cs. Walstixo swtvttiess puUiiii? your arm about a pretty woman. As you cannot avoid your own empauy make it good as twisir'e. WnAT is it which has mouth and utvcr epeaks, and a bod and never sleeps? A river. Mrs. Grnr.JNS says her linshaud is like a tallow- candls- ; he nhvay will amoke when he j;oes out. Wht is a womau living up two pur l stairs orfwl "Hide:' ? l-uuse she'n a t eond Flr:. TliK latest philanthropist is anund w iiii a suNeriplion lu purchaM- ! fjv''-i::i ' . Power rtek Have. Two things in this world iha!-s!::iM be trifled with- a woman's opiuiii and tlw business cud of wn;. What :s the differem- bvtweeu an over coat and a baby ? One is what you wear and the other is what you was. A Minnesota paper tells a sounding story of a sixleen-year old boy who lias ''made a violin out of his own head.' AViien a Chicago niaii pets rich he writes toea6tern publishing houses and tells them to send "half a ton of books with gilt on." That farmer understood human nature who said : "if you want to keep your boy at home, don't bear too hard on the grind stone when he turns the crauk." A little boy iu Maine enlieated his mother to tell lit ra some stories about bad boys, and upon her expressing astonish ment said, that he 'wanted to Gnd out how they got out of scrain-s.' Darling (to mamma, who superintends cook's operations) I wish I was a pud ding, mamma.1 'Why ?' "Cause I should have lots or sugar put into me.' Mamma take the hint. 'Take back this centennial beef and brin-i me some that grazed iri Boston com mon before the tea party,' thundered a :uest at a hotel, to a waiter the other day. We wonder if he meaut to be sarcastic ? A MiLD-TEMrEKED man who had fallen on an icy sidewalk, picked himself up wilh the soliloquy : 'I don't cherish the least ill-will, but for interesting reading matter comineud me to the obituary of the man who owns the sidewalk.' Tins is the ceasou of the year when the farmer tells his son John that if he will sort over ten bushels of potatoes, feed the slock, repair that fence, and reshingle the corncrib, he may have the rest of the day to l.o snipe-shiHitiug. A HAN in lergeu tunnel the other morn ing hailed a fellow-laborer with : 'So ye've got a baby at ycr house. What is it, a boy or a gnyrl ? 'Ctuces !' 'An' it a boy.' 'No.' 'Well, then its a girl.' 'Faith,' said the delighted father, 'somebody's b'en telling ye.' Two Irish physicians, in consultation at the beside of a patient, disputed as to the nature of the disease. At last one of them ended .the discussion by saying, 'Very well, have it your way now ; but the post mortem will show that I was right.' A rorNTRYMAN stopped at a telegraph window where a younn lady was receiving dispatches, and after looking on a moment, called to his companion, 'Say, Bill, just come and see 'em make paper collars! Don't she know her biz, eh. Bill ?' A PARTV w ho was looking at a house the other day, said he couldn't afford to pay" so much rent. 'Well, look at the neighbor hood,' replied the woman. 'You can bor row flat-irons ucxt door, coffee and tea across the street, flour and sugar on the corner, and there's a big pile of wood be longing to the school-house right across the alley.' An actor named l'riest was playing at one of the principal theatres. Some one remarked at the Garrick Club that there were a great many men in the pit. 'Prob ably clerks who have taken Priest's or ders,' said Mr. Poole, ouo of the best puu sters as well as one of the cleverest comic artists of the day. While recently engaged in splitting wood, Jones struck a false blow, causing the stick to fly up. It struck him on the jaw, and knocked out a front tooth. Ah,' said Bill, meeting him 60on after, 'you've had a dental ojteratiort performed, I see.' 'Yes,' replied the sufferer, axe-idental.' A jubilant voter wrote two letters im mediately after the return of his candidate at a late election one to his son, consist ing of the single word 'Hurrah!' and the other a few sentences of condolence to a dear friend who had lost his wife. In his excitement he mixed the envelopes, and the result can bo imagined when the be reAved widower received the wrong letter. The kind of whiskey they have iu 'Frisco : 'After that the cloth was took off, and the liquors war hro't it. Aud wot li quors they wuz, too! The whiskey wuz none o' this ycr kind that makes a man feel like sayin': I kiu lick any son of a gun in the house, and makes him smash things gincrally. No, sir. It war the kind that jist makes a man lift his plass up gintly, and say : 'Joe, old pard I'm looking at ycr.' ' On a street car, the other day, a boy made a sudden grab aiuoug the straw, caught something, and, as he straightened up, he inquired, 'Who's iost a fifty-cent piece ?' seven men held out their hands to him, and four more wauled to, but felt afraid. There was a painful pause, and then the boy unclasped his hand and ex hibited a pants button. Seven men sud denly sank back to meditate, and the other four indulged in winks. A one LEGGED Yankee orator, named Jones, was pretty successful in bantering an Irishman, when the latter asked him : 'How did you conic td lose your leg ?' Well,' said Jones, on examining my ped igree, and looking up my descent, I fouud, there was some Irish in me, and having become convinced that it had settled in that left leg, I had it cut off at once.' 'Be the powers,' said Pat,' 'it would have been a belter thing if it had settled in your i head.' A good story is told of a noted connois seur of wine, who had a large party before whom he set some of his choicest brands. Addressing a very uupretending individual at the far end of the table, he asked, 'Have you tried the port, Mr. ? That's '34.' 'It's very good,' replied the unsophistica ted friend ; 'ye've got it cheap. Mine's 30 shillings. Ye've got the better o' me this time. Vine's hardly worth the advance.' Til eke is a pood story of a certain Bos ton Doctor of Divinity, whose name they spell with a P.' A man of the same name died, and a zealous newspaper fellow, see ing the death in the paper and thinking only of Dr. P., wrote a most enthusiastic obituary. A wag met Dr. P. the next day. 