Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 09, 1875, Image 3

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. R. R. West.
. Mail, 6.S0 m
- k Haven A. 12.00 n
I fclmira Mail 4.20 p m
Day m Fast Liue, 7.10 p m
tikmikix ni vision, B.C. K. w.
Express, 12.01 p ra Mal, 9.25 a m
Mail, 4.25 p m Express, 8.55 p m
Ad accommodation train leave Shaiuokin at
7.10 a m, arriviDir at Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a m
Returine, leave Mt. Carmel at 6.15 ? m, arriv-
iuk ai ouamomn p m.
Ls.ckaws.nka A Sloomsiuko R. R. Trains,
leave Northumberland a follow u.45 a. m.,
and 4.40 p.m.; arrive at 10.55 a.m., ami 5.45 p.m.
D. 11 A W. R. R Trains leave at 6.55 a. in.
aud arrive at 3.50 p. in.
Accidental Insurance Tickets can be bad
J. Sbipman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
on be fort gorge! of the 6uque
one living ba events tbat will not
been so beavihe recollection of no
1S75, and tbe U Susquehanna even
without parahe severe winter of
Tbe Noithumberlon of bridges Is
ed by some, destr.r of the country,
ville bridge. 1 be Loot, as suppos
it cut off the chords .with the Dan
fell before tbe Da nvil gorged above
it. Tbe P. A E. railroi the bridge
fairly struck by a sputdgcs struck
endwise near tbe shore, below, was
shock though tome of tbe tie bridge
tbe bridge to keep it down Vood the
track, and tbe steel rail Heed on
screw. ff tbe
While some of our neighbor cork
branches were inundated, we in
ourselves tbat we have, la this rbe
but little or no Injury, Protectee
now is with embaiikmeuu, and Ibet
of the river, it is safer aud belter sec
a i j i
'"" ua ice gorges than tbe toy
Council Proceedings.
Scxbukt, Marcb 24, 1875.
Council met at 7 P. M. Members present
Chief Borons Bourne, John Bowen, J. A. Boyd,
Wm. Miller, Dr. Moody, C. Oaringer, A. Hoover,
W. T. Qrant and J. Kcrshner.
Reading of minute of last meeting was dis
penacd with.
Tbe Cbief Burgess stated tbst the object of
the meeting of Council was to take action in re
gard to the road at the dura.
V. Gariuger proposes to allow tbe back part
of his lot to be used to drive Usrough so long as
tbe road is biockaded with ice, on coudition tbat
the borough makes good any damage be may
sustaiu during tbe use of said lot.
Mr. Garinger's proposition was accepted.
On motion of Mr. Boyd, it was
Resolved, That the Good Iuteut Fire Com'
pany's tax be exonerated. Adopted.
Order grunted to Win. Christian for 50 cents
for opening aage in snow. Order granted
to John Reed for one dollar.
On motion, adjourned.
W. T. Giiast, Cleik pro lein.
Hammer Arrang-ernea! for f he Font
OfUre at fcaabari , I'm.
vjjlci Uptn rows O.50 . m., to 8 p. m., tictpt
on Sumlayt.
Arrives as follows :
F rom tbe East at 5.15 a. ra., 4.10 p. in.,
South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m.
" Wert, 5.15 a. ra., 11.15 a. m., 1.35 p. m.
and 4.10 p. in.,
",1.5ua. m..U.15a. m.,4.10 p.m.
Sbamokin and Mt. Carmel, tt.25 a. ra.
Stiatnokin proper, 4.00 p. m.
Mails clone as follows :
For the East, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. in.
6.00 p. m.
" South, 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. in., 8 p. m.
West. 10.50 a. m., 3.50 p. m., 8.00 p. m.
" North, 8.50 p. m.. 8 i. m..
Shamnkin proper 11.15 a. nr.
Sbamokin and offices on tbat route; 4.S0
p. in.
Money orders will cot be issued aftef 6 p. m.,
on Saturday.
J. J. 8MITIT. P. M.
T .1 w
l i cum. i ue scene i in u .i.i
uiii.Wbi..U.n. i ...... Garinger, Manxes,
U'r.r. .., . T . , Council Pkoceedings. Council met at 7
vt b are Indebted to Geo. Sltusou A . , . m i r u
Portland. Maine, for a copy of a most be"" " Tuesday evet .n, last, Chief Bur-
eel graving entit.ed "The Little Ur John Bourne, Esq in tbe chair
' .n.l,..p. ..r-Mii . t ft'."... Ill h UoVfl. Mll.r.
Packer. Kershner.
little uiii ....j . n .
tender age, asleep. During tbe warm eumiu. . . a .
ii , .. . s r ast retfu ar and special meetings
night she has partly relieved Lersclf ol the be j
t!7TT T""" liUle -d order. granted-Seba.tiun
i , i i' , 't'"r:,',e.T,nLr- She U!Overseer,.tEastWard,tb0.00; Wm.
. fuu - .ue tit.c, and is
ccuj urcainiug oi her mother, about whom
she has beeu told so much. She
focal Iffairs.
Clover Seed wanted by G. B. Cadwallader,
Central Drug Store, Sunbury, Pa.
Book Bindekv is Sckbikt. Mr. John Col
lins has removed his Book Bindery to Sunbury,
opposite tbe Clement House, on Third Street.
Persons having books to bind, in any style, will
find bis establishment equal to any other to gt
cheap bindiug done. We will publish advertise
ment, together with list of prices, next week.
A Wilcox A Giebs Sewinir Machine, entirely
new, and of the best make, can be had
applying at this office.
An obituary notice in another column willei.
Plain the reason why tbe American is issued this
'week after the usual time.
Thet are baring the ortbngrapbimania every -
whpr lw i; i i ,, . .
- , . uuu., uc a .pen oi uot come to hcJ. dejlth
One of the best localities for business, or a
pHvste residence in Sunbury, is offered for sale
cheap. A pp!y at this office.
An "Algcrtne" party, at Georgetown, were
capsized in the river opposite Georgetown, on
Saturday, while catcbliiK portion of a bridge.
Tntu is no money in the Northumberland
county trraspry PitUburg (ommtrcM.
le! Tbe county finances are nader Demo-c-stie
rule aain.
We are glad to learn tbat F. W. Pollock, Esq.,
Presrdent of the North 'd National Bank, is
asain able to resume bis duties. He waa in
jured last January.
The Hope Hose Co., of Watsontown, intend
holding gift concert on July 3d. Tbe tickets
are sold at 50 cts.. and tbe prires will vary from
50 cts. to f 100.00
bas beeu to d
tbat her mother dwells iu the sptiit land, that
she I a beautiful angel, and she ba wondered
- u, .ue can never come to see ber. She bas
thought so muc h of rbe matter tbat one niirht
jo areams that her mother visits her the beau.
tiful being of light that she believes her to be
aud it is this dream tbat tbe artist ba portrayed
with such power and etfect. The angel mother
is shown by tbe bedtide as tbe child sees her in
the dream. The outlines of her face und form
ate distinctly seen, although tbe figure is shad
w-j uu eineriai. ine mother is surrounded
with a halo of soft, mysterious, heavenly light,
ana ene is shown gazing upon her child with all
tbe inexpressible love tbat ever comes from a
mother's heart. Iu ber extended hanrf ih l,nM
white lily an emblem of purity.
Tub Death or Mas. Lawles. Last week wc
gave an account of tbe death of Mrs. Elizabeth
Lawles, on Scotch Hill, cur articles having been
based on information given to our informant by
Patrick Lawless, the husband of tbe deceased
woman. On Friday Justice Caldwell summoned
a jury oriuquest, composed of John W. Taylor,
K. T. John, Harry Neihoff, John Hinev. John
Newman and Cornelius Raker, and these gentle
men proceeded to Lear testimony. A number of
witnesses were eiamined, among them Dr. Wea
ver, tbe physician who examined the womau af
ter her death, and from tbe testimony brought
igut ii was manifest that Mrs. Lawk bad
j . m uu ueuiu in me manner stated in
our last Usue. Witnesses testified tbat there
was a scuffle between the husband and wife, and
mat a neavy fall was afterward heard. One la
j .
j uau w;d me nusoand with a good deal of
mood on bis sleeves immediately after tbe occur
rence of tbe fall ; aud other testimony, iucludlng
the physician's examination, warranted the Jury
in rendering a Verdict tbat compelled ibe Justice
to make out a commitment for Patrick i-uwles,
and us was accordingly taken Into custody on
Saturday, aud removed to Sunbury. Mrs. Law
les had an ugly cut on the back of ber bead, and
was considerably bruised on one side of her
face. Among tbe evidence brought bafore the j
jury was the story of tbe daughter of Patrick
l-awies, a little girl who was too jtouujc to be
The funeral of Mr. Lawle took place on Sa-
yverteer West Ward, $30.00 ; John
M; Samuel G. Savidge, f 2.00 ; Josiah
ijjjj Beuj. 6.iivTWod, $1.50; Simon
.. C. fi... f I.... t lU !Wt
j.juLyoii, for last yenr wicket ten
Steam10"1011 Mlt"lz i P'uk
Fire Ci,MKl ,ate, '5c' w ""'"fc1011
Hook aurcb ,35'U0 ' 8unbury 8lcum
tian.clearch ,00 OU ' Go0d IottDl
Oumolircl,'20-0l): Jno- Chri
or George f e ,5c . M
security satii" Cudwalirtder lbe
Burgesses. Ared lo h!m 0lHm 6lTl?
On motion CF .nl Assistant
be appointed wic. .
above town at a .
On motion of wineemoanituie
Resolved, Tbat tl-.0' ,,er ye"r-
8unbury Steam Fire . " . .
injf their apparatus ot, . , .
, Jo. 1, from tak-
bury, except in case of
... . 'IUUKU V. OUII
rescinded, aud that . .
crantcd all the privileges b r '
companies uow organlrtd i .
bury. Adopted. ' J "
On motion of W. I. Green
Resolved, That upon the ei
rough of Sunbury by tbe Wash . .
- tbe do-
pany of a mortgaite upon their . Com.
wU luuusanu aouars appropriate ,.
the borough (said company to hav .
of paying at any time, without int.
fore the no'e of W. II. Miller, dated
1874, for two thousand dollar be deli,
him. Adopted. '
On motion, Council adjourned.
Geo. D. BrcRER, t
W. A. Helleb keep everything in tbe clothing
line to complete a full dress except boots aud
shoes. Coats, ants, vests, shirts, collars, neck
ties, bate and caps, gloves, and every line of
geutlemen's wear, which be tells at the most
reasonable prices.
List of Letters remaining iu the Post Office In
Sunbury, April 6, 1675:
Mrs. T. 8. Andrews, Mrs. Achcnbacli, Peter
Berting, Mrs. Mary Brown, Mis Emma Bow
man, Mrs. Jennie Campbell, Henry Cramer,
Howard Clark, Mrs. Emma Gush. Geo. Duukle,
John Hopsou, W. W. Kertes, Peter Kreatrer,
Miss Emma M unlock, J. B. Smith, David R.
Snipe, rlenry Smith, John Wendt.
Persons calling for letters will please say they
ere advertised.
J. J. SMITn, P. M.
Saturate a Piece op Bhead ok Meat with
gastric juice, and it will dissolve. This is diges
tion. Add to su.-h a mixture a little alcohol,
and it will not dissolve. This is iudiirestion.
Beware, then, of tinctures, oi tonics, oi decoc
tions containing eplritous liquors. Shun all ruin
"tonics," and rely 6olely on Dr. Walker's Vine
Kar Bitters, tbe finest digestive invigorunt
known, and free from the fiery curse of Alcohol.
Mar. 12, 75.-4w.
Justness locals.
3? 5
a 11a II n linina I urm frM ArldriMiB
Tt V 11 II ""--. '
(JJ "lff&l j. Stinsos ft vo., Foniaua, 3iam.
Juu. Xi, 18.5. ly.
When u to Philadelphia stop at
till- ALLEGHENY House. Nu. K12 and 814.
Market St. Ite titted, re-furnished, &..
by A. Heck, Proprietor, and price only S2
Ier day.
Gkeat REprcTior is PitiCES. Having rj
ccived a cew supply of rubbers, we will dispose
of them at the following reduced prices :
Men's Rubbers $1-00
Women's Rubbers 75
Misses' Rubbers 50
Children's Rubbers 40
Also, Boots and Shoes oi every description,
which we will sell at reduced rates for cash, to
make room for our large spriujr stock. Call at
oucc and examine for yourselves.
N Smith & Bito.,
Miller Building, Market Square,
Suubury, Pa.
Not too Late. If you have a shocking bad
hat, it is not too lute to make a change. Cull on
S. Faust and if you cannot find a new hat to
suit, leave your old silk hat, which will be fixed
up as good as uew. Every style of hat is found
at Mr. Faust' bat establishment, on Market
Square, Sunbury, at the most reasonable prices.
Tee light runulnir "Domettie" Sewinir ma
chine, on account of its many point of superi
ority, bas a better demand thau any other manu
factured, aud takes the lead with the public over
machines long regarJcd as the best. Also the
new Grovcu and Baker sewing machine not sur
passed by any other. Orders for these machines
will be promptly filled by Miss Caroline Dalius,
rarlor Miss C. Dalius is the agent foi
the sale of Parlor Organs, Pianos, and ail kinds
of musical Instruments. Tbe very best instru
ments are furnished on short notices at prices
to suit times. Call or address,
No. 63, Market St.. Sunbury.
Gentleman who suffered for years
A rETlTlOh Is beiur circulated In town fr A
natures praying (be Borough Council not ,;ro Ability, Premature Decay, and all
tlnue tbe ga lights iu some street, while olUufferine bunianitv. send free to all who need
have no light at all. The petitioner insist be recipe and direction for making tbe simple
having oil lumps erected on tbe street, wher1"7 f which he was cured. Suferers wlsh- ... . a .AVroDt hy i he advert ser s experience can
m -r t - www u feavtt U4J
Iw our Pot ice of Mr. Wo! vert on' new Lw
Building, we neglected to mention the name of
Mr. J. H. Brugler, who was tbe boss carpenter,
who completed the job.
lurday afternoon. Shmmokin JItrmld.
EXAiUKATioii of Scboiks. Tbe following is
tbe result and method of examination of appii
cants for tbe High 8cbool t
George Wiiver,....,
Richard Morgan....,
George Renn ...... .
Mil;;.. uw.k.
w-Pix. lately i train afcent on the I M.r. '"
r- t... j . . ... ... .. . I ..
w u-unm.i. urn nan im oki place asslimed.
and has resumed his dvtle tie assistant ticket
agent at tbe depot, at this place.
Te-e season for gardening will soon be here.
Tboee whn want garden seed., flower seeds,
bulbs. Ac., will find Briars A Brother. Roches
ter, N. T-, one ofthe most extensive, and most
reliable bouse in America.
Emma Bartholomew.,
Luther Dlehl
FkAVX Wot.r bas oened a Clothing Store In
Market Square, Sunbury, where tbe most ety
lish clothing can be found. Ills stock is new en
tirely, and being very extensive, purchasers will
find it a good and cheap place to buy.
At tbe semi-annual election of officers la Fort
Augusta Lodge, No. 620, 1. O. of O. F., of Sun
bury, on Tuesday evening, R A. Goes was elect-
ea 3. u., and Thomas J. Lyons. V. G. 8. R.
Lillie Kothernel...
Charles Cooper......
Cares Kerlln
Charles Roseiler..
Edward Wllver
withe Fatter
CuariN 8duoh
CLr.4 Roiuarmel
Hniu HsoJricks....
Bubert Qrsst
KUi. KJiiw
b-iaucl Bo user
Minnie fui-wl
Uieuit.1 By an jf
uwrd B:u;hi.
ninlatcrlwl Appointment r Con.
traa Peun'a Cwnrercncc for 187.
T. Mitchell, Presiding Elder
Wllllamsport Pine Street D. 3. Monroe. C.
W. Burnley, Supt.
Mulberry Stieet J J Pearce.
T .1 1 . t. t I r ' " VIHWB.V. AMTU, OUpl.
lbmk lt u I"!' Jot to tbe public to Third Street J u i,n. j u ii ' ....
make known tbe result of the examination of Xewbm.-k: u T.-U.n ' ' 4
I rh nunlli .f i-2s.-. a i . I.
Boye, was re-elected Secretary, and John Clark. VtoZZZZZ Z SJ '
-1 I j -wnss w VUU
lor further information I give herewith also the C Crosthwaite.
on tnose street where there are pipe, in view
of the l..ct tbat the lights on the favored street
are puid for by the town at large this is ouly a
reasonable demand Daily of Widntidav.
ve nve been called on by a number of per
sons whose uaraes are ou that ttition. rn.,r.
. , x -
among me number.) who state that they were not
aware tbat tbe petition asked "the ga
should be turned off on those street where there
are plpvs." We aud others who sigurd tbe pe
tition are willlug thuoil lamps should be provi
ded accorcmg to contract as stated in the peti
tlon, but are not in favor of turning off the
gas a the request of tbe petitioner was uol
complied with.
Fibe Stoke We notice tbat Messrs. Mars fc
Bro. are putting new wiudow fronts into their
store room to give the public a much better dis
play ol tbeir Immense assortment of flue goods.
Next eelt rand show or tbe finest goods ever
seen in Svnonrv ma be witnessed at tbeir store,
and a grand display in tbeir window.. It is also
tbe cheapest store in towa.
v addressing in perfect confidence.
juh.v a. uuue.?!,
74.-6m. 42 Cedar St.. New York.
rrtlser having been permanently cured
"id disease. Consumption, by a simple
I 'nxlous to make known to his fellow
rr means of cure. To all who desire
lug an
4 a copy of the prescription used,
with the d rections for prepar-
F: ""nsnmptlon. Asthma, Bronchitis.
ioi dl"K the prescriptlm will please
oec.5, 7- wiillamsburgh, New York.
The Con
lished as a wa orau InvttH,,pub
.Tien ana oiner.d for the bent;nt of yullL,
M""er from Nervous Debiii
of Heir-Lore. Wf , lhe .,,
Iter undergoing w Ucured himseir
" nceiving a bte qaachery, aud sent
Sufferers "envil j directed envelope.
April 9, '75 6m. P. (, MAV IK.
..53, Brooklyn, N.T.
UorD's Map. We notice that a number f method wuicn w observed in couductimr the Jamentown a H u h
papers deunnnce Lloyd, tbe map pubHsbcr of e,au,lnt'- The questions and problem were Moutoursvllle A M Crelghton
PbUadelpbia, a fraud. Judging rrom hi promi- ehkfljr Kiren br lf, though full opportunity Muncy-A S Bowman,
se made to us for advertising and not fulfilling allowed tbe Priucipals of the two Grammar HugbesvUle A B Hooven.
them, wc believe all that la said about him. c1"m1s aud tbe As.istaut of tbe High Schoel to Muncy Creek-I Edwards
Death ofC. B. SsuxH.-Mr. C. B Sm'th of Fs' WbeneVer the dec,ded lo do Wauontowu-J A WoodcKk.
this place, who wM pl.ced in the a.yl'ut Ha fw. 1 7 'Mi LU Parker Wharton.
r mv iiar own ODlnioa of rverv initiii. .hi...w: t-n . ..
rwourg. last fa . died in th.t i.. I . . .. . ' r ' ims
Tuwdavlaa. Hu : V', 1 "" la ,be u" " q-Uow
Place on Wedn.v 7Z. WW- " e close of tbe e.amln.aou
trZ.ZTtrTZJT I' 'h teacher drew an average ofthe differ n
on inursay. Mr. 8. was a kind husband and numbers record . i,;. iu. ... ....
. . . a a SiUUJUCia
.uuu.gTini lather and one cf our best citifen..- spective
We iuadvertently rfvei looked giving credit to
tbe Germantown. TtUgraph for the article '-set-ting
grafts," in our agricultural column, last
week. The Ttlegraph is tbe most reliable egti-t-nltoraI
paper published in the Sute, and is ed
Red Cltn "iy- Zv-rj article published in
that pa pet selected with great care,
A Freight tra '0 00 tu D. H. A TV. Railroad
wa thrown from the track on Saturday last at
Mouutein Grove. Peter Teager, a frout brake-
man, wa seriously injured, aud is not expected
to recover. The accident watf Caused by tbe
bending of an axle or one of the car. Mr.
Yesgrr Is a married man and resides in Cuke-town.
Eliuj.port E Butler.
Milton A D locum.
Lewisburg R Ulnkie.
Mifflinburg M P Crostbwaite.
Salladsburg H Wilson.
Cogan Valley Z 8 Rhone.
Liberty Valley II Lundy.
On Tuesday morning Ic
COB W. WILVLRT, aged 4i, place, JA-
Tbe deceased was tbe old aud 16 days.
Wllvert, Esq., proprl-ior or sf Emanuel
wa a graduate from this offlceirican il
the business under tbe instrnctloK learned
lie was a youug mau of subet a'1 father,
habits, careful and attentive, poslustrlous
erable tact aud euergy In bu4ues pconsid
suffered some time a disease thJ- U
skill of bis physicians, brought upo,.d tue
sure to cold, which ended by hemorrhP
bowels. He leaves a wire and three yovtn8
dren to mourn tbeir early lose. SesiI11-
TOH. -
Auditor's Report.
To thi UonorabU the JuJge$ of thi Court of Com
mon Pleas of Iforthumbtrland County.
THE underfilled, one of the Board of Audi
tors, elected to audit, adjust and settle tbe
accounts of tbe Commissioners and Treasurer
of tbe County of Northumber'and, as directed
by tbe several acts of Assembly relatiug to
County Auditors ; beg leave to stale, that I re
gret, that I am compelled to dissent, (according
to the said acts of tbe Legislature, as I under
stand them) from the report of the majority of
tbe Board of Auditors, for the reasons referred
to, as will be seen by the form, figures and ex
planations iu this my following statement or Mi
nority Report, which U respectfully submitted to
your Honors, for consideration.
0 Receipts of JOHN HAAG, Trcasr.rtr.
To cash received from the several districts, or
wards und towt.ships, assessed as County and
State taxes, for the use of the County ; also,
to cash received from all other sources Tor the
use of the same during the year A. D. 1974.
Year. Names ot Collectors.
1874 John A. IMney, ..n acc't f 13SG 79
1S73 Amos Maul, in full 1818 90
1872 Simon MtZL'cr. on acc't COS 00 $ 3757 60
1874 Christian Gonsert, on acc't 175 00
1873 do do in full 217 08
1874 Levi Lynn, on acc't 320 00
1873 J. Jenkins, in full 797 89
1872 Wm. Conner, in full 15 96
1874 Andrew Bueher, on acc't 405 34
1873 do do in full 186 99
1874 Win. II. Gilger, on acc't 2040 00
1873 J. P. Fincher. on acc't 1750 00
1874 J. M. Shanon, on acct't 40 00
1873 S. II Ililc, on acc't 16i 00
1872 do in full . 85 80
1S74 D. Houpt, on acc't 550 00
1873 T. D. Huff, in full 1123 33
1874 Joseph Feger, in full
1 874 Sara'l Clayberger, on acc't 2255 83
1873 Jno. Striiuser, In full 562 55
U"!4 Solomon Weaver, on acct't 354 03
1873 do do in full 2615 10
1S74 Sam'l Shannon paid none
1873 Jno Lampher, in full
1874 Henry Harris, on accouut 002 00
1873 do do in full C36 20
1874 Israel Hill, on acc't 379 00
1873 J. T. Albright, in full 1154 35
1874 Wm. Bluir, on account 14C0 40
1873 do in full 870 85
1 874 Wm. Reed, on account 1250 00
1873 do in full S07 C3
1874 II . P. Follmer, on acc't 5C1 00
1S73 do in full 2027 15
1874 Geo. Rolhermcl, on ncc't 128 50
1873 Andrew Guffv, in full 71 35
1874 James Welker, on ucconnt 344 00
1873 Thomas London, ou acc't 1364 24
1874 W B Lougsdorf, on acc't 481 00
1873 do do in full 422 89
1874 Abrahum Blasser, on act. 814 00
.873 do do in full 1112 70
1874 Henry Z. Raker, on acc't
1873 II. J. Renn, in full
1874 Henry Trouttnan, on acc't 635 00
1873 Geo. Troutman, in full 149 29
1874 Jeremiah Wagner, on ncc't 157 00
1S73 8. Reed, in full 131 5S
1874 Hugh McDonald, on acc't 12i9 55
392 OS
1133 85
592 33
3790 00
285 80
1673 33
640 S3
281S 43
2909 13
"JOS 13
159S 20
1533 35
2331 25
1557 C3
2588 15
199 85
1708 24
03 89
192'J 70
750 00
S95 39
731 29
261 53
1 Auditing County offices 25 CO
3 Purchasing "O'HaraV property 124 25
1 Medical attendance at prison 25 00
I Justices costs 1870, '71, and '73 196 33
1 Agricultural Society 100 00
1 Percentage credited to the county
by. Stute Treasurer, for taxes
paid to the State by A. Cad
wallader, in 1872 and 1873
I Paid by Treasurer to Bank, mo
ney borrowed 10,000 00
3 Pay of Special Police 11,219 10
1 For 126 Deeds to Commissioners
for land sold by Treasurer to
1 To R. M. Cummings for advertis
ing unseated lands outside the
Amount of outstanding orders puid
By per ccntage ou t69,Wl 93 at 2i
per cent
115 88
2213 63
1087 50
1390 1 7
1723 59
1150 Orders paid for the year 1S74
itemized as in tbe above E-tute-meut
Amount of cash paid out by Treasurer,
lobs bis percentage 70,6G4 41
The fol lowing form of Statement, bo it cor
rect or incorrect, will do i;o moru than balance
(by comparing) the amount of cash received
with the duplicates, outstanding taxes, percent
age and exonerations, and therefore cannot be
relied upon entirely for producing or showing
the true amount actually received by the Treas
urer from the collectors .13 will be observeJ by
comparing the two Reports, both balauce in this
respect, the amount of the duplicates being
nearly the same, vet there is a difference of out
standing taxes of'339 34 and "225 35 io Cash
received on duplicates, aud S52 04 in the orders
paid by Treasurer.
JOHN MAAG, Trep.s.
To atu't of outstanding county taxes
for 1873, and previous years $29,050 97
To am'l oi outstamliug State taxes for
1873, and previous years -234 46
To cash rec'ti from bank taxes 1316 43
To cash received from all other sour
ces enumerated in the first state
ment, amounting to 26,147 65
To am'i ol duplicate assessed for the
year 1874 53
To cash ree'd from collectors for over
payment of tux?s 167 99
Balauce due Treasurer on expenditures
paid by him 1271 25
101,704 20
Uy uin't of outstanding County taxes
for 1874, and previous years 126,649 24
By am't of .outstanding State tax for
"the yer 1873, and prcvions years 557 24
Bv am't of exonerations allowed on
"County tax lr'JU 05
By commission allowed collectors on
County tax 2100 72
By exonerations allowed on State lax 44 24
Bv percentage allowed on State tax 83 17
By 1150 orders paid 67,543 78
By am't ol old orders paid 1399 17
Bv percentage allowed Treasurer oa
G3,il 95 at 2)4 per ceul 1723 89
1873 do do in full
1874 Jackson Be ger, on uec't
1873 Daniel Everilt, In full
1874 A. Vast ice. 011 acc't
1873 L. Mettl-r, in full
1S74 Jesse O. John, on acc't
1873 E. B. Stillwagner, on ncc't
1S74 C. A. Conrad, on acc't
1873 C. 8. Miller, on accouut
1874 M. D. Bostian, on acc't
le73 do in full
18CC Pbllip Frank, ic full
241 34 1479 89
174 00
175 28
859 f
820 29
516 93
400 00
377 (O
1052 00
5S5 00
1004 61
1874 To taxes overp'd by Coll'rt
From difforeut districts
Amount of cash ree'd by Treas
urer from Collectors, for year
1874 .
To cash ree'd fro 12 other sour
ces, vis
Zit 23
916 83
1423 00
153) 61
47 83
41,760 U7
1C7 9-J
41,829 67
Tales from Banks
To cash ree'd from Tbos. Lon
don. Bank tax.
To cash ree'd, Commonw'th
Foi Deeds of unseated lands
1316 43
630 94
431 99
101 66
2431 03
To cash ree'd, being jury fund
and Court fines 153 09
To casb ree'd ou acc't of Jacob
Grass, lunatic 165 00
317 CO
Railiioad Accisckt. On Friday evening two
freight trains collided while passing each other
below Halifax. A large rock rolled down tbe
hill and struck the cars, which caused them to
fall 00 tbe second track, ami a general wieck
ensued. A young man named Robinson was
killed, who leaves a family at Marysvllle. The
track was cleared in time to let tbe early train
pass northward after being two hours late.
Ms. M. L. Fisaea, restaurant keeper on tbe
comer of Third and Chestnut streets, ha fitted
up several room above his basement saloon for
ladies and gentlemen. Tbe rooms are band
sooiely furnished, aud will compare with looo
or more pretension. Mr. Fisher keeps no el- I
ceiient saloon, and a quiet and respectable place.
r Sr. .
ut twu best At ali times the best boots
.vwu.u vu uta im OUDOSlle the tv.
names ; aud finally, we made an aver
age of our four respective lists. This was at
correct aud lair an average as tbe Judgment of Ralstou-U F Cares.
.our men can male. jer,eT 8oorew c Hef6er
the reason why the examination has been Piue Creek-To be supplied,
made at this time iu.lead of being made at tbe Great Island. D B Mpi-ln.1,. .
Close or tbe term, is the following : When ex- Lock Ilaveu-S L Bowman,
auiiuatiou. were made heretofore, at tbe close 8alona-A E Taylor.
o tbe term., some pupils bad left school. There, Beech Creek-J Lloyd,
having beeu out ol school a few mouths, were at Hiuer's Run-J B Akers.
a duadvautage iu comparison with the rest S or, Renove-G Warren.
TSm:1: Westpo.t-To be supplied by McC. Graham
. -" uiuou iu me lollowiug Leidy J B Moore.
Kvciuocr, wnien was always inconvenient.
The directors must now decide which of t he
above pupils can enter thm Hih .,.h.i ..-a
Sinnemahoning L G Heck.
Emporium J W Olewine.
Penn field E M Cbilcoat.
E J Gray, President WHHanjsport Dickinson
e. tbe uadcrslirnn.1 1 . . . I .
1 11 Torreuce, Secretary Penua. Bible Society,
and member ofthe Muiberry Street Quarter.?
U A L'urran, Pror. Keystone Normal School
and member ol Mulberry Mrett Quarterly Con
J P Bobb, Prof. PcLuiiigtou Seliiiuaiy, N. J.
aud meiubei ol Salladsburg Quarterly Conference,
N. S. BlCEiNOUAM, Presidiug Elder
Dauville M. Paul's, F B Riddle.
. UVfi uauiea pupil, u correct iu
every particular, aud that tbe wl.oie proceuure
a lair aud impartial.
James A. Tuaixb,
J . 11. Black,
6uEiri-' PaucXAJtAiio. Tbe Sheiiff of thi
county, by iutructiou, issued the following
Proclamation ou Friday last, aud LaJ it circu
lated through the coal region t
WmekEas, There are now evU disposed per
son iu Nortbuiubsrlaurt county, and demoustra-
tlous contrary to tbe peace and good order of
tbe community, prevent persons who arc willing
to work and labor for tbe upKrt of themselves
and families, from working s aud other evil dis
posed persou tbreateu to commit violence lo tbe
" Triu it y,J P Moore.
Riverside J T Wilson.
Northumberland J Uuuler.
Wasbiugtonvil.e J F Blown.
Iola 11 8 Mendeoball.
Bucaborn W A Carver.
Bloom.burg J II McGarrab.
- .uc cormpesi. Dm especially so at I "no property or those tbat are wiiliug 10
IbU season, when an ounce or prevention is worth I K',e ploymeui to persou who are willing to
a pound of care. J. B. Smiths ttr . .1- I work aud labor. ...H i. n,i.
ExceUior store, 00 Market ureet. Sui.bnry, re- assemble iu crowds and go about I rom Mace to EP' Ud L'hl tre,;l-F E -''W'
srmrtrnll. lf. .i.i- . I .., . " ... vv I OrangeVille F G.mrhiirf..
' patron, mat t hey have f erwe suca as are willing to work aud
on band an assortment t.f boot and shoe tbat, ' employment, iiow, in rder tbat all
bv reason of excellence of material and durabili- ucu contrary to law shall cease and good
ty of manufacture, are entitled to tbe highest order restored, I, Samuel H. Rotberinel, High
md or uperiority. Prices readable. leriff of the couuty ot Northumberland by
Wi were indebted to Mr. Westfal! Supt of authority vested iu me by law, do
'this division, for an opportunity to visit the' ice co,"a"n, "U ! from interference
gorge in tbe North Branch, six miles above this W"U " pe,on wno re wiI1'DK or to
Tlace, on Monday week. The gorges were grand etaVioa"uX BT P"sons who are wll-
beyond description. They have been faithfullv K Upou ny t'rm atisfactory to
photographed by Mr. Hemperlry of this place tllroelTe, 5 "n" hereby order and commaud
Orangeville F Gearbart.
Benton C L Benscoter.
Berwick 8 Creightou.
Miffliuville B Ii Crever.
Beach Uavm H B Former.
Bloomiugdale J P Beuford, J Guss.
Muhlenberg W Moses.
Shitkshiuny A M Hester
White Haven E T Swarti.
Hickory Ruu T 8 Faus.
Weatberly D P King. I N Moorhead.
HaEleton W W Evans.
thtlr assistants, all Justices of tbe Peace
A large force of men had nearly completed the D! ,l,ictly eoJoin ' lh,e ,ur11' " PHce and JeilD,ltoM L Drum
.0 01 cuiung out the Harleton railroad, which
s covered for several miles with heavy bould.
of ice from three to ten reet high.
or. Arms (professors are numerous now
vs.) is about getting a class on tbe art of Im
sg the memory, a kind of system of Mne-
ua I r- , . . ..
Con.t.i.i- . 11 .. . jngum 0 eune.
Pertv 0 ."rrZZ P - Ely.bnrg-T O Clees, N B Smith.
rperse all Balawlul crowds and aasetn
blies, I hereby command. rmuir mil .irii.
, w. Tbe study and practice of Joi. .11 good and well disposed cltUens, to give
things are more fanciful th.n I ..i . .. ' S"
: r 'm uwcers all sum aid and assUtanra
At Washington City, ou Monday the5lh
CHARLES COOK, aged about 60 years.
1 1 he deceased came to this country at uu eh
age from Germany, with no other resources b d0
a good character and a classical education. 1 do
learn our language, laws and customs, he at
ouce apprenticed himself to Henry 8. Evau. of
the ttUagt Ei-jrd, West Chester, to learn the
art of priming. When free be came to Danville
aud established tbe Danoill Dtrrcrat iu 1840,
where be was married the year following. Asa
man of culture, generous disposition, and hono-
rable conduit, be made mauy friends during bis
residence of about 20 years at Dauville. About
I860 be removed with his family to Washington,
having accepted a clerkship in the Fourth Audi
tor's otiice, having charge of oue of the depart
nients for some years past. We know tbat be was
highly esteemed by Mr. Tabor, tbe 4lb Auditor,
himself a gentleman of high culture aud learning.
About three years .luce he lost oue of hi. two
sons, a woi thy and promi.iug young man. Ou
the 3uth ult., bis only daughter, married a year
since, was buried along side of ber biotber, at
uauviiic Ucmetbim aud hi. family iu the
cars on bis way to Duuville, with the remaius.
He wa. then a heart broken man, stricken with
gner, aud could .came give utterance to hi.
thought.. He returned lo bis uow dcoiute
home the uigM alter the fuueral. took bis bed,
aud expired ou the 5lh iu.t., a week after we
met him on tbe cars. Hi remains were brought
(A .,...'.!'-. ...... . , . .
-is jwwj ior iLiermeul. lie leaVc.
uu -tllicled Wile, aud an ou.y sou iu the Philadel
phia post olllce, lo mourn bis d. panure from uil
tbiiig. human. skmuk Euiiok.
To casb ree'd, Redcmpt'n money 9 28
do do Exouerated taxes.
allerwards paid 7 13
do do from Bliud Tom,
for Gas used 1 00
do (!o from sale of bridge
pluk 7 70 '5 IB
do do from Peter Roblu-
old ou note 50 CO
do do from Chas. Hart- .
mao on note 156 82
do do from Jas May on
note 20 00
d'. do from Fciix Ritter
on note 41 5
do from S Oppos note 25 09
do from John Young
man on note 11 20
do from owner of
lots to redeem
from county 245 70
do from Stute tuxes
on seated lands 2 76
218 46
d. u
from taxes on un
seated lands 1804 34
from Seated lands 797 62 2fl9l 96
ou Commission's'
sales of uusoate.l
lauds from R. M.
Cummlugs 8156 C3
on loan from
A Bauk 10,000 00
Pin A. Cadwalla
dcr.lato Trcas'r 3240 13 21390 15
Near Kiiuesgrove, on tbe 24lb iu.t., of paiaiy
es, SAMUEL r UKMAN.ujidt 6. yeui. und 8
O! ueath, why hasl thou cotue
Aud home our lather home
W hy are We called so Soon tu part
With oue we loved with all our heail I
A lew year, we lived together,
But cow w are pulled ou eurlh forever.
We would uol murmur or couipluiu.
For iu heaven we hope lo meet again,
bitter were the tears we .bed
Arouud our father's dyiug bed ;
For uo oue ou earth cau tell
How hard it is to .ay farewell.
Fare thee well, our father dear.
None knows bow much we'll mi.s you here.
Your loug rest bus just began.
The Lord's will, not ours be done.
Daughter of Samuel Furman.
Due Treasuu "
settlement""", "uulJ L
received bim on cah
1371 49
170,664 44
Eperdki.rViid by TreoMrcr.
.1 k m0f ers.or Warrants drawn on
n 1 sr. lCow.m'loucrs durln- tbe year A.
..... , 80 b,i Si percentage, on eald re
ceipts aid PHVln. nr r
Orders. i.-m
tCOSO 89
- t i 00 no Brm lr tBrT 00 no tod. An
VV1 or rtWcia: memory, is like an artifl-
W-V or at beet a boqnet. It may amuse
Jot tbe time, bat don't lat.
1 v.. i . .. . . .
" iBire in in execotion or their duty.
God save the Commonwealth.
Samuel h. bothermel,
High Sheriff.
Sbamokin W L Spootswood.
Centralia G M Lamed.
Ilelfenstein G V Eavidge.
Mount Carmel A Brittain.
Ashland W A Houck.
Trevorton O II Day.
Snydertown N W Colburn.
Suntmry. J A DeMoyer.
; SelinsgroTe J Moorhead.
Scnbi-kt, April 8, 1875.
rer bushel ll.00(aL1.20 !
4.00 -
1.50 1. 75
lOMli 1
14(?i20 I
Gmain Wheal
" prime w hite.
" Rye per tush
Corn "
" Oats "
Ftof ii Extra Family pr bbl
Feed Corn & Oats Chop pr 100 lb
Shorts A Mixture
Potatoes. Ac New per bushel
Pkovimon Ham per lb
Shoulder pr lb
Bacon pr lb
Beef, retail pr lb '..
Veal, do do
Dried Beef pr lb
PocLTitr Chickens, dressed pr lb
Do. live weight
Bottek Prime per lb
Fs Per dozen
AK 1 . . .
uors ana uD4taus' pay
lJ yoniabk-s aM ;utw.' lews iu
210 Coniou wealth witness fees
1 tfoaoDarattges
60 Bridg bulld g and repairs
38 Road t bridge views
14 tomra rs pay, A Vustinc 1397 SO 1
" " J Q Durham 400 00
" " D st Rait .no
15 Coinmg'r' traveling expense
dc Clerk's pay :
" P W Gray, f600 00 )
a do extra do 275 00
9 Transer'g land sales 100 00 )
Chatter books. Lea Sslpman,
21 Jury Commr's aud Clerk's pay
12 Jajitor's py, J. Cable
12 Court Crier's pay, D Bvckley
4 ShirltT fees, 8. H. Rotbermel
4 PrHbouotary's, L. T. Rohrbacj
00 riijting and advertising
v uvert,
Morton A tarvin
52 u?Qlt ,lou Repairs, Ac
22 Stationery and Pnit.iuv.
26 Prison expenses
1 Penlteutiarv exnensi..
25 Coroner, & Justices' inrjuisitions
4 Hospiul expenses
59 Asseswncut aud Registration
2encri11 and Spring Elections
1j3 Fox and Mink Scalp
2 Interest on borrowed money
. ZUk1 "nd Gas for Court House, Ac
-9 Tipstaves' pay
9 Refundsd overpaid Taxes
3 County Auditors' pay
5 Supreme Court comb
11 Prosecuting Attorcev's
fees, J K Clement 120l 00
6 County Att'y, Wm. A.
Sober 73 W
6 County Att'y at Supreme
Court 825 00
Kase and McDcvitt's fees 75 00-2620 00
8 Stenographer, or short baud re
4 Boarding Jurors in murder trial
2 Appropriations to fire companies
2 Removing Fish dams
3 Survey township lines
6 Tuklug Prisoners to Peoiteptlarv
1257 SO
4U72 06
132 t)3
3679 05
438 24
1227 00
2i0 74
075 00
J5 00
172 25
3d) 00
245 00
2U53 46
553 30
1154 00
732 bO
516 05
4 75
4 50
112 00
13 50 153U 40
1455 70
151 5
223 tl
212 50
K.5I 76
4:J6 US
36s 75
2625 33
22V7 41
604 7o
6 33
832 06
8J1 50
1C7 90
153 00
43 20
$101,740 20
This statetaeut is ofiered for tbe purpose of
showing tho correctness of the assertions above
made. Upon this form the majority of the board
of Auditors, entirely and alone depeud to pro
duce tbe coriect balance of monies received and
puid oui by ihe Treasurer, c, at I understand
Reasons Tor (as will be observed in striking
the balance of the Commissioners' account iu
the following statement) disallowing or reject
ing oue order gruuted, "A. Cadwallader" late
Treasurer, one order to "R. M. Cummings, for
advertising land for salo outside the county.
Also part of aa order granted to the present
Trcusurer, (or rather cash advanced) for paying
all the taxes on land sold by the Treasurer lotbe
Commissioners; also a certain rate percentage
for money borrowed by Commissioners, aud re
paid by "Treasurer. The order granted to A.
Cadwallader, for f 115 88. In January, 1874. (as
the bill represents) was given for the credit al
lowed the couuty, of one per ct. by tbe State
Tress'r, for money paid out of the county fund
to the State by A. ddwailuder, in the year of
1872 and 1873, for which paytneuts he made to
the Stute, he was allowed 2J per cent, la his sel
tlemeut by the Auditors in 1873 au i 1874. Now
if Ibis order is allowed him his percentage will
be ri per cent, instead of one par cent., as 1
think is the law for paying money tn the State
bv County Treasurers. The order granted to R.
M. Cuiuiuiugs, E-q.. for $1087 50, for advertis
ing ot land outside of county. Said adver
tufing was paid by Mr. Cummings, as he
waa required by agreement, said to have been
made. with tbe Coinmi-siouers. Why Is it, tbi.t
he paid more money into the Treasury than be
wa- required lo do and then e'rew it out again,
if not to increase the Treasurer's percentage. De
ducting said order with tbe percentage ad.leil.
from the amount be paid into the Treasury,
would leave a uet balance remaining of 17042 35.
or ubont forty-two per cent of the whole amount
realized. Tbe order granted to the Treasurer
for paying all the taxes, as above stated, viz: for
County, Poor, Road und School taxes, ut the time
of the sale, amount to 12212 63, and as near as
I could ascertain the basis of this order is made
up of the following items, via : Road, School and
Poor tax, uniouutiug to $1351 45; County tax
$231 03, and 126 deeds, at the rule of $5 00 per
deed, making $630 CO. Treasurer's fees out ot
which the Treasurer to pay for advertising salts.
