A Danbury Speller. A very eccen tric individual was passing through White street at a late hour ou Wednesday night. It was just as well it was a late hour, and very few people abroad, as this person needed the greater part of the side-walk. When Erst observed, he was bracing him self backward and holding his hat far down on the back of his head with bolii of his hands, as if iu the van of a most terrible gale. Then he spoke. 'Double yuh double yuh-i-n double yuh-i-n d. d double yuh i n-d, riml. Whoop !' Upon which lie suddenly assumed a per pendicular, kicked up first one leg and theu the other, in rapid succession, snatched oil his hat, uud whooped again. After this exuberance, be spread out his legs, also his arms, and waved his body as if he was maiutaiuing a most difficult foot hold on a most treacherous basis, aud again spike : 'Sidetmlk ! S-s-s, slush ! wazer (Join? S-h-i-d, Shlde, w-a-a a-k, wauk, Shidewnuk. Whoop ! herzaah for de ederashin !' Aud again he kicked up bis lej, aud swung his hat, aud shouted aloud, while several citizens approaching, discreetly stepped iuto the middle of the 6treet. Suddenly he paused, dropped every fea ture of exultation, and he looked gravely about uutil his eyes rested on a neighboring 6ign board. 'Dry Gooz, whoop !' and up went his feet again. 'Steady, January 1 Stead -ee,' he articulated, settling down agaiu to the struggle with the new word, and bracing back and holding on to his hat, in stub born resistance to the imaginery tornado. 'Dry Gooz! D-r-i hie drize goo hol on not so fas', my frien'. You mus' commenzer 'gin. D r-i, drize g double hie double oog, gooz, bieginks, whoop ! Wake up, Webster 1' And with a succession of yells, he danced on again, snapping his fingers, flinging his cap upon Moffat's portico, and laughing most immoderately. At this junction, the eccentric student reached the front of the lockup, in whose shadow stood the alert officer Raymond, ready, with open door to receive the prey. He had fluttered down from a laugh, aud was in the midst of a prolonged ytl! of triumph, wheu the officer pounced upon him, and started him unceremoniously to ward the door. 'Thash right, hie ' he cried, shove me head o'tber clash hie. Don't mish a word. Whoop ! Wake up, Web.' And the door of the lockup closed upon him. Danbury Xetrs. Aching for a How. As a policemau was leaning against the walls of the De troit and Milwaukee depot, Detroit, he was approached by a man about thirty years of age, whose red face was a good match for his hair. He was a little 'sprung' and he felt like a steer turned into a clover field. 'Mister,' said he, speaking very confi dentially to the officer, l don't want to get locked up, aud have my name in the pa pers, aud be fined, but I am in from Lonia, ou a little blow out, and I'd give a clean ten dollar note to have a little scrimmage with somebody. 'You mean you want to fight ?' asked the oflicer. . m i i . t . T T . i t i.oai's wuai i mean, i w just acuiug for a row. I want to stand before about three good fellows and have some one to give me the word go in.' The officer asked him if he was heavy on the fight, and he answered : 'Heavy ? I should say I was ! Why, I am, terrible. They call me the Russian licar at home, and the hull town stand up tir sit down just as I say 1' The officer said it was his duty to dis courage disorderly conduct ; but in a case like that, where a man had come one hun dred and twenty miles to get up a row, he felt it his dutr to extend indirect aid. He told the Russian Dear to go to the corner of lieaubren street, cuter some saloon, talk in a very loud voice and he'd soon have his hands full. 'That's me; much obliged !' exclaimed the man, and he walked off. In about ten minutes a boy came run ning down and said that a man with a chewed ear. two black eyes, and a broken nose, was 'up tilers' in the ditch. I The oflicer went back with the boy aud s soon came upou tlie Russian Rear, who j wan l)ing in the gutter, one leg doubled hack, b' d nil over liini, and his c'ul riji ja.'d iu every scam. . . 'fhal'K you, "ih it!' kcd the oflicer as he pulled the tuau's arm. 'Well, lid you And the r.e ?' 'l'oliceman,' replied the man as he re gained bin feet aud looked at himself aud felt of bis ear, 'policemau, don't it seem to you as if I did V A party f grammarians were arguing the question, 'Is it right to say six aud seven is eleven, or six and seven are eleven?1 Some were certain 'is' was right, while others insisted that 'are' was right. 'Do you ineau to say, sir,' said one grammari an, very much excited, 'that six and seven ate eleven ?' 'It, are,' replied another, equally excited. Much confusion ensued, jind a collision was feared between them. In fact, after conjugating each other sharp ly, and working themselves up to the su perlative degree of wrathful mood, they did make a few passes at each other's heads. In the present tense of affairs, it was agreed to leave the question to a German friend, Chris. Genie, who stood by. Said one of them, 'Chris., which is right, to say six and seven is eleven, or six aud seven are eleven?' 'Vich is recht ?' 'Yes.' 'Sex aud seven ish eleven, or sex and seven are eleven ?' 'Yes, yes ; that's it. 