'What, you are not dead!' he said. Well, then, you ought to be. No man can erer live up to that obituary.' umonros R E M i S The Remington Sew ixc M ni sprung rupsl'T lulu I'avn.- :t- .;-??.! i - ;,e qtiaiitie namely : LigM run Hint;. twoth. uoi-lcf.-. rapid. ilnra'.U-, iih i-il'-t L-k ft It i-ti. Ft i a .V;'.iii:. w't', Ai:l'-::i a.i' i):.j Fh J. IV lt :ilfu! itirl i'i;-f'i,c. ii-.'. tin- i-iv -r. JjgllL cJOOJi AtiEXTS WANTED. SEND KUK CIRCULAR. .ltl!res RKMIXG Pi.y rT.XYINit MACHINE CO., ILloN ilittXdl OFfr'K i:i OF KKmTOX COMI'AXIKS. i Il.IOX, X. Y. I F. It'MllillirlOll it ons. lti'iiiin:tii! Scvin. M Co.. K-'ii.intcm As;'l Ci., Fehruarv 1ST5. '.' nw. iltto Abbcrtismenfs. KIDNEY COMPLAINT. Probshly there is no coinpluint that afllicta the liutnaii cyMein, which i so little understood tit the present time, us sotue of the varied forms of Kidney Co:iip!uii:'.3. There U uo disease which causes such acute paiu or mure ulrtrmini; ia its results than when the kidneys fail lo 'secrete from the blood the nric acid, rind other pewionous substances, which the blood accumulates iu its circulation through the system. If from auy cause the kidneys fail to perform the functions devolTin upon them, the cumula tions nrc taken up by the absorbents aud the whole system thrown Into a state of disease, causing preat pain and suffering, aud very often immediate death. Hence the importance of keeping the kidney and blood in a healthy con dition, through which all the Impurities of the body mat pass. PAIN IX THE BACK. There U uo remedy known to medical science which has proved itself more valuable in cases of Kiduey Complaints than the Vrgetine. It nets directly upon the secretions, clcauess and purifies the blood, aud restores the whole sytcm to healthy action. The following extraordinary cure of peat suf ferers, wno had been giveu up by the best phy sicians as hopeless cases, will speak for them selves, and should challenge the most profound attention of the medical faculty, as well as of those w ho are sufi'ering from Kidney Cnmplulut. THE BEST MEDECINE. Ekst MAKsnrtEi.n, Ang. 22, 1S70. M k. Stevens : Dear Sir-I am seventy-one years of aicc ; have suffered mauy years with Kidney Complaint, weakness iu my back aud stomach. I was induced by friends to try your Vbt.etine, and I thiuk it the bcl medicine for weakness of the Kidneys I ever nscd. 1 bave tried many re medies for this complaint, and never found so much relief as from the VrocTTNE. It strength ens aud Invigorates the whole system. Many of my acquaintances have taken it, aud I believe it to be ttood for all the complaints for which it is recommended. Yours trulv, JOS1AH II. SHERMAN. PllOXOVXLED 1NCUUABLE. I Boston", May 30, 1ST1. H. It. Stevens, Esq. : Dear Sir 1 have V-cn badly iifllicti d with Kidney Complaint for ten years ; have sullered treat pain in my back, hips aud idi-, with frcat difficulty in passim; urine, which was often, and in very small quantities, frequently accoiiipauied with blood and exeru liating pain. I have faithfully tried most of the popular re medies recommended for my complaint ; 1 have oven under the treatment of some of the most skillful physicians in Boston, all of whom pro noticcd my cae incurable. This was my condi d it ion when I was advised by a frieud lo try the YEOETtNE, and I could sec the good effects from the liiit doe I took, and from that moment I kept on improving until I was entirely cured, taking iu all. should think, about six bottles. It is indeed a valuable medicine and if 1 should be afflicted ai;aiii in the same way, I would give a dollar a dose, if I con id not ut it without. Respectfully, J. M. GILE. 401 Third Street, South Boston. NEARLY BLIND. if. Stevens : Dear Sir In expressing my thanks to you for benefits derived from the use of Yegetink, and to benefit others. I will stale : Wlu n eight or nine years old I was afflicted with Scrofula, which made its appearance in my eyes, face aud bead, and I w is very near blind for two year. All kinds of operations were per formed on my eyes, mid nil to no good result. Finally the disease principally settled iu my body, limbs aud feet, and at times iu an aggra vated way. Last Summer I was, from some cause, weak in my spine and kidneys, aud it was ut times very bard to retain the urine. Seeing your ad vertisement Iu the Commercial, I bought a bit- tie of EGETIXE, and commenced usipg ac cording to directions. In two or three days I ob tained treut relief. A fter using four or five bot tle I noticed it bad a wonderful effect on the rough, sealy blotches on my body aud legs. 1 still used Yegetine and the humorous sores one after another disappeared uutil they were all gone, aud I attribute the cure of the two diseases lo Yeoetine as the only reliable remedy. Once more accept my thanks, aud believe me to be, Ycry rcspectfutlv, AUSTIN PARROTT, No. 35 Gano St., Cincinnati, Ohio Dec. 1, 1ST-'. Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, etc., are always unpleasant, and at times they become the most distressing and dangerous diseases that can affect the human system. Most diseases of the Kidneys arise front impurities in the blood, causing humors which settle on these parts. Yeoktise excels any known remedy in the whole world fer cleuusing aud purifllug the blood, thereby causing a healthy ncliou to all the organs of th tiody. Vetjetine is sold by all Druggists. April 30, 1m. John II. r'Eix. Jons M. Scnoxoi K. nei.Ij v NC-iioxont, Sn-cond Street, Womf.lsdokI', Pit. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS WISES, BRANDIES, GINS, Pure Old Hj WhUkrj, Arri.K Wiiiskf.v, Cokihaus, &c. All !.iti;tors sold gMtirmntced as rcjiwciited. Onlers iironijitly nMetided to hikI public pa trondge reP'.-ctl'ullr solicited. SELL A SCHOSOUR. 2.1 St., Womclsdoi f, Berks Co., I'm. Feb. T. W4. Iy. BOOK BINDING of nl! kinds nectly and substantially done by JOII.V COEEIXN, Third St., opposite the Clement House SI.'S BUKT, PA. Prices of BINDING: s?" sr iS 5C 2 M 11. z ?' w o t. j i no I'i'ao JLrd 1 r0j 1 JfJ I 1 0 1 70 3 00 i 1 50 1M 2 50 j wj sOo 34K 1 W 2 25 S 50 tillF. or WOKK. S. o r 3 ftuseof 1-tno voi. fil j Hartt;ri Mnj:a- i cue l 00 1J!5 I or. ! Petcrsou'sMatra cine.Uodey's La dys Book Ladies' Kcposi- tory Appleton's Jour nnl Ilistoiyof Uu'd States, Warofthe I'nion, National Portrait Gallery. I 2 50 C fiO 4 50 1 SO 1 50 14 75 Sheet "Music...... 