Now I hold tbe Treasurer can retain said pari
of $?S0 03, county tax, since I cannot see that
h) is charged in the Report of the majority
1 with tbat amount to balance the County tax on
land cold to tut ommissloncr. And at bes', it
seems to me, that lt is ratner a loose aud com
plicated way of munaging sales of laud, by ad
vuncing niouey to the Treasurer, before the luxes
are railed for. Why uol issue the orders (as 1
think tbe law requires) at tbe time, when pay
ment i required to be made, separate and apart
for each towuxbip. instead of advancing the
money, in a single order, mixed tip with county
tax and Treasurer's fees for deeds. The Com
missioners borrow money, the Treasurer pays it
out, for wbicb be gels 2$ per cent. Afterward
money Is paid into the Treasury by the collect
ors. The Treasurer pays it bacg to bank, foi
which be is og.iin allowed 2$ per cent., making
his percentage $500 00 on $10,000 borrowed
money. "Tbe Treasurer shall receive tho ssme
per centum ns was lawfully received by his im
mediate predecessor for like services," act April
18th, 1S74. Tbe Commissioners with the appro
priation ofthe Auditors, shall from time to time
s-.'ttle the rate per cent, of the Treasurer ; which
was neglected by said officials ; consequently the
Treasurer is not governed by any legal pr cent.
Act 15th April, 1834, sec. 41.
Commissioners A. Vastine, J. G. Durham nnd
D. 8. Reltz, Esq., hi account with the County of
Northumberland respecting the asM-iing and
collecting of taxes, allowing exonerations and
percentage to collectors, issuing orders aud war
rants on the Treasurer, to bo paid by bim to the
parties therein designated, &c.
On Jan'.i-.ry 4th, 1S74.
To amount of outstanding County tax
lor 1873, and previous years " $20,650 97
To amount of ouutsudig State (ax for
1873, and previous years 2231 46
To am't of Duplicate assessed for the
year A. D. 1874, 40,915 53
To cash ree'd from Bank taxes 1316 43
To overpayment of taxes by collect's 167 90
To am't of cash ree'd from all other
sources, enumerated or Itemized in
the Treasurer's acc't, araount'g lo26'I47 56
To notes due and owing from different
individuals, due the couuty, abt
To balance due Jehu Haag, Treasurer,
on settlement with bim
To the following orders and Items
above named, granted to the Treas
urer and others, which nro disal
lowed or rejected, as the Auditor be
liever on valid grounds, as explained
above, viz :
To one order to A. Cadwallader, bite
To one order to R. M. Cummings, esq,
To part of an order to John Hang, pre
sent Treasurer, for the reasons givcu
To jercentuge ullowed Treasurer on
tbe disallowed orders $1423 54 st
2); per cent.
To percentage allowed Trensurer on
$10,000 borrowed money, at 2i p c
to pay back to Bank
200 00
1271 26
115 88
1U87 63
253 03
55 33
250 00
$103,623 58
On Dec. Cist, 1874.
By am't of outstanding County taxes
for 1S74, and previous years
By am't of outstanding Stute tax for
1874 and previous year
By am't of exonerations allowed col
lectors on County tax
By commission allowed collectors on
Pomitv fur
i By exonerations allowed collectors cn
State tax
Bv commission allowed collectors ou
"S!:e tax
By notes due and owing the Couuty, re-
'roaiuiug unpaid
By am't of orders cancelled, being is
sued during the year 1874 6'
By old orders cancelled am'tiug to
Bv percentage allowed Treasurer on
164,041 5at percent
Balance due the County by the Commissioners
103,628 56
COMMISSIONERS iu account with the Militia
To nuditing militia fund for previous
vesrs 303 84
G.C19 24
557 24
1599 05
2106 72
44 24
82 17
200 00
7.542 78
13'J 17
1723 89
1719 36
325 00
328 25
850 00
117 17
255 01
487 4
SW 81
By am't of outstanding militia tax on
December Slxt, A. D. 1874 331 49
To cash received during year 1874, be
ing in the Treasurer's hands 61 S5
$302 84
Explanatory statement (so far as 1 could as
certain tbe facts respecting tbe sole of nrtscat-1
ed lands sold during tbe year A. D. 1874, in
accordance with an agreement said to have been
made between J. Uunsecker, Amos Vastine and
J. G. Durham, Commissioners, and R. M. Cum
mings, Esq. It appears that K. M. Cummings
Is or was to pay all taxes and interest due on
said lauds into tbe County Treasury, and he to
retain the balance for his services, and all costs
to be paid bim.
Unseated lands sold in accordance with
agreement by R. M. Cummings $17,016 08
(commissioners granted an order to R.
M. Cummlugs, Esq., for advertising
tbe sales of said lands 1087 50
Paid into the County Treasury by E.
M. Cummings 815C 03
Balance retained by R. M. CummiDgs,
Esq., for his services, and all expen
ses be may have bad besides adver
tising 0078 45
Such lauds shall be sold for the best price
that can be obtained. Act March 29th, 1824,
sect. 1.
By receipts for the payment of RoU,
School and P001 tax, amt'icg to 13,230 67
By commission allowed Treasurer on
$13,230 67 at 2j per cent 230 76
Balance due townships 1339 39
$14,900 82
The statement of the majority of the board of
Auditors allowed tbe Treasurer 5 per cent, com
mission, besides P. . W. Gray, $520 77 for clerk
services out of tbe township funds, which, as
will be observed in tbe above statement, I have
rejected. My opinion is that tbe act of Assem
bly requires tbat taxes on noseated lands for
; Road, School and Poor, an well as County taxes.
be paid in the County Treasury and drawn out
by tbe townships on tbe orders of the Commis
sioners. Act Marcb 15th, 1815, sect. 6.
Retail Tavern, Liquor, Eating, Patent Medi
cine, Billiard Rooms, Broker and Circus Li
censes. JOHN HAAG, Esq., Treasurer.
To Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to
amount of all licenses grauied $7310 50
seated lands, j R . . K,,fR Tr.,
JOHN 1IAAG, Trcas., DR. gy commission allowed
To amouut of cash ree'd for Road, 1 By casb paid for publishing list of re-
School and Poor tax on unseated
$14,900 82
14,900 82
By cash paid Attorney fees
$.310 50
6954 74
194 56
in 20
50 00
i. Hj 50
Collctor,$ Xamit.
1805:Wilbington Lake
189iTboraas Miller ...........
" iHarman Suyder
1S70; Thomas Burite
1 87 li Isaac Holli.ier.
1872: Simon Metzar... .........
" INoab Klock
" iAudrew Martin
1873; Charles S. Miller....
" iE. B. StiUwaguer...
" iSamuel K. HUe. . ....
" ;J. P. Fincher ,
" iTuouias London ,
1S74 Samuel Shaunon
IHenry Harris
: Israel Hill
;Willhun Blair ,
Wiliiam Reed
" :R. P. Follmer ,
; George Rotbermel
IJames Welker...
I Joseph Dressier .
" Abraham Blasser.. .......
" j Henry Z. Raker
" i George Troutman
" !J. S. Waguer
; Hugh McDonald-
t !Jacksou Bergcr.
" ;Amos Vasiiue
" : Jesse G. John .
