Ihtnlmn) American. SUNBURY. MAKC1I 5, 1875. Railroad Time Table. ABKITAL AI DEPABTrRB or TBAISS AT arSBtKT. N. C. R. IV- South. I P. E. R- K- Weet' i Mail, 12.35 a m i Erie Mail, C.30 a m Southern Ex. 2.30 a ra L'k Haven A. 12.00 n. Phila. Ex., 9.45 a in Elniira Mail 4.20 p m Day Ex., 2.05 p m Fast Liuc, T-10 p m SBAMOKIN DIVISION, K. C. B. W. J.EAVB AURIVB Express, 12.01 p m Mail, 9 25 a m Mail, 4.25 p in F.xpress, 8.55 p tn An accouimodatiou Iraiu leaves Shamokin nt 7.10a in, arriving at Mt. t'arnn 1 at 7.40 a tn. Returing, leave Mt. Camel at C.15 p tn, arriv ing at Shamokin C.45 p in. Lackawanna A 3uomsbi ko R. R. Trains, leave Northumberland as follows 9.45 a. tn., and 4.40 p.m.; arrive at 10.55 a. in., ami 5.45 p.m. I). U !c V. R. Ii Train leave ot G.55 n. tn. and arrive at 8.50 p. m. Accidental Insurance Tickets can be bad of .T. Bhipman, Ticket Agent, at tlic Depot. Knmuirr Irrantement lor tU Vol OfUce at Hnuburj . Ia. Ojflci Open from 6-W) a. w., f 8 ', wytf IM Sutufayt. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. i Arrives as follows : From the East at 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. ra., " South, 5.15 a. m.. 4.10p.m. " West, 5.15 a. m., 11.15 a. m., 1.35 p. tn. and 4.10 p. m., North,1.50 a. m.,11.15 a. in., 4.10 r.m. Shamokin and Mt. Curmcl, i.25 . in. Miamokio proper, 4.00 p. ui. Mail close s follows : For the East, 5.45 n. ni., 10.5J a. iu., 4.50 p. tu. 8.f'l p. tu. " South, 10.50 a. iu.. 4.50 p. ra., 8 p. in. " Wini, 10.50 . m., 5.:) p. iu., S.00 p. m. " Nn li, 3.50 p. tn.. S p. tn., bUaniuMu proper 11.15 a. n. S'.iafnokin uud offices on that route; 4.20 p. m. Moucy orders will not be issued aflef 6 p. tn., - ta..,,,'...i.,,.c . J. J. 8MITIT, P. M. total Affairs. Cloves 8kkb wanted by CJ. B. Cadwallader, Central Drug Si ore, Sunbury, Pa. . m Geo. W. Coble, Esq., at Ilerndon, this county i authorized to act as agent for the Attxrican in that place, in receiving subscription, job work, advertisements, aod receipt for all bills he may present from ns. Flesh Fish are now served to customers daily by 8. F. Ncvint, iu this place. While be is noted for keeping the best of oysters, it may be judced that be also supplies the best tMi that can be procured iu market. A VTiu-ox A Gikbs Sewing Machine, entirely new, and of the best make, can be had cheap by applying at this oSice. The Clement House, under the management of Mr. Burrell, is rarldly gaining custom, and is more prosperous than it has been for several years past. All who Mop with Mr. Burrel are highly pleased of the manner be conduct the house. IxtKY. As each of the editors in this place j liad invested heavily in :he G:!t Concert of the ! Washington Independent Steam Fire Company, the puMic will no doubt be glad to loam that each drew the large amount of two dollars. The amount were invested refpectively a fol lows : The eJitor of the Anrv-att appropriated his amount towards paying otT old debts. The editor of the Oa:etle Invested his amount in a tract of land, while the editor of the Jkmocrat has invested the wLole of hi in the purchase of 'rooster" and tii-rger cuts, to embellish the Pernor nt, to make his readers understand w hat j pore Democracy consists of. Lost. An umbrella with the name of II. B. Masser printed in red ink Inside and out. The person who iound It will be rewaided by return ing it to this ohce. Flood. Some persons are apprehensive that the snow uu the ground will result it. a high Jiood. t'V io out Ihiuk 'he snow in tha form i unusually deep, and we apprehend no danirr unless it should go off in a heavy raiu. There is liiore danger from gorges in uarrow places, ciused by the heavy ice and low water, and thus inundating some sections by Ice dams and buck water. OrR New Fork Ml or did ntl come to lime this Wijek. We hope tbi't r n-a.ondnt bus tut W ( m the great atuouul of snow that I.ki falb-n during the forepart Ot this week. V r. Jmu Rat, formerly a resideut of this place, tie of Williainsport, has Ix-ea nppoiiited Road Foreman of Engines on the Eastern Divi sion tie P. A E. Railroad vice Jesse .L Andrus, deceased. Mr. Ray has had twenty-six years' etpertrnea running railroads, and will no doubt make an rflieicnt officer. JJj Beelal line of duty calls for a careful supervision of oil lo cotnotites on the road from Renova iS Sunbury, sud all pssseuger engines between Sunbnrv J Hurrisburg. Mr. Jacob yT---" an employs of this office for -- four ha bceu PP"'"lc , un,tendeut of the MMoiian office under the new proprietori-hip of P. L. Hackeuburg. May success attend Jacob in his new position. We notice that Mr. Lewis Hummel, on Com merce street, Sbamokiu, is busily engaged in letnodtjing his house and Restaurant rooms, tcnovatiag the whole building. Mr. Hummel keeps a quiet and orderly saloon, and with the additional comforts added to his house, will make it the best kept Restaurant iu Miamukin. He keeps the genuine Millwaukle Beer on tap to n-rrcsh and quench the thirst of those fond of that beverage. bRiiXiM Bkoihek, the great seeds men ut RwlieMer, N. T., with a branch house in Chica go, ay in their handsome Quarterly that their supply nt onion seed is short, as they have only fifteen thnntmid poDixls to supjly their custo mers, and cnniiot, thrreftire, supply wholesale dealers. rin.-KiCAt. 8aits. Four of Marvin's Spheri 'ai iron eaft-s were put in the First National Bank of this place on Wednesday last. Throe afes have the appearance of a hog; cannon ball lil'tcen Indu s in diameter, mounted on an iron phitfi.nn under whieh are castors. The wali are three inehrs thick and each safe weighs one thousand pounds. They are supplied with the combination lock. There are but few if any tmnks in the State better secured than the First National of fiunbiiiy. Insi-ua it MoiEr Paiij. Mr. Jacob Shlp mau, uent lor the New York Mutual Infur.iiicc t.'omjiaiiy, paid over to Mrs. Hszcllliie tne lu surnnce on the policy of C. S. llmrltiiie, dee'd, few days ago. Mr. HaKelliue had Uken a l"iiey In 1WJ3, on which be had paid i3S 70 np o the time of his dicciiae. The uuused dividends Jtnd dditias incre:tsed the iiruouut to $1,274 GS, which was paid over ut the widow of the ducd. I Lis in a Jarite percentAge on a small iuvest metit, and I be punetoality in paying up the claim isau evidci.ee that the company is a good one to take a Htliey. ll has been asserted that the New York Mutual Life Jnsurauce Company was considered the bet in the worM. and this case, in our midst, is good evidence that the as sert iou is m wit!. out found :it ion. How the Laroe Phizes weke Disposed of. Mr. James Madara, of Mnney, who drew the :KI prize In the late drawing nt this place, is a mechanic who was indebted Just that amount on his homestead, to which he applied the money. J. Rneh, residing near Northumberland, bought four tickets for himself, wife and two daughters. Oue daughter, his wife and himself each drew a price. Per contra, some of our citizens who had ACLres of tickets did not get a dollar. A num ber of others who drew prizes donated them to the Fire Company. W. Cameron Packer, Esq., who drew a hundred dollar prir.e, donated the ?ame to the No. 1 ttteata Fire