1 W 'i 00 2 50 Harper's Week ly, Frk Leslie', and Scientific American 2 00 3 50 3 25 S 00 Pict uresque Am erica 4 00 7 00 Large Family Bibles and illustrated work done in tlc hut mannrr and at retM rain. tiTT-special attention ia called to our HALF BINDING WORK. . Sunhnry, April M. 1875. tf. G T O KT . Remington No. I Machine for family use, In the third year of its existence, has met with a mi!v rapid Increase of ratio of sale thaa any ma chine in tlw mark- ;. Ki-.JiiviiTON No. -I Machine f.r maiiuia.-lurii::; a;id futility as.-. (i a iy lor ih-!iV::iy coi'y sin?J Jane, 1S74.) f-r mice, porVctiivi, mi varir'y f work, is without a rivai in family or work'bij'. N. V. 2 si t 2K liro.i.5w:iy Xew York. Arm Mudieoi) Xew Vork Fewinsr Machitu-?. Chirntro, 'Jii7 Si ate St., 8. Machine an J Anns, Jt i-i -.)ii. 2:; Yafiiiiiutoii St., Sewing Mariiities. ("nieimiati, 1S1 West 4tli St., Sewinsr Macliine. I'tiea, ril Cwow St. Sewiiij; Machines. Atlanta, On., Uelive"s Uer:i House, Mniiet'a. St., Sewing Machines. Wasl;iiigt:ii,I. C.,5it Seventh St.,S. Machine. Ssaxfa &.'s Salman. HAV V" V easily made by selljug Te at Impobt JlUil lj 1 frs'" Pbicks. it petting up clul in towns mid country for the oldest 1 ea tympany iu Ame rica. ireatet inducement. Send for eircular. 'AS TOS TT.A '., 14 Chn.ber street, N. V. Msy l,"7S.-4w. T " f r " TC V Fo' Agents in our ten New Xovel V jLUAljl ties; just out; needed in every house; ani le and circulars fre by mail. H. B. WUiTE a CO., Newark, Ji. J. April 4w. fiilA rprv C'tftft iuvjateil In Wall Street often VlU IU C)UU. leads to forture. A 72 I-age hook explaining evervtLtntr, and copy of the Wall Street lleview Mont Free. JOHN HIC KJ.INtt ft CO., 13-inkeraand lirokers 7'i llroadway. New Vork. April 3U, w. TMOO AOENTS WANTED for OF.Nl ISE l.DITION Llfe aud Labors) of I V I X T O X E , ET BF.V. 1. K. CHAMBI.IrtR, wbo fnim Lia personal writiusa (IncludiiiR the '-IaT JorRNAi.,") nufolda vividly li ttrand Achievement e, aim the curionitie Wimdeni and Wfoltli of thai marvel ouscouutiy, Fniita Mineralu, ltejjtilea, beaate, Savae, lie. tfi pKes 100 rare Ilia. Ouly 3.0fl. Kich in In-t-i-et. Low in Price. Ont-eU evervthin. KK) first 3 weeka. Adrtreaa, Ht'HItAKIt liltOH., Pulilishera 723 haueorn litrtet, l'liiladeldhia. April i, Iw. Free ! Free ! Free ! The P E X IOXEEK. A hundaome Uiiiidrited urwep.il'er containing Infoim a'ion lorevemnx'v. Telia how aud where to eecure a hoine cliesp. S-iii tree to all pane of the world. j It co'itaina the new Jtomeatead and Timber Laws, I with other lutereeting matter found ouly iu this pajier. i Send for it at once ! j It will only cost yon a Tostal Card. New numtier for April Jim out. Addree, O. F. DAVIS. Li nd Commissioner P. It. R. ! Ai-ril , w. Omaha, Nr.D. W II Kit EVER IT IIAN It HEX TIMED baa eaisbluihed iu-'f aa a perfect regulator aud aure remedy for disorders cf the in'stem ariauig from im proper action of the Liver and L'owe-,. It ia not a Physic, but. by stimulating tb secretive ortai:4. (rent ly and rradu illy removes all Impnrltiea.aud regulates the eutire system. It ia not a doctored bitteis, but ia a VEGETABLE TOMC vhich assists dicestiou, andthua atiinul.tea the appetite for fKd liecessary to invigorate the weakened or inac tive organs, and gives strength to all the vital for-a. It carries its owu recommendation, s the large aud r.'pidiy increasing aalea testify, price One Dollar a lottie' Ask your druggist for it. Johnston IIoixo ' way & Co., l'liila.. Pa. Wholesale Agis. April 30,-4w. ASENTS WRHTED. llt-uor women. V ti wtfk. ES Car. . " Z , rs,wl VailllllilO Wfsnmp!. f re.-. nTSiiU onred. ifit?jf ilre-s on postal crrtl. r-u t Ci Yi&y' Inybvt writ" Bto:iri to 1 . it. lll-.tl '.STB r- r.. r-" " April $V4w. TiN WIRE RINCS. ,, U 111 cut nake lluc'a H.- CO. nmlware Dealers sell them. MiXrRincer.Sl; Tin Ulagm tlOO.. . . r . IVhwamJ 12tM SW. ZiZaf? HfrTcnr, 1 .25 : by maii.poat S0lE OCCATU1.U paid. CirouUn ino. April 30, 1i.-tv. SHOT-fiCSS. Rims. PISTOLS, KEVOLTESS V . Hilt HI 1 U r.ri) Kill I ncim r-.j u, aa4 nM Vwk' PITTSMUacai, pv. April SO, 1H75. A FORTTNEIN IT. Eevery family buys it. Sold by Agents. Address, . S. WALK Ell P.rie, l'e. April an. .-4w. OlA I'a'iy ' Agents. Hi icir articles and the best i 04V1 Fanidv Paper in Amm.with two $S.O0 Chromoa, ftw. AM.MTO CO., ) Broadway, N. V. Aprd 30, 7S.-4w. ! pSVCHOMANt'Y. or SUfL CHAKMISfV How i 1 either sex may tus:iiiate and grin the love and j affectionaof any tii liiey choose instantly. This ! simple mental aeiuiretnietit all can poseese,frec,by mail, ! for 2V., together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Ora i cle. Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirta, .-c. ! A queer btsk. Address T. WI1.1.I AM k Co. Pub. PhiU. April Hi, 4w. OITRi; OK Til ICH XEC I Isisitii-elv eared. Contains no Iodine or Mer cury and can Is use,t with safety at ail times. Will not statu or irritate the skin, bend lor ackagi . Price .VI eeui.i. LICkES & CU, LolIviLLt, (lino. A) r.l It'-, 4w. 1,000 A IrVTM T-Mcbers, Students, men sud i women, wanted to s.-ll Ckkilnwiai. tiAZETTkKB ofthk i V. S. Showa grand results of Ion years progress. A I whole Lilirary. '-!l-stoii GIoSm." Not a luxury, but lie.jesKi'y. iuter-ocein." Hest Milling Ikiok Publish I ed flood Pav. 5Want ften. Agt. iu every eitvof 10, i 000. Address. J. C. McCl'KLV t CO., l'biladeli hia, Pa. Apill 1C 4vr. ' IT "ETr,sAMI'I.K to Agents. L.MiIKS CilXATtoi FIX Li li.Vi r.tLK-!'