Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 11, 1875, Image 3

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    nnlmrj). American.
jCandi dates' Cards.
For Connty Treasurer.
To tit Yotert of Xorlhun.bcrland County.
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for Coun
ty Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Re
publican County Convention.
Lower Augusta Juno 4, 1875.
For Couulj- C-omnii!ionert
of Lower Augusta township, offers himself as a
candidate for County Commissioner, subject to
the Republican County Convention. m'
For t onuly Commissioner.
To the Yoteit of Xorthumberland County.
I hereby offer niyst.faR a candidate for County
Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Re
publican Couuty Couvcutiou. Jf successful in a
nouiiuation and election, I shall endeavor todis-
charpe the duties of the oflice to the best of my
ability aud to thrs interests of the people of the
Lower Augusta, May 28, '5.
For Sheriff'.
To tli Yotert of Xorthnmberlrnd Couuty.
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for the
office of bheriff, subject to the decision of the
Republican County Convention. If nominated
and elected, I promise to discharge the dut of
the office iu a Manner satisfactory to all.
. M. KENN.
Sunbury, May 21, 1S75 tc.
For KherilT.
To tlie voter of Xorthitniberland County.
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for Sheriff,
subject to the action of the Republican County
Couveulion. J. H. ADAMS.
Shamokiu l)or., May 21. tc
For Sheriff, .
Subject to the action of the Republican County
Sunbury, May 11, 75.-tc.
For Couuty Treasurer.
To tit Yotert of Xorthumberland County.
I herebv offer myself as a candidate for the office
of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of
the Republican County Convention, ii nomin
ated, 1 pledge myseif to use all honorable means
for my flection, and If successful, promise to
discharge the duties wiln ndeiny ana lo me uesi
Of my ability. GEO. . Si KOli.
Sunbury, May 14, '75.-IC.
For Kheritr.
To tit Yottrs of Xorthumherland County .
I hereby ofler myself as a candidate for the
office of Mieriff, subject to the decision of the Re
publican County Convention. If nominated and
elected, I pledge myself to perform the duties of
the office impartially and to l he best of my ability.
Delaware twp., May 14, '"O.-tc.
For Comity Treasurer.
To the Yotert and Tat rayert of Xorthumberlantl
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for Count;
Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Repuu
can County Convention. If successful in a nom
ination aud election, I pledge myself to preform
the duties of the office without partiality and to
the best of my ability ; and I obligate myself
to discharge the duties of Treasurer at 50 per
rent, less than is now paid that officer, and that
I will put a competent clerk in the office at all
times to transact the business in my absence, so
that there will be no detention to parties coming
from a distance, who have occasion to do busi
ness in that oflice. At the expiration of my term
I will have my accounts settled up within SO
da vs.
Little M ahaii oy twp., May 7, '75j tc.
For Prothonotary.
To tit Yotert of Xorthumberland County.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for re
election lo the office of Frolhouotary, subject to
the action of the Republican County Convention.
Sunbury May 7, '75. tc.
For Kheriir.
To the Yotert of Xorthumberland Comity.
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for the
oflice of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the
Republican Couuty Convention. If successful
iu my nomination and election, I pledge myself
to fulfill the duties of the office to the best of my
judgment aud ability.
Northumberland, May 7, '75. tc.
County Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate for
the oflice of Couuty Treasurer, subject to the de--isiou
of the next Republican County Conven
tion. If nomiuated aud elected. I will endeavor
to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity
and the best of my ability.
Zcrbe township, April 30, 1875. tc
For County CotniuisHioner.
To tltt voter of Xortltutnberland Cofinty.
I hereby offer myself as a candidate for County
Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Re
publican County Convention. If nominated and
elected, I promise to fulfill the office impartially
and lo the best of my ability.
Delaware twp., April 30, '75. tc.
For County Treasurer.
To the vottrt of XorthunJterlatui County.
I hereby oiler myself as a candidate for County
Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Repub
lican County Convention. If successful in a
r.omitiation and election, I shall cudeavor to dis
charge the duties of the office to the best of my
ability, and totbe interest of the tax-pnvers of
she county. A. CADWALLADER.
Milton. April 00. '73.-tc.
total Affairs.
Pt RE Havana clears for 6alc at the Post Oflice
J. D. Patton, of Trevorton, has obtained let
ters patent for a gas purifying niachiae.
Tue following is good advice in these days :
;f you can't pel a good education and a w&ite
plug hat, get tb hat." Ten to one the hat will
.prove the best capital. It is splurge and show
that win nowadays. Daily.
We notice that the editor of tlmt paper has
adopted the above plan.
TiiiMtest citrars in Sunbnry are kept at the
Post OHice building.
Eight subscription schools have beeu opeued
in this place siuce the public schools closed.
Real Victoria cigars, filled with Havana to
bacco, ul the Post Oflice building.
J. R. Hiixbcsh, Esq., of Jackson township,
who had a leg broken while assisting in raising
a house, is recovering.
The genuine Carolina cigars are kegt at the
Post Oflice building.
Mr. Miftlin is improving Paxinos by erecting
a large double frame dwelling and a brick
The Rev. Mr. DeMoyer tilled the pulpit of the
lief .. tf-.urcb on Sunday evening last, in the
absence of Hcv. C. 8. Gcarhard, the pastor, who
was absent attending the General Synod at Fort
Wayne, Indiana.
Plantation cigars at the Post Office build
ing. As incorrigible old bachelor, without the fear
of a hereafter before him, says that a large
number of ladies who have lost their second
husbands, are In favor of a third term.
Bots should remember that the law imposes a
fine of Cve dollars upon any person who robs or
destroys a bird's ne6t.
The finest and cheapest goods found in Sun
bury is at Marx f- Brn., Masonic building.
The finest and most beautiful style hats arc
found at S. Faust's hat store, Market Square.
They are sold cheap.
Retail cigar dealers are unhappy over the
new cigar box, which has perforated coupons on
the inside edge corresponding with the number
of cigars in the box. The coupons are furnished
by the Government in place of stamps, and
when a cigar is sold a coupon has lo be destroy
ed before the purchaser.
Clear Havana cigars for sale at the Post Oflice
A game of base ball was played on Tuesday
last, at this place, between nine "white" and
nine "colored" battists. The while niue wotx
The grass crop, after all will be an average
one. The growth, the last two weeks, has been
almost magical.
IIesrt Clat cigars at the Po6t Office building.
Geo. Keefcr has secured the coutract foi
building the county bridge across Lick Ran in
6hamokin township, for (159, and J. B. Snyder
and George Fasold were awarded the bridge
over Plnm Creek, in lwer AojrusU, for
Lock Haves is not exempt from iniquity as
the following paragraph from the Republican,
most clearly indicates :
"It is said by those who are reliable that there
is more carobliup done in Lock Haven than
those of the uninitiated have the least conception
of. There ate places of resort, in our principal
thorouirh fares, where gentlemen (?) do congre
gate almost every night, and spcud the time in
such delightful games as faro, keno, and others
of the names of which we are iguorant. We
are endeavoring to get the facts in certain cases,
when wc will publish a full expose with the
names of those who frequeut these places. It
will uo doubt be an interesting paper lo tome.''
An exposure of some of the gambling hauuts
iu this town, might have the effect to relieve
some families of a great deal of distress. They
have been the total ruia of several families
in this place and if not checked eome more will
experience a similar fate. Ofiicerb of the law
evade an expose by the excuse that they are
not compelled to ferret them out, and then avoid
visiting the piaccs so they do not sec it, aud iu
that manner expect to escape taking a false oath
wheu making their return to court. AVe cannot
see how this can screen them, however, as every
officer lias been repeatedly told of some of the
gambling holes in this town, aud we do not be
lieve that an cvasiou of visiting the places will
exonerate them of perjury.
The borough council have concluded to econo
mize by having the street lamps put out at 11
o'clock iu the evening. This is giving violaters
of the law full sway to follow their vocation.
Until 11 o'clock our streets geuerally present a
lively appearance, and there is not much danger
of depredations being committed until that hour.