Company, of whieh he is on active member, uuj fr which act of liberality I he company tendered Lira a vote of thanks. The firm of Fryling. Bowen Engci ilso generously donated their prizes, amounting to t64, to the Wat'hington Steam Fire Company, 'to aid tbeia in the crectiot M Jljelr rew enrinc 2ioose. Ansocnckment of the Drawing Tue Wasii iNCToji Indepekuent Steam Fire Compact's Gift Concert Official List of Prize Tick ets. The managers of the Gift Concert of the Washington Independent Steam Fire Company respectfully announce to the holders of tickets that, owing to the pauic oecuring about the time the enterprise for procnri-ig a steam fire engine, by means of selling tickets for a gift concert was iuangurated, and owing to the ex treme bard times that have since j revalled, they have not been able to sell more than 5,130 tick ets, although two postponements of the (Sift Concert were had, for the purpose or disposing of all the tickets, in order to insure a full distri bution of all gifts as announced. The expense of printing tickets, notices of postponements and the commissions paid to agents outside of Sunbury, amounted to tUO'M, being ?36 more than the managers had expected would be required for all expenses in disposing of the 20,000 tickets. Only 2,5000 was used out of the funds towards raying the engine, and the balance, 1 1,000 in cash, was publicly distri buted among the holders of tickets by a drawing of numbers and prizes, which commenced in Garinger's Hall on the 23d and was completed on the 24th of lust month. The Concert was held in the Court House on the cveuiug of Feb ruary 23, 1675, and w as a grand succes. The managers extend the thanks of the Company to the public for the substantial aid received through the Gift Concert tickets, nnd also through the very many voluntary donations. Holders of Prize Tickets should present them without delay to N. S. Engle, Treasurer, sun bury, Pa., who will pay them promptly. Sam'l S. Hesirick. Geo. M. itnsx, Wm. 11. Miller, Levi Seasiioltz, Pniur M. Sdisoel, Committee. list or prizes : Jas C Packer, Sunbury. Horace Silsby, Seneca Falls, N Y J E Eichholtz, Sunbury. Alfred Krause, do G W lniith, trustee, Sunbury. John A Lloyd, Northumberland. Jos Everett! Watsontown. II C Silsby, Seneca Falls, N V. Effie Browu, Suuburv. W M McCool. do II Kirk & W P Haupt, Sunbury. J W Cake d i SllTC, 132S4, 7435, 44, 434, 3".tas. 123, 18271, 3603, 2l. 13413, 5209, 17320, 8!to5, 1CS, 12615, 5503, 12577, 132SS, 13139, 14083, 917, 9089, 12(i, 2099, 10795, 190-i, 2500, 8027, 15830, 88S0, 7002, 15C39, 003, 4215, 14560, 15707, 430, 1071 1, 706S, 13092, 6510, 15820, 10707, 15705, S354, 114, 13S03, 12309, 11S7, i593. 14037, K917, 15735, 4993, f.662, 6771, 16S53, 151-.-9, 4014, ISM, 3910, 2022, 3CC2, 13490, 4051, M2, 14544, 1100N, 1574, &r.74. j32, 13-J44, 11252, 9.'.9--, 6577, 1327C, 1325S, 15767, 2iW, 1S79, 2274, 12.(21. 1419, 1I34, ai)s 1903, 692, 6590, 81H4, 6C20, 3.0 1910 17405 14524 1041 14561 5Vi 3 7 1S1S9 10 293 45fc 130 49lt 6530 2'JSS 5511 172S9 3097 4955 5050 132:;7 9717 u.,l OO'.tS 723 C'.i".4 151-7 1010 894 1 K5 12393 10V3 4'.92 10H.IH 15593 49o" 5544 1518.5 7057 3299 40t0 4916 17oS) C5W.I 1609 4414 15113 11122 1 sis; 3r78 7000 144S8 15027 13908 bOO H91 14525 13948 714 15154 (iN9 13S7S 7oS 203 3S7 (k9 181NS 1379S 13201 45SV l80l 6284 174o3 174MI 1 1591 15761 7401 C05 41VJ 50M9 1672H li27S 629 9095 15042 5578 6044 10512 7527 12545 Si2S 15074 661 5996 5206 N(.3 5K5 S 12794 14306 t:33"i lOOii 1347 1 19S9 t2 1 2 10 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 Robert McO.-iw, do 5 JasC Packer. do ; J M M Gernerd, Mnncy. 1 Gi-o Zimmerman, Up Augusta 5 Henrv J Stewart, Harrtohnrg. 2 V AKintcel, Ashland. 3 Robert M. Snow, Seneca Fal'.g, N Y 1 W K. Chestnut, Ronovo. 1 W I Greenough, Sunbury. 1 B F Brit'ht, do 1 II A Bolick, Selinsgrove. 2 Gideon Markle, Uper Augusta. 1 Geo (John. Sunbury. 2 A II Dill, Lewisbnrg. 1 John Bauschaff, Watsontown. 1 Mrs Peter Savage, Riverside. 1 W H Miller, Sunbury. 2 Fryling, Bowen & F.ngle, Sunbury. 1 Jas McGill, Lock Haven. 1 D Clement, Sunbury . I' DC DisMnger, do 1 Wm II Miller, do 1 Daniel Heitu, Ehamokiu. 5 E Y B Vandyke, Sunbury. 2 J M Cadwallader, do 1 J ii A Moeschlin, do ISP Wolverton, do 5 Fagelf A Yarncll, do 1 G W iluber, Renovo. 1 Geo Cunrad, Upper Augusta. 5 Fry line, Boweu & Engel, Sunbury. 1 S P Wolverton, do 1 Miss M L Sliiudcl, do 2 N Iaas. I O K M.. do 1 t has Maihl. do 1 Win L IVwart, do I Alvareed Binsiauian,riIlow P 0,Pa. 1 J E Wolfe. Sunbury. 1 Adam Snyder, Fisher's Ferry. 2 V 1 Greenough, Sunbury. 1 Jas C Packer, do 1 A J Whitaker, 3d Aid.Of. Wasb'n. 2 Perry H Snyder, Mahauoy P O. 1 Fryling, Bowen &. Engel, Sunbury. 1 John S Haas, Purdytown. 1 Jno G Guituer, Sunbury. 5 Nieelv K Cooner, Dewart. 2 J F SheatU r, Club No. 1, Sunbury. 1 Simon Opp, Turbutville. 2 John Bourue, tustee S P., Sunbury. 1 Mrs Charles Harp, do 2 Lettia F.ueeluian, do 1 Charity E Kulp, do 10 J M Bartholomew, Club 1, do 1 Geo Humpfer, do 2 J L Andrus, di 1 II F Bailey, Milton. 1 J B Whitney, Millersburg. 25 D Ilfiin. Sunbury. 2 nm Krisher, hunbury. 1 Horace Silsby, Seneci Fells. N Y. 1 J M Armstrong, Washington, D C. 2 Geo E Gass, I'pper Ang'i-ta. 2 Geo Conrad, do 1 I1C Silsby, Seneca Falls, N Y. 1 do do do 1 W Free, Philadelphia. S W 11 Miiler, Sunbury. 2 Tilly J Guymati, Dauphin. 1 Mary E Juics, Northumberland. 2 Win BiiigaiiiRU. Pillow P O. i Val Dritt, sunbury. K r.mnia Glenn, Renovo. 10 Miss Clara E Sites, Johnstowu Pa. 1 Mrs C Pane, Watsontown. 1 W H Miller, Suuburv. 1 J A Cuke, Sunhurv. 1 Joseph Vaukiik, Nonbaiiiherlaud. 50 Fryling, Bowen i Engel, Sunbuiy. 1 E T Druiuheller, Sunbury. 5 John Stitzel, McEwensvillo. 1 W H Law, Riverside, Pa. 2 EL Vandliug, Sunbury. to Marv Slilpe, do 1 E Y K Vandyke, do i B F Zettlemoyer, do 10 Mrs W P Roberts, do 2 David Altick, do 1 Jacob Eckroad, Turbut tup. 1 Lizzie Miller, Sunbury 2 Jas Kercbner. trus. 8 P, Su ibnrr 1 Mrs Lucy Schlegel, Puxinos. 2 Daniel Ludwig, Miiton. 1 B F Xettleiunver, fauubf.ry. 1 V II Miller. ' do 2 baniurl B ites, Harrisburg. 1 W 11 Whitney, Washington, D C 2 Chus J Brucer, Sunbury. 1 Samuel Hvrrlv, do 1 J li Miller, Miliersbur'. I H C Silbv. Seneca Falls. NY. 1 Mis Sallie E Rneh. North'd. 1 Jos Vaukirk, do 1 Permelia J Campbell, Lcwisnurg. 2 Felix Breniunhouse, I 'p. Atgusta. 2 Enos Sl.ipe, Purdytow n. 2 Geo Hertz, Watsontown. 1 R W Lewis. York. 1 Jas C Packer, Sunbury. 2 John Retfuc, do 1 Peter CVcssinger, Lower Aaguste. 1 A D Rhen, Lock Haven. 2 Frank Storm, Marietta. 1 A Wald A Gavman, Georgetown. 1 W H Millet, Sunbury. 2 Jas Kert liner, trus. S P, Sunbury. 1 B y Ze;tiemoyer, do I L J Delate, Watsontowu. 1 Mary Brimin-, Sunbury. 2 (eoB Ri imeiisiiyder, do 1 J F M heSer. Club 1 do 1 II W Bueher, do 300 B F Madara, Muncy. 1 .1 A Cake, Sunbury. 3 Charles Sarvis, do 1 Philip Clark, do 1 Jacob I Uogur, jr, Port Trevertoii. 5 W 1 (jrieiiouih, Suubury. 