'Vy, you old fools, sex and seven bese dirteen !' Somejody wrote to the editor of a paper to inquire how he would break and ox. The editor replied as follows : 'If only ono ox, a good way would be to hoist him, by means of a long chain attached to his tail, to the top of a pole forty feet from the ground, Theu hoist l.iui by a rope tied to his hums to another pole. Then deceud on to his back a five-ton pile-driver ; and if that fails to break him, let him start a country newspaper and trust people for subscriptions. One of the two will do it.' Ay Irishman went into a gin-mill iu Louisville, took a drink, came out He stood a few minutes, when 'things com menced working.' He grabbed his stom ach, twisted his face out of shape, rushed back into the gin-mill and shouted to the bar-tender : 'Say, I axed you for whiskey, an' ye gave me the wrong bottle ; hand me a barrel of water, until I pour it down an' drown the torchlight procession that's goin' through me this blissid minit. Och ! mnrtber, I'm on fire !' and tLey 'put him out.' There are people in Chicago who are pleasantly referred to as 'cighteen-carat frauds.' They are men who profess Chris tianity and charge ten per cent commis sion for passing round the plate in church. The Rexingtox Sewing Machine ha sprung rapidly Into favor as jxn'sessiiiir the DCbt COMBINATION Ol U l.t?j5S qualitir namely : Light run ning, tmooth, noifccle.8, rapid, durable, with i-erfeet Lock Stitch. It is a Shuttle Machine, with Automatic Drop Feed. De sign beautiful and contrac tion the very bet. E- (JOOJ) AGENTS WANTED. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. AfldrcKM REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE CO., ILION, N. Y. KR AXC II OFFIC ES OF ItKMIXGTU.V COMPANIES. 2S1 ,fc 2S3 Broadway New York, Anns. Madison 8i.. New York Sewing Machines. ILION, N. Y. i E. lleiuiiigton & Sons, Rciuingtou Sewing. M Co., Remington Ag'l Co., February art, !!7."i. 3 mot.. wm. whit: Invito an examination of DRESS C.OOIKS, best assortment which they are welling at prices lower than ever. BLCK ALPACAS. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, our Alpacas range in prices from 25cts. to $1.00. All Best Italics of Prints. lO Gents. BEST BRANDS OF MUSLINS, 1 yard wide, 10 and 12J cents. The Largest, liest Assor ZLiUNTE in the county. WM. WHITMER & CO. Suubury, Oct. 9, 1874. lm. 2tto Sbbtrfismtnts. KIDNEY COMPLAINT. Probably there is no complaint that afflicts the human system, which if- so little understood at the present time, as some of the varied forms of Kidney Complaints. There is no disease which causes such acute pain or more alarming in its results than when the kidneys fail to secrete from the bluod the uric acid, and other posionous substances, which the blood accumulates in its circulation through the system. If from any cause the kidneys fail to perform the functions devolring upon them, the cumula tions are takcu np by the absorbents aud the whole system thrown into a state of disease, causiug great pain and suffering, and very often immediate death. Hence the importance of keeping the kidneys aud blood in a healthy con dition, through which all the impurities of the body most pass. PAIN IX THE BACK. There is no remedy known to medical science which has proved itself more Taluable in cases of Kidney Complaints than the Veoetine. It acts directly upon the secretions, cleaness and purities the blood, ana restores the whole system to healthy action. The following extraordinary cure of great suf ferers, wno bad been civeu up by the best phy sicians as hopeless cases, will rpcak for them selves, and should challenge the most profound attention of the medical faculty, as well as of those who are suffering from Kidney Cniplaint. THE BEST MEDECINE. Eest MAitsnriF.Lti, Aug. 23, 1S70. Mn. Stevens : Dear bir-I am seventy-one years of age ; have suffered many years with Kidney Complaint, weakness in my back and stomach. I was induced by friends to try your V routine, and I think it the best medicine for weakness of the Kidneys I ever used. I have tried many re medies for this complaint, and iK'ver found so much relief as fr m the Y emetine. It strwitt li ens and invigorates the whole s-teiii. Many of tny ncuaiMlan'cs li.ivn taken it, and I heih've it to he uuoii lor ail the p.mipiaiuts for which it is recommended. Yours truly, JOSIAH II. SI1ERM AN. I'HOXO UX( El) lXCUItADLE. lio-To, M iv 30. 171. II. R. St:vens, Em. : Pear tn 1 have Veil ludly atuieJ. iI with Kidney Complaint for ten year ; have suffered treat ; inn in my back, hips and fide, irh area! d llle'iliy iu posing urine, whieli a ol'leti, ami in very small q'l.iiit i: i. .-, frequently aec iiu anied iih blood and ecm tialini' ptiiu. I have faithfully tried moM of Hie popular re iiitilie recommended lor my complaint ; i have been tinder the treat iiieut of some of the most fkillftil physicians in Boston, alt of whom pro litmced my case incurable. This was my condi dition when I was advised by a friend to try the VeoETINE, and I could see the good e licet i from the first dose I took, and from that moment I kept un improving until I was entirely cured, taking Iu all. should think, about six bottles. It is indeed a valuable medicine and if 1 should be afllictcd agaiu iu the same way, I would give a dollar a dose, if I couid not get it without. Kespectfully, J. M. GILE. 4G1 Third Street, South Boston. NEARLY BLIXD. II. R. Stevens : Dear Sir Iu expressing my thanks to you for benefits derived from the use of Veoetine, and to benefit others, I will state : When eight or nine years old I was alllicted with Scrofula, which made its appearance, In my eyes, face aud head, and I w;s very near blind for two years. All kind of operations were per formed on my eyes, and all to uo good result. Finally the disease principally settled in my body, limbs and feet, aud at limes in au aggra vated way. Last Summer I was, from some cauee, weak la tny spine and kidneys,' and it was at times very hard to retain the urine. Seeing your ad vertisement in the Commercial, I bought a bat tle of VEGETINE, and commenced using ac cording to directions. In two or three days I ob tained great relief. . fter usiug four or Ave bot tle I noticed it had a wonderful effect on the rough, scaly blotches on my body aud legs. I still