But now they cau have at least half a night to
operate iu the dark. It is a backward step,
The lamp posts, which were to be up iu parts of
the town where there are none, have uot been
heard from of late. It looks as though there
was a pretty heavy spriukliug of old fogyisin in
that council.
Tue secoud re-nnion of the surviving scholars
of the old Milton Academy, will be held nt Mil
ton on the second Wednesday, the 14th of July
next. The committee of invitation consists of
J. F. WolBugcr, Esq., Selh I. Coiuly, Esq., cx-
Gov. A. G. Curtin aud cx-Gov. James Pollock.
The history of the old Milton Academy is now
ready for publication, aud is accompauied with
highly interesting historical sketches of the
West Branch schools and academies that once
existed in the towus of Sunbury, Xorthumber
land, Lewisburg, Milton, Turbutville, Muncy,
Moutoursville, Williamsport aud Jersey Shore.
Arrangements for its early publication will be
made at this meeting.
There is no bid yet for the vacant column in
the Daily offered "for sale cheap." Advertisers
must think it a "dear" column with all the
cheapness attached to it, aud no doubt they arc
right. Although the editor is making a tre
mendous "blow" to draw somebody into his net,
advertisers geuerally understand just as well as
he does where they reap the most benefit from
advertising, and for that reason they are slow in
applying to procure that "ctaciy' column. "
It is said that the best method to bring a town
on a rctrogadc move is for its citizens to con
stantly complain that there is no business done,
and everything is dull. But when the chief offi
cer of a town ruus about the streets complaining
of a heavy borough debt, anil that its paper
is only worth 40 or 50 els. on the dollar, it
will have u better effect to drive away capitalists
than anything wc know of, nnd the tovrn wil
siuk much quicker into obscurity.
Tue Sunbury Steam Fire Company Xo. 1 are
making preparations to go on an excursion trip
to Allentown, leaving here on the 10th inst.
They will be goue for three or foui davs. They
will, to doubt, meet with a good reception from
their brother firemen on their route. The Xo. 1
boj6" are a jolly set, and will undoubtedly
find plenty of enjoyment. Their good conduct
and manly bearing wherever they may stop, will
give the people abroad an idea of the material
that our tire department is composed of busi
ness men of the highest respectability.
lac park ou Market street, which a year or
two ago was expected to be made a beautiful
ornament to our town, is still left untouched,
and an early completion of the original design is
stopped, and the gales are still left ajar for cows
to revel iu the grass, which is growing uicc.y. A
few weeks ago a resolution was passed in the
council to have the gates lastened, but uo effort
has been made towards repairing them. In fact,
it looks as though a majority of the borough
fathers were somewhat partial iu cleaning and
fixing up Market street. While the east side of
the railroad has been cleaned nnd looks neat, the
west side is left untouched, the part included.
Wc hope it has Lot been done intentionally, aud
that a disposition ou the part oi couucilmeu will
be shown to give the whole street an overhaul
ing, aud fix the gates at the park to prevent the
cows from destroying its beauty. The gates
(should be cither closed or else swung on heavy
square columns, as all gates for such pur
pose should be. It is rumored that, in the
case the gates arc not soon repaired aud public
property preserved from decay, some of our citi
zens will ask the court to interfere and make the
burgess and council obey the wishes of the peo
ple. Bkeaklk Bi hnei). Ou Thursday night last
the coal breaker of Messrs. Swcuk fc Co., of
Mt. Carmel, was deliberately burned down by a
mob of men numbering about seventy-five. The
watchmen were driven away, when the mob gath
ered wood and placed on the breaker and applied
the match. When the lire was at lull rage sixty
shots were tired. This act of incendiarism is
considered the most deliberate that has yet oc
curred iu the coal region.
E. M. Frick, cashier of the Milton National
Bank, is to be granted a leave of absence of
several weeks this summer, which he proposes to
6pend in traveling through the south nnd west.
Mr. Frick has served the bank faithfully for six
teen years, and duiing that time has never left
his post except ou business, aud we think he is
entitled lo a furlough. Miltonian.
We uolice that Edmund Davis, Esq., a rising
young lawyer ot this place, has purchased a lot
iu the borough of Milton to build a residence,
and intends to make that place bis home.
The Allegheny House, Xo. 814 Market St.,
Philadelphia, is now the most popular Hotel for
country merchants. L'uder the proprietorship
of Mr. A. Beck, this house redeemed its former
reputation, having been entirely renovated and
refurnished throughout, and being centrally lo
cated to business, it will became one of the most
popular stopping places in the city. There is a
dining saloon connected with the house fitted up
In fine style, where meals can be obtained at all
The potato crop, it is greatly feared, will
be a small one. The potato bug is making ha
voc among the vines iu all parts of the coun
try. "Paris Green," apjiears lo be the only
remedy, and as that is poisonous, it should bo
carefully handled ; mixing about one pound in
every ten of ashes or other substauec.
Srnni.r our subscribers who owe us from ono
year upwards to live years, ought not to com
plain wheu we dun them for our money. An
editor in the suburbs of this town, who has pub
lished a paper but five weeks, is already dunn'
his patrons and says "we need money very badly
indeed." We hope our subscribers will readily
understand by his "need" that If he ueeds it
badly in fire weeks, that we need our money
after wailing from one to five years, and that
they will send it to us.
An attempt was made to burn the Mt. Carmel
notel on Friday night last.
A. F. Postlethwaite, of Xorthumlierlaud, is
seeking the Democratic nomination for Fiotiiou
otary. But there is no use of applying nt this
late hour when the siate is already fixed.
A farmek says that if at night a fire is built
at both ends of the potato patch, the bugs can
be seen flying towards the light, and that they
drop into the flames and are burned to death.
This experiment is certaluly worth trying.
Henry Reader, aged S3 years, and three per
sons by the name of WiUon, each upwards of
CO years of age, joined the Presbyterian church
nt McEwensville, on Sunday, the 23d ult.
The sensation of the Daily thai a number of
engineers and firemen on the P. & E. R. R. were
discharged incorrect. There was but one fire
man discharged, and lint was for good reasons.
Commendable. At the time contributions
were made to purchase musical instruments for
the Sunbury Silver Concert Baud, the members
proposed to play on Decoration day and like oc
casions gratis for the citizens of Sunbury. They
have fully complied with their contract thus far,
but on Saturday last their music was so extra
ordinarily fine that it touched the hearts of the
Committee ou Decoration, and they very gener
ously made the baud a donation of thirty dol
lars. Such acts of genorosity will, uo doubt, be
appreciated by the members, who arc laboring
hard to become more proficient.
The Steam Fire Company Xo. 1, of this place,
will start on their excursion tour ou Tuesday
morniug next and return in the latter part of the
week. They will be accompauied by Karl
Kirshuer's Silver Cornet Band and a "snoot"
baud, composed of members of the company.
The latter has only lately been organized, and
what they lack in music will be made up in
merrv-makiug to canse the lean members to
"laugh and grow fat."
Made Himself a Leo. Mr. John Spcarse was
so unfortunate sometime airo as to lose one of his
limbs, on account of an injury received several
years ago. The limb was amputated below the
knee. Lately he sent to the city to procure an arti
ficial limb but he says that the "pateut concern"
didn't suit him, and therefore he went to work
anil manufactured a leg himself, which he now
uses and which he says answers a much better
purpose than any boughtcn arrangement he has
ever seen. He is proud of his own hnndiwork
and says he built his artificial pedal extremity
nt a cost of S5.C5, including time, labor and
materials. Shamokin Time.
How to Keep from Gettinci "Skinny." If
any ouc wishes to grow fleshy, a pint of milk
taken before retiring at night will cover the
scrawniest bones. Although nowadays we see a
great many fleshy females, yet there arc many
lean and lank ones who sigh for the fashiona
ble measures of plumpness, and who would be
vastly Improved in health and appearance could
their figure bo rounded with good soii.l flesh.
