mcncaii .L 2. 1875. e Tabic. - TKA.IN9 ATBUNBnRT. 1 & K. R. R. West. Erie Mail, 6.30 a m Lk Haveu A. l'i.OO n. Eltnira Mail 4.20p m Fast Line, 7.10 p m k. w. ui I a. in I '-'.05 p w j ritVoKIN DIVIblOS. Ji. C LEAVE i.KltIVE press, 12.01 p m I MaM, 9-2o a m Iaii, 4.25 p m Espres 3.55 p ni u accommodation traiu leaves Sliawokiu at 7.10a in, urriviusr at Mu Uirmel at 7.40 a in. Returins, leave Mt. Cartnel at G.15 p ra, ftrriv iuar at bhamokin C.45 p ui. La.CKAWa.5N. K 3LOOMSBVUO U. a. tnai.., leave Northumberland as follows 9.45 a. m., and 4.40 p.m.; arrive kt,aiiu ii.jy.ui. I). 11 & V. R. R- Trains leave at 0.5j a. m. nnd arrnc at o.. p. " Accidental Insurance TicUcts can be bad of .T. rihipman, Ticket Agent, at me l -i"- Kaminfr Arrncemf ut for ilie Post akfliro Mt (SUUbUrJ , 1 H- V, 6.50 a. m., to 8 j. w.. wpf oh Sundays. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE 31A1LC. Arrives as follows : From the East at 5.15 a. m., 4.10 P- m-t " South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m. ' West, 5.15 a. m., 11.15 a. m., l.o5 p. m and 4.10 p. tn., orth,1.50 a. m.,11.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m SliamoLin and Mt. Carmel, 9.2a a. m bliaini.kin proper, 4.00 p. ui. M.ilSCl.HM5 follow: . T( r til For the East, 5 45 a. in., 10.53 a. m., 4.50 p. m, 6.00 p. in. " South, 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. w., 8 p. m. " West. 10.50 . m., 3.50 p. in., b.00 p. m, " North, 3.50 p m.. 8 p. m., ci hnitur 11.15 a. in. Siiuiuokin and offices ou tUat route; 4.20 p. in. Money orders will not be Issued after 0 p. ro., uu.u.v- J. J. SMITH. P M. 0nl tfete. Cloves Sked wanted by G. B. Cadwallader, Central Drug Siore, Bunbury, Pa. Geo. W. Coble, Esq., at Herndon, this county Is authorised to act as agent for the Atnerican In that place, In receiving subscription, job work, advertisements, and receipt for all bills be may present from us. A Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine, entirely new, and of the bcH make, can be bad cheap by applying At this office. All the ice on the D. II. & W. Railroad w cleared ofT on Tuesday last, and. trains began to run regularly over the road on Wednesday morn ing. The case of Dr. Giddings, for a new trial, was argued before Judge Rockefeller on Monday last. The Judge's decision Is held over to adjourued Court, to be held on Monday, Juuc 21st. The Doctor entered into bidl in the sum of $10,000. to appear at that time. UN-ion Covktt has appointed B. F. Eaton, Esq., of Miffliuburg, Senatorial, and B. C. Am nion, of Wiufield, Representative dcletutes to the nest Republican State Convention. Wm. Fosiek, one of the firm of Whim r & Co., has left for New York and Philadelphia to lay in their Spring toik of goods. Look out for a grand opening a the latest style of store goods next week. As goods have been greatly reduced In price in the cities, their customers will receive the beuetit of the reduction. Abolished. Ttic train agent, for some lime emp oyed on the Northern Ccutral Rat. road, were taken off yesterday, the 1st lust. The du ties or an agent was to lift the tickets from the passengers, while the couductor had jurisdiction over the ruuuiu of the traiu. It uaviug beeu fully demonstrated that ihe traiu agents were an expensive luxury, they were withdrawn. tPuiNG with ber budding beauties and sinking birds, bad poetry and stove inoviutf, the plough niau's sotu and the housewife's daugerou- mop, the iresh tnopf the Irtsli dews of ihe tuoruii.g aud tveuiug w hines ol spanked babies, is here, muddied away above her dedicate aukles. Til eaou o! the year is approaching when to own a wheelbarrow were a sure passport touu insane asylum or the gallows. The spelling mania is gettiug so prevalent that it is customary io ask a man to "smile" iu the following way : "Will you spell a driuk with me tn The Tax on Notes. And now the decision ol that ii represible Uuiicd Slates revenue com m ioaer is to the effect that notes made paya ble at a bank must be stamped as checks are. Beware, and pay your tax of two cents lor the estimable privilege ol drawing your note or there will be a detective alter you. S. B. Boy em and'L. 11. Kasc, Esqs., have moved into their Lew oflices in Wolverton's law building, on becond street, and have lilted them no in a style equal to a Philadelphia ottice. Judging from these handsomely furnished otll ces, the law business is improving. It is ccr ' tainly better than the priutiug buiiue-, aud their customers appear to pay up more punctual, although tbey do uut derive as much beuetit from the law as they do by reading. CbaS. MaIUL has received a handsome lot ol oods,.which he is now cutting up lor uobtty suit for men and boys, lie has all the SprinS stylet. Shadoh ! Sam. Nevius sells the liuest ahud cheap. Teleokafu Orrice Removed. The Western Union telegraph office has been removed iulo the room formerly occupied by the same company, iu the depot building, at this place. Dr. Jos. Etster and lady were visited by a surprise party ou Tuesday evening of last week, who were equally surprised that the Doctor and his estimable lady were amply prepared lor them with a sumptuous entcrUiuiu-tit. Hie ladies pronounce the Doctor's domestla wine o! an tx- cellcnt quality. Wild Pkibons. Wc are informed that a num ber of Bocks of wild pigeons were seen during the pubt week, aud some captured. A Gor;e. Not an ice gor;c, but a genuine gorge of ready-made clothing can be seeu at the Keystone Clothing Enipoiium of Simon AOp penbeimer, on Third street. Full suiis of all styles and sires are daily purchased at that es tablishmeut, dirt cheap. Nobody cao believe nutil they sec foi themselves what a Vast amount of goods they have iu their sloie. Everybody is invited to call aud examine them. Kcv J. A. I'EMotlr has been re-appointed to tlu- charte of ihe MetbodUl Episcopal congrega ion iu this piace. He occupied his pulpit on last Sunday. He has annouueed to preach ou Sunday next, April 4th, both morning aud eve nicZ, on the "Witness of the Spirit," selecting as hi t xt R.'iu 8. 16. "The Spirit itself bear etn witness with our spirit that we are the child rcn of God." Mb. Hempeblt, Photographer in Zetllemoy cr's building, M rkct street, has taken a number of fcKTcopic views of the ice gorges in the North Branch and below the dam at this place. They re got np in the best style, and will be JOld at reason blc prices. Persons who have not teen the gorges ihon'.d not fall to secure the pictur " l,:y wlu De 0 'nitter ol SreMl cui1 ositjlniiiefutnr. Considerable Interest is felt In the coal re gion In regard to the final result of the strikes going on here. In the Shamokiu reiou w here the Miner's Union has not buen as strong as in Other parts, work in the mines has progressed until this time ithout any interruption and qnlet prevailed throughout that region. Receut ly large additions were made to the Uulon at that place.and it is supposed that woik will soon be suspended iu the mines unless their demands arecompied with. The miners aud laboring men In the bhamokin region deprecate the acts of violence committed at Hazleton and other placet by their co-workmen. Should operations b suspended generally throughout the coal re gion, thousands of men will be thrown out of mployraent and business will receive