used Veoetine and the humorous sores one alter uuo'Jier disappeared until tlief" were all gone, and 1 attribute tku cura of the two diseases to Veoetixe as the onlv reliable remedy. Once more accept my thanks, aud believe me to be, Very rcseetfullv, AUSTIN PARROTT, No. 35 Gffno St., Cincinnati, Ohio Dec. 1, 1872. Disease of the Kidneys, Bladder, etc., are always unpleasant, and nt times they become the most distressiu and dangerous diseases that can affect the human system. Most diseases of the Kidneys arise from impurities in the blood, causing humors which settle on these parts. Veoetine excels any known remedy in the whole world fer cleansing and pnrifiintr the blood, thereby causing a healthy action to all the organs of the body. Vegetine ie gold by all Druggist. April -0, ltn. Johw n. Bell. Johk M. Bchonouu. NEL.L. A KCIIOXOl'R. Second Street, Womelsuokf, Pa. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LKJUOItS WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, Fare Old Rye WliiHkey, Apple Cortiiali, &c. All Liquors sold gaurrauteed as represented. Orders promptly attended to and public pa tronage respectfully solicited. SELL & BCHONOUB. 2d St., Womelsdorr, Berks Co., Pa. Feb. 27, 1874. ly, "IPS? Remington Xo. 1 Machine for family use, In the third year of Us existence, has met with a more rapid Increase of ratio of sales than any ma chine iu tht market. Remington No. 2 Machine for manufacturing ami family iis. (ready for delivery only since June, 1874,) for range, perfection, and variety of work, la without a rival in family or workship. Chicago, 2;;7 State St., S. Machine and Arms. Boston, 2y-i Washington St., Sewing Machines. Cincinnati. 181 Wen 4th St., Sewing Machiues. Vtica, Cenesce St. Sewing Machines. Atlanta, Ga., Det.ivu Oihiih Motive, .Marietta. St., Sewing Machines. Washington,!). C.,5'21 Scveulh St.,S. Machines. their immense new stock of OF ATYlVT?V ""y nde by HliiiH Teas at Impobt iilUii Li 1 ers' I'bices, or Reding up clubs in towns uud country for I be olda-st Tea Vm)ai!T in Ame rica. he.iteiit in dueA-tneiits. Send for circular. CAN TON TEA t'O., UH Vhnm here street, S. Y. Hay 14, 7S.-4w. S'lrrvT'V7 For Agents in uur ten New Novel- JLvi. Ij L tie; just out; needed iu every boue: -initle and circulars free WHITf. fc l.'O., Newark, N. J. by mail. H. h. April 3(l,-w. $10 TO 8500, invested In Wall Street often 14U to torture. A 72 liaee ImjoIc ex) luiiimg everything, aud cov ot the Wall Nlreet lie view Kent Frt!C. JOHN' HICKI.ING k CO., Bankers aud brokers, Ti iiruadw.iy. New York. Ajiril 3(1, 4w. 50l AGENTS WANTED for GENUINE EDITION Life Hiid Labors of I V I - ; N T O X K , BY Bi:V. J. E. CHAMBLISS, who from his jteisiaial writings (including the ''Ijist JotisXAU,") unfolds vividly his Grand Acuievcineiits, also the curiusitie Wonders and Wealth of that marvel ous country. Fruits Minemln, Keiitilcs, leasis, Navages, tc mi." iKigen, 1 INI rare Ill's. Only $ a.OH. Hull In In terest, Eow in Price. Out-eeHs eveivthing. 30011 first 3 weeks. Address, Ht'KHAKIJ WtOS., l'lihlinhers 71 Sausotn screet, Philudelilhin. April 30, w. Free ! Free ! Free ! :-o-: X II E P I o x i: E It . A httudnoiae illustrated newspaper wiitaiiiingfijlnrm tiou ior every Isjdy. Tells how and where to secure a home ci:ep. Sent free to i-.ll par's ot the world. It couikins the new ilomextend and Timber Laws, with other interesting mutter !:uiid only iu this pajxr. Send for it at once ! Ii will oijlycost y,u a I'ostn) Card. New number for April jus' out. Address, O. F. DAVIS, Ijtud (.'aniuiissiuner V. I'. K. It. April wt, Iw. Ojiaha, Neb. M Iir.ICIlVEKIT HAS BF.KN TUIKO -t . v it1'.: oi Hit Ij'.t.! ;.J-.l .'.iWt'U. I: i : T j I1'';-, mi:. l. F;:um!:i-i i tl.t HTretivc ii - a i:.e- :. j v -ntiu ii u i-n-- i. iii.j n i: antj i-iii t'hf' f:!ir vi-'jii. I . t'. l '!!! lTt 's u VEGKTAHLK TONIC i H li.C'il .;Sei.fi t'li'r- j. tl, .:.(' UH: p in; ill fl lii' Ii Jf'.jle j tor l.H tl y !!; itct or ihhc- ! ti .! y ti ui.d fivHS :rti.i' h f i nil tht i !'tn in. i: it :. r litn .t'i..i'Mit s tin I.'f uiitl r -i j'iftiy jiirr-,iii( u- y. lno n loii.:r a vav A: rjib., IV.. W 'JuK'v.l.' A ??-. A; iii ;iu, 4w. t- JJ?i M''n "r wineii. ' VirjLcStk l'rool larnishel.Btii-ine triS "t sud lionoralile v II !i i '-i a week. s-h (.leas !i mi rislL. fi in im rireeh.rom! 'It!us)!e rr-,-'Hlpieriree. . - uu " 'iln-si on postal card. Doutao- lav brt write Ktonco to F.'M. ltKED.Hi u fT-nnv vokk. April a,-w. ffrV TIN WlftE RINCS. b .ill ..iu ... ni U.t- ft CO. Hardware UealBn aell thmn. -Kineer. l: Tin King (100), ujrytw-'lonOT, sl.i!S: by mul,pon. ?VC self I" oicaTi'H.iu paid, tiroulaia tree. Al ril 30, T5.-1W. tSHOT-CrHS. IFI.fS.PITOlJ?j REVOLVERS, flfan and everv kind, bend stamn lT Cilif.-tti. AiMicm Gr.at VVmUira 6a j mm fi.l.- Vuri., I'l.'ISBtaCU, PA. April 30, 1875. 4w. FOI!TlNE IN IT. Eevety family huys it. Sold by g-i.tr. Addres', O. K. WAI.K ER Erie, Ia. April 30, '".".-4w. sn Daily !o ARenta. H5 new ariicles and the host 'J Family l'a"r iu America.with two (.'.ou Cliromos, free. AM.-.l'J'ft t'O., IfM Broadway, N. Y. April 311, T.. w. T)SY('HOMAN;V, orSOfL CHAUMINQ." How J either sex may fascinate and Kalu the love aud afTetttions of any irsim ihey choose instantly. This simple menial acrpiiredineiit all can Kw-ss,free,t.y mail, for together with a innrriafie Kuide, Egyptian Ora cle, Dreams, Uinta to Ijidies, WeddiiiK-Nixht Hhirts, ftc A queer Wk. Addi-es T. WILLIAM fc Co. l'ub.Phila. April lfi, 4w. 1,MM A" E'TH Teachers, Students, men and women, Jllieil to Sell 'I'-Sl KNNIAI. OA7.KTTKKB OK THE IT. B. Shows irrai.d resulls of HKi years pmirrass. A whole I jhrsrv. 