unbm i) American. "sUNBUBV. MARCH 2G, 1875. loVEK Seed wanted uy i. d. -o'"-'t Central Prna Sinre. Siinhtiry, Pa. Geo. W. Coble, Esq., at Herndon, Oils county Is authored to act at agent for the AnuHcan in that place, in receirinp subscription, job work, advertisements, and weei for all bill, be may present from us. A WilciX Si tiiKH oewins 1 idiin-, entirely new, a i of ll- tt make, can be had cheap by applying at this office. Wishing to i-haime my business I offer my en tire stock of head stoucs and monuments at greatly reduced rates. Having a larire stork or All siees ready for lettering, customers can hate a good choice ft select. Parties iteedinir any thing In this Hue Mlf do well to call at my place on South 4th atreet, near Market. All work told to give satisfaction or no rale. V. M. DAVOHltBTT. March 26, 1873. 2w. Cxawxatio roK Permanent Certificates. -The meriini; of the committee to examiue teachers for permanent certificate-, will meet on Friday and Saturday, April 2d and 3d. in tlir Hifih Bchool room of Sunbury. Ai-pliwnts will be preaent promptly at 10 A. M. on April 2d. EuAt Bcbneider, Chairman. W. A. Heller keel everyt Uini: In the clothing Hue to eou.i-.eie a full drew except boo!, and Uoe-. Coats, rants, vest, shirts, collars, neck tie, bat. and cap., cloves, and every line of jreiitlenictTs wear, which he fell, at the roost reasonable price. Tur. great coal shaft, near PottsviUe, is already uuk to the depth of about 1400 feet. The great mammoth vein. 50 feet thick, will be reached khout 200 feet below. The estimated cost I $1, fcfl.OOO. The vein will be reached in June or July. Some enormous cakes of ice cover the Hade-tot. railroad six mile above this place, one of them lyinit on the track measured 8 feet wide, 14 fect loan and 33 inc hes in thiekuess, weighing nearly ten tons. A KfMFER or raft belonging to parties in Clin ton county, lj ing i" the river optwite this place, were swept off ..n the night I he ice went off. The last pn.v.Lina newspaj-er error occurred in the Daily of Saturday Ui4. which read : "The ice i gorced against the Cm berland Valley Railroad bridge, at Harrisburg, to the -deb! of m ver-l feet, being on a level with th Tail, which is on top of the bridge." TllK loos sustaiued by the Northumberland Btidge company, by tins destruction orne of theii bridges, mid a au or another, isctim.iteil w ill be from -,0..o00 ! fiVOOO. The Steam Mill f M- Moore A CampU-li at Ibis place, has been runni g day and n'uhl for several weeks part. The latest style f hal and c.i. besi.lcs a large stock of ready -made clothing, have ju-t bc-u opened at W. A. Heller' More, corner ol Third a- Mark.-t St., Sui.bury. We pnblifh ls- County Auditor's RetHirt in another pait of this V"l'r, for tll! Dl'n' 01 of "r readers. Or course ww receive no pay for It, as the Ring" lias resolved that we are not to have any pay from the county a. far as they are con cerned, and a. long as they reign. Next week we will pubiit-h the minority re-port. A sf.w lot of trunk have arrived at W. A. Heller's Clothing .tore, comer Market t Third .vets. . Ice Gokof.8. Those peraous who passed over be N. C railway and the P. A E. K. R. durltg the past week, have witnessed sceties that will undoubtedly be remembered during the remainder of their live.. Never before has there been such iorge of ice seen upon the Susquehanna. The hear ice formed upon its bosom during the se vere cold winter, and which partly moved off last week, has caused the moil gigantic gorges that have ever been w itnessed by the oldest inhabitants. Be'aw this place several of the most formidable gorges are formed, which appear of the most threatening character, for the destruction of pro perty when the floods shall move them down the stream. Below the dam the public roads have been obstructed by huge cake, of ice, and a gorge is formed extending nearly to the middle of the river. The ice has completely obstructed the water on the cast side down to the bead of the island, opposite Mulberry station, forming in some places pyramids of ice from 10 to 25 feet high. Iu this gorge arc a number of logs, sev eral rafts of timber and parts of bridges. Along the shores of the river there is a continuous wall of ice. Above th bridge at Seliusgrove station is another gorge, extending from the eastern shore of the river unto the island. At this point the ice is very thick, and, if a sudden rise should occur, but little hopes are entertained for the railroad bridge at that point. The piers are very light, and the great force of the ice may thove them from under the woodwork. In sev eral places below this station the ice has not yet been moved and remains unbroken, but several miles further don u, to below Fisher's Ferry, con siderable damage has been sustained along the bank by the shoved ice. At the ferry, and for a considerable distance below, the public road has been entirely obstructed. On the islands oppo site, the banks are covered with large cake, on the easternshore, the low grouuds are submerged with ice, which has been shoved over the bank, destroying outbuildings in close proximity to dwelling bouses. For miles, or as far as one can see down the river, large pile6 of ice are formed. Several small islands in the river appear lite mountains, with icy pyramids from 10 to 20 fee1 in height. At Herndon considerable destruction of property was caused. All the lands between the railroad and tha river bad been submerged. Many of the bouses on the river shore sustained i Tribute of Itfspert. The following preamble and resolutions were adopted at a special meeting of Eastern Star Lodge, No. 143, K. of P., in reference to the death of our esteemed Bso. Fbancis Blciiek. Whereas, by a disinsutiou of Divine Provl dence. Francis Bucher, and houorible and re peeled member of our Lodge, has been removed from our midst, it is both right and proper thai the Fraternity should manifest some expression of its bereavement ; and, wherea, in the mysteri ous ways of the ever-present God, we, as a Lodge, are called upon to recognize the brokeu circle of our Brotherhood ; therefore, Resolved, That we have sustained a great loss in the death of ourbrotber.Francis Bucher.whose high character, during his career among lis as a valuable citixen and worthy brother commanded the respect of all who knew him, and especially bound him with the bonds of love to ns, who are no called upon to mourn his departure. Resolved, That the memory of our esteemed brother shall always occupy a prominent place in the memories of our Lodge ; and that while sorrowing liecause of this our but partially re alized loss, we arc nevertheless comforted by the thought that to him the call to bis eternal home was not unwelcome ; that to him death was not loss but gain. Resolved. That we tender our deep sympathy to the bereaved widow and family of our dear brother, praying that he who doth all things well may sustain them in their bereavement. Resolved, That we wear the usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days. Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family and published in the county papers. R. W. WYNN, M. C. BOWLBV, GEO. W. SNYDER, Committee. Sattkate a Piece or Bkeap ok Meat with gastric juice, and it wKl dissolve. This is diges tion. Add to such a mixture a little alcohol, and it will not dissolve. This is indigestion. Beware, then, of tincture, of tonics, or decoc tions containing spirilous liquors. Shun all rum 'tonics," and rely solely on Dr. Walker's Vine gar Bitters, the finest digestive Invigorant known, and free from the fiery curse of Alcohol. Mar. 12, 75.-4W. ttsiness C?C TiiOl ft Pr DV t home. Terras frw. Address lJ l"OZ) O. Stiso.i Co., Portland, Maine. Jan. 22, 1875. ly. When you go to Philadelphia, stop at the Allegheny House, No. 812 ami 814, Market St. Re-fitted, re-furnished, etc.. New Goons Agai. A new supply of goods yi arrive to-morrow, Saturday, at the store of Cleteut and Uisriugcr. Mr. P:inger has been iu the tity during the week and buying iu for cash, mbi will lie sold for rash at bottom prices. Smakt. A Harrisbnig roittn dnt of the Philadelphia Pru, says the track of the N. C. railroad from HarrishurgioSunbury was covered with ice. Eight daily trains have been runniug cn the road without un hour's detention from ice during the winter. This correspondent should try once more. Wintek holds on with great severity. When spriug conie iu reality, it will come suddenly ani" remain. Tiie CuLrt whicu has been iu session about four weeks, closed thi week. An Adjourned court will be held iu June. Judge Rockefeller ha been remarkably successful in his decisiou. Of the six cases taken up and argued be Tore the Judges during the late term of the Supreme court, it one was reversed or sent back. considerable damage. The losses at this point j iy A. liecx, rropneior, ana price oui j must be large, as everything looks in a most de- VeT day. lapidated condition. Messrs. Zeigler it Bro. have uecu the largest sufferers. Their Steam Saw Mill has been nearly destroyed. The smoke stack has been leveled to the ground, and large cakes of ice and a large amount of debris are scattered over the ground. On the island, we regret to notice, Mr. Charles Wolverton sustain ed eoin-iderable loss by the ice breaking down sheds and runuiug in'o bia barn. Al this place, on Wednesday evening, a number of families living on the batiks removed some of their goods, but I he water rushed upou them suddenly, ana many ol their goods had to be lelt be-hiud. Sev eral cos, a steer, pigs and poultry wre drown ed, and tueal in cellars and smoke bouses was destroyed. Many of lc: families cannot afford to suttaiu these losses as hey are poor. Tlie fl.iur mill of Mesr. Buhner Brown, on Maha noy creek, a short uUtance above, was flooded by back water aud considerable flour destroyed. Five ol the piers of the old bi -idge to Pott Tre-v-oitou were considerably demolished by the ice kiiockmg iff the top stoues. From Herudoti lo Georgetown much damage war done by ttie car rying away of leu-e, and some oiitbuiidiu.s aioug the banks. The islauds opposite George town are completely submerged by ice. Iu front of ttie tow n the ice 1 shoved to eany the top ol the bank, some teu to lifteeu feet iu height. Al Liverpool a gorge was formed, and the ire shoved over the bauk unto the railioad tiaek, which was Seedily removed so ttat traius were uot de tamed. Iu many places ve noticed large trees aioug the baua, which hid been broken down by cake of ice and ntar y covered. In facl,t along tnc wnoie line 01 me roan 10 aiuiersuurg, 111 islands present theapearaiice or ice tuoau laius. These gorge extend iu muny places to the bottom of the river, aud cmse the wawr to form its chanuel on the western side, which is preliy well cleared, with the exiejrtion or along the shores. Is a Pr.Rti.ors Situation. U Ira Seasholir who resides on the other side or 'he ShamoKin creek oppsite this place, was plae-.J !iX rather reriu.u- i-Umiwu on WedirrHn ntij ek. When the water tiegau lo rise nd the ic uiuved off the creek, he crossed fur the brpose of seeiiriug his horse which was kept in ajlable on this tide of the creek. In th meautine a gorge was formed beiow and the watct rose rapidly, he attempted to swim the horse ttross t get to hi house, but the current beiu,; tw strong he was carried down the stream, hen le grasped the limb ef a tree, uud the horse tvuu safely to shore. Soie r the employees in the lower yard beariug li.n call Tor help wen aud rescued tiiui just in time to save him from iugand falling into th-Water. A raft was h-jj. ly made of railroad sills and floated to where I. Fine suits tf the best quality sold cheaper than ever at Heller' Clothing store. It is reported that the train agents on the N. C. Railwav will be taken off on the 1st of April. j Lost. An umbrella with the name of n. B. Masscr printed iu red ink inside and out. The person who found it will be rewaided by return ing it to this o't.ce. The immense stock of clothing at Simon Oppenheitner's store is selling rapidly on ac count of their cheapness. The-y will continne to sell at their extreme low price until the thole stock is sold out, when they will procure Spring style. Now is the time to get good dothing cheaper than ever before, and as the sy'e will not change materially, all their pre---nt stock of gods will coutinue fashionable firing the season. Call and sec them. The finest assort aient of foreign and domestic L'tods will be found at Marx A Bro s, store, Ma wnic building. Goods shipped direct from Eu npe will be found there at prices lower than they c ii lie had in the ci.ies. They are receiving a ciiMaiit supply to keep op their immense stock, wlich are .old at prices that no other establish mint can eoiniK-te with them. They will give m ice of cery arrival of foreign goods direct fi.m Europe, and will keepageneral assortment of the fin-st goods from the old country. Cheat Reiiiction in Pkices. Having rfj cccd a few supply of rubbers, we will dispose o' them at the following reduced prices : Men' Rubbers 11.00 V omen's Rubber 75 Visses" Rubbers 50 Children's Rubbers - 40 Also, Boots and Shoes oi every description, which we will sell at reduced rales for cash, to make room for our large spriug stock. Call at once and examiue for yourselves. Smith A Bho., Miller's building, Market Square, Sunbnry, Pa. Not too Late. If you have a shocking bad bat, it is not too late to make chaugc. Call on S. Faust and if you cannot find a new hat to sail, leave your old silk hat, which will be fixed np as good as uew. Every style of hat is fonnd at Mr. Faust's hat establishment, on Market Square, Punbnry, at the most reasonable prices. The light rnnnlng "Dmiuitic" Sewing ma chine, on account of its many point of superi oritv, has u better demand than any other manu factured, and takes the lead with the public over machines long regarded as the best. Also the new Groven and Baker sewing machine not sur passed by any other. Orders lor these machines will lie promptly filled by Miss Caroline Dalius, agent. J'arlor Organs Miss C. Dalius is the agent foi the sale of Parlor Organs, Pianos, and all kinds of musical Instruments. The very best instru ments are furnished on short notice, at prices to suit times. Call or address, C. DALII'S, No. 93, Market St.. Sunbnry. was in uis perilous situation, tne water uenp, TO "0BUTIPTI VES. about eleven feet iu depth. When reached M. j haVllll, permanently cured Seashollz was almost unconscious. He was1 of ,,iaj jad disease. Consumption, by a simple taken In the rfesnntrher's oilier- at the railroad 1 .inert v is .inlious to make known to his fellow sifferers the means oi cure. 10 an wiiuucanc : he will send a copy of the prescription used, C-ee or charge), with tbe d.reclions for prepar '"iend using the same, which they will find a utecure for Consumption. Asthma, Bronchitis. Ac. Tarties wishing the prescription will please adds Rev. E. A. WILSON. 