..". K, sith Chromoa. Send stamp i I. P. ULi'i.fc. New iie'lioid Mass. May 14, 4w. PWTC W "VT171lfor,hf fastest seU A VJ Jj lM O V A i I lJ U iug book ewr pub liahed. Send tor cirruUr and our extra terma to I Agents. NATIONAL I'l'ltLISIJINti ., Prila ! I.ILFH!, Pa. May 14, 4w. WllVIIi MIXK. j A valuable mine lor sale. Will y loo per cent. In- vestigatiou solicited. Kor information, aldress, W. II. : Moore, Ueoigetown, Colorailo, or 4. ii. Coxxens, New- I port. It. I. .May 14, 4w. ITVINGSTONE'C lAjn AND llXPIXlIlATIONU With his luiuou Last JoL'bsalm, now ready ! New and authentic life and thrilling adventures in Africa of the great hero traveler and explorer. Piofusely Illustrated. Sot) Aoi.sts WAMr.n tiuickiy. Freight repald. It Pell! Do you doubt 7 Then write for extra terma and e will prove it ; or, if iu haste to begiu work, seud $1 for Yiuiplete outnt, to l.ivivosrost Pi hliehkrs, Cincinnati, t'hio. May 14, 4w, COUGHS, COLDS, 110 A.RSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, HELLS' (AKBOLIC TABLETS. PCT I'P ONLY IN KH:E BOXI'.K. - A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. May 14, 4w. 'TEAS RETAILED AT Importer I'rlrrn, P.Y TUE I Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. 221 Market Mreet Harrifcburg. j This ia an organization of capitalists to j IMPOItT AM DINTKIIILTE TEAS j for one small profit, aaviiig the aonsuuier all pioflla of middlemen. We control m laige part of the Best Teas I1 brought to this eountiy, which are sold by ouraelvea. Persona buying of otur de-jors do ao ti their owu dis advantage, i Mir houpea in Ciiii.a aud Jaian have tbs very best f.ifllitite ot eeb-ctiiig, nhich give us great ad rautoges. We have emaelished atores for diatriiniting our tess in all the principal ciiie of the fnited States. We give to our customer a Ilenntitul Oil Clironio, (taken lrom the lirheet gems of American and Foreign artists, vtliich. if luught at pi tore stores, would coat much mi:re than the pneeof theTea. These chromos are a prst.iii to our customer. All 'ik!r sold Warranted to give lrle! satisfaction or the money refunded. .r'Ht Allanlle V I'ut lflr TraCo., 2V1 Market street, Harriehnrg. May 14, 4w. A GREAT OFFER. JLKU New Voi k, will dispowi of luu Pianos A Oigaua of first makers, including Water ut extremely low prices for cash, during this month, or art i-aebt and lailiince iu small monthly payments. Waters' New Hcuie Planes, are the best made: The touch ebstic, aud a fine singing tone, powerful pure and even. Waters' Conee'to Organs iwniiot be excvlk J Iu tone or i beauty; they defy conijietition. The Concerto Htop is i a fine Imitation of the Human Voie. Agents Wanted. A liberal discount to Teachers, Minister, Churches, KehNl, ixstges, etc. Hieciitl inducements to the trade. Uliif! r. Catalogue Mailed. April Iti, w4. or.Ms. Chang Chang sella at sight. Necessary aa soap. Oooda free. Chang Chang Mrg Co., Ikiston. April 16. 4w. ( HOOKED HOOTS ASD NIIOEN. L Ton's Pat:t Mktaluc HrrrrEKEBH keep them straight, prevent running over, wearing off unevenly on the sides, or ripping in the sesm ; make a boot la-it half longer. Sold and applies by Boot and Sbos Deal ers and Mfcrs. everywhere. IxjcjI aud traveling Agents wanted to introduce. Send 25 ceuta and height of heel for sample pair, to N. LYON, sole M'cr., RUte street, Alhanv, N. V. April 1, 4w. asg w . i CII1USTIAK HARMONY. BY WM. WALKER, A. S. U. A spleuiUd Mimic ISnok nioa a Xew, Natural ml iy rywtem, by which nfiy one may learu to rend nineic nd to 8ing in ouo fourth tlw tiuif. n-nuired by the old me thod. Denned lor lie. Lil-:ul iudneenientfi to M'tvic Tnchrt. Sjeciuira a;r mailed free. MIL I.KK'S Hi til. K ANO PtBIJ.sHINO UOUSK, 1102 and llvt Kniiscm Htreet. Ph'tulieia, Pa. May H, 4'. HIGHEST STANDARD LETTERS OF IHQUIfff PROMrTCf ANSWERED S5 I "a"-' I Chfsthutst PHILADELPHIA t , . , VA -j a of tlifi 4ltK) rhoic: S.'htionp i ready. liUti 1 U Pric 3'J cr. Tan Switu"' now contains j one thoitffaml of the l-t-: anl t)ii;p fr I)whnw tiuus, HumoiutiH liit:.lni:Kr Kaiuily Ktli;?ip. etc. I i-Ki'ital for firanex, lVmj,pritI?!S Hovi-tit-H, . Ly- cenuiH. AIo, "txrvl-ii-.r i hairs' ww." ein "loirl l loKuee. (Uroiilnni free, iici of your KMKviliT. or twaid jirice to P. Garret k Co., 70H(Tii(Htmit H'rrs't l'liila. Pa. V make the colcbx-atitl Pl-NN I.KTTKlt DOUK tor copvitig lttini vilhoti pit. ui titcr. A'itt wjnti'd. Arril 16, 4w. $5,oooKA; 7 a case of Asthma, Cough, or Cold that iamon's Kotanic Balsam will not HOLD phi.l. cure. I.AP.nE DoTTi.r.a Bo cents. Joks axos, Hollowat & Co., Agents, l'hilaucl ' April !, w. 0 " TO 9 il At?"'1' wanted. All classes JLU Oil U of working people of both eexes, young aud old, make more money at work for lis, in their own localites, during their spare mouents, of nil the time, than at any thing else. We offer employment that will pay handsomely lor every hour' work. Full particulars," termB, A.O., sent free. Now ia the time. Don't look for work or buisnesa elsewhere, uutd yon have learned what we ofl.-r. . Stinsom & Co.. Tort land. Msine. Jan. 8. 187.'.. ly. NEW YORK TRIBUTE. "The Leading American Newspaper." THE BLST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Daily, fit) a year. fV mi-Weekly, J3. Weekly, $2. Postage Fii-e to tho Subacrilwr. Spccimau Copiea aud Advertising lutes Free. Weekly, in dub" of :l or more, only ft, postage paid. Address Tht Tribcxh, New Vork. Jan. 8, 1x75. ly. VDVERTISINO : Chiap : ttood : Systematic. All er sot who routeniplatr making contracts with news- 1 apers for the insertion if advertisements, should send 'ii cents to Oco. P. Howell fc Co., 41 Park How. New York, for their PAMPHLET-1X)K (ninety-eeveuty edi tion), containing lists of over 3KW newspapers and esti mates, showing the cost. Advertisements taken for leading papers in many States at a tremendous reduc tion fioiu publishrra rates. (1ft ihk book. Jau, H, 1M.73.-Iy. HARDWARE. We are better prepared tban ever to supply the demand for goods Id our Hue. We have just received ft full 6toek of Shovels, Iron, HofS, Steel, Rake, Oils, Fork, Faints, Pumps. Glass, Cutlery, Varnishes, LEATHER BELTING, TOOLS, AM) GOODS Sl'ITAULE EOU Builders, Houstkeejiers, Fanners, lllackstnitlis, Shoemakers, Cabinet Makers. Carpenters, Machinists, Painters and the People. Call and examine our goods. CON LEY, HACKETT & MATEER, Opposite Whitmer's store. March 3B. 1ST5. tf. JUST ISSUED! And Mailed, rosT-PAtn, on receipt or tub MARKED IIKlCE. Pieces marked have Illustrated Title-Pages. Morning Breaks Upon the Tomb Easter Anthem, Thomas. 50 awincing on the tiardeu Clatc Song and Chorui", Thoina. 