'lt..ston :ols?." Not a luxury, hut a ueeessi'V. luter-oeeau." liest Helling Hook l'nliiish ed O.ioil IV.v. C'VVaiit (leu. At. ill every city of 10, 00(1. Addrt s's. J. '. Mcfl'El.Y ii CO., I'hiluiielphia, Pa. April It! 4w. HICHEST STANDARD LETTERS OF INQgiFf PROMPTOf ANSWERED nnosnir Chestnut ST: PHILADELPHIA k Cast Jiiiil GO I T It E, O It THICK X E Ctt IKisitively cured. Contains no Iodine or Mer- 1 curv and can tie used with s.ifety at all times. M Will rot stain or irritate the nkin. Mend for II lckaK. Price .V) ci'nts. LR'KES k CO.. I ixii i 11.1.E, Ohio. Ajiril Di, 4w. X mm All! Ka rr II1VI iM For COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, TJso W ELLS' AItOEIC T All LETS. PCT tip ONLY IN BUTE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by DrugRists. April 16, 4w. TT? A Q ItETAILEI AT " Xj.liXXIO Importorii Vricos, BY THE Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. 231 Market Mreet Ilarritihiirg. This is an orgaui;ation of capitalists to IXPOIiTAXU IIKTKIKL'TE TEAS for one small profit, saving the sonsumer all profits of iiiiddleir-ii. Ve control a larpe part or tiie Best Teas !rougirt to this country, wiiicu ai-e sold lry cnrselvw. Persoi'S 1-u;-. ivg ot ofher dealors do so to their own dis advantage, our houses in China and Japan have the very nest IVeililu-s ot selrc:iig, which give us great ad vantages, we have esraeiirtlie! stores lor distributing our teas iu all ilie principal cities of the United States. We give to our customers a ICcitutitul Oil Chroma, (t:iken from the richest gems of American and Foreign arlisni) which, if Isinght at picture stores, would cost much more than the price of the Tea. These chroiuosare a resent to our customers. All goods sold Warranted to give perfect satisfaction or the money refunded. Great Atlantic V Pacific Tea Co., 221 Vitrket street, Harrisliurg. April lfi, 4w. TC( -in of the "100 Choice Selections," is ready, it U, I U Price 3D c:s. The "Series" now con'.ains one thoiiHund of the latest aud liest things for Declunik tions, llitiuoioiis ltecitatious, Family Heading, etc. Cupitul for Oranges, Temperances Socielies, mid Ly ceums. Also, "Excelsior Dialogues," and "Model Dia logues." Circulars free. Get of your liooUseller, or send price to P. Garrett & Co., TnsCliestmit street Phila. Pa. We make the celebrated PENN LETTER BOOK for i.ying letters without press ortr. Aleuts wanted. ' April Hi, 4w. $rt (i AFor a case of Asthma, Cough, or Cold that tB)fJJ Adamson's Botanic Balsam will not flT 11 cure. Larue Bottlks 35 ceulB. John VlVf UMJ htok, IIollowav & Co., Agents, Philadel phie, April Id, 4w. A GREAT OFFER Sous 4K1 Broadway, New Y'ork, will disiose of 1IKJ Pianos & Organs of fust makers, including Waters at extremely low prices for cash, during this month, or part cash, aud balance in small monthly payments. Waters' New Scale Pianos, are the best made: The touch elastic, ami a line singing tone, powerful pure and even. Waters' Concerto Organscannot 1 excelled iu tone or lieatity ; they defy competition. The Concerto Stop Is a fine Imitation of the Human Voice. Agents Wanted. A litieral discount to Teachers, Ministers, Churches, Schools, Lodges, etc. Special inducemeuts to the trade. Illustr. Catalogues Mailed. April 1C, w4. AGENTS WAKTEDcSmtSesli iug Bible ever pnblislied. Send for our extra terms to Agents. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phila delphia, Ta. April 1G, 4w. TIT) "T? TRAMPLE to Agents. Ladies' Combination 1 JVJjIj.NEKnLE-BooK,witliClironio8. SSeml stamp. F. P. Gliick, New Bedford Mass. April 1, 4w. OENTi. Chang Chang sells nt sight. Necessary as L soap. Goods free. Chang CUaug Mf'g Co., Bostou. April Hi. 4w. CROOKED ItOOTS AXI SHOES. vos's Patent Metallic SrirrENKRs keep them I J straight, prevent running over, wearing off unevenly on the sides, or ripping in the soains ; make a boot last half longer. Sold and applies by Boot and Shoe Deal ers and Mf 'el's, everywhere. Ixeal and traveling Agents wanted to introduce. Send 25 ceuts and height ot heel for sample pair, to N. LYON, hole M'cr., State street, Albany, N. V. April 1, 4w. CHRISTIAN HARMONY. BY Wm. WALKEB, A. H. H. A splendid Music Book upon a New, Natural and easy system, by which any one may leurn to read music and to sing In one fourth the time required by the old me thods. Designed for ties. Lilieral inducements to Music Teachers. Sp.ecimcii pages mailed free. M II. LEK'.S BIBLE AND 11BLISU1N HOUSE, 1102 and 1UI4 Kansora street, Phldelpei:i, Pa. April lo, 4v. ipcto bbcrl$mntts. We are better prepared than ever to 6upply the demand for goods in onr line. We have just received a full stock of Shovels, Iron, Hoes, Steel, Rakes, Oils, Forks, Taints, Pumps, Glass, Cutlery, Varnishes, LEATHER BELTING, TOOLS, AM GOODS SUITABLE FOK Builders, Ilousekeeiwrs, Farrucrs, Llacksmiths, Shoctuakcr8, Cabinet Makers. Carpenters, Machinists, Faiuters and the People. Call and examine our goods. CON LEY, HACKETT& MATEER, Opposite Whit trier's store. March 20. 1875. tf. JUST ISSUED! And MAnro, post-paid, on eeceipt of tub MARKED IlnlCE. Pieces marked have Illustrated Title-Pages. Morning Breaks Upon the Tomb Easter Antheui, TUotiun. 50 Swinging on the Uurdcn Gate Song and Chorus, Thomas. 40 Where is J! y Loved One To-nightT Soni; and Chorus, Ihvj. 35 Sinir, Darkies, Sing ! (As sung by Carl Wagner.) Hays. 35 Angel Gabriel Comic Soug. Sttaart. 00 When Silver Locks Replace the Gold "J Song aud Chorus. (Answer to Silver Threads Among the Gold, Ltvjldon. 35 l'ou Never Miss the Lager till the Keg Kuns Dry Comic Song. 40 Gane Awa' Scotch Song. IVdiM?. SO Alone, and At Home Song aud Chorus. Hays' S5 My Wee Wife Wultinir at the Door ballad. Thoma. 40 Oh ! Miss Susie ! End Song and Cho. Hay. 35 Give Me hut a Smile Sonu and C Stewart. 35 When First X Met Thee, Nellie Dear Song and Chorns. Stevart. 30 I'm Captain of the Guards Comic S. Hay. 35 Beyond the Golden Door Song and C. White. 