another 'heck for several months. We hope that this ill not be the case, that operations will be push- forward, and that a speedy settlement of the aent difficulties will at once be made between ltolnera, laboring men and the operators, r-SAlat the business af the country will not re Jfcrogade alter having aoch flattering prospects An Eleoast Building. The uew law build ing just completed by S. P. Wolverton, Esq , in Second street, near the Court House, in this place, is acknowledged to be one of the handsomest structures as well as the most complete, in all its appointments, iu the Stale. The building is of biick, three stories high, painted to mutate gruu lir. wliii'h it rlosi-lv resembles at a distance. It is located on the corner, w ith a front of thirty feet on Second street, aud is seventy-three feet deep. A double massive front door, opens into a vestibule, the floor of which is tesselated mar ble, and Ihe sides are waiiisconted with polished white marble. The first floor contains a suite of three rooms occupied by Mr. Wolverton as his law office. These rooms are wuinscoated wilh walnut, and the floor laid w ith narrow alternate strips of oak aud walnut, oiled. The woodwork is paiuted in imitation of rosewood. From the high ceiling arc suspended massive and hand some chandeliers. The rooms are nil heated by i furnace iu the cellar, and cacti room contains, Oesides the register for the introduction of heat from the furnace, a grate set into a fire place, over which is a handsome marbelized slate man tle. From the centre of the building, on the 60Uth side, is a large vault, arranged with draw ers and pigeon holes. These vaults have Mar vin's iron frames and doots with combination, locks, aud cxlcud up to the Ihiid floor. The back room communicates with several 6mall rooms, one of which is a w ash And dressing room, with running water auu all the conveniences of the toilet. On the second floor arc two snits of rooms, oc cupied as law offices, two in front and three iu the rear, the latter beiug reached by a passage behind the vault. The frout offices are occupied by L. H. Kase, Esq., and the rear by S. B. Boy. er, Esq., These offices arc also supplied by Vaults similar to those below csccpt that tbey are ha-f the size. They are also supplied with registers lor f urnaces heal, as wel us grates and marbelized slate mautles, haudsome chandeliers and other conveniences seldom teen except iu lirst-class buildings. Ou the third floor are five very commodious rooms besides .several small chambers, all hand somely finished. Mr. Wolverton deserves great credit for this euterprire. He has erected a struciuie ni- " " model or its kind, oue that we have never Been equalled, aud w hich it would be difficult to excel. The bulldiug isofthe most durable character as well as imKsing iu appearance. Jlr. weizci, of Danville, was the architect, and no expeuso was spared to make it complete in all its parts. Tuoi bles 15 the Coal Region. The Super intended of the Reading R. R. Co. applied tolhe Goveruor, on Wednesday, lor aid to quell the aisturbances iu the coal regions, and states that the men in the employ of the company at Gowen had been compelled to cease work by the strik trs, and that they could not resume operations uuless protected by a strong force ; that cngiues had been threwn from the track and trams were flreH Into between Locust uuP nn.i iviasKa. Laitfe crowds are reported to be gathering at Excelsior and Gordon, and that several thousand of the mob have gathered at Ashlaud to attack the employees of the company. With this in formation the Governor has authorized the fol lowing to be transmitted to the cherifTs of Schuylkill, Columbia and Northumberland coun ties : "I am informed that a tumult or mob disturb ing the public peace exists in your county ana an application has been made to me under the act of May 4, 18(54, to suppress the same. Be fore I act on this application I consider it your duty, as the civil officer of your county, to order out the posse comitatus without delay and sup press all tumults, riots, mobs or unlawful inter ferencc with person or ptoperty in your county. J. F. Hautkasft." Moviso or tue Ice. The mild weather during the past week caused the ice to melt rapidly, ana the the river below this place, were disappearing grudually. The river at this plate, raised some live feet on yesterday morning, but there has not been sufficient water to carry olT thegoigeson the West aud North Branches. By dispatches we learj that the Gien Union to'ge bad started and traiu Lands report haviug passed it at Lock Haven. The gorge above Mil ton moved, but etopled between Wiufield and L,. wisbiirg. I ue water backed up nnd inunda ted the low parts ot towu. At Lewisburg Junction and Montandon tome 6lx to eight feet of water covered the lands aoug the river. Farm houses and bams were surrounded bl' water and many sought refuge by climbing to the roof of the buildings. Passengers on the 0:40 a. tn. train south slate that the sighl iu that vicinity is distressing. The ice gorge above the West Branch bridge at Northumberland, was krpt buck by the heavy ice remaining on the ri ver for several miles. About 1 o'clock, P. M., yesterday, the gorges above the Northumberland bridge In the West branch gave way aud passed this place, the kight up and down the river being majestically grand aud was witnessed by hundreds of people along the bank. The water iu the river is uot more than the height of an ordiuary freshet, and wouid require at least six or eight feet to reach the top of the bnnks at this poiut. The ice pasB ed off without any material damage up to this wriiiug. The banks of the river are well pro tected, and as the lee moved down the stria in it appearei1 to leave uutouched even the Ice along the shores. Thus far there has not been the least danger of any part of the town beiug in uudated. The Daily of Tuesday complains that females are insured at the dtqiol at this place. If such is the case the officers of the road should be made acquainted w tb the facts and we feel satisfied that the offenders will be attended to. The officers of the railroad company, we know will uot tolerate such conduct, and parties who may be iusulted by reporting to those officers will receive the thanks of the company. Some of the causes of these complaints arc, no cloubt. caused by some improper characters frequenting the depot on the arrival of trains, which will no doubt be prohibited by theofflcei stationed there if he is made known of the fact. Hioit School. Report of the standing of pu pils for the month of March. o 0, 3 t a e- rs : I t- t- rt 'Zi H C 1st mvisios;. j Bucher Edward 87.2 3 1 4 ! Campbell Susie bS.'J 0 0 3 Folimer Lizzie tiu.4 2t 1 7 Filling Annie. KB.l 0 2 2 tiriut George 31.1 llj; 0 0 Morgan Eugene N9. 1 2 2 I N.-ff George 02. 6'i 4 0 Rhnades Walton b.Vt 0 1 1 Renn Jennie 84.7 SJJ 7 0 bvashon Kale S5.5 1; 2 2 Schneider Laura fc5.f 2 0 2 2d division. j Bucher John K7.G 2 0 4 itourne John 78.3 0 1 14 Bouscr Charles 3:i.2 7,' 11 7 Brocious Peter 0J. 10 0 Cam William G7-7 4 0 5 Farnsworth Marv 57.2 3 4 4 Farnsworlh William 51.5 4 0 9 Feller Harry 15. 