114 Penn St., Wiliiamsbiirgh, New Yoik. de.2V74 6m. A Wovss Killed. On Wednesday afternoon about five o'clock, Mrs. F.lir.ilx tli Lawles.alady living mi Scotch Hill, mt with a tragic death. Hie was engaged at soinelliiug on the second fi.xir of her hoii-e. aud accidentally stepping backward she fell down an open stairway to the fixir beneath. After he hid fullen hc got up, apparently little injured, and remarked to l.cr eiauchler that she would go up stairs and lie Sowu. and w ished to tie called when her husband came home ill the cvenini. . When her dauebti r went to call her at six ii'dock she found lnTCold In deaJh. hbe had evidently die.l soon after go ) jtohtTPom. Mrs. Law.es leave a husbaud and ibr.i children tt. yni:e-t cl.ild b-ini: only six iiioii! lis old. .Shamo4.ni Time f SatnrCay. On Saturday lasl Patrick Ladles, hu-bai.d to the woman above referred to, Wiishiought to jail nt thi plaie. thaiged with bavin committed an assault upon hi wile and causing her death. Mrs. Lawles was a sifter to John Keating, wtio va hot by Thomas Gntitx sometime ago. Urn ueigbnor of ihe Oa.Uj is spreading most wonderfully, and his hump of coueeit i rapidiy increasing. Since he publishes an 'lideieudciit not neutral" pler. he has formed an idea ttiM tu, UalkOfdiiiutr the local -uiiiliS f the Africa and Gaxtttt. and we would not at all e surprised if he would soon claim the control of the columns of every paper in the county, were it not lbt he wa constautly getliug him seir into difficulty by publishing articles reflect ing upon our citizens and getting into fisticuff. It is not likely that any paper iu the county, be sides hi own, will ever stoop to publishing arti cles of i he '-Paul Pry" order, and as it I well known that tlie locals generally in the Daily are not calculate I for a newpaper of high standing, n1 he could not induce either the editor of the American or f7oJrf to c py them without giving credit, as neither would want to become re sponsible for the literature that appears in the Daily. A- the loeals were published in the American and GazttU long before the editor of ibe Daily was known in this region, its presum ed that we can do without him. The Gorge Betweeh Watsostow and Mil ton. The Walsoutown Itrcord says : "About four o'clock on Wednesday afternoon the ice broke at this plae, and began moving. In n shoit time a gorge was formed just above Milton, and is) a few minutes the water commenced over flowing the banks, aud the result is at this writing (Thursday afternoon), nearly all the farm land between Watsontown and Milton, on the east side of the rive-, is overflown. The gorge re mains firm, and will be so until there is a change of weather. All the ice that was on tbe river between Muncy Dam and Watson-t- is gorjed between this place aud Mi. tOD. Ice Is P'll,Jd UP in tDe Tisr at eTcral t the heifl.t of ten snd fifteen feet. In the Ttcioitv of Ketnraer-r's mill the water in th public road is over the fences, and quite a strcnL current is running. At the second farm nous. above Milton tbe water empties into the regular channel arain below tbe gorge. From Milton to Northumberland the ice lias not yet moved off. Water has backed up Warrior Run to Yengle's mill, aud tbe first floor of that building is uuder water." W.ifoo-ifo'-w Pcetirtf. where be revived iu a short time. Death or as Estimable Citizen. We ore again called upon to record the death of uuu of our oldest and most estimable citizens of Sun bury. On Friday evening last, Mr. Francis Buche-r, widely known in t'.iis viciuity, died at his residence on Walnut St., aged about 71 years. Mr. bucher was a native of this plane, his father being one of the earliest settlers iu the town. He lived to see many changes and to enjoy the friendship of hosts of friends for many years. During his sojourn in Ibis world he enjoyed the pleasures which a happy disposition and a con tented mind only can gie, and by "doing unto ! others as vou wish them to do uuto you." By his integrity, honesty, industry and cheerfulness. he won the esteem of all. He has departed with out leaving a single enemy behind. He was a truly exemplaiy citizen, and erfonned many acts which were greatly beneficial to Simbury and its citizens. In all matters pertaining to the good or our town he took an active part, until he was stricken down lv paralvsis, some six years ago, when he became an invalid. During liis siekues- lie made no complaint, but bore his sufferings with christian fortitude. He became a member or Lodge 203, of the I. O. of O. F. about twenty eight years ago, and remained an active member mail his death. His remains were interred on Sunday last, and were followed to their hist resting place by the two lodges or I. O. of O. F. or this place, and a large coucnurse of relatives aud friend. I he trial of Dr. GidJiug for seduction was concluded ou Saturday last. Judge Rockefeller delivered the charge to lot jury in the morning. In the afternoon the jury returned a verdict of not guilty," but defendant to pay the costs. In default or 18,000 bull for hi appearuuee on next Monday for argument for a new trial in the abortion case, the Doctor was placed iu custody or tbe Sheriff until Monday morning last, when the amount or bail required was furnished, and the Doctor was released. The argument for a new triul is fixed for Monday next. Diuectohy. Capt. W. H-irry Boyd of Potts ville, Pa., is engaged in getting up a General Business Directory of the towns aioug tbe line of railroad between Sunbury and St. Mary's. The directory will embrace Sunbury. Northum berland. Lejsvishury, Milton, Wutsoutown, Muncy, Wtlliamsport, and all other principal towns to St. Mary's. Mr. Boyd's reputation asa Directory Publisher is so well estab.ished that lurther recommendation is unnecessary. These directories will be placed in all the most prominent busiuess places iu every tow n, and business men cannot help but see the importance of lending their aiu by giving correct imfortuation, and give it that support which it deserves. By liberal subscription and advertising, every business man will realize a benefit in his business, besides being an advantage to have the work as a book for authentic reference. FfKWisHlso Goods of every description are sold cheap at Heller's Clothiug store. Ibo besl in market. ss..vv--. On he ISth Inst., at the residence of George Pensy, near Elvsbnrg. by Rev. J. A. Adams. Mr. A I). litonES and Mis. Martha Cixp, all of Rus. lo'wnship. flcto AObcrtismtnts. ir "notice. Is tub Court or Common Pleas or Nobth- UMBERLAND COCNCNTT. In re or the petition of David Helper, for an order of Court upon W. F.John and Joseph Deppin, Assignees of said David Heiser and Catharine M. Helser, fo' tbe benefit of creditors, to re-convey to them the said Assignees, tbe property assigned. I And now, March 11, 1875, petition read and the Court order and direct, that notice of this appli cation be published in the Sunbury jlntfrtconand Northumberland County Dtmoerat for thre - suc cessive weeks, and ir no objections be made on or before the 27th day of March, 1875, the Court will order a re-conveyance by the Assignees of the property assigned that has not been disposed of and any balance remaining in the bands of said Assignees to be paid over to the Assiners. P. C. I.. T. Rohrbach, Protb'y. Sunbury, March 12, 1875. NOTICE. Is the Court or Common Pleas or Northum berland Couktt. In re of tbe petition of David Heiser ) and Charles e. Miller, Tor an order oi Court upon W. F. John and Joseph Dep peu, Assignees of said David Heiser and Charles S. Miller, for benefit or credi tors, to re-convey to them, the said As signees, the property assigned. And now, March 11, 1875, petition read and the Conrt order and direct that notice of this ap plication be published in tbe Sunbury Amirian and Northumberland County Dtmocrat for thice successive weeks, and if no objections be madein or before the 27th day of March, 1875. the Coirt will order a reconveyance by the Assignees to tbe Assigners of the property assigned that las not been disposed of, and any balance remaining in the hands of said Assignees to be paid over to the assigners. P. C. L. T. Rohkbach, Proth'j. Sunbnry, March 13, 1875. DlftoIatioa or larlnerliip. rilHE undersigned, one of the former partners, 1 hereby gives notice that the partnenbip formerly existing between David Boiler, Wilson Erd and Daniel D. Snvder, doing busiuess in tbe firm unme of Sciler, Erd Si Snyder, at George town, Northumberland county, Petma., has beet dissolved. Mar 5 St. DAVID SEILER. Expenditures au;l KecelpiN OF NORTHUMBERLAND CO. From the fourth day of January, 1874, to tie tbirty-lirst day of December, 1874, botn days In clusive. EXPENDITURES. Ao of Ordtrt. 45 Jurors pav and constables and Justices' returns to Court $6,980 89 129 Constables t Justices' fees in Commonwealth cases 1,257 30' 210 Commonwealth witness fees 4,072 06 14 Road Damages 1,9&2 W 60 Bridge build g and repalr'g 3,679 08 39 Road & bridge viewers' pay 4r5 74 14 Commissioners pay : Vastine 1397 50 Durham 400 00 Rett 429 50 To cash ree'd as redempt'n money 9 28 To cash ree'd as exonerated taxes 7 18 To cash ree'd from "Blind Tom" for gas used 1 00 To cash ree'd from sale of bridge plauk 7 70 To cash ree'd from Peter Rubenlbal on note held by county 50 00 To cash ree'd' from Charles Hartman on note 156 82 To cash ree'd from James Maban on note 20 00 To cash ree'd from Felix Rittcr on note 41 25 To cash ree'd from Simon Oppou note 25 00 To cash ree'd from John Youngman on note 11 20 To cash ree'd from owners of lots to redeem from county 245 70 To cash ree'd for taxes on sale of un seated lands 1,894 34 To cash ree'd on sale of seated lands 797 62 To cash ree'd on State lax from sale sale of seated lands 2 76 Balance 1,500 68 do do building poor $101,799 83 I County Upper Mabanoy twp, road do school Upper Augusta twp, road do school do building do poor Washington twp, road do school do poor Watsontown bor, boroogb do poor Rush township, school Delaware twp, road Turbutville bor, school Riverside bor, school 20 92 13 81 50 64 66 91 1 80 4 72 1 00 40 21 20 17 57 29 10 00 2 80 1 35 2 35 15 44 23 04 111 86 117 55 7 92 39 06 12 80 1 35 2 35 13 44 28 04 CP- By amount of outstanding taxes on the 1st day or Jan. Ib74 b,b50 07 By amt of exonerations allowed col lectors 1,641 05 By amt of commission allowed col lectors 2,100 39 Bv amt of outstanding State taxes on "the 1st day of Jan. 1875 557 01 By amt of exonerations allowed col lectors 44 17 By amt of commission allowed col lectors 82 27 By amt of county orders paid 67,594 S3 By amt of old orders paid 1,399 17 By Treasurers commission of 1i per ct. on f 68,993 93 1,724 85 $101,799 83 Due Treasurer l,5uo 6S JOHN HAAG, Esq., Treasurer of Northumber land county, in account with the same respect ing State taxes on personal property for the year 1873 and previous years, settled in hi uc count "respecting County and State taxes," etc. DR. To amouut of outstanding State taxes for the year 1S73 and previous years f 2,234 S6 Amouut ree'd by Treasurer 1.550 88 CR. Bv amt of Stale taxes outstaud'g on "the 1st day of January, 1S75 557 01 By amt of exonerations allowed col lectors for 1873 and previous years 44 17 By amount of commissions allowed collectors for 1874 aud previous years 83 27 Balance ree'd by Treasurer l,5otf 88 $2,234 36 JOHN IIAAG.Eso,., Treasurer of Northumber land county, in uccount with the same re spirting State tax on National bank stock for the year 1871 aud previous years, settled in his account 'respecting county and State taxes," etc. DR. To amount of duplicate for the year 1874 aud previous years f3,644 41 114,900 83 Balance in Treasr's hands 1377 23. CR. By amount paid to supervUers of roads, treasurers of school boards, overscerB of poor, fcc, as per re ceipts 113,230 67 Uv Treasurer's commissions 772 15 By amount paid as clerk's fees to P, W. Gray Balance 520 77 377 23 1 14,900 S3 JOHN IIAAG, Esq., Treasurer of Northumber land cjunty, in accouut with the same, for the year A. D. 1874. DR. To amount of cash received $69,218 16 Balance -500 GS CR. By connty orders paid By treasurer's commission $70,718 84 $63,993 99 1,724 85 $70,71S 84 Ain't due Treasurer, $1,000 63. STATEMENT of the finances of Nortbnniber land connty on the 1st day of January, 1875. DR. To amount of outstanding county or ders 1873, and previous years I1.3S3 75 To amount of outstanding county or ders of the year 1874 39 24 To amount uue John Haag, Treasurer, on settlement 1,500 68 Balance 23,103 Ti Court House expenses : Painting Carpenter work On privy aud pavem't Lumber Sundries $415 93 272 b6 232 00 225 00 3u9 91 36 3 22 26 25 1 4 61 4S 13 12 5 12 11 6 6 2 4 4 ira 4 11 15 21 29 9 3 5 8 4 2 3 5 1 Piiuting and advertising Blank books Postage and slaliouery Prisou ex tenses Coroness & Justices' inquisition! Penitentiary e-xpensu Hospital expeuses As.