30 Gertie's-With the Angels Now Song and Chorns. Chritie. 30 Please God, Make Room for a Little Boy. Cor . 30 INSTRUMENTAL. La Belle Jeunesse Polacca. Wilton. 50 Awakeniugof the Birds Morccau. Maylath. 40 Sweetheart Melodie Gracieuse. Maylath. 40 Twinkling Stars Morccau de Salon. H'ifaou 50 The Highland Maiden Romance. Wihon. 50 Cnjus Animam (from Stahat Mater) Wagner 40 Dreamland Moreeau de Salon. Maylath. 40 Echoes from the Palisades Moreeau. Wagner. 40 Venetian Regatta Transcribed. Wayner. 40 Merry Foresters Forest Scene. Wagner. 50 Hocking Waves Transcribed. Maylath. 40 The Scotch Lassie Reverie. IWher. 40 Kiltie's Polka Mazurka. I'revot. 30 Fairy Land Reverie. Xorvel. 35 Sparkling Jewels Polka. Christie. 30 Think of Me Sometimes Easy Waltz. Wagner. 20 Tempcrauce March (Easy) Wagner. 20 Men are Such Deceivers Easy Polka. Wagner. 20 Mollic Darling Easy March. Wagner. 20 Peteiis' Hot sEiioi.D Melodies, Now. 1, 2 and 3. A Collection of Popular Songs, by Hays, Dauks, Stewart, etc. Each number contains Seven or Eight Songs. Price, 50 cents each : Yearly, 12 Numbers for4. Peteks' Parlor Music, Nos. 1, 2 aud 3. Each number contains several easy and moderately difficult Piauo Pieces, by Kinkel, Becht, Wag ner, Wllsou, etc. 50 cents each ; Yearly, 12 Numbers for f 4. La Creme Bit la Ckeme, Vos. 1 to 15. Each number contains 24 pages of classic and dilU cult.Piano Music, worth at least (2.50. Price of each number, 50 cents ; Yearly, 12 Numbers for 84. Published by J. L. PETERS, March 5, 1S75. 500 Broadway, N. Y. C sft SEED CAi ?S l Dr. J. Walker's California Vine gar Bitters are a purely Vegetable . preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol.4 The question is almost daily asked, " What is the cause of the unpar alleled snccess of Vinegar Bittebs f Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov ers his health. They are tho great blood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator andlnvigorator of the system. Never before in the his tory of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bittebs in healing tie sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Tisceral Organs in Bilious Diseases. The properties of De. Walker's Tineoae Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudoriiic, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. r. ii. Mcdonald & co. Druggists and General Agents, Sin Francisco, Clibr nia, and cor. Washington and Charlton Sta., New York. Sold by all Druggist and Dealers. B 04 CO O a c o f o w V5 CO 13 O o M w a H ri "3 O "CO mt Co a 5" r, - a: a- S3 B c pa a 3 re T- n c -t ti a a 5" 5 Ti si r. O 5 i p 2 a 2 3 p a U ATCIIi;S, JEAVELKY A SIEVEK WARE. John IV. Stevenson, Comer Third and Market Sts, Sunbnry, Pa. HAS completely renovated his Store Room, and opened the largest assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited in this part of ihe State. Every thing in the Jewelry line is kept in store. Silver-Ware, ItrnceletM, Itings A ( hnius, or every description aDd of the finest quality. Particular attention paid to repairing YYntclieM, C locks, Jewelry, Ac. HAIR JEWELRY made to order. Sunbury, March C, 1S74. Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. w K O H CO t w O c ca S. f o I - J r s t I S 2 - 2 2 W a o - - - a Z vj o s. t " S : 5 7 o E CO a o tL o o a Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. Maize & Schwartz, Successors to Geo. Evans & Co., 1108 Market Street, Philadelphia, MERCHANT TAILORS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS. Men nml Rovs' suits made to order in the latest Rtvlea. of the best cloths and cassimeres in mar ket, at prices suitable to the times. Military, Band & Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours being the leading house on Military work, we feel that we can olTer inducement which can not be attained anywhere else. Nov. 87, 1872. WITHOUT EXCEPTION, The Ciieapest in Town. WINTER GOODS of every description and variety such as WOOLEN (JOODS, Dress Goods, coinprising all the novelties hi fabric and shade. Full Assortment of Notions, which are being sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Also, Groceries and Provisions, pure and fresh. Queexsware, Glassware, axd Wood an Willoav Ware, . Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and comtnou, always on hand. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. R EAD Y-MA DE CL 0 TIIIXG, of all sizes and of the latest styles. FLOUR. A constant supply of western white wlieat Hour a speciality. The public are invited to call and examine our Goods iree of charge. Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small Prolits," and to please all. 1 tie Highest prices will be paid for all kinds of country produce. By strict attention to business and keeping at all times the most complete stock, and selling at thclowcBt prices, we hope to merit a fall share of patronage. REED BROTHER & SEASIIOLTZ. Sunbury, Dec. 4. 