Nothing is more coveted by thin women than a
full figure, and nothing else will so rouse the ire
and provoke the scandal of one of the "clipper
build" as the consciousness of plumpness in a
rival. Iu case's of fever and summer complaint
milk is now given with excellent results. The
idea that milk is "feverish" lias exploded,
nnd it is now the physician's great reliance in
bringing through typhoid patients, or those iu
too low a state to be nourished by solid food. It
is n great mistake to scrimp the milk pitcher.
Take more milk and buy less meat. Look to
your milkmen, have largc-sixcd, well-filled milk
pitchers on the tabic each meal, ami you will
also have sound Cesh'and light doctors' bills.
Corns Manufactory. Another story and a
half has been added to Mr. Ira T. Clement's
door and sash factory, aud several large and
spacious rooms are being finished for the exclu
sive use of juannfaclurlngcoflins. Mr. Clemeut
expects to employ a number of hands, who will
be kept iu constant employment. It will be fit
ted up with the latest improved machinery for
making cofllus of every style for a wholesale
trade. The building is one hundred feet square,
and is covered with eighty-four thousmd shin
gles. m
Improvement. H. B. Masser, Esq., the senior
editor of this piper, is engaged in remodeling
li:s store room on Market Square, near the Conn
House. The front of the building lias been
taken out, which will bo fitted up with large
plate glass occupying the whole front. The
building will also receive a handsome coat of
laiut. It will make one of the most prominent
businees places iu town after it is completed.
Tax Collectors. The County Commission
ers, on Wednesday last, made their selections of
tax collectors for the townships aud boroughs in
the county. For Sunbury W. T. Rickey was
choseu bv Messrs. Reitz and Hcnrie. No belter
selection could have beeu made to reorganize the
old Court House Ring. Mr. Rickey is pcculiarlv
fitted for the work, having been a worker with
the old "ring ' for many years, aud having
made it his study, for be is uot inclined otherwise
than to obtain a livelihood by his wits, and
duriug cainpaigus was always ready to do more
talking than any two men iu that party. Mr.
R. is a thorough Democratic gentleman, aud will,
by this appointment, aid the Democratic party
considerable. Having long since studied the art
of finding out other peoples' business, this posi
tion affords him au excellent opportunity to pry
into cv. ry man's political opinion while gat tiering
the taxes. Of course lie bad to be rewarded for
his rat amount of labor for the Democratic party
iu the past. This is in perfect keeping with
the Ring to reward its blatant members . first,
aud as tax collector is probably more suitable
for Mr. Ricky than any other business, we are
glad to note his appointment, and hope he may
secure bail on his bond at once, whether through
"matter of form," or for the good of the party.
It is, undoubtedly, a genuine modem Democra
tic appointment.
The Dicffcnbach vs. Bryson arbitration which
has occupied the timu of five arbitrators, four
attorneys and twenty-five or thirty witnesses for
four days (savoring somewhat of the Beecher
trial, as to time) terminated on Wednesday, at
Milton, with an award in favor of defendant.
Tharp aud McCleery attorneys for Dirffeiibach,
and Laweon anil Foust for Bryson. The diffi
culty iu tliis case arose out of an alleged diver- j
eion of a water course, by defendant, from what j
is now known as Taggart's spring, in Delaware j
township. A majority of the, arbitrators, how- i
ever, could see no diversion of the stream from
its original course, nnd therefore award for de
fendant. YatOHtort Record.
A vei of iron ore was struck by Adam Rem:,
on his farm in Upper Augusta, this couuty,
some time ago. Parties from a distance tested
its quality aud have pronounced it the very beet
ore. Mr. Renn was otlcred twenty-live cents per
ton for all the ore taken out, by experienced iron
men, provided he would give them a lease for
ten years. Mr. R., we understand, will accept
these terms. The ore bank it located about two
miles below this place, and will be convenient of
access to the railroad by building a bruuch up
Martin's Run. Daily.
A mas took in too many "social drinks" the
other evening. When he got home he didn't
know whether the key hole was at the toi', bot
tom or the middle of the door. After excri
mcntiug with his knife for a key awhile lie con
cluded that there was no key hole. His wife
heard him, and in no enviable fiatue of mind
got up and let hliu in. She tongue-lashed him
as a woman only knows how, up the stairs until
she desisted for want of breath. He let her
have her say without interruption, aud when
she quit he steadied himself against the wall aud
said : "All right (hie), but whazzer that (hie)
got to do with the (hie) third term
For Sale! Two second-hand bulk window
glass, 25 by 45. Also, 10 sets of window sash
with 11 by 1C glass, all in good order. Enquire
of II. B. Masser.
Ei'OCEss. There is uo success like success.
Read : March IK), 100 shares U. P., costing
$100.25, closed April 20 at 73 i. ., $4S7.50.
April 10, 10 shares Panama at 145, closed April
20 at 100)5 i. .,$213.75 making on 10,000, the
usual margin investment, $213,750 in eleven
tlnys. If you want to know how it is done send
to J. Hickling & Co., 72 Broadway, N. Y., for a
copy of "Men nnd Idioms of Wall St.," a 7:J
page book tree.
The City Grays of Harrisbnrg arc home, again
from the seat of war at Shamokin. Nobody
hurt. Daily.
Oulytwoor three coal breakers burned and
other property destroyed, a mere trifle that will
hurt nobody.
C. E. Fritcuer, Esq., business manager of
the f.'a-ette utul JJidhtbi oflice at Williamsport,
has been appointed by Judge Gamble, official
stenographer of the Courts in Lycoming county.
Mr. Fritcher is well qualified to till the position,
and we are pleased he has received the appoint
ment. The Caketown editor indulges in butter milk,
and pronounces it excellent, and Bays, "We did
uot know that the Caketown cows gave such
good butter milk." Wc would advise our Cake
town friends to keep their stable doors well
looked while that editor Is in the vicinity.
Daily tapers, weeklies and periodicals for
sale at the Post Oflice building.
Subscriptions taken for any daily or weekly
paper In Philadelphia or New York at the Post
Office building.
Examinr Marx & Bio's. aderti .emcnt on
fourth page. They keep the finest assortment
of ladies' dress goods outside the cities.
Dr. Ccmmisos, President, and Hon. A. Jor
dan, Vice-President of the Sunbury Fire Insur
ance Company, have both tendered their resigna
tion to the company.
Nine rolls of butter were seized in market on
Saturday last by the market clerk from a huck
ster. It was short in weight.
The edge of the basin has received a spriuk
liug of slaked lime this week.
J. E. Eiciiholtz, editor of the Daily, and C.
A. Reiicensnyder, solicitor of the Sunbnry Fire
Insurance Co., are nt the "outs." Both arc
democrats, and now keep telling what they done
in the past for each other. "When rogues fall
out, ike, tfce." Let us have peace.
Moss. Von Washington is the leader of the
"snoot" band attached to the Steam Fire Engine
Co. No. 1, of this place.
Tin: citizens of Shamokin are making prepar
ations for a graud Fourth of July celebration.
All the neighboring towns arc invited to partici
pate. North t'MBERLAsi) Presbytery. An adjourn
ed meeting of this body was held at Jersey
Shore on Tuesday, when the Rev. Asbury Clark
was ordained to the work of the Christian Min
istry. Arrangements were made for his installa
tion as pastor of the Presbyterian church of
Shamokin on Friday, the lSth inst.
Most splendid fitting suits of clothing are
made up by John Shaffer, on Third street. His
cassimeres arc not excelled cither in beauty or
cheapness ii: price.
List of Letters remaining in the PostOfllcc in
Sunbury, June S, 1S75 :
George Bcrtlcote, C. Belles, Carl Gchhowdt,
Mrs. Annie Rodgers, Miss Maria Shipman, John
Persons calling for letters will please say they
arc advertised.
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
A Card. In order to accommodate the poo-
pic of Sunbury aud vicinity, wc have opened
suitable rooms for the sale of the New Howe
Sewing Machine which has so rapidly become
the champion sewing machine of the day. This
new machine has all the points which were con
sidered superior in the old Howe Machine and
in additional the improvements which experience
and the best mechanical skill can produce,
wc invite criticism, challenge competition nnd
defy opposition, as the Howe Machine in its pre
sent form lias uo equal, and speaks for itself.
Call nnd see it, and excamiuc the work it dos.
We shall keep on hand attachments, thread, silk,
nnd needles, suitable for all machines, also do
stamping, stitching and machine embroidery.
Machines of all kinds repaired.
Office : Market St., between 4lhand 5th Sts.,
Sunbury, Pa.
Junell. 2w.
To the F'ditor of the American :
The editor of the
Daily copies a card from your paper with his
comments, which, had they even the semblance
of the truth, I should pass it by. Whilst I am
unwilling to be drawn into a personal contro
versy iu which the public cannot have the
slightest interest, I deem it simple justice to my
self to point out the injustice of these misrepre
sentations. I am not the author of the "card"
quoted, neither had I any knowledge of its ex
istence uutil I read it iu the Daily. As to my
volunteering a loan of two hundred dollars,
which has been paid iu full only quite recently,
and that cntireiy by printing and advertising,
money must have been more plenty with me then
than ever in my life since. A certain note of
fourteen hundred dollars In bank, whose en
dorsers went on mostly through my influence,
had to be renewed ; two hundred dollars had to
be paid or the note go to protest. Does the edi
tor of the Daily forget his gratiduda and his
promise when he found I had the money and lie
was able to borrow it ? lias he forgottCL how
and when lie promised to pay it back I
Again, if the editor of the Daily will put him
self to the same trouble the attorney for his op
ponent did, he will discover that the $140t of
liens entered against the writer for his benefit,
were the first aud only encumbrances on pro
perty belonging then in fee simple to the very
one whose endorsement he now styles worthless.
Will he tell his readers also that the only other
name that gave additional worth to that paper is
also a member of the Sunbury Fire Insurance
Company, aud nt present a director. Will he
tell his readers also, when he prints For.-Uer's
comments upon certain real estate securities
owned by this comnany, that the very first en
cumbrances complained of by Mr. Forstcr, were
those yet uusatislied, in which Dr. Waldron and
the. writer arc bail for J. E. Eichholtz. This
editor may not see fit lo acknowledge fnr rr
ceived of" the couikr he attacks. That he
would could not be expected, when he so easily
forgets the past. At oue time no one was more
anxious to solicit the patronage of this company,
and used as an argument, why he should obtain
the Lion's share, the necessity of aiding him so
be could relieve individual members of this com
pany who were kind enough to bail him. What
prompted his sudden change of feeling, we, of
course, cannot tell. Was it the suggestion that
as the Insurance Commi-sioner objected lo thesu
encumbrances, they must be renewed Then If
the Snnbury had to pay his claim to the plain
tiff's in these judgments or retain the amount of
his bill for security for personal bail until they
were paid. Did the equity induce h:m to ad
vertise his bill with hopes that an innocent pur
chaser might be found in his ilillicuities we
were his friend. Of course now it is proper to
abuse us. We havo labored hard and honestly
to bnild up n Fire Insurance Company in this
place. We certainly thought we had a right to
the honest sympathies of a man, as thoroughly
befriended in the past, it seems we were to be
sadly disappointed. We venture the assertion
that no editor has profited more by our labors
than this man. How he can reconcile his con
duct with common gratitude is for him
not for us. it is uo secret that through our
instrumentality and our means, of which he
made such liberal use for the past four years, he
uow controls two papers, the columns of which,
as he sees lit, he can constantly liil with the most
bitter and venomous attack against us person
ally. The with which we are connect
ed, whose success would add to the crcCit of our
town, and whose ultimate failure must reflect
equally to its liiscredit. Wensk your pardon for
this infliction of personal controversy upon your
readers, but promise that uo manner of abuse or
venom shall induce us to be drawn further into
business 'ocals.
Q r t, O j) l I' r I:iy ut home. Terms free. .Vidros
O' -O" . Kunson & .'o., fort kind, Maine.
Jan. ZJ, 1N75. ly.
When you go to Philadelphia, stop at
the Allegheny House, No. 812 and 814,
Market ."St. He-fitted, re-furnished, &c,
by A. 15cck, Proprietor, and price only $2
per day.
Ice Cream at Wholesale. S. F. Xevin, of
this place, is now ready to supply dealers with a
first-class article of Ice Cream in any quantity
All orders addressed to him by mail will receive
prompt attention. May !!S, 4t.
In: Cream ! Ice Cream ! ! At Xeviu's every
dav. He has received a large supply of those
convenient little boxes, which he furnishes gratis
to parties purchasing a pint or a quart of cream.
May 2S.4t.
A I'lusT class, new Piano of the very best
make, will be sold at a reduction of one third its
value. Also, a second baud Cabinet Organ,
nearly new, for a little over half price. Enquire
of II. B. Masser.
Parties wanting Syrups can be supplied with
all kinds of fruit syrups, both wholesale and re
tail at MELICK'S Drug Store, Sunbury, Pa.
Oimjass, Skwiso Machines, &c. Miss C. Da
lius has opened a ware room on the first floor in
her building, two doors cast of Whitiner& Co s.
store, Market St., Sunbury, Pa., where differeut
kinds of cottage organs and sewing machines of
the best make cau be purchased ut the lowest
prices. The best manufacture can always be
found iu her ware rooms, and persons in want of
good musical instruments or excellent sewing
machines, are invited to call and see her stoe'i.
Lost. A light colored canary bird, with a
small darn spot over the eye.
Emily J. Fni.i.e.
No wonder that Messrs. Smith A' Bio., of the
Excelsior Bool nnd Shoe store, sell more boots
and shoes than any other. Their elegant assort
ment is such that will please everybody. The
rew spring and summer styles arc now open,
and arc not surpassed for either beauty or wear.
The pnblic nrc invited to call and examine their
6tock free of charge. They arc receiving new
trw-fc every week.
Geo. W. Coble, Esq., at Herndon, this county
is authorized to act as agent for the .4imca in
that place, iu receiving subscription, job work,
advertisements, and receipt for all bills he may
present from ns.
Straw Hats, trinmcd and uuttimiiied, a large
assortment, and at the lowest prices at Marx &
Bro's., Masonic building, Sunbury.
Clover Seed wanted by G. B. Cadwallader,
Central Drug Store, Sunbnry, Pa.
A Wilcox & Gums Sewing Machine, entirely
new, aud of the best make, can be had cheap by
applying at this office.
Spring Hats. A large assortment of Spring
and Summer Hats have just been received at 8
Faust's Hat Store, on Market square, Snnbury.
Stylish Hats of the latest fashion are sold at the
most reasonable prices.
The light running "Domettic" Sewing ma
chine, on account of its many points of superi
ority, has a better demand than any other manu
factured, and takes the lead with the public over
machines long regarded as the best. Also the
new Groven and Baker sewing machine not sur
passed by any other. Orders for these machines
will he promptly filled by Miss Caroline Dalius,
I'arlor Organ Miss C. Dalius is the agent for
the sale of I'arlor Organs, Pianos, and all kiuds
of musical Instruments. The very best instru
ments are furnished on short notices at prices
to suit times. Cull or address,
No. 03. Market St.. Sunbury.
Railroad Time Table.
X. C. R. W.. South.
Sric Mail, V2.3J a in
Fast Liue, 2.00 a m
Phila. Ex., 9.40 a m
Dav Ex., 1.00 p ra
I P. & E. R. R. West.
Erie Mail, G.25 a in
Niagara Ex., P3.35 n.
Klmira Mail 4.10 pm
Fast Line, 7.05 p m
C. R. w.
Express, 1'3.S3 p in Mail, 0.25 :i m
Mail, 4.25 p in Express, 3.55 p m
Au accommodation train leaves Shamokin at
7.10a ni, arriving at Mt. Carmel ut 7.40 a in.
Returing, leave Mt. Carmel at 0.15 p m, arriv
imr at Shamokin 0.45 p m.
Lackawanna it Bi.oomshcrc. R. R. Tralns,
leave Northumberland as follows 0.45 n. m.,
and 4.40 p.m.; arrive at 10.55 a.m., nnd 5.45 p.m.
I). H A: W. R. R. Trains leave at 0.55 a. in.
and arrive at IJ.59 p. in.
Accidental Insurance Tickets cau be had
J. Shipman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
Summer Arrangement Tor the Iot
oniee at Kmibiiry, Ia.
OJp.ce Ojta from 0.50 a. in., to S p.
on Sundays.
Arrives as follows :
From the East at 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m.,
" South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m.
" West, 5.15n.m., 11.15a. in., 1.05 p.m.
and 4.10 p. in.,
" Nortb,1.50 a. m.,11.15 a. in., 4.10 p.m.
Shamokiu and Mt. Cnrmel, 0.25 a. in.
Shamokin proper, 4.00 p. m.
Mails close as follows :
For the East, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m.
8.00 p. m.
" South, 10.50 a. iu., 4.50 p. in., S p. m.
" West, 10.50 a. m., 3.50 p. in., 8.00 p. m.
" North, 3.50 p. in.. 8 p. m.,
Shamokin proper 11.15 a. m.
Shamokin and offices on that route; 4.20
p. in.
Money orders will not be issued aftef 0 p. m.,
on Saturdays.
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
A Gentleman who suflered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the
effects of youthful indiscretion will, for the sake
of sulferiuz humanity, send free to all who ueed
it., the recine and direction for makin? the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sullerers wish-
ins to profit by the advertiser's experience can
do so bv addressing in perfect confidence.
dee .'J.V74 --Cm. 4'J Cedar St.. New York.
Tha advertiser having been permanently cured
of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple
remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow
sullerers the means of cure. To all who desire
it, he will send a copy of the prescription usee',
(free of charge), with the directions for prepar
ing and nin the same, which they will find a
sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Ac. Parties wishin:; the prescription will please
address Kev. K. A. WILSON,
104 Peim St., Williamsburg!, New Yoik.
Obstacles to Marriage.
Happy Relief for Young Men from the effects
of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood
rcstorcp. Impediments to Marriage removed.
New melhed ol treatment. New and remarka
ble remedies. Books and Circulars sent free.
in sealed envcloper. Address, HOWARD AS
SOCIATION, 410 N. Ninth St., Philadelphia,
Pa., an Institution huvinir a hih reputation for
honorable conduct and professional skill.
Mnv 2?. 1875. Iv.
May SI, at the M. E. parsonage, by Rev. W.
Lee Spottswood, D. D., Mu. Kohkut Pakkku,
and Miss Cfiiustiana Wilcox, all of near Sha
mokin. On Wednesday morniug, the 2nd inst.. by
Rev. Pr. Watsou, Mr. Thomas L. Wilson to
Miss Lizzie M., youngest daughter of the late
S. I). Jordan, Esq., dee'd, all of Milton.
On the 00th ult., at the residence of the bride's
parents, by Rev. F. F. Rainier, Mu. Aimh.pii
Keiser, to Miss Anna C. Smith, both of Milton.
At the Lutheran Parsonage, in Sunburv, Jane j agreement to John W. Stewart, upon which is
fith, Mirn.iEL J. Hahme nnd Mks. Elizauetii I erected a two-story frame house aud outbuild
Khffingei:, all of Sunburv. 1 The remaining one-fourth of said lots
On the 4th of June, bv Rev. J. A. DeMover. I ;""w ih-"",!!
t J.niv tf IIMMir I r..L- H-vKn t Mis
Susan 1). Siundfx, of Sunbury.
............. ... . - , - - - -
In Northumberland, Mav 13, 1S73, by Rev. E.
E. Berry, M. F (jitovt, of Hobbic, Luzerne Co.,
to Miss Annie Vanoling, of Northumberland.
In Poiut twp., May 4, 1S75, JOHN HOUTON,
aged b5 years.
In Northumberland, May 21, 1S75, DAISY,
infant daughter of Rev. F. E. and Abby Berry.
In Northumberland, May 23, 7.i, LIN USE Y
PRIESTLEY, sou of M. B. aud Mary Priestley,
aged 23 years aud 7 mouths
In Osage, Mitchell Co., Iowa, on tint 2d inst.,
after a long aud painful illuess, MARY, wife of
Mr. Jacob Fox, (formerly of Union Couuty),
aged 50 years 1 mouth aud 7 days.
Near Mifllinburg, on the 17th ult., MARY
daughter cf Joseph and Sarah Klctkner, aged
about years.
On the 3Cth ult., EDNA L.. daughter of Har
rison Henric, aged 14 mouth.
In Jackson twp., May 23d, SALLIE B .MINER,
wife of Simon Buhner, aged 5i years.
In Washington twp.. May 20, GODFREY
REBUCK, Sr., aged about S" years.
SrsnriiT, June 0, 1S7.V
Chain Wheat per bushel Sl.Oofa 1.20
" prime while 1.12(! l.25
" Rye per bush 7.Vi.80
" Corn " 75r.,S0
" Oats " 50ii00
Floi i: Extra Family pr bbi ".0U('i 7.00
Common .".50('i.7.00
Buckwheat 4.00
Fei:i Corn Oats Chop pr 100 U 1 2.00
Shorts it Mixture 1.50(u.l.7"
Potatoks, &c per bushel 000 1 .00
Puovi-ion Ham per lb lOfii 20
Shoulder pr lb 14fi IS
Bacon pr lb lOfti 13
Beef, retail pr lb 14r20
Veal, do do 10ftl8
Dried Beef pr lb 'XtOrM
PofLTRT Chickens, dressed pr lb 12ful5
Do. live weight 10( 12
Bcttek Prime per lb 30(0-35
Eocs Per dozen 14rsl6
jltb) Sbbfdisnicitts.
Administrator" Notice.
(Estate of Jacob W. Wilvert, deceased.)
TOTICEIs hereby given that li tters of ad
IN ministration having been granted to the
undcrs'ik'ncd on the estate of Jacob W. Wilvert,
late of the borough of Sunbury, Pa., deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, nnd those having
claims to present them, duly authenticated, for
Sunbury, May 7, '75 CI.
To Whom It .Hay Concern.
rilHIS is to notify nil to whom it may codcern,
JL that I have purchased of W. H. Deleamp,
on the 27th of April, 1S75, the following pro
perty aud loaned the same to said Deleamp at
my pleasure : 1 Black Horse, 1 Black Mare, 1
Bay Horse, 1 Dun Horse, 0 sets heavy Harness,
1 Heavy Wagon and Log Chains. All persons
arc warned not to purchase or luterfere with the
above property without my permission.
Lykeni. May 4, 1S75 Hw.
Schi Sbbfrtiscmcnts.
MierifT Sale or Ileal Estate.
BY Virtue of sundry Writs of alias Fieri Facias
and Plnries Fieri Facias issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland
county, nnd to me directed, will be exposed to
sale by public vendue or outcry, on
WEDNESDAT, the 7th day of JULY, 1875,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, nt the Court Honse,
in the Borough of Sunbnry, Pa., the following
described real estate, to wit :
All that certain piece or tract of land situate
in the Borough of Northumberland, county of
Northumberland, and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows : Beginning at
the berm bauk of the North Branch Canal ad
joining land of William Elliott ; thence down
the said canal two hundred and sixty eight feet ;
thence north fifty degrees, west to the line of the
public road from Northumberland to Johnston's
mill ; thence np along the said public road to
the lire of said William Elliott's land ; theace
south fifty degrees, east four hundred and thirty
six feet to the place of beginning, containing
two acres and eighty-two perches, neat measure,
be the same more or less.
Also, The following pieces or tracts of land sit
uate as aforesaid, described as follows : All that
part of a certain oat lot. number fifteen, which lies
east and south of the road leading to Montour's
Ridge, called the Strawbridge road, bounded as
follows, to wit : on the north cast by out lot
number sixteen, on the south cast by out lot
number nineteen, on the south west and north
west by the said Strawbridge road, containing
one and a half acres, more or less.
Also, That part of the said out lot numbcreight
een,lyingeast of the said Strawbridge road, bound
ed as follows, to wit : On the north east by Harri
son street, on the south east by Fifth street, aud
on the west by the Strawbridge road, containing
one and one-fourth acres, more or less.
Also, Out lot number nineteen, bounded and de
scribed as follows, viz: On the south east by
Fifth street, ou the south west by Harrison street,
on the north west by out lot number fifteen, and
on the north cast by out lot number twenty,
containing live acres.
Also, All that certain tract or piece with the
two-story frame honse aud barn .thereon erected,
situate as aforesaid, bounded and described ns
follows: Beginning nt the corner of Harrison
and Fifth streets; thence along Ffth street to
Monroe street ; thence along said Monroe street
to Washington street; thence along the said
Washington street to Susquehauua f treet; thence
along Susquehanna street to lot number thirty one
thence westward along the line of lots thirty-one
and thirty to the said Harrison street; thence
along said Harrison street to the place of begin
nfr, containing fifty ncres, ir.ore or less ; and.
being numbered on the plau of said borough ns
lots number twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-sis,
twenty-seven, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two,
thirty-three, thirty-eight and thirty-nine.
Also, All the following out lot, tract or piece
of laud numbered on the general plan of the
out lots of said borough as number twenty,
bounded and described ns follows, to wit : On
the north west bv out lot number sixtecu, of
William Elliott, and on the north east by Sns
qnebanna street, nnd on the south cast by Fifth
street, on the south west by lot number nineteen,
of John Whcatley, containing five acres, more
or less.
Also, An out lot marked on the general plan
of the out lots of said borough as number six
teen, nnd part of out lot marked on the plan of
said borough as number twelve, lying between
the Strawbridge road and said out lot number
sixteen ; the whole containing seven acres and
sixty-seven perches, more or less, bounded on
the west nnd north west by the said Strawbridge
road, on the north cast by Susquehanna street,
on the south east by ont lot number twenty, of
Henry L. Cake, and ou the south west by out
lot number fifteen.
Alio, The following described out lots situate
in said borough, known and designated on the
plan of said borough as out lot number twenty
eight, bounded on the south west by Pilnce
street, north west by lot number twenty-two,
north east by out lot number twenty-nine, and
south east by 6tit lot number thirty-four, con
taining live acres, more or less, the said out lot,
number twenty-eight, having been divided iuto
sixteen lots, and lots fifteen and sixteen having
been sold to James Parks, by article of agree
ment, and out lot number thirty-four, bounded
on '.he south west bv Prince street, north west
by out lot number twenty-eight, north eust by
oiit lot number thirty-fire, and south east by
Washington street, containing live acres, more
or less, the said out lot, number thirty-four, hav-
j Inz been divided into sixteen lots, and numbers
seu'i.tecn and eighteen of said lots sold to Sam
ucl McCie.iry, by article of agreement, upon lot
number seventeen are erected two two-story
frame dwelling house and outbuildings; lots
nineteen and twenty, in said out lot number
thiriy-fonr, having been sold by article of agree
ment to Ceorge EeKert ; lots twenty-nine and
tinny, in said out lot number thirty-four, having
been sold bv article of agreement to (ieorge
Also, An out lot in said borough bounded on
the north west by Washington street, ou the
fouth west by Prince street, on the north east
bv out lot number lorty, south east by au out lot
of A. II. Voris, containing five acres, more or
less, having beeu divided into sixteen lots, and
I numbers thirty and thirty-four thereof sold by
article of agreement to F. E. Weaver ; and
nrmbers forty-live, forty-six, forty-seven and
fortv-eight sold by artieie of agreement to Win.
T. Hiue.
Also, The foliowinc described lots or pieces of
ground situate as aforesaid, known and desig
nated on the general plan of said borough a3
lots uunibcrs three hundred and twenty nine.
three hundred and thirty, three hundred nnd
I th.rtv-one, three hundred and thirty-t wo three
uumirt .i im luiiij-ium , luict: uuuuil-u tuu
thirty-four, three hundred and thirty-live, three
hundred and thirty-six, three hundred nnd thirty
seven, three huudrcd and thirty -eight, three hun
dred and thirty-nine, three hundred aud forty,
three hundred anil forty-one, three hundred aud
forty-two. three hundred and forty-three, three
hundred and forty-lour: Bounded north
wardly by Prince street, east wardly by Second
street, southwardly by Hanover street, aud
westwardly by Third street. The half of said
lots numbers three hundred and twenty-nine,
three hundred and thirty, three hundred and
thirty-one and three hundred and thirty-two,
lroniing ou Hanover street, having been sold by
article of agreement to D. M.Evans, upon which
is erected two two-story frame houses and out
building. The one-fourth portion of said lots
numbers, three hundred and twenty nine, three
hundred and thirty, three hundred and thirty
; one and three huudrtd and thirty two, fronting
j.on North alley, having been sold by article of
, " "' -., """. u..u.....
and three hundred and thirty two having been
j sold by article of agreement to F. E. Weaver.
I l he one-Halt ol lois numncrs mree uiiudivanua
thirty thice, three hundred and thirty four, three
hundred and thirty five aud three bundled and
thirty six, fronting on Hanover street, having
been sold by urtieic of agreement to I. M. Koons,
upou which are erected eight two-story frame
houses aud outbuildings. The one-fourth of
said lots uumbers three hundred aud thirty three,
three hundred and thirty-four, three hundred
and thirty-live and three hundred and thirty-six,
fronting ou North alley, having been sold by ar
ticle of agreement to Jos. Wertz, upon which is
erected a two-story frame dwelling house. The
remaining one-fourth of lots numbers three hun
dred and thirty three, three hundred and lliirty
four, three hundred and thirty-five, three hun
dred and and thirty-six having been sold by arti
cle of agreement to Win. Neabit. The one-half
of lots numbers three hundred and forty one,
three hundred and forty-two, three hundred and
forty Ihrce and three huudrcd and Jorty lour,
fronting on North alley, having been sold by ar
ticle of agreement to Zachnry Taylor aud A. O.
Van. leu. The one fourth parts of lots nn ru
bers three hundred and forty one, three hundred
aud forty two, th'ee hundred nnd forty three and
three hundred and forty four, fronting on Prince
street, haviog been sold by article of agreement
to Win. Nesbit ; and the remaining one-fourth
of lots numbers three hundred and forty-oue,
three hundred and forty two, three hundred and
forty three and three hundred and forty-four
having been sold, by article of agreement, to
Robert Nesbit.
Also, The one-fourtli of lots numbers three
hundred and thirty seven, three huudred and
thirty eight, three hundred and thirty nine and
three hundred and forty, fronting on North alley,
having been sold by article of agreement lo
Tomer and James Phillips, on which is erected a
two-story frame dwelling house ; aud the one
fourth part of said lots numbers three hundred
nnd thirty seven, three hundred and thirty eight,
three hundred and thirty nine and three hundred
and forty, adjoining the fourth part of the above
described lots as having been sold to Tomer aud
James Phillips, having been sold by article of
agrsemefjt to Jas. Wallace, and the one-forth
part ot said lots numbers three hundred aud
thlriy-scven, three hundred and thirty-eight,
three hundred and thirty-nine, and three hun
dred and fnfrty, fronting on Prince street, having
beeu sold by article of agreement to Zaehary
Taylor, upon which is erected a two story frame
dwelling house ; the remaining one fourth of
said lots, numbers three hundred and thirty-se
ven, three hundred and thirty-eight, three hun
dred and tnirty-niue, and three hundred and for
ty, having been sold by artielc of agreement to
Win. T. Heim, upon which is erected a two story
frame dwelling and out-buildings ; as the pro
A certain tract or piece of land situate in Sha
mokiu township, Northumberland county, Penn
sylvania, bounded northwardly by laud of John
Hoy, eastwardly by lauds of Valentine Fageiy,
southwardly and westwardly by land of J.
Wyun, containing fifty acres, more or less, twen
ty acres of which'are cleared ; as the property of
Seize I, taken in execution nnd to be sold by
8. II. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff.
Sheriffs ofBce, Sunbury, June 11, 1875.
OHice on east Market street, opposite the City
Hotel, Snnbury, Pa.
Prompt and carefnl attention paid toconvpy
nncing. Mav 14. 17.-.. tf.
8ri 1
Were again awarded the highest premium,
over all Makers, at tue late Franklin Institute
Exhibition, and are the onlr First-class Instu-
nients that can he obtained at Manufacturer's
cost prices.
For an Elegant 7J4 oct. Rosewood Piano.
The following are a few of the Principal medals
. received, :
First Prize Medal. (Franklin Institute.), 1S74
" Silver " (;rand Piano.) 18.58
" Prize " Crvstal Palace World Fair,N f J853
Gold " American Institute, N. Y. 143
" Prize " Maryland " Baltimore 1S43
" Silver " Franklin Institute, Phila. 1848
Pianos ordered by mail, are carefully selected,
and remittance is not required, until the instru
ment has been received and approved. AU our
styles ond classes, are built of the same excel
lent material and workmanship. Every instru
ment, is guaranteed.
1ST" Write or send for illustrated catalogue,
and priee list, giving full description of styles,
prices, etc.
Warerooms 1103 Ohestnnt St.. Phila.
June 11, 1875. Cmos.
K1A Tfl QTftfl invested in Wall Street often
P1U 1 Vt p'J"V lids to fortnn?. A li page
book fxi.liiiiiiun everything, aud er.pv of the Wall
Ktrwt Jfceview fr-tent Free. JOHN HICKLIMU
c:0.. Hankers and Brokers, .2 Broadway, New York.
. June 11, iw.
X either ! may faxcinate auj (tain the love and
slTevtioiis of any im-ikou they choose iuatautlr. This
aimiir mental aequireibnent all can po8ess,freeby mail,
for 25c, together with a marriatfe pmih-, EKyjitiau Ora
cle, Dmim, Hiiits to Lariie. Wedding-NiM Hhirtn, Jfce.
A queer book. AdilresA T. WILLIAM k Co. Pnb. PiiUa.
June 11, 4vv.
TnrtuM, Supporters and I'ile
i eipes. - b-ji j s tlnr-l UtiOTkt
Tresae.."' Cool, cleanly, lieht.
Irfrfttilr el aud ccaiiortat;!-
(in tree from sll cur,rtniy,c!ialiii
pTea?antne.: used In batL!o,eadorjel t-fh-j profes
sion, long tested, always rvliab'o. br.WA RE of IMI
TATIONS: Genuine sun.pcd -I. B.SelcA" I'6'ab'j.
L.;7 Chex St.. Pblla.. 7:!7 Br'dy, N. y. .Sent b mall
cr tip., & sold by kadluf dnii&idU. b.nd lor tiuiuiiue,
.Innr 11, 73. iw.
AiFrr Wen-rn. Tlie C 1 jXTJji NIATi
JAZICTTK Kit oi tue L'nitko States.
CShoua the grand reaulla of MO years of 1 rwdnm k Pro
icnxs. New & Complete. Over li .-. HhiHtrstMl.
Everybody bma it, aud agentu make f i-oiu $10.1 to t'JDila
moil' b. Aiidrrss, J. C. MoCl'KliY i., Imbs. l'hii-atli-iplii.1,
Pa. -Juiic 11, 1.
Conducted by na in every form, on Commiasion only.
Puts aud Calls, on best house and lowest rates. Cot,
$100 to JW, aud often pay $r0Oll profit. Pamphlet, ex
plaining how Wall street speculations are conducted,
ent free, Send for a eopy.
Jnne 11, iw. 2 Wall Street, X. V.
Ileiug a Full IKucriptiou of Palestine, its History, Aliti-quitu-M,
Inhabitants and cnrtomR, according to the great
Ilisooveriea recently made by the Palestine Exploring
Expedition. It sells ata sight. Send for ouri extra
terms to Apents, and nee why it dells faster than other
book. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia,
Pa. JnJe 11, Iw.
Lift and Labor of
I V I X CI H T O X K .
(iuvliKling the '-Last Jocbnajji,") nnfoliU vividly his
JO yearn nt range adventure, aim the enrioxitie Wonders
ui! Weulth ot that ninrveloun country, ami ia aljtiolute
ly the only new, complete work. Heuce It sells; jntt
tliink, r',000 first 1 weeks. .'. page. 100 rare Ill's,
ouiv f.t.oo. Ageuts wanted. Semi lor Term anil posi
tive proof. H I'BBAKD BKOS., Publinhen!, ',U Sanxotu
St., Philadelphia, Pa. June 11, Iw.
Sold by Druggists. June 11. 4w.
"XTTOTICE is hersby given that I have pur
.il chased the following nrticles of personal
property, at Constable's sale, as the property of
Isaac Bordner, and have loaned the same to him
during my will and pleasure: one cook, one foal
stove, oue sink, six chiirs,one barrel of vinegar,
one clock, one table, one barrel, three bedsteads
and bedding, one mirror, a lot of carpets, one
lounge, fcc.
ANDREW ZIEtiLER, Sr. -Herndon,
May 27, 1S75 Iw. .
Af an Orphans' Court lie It at Sunbnry, in
and for said County, on the twenty-second day
of March, A. D. 1S7., before the Honorable Wm.
M. Rockefeller, President, and Joseph Nicely,
Esq., his" associate, Judaic of snjd Court.
I'pon the petition of G. W. ZeiIer,
L.S. vendee of Charles Weaver, one of the
-vr children of Eliza Weaver, deceased,
who was a sister and heir of Charles Hileman,
deceased. The Court granted a rule on you :
Edward IJilenian, Amelia Kiehl, (late Amelia
Ilileman,) Harriet (iuss, (late Harriet Hi'.emun,)
Mary Weaver, (now 'Mary Wright,) Louisa
Weaver, (now Louisa Scott,) John Weaver,
Fanny Weaver, (now Fanny Boyer,) and (ieo.
W. Zeiler, veudee of Charles Weaver, heirs and
legal representatives of Charles Hilciuan, late of
said County, deceased, to come into Court on
the tirst Monday of Aucust, A. D. IS75, aud ac
cept or refuse the Real Estate of said deceased
at the valuation or show canse why the same
should not be sold according to the Act of As
sembly in sneh case made and provided.
Witness the Honorable William M. Rockefel
ler, President of our said Court, nt Sunbnry,
this 21st dav of April, 1S75.
DepntvCVk O. C.
May2S'75.-:',l. J
The elevemb volume of this valuable work is
now ready. The work when complete will con
tain 1G volumes. It is a library in itself, and
should be iu every household. As an evidence of
its great value and interest we refer lo the follow
Meteorology, by Prof. Cleveland Abbe, Wash
ington, D. C. (Old Probobiiities.)
Mint aud Money, by Henry Carey Baird, Phila
delphia. Methodism, by Prof. C. W. Bennett, D. D.
Missions, Foreign (Protestant), by Rev.
Charles P. Bush, D. D.
Mineralogy, by Prof. John A. Church.
Mercury (in Medicine;, by Prof. E. IT. Clarke,
M. D.
Molecule, by Prof. Josiah P. Cooke.
Mortgage, and other legul articles, by Hon. T.
M. Cooley, .-L. D.
Marrow, and medical nnd physiological arti
cles, by Prof. J. C. Daltou, M. D.
Maine, Massachusetts, Miuncsota, Missouri,
nnd other articles in American geography, by
Eaton 8 Drone.
Metal and Metallurgy, by Prof. Thomas M.
Drown, M. D.
Articles in materia medica, bv Robert T. Edes,
M. D.
Mikabo, by Prof. Joseph Heury, LL. D.,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington.
Mechanics, by Charles L. Hogeboom, M. D.
Manganese, and other chemical articles, by Prof.
C. A. Joy.
Mollusca, and other articles in zoology, bv
Prof. S. Kneeland, M. D.
