Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 15, 1875, Image 3
Allien can. HI SUXIIUKY. .(AXr.VIlV ! Uaifroii-.l i'luii Ta'I' m:i:ivai. am mii'Miii:: TiiAiv.i a -xsr.vr.Y. N. ('. It. J if Mai.. , uitlie.ii : i'biiu. Kit. .iv Fv., ui:li. : v j.. i;. u. w.-i. Mail, '" a " v. J.:iO a m I 1,1; llv.-ii A. l'MXi n. H.4."h in I F.liiiiia Mail 4.Lipr.i .o5 i :n 1 1-..-1 l-i;i'', '!' 1 1:1 .-HAViKKI Ll.AV!. i:v 1-l-iN, N V. . j AUiiivn re-s. M ;- An i.e. 7. Ilia m. 1 .-. -1 ! in :'.' '- a I" 4.1'." 1' in I F'.pi'c.-s, 1' "atom tr-i:i l.:av-v Slutuokin at iniviu-- :il Ml. aria--l .'.t ' a m. U. luriii!' ! ic Ml. a'1 :it ill 1 IV- ii.j at hiiaiii'ikia ''' V ': ,,,KWIVM .V .Hl.ooV-ltl ll'i II. It. li:U-.:-, i-.v,. Nih:!iiiiiiI.::".!11 :!R toll'i'v a- .in .. . .i-r.'.v nt l i..".."iii.ii!...n)J 5.4.) i). H .V: W. U. K. Train mil ;i. i vo :it ::.r..i v. m. Ii-iivo ;;t li..".i it. a;. ('iii'.. iital liisiaaiKt- TaUt : "aa .1. Miipinan, Ti k-t AS'-'iil, at tla- P.-.t. Kssiimtpr Arraneoinl Kr Iu Vast i C!lire al Sunliwi J. 'hii mi .. " ' ..... i .. time or r.niv.M- anix i.osim: Tim M A! !. .. i l iven lift fu':liv s t i m.i, tin! at 5.1.") a. m.. 4.1U i. in., Miuth. 5.15 a. m-. 4.10 v Wm, 5.15a. in., 11.15a. in.. 1.-5 j. in. i.nil 4.10 p. la., Niit'.i.1.5il a. im.. 11.15 :i. ni.. 4.10 p.m. Miair.okiti aa.l Mt. v iirun-1. '.t.'J. a. in. thaiiiokin pn.4vi, 4.1M p. ta. NIai.s l-Mise ap i".lv s : :r Hie K.iM, 5.45 a. m.. V'-"'' a. m., 4 ..'.'. t. S.iKI p. in. S..uiU, a. 4.W p. iu., h 1'- "' W. M. in 5 ) ia., ::.50 I', in., -' a. Nortli. i!.50 r.u. Sp. ai., Siamokiti prnpci 11.15 a. in. Slinmokin ii'.id '!Uoi' 'v. t'ltit r.M't--. l.'. Moiiov orUT r.t o aiii fti p. i:i., J.J. SMITH. P.M. HIMHKY AJJEP.KAX. l'')5TA(.i: PP.F.PAU) 11 Y T!!F. PrRU.-UFIt, AM) l td all si Dsci;ii;i:us in TIIK UNITED STATIC. j THE 1JBST AND CHEAPEST FAMILY XDVSi I'Al'F.It IN NOKTIirVnKr.T.ANI) OVNTV. ! The Simukv Aiii:ihcan i? published every Friday iiiui tiiii. It is in v.ry sense of t lie word a Cit class newspaper, cin'.ii aeiii; in each iff ue " pon.lei-.?ed history of the world"- iloinir iortne r.rrk. Il Is fail of news, oiita'.n'mj: everyltiiui f cc-ncral, political and iul--i.s:t. The .i,. u-4 is iJisicuil:s to the farmer. Each i-ue contains importanl arietiltutal iuteiii .riice select ed fii.lil all oiialteis. Tla .l;,..--i-.i.i is an u in lamily news.a J er. its aim is to please and instruct, and whilst jiO-ses?iu-.' every f'-.iliiie oi inl- rest lor the lauii Iv circle, il i a's.ife vi-itor, nutliius of an impio-i"-r chariicier w hatever bein- a lmitted into its (-."luim.s. The .!.( .V.ia ; its readers with hrsl cl iss iiterarv matter iu each irsuc. The se'esa tioual and "liarmhil wrltiliir. sa poiiiaioii at the Vecs.-nl lime, Uud no plan iu its colatni-s. The MD'ies, jiiM-'.ry, miscellany and humor me drawn tr nil the purest and best source?. The Siinlnry AiH'rifm is cnudu: ted on ba-i-i;..d principles ; it Jves c ich stiliseriber fuli :! . for money received : it puts the price to the sabfcribcr at the inwi-l limine ; piesents the best in leeimci.l toett' ls npol clu'i : prepaj s ' o-t-:ie I u'.l parts of tile United State. Term. Cash In anro. 1-,-TAcr run: X') ai.i. sri.sriiim:i: iv n:r im Ti O STATI . ci; COPY, s'.x months " ' on.? y.-jr 1 '' F I V V. C't i'i KS, oal yuir 6 od And fl oil per coj y lor any diiui!". r of copies .l.i.V.. iiv... IKS COPil'S. one yenrtslU On and om poj.y j to tke C'-tior-ri' ot tlie Club. An :tni c.,py Im j . -.erv Ui iihse: n.ers above tell. I ,.ttcr-ap of Ciu! " iti ti'id Hie a?Kve tcrt:! i iin,-t litx-rai l -i -it fan be olf-re 1 by a t.i't ! r is family Journal. j i;.-tlei"-i::) of Clubs to the SiiJui Amtrioir, i - in odd new iiiuncs to Clubs at -!i;! r;.tes. X ninn c:-.n b,' sent f'o-n dittercnt p..s!-of:lees. . '-.b-criljeis o:,leiier tbeT p:iier chantrcl j ; oi.e po'toUlce ti anol !i-r, mut (,'ive He 'l.l I ..-will tin ne.v a l.lre-s with I iii.- name ct ( Ih-ir pap-r. ;i nilieii,tioiis r.t the a'-ove rates in'o-' ...-mipaiiled with the push. 1. Idics KMT. V.TLVKP.T, Ainerii i ii Olliee, S'.inbury, Pa ll'ocnl AiTairs. "fur. weatUer on Sa.u: 4 IT last, W;ii the colde '.ay, San lay iuid M 'li ! of the season. The t hermoiii' ter ran-'d from ihii ' to twelve dc- jr.-es below 7. TO. Mk. M. Mai:X left this place oil Wednesday I, -t, fur New York titv to join his friend Mr. i li-rr.feider. from w hich port they wiii sail for Ku- i .-;, "ii Thursday -1st Mr. Opi'iiheiuier ! will leave here on Moti'.'-'V next and take passage ; vilhth.-ni. i '.Vr direr: ultmtlon to the letter of our Wash- ! i- .-ton Corropondeu'. "H. T). W.,'' in another j I irt of this issni Ji civ.-f some interc'tinp; f.i' ts in rc-rurd to the Finance, k:hJ Louisiana f- , fairs, wlneli uliould Ve read bv every one. The j writer i fram this place. He i tollable, and riveR lioiliinrj bnt a rce tt itenient of facts. We ! shonll ! jdessed to h'-.-ir .''im more f'c ouentiv. A Vt'I.K TEAM bel Cl:e;iiitr to Soiotimu Sliij". ,f ! t!,i place, broke thronpii the i-r on the river, on Monday last, but were resini d by a numb' r of nen in tlie vicinity, U were nwjr-i in dr.iw ! out lo-rs. i "tin dejiot, at M.'iton, was entered i on Monday night a week, a;id two overcoats I ,-i,d a lot of tickets, and 15 in tnnv.ey stole:!. I Tltfc l.-t bramls of cigars, tob..eeo, I've., are : kept by J. W. Wiiveit ti Co. Tiin miners of the I. chilli ; i m. ie ld niei t ji.ej at IliiZ'iclnti, on Monday last, to take into , ponsirieratioli the preposition of tliei-peiatois I . r a ted need basis for 15 The t.'.eu lefu-ed to :n -tpt the A general stride is eieeted. , Tr thotisaiid ba.s tvere put in the river , 1. I.cwi-'iur : .! Mit'-u, ia.-t weik, by' Wm. C-tmerou. Et-j.. ic l i.tiuaeij tia-iu front : t;.-e State teilehi;, l.oii-,at Ilousal priiif.Lui!- ; i -aster eo'int v. CilAli'.rs H AKI.fS, l iraine the puichascr of : ' ice. et Sbi riff sale, on t of No i tli'iinln". ' the e.;r shop-, of I.- 'Jl'lll III'. and. that A Masi.i t-HAiiK l!.i.:.'.. i'l beLiveii iu Moore V; ' 1'! ! users l!.:li. 'li the -ve:.:a of the --,1 in-. Hy appear. nice it will he a t.i;J ciici e.-s. Pautii who intend imikin a -plication for j carry In: t'ne mails on the new ro.. cstiiblishcd i this (oui. ty, can procure the lo cc;Sa: y blaiik ' iorius l.y appiyi!i- at this otliee, free of chaise. J. W. V.'ilvcrt A . teep- the b.-t brands c.f tobacco, mL'r.r, &e r.ear tin-fi;'.i' House. t Ointhiii.ks are due to Messrs. Collins in: ! M'Lctsttr, type loamlcr-, (.(' Phiiadi -tpiita, for a : -.efi.1 b..ok, iriviuc the cost of J.ipcr cut in ; .i.T.-ri.nt sizes. The computations arc mad,- ; ! v hiiireiie li. Ali.iiday, superiiitemii-iit ot i .ail estalilis'ujir'iit. 'J in: book is one of the most. i.-einl e 1 vj se ii, beini: t.ibahiled for paper , eostiiii; fro'.n tl to fli p--r ream, Mini tivin1; the j 'o.t Jier ream ami q iire for dilfercnt iirades from j 1'-) to 30 cents per pound. Iu fact tl. work Is to ! on S ituiday la-t. The .'c''; of j-st-r:!."V, say. : . oinplete lhat a is iiidis;eiisble to prii.tinj; old- i It ir leported thai an in, -.neusc iinuiber of i'at-'-. s us well us to paper dt aUis. J rit-k's fi ien -Is assembled at his hoi;-e, on Satur TllF. foundry li'iilt by Jacob Voiin-rmnn, in this j tace, will be put in operation nsain in the course of a few weeks. The parties opcratim: it me comjietetit men, and hive the nceessiry ma c'lincry to lo all ki:vls of work. Sn.viL man, ut;'y cnoaeh to excite Cue indiana lioiiofall Cue ro,j-;,okins jrir'.H in Snnbury, at lirst sif-'lit, to a broom-f lick extent; ill-tempered iiioii";li to cr.rr.fc n;c dot in lhe ft reel when b' iu..kcs Lis a i :-.r.ince, has the clfroutery to .verlise for a v. ile in the Jhulij. The 'iris aie so alted to coi ies),.nd i Silt this applicant for tnat ' oiioiiy Sliiceiiiy." in care of the '''"j olliee. lie i. a no inoi.ey. don't expect any ; in too lazy v. woik, and expects his 'weaker wesscl to make j ,,',; ( ,;,) .