-essiueut & registration ex peuses Gen'l aud Spiitig elect'n esp Court crier's pay Commissioners' clerk's pay Extra pay for clerk Janitor's pay Prosecuting Attorney's fces County Attorney's fees County Ally's lees ulteudiug Su preme Court Other Attorney's fees Sheriff's fees l'rotuonolary's fees Fox and mink scalps Interest ou borrowed money Fuel for court house and prison Gas for Court House Commissioners travl'g expenses Pay of jury commissioners and their clerks Transcribing laud sale and char ter books Tipstaves' pays Reluudiug overpaid taxes County Auditors' pay Supreme Court costs Steuographer or short hand rc Hjrter at courts Boarding juron iu murder trials Appropriation to Fire CVs Removal of tish dams Survey ou towuship liues Taking prisoners to Pbila Percentage allowed A. CadwalU- 1,227 00 1.455 73 1, W9 i 151 Oi 223 9. 212 UV 426 Uc 1,551 7t 303 7." 2,6..9 7 2,297 41 245 00 600 0 ' 275 00 3C0 00 1,201 t"0 725 00 ST) 00 75 00 2, (53 46 !53 3 J 04 70 86 33 (09 26 ti i 80 i29 74 172 25 125 00 301 50 167 90 153 00 46 25 s 32 00 ff 25 S.'H) 00 117 17 55 01 487 i4 Amount ree'd by Treas., $1,316 43. By amount of commission to collec tors By amount paid by Commissioners to State an t refunded by First National Bank ol Northumberland By amount collected by State Treaa Bv State Treasurer's receipt or Nov. 21, 1874 By Mate Treasurer's receipt or Jan. 2S, 1S75 By commission allowed by Auditor General $2,644 41 $132 2:. 570 00 012 45 L3v6 27 lo 10 13 31' $2,644 41 115 8S 25 OU JOHN IIAAG, E.-q , Treasurer of Noithiinibei land countv, in uccount with the militia rum of the same, tor the years 1870, 1871 aud 1S72 DR. To amount of militia taxes of 1870, 1871. and 1872, outstanding on tbe 4th day of Jauuaiy, 1874 $424 89 Am't iu Treat's hands, $61 35. CR. By amount of militia taxes outstand ing ou the 1st d.iy or Jau., 1875 By exonerations allowed collectors By commission allowed collectors Balance $424 89 $331 54 30 50 1 50 61 35 $31,945 39 CR. By amount of outstanding county taxes of 1873, and previous years, on the 1st day of January. 1375, subject lo commission aud exonera tion r,633 67 By amount of ontstanding county lux for the years 1S74, subject lo com mission and exonerations 21,016 40 By amount of outstaudiug Slate tax for 1873 and previous years, ou the 1st day of Jauuai), 1875, subject lo commission aud exonerations 557 04 By amouut due from George McEliece, former Treusurer 4,738 23 $31,945 39 Excess of county assets above iu Icbteduees, $23,102 39. JOHN HAAG, Treasurer of .Northumberland county, in account with the Coiinnonwealtli of Pennsylvania, respecting lieenzes, from the 4th d.ij ol January, 1874, to Ihe 21st d:iy of De cember of the. same jear, both days inclusive. DR. To amouut received from tavern li censes for the year 1871 To amount received from re.-taur:u:t licenses for the year 1874 To amount received from liquor eioro liceuses for the year 1871 To amount received from retailers of merchandise, coal aud lumberyards, as per Mercantile Appraiser's iil of 1874 To amount of licenses received from billiard tables, etc,, for the year 1874 To ainouut of licenses received from brewers To amount received from licenses on patent medicines lo amount received from circus and menagerie licenses ::,010 00 400 00 250 tJ 3,981 50 376 00 10 00 135 Oo JOHN HAAG. Esq.. Treasurer land county, iu account with Treasurcts of School Boards, Supervisors of Roads. Over seers of the Poor, etc., of townships and bor oughs, resi-ecting taxes on sealed and unseat ed lands for tbe years 1872 and 1873. DR. To amouut received for road, ", V.niiai-. i .ugli, poor jud bounty taxes from tbe several towuship and boroughs, as follows : Ml Caruiel twp, road $1,244 58 do school 2,036 46 do building 909 83 do poor V-ttO 19 $424 89 of Northumbcr- ' T ty-ifh Pie8 P-mpW" lw 30 00 28 00 Mt Cnrmcl bor, school do borough der by State treasurer 1 Auditing county offices s Pav kn.Tul lailice for services in I8G3 aud 180J 11,219 10 Shamokin bor, school " Purchase Si deed of Patrick , do borough O'Garra's property 1 Purchase aud deeds for 126 lots 1 Medical ullendauce at prisou 2 Advertising unseated lauds out side county 1 Justices costs for '70, 71, v 1 Agricultural society Oulstaudir.g orders paid Treasurer's commission on $68, 993 99 at 2JJ percent .,,,.! .innwi ni the rountv during - - -e.i -li Kl o. . the year j caaimtiu twp, roau 124 25 2,212 63 25 00 1,087 50 196 33 100 00 1.399 17 1,724 85 ?oal township, road do school do buildiug do poor Zere towuship, road do school 4u building to poor At Nirthnmberland.on Monday last, MINNIE, dauthtw or J. J. Si Hetlie Jobusou, aged 2 years, 2 month and 13 days. At Wishing'on citv, on ihe 11th inst., DAVID QUIXN. Esq., of Cincinnati, formerly or Sun bury, ued about 6'! years. MrQunn was, al the time of his death, en caged in prosecuting a claim against tbe govern ment (or F-lC.OOO. In this place on Friday evening the l!Hh inst., Mr. FRAiCIS BLCIIEK, aged .1 years. The dec ased was a native of this place, his father having been one of the earlier settlers or Sunbury. He was an honest and industrious citizen, nnc some years since was County Trea surer ol this County. About seven years since he was attacked by paralysis, which gradually undermined his otherwise robust constitution. i- remains were enterred on Sunday, and were roll owK. tije cr:iC by the order of I. O- of O. and a larg number or uives and fricuds. List of Letters remaining in the Post Office in Simbury, March 25, 1875 : J. Baney, Miss Emma Bosiian, Miss Flora Campbell, Jacob R. Clark, Frank Foster, Miss Louisa Harris. A. A. Jack, Miss Clara Kennedy. Miss Catharine Long, Heury J. Madison, Robert S. Miller. Miss Mo. lie Mdannon, Capt. J. K. Pislc, Adam Fath. Trippmacber, (foreign,) Mrs E. Sarvey. Persons calling for letters will please say tbty are advertised. A. 3. IMITH, P. M. i ir.i.r i.-iH tiv Treasurer to bauk for money loaued "ow tl0 $70,713 84 RECEIPTS. Cash received rroin Collector or couuty taxes for 1874 aud previous years 40,-0o -0 Cash received from Collectors of Stale taxes foi 1874 aud prewou years Cash received iroui Collectors ol Bank taxes for 1874 aud previous years Cash received from commissioners sale of unseated lauds Cash received as loan from bank.siuce wid a,b received from T'jos. Louden for hank taxes from First National Bauk of Northumberland with int. for 1870 & 1871 Cash received foi deeds on unseated Cash received frjui Commonwealth, Cash received as jury funds aud Court Hues Cash received from W. T. Eorsylh on accouut of Jacob Grass a luuatic Cash received us redciupliou money Cash ree'd as exonerated taxes Cash received Iron! "Bliud Tom for gas used ... . , Cu received f rom sale of bridge plank Cash ree'd from Peter Rubeutbal ou wit,, held bv county Cash ree'd from Cuas. Hartman on uole Cash ree'd from James Mahou on nolo Cash ree'd from Felix R.tler on note Cash ree'd froiu Mmoii upp ou uoie Cash ree'd Irom John Youugman on note , , Cush ree'd from owners of lots to re deem rrom county Cash ree'd rrom taxes on sale ol un seated lands Cash received from sale of seated lands Cash ree'd on State tax from seated lands . Excess of e-xjieuditures above receipts NOTICE. A MEETING of the stockholders ol I Mr. COLUMBIA COAL COMPANY, will be held at the office or E. A. Packer. Koom J'.l, TrinlU Biiildinir. New York City, on WEDNES DAY. APRIL 21st. Tor the election of office! and such other business us may be presented. JOHN E. RATHBUN, Vice Pies M26,'75.-2t. Church f nrorportUiou. XTOTICE is hereby given that application will be made lo the Hon. Wm. M. Rockefeller, Esq., President and Law Judge, of the Court id" Common Pleas ir Northumberland county, by the First PrcsWerian Church ot Watsontowu, on Saturday the 17ih day April A. D. 1875, to grant a charter or incorporation to the said church, according to tbe Actor Assembly ol April Jam A. D. 1874. ISAAC VINCENT, ENOS EVEKITT, JAS. D. SCHOOLEY, ENOCH EVERITT, WM. B. BRYSON. Watsoutown, March 26, 1375. 4t. NOTICK. XTOTICE is hereby given that I have purchased Ai the rollowing artic'cs at Constable's sale, belonging to John Cuthbert, In Rush township, North'd Co.. Pa., on the tenth day of September, 1873. and have loaned the same to the said John Cuthbert daring my will and pleasure: One brown mare, one black mare, cutting tiox, two wooden buckets. 1 fork, 2 setts harness. 1 spring wagon. 2 horse blankets, 20 bushels potatoes' I water barrel. 1 cook stove and utensils, 1 parlor stove and pipe. 2 rocking chairs, 6 parlor chair, 5 pictures and frames, 1 looking glass, 25 yards or rsir car net. 6 kitchen chairs. 1 bureau, 3 bed steads and bedding, canned and dried fruit, 2 tables and covers, 1 sink. 1 clock, 1 half barrel of vinegar, 1 lot of dishes and queensware, 2 meat plates, tea cups, saucers ana spoons, empty boxes and barrels, 1 sleigh, 3 wash tubs aud 1 sheep tkiu. WILLIAM WITniNGTON Pnvdertown. March 19. 187541. 1,550 S3 1,316 43 8,1-6 03 10,000 00 030 94 101 66 4111 99 152 06 105 00 9 23 7 18 1 00 7 70 50 00 156 83 20 0 41 25 25 00 11 20 245 70 1,894 34 797 63 de do do Came rot twp, do do do Jackson tw, do do school building loor road School building bounty road school buildiug Jordan townfiip, rod do school Chillisquaque Up, school do building Lower Augusta Up, road do stiool do beting do por Suydeitowu bor, row " do schol do boroish Point towuship, load do school do poor Lower Mabanoy twp, roai do school do building do poor LiUle Mahauoy twp, road do school 177 96 87 17 240 10 143 53 1.996 05 1,533 58 707 52 240 25 644 53 1,131 54 734 63 650 97 S3 52 26 43 11 80 5 10 141 46 186 63 62 73 12 90 4 87 1 95 1 40 1 00 70 78 73 16 49 10 43 1 86 11 13 103 72 36 21 10 21 10 5 26 3 60 1 62 36 2 16 $5,471 05 265 13 333 62 4.613 40 3,1C1 81 90 403 33 8 22 I 70 1 51 39 96 16 47 40 $7,310 50 CR. By 5 per cent commission on $1,000, 1 per cent- ou i 1.IMO J lA P" on 40 , G0 20 By St.te Treisurers receipt of July 7. 1874, on tavern licenses 2,000 00 By 5 per cent, commission ou $460 23 00 By Slate Treasurer's receipt of Jan. 2H, 1375, on restaurant licenses 4S7 00 By 5 pei ceut. commission ou $250 12 50 By State Treasurer's receipt or Jan. 33, 1875, on liquor store liceuses 217 :0 By 5 per cent, commission on $1,000, 1 per cent, on $1,000, and Js Pr ct oi. $1,931 50 69 91 By . late Treasurer's receipts of Aug. 10, 1874, Dec, 23, 1374, uud Jim. 23, 1875, ou retailers licenses 3,750 39 By amount paid for publishing retail ers' list 11120 By amount paid T. H. Purdy for tak ing evideuce aud arguing in 14 cases 50 00 By 5 per cent, com mission ou $376 13 80 By Mate Treasurer's receipt of Jan. 23, 1375, on billiard tables, etc 357 20 By 5 per cent commission ou $10 50 By State Treasurer's receipt of Jan. 28, 1875, on brewers' liceuses 9 50 By 5 per cent, coinmissiou on $135 6 75 B". Stale Treasurer's receipt of Jan. 28, 1375, on pateut medicines 128 5 By 5 per cent, commission on $30 1 50 By State Treasurer's receipt of Jan. 28, 1875, on circus licenses 28 50 By 5 per cent, commission ou $-8 1 40 By Mate Treasurer's receipt of Jan. 23, 187i, on pamphlet law 26 60 $7,310 50 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY in account with the Commonwealth ol Pennsyivauia, re specting Slate and National bank slock, tax, etc., lor the vear 1374. DR. To amount of tax on personal proper ty, as fixed by the Board of Revenue Commissioners, for the year 1873 4,820 0.) To amouut or bauk slock tax as as sessed for the vear 1374 1,399 72 7 74 35 43 29 84 $6,219 73 Amount due Commonwealth Jan. 1, 1875, $4,543 37 since paid. CR. By commission allowed callectors of State tax 41 W By Treasurer's coramUsiou on State tax By collectors commission ou bauk stock tax 99 By Treasurer's commissiou ou bauk stock tax 13 30 By Slate Treasurer's receipt of Nov. 21, 1875, on bank stock tax 1,306 27 Balance ii $6,219 72 3REATER INDUCEMENTS THAN EVER. NOW OFFERED AT CAS EC S T O RE. We are now offering our large and well selected winter stock ot Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., si still further reduction from the astonishingly low prices we lately offered, in order to make room for tbe largest stock of Spring Goods ever brought to this section of the country. Our motto is "CASH, CASH, QUICK SALE AND VERT BMALL PROFITS." We do not want those who do pay to pay for those who do not pay. We give below a few quotations at which prices any and all may buy for tbe resvly money. There is no misprint about it. Brown Muslin, Appleton, "A," lli cent. " " 4-4 Augusta " 10 " " 4-4 Peppuell " 11H M " " 4-4 Lawrence " 10 " " " H Augusta " " " " fiood 10-4 Sheeting " 35 " Bleached " 4-4 New York Mills " 17f " " " 4-4 Wamsutta " 1H " " " 4-4 Hill " 13 " Ginghams, .4 Prints, Dress Goods, Alpaca and Hill. 4-4 as good as Frint of the loom... 4-4 Good- 43 inch Pillow Casing.... Good Ginghams Lancaster Ginghams- Good , Best Prints Good Delaines . 12?i 10 13 8 12), 8 10 13tf Flannel we defy competition, be convinced. Call and ee ns and NOTIONS: 6 25 9 50 $1 00 10 cent. cent. ti 37JJ eras. rrs. AMOUNT OF OUTSTANDING TAXES FOR 1874 AND PKtVIOUS TEAR. DiUiicte. Volltctor't Samet. . County. 4 2 76 10 80 $70,713 3-4 GEORGE McELIECE, Esq , former treasurer, in uccount with lortlrd count. DR. To amount due couuty as p:r Auditors' teport of the year 1373 $4,733 28 ALBERT CADWALLADEK Etq., late Trea surer, in uccount with Noilhiiiuuciland coun ty for the year 1873. DR. To amount due county as per Auditors' report of the year '73 ,'W 1 CR. By amount paid John Haag, Troi'urcr, as per receipts 3,-40 1'. JOHN HAAG, Esq., Treaeurer of Northumber land county, in account will, the same from 'the 4th day of January, 1874. lo ihe 31sl day of December, ot the same jeai, both days inclu sive, reflecting county and kales taxes, &c. DR. 240 13 To cash ree'd from A. Cadwullider, lule Treasurer $ To amount of (Uitstanifliig coiiiilf 'axe? for the vear 1873 aud previou years, on the 31 d.i ol January, 13'rf 29.6S5 18 To amt of duplicates for the yetrl874 40.915 53 To ain't of outstanding Stale tans for the year 1373 and previous yeirs on the 3d day ol January, iij, iior nse ot county) To unit ree'd from bank taxes ftr 1374 and previous years To cash received rrom Commisiiontrs' sale or unseated lands To cash ree'd us loau rrom bank(sitice paid ) To cash received rrom Thos. Iondon for bank tax, First Nation Bank or Northumberland, with htcrest lor 170 and 1S71 To cash ree'd for deeds on indented lands To cash ree'd from Cora'mnw'lthcosts To cash ree'd as Jury fund and Court tines To cash ree'd from W. T. Forsyfh on Recount of Jncob Glass, a lnc:ie 2,231 36 1,316 43 8,1.16 03 10,000 00 630 94 101 06 431 99 152 06 165 00 1305 Wilhingtoii Lake.... 1309 Thomas Miller " llarmun Snyder 1870 Tb'inias BurKr... .... 