' !C. A. Conrad
:M. D. Bostian
iJohu A. liiney
Christian Goascrt
lAndrew Bucher
j William Gilger ,
" J. M. Shuuian
ITuouias D. Huff.
.Samuel Clayberger ,
Solomou Weaver
Comity. j StUi.
Shamokin Borough
Point twp
Bhumokin borough, k..
Coal twp
Mt. Carmel bor
Delaware twp
Jordan twp
Mt. Carmel twp
Lower Augusta twp....
Mt. Carmel bor
Riverside bor
Shamokin bor....
Northumberland bor...
Tnrbutville bor
Miltou bor
Lewis twp
jCbilitequaqne twp
Point twp
Turbut twp
McEweusville bor
Northumberland bor..
Jackson twp ,
Lower Mahauoy twp..
Zerbe twp ,
Jordan twp
Utile Mahauoy twp...,
Mt. Carmel twp
Snydertown bor
Rush twp
Ml. Carmel bor
Lower Auueu twp....
Upper Augusta twp....
Delaware twp
) Watsontown bor
iumercn twp
Washington twp..
'sbamokin bor
Riverside bor
hamokbi twp. .........
Coal twp
Sunbury br...
$100 00
66 44
S44 45
39 ea !
31 63i'
28 00 $205 00
... 1
386 051
748 49
272 06;
251 93
594 76
357 95;
934 72;
1,586 91:
625 85;
113 68t
1,981 45'
88 98;
1,527 36
198 111
682 40
268 44
215 49;
113 35,
526 2s!
33 52'
511 72
298 95:
1,131 70:
901 44
1.487 40:
747 97
248 41 i
137 25
1,197 61
534 10
1,013 75
1,033 84
2,517 68
22 32
134 88!
119 03:
9 93
13 93
47 5i;
67 73;
53 63
43 50
21 75
7 60
...... ;
1 1
26,649 24:$557 24: $331 49
Those marked with a btar () bive since pa! 1.
STATEMENT of the Finances of Northumber
land County, ou the first day cf Janoary, A.
D. 1375.
To amount of outstanding Couuty Or
ders of 1373 and previous years $1332 73
above stated 21,016 40
" Amount of outstanding State taxes 557 24
" Amouut due from Geo. McElicce,
former Treasurer 4,733 23
' Amount due from differed ir.dlvid-
cals on note collectable, abont 300 CO
To amouut of outstanding Couuty Or
ders ror 1874
To amouut of Bank lax paid by Treas
urer to the Stute and not settled with
To amount to bo paid nut of Couuty
Funds to the Stute for 1674
" Money borrowed due and owing
" Commonwealth costs due and owing
" Coal for Court House and Ja!
Geo. Eeefrr, on Culvert, Market
" J. D. Hayes, road damages
" Peter Reefer on Culvert, Market
" For paints, c, for Court House
" J. B. Lenker, filling up at Culvert
Mark, t street
" L. T.Ri hrbach, Prothor.otury, Fees
and Costs
" Outstanding tax for the year sop
posed not to be collected, daring
1875, from Coal township
" Exonerations and percentage to be
allowed on outstanding taxes for
the year 1874 and previous years,
52 Oil
$32,145 53
1306 7
4513 37
800 00
167 74
163 00
797 94
450 00
243 00
273 21
125 00 '
156 65
2307 6
300o 00
515,398 26
By amount of ontstandin'j County
Taxes for the year 1873 r.ud pre
vious years, ou the 1st day of Jan
uary, A. D. 1S75
' Amount of outstanding County
taxes for the year 1874, Exonera
tions and percentage Included ns
56S3 67
Balauce in favor of the County on the
Ut day of January, A. D. 1875 $16,717 33
I, tbe nndersigued, one of the Auditors of
Northumberland County, State of Pennsylvania,
do certify, that in pursuance of a special Act of
Assembly, passed March 31st, A. D. 1859, mw
the Auditors of the majority report iu tbe Com
uii33iouers' office, on the third Monday of Jan
uary, A. D. 1375, and usoUled them as much as
they desired me to do when present, until they '
bad their report completed according to tbeir
judgmeut or custom, upon tbe expectation that
if their report did not prove satisfactory to cic,
they woulU in return assist ma to complete ono
according to rayjudguteut and seuse of duty;
but In this I was disappointed, because they de
cided doing so. I further certify tbat the-report
of the majority did not prove -atisfactory
to rue, whereupon I did adjourn from time to
lime, and did audit, adjust and state the accounts
of the Treasurer and Commissioners to tbe best
of fny judgment and ability. The available as
sets of the county on the 1st nf January, 1375,
were between sixteen ami seventeen thousand
dollars nbovc the indebted neks. I concluded by
submitting this the minority report to the Hon
orable Court and the public gpneratly, and hop
ing taut If I may have committed any errors
they wiil be satisfactorily corrected, that justice
may be done the County and ail parties Interest
ed, according to law.
Iu witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my
hand and seal, this 35ii day of February, A. D.
One of tho Auditors
11010? ft QNOKKEQ'O.
We are now offering our large and well selected winter stock ot Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac, at a
still further reductlou rrom the astonishingly low prices we lately offered, in order to make room
for tho largest stock of Spring Goods ever brought to tbis section or tbe country.
want those who do pay to pay for those who do not pay.
We give below a few quotations at which prices any and all nwy buy for the ready money.
There is no misprint about it.
Brown Muslin, Applcton, "A," - ...
" 4-4 Augusta ....,
" " 4-4 Peppuell
" " 4-4 Lawrence. ..
" " Augusta .................. .....
" " Good 10-4 Sheeting
Bleached " 4-4 New York Mills
" 4-4 Wmscttn
" 4-4 Hill
" X Hill
" 4-4 as good as Frlnt of tbe loom
4-4 Good -
" " 42 inch Pillow Casing
Ginghams, Good Ginghams
" Lancaster Ginghams..
Print, Good
" Best Prints
Drees Goods, Good Delaines ..
Alpnen and Flanucto we defy competition.
be convinced.
...-.... .
lljj cents.
10 "
11K "
10 "
17?; "
mi "
13 "
HH "
12 f
"!....' 10' "
S "
8 "
10 "
Call mid see nm and
Bet Spool Cotton 70 ccnU per dozen, per spool....,
Good Ladies' Neckties
Alpaca Braid .......
Good Corsets
A fine lot of Embroideries, very low.
Fine towels per doznn
Ladies' Hose, good
Mens' nose, good
Childrens' Hose, good
Ladies' and Mens' gloves, very cheap.
Mens' Shirts and Drawers....
Carpet Chain sold lower than anybody else eclls U.
- 0 cents.
2 5 "
1 00
10 ctnti.
12X "
ZVA sents.
-..per lb.
Good Sugar
Gona Brown Coffee
Best Brown Coffee (Arbuckles) in packs
Good Green Coffee per tb
Good Green Tea "
Good Black Tea "
Babbit's best 80a p ,
Good Soap ,
Good Raisins per R .....
Molasses we defy competition.
Trophy Tomatoes 3lb c ms .,
Hum and Shoulder lower than elsewhere.
. 30
....'ZZZ 45
30 barrels of Mackerel Jnst received, aud offered very low.
A full and csmpli'te stock of goods at corrcspondinc prices. Call and see r.v II will certainly
pay you.
Drv Good and Grocery Jobbers, Market St., SUNBURY, PA
February 20, 1S75 S mV.
J- IB. M IS 33 O 9
At an Imuiese Reduction in Prices, for Cash,
February lt, 1$7.". flw.