14'; 1 2 llartman George 07.1 0 1 3 Heekert Charles J:U 0 0 13 Harrison John M.2 0 0 5 Hiiui William b-J. 0 2 0 Jones Isaac 45.3 5 1 8 Maliek William M.5 5'i 3 12 Ncff Philbert .8 yA 3 10 Snvder C. N. "3.7 0 l 8 Smith George '..7 II) 0 1 Siroh John" IS. 14U 0 0 Trowbridge E.lwaid 42.1 b'i 1 10 Wllvert Austiu ' 28.3 10Ji 0 2 Varuell John 50.2 14 8 3d division. Awl Mart 71.3 0 0 3 Bovd Florence 52.5 3 0 DrumhellerSeran 4'J.6 Z)'x 1 5 Gearhart Edward 821 1 0 0 Hill Ambrose 0 0 3 Kirlin A. G. 57.9 7 1 0 K rouse George, t5.5 0 2 3 Mills Jennie 9.6 2 1 5 Martz L!zizie 71.5 i 2 Purseil Flora 51 6 3)4 8 20 Schaetfer Annie 73.8 3,' J 2 4 Svlvislda ?3.7 Vt S 8 Zetllemnyer Rosa 41.2 7 2 4 4th division. Bourue Lizzie ('-7 2 1 8 BverlyLuln .4 0 6 Friliug Frances C7.2 4 4 3 Gray Emma 92.7 i 1 Genther Mary 38. 0 0 5 Heim Oscar M.2 0 2 7 Harman Harry 71.2 4' 3 2 McClow Maggie '3.1 1 11 3 Milihouse Maggie 69.8 Vi 1 SavidgeW.G. 78.1 2,' 1 13 Smith Nassio ttt.B i 0 8 Simpson Mary 90. 2 1 11 Seasholtz Annie 83.5 10 0 Vandyke Edward 82 5 1 4 3 WeimerAmy 79. 1 1 6 Tonng rrtmd 50.8 GO 7 Spelling: Matches. Spelling contests ar now going on in nearly every city aud town In the State, and arc largely attended with success. These matchrs are richly enjoyed, as they afford great amusement among the contestants. They are held iu private parlors, churches, school houses, halls, &c, and occupy the place of exhi bitions of a less beneficial character, to both the youths and aged. While they arc instructive they cieate uo little amusement to spectators, and the party who may wiu the prize, wh'ch is mostly a copy of Webster's Uuabriged Diction ary, no doubt, foci encouraged in their progress of good spelling. We would like to see exhibi tions of the same kiud inaugurated in Snnbury, as '.beio is some room for good Fillers. To Farmeus and Mechanics. Wo direct at tention to theadvertisemeut of Messrs. Connelly, nuckett & another column, who have an immense stock or goods in store in which Farmers and Mechanics arc interested. They have the largest assortment of lion, cutlery and hardware generally, of any establishment iuthis section of country. Removal. On uext week James Washington, the veteran barber, will remove his shop into the frame buildiug, two doots north of the Central Hotel, on Third street. His numerous customers will please make a note of this. His new rooms will be fitted up in the best style, with a view of comfort aud convenience while gettiug shaved and hair dressing done in art. Wishing to change ray business I offer my en tire stock of head stones aud monuments at greatly reduced rates. Having a large stock of all sizes ready for lettering, customers can have a good chance to select. Parties needing any thing in this line v.ould do well to call at my place on South 4th street, near Market. Ail work sold to give sntifaction or no sale. W. M. DAl-otirRTT. March 20, 1S75. 2w. W. A. Heller keeps everything in the clothing line to complete a full dress except boots and sboe. Coats, pant, vests, shuts, collars, neck ties, hats and caps, gloves, and every line of gentlemen's wear, which he sells at the most reasonable prices. nority Report, which is respectfully submitted to your Honors, for consideration. Receipts of JOHN HAAG, Treasurer. DR. To cash received from the several districts, or wards and, assessed as County and State taxes, for the use of the County ; also, to cash received from all other sources for the use of the same during the vear A. D. 1S74. DF.LAWARE TWP. Year. Names ol Collectors. 1874JohnA.Heiney,..nacc't S133G 79 1873 Amos Maul, iu lull 1818 90 1872 Simon Mtzger, on acc't 002 00 $3757 CO CAMERON TP. 1874 Christian Gonsert, on acc't 175 00 Saturate a Piece or Bread ok Meat with gastric juice, Htid it will dissolve. This is diges tion. Add to s'.ii h a mixture a little alcohol, audit v. ill not dissolve. This is indigestion. Beware, then, of tinctures, or tonics, oi decnc tions containing spiritous liquors. Shun all mm 'touics," and r.-.y solely on Dr. Walker'n Vine gar Bitters, the' lini-st digestive invigorant known, and free from the fiery curse of Alcohol. Mar. 12, 75.-4W Jitsincss locals. O'tiC'III Por I,aT at home. Terms free. Addrens O-J 1UU U. Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. Jail. 22, 1S"5. ly. When you po to Philadelphia stop at the Allegheny House. &'. 812 and 814, Market St. lte-titted, re-furnished, &c by A. Deck, Proprietor, aud price only ?2 ler day. Lost. An umbrella with the name of II. B. Masscr printed in red ink inside nnd out. The person who found it will be rewaidcd by return ing It to this o' The immense stock of clothing at Simon & Oppenhciinei's store is selling rapidly on ac count of their cheapness. They will continue to sell at their extreme low prices until the whole stock is sold out, when they will procure the Spring styles. Now is the tine to get good clothing cheaper thau ever before, and as the 6tylc will not change materially, all their pre sent stock of goods will continue fashionable during the Call and sec them. The finest assortment of foreigu aud domestic goods will be found at Marx & Bro:s. store, Ma sonic building. Goods shipped direct from Eu rope will be found there at prices lower than they can be had in the cities. They are receiving a constant supply to keep np their immense stock, which are sold nt prices that no other establish ment cm compete with tht-tn. They will give notice of every arrival of foreign goods direct fioni Europe, aud will keep a general assortment of the finest goods from the old country. Great Reduction in Prices. Having r"J ceived a new snpply of rubbers, we will dispose of them nt the following reduced prices : Men's Rubbers 1.00 Women's Rubbers 75 Misses" Rubbers 50 Children's Rubbers 40 Also, Boots and Shoes of every description, which we will sell at reduced rates for cash, to make room for our large spring stock. Call nt once and examine for yourselves. Smith fc Bro., Miller's Building, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. Not too Late. If you have a shocking bad hat, It is not too late to make a change. Call on S. Faust and if yon can not find a new hat to suit, leave your old silk hat, which will be fixed np a good as new. Every style of hat is found at Mr. Faust's hat establishment, on Market Square, Sunbury, at tfie mad reasonable prices. 