(..., .-,),, is;.',, th- f...,Uv a fur him. sh- had better liny a wash- j f,!l!eer and dir-Mors w. r- ciictid ; ma .-il, uc iu time. 1 pna,.,, A ;,,;, i ., . Carlo cr, Fl ed. It. Vcfrt The I'liit.-d Stales Steaiiier Ciinandiiiirua, "ii ; Tela r. It i v-id M. Swell ; Dilcetois. (',. 'A. w' ich J. K. IVnis. Eff., of this jdace, holds the j Pi ', Vv'm. Swab, J. 1'. Spon;.', M'lllcifl.urc;; a I ointment f clerk to the (.'a plain, railed from j W. V-t, Hai,;,; V,"i'.:.-i, r. (Ico. W. Linker, Ly v, r Oilcans on Fri.lay last for Asjiinwall, to k. i,s Valley ; ii. V.'. ICopp nlicd'er, U.iule! Hait- ..I 1 t.-nl Cot!ins tui.t Iii1r nf ll. tiilir.n-.,.i ' :.i:,n. I ..-rev . I .ti r- l: Ii I .a . . I ... i.'. : 1 .,U ,..t . . .. , ',"" ',. ,oc cana! surveyors, and carry tbem to tli'" CuU if I'-irt.-n. rriiivi... Tin- i . ;:.. i niv 1- ill-.- ' !ri i'--i.i (our! Irnm tits i- r-;n i t asl tttck : loin. i. Frank !.,ie;nli :i ti I '. llaclikou-k'n secie: iag technical i: -A. V-.:-: 1 '..:;:. v 'i 'K (I: !'. .' kin to Ti; in il :;t :i roc. i-; The i- JIUI .i l'i I men W;is sli: (1 on i '. .i:-..: over for - c, .. ,1;, ! !o!.:i. Ci -i(-:iy to aniiiti .l.ii. I had (:i':vi-:i i:..i- Ir.rr.i fh:tt Viirtoti, ::hd M I'll" way drove t!:;' i: i ' 1, aim-in.: H. and t-.'-i'l an: V. itlnV.H tood (,!' Vi.llfl fill- 4'V !: l!:iil(y. teen-eiiee-l to ::v :i f.ln Under.;.) Mil 3 !l:JM !:, !!- n: in III'- ais. Verdict u:ity j : i t!:rvc t'mi.tlis. I . .,- -, , . i im il . . l-l. ll :itii:i"iri. ii-i. . Cot'Vi-1'..l iif I'ur. di'-v. in:-1 .MitriK-.-,! i;l In: ray tin- i.'?l t an 1 i-o-i-. t'l-ai. vs. .iniri "; ,in-i li.itti'ry, Willi intrat I.) k:ii. i'l.-:i.l -ui IV 1,. lii -I co'mt. i'-cnti'iii .i -i v in. mil. iii oni.ty .i iil. r,.;;i. v: . .!.-. V. !. ;f-i.;. V.-r-li. t iv. -.:1; i;f .! l'i 1 1 tnonlli.. in l-i':.!'iit'::iry. '.lll. VS. Ji.ilil i 'Vi, a'l.l .1 lllli - ! I. lillllli. Till' I dvlciai. '!;;! Wi ir !i:iLr''i! in a ;.;. -ilniiii-'i.iii mtc t iiiuli.' ;it a wcliiiii in N n li n in 1 mt! i : il . Tliry b.-c.-Hii" lioii-i v aaiiny 111: '.KVlililli cill- of tlial tin 1'V llii'ir ! rofaiii-c .-v.i ai ilia, .c. Jin v fiiaad tiio ilofi. iiiIiti.ts i...; tiiii'.ly ' ut dirctcil til. it '.i.i' i! l',-! ai'd ; :"i!;u- tii jli piiv t:a':l' tin Ti.'U ralitlmtii'-ain ai-.iMiin.- tn't ii inn' i f i'jHii-', not .ii!y to iiulivMnals wlio fl. a a iioas to i.l'.Ur; it, lint '. ii.' jury in tluir wisilom in on- i;f till', il'iovc -Mrs inaili' tin crntiity pay l!.'' cuMs. If tin' coi'tity mint pay for ni:li iai:ii' v)c flioul.1 f.r to liavi' it of a I :i ' -.i r. j t li ii' ii I. r. Com. vs. Jo-. Hi'ioln r. rfi-iti .1. liiiclior is aeeiis, d by M. Sclimm k of ateuipf.ii': to com- I mil -ir-ou. an-4 to e.tleint.t to l.rf' t' JiattM'S to i Iran down a lams.' in Noil hiiMbcriaii.l. A j;:ry w.-- ' :n j ..--.ii-: .1 on Saturday f'-r lh, trial of l ivnn foi the shootinu' "f tiro-i at lb 1 I f..-nstine. and pet m the con -lai'ie- unia Monday. Tin: t in ocpupi'.'il tin '(MiK'sday, 1ipm tin' tp'tiiiiony .'I. i mil' until ttid- tio Uv aftcinoon and Thursday vva- ori'iipiod hy ! leva-win;: t!-.c h-fon t!ic jury l.y tla 1 attorm ys employed in tin, ta't. Venliet tiui ty j of tmiider in Itiu M-cond d. -n-r. ( lemriit, l! 'j- i cr anil Kase for ConinaniwaHii. aad Kill and i Pn.rdy for defendant. j Tilts r-'aicc it npi'i.-ars. li:-., heen tla' ivntio for vagrants )!)! si verai uec-Kpast. 'Itm over-ccrs !oft!i.' i.oorait 1; 1 1. bm-y f. e.iin and seeinii' i lo,!-iii-s for t!:em. We ar:' iiif n mi d tliat on se- veral oeoa-ions :'.s tnsrit n mill) : ' : ;', ' "f ! eV. ii.o.'.;. .it ; :e place to iii'.i'l ber. j rally avoid coming ' lion :it a i-iii'.-ie oCiia: ,!u,.c j,;Ulj,.s travl li in on. Olll l'i U;'Z u;.oll charity but iy near wt .ie poor houses . i-t. This makes i h. Ih'iv.g pi i tty vi 1, nt they do not .' ami ureter i.lleae.s to inbi.i. If a woik, i'oiise were established in this vicinity, we tl I'lbl whe- j tln r one l.alf ol th idle iii-: v.-.:.iJ l-.arijur , about our town ai y h n-ih o! time. V hope to i see nn CA'ly move towards tryir.if tie.- cN; eii j niciil, which we arc salMied would iov. a be- i 1 m lit to tin: ci-mnt v. and still mo.- so 1.) com- I I i niuaitv. , j I'Mifi: th-: new ( raiiiz.i.ioa of tie' Hoard ff j ! Diiector-, the Northern Cent'iii liai.i :'.'! route. J has teen divided into three ilii, viz.: ! ! The Baltimore Divi-don, t xtcudii. from il.,iii j ; more to Miirysviilc, Mr.Tiv o. N. Sup't.v. it:i j i olliee :it 1! il'.imoH . The Si...(ne'::-,niii:i and : la i inokin 1 livi.-ioii, ext.-ndiii-r hum Marysviiie to . : Suii'iiny. aiid Irom Sunbmy to Mt. Cai iiiel.Wiii. ; I A. liaidwii,, Sui.'t, wiih,;tiee at Williiitii-porl. : j The r.iuiir.i and Caiiaiidaicna Hivisiou, r.xteiid- . i in-r irom U'iliiaiiisjiort t. Caiiiitid.iitr'ia, Mr. Ito- : i be:! Ne.lMin, Sap't, vviili i iliee at K',:i,ira. ! fin. ii ! -liny, last w e( !,- were l.:;:e is, to v. rv c ,'is Jaic i:i I ..Dili I ii wjiliiu :h lay. tl the p Ini"; a lit! : Myj:i : ;t white-v ,, vvi! not d- ii i-rse of I hi . w hit.'-w a-hi:,"; is to pi vent 'ail-In akin:' we can s- e l, Meliiityto I be (it-lived fro:,: it ; but :-- hev speak 'con- diitiv. Ij l.e.ililj." .Ve., they may slay awhi;.: with us, at le.i-t u: til sprins opens. The tiiiildiutr is now ia .-.;pii a coiiJiliou tiait prison ers can c-eapa ;it ai.y time. 1 ; by I'.-ii'K-ring the priso'i v.-rv ei.iiji. ii.iblc hv the a iipiicaiion of a little an 1 w liiie-'.v.i-li ;,v:i:i!:iii"; things cozy and niei tin: iin-arcerat- I miuhl be ii.dnc ; e ! ;e. -tay, oli.i'i u l.-i' ily iinu'l. Will, ec.i-o-' ;ny is weilih. ; "u.i.ii t i n '...!.. I'r rsoi s wautii.e: '1 imothy i and Clover e-ie i.i.r other vt ctaba .- and seeds for Sprii.-r plant'' -.. lii picas.- ieaV their oi.i 'is al j t'adwalladcr' Uiz t -s-a -, No. w. M-i rk-t St.. Suiibaiy, P.... Im Olr ..i-'.r, 1-!. is",. .il-" Mi;s. Mowrt-.v, vvif of J.if-r.b Mowi one of Siijm, -kin's oele-t ciii;-.-ii-, ilietl i', this J lace en New Y, ai's cveuii; ; ;.t.d v. a liuiicd on Monday. Fuii.-'.-.l .-ervl.-i s iv.i,.- held at the Lu theran Church, and the senaon w.-i' pre.-ndied by Kev. Il.-mj'-ili y, of SijiUiiiy. ii-e.-isel ir.n CT years of a -re. S'A.Oi.i.. .'. ; j-. 1: Mar:. O; pi-nio ituer and llerzi'.d.l.-r, ,,r j lace, stiirted on Wednesday la-t, for (;,., niany, to see friend.-, iu tlicir li.aive c iniitry. ,.; t;li V l-i-,. ,.:,ftf vovae;,- and n ura ii a-rain to tli ir nuiacioiis tiii-t,ds and ...'eu.iih!- am es in their adopted h..;r.e. Iriteyon desii.-s to l;:t?iw- the dil!'-'re:ie prices of stoic-- thai se''. for cash and cle lit tin-in price the finds nt Clement A: l.isi,; Stoic, on M '.rkct S,;:iare. Oood- ar- so',! el. ia i'-t t-r"s ip- i r there than tx-lore the war. tioiiv i laakiii.-. Uiila!s. uiul i,en-a cveiy inn: iu thec--talnii-iiiiieiit is k'-pt busy waitiiii; lipon cu.-'o-lii' is. Tii'-y keep a. c) a--oitmc,,i (,r ",, a which lias ju-t been pinch i-id i:i the i.iti'-s, and is imw open lor iu-pi-ct ion. Civ U t s ?Io.M V. Paj er hill: ale ci ., .v.liii!' us, and lo iiieel lijtia u e 11,11st be supplied vih the I iiira':-. 55 r.t f.w h ive r -:-..n,l. d to 1 i.N . i,t to then before the ! lay,. We hope tli.-.t ail will make prompt payment to l...l;i I In )Ui:li in pajin-r our haiiiisand paper. i;:a soi.i: wa lotiud on C 1., liaee, on Saturday CVcllive; tniit I i-t. the the .-lleet. almo-1 iaii a: I (:ii7-!i to dc l !..- v. i d up. ti:. II n. (af. i to Nisi: p. r-a:, Peui!e:.!iarT at Were si litem e;l I. our court l ist w. Eartern ek. 'Ihecx- lild L'o a aio-! wen- it ( o,n- pen-.: of keeping th. e jn isouei -wnvs towards p.ivin lor a ii'-w pl' ii should have, been lci',: j .1. W. P.iiiuiiT, rte'!. t keiju-r rai the C,,r. of Third and Market street . .ire:!.-; thiee lare j'iki' i.i I'u,- Kiltie Siiamol.iu ci ei k o:i 'I'u, day, one of vvi.-cL wei'.e-:! three oi a,.l- and ten oiuu'e-. ;.n 1 i.n- .s nr. ,i o-' lies ill h u'.:M . Jitpi.h is a-, old liiid. ritaiaU .'.' ,:'i"r a well as k -epinu' ;i n -tauiant. i in i.i: lii.ia i i n. tin the even::, ' .f i 1. a. liirt, ls4, the f illowina; na'.ued cell! I' lu. n w. re elected olli 'ers of Onward Loda;e, No. 17!!, Ki-ighU ;f Pythias, of No: th.iii.berl.-.'t.l. to s. ive for t he cime-:;; lerui : P. ". A. . i'osti. t:.-.:-'e. ('. C. J..;iii St. wart. V. (.'. I. C. Forsyth. IV-h.ieThoti. is ituch. M. A. Harry O. i-.-r. K. of 11. S. ). M. V.v in-. I. C. Jacob Pa:.:. m. oi r.. J. r. :. :.. 1 itisti-i Joseph Vaitl.ii!.. -"- - Pat Hrs-mi's time having . xi in d, he v,ar it- leased Irom the Easli "li 'eiiitei.tiary, on la-a 'lie id Lcell-t i lp. week, and relmiicd to hi, 1.. day inL'ht, iii'.il a ha.!, persons comiuLT Irom Pill-ton and older placi s to aliend. '! 1c iinmbcr I iu i.tteiidance is n polled nt M'O. Tun editor cf the Milh-r )e.u li ,Ui, in the : lir-l number, ai-knowl. .l"es the receipt of "an j eleirant dressing -ow n, I ea uliluPy t rimmed with i velvet.'' Think of an editor bavin? nieh a j wardrobe as that. Yo-i mu-t i"t a Ion; let ler, brotlier Seal, if ViU vi ish to keep on inksiiiiiu. i Why v.e were the r-( :; 1 1 1 of a bran ue-.v shiit j iv'som and a clean col'ar a I. out sif rtiontlis a".". ; and didn't make near as in' fas? ;;br.::l ii ' I A r the .illliu -.1 it-.c-i t iuj of the stockholders f I 1 tin: Lvkeni, Vallev Hal'k. at ?.! il i'-I shin-', ibiu- i ,. ' '. . " ' ' ' ' '. . " ' T'i'is I'-.itliu-ton, f.ratz. ; Lii Swab, E1i!hIj. tli- 1 P...ititi-. ph CmitT Pi: ; 1 1 ion Ero j'!-aiiis oJ'ToacIscrs; 5:isS it ! i'liisiaal Id call of Coiu'y "superintendent j i-i,i',llUI). 111.' ll'.Clit'.lli a till Hill F SioU Of til' 'i eiielici-i" i ii r-i it n i e 1 Noitlr.itiibciland County, I :i.-il in tin: Court liou.-o in riuiibury. Io ' tviiiiict 1571. ;tt 1'2 o'clock, p. in. ' The exercise were (pe.t:il wiili the rending of i the -.-.I charter of IVovt-rbs, and prayer by if-v. ' S. .1. Millifeu, of is in'mry. TI-e 1'iesii' appointed it. T. Uwei-. i'- S-ls:i-j mokiii, "Seen ti.ry. """ lin, ! Tiio l'rcsiilenl then spoke t. the In-dilute f . r a ! short tune, 1 l I inning li is tlliltlks tl teachers fur ! tli ::ir attendance, Imping, ly their pres nee ami t s;uinri. to mako tlr.' Inst itnto a sucivss. Nutniiiaiioiis ami .U i'Iidiis'Mtil'.i'ii'iil la ! !,,r i t'i'i wviv iil'!i:iivar.l- in or.lrr, in'ii Missis. K. bi lua i lc:. of irusilairv, an I O. 1'. P.ilton, of i d " ... i Uusii tin) n-iiip, woro iiniiiiii.itifil l-T vice li.'si- lil'lltrj. j '.In '.notion ;', e n "hkvs for V Pn'Mil-'iits ; v.i u t'lixtt il hy an-'.iaiiiti.ia. i)n mntion iil' Mr. f-olilK'i'li'r. K- T. tttvin v.i's . cU'i-(..:(l Set rotary liy .ircl.iiiiati.m. wlio !iom' for ' his as'iitaiits Mis-; .Ii'iinii' i linsti-: a! 1 Mr. rh i- 1 ron Hi'pii'.'tis. I'otli of f-natiiuy. N'.nuitKi"" K'i' Tu'.tsiiirr J. ):. Sa iiiv, ' of Miamokin. an 1 C. M la slii-roi' Point tow u- shi". Mr. l.i"lu T vva? c;i('t''il uniiiiimoiisly. ' Aii'.'r tin- Ktvoiali'loiliiiii-. wen' ovrr I In I'liair ! man iiii.:!iiO'.il Pif. W. H. liii. l Freclmr,:, i-tiviu'r l'o.. wlio t-p -)kc alil.v on tin: pron ss of si fioi.'is anil M'iiool-Join'i.s hi llicsc latlc:- days, i in.oniiu in lvi' l" is t.) InOd up t! ir ln-ads, fur i ili.T vviv en'' io l la a ii. "Mi: prolc-s'ti n si'i'olul to iiono. cavi tin ministry. Mr also lirtrcl U'acli- , rs ,i work Inarliiv in Un- Jl.slisiHr, anil in'ip (iii-ii ot In r. 1'ri.f. s.; iu:ciili i , of truu'ii i v, was nixt i itn ilui'id. II" ii'ini'tid tvaoiiiTS to piovidi' tln'tn si lvis with iiK'aioiiiiiiiUin hooks and pi'iuiis ; In-alsoi- Hi'jiiitnHili.'d tlii'in in n-'.-anl to tin uood at t on da n re, whicli, fi ilsi 'f, spoUo. veil of tim it 1 1 o rist'M'.'d in tlits irri-at vjnrk ; also urin thi iii to fi-o! that cull must ronli ilmti siiiin.' tliia ia oi'iii '' 10 make tin: Ju-iitutt; il surcoss. ii:.'i.1,1 ol Mr. Fia4. of Miamokin. tin.' ru- i .,;.i n f.-f .il' rai'li :i::J ivi'iv t'.-.-ich' l'. ami ( U ( r ..(.r,0,, ; ;,i:1M to i.ientilv themselves with i i.u !.,! v. be l i.iced ill 51 cents. sn er.n-l, ;l A rec ss of -jn 'ninutea was ;r.i':teil for :ej;:. t ret :!). w I.t t 01 t :-aei.'i s renin ien. Alter ivei -s the Chair ap'.i.'iiiied the fo'.lowihi; committee-. i"ld :i)i;.oliai 'd lb.-sc-s:on as f.,1- invvs: t oniMiltei: on iirMniu.i,in s. P. Fir in. V,. lioal. Wni. ti. Molktt. l- ., niive Commiiiee .Joe. W. M..rjan, Win ! r.indlev. K. .1. Sober. Amelia (io,.-l, r, Jflm S "bowel. Committed on Music W !!. tli ucr. rril'ict N- V.'. Snyder. Mi-? S. J. Morrison. Scftsionn or the In-tiliiti Moi-.iint,' tscsii-.n from '. a. in. t') VJ ; aflernoon K'ssiuii from 1'2 . in. to 4V. ; pvi-uiiijr M-sfcimi iiom 7 p. ' c.o-c ai hiss a tin'ii I.". nl- il, ..ii mi !,- a few remarks ti) l:ie I teacher" dweliiti'r mule ) artieularly on the fame ! fiiid pommalee should be written on tli" h!a.-k-', r.n r.t ll'.mi .la M4 h:nl I'io!s. l'.'ill aiid :-clineii"iei . ' board. Mr. Campbell mad! n motion to cl- ! Adioiinted to inecl ;.t 7 p. I I. r.VSN'.Nfi lEislnS. The Tii-tit ute was favon d with hiMntnic.ita! Uuie ,,y y,y m,i,. M. Sclmci ler by way of ojx-niii-r, uft.T v. hieli Mr. IJoal, t"i .:tl.winvil!e. was iiiiro.l'.iee.l. v. ho sp k ' fluently vi 'Coiumon Tl,;,. . ' ill., s. eniiiii: li'U tllli'I,l''s:s i,j .?eT:ll t kT'i ilFniiii'-s. such a ' a (iroji of water, a stone. ,.r.; to some pi r.-ons, while to others (e.i'.i-hteued their history itud Hue worth reveals a grvit t'e. d tor luoiini. Vi. s reiiiarli ucl.: v.-'.'. received. 1'itf. Dili, was afterward-, introduced, who ili.-eo'.tisetl tii-on the;uison between a 'Life of study' and a -Life of Activity.' His was a masteily droit, evint inu' trreat Hi., unlit and skill; v-ry systematic am! radical in it chaiin ti r. He lclil hi niida-n.-e s wall a (haim foi a ;.'; time; and on taking his seat washi-hiy a; ;;laud.:d. After anno'.i M-e-mci.t of the business tor Tin s lay by the Ch.. li the Insti'f.ti aajouiii",'. to iaee: Ht H h. til., Tues day moraine;. rrr-IUY MoliMMi. lu:-ti!'i:e opened at '.'a. in. by riblMr 'Ameii ca.' I'., by Vrof. W. W. Woodrutf. of bucks Co., rniil n-adin r n pait of the l'.nll and '.'otli Psalms, and priver, by Win. M. I".il. 'I'ne toll Wi.n then c.illrd, am! n;ijiiit-i of pie vious se- i-'iis r' ai il i.pprovi d. Th" clitics then ti ! o;-;.-l. Vr. Fink wm ali.-iw.ii t-. iiiiio.iucrit wivi ;is coursi-il ablv on l!ie 'Oritin nd llistoty of : W in-,!-' fhowiiv v"'y unmistHkiibiy liej dilf,'- ner i,tt..ctiedTo C,e m.auiiii; of vvorjs nt il: . l-re-v-it, fioul what they re lorineriy. I lia s-uhieet matter of l!,n f!:.-cf.r-." wn then F:-et:.ed by Mr. Uoa!. Prof. Schneider was afterwaids iut nvlnced, w ho -ceti'ie I mainly on ' ntnl Itepelend '.' it t'. ii ' a s ibjeet lii it was ia t t .) we.i maier-,t.,-. I by oar t-.iehi-rs. henc th" propriety oi the illa-liatioll a, this time. Ilis remarks caused : itc a se-.r-ation i ii--ii tr saiine of t he teachers. The i'rof. ci,i-cd his ivmaik by an atiiuiali'.! talk to teachers ure'ii,' lhe;.i to ciiuoMu their I rofi ssioii l y faithtnl w, tk, and curiehiiii' their pupil-' minds to su.dt a slaiid-poii,'. as 'n ,il eveiil uallv til! Ill'- ball..: box v. ''t'-i ' ileli i::b m.ic as sh. ill tell well upon tin: futttr.' state of oar free L'overi.iin lit . 