Mieroscojie, by Prof. A. M. Mayer, Stevens
Mineral Deposites, by Prof. J. S. Newberry,
LL. D., Columbia College, New York.
Missions, Foreign (Roman Catholic), and
other articiles in ecclesiastical history by Rev.
Bernard O'Reilly, D. D.
Mediterranean. Sea, by Count L. F. dc Ponr
tales. Moon, and other astrouoinlcal articles, by
Richard A. Proctor, A. M., London.
Menuouites, by Prof. A. Rauschenbuseb.
Mercury, Metallurgy (Ore Dressiug). and
Mine, by Kossiter W. Ravuiond.
Melanchthon, Phillpp,by Prof. Philip Schaff,
D. D.
Magnolia, Maple, Melon, and other botanical
article, by Prof. George Thurber.
Moab, and other nrchipological, oriental, aud
philological articles, by Prof. G. A. F. Van Rhyn.
Maize & Schwartz,
Successors to Geo. Evans & Co.,
1108 Market Street, Philadelphia,
Men and Boys' suits made to order in the latest
styles, of the best cloths and cassimeres in mar
ket, at prices suitable to the times.
Militarv.Band & Fire Organizations
promptly uniformed.
Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent
free on application.
Ours being the leading house on Military work,
wc feel that we can offer inducement which can
not be attained anywhere else-
Nov. ?7. 1S?3,
Auditor's Xolice.
(Estate of James Lewars, dee'd.)
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter
ested, that the undersigned Auditor t.
make distribution of the balance in the hands of
John aud William Lewars, Executors of James
Lewars, deceased, will attend t the duties of bis
appointment at his office, in the borough of Sun
bnry, on Friday, the 18th day of Jam;, A. D.
1875, at ten o'clock A. M.
Sunbury, May 21, 1375.
Large arrivals, assortments unsurpassed, latest
styles, finest goods.
Central Millinery, Market Sqitaro, Sunbury,
I take pleasure in calling your pnrticular at
tention lo my Spring arrivals of Millinery and
Fancy good, which embraces the latest nnd
most desirable goods extant. Having made every
elf'ori to sustain my well known leputation of
securing tiie finest goods, I oner this announce
ment with the assurance that I have not devi
ated rather Improved on former seasons' pur
chaws. bTRAW GOODS a specialty, for this
reason, including the prettiest and most suitable
Bats fin countless styles) in the market. FLOW
CP. A PES and numerous other novelties, besides
the large array of seasonable articles In tha
Fancy Grxds department. HATS and BONNETS
made to order as nsnal, in the roost artistic
manner. Having purchased all my goods 'for
cash, I am enabled to sell at extremely low
prices. Thankful for past favors, I respectfully
solicit a continuance.
Miss LOU SHISSLEB, Market Square, Sue
bury. April 23, 1875. '
The Singing-Class Department is very com
plete, and the Music is of a belter order than
is found in works of this class.
Method for the Guitar.
The Largest and only Complete Instruction
Book for this favorite Instrument. Priee. '.M
mailed, post-paid.
The Amateur Guitarist.
A Collection of Favorite SoHgs, Choruses, and
Instrumental Guitar Music, Hays, Dank?, Ste
wart, Kinkel, and other favorite authors. Price,
3.5, neatly bound in boards.
School Exhibitious.
One Act. No change of Scenery required, ex
cept for Tableaux introduced behind the main
Scene. P rice, CO cents, in paper; 73 cents in
An Operatta in Five Acts, for children's nse.
Dramatic, Singing, and Tableaox. Price, 60
cents, in paper ; 75 cents, in boards.
NEW YEAR'S EVE. A cantata in three
parts, representing the Four Seasons. No
change of Scenery required, except for Tableaux
introduced behind the main Scene. Price, CO
cents, in paper ; 75 cents iu boards.
An Operetta for adnlts, in Two Acts. Suitable
for Parlar or Stage. No Scenery required.
Price, $2, in boards.
Copies sent, Post-Paid, on Receipt of Pfice.
J. L. PETERS, 843 Broadway, N. Y.
P. V. Box Will.
May 28, 1S75.
The "Domestir."
The "DOM ESTIC" is an exceedingly simple
machine in all its parts and processes. It is
easily nsderstooa ; familiarity with its action is
very quickly acquired, and it needs hardly any
practice of special skill in the operator.
The superior advantages obtained in the "Do
mestic" are mainly :
1. Light Running.
2. Quietness no Cams or Gear Wheels.
::. Perfect Stitch Double-thread Lock Stiteh.
4. Durability arising from Simplicity of Cony'
Absence of all Friction.
Great range of Work.
7. Ease of Operation.
We do not say that the "Domestic" is the only
Machine worthy of public favor. We a J in it
there are soaie possessing real aud acknow
ledged merit; but we do claim, and are prepared
to demonstrate, that the "Domestic" has many
excellences that render it decidedly tmptrior to
any other JLtehin now before the public.
Let every woman, therefore, examine for her
self into its merits when she buys a machine.
This is an important purchase, not to be care
lessly made; one that will influence her com
fort, probably for a long time. With a 'Domes
tic" iu her possession, she will find her sewing
become a pleasaJwxercise of skill and taste, In
stead of a slow manual drudgery ; she will have
the time and strength to add beauty and elegance,
to work in which before she has been obliged to
content herself with bare utility.
Snnbnrv. Pa.
SUNBURY. North'd Co., Pa.
We, the undersigned, can cheerfully testify to
the excellent qualties of Wine made by Dr. jog.
Eyster, nnd advise its nniver?al use everywhere.
G F.N. i H.
.May 28, 1875.
Spring & Summer Goods.
SEW! XEtV!! .EW!!!
Krel, Brother A Keusliollz
Cheap Store,
Market Street, Kunbury, I'm.
The Latest Sttles and Be-t Qi-alitt,
comprising all the novelties in fabric and shade.
! Fcll Assortment of Xotions,
' which are being sold at the lowest Cash Prices,
pure and fresh,
Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on Land.
A very large
both glazed nnd common, always on hand.
of all sizes aud of the latest styles.
A constant supply of western white wheat flour
a speciality.
The public are invited to call and examine our
Goods iree of charge. Our motto is ''Quick
Sales and Small Prolits," and to please all.
The highest prices will be paid for all kinds of
eon ulry produce.
By strict attention to business and keeping at
all times the most complete stock, and selling at
thelowcst prices, we hope to merit a fall share of
Sunbury, May 21, 1S75.
li TO Ojrtl"11?- Agents wanted. Allclax
O'J X V7 QlZo( working pwpla of both
young and old, make more money at work for us. in
their own l.alilt-s, during their sare moutulH, of all
the time, than at any turn eine. V offer employment
that will .ay lumlsuinely lor every hcnu'a wort. Full
larticubin, terms, &c, acut free. Now la the time.
Don't look for work or buiHuesn elsewhere, uutil yon
have learned what we off or. G. S rnotox 4 Oo Port
laud, Maine. Jan. 8. 1875. lv.
AD VEETISIXtl : Cheap : Good : Systematic. A3 per
bouh who couteiiiplate makiug eoutract with Be
papers for the insertion of advertisement, auntild Rend
25 ceuia to Geo. P. Rowell Co., Park Kow, .In
York, for their PAM PHLET-Bt H)K (uiuetyeveuty eUi
tiou), containing hats of over 2iOD newspaper aud exti
mates, allowing 111 coat, Advertiaeraeuts taken for
leading paper in many States at tremendous mine-,
tion from pubUahrra' rates. Gkt the book.
Jan. 8, 1873. ly.
Jons II. 9EJ.L.
Johm M. SciioNore.
nel.Ii a sciioxorit,
Second Street, WoMELSnoRr, Pu.
Pure OIl Itye Whiskey,
Apple Whisket, Cob dials, &c.
All Liquors sold ganrrnnteed as represented
Orders promptly attended to and pnblic pa
tronage respectfully solicited.
2d St., Womelsdorf, Berks Co., Pa.
Feb. 27,1I74. ly,