1S73 do do in full WATSOXTOWN BORO. 1S74 Levi Lynn, on acc't 1873 J. Jenkins, in full 1572 Win. Cooner, in full WASHINGTON TP. 1874 Andrew Bucher, on acc't 1573 do do in full S1IAMOKIX BOR. 1574 Witi. II. Gilger, ou acc't 1573 J. P. Fincher, on acc't RIVERSIDE BO it. 1574 J. M. Shanon, on acct't 1873 S. II. Hile, on acc't 1872 do in full BHAMOKIN TP. 1S74 D. Houpt, on acc't 1873 T. D. Huff, in full UPPER MAIIANOr 1S74 Joseph Feger, in full COAL TP. 1 S74 Suni'l Claybcrgcr, ou acc't 1873 Juo. Strauser, in full SUNBURY BOR. 1874 Solomon Weaver, on acct; 1573 do do In full TURBUTVILLE BOR. 1574 Sam'l Shannon paid none 1873 Jio Lampher, in full MILTON BOR. 1874 Henry Harris, on account 1873 do do in full LEWIS TP. 1874 Israel Hill, on acc't 1873 J. T. Albriglv. in full CHILLISQUAQUE TP. 1874 Win. Blair, on account 1873 do in full POINT TP. 1S74 Wm. Reed, on account 1873 do in full TURBUT TP. 1874 II. P. Follmer, on acc't 1873 do in full EcEWENSVILLE BOR. 1S74 Geo. Rothermel, on acc't 1873 Andrew Guffv. in full NORTH'D BOK. 1S74 James Welker, on account 344 00 1873 Thomas London, on acc't 1304 24 JACKSON TP. 1874 W B Longsdorf, on acc't 1873 do do in full LOWER MAI1ANOY. 1874 Abraham Ulasser, on act. 1873 do do iu full ZEKSETP 1S74 Heury Z. Raker, on acc't 1873 H. J. Renn, in full JORDAN TP. 1S74 Henry Troutman, on acc't 035 00 217 OS 392 08 320 00 797 89 15 90 1133 65 405 34 ISO 99 592 33 2040 00 1750 00 3790 00 40 00 100 00 85 SO 2S5 SO 050 00 1122 33 1673 33 640 S3 2255 8S 5C2 55 2313 43 t S54 03 2015 10 29C9 13 20S 13 902 00 030 20 1598 20 379 00 1154 35 1400 40 870 85 1250 00 307 03 501 00 2027 15 12S 50 71 35 481 00 422 89 814 00 1112 70 1533 35 2331 25 1557 C3 2553 15 199 85 1708 21 903 S9 1920 70 750 00 3'.5 39 By per ceutage on 808,941 92 at 2i per cent 1723 59 1150 Orders paid for the year 1S74 itemized as iu the above statement Amount of cash paid out by Treasurer, less his percentage 570,0-4 44 The following form of Statement, be it cor rect or incorrect, will do no more than balauce (by comparing) the amount of cash received with the duplicates, outstanding taxes, percent age and exonerations, and therefore cannot be relied upon entirely for producing or showing the true amount actually received by the Treas urer from the collectors as will be observed by comparing the two Reports, both balance In this respect, the amount of the duplicates being nearly the same, yet there is a difference of out standing taxes of y39 34 and $225 35 iu cash received on duplicates, and $52 04 in the orders j paid by Treasurer. j JOHN ilAAG, Treas. j DR. To ain't of outstanding county taxes j for 1873, and previous years 29,059 97 J To am't of outstanding State taxes for j 1873, and previous years 234 40 j To cash rec'ti from Bank taxes loV 43 j To cash received from all other sour- j ces enumerated in the first state- j ment, amouuting to 20.117 05 j To am't ol duplicate assessed for the j year 1374 40,915 53 j To cash ree'd from collectors for over payment of taxes 107 90 Balance due Treasurer on expenditures paid by him 1271 25 I To amount of ontstandig State tax for 1873, and previous years a so To am't or Duplicate assessed for the year A. D. 1874, 40 915 53 To cash ree'd from Bank taxes 1318 4J To overyment of taxes by collect's 167 90 To am't of cash ree'd from all other source.-, enumerated or itemized in the Treasurer's acc't, amount's to2C'H7 56 To notes due and owing from different individuals, due the county, nbt 200 00 To balance due John Haag, Treasurer, on settlement with him 1271 26 To the following orders and items above named, granted to the Treas urer and others, which are disal lowed or rejected, as the Auditor be lieves on valid grounds, as explained above, viz : To one order to A. Cadv.allader, late Treasurer To one order to R. M. Cummings, esq, To part of an order to John Haag, pre sent Treasurer, for the reasons given above To percentage allowed Treasurer on the disallowed orders 1423 51 nt 2i per ccut. To percentage allowed Treasurer on 10,000 borrowed money, at 2'J pc to pay back io Bank 115 S3 1087 63 230 03 250 00 CR. 101,704 20 By am't of outstanding County taxes for 1S74, und previous years By am't of outstanding State tax for the year 1873, and previous years By am't of exonerations allowed on County tax By commission allowed collectors on County tax By exonerations allowed on State tax By percentage allowed on State tax By 1150 orders paid By am't ol old orders paid By percentage allowed Treasurer ou 03,941 95 at ?.4 per cent 20,649 21 557 24 1599 05 j 2100 73 44 21 82 17 i 67,542 73 ! 1399 17 1723 S9 1873 Geo. Troutman, in full LITTLE MAHANOY. 1S74 Jeremiah Wagner, on acc't 157 00 1373 S. Reed, in full 134 53 MT. CAR.M EL TP. 1S74 Hugh McDonald, on acc't 1229 55 149 '-9 781 29 291 53 1373 do do in lull SNYDEKTOWN BOR. 1S74 Jackson Beigcr, on acc't 174 00 1373 Darnel Everitt, iu full 175 23 KUMI TP. 1S74 A. Vasline. on acc't S"9 00 1873 L. Mettl-r, in full 320 29 MT. CARMEL BOR. 1S74 Jesse G. John, ou acc't 510 93 1873 E. B. Still waguer, on acc't 400 00 LOWER AUGUSTA. 1S74 C. A. Conrad, ou acc't 377 03 1873 C. S. Miller, on account 1052 00 UPPER AUGUSTA. 1874 M. D. Boslian, ou acc't 1873 do in full 1S00 Philip Frank, ir. full 241 54 1470 S9 1874 To taxes overp'd by Coll'rs From different districts 349 23 1179 29 910 93 1429 00 1539 01 47 S3 41,700 97 167 90 Amount of cash ree'd by Treas urer from Collectors, for year 1S74 To cash rea'd from other sour ces, viz : Taxes from Batiks 1310 i-i To cash ree'd from Thos. Lou don, Bank tax, C30 t To cash ree'd, Comiuouw'th costs 431 99 For Deeds of nnseaicd lauds 101 06 41,928 S7 S101.740 20 This statement is offered for the purpose of 1 showing the correctness of the. assertions above 1 made. Upon this form the majority of the board of Auditors, entirely and aloue depend to pro- I duce the con ect balance of monies received and, piid out by ihe Treasnrer, Ac, as I understand 1 them. ! 103,62: COMMISSIONERS, CR. On Dec. 31t, 1S71. By am't of outstanding County taxes "for 1874, aud previous years By am't of outstanding State tax for 1874 and previous years By am't of exonerations allowed col lectors on Couuty tax By commission allowed collectors on Couuty tax By exonerations allow collectors ou State tax By commission allowed collectors on State tax By notes due and owing the Couuty, re maining unpaid By am't of orders cancelled, being is sued during the year 1874 1 By old orders cancelled am'ting to Bv percentage allowed Treasurer on 68,941 95 nt 24 per cent Balance due the County by (lis Commissioners SO 0,649 24 557 24 1599 05 2100 72 41 24 83 17 200 00 7,543 73 1399 17 1723 89 1719 SC GREATER INDUCEMENTS :ntow offered at THAN EVER. CASH S T 3 ORE We are now offering our large and well selected winter stock ot Dry Goods, Groceries, &C, at a still further reduction from the astonishingly low prices we lately offered, in order to make room for the largest stock of Spring Goods ever brought to this section of the country. . Onr motto is "CASH, CASH, QUICK SALE AND want those who do pay io pay for those who do not pay VERY SMALL PROFITS." We do not We give below a few quotations mere is no misprint nbout it. Brown Mnslin, Applcton, "A," " " 4-4 Augusta 4-1 Peppuell " " 4-4 Lawrence - .... " 7 August! " " Good 10-4 Sheeting Bleached " 4-4 New York Alii is " 4-4 W.unsuttii " " 4-4 Hill 7s Hill " 4-4 as srood as Flint of the loom '' '' 4-4 Good 43 inch Pillow Casing Good Ginghams , Lancaster Ginghams Good Best Prints Good Delaines :it which prices .-.ny and all may bny for the ready money. r5,... ll'j-ceiits. 10 " JS " 10 " SI i " 35 " " 17?.,' " 16 " 13" " 1V4 " in-t ce 4 Giugliams, Friuts, Dress Goods. Alpacas mul 10 8 12 tt . Flannels us IH competition. Ih- convinced. 8 " 10 " " 12J " f:ll and see tin ami MOTIONS: $103,025 50 2481 02 To cash ree'd, being jury fund aud Court liues 152 06 To cash ree'd ou acc't of Jacob Grass, lunatic 165 00 To cash roe'd, Redempt'ii money 9 23 317 06 TUE light running "Domtxtic" Sewing ma chine, on account of its many point of superi ority, has a better demand than my other manu factured, and takes the lead with the public over machines long regarded as the best. Also the new Cloven and Baker sewing machine uot sur passed by any oilier. Orders tor these machines will be promptly filled by Miss Caroline Dalius, agent. Parlor Organs Miss C. Dalius !s the agent foi the sale of Parlor Organs, Pinnos, and all kinds of musicul Instruments. The very be.