1871 Isaac Hoilister 1873 Simou Metzgar " Noah KlocU " i Andrew Martiu 1373 Charles S. Miller " : Abraham Blasser.... E. U. Slilhvagner " Samuel K. llile " :J. P. Fiucher " :Thouias Loudon 1874 SamuelSlianuoii " Henry Harris " Israel Hill " Villiam Blair " Wil!iam Reed " H. P. Follmer iGeorge Rotliernlel... " James Welker " :Josepb Dressier " 'Abraham Blasser.. . " ; Henry Z. Raker " George Troutmau " -J. S. Waguer " Hugh McDonald :Jackson Berger. . " Amos Vasliue " jJesse G. Johu C. A. Conrad " .M. D. Bostiau i.John A. lliuey ' jLevi Lytiii..i :Cbristtan Gonsert.... ' 'Andrew Bucher " ; William Gilger " :J. M. Miumau " -Thomas D. Huff. " iSatuuel Clayberger... jSolomon Weaver Those marked with s star () have since paid. .... Shamokin Borough Point twp , Shamokin borough .... Coul twp Mt. Caruiel bor -Delaware twp - 'Jordan twp .. Mt. Carme-1 twp . Lower Augusta twp Lower Mahanoy twp.... Mt. Caruiel bor -.liverside bor Shamokin bor Northumberland bor.... "lrbutviile bor 'Hilton bor Iew'.stwp Ciillhquaque twp ;Punt twp jTuibut'wp ;McfM-eiyille bor Nortli.uerland bor... Jacksos twp Lower Vuanoy iwp... ;Zerbe lW . .fordai. tw Little Mauuioy twp..... IMl. Caruiel -wp Snydertown lr Rush twp i Ml. Curiuel bo ; Lower Augustv.wp Upper Augusta -p Delaware twp...... Watsontown ber.. Cameron twp Washington twp.... iShamnkin bor I : Riverside bor .Shamokin JCoal twp. .jSuubury bor. twp. $100 00 9,869 Ski' 1)0 -14 344 45 336 05 83 743 411 273 36j 251 93 594 76 357 85 934 73 t,536 91! 62 85: 113 68' 1,981 45; 83 93! 1,527 30! 193 111 683 40j 203 44 1 215 491 113 35; 526 28j 33 52' 511 72! 293 95' 1,111 70 901 44 1.487 49 747 97 248 41 137 251 1,197 61i 534 10 1,913 75: 1,033 84: 3,517 63 $41 55 Jfif.'a. 39 8S 31 63 23 90 ;?Q3 00 22 32; 134 8H( j i! 119 03' i 9 73; 13 93! 47 51: 67 73 53 63 43 50 21 76 7 60 ... I 26,650 07, $557 04 $331 54 We, the undersigned Auditors of Northumber land county, State of Pennsylvania, Do certify lhal in pursuance of tde 17th section of the Act entitled "An act regulating counties and town ships," tc, passed the 15th day of April. A. D. 1834, we met at the Commissioners' Office, in the borough of Sunbury, on the 4th day of Jan uary, A. D. 1375, aud adjourned from time to time, and did audit, adjust and settle the sev eral accounts required or us by law, agreeably to the several acts of Assembly and supplements thereto according - the best of our judgments and abilities. Ant we do further certify that upou due examinatU of the expense books we find the indebtcduesi of the county in unpaid orders to be $1,441 9, of which amount two county order of the vear 1865, amounting to $1,350 00, ate uudoutcdly lost, leaving an actual indebtedness of ti 90,. In witness whereof w do hereunto set our hands and seals this 3d d of February, 1873. JACOB E. lUENCH, L. 8. JOSEPH EPZLR- (L. P.) Bet SdooI Cotton 70 cents per doxea, per spool tiood iames' neckties " Alpaca Braid " Good Corsets A fine lot of Embroideries, very low. Fine towels per dozen.. Ladies' Hose, good Mens' Hose, good Cbildrens' Hose, good , Ladies' and Mens' gloves, very cheap. Mens' Shirts and Drawers Carpet Chaiu sold lower t&en anybody else sells it. GROCERIES: Good Sugar per lb . 9 cents. Good Brown Coffee " 28 Best Brown Coffee (Arbrtckles) in packs ... SO 44 Good Green Coffee per tt ..... 25 Good Green Tea ...; . 45 Good Black Tea " 45 " Babbit's best Soap Good Soap 5 ' Good Raisins per S 15 ,; Molasses we defy competition. Trophy Tomatoes 3!b cans. 20 " nni and Shoulder lower than elsewhere. SO barrels of Mackerel Just received and offered very low. A fuii and esmplete stock of goods at corresponding prices. Call and see us. It will certainly CLEMENT & DISSIKCER. Dry Good and Grocery Jobbers, Market St., SUNBURT, PA. February 2C. 1875. 3 mo's. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF COOK STOVES AMD RANGES -A.T JV IB, 2Ef, IS; E 301 T S3 At an Immese Reduction in Prices, for Cash. February 19, 1875. Cw. Kstati or J. V. Zabtm Die's. AdailnUtratoiV Notice. NOTICE is bereby given that letter of ministration bave been granted to the dersigned on the estate of J. D. Zartmao, lata of the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland coaa ty, Pa., deceased. .AH persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having Ihm t prst tbB duly tuubewlietd for settlement. Gko. W. Smith, adra'r. Jsxe Zaktma, admmis'lris. Sunbury, Teh. 12, 1875. 8t. COUGHS, COLDS,rHO RSENH6S, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, Use WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUT UP ONLY IN DLfK BeXKS. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. March 19, 4w. TJ1 EXAMPLE to Ageats. Ladies' Cohmsatiox 1 11U UEEii.E-)3nox. with f'aroiuos. NtwtitBSp. l P. Uui s, Nrw Wf.il urU Hum. March 19. w. A ?.vt. Ciunj Chaug sells at sight, emssarr tn so.ii . Oooils free, l iann t'hsntf MfiiCo., boston. SUrrh IS". 4v. (J AfkAFur a case of Asthinn, Cougb, or Cold tbat V"1VU" An GOLD phia. hhox's Botanic Kalsam in! I not cv.rs. Lahuf Bottles 33 o-uts. Joai Bros, Hollowit k Co., Af?u!s, PUiladrt iUrcL 1, . Report orMTbe First Natloasl Baak of S nnbary, Pa." Report of the condition of "Tbe First National Bank of Sunbury," at the Borough of Sunbnry, id the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of bu siness, on the 1st day of March, A. D. 1973: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ........1276,469 70 V. S. Bonds to secure circulation 200,000 00 C S. Bonds to secure deposits......... 50,000 00 L. s. sonas on nana.............. Other stocks, bonds and mortgagee Due from redeeming and reserve agents . Due from other National Banks. Due from State Banks and bankers... Current expenses and taxes paid-.... Checks and other cash items includ ing "Protest account" Bills of other National Banks-....... .. Fractional currency, (including nick els) Legal-tender notes Redemption fund with U.S.Treas(5.0. of circulation) - 23.304 70 15.927 Ti 41,035 C7 4,08 94 2,467 24 19,193 00 1,601 S 69,000 00 9,000 CO 9713,853 Sfl ..1200,000 00 ... 3S.000 00 ... 27.343 83 Natienal Bank Notes outstanding- .. 139,100 00 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in.... Surplus Fund Other undivided profits- lfurthffst wit- State Bunk Notes outstanding. Dividends Unpaid Individual Deposits subject to check. United States Deposits . Deposits or U. 8. disbursing officers. Due to other National Banks .. n T?A'Ttf TI" A A-T'PiVortiwfi nuijiiio rrvixrj iau b.k v mi. 1ihH1. S!id for SiTcimen pagrs and our extra trrais rj. t s,t H..v. ,! Ranker. o Asrata. NATIONAL PUJUdHlXO tO., Phila- dzlfhxa. Pa. March 1!, 4w. t . 