tjjnmftresi Sketches. Old Grimes' Still Livks.- -A senUe man who has aa eye and an car for the humorous writes from his North Carolina plantation as follows : Last night a little incident happend, my wife said I must tell you all about. It was weighing up the pickers1 cotton so as to pay them for their day's work. I had about CO hands at work, and all cams in quite early except about twenty. About dusk there came in an 'old dark and put his banket on the scales. I was a little mad, being kept so late, so I said : '.What is your name ?' 'Grimes, sir; Old Grimes.' 'What,' said I, I thought Old Grimes was dead Ions' ago.1 'No, child, said he, dat was my fodder,' fmind you, this old fellow was about feven-ty-five.) I said, 'any more pickers in tho fields yet ?' 'Yes sir, some of my children, dey will be heah directly, child,' so on ibey came ; I asked each, 'What is your name?' Each lime it was 'Grimes; dat yar old man is my fodder.' Eighteen times I g;l that reply ; then said I, 'Old man are all these children the fruit of your loins?' 'No, child,' said he, 'dey don't cat fruit, only corn bread, and sometimes poke, wheu de good Lord gives it to us.' You did not understand me, uncle, I mean are all these children your own ?' 'Blees you, yes, honty, and one at the ole woman's bieitst,' was the ready answer. So you see, after all, Old Grimes still lives. Stbanoe 'Cattle.' A few years ago, when the cattle plague was at its height, and no cattle could be removed without a liceuse, a man called upon the clergyman of his parish, who was privileged to grant and asked for a license. The minister was out, but his daughter who officiated in his absence, weut to the man. There were several questions that had to he answered as, "Where was the animal to be taken loTf Where did it come from, and when? And what description of beast was it milch cow, steer, heifer, Ac.?' all of which the man answered satisfactorily, until the young lady asked, 'Of what sort U it ' when the fellow began to titter. Much vexed at what she thought was impudence oo his part, she said very sharply, I can not let you have the license uutil you tell mo of what sort it is.' To het astonish mcnt he answered, as well as his amuse ment would allow him, 'Why, it's a wo man!' The stupid fellow had come for a marriage certificate, in order to be married in another parish, not a license, as he thought such were called. Sleighing with a Girl. Of all the joys vouchsafed to man in life's tempestu ous whirl, there's naught approaches heav en so near as tleighiug with a girl a rosy, laughing, buxom girl, a frank, good na tured, honest girl, a feeling, flirting, dash ing, doting, emiling. smacking, jolly, jok ing, jaunting, jovial, poser poking, dear little duck of a girl. Pile up your wealth a tuouulain high, you sneering, scoffing churl 2 I'll laugh as 1 go by with my jing ling bells and girl the brightest, dearest, sweetest girl, the trimmest, gayest, neatest girl, the funniest, fiushicst, frankest, -fairest, roundest, ripest, roguinhest, rarest, spunkiest, spiciest, squirmiest, squarest best of girls, without droopiug lashes, half concealing, love provoking, amorous lashes just the girl fur a chsp like me to court, and love, and marry you see, with rosy cheeks" clustering curls, the sweetest and the best of girls. 'Touch Hek East. A youth in Head ing who had a practical turn for jok ing, recently tried to impose upon an honest lager beer vender by leading a mule into his saloon, and leading him to the bar as if for a drink. Mynherr looked steadily at the pair for a few minutes, as if collecting his stray wits, and then broke out as follows : 'See here, Vjnce, I know vat dis is here your own brudder but bo is von you call a minor. lie is too much young to drink his glass lager ; it is not for de law in no place, nor in it my saloon. He look like you ; you may be one family, as you call it ; but if efl'eryou bring dot young brudder here again. I will tell you old fader chack ass of you both. Now you must go out mil yourself. AN Inbclted Haiden. The Iowa Register tells a good story of actual occur rence, as follows : 'In one of our Walnut street dry goods houses is employed a young man of deminutivc stature and somewhat feminine appearance, although a tip-top talesman and clerk. One day, uot long since, a little girl was sent to the store to make soie purchases, and it fell to the lot of this young man to attend her. She was a mere bunch of feminity, uot able to talk plain. She asked if he had any 'totten CanneL' He replied that he had, and ask ed how much she wanted. 'I don't kaow. was the reply. 'Well, what do you want it for?' said tho clerk. 'Want to make papa a shirt.' WcI3,how big is your papa; is he as big as me ?' 'Big as you ?' said the maiden, 'I dese he is ; he wouldn't be much of a papa if he wasn't' Yestkudat, while some negro steamboat men were being paid o!T, the clerk inquired of each one as he came to sign the pay-roll, 'Will you write your name or make au X '" The Grst one said he could write his name, and the pcu was handed to him. He look ed at the pen, scrutinized the pay-roll, and hesitated so long that the clerk poked him tip. 'Let me 6ee,' mused the darkey, as he looked up at the clock; 'it's now tcu o'chx-k, and as I've got to meet a feller at the City i Hall at noon I guess I won't write my J name, but I'll put down an X.' Tktroit F.-'t Prefjf. I A MONTANA paper thinks tlitre is an awful fuss being made over tue Beccher trial 'Why,' it says,' 'right out here is Hill Casey. lie went into a family, married one girl, spoiled "Bother, and h:ts run away with the third; and yet there is no it ial, nu statement, no nothing, ouly just the old tuan with a rifle looking around after Bill.' A 1TNSV story is to!d of two Vermont farmer, who are not Grangers. They in duced their wives to join and rejiort before thev would commit themselves. Now. when they will, they can uot. Two black balla greet every application. Meanwhile the wives go regularly and triumphantly to every grange meeting, aud the iwn stay at home and tend the babies. Xot a bad story comes from the Savage Clu Loudon, but it does not eectu clear who first made (lie joke. A 'Savat' was standing ou the steps at Evan's Hotel, Covcnt Garden, whero the club is now lo- cated, when a geotlemau who catne up to lilm and asked him If there was a jCntlc - man with oue eye named Walker' in the , , (, . . . , , ,o club. 'I don t know,' renpondcd '.Savage;' 'what was Use name of his other eye ?' AFTER long suffering 'Our Jim' his came to Ibo couclusion that he'd rather have the in fiutruy$ of Spring than the tnza$ of Winter. A VALETTiNE, just received, inform us that a kin is sweetest when it is Uku .lynp-LUousiy. We never thought of that. J A young lady makes Shalspcare sav. Ad eye like tra, to threaten ond M'l?'?!? . ! from Cotleotor Weaver ou Stsrellniuons. Jt VEGETINE Strikes at the root of disease by purifying tue blood restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy aeliou, invigorating tbe nervous svsteru. VKGKTIXK It not a vile, nauseous compound, which s'.niply purges the bowels, bat a safe, pleasant remedy which ts sure to purify the blood ana thereby re store the health. VECiETISK It now prescribed in cases of Scrofula and other disease of tbe blood, by many of the best pbysl ciant, owing to it great success in caring all dis eases of this nature. YEGETIXE Docs net deceive invalids into false hopes by purging and creating a Petitions appetite, but assists nature in clearing and purifying the whole system, leading the patient gradually to perfect health. YEGETIXE Was looked upon as au experiment for pome time by some of our best physicians, but those most Incredulous iu retard to its merit nre uow its most ardent friends nnd supporters. YEGETIXE lust cad of being a puffed. up medicine has worked its way up to its prescut astonishing success by actual merit iu curing all disease of the blood, of whatever nature. YEGETIXE Says a Boston physician, "has no e'inal as a blood purifier. Hearing of its many wonderful cures, after ail other remedies had failed, I visited the laboratory and convince myself of its genuine merit. It is prepared from barks, roots and herbs, each of which is highly effective, and they ure compounded iu such a manner as to produce as tonishing results." YEGETIXE It acknowledged and recotnmeded bv physicians and apothecaries to lie tho purifier and cleanser of tbe blood yet discovered, and thousands speak in its praise who hare been restored to health. ritoop WHAT IS NEEDED. Boston, Feb. 13, 161. Mr. II. K. Stevens: Dear Sir About one year tiuce I found myself iu a feeble condition from general debility. Vb getine was strongly recommended to me by a friend who bad betn much beueflted by its use. I procured the article aud after using several bottles, was restored to health and discontinued its use. I feci quite confident that there is no medicine superior to it for those complaints for which it to those who feel that they need some thing to restore them to perfect health. Repcctfullv yours, U. L. PETTINGILL. Fins of J. V. rett!u2ilUtCo.,10tate8t. Boston. CisrissATi, Nov. 2C, 1872. Ms. H. R. Stsvksb : Dear Sir The two bottles of Vegetine fur nished me by your agent, my wife has used with great benefit. For a loug time she hat been troubled with dizziness and costiveness ; tbeeetroublesarenow entirely removed by the use of Vroetine. She was also troubled with Dyspepsia and Gen eral Debilltv ; and has been greatly be uetiled. TH98. GILMORE, 2iK)i Walnut Street. FEEL MYSELF A XEW MAX. Natick, Vats., June 1st, 1872. Mr. II. R. Stevess : Dear Sir Through tb advice aud earnest per suasion of Rev. E. S. Best, of this place. I have been taking Yegetie for Dyspepsia, of which I have suffered for year. I have used only two bottles And already fuel a tiew man. Respectfully, Da. J. XV. CARTER. llcport from a Practical Chemist and Apothecary. Boston, Jau. 1, 164. TVair Sir This is to cettlfy that I have told at retail 154,' dotco (1S52 bottles) of your Yegbv Mne since April 12, 1870, and can truly ay that it has given the best satisfaction of any remedy for the complaints for which it is recommended, that I ever sold. Scarcely a day passes without some of my customers testifying to its merits on tbciuscivc or iheir friend. I am perfectly cog nizant of several cases of Scrofulous Tumors be Ing rurcd by Vegetine alone In thin vicinity. Very respcclfullv yours, AI tJILM AS, 463 lirondwav. To II. R. Stevens Esq. Vesrctine is Sold Feb. 19. 1S75. J m. hy all Druggicts. REPORT Of the settlement of accounts of the Collector of taxes and Treasurer, and of tbe linaHciu'. con dition sf the borough of Sunbury, made to the Council, February Wb, 1S75: SOLOMON WEAVER, COLLECTOR TO THE BOKorcO OP M'NDfKT, DR. To balance d us, on duplicate of bor ough, roa dan d poor tale of 187, as per settlement of 21 April, '74 5509 80 CK. By exonerations of duplicate of 1S72 . ff: By Commissions on 957 04 at 5 per cent By th following additional exonerations : J. F. KirbV 1 05 So Daniel Zartmnn Samuel Harrb-ou George Gi!ion M. Knef-r 50 .VI 75 50 7 20 203 33 43d By amount paid Treasurer Gearhart, 10th Jan., 1875 By amount paid Treasurer Gearhart Jan. 21. 1S75 50D 86 SOLOMON WKAVFH, COIJ-tt'TOR, TO THK HOKOff.H or sr.NBcnv, Dl'.. To tialance due on duplicate of bor-ough,-road and poor taxes of '73, as per settlement 2d April, "74 $7,000 SI CR. 1874, April 11, by umounl paid Gearhart, treasurer 1,114 54 1S74, Juue 1, by ain't paid Gear hart, treasurer 1,314 80 ' l74,Ju!y 21, by aui't paid Gear- j hart, treasurer 1,30 74 I 184, Sept. 10, by am't p'd Gear- bait, treasurer 1,000 (K) i 1S74, Nov. 5, by am'l p'J Gear- i bait, treasurer 1.CH6 SO 1875, Jan. 2!, commission ou i 4A75 16 at Sr rcl 23S 75 6.050 li , lh7S, Jan." 21, by balance subject to t l- j onerations aud commit kl jus (1,001 12 j KOLOXOS WKAVFK, roLI.KCTOR, TO TUK BOROt GH j or ft jw iii. DR. To au.t of duj'liratc for "74 : Borough taxes Road taxes Four tax.-s i5,0:;3 25 5,033 25 S.C26 8t -13,il3 : cn. 1871, Sept. 10, by ain't pd Gi-at- hart. treHurtr 1,W6 85 lb75. Jan. 4, by am'l pd tiear- bart, treusurer 1,451 50 1875, Jan. 21, by amt pd Gear hart. treasurer 274 10 2,752 45 1S75, Jau. 21, balance, due borough sub- jectl exonerations and commissions 110.140 b'J BOND ACCOUNT. ' jMtClSV GKAItDAKT,, in accovnt, with thk BORoron r srir.fiiT, I)!:. To 1 boud ia lii Latins per hut rejort jft 00 To 1 bond, ?Jo. 20. receiv'd l'r;ii C Maliclt -1,000 00 ; To 1 bond, No. 36,ceiTd from C Burgess Malick 500 00 To 11 bond-, Nns. 116 to 120 In clusive, rtc d fro:u Burgess Maliek, l 550 CO -2..V0 00 I , j boa.'. No. 20, rem- ' ttessurel's lrl!(l j 1T4, Atirtl 'Ji.i. Ijv t...rot:;b or- ! ders aid J 1ST. April L'O, by borouijb or A'.'J 20 K? 00 300 ( ders a:d 134, May 15, by borough or ders taid 1S74, Muy 21, by tmroupli or orders J'aid nod coupons 1 7.S 174, May CS-J, by borough or ders 2,549 5 1875, Jan. 21, kal. carried to 1 1 treasurer's account '.'" i Uoroogh bond, No. twenty. Tyrone thousand! dollars, was axecuted and bauded, by t'.ic Chief j Kuress, to the Treasurer, to be issued t' the j person entitled to it, but it hHS not yet been Is sued. As H was received by the Treasurer be is charged with it, but ns it slill remains in bis bunds, aud he has not received the value of jt, the ! bond is credited to Vim. Tbe proceeds ol il ! should be accounted for here:: fser, when it is !"sn- ! j i,T nr the next Treasurer. j ! TRESl"RF.K"8 ACCOUNT. j McCiat, (Jeabhart, tbeast per, iv acioist , WITH THK POBOt tll OF brum KV, j 1975, Jan. 19, lt cash received from Collector Weaver on duplicate of 17:1 1875, Jan. 21, tocuah receicd from Collector Wrsver, on duplicate of 1S72 KIM 53 4 2(1 :n7 09 1874, April 11, to cash rtrciv d from Collctr Weaver on duplicate r 173 1S74, Juno 1, to cash received from Collector Wcivcr on l.m 51 duplicate of lb75 1,314 i 1874, cash received from Collector Weaver on duplicate of 1473 1,600 00 1874, Nov. 5, to cash received ' from Collector Weaver on duplicate of 1S75 1,C'J6 Si) -ti,430 44 1S74, Sept.l0,to cash received trom Collector Weaver on duplicate of 1S74 1,026 So 1875, Jan. 4, to cash received from Collector Weaver ou duplicate of 1874 1,451 50 1875, Jan. 21, to cash receiv ed from Col lector Weaver on duplicate of 1874 2T4 00 752 45 3 00 1875, Sept. S, to cash received from uiarket clerk 1875, Jan. 20, to cash received from A. N. Brice, per statement rendered 1,134 48 175, Jau. 21, to bal. from boud acct 95 10,528 VI CR. 1875, Jau. 21, by borough and poor orders canceled 510,041 79 1875, Jan. 21, bv coupous canceled 402 00 1875, Jan. 21, bv com. on $10,503 79 at 2 i pr ct 262 59 1875, Jan. 21, bal due trea Gearhart 237 47 10,700 38 t 10,766 38 i tatcuieut rendered by A. N. Brice, Esq. A. N. Brice, Attorney, "in Account with the Bo rough of Sunburv, DR. To amount from borough of Northumberland for Eme- tinda Mott 519 15 Int thereon to Sept. 1, '74 46 73 565 87 81 36 85 87 81 20 To amount pavement lien against J. B. Masser 67 91 Interest thereon 13 45 To -amount pavemcut lieu against Maria Gass Interest ibereon 63 14 To amount pavement lien against Thos. D. Grant 81 20 To amount pavement lien agatnstCathtiriiiKllileman et al lo7 'y Interest thereon 8 23 145 52 200 93 S3 10 30 00 To amount pavemrnt lien against Catharine Hllcmau Interest tttermm To amount pavemnt lien against Benj. Dielil ct Interest thereon 305 80 3 13 25 03 10 08 To amount collected on subscription to Market Square fcuce $1,238 85 CR. By percentage on amount col lected from J. B. MasBer By percentage on amount col lected from Maria GasS By percentage ou amount col lected from Thos. D. Grant By percentage on amount col lected from Catharine. Hile nian et al By percentage on amount col lected from Catharine Hile man By percentage on amount col lected from Benj.Diehl -t al By percentage on amount col lected from subscriptions to Market square fence By costs In other eases from subscriptions to Market fees for c wearing Council and other officer By fee in cases of the borough vs J. B. Maser t8 13 S 5K 15 14 55 2 89 3 50 1 7 fl 25 20 00 f9 1,134 37 48 -1,233 85 from 31st 1875, Jan. v cah paid Treasurer Uearhmt Poor Okdf.hs Issted in E.tst Ward March, 1874, to 22d January, 1875, inclusive : 147 25 57 00 72 00 104 00 60 00 8 00 4S 00 44 00 18 00 4 00 477 40 10 00 34 00 (X) 31 75 210 0U 105 00 CO 00 5 00 C 00 4 00 4 00 10 75 1! 00 4 00 8 80 !" OO 5 00 9 30 27 Orders to ''atharine Kiehl 15 Catharine Haywood 18 4 Aun Mr 51 Arthur Robin 7 Sarah St rod 2 ' II. B. Clinton 2 ' Alice Wilkerson 9 ' Martha Moore- t ' Samuel Young 1 ' Samuel W. Luguu C5 ' Maria Snyder 1 ' tvirah Baslian 2 4 Mary Ann Unapt 3 Geo.'B. Geuther 6 Rebecca IVeiner 6 ' Elizabeth Mullen 8 Margaret Keefer 1 ' J. K. MM-r 1 1!. K. Kagely 1 George W. s:uith 1 G. W. Gerrinsrer 1 ' G. B. Reimensnyder 1 Solomon Stroll I James Hilenmn 1 tsvah Murder 1 ' Benjamin l!nk.rt 1 ' Solomon Weaver 1 George Harrison 1 ' Joliu llanistiu (1.C8I 15 Took Okiieus Isttied l:i West Ward from 31st March, 1S74, to 22d January, 1875, inclusive: 30 orders to Isaac Werte $223 00 25 do Ellen JIaupt 84 00 44 do Catharins I'a'm-i 134 00 43 do Folly Myerly 236 .V) 7 do Henrv Laudnu 138 00 1 do B. F.' Landau 3 00 21 do Catharine. Farusworth 97 00 10 do Samuel Bos ley 57 00 2 do Andrew McNamura lii 00 1 do Snrau Stroll 00 7 do Mrs. S. H. Blllincton 21 00 10 do William Haas 54 00 14 do Frederick Hammer 56 fh) 1 do Samuvl Lugan 5 00 1 d Marri; Cuip 5 00 1 do S. L. Culp 3 00 1 do Louisa Bover 5 00 21 do Maria Snvder 258 OJ do A. T. Koblc 113 25 1 do Joseph Evsttr 10 00 9 do l.vdia Snvlcr IIS 50 2 do Win. T. Fugleman W 00 2 do J. !!. Masser ' 02 00 1 do r . 1.. Haupt 126 50 1 do W. W. Moody 7 50 1 do William Garinger 75 1 do (Jeo. !5. Cadwalla Jer 15 05 1 do i. K. Fagelv 31 '61 2 do J. M.Cadwallader M 00 1 do Oo. W. Smith 110 70 1 do W. A. Hambright 100 1 Wm. A. Heller 15 25 1 do 1'eti-r I'urst 3 00 1 do Solomon Mautz 3 00 1 do A. X. Brice 23 10 1 do E. C. Ei. !y 2 1 do J. E. EichhoiU 4 00 1 do John Youngman 3 00 1 do Kwsuuol W ilvcrt 3 00 $2,250 CI FUNDED DEBT. Bounty bond to J B Packer (estiiuat't) $1,100 00 Bond to George Weiser 2t0 00 Bonds or 1807. Coupon bouds of 1S67, bearing i:itcrrl at 7 per cent., semi-annually, matur ing lst'Jan.. 1878, 2 boeds, No. 3 and 11, etich for IVKi 1.000 22 bonds. Nog. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18. 10, 20, 21, 22, 23 aud 20, each for $100 2,20ii Coupous unpaid (cstimat'd) 234 50 1 3.434 50 Bouds of 173. Coupon bonds of 1873, bearing interest at 7 per cent., semi-annually, matur ing 1st May, 133 : 10 bonds. Nos. 1 to IB inclusive, each 1,000 f 10,000 10 bon is, Nos. 21 to 36 inclusive, each 5O0 8,000 Ml bonds', Nos. 37 to 80 inclusive, each 100 5,CC 40 bonds. No. s7 to 120 Inclusive, each ?VJ 2.000 Coupons vncaiicellt'j 2,105 25 Airovt-t of bonds of l!1o J35.1C5 25 A'r -sate of funded debt 40,1 75 FLOATING 1EBT. Borouli orders issued and outstanding r.lst March. 1S'.4, per last report 17.01 40 Boroticb orders to 31st March, 1874, granted ut not taken oat, per last report 463 01 t7.475 41 i Boroutrh orders issued from "1st i Mart h, '74 to 22d Jan., "75, 7,4C 85 ' Borough orders granted aud not taken out from 31st j March, '74,lo22d Jan.,'75, 327 43 AL'ert ;.i?e of borough ordrrs to Jan. 2'J 1S7. 15,20S 07 Borough ord's canceled on Jan. 22, 75 lt,l)7l 17 Burn. ord"s outstand'g Jan. 23, 1HT5. f5,i:7 50 I'otir Orders. Poor orders outstanding; per last report ou March 51, 174, Kusl Wnrd $712 1 Po West Want 1.250 61 2,247 41 tnor ord granted from Mat. 51, '74, to Jnu. 2.', '.Vnc!ueivc,F.ast Ward 1,W1 15 Do West Ward 2,350 Ct 13,931 76 ' A j;isate of poor orders Sfl.179 17 j Poor ord. canocl'd Jan. 23, '75 2,544 07 Four orders ontstand's Jan. 23, '75 3,854 60 Agsresrate of Borough and Poor orders outstanding J9.972 00 ACTUAL INDEBTEDNESS. Funded debt 40,919 75 HoRtinifuVU 9,972 00 "A8U1 7r ! ASSETS on 23d Jau. '75. Balautc due from D. Heim, late Chief FAVEMEMT LIPNS. Boro vs Amelia Fisher 2S8 8C do B. Hendricks (St 24 do J. B. Musser 137 54 do do 75 07 do do 105 .17 do do 7i CO do David Quiuu et al SO 11 850 03 RENT OF VtHiltVES. Grant & Bro f 50 00 J. Haas & Co 50 00 James Bovd 70 00 Val. Pitz 10 00 180 00 Taxes of 1873, uncollected sul.ject to exou'T'ition and commission 1,001 12 Tusci of 1ST4, uncollected subject to exoneration aud commission 10.010 SO :rat. of Assets c.-n Jau. 2.1, lt75 j:;,MS CI Amount of gross debt, funded and floating Jan. 23, 1873 S50.891 75 Amount of assets on Jan. 23, 1875 13,118 94 Amt. of net indebt'nees 23d Jan., '75 $37,772 81 Taxable property iu the borough of Sunbury. ac cording to the last county assessment and valuation : In West Ward 227,250 00 In East ward 247.825 00 Aggregate valuation 47o,U75 00 To the burgess and Couucilmen of the Borough of Sunbury, Pa : The uudersigned Committee respectfully re port : That tliey have audited the aceouuls of the Colin-tor of Taxes and of the Treasurer of the boiough, and iind them as set forth in the foregoing statements of account. They ulso re port statements showing the financial condition of the borough, and attach ber.-to a copy of an account rendered by A. N. Brice, attorney for the boro'. The Committee prepared and pub lished a statement of the borough finances in ac cordance with the provisions of an act of As sembly, approved the 20th day of April, 1ST4, as directed by your resolution of 18th January, 1875. Some inaccuracies in this published state ment are corrected in the accounts herewith re uortcd. JMIN HAAS, w. i. greexough; JOHN BO WEN, Finance Committee. Sunbury, January 23, 1875. mnn. T)STOHOMANCY, or HOOT. CHAKMINO.' How X either i may fascinate snd (ain tits lore m.d affn tions of anT prrKoa tliry cfaooM instantly. This iTOI'lc meutsl arquimliuent all can poaaen,frp,by mall, fr "iV., together with marriHfr guiite, Krrptian Ora ol, Urrama, Hints to Latlie, V eill:i' j-Nij(ht Shirts, ke. A qiiw book. AdJtvM T. Wi I J.I AM k Co. tab. Phils. 1th. "Jt, . For COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, TJo WELLS' C'ARKOEIC TAR LETS. l'l'T ToMV IN ItLVK BOXKH. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. b. 2A, w. 171? 17 TRAMPLE to Agents. Lame' Combinatiox 1 lVIj EiNrKULE-BooK, with Cliromos. Hrori alaiup. F. P. OLl'CK, Nfw xisdfoid Mm. Fe!. 2. 4w. i oit. Chang Chang sells st sight. Necessary as L soap, ( I re. Chang f'uau Mf'u Co., lWion. Fb. JO. -. J f(("T c"' ot' Aallima, Cmgh, or Cold that IU.VUV AI.AV401K UOTNlC llAUtAM Wll! IlOt arc. J.noE 3A cents. Jopr- tok, Hollo 4T A t'o., Aifeuts, Fhiladr:- JhiK. reb. 2S, sir. d Klk WK KU SAi.anT. To Introduce Ilie bst te'.l vw" lug article in tbf country. Used in ever InQlilr. Krnd for anniplra and instructions st ouce. Iaclnsa AO cvnts and Htamp. .Address Manufacturers, M.tsrt. Sxitks A CoM P. . Ikx Wanliinpton, D. C. Folj. W, 4x. P PATa T A ATrnT?Tfurttefustst el' AuLiMo V AlMijUng boot ever puu lmlied. Send for specimen p&tt and our rctrs tsrms to Ajjeuts. NATIONAL PUHLISHINO CO., Pmi.-fELI-niA, I'A. Feb. 20, 4w. TEAS RETAILED AT Importer I'rlcet, iv Tnr. Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. 321 .Market strert HarrlMbiir;. Tuia is an organization ol capitalists to IMPORT AXI OISTKIIILTE TEAM for one small proat, MTing tbe sanaumer all proM of middlemen. We control s Urge part of the Best Ts brought to this country, natch are sold by ournelvta. Peraoua buying of other deulors do so to tbeir own dis advantage. Our houses in China aud Japau haTC the verr bfMt fucihties of aet-cting, which give ua great ad vantages. We hare eatarliabrd stores for distributing our teas in all the principal dti of the United States. We give to our customers s newntllnl Oil rhrwmo, (taken from the richest gems of American sod Em-rlgn artists) -IUch, if bought at pieture stores, vrouSi cost much more than the pnee of the Tea. These rhrutno are a resent to our customers. KVt rooUa soid Warrautrl to give rfsct satisfaction or tne , w.fnndeU. (resit Atlantic Ttt Ml Market street, Uarrlsburg. tv"i.. NIIORT PROWrOXEMEXT DAY FIXtlDFlEL DIHTRIIIL'TIOS. EIrMt Grand tilfT Concert. Hoitpelier Female HuaieAssociatioa, AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. MARCH 30, 171. LIST OF GIFTS. 1 Graud Cash Gift I Grand Cash Gift 1 Grand Cash Gitt 10 Cash Gifts, SlO.Uun eaeb 1 Cash Gifts, &,) each ..lioo.Odo . . 50,01 SI . . 1VW . . ll,O0 . . 73,000 . . 5U.000 . . ufl.nuo . . lOO.'SW .. 50.000 .. 400,000 SO Cash Gifts, ldO Caah Gifts, 1.ISJU Cash Gifts, l.Ono Cash Gifts, 'JO.UOO Cash Guts, l,tK) each 500 each... 100 each... Mcb... 20 each... t'. Cash Gifts, amounting to (1,000,000 M JrinEU OF TICKETS, IOO.OOO. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets t).M Halves guartrni S.'W Eighths of each Coupon 'i.50 5. Tickets for loo.w The Montpslier Female Humans Association, chiut.i ed ly the Legislature of Viigiuia aud the Circuit Com. of Grange Co,, proposes by a Graud Gift Concert to es tablish aud endow a "Home for the Old, Inanu, and Destitute Lbdies of Virginia," at MoiitwlnT, the forniei residence of Presidrut James Madion. Gothkkob's UrriLE, KicHMnwn, July 3, 1874. It affords me pleasure to say that I am well acqtuiut ed with a large majorit ot the orlieers of the Mouteliei Female Humane Association, who reside lu the vicinity)! mvhome, and I attevt their iutrlligeuce aud their ortu Slid high reputation as grutU-meu, as well as the f obhc confidence, ml! lienor sud su'istantul mnushlierally rr prescutftanjoig them. JAMKh L. KEEPF.n, Got. Virginia. Alkxsmdkia, Va., July S, ls74. ' I commend them as gents of honor aud integrity, aud fully entitled to the confidence of the,mitlir. ... II. W. Ill'GUKH, V. S. JtnU'e East'u liiat.of V.. Further re!ereuces ly petiuission : . H:s Iicelleue Gilbert C. Walker, Ex-erui.r of Vu. ; Hon. Itols-it E. Withers, I.ieut.-Oov. ot Va. sud 1'. S. Henstor elivt ; Houatora and Memtsrs of Congress fro-u V... Kcunttancea for tiekHs may he nnon by xpres j rr- paid, pnst-onic mousy-orier ou nsun:gtou, i. oi j by registered l-ttet. For fuil i articnlrs, tstimonialf, Ao wnd for Cir- euUr. Address, HON. JAMES HAKHOl'K, j pKrsI M. F. H. A., ALKxaNimiA, V l .KlisUe agents Kaut.-d every i:ei' . F--b. V, w. SOMETHING FOR YOU. Seud stani and get it. Add.esa, p. 1. Uvkst, street. New York. nd 77 Nassau Jan. 4w. KHGT-CrVS. I:!r,l.riSTOt;, KEV0LTEBS, Gf aiv and ercrr klcd Send tmt ! riultiitdr. A'MtrH 2ra Hr.M!T. Qtl. astriiMtVwki, ririsnvasH, Pi. MA3IIIVr4 EMPLOYMENT. AM A COMfLI.IF. OUTFIT skvd FKEr We want a snitat-le person in every iieighborbod to take orders and diuiver gmil for our siaMit'ird C. O. D. Sacks ol stn!e sud tunily ; goods of all kinds in const nut use and vir. The old est t . O. I. bouse iu Anier.-ca. al:-s oror ball s IiBIuou lion iu 1H74. Lasok Ca-h Pav to th per.wu. A n-al etianee for all, male, at your bonis or trave-iu-'. No. ri-k. If you go to work we will seud you free and post paid s line of sumple and a complete out lit. Address at once and aerure your territory. H. J. HALL k CO., 6. N. Howakii sTBtKT, Ualtiniore, Md. J in. J.'. 4. MARYLAND FARMS.f.SoT.a Near r:nlroad. Location healttiy. Titles cootls. Ad- dress WM. 8. HUHiKLy, Attorney, entou, Murylsud. Feb. 5, lfrXo. 4w. Oil I T I) PV Tors ows itui pick. No tlack Ij II. A 111 sunthf needed, lioney saveiL and ! pieks always rhurp. For iliusti-sted circular address 1 in: Timtk Co., Strotidsburg, Monro Co., P. j Feb. 5, -73.-4W. 1 Iff ll' eMttiltf m.idr bv aellinir Trill &f Iumiit. Kits' l'sicis, or getting up chits in towns nnd country for tbe oldest Tea Company iu Ame rica. Greatest inducements. Send for circular. CAN TON TEA CO., 1 thunibers afreet, N. Y. Feb. S, 75.-4 w. HAVE YOU TRIED AKK TOU WEAK, NF.RVOC8, OU DEBILITATED I Are you so Unguid that any exertion requires more of an effort than you feel capsb) of making '! I'heu try Juruls-ba, the wonderful tonic and iuvlgors-t--r, which acts so beneficially ou the secretive organs as tn iii-isrt isor to aU vital forces. Il is no alcoholic aptizer, wliich stiinuUtes for s short time, only to let "the sufferer fall to s lower depth of misery, but it is a egetahle touic acting directly o:i the liver and spleen. It regulates the bowrls, quiets the nerves, aud gives Kuril a lieal: hy tone to the whole system as to soon mefce the invalid feel like a new person. Its oiration is not violeut, but is charaeteriied to great gentleness; the pRtient cm)ierieneeii no suddeu change, no msrked re-.;lte, but gradually his troubles "Fold their tenia, like tbe Arabs, Aud silently steal enry." This is no new sud untried discovery.bat lias been long used with wonderful remedial results, and is pro nouueed by the highest medicU stithorites, "the most powerfn! t'onic sud sltenutlve k:lOwn., Ask your druggist tsr it. For sale bv JOHNHTON, HOLLOWAY k CO., Feb. '7R. 4. Phllsdelj.his. F. EEMIH6TOH. The jIbmingtox Sf.wino Machine bus sprung rup:diy lulo favor as possessmj the. E:'yf best COMUINATIOS of Rood fsJji nnalitles namclv : Liol.t run. F ifiT i, n.n.v amrtnlh n r.i&nl..-. a v..: I tl I l ..'Ji3r duruble, witn perfect Lock lifAjJ' Stitch. It is a Shuttle Machine, with Antomatie Drop Feed. De sign beautiful and cimstruc tiou the v.- S st. GOOD AGENTS WANTED. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. .4dlreM REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE CO., ILION, N. V. BUAXCII OFFICES OF UE.1IIXGTON t O.TIPA.MES. 2S1 & 283 Broadway New York, Anna Madison Sq., New Vork Sewimr Machines. ILION, N. T. E. Remhiirton it Sons, Heniinirtou Sewinir. M Co., Remington Ag'l Co., February 2fi, 1375. 3 mos. Invite an examination of DKKSS GOODS, bl nortineiit whieh tliey are celling at prlet-M lower than ever. BLACK ALPACAS. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, our Alpacas ransro in prices from 25 cts. to $1.00. All Best m&Zses of Prints, lO Cents. BEST BRANDS OF MUSLINS, 1 3'artl wide, 10 and 12 cent?. The Largest, liest Assor UUsTJB OF Sunbury, Oct. 0, 1874. lm. In immense qunntities, haTe been received daily, for tbe last two months. Over Coats ! Over Coats ! ! fur Men and Boys, endless variety, and at astonishing low prices ! Dress Soils, Business Sis, UNDER CLOTHING! UNDER CLOTHING! from 75 cts. a full snii up to tho finest ! SHIRTS! GLOVES! and Gents' Furnishing Goods of every description. for Men and Boys, in immense variety, -wiaieat styles. lie invites everybody to call and examine his stock. Astonishine bargains wm t. offered and goods will be sold cheaper than they have ever been in this town. Nobody is able to undersell us ! The place to savo money during these hard times. The place where honest and upright dealing is the standing rule. The place where you can Gnd the largest stock and best assortment. The place where you are welcome, whether you buy or not is at GRAND CENTRAL CLOTHING Sunbury, Pa., September It, 1S74. rwn SCALES. Qvev Thirtj-fonr Competitors r,'8w urnm.n VIat.aSM C IRItl AGKS, Ill GfalEM At'. H. K. FAGELY & CO. respectfully inform Ihe public that they have commenced the maiiufuotiire of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, 40, at the new shop recently erected by J. F. I.ereh Comer of Fourth anil t lies! nut St., suNBur.v, pa., and solicit a fair share of Pat ion ape. April :;-Cm. J. F. LERCII. Sup't. WATCHI.S, JEWELRY V MI.VKK WAKE. John W. Nteveiisoii, Comer Third and Market Sts, Suubnrj . 1H. HAS completely renovated hi ?tore Koora, nnd opened the larcest assortment of WATCnES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID PI1. VEr. AND PLATED WAKE, ever exhibited in this part of the State. Every thing lu the Jewelry line is kept in store. RiKer-Wnre, Braeelet. Ring A ChaliiN, of every dcscilpt'.on and of the finest quality. Piirtieular attention paid to repairing YVittehe, Cloeks, Jewelry, Ac. I1AIR JEWELRY made to onler. Sunhury. March 6, 19V4. x.,raisir nn rr " Itrviwrox No. 1 Machine for family use, In the third year of its eilatence, hus met - K with a more rapid increase of ratio of ules an? ma chlue in the market. Heminoton N. 'i Machine for ninufiictuiiD nnd family use, (ready for delivery only since June, 187i.) for n'liua-, perfection, and variety of work, is yrithouf a rival in family or worUahip. it-" Chicago, 27 State St., S. Machine and Arms. Boston, 232 Washington St., Sewimr Machines. Cincinnati, 181 West 4th St., Sewimr Machine. Utica, 1211 Cenesec St. Sewing Machines. Atlanta, Ga., DeGive's Opera House, Marietta. St., Sewing Machines. Vashington,D. C, 521 Seventh St.,S. Machines. 5 their immense new stock of i vev f ttt-ura fi'lL ik nest in the count v. WM. WHITMER & CO. WII. A. HELLER'S, STORE, Cor. 3d & Market Sts., Sunbury, Pa. Formerly rterzMd'-r's. FURNITURE ROOMS! The undersigned begs leave to inform the citi zens of Northumberland county, he has opened u FIRST CLASS FUBNITDRE STORE, On Market SI reel, opposite the City Hotel, In Suubnrj, Where he keeps on hand a hirgc :.sortuict)t of t Consisting in part of Wai.nct Paiu.oh Sets, IH KEArs. Ciiamiiek Shtji, Bedsteads, Cain Sf.t Ciiaiks, Washstasds, Wood Spat Chaiiis. Locnoes, Koi-kiso Ciiaiks, Mattresses, Dining, Cupboards, Extension Tables, Hook Casees. m auhlk top 'v'aitles, fascv brackets, KlTfllEO FfliNITI RE, LtlOKISO fr LASSES, vc, &c, Ac. He wiii al-o m.-innfaeture to order, on short no j tice, uny nrticle in his line, if not in store, i He is prepared to otfer superior inducements to purchaser?. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. j Call and examine his stock and prices and be I convinced. JACOB IT AUPT. Jan. 2tl. 1S75, S mo. MAC'IIINK HIIOl AXD IROV FOISDRY. ;eo. hoiirbacii & sons, Knubury, Pcnn'a, INFORM the public that they are pn-pareu i" do all kinds of CASTINGS, and havinir -tdded a new Machine Shop in counection n'ith their Foundry, aud have supplied themselves with New Lathes," Planing and Boring Machines, with tht latcst improvements. With the aid of .killfu! incchanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be giveu them, in n satisfactory man ner. Ciirwtes to unit any Move. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or othT liuild inirs, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD .UT3 ; VERANDAHS, Yon YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, &C. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su pcriority, have been still further improved, and will alwavs be kept on hand. Aiso, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, May SO. 1S74. John H. Sell. Jii 31. ScnoNont. NEI.L A MIKIXOI U, Second Street, WoMEi-SDOitr, Pa. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, Pure Old Rj-e Whiskey. Am.E Wihrket, Cordials &c. A!l l.i'iuovs sold gaurrantced as represented. Orders promptly attended to and public pa tronutre respectfully solicited. SELL & SCHONOl'R. 2d St., Womelsdorf, Berks Co., Pa. Feb. 97,1874. l v. ' i f Sltttttritilt. uwrsUAia ixorcE.nEXTs. Mew and attractive Goods, in every Department WATCHES, DIAMONDS. JEWKT.RV, SILVER 1MD FLAVI9 WAR. Cutlery. Clock". Bronces, English, French and Grm-in Fancy Goods. mmm In view of the decline in GOLD, we have re duced prices on.our eutirs Stock of Foreign mer chandise to Par Gold Hates, and purchasers will End it to their interest to make their selections NOW, while the ASSORT MENT IS COMPLETE. Goods sent on approval for selections. Articles purchased now, for the Holidays, will be packed and retained until such time as desir ed. ROBBIN3, CLARK & BIDDLE, 1124 Chestnut St., Philadelphia- Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES IIAIHL, RESPECTFULLY informs the eitirens fiat he has jut received his Spring anil Summer Goods), j hi nis TAILOR SHOP, on Fnurth Street, below Market, in the Mullen huiidiner, nnd th.-it be is prepared to ranke up all kinds of ' GEXTS ASD BOY'S SUITS, of the latest style?. ITaving had much experi ence in the business he desires theptihiic to give him a trial. Clothing will be made up in th latest Paris and American Fashions Iu the most satisfactory manner. al2.;7S. CHARLES MAIIIL. Maize & Schwartz, Successors to Geo. Evans Se Co., 1108 Market Street, Philadelphia, MERCHANT TAILORS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS. Men and Boys' suits made to order in the lntest styles, of the best cloths and c-issitncres in mar ket, at prices suitable to the times. Military, Band & Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours bciu;the leading house ou Military work, we feel that we can offer inducement which can not he attained anywhere else. Nov. 27. 187.'. vTr HOITEX E PT I O X , The Cheapest ix Town. . WINTER GOODS i of every description and variety such as ! WOOLEX GOODS, I Dres GooI, comprising all the novelties in fabric and shade. Full Assortment of Xotions, which are being sold at tbe lowe-it Cash Prices. Also, Groceries asd Pf.ovisioxs, pnre and fresh. QCEEN3WARE, GLASSWAKE, AXd'WOOD and Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and common, always oa baud. BOOTS AND SnOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, . of all sizes and of tbe latest styles. FLOUR. A constant supply of western white wheat flour a speciality. Tne public are invited to tall and examine our Goods tree of charge. Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits.' and to please all. The highest prices will be paid for all kinds of country produce. oj en it. aueuiiuu o business and keeping at all times tbe most complete silr. and selling at thelowest prices, we hope to merit a r.ii share of ; patronage. REED BROTHER & SEA8HOLTZ. Sunhury, Dec. 4, 1S74. Sugar, ! B Coffee. Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. U3 O c E (0 U a. W es a o o ts a K V. o t 5 6 O o D ua 5 e C. 7, a 3 a . o at a o . O 0) O S to 0Q i e c c Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. Fall and Winter Stock OF .til I.I.I X ERA' GOOUK. A large assortment of Millinery Goods, Hats and Bonnets, trimmed and untrlmmed, Plumes, Tis, and Feathers of cvey description, Flowers, Ribbons, Velvets. Ac. just opeued nt Miss L. & S. Weiser's, on East Market St. Also, Dress Trimmings and Notions , Yak, Lace , Bead, Trimmings, Fringes, &c. Ladies' Ganntlt ts and Kid Gloves nt "5 cents and upwards. Sunbury, Nov. IS, 187t. COAL.! (OIL! COAL! GRANT BROS., Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (lovteb Orders will receWa nrompt attention. grirrtltnral. Tallow for Gapes. A correspondent of the Fieid sajs : "One day I noticed a flock of eleven pure bred Creve-Cojur chickens very bad with what is called 'gapes.' I remarked tit the man who bad them in charge that he would not have many chickens out uf that lot. Oh, never mind, s;iid he, 'I have got a cure for ti.etn from a neighboring woman, which is a common half penny tallow cand e melted and mixed into About a quart of oat meal stir about.' The reme dy was reiMirted to and ihe Creve-Coeurs hare everyone te"vered and grown into finely de veloped chickens. " I have since tried this cure with invariable success on Brahmas, Dorkings, Ac." IIOIKEIIOLD. Dio Lewis' Receipt fok a Bed. Of the eight pounds which a man eats aud drinks la a day it is thought thai not less than five pound leave his body through tbe skin. And of these five pounds a considerable per cent age escapes dur ing the night while in bed. The larger part f this is water, but in addition there Is much effete and poisonous matter. This, being in great part gaseous in form, permeates every part of the bed mattress, blankets, as well a sheets soon become foul and need purification. Thematress needs this renovation quite as much as sheets. To allow the sheets to be used without washing or changing three or six months would be re garded as bad housekeeping, but I insist, if a thin sheet ran abtorb enough of these poisonous excretions of the body to make it unfit for a use in a few days, a thick mattress, which can ab sorb and retain a thousand times as much of the poisonous excretions, peeds to be purified as often certainly as once in three months. A sheet can bs washed. A mattress cannot be renovated In this way. Indeed, there is no other way of cleaning a mattress but by steaming it or pick- . in 2 it to pieces, and thus ia fragments exuosiuar il to the direct rays of the sun. As these pro cesses are scarcely practicable with any of the ordinary mattresses, I am decidedly of tbe opin ion that tbe good, old-fashioned straw bed, which cau every three mouths be exchanged for fresh straw, aud the tick washed, is the sweetest and healthiest of beds. If, in the winter season, the porousness of the straw bed makes it a little un comfortable, spread over it a comforter of two wooleu blaukcts, which should be washed aa often as every two weeks. With this arrange ment, if you wash all the bed coverings as often as once iu one or two weeks, yon will have a de lightful, healthy bed. Now, if you leave the bed to air with open windows during the day, and not make It up for the night before evening, ' you will have added greatly to lha sweetness of your rest, and in consequence to the tone of your health. I heartily wish this good change could be everywhere introduced. Only those who have thus attended to this important matter can judge of its influence on the general health and spirits. FLutsxi. Cakes. One pint of buttermilk, one teaspoon ful of soda, salt ; stir in fiourenough to make it as thick as fritters. Battek Bread. Stale bread soaked1 In milk or warm all night ; two eggs well beaten, and a little meal and lard. Velvet Pudding. Five eggs beaten separate ly, one teacupful of white sugar, four table spoonfuls of cornstarch dissolved in a little cold milk and addud to the yelks and sugar. Boil three pints of sweet milk and pour into il tbe yelks and sugar while boiling. Remove from the Arts when It has become quite thick. Flavor with vanilla, and pour into a baking dish Beat tbe whites of the eggs to a stiff froth with half a teacup of while sugar ; then pour it over the top of the pudding, and return it to the stove until it is slightly browned. Eat with sance, the receipt for which is given below, it is de licious. Sacck pok Velvet Ptddijo. The yelks of two eggs, one cup of white sugar, one table- spoonful of butter. Eeat the eggs well and all the other ingredients, aud add one cap of boiling milk. Then place it over tbe fire and let it come to a boiling beat. Flavor with vanilla. Ekittjsh Roll. Four eggs and two teacups of scgar, two teaspoonfuls of yeast powders dissolved iu a cup of hot water. Add tbe yeast powders lust, aud put at once in a healed stove. Duke in a broad, shallow stove-pan, and as soon as tbe cake is done spread evenly with jelly and roll up and set awny to cool. Jam of any kiud or grated cocoa-nut will answer quite as well as jolly. Citko!! Pies. Yelks of twen'y eggs, a pound of sugar aud a poundvf butter. Mix it, but stir very little. . Bake on nice flaky crusts. This is good. Try it. -. AriT Hope's Tea-Cakes. Oue r r batter, or lard will ans wer, two cups of sugar, three eggs, oue teaspoon ful of soda and two ot cream of tartar, one cup of cream. anJ one quart of flour. Roll thin aud cut into shapes. Bake in a quick oven. One, Two, Three, For Cake. One enp oi butter, two cups of sugar, three eup of floor, and four eggs. VEGETABLES : From Ooodtt Lady'i Book.) CaSrots asd Parsnips require a good deal of boiling. When young1, wipe off the skin after they arw-awj . wnen 0id tnein witn the salt meat, aud them firsU (Parsnips should always be scrapea,Terage time from twenty to forty-five minutes. . To Stew Carrots White. Hairwtjjen nicely scrape, aud slice them into a stewpai. Put to them half a teacupful of any weak broth, tome pepper and sa't, and half a cupful of cream ; simmer them till they are very lender, bnt not broken. Before serviug, rub a very lit tle flour witi a bii of butter, and wifrui up with them- If approved, chopped parsley may be added ten minutes before served. To Stew Carrots B&ows. Take bis large carrots, wash and scrape them well, put them into boiling water, and let them boll for half au hour ; then take ibera out, drain, and cut each carrot into as many round balls as it will make ; put them into the stewpan with a pint of gravy, flavored with a little pepper, salt, inusbroou ketchup, and Worcestershire sance; let them simmer for twenty minutes, then take them out,' pile them in the centre of the dish, thicken the gravy with a little flour and butter, pour it over the carrots and serve. Parssips would be very good cooked ia this way. To Mash Parssips o Carrots. Boil theia till tender, pare and then mash them, and warns in a stewpan with a little cream, a good piece o butter, and pepper and salt. Fricassee op Pabunips.-t-BoU in milk till tbej are soft, then ent them lengthwise into bits twe cr three inches long, and simmer in a white sauce made of two spoonfuls of broth, a bit ol mace, h iif a cupful of cream, a bit of butter and some flour, pepper and salt. To Boil Tcrsips. Pare them, and if large split them ; If small, leave them whole. Pa them in boiliug water with a little salt, aud keej them well covered until they are tender. The; require from fifteen to thirty minutes. To Mash. Boil them as above till very tender then press the water fron them between tw plates, ater which mash them, and pas thee through a colander. Then put them iuto saucepan, add a little salt, and some milk o cream ; ke;p stirring till quite hot, then serve. To Stew Omoss. Peel six large onions ; fi gently of a fine brown, but do not blacken ibeiu then put them iuto a small stewpan with a iitt' weak gravy, pepper and alt ; cover and sw gently for two hours. They should be light floured at first. To Roast. They should be done with all tl skius on ; tbey eat well alone, with only sail ai cold butler, or with roast potatoes or beef-root To Stew Spanish OsiojiS. Boil four ouioo and when done, scoop out the middle, and ( them with forcemeat ; fry them a light brow and make a rich gravy aud pour over thet This makes a good corner dish. To Frt Osios for Steaks, IIkbrinos, etc. Peel the onions, cut them iu slices, fry them 1 the fat from the steak, etc., which ought to I Tried first and kept hot the while. They a; usually served in tbe same disb with the sles or fish. To Stew Celery. Wash six beads and str off the outer leaves ; either halve them or lea thern whole, according lo ilie size ; cut in lengths of four inches ; put them into a stewp: with a cup of broth or weak white gravy ; su till tender ; then add two spoonfuls of crea and a little flour and batter, seasoned wiih p per, sail and nntmeir, and simmer all together viua. dupiicsteof 173 l.P'4 74 AtfCfegOl? de-'