1 lia T Clement, do 2 A Oppunhcimer, do 25 J P Haas, do 2 David Shipc, sr, do 2 Frank Hewell, do D C Disslnger, do J B Masser do Miss Maggie Martin, NortU'd. S Ii I'otherinel, Sunbury. E L Vaiiilling, do Luther Diehl, do G N Reynold, Philadelphia. S P Bui ii:", WatMintowii. I H Koth'-rmel, Suulmry. WL Dewart, do Israel llclwiy, Tuibut twp. Jno Kay Clemei't, Sunbury. V C Packer. di Mrs Mary ltillmmi, Muncy. David Attiek, Sunbury. W L Dewait, do Ncal McLean, Seneca Falls, N Y. W H Miller, club 1, Mmburv. W L Dev.ait, do J B Lenker, do Henry llja", do Henry Haas, do Geo McKliece, Sliamokin, Marv E Mvers, Washinuton, D C. E P MiClosky, Round islaud, Pa. IV H Miiler, Sunbury. J IV Williams, do Jennie K Raymond, Middletown. S P Wolverton, bunbuiy. A S Bryan, Washington, D. C. W C Packer, Suubury. Win Stannart, Lewishurg. D C Disslnger, Sunbury. D Heini, do Fryling, Itowcn & Engel, Sunbury. Ira T Clement. do H L Hauck, do W S Russel, Asiiland. Jas C Packer, Suubury. Rosa D Miller, do Oliver Mcpherson, North'd. P C Hunel, Sunbury. J W Cuke, do (Jeo Seiler. Lower Augusta. FiiiHiiuel Wilvert, Sunbury. II W Bueher, trns. 8 P do Carrie Carr, do W II Manser, do Geo Conrai', do H 8 Pilkington, Philadelphia. ir i C Clarke, Sunbuiy. C F RowitMifr, Sbsmokln. 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 10 100 1 1 1 5 5 1'J 1 1 1 1 1 O 1 1 o 5 on 10 1 25 1 1 1 o 9785 f.777 1506 454 8909 15795 11221 21519 13204 o013 61S1 15T97 8900 1915 C980 12093 1445 ;!23 1051 501M5 14455 11893 5540 4950 390 6707 9497 4450 17o51 9751 6040 10513 10405 5073 13843 5557 14481 8187 11619 13935 1874 11625 7490 254 li5S9 6725 1930 i 17401 i 11907 : 757 11224 9780 1578S 1481 12609 4028 578 808 199 7458 10110 2709 5272 8949 13328 4600 3936 2S79 14350 7010 8613 6014 14336 15032 3069 6559 2096 2209 13916 1021 S 2216 14487 5545 13944 6084 135.il 13240 2984 1959 9493 7032 13403 6039 842 14031 16407 15168 6050 13492 11677 7003 17302 13891 5283 5031 7251 0o93 13146 7400 11216 10291 14080 13900 11923 909;: 5959 1608 5279 3343 14530 419 20l.'9 459S 5573 5244. 1S.VJ 598 15 3017 13290 S08I 6o;i 4175 3994 17U75 1501 700 ttrru 4 3319 4-.M9 421 2784 4!5 802 7479 15732 74C.9 875 241 358 13900 4441 3019 9718 10709 6540 3053 1383K 1CS05 2318 1889 50 13714 11909 ;i.v; 14398 10111 12082 9755 14041 15183 1 1 2 1 1 50 1 1 I 5 10 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 O -4 1 o 1 1 I 5 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 1 5 10 ft 1 1 1 o 10 5 o T 1 5 ! 5 10 1 o 1 1 5 2 200 2 1 1 1 1 J II A T F Ruch, North'd Mrs Mary Fagely, Sunbury. Isaac N Cooper, do 4 M Cadwallader do John Hourne,trus S Pdo Jas C I'acker, do Mis Mary Stcman, Pliilada. Ed G Markle, Sunbury. Nicholas Graeber, Ashland. Wm Fudge, Seneca Falls, N Y. 5 F Nev'm, Siiiibury. W II Kohriuich, Shamokin Valley. Geo W Smith, Sunbury. Jas C Packer, do C Shumau, Dewart. II K Fagely. Sunbury, L D Apsley, Phihula. Miss Maggie Dieix. Sunbury Mrs Mary Ucnther, do Aimer A Walters, Pliilada. W It Dunham, Sunbury. Mrs John Smith, do JanifS Fmkboii, Pillow P O. R A Booser, Harrisburg. Geo II Smith, Pliilada. V C Packer, Sunbury. John S Haas, do James A Poller, do Chus F Martin, do Nicholns Funston, Muncy. John F Zellers, Harrisburg. II M Slack, Northumberland. Ira T Clement, Sunbury. Xadoc Smith, Womelsdorf. Thos H Miller, Watsontown. W L Dewart, Sunbury. B F Zettlcmoyer, do Jacob M Smith, Lewisburg. ('has Miller, Philadelphia. Frank B Kichstine. Harrisburg. Hugh McDonald, Ml Canucl. Val Fagely, Shainokin. Miss Carrie Bennett, Shamokin. Lewis Bush, Ashland. II J Waltz, Sunbury. Mrs Sam'l Clayberttcr. Shamokin. David Sniilh. Purdytown. Mrs II K Witman, Watsontown. Her.rv Haa, Sunbury. JohnEmerick, 1'illow P O. H J Campbell, Uplnr Augusta. E G Markle, Washington. Isaac F Brown, Lewisbnrg. Ticket uot paid for. Geo Hnrrisou, Sunbury. Isaac Sallade, Berry sburg, Pa. Charles Haas, club 1, Sunbury. G W Tuckey, Marysvllle.. John Kelfue, Suubury. J A Cake, Suubury. . Col R Lillcy, Muncy. W M Daughcrly, Sunbury. Amanda F Kebres, Klingerstr.wti. J W Cake, Sunbury. Jas C Packer, do L A S & E J G, Philada. Harry Miller, club 1, Sunhurv. M C Gen rh art, do W E Weblier, Baltimore. Mrs. Margaret Wilvert, Sunbury. Chus Miller, Sauuusky, Ohio. J B Nye, Sunbuiy. Jos Bird, Northumberland. Geo II Lowe. Ira T Disslnger, Sunbnrv. W 11 Miller, do (Jeo Conrad, do Henry W Bueher, do D G Voris, Northumberland. Bcnj Zettlcmoyer, Sunbury. John McCord, do Mrs Mary Mealing, Shumokin- Augustus Gust, Wiutield P (. Benj Zettlemoyer, Sunbury. John Fisher, ("at NelTs,) Sunferrr. A A Conrad, Purdytown. Harrison Slieter, Milton. Horace Silsby, Sem-ca Falls, 5 I". Sara G Gearbart, Sunbury. Jonathan Kramer, Watsontown. II C Roush, Suubury. Mary Huuter, do Thoa W Eva:is, Northumberland. R M Slack, do F J By rod, Suubury. W I Greenough, Snnbnry. Xadoc Smith, Womel-dorf. Asa Everett, Milton. J Todd, Northumberland. W 11 Stuck, Milton. Robert Dalesman, Milton. Mrs Mary Byerly, Sunbnrv. T S Slentz, Washington, D C. J B Masser, Suubury. J W Cake, do Flora Purscl, do W C Wheeler, Philadelphia. V K Miller, Salem, Snyder Co. C R Ho-tetter. Renovo. It F Bright, Sunbury. E W Ovster, Washington. Daniel R Sharl, Mahauoy P O. W I Greenough, Sunbury. Eliza llileman, do John Shatter, Pillow P O. J C Vandevender, North'd. Thos D Coulston, Philadelphia. W R Dunham, Sunbury. J W Cake, do Sol Stroti, do J McGregor, Northnmhetland. I) II Herb. Suubury. Thomas Malone, Sunbury. Harry Miller, Culb No. I. Sunbury D Heim, Sunbury. J W Cake, do J Behrer, Harrisburg. W P Steele, Sunbury. R M Slack, Northumberland. (ibson A Fiirman. Sunbury. (Jeo W Mead, Seneca Fails. D C Dissinger, Sunbury. Frvling. Bowen A; Engel. Sunbury. Jas J Whipple, Lower Augusta. John A Lloyd, Northumberland. C E Ritlenhouse, Washington, I) C 1. IslifLr Mittfin , . .U. , UIIIIUUI ,. Ovu Fncn Schools ami CofSTr Scpekin- tenikn t. As the tune approaches for the elec tion of a County Superintendent of Public Schools, we are giad to see that some iLterest Is manifested to securing a competent person to fill that ofllce. Il is certainly one or the most Im portant oliiees in the county, and none but the best men should by chosen, persons possessing the bi.it qualifications, to derive 1 benefit of pub lic good and prevent thi Public School System from K-coming a burlesque, a money making aud political machine. If our Free Schools In the county are to be made for thr benefit of the rising generation, il is time some person is placed at the head to superintend who is qtialitier?, aud whose motives are uot all for self. The solemn duty of se.ecting a mail who bus the necessaiy qualifications devolves upon the directors of schools in the ditl'eieut districts, who should thoroughly investigate the competency and se lect the best qualified of the candidates present ed, and not be influenced by any outside preju dices or influences. Directors cannot exercise too much care iu the selection of qualified Superintendent-, aud they will always be held ac countable for their uctious in choosing incompe tent jtrs us. We fully agree with the views of a correspondent of the Shamokin Timet of last week, who says : In our opiniou -thu Free School System is a "lorious system, charitable iu its nature and therefore founded upon Cl.listiau principles; hence we are ut a loss to kuow how petsous un dei standing its practical workings and posses.ed .. .,.. .nut beiievoietil hearts Can find fault S .... .1... ..I' ...... .... . r' .... v. t. ' : 1 1 . . : 1 ... : I ...... . U'ilh ! KVriLeill lOUIIIieU IIUOIl 111V UlllCI VI ,u.lllll IV UI11L'IMIU T LCllll. J . . . . .. ... ..!... I . . . . n 17 .... I . 1 1 . . 1 . I ' , reruiiianu nnineuan ys tue .liiucmi Trial List March 15,175. Henry C Beamcr vs 1 . O. Allen et al. Solomon Martz vg A J Stroh. A N Green vs E Sober. Louis Marquoidt vs George Fagely. Com. of Penu'a., for use, Ac vs John J Reimen snyder. Aaron Burrel vs The Lycoming Fire Insurance Edward Jaquins it an v The N. C. R. R. Co. Barnes Bro A Herron vs John Caldwell. David StrawserA nn vs lienjumin Bixler. James E TikiIu vs James S Marsh. Jacob Fiigely vs David Kimbel. George Hopson A Co vs Joseph Bncbcr. David Allison vs Joseph Bacher. Beck fe Oy&ter vs John B Weiser. Aaron H Seamnn vs Isaac H Ressler. Com inon wealth of Penu'a vs N C Dean, agent Penn'a R. R. Co. lessee Philadelphia A Erie R. R. Co. Com. of Penn'a vs N C Dean, agent of Penn'a II R Co lessee Philadelphia & Erie R R Co." Same vs Philip Bunghart, agent of Penn'a - R R Co lessen Philadelphia fc Erie R R Co. Same vs N C Dean, agent or Penn'a R R Co les see Philadelphia A Erie R R Co. 8ame vs Daniel Lamb, Engineer of Penn'a R R Co lessee Philadelphia A Erie R R Co. , Com. of Penn'a vs A II Casort, Engineer of Penn'a R R Co lessee Philadelphia and Erin R K Co. William BelKnap vs John 8 Snyder. Same vs Jas B Wallace et ux. Same vs Churlei A A Margaret Morgan, ailmi's Ac. Same vs James Park. D G Kutz vs Daniel Baruhart. William Belknap vs J E Toole. Catharine Shiptnnn vs John Smith. James Black vs John Bly. J A Cuke vs Dr A 8 Cummings. Somh more Stylish suits huveM&tely been made up at J. F. Scha tier's 5'crthnnt tailor shop, which attract the attention of the public as they are noticed on the streets. Mr. Schaffer is a first class cutter, and any one deslriug a well fitting suit, cannot misB it by calling on blin. Third below Market, Suubury, Pa. The light running "Dotnestic" Sewing ma chine, on account of its many points or snperi oritv, has a better demand than any other manu factured, and takes the lead with the public over machines long regarJed as the best. Also the new Groven nnd Baker sewing machine not sur passed by any other. Orders for these machines wilt be promptly filled by Miss Caroline Dalius, agent. Parlor Organs Miss C. Dalius Is the agent foi the sale of Parlor Organs, Pianos, and all kinds of musical instruments. The yery best instru ments are furnished on short notices at prices to suit times. (Jail or address," C. DA LITTS, No. 93, Market St.. Snnbnry. charily.'' The desigu ot the Biiperiiueuucucj IK it, niore effect ualiv keep this system In properly working or.ler. Did the Superintendent, there fore, discharge his duties projrly, il seems to me that the iieoplc could clearly see the beueti cial rcsii.ls not only of the Free School System, bul also ot the Superiiiteudcucy, and woulJ cease 10 cry "a useless excuse" give us the old inscription method. Adjoining counties Ulteeu or more years ago, es.-cial:y in the rural dis tricts, stood where we do to-day, as lar us Tree schools are concerned. We think the people of R R & Milling Co. Robert Dalesman vs Jennetta Bogle. Lakge Tuee. Mr. Peter Mengas, of lxwis township, has a tfbite oak tree 011 his farm which measures 17 feet aud 7 inches around he bnse and about 44 feet ttt the first small .limb. Per sons have pronounced it one of the finest trees they ever saw. Who can beat it. W'attonioie.i ttccord. The Best Pkinwno OrriCE. The present is . . s . I... cu na tn lifts n-ifllMl 1 C::r adJ..miug counts, au-t i ood opportunity ,0 remind the friends of the Imdttu-v enioved the same advantages relative to our free schools, would have made equal pro gress. There must, therelore, be a cause for this backwardness especially iu our rural districts. From what consideration we have given the sub ject, we can trace its principal cause to nothing but to a hitherto want of ability, activity and iutereet iu our County Superintendent. We hold it to be the duty of the Superintendent, salaried annually, uot only to examine teachers, grant certificates, and visit schools, but in every way possible labor to advance the interest of our Iree schools. In order to interest the people to a greater degree in o'lsjlree schools and to secure their co-operation, he should, during his visita tion, frequently hold educational meetiugs in the diffe'reut boroughs and lowiiohips of our county. At these meetings the SueniilenJeiit should ad dress the people 011 some topic relative to our Free School System. Iu this way we think much of the prejudiced leeling against our free schools and the superinlendency could be removed, uud the iuteiesl and co-opeialloii of the people se cured. cd our free schools made equal to those of adjoining counties. Hioii School. Report of the standing of pu pil for the mouth of Februaly : 10 10 5 1 1 10 VA" aioscpuine urnincr, ouuoury. Mrs G W Gerringer. do Mrs Geo II Smith, Philadelphia. E C Perchard, Shamokin. Wm Simmons, Hcifeusline. A M Meixrl, Sunbury. A V Cool, do N S Engel, do Edward Sticker, Mt Carinrl. John Youngmau, Sunbury. F L Bersinger, do Mrs Malinda Bueher, Suuburv. W C Packer, do W L Dewart, do Dreisbacb Bros. do Miss Susan Clarke, do Thomas F Ruch, Noiliiuuiber'and. U P Wolverton, Snnbnry. George Conrad, I'pjier Augtiftu. W T Engelman, Suuburv. W L Dewart do " (Jeoige Campbell, Millersburg. Rev J P Shindel, Middlebnrg. Christiana Diets, Sunbury. Mrs Jackson Xcrbe, Up Augusts. Miss Josephine Peitfer, Haz'elon. G S Host, Pillow P. O. Jas Wallace. Northumberland. Abraham Mertz, Lewisburg. W M Daugherty, Sunbury. Peter Keeter, Upper Augusta. Abraham Mertz, Lewisburg. 1 Greenough, Sunbury. John S lletfi.er, Wutsoutown. Tub Tiual or Simos J. Weskich. Simon J. Wenrich, of Selinsgrove, charged of having caused the large cnnflugriitiou at that place last fall was tried in the Snyder County t ouit last week. The evidence adduced was strong, but was uot deemed sufficient by the jury to convict, and the accused was acquitted. Wenrich w.i then arraigned ou a surety of the peace and i bound over in the sum of f 3,000 to keep the j peace. The Tribune of that place, alter giving a synopsis of the testimony, says, "c have given the evidence both pro uud con fairiy, and believe that there could not be found another Jury of twelve men in this couuty, or in any other who would return a similar verdict. To our (fliud the evidcucc appears all ou Mir one side, like a handle on a jug." ClT this out keep and try it in emergency it cau do you no harm, aud maybe of service. There is no necessity of death resulting from either diphtheria or croup, especially with the young, if the proper pieveutive is applied iu time, and it is at the service of every mother and nurse in the whole country. Il is simply to spread common tar ou a muslin tlrip, as you would prepare a plaster, aud wrap il around the neck aud glands of the patient. Renew aud sup ply fresh tar ou the neck of the child once or I n ice a day, wul ttt life in mmnd. This is a Very simple cure, aud diphtheria is iu almost every case fatal, we would advise those having