'Ih" Chair tli. ii iinn'Ciaeel the f.iliowin r as a ciiiumilte to solicit subscription-. I'm educational el i..l'l'-iils : Mis:- Mi'.o'a- A. Iluif and Mr. J. A. Fitux. r..(. j ..vas tin n 'ivi-n f..r te:ic!n i wi:, Were ta.nlv to i -isTi. end t . wlnsleay Iv'.v.- r -ei : : 1 1 y e.i rived. Alter recess I lie I'licsliou. SiiOui. a hiw 1," eu iK '.eJ i:r:.ii;':a teachers time, and :t piir'.a". tuetii to attend County lu-lituo. -s V was anaoaneeij to the Iii'it itc, aii 1 i-ferre I to Messrs. W. J. Wol Veiton Mid W. 1. Mover, to be disc.;: ;.;d later III the i Xi rci-cs (.1 the day. Prof. Woo Irntf Wiis tin n l.ilie,!u.-.:.l w ho spol e pr.icticaliy ui 'Te-i'-!iei' Needs.' He divided his M,hj,.-l into three i!ivi-':oi:s. viz: (tetie.-al, Sci -a! ilic, Professional. These in il.vided i:.l" their su'i-iiivisioiif, wilh a very able and losie.i! discourse upon e-icli. 'i'l.e jii-t and clear facts of hi inldiess, if caiiie,; throuu'li the natural-m- of the in tin' fehoul -ro-iai and taro'ii;'.! the tea' her be ii.-til.ed Into the iiiin ls.,1 the -,i; i's. the l.lcssllli: to be :.cllieVed lll'lll Ilch a eoar-e is iiinoe-t iiicah'.il.'.'il '. His rd iaik were well received. All. v auiiouiiciiii: bti-im-r lor iif'.e.n ;on -e--sinu tic Institul'i adjourned to l'j !' m. .. ft riiN'oov -r.s'.ioN. '.)p,.i:ed at i ' .. p. !;. wit'; sin-iii'.' by the choir and toll call. I'rol. Woodreli' was tinii Introduce I. wii,i;ive ins! i action in tla Fnit.- I Slat-s ilistory. "i ho nhcct f leadline; I'. S. History lu our common schools he helkveii lo be a oood of forming eood citizens for the hereafter, eon-eipi ! t y a i-ood ovcriitiie'it and a sale oi.e. i!e t'elieved iu outline le.ichin i.i lids brain h I and i; ive his m.-tiiod !i r tin. r.uue, by a practi cal ii.i'.:l lalion on 1 he bin kbo.ird rauinj; lio n ' the liillh of Wa to the V ar 1V.". w ; Tennessee was admitted. Prof. Schneider was afterward-introduced, :c i siimiii"; his subject of 'ih-eiii":,!"," dwellin-, :'n-re p.i::ii ilaiiv on '."tepi tcudi.' A n eess was th'-n ut.inied f,-r teiiclieis toie port. After leeesi l'i ol . W oo.irii If . - :i;..i;i ildro iluced.ri.sttiuii: his suioei t on 'T.'.iah. is' Needs." Alter tleatiii": l!a Proti -si.11,.,1 ;n, i.i ol ti.e teacher for a time, la- c.ill-d at teu'.ii.n to ! be foil Hi divi-ion, vi.: 'Miial,' wl.le'i 1.. nuald.-d see,.;i ! lo noae, eiMii: te i ia r- to l,.rm ic ) Int. i i. IT. del. iliiinal'.i.iis to siiceae 1 In ti.c.r bun e:i:i aiid l.ia:iiie-t a de-iri to do uocl : also to irae: ,ce a spirit m scil-d. Rial. v i;eii I In y 111 n -1 h;;,-. !..,tti!y la. o:der to sm"'.--t!. '1 ha i;,,e-ii,Mis. ',,,',.! pupil- 1." i.-pdiedlo study out of school hour- t' and 'HI')' r.hoii'.d teaei,. !.- l- ad l..-il-i.u dtei iter- '.' : ' pi'.po-ed, the loin, er r.-teiie I !-. M -!. S. i'. I i- k and (.. W. Campbeil. to be liiM-iis-'d duiiii"; l'i,'' evening session, the latter iilein d to X tit. M. !tea! and Wrn. . Moti' '-I. to be ill---!-- d diir::- the sio'i of We.lnesday moi hiru. 1 he lUestioll piopo.a d fl III int.' lioniilll.' s-'s.-ion w:i- alterwurds iliseu".) d ulily by Mes, is. Wol-vei"- i. -u: pbell, l ink and ("a-toii. 1 he proi:ra!ll!Ue ol i vi nine's tXelcises heiii!; iiii'iounee.l, the Institi'.t...: adjof.i ii'-d to met t al 7 ;i. in. f. rvtsii -i -mos. 'I liis session opened li: sineliia; b the rho'i, aft. -r which the first ijiiestion propeamn.-d thu at'l'-nioo:! 'should pupils be rcjaired to study out of school hours!" wis taken up ar.d fairly (lisevssed by Messrs. Fink and t'.ir.tph .-II. Mr. lia-'tion th'-u i-.::' l an : ay on -li.u ces to I.caruin'r.' The chair ayahi furiiished inui ic. :'ll. i vb':-!i Piul. Selimider was introduced, who lecluii d on lhe jbn-ci and Authority oi lie' leKli'M. l he la.k of the p: di-sKir Vi'.S It'll of in-l ' u tioii, bciii chill aet.-l i-tic ol .-. I his dhnU b-. loic the i :: slit ut -. The jnolessor was v.ilt i:eiivi,. Institute then adjourned to i:,.-' t ;,l '. a. iu., V.'e.lm- lav momi'.:;'. wri'NTMiAY Vc , !: n i i . in., vi ii h institute ot't'iie 1 at a. la., vi it li s;i,"m-r t,v , tin: choir, and a part of the .Y.h chapt, i of St. : M.ui'.iew helm; read by I rof. Schneider. J The roll was then called and iniautes nf Tees. : day's sessions rea l and approved. i Tla- ipicry box was then opened for silehioie - lions as teachers inij;lit think proper to suuesi. Prol. Mooi'.rull was nltcrwarrts introduced. r s'lmiii! liis subject of 'History,' llliistrattn"; by outlines on the blackboard iln' adiniuist i.n ions of John Adams end Thomas Jclfcison. Mr. I-ink then oeeipied the llmr. res u'liiii'T his subji-i I on the 'Oi'.ein and Hi -tory of Wo:,!--," lini-liiii"; by uiviii'f lie; or;.':-.: :i::'i tneai ;,x of ".-a!. ny' ti ai:: I in S il to !.e no luoi'i. ! iia.i . -a 1; , whirh ";s about all t-'acli" rs i -, .'i v tor tla i.' !a-b,n-. Mr. J. S. Ar; .;;d.o! CiLinei..ii, '.v.. hi'.i oila, i al, who rpokeveiv ea 1 ii est iy on the dit!. relit tile the, Is of teaehiii:,' 'lhe Alphabet." lie was Jon,;, ly applauded, A ri ce-s Wiis the;i oi-,,,;,..; tor teacher- lo re volt. After teee-s Prof. Schneider w is intro duced, who re timed his : al-jeet of 'fh ci'iials and lt''!'.'t: iid-.' i in till'.-; ".I'ii u-.v ""i:cu- i 1 Mr. Arnold ntja'ii .'tvfp' 1 11. a llaor wil':: a of i.niour;.-. 11. 1 nt. talk lo yoiH!!r Jadie- by After autio'iiicement of ! i er,:i-...'j lor a ller iiiiu'el to m-el at noon sc-fioTi. Iiisiiliile :.:'') Tip. 1,1. Al Tl ilM." . I::-lil'.tto oiieiiel at 1,'.; p. i i tlie choir ar.d ji.-il eali. Prof. V.' v::s lien p.; iiistraetion on iTonnia iali-m. I 1 lie thouvr'at I liat eiilefulnesE of s:a . ii i- a rai ,J j rCi nl inv - it reveals the cl::i r i-l-r ol , ..(.r.,.. t,r-i!-biL' : In -d teachers in ij-evcr' to be very careful in tlicir proaiineiiition .le advocated the t.'ai-liinir of it liisl hy snumlj. l'rof. (.-riswold," 1'riiieipal of Illoamshiii State Normal t-c'.ioo, ix.'iliir pivseut, w;is next intio ilnced, anil mado a few lemarks to Ua: te.ielii-rs hv way ol i m oiiia-iement. A ret-e-s of ten ;niniitc.s va then uiiii.t' -1 i"1 li-aoliers to report. j Aflcr reeis- the choir furnislie-i tiie ln-lilti!'M vviili f..nne exc.-ilent music vvhivli vias well nn- (lei ed. j 1'i-nf. Woolrnll' then int rod need, wlm re- siiiiiPd lii puhjeet of 'I'roniiiieiation.' Me in sisted that cviry exercise iu our school-room flioiild In mad. -an exorcise in j.ronuneial'ain ; he mre i li-io ie rs tos, v that, ehildreii pioviu..'. thelll s: fves with blank boohs iu which Vj writ'' words t'nat are mispronounced by pupil-. Mis remarks were wi ll ieci ivi'd. lir. (Jiiswoi l then .-.poke on 'Primary Teach ing.' In hi reniaiks In- eonsidf red man as a two-fold beini; m:i,d and body; and considered I., in.! as intellect, hense and will. His address vas confined to intellect luiibj; the entire half ; hour I He presented hue sues- ! tions a iiow to teach in our Primary hoIioois , '. in rdiort. lire.!"', the iiapoi lance of object, teach ing. U was a masterly effort. 1 Adjoin in d to meet at 7 p. m. I'.VT.NINi: nsiN. Instiluie 1 1 em .1 at "' j'. to., with s-.tstitllj l' i the choir. I The iiii.vlion. 'Why should '.':: 'm is r--':.d -i'-ne-i ral literature !' that was proposed on Tile-day atti i noon, was bnni";ht lip for i!i eussiou, and fairiy ilisciiFscd by Mes-rs. lioal, Motl'ett. Fink I and i!r. (i rNv.oli!. J 'I he cl.oir a:;aiii furrished luusie, vvlieti Prof. ; V.'oo-.irnir was introduced, villi" hclured on Suc i ct"--s snd Failure.' j His iliseoiii-e was indeed nil success and no j 'failure, lie carried us back in imagination to t that tinii: Vlnii the Almighty Architect aiped j Ilis lingers pi chaos and sprinkled tlie niiivei.-t.-j with worlds,' and yet 'lie did not leave us on a ' fortuitous (..-a iu drill v. lierever its waves milit ; bear us.' I'.y husbandin-; such instiuci ion as I uiveu by liiin. we m'mht 'labor in hope and reap i in gladness." Sueh manifestations of seholaily : nttaitiiiieiit. practical skill and l -epthoulit, are . j-eldoin b.on-ht bclore an institute. He ii-'M bis audience in d-'i p silence for overall hour with j his clooiienc. and riehiie-s of i liouirht . lie was j ; l.earti'y appiamlctl on tii:.iii!;' his Seat. Afi'-r aiino'.ine'ui the i-xpiciv for Thursday iiioriiin-,' the instilnte ml jo.inied to meet i.t a. in., Thtir.-ilav r.ioiniii. Vtiri;si)AY V illMM.. I : l:i: tit'de o-ienid at '. a. m. with siuein-l by j ; chi ir, mid n-.diii"; the 4 .M thapter of (ieiicsU, by Prof. Pchiicider. . "'i he roil vi iis l lit u cal'cd and tn'aii:t: s of Wed- in - lay's s:-i -ion n-ad aiul approved. j j Nominations were then received lor o.:ii!id.i! s j f'.r coininittei; on reriuaiient ei lilieates. It lie'.UL' the desire o! tin: Institute that til'', names ot a 1 persons who were cli-iii:e a-, ni' in , fee!, whieii was -u-t lined. ! 1 To!, r.. A. Allien, ol r.i:tpciMiiii ui.u . ; , I Normal r-ehool, was then introduced, who iruve j ' ,.ti). !on thl. F;l.,i... t of '.;-o- hy, ,. ,.,lV(M.atc.! the oul'.im system of J , u.j r-.u-li. mid iraVH an iiiiistra'ioii ; oa ,,. k. ,.,,, ! , Unit ( Ill-el. II. would not '. stud (ieoiapliy w ithout History ; lair ! ! yet History wii!io;,t (ieoraphy. lie also maed teachers to teach thoiou-'iiiy the. (leouiaphy of Pennsylvania to tin ir pupils. ; Prof. Schneider at'tei wuids spoke brieity iu an- I , swerto .iie.-lioiis -ropo-. d in ijutiy bo-:, wilh : i leleienee to "Circulate.--," also i.i re-aid lo Ike. ! Transit of Vcriu.--. ; A reess was tli -ii raided lor t :.ehe:.-t ) re- ; '!"" , i Tillers of diction lor Committee on Pciiiia-; j limit Ccrliii -ate, eonsi.-le.l of M and ! j Wo! ver; on. i While the tell- is ware eoiiiitin-; the vote. Pi .f. j Woodrull' ::s iiuiodueed and ili-conr-ed on ! 'Sehoid Miinae.1 -incut."' ! Itc tlio'i'ht that that moie teachers tail in i j their c illiuu from lack of school rovi-riitnent, ! rattier than lack of scholarship. I I f teachers would carry the tho'iLhls siij"esi- j , ed by the Professor lie.ine to their .-( hools, and ; ! pi-i.-tiee tlieia there, it woul.l create unite a revo- ! j lution iu the schools ol Noi ihuiiiberi.ind County, i i l'rof. Aiii-ll afterv.-aids resiiined thesnbieetj i of "tieoiraidiy,"' J iiucipiilly "Deserij t ive," until ' noon, alter wliicli lie Chair ..nnouiieeil there-' f u!t 'f th eetlo-i it Pel lnaii'-iit tertilieatc Coin ui it ice to !-.- i:i I (' W. ;.hi.i ! II, fivorcl Mcssis. fc. Selmelder. L. uk -r, It. T. Owen nil I Mis. M.S. t.iav After .ililiol.U'.'in tie exo'ciscs f tin al!'-r-L.:oi In-.! -lute adjourned to lU 'el at 1'.. p. m. .11 'iMiMiaV Sl'SsION. i This is-li'ii i-.;,ei:.-diii l'j j. in.. ITi:f-..or i Sd.r.ei'i-r in ll"1 d:a',r. 'i:h s! i-i:i bv lie- i ia ir hi: I roll call. i Tins b.'ni iMr-el..!-' Day the exercises v.eia ' tioineuhat d.lleieiil to vvhi.l th'T li id been form i eriy. S'. r. C. I. her, a illi.etv,: fio.n l'..i:.l lo.Mi -hip. ! I.i iiiuiii inii thai so many of our teach' i.- were iibseiil Iroai ll:e Institute, i, lined the I..;;.. .v.u I ouestioii, wliieli, on motion. v.,t- oj ei:ed lor ili--I cusr ion : "It'-Mii .e I, '! iiel 'l"i-ae!:er-' C..auty iu I M it ates siiouid be ileal pi vii.u- to ih- opening ; o t a" -eh ,.'. of earn t'-l la. ' '1 in- ipie.-tioii was ; open,-1 l.f Mr. !. -i 1 . 1 well uit::at.-d '' Nlcssis. l'.iti. ii. lia ila i. Wo.veMu;.. i iati, : Schiicl' a . rh;,c and Sw.ia-h.iil. 'I'l.e ! !...( inn I- 1 1. -.' I nt-1 o t li- 1 1 1-til in e was r.. t . us- l'rof. Al .' .: Teacher-" : ib.e iaei.-'i.'s rhool-lo:.:,!." I'I -V. i.d ll --..! tla' ili.-iiSllle (1.1 :. ,-in: ," eilimr as i:i'l:sj.e:i of s;.eee. .- ""jiiii,l.-iit--s in the "ail.ia'iiiitv of ilispo-it ion," iiti.l "ill.l loess ol uiuik.i I ;"' 11 1 1; 1 1 X ti.e i.eee.-sity ol , Cach.-rs s en eX.unp.e in ! his respect , i'l 1 - older thio every! kill", la i y I,-: d' no' "A it tionl nor-e or col'! esi-ei. PiitielUiiiay, -. and tic.t he i Coii.-iil.-i-d a- belli'; Vary i enliai to s, ;,, - ; ; i tact," he, "if l.ot i he sixth si li-c. Was the i life ol all live." lie al-o uied te:;el,e:s losCiv.: ' to pet 'avnciai know !e.-e. l-y re.nlia': pur-: lit.-ra- ' . Moral character a hi lo-tn: them , : i which he e..:i e-tly exhorted teachers to ailott to , : bi'i'oine i In ir ciownina; vi 1 1 ue. A ree' -- w.i- pi :. nt. ij for leae.iers lo iej oit. i 'r..f. Wootinill was iutro lace 1 all r ree, -s, . ' w iio resinned his subject ol "School Malaise- j i niciil" iu an .able laaun-er. Plot. An-, 11 Ihi l :ea 1 t to J'ic-ej to til ' lu-ti-liie; one iiiiMoious. 'lhe way h" leu.hred "Our toii.s' was vi i y iuten -tin-;. The Kiih sci'ct'nui "Jiiiitiiy Itiilit r and tie- Owi" was in- , ' deed lrimorou- ai.d will leeeiv. .1. Tli way the ; Plid'es.-iir iiiimieke I .l.unie ll.ilin wns ei.-ddable to a lll.ieut ioaist. Alter :inl,"-,inei:::r lh" t'X'rei-es of the vY. iilee; lh-. I,, -id lie i, Ijo.ii lo meet at 7 j,. m. I.VKMXo S'sI,iN. lii-tili!'.'' i, li" 1 at 7 p. in. with i:iL.'in',' I t the choir. l'rof. dii'i i 1' v w as nllet wariis i:,tro '.need, I who lead il selection fi 'in tin: "linuiiiu" laii- .a.iu".'y pha-ini; the an. Piol. Antreli then eii-ia-ied the attention of the institute v.. lii a f eline on a "iJ.rd' Eye view o! l!u: I aite.i Statea." He said tin I'llllcd States . a.s, ii c aunt tv is i.tni the favoin! of the not Id in rcj;:ld l" its ; oi. piiieal po.-itiim ; let imiv so, but also in clonal..-, lie would have us : accompany him in iuiaiiinailou up ami do'.vn the ItocUv au.i Ala .-"heny inouiitaliis, then lanu'e tie.- ; plains id lh'' Mis-i-ri; pi, thence sail tio-.Mi the ' i is.-jssiss'.p;,;, !) eeeuai.oer wit li ln-r sail l-banks, '-;e.. l'::u to the "-le.ii h.k'-."' Nr. liiineriii or in: till known to lin-mi-t : y bat wla:! 1 is found in abundance in tli.: l uited Males; dt t seriliiii"; lull;.' th'-' area au'l eMent ol iier linnet a I ' ri .oiiicas. Our popuia'ion ii mole le-!i r,i'',a ! nenus than la im. ii.-neous. i he several iudu-tne- ; i ol the I'liiletl Mites wen: vi oi tli more than a j i:iBriit: notice, "iviii name ami number of each. : Th" n'cii.d.'.i.i means e,f c:,:n:niii.i'-.iion in our I'liiiiilrv a .-'!..' '.hii.,r to be in",', of all on livers ciiiryiii'; a crai'l ul'tivn fia t of water, ;,ie , ! tided with 'steam-boats. I'le railway sysi-'in of : - Kurope is nut as l:;rii: as of tin-. I'nited i he natural wonders of i,'.r country : stand p: :-. niiiicnt. 1 he discotil-C on t'a v. hole was 1 1 1 1 ...f ie..-tril ' iioii and w a- well icecivcd. Alter annoum in"; l i o -1 a :i, in c lor Mi. iiinruiu: se?sion Institute' . a.cio.iine I to n. c iit -J a. m. icMN'ii -: Fridtv nn raine;. N. li.-:i'-.i.' op. ne.l with th" lo'.i bciie; tulle 1 and !:iiiri-s rl'previoii- se-sion read a ud Vppruve I. Til.: Ciii,ir.'ltce ui! I.""-"! '-.tio'is I'l-n made their rep irt :e folio".- ; Wi:i:iii:S 'Vc, t!.- tf.ieiicr- oi Noitlium'o r laud county, hiiviii'; assemble." I..." mutiiul bene lit and int.-'n li in-eri- "f thought, and whereas, the sessions cfotii Institute have i,etn cii .ra' terized bv harmoiiv, coo l teeiia-; ai I zei'l on the pat t- y.ul of the intnibers pier-ent. and whereas deem the influence (d our In-; itute us havin"; a most .-alutary ellct npuu the -liioo! Interests of the ouiity, and whereas, it is the sense of this I'j.;tl;ute that we si.ould jir cij.i'.;iiou ur leeliii-s. both as lo llie direct, and iiidirec! ad- vai.tau. s or ii'ilu. :!' f a Co'inlT Institute. i tan loie, be it I. !'H"!' fJ, Thai it is tin f'.-ii-e of Ihislufti- lute licit sum,' further lcsal enact incut should j i be bill whereby County liistituies may be the : better sustained by a linger alter, dance ol teadi- ! i as in the repne;.'ive vouiuk,;. ! .'ist-ie ', That Hi'-' thanks of this luslilute i aie hereby l-'iid":cd to those t'entleiiuii from ' abioail wlio so ably and faithfully have asnisted ! , in i;iviii:' instrnetii'm to the teachers compn-ina; ' tlm body. II. 7.', a". That our ihanks arc due to Prof. : K. Schneider, of Snnbury tioronh, for his tlm- j ; ro:i".h and satisfactory doiiionslr.-itioii.s of Itepe- I teiii.s : Itavlin; tliven tnerebv inlorniatioii on this : t..pic to tlie teachers of this county that i- no I wh"i: fotitid ill any of our tell books on Maili-- I malies. I. AVm".'. ti.', Tl.;il oar uraicful aekuo-.v'u .lj;- , m nts are hereby expressed to the County Com- i . iiii.-sioncre, nol only for the me of the court I rooms, but also for their kindness in fiirnishlii"; ti,,- Instituts with stationery, &u. ;,. IU, o!i'u(, That we appreciate the interest j ! 11, anil, sled by the citizens of Snnbury gcueinliy, 1 in their attendance upon our dillercnt sc-sions. j ',. lUiobcil, Unit, as a body ol te.ichera. we i 'ti Iralv irratelul to those school directors who have fivc-n, a:id still Rive, their coiintenatiee and ! inlliieuee in favor of our County Jnstituti ; bat that, at the same time, we rearct that I .tore are 'o many wlio seem to bold I heniseiv-s entirely aloof from these iielHl ea.thei n,!;s. in not at : tendinif thcniselve.-- nor re.piiiii'v; the te.ieie rs in tlii i,- employ to do so. by 7. y.'ciudv.'i, That wc Vole an appropriation ' ' s!,' lo Mr. P.. T. Owen for the faithful and cflif lai cii'ttt Maimer in which he, as Sec i-iaar;,-, '.as re folded the tninuti.'B cf tt.i Iiisi'.tnl.-:. a::d pernio- lorined (lie work necessarily at'.cn daa.l upon his the ' otliee. 1 V'.o'.vi. 1 In T, hereby evpre s our hleb appreciation of the faithful and impartial man ner wit h which our worthy Superintendent has conducted the tncctin; ot this institute. It. J,'t-jl' i, That we ask a more earnest cn operalioii of parents and citizens, generally, of the county, in Instilnte and ail school work, and especially in bein present at these as well as all other nat la lilies which have for tlicir object the mental and moral improvement of the rising i aeration. S. P. Fink, Wm. M. Boai., Wm. !. MoFTFTT, Committee. On motion the resolutions were received and ci uis iderei ! si jof '-,!. The litbt- resolution called forth a spirited dis cussion between Messrs. Campbell, Schneider, Fink, and Patton, but was linaliy carried, as was also the '.'A, o l, -llh. :,lh, i'ith,"Sth, tth and !)th. .Mr. Koss, of Mt. Carmcl, olleied the foliow iuii : iVsePivi', That Norlhumlierlaml county should he numbered with th- eouutie? of Sehiivlki!!, l)iiiiiliiii and others, in the a r. of Legislature proviiliii!; for the layiiiei.t of l.'i'.eh-rs vviio at tend poiinty Iiistiltite. This resolution wan amended by Prof. Schnei der makinic Hie "vorils Northumberland county read "all tin; pountiesof the State." Tin: aiiiend inent was received by the Institute, and the original uiotion its amended carried also. Sir. Campl-cP. then oli'ere l the Inllow'm:; : Hi-i'il. ei!, That nil applicants for Teachers Provisional Ceriitie.ites U; reijuired to fill out a monthly school repoit in the presence of the County iSupciiulciid'.-nt at the time of their ex amination. The chairman of Permanent Certificate Com mittee announced that, the examination of appli cants for said Ceitilieate would be. In-id at Suit Iciiy, en the J mid :id of April, 1S73. 'i he Instit ute dcsiriiiir the minnies. of their scnsions of 1S7J, JS7S am) 1S74 to lie printed in pamphlet fifrm, l'rof. Schneider was chosen as chairman of a ('ofumiltPc on l'ritit i:iir, with ower to choose two asi-i-tanl. lie chosi: as as-istants Messrs. 11. T. Owen and i;. W. Camp bell. On motion of the S -"retary an order for two do! rs vas drawn ij favor ol th- Comity Su perintendei t for money aiiviineed !o secure '"Mu sic Pae Suppiemciils." Prof. F .. Aii'.'i ll was thou inlroduccd, who iii-aructcl the Iii-titiitu iu the principles of "Elocution." C. .M. Kesht r. Treasure elect, made the fol lowing report : SfNtn-RY, Jan. lt, li75. .'ii a-. M. I.v.smli:. Treasurer, h: -li-.-"i..-f tr',lh Xwthviuhtfltifl t'ot'uhj ttfti!''-', mi. To bal. on hand from Institute at -essiou held In Nort hiiniberlai;.i, winter of 1S7:'. !( To Cash received 1'HSeiit si ssion... Iil! 5(1 Hill -l'i CK. .-li j aid tor Crayon and Siti-i- I'.y c ins; Hooks.. '..") 00 !y e.i,-l paid Saul Sliipui.-ili, bi mo'iev pai l lor supplements 'y i :is'a paid it. T. tiwcn, present 14 l5 To b.,1. in hand. ol" Trea.-urer, at close of the pre-ei;t session $S5 M -On motion an order was drawn on the ex Tieasiirer, .'. it. Savidne, for wli-itevcr funds rc iii iined in his hands, in favor of C. M. Lesher. Prof. Woodrutf was then introduced and ad dressed the Institute on the subject of' s::ni :.' He eou-laii-d with a fc.v parti ni:, im 1 ressive words : as did Prof, E. A. Aii'rell. 't'iic County Superintendent also mad'" a few ninuks ,ry feelingly, alter which the 'Joth Aiiiiu il Si s-inn of the Comity Teachers" Insti tute ol Northumberland county, was declared adjourned without specified lime or plae : of Di-xt meet in';. K. T. Ovvr.N, Secretary. Mi- : .1. ( inns 1 1. I St! VUOV STKI'lltCXS, i Assistants. ltlo? "r(. Trota l,nn;i, Catara-Ii, liroiK-liiti-H. C'uiisiuiiiptioii. A Yt'o!i(l'iriil 'iii'. ltocnrsTt i:, X. Y., Jan. llitli, 1H74. It. V. Pii:in -v., M. lb. linlfa:.., N. Y. : l)n. sir I had siill. rcd from iu all ae-ravati d form I' u about twelve years and for SeVi ra! years don. llrouchial tumble. Tried many dwlois and thing's with 110 la-tin benefit. In May, '7'.'. bi-coii. in nearly worn oat with excessive II li t .rial labors 011 a p iper in New York City, I was :itti..( ked vi it 'u Ilioneliitis in a f.-rvere form, su !' , -x'wvz almost a total loss of voice. I returned horn.-h re, but h ad been l.oi:;e i -.iiy t wo weeks wheal Wiis coiiiplet-iy prostrate I -.villi f!-mor-r'iia!;'' fiom t'n,- Luus, ,(, ni fo;v tretrc lAeeiiimi in'.lh K-th'ii two 'v', mil flryt th i'-::s i';.i,'. ,V u';,;,i.: 1 il o. i 1 the Scpteinlu r f.dioiviii, I improved 1 s'.ittli ient iy to b- able to be about, thouL'li ill a' very In Lie state. My llron'-hial trouble r-- ! maine 1 and C il inh w is l -ulold worse than b j lore, liven id'ort lor leiiefs alined to be lo-ine. j ground daily. I eoiil::i'i-d in tl.i. feeble state, j raisin"; bio .! almost daiic until above the fn.-t; 0! M a: en. ' III. . la 11 I bee line s " bid a- to be en -t rely (oml .e I to tl: h -n:--. A f:ieud Mi'a;(.sle y til i:n.,lies. !! :tlw-ts (Mremeiy sl.c ileal they would do iii" i ic.d, r.s I :: I ln-t I'll h ait in remedies, and bi in m.-!i,-in" ..lei doc tois ii h i!i--.';;-t. I !ot.i v -r, I i.',!iii:e ,,lH. , ' your circular. , r-i::l it ear. fully, from which 1 ciiuic to the i i.aelu-ii'ii ti,.u you 1111 I -rsio.,.1 jour business, at tct.-t. I !!.-) ly 1 btiine ! a. ijiiant'ty of lr. S-i C-iianh K-m -ly, your ' !l.:li!en M.-li'.ii I liscov e: -y and Pellets, and eoiii-meii'-e i t li-ir '. ior.i'.-.s 11 -e aciordiii'; t, dine tloiis. 'l'o my sni pi i . f sm bean to iinproTc. Tlie Ili.sco-. .iy and Pel!'!.-, il. i short time, bioiUht out a si Vi-it' . tuplio!!, whleli cotitluue.I for weeks. I telt iniicli better, my nppa I'.te i.njn-t .-:. and 1 li-i i in-.i ill s! r.-n";t h and 11- sh. fn tine" luoiiths every vest te id I he Cut an II was "i ue. the llroiichiiis had nearly disapp eaiv 1. h i l lioCou.'h whatever and I 1,. id entirely ceased to ; r.ilse blood ; and, 1 ontraiy to 1 he expect ;t:ou of , sini" of my It it-ii Is, the ciiie las . -a. aide d 1 main-i, t. 1 have had no more !;,-,iioi 1 11.1-, s liom the l.tiuirs, and am eiilin ly free u im c-itanh. t from which I had suif-r.-.l so much and so Ion-'. I The debt of .jravtud I owe fir the b!cssi,i' have re aeivsd at your hand-, knows m, boiniiN. I an. tho'ouli'y i.itistied, from my experience, that your uiedielu.-s wiil master the wor-l fornn ol that odious di-ea-c C itarrli, as well as Throat, and Lilne; Diseases. I have leeoiiiincudeii tlu-m 1 0 very m my end sh ill 1 vcr-pcak in theii ptais -. Orat'-fullv vo li ', vm. :i. si'FM F,::. . " -.'" .V7. i!-lir, .V. V. usiucss Morals. FoK ( -;!. "Cash 0::!y." s t . i . motto if J. T. Seiti r, v. ho olivr. to make up garments, in-e-i,; or iii sii!'-, In the 'ate.-l style, -it prices lower than ever b Icie. He it. v;l cu-toi'icis to ex amine his lari: stock o! cloths aiid ca-sini'rs and lh" work done al his merchant tai'oiiiir; e tablislitneiit, on Third strc-t. baii-w M-uket.Su::- bury. Pa. No Setter liMi!.-; seas a.-.- v , ' I. i.n I.- ini eii ii',s, 'i'ns::i: i:ivi-r weic any b .rd tli.U s i t I lie stole of .-simon .V; 0,peiiln imcr, from t Ic tact that they sell all tlicir splendid suits of r- nly made cloth- . iua; :.t Mich io-.v prices that evciybo-'y can i'.'ford to buy and pay the money down. 'Hay buy tioiu lir-t dealers, and hence do not have topav 1 ii.f ts ,,f h ill" a, do?.-.) i-ibbi-rs-. '; 1 . y f u, ii;.'ri. t.ii.' ieti ai I;r--t n :-: f:..:ii tho t.-tabttibmeiii-wliii ni.-iUe lip tli-' coin!-. The a.H'ant::s;u in buy ing from them i- that .-::-:. ,:ners e. ( ('' la?- -t Stills III flirt Cost. As Tilt: masi.ill 'eiit Furniture of i'. L. ttan deubusii, in Masonic liuiMins, wis nearly all purchased durin!' tlie holidays, another new lot '. has ju-t been opened ubcr , very body is invited to tall an 1 examine. AH the latc-t slyles can he procured at his stole at the. lowest, prices, riKjerttVin? at bi estitblls'itiient Is. :.'."(e a .'.liy. Tin: rui-h al lhe si ne of Messis Marx .V Ilro'j store, next door to the post oliice, hiis :iot el abated, far the reason that tiny s. 1! (helper , th.tnevei. Tin "r stock embraces eV'-iythiii"; In Ihebit'-t -tile of Dry (iooil-. Woolen floods, Ladies weir, ve. Furs or every i;iia!ity aie sol1 rl:e 'r than ever, 'i hey w iii !."t be il 11. '.i'i fold hv :..,.' i,ii, , ;.:i!y ."-Iv .s.- a liia!. lI-s L. Mi!--ir.i: I, a- t-ikeii I 'ic atfcticy for K. IbiMeriek it- Co.'s'i us, n",i has now for sal., two lt,oi:;..'.nd of the !,i!a-t styl-.s for Ladies, I Mi-se-, l'oy?, Children and Infint, also fr tb-nl's ibassire- down. MK.J.intr Jael.-.-' :,;' Ca,. Mi'si. .. J. P. Keeftr ! is l.ilety rem m-il bis j cxeellint musical lustriimeiils into the h'cliilln ' 011 Fourth st reel, below Market, nearly opposite the City Ho'.-l. Any kind of Mu-le..! ia-tru- j ise'iil - of lhe most improved st h s and make are kept in his establishment. Parlor Orjjans, Pianos of the ln! l.iaiiiif.ieiure In tin eounlry w ill l a found at his store. He is also .'lea nt for the be t cw-li!j niachims now in u.-e. j J. W. Wilvert V t'..., near tla Couit House, ; kicpthc best bram'.s of ci:rar an I tobac.'o. S.UiiKSl'"s Si:i I'rir ir lilMTlY, a delicate j bcautilier, which smooths out all indentations, j removing tun, freckle; and seals Irom the skin, le.iviii)r tho complexlot" cles- .,, leantilul. Sold by Miss L. Shi-le-,. IMF. 11 111- r.I i tl i iilt Jh'i.t' s.'iin:; lua- j chine, on account of it s many poii.le. of superi ority, has a better ilemand than a ny other'i fiiCtured. and takes the lead wilh the public over j machines lonx regarded as the best. Also the new (iroven and linker scwiti-' niacliine not sur passed by any other. Orders lor th,-e machines will 1)3 promptly filled by Miss Caroline H ilius, apent. 1'hHoi- Orijnns Mis, C. T.i!r.-.s i; the act-nt fm the sale, of Pallor Onfaiis, Pianos, and ail kinds of liisiruriienis. The yery best iustru iucnt are fitrnir-hed cn short notices at nr'cs to suit times. Call or addrt-:s, C. DALIES. No. :?. Market St.. Siinhnrv. I. f Cheam Freezers. A new lot just received i.v II. IS. MASSER. TO tOSSl JIl'TIVES. The advertiser liaviui; been permanently cured of thai dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is auxiuus to make known to his fellow snl'er'Ts lhe means of cure. To all who desire il, he w ill send a copy of I he prescription used, (free of clmr-re), with the directions for prepar inrrand iisini; tin same, whicli they will find a sure cure lor Consumption, Asthnrt, Bronchitis, V.e. Parties wishine; the prescription will please address Kcv. E. A. WILSON, 1'..'4 Pen n St., Wiiliiimsburiib, New York. (Iee.ri5,'74-tim. IIUJCOHN OF YOS Til. A ttcntlcman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the I'llects of youthful indiscretion will, for the sake of siifferi'iij humanity, send free to all who ueed it, the recipe ami direction for makiii"; the simple r- I'leily Sy '.vhich he vvaR eared. Suli'ererR wish iic: to pro!!' by I Im advertiser's i-xperienee can do si. l y addiessjj," i. perfect coiiliiJenee. JOHN 11. OfiDF.X. d.-e.:i5.";4.-r,:ti. 1'.' Cedar St.. New York. Sim hury IIronsIi'OHier4. Cni' l Uir'tres. Sol. M ii lieli. F.sq. ; Sem.itl Iliirpiiia, V . i. (ii-i-.aji.lln ; A -sis ant Iturijess.-s, Jehu It-nn, V. T, (i:-oit. C!etr..'s a. lirnni-r, .Inn, (1, Min-kle; I'onncil iiiH. Hani. Hendricks, Kd. VI. Hm-'ier. Henrj- 'hnint, ("lias. Si aseiil..i-u, J. C., .lolm Itnwi-u, H. K. (in-" Ir.ei', -I - i t i ('. Miller; TowL' Cli'i-lt, LewiH I)PT-iirt ; liiironjli ( 'i.Uee'or. Ski!. ,1111m VVinvr ; Boi-oii(f u Treas urer, M. ('. (iearii:i. ; AsHessors, (ito. 11, Kciin, TUos. O. CiM.i-.-: As-istant Asstsors, I. S. I iiieslcr, I'.m'l Wil vcet, T. v(. pei-fi.-l, it, Y. Fiy'riiii? ; str.. I 'oiuiiiiiisirin erq, iii.,. Kiei,l. Snri. Ifenilricks, .Inlju J,il:ir, .iiihll L'-esi r. Tlie reaiit" me;-liiiKS ol tin- ''orou'rli ('tiimcil are bt-M nt ti:e e-Mi-ieii ct-.tiiils;r. over tf.. et.i. 1. eininc house nn ('iiew'i.ii: .! f. I. ncir Thiol, oa the lirsf. serom ami ll'i:ti Tli. ' lay cvenil'is of eii-ii meiilti. 'luirolteM of !-iiii1tii. Th If ."liaiitist Ilj iKSit.: l (-imrcli, Arc'i S'r", ltcv. J. A. ll-Mtiyer, palter. 'I'll: l'rf-sliyteri:oi I'liuich, Maiket Siiti.i:e, Itv, S. MiUda-ii, i.i.slur. 'file I.iioii r ui I'a'.iieli, Tuinl Street. I!-'. (.. W'.lf.m 1 .-.-iy. ) :at.-,-. 'I -a- :i ;i,:iiied Canieli, cor. ft.-i'mal Mid Ci.eKiniu ylriy'ts, lit ,,l'. S. ( iea.rb.iirt, ,:isier. 1'iie Ji-ii-lisi ('liiin''', Houm rout ill ri'ri 1 , ilev. A. I. 1Vli'':i:, iK1! ', i i.e Hi i-. 1 ... 1 Ciiini-ii, iJniiidwiij-, lie-.. Dr. H-witt, p-.SilT. i f:e ItO'ii-m (-rolclle Call 'c'", Aleh su- (-1. la-.. Kjther FU inii-;;. 1 iisler. Secret HnoletiCN of J-imilmry. I'vriMoTic (li'.iie.t' Sons 111 Axkioca, WusUiiiirttai ( Villi,, No. i'.', !'. (I. S. of A., line's in l.Y.l M.-uV itidl, Hitnpt V lliiil-.l.ii''. vj. iKet sural, every Tuesday eveiiitat. Sasiut-Lunna (-ui.iui::d.'i-.. No. 'J. r.t. P. O. S. 01 A., in. i ts sect, ml 'j'tn-.i-sil :y ci e ae'i mncllj, m Hnulit'ii t.'i'aldiag, Miii-ket Knn:n-.'. IVii-fuiiKtoii C;iti:ji Xo. I'.M mc-ts ever. Moiaf-v cvi-11-in Ited .VlenV Hall. K-iiiiBT..or Pv ii'i vs. Kdsteru Star IxkIi;", No. 143, Kniithls ot l'ytbi'is-; mtt-tB every Wethiesiluy evenin", in Jii-iiitjt's biiildiiiti, cnrti-r Tl:i: tl ami "ilurket Htreets. Ciyitii IamIi?.', ii, 4tit, Knights ul 1'ytiilrs, ni'.'i-tH every riid iy cveiiiuu in Bl?