1874. MISS L. SIIISSLER, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa., Has just rccieved a large and elegant assortment of Hats and Bonnets, For Fall and Winter wear. The choicest shades of ribbons, and all kinds of Millinery goods always in store, GENTS' NECKTIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, &C. Call and see thera. AfUiOED TnEfHWESTjoOtUYPflEtfllfM Over Thirty-four Competitors Furniture Ware-Rooms ! IIOKERTS A IIOSTER MAX, (Successors to B. L. RAUDENBUSII.) Masonic Iluildiiig, su-isTBTTiersr, tj. WILL SELL CIIEAr, A2T ENDLESS VARIETY OF FUIINITTJIIF. of the latest styles and best material. CONSISTING OF Parlor and Chamber Suits; LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS. BcdBteads of all kinds, Cupboards, Sinks, and in Bhort everything usually to be found in a iirst class Furniture Store. TJ3ST3DElT-A.I2:i3SrC3-- Special attention is uiven to Undertaking in all its branches. Coffins and I? trial Caskets OF A LI. STTLF.S CONSTANTLY ON HAND. An invitation is extended to all to come nnd examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ROBERTS & HOSTERMAN. Sunbury, Feb. Ill, 1S7.. FURN3TURE ROOMS! The undersigned bcs leave to Inform the citi ?.o ns of Northumberland coifuly, that he has opened a FIRST CLASS FOBfilTOBE STORE, On Market Sired, opposite (he City Hotel, in Kuiibtirj', Whi'i i.' lie keeps on hand a larye assortment of Consisting in part of Walnitt I'aki.ok Skts, Bi:keai s. Chamiiek Skis, Bedsteads, Cain Seat Ciiaiks, Washstands, Wood Sat Ciiaiks, Lounges, Rof Kiso Chaius, Mattkesses, Dining Tables, Clfboakds, Extension Taiii.es, Book Casees, Mauhle Top Tables, Fanct Brackets, kttciiec. frknitcke, looking glasses, itC, &.C., &c. He will also mannfactnrc to order, on short no tice, auy article in his line, if not in store. He is prepared to offer superior inducements to purchaser!). UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. Call and examine his stock and prices and be convinced. JACOB HAUPT. Jan. U-', 1S75, 3 mos. H it him: sihh am iuo. FOIXDP.V. GEO. ROnRBACII & SONS, Nunbnry, l'enn'a, INFORM the public that they are prepared 10 do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machiues, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, in a satisfactory man ner. Grates to suit any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, fcc. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOIt YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su eriority, have been still further improved, and will always be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, May 20. 1874. QAituiAtiKs, kic:gii:n ac. II. K. FAGELY & CO. respectfully inform the public that they have commenced the manufacture of CARRIAGES, 15UGG1ES, &C, cgH at the new shop recently erected by J. F. Lerch Corner of Fourth ami Chestnut Sts., SUNBURY, PA., and solicit a fair share of Patronage. April 3-fim. J. F. LERCIT. Snp't. PENNSYLVANIA ISAIE ROAD. PHILADELPHIA 4 ERIE R. R. DIVISION. WINTERTIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, Nov. 15th. 1874, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Eric Rail Road Divi sion will run as follows : WESTWARD. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia, 12.55 p m " " " Ilarrisburs, 5.00 pm " " " Williamsport, 0.15 pm " " " Lock Haveu, 10.00 pa ' " arr. at Buffalo, 9.00 a in Erie Mail leaves Philadelphia, 11.55 pm " " " Harrisbnrfr, 4.25 tt m " . " ' Williamsport, . 8.35 a m . " " ! Lock Haven, 9.45 a m " " " Renovo, 11.10 am " " an at Erie, 8.05 p m Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, 8.00 a m " " " Harrisbursr, 1.25 p m " " " Williamsport, 6.20 p ra " " arr at Lock Haven, 7.30 p in Lock Haven Ac. leaves Harrisburg, 9 15am " " " VVilliumsp't, 2!05pm " " Lock Haven, S.10 p ra EASTWARD. Philadel. Express leaves Lock Haven, 6.40 a m " " " Williamsport, 7.55 a m " " arr. at Harrisburif, 12.10 a m " " ' Philadelphia. 4.15 pm Erie Mali leaves Erie, 11.20 am " " " Renovo, 8.25 pm " " " Lock Haven, 9.45 p m " " " Williamsport, 10.50 p m " " arr. at Uarrisbur, 2.30 a in " " arr at Philadelphia, 0.50 a m Fast Line leaves Emporium, 8.55 p m " " " Renovo, 10.40 pm " " " Lock Iiaveu, 11.55 p m " " " Williamsport, 1.10 am " " arr. at Har.-isburir, 4.20 am " " arr. at Philadelphia, 8.05 am Day Express leaves Lock Haven. 11.35 a m " " ' Williamsport, 12.25 a in " " arr. at Harrisburi, 4.00 pm " . " " Philadelphia, 7.30 pm Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L. S. fc M. S. R. W. and at Corry with Oil Creek and Allegheny R.R. W. Mail West with east and west trains on L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Corrv with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Erie Mail and Elmira Mail make close con nections at Williamsport with N. C. R. W. trains, north, and at Harrisburg with N. C. R. W. trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. Philadelphia A Heading Railroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. Jancaky 17th, 1S75. Teains Leave Herndos as Follows : (Scndays Excepted.) For Shamokiii, 10.10, 11.00 a. m. and 3.40 p. m. For Mt. Curmel, Ashland, Tainaqua, Pottsville, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. Trains for Herndon. Leave as Follows: (Scndays Excepted.) Leave Slutmokin at 8.00 a. m. 1.50 and 3.55 p. tu. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. mi, Reading 11.30 a. m., Pottsville, 12.10 p. m., Tamaqua, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p.m., Mt. Cartnel, 3.21 p. m. Trains Leave Hakuisburg, as Follows : For New York, 5.20, 8.10 a. ra. and 2.00 7.40 p. m. For Philadelphia, 5.20, 8.109.45 a. in., 2.00 and 3.5C, p. m. StrNPAYS. For New York, 5,20 a. m. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. m. Trains for Haricisiii rg, Leave as Follows : Leave New York, 9.00 a. m., 12.40 and 5.15, 7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. in. 3.40 and 7.00 p. m. Sundays. Leave New York, 5.15 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, 7.00 p. m. Via Morris and Essex R. R. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Sup't. Reading, Pa. Nov. 13. 1874. CENTRAL DRUG STORE q.b.cXdvllader Is the place to buy pure and fresh MEDJCLNES, DRUGS, TAINTS. OILS, GLASS, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR for medicinal purposes, and all other aril cles usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggists I am prepared to furnish in quantities to suit purchasers and at f huaueiphia prices, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Roman, Roseudale and Lehigh CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also. Garden Seeds of all kinds. Aall and get a Rural Register for 1874. GEO. B. CAD WALLA DER. Snnbnry, Feb. 0, 1874,-lv. Du. C. M. Martin. Geo. W. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House IMw, Snnbnry. ft- Dli. C. 31. MARTIN & CO, H AVE just received a fresh lot of Pure Drnjjs and Patent medicines. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth, Nail,Clotlie,Shoe and other brushes TOILET AX FANCY ARTICLES. FINE EXTRACTS, POCKET BOOKS, KNIVES, C, AC REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the s'veetest perfume in America. I'ariNiau, u Kid Glove Wash, warrauted to clean perfectly the most delicate shades without injury to the kid AlKhe leading preparations for the Hair, SEtiAKN, TIIE BEST IN MARKET, Pure Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes, Physicians Prescriptions aud family leceipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal ing to receive a share of your patronage. September 11. 1873. KEEP IT HANDY X The Reliable Family Medicine. DIARRHEA, Dysentery, Cholera, Summer Complaint, Cramps, etc., quickly cured by the use of JARDELLA'3 Compound Syrup of Blackberry Root a'od Rhu barb. Au old, well tried remedy, entirely vege table, pleasaut to take, quick aud certain in effect ; can he depended on in the most urgent cases ; may be given to the youngest infant as well as to adults. It contains NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. It is a pleasant extract and readily taken by children. It has often saved life when physi cians had despaired. Keep it in the house and use in time. All we ask for it is m trial. Dou't let your dealer put you off with something else. Buy it. Try it. Sold by Druggists aud Store Keepers throughout this State. Prepared only by HANSELL & BRO., jul9,-3iu 2U00 Market Street. Philadelphia. TOY & CONFECTIONERY STORE. Everybody is invited to come and buy of the handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame building, adjoining Moore A Disslnger's building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Jus opened a fresh supply of Confectioneri?s of every description. TOYS OF ALL KINUS constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS & DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns & Cakes, every morning FANCY CAKE8, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, &c. OR ANGERS, LEMONS, FRESH FISH EVERY DAY will be sold at the lowst rates. The best of Albemarl Shad will be delivered at the residence of purchasers in any part of the town. Call and see the excellent assortment of goods and ascertain price. griatlfctral. Beet. Little art is necessary for the cultivation of this vegetable. One grand essential for an early crop ia to dig or plow deep and manure well, and sow aa early in the spring as the soil will admit of working; draw drills an inch deep and eighteen inches apart : tow the seeds thinly, cover them lightly and rake finely ; before rak ing sow a spriukliug broadcost of early radish seed ; as they will be fit for pulling before the beets are ready for thinning, which will be In about four weeks, as soon as the beet have formed a few leaves, thin, them out to six inches' apart, allowing the strongest plants to remain. For a winter crop sow the Long Blood. Half Boug Blood, or Red Turnip Beet late in spring, - or early summer ; on the approach of frost, take op the roosts and cut the leaves off to about two inches of the crown, and store them In pits secure from frost, or in a cool, dry cellar ; cover with earth or sand. .The seed will always vege tate sooner by soaking them in water six or twelve honr before sowing. Pot Sweet, asd Medicinal Herbs. The soil for herbs should be light, rich and pulverized as finely as possible before sowing ; always plant in very shallow drills, after which rake finely, and give a gentle pressure with a board or back of the spade. They are nsed for season ing and medicinal purposes, and to preserve them properly cut the sleems an1 leaves just as the plant is coming iuto bloom, dry them ju the shade, and when periectiy dry wrap them up in paper and stow them away in a dry room, or rub the leaves to a powder, pack in bottles and corlt tightly, which will preserve them for any period. Measuring Hat Stacks. The rule by which the contents of a cone are ascertained is as fol lows : Multiplying the area of the base by one third of the perpendicular height, gives the cubic feet. Generally five hundred cubic feet of hay in a well packed stack will make a ton. A stack will make a ton. A stack thirty-nine feet in cir cumference and fourteen slant height will be thirteen in diameter and twelve and a half feet nearly in perpendicular height, and will contain about 2,200 pounds of hay- But this supposes that it is a perfect cone tapering regnlany from bottom to top, which a Stack rarely does. For irregular figures no rule can be given, bnt esti mates fonnded upon this rnle may be made to sait the case. Number 07 Eggs is a Hex. A curious point of inquiry among zoologists has been, for a long time. How many eggs are there iu the ovary of a hen ? To determine this, a German naturalist, a short time since, instituted some careful in vestigations, the result of which showed the ovary ef a hen to contain abont 400 embroy eggs, lie also found that some twenty of these are matured the first year, about 120 during the se cond year, 135 during the third, 144 during the fourth, and during the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth years the number decreases by twenty an nually, it consequently following that after the fourth, or at most the fifth year, hens are no longer profitable as layers, unless it may be ia exceptional instances. noo Cholera