HARMONY. BY Wm. WALKER, A. S. H. A vi.li nilid Muku- Book mxm n New. Nbturul and raty cvHteiii, liy wiiii-li any one may lnru to read mimic and to iua in ime fourth the time required l,y the old me thod. LVftiKued tor ties. Litieral inducement to Miune Teacher. Specimen WKefi wailed free. MIL LKB'S B1ISLKANU l'l bl.lSHINO JiOl'SI 1K'2 aud 1H4 Sun wnu el reel. l'h.Ud. ijieia, l'a. May 14, 4w. HIGHEST STANDARD LETTTRSOF INQUIRY PROMPTLY ANSWERED L 1 ypy 4VVt vjWMM Chestnut ST: PHILADELPHIA May 14, iw. K 4l :'t- -.- i- - t-.v ! t xtft- r..i:i-;; ! Mav ,-4w. FOltTt'NK IN IT. Kevei-y family buy it. Sold liy Agent. Addi-etn, S. WA1.KKH Krie, Pa. May '..".-4w. Cfilrt I'ui'' to Ari'-nt. K new article and the host tU KiiuiiU l'.ii'er iu Aii!cri-:t, with two ."i.i.ii t'liriuios, In. AM.M ld t'O., :v Brouilwaj, N. V. May 2H, Vi.-4w. H II KItKVKK IT H AS KEKX TKIEI hug cKtuMishcd itw-lf cs a perfect regulator and sure J projier action of the Liver and Powels. It is not a Physic, hut, by liiniilating the secretive ! orgaun, gentlyand gradually remove all impuritie, and r-gulntetlie entire vteni. j It is nst a doctored bitters, but is a YltiUJVlAJiLHi lUxMU which ansiats digestion, and thus stimulates the appetite for food ueoessary to iuvigorate the weakened or inac tive organs, and gives strength to all the vital forces. It carries its own recommendation, as the large and rapidly increasing sales testify. Price One Dollar s bottle. Ask your druggist for it. Johsstom Hollo, wat k Co., Phila., Pa. Wholesale Agt. Mst 9,-4w. mierrar, .ttbrrtismcnts. SUSQUEHANNA COFFIX A CASKET WORKS, Front St., above Itaee, S UNB Vll Y, PEN FA. rilHE nndersifrnt-il liaviu established a Collin JL iSc Casket Manufactory, at the above place, aits now prepared to furnish to Cabinetmakers and Undertakers, nud the trade cenerallv Coffins and Caskets Of the best and latest patterns and finished in the best style. Their diirercnt patterns including both Coffin and Casket shapes arc of WALNUT, CHERRY, CHESTXUT, Imitation of Rosewood and Cherry, and all other styles, made of the best material and finish ; work done by the most experienced workmen. Orders will be filled promptly, and Coffins and Caskets will be shipped to any place desired, at the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable prices. The patronage of the trade is solicited. Send for PniCE and DESCRIPTIVE LIST, and learn the styles and prices. FRYMNfl, BOWEN & ENGEL. Sunbury, April SO, 1875.-tf. Special Notice to Ladies. ' o A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SIMtlXU and SOIMEK IDPIESS GOODS. Fancv Goods and Notions just opened at Miss " Kate Black's Store, Market Square, SUNBUKY, PENN'A. SILKS, CALICOES, LAWNS.GINGHAMS, and a general assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Geuts' Gloves, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, &c. A Full Assortment ofSoap, Perfumery, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers and Trimmings. Ladies arc invited Jo call and examine my lan;c stock. MISS KATE BLACK. Sunbury, May 7, 1S75. NEW YORK TRIBUNE. "TJic Lendiiig American Senspapcr." THE HKST ADVERTISING MUMUM. Iliiily, 51(1 a year. .S. ini-V. c kly, Weekly, $1. P.is'oge Free lo the Sulseri!-r. Kpeciiuim CopieB aud Advertising lliiies l'rec. Weekly, in clubs of :HI or more, only $1, ont;ige paid. Address Tht TiiiiirNE, New York. -Ian. H, 1H75. ly. BOOK BINDING of all kinds neatly and substantially done by JOII. OLI.IS. Third St., opposite the Clement House SUN- IjL lii , PA. Prices of Bir.DIHC: Q o o 2-3 MZi: OF WOKK. w 5 g c E o Size of liuio voil m 75 1 IX) 1 'M 1 .0 Harper's Mnira- " I (Ul 1 or, l rn t K o O-. feme ........... ..... , j " . . ..w i a ... Petersoii'sMuifa ine,CMh'y"s La dy's' Book Ladies' Reposi tory Appletou's Jour nal Hittmy of Un'd States, Waroflhe Union, National Portrait Gallery. Sheet Music Harpers Week ly, Frk Leslies', and Scientific American Picturesque Am erica I 1 25 1 no 1 50 70 2 00 2 50 3 CO 4 50 4 75 2 r.o 3 00 2 00 IK) 2 25 3 50 2 (Ml 2 50 " " I 2 50 3 00 I SO 2 W Is. 4 00 7 00 Larjre Family Bibles and illustrated work done in the b'ft nmmifr and at rtntonnhlr r!i-x. rT"Especial attention is called to our HALF BINDING WORK. Sunbury, April 10, 1875. tf. litis Dr. J. Walker's California Vine, gar Bitters are a purely Vegetable E reparation, made chiefly from the native erbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol.- The question is almost daily asked, "What is tho cause of the unpar alleled success of VnfEGAR Bitters f Our answer is, that they remove the causo of disease, and tho patient recov ers his health. They are tho great blood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in tho his tory of tho world has a medicine been compounded possessing tho remarkablo qualities of Visegar Bitters in healing tne eick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of tho Liver and Visceral Organs in Bilious Disease g. The properties of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Kutritkras, Laxative, l)iuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. it. h. Mcdonald &, Co., Druggist and General Agents, San I'rsucisco, Califor nia, and cor. Washington and Charlton Sta., New Yurie Hold by all DrusgUta and Dealer. KEEI IT IIAXDY! Tlie Reliable Family 91li-iiic DIARRHEA, Dysentery, Cholera, Summer Complaint, Cramps, etc., quickly cured by the life of JARDEl.LA'S Compound Syrup of Blackberry Root and Rhu barb. An old, well tried remedy, entirely ves:n table, pleasant to take, quick and certain in effect; can be depended on in the mont urgent canes ; maybe given to the youngest infant a well ns to adults. It contains NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. It, is a ileasant extract and readily taken by children. It has often saved life when phy.-i cians had despaired. Keep it in the house ami use in time. All we ack for it is a trial. Don't let your dealer put you olf with something else. Buy it. Try it. Sold by Druggists and Store Keepers throughout this Stale. Prepared only by HAX8ELL, A BRO.. jul9,-3m 2000 Market Street. Philadelphia. SPRING AND SUMMER. rJJ MILLINERY aiMUCY GOODS! Large arrivals, assortments unsurpassed, latest styles, linest goods. Central Millincrv, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. I take pleasure iu calling your particular at tention lo my Spring arrivals of Millinery aud Fancy goods, which embraces the latest and most desirable goods extant. Having made every effort to sustain my well known leputation of securing the finest goods, I offer this announce ment with the assurance that I have not devi ated rather improved on former seasons' pur chases. STRAW GOODS a specialty, for this season, including the prettiest and most fii table Hats (iu countless st vies) in the market. FLOW ERS, RIBBONS.SILKS, LACES, ORNAMENTS, CRAPES and numerous other novelties, besides the large array of seasonable articles in the Fancy Goods department. HATS and BONNETS made to order as usual, in the most artistic manner. Having purchased all my goods "for canh, I am enabled to Sell at extremely low prices. Thankrul for past favors, I respectfully solicit a continuance. Miss LOU SHISSLER, Market Square, Sun bury. April 2S, 1S75. HARDWARE. We are better prepared than ever to supply the demand for goods In our line. We have just received a full stock of Shovels, Iron, Hoes, Steel, Rakes, Oils, . Forks, Paints, Pumps, Glass, Cutlery, Varnishes, LEATHER BELTING, TOOLS, AXi ;ms SI ITAKI.K FOI! Ruilders, Housekeepers, Farmers, Illacksmitlis, Shoemakers, Cabinet Makers. Carpenters, Machinists, Painters aud the People. Call and examine our goods. CONLEY, HACKETT & MATEER, Opposite Whit Tiler's store. March 1S7". tf. C 0-5 O v. pi 'A CO 5 9 S o a 3 o o 5 , rj C n "2. P o scr -i o M r. 7? v- -I 5 J. s. : f6 W 1 n p B m O S3 C S WATCIIKS, JEWELRY Jk SILVER WARE. John W. Stevenson, Corner Third and Market Sts, Sunbury, Pa. HAS completely renovated his Store Room, nnd opened the largest assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited in this part of 'ho State. Every thing ia the Jewelry line is kept in store. Silver-U Bre, Bracelets, Kings A t'haiun, of every description and of the finest quality. Particular attention paid to repairing WntrlicM, Clockf, Jewelry, Ac. HAIR JEWELRY maIe to order. Sunbury, March 6, 1874. JUST ISSUED! And Maii POST-KAID, ON KECCH'T OF THE MAKKKO IIUlCE. Pieces marked have Illustrated Tillc-Pagrs. Morning Breaks Upon the Tomb Easter Anthem, Tidmhs. 50 Swinging on the Harden Gate Song and Chorus, Tioiihm. 40 Where is My Loved One To-niijbt? Song and Chorus, Jfnjs. 35 Sim:, Darkies, Sing ! (As sung by Carl Wagner.) Jfiit3. 35 Ansel Gabriel Comic Song. Stnrnrt. 30 When Silver Locks Replace the Gold Song and Chorus. (Aiibwer to Silver Threads Anion the Gobi, Veujhtun. o. You Never Miss the Lager till the Keg Rhus Dry Comic Song. 40 Gane Awa' 'Scotch Song. 'Wand. 30 Alone, aud At Home Song and Chorus. 7ii. 35 .My Wee Wife Waiting at the Door Ballad. Tlioma: 40 Oh ! Miss Snsie ! End Song and Clio, iiix. 35 Give Me but a Smile Song and C. Stemirt. 35 When First I Met Thee, Nellie Dear Song and Chorus. Sttvart. 30 I'm Capt'iin of the Guards Comic S. 35 Beyond the Golden Door Song and C. White. 30 Gertie's With the Angels Now Song and Chorus. Vhrittie. 30 Please :God, Make Room for a Little Boy. Cur. 'M INSTRUMENTAL. La Belle Jeiincssc Polacea. H7ioa. 50 Awakening of the Birds Morceau. MtujUuh. 40 Sweetheart Melodic Gracieuse. Mayluth. 40 Twinkling Stars Morceau de Salon. WiUoit 50 The Highland Maideu Romance. Wilnoa. 50 Cuius Aniinam (from SUibat Mater) Wayner 40 Dreamland Morceau de Salon. Mutjlath. 40 j Echoes from tho Palisades Morceau. i II lllr' 40 ; 40 Venetian Regatta Transcribed. Merry Foresters Forest Scene. Rocking Waves Transcribed. The Scotch Lassie Reverie. Kittie's Polka Mazurka. Fairy Land Reverie. Snai klinir Jewels Polka. Waijner. 50 Maijlath. l'aehcr. 40 40 30 Prti-ot. Xuri'd. 35 j Vhritlit. 30 I Think of Me Sometimes Easy Wallz. Wagner. 20 Temperance March (Easy) Wwjia;: 20 i Men an; Such Deceivers Easy Polka. i Way iter. 20 ! Mollie Darling Easy March. Waywr. 20 i Petkiis' Household Melodies. No. 1, 2 uud 3. ! A Collection of Popular gout:, by Hays. ! Dauks, Stewart, etc. Each number coutams Seven or Eitrbt Songs. Price, 50 cents each : Yearly, 12 Numbers lor $4. Peteiis' Paui.ok Music, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Each number contains several easy and1' moderately diUieult Piano Pieces, by Kiukel, Becht, Wag ner, Wilson, etc. 50 cents each ; Yearly, 12 Numbers for 4. La Ckkme de la Ckeme, vos. 1 to 15. Each number contains 24 pages of classic and dilll cult Piauo Music, worth at least 32.50. Price of each number, 50 cents; Yearly, 12 N umbel s for 4. Published lv J. L. PETERS, March 5, 17.. 5H'.l Broadway, N. Y. ,VP SILVER MEDM.VrtI? LIN iTiTU 1 Cl (jver Thirly-fonr Competitocs heslwitStfHILBDELPKW 124 few. 3V .-ft-I r. rtiANr TH T K sm MfA IIIXF. SHOP AND IK03 FOUNDRY. GEO. ROIIRBACII & SONS, Nuubitry, I'cmi'a, INFORM the public that they arc prepared 10 do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, iu a satisfactory man ner. rates to snit aay NIot. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, &c. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOP. YARDS AT RESIDENCES, SiC, AG. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su perionty, have been still further unproved wiil always be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. 8unbnr3-, May 20. 187-1. and FURNITURE ROOMS. The undersigned bcg3 leave to inform the citi zens of Northumberland connty, that he has opened a FIRST CLASS FURNITURE STORE, On Market Street, opposite the C ity Hotel, iu Sun bury, Where he keeps on hand a large assortment of Consisting in part of Walnut Paki.ok Sets, BritErs. Cuambek Sets, Bedsteads, Cais Seat CnAiP.s, Wasbstaxds, Wood Skat Ciiaiks, Lounges, Rocking CnAms, Mattresses, Dining Tables, Clpkoards, Extension Taih.es, Book Casees, Makble Top Tables, Fancy Brackets, Kitcheo Fvrnitt'he, Looking Glasses, xc, &c, &c. He will also maunfacture to order, on short no tice, any article in his line, if not in store. He is prepared to offer superior inducements to purchasers. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. Call and examine his stock and prices and be convinced. JACOB HAUPT. ' Jan. 22, 1S73, 3 mos. Furniture Ware-Rooms ! .ROBERTS A HOSTEKMAX. (Successors to B. L. RAUDF.NBUSH.) Masonic Building, WILL SELL CHEAP, AN ENDLESS VARIETY OK rUKNITUHK of the latest styles and best material. CONSISTING OF Parlor and Chamber Suits; LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS. Bedsteads of all kinds, Cupboards, Sinus, and in 6hort everything usually to be found in a tirst class Furniture Store. CJ3ST3DEK.T-A.K:ilSrC3-- Special attention is itiven to Undertaking in all its branches. Coffins and .Burial Caskets OF ALL STYLES CONSTANTLY ON II AND. An invitation is extended to all to come and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ROBERTS & IIOSTERMAN. Sunbury, Feb. lit. 1S75. A RRIAC.ES, BUGGIES AC. II. K. FAGELY & CO. respectfully inform the public that they commenced the manufacture of have CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C. ? at the new shop recently erected by J. F. Lerch Corner of Fourth and Chestnut Nt., SUNBURY, PA., and solicit a fair share of Patronage. April 3-Cm. J. F. LERCH. Sup't. .mercantile. J B Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. c e U3 a O w O a Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Laud Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. i Maize & Schwartz, Successors to Geo. Evans tfc Co., 1108 Market Street, Philadelphia, MERCHANT TAILOES nnd MILITARY CLOTHIERS. Men and Boys' suits made to order in tho latest styles, of the best cloths and cassimcres in mar ket, at prices suitable to the times. Military, Band & Eire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent j free on application. Ours being the leading honse on Military work, we feel that we can offer inducement which can not be attained aDywherc else. Nov. 27, 1872. PEXXSYI.VAXIA Kill. ROAD. PHILADELPHIA A ERIE R. R. DIVISION. SUMMER TIMETABLE. On and after Sunday, May 23d, 1875, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road Divi sion will run as follows : WESTWARD. Fast Line leaves New York " " " Philadelphia, ' " " Baltimore, " " " llarrisburg, " arr. at Williamsport, " " " Lock Haven, " " " Bellefoute, Erie Mail leaves New York, " Philadelphia, ' " Baltimore, " " Harrisburi,', " " " Williamspoit, ' " Lock Haven, " " " Renovo, " " arr. at Erie, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Baltimore, " " " Harrisburg, ,; " arr. at Williamsport, 9.25 a m 12.55 p m I. 20 pm 5.00 p ra 8.55 p m 10.20 p m II. 50 p ra 8.25 p m 11.55 p m 11.55 p m 4.25 a m 8.35 a m 11.45 a in 11.05 a m 7.50 pm 7.40 a m 7.35 a m 10.55 a ra 1.55 p m 3.15 p m " Lock Haveu, " Kenovo, leaves Philadelphia, 4.30 p ra 8.00 a m 8.30 a m 1.25 p m CIO p m 7.30 p in 6 40 p m 7.55 a m 11.45 a in 6.15 p in 3.35 p m f.45 p m 9.10 a m 10.25 a m Elu ira Mail " Baltimore, " " " Harrisbarf,', " " arr. at Williamsport, " " " Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Philad'a Express leaves Lock Haven, " " Williamsport, " - nrr. at Harrisburg, " " Baltimore, " ' .Philadelphia, New loik, leaves Renovo, Day Express " " Lock Haven, " " " Wil iumsport, 11-35 a m arr. at Harrisbnrg, 3.00 p ra " Philailelphia, " " " New York, " " ' Baltimore, Erie Mail leaves Erie, " lk Renovo " " Lock Haven, " ' M Williamsport, " arr. at Harrioburj;, " " Baltimore, " " " Philadelphia, " " " New York, Fast Line leaves Williamsport, " arr. at Harrisburg, " " " Baltimore, " " " ' Philadelphia, " " " New York, 0.20 p m 9.15 p in 6.35 p in 11.20 a m 8.25 p m 9.45 p m 10.50 o m 2.25 a m 7.35 a m C.45 a m 10.10 a m 12.35 a m 3 55am 7.35 a m 7.35 a m 10.25 a m Eric Mail West, Niagara Express West, Elmira Mail West and Day Express East make close connection at Northumberland with L. & B. R. R. trains for Wilkesbarre and Scranton. Erie Mail West, Niagara Express West and Elmira Mail West- make close connection el Williamsport with N. C. R. W trains north. Erie Mail East and West, Niagara Express West, Fast Line West aud Day Express East make close connection at Lock Haven with B. E. V. R. R. trains. Eric Maii East and West counect at Erie with trains ou L. S. & M. S. R. R., at Corry with O. C. tfc A. V. R. R., at Emporium with B. N. Y.