it to try this remedy. There Is noihing injurious in the tar, and therefore it can have no bad effect. Asni'al Meehso. At the iidjourntd atiiiu:i meeting ot the Suubury Fire Insurance Company, held ut their cilice iu Sunbury, Febiuary 24th the following members were chosen directors for the ensuing year: Dr. A. S. Cummings, Hon. A. Jordan, James M. Sellers, Dr. David Waldron, A. D. Killian, Solomon Stroh, J. R. Kauflinaii. John Shissler, W 111. DeWit, S. R. Shipe. Tin Directors then proceeded to elect the foil iwitig officers : PresiJent Dr. A. S. Cumiiilnge. Vice-President Hon. A. Jordan. Secretary E. D. Killian. Assistant Secretary and Treasurer Dr. D. T Kiebs. Attorney C. A. Reimensnyder. We aru now aylng posture on all papers that we send out of the county, and there are some yet who have not paid their arrears. We musi urge upon them to do il without delay. Send by registered letter, P. O. money order, or en close thu money in a tetter, at our risk if mailed 111 the presence of the post master, Theke Is a wnninn iu this place who has given birth to four children ut three separate births within fifteen months, uud ull the chiMieti are living and well, if there Is a parallel esse any where in the world we should like to hear of it. Di.nil'.t American. 1st division. Bueher Edward Campbell Susie Follmer Li..ie Filling Annie (Jrmt George Morgan Eugene Ncff George Rhoades Walton Ken 11 Jennie Rossiler Annie Seasholtz Kate Schneider Laura 2d division. Bueher John ion me John Bouser Charles BrK-ious Peter Cam William Fariisworth Mary Farnsworth William Fetter Harry It.-Mlmun George Heekert Charles Harrison John Helm William Jones Isaac Maliek William Ncff Philbert Snyder C. N. Smith George Stroh John Trowbridge EdwaiJ Wilvert Austin Yarnell John 3d division. Awl Mary Bod Florence Druuihellcr Scran Eyster Annie Gearbart EJw- Hill xmorose Kirl'm ,; nrouse George Mills Jennie I MarlZ L'Zizie Maliek Laura Puell Flora Schaetfer Annie Sylvia Ma Zettlemoyer Rosa 4th division-. Bourne Lizzie Byerly Lulu Friliug Frances Gray Emma Gent her Mary Heim Oscar Harman Iiany McClow Maggie Savidge W. G. Smith Nassie Simpson Mary Scashoitz Annie Vandyke Edward Weinier Amy Young Gertrude i i s - - lie c -0 c; H G J9.3 0 1 4 89.6 1 2 0 35.5 10 0 0 84.2 0 0 2 28.5 13'i 0 0 90.7 0 1 2 83.8 3 0 2 93.7 O 0 5 23.3 11 3 0 35.2 1 1 1 1 97.7 0 0 6 71.5 5 0 0 91.4 1 1 3 61.6 1',' 1 7 5J.3 CM 11 92.1 1 0 1 817 1 1 9 33.8 11!-; 0 0 29.1 12 0 1 4H.: 3'i 14 10 97.6 0 0 3 96.6 0 1 7 83. 0 0 2 74.4 0 7 11 68.7 J,' 8 T 33.7 8 8 5 84.7 I'i 2 11 87.7 1 0 3 79.5 2i 0 4 55.2 5 0 9 49.5 5W 6 S 1 52.3 2';: 0 ,4 51.5 S)i 0 ' 6 05.9 - 2 0 0 74.8 2'i 0 1 ? . S 5 Vtx i a 1 70.3 5i 0 1 :j9.3 7k- 5 98.5 0 0 1 55.9 1 1 1 53.5 8 0 0 32.7 8 IF 4 44.7 10 10 9 74.4 3 0 2 80 9 2'i 1 4 62. 5 0 1 65.H V 1 1 61.5 3'; 1 0 60.3 31, 1 2 66.3 4 0 2 54.6 'ii 0 0 85.4 0 0 2 84.7 l!i 1 2 70.9 3 5 0 51.8 5 0 5 58.6 4'; 1 0 51.6 0 3 10 73.0 1 0 0 1 37.2 8.!.' 0 3j 48.6 8 0 3 62. 4'j 0 1 I Wk noticed in the tiaiu yesterday Col. A. Caldwell, on his way to attend a meetiug of tho Republican State Central Comuiitteu al Harris burg. The committee was called to decide the time and place of holding the Pepublicau Sl;Ue. ( Convention. We understand thnt bnsiuess in (he shops of the Pennsylvania road, at this place, Is quite brisk, and that there is woik enough to keep the hands fully employed This looks like a re newal of business aud is encouraging. The first of March came in undisguised li-ni-like, though a lamb-like fleece falliug. During nearly the entire day everything presented a sad mid-winter aspect. The "beautiful snow," de scending in Bakes, and the cold wintry winds blowing, was but little encouragement lor specu lation that we were soon to lie iu the lap of spring. If the old proveib is verified, however, that "if March comes Iu like a lion it will go out like a lamb," there is yet hope that Madame Spriug has not entirely forgotten us, but at this writing the prospects arc de cidedly gloomy. The different Tribes of the Improved Order of Red Men, In Luzerne county, are making exten-.i slvo preparations for the reception of the Great Council, which is to meet in Wilkesbarre 011 the 11th, 12th and 13th ol May next. Hickokv Swamp ix Dasgek. The dirt bank is 011 fire at Hickory Swamp Gdliery aud the danger of the breaker taking fire became so im minent a few days ago that it was found neces sary to remove a large tressel to prevent the fire communicating with it. A steam pump was rut up and is now playing 011 the fire with good ef fect. The colliery is ojerated by the Mineral R. R. and Mining Co. Shituwkin lltrM. Pos't have off jour overcoat hud prance round as though spring had come, because it is a juicy day, unless yo:t want to give a series of re ceptions to your doctor. Bring out the"N icoer." As the Civil Rights bill has been troubling our neighbor of the Ifetimciat for a long time, and as it has now passed regardless of Ids protests, he had better unearth the "little nigger" to cn.bellsh his pa per, as he did several years ago. It will be a good substitute for the "rooster cuts" ordered two years ago to embellish the fitmotrat. Any thing, you know, Jake, to enlighten your lead ers. Tnn MUtimian trflice lias been sold to P. L. Hackenburg, Esq., of Milton, who will conduct the editorial department ir. the future. We hope to see the paper undergo improvement nnd be come oue of the first-class pajK-rs in the Slate. A lofNO man wrote tn a paper asking whether it would be advisable for him to marry a "young nnd tender angel who had never done her own washing nnd dressmaking." In reply, the editor advised him to do bo by all means, and mention ed a similar case iu his own experience, where the biide hud never June her own washing, but after marriage she became so fond of the wash tub as nut only to woik for her own family, but paper, and the public generally, that the Ameri t-A Job Pkintisr Office has no superior in this section, mid, in some respects, is without an equal. During the last year we have completely renewed our types and made large addilious, and it is no idle boi'.st to say that we have now the Best Presses, the Best Assortment W Type, the Best Stock of Paper, Cards, Ac, and the Best Workmen In the county. Our workmen are specially adapted for their places, and we make it n point to always give our customers a neal correct and satisfactory job. We do not claim to do work for Je6s than others, but will warrant it to be as cheap ns can be done anywhere and yield 11 decent profit. All who are in need of Job Printing of any kind, will find it to their in terest lo give the America Office a trial. We have on hand every variety of Curds, Paper, Ink, Envelopes, Ac, that is likely to be called for, aud can furnish any quantity or style of work on short notice. "The Popular Situation" is fuily presented in the February r.ut!:')er of The Reitulic. pub lished at Washington, D. C. The motives of the Democratic "banditti," or leaders of the White Lengue in the South, and their allies, the Demo cratic Obstructionists in Congress, are shown up in their true light in the leading article in this number of the Magazine, and in papers under the titles of "Carl Schurz as a Witness ;" "Loui siana : Kansas the Difference ;" "Is the Coun try Prepared for Deimcratic Rule I" "President Grant and his Assailants," and in several pages of quotations from Senator Logan's great speech on the South. The Republic should be read by every friend of the Union and of peace, harmony and prosperity throughout the Uuion. It is is sued monthly, nt only $2 a year, or 25 cents a number. by'"TnE Republic Publisiiiso Com pany, " Washington, D. C. Election Notice. The members of the Union Park and Agricultural Association are hereby no tilled that an election of officers will take place, in aceordanee with the charier of said associa tion, for the following oUieers, to wit. A Pre sident, a Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresondiiig Secretary. Librarian, and an Executive Committe, on the 21 Monday (March 8. 