Remedy. An "Old Hog Raiser" writes to the Sural World as follows : "Having seen many receipes for hog cholera, I would ad vise every reader of your interesting paper to carefully preserve this, as I and several of my neighbors have enred hogs after they were past eating food, and were purgiug and vomiting severely, by giving the medicine according to the following directions. Go to the druggist and order the following prescription : Madder, resin, powdered sulphur, saltpeter, each 1 lb ; copper as, black antimony, arsenic, each lb ; powder ed asafoetida i lb. "Directions Pulverize and mix well the in gredients ; then add one-third of this quantity of salt and as much wood or coal ashes as there is of the compound. Dose One tablespoonfnl to each hog twice a day when affected. When the hog begins to meed so as to eat his food, give one tahlespoonful once a day for a week, then once a week for a month as a preventive. In giving the medicine, it is a good plan to sep arate sick hogs from the well ones and put the sick ones in a dry, close pen and let them re main from fonr to gix hours, without water; then give the medicine in clear, cold water. The bogs will usually eat the medicine in wheat, bran or ground feed of any kind." The Potato Bug. The Colorado Potato Bee tle, the genuine "bug" having appeared last year in parts ot New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and in other Eastern localities not before visited, its appearance In full force may be looked for the coming season. The first beetle will coma from chrysalis, which have been in the gronnd all winter. These will lay eggs, and the larvae from them change to beetles iu about a month ; this first brood will produce a second, and that a third, which will remain in the gronnd to furnish stock for 187G. The vitally important thing to do is to watch for the first beetles with the ap pearance of the first potato tops, and not wait until the ravages of hordes call for active mea sures. Vigilance, whether they appeared last year or not, is the one essential thing. Search, eateh ami kill, in the beginning. We will talk about poisons and other aids another time. Ag riculturist. Established orchards need to have the fer tility of the soil kept up ; give them well-rotted manure. Wood ashes may almost always be ap plied with advantage ; old, neglected orchards may be made productive if the soil is properly worked around the trees, dead and clinging limbs removed ; a dressing of lime will often work wouders. Os most places are to be fonnd trees bearing natural fruit, which is only suitable for cider ; if these are sound and healthy they may be readily to produce good marketable fruit by grafting with established varieties ; in from three to six years the grafts will commence to bear, which will be sooner than U young trees were planted. The trimming of box-edging should now be attended to if it has not ready been. It should' be trimmed to a point, and not be cut below last year's growth, but as nearly to it as possible. No one who thus trims box-edging will ever go back to the square cut-off. which almost Invari ably results in a dead centre the whole season -We introduced this mode over twenty years ago. Germantoien Telegrayh. HOUSEHOLD. Mend tocr own Tiswabe. Every house keeper may not know of what they are capable in tus line of keeping their tinware in order. For the benefit of such I will say that It is easier to solder such things than to pay a traveling tinker two prices for mending them. Take a sharp knife and scrape the tin around the hole until it is bright so that the solder will stick. Then put on a little powdered rosin (they have liqnid solder to sell, but rosin will do jnst as well) lay yonr solder on the hole and with your soldering iron melt it on. Do not have the iron too hot, or the solder will adhere to that. After two or three trials yon can do a job tht yon will be proud of. If yon do not own a soldering iron, procure oue by all means, but when hard pressed I have nsed the knob on the end of a fire shovel or a smooth piece of iron, or held a candle nnder the spot to be melted. Anything is better than stoppiug a hole with beeswax or rags. Try it, young housekeepers, aud see how independant you will feel. Your pans shonld be dry when you take them in hand. On Cooking "Greens." Every house-wife thinks she can cook "Greens." It is the sim plest of all dishes ; and yet in most cases, they are not well served, for much depends upon ibe manner in which they are boiled. The water should be soft, and a teaspoon ful of salt added to a large-sized pot of it, which shonld be boil ing hot when the greens are thrown in ; and then it shonld be kept on the boiling gallop, bnt un covered, nntil they are done, which can be told by their sinking to the bottom of the pot, and they should be skimmed out as quickly as possi ble in a colander, so that ail the water will run out. Press them with a small plate, then turn upon a platter, add a large piece of butter, and cut np fine. Serve while smoking hot. Tin (London) Garden. Another CrRE for a Felon. As soon as dis. covered, take some spirits of turpentine in a cup dip the finger in it, and then hold the hand near a hot fire till dry ; then dip it iu again, and re- rf 1 1 for fifteen minntM ... till K - . r v. ui uq i'uiu ceases, jf The next day with a sharp knife, pare off thefs skin, and you will find something like a honey- I comb filled with clear water, open the cell an J, " tho felon is gone. If the felon is too far gone tJr turpentine, oil of origanum, treated in the saxril way, will cure. If too far advanced for .5 cure the felon will be benefitted, as it will be te painiui. ;x ever draw 11.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers