Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 12, 1875, Image 3

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    nnbntn amcrican.
Railroad Time Table.
N. C. R. W. South. P. A E. K. R. West.
v,i 1'2.35 a m . Erie Mai' 6.3() tu
Snutltern F.i. 2.80 n in L'k Haven A. Vl.M n.
PLiU. Ex., VAi a in i Elmira Mail 4.20 p ni
Day Ex., 2.03 p in East Liu. 7-10 ' m
Express, 12.01 P ra MaM, 9-2o a ni
Mail, 4.25 p n I Evpress, o.55 p ra
Au accoiuiiiolut ion train leaves Shamokin at
7.10a ui, nrrmusr at Ml. Carmel at 7.411 a m.
Kclurinir., leave Mt. Carmel at 6.15 p ra, arriv
iuif at bhaniokin C.45 p ni.
Lackawanna & Sloomsbiko R. R. Tbaixs
'cave as follows a.4" a. in.,
and 4 40 p.m.; arrive at 10.55 a.m.,and 5.45 p.m.
1. 11 & W. R. R- Trains lctivc at 0.53 a. m.
and arrive at 3..VJ p. m.
Accidental Insurance Tickets ?an be had of
J. Shipmau, Ticket Ag-int, at the Depot-
hammer Arrangement for 'Che Fowl
Ofliee at huubury, "a.
iUx Open iVo. -50 . ,0 8 P- w- lr
Ht Sundays.
Arrives as follows :
From the East nt 5.15 a. ro.. 4.10 p. ra.,
" South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m.
" WeM., 5.15 a. ro., 11.15 a.m., 1.35 p. tn.,
' Notth,l.f0 a. iii-.ll.15 a. in., 4.10 p.m.
Hiimokiu ai d Ml. Carmel, 9.25 a. ru.
SLamukin proper, 4.00 p. m.
Mail close follows :
For tbe EaM, 5.43 a. ra., 10.50 a. m., 4.j0 p. m.
8.oo r-
tviMth, 10.50 a. ra., 4.50 p. to., 8 p. in.
Vi 10-50 a. ni., 3.50 p. in., 8.00 p. ni.
" North, 3.50 p ro.. 8 P-
fcham-.kin proper 11.13 a. in.
'ia:onkin aurt omtt on i "-,
p. tn. , ,
Money orders will not be issued after 6 p. m.,
on Saturdays. J. J. SMITH, P. M.
Xocnl ffairs.
Geo. W. Coble, Esq., at Ilernden, this county
is aulhorired to act as agent for the American in
that place, in receiving subscription. Job work,
advertisements, and leeeipt for all bills lie may
present from ns.
WATr.D Twenty thousand new subscribers
at $ 1 50 K't year iu advance.
W are ind bted to the Hon. Joseph Baily, of
Perry o.uuty, for a full etl of volumes of the
proceedings of the Onstiln lonal Convention, of
which he was an active member.
WHfTI WaSE. A friend who enys he has
breeefcy rattle that will breakout of hit yard,
grants to know hew to prepare the white wash,
the use of which was recommended by the Inte
Grand Jury, to prevent the escape of prisoners
from the old Jail, tie thinks some of the same
sort applied to his fence might taaTe a similar
cfTert on his cattle. We can only say that the
Grand Jury did not embody the recipe In their
report, and the world will have to monru over
another of the lost arts.
A IJtKca sleighing party, consisting of fourtwo
tors sleds and several sleighs, aith about forty
coupler-, left this place on Friday afternoon lust
to euy a sleigh ride to Danville. We learn thai
an eieguut supper was prepared for them at the
Montour Ilonse, and after enjoying it the ba
lance of the evening was penl in dancing. The
party speak In the highest terms of the entcr-
lalnmcnt giveu them by the Danville people.
A gkakd vocal and Icnrumeutal concert will
tie given at the St. Peter's Church, in Shauiokin j
township, resr Paiinos. ou Friday and Satur- ;
clay evening, February 19th and 50ib, 1S75,
r.tsder tbe scpervisiou of Isaac G. Kase, tbe pro
ceed of hieh is lobe used to purchase an organ
for the use of said church. The public are cor
dially invited to attend. Admission, 25 cents.
Children under twelve years, 15 cents.
Tiie following borough officers were put ia
soaninatlou ou Mouday evening lust, by a cili- ;
yens' meeting, be'd in tbe Council rovm t
Chier Burgess Sol. Malick, Dem. i
2d Burgess Wm. I. Grceuough, Rep. !
nigh Constable Sol. Mantz, Rep.
Town Clerk Joe W. Morgan, Dem.
Dr. Joseph Eyster wi.s Chairman of the meet
ing. The citiKens' Ward meetings will be held this
Wm. Mostooxery, Esq., of McEwensville,
this county, died on Sunday last. His sou, Wm.
Montgomery, Jr., mail agent on the cars, hav
ing contracted small pov., went home to his
parents, hen the father also contracted it which
resulted in his death. We are glad to learn that
toe son is recovering.
Tbe Washington Steam Fire Eugine Companv J
Gift CoLcert, will positively take place on the 23d
inst. Those who des:re tickets have but a few
5ays to procure them. Tbe drawing will becor
4octci by some of onr principle business men,
and a 1 can expect fairness iu every respect. It
will undoubtedly prove a success as applications j
re received daily for more tiraetc, and tiie sup
ply is being rapidly exhausted. We are happy
to ee that the members are active iu making ar
rangeinents to have everything connected with
this enterprise to come off satisfactorily to all in
teres ted parties. To those wi,hing more tickets
we would say go at once before it is too late.
Mft. Ia T. C'LHfi kt, Esq., or this place, It ts
received the contract lor furnishing prepaied
lumber for tbe centennial building, to be erected
ia Falrmonnt Park. Mr. Clement took the con
tract at a low snre witn a view io give worn
to unemployed men. By this contract be will be
caaWed to keep his mills constantly running for
soma two or three tuontlit. If oilier business
ten would follow the example of Mr. Clement
"Uffrlt)g among the woiking classes would be
re,ietited, and money would soon be
come mor
ad every branch of tra de
tno' r.osperous.
Nw Ptohk. Mr. S. Johnson, ol .
will open a new store it this place, in the coun
fa, few days- He wiil permanently occupy the
tor room of II. B. Muster, in Market Square,
formerly Mclick's Drug Store, and will keep a
fall and general assortment of dry goods, no
tion" cf alt fcindx, clothing, &.C., all ot which
wi!l be sold at tbe lowest prices. Purchasers
are requesteo tv vit ui v.
fore purrlinsing elew!irc.
A Nakbow Escape. On Tnesiuy last Mr. F.
Norwood of Belinsgrove, came to this place with
. horse and sleigh, and stopped st the Central
Hotel for a sboit time. When aboat getting into
the aletgh to return home wu id, the horse took
fright, und tote locoe from the otler who wus
holding him, ran down tbe railroad, aud in turn
ing Into Cbentnnt street ur.e of bis feet caught in
the track, and wrenched tha booflock and broke
bouc in the leg. He was toiiired soon alter,
and taken to Col. NefTs stable, whsre he was
placed in charge of Ex-Sheriff Vandyke for at
tendance. 1 be horse, when he tore loose, tread
epon the ostler, who received serious injur),
from which be is confined to bis bed.
Sethal gentlemen from Baltimore, Messrs.
TValttr Abell, C. W. Washburn, W. Bull and
James F. Newboid, Jr., were haud'oraely enter
tained on Monday eveuiug lust, at the City
Hotel, by their friends from this place aud Nor
thumberland. A select hop was got up for their
benefit, and about forty couplm alUttded to trip
to tbe musical strains discoursed by the Danville
Cornet Baad. An elegant sapper wns served up
by mine host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. Drum
heller. Tbe party is represented as being one of
the most pleasaut of the seasou, and our Balti
morean friends, as well as those in this vicinity
whs participated, were much delighted with the
JJcrFALO Steak. We were the recipient, yes
terday, of a flue Buffalo steak, through the kiud
ness of that philanthropist, Mr. David Fry, who
makes it a business to supply the hungry with
fresh roll, bread and cakes. The Buffalo meat
was sent tc btin from Kansas by a relative, and
we confess was not only more tender tbau the
beef our butchers SDpply, but of a better flavor
It was delicious. Our r-troci need have no
fears of our starving (or few days, s our ap
petite has been sbarpdMd by tbe wild beef, aud
e hava t til) a supply.