10 Where is My Loved One To-nigbtT Soui: and Chorus, Hay. S5 Sim;, Darkies, Sing ! (As sun by Carl Wajrner.) Jftiy. 155 Antrel Gabriel Comic Shjiii;. Stewart. 30 When Silver Locks Rcpluce thctiold ) Sonj; and Chorus. (Answer to Silver Threads Among the Gold, rf,'ifo4. 35 You Never Miss the Lasrer till the Kcj; Runs Dry Comic Soui;. 40 Gune Awa' Scotch Sou. Wand. 30 Alone, and At Home Song and Chorus. Jayr. 35 My Wee Wire WaitiiiL' at the Door Ballad. Thomas. 40 Oh ! Miss Susie ! End Song and Cho. Hay. 35 Give Me but a Smile Song und C. Sltirart. 35 When First I Met Tbce, Nellie Dear Song and Chorus. Sttmtrt. 30 I'm Cupt'iin of the Guards Comic 8. llayt. 35 Beyond the Goldeu Door Song and C. Whitf. 30. Gertie's Wilh the Angels Now Song and Chorna. Chr!tle. 30 Vlcasc God, Make. Room for a Little Boy. Cor. 30 INSTRUMENTAL. I-i Belle Jcuuesse Polaccn. Wilton. 50 Awakening of the Birds Morccau. iUylath. 40 Sweetheart Melodic Gracicuse. Maijlalh. 40 Twinkling Stars Morceau de Salon. Wihott 50 The Highland Maiden Romance. Wilton. 50 Cujus Animam (from Stabat Mater) Waijntr 40 Dreamland Morceau de Salon. Maylnlh. 40 Echoes from the Palisades Morceau. Wagner. 40 Venetian Regat'.a Transcribed. Wayiter. 40 Merry Foresters Forest Seeue. Wagner. 50 Rocking Waves Transcribed. Maylath. 40 The Scotch Lassie Reverie. 1'aeher. 40 Kiltie's Polka Mazurka. I'rerut. 30 Fairy Land Reverie. Xorrel. 35 Sparkling Jewels Polka. Chrittie. 30 Think of Me Sometimes Easy Wullz. Waijin r. 20 Temperance March (Easy) Wagner. 20 Men are Such Deceivers Easy Polka. Wagner. 20 Mollie Darling Easy March. Wagner. 20 Pktfus' nofSEHoi.D Melopie?, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. A Collection of Popular Sonus, by Hays, Dauks, Stewart, etc. Each number contains Seven or Eight Soutrs. Price, 50 cents each : Yearly. 12 Numbers for $4. Peteks' Paiii-ok Mrsif, Nos. 1, 2 und 3. Each number contains several easy and moderately dillicult Piano Pieces, by Kinkel, Bceht, Wag ner, Wilson, etc. 50 cents each ; Yearly, 12 Numbers for f 4. La Ckemk de la Ckeve, K'o6. 1 to 15. Each number coutains 24 pages of Classic and diffi cult Piano Mnsic, worth at least f2.50. Price of each number, 50 cents; Yearly. 12 Numbers for SI. Published bv J. L. PETERS, March 5, 1S75. 5'JO Broadway, N. Y. SPRING AND SUMMER. rj MILLINERY Ml FANCY GOODS! Large arrivals, assortments unsurpassed, latest styles, finest goods. Central Millinery, Market Square, Snubnry, Pa. I take pleasure in calling your particular at tention lo my Spring arrivals of Millinery and Fancy goods, which embraces the latest and most desirahlo goods extant. Having made every effort to sustain my well known teputatiou of reenring the finest goods, I offer this announce ment wilh the assurance that I have not devi ated rather improved on former seasons' pur chases. STRAW GOODS a specialty, for this season, including the prettiest aud most sn. table Hats (in count less styles) in the market. FLOW ERS, KIBBONS,SILi:S, LACES, ORNAMENTS, CRAPES and numerous other novelties, besides the large, array of seasonable articles In the Fancy Goods department. HATSand BONNETS made to order as nsnal, iu the most artistic manner. Having purchased all my goods 'for eanh, I am enabled to sell at extremely low price. Thankful for past favors, I respec tfully solicit a continuance. Mist LOU 8HISSLER, Market Square, Sun bury. April S, 1T. mm FA r.llll F1 H . 1 1 L l 1 .V Dr. J. Walker's California Vine gar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on tho lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, tho medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom ivithout the use of AlcohoLf The question is almost daily asked, " What is the cause of the unpar alleled success of Vixegak Bitters f Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and tho patient recov ers hi3 health.' They are tho great blood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Eenovator andlnvigorator of tho system. Never before in tho his tory of tho world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Visxgar Bitters in healing tho sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a genflo Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs in Bilious Diseases. The properties of De. Walker's Vinegar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. R. II. McDONATLD it, CO., Druggists and General Agente, San Frauciaco, Califor nia, aud cor. Waatuugtou and Charlton Sta., Now York. Sold by all Druggist and Dealers. a n -1 U3 c C o C r O V. 3 5F) X 2 r M 3 Co - 2 a. 4. -3 Hrt m V- S3 9 t . V. c "3 i c 9 s WATC HES, JEHELUY aVSII.VI.K Vi A RE. John W. Steveusou, Corner Third and Market Sts, Stiuhitry, Pa. J HAS completely renovated his Store Room, and opened the largest assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited iu this part of ihc State. Every thing iu the Jewelry line is kept in store. Silver-Ware. Hracelet. King A CIiuiuM, of every description and of the fiuest quality. Particular attention paid to repairing ) WalcliCM, CloekH, Jewelry. Ae. j HAIR JEWELRY made to order. j Sunbury, March C, 1874. Mercantile. u5 Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. ! I' V 3 E. H 5- -J a2 Jk t- tj a s -j 5 " 7. O t e- t I S s T. M " f. a - 3 a . w g. S. o 3 5 s O C 75 ,. It . E C0 i c. b 0) la o o U c c O Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. Maize & Schwartz, Successors to Geo. Evaus & Co., 1108 Market Street, Philadelphia, MERCHANT TAILORS and MILITAUY CLOTXIIEttS. Men and Boys' suits made to order in the latest styles, of the best cloths and cassimeres in mar ket, at prices suitable to the times. Military, Band & Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours being the leading house on Military work, we feel that we can offer Inducement which can not be attained anywhere else. Not. 27, 1872. WITHOUT EXI'KI'TIOX, The Cueatkst in Town. WIXTER GOODS or every description and variety such as WOOLEN HOODS, DreNs (ietitl.t, coii'.ririslniC nil the novelties in rubric stmt !li;u!e. Full Assortment ok Xoti-ons, which arc being sold t flu: lo-.vcst Cash I'lices. Also, Guocekiea and I'kovi.sio.ns, J pure ami fresh. j QCEEXSWAKE, GLASSWARE, AND WOI axd Willow Ware, i Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very larsje j ASKOHTXIENT OF WALL PA IT! il, ' both irhue.i :ui( romition, iiiwaye on h:t!il. i ! B () O T t A X I) S II O E S j MEX, WOMEN ANDCIIILDKEX. i HEAD Y-llADE CLOTHING, ofall cizes ami of the latest stylo. F L O U Ii . j A constant eupjilyof western hitc wheat flour i a speciality. Tlie public are invited to call and examine oar j Goods tree of charge. Our motto is "Quick j aies ana small rrotits," and to please all. The highest prices will be paid for ail kinda of country produce. By strict attention to busiuess and keeping at all times the most complete f tock, and selling at thelowcst prices, we hope to merit a f j11 share of patronage. REED BROTHER & SEASHOLTZ. Sunbury, Dec. 4. 