1 RETAILED AT I STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA : 5,985 00 5.769 15 265,415 85 34,519 13 1,247 00 6,434 73 40 00 f 713.V53 34 Importer I'r I , BT THE TEAS Great Atlantic anil Facile Tea Co. 321 Market street llarrisbnrs;. This la an organization of capitalists to IMPORT AND DISTRIBUTE TEAM for on small profit, (a ring the sonsumcr all rronts at middlemen. W control a largo part ef tha Beat Tea brought to this country, which ar sold by ourselves. Persons buying of other dealors do so to their own dis advantage. Our houses in China and Japan bar th very beat facilities of selecting, which give us great ad vantages. We have eatanlialied stores for distributing our teas in all tbe principal cities sf the United States. We give to our cuatoniers a Beautiful Oil Chrome, (taken from the richest gems of American and Foreign artists) which, if bought at picture stores, would oust much more than the price of the Tea. These chromoa are a preaent to our customers. All good eoid Warranted to give perfect satisfaction or the money refunded. (J resit Atlautle fc Pacific Tea Co.. i 321 Market street, liarrlaburg. March 19, 4W. j . i LIFE AMD EXPLOBATIOS3 OF DR. ; L I V E N G S T 0 N E . ; Giving a clear and authentic account of tbe great ax- plorel from childhood to death. New book just out, j ahowiug bow he spent 30 years in the wilds of Africa. ! It includes hie "Last Jocbhals" aud everythinB new I to date. Is selling rapidly. i Our foniilv bibles are uneualed for atylea and r rices. AOKSTS WtNTF.D, addre. at one? for liberal terms. OUAKEB CITY Ft BLlSBle. cel., rmiaue.pnia. r. March 1, lo7 "CHRISTIAN HARMOiXY. ET WM. WALSEK, A. S. H. A splendid Mcsic Book upon a New, Nkturt aud esy svatriu, by which any one may learn In reed mi'-ue and to aiug in one foiirth the time ivtuir-d by tbe old tae thoda. Designed for tiea. Liberal inducements to Music Teachers. Specimen pe mailed fr. MIL I. Klt'S BIBLE AND PL BLISHISO HOUSE, 1102 and 1104 hynsoni street. Fhiladt lpeia. Fa. March !'., 4w. t'OVNTT OF NoaTHrMCERLAJD, 9. I, Samuel J. Packer, Cashier of the above narueil bank; do solemnly swear that tbe above statement Is true l.e heft of my knowledge and belief. Stenerl.l . J. PACKEK, Cashier, buhsrribed and sworn to before me, this i'4h 1:iy of March, 1S75. Sizned Em'l Wii.vkrt, Notary rati!?. Correc t Attest : ISmned.l WM.I.GRF.ENOrGIT. ) W. M. ROCKEFELLER. JD'reetor. A. JORDAN. Sunbnry, M:ir-h 13, 1875. e Save Your Magazine and Books ay having thrm boanil at the XORTIIVMBERLAXO BOOK BINDERY, Over Starick's Store Room, Qtieen Street, NORTHUMBERLAND, PENN'A. Binding of all kinds tieatly and substantially deje. Mar. 13, o.-tf. JOHN COLUNS. Furniture Ware-Rooms! ROBERTS V IIONTERHAX, (Successors to B. L. RAUDENBC8H.) Masonic Bulldius;, WILL 5EXL CHKAP, AX ENDLESS VARIETT OF FUKNITUHE of th? latest styles and best material. CONSISTING OF Parlor and Chamber Suits: ' LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS. I READ EVERY WORD. To make ENOUGH in the nest tL-.ft isout'-a :o fceep you a year, any Barm, ploved person h!wre- th- i-jeti oi ii stud SO should take and ('ncy for The Illuhtkatko WEMtr, Urge, aparkling, Uturary and family pape r, (li.SO a year pare, iuatructive, and amuring; h!f ol itf! pagnfullif bean, tiful pictur -n, tha otbei- ualt Cfntaiui:it the choice reading matter. Jtxcs Pabton coutu'taiin Utor. Like tbat great Engliab paw. the "London Uinstrated News," it is highly moral, but entirely uuaoetrian and non-political. During a vrar it furniahed oer 1,100 pictures, and the equal of S large octaro rolume of read ing matter. IT OIVE3 AWAY, estra each week, s larg engraving, (52 iu a year). sUe, 17x24 inches. These are esqusits lacsimilea of the Burst ateel euravinga, on htavy tinted paper, with margins suitable for framing and are tnieiy a nne art pallcry ever year. Reaidea, ejeh subseTilM is presented with the cbromo. "Oolit Fish, Fruits and Flowers," size 2i2S,' feet, in 27 oil colors, painted by Ramsey. Nut only the largt and finest premium ever given, bnt the moat wonderfully beautiful ohromo every produe-ed. It is jnt tha paper for which everybody hi a been waiting larger and finer than and other, at half the ouil cost. Its success (nearly 1000 subscribers a day being received) proves this. So complete, so progressive, so full of useful aa well as entertaing matter is this paper, that wa ventur to asaert that to every thinking, observant American, years' subscription (cost f 2..VI) is, in actual, uaef ul value, worth ntty dollars.. AGENTS. Thie combination is unequalled. It is an instantaneous and pronounced i success. Every good American takes at Inaiit oos paper i of course. He takes this paper becanaa (i) r la ti nicest aud best ; (3) it la the cheapeat-fivuig a great Estate of ABdr Brown, dee. bargain-and thus suts tbe hard tisww. It sells it self. , " Wwo. are. Be quick, if yon want and agency. This time, of the i OTICE is hereby given, tbat letters of aur yearany agent can make from ftOtefiO per day. Rend I Xi ministration Uae been granted to tbe cn threestampa for specimens aud liberal terms, with r. , dersicrnetl, on tbe estate of Andrew Brown, late ports from agents, subsenbem, and press notices; or. I f i-nn-r Vjohanov .....l an -1, better yet, to save time, send $2.50 at once for eom- or L Pff r"3""' towO'?. deceased. All pr plete outat, and make $100 whils you would otherwi i eons IndeMed to said, estutu are requested V be watting. You are sure to take hold auybow. Money make immediate payment, and those hsrinjc refunded If not perfectly satistled, or if tbe territory j claim to present tbera for settlement, yon want ia already occupied. Address ail orders for i VOV PTrwn ltzrTTr i,cim.us subscriptions, or outfit, to T. E, MOOE I WM ltGmLSES, PubUeher "The Ilfuetrsted Weekly- Boa WM, Ko. 11 ... Admioistnuor. Pevet.N.Y. jJsrebl,- I. t ppr Mabanoy, Feb. 19, IS. 5 t.pd. Bedsteads of all kinds, Cupboards, Sinks, and in sunn everyinmi; usuu.iy 10 oe louna ia n ur"! ctass Furniture Store. TJNDERTAKINO. Special attention is given to Undertaking ia all its branches. Coffins and Burial Caskets OF ALL STYLES CONSTANTLY OS I5AND. An invitation Is extended to all to come and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ROBERTS HOSTERMAN. Snnbury, Feb. 19, 1873. Admialstrator'a Notice. (Estate of Eliaba Kline, deceased) "V"OTICE Is hereby giTen that letters of d XX ministration have been era n ted to tbe un dersigned on tbe estate of Elisha Kline, late of Uprer Aopusta Township, North'd Co., P.. de ceased. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those bating claims to present them, d.ttli an-, thenticated, for settlement. ISAAC KUNE, Sr., Administrator,. Upper Angela, Feb. 19, lKtt.