-t instru ments are furnished on short notices at prices to suit times. Call or address, C. DALIUS. No. 93, Market St.. Sunbury. I'.ItltOItS OFYOI'TIf. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will, for Ihe sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe nnd direction for making the simple remedy by which lie was cured. Su I'erers wish ing toprotit by the advertiser's experience can do so bv addressing in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OtiDEN. dec.25,'74.-0m. 42 Cedar St., New York. do do Exonerated taxes, nlterwurds paid 7 18 ilo do from B iud Tom, for Gas u.ied 1 00 do do from sale of bridge plank 7 70 do do from Peter Rob'm- old on note 50 00 do do from Chas. Hart man ou note 150 82 do do from Jas May on note 20 00 do do from Felix Rittcr on note 41 25 do do from S Oppon uote 25 00 do do from John Young man on uote 11 20 do do from owners of lots to redeem from county 215 70 do do from State taxes on sealed lands 2 70 do do from taxes on un seated lands IS94 34 do do from Sealed lands 7'J7 03 do do on Coin mission's' sales of unseated lauds from R. M. Cummings SlvO 03 do do on loan from Bauk 10,000 00 do do fm A. Cadwalla- der,latuTreas'r 3240 13 25 10 301 27 2091 90 Reasous for (as will be observed iu striking the balance of the Commissioners' account in the following statement) disallowing or reject ing oue order granted, "A. Cadwallader" late Treasurer, one order to "R. M. Cummings, for advertising land for sale outside the county. Also part of an order granted to the present Treasurer, (or rather cash advanced) for paying all the tuxes on laud sold by the Treasurer to the Commissioners ; also a certain rate percentage for money borrowed by Commissioners, aud re paid by Treasurer. The order granted to A. Cadwallader, for $115 83. in January, 1874, (as the bill represents) was given for the credit al lowed the county, of one per ft. by ibe State Tieas'r, for money paid out of the couuty funds to the State by A. Cadwallader, In the years of 1872 and 1873, for which payments he made to the Stale, he was allowed per cent, in his set tlement by the Auditors iu 1873 ana 1874. Now if this order is allowed him his percentage wiil be 3 per cent, instead of one per cent., as I think is the law for paying money tn the State by Couuty Treasurers. The order granted lo R. M. Cummiiigs, Esq., for 81087 50, for advertis ing sales of land outside of county. Said adver tising was paid by Mr. Cummings, as he was required by agreement, said to have been made w ith the Commissioners. Why is it, that he paid more tnoniy into the Treasury than he was required to do and then drew it out again, if not to increase the Treasurer's percentage. De ducting said order with the percentage added, from the amount be paid iuto the Treasury, would leave a net balance remaining of $7042 35, or about forty-two per cent of the whole amount realized. The order granted to the Treasnrer for paying all the taxes, as above stated, viz : for County, Poor, Road and School taxes, at the time of the sale, amount to ?2212 63, aud as near as I could ascertain the basis of this order is made up of the following items, viz : Road, School and Poor tax, amounting to f 1351 45; County tax $231 03, aud 120 deeds, at the rate of Vt 00 per deed, making $030 00. Treasurer's fees out of which the Treasurer to pay for advertising sales. Now I hold the Treasurer can retain said part of $230 03, county tax, since I cannot see that he is charged in the Report of the majority with that amount to balance the County tax on land sold to the oniniissioners. And at bes', it seems to me. that it is rather a loose and Com plicated waj ol managing sales of land, by ad vancing money to the Treasurer, before the taxes are called lor. Why not issue the orders (as I think the lnw requires) at the time, when pay ment is re-j aired to be made, separate and apart for each town-hip. instead of advancing the money, in a single order, mixed up with county tax and Treasurer's fees for deeds. The Com missioners borrow money, the Treasurer pays it out, lor which he irrts 2'.' er cent. Afterwards money Is paid into the Treasury by the collect ors. The Treasurer pays it bacK lo bank, for which he is ug.iin allowed 2J-J per cent., making his percentage $500 00 on ?10.00( borrowed money. '"The Treasurer shall receive the same per centum ns was lawfully received by his im mediate predecessor for like services," act April 18th, 1874. The Commissioners with the appro priation of the Auditors, shall from time to lime settle the rate per cent, of the Treasurer ; which was neglected by said oCleials ; consequently the Treasurer Is not governed by any legal per cent. Art 15th April, 1834, sec. 41. COMMISSIONERS Fnnd. To auditing militia years in account with the Militia Best Spool Cotton 70 cents per dozen, per spool Good Ladies' Neckties Alpaca Braid Good Corsets A line lot of Embroideries, very low. Fine towels per dozen Ladies' Hose, good '. Mens' Hose, good Children' ITose, good Ladies' and Mens' gloves, very cheap. Mens' Shirts and Drawers CarH;t Cham sold lower than anybody else sells it. 6 25 50 SI 00 10 cents. cents. 5;... S " . 372 cents. DR. fund for previous 393 84 CR. on Bv am't of outstanding militia tax December 31st, A. D. 1874 To cash received during year 1S74, be ing in the Treasurer's hands 393 SI 331 49 61 35 ?393 84 Explanatory statement (so far as 1 could as certain the facts) respecting the sale of unseat ed land sold during the year A. D. 1S74, in accordance with an agreement 6aid to have been made between J. Hunsecker, Amos Vastlne and J. G. Durham, Commissioners, and R. M. Cum mings, Esq. It appears that R. M. Cummings is r was to pay all taxes and interc.-t due on said lauds into "the County Treasury, and he to retain the balance for his services, and all costs to oc paid him. DR. Unseated lands sold in accordance with agreement by R. M. Cummings $17,016 98 l.ommissioners granted an order to R. M. Cummings, Esq., for advertising the 9ale- of said lands 10S7 50 Good Sugar Goou Brown Coffee Best Brown Coffee (Arbucklcs) iu packs Good Green Coffee per lb. Good Green Tea Good Black Tea Babbit's best Sohp Good Soap Good Raisins jh.t ft Molasses we defy competition. Trophy Tomatoes 3!h cans Ham and Shoulder lower than clscwh.'!!'. GROCERIES: V?r lb ... .. 9 28 30 25 45 45 S 5 15 20 cents. M u CI iii barrel of Mackerel junt received, and offered very low. A fall and csmplete stock of good- at corresponding prices. Call and sec ns. It will certain! v pav von. CLEMENT & DISSIf.CER. Dry Good and Grocery Jobbers, Market St., SUNBURY, PA., February 26, 1375. 3 mo's. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT CR. Paid into the County Treasury by R. M. C ii in in in Balance retained by R. M. Cummings, Esq., for bis services, and all expen ses ho may have had besides advertising 3156 03 9973 45 Such lands shall be that can be obtained, sect. 1. sold for the best price Act March 29th, 1824, ROAD, SCHOOL and POOR TAXE3 on un seated lands, JOHN HAAG, Treae.. DR. To amount of cash ree'd lor Road, School and Poor tux on imseated OF COOK STOVES AMD RANGES lauds SI 1,900 82 14,900 32 CR. Bv receipts for the payment of Road, "School and Pool tax, amt'ii.g to 13,230 67 By commission allowed Treasurer on $13,230 67 at 2),' per cent 330 70 Balanca due townships 1339 o9 $14,900 82 The statement of the majority of the board of Auditors allowed the Treasurer 5 per cent, com mission, besides P. W. Gray, $520 77 for clerk servic.