1374. MISS L. SIIISSLEIt, Market Squnre, Jiunburj , i'a.. Has just rccicvcd a large aud elegant assortment of Hats and Bonnets, For Fall aud Winter wear. The choicest shades of ribbons, and all kiuds of Millinery t;oods always in store, GENTS' NECKTIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, &C. Call and sec thetn. ilnmnarlun). 7w SCALES. Qvev Thirty-four Competitors Standard (IT"&mg Sh65tautSt,THILnDEtPKift Furniture Ware-Rooms ! ROBERTS A. IIOSTEU JI AX, (Successors to B. L. RAUDENBUSH.) Masonic Building. WILL SELL CHEAP, AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF v uunitck x: of the latest styles and best material. CONSISTING OF 1 Parlor and Chamber Suits ; LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS. i Bedsteads of all kiuds, Cupboards, Sin", and ! in short everything usually to be found in a tirst- c'ass Furniture Store. Special attention is given to Undertaking in all its branches. Coffins and Burial Caskets OF ALL STILES COSSTATLY ON HAND. An invitation is extended to all to come and examine onr stock before purchasing elsewhere. ROBERTS & HOSTERMAN. . Suubnry, Feb. 1875. FURNITURE ROOMS! The undersigned begs leave to inform the citi zens of Northumberland county, that he lias opened a FIRST CLASS F LTRdlTOBE STORE, On Market Nt reel, opposite the City Hotel, in Sunbnrj, Where lie keeps on hand a large assortment of Consisting in part of Walnut I'aklok Seth, . Bureaus. Ciiamiiek Sets, Bedsteaus, Cain Seat Chaiks, Wasiistands, Wood Sfat Ciiaiiis, Locsces, Rocking Chaiks, MatvhesSes, Dimno Taki.es, Cupboards, Extension Tahles, Bo.)k Casees, Marble Top Tables, Fanct Brackets, Kitc'iieo Furniture, Lookinu Glasses, .vc, Ac, & He ill also manufacture to order, on short no tice, auy nrticltf in his liiu-, if not iu store. He is prepared to effer superior indacemccts to purchasers. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. Call and examine his stock and prices and be convinced. JACOB HAUPT. Jan. 22, 1ST5, S mos. ma iiim: shop a.m iico. FOIXORY. GEO. ROHRBACII & SONS, Suubnry, I'eun'a, INFORM the public that they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and havimr added a new Machine 8hop in connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathe, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, in a satisfactory man ner. Urates to null any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build in its, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, At. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, Jtf. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further improved, and will always be kept on band. Also, THRESHING -MAC1UNLS. Sunbury, May 20. 1S74. C unci t;i:.s, n log i en a v. H. K. FAGELY & CO. respectfully iuform the public that they have commenced the manufacture of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., at the new shop recently erected by J. F. Lcrch Corner of Fourth and Chestnut Sts., SUNBURY, PA., and solicit a fair share of Patronage. April n-fim. .T. F. I.ERfTf. Snp't. I3T- jrrkz. L-A I '-a Ne"- FEXXSYIA'AXIA KAIL ROAD. PHILADELPHIA Jt ERIE R. R. DIVISIOX. WIXTEIi TIME TABLE. Ou aud ul'ler Sunday, Nov. 15ih. 1874, the Trains ou the Philadelphia vt Eriugail Road Divi sion wili run :is follows : WESTWARD." Fast Line leaves Philadelphia, 12.55 p id " ' " Hurrisburir, sioo p m " ' Williamsj.ort., 9.15 pm " " I.k ilavin, I0.'.Kptr a.T. :it Buffalo, 'J.00 a m Erie Mail Ivaves Philadelphia, 11.55 p in " Ili'.rrishiiix, 4.25nm " Wtiiiamspoit, .y5am " " '" I-'wk Havn, j. 5 a m " " " Inovo. Ji.lOum " " a E"C, s.'j5 p m Eliuira Mail leaves Philadelphia, S 00 a m " " " Harrisburc, . -J p , " ' WiUiniiisport, .ay p , " arr at Lock Haven, i:m p m Lmk U.-ivcn Ac. leaves Hnrrisbiir", 'J 15 -i m Wllihiinsp't, 2.LK, p m " " '-wk Haven, 3.10 pm EASTWARD Philadel. Express leaves Lock Haven, 0.40 a m 'l " " Wiiliainspoit, 7.55 am " " arr. nt Flnrrisburtr, li.lOam " " " Philadelphia. 4.15 pm Erie Mali leave Erie, 11.20 am " " " Renovo, 8.25 p m " " " Lock Haven, D.45 p m " " " Williamsport, 10.50 p m " " arr. at H irrisburfC, 2.30 am " " arr at Philadelpma, 6.50 a ra Fast Line leaves Emporium, 8.55 p in " " " Renovo, 10.40 um " " " Lock Haven, 11.55 pm " ' ' Wiliiamsport, 1.10 am . " " arr. at Ilarrisburg, 4.20 am " " arr. ut Philadelphia, 8.05om Day Express leaves Lock Haven. 11.25 a m lk ' " Wiliiamsport, 12.25 a m " " ai r. at Ilarrisburir, 4.00 p m " " " Philadelphia, 7.30 p m M:y East connects east and west at Erie with L. S. '& M. S. R. W. and at Corry with Oii Creek and Allegheny R.R. W. Mail West with east and west trains on L. 8. & M. S. R. W. and at Corry with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R."W. Erie Mail and Elmira Mail make close con nections at Wiliiamsport wilh N. C. R. W. trains, north, and at UarrM)urg with N. C. R. W. trains south. IVM. A. BALDWIN, Gen?l Sup't. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. WIXTEII ARRANGEMENTS. January 17th, 1875. Trains Leave Hern-don as Follows: (Scsdats Excepted.) For Shomolii.1, 10.40, 11.00 a. m. and 3.40 p. m. For Mt. CarmeljAshiand, Tamaqua, Pott9ville, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. Trains for Herndon, Leave as Follows : (Sundays Ezukpted.) Leave Shamokin at 8.00 a. m. 1.50 and 3.55 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. ra., Reading 11.30 a. m., Pottsville, 12.10 p. m., Tamaqua, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p. m., Mt. Cartnel, 3.21 p. m. Trains Leave Hakkishuko, as Follows : For Xew York, 5.20, S.10 a. m. and 2.00 7.40 p. m. For Philadelphia, 5.20, S.10 VI. 45 a. m., 2.00 and 3.5C, p. m. Sundays. For New York, 5,20 a. m. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. m. Tkains for Harrisburg, Leave as Follows: Leave New York, 0.00 a. m., 13.40 and 5.15, 7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m. 3.40 and 7.00 p. m. SCNDAYS. Leave New York, 5.15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.00 p. m. Via Morris aud Esses R. R. J. E. WOOTTEN. General Sup't. Reading, Pa. Nov. 13. 1874. CENTRAL DRUG STORE 4 W . Q.B.CADWALLADER Is the place to buy pure and fresh MEDICINES, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, . GLASS, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR for medicinal purposes, and all other arti cles usually kept in a tirst-chiss Drug Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggists. I am prepared to furnish in quantities, to snit purchasers and at Philadelphia prices, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Romun, Roscndale and Lehigh CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also, Garden Seeds or all kinds. Aall and get a Rural Resister for 1874. GEO. B. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, Feb. 0, 1S74.-1V. Dp.. C. M. Martin. Geo. W. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BttniL Sitairy, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO, HAVE just received a fresh lot of Pure Drui; aud Patent medicines. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth. Nan,Clothe,Shoe and other brushes. TOILET AXD FAXCY ARTICLES. fine extp.acts, POCKET 11O0CS, KNIVES, -4C1, c. REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume i:i America, rarision.a Kid Iove Wash. warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate shades without injury to the kid . All the leading preparations for the Hair, SEGARS, THE BEST IN MARKET, Pure Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes, Physicians Prescriptions and lamlly leceipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal ing to receive a share of your patronage. September 11. 1873. KEEP IT IIAXDY! The Reliable Family JleUIciue. DIARRHEA, Dysentery, Cholera, Summer Complaint, Cramps, etc., quickly enrtd ty the nse of JARDELLA'S Compound Syrup of Bliickberry Root and Rhu barb. Au old, well tried remedy, entirely vege table, pleasant to tako, quick and certain in effect ; can be depended on in the most nruenl cases; may be given to the youngest infant us well as to adults. It contain NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. It Is a pleasant extract and readily taken by children. It has often saved life when phyii clans had despaired. Keep it in the house and use in time. All we ask for it is a trial. Don't let vonr dealer put you off with something else. Buy it. Try it. Sold by Druggists and Store Keepers throughout this State, greparcd only by HANSELL & BRO.. jul'J,-3m 2000 Market Street, Philadelphia. TOY CONFECTIONERY STORE. Everybody is iuvited to come and buy of the handsome assortment of TOTS AND CONFECTIONERIES SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame building, adjoiain? Moore & Pissinger's building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. JusH opeued a fresh eupply of Confectioneriss of every description. TOYSS OF ALL KINDS constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS & DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cakes, every morning FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, &c. ORANGERS, LEMONS, FRESH FISH EVERY DAY will be sold at the low6t rates. The best of Albemarl Shad will be delivered at the residence of purchasers in any part of the town. Call and see the excellent assortment of goods nd ascertain prices. jr.t-.yj-.. igrxcnltttral. To Obtais Frcft froV Babbbn Trees. A correspondent of the American Agriculturint says in relation to obtaining frait from barren trees : "I wish lo describe to yon a method of making fruit trees bear which I blundered upon. Some tifteeu years ago I hud a small apple tree that leaned considerably, to I drove a stake by it, and tied a string to a limb and fastened it to the suke. The next year that limb blossomed full, und not another blossom appeared on the tree, aud I came to the couciusion that the string was su titfht that it prevented the sap returning to the roots : eoiieiiuentiy it formed fiuit bud?. H.iviug a couple of j.ear trees which were large enough to bear, but which bad never blossomed, I l-Mik a course twi.ie nuj wound it eve:al times aroun.t the tree above the lower limbs, and tied ii as tight n I coulJ. The next spring all the lop ubovu the eord b!c-sstiued as white as a sheet, aud there was nol one blossom below where the cord was lied. A neighbor, seeing my tree load ed wilh peurs, u.-ed Ibis method with the same result, I have since tried the experiment oa beveral tree, uiutoft wilh the same reault. 1 think il a much better way than cutting off the roots. Iu early summer, say in June or July, wind a stroug twiue sevciul times around the tree, or a single limb, and tie it, the tighter the better, ami yon will be pleased w'th the result ; the next winter or spring the cord may be taken off." What is more unsightly than a ragged ever gieeu tree ; und yet how many of them we see ou every side. Sometimes there are a dozen in a single small plot of ground not one of tbera ought to stand longer than the swinging of the axe, the grubbing-hoe, or even a "little hatchet" can produce their downfall. No evergreen will do well without it is properly alicu.k-d to fvr several years after setting out. As far as its branches extend the soil should be frequently stirred and kept clear of weeds. Another im portant thing U, .that ia purchasing aa ever green be sure that it is branched perfectly from tht ground, and. has only oue main stem. For front yards, and all small plots of ground, the best tree to select is the hemlock eprncc, aud the next the American aborvltx. They