& P. R. R., and at Driftwood with A. V. R. R. Parlor Cars will run between Philadelphia and Williamsport on Niagara Express West, Fast Line West, Philadelphia Express East and Day hxpress Last. Sleeping Cars on all niht trains WM. A. BALDWIN, Gcn'l Sup-t. Philadelphia A Reading Railroad WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. January 17th, 1S75. Tuains Leave Hern-don as Follows : excei'ted.) For Shamokiii, 10.40, 11.00 a. in. (Sundays and 3.40 p. m. For Mt.Canncl, Ashland, Tanmqaa, Pottsville, Reading aud Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. , Trains fok Hekndon. Leave as Follows: (Sundays Excepted.) Leave Shamokiu at 8.00 a. m. 1.50 and 3.55 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m., Rcadiug 11.30 a. m., Pottsvilie, 12.10 p. m., Tamaqua, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p.m., Mt. Caruiel, 3.21 p. m. Trains Leave Harrisbcro, as Follows : For New York, 5.20, 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 7.40 p. m. For Philadelphia. 5.20, 8.10 a. 43 a. in., 2.00 and 3.5C, p. ru. Sundays. For New York, 5,20 a. m. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. m. Trains for Harrisburo, Leave as Follows : Leave New York, 9.00 a. m., 12.40 and 5.15, 7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m. 3.40 and 7.00 p. in. Sundays. Leave New York, 5.15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.00 p. ni. Via Morris and Essex R. R. J. E. WOOTTEN, Central Sv.p't. Reading, Pa. Nov. 13. 1874. cehtraldrug store q.b.cXdyllader Is the place to buy pure and fresh MEDICINES, DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR for medicinal purposes, and all other arti cles usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggists. I a iii prepared to furnish in quantities to suit purchasers and ul Philadelphia, prices, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Roman, Rosendale and Lebiv.Ii CEMENTS, . Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy aud Clover Seeds. Also, Garden Seeds of all kinds. Aall and get a Rural Register for 1S74. G EO. B. CAD WALLA DE K. Sunbury, Feb. (i, is4.-lv. Du. C. M. Mahtin. Geo. W. Bi.oom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House MIIei, Silmry, Pa. DK. C M. MARTIN & CO, HAVE just received a fresh lot of Pure Drugs and Patent medicines. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth. Nai!,Clothc,Shoe and other brushes. TOII.KT AKI FAXCY AKTICLEN. FINE EXTRACTS, POCKET BOOKS, KNIVES, C, AC. REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perf.tme in America. rarisL-tu. a 3il Uovc Mash, warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate shades without injury to the kill All the leading preparations for the Hair, si:;ahk. the best in market, Puie Wiue and Liquors, for medical purposes, Physb ians Prescriptions and family leceipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal ing to receive a share of yonr patronage. September 11. 173. TOY rOXFFX'TIOXEKV STORE. Everybody is invited to come and buy of the handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES SAMUEL F. NEVIXTS STOHE, in frame buildinir, adjoining Moore Dissingers building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Jus4 opened a fresh supply of Confectioneries of every description. TOYS OF A I.I KIXUS constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS & DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cakes, every morning FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, &c. OKAXGERS, LEMOXS, FRESH FISH EVERY. DAY will be sold at the lowst rates. The best of Albemarl Shad will be delivered at the residence of purchasers in any part of the town. Call and see the excellent assortment of goods and ascertain prices. The Poci,tkt Yakd. The first thing to be done abont the poultry yard in Spring is to clean out the places where the fowls have roosted dur ing Winter. This should be done early, and all droppings removed aad composted with peat or some light soil. After cleaning the roosts, they should be white washed, together with the walla inside, after which sulphur may be scattered lib erally into all crevices, over the floor or gronud underneath. This has been our practice for years, and we have had no trouble with hen lice or other vermin which so frequently annoy the poultry raiser. Iu setting hens every egg should be marked with a pencil or otherwise, so that it can be readily recognized in case other hens should lay in the same nest. When making up the nest, clean, fresh hay should be put in, and a table spoonful of sulphur sprinkled in among it. The heat from the hen while sitting, will cause gen tle fumes to arise from the sulphur, destroying any lice that may be present. Since adopting: this sulphur cure, more than a dozen years since, we have never found chicken lice upon a young brood or upon the mother ; and we are also in clined to think it has a beneficial effect upon the health of the fowls in general, as not a case of chicken cholera or pip has been known among our poultry in many years. C!eanliness la the most effective and certain prevention against all diseases ; but lice are very likely to appear upon sitting hens and their brood, unless sulphur is used as directed. This mineral, so destructive to insect life, is almost harmless to larger ani mals, unless they iubale the fumes of burning sulphur, which quickly destroys both animals and vegetable life. Sulphur is so cheap that it may be used freely about the barn and other outbuildings for driving away as well as de stroying the various insects which Infest them. X. Y. Sun. ' Why Cuctmbers aee Regarded U.nwhole some. A correspondent of the Maine Farmer says : Cucumbers in the early part ot July are a luxury, and eaten moderation are not unwhole some. They should always be picked early in the morning, when the dew is on them. Gather ed later in the day, under a broiling sun, they are wholly unlit to eat. This is, no doubt, one reason why they are considered unwholesome by many persons. Age of Turkeys to Breed From. The Livt Slock Joiiual replies as follows to the query, which are most profitable to breed from, turkeys, one, two or three years old 1 The male turke does not attain its greatest vigor until the third oi fonrth year, therfore a cock or three years old is better than a year old for breeding. But it is well to change the male every year, which is believed lo produce healthier and stronger chicks; and hens two years old and upward arc also best for breeding. Tne value of crows may be estimated from an incident that happened on a Maryland farm last spring. A number of men who were sent to hoe a field of potatoes reported after the work was finished that they saw "millions of potato-bugs,' and it was supposed the growing crop was surely destroyed. For several days after, however, large numbers of crows were seen to alight it the field, and a second close examination, by the men who hoed the potatoes, detected but twenty burgs, the remainder having been eaten by tho crows. These birds are tond of any kind of in sect, and are in many ways valuable to the farm er. . Radisii Growing. Some of your correspon dents may have difficulty in growing crisp and tender radishes free from worms, as most grow ers advise good rich soil, Ac. To make a suc cess, go to a sand bank or loam bed and draw sufficient for a bed, free from weeds and grass ; drop on top of soil and level off, and sow the seed, without addition of manure or spading up. For succession, sow once in three or four weeks as loug as radishes are wanted. A trial will convince the most skeptical. Cor. Country Gen try Gentleman. HOUSEHOLD. From Godey'M Lady' Book. JAMS. Raspbeuht. Take equal weights of fruit and moist sugar ; put them on the Gre together ; keep stirring and breaking the fruit till the sugar melts, then boil till it will Jelly on a plate. Though simple, this will be fonnd a very good receipt. Strawberrt. Allow equal weights of pound ed loaf-sugar and of strawberries ; mash tbem in the preserving-pan, and mix the sugar well with it ; stir, skim, and boil it for twenty min utes. Black Currant. Allow equal weight of clipped currauts aud of ponnded loaf-sugar; braise and mash the fruit in a preserving-pan -over the fire ; add the sugar ; stir it frequently ; when it boils, 6kim and let it boil for ten min utes. White or Red Ccrraxt. Pick the fruit very nicely, and allow an equal quantity of finely powdered loaf-sugar ; put a layer of each alternately into a preserving-pan, and boil for ten minutes ; or they may be boiled the same time la sugar previously clarified and boiled candy high. Cuerrt. Stone four pounds of cherries, and put them in a preserving-pan with two pounds of fine white sugar and a pint of red-currant juice. Boil the whole together rather fast, un til it stiffius, and then pnt it into pots for use. Goosecekbt. Stalk and crop six pounds of the small, red, toitgh boottberry, put them into a preserving-pan, and, as they warm, stir and Jruise thera to briug out the juice. Let them boil for ten minutes, then add four pounds of sugar, and place it on the fire again ; let it boil, and continue boiling for two hours longer, stir ring it all the time to prevent its burning. When it thickens, and will jelly upon a plate, it is done enough. Put it into pots, and allow it to remain a day before it is covered. MARMALADES. Apricot. Boil ripe apricots In syrop until they will mash ; beat then in a mortar ; take half their weight in loaf-sugar, and sutEcient water to dissolve it ; boil ail together, and skim j until it is clear, aud the syrup thick like tine i Jelly. COM POPES OF FRUIT. Spuing Fruit. (Riiubarb.) Take a pouud of the stalks after they are pared, aud cut them into short lengths; have ready a quarter-pint of water boiled gently for ten minutes with five ounces of sugar, or with six, should the fruit be very acid ; put it in, and simmer it ibr about ten minutes. Some kinds will be teuder in raTer less time, some will require more. Gor sujrat iu lumps should be used geueriiy for thestf dishes, and uheu they are intended for dc-sscit, the syrup shouid be enriched with an additional once or two. Lisbon sugar will auswer for them very well on ordinary occasions, bnt that which is refined will render them much more delecate. Gkeen Currkss. Spring water half pint; sugar, five onnccs ; boiled together ten minutes. Oue pint of green currants stripped from the stalks ; simmered three to five minutes. Gueen Gooskberhies. This Is an excellent compote if made with fine sugar, and very good with any kind. Break five ounces into small lumps and pour on them half a pint of water; boil these gently for ten minutes, and clear off all the scum ; then add to them a pint of fresh gooseberries freed from tha tops and stalks, washed, and well drained. Simmer them gently from eight to ten miuutes, and seive them hot or cold. Increase tho quantity for a large dish. Red Currants. A quarter-pint of water and live ounces of sugar : ten minutes. One pint of ready picked currents to be just simmered in the syrup from five to six minutes. This receipt will serve eqnally niized together. Either of them will be found an admirable accompaniment batter, custard, bread, ground rice, and various other kinds of puddiugs, as well as to whoie rice plainly boiled. Cherries. Simmer five ounces of sugar with half a pint of water for ten minutes ; throw into the syrop a pound of cherriej weighed after they are stalked, and let them stew gently for twenty minutes ; it ia a great Improvement to stouc the fruit, but a larger quantity wilt then be required for a dish. Morella Cherries. Boil together for fifteen minntes, five ounces of sugar with half a pint of water ; add a ponnd and a quarter of ripe Morella cherries, and simmer them very sofiiy from five to seyen minutes ; this Is a delicious compote.