-s out of the township funds, which, as will be observed ill the above statement, I have rejected. My opinion is lhat the act of Assem bly requires that taxes on unseated lands for Road, School and Poor, a:i well as County taxes, be paid in the County Treasury and drawn ont by the townships on the orders of the Commis sioners. Act March 15th, 1S15, sect. 6. At an Immese Reduction in Prices, for Cash. February 19, 1875. 6w. 7 QMITU10 INSTRUCTION BOOK Vlflalll O OB, SECSETi Of DSESSXAKI56. Onlr 1 0 cents a rear ! t Postaze Paid. CIVES HINTS and RULES or CUTTINQj rat fittinu a nuiuNU'vr lsuie', CHILDREN'S, and MISSES' CLOTHING, Household Notes, Fashions, Shopping, ILLUSTRATIONS OF PATTERNS. at. ss msb ssh sBBw m nvvoc Wl W tlVkB - V werBKirc IILLLU I Tkun. ) tn ixstrittiqn book, lTTJZZJtT A. BURDETTE SMITH, P.O. Box 5055. 914 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK CITY. sma's "Mam Urn Emnr." . TWCCTthow .' th Cimer Par f tb. Skirt (wroif sida . b ... - VUL f w : m " "KlmSar (Ml io. it keep tb kirthwallMSlUi. ItliOopstki-ikirt iBtTwtafolaod Faalkionsbto Manner, ltdnmtll i.fulln?M to tha back, vt&king tb. strauthc front It Save nor tkaa lan Tlnud tta Cost. It cm b. cfcnirl One Draaa to Priea, 4a carta aacfe. rsK-VrAT. V ... Liquor, Eatlnr, Patent Medi iiooius, Hroker and Circus Li- Commissioners A. Vasline, J. G. Durham aud D. S. Ileitz, Esq., in account with the County of. Northumberland respecting the assessing and collecting of taxes, ullowinir exonerations and percentage to collectors, issuing orders and war rants on the Treasurer, to be paid by him to the parties therein designated, ice. COMMISSIONERS, DP.. On January 4th, 1S74. To amount of outstanding County tax tor 1873, and previous years ?29,650 S7 Retail Tavern, cine. Billiard censes. JOIIN HAAG, Ecq., Treasurer. DR. To Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to amount of all licenses granted I A 7310 50 37310 50 CR. IJy am't paid State Treasurer By commission allowed By cash paid for publishing lift of re tails By ca'-h paid Attorney fee 6'J54 104 111 '.!0 50 00 $57 310 50 Due Treai-urer from County on settlement uith him ou cash received 1271 4Q AMOUNT OF OUTSTANDING TAXES FOR 1374 WD P .EVIOt'S YEARS. Colledor-s Aiif. I District. County. St'it c. I ; .VilCa. TO OX SI M TT IV KS. The advertiser havinsr been permanently cured of that dread dif-eane. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sutrerers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the d reelions for prepar ing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, Bronchitis, &e. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. E. A. WILSON, 1.)4 lVnn St., Wiliianisburgh, New York. dec.25,'74-6m. At llarrishurg, on Saturday, the 27th ult.,Mrs. MAKY A., wile of Capt. C. S. Bail d, in her 39th year. On the 29th nit., In Purdvtown, EMMA AGNES, a very Interesting child of Theodore and Loui?a Chester, aged 8 yrs, 8 mos. and 25 days. Sr.Mtt'KY If AKHHS. SfJNnrnY, April 1, 1S75. Grain Wheat per bushel fl.00fn.-l.20 " prime white 1.12ia1.25 " Kve per bush 75(30 " Corn " 75('nH0 " Oats " 50(rt-60 Floi-u Extra Family pr bid r.00f7.(K) Common 5.50ft, 7.00 Buckwheat 4.00 Feed Corn & Oats Chop pr 100 !' 1.50(2.00 Khorts & Mixtnre 1.50(41-75 Potatoes. &c New per bushel 80(i.75 Provision Ham per lb 10(.20 Shoulder pr lb 14(13 Bacon pr lb lOftlS Beef, retail pr lb 1 1(520 Veal, do do 10(u,18 Dried Beer pr lb 25(430 Poi-lirt Chickens, dressed pr lb 12(jl5 Do. live weight 10(12 Bcttei! Prime per lb 35(3:40 Eoos Per dozeu 3035 SflD Audilor'M Keport. To the Honorable the Juihjet of the Court of Com mon Pleat of Xorthutnberland County. rpilE tindertigned, one or the Board or Audi I tors, elected to audit, adjust and settle the accounts of the Commissioners and Treasurer or the County of Northumber'aud, as directed by the several acts of Assembly relating to Connty Auditors ; beg leave to state, that I re gret, that I am compelled to dissent, (according to the said act of the Legislature, as I under stand tbora) from the report or the majority of the Board of Auditors, for tho reasons referred to, as will be seen by tho form, figures and cx plnnntion". in this my following sMtement or Vi- 70,604 41 Expenditures paid bv Treasurer. CK. The Treasurer claims credit ibal for the follow ing numbers of Older, or Warrants drawn mi him bv the Commissioners during the year A. D. lt74 ; also liis legal jiereetitage, ou sa d re ceipts and payuieiitb. Orders. Items. 45 Jurors and Constables' pay 12'.l Couhtabb-s and Justices' fees ill Coiiimouwcaltn cases, tc 210 Commonwealth witness lees 14 Road Damages 60 Bridge build g and repairs 33 Road tt bridge view 14 Comtn'rs pav, A Vasline $397 55 ) " J (i Durham 40n 00 " " D S Reitz 429 50 ) 15 Commis'rs' traveling expenses do Clerk's pay : 13 P W Gray, $600 00 5 do extra do 2 75 0U 2 Traiiserg land Kales 100 00 Charter books. Lein Shipinan, 2L Jury Connor's and tliei k's pay 12 Janitor's pey, J. Cable 12 Court Crier's pay, D lieckley 4 Sheriirs fees, S. II. Rothermel 4 Prothonotury's, L. T. Rohrbaeh 36 Printing and advertising Kichholtz, Wilveit. Yotiuguian, Auteu, Gilger, Fowler, Morion t Mervine 52 Court House Repairs, &c. 3 lilunk books 22 Stationery un l Postage 26 Prison expenses 1 Penitentiary expenses 25 Coroners & Justices' inquisitions 4 Hospital expenses 50 Assessment nnd Registration 43 General and Spilng Elections 153 Fox and Mink Scalps 2 Interest on borrowed money 15 Fuel and Gas for Court House, ifcc 29 Tip.tuves' pay Refunded overpaid Taxes 3 County Auditors' pay 5 Supreme Court costs 11 Prosecuting Attorney 9 fees, J K Clement 6 Countv Att'v, Wm. A. Sober 6 County Att'y at Supreme Court 2 KaseandMcDcvitt'sfces 8 Stenographer, or ehort hand re-norter 4 Boarding Jurors in murder trial 2 Appropriations to tire companies 2 Removing Fish dams 2 Survey township lines 5 Taking Prisoners to Penitentiary 1 Auditing County offices 2 Puichasiug "O'H.ira's" property 1 Medical attendance at prison 1 Justices costs 1S70, '71, und '72 1 Agricultural SiKiety 1 Percentage credited to the county by State Treasurer, lor inxts paid to the State by A. Cad wallader, in 1372 ami 1373 1 Paid by Treasurer to Bank, mo ney borrowed 10,000 00 2 Pay of Special Police 11,219 10 1 For 126 Deeds to Commissioners for land sold by Treasurer to Commissioners 1 To R. M. Cummings for advertis ing unseated lands onlsidc the county Amount of outstanding orders paid S69S6 8'J 1257 3u 4072 UO l.i2 SIN 3679 05 433 i 1227 00 229 74 975 00 25 0J 172 25 360 U0 245 00 2u53 46 553 30 $154 90 732 SO 516 M 4 75 4 50 112 00 13 501539 40 1455 70 151 85 223 91 212 59 1551 76 426 n3 363 75 2625 33 2297 41 61)4 70 36 33 K32 06 HI 50 i 167 90 153 00 46 29 $1201 00 725 00 S25 00 75 002320 00 325 00 323 25 850 00 117 17 255 01 487 84 25 00 124 25 25 00 196 33 100 00 li,5; Witliiugiou Latie IHi,j. Thomas Miller , " iliurinan Suyucr 1370: 1 nomas Buntc 1371 : Isaac iloUiier. 