1875.) of March next, between the hours of oue nnd three o'clock P. M., at the arbi tration room, Sunbury. Pa. A full turnout of all the members is reqnested. ns the snceess of the association much depends on fu'.l deliberation and Interchange of opinions of its members. Sol. Valick, President. P. H. MootiE, Secrcury. Notice to Debtors. Notice is hereby given to ail persons Indebted on note or book accouut fh the undersigned to sell'it tho same. The books and papers are lefi in the bands of W. P. Roberts for a short time, who is actbs-ia ,l make settlement. B. L. RAUDENBUSH, Masonic Building, Sunbory, Pa. Iirl Nutltlealy ofHeart IMaeaoe. How co nmon is the announcement. Thou sands ire suddenly swept into eternity by this fatal malady. This disease generally has its origin in impure blood filled with irritating, poisonous materials, which, circulating through the heart, irritate its delicate tissues. Though the irritation may ut first be only slight, produc ing a little palpitation or irregular action, or dull, heavy, or sharp darting pains, yet by and by the disease becomes firmly seated, anil in flammation, or hyiertrophy, or thickening of the lining membrane or of the valves, is produced. Mow wise to give early attention to a case of this kind. Unnatural throbbing or pain iu the region of the heart should admonish one that all is not right, and if you would preserve it from funhi r disease, you must help it to beat rightly by the nu of such a remedy as will re move the cause of the trouble. Use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery before the disease has Ik-coiuc too seated, and it will, by its great blood purifying and wonderful regulating properties, etleel 11 perfect cure. It contains medicinal pro perties which act specifically upon the tissues of the heart, bringing about a healthy action. Sold by all first-class Druggists. HEART DISEASE CURED. Rock port, Spencer Co., Ind., Feb. 1, '74. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. : About two years ngo I was afflicted with a disease of the heart, which at times created a pressure around it, almost causing suffocation. I saw an advertisement of your Golden Medical Discovery, recommending the same as a cure for lisease of the heart. I then bought half a dozen bottles of it, and after using three bottles I was entirely relieved and am now enjoying good health. Gratefully yours. Virus Killian. . . Don't nn Disc-ouhaoeO. Suppose you have 'tried fifty remedies' and received no benefit, is there therefore 'no balm in Gilead f Verily there is. Your liver may be congested, your sto mach half paralyzed, your nerves quivering, your museles knotted with torture, your bowels constricted, your lungs diseased, your blood full of impurities yet in one week after commencing a course of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters you will feel like a new creature. reb. TheConreMfonMOl an Invalid, Pub ! lished as a warning and for the benefit of Yor ig Men and others who suffer from Nervous Debili ty, Loss of Manhood, etc., supplying the means of Self-Curi. Written by 0110 who cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery, and sent free on receiving a post paid directed envelope. Sufferers are invited to address the author. NATHANIEL MAYFA1R, sept4,74-0m. P. O. Box 153, Brooklyn, N. Y. F.IIKOKN OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from j Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the ; effects of youthful Indiscretion will, for the sake or sutlering humanity, senn iree 10 a:i wno neea it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wish ing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, ilec.2.",74.-f.m. 42 Cedar St.. New York. "TolJoxiMPm-E. The udvertlser having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire ; it, he will send n copy of the prescription used, (tree or charge), with we nireciions ior prepar ing and iising the same, which they will find a sure cure ror Coueuinptioa. Asthma, Bronchitis, Ac Parlies wishing the prescript ton will pleasq address Rev. E. A. WILSON. 194 Penn St., Williamsburgh, New York. dec.25,'7-6m. GREATER INDUCEMENTS THAN EVER.' NOW OFFERED AT EOT 101 C A. S H S T O ii E . We ars now offering our large and well selected winter stock ot Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac, at a still farther rednction from the astonishingly low prices we lately offered, la order to make room for the largest stock of Spring Goods ever brought to this section of the country. Onr motto is "CASH, CASH, QUICK 8ALE AND YERY SMALL PROFITS." Wedoaot want those who do pay to pay for those who do not pay. We (rive below a few quotations at which rrices any and all may hny for tha readj money. I here s no misprint about it. Brown Muslin, Appleton, "A,"......... " " 4-4 Aogasta .. " " 4-4 Peppuel! " 4-4 Lawrence..... ........ " " Augusta ......... ........ .. " " Good 10-4 Sheeting Bleached " 4-4 New York Mill! " " 4-4 Wamsutta " " 4-4 Hill ... Hill 4-4 as good As Frint of the loom. 4-4 Good " " 42 inch Pillow Casing Ginghams, Good Ginghams Lancaster Ginghams ... Prints, Good " Best Prints.. Press Goods. Good Delaines......... cc 4 . . 11$ cents. " 10 " (M MM t . WISH'S . VA " M 10 ' ... ............. . tt '""'''" g. u :::;""'.'.!rr.."r".ZM.r.!! z w 114 . MUSI S .. 13 " !..JJ.".7!".""'.!!.!!!"'4."!. njj " " 10 .. ...... ...... ..! " L " ".1 " ZT is " ............... ........ ......... , h u ..................... tJ" " " n In Rush twp., nt the residence of the brides parents, on the 25th nit., by Rev. A. K. Zimmer man, Mr. David Hoovek, of Snydertown, to Miss Katc Reobuck, of Rush township. Iu Sunbury, on February 2Sth, JOHN W. FRY, uged 43 yeats. Near F.lysburg, February 13, GEORGE REICHARD, aged 73 years and 9 months. SOBIRY MARKETS. Scxdukt, Match 4, 1675. Ghais Wheat per bushel 1.001.20 " prime white 1.12(411.25 ' Rve per bnsh 7580 Corn " 75S0 Oats " 50f60 Flock Extra Family pr bbl 5.007.00 Common - 5.50(7.00 Buckwheat 4.00 FrEn Corn A Oats Chop pr 100 lb 1.50$2.00 Shorts fc Mixture 1.301.75 Potatoes, e New per bushel 80(75 Phovisios Ham per lb 16(20 Shoulder pr lb ' 14(J18 Bacon pr lb ... 10tl2 Beef, retail pr U 14(j(50 Veal. do do 10(5 18 Dried Beef pr lb 25(5)30 Poci.tht Chickens, dressed pr lb 12fl5 Do. live weight- 10(13 Bittitk Prime per lb 350 Egos Per dozen 30r35 THE TIMES. A First-Class Newspaper. Alpacas , and Flannels we deY competition. Call be convinced. NOTIONS: Best Spool Cotton 70 cents per dozen, per spo.il .. .. Good Ladies' Xeck'.iee . ' AlpttCl STAN. , nn., mm . ,t,,,t ,w Gooi Corsets..'. .. . :. A line lot of Embroideries, very low. Fine towels per dozen Ladies' Hose, good Mens' Hose. ood.... . Children' flose, good . , Ladies' and Mens' gloves, very cheap. . Mens' Shirts and Drawers Carpet Chain sold lower than anybody else sells it. GROCERIES: Good Sugar per lb Good Bro wd COlTo0 Best Brown Coffee (Arbnckles) in pari .. Good Green 1.0 nee per lb .. Good Green Tea ..' ............... ..... Good Black Tea " Babbit's best Soap Good Soap Good Raisins -..per th .... .. Molasses we defy competition. Trophy Tomatoes 3B cans Ham aod Shoulder lower than elsewhere. 121 and see nn and 6 cents. 25 8tt 50 " I OC 10 rent. . 12',' 37'.-; ecru fc 9 cents. ............. 29 " jo 1 8 15 " .... 20 " SO barrels of Mackerel just received, and offered very low. A full and csmplcte stock of goo-.lf tt corresponding price. Call and see ns. It will certain! CLEMENT & DISSIKCER. Dry Good audGrvery Jobbers, Maikrt St., BUS BURY, VA. February 26, 1373. 3 mo's. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF COOK STOVES AUD RANGES jr, m m sssi At an Immese Reduction in Prices, for Cash. 1 c .u in OT a - . DAILY AXI IVKEKLY. Xeu- Independent In Everything! tral In Nothing X ! Opposed to all Corrupt Rings in Municipal, I.-.. '.w,nl AUnirm iiusincss Morals. v O T to C 1 A Per Day t hoiiiK. Termu f rvt. Addi-wis 'Ji V ii. STi: Jull. 1S.. IT. iNsos k Co., I'ortlunil, Muine. for sevi-i.il families ; inov her nconaintaiiccse Thr Immense stock of boots aud shoes at J. B. Smith A Bro.'s Excelsior store are rapidly brine; disposed of to make room for the spring styles. Now is the time to buy cheap for cash. They have all the latest styles, and will sell out their entire rtM-k,as they must make room for a large spring trade. Their present stock is sold at nieatly reduced rates. Fhom ErKorF.. A lot ol line oods, direct from Europe, purchased by Mr. Moses Mars, now sojourning iu Germany, has been opened in the More of Messrs Marx & Bro., in Masonic building. Anion;: the novelties are pure St. Galleii (S iixcrland) HMtnbiirj; edjflncs and in sertlns, embroideries, Ac. New Gooils from Germany will be received on the arrival of evury ste.iuit r while Mr. Marx is iu that countrv. which will be solil cheaper nt retail than others can ailonl to sell at wtioles.iie. ami sec (hem. Tun ;'t iitiii-liit ejy low pik-ia uked at Siniou A Oppeiihei liter's store, ror ready mad;' cloiliinj. and lentleii.i ns' furiiishlii jjoi'Js, Is creating u ureal sensation. Tbt-ir ifnotls are all new, nnd made up in the latest stvlc. Iu prices they are lower than city prices. There Is no excuse for any one wearing poor clothing as lonjr as they are sold at extremely low prices nt Metr. Si mon A Oppcnhelmer's extensive store, iu Mil ler's block, Third street, below Market, Snnbn ry, Not too Late. If you have a slicicLinj; b id hat, it U not too late to make a change. Call on S. Fanst and if you c.iiinot liml a new hat to suit, leave your old silk hat, which will be fixed up as good as new. Every style of hut is fouud al Mr. Faust's hat establishment, on Market Square, Suubury, at the most reasonable prices. Mi sical. J. P. Keefer has lately removed hia excellent musical hi;tn;me.uv into the bull1iu ou Fourth street, below Market, nearly opposite the City Hotel. Any kind of Musical Instru ments of the most improved styles and make arc kept in his establishment. Parlor Organs, Pianos of the best manufacture in iho fiuttnuy will be forjnd at tils stove. He is also, acut fJr thr best (wwiiiij machines r.Qw in esc. Tlie Ially Tl m o will b i a.J on Sjt ur- d..v. tilt- 13lh 01 MmcU new, aud vr morning IHer ;wr, fwiy Uuntka ot K Mri'nc, fiiuud compact ly from clear, new t v"jw. uii a hirga folio shea?, oonUluiuij ull th news of tiie day, includinK Asaociiktl Press Telegrams, Sjiecial Telegrum soil Curresoiideuce frviu ail iiu! : line: t.'l aud fKtrlrss editorial discasaious of all cur rent luiic. fiicr, two cruta. Muil Kiibmrrii tiuua, Ka'aie fnr, Six dollars per ti ll uni, or Xif'-y cuts per raonlli, in advauca. Ad vortlsnicn ta, lifteen, twenty and thir ty eeu.H i-r nn. ..eeordiuK to io.-ition. TIII2 VF.EKIAr TIJHI. Will be iuiiied ou S.iluiday, M ireli -Dlb, and we-kly tlirienller, cJUl:ii.iiiK ill iiu)ortaut utwii of lbs weea, and coin) k-:e MJ. kt au-i Fnuueiul Keporta. Mailed, for oee year, johuiib free, ot tho following rnl: (Vh r .pv I.t TVii repi-a S.W Tvrei ly Cuoii-a IS.il' Alvert!senxt?ltO twenty-live vrut pr linn. Keifinaueca auou.d be m.df hv Urifi.r P. I). Orders. Atliirtiis. ni- TllllOO. No. 14 Sontli Seventh Htrtt-t, Puiiadelpbia. AdniiniMtrator'N .otice. (Estate of Eiisha Kline, deceased) "VyOTICE is hereby j;iveii that letters of adr ministration have been granted to the un dersigned ou the estate of Eiisha Kline, laic of Upper Augusta Township, Noith'd Co., Pa., de Ceased. All persons indehted to said estat are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them, duly au thenticated, for settlement. ISAAC KLINE, Sr., Administrator. Upper Aucust.-i, Feb. 19, 1ST3. 6t. Estate of Hiram Bki BAKKK, Dkc'i. Administrator) Notice. "VTOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad .1 ministration have been granted tothennder sined on the estate of Hiram Brubaker, late of the Borough orSunbu'v, Northumberluud coun ty, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay men, and those havini; claims to present thein authenticate I for settlement. Gko. W. Smitu, Adra'r. Sunbnrv, Feb. 12, 137.r. fit. Adiniuiatrator'M .Notice. NOTICE ' is hereby piven, that letters of ad ministration have been granted to the un dersigned, on the estate of William B. Lonsdorf, late of Jackson township, Northumberland comity. Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said esUte, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims, to present them duly authenticated for settlsment. ADAM KEMBEL, Administrator. Jackson twp., Jan. 8, 1S75. 6t.pd. "1 -3 r. p H r " a X r-. W o o : . ft 3 2 "o y 2- 9 'At .3 uc r? B B tr E t 9 2 s-i rn A u a. Si 3 n e o a. 3 It 9 C o a tr 0 r u s, "5 " LADIES TAKE NOTICE ! New Millinery Goods Have just been opened at the store of 91 INK. M. L. GOSSLEH, Fourth etreet, below the Shamokin Valley R. R. 8UNBURT, PA., Where all kinds ot Millinery goods of the latest New York and IV.iadelphia styles are now open for inspection. HATS, BONNETS, Laces, Flowers, Itibbons, Feathers. Trimmings, Notions, Glovra, Hantiershir rs, and every kind of goods J Uiuivlly found in :i .Villiiiery store. j Ladies nti inV!td l cill nnd see tbe imcif-tie In the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Xorthamberland County. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that the following persons have filed petitioaa in the Couit of Quarter Sessions ofthe Peace of the connty of Northumberland, for Tavern, Restaurant, and Liquor Store Licenses, and that the same will be presented t the said Court on the eighth day of Hxti'Jl, CaXt. - 1 TAVEKJil. Pcmbcry old stund Milton McEwensvillc, bor Mf. Carmel Christian Kerf Henry Il:vi, J. A. Cake, Samuel Weaver E. T, Urnmheller W. A. Hambrijjht, jr. James H. Jetfries Charles Garinger William Keese A S-hi Charles D, Cox F. O. Donnell, jr. Mary E. Ilufl Henry E. Lnta II. J. Reader. Joseph Deppen Thomas Scolt Thomas Welsh Edward C. Herb Catharine Johnston Charles F. Hess George S. Burr Julia Ann Johnson George Eckert Thomas J. Stamm Amanda E. Logan William H. Boyer J. A: Weaver Jared H. Howertcr John Larkin Jacob Kobe! iltnry Simmonds Mary Timmmes John Nicholson W. F. Kitchen John Nolan William F. Roth B. E. Adams Andrew Herb Thomas Gillespie Henry H.iydeu William Farrow Daniel II. Dreisbach, il. E. Wetzel William Johnson John B. Gilbert Watsontown John R. Cooner Mrs. John W. Saxton Michael Horaa Edward A. Dawson Christian Neff Samuel R. Latsha George McEliece George W. Startzel Mt. Camel bor ' Northnmberl'd Shamokin bor ' . old stand new stand ; old stand 1 old stand Northumberland Gideon Adams Shamokin boronh Mrine et Kromilcn - Thomas Langhlln Patrick Quinn Coal tp 4 Rissai, Smith A Co Chnilsquaqae new stand LLOTD T. ROHRBACH, ClerS. Clerk's Office, Sonbary, Feb 11, 1873. Furniture Ware-Rooms! ROBERTS & HOMTER1IAX, (Successors to B. L, RAUDENBUSH.) Masonic Building, WILL SELL CHEAP, AN ENDLK9S VARIETT or FURNITURE of the Litest styles and best material. CONSISTING OF Parlor and Chamber Suits; LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STAXDS. Bedsteads of all kinds, Cupboards, Sines, and in short everything nasally to be fonnd in a first. i class Furniture Store. ' new stand I Shamokin bor old stand in all Special attcutioa is given to Undertakin j its branches. o-d stand! 1 1 COFFIKS AND Bl'RIAf CaBKKTS or all sttlks cosstastlt os haiid. An invitation is extended to all to come and examine onr stock before purchasing elsewhere. ROBERTS HOSTERMAN. Sanbnry, Feb. 19, 18Ti. new stand I old stand Charles B. Boyer J. B. Becker Jared llenniner Daniel Iitsha John Downey John Bovd Michael Haley Charles Hartman Jacob Hunsicker F. G. CUstroan, J. G. Smith John Albert I. O. Billman Nathan A. Laudcnslatrer Elius Shaffer Jacob M. Weist Elias IT. Klsslurer Elias Fagely James B. Brass J. D. Reitz Franklin 8ar;o Auguetus Wald Keens A Wiest Elias Byerly Abraham Kotbermcl Francis McCarty Peter McDonnel Mary Scott Thoiros Tobiu Michael Graham Edward Muldowney Patrick Hester James Rafferty Peter Lcisenrun; G. W. Mifflin A G. i Henry H. Conrad Joseph K. Maurer Emanuel ll. Geist Enders A Starr Nathan E. Kehres Thomas Fonlds, snr Henry M. Rhoads Benjamin Knansa Thomas Foulds jr James Cooper P. H. Curran II. B. Weaver William Foulds James Kanta, "OTICE. In accordance with the provisions Lt of an Act of Assemblr innrnir.l th t -rh Suydertowu old stand j day of February, A. D. 1874, entitled "An Act Turbutville bor ; regulating the publication of applications for legal or special legislation," notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Legis lature for the passage of "an act authorising; the erection and construction or a pocket in the West Branch of the Snsouehanna ricr t frnr', r Cameron twp 4 I land, in Delaware township. Northumberland county. Pa.,' for the purpose of harberin loss. S. M. MILLER, OSCAR FOUST, WM. F. SHAY. J. P. STARH old staud j. v. Fullmer, j. h. Goomr v A. T. GOODMAN. Watsontown, Feb. ath, lSTi-it. Chillisqnanne Delaware Jackson Jordan ' . Lewis Lit M.ihanoy tp o stand Low Mah inoy tp ' Mt Carmel tp Shamokin tp Harlleia Up Augusta Up Mahauoy Washington JCerfce j COIRT rROlXAHATIOX. Notl.s ; is hereby given that the several Courts of Com raon Picas, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, : and Orphans Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gcnoral Jail Delivery, in and for the cwant of Northumberland, will'commence at the Court House, In the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock A. M., on MONDAY, MARCH the 5th, 1S75, ' aud will continue two weeks. ! The Coroner. J ustlccs of the Peace and Coasta bles in and for the county of Northumberland are . requested to be then and there ia their proper ' itnoiu, wuu ineir rolls, records, Inquisitions i and other remembrances, to do those things to j their several offices nppertainine to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in beha If of the Conv j inon wealth against any prisoner, are requested i ar.d cocitnanded to he then and itere attending ! In their proper porsons to prosecute against hint : as shall he just and not to depart without leave ; nt their peril. Jurors are requested to be puae- . I.Ml In Ihti. .Ka.Jam. a. U . . i . - - ..... a,.,.uuuw, iuc iimc appuiuieu. Given under my hand nt Sunbury, the 23th dav or Febrnary in the year of onr Lord oaetbonaa'i I eight hundred and seventy-five. '""' t,Jttu.it.tt.iLH sherta. t D VERTISISO Cbp ; flood : Jff-mtl0. AU p--i ansa who nntrmplate makiu contraCa with news. raim iur tha inwrtion of advert lMmonta, aaould an4 -.'i tauta to (eo. P. BoweU k Co.. 41 Park Bow, Nw lork, for tair PAMFHUiT-BOOK (ninerreTcatT tion), contaiiucK lints ot over 380U nawapapan aiU mlfl, ahowins th CvWt. AtlTrtaDia raa for lnadinir papers m ruatiT States at a trmsanatona ndois ton from r.uhiicArra' rsM. Get t j aooc Ui. 8, 18TI, It. Pr iy. Aoeatswsutail. AlMaaam Point twp. BKSTAURANT8. Snuburj hor Milton Mt. Carmel bor Northumbeiland o stand Shamokin bor B. F. Bright Jacob W. Brieht Geo. W. Hoflmiin Jacob Crit.er Fredericlc Woif Jacob Klymcr Nathaniel Hath Margaret Brogau Wm. Vandyke Michael Schlader James Mahan Lewis Ilumnii! Richard G. Ty:u; John ScliaUa Andrew Janasky Barbara lienuis Dennis Dorney Marv Devitt William A. Fisher T. H. Switsey L. J. Delato George W. Ai tn.t:n Christiann.i lshmet Louis l.ei-.e Richard Wild V.-UlLK?iLE ttgrnH STOKES. Cyrus Br.in Mi'ton hr old stand 5TOS20ot ( oal Watsontown Cameron Xerhe nsw stand vonuf aua old. iak more mony at work for aa, ia their own lontlitea, iluruig their apara Konmta, of all tr tiane, ihui ni aay tiling alsa. We offer employajaat tlist iU fay humtsonv-lj: lor every hoar's work. Fall irtiiB.rs.'r-ir.a. fte nt fr. Sow ia tha tn. IVs't look fnr work or buisnraa elae wtaera, until yaii hv learn whs w offer. O. Stiso k Ca tori U't. Ma;c. Jaa. t, 187. Ij. NEW YORK TRIBUNE. The LeaJins; Amtricaa Sewsptper.' THE BEST ADVEHTISISO SiEDlw. . D.'ilvt10ayear. Serai-Veskb, Weekly, ti PeatoRo Frca to tie Snhacribxr, Apecinian Cooim ami Adveriiing Bales Free. Week!;, in elaba of Su or mora, only 1, poaiace pa"h. !jim Tirr Tatatrsa w York. Jaa.t,J875. ly. Estate or J. D. Zabtvan-. Dic'd. AdatlnlntrntArts 2lIIec. OTIC E is hereby given that letter ot aJ. U ministration Lave been granted to tho . dersirned ou the estate of J. D. ZartlQaa. lata of the Borough of Suubury, Northumberland eoun- I ty, ra., aecasea. aij persona Knowing taem : selves indebted to said estr.ta are requested to ! make immediate pajtnenk, and those bavins ! claims to present Vheo dulj aatheticated for J settlement. i Geo. W. Smith, adm'r.' Jiia Zatva, ad3iinistr' : S ui.bnrv. F(. 7 1 S7V t .