A Bolii, Dakikg R..EBEUT. The robbery of the
Grove family, rending a lew miles from Miffiin
bunr, Union county, ou Thursday night the Mi
inst., was attended with circumstances as reck
less, and us romantic as thoe connected with the
adventures of Robin Hood. A neighbor has fur
nished us with the following fuels : The rob
bers, eeveii in number, eutercd the schooi house
clofe by curly iu the eveuiug. About half part
6evcn they tame iuto the house of old Mr. Grove,
acd to!4 him tlu-y were government ollicers in
tC.I rdl Ol COUIIIOI ICIl lUOUl'l , U!.U iu.ll lie umn
produce his money for exaiuiuutioii. Terrified
by their threats and actions, the old man went to
his bureau, mid delivered into their bauds Sl'JdO
iu gold and silver, a portion of which, inherited
iroiii the urand mother, i ad b"Mi in the family
eighty jvur.r. The robbers then toll! hliu the
real object of their visit. One of them having
observed the c!J gentleman in thrntting Uis
hands into his pocket, quickly rapped him on the
bend with a small batter psdilie. They then hiid
him on his bed, lieing one leg to the bed post at
the foot, and his extended arm to the head
board, then covered hira, ns tbey saiJ, to keep
him warm. The old lady was treated in a simi
lar manner. Tbey then went to the house ol his
son Amos, across the way, seized him acil lied
him securely, and also his wife, and told Amos
as they did the old man, that they must not at
tempt to release themselves until luoruiug, at
the peril of their lives, as they would keep a
wutch on the outside. Th.-y, however, untied
the wife of A nios, and took her over to the house
of the old man, aud ordered her to get up a good
supper, with plenty of hot coU'ce, and all the
dainties and sweet meats the bouse could afford,
which was promptly done. The robbers all had
handkerchiefs tied over tbeir faces. One of
them told her she had better take a cup of coffee
over tu Amo-, as he was accustomed i have bis
coliee belore retiring for the night. She was
somewhut surprised at this remark, 6 it whs li
terally true. The toboeis, not being ready to
leave, one of them picked up a bible, and im
proved the ooctts'uHi by reading a chapter for the
edification of the old man, ml concluded by of
feiing up a prayer in his behalf: They soou af
terward went to the stable, nud hitched up u
pair ol horses to a bob sled, and proceeded on
their way rejoicing. On their way to Sunbury,
25 miles, they took a wrong read, aud had to re
trace their steps, aud thcu came to the river at
Selmsgrove, five miles below. Foituuately fur
ihc robbers, the 2.30 night train wus an hour
late, and tbey had hardly time lo 'each the de
pot iu this place, before the train arrived. The
horses had b.en t riven very hard, and were
louud early iu ihe morning, hitched to the fence
at the lower end ol the town by Mr. Ray. Soon
after they left, the wife uf Amos managed to
loose ber cords, and offered to loosen those of the
old man aud her husband, but they both plolest
ed, and reTused to be re!eas-d, as tln-y reared the
robbers would kill them if they did not reiuaiu
tied up till momliiu. Such was the fear ol these
terror stricken men that they refused to offer ut'.y
reward for the capture of the robbers, aud said
they were welcome tv the money il they only
never came lHck. Next day the old geutleinan
deposited three thousand dollars, in treen backs,
in the Lewisburg Bank. This money had been
placed in a secret drawer, which escaped the vi.
gilance of the robbers.
Ward Nominations The Repub leans oftlie
East and Wist Warrts of this borough, met ou
Wednesday evening Inst, in their respective
wards, and uomiuated the following tickets. Tne
meetings were harmonious, and were more large
ly attended than for a number of years. Tn ihe
Euft Ward the principle contest was for consta
ble. G. o. Oyster and Wm. Bright being tbe con
testants, each rallied tbeir forces and the coutest
was clo-e Bright leartiug Oyster only three
votes. In the West Ward there was a contest
for Justice of the Peace between Alexander
Mantz and A. N. Brice, the former btinz the vie- !
tor br about 15 majority.
Assistant Burgesses T. A. Boyd and Wm. T.
Couuciimen Chas. Garinger, Charles Sensen
bach, Dr. W. W. .Mo.Kly, W. C. Packer.
Justice of the Peace Alexander MauU.
School Directors W. S. Khosds and Peter W.
Cons '.able James VundiVe.
Street Commissioners M. A. Kccfer and Jcre
mih Srr!- .
Judge of Elcctldii W. Horning.
Ins)ector 8. Faust, Jr.
Assessor H. Clement..
Overseers of Poor Fred Meniilund A.M. Co
Assistant Burgesses John G. Markle and John
Councilmcn Andrew Hoover. Geo. B. Cadwal
lader, Samtitt Byerly, H. F. Mcngas.
School Director Mark P. Scupbam.
Coustuble Wm. H. Bright.
Street Comwis.-ioncrs Samuel Savldgo and
John Leeser.
Assessor James Beard.
Jadeof Electiou Jacob Cable.
Inspector Philip 11. Moore.
Overteers of the Poor George Harrison aud
Sebastiuu Boughuer.
A couveution of the Republicans of both
Wards was held on Thursday tvenitg, when
the loliowing were nominated :
Chief Burgess John Bourne.
2ud Aurijess Win. I. Grenough.
C'.erk Geo. D. Bucher.
High Constable So!. Mante.
StTKEMr. Cockt Orisio. Opinions as fol
lows were delivered last week ia the Su
preme O ort, then iu session in Philadclphi .
A uumberof them are of interest to tie readers
of this paper, and we therefore publish them :
The Danville, Harlelon and Wilkestarre Rail
roadC-mpany vs. Peter Gerheart ct al. Eir r
to common picas of Norihuuibcrlatd county.
Judgments affirmed.
Appeal of George Dc Puy, et al., f-oru regis
ter'e court of Northumberland county. D. cree
Ephraim R. Miller's apieal !ro:i orpuaus
court of Northumberland comity. Decree af
Wm. D. Moorhead vs. John W Heather
Error to common pleas of Sort huratrrlnud caun
ty. Judgment affirmed.
--George C Welkcr vs. the Norf lern Centra
companj. grror to common picas uf Norlhuin
laud county, ain. t -ffli mc4
By Paxson, J. Graut vs. the B nry Clny conl
comjiany. Error to common pie lof No th im
berland couuty. Judgment affirncd.
Takfx Tx. Mr. M.itilas Schmitk was taken
in to the tune of live dollars a d m- days aico tv a
tramp, Mike Steidlc, Wnr. TJ-kivci, ! the
following manner ; The tramp represented In a
hand shakiug and friendly mantrr that he and
Mr. Schmnck's sou had worked together in Mi
Marshall's bakery al Lock Haves some months
go, and while there he had lnaird the son live
dollars that bad not been rcturnd to him. Mrs.
Schmuck'a sympathies were aroised while lis
tening to the story, and desiring o wipe oat the
tain which marked her son's hoior, handed the
tramp 1 5. Mr. Schmuek susce(ng that all was
not right wrote ou to M. Marb!l and learned
that be was so d, and that the pesrn represent
inir h ra self as Wm. Hoover was a scalawag h
tbe nam: of Mike Sieidle. Xurthd Pros.
Orit neighbor of the Daily has come rich w.
suppose, at least his shed domed a bran n W
d ess. The Ifaily looks much be.ter in app a
ranee, and is now a neat lookiig paper. We
congratulate our neighbor upon his prosperity In
the business, as but few can boast ol such luck
Ilope you can bear it, Jake.
Tne editor of the Paily cannot recoici'e littu
self about the office of Sealer of Weights and
Measures, because tbe appointment traigiven to
a Republican. Had a Democrat got theajpoint
ment, and sub-let it to a secoud party, then
Jakey would have considered it all right. The
office Is worth, perhaps, about t00 per annum,
and is not near as "soft thing" as that f the
editor's friend, Dr. Dowitt, who secured a Ork
ship at Harrisburs through i; Democratic num
ber, and then sub-let the jEice to a friend nd
now reeiines in the shndes of Lickrun, while lis
sub does the work nt the scat of goverumeu.
Another similar instance is that of Mr. Hottci
st'me, County Aud'tor, who refused to assist tht
board of Auditors, but after they had finished,
hired a clerk lo assist him to audit the accouot
in bis own peculiar Nor would we be at all
surprised if be would ask the county to pay tbe
expense. Now, we ask our neighbor candidly,
who ias th softest thing. Wa await an answer.
We copy the following items from the Shamo
kiu Timet of hist week :
A km Buoien. F. W. Pollock, E?i.,the Presi
dent of the Northumberland County National
Dank, when in ihe act of alighting from the
twin at Ibis place on Monday last, slipped off
the lower step of the I as-senger cur, and falling
ou the station platform, broke his left arm above
the elbow. He returned to his home in William
sport, on Tuesday, where he will remain until
able to resume his duties iu the bunk.
R. U. Evri.oTEE Imvkkd. Mr. Geo. Sarvis.a
brother of conductor Teter Sarvis, had his arm
badly lacerated by having it cauaht between Ihe
dead wood of Iwo cars which ho was attempting.
to couple at the Weiah Scales, on Thursday. j
A Wn.n Hog Shot. During the last six I
limn! lis a wild hog lias been frequently seen on
the Mahuuoy mountain, but it was so fleet-footed
that hunters were unable to get within shoot
ing distance of the savage porker. On Sunday
ias', it was seen again by a man who was un
armed, and the brute, being no doubt doubly
savage from hunger, made atrgressive move
ments towaids the traveler, who was compelled
to n busty retreat. On Tuesday Mr. Daniel
B. Eisenhurt, familiarly known as "Fishy"
Eis?nhart went to the mountain with a com- I
panion, am! as both were well armed they hoped
for success in capturing the untamed bacon.
Separating, tffey had not huutcd long before Mr.
Eisenhart discovered the porker at a distauce.
leisurely catiug some twigs. Thinking that no
better opportunity would present itself. Mr. E.
fired aud wounded the hog slightly, which so en
raged the beast that it turned on its pursuer and
drove him up on an elevated log for safety. . Re
loading as quickly us possible, the sccoud shot
killed the hog just as Mr. E.'s cumpauiou wus
coming to his as-istanee. We happened that
way ou Tuesday and met the triumphant hunt
ers as they were bringing their trophy to Ne
town. The hOiC weighed c.boul two huudred
pnnnils and had two huge, ugly tusks, triangu
lar in shape uuJ very sharp nt the points.
It had constructed itself a very ingenious lair
hunters. When 44It home" it could hardlv have
been found exceptor accident.
School Diiiectokh. Next Tuesday an Ira
p.ntant duty falls upon the voters to iook alter
the election afgood men, for school directors in
the different scho-districts. We must I: Te
gentlemen of intelligence, experience and good
judument to fill tbe.position. Inagratmeasuie
the success ol our schools depend upon the men
entrusted with the mauagemeut aud const rol ol
our educatioual uiTairs. If our school system
is to be perfected aud made the grand success
we wish it to be, we rryrst exercise great care
and discrimination in the choice of director s. In
a general seuse a man tirmake a good schooi di
rector must be educated ; that is, he should be
familiar with, at least, the ordinary branches of
Study and well versed iu the practical affairs of
lite. Good rhool directors are to our public
schools what good teachers are to the pupils.
No pupil cares to attend a school whose teacher
is illiterate, uuconlk and devoid of refinement,
nor is it much credit to be u school teacher when
unclucuted and inexperienced men are the direc- 1
lots by whom tbe schools ure awarded.
The gay aud fancy unicles of Dry Goo.16 at
Marx and Brothers' store, in Masonic buildings,
are attracting more attention tbau ever. The
best bargains iu town are made at their store. It
is the cheapen place to buy, and their goods are
uot excelled cither In qnallty, general assort
ment or beautv.
Tub Petroleum gas of J. D. Patton of Trevor
ton, is use I in al! the passenger c.irs, and at the
shops of fie Reading rai r -ad company.
i ounri; Proceeding.
Sl'MiUHT, Feb. 2, lfi7.
Council met at 7 o'clock p. m. Members pre
sent Messrs. Haas, Grunt, Milier, Markle, Sen
senbach. Goodrich and Irviu.
Petition of Mr. Culp laid on the table.
Bills nud orders granted :
S. B. Bartbolomey $16!) 89
Washington Fire Co 35 00
No. t Virr r. .- ..... ,MIU
Good lutein 20 00
Gas Company '.'1 00
Solomon Mantz 4 00
Rohibach V; Son 28 18
David Rockefeller 13 00
On motion, adjourned to meet Tuesday even
ing, Febrnary 9.
Gkant, Clerk pro tern.
SrNBt itT, Feb. 9, 1875.
Council met at 7 o'clock p. m., Chief Burgess
Malick in the chair. Members present Messrs.
Greenongh, Haas, Mai kle, Clement, Senseubach,
Irvln, Goodrich and Miller.
Orders granted :
J. B. Bart holom 4t. balance of bill 15 00
Solnmou Stroh . i 00
John B. Weiser 5 00
M. C Gearheart, Treasurer, balance ou
settlement 2J7 47
On motion of Mr. Clement, the report of the
Finance Committee was adopted, and ordered
that the committee employ a suitable person to
copy tbe report In the audit book, and cause it
to be published.
Ou motion of Mr. Grecnoug'u,
t 1 .ri . .1 . 1 ru K ,
H'HMctJ, That the Chief Burgess be aulnoriz. d
" '
to issue under the seal of the borough, to George
Eby, Esq., certificjites of indebtedness bearing
iuterest at ths rate of seven percent. p?r annum,
lor the amount of the bonds of 1S73, alleged by
him in his affidavit to have been burned in the
.ale fire at Seiinsgrovc, one of tbe said certiticates
to be for the sum of $100, and two for the sum
of (50 each, all payable at tbe same lime the
bouds of 1873 fall due, upon condition of bis giv
ing sufficient security to the borough against the
bonds alleged by him to have '.-en fc-nieil : and
that the Chief Burgess cni upon ibe boud book,
on the pioper page, the certificates so issued
by h.m in li" of said bonds.
On motion, adjourned.
J. G. MiKKI.c C.erk pro tcru.
List of Letters remaining iu t lie Post Ollice in
Sunbury, February 10. 1875 :
William Coisher, Johu HoBinen, Mrs. Helen
King, Mrs. Agnes Kuouse, Miss Kate Kobie.
.Miss Ctharine Miller, J. Wesley Stuver, Mi-s
Carrie Williams, Rosa Weaver, G. ii. Weaver,
John Whiu, Miss Floia Wynn.
Persons culling for letters will S;;y they
are advertise.'..
A Few Word to Feeble and Iellrute
By R. V. Pikkcf, M. D., or the Woklt.-.'. Dis
rENSAKT, Buffalo, N. Y.
Kuowing ttiat you are subject to a great
.iiiiount ol sntitfiing, tlutt deltcaey on yoni jmn
has a strong teuduuey lo prolong, uud the longer
il is neglected the more you have to endure aud
. lie more difficult of cure your case becomes, I,
s a physician, who is daily consulted by scores
f your sex, desire to say to you, that I urn cou--tantly
meeting with those alio Imve been treat
ed for their ailments for mouths without belut
iienetitted in the least, until they bave become
lerfectly discouraged and have almost mode I'p
heir minds never to take another do-e of medi
cine, nor be tortured by any further ticatmeut.
Tbey bad rather die aud have their sufferings
ended I litm to live aud suffer as they have. They
say they are worn out by suffering aud are only
made worse by treatment. Of anything more
liscoiiragmg, we certainly cannot conceive, and
were there uo more successful mode of tieathig
uch di't cullies than that, the principles of which
leach the reducing and depleting of the vital
forces of the system, when the indications dic
tate a treatment directly the reverse of the one
adopted lor them, their cases would be deplora
ble indeed. But Ir.dy sufferers, there is a better
ind fur more successful plan of treatment for
you ; one more in harmony with Ihe laws and
requirements of your system. A harsh irritating
caustic treiitmeul and strong medicines wiil
never cure you. If you would use rational
means, such as common-sense should dictate to
eveiy intelligent lady, take such medicines as
embody the very best invigorating tonics and
nervines, cnni'smtnled with special reference to
your delicate system. Such a happy combina
tion yon will find in my Favorite Prescription
which has received the loudest praise from thou--ands
of your sex. Those languid tiresome sen
sations causing you to fe:l scarcely able to be on
your feet or ascend a flight of stairs, that con
linuul dr.:ii is sapping from your systems all
your former elasticity, and driving the bloom
rora your cheeks; that e minimi strain upon
your vital forces that renders you irritable and
iretful, may all be overcome and subdued by a
nersevering use of that maivelous remedy. Ir
regularities and obstructions to the proper work
iugs of your systems are relieved by this mild
and safe rcuans, while peri niieal pains, tbe ex
ist ance of which is a sure indication of serious
disease that should not be neglected, readily
yield to it, aud if its use is kept up for a reason
able lrngtb of time the special cause of these
pains is permanently removed. Further light ou
these subjects may be ob aincd from, my pamph
let on diseases peculiar to your sett, sent ou re
eipt of two stamps. My Favorite Precription
sold by druggists.
in its wild haunts, its shelter having bceu made " '"'"J; ' , T',.. XTOTICE is hereby given that Utters of ad- I
out of brush and leaves in such a manner that it j AnjruilIi: vn,n H. Clark, Z.-rbe;- Henry J. jZnu"'T, '.To'ip" r,,?,i"f t"-I'e,u'"J'!r;
could raise up to tbe front, ami after going iu- Renn. do.; James Ru.s.-l. Po I.i.t E.iii. 8. Shi,, 'fuJ? L T J ttl ,t
I .... .j ,.. . . . I cK.,...Li.. p w . i.,..i v.,ci... .,!.. J. i ..! u"",u-h of bunbu--y, Northumberland coun-
; siue, i ii,- -ooor wouii: law anu ciukb up again, . , . -. , ty y.Ut dt.,.,.a,0,i. A,j 1H:rs,n3 in lebted to said ril
I thus not onlmieUering it from storm, but pro- iKSc'; Mi""tT WHslu l2 ! "T ' UMUe ! 1
jtecting it from U.e observation of straggling Yost, Shamfkln E. W.; tfuin'l F. Zinimeiniai!, I ' ., i"!;! ,1 , L V t0 I'ru'":"t Vmn !
This Washington Steam Fike Engine Gift
Concf.kt. The managers of the Gift Concert
have given notice to their agents to discontinue
the sale of tickets ou February 15th, in order to
make final arrangements for the drawing, whieh
will positively take place at the time advertised,
on Tuesday, February 23d. Our citizens should
secure their tickets at once, as the time is short,
and many, no doubt, will wait until the lint mo
ment, and some will, perhaps, delay the matter
until too late. The very laudable object for
which the Gift Concei t is given for the purpose
of liquidating the debt on the Coutpanj's steam
fire engine should enlist the active sympathy
and aid of all our citizeu.-, aud especially i U im
portant to every owuer of a dwelling n:ai mis
company should succeed, as its services ure like
ly to be wuuted at any moment.
The citizens of our neighboring towns and ci
ties are also earnestly requested to lend a help
ing hand. This company has promptly respond
ed to calls Tor help from abroad iu lime of great
need, and by its prompt assistance has saved a
large amount ol property. Isides the good pur
pose for which the Conceit is given, every ticket
holder will stand ii chance in the drawing of the
premiums ranging from ?1 to Si, 000.00. Get
your tickets immcdiatelv.
J. W. Wilvert & Co., near the Court House,
keep the best brands of cigars uud tobaco.
List or Juror).
rnTiT jti'kokh roil aimoi-hnkd corisT, mondat,
FEiiitcAKr 22d, 1X75.
James M. Arthur, Lewis; Charles Artnan,
Turbut; Hampton Aunt'st, Delaware; Joel Uee
ber. Delaware;'l A. Bergslresser. Mt. Car
mel lioro.; Wil'lam Baruhart, Chiiiis()Uiiue;
William A. Dietzltr, Turbut; John Dunlavy.Mt.
Carmel horo.; Edward Fuller, Delaware; Chan.
A. Godeliarles, Northumberland; Clmrle Oar
ringer, Sniihury, W. V.; Samuel Heiin, do;
William Harvev, Ml. Carmel two.; David Hull,
Snydertown; John Hai ris, Coal; Benj iiuiu Hep- i
ler, Mt. C.irme! horo.; Ed.rard Hoy, Turhnl Ja-
toll Keiser. MianioKiii W. lV.;ieorge ivi-irrr.
Lower Aunusta: Levi Lower MuiA
noy; John A. L'nyd, Northuuiherluud; James'
Malone. Stinbnry E. V.; Gable L. Martin, Stia
mokin . W.; lienj ituiii t. Miller, Aerlie
Lower Augusta.
PETIT jvkoxs fob. ADJOI KNCI COL'BT commknc
jng M Alien 1st, 1875.
William Bellas, Cliillisquaque; Elias Beaber,
do.; Emanuel Bohner, Jordan; James Buov,
Milton N. W.; John H. Conlev, Sunbury E. W.;
Isaac Chaiiiberlin, Shamokin; AleXatictr Cald
I well, Stiamokin E. W.; Samuel B. Conrad. Zerl't;
I John Fnust, jr., Cliillisqniinne; Conrad Graeber
j Shamokin E. W.; Alfred Hopper, Coal; D.ivir
I Hoover, JJiiydeitown; Henry Hummel, Cliillis
quaque; Somuel K. Hile, Riverside; Henry Har
ris. Milton S. W.; Georire Kramer, Point; Wil
' Ham Lobb, 2erbe; Jonathan Lo-ig, Lower An
I uusta; John M. Miller, Cliillisquaque; Jacob
i Maliek. Mt. Carmel boro.; Francis Moore, Sha-
mokin W. W.; Abraham Relnert, Shauiokin;
i William Reed, Point; John Rohibach, Sliamo
"tin; Samm-I Snyder, Lower Ausrusta; El ward
I J. Startler, Turbut; Michael Shade, Lewis;
! William A. Snyder, Milton S. W.; Daniel Snith,
i Zerle; John It. Savidire, Miamokin E. W.; Sam'l
E Tucker. Lower Aut:usta: Simon Vought.Sha-
iiiokin; -pli Wi itzel, Lower Aiiiznsta; Diniel
Wciiuiai.. Delaware; Josiah Wert. Lower kiha
noy; Peter Weaver, Shamokin W. W.
Trial l.iNt Tor Atljournrtl C'oirt,
Ftbrnarj 22, 1S75.
First Nation. J Bank of North uiuberlund vs Tur
but School District.
Same vs. Lewis ScIi.h1 District.
Same vs. Rush Selnxd District.
Same vs. Cliillisquaque School District.
Henry Keefer vs. John Downey.
Johu Howen vs. Daniel Driickemiller.
Jacob Reun vs. Same.
Same vs. Same.
Susan Walt, adin'r, &c. vs. Jacob Peilfer.
William Mcnjras, ndin'r, tv.c, vs,
Johu D. 8k-:it- !
ton. j
T!ii. Baumardner vs. John CruikshanK andtn. i
Emanuel Conrad and an, adui'rs, Ac, vs. Clas. j
(lariuiier. !
P. O. Camp'tcll vs. Aaron Oliphant & un. !
Hixon S: liiruie vs. George Hill, Ex., &c. j
Edmund S. Doty vs. Jasper Slayinaker. i
Daniel Mengas vs. John R. Cooner. j
Ace Yarnell : an. vs. Nasile t Eshbach. I
Doretha Matilda Doiity vs. D. C. Clarke,
jra T. Clement vs. Joseph B.icln-r.
Michael V. McGce vs. M. L. Savidge
Win. V. Siiverood, udin'r, &c, vs. Peter SirKb j
t an. ' I
Lesher A Miller, tt"' vs. David Iieiser.
Cook & Pardee vs. Ira T. Clement. .
William Fisher vs. David Wuldron et al.
Tfiunru uratie l..ieilMi' v txuillo Ts.'TTmes
.1. A. Cake vs. C. A. Reimeiianyder.
J. W. Cuke vs. The Philadelphia A Erie P.. R
Walnwriirbl A Co. vs. A. P. Marr.
John G. Mantle vs. John Kay Clement.
O. S. Campbell, adm'r, &c, vs. David Adams.
Henry Otto vs. The Hanover Fire Insurance Co
Martin Fahuestoek vs. S. A. Savidge, Williun
Thomas Relier, recriver, A;c, vs. J. H. Jeukins
Sylvester Fiick, use vs. J. H. Hurley, adm'r.
Win. L. Dewart vs. Bai Vallev Coal Co.
Goner Ladts Book for February is . pence
! beauty. Full of maiiuiliceut fashions plates
engraving, splendid reading mutter, ree.ties. &c
The Book is now oll'.-rei at t'S per anumn with
a handsome Cliromo throwu In. Send for it to
L. A. Godey, sixth and Cheslntit rts., Philadel
phia. , . j
j Don't r.r. DicofRAOK. Suppose you havel
I 't ri.rl ft rl V r.intli ntiH rfti nn IwHtif . ill
j lUer(. tlt.,.t.r..I10 balm ii: Giiead f Verily therej
.Is. Your liver may be congested, your sto-1
inach half paralysed, your nerves iiiveriug,
your muscles knotted with torture, your ovwelsi
. . . . , .. , ' , , . , ,.'
1 con si net id Vour lungs diseased, vour bloo4 full.
f hnpui ities vet in one week alter cm:iiecing,
a course of Dr. Walkers vinegar Hitters you
will feel like a new creature. Feb. 5 Iw.
business Cecals.
Terms free. Addr
li. Stinso ii Co., I'unUnd, Msiur.
Jan. ti, IBii. !
J. B. Smith V Bko., have again reduced th
price of Boots & Shoes. They are determined tc
keep to panic prices. Their sto-.k is all the la
test style, an 1 made up of gui'd material. N'
one should neglect to buy uow, while tic price
ure down. They are gentlemanly in their into
course with those who visit them, and being gooi
judges of boots and shoes, the best can be had a
their Ev.cclsior store, on Market street, Sunbury
No one denys that Simon Oppenhelmr
keep an immense stock of ready madu Clothlni
Nor will any one deny that they scU them che
per than elsewhere. They sell rapidly at smal
profits, giving the largest benefit to tho purcha
ser. Every style of clothing for men and boyi
can be had dirt cheap. Their stocK of furnifhitg
goods is immense.
Mrsit-Ai.. J. P. Keefer has lately
excellent musical instruments Into the btlldlsg
ou Fourth street, below Market, ncaily op;Kis
the City Hotel. Any kiud of Musical io-Va-meuts
of the most improved styles and make ire
kept ii: his establishment. Parlor Orgsi",
Pianos of the test manufacture Iu the couury
will be found at his store. Hu is also agent or
the best sewing machines now in use.
ANCT'tm: new lot of Furniture has just beu
received at K. L. Raudcnbuih'fe store, in Masn
ic building. Call nud see the new styles bore
purchasing elseu he: e, and learn his prices.
The light running "Don:' tile'' Sewing la
chine, on account of its many point., of surri
ority, has a better demand than any other mnn
facUircd. aud takes the lead with the public ver
machines long regarded as the best. Alut:he
uew Groven and Baker sewing machine cot ur
passed by any other. Orders for these maebnes
will be promptly filled by Miss Caroline Da'ns,
l'urlur Organs Miss C. Dalltis is the agentfti
the sale of Parlor Organs, Pin nos. and all kills
of musical Instruments. The very best Ihsti
ments are furnished on short polices at prcs
J to suit times.
Call or address,
No. !3, Market St.. Suisburj.
Ice Cue. am Freezer. A new lot Just rccil cd
by H. B. MASSff.
Tliet'oiilVNMion ol am liiVHlid.fub-
lished as a warning and for the hem-tit of Yomg
Men uud others who Fnffer from Nervous DjUII
ty. Loss of Manhood, etc., supplying the nmns
of Self-Cure. Written by one wh'c cured hireelf
alter tiiiiluigniijg considerable fiua.-kery.ant tent
free on receiving a posl paid directed envelope.
Snlf.'rers nrc invited to add re a ihe authrr.
sepM,74-Cm. P. O. Box 153, Brooklyn, N. Y.
A Gentleman who snllorcd fr years from
Nervous Debility. Premature Detiy, and all the
e fleets of youthful indiscretion All, for the lake
of suffering humanity, scud free o ali who need
it, tho leclpa nmj direction for in king thesiuple
remedy by which he was cured. 8u Hirers wish
ing to profit by the advertisers experiuncu can
do bo bv addressing iu perfect coiSdvnce,
dN.J5.'ir4.-'ni. 42 Cedar 8 New Tosk.
The advertiser having heen permanently cured
of that dread disease, Consumption, by u'simple
remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire
it, he will send a copy of the prescription used,
(free of charge), with the directions for prepar
iiitr -mil usinsr the same, which they will tind a
sure Hire for Ci usuuipiton, Asthma, Bronchitis.
Ac. i'arties wishing the prescript'!! n will please
address Kev. E. A. WILSON.
l'.4 Penn St., Williaiiisburgh, New York.
At the
residence of Mrs. LvdU C. Fisher, on
the Use of Que. on the 0th inst., by Rev. A. K.
Zimmerman, Mr. Dennis II. Sntdkr, of Sun
bury, and Miss Sallir Fisiifk, of Snyder coun
ty. At the residence of Mr. Jacob Goss, on the in it
inst., by Rev. N. W. Colburn, Mr. 1 homas
Lippiatt, of Shamokin, to Miss Clka Zimvck
man, of Upper Augusta. -
Sunburt, Feb. 10, 1875.
Grain Wheat per bushel . 1.00f. 1.20
prime white 1.12(Ji l.25
Rye per bush 758S0
li Corn " 75ft-SO
' Oats " GOfiiOO
Fiouk Extra Family pr b'ol 5.00&-7.0O
Common 5.50(J7.00
Buckwheat 4.00
Feed Corn A Oats Chop pr 100 lb 1. 50(52.00
Shorts &. Mixture 1.503.1.75
i otatoes. sc .New per bushel
PuovisioN Ham per lb
Shoulder pr lb
Bacon pr lb
Beef, retail pr lb
Veal, do do
Dried Beef pr lb
Pot i.tut -Chickens, dressed pr lb
Do. live weight
BfTTEit Prime per lb
Eortu Per dozen
ftcb Xbbcrtiscnitiits
Estate or IIikam Uhi HAKKi:, Drc'h.
AdnilnilrMlor's XotIe.
Geo. W. Smith, Adm'r.
Suuhury, Fell. 12, 1875 tit.
Kstatc or J. D. Zaktman, Dkc'o.
AdminiNtratorM Xolire.
XTOTICE is hereby sriven that letters of
ministration have been gruifed to the un
dersigned on the estate of J. I). Zirtmnu, late of
the llorollL'll of Snnhnrv. Nor.hnnlu.i hunt num.
I Ir Pa Hi.ntii.l Ail ..t.. .... l,.
selves indebted to said estate lire requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
c aims to present them duly authenticated for
Geo. w. Smith, adm'r.
Jank Zaktman, adminis'irix.
Sunbury, Feb. 12, 1S75. t.
XTOTICE. In accordance with the iirovisiiins
JLn of an Act of Assembly mmroved t lie 12th
. wivlliclll 1UI PttllVlllllll, 1
l.iy of February, A. D. 1874. entitled "An Act ! ted.) 2.V.
leulutiiiir the publication of applicitions for
leal or special legislation," nota-e i.. hereby I Amount of bonds of 1So7, $3,i
i:iven that application will be made to the Lcjis- j Coujani bonds nf 1S73, bearing interest
.at me lor the passage tl "an act uiitlioi iznur the i" jl 7 per cent., semi annually, matnr
eri ct hm and construction of a pocket in tbe West j inir lt May, 1S71, 05,000 auihoriz
hrauch of Ihe bu-quehauna river at Eyfter's li-j .efCr
nni, in Delaware township, Northumberland-"!!!) bonds, Nos.-I to 10 inclusive,
county. Pa.," tor i he f li.irberini; Io-a. each $1,000, 19,
S. M. MILLER, OSCAR FOL'ST, i l'-Vi-mds, Nos. 21 to 36 inclusive,
WM. F. SHAY. J. P. STJVRT.. !" ea-h tK),
J. M. FULLMER. J. II. GOiD.MAN. 50 bonds Nos. 37 to tuj inclusive,
A. T. GOODMAN. ' T each $100. 5,000
Watsontowu, Feb. oih, 175 J3f. HO bonds. Nos. 87 to 12i inclu
Iu the Court of Quarter ViVixwinun of'
the Peace of .Vorthninoerlitud ,
(OUUl). (
"OlTCE is hereby given, thai the following
ll persons have tiied pel il ions in the Couit of
V ar:er Sessions oltlie Peace of the county of
Noithumbe land, for Tiveru, Restaurant, and
Liquor Mole Licenses, and thai the same wi(l be
presented t the said Court on Ihe eighth day of
March, next.
Christuu Neff
Mtmuei Weaver
E. T, Druinlieliur
W. A. Hambright, jr.
James II. Jeffries
Charles Garinger
William Reese Sc Soil
Churles D, CoX
F. O. Donueli, jr.
Mary E. Huff
ilenrv B. Lutz
old stnnd
new stand
old St and
II. J. rtirmtcrv
Joepl Deppeu
venwens.tiie, ti
Ml. Canue;
CM etu. ifl
I nomas fceott
'1 liomas Welsh
Edward C. Herb
Catharine Johnston
Charles F. lies
George S. Burr
Julia Anu Johnson
litorge Eckel t
Tnoinas J. tst a ram
Amauda E. i.ogaii
William II. Hover
J. A: Weaver
Jared H. Howerter
John l.arki j
Jacob Kobel
Henry Siiumonds
Mary Tiininines
John Nicholsou
W. F. Kitch. :i
new tand
Shamokin bor old stand i
, John Nolan
; Wi.liam F. Roth
u l: Allltmit
Andiew Herb
1'lionius f.'llteMTiirt
4 old stand
. 4
new staud
Snydertown old stand
1 111 butviile bor
Henry Hayden
William Farrow
Daniel H. Dreisbaeh,
11. E. Wetzel
V. 1 am Johnson
John B. Gilbert Watsontowu
old stand
John R. Cooner
Mrs.. John W. Saxton
Charles B. Buyer
Cameron twp
Jared llenninger
Daniel Latsha
John Downey
John Bovd
Michael "Haley
Churles Haitman
Jacob Hnnsieker
J. G. Smith
John Albert
I. O. Billmau
Nathan A. Lasdcnslag
Eiia Slialfer
Elias 1). Kisninrcr
Eiias Fagely
James 11. Brass
J. D. Reitz
Fraukliu Sargu
Augustus Wald
Kcene & Wiest
E ias Byerly
Abraham Rothermel
Francis MeCarty
Peter McDounel"
Mary Scott
Thomas Tobin
Michael Giuliam
Edard Muldowncy
Patrick Hester
James Ralferty
oi.l staud
Lit M .lian-y tpo ta;;
Low Mali.uioy ip
Ml Ctirtne! tp
Peter Lcisenriug
G. W. Mifllio ii G. .
Henry ft. Conrad
Joseph K. Maiirer
Emanuel II. Geist
K.nder S Starr
Nathan E. Kehres
I'houlas Foul. Is, snr
Henry M. Rlioads
Benjamin Knausi
Thomas Fouuls jr
James Cooper
P. H. Cisrr.ia
II. B. Weiver
William Fouhls
Shamokin tp
Up Augusta
I'p Mahanoy
S'liiburv bor
B. F. Bright
Jacob W. Bright
Geo. W. Hotl'uian
Frederick Woif
Jacob Klyiner
Nathaniel I lull:
Margaret Brogan
Wm. Vandyke
Michael Schlatter
Lewis Hilinni'.!
Richard G. Tyack
John Sehakti
Andrew J.mastiy
Barbara liennis
William A. Fisher
T. H. Swlticer
L. J. Delate
Georgo W. Artmau
Christianna Rahmcr
old statu
Mt. Carmel !r
North umbel la ud ostauJ
Sf.:imckin bor
Louis Lehe ' '
Richard Wild '
wuoLnsAtn MV.U011
Cyrus Brown Milton bor 1
Michaol Horau Mt. Carmel bor 1
Edward A. Dawson '
Christian Neff Narthumberl'd 4
Samuel R. Latsha Shauiokin bor '
George McElieee 1
George W. Start zel
P nt 1 it k Qulnn C,(,.A 1,1
Clerk's OlBce, Sunbury, Feb U, lS;.rj.
Adjourned Court.
W HEREAS tho Honorable W. M. Rockefel
ler, President Judge, and his Associates,
for this District, have issued their mandate f,r
un adjourned Court for Northumberland county,
to be held 00 Mouday. the 22d davof Firarj
A. i). 1875, being the 4th Monday of said month,
and to continue for two weeks, In the borough
of Sunbury. I therefore give uotloe, that till
persons interested, to be and appear at the place
aforesaid nt 10 o'clock a. m.. of ssid day.
Sheriff's fifflce. Sonbnry. Jan. ?9. 1875.
$tto SbbertistiKnts.
NOTICE to the Heirs and Legal Representa
tives of Charles Heilman, late of the bo
rough of Sunbury, Northumberland connty, Pa.,
TAKE NOTICE That an Inqnest will be held on
the .premises of Charles Heilman, deceased, in
the borough of Snnbury, county of Northumber
land aforesaid, on
WEDNESDAY, the 21th day or FEBRUARY.
A. D. 1S75, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of that
day, to value aud divide certain real estate of
said deceased, to wit : n certain messuage or
... T . . i a ......... iH v. a t r
Sunburv counlv of Northumberland, and State of
Pennsylvania, bounded and c!esribed as follows,
to wit : frontin on Market street, and bounded
on the west by an ailey. on the noitU by iand of
Mrs. Rosrtta Dewart, on the east by n lot of
Sebastian Houpt, deceased, and being one hun
dred and twenty feet, or thereabont. in front on '
Market street, and two hundrei. and fifty feet.5
or thereabont.', in depth : whereon i erected n :
one and one-half story frame house, :i:;d stable,
being n part of out lot number tbirty-tven. on :
the general plan of said borongh, to and among j
his heirs and legal representatives, if tin same
can be done without prejudice to, or spoiling the ;
whole thereof, otherwise to va'ne and appraise :
the same according to law, at which time and
piace you are requested to attend if yen thin'
S. H. ROTnERMEL, Sheriff.
Sberifs Ollice, Sunbury, Jan. 20, 1875-St.
is hereby given that the several Courts of Com- I
raon Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, i
and Orphans Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer I
and General Jail Delivcrv. in and !
, of Northumberland, will commence at the Court I
House, in the hnmncrh nt Siinhnrv n in aVIki.Ii '
A. M., on MONDAY, MARCH the Slh, 1S75,
and will continue two weeks.
The Coroner, Justices of the Peace ant. Consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland are
requested to be then and there in their proper
persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions,
and other remembrances, to do those things t
their several offices appertaining to be done. And
all wif-esses prosecuting in beha Jf of the Com
monwealth against any prisoner, are requested
and commanded to be then and there attending
In their proper persons to prosecute against hini
as shall be just r.nd not to depart without leave
at their peril. Jurors are requesled fo be punc
tual in tnur attendance, a! the time appointed.
ttiven under my hand al Sunbury. tin: L'jth iin
of Febrnary in the year of our Lord onetboua:i
eight hundred ana seventv-nve.
of ! SAMUEL H. ROTIIERVPI.. Hlierifl.
or TH3
J Statement made pursuant to the provisions of !
I an Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to regulate i
tne manuer or lucreasing the indebtedness of
municipalities, to provide for redemption of the
same, and to impose penalties for the illegal in
crease thereof" approved 20th April, 1871.
Bounty bond to J. B. Packer (estima-
ted.) l,100 00
Band lo George Weiser, 20 00 j
Coupon bnuds of 1867, bearing interest
at 7 per cent., semi-annually, matur
ing 1st Nov., 1S77, bonds, Nos. Sand
11, each for $500, f I.uVO
23 bonds, Nos. 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6.
! 3,9. lo, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, id,
i 111 tn tiii Ot n- s .if .t,xj.
I i itf, -v. rl, JO, MTlU DV ,-v-U
Couoons due and untwidfestiina
sive, each eoO,
, Coupons da! and unpaid (estl
! timat.l.)
! Amount of bonds of 1573.
136,718 00
41,54$ 00
Agn yatc of funded debt,
Bornngh orders issued or outstanding
31st March, 1S74, per last report. 87,012 40
Borough orders to 31st March, 1S74,
granted but not taken ont, per last
icport, 463 01
Borr. orders nnpai 1 Mar. 31, 74, ?7.475 41
Borough orders grunted and Is
sued from Gist March. 1874 to
2Cnd Jan., 1575, 7,405 K
Iicrough orders granted i"ur
itig same time and vet tak
er; out, S20 43
7,733 -'(j
Aggregate of borocg'i orders,
. orders canceled on Jan. 2-2, '
1 5,20S f7
, 3,071 17
lioro. orders outstanding Jan. 23, '75, $6,137 50
Poor orders outstandiug'per last report
on March 31, 1874. East
Ward, 713 21
Do West Ward, 1,535 20
2,V47 41
Poor orders grunted
from March 31,'74,
to Jan. 22, '75, in
clusive E. Ward, fl.CSl 15
Do West Ward, 2,230 61
Aggregate of poor ord's,?6,159 17
Pwr ord. cancel'd Jan 22,'75 2,344 67
Poor orders outstand'g Jan. 23, '75, 2,M4 50
Aggregate Coating debt, $8,5a 00
Funded debt.
Floating debt,
141,548 00
8,952 00
Aggregate of actual debt, J50,5O0 00
ASSETS, with tbe nature aud character.
Balance due from D. Heiin, late Chief
Burgess, ?140 00
Boro. ts. Amelia Fisher,
SI 24
137 54
75 07
105 57
72 0
do B Hendricks,
do J. B. Masscr,
do do
d.i do
do do
do David Qninii et al
hf.nt op wharves.
Grant Si Bro.,
J. Haas & Co.,
.Tallies Bovd,
Val. !-it r.
056 9:
f .'.O (
50 00
70 00
10 00
10 00
1,001 12
10,040 89
1 Unco! lectcd tuxes o 1S73, subject to
exoneration aud commission,
! Uncollected taxes of 1874, subject to
I exoneration and commission,
Amount of Assets on Ja.
Val'i.ition of taxable property In the borough
of Sunbury, nccording to the last adjusted, coun
ty assessment aud valuation.
In West Ward, $227,250 CO
In East Ward, 247.825 00
Aggregate Valualiou, ?S75,075 00
Amount of gross debt, funded and
Moating j0,500 00
Amount of assets ou Jan. 23, 1S75, 13,118 94
! Ami. of act'l li.d-.-bt'i:rs Jan. 23, '75, f 37,381 00
j The foregoing statement is prepared and pub
j listed in accordanee with a resolution of the Bo
I rough Council, passed the 18th day of Januarv,
! A. I. 1875.
w.i greenough.
John ha as,
1 Finance Coinmitlee.
P-inbury, Pa., .Tati. 20, 1875.
; Rifles Shot-guns, Pistols, Revolvers,
Cf any and Every Kind.
K. s.sBip for Cattlne, Address Gkbat Wxstibn
I t.rr. .si J-sioi, 0.;.h, PJIYbUCRGH, PA.
i rrb. 3, 1ST". .
! Ntu. r:i l.oU. Ixc..tiou lirtl'.oy. Titles voods. At-
Ur?- WM. S. RIDGELV, A'.toruey. Deatou, Maryland.
l. S, iw.
C I I T I) I? A TOV S OWS Mil t I ICKK, Sfi Uk-
J.i sniilha nee.t-d lUuurjr fcivel, and
lli-ts ajway Mi.v t-!r
111 1mtSe lo.j'sri-ouji.t.
t-:r Ularr;tis4 circular s4drM
. Monro Co p.
Feb. 6, "tJ.-tw.
I If Y W 4,iy n""1" by sellina Tkas t Iiiroax.
' JlUi.1 Ij lit.' hsiCKS, or tiottmn up eluba is
tu i.u a country fer he olJ't 'i'.-a Company in Am,
j rli:i. liwiel imiucineuts. Send for clrcuUr, CAN.
I TDS TEA ')., Its t;hamber aireel, Jf, V,
! t ab. I, H.-4W.
; Air you so U liquid (bat any artiou require) more of
an -iToit luau you foel caimble of ixiaAiitg
j Then ti) ifiirubeha, t'jo wud-'ifid tuiiw slid Invigora
j tin', l;li;li acits no tviiBtiiiiiiiiy nit ii.e f-itivf ir(us as
j j.) itjii'urt vi.'jnr lo all vital forenr.
1 lio:l time, only to lot ue utioifi tM to a lower dentil
a l.rer nptu
ng rtiwtly ca
1 ot m'.s.'ry. oiu 11 in a v-t-fyL.if toiiio o!m r.i
! Ili uvor ana srleS!
I: i--jul.ita rhe bowels, ocicts the nervep. irlrea
aui'ii a healthy tone to tb whole aystem as to swsa iuti
ths invalid feel like a now rrwu.
Ila oj.ertiou Is not -4oleut, bu. i chi-racturized to
Rifat Keullsursii; Iks Dti, tr.ytrirMtl uo suiMv n
Change, uo "tried rui!a, bat gradually his troutili-s
"Fold tbfiir tents. Iifi tin Arab
.Ar.d sii:it ais;-.i away. 'I -
"Thi4 's no sf ar.ii uiiii-j'-d discovery, but has hsen
-'iS v.vd Villi wolKtorful remedial roanlta, al J ia pro
U'.uiK.d )y tht hifbmt mt diosl -athont-, flaw most
( louic soil rltrxntl' r ovc,''
Ask vour dniujn.; tor t.
i 0- iV !.y .'OK.NSTPK. HOttOWAY k CO..
K !. A. 'a.4w. PtitUOfn.bia. fa.
The Remington Skwivg
Macuinr has sprung rapidiy
into favor as possessing the
qualities namely :
uing, smooth, noiseless, rapid, tf.'SI
t '
with perfect Lock
It is a Shuttle Muchiue, with
Automatic Drop reed. De
sign beautiful aud construc
tion tiw very I-esi. fTilnp
: r. v. -mnvloi &
j mhSn M r0
ttemington Ag'I Co.,
December 19, 1S74. 2 mob.
Over Thhfj'fonv Competitors
The undersigned begs leave to inform the citi
zens of Northumberland county, thnt he hns
opened a
On Mttrket Ntreet, opposite the City
Hotel, la Sunbury,
Where he keeps on hand a large assortment of
Consisting in part of
Walnct Paklok Srrs,
Chamseb Strrs,
Cain Skat Chairs,
Wood S'at Chaihs.
Rock 1 nt. Chaiks,
Dining Tabi.f.s.
Extension Tablfj.
Marble Top fAn.E!,
Kitcheg Ft-RNi-rraE,
Lounoss, .
Book Casus,
Fasct Brackets.
Lookino Glask
C, Ac., SiC.
He will also manufacture to order, on short r.o
tice, any article in his line, if not in store.
He is prepared to offer superior inducemrr.ts
to purchasers.
1 Call and examine his stock and prices and be
I convinced.
Jan. 22, 1"75, S aios.
Fall and Winter Stock I
I OF :
! .niJ.I.IWI.KY ftOODS.
A Hr-e at f Ml!!!iit-'Good, Rats ;, trimmed and untrimmcd. Plume, J
Ti; s, and Feathers of evey descriptior!. :
Flowers. Ribbon, Velvet., &c just
opened at Miss L. & .S. Weiser's, i
on East Market St. Also,
Die's TriniTn'mgs and i
Notiur.i , y a k . j
Luce, Bead.
Trunin iug..
Ladies' Gauntlets and Kid Gloves at 76 c-:it
and upwards.
Snubary, Nov. 13, 1874.
70 ctSi
COMPANY will insure by return mail, one
pound oxcellont Oolong. Young Hyson, English
Breakfast, Japan or Mixed Tea such as is usual
ly retailed at tt-30 to (1.50 per pound.
It is a fact not generally known that by a re
cent arrangment of the Post Office, small quan
tities of merchandise are now conveyed at charges
considerably less than those of the express com
panies. The cost on one pound of Tea being
8 cts only.
The New York and Orieatal Tea Company is
taking advantage of this extraordinary facility
and is supplying its customers in ail parts of tbe
j United States with the finest Teas ever Imported J'!1 Issued, aud contains oTer 100 pages, 500 en
I at gravings, descriptions of more than SOO of onr
WhnlAKn.1 a Tnos
W HOieSaie niCeS.
Keasous why yon shouid order your Teas from
the New York and Oriental Tea Company.
1st. because tee Company deals only in pare
unadulterated Tea. It is well known that im
mense quantities of so-called 'Tea," adulterated
with the leaves of the Willow Hawthorn, and
other trees, and even small stones, particle of
lend and steel fillings, besides coloring matter,
are sent over ihe country aud sold at enormous
prices us "Tea !"
...w . ""-"-
Company, can, by a new process, nut generally
known, detect tlie presence or adulteration In all
its forms ; and the Company will continue to
maintain the high ch ractcr it has hitherto sus
tained, by selling none but
Genuine Tea.
Sd. Lccuuse onr command of capital enables
uc to import largely for CASH, and thns to sell
P. We buy ali our Teas'at the Port, of
a n:ji Japan, end thus save raany inter
mcdiiae profits and charges.
3d. Because we have inaugurated a new sys
tm of buaiuess, originated a New Idea. ;
We save the profits of tbe middlemen and give
them to our Customers, by sending direct to any
addrvas, the finest cuauUis of Tea at Wholesale
Trices. - !
-Kh. Clause as the
. Great Need of tne Times
is ptr fea at a low price 1 and as we are deter
miucd to aupply ibis need, it is to your interest
to help as by sendiug on your orders at once. 1
Zne our Price List.
Oolouif (Black) 40, 50, 60, best 70 cts per V
Mixed (Greeu and black )40, 50, 60, TOocs: 80c. j
Jap.-in (Vrcolorcd)QO, 70, 80, best tl.CO, per lb.
I'nperiu! (Green) 00, 70, 80. $1.00, $1.25 ,
ioungtlyaon (Oreen)50,b0, 70, best f 1.00 "
Gunpowder (Green) 1.00, best $1.25, "
Enulish Breakfast 1 Black )60, 70 80 best $1.00 ',
,v v uhic at ayeviai quality ox very
Oolong and Young Uvson at $1.25 per pound.
Any of the qualities delivered free by mail, i
and ufc delivery euaranleed on receipt of price.
ixzasb jvote w e oeat tn Dotting mat ta un
sound, Injured, damaged, or adulterated in any
respect, even the lowest qualities in tbe abova
Hit, are perfect in their degree, clean, p"jc, atd
nuiii.iured In every particular,
AGENT EVERYWHERE, to whom special Iu
ducetnents are oirered. The business is. honora
ble and respectable. Younr nnd old. Rich uml
Poor, Male and Female, can get up clubs and !
act as Agents. Send for circular and begin ;it !
once. Address, '
New York Oriental Tea Co.,
ZS tsey Ktrett. N. Y. j
January 25, 1875. lm. !
Auditor' Xotiee.
(Estate of George Welscr, deceased.)
ri'MIE uudersigned, appointed AudUor to report
L upon the exceptious filed to the account of
J. Weiser Easaler, one of the executor of Goo.
Welter, deceased, and to examine and restate
snid acconnt, will meet the pnrtiea iutereftid at
his office, In the borough of Sunbttrr, on Satur
day the 20th day of February, 1S75, at II o'.
cinch, a. ro,
Sunbury, January 22, 1S75 4t.
Est ray of a Boar Pis;.
CAME la the premises of the subscriber, at Ma
rlon Colliery, Mt. Carmel township, Northum
berland County, Pa., on, or about the 3d day of
January, lS75j a
Tho owner or owcers are requested to come
forward, prova property, pay charges and take it
away, it will be sold according to law.
V't. Caiwet nwnli!r. Jan. 8. 17.1. Cpja
Kemisgton No. 1 Machiu-7
for family use, is thj third
year of It txistonee, has met
with a more rapid Increase of
ratio of sales than any i n
chine in the market.
Remington No. t Machine
iC-r manufacturing and family
ic, (.e;dy for delivery only
fv im
since JlltV, ' r range,
perfectioa, .Vii variety of
work, is wiihiml a rival In
family or worksMp.
y. v.
SSI Si 2SC Bro:iday N-JW.Y.-rli. ArM
Madlson So., New York Sewiivr M.-ei.'u '.s.
Chicago, .",7 State St., 8. Machine ::n-T Ar: .-.
Boston, 232 Washington St.. Sewing Machii.r.
. Cincinnati, 131 West 4tb St., Sewing Machin,
Utlca, 129Ceneee St. Sewing Machines.
Atlanta, Ga., DeGive's Oira House, Marietta.
St., Sewlnj Machines.
IVashiugton.D. C.,521 Seventh St.,8. Machin'-.
rn.u'TiruLLY illustrated.
Ti.c S iKSTiric Aur.KiCAN now in iu 30th
ear. enjoy ihe widest circulation of any w-t k!v
newspaper of the kind in Cue world. A new of
i;ine coi'ini".'"-... January 4, IH'i
Ps c.r.feiiis. embrace Ihe lati-t ail":ni)t! iu
icreslinir inftirtuation prtalulug Jnlhe Indn--i
I rial. M . eh iTiical.ond S"ientitfe PTOgrcs of the
v:.r: . ; descriptions, with b-autilul cngravinjrs,
of .r i-.entionH. new fmplerier'rs new pro
cesses, mid improved industries of ali kind.:
useful notes, recipes, suggestions and advico, by
practical writer, for workmen an-T e:n; !..! 5
iu all the various arts.
The Scientific Amckica.n is tbe chcapsst nn.l
best illustrated weekly paper published. Everr
number contains from 10 to 15 original engrav
ings of new machinery and novel inveulions.
Engravings, Illustrating improvements, dis
coveries, and important works, pertninintt to
civil and raechauical engineering, milling, min
ing and metallnriry ; recoids of the latest iro
gress In the a'-plicntions of stenra. steam engi
neering, rtiilways, ship bniidieg. navigation,
telegraphy, telegraph eagicce.-ing. tlrctricitv,
msgnetism, light and heat.
farmers, mechanics, enginee-s. inventor?,
manufacturers, chemist, lovers of,
teachers, clergymen. lawyers and people of al!
professions will find His SoiHSTiriC AmsktCAX
useful to tbem. It should have a place in every
family, library, study, office, and ennntinx room;
in every rradlny room, co!lej, aendemv, or
A year's numbers conUiu 833 page and seve
ral hundred eneravlngs. Thousands of volumes
are preserved for binding and reference. Th
pratical receipts are well worth ten times the
subscription price. Terms, 13.20 a year bv niaii.
including postage. Discount to clubs. Special
circulars and specimens sent fre. Mnv Iu, h l
of all News Dealers.
PATENTS. -In connection with the Scicx-
TtFio Amkkican, Messrs. Munn fc o. are So!!-
j citors of American and Foreign Patents, and
. have the largest Crtablishment In the sorts..
lor" ihnxi nfiy tbonsand applications have beon
mnne tor patents through tbeir agency.
Patent are obtained on the best terms, mojv'..
cf new inventions and sketches examined am',
advice free. A special notice is made in th
SciKNTiric American of all Iurcnt:or.s Taier-tpJ
through this Agency, with th n-me and ri
denee of the Patentee. Patents are often sol i
in part or whole, to persons attracted to th; in
vention of such notice. Stnd for Pamphlet, 110
pages, containing laws .inJ full directions forolj-
ta nuig patents.
Address for the Paper, or cot' erning Pat-nU,
MUNN & CO.. 37 Park R. w N. T. Br neh
Ofnec,or. F and 7t h st rrt. W ihlngton, T C.
iC i 'At SEsii C7Sv, N
ew Millinery Good
Iiavo just been opened at the store ot
ntSfi. JI. L. GOSSLER,
Fourth street, below the Shamokin Valley R. P..
Where ail kinds of Millinery goods of the Ialet
New York and Philadelphia style are now cprn
for inspection.
Laces, Flowers, Ribbons, Feathers, Trimmings,
Gloves, Hankersblefs, and every kind of goods
usually found in a Millinery store.
Ladies are InTited to call and see tbe Immcese
FOR 1875.
Pl'bLianix QcabtekLT. - Jannarr Xamber
, kcetables, with directions
I for Culture, Colored Plate, etc. The most ne-
fu: a:,d elegant work of the kind Id the world,
, Only 25 cents a year. Published in Enirl'sh anrf
I rnuu. .
JAMES VICK, Rocester, X. Y.
Dee. IS, 1S74
I DTEKTJSISa tClwjii Oood : SytcaUc. AU psr
, - V tons who conlmnplst makintr contTacts with aeics.
' papers for ttu ineeitun of sdvertiirmmtii, should ncad
25 ceutti to itoto. V. Howell 4; Co.. 41 Park Row Sne
uum, euuuuuiug luiis 01 ovsr -juuii ntrmpapers and eMi
mien, showing the eost. Advwtiaeisenis Uien tec
'" paporsia many Mates at a tnmndoua n&u-
ti'ia from jmblishrnT rstos.
Gr.-r T3s sooa.
Jan. 8, 1ST J. It.
V' Til ViDn,rJav- Atrenf wtnted.
V" A V V '
of working txml M WH
uc!:g anu ow, nule more money at work fee xtn, in
their ova locslites, during thwir spare rsousnts. oi al!
iartiouUrs, terms, tc, sent frc. jfow Is the time.
ix.-ur iooa lor wora cr btuatuw ewhnv, until you
havf k-jrnt.i wbt we oSer. O. Stihsow fc Co Port
laii.. Jan. , 175. ty.
"The Leading American Xeirspaper.
Tiiily, Ills yar. eia-Wec.l!ry,
P.t. Ttpk to th SubsrrihTv trcmaa CreiM
?FiM AdvertiaiiTg Ktes !(. ly, in elabs of 30 or
more, oatr f 1, )K-3t-e r'-V Vldreas Tar Tarav.-rx.
York. Jan. , 187 ly.
tturkct Sqnaire, Mnabiiry, Pe
Has just recicred a large and elegaci aewrtrocat
. ; f,f
Hats and Bonnets,
Vor Fall and Winter wear.
The choicest shades of ribbons, and all kind
o! Millinery g ods always in store,
Call and see tbem.
Building Lota Fer Sale.
"NINETEEN LOTS, 55x100 feet, fronting on
-A. iue street, ia Sunbury. Price $125. Also
tirt Int. O-.. 1 '-1 r 1 n n.
h!r,y '0'!'. 35x137, fronting on Spruce and Pine
,trct. Price ?1H per foot. Also eight lots, 25
fronting on Fourth street between Walnut
and Spruce. Plica $450. Also 21 lots, 25x110,
fronting on Third and Spruce streets, between
Walnut and Spruce. Price $400. Also 5 lota
I iix'ZVQ on tbe north side of Spruce street. Price
tvw. aiso 18 lots la Cakeown. Tho above
prices do not include corner lots. Persons d
siring to purchase will do well to call soon.
Terras easy. uu T. CLEMENT.
Jan. 33, 3m.
3 bSa. " -J.
Gt 2
A Private Residence
On Fourtb Street
The bnltdinga are newly new. Good fruit
the iot. Thoproptwijruloeatea on tbe
of fonrth and Peas, street, and there is room to
build several new houses on the lot.
Terms of payment will be made easy to tbe
purchaser. The hqnsa ia well located for a store
or any other business,.
Address, or apply In rerson to
fnnbnry. Pa