1372 Simon Metzar " iNoah KlocK. i Andrew Martin 1S73 Charles S. Mnler .. :E. H. Stiilwaguer Samuel K. llile i. J. P. Fincher ; Thomas Loudou 1374 Samuel Suaiiiiou :lteliiy Harris Isr.u-i lliil .. S lliiam ll.ali t. :W iniuiu Reed " ll. P. Foilmer i. iueoigu Roliieilttcl.... : James VVeikcr...H " ; Joseph Dreisler t lAOrahaui tfiusscr a I Henry Z. liaker t (ieoigu Trouliaan J. a. Wagner c i Hugh McDonald t ;JaCKSou Merger. . . it Amos Vasline Jesse G. John i :C A. Conrad . i.M. D. Bostmn t. :John A. HlueV Levi Lynn i. .Christian Uouserl n Andrew Biielier ; William Gilder l. ;J. .VI. Ctiuuiau , I Thomas D. Hull' . j Samuel Uayuerger.... . iBoioiuou Weaver ,'h.. .... Shamokin Boroug Point twp ....'Shamokin borough ....!Coal twp .... Mt. Carmel bor ....'Delaware twp ....'Jordan twp .....! Mt. Carmel twp .... i Lower Augusta iwj .... j Mt. Carmel bor .... Riverside bor .... Shamokin bor , ... 'Northumberland bor ....iTurbutville bor .... Milton bor ...-jLewis twp .... Chillisqiiafiiie twp Point twp ....ITurbut twp ....I VcEwensville bor ....! Northumberland bor ...! Jackson twp ....! Lower Mahanoy twp ....IZeibe twp jJorda:, twp ....'Little Mahanoy twp .-!.Ml. Carmel twp ....jSnydertown bor ... iRusli twp IMt. Carmel bor .... Lower Atigusl i twp ....'l.'pprr Augusta twp ....'Delaware twp ....! Wutsontowu bor ....::,,uieiou twp ....Washington twp .... Shamokin bor -...j Riverside bor.....". ....'Shamokin twp ....Coal twp ....jMiubury bor... i ?100 00 i i; 66 44: 344 45!) 330 05 j 743 49 i 272 36 : 251 93;; 594 76; ! 357 95, j 934 72 ; 1,536 91 625 35 113 63 1,931 45 i 83 9311 1,527 SO ! 193 ll 632 40' I 203 44, 215 49 113 35, i 526 2S1 33 52. J 511 72 1 293 95 1,131 901 44 I 111 55 i 3V) 83! SI 63 ) 23 90i i205 00 22 32 134 88 119 03 9 93 U 93 47 51' 67 73 53 63 43 5u 21 76 7 60 ni vtrt& 5-iiWCb. CO. HurdwsTe Bcalem aell them. -Kingcr. 1; Tin Blntra (loo;, jeoo; Coppered Rings. 60c; ll.KOt oy rnaii,poefr Circulars Irco. April 2, "T.'.-tw. A I. FOItTCNK IX IT, y Agents, Eeverv family buys it. Sold Address, tf. S. WALKER, Eric, Pa. April 2, Ij.-iw. C?1A D;iily lo ARenis. V Family 85 new articles and the best Paper in America, with two $5.0 Chromos, free. AM.M'Pti CO.. Mu Broadway. X. Y. April 2, Tj.-tw. I AGENTS! SEND FOR CIRCULAR AND TEEM3. ; IIVEXSTOSK'S Popular Edition j Price $2.50. L.AST JOl'UXAI-S !. The story of the lout seven een :ul yers t i Traveler's life an tol.1 by bimscli, ana of an sntiennss and deith, an tt.;ti by hi" men. Tue book they want. F. C. Bi t' Co., PuWwher", Newark, Ji. J. April 2. 7".-4w. H IVE YOU TRIED ARE TOC WEAK, NERVOUS, OR DEBILITATED? Are you o languid 'hat any exertion requires more of an effort than you feel capable of making? Then try Jnrubeba, the wonderful tonic and iuvigora tor, which acta so beneUcially ou the accretive orgaua jh to impart viaor to all vital forces. It is uo alooiiouo aii eti7e- wmcn eiimm;:ien mr n I lAti. AXl iXk-LOKATIONS OF DR. jLI VENGS T 0 K E. , Giving a clear ami authentic aceount of the great x j piorel from childhood to death. New book Just out, abowiug how be apent 30 years in the wilds of Africa. i It include his "Last Journals" and everything new to date. Is selling rapidly. Our family bibles are nneqnalcd for styles aud prieta. AGENTS WANTED, address at one for liberal terms. QUAKER CITY PUBLISHING CO. Philadelphia. Pa. March 19, 1373. READ EVERY WORD. To Blaise ENOUGH in the nc it three mon'J:s to keep yon a year, any unem ployed person between the ages of 16 and SO should take and agency for The Illuctbited Weekly, large, aparkling. literary and family paper, (3.50 a year) pure, instructive, ai.d amusing ; half of its pages full of beau tiful pictures, the other half containing the choicest readius matter. Jam P.tnros contributing editor. Like tlutt great English paper, the "Loudou Illustrated News,'' it is highly moral, but entirely unsectarisn and non-political. During a year it furnished over 1,100 j pictures, aud the equal or J Urce octavo volume 01 read jug matter. IT GIVES AWAY, extra each week, a largo ! engraving, ( '2 iu a year), size, 17x24 inches. These are i exqusits facsimiles of the fines: sieel engravings, on h avy tinted paper, with nutrgins suitable for framing ', and arc truely line art gUlt-yy ever year. Reeidetr. i eacij subscribe is presented with the cbrorao. "Gold Fiih, Frails ami ilns-eis," size 2X2M teet, in 3. oil ot only the largest and .hnrt lirn?. onlv to let the sufferer fall to a lower depth I colors, painted by Ramsey. Not oi of miserv. but it is a vegetable tonic acting directly ou f finest preminm ever given, but the most wonderfully ....Ii 70! I 1.437 40 717 97 ; 213 41' i 137 25; i 1,197 CV 534 10. 1,013 75: 1,033 84 2,517 OS, j26,649 24;'.?557 24 -?331 49 Tlmte marked with u btar () luivo siucc lmiil. STATEMENT of the Finances of Northumber land County, on the first day of January, A. U. 1375. DR. To amount of outstntnliiifr County Or- j tiers of 1373 und previous years $1332 75 To amount of outstanding Couuty Or- dcrg for 1874 52 04 To uiuouut of Bank lax paid by Trea- j nrer to tlie State and not settled with lilm lot - To uiuouut to lie paid out of County Funds to tlic State for 1S74 4513 37 " Money borrowed due und owini: 80O 00 " Commonwealth cogtsduetmd owluft 1C7 74 " Coal lor Court House and Jai- 163 00 " Geo. Keefer, on Culvert, Mai ki t Street 97 91 " J. D. Flayes, road dniiiiigcs 450 00 " Peter Keefer on Culvert, Market Street 243 00 " For paints, de., for Court House 273 24 " J. 13. Letikcr, tilling up ut Culvert Market Street 1S5 00 " L. T.R"btbnth, Protbonotary, Fees nnd Costs 136 65 Outstanding tux for the year sup posed not to be collected, duriu.H 1375, from Coal township 2397 26 " Exonerations and percentage to be allowed on outstanding taxes for the year 1374 and previous years, about 200U 00 above stated Amount of outftaudine State taxes Amount due from Geo. IrlcElicce, former Treasnrer -Amount due from diflerent individ uals on note collectable, about 21,016 40 557 24 4,733 23 200 00 $32,145 59 115 83 $15,393 26 2212 63 10S7 50 1399 17 CR. By amount of outstanding County Taxe3 for the year 1373 and pre vious years, on the 1st day of Jan uary, A. D. 1S75 " Amount of outstanding Couuty taxeB for the year 1374, Exonera tions and percentage included as 5633 67 Balance in favor of the Connty on the 1st day of January, A. D. 1375 $10,717 33 I, the undersigned, one of the Auditors of Northumberland County, Stateof Pennsylvania, do certify, that in puisuauce of a special Act of Assembly, passed March 31st, A. D. 1859, met the Auditors of the majority report in the Com missioners' ollice, on the third Monday of Jan uary, A. P. 1875, and assisted them as much as iliey desired me to do when present, nntil they had their report completed according to their judgment or custom, upon the expectation that if their report did not prove satisfactory to me, they woulu in return assist mo to complete one according to my judgment and sense of duty; but in this I was disappointed, because they de clined doinn so. I further certify that the re port of the majority did not prove -atlsfactory to me, whereupon I did adjourn from time to time, and did audit, adjust and state the accounts of the Treasurer and Commissioners to the best of my judgment nnd ability. The available as sets of the county on the 1st of January, 1S75, were tietween sixteen and seventeen thousand dollars ibovc the indebtedness. 