can be kept within any reasonable bounds by clipping, and occupy very little room, while they are very beautiful. Exercise of Animals. An experienced farm er says that in all schemes for feeding animals in yards and stables, instead of allowing them to get their own food iu woods or pastures, there is oue thing lost sight of, namely, the necessity of physical exercise in order lo have tho best of health. We know how it Is with men and wo men wbo do not exercise enough, and it ia trne cf animals. They need something to do as well as food. Worms in Horses. A correspondent of the Mas. Ploughman says : I once had a valuable animal in snch bad case from worms that 1 kept him out of sight from shamtt. A friend, how ever, suggested that I feed him ten bushels of buckwheat, and watch the result. This I did ia lieu oi any other provender, and before long be began to improve, and by the time the ten bash els were consumed he would hardly be recognized as the same horse, so fat and sleek had be be come and had no worms afterwards. Limb is Crops. There Is said to be carried off from the nine pounds of lime in twenty-five bushels of oats, and fifteen pounds in thirty eight bushels of barley. Thete are thirty-five pounds of lime in two tons of rye grass, one hundred and twenty-six pounds in two tons of clover, aud oue hundred and forty pounds in twenty. five tons of turnips, and two hundred and seventy pounds hi nine tone of potatoes. Some soils contain abundance of lime for a thousand years, while others require an occa sional application of lime as a fertilizer. Plast Trees in Wasts Places ox the Farm. It is a feature of the spring's work which should not be neglected. There are on most farms spots which cannot be cultivated proper ly and that would be more sightly if covered with foliage. Plant trees thereon, selecting such as wilt grow there from among species that pro duce valuable timber. Mammoth Steers. Jacob Rapper, of West Earl township, Lancaster county, ia in posses sion of two four yearling mammoth steers, each of which is supposed to weigh over 4,000 pounds, ne intends to feed them until the spring of 1S76, when they will be taken to the Centennial Exhi bition at Philadelphia. These steers are the largest and probably the heaviest in the United States. The Ohio Fatmer says: "A mn who has lived all his life on a farm stands but little chance to compete successfully with the mea who have been educated and trained for specula tive pursuits. If yon have a good farm keep it, improve it, adorn it, be proud of it, and when you are done with it, hand it down to your child ren ; the best inheritance, with a good name and education, that yoa could leave them. Testing ?eeds. Oue of the little things which a farmer may neglect to his cost, is that of testing field and garden seeds before planting them. Most important in this matter is the corn crop. An experienced corn grower can general ly give a pretty safe opinion as to whether corn will be good for seed. There are some special marks which help to determine this question ot vitality, but when it is so easy to determine the the question definitely by p!an'.iag a few kernels, It is not wise to ran even a slight danger of be ing mistaken. In a less important: degree, the same is true of garden seeds. We strongly advise taking a few seeds of each kind to be planted, counting them, and planting in a box of good earth, kept in a warm room and watered as needed. In a few days the plants will appear, and if all or nearly all the seeds bave germinated vigorously, the quality of the seed may be sonMdered positively settled. The work should be done promptly, so as to get an other assortment if that ou hand prove defective. Wettern Rural. Cobn-Ci lture in Gakdess. In field-culture corn is planted iu hills. Some have tried grow ing it in liue or drill, and have obtained more corn. There is not the same chance for three or four plants feeding together In one hill, that there is for a sing's plant alone and with nothiug nearer to it tban a foot or so. Three plants a foot apart will give more corn tban three plauts in one hill three feet from another hill. This is not only reasonable but it bos been verified by actual facts. But the increased crop does not pay. The horse-hoe eannot work but one way when the corn is in drills, and then the horse has to idle in the stable, while the driver lakes-the slow band-hoe to clean out the weeds in the row. But the field-practice, proper enough in the field , has been carried to the garden, and sweet corn lor kitchen use is treated Just as if it were a field-crop. Iu gardeus where hand-labor is ex clusively used, there is no reason whatever for growing corn in hills. One .can have better sweet corn by sowing in rows tban in hills, while the labor is in no wise any more. Gtr n.antown Telegraph. Carb of Horses- is Spring. A subscriber, Lickiug county, Ohio, writes : I was always taught to keep horses up, in the spring, on dry feed, until the spaing work was done, for fear they would not eat their feed if turned out, and would therefore fall off in flesh. But for the last four years, when we began work In the spring, I bave given my horses a run of an hour or more every day, even when the grass was well started, and have found that they feel belter, and keep in better flesh, than under the old rale. The grass keeps the bowels open, and the rolling 1 is the natural method of currying. I keep two horses only combined weight 2,150 pounds yet they do all the work on a farm of 180 acres. Ohio Farmer. Best Food for Mares During Gestation. In answer to a correspondent, Wilkes' Spirit gays : We consider good oats and good hay the safest and best food for mares daring gestation No bran masbes corn meal, carrots, or otl vegetables should be allowed, as they are apt disturb the bowels, and induce colic. Oat st: is highly objectionable, owing to its tendenc accumalale in the Dowels ana produce lot ' tion. There Is no better met man good har0(J oats giving in sufficient quantities to keCP t horse in a vigorous condition, and give hinnfefi. cient regular exercises, to prevent his becoming too fat.