1 concluded by submitting this the minority report to the Hon orable Court and the public generally, and hop ing that if I may have committed any errors they will be satisfactorily corrected, that justice may be doue the County aud all parties interest ed, according to law. Iu witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 25ta day of February, A. D. 1S75. C1IA8. IIOTTENSTINE, l. 8. Ono of the Auditors twautittil chioTno every produced. It is Just the paper for which everbody has heen waiting larger and finer than and other, at hi. if the usual cost. Its mieee (uearlv lWOKUbscribcrs a day being received) proves Its operation is not violent, Lut is characterized to, this. So comi lete, m progressive, so full of useful as gret gentleness ; the patient eiierieiics no sud.ti-u , well as rn'ertaing matter is this paper, that we Venturis charge, no marked results, but gradually his troubles! to assert that to every thinking, observant Annrieau. a "Fold their tt nts, like the Aralw, year' subscription (cot ?3.5 ix, in actual, nsefnl value. Aud silently steal away." j worth lifty dollars.. AGENTS. Thia combination is Till. ,i.- r..,v and untried diseoverv. but lias Inen unennallcd. It is an instantaneous and rrononneed snccexs. f.vory goott American taxes ax least one paper of course. He takes this paper bempse (1) it is the nicest and best ; (2) it is the cheapest giving a greal bargain nd thus suits the hard times. It sella it self. Be quick, if yon want aDd agency. This time of the year any agent can make from $10 te $20 per day. stent! threo stamps for specimens and liberal terms, with re ports from agents, subscribf and press notices; or, better yet, to save time, send $2.30 at orce for a com plete out at, and make 1100 while you would otherwise be v.-aitinpr. Yon are sure to take hold anyhow. Money refunded if not perfectly satisfied, or if the territory you want is already occupied, Address all orders for specimen s'lhgcrintlnns. or onlflts to T. E. MOORK, I'nblUlier "The Illustrated Weekly," Box 6430, No. II Dey St. N. Y. March 19, 4w. the liver and spleen. It regulates the bowels, quiets the nerves, ui:d gives . such a' healthy tone to the whole system as to nva make i the Invalid feel me a new person. long used wilh wonderful remedial results, and is pro nounced by the highest medical autborite", "the most powerful tonic and alternative known." Ask your druggist for it. For sale bv JOHNSTON, nOIXOWAY k CO.. Ai lil 2, ".'.4w. Philadelphia. Pa. SHOT-fiCS RIFLES. PISTOtSy REVOLYEP-J, ( Cai .il.i.-u.. A-llr-n ewl Wrtm Caa ; aud a-i ...: W.wki It-ilTOKUasJil, PA. April 2, v. MARYLAND FARMS AXI HOME?, 10,0Ut ACIIKS. Near railroad. Loc ition hetiltay. rules goods. AH-drcs-i WM. S. RID9KLY, Alio uey, Denton, M irylai;d. April 2, 1ST.--. 4w. J-'or COUGHS, COLDS, IIO RSOESS, AND ALLaTHUOAT DISEASES, Us WELLK CAUBOMC TABLET PfT TP OXLY IX BLCF. BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by DruggiFta. March 1!, 4vv. A T Y-Y"I? V made by selling Teas at Impoet- JiUiN Lil ers" Pricks, " or getting np clubs in towns ancLconntry for the oldest Tea Company in Ame rica. Gnr.tost inducements. Send for circular. CAX- I TON TEA CO., 11H Ch!Orbcrs street, N. Y. .uarcn i', a.-w. r. i' I..UIEa' COMBISATIOX iNEKPLE-BoOK. with Chromos. (Send stamp. rttpcs. New Bedford Mass. March 19, 4ff. VT I? 17s AMPLE to Agents T lHJli: gesth. Ciinrg Clmiipr sens at sisr.r. eoe?3r as soap. Goods free. Chang Chang Jit gco., Boston. A March 19. 4w. or a case of Asthma, Cough, or Cold that amsos's Botanic Balsam win not j cure. I.AnoE J- cents, jubj- . ston, Hollowav Co., Age.its, Philadel- Marcn 1'.', v. i for the fastest sell- $5,000!'An: GOLD phia. AGENTS WANTEDSberVu!!: bsheti. Semi for ecimeu page and our extra lenns j to ARi-.its. NATION VL 11 IsLISHI.Mi iu, 1'iiil.v DEXFH1A, Ta. March lt, 4w. RETAILED AT Import!- 1'rires. BY THE TEAS Great Atlantic ani Pacific Tea Co. 231 Market street Harrisfonrg- This is an organization of capitalists to IMPORT ASD DISTRIBUTE TEAS for one small profit, saving the sonsumer all profits of middlemen. We control a large part of the Best Teaa brought to this country, which are sold by ourselves. Persons buying of other dealors do so to their own dis advantage." Our houses iu China and Japan have the very best facilities of selecting, which give lis great ad vantages. We have estaeitslied stores for distributing our teas in all the principal cities of the UDited States. We give to our customers a Beautltul Oil Chromo, (taken from the richest gems of American and Foreign artists) which, if bought at picture stores, would cost much more than the price of the Tea. These chromos are a present to our customers. All goods sold Warranted to give perfect satisfaction or the money refunded. Great Atlautlc & Parillc Tea Co., 221 Market street, Harrisbnrg March 13, "cTllUSTIAN-HARMONY. BY Wm. WALKER, A. 8. H. A splendid Music Book upon a New, Natural and easy system, by which auv one may learn to read music and to sing in one fourth the time required by the old me thods. Designed for ties. Liberal inducements to Musio Teachers. Specimen pages mailed free. MIL LER'S BIBLE AND PUBLISHING 1IOUSE, 1102 and Jin Ransom street. Phibidelpeia. Pa. March 19, 4w. Report of" "The First National Bank ofSnnbnrj , Pa." Report of tlic condition of "The First National Bank of Snnbnrvy' at the Borontrn of Sunbnry, in the State of Fennsylvanin, nt tho close of bu. fc'mes. on the 1st d.iy of March, A. D. lTS ; RESOURCES. Loans and" discounts $376,4C0 70 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 200,000 00 U. S. Bonds to secure derxaita 50,000 00 U. S. Bonds on hand 700 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages.. S50 00 Due from redeeming and rescrro niccntu 23.204 70 Due from other National Banks... 13,927 73 j Duo from State Banks and bankers... 41,025 67 Current expenses and taxes paid 4,608 94 Checks and other cah items includ ins "Protest account" 3,467 24 I Bills of other National Banks 19,498 00 I Fractional currency, (including nlck- : els) 1,601 89 ; Lcfral-tender notes . 09,000 00 Ucdeuiption fund with U.S.Trcaa(5.0 of circulation) 9,000 00 j f 713,853 38 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $200,000 00 Surplus Fnnd 38,000 00 Other undivided protlts 27,S43 93 National Bank Notes outstanding- .. 139,100 00 State Bank Notes outstanding 5,985 00 Dividends Unpaid 5,709 18 Individual Deposits subject to check- 365,415 35 United States Deposits 24,519 13 Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers- 1,247 00 Due to other National Banks............ 6,434 78 One to State Bank and Bankers 40 00 1 713,833 SG STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA: Coe.nty of Northumberland, ss I, Samuel J. Packer, Cashier of the above named bunk; do solemnly swear that theakove statement is true to the best of tny knowledge, and belief. Signed.l S. J. PACKER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6t! day of March, 1875. Signed Eii'l WavtitT, Notary Pnblie. Correct Attest : I Signed, WM. I. GREENOUGH, ) W. M. ROCKEFELLER, Directors, " A. JORDAN, ) Buubury, Marrh 13. 1875. 1 i ff.for a lively sprier Uwle now mi. J-1