-til's Itiiililin, eortii-r (if Tiiird vml Murliet s'reets. LSUKPENKUNT OBDKIl OF OtlD 1'EI.LOVfS. Fort All- K'lsla Kiicmnimient. No. 140. 1. O. of O. F., meets 011 liit. first nn-.! tUird Moudjy ot each month, at their liall hi (TeiiH'PIV btiildinjr, (sir. Ttjird hi. iiud M.-rke. Fquar.-. S.mlair.v Ijiiili', No. -Jii-i, I. (). of (). r'.. m.-els veiy SaliiriLi.v eveiii,,..', hi ('leaii-iii'i liiiililitij, Vl.nket situar,'. A:ni.i Litdc, No. .Vi, lv;jrv of H-'Ucin, 1. d. oi o, F,, meelH on tin: Ht-eoiid itrtd toiirth 3I.iiii!jt ct' ea.-ii nii.nih. in (!.-!i:eiit"s llidl Murk"! sije-irc. l-'orl Aiiju-t.i I..,-ile, No. UfO, I.O. uf O. 1'.. rivets every Xnesilay evrniie;, in bright 's biiUiliUK. SovniKiov I'A tnioiic Kniohts. Luuee and Slii, Id Cieulave, Ni, It. s. P. K.. Iil(stn seeouii Hint fouuh .vt iadiiy eveiiiia; of each lnoutii, in Urii-'btV biiil'loer. en:-. 'i'Jiirit Mid Market streetn. I'siTt.n An kmc is Mechasus. lirailv ('.murik No. 'sjl,n. I". A. M., iiieett. every 'ridiiy eveiiiiis, in rle ineiif's biiitiiiin.', Market Niiiare. iMeitovi-.ii (ifincK iii Kku ti:N. Shc-lio-nio-kin Tnls'. ,o. I'-1.', 1, . K. il., iiiis.i rveiy Ttiuisd.,y ev-f.i-iiig, iu llitir hull, llaiipl's l.nilililiK. Maria ! air"-!. l.S(ISS. 1. -j". . V. t. !ll.elsiu M.SCilie'. Third siris-t, mt iii,a,i if Mill iii.m)ii. l!iioTiii:iti(iKi 1.o.'("viotivk Knoinks:rs. Snnbury livis!,ii!, 0. '.is, 11. 01 I,. K., mri'lH the first and third Simibiy of e:ell nielitli, nil lliiril fleor c' tl::' Pi! ( Illice b'lilibiiL', Tiiirtl Htree'. Ik. (). I'. A. M. M.i son Cotinei, Nn. 1:11, lueetii rv.ry 1 uursdiiy Ltixiit, ct !l:eir ei.iyniier, in el. nieut's hull, Market Niiuii. rSortlm mterlaiil Co. Ollloei'si. 1'r'. sld, lit .tliil-re, V illiiilll at. Keekeft-Uer t AssoeiuteH, tosi'i'ii N.i-rly ; l'r.c hiui"t;.iy( L. T. Koiirtiiieu ; Sii'-rilf, S. it. It.t'i.e.uiel ; ltrKister :inil It-conier, I..-niiiel shii miu; Treiioiier, -loliu Hii:i"r ; Ctinittiiiisiouer. Anion Vas:iiir, .!. (i. On, b :iu and IMuirl H. Jii-i:.! ; Jury !.'(iu iiiisaii.iit!i, paiiiel M. Swjrtz, and Win. H. la-igiiow ; t orouei. Fre 1,-. :ck ; AmlitoiH, J. M. Folluier, J. K. Mue.xh and Eisely ; r' unty Attcrriey, Wm. A,s.,!.-r; Mere niiiie Apprais-r, D.mii 1 I)mck":n illrr. Klar.rinnc e -d s - - -- . .- - - - -...-.-.-. In Sunbiiry, by the P.ev. J. A. De Mover, on the -.:! ! of Kccember, 1S74. Mr. "Ki.uot U'. Moi; r. in to Miss Mai. i. in I!ass!;ti". both of Danville. At Win. Hiiud!es. bv the Kcv. J. A. DeMover. on the Until December, i.?',, Mr. JosKl'ii Bi:nni;i r i i.viku, oi vv n.i '.nisporr, to .miss .irNNir A. BuimiI.k of Suubury. At l-:i' t":lral Hole, Suubury, by the K.-v. J. A. l-1" .Mover, on tue utn ol Ja.nuarv, l,.. , Mr. "Vvi. A. I.v-in. of 'lanviil", to Miss K vtk ii::.EN -t v it., of lri-'oi, K:i,:i "n,l. O 1 ,1-llc a. Wlm; i f te- In F. F. ":'" ith cv, -nine, . ,. is7.-,, !lt i, ,VHj af i-a ic M.niz, ( P.t-ior's home) bv Rev .iiiiuii-: man. V'r. I HiT A. HnrilLViiN of . 1 !. I'lliim ( '11.- In Mi-. tll:T !'. 'l.-lsli( 1 nee Alli'il-ta. Noith'd Co. ! 'i.lliliillib.-l!ill,,l. Dec. 1-1. b" lb": ilev. ! it.-riy, iil Iii- rc.-i ti-nc-. Mr. Wm. Nat ov.l.. il F. lis I p., Snvder t o.. I' Mi.-.- Sim 11: Fr.u inii, of .Moi.r ie l-vp., Miyasi Co.. Pa. -Ncii".as. '- ... . .. .. . . . lu Suiiiiury, on the 10th iust., Mr. JOI1X lrFl.!)!N(iS, iu the 'Jbth year of Ids age. j In Not'.hu-.iil.erlan.l, Dee. WA, DKNNIS I YVATKRS. aeeil TT years, '. iin iiths mid '. days, j In Ninthuniber,and,o:,th'!';hiiist.. WAi.TF.R j V., inn of S. it. and Ma-T'ejie II. Mortran, aed '- yean ii, ! ii months. ' In i'liiiadelphia, on the 1st iust., of canetr, TUl'IlZ A., wife of M. Lciseiiriiitr, ut'ed ; it years, 1! inoulhs and '" days. ; SI Mil It Y e"l A IC Ii F.T.N. SiM-.ciiY, Jan. 14, IS7.. ! liUMN- V. li'-at per bush-1 1.20f l.."0 i prime white I.2."ifii I.S5 j ' l.'ye per bash ",n SO C.'.ril " .. ... '.")('efiO I Oats 5il('itii)i l'i.'ii k Kstra Family pr bid ...... S.Tof'i IMMl ; Coiumon Ikalifo ".Oil ' Buckwheat .".(10 ; Fn.ii '.,ni iV; OatsCho) pr Hm lb 1.5l)fo "".bO . Shoits iJc Mixture l.o'o 1.?.") PulAloKis. tVe New perbii.-hi.l iSO'ii To ' !'i:i. i-Ion Ham per lb It'ta-iO ! Shi.'-.ll b'rpr 1! 14'' IS Haeon or ib HW'i 12 i'.. cf. ieiai! pr '.!. !46i'.D Veal, !,. do lCfilsi i'l ie l He, t pr lb .'.'? ''0 I'o' l ti;v - ("l::c!;en, dressd pr In lofn IS Do. live -i'i rhi .. ... .. itXti l lit its' : I'rii,..- i.i...' l"-")ft !') I.i.i-.s iVr d.U'-ii .,. Jin's He) ilUsffllam'OJis. NEV YOH K T ill J JUNK. "TIip Loailinj' Anierkaii At-wvpapi-r.' i itK v.iytr vrvi:ic( tst.ii :ii;i)it vi, M.iily, M'i a iuv, St'ii:,Ve'-".iyt .f '., V(rl.:y, s-,, ..-ti.e;. i"ri.e to Ii:a -jili-Hi-. i:.-r. Sij -cili)Ull I'l'Vles Mai Vivertisicg Units l ias'. Wek!.v, ia elnl.Jnf :) or iron-, onlv 1, 1 ft.:y naiil, Aiidn-aa TrtT T::lrNE, N. Vo.k. 4ai.-. , ts; l)Vi:tTI"sT!i : t.'he-.r : fioail : .- il-n:it:r. All cr sotis sli i e .iiieiiinl..te making rntn.t with nc.-juj.e-s i'.-r til- iiise.tlim i.i, stioul-.l sivid :, ei a.-s ti. (itsi. !'. leKiell k l' i.. 41 jMik llov.. Xrw Yt'lli. I. l tia 'r I'AAII'HLLT-lHHtK laiileiy-si venty elli tit n' , eoiitiiinin; lists- of over 'Jihio neDspHt cr am! eti ni.Oi shicii.e tiie i . -sf. Ail-. r:ii.-ii:nfs t:-t-i for lei-.ll.::' IIO''-:" iu I'eO''.-SMtrii ::t a iri'til-itltlai'ii T'-ilil,.-tii ti :i.n;i i.-ii.'isarf--.-utr.s. (..:- ...p: fo. Jen, 1, Irffj. 1.-'. A diHiiii' rator'N otlre. N tlTil I" is liereby silven, that letters of ad ministration have been !rraiited to the tin ileisica. ,1. nu tiie estate of William B. Lonadoif, late of Jackson township, Northumberland comity. Pa., deceased. All persoiH indebted to said i-tali-, are re'tusled to make iiiiniadiate jiavinei:!, and thoso li-ifluif tSaiiM!, to prcsel.t Il eal "lulv a'i!l;"t::ie;aleil for set l lenient. ADAM KF.MBKL. Adniinlstrator. .ficksoti f.vp., Jan. S, 1ST5. Ot.pd. Tlie Firt liiial Itauk ol" Sim. bury. I'euu'ii "VTfTI'F. is hereby irivoii, il,at . .eiruiar r.n nu .'.r,.;li, ,f D'.reciors of "TUe First Xa ,io!,:'.i iiiink cf Siiiibury, Pa.," will be hold on Tu-.-.d ,y, lie.' 'Mill day of January, A. I). 1SI3, at the iiankiu iiuiiae. In the horouuili of tsllii btiiy. Pa., bi f veen tiie hours of 10 o'clock a. M., and 1! o'clock l. M.. of said day, in accordance w itii ti.e piovi-ions of t!ie Act ol Consriess. . J. PACK P.',, t i-.shl'T. Siiiibnry, 1'.-".. Iee, 14 n. Maize & Schwartz, Succi-'-Soi- to t'eQ. I'v.nis ,V t-o., 110-J Maikcr iu-?t, I'ltiladolliia, MKliCIFANT TAILOUS (itid .MILITARY nLOTIIIKRS. Men mid Hoys suits made to order in the latest styles, of the best cloths and cafsinieres in mar ket, at prices suitable to the times. Military, lliiinl k Fire Organizations jnomptly unifot Samples of Cloth, witli Photographs, sent t free on application. Ours belu-r the loading house ou Military work. vva lesl that wc can oner inducement which can not be attained anywhere else. Not. "7. It?'. The Kemincton Skwiso Machine has sprunij rapidly into favor ns possedsin1;; tlie best combination of good qualities namely : Liht run niu:'., smooth, noiseless, rapid, durable, with "infect Lock Sliteh. It is a Shuttle Machine, w ith Automatic Drop Feed. I'c- si"iii beautiful and. f strue- tio: the very best. GOOD A IE-NTS AVAXTEI). .Address) REMINGTON PFWINi; M Af IIIXF. CO.. ILIO.V, N. Y. IMt'll OFFICES OF RF.M I XGTON ( OJIP IMIX 2S & ::Kl isroiiivTay New York. Arms Madison So.. Neiv York Jsewii; Alacliines. J) ILION, N. T. J F.. Remiii'! llemintoii Reiiiin.jton On v M'l. Scwinjj. .T ( o.. A.SJ'I '().. reccniiier ls, 1ST4. "i n os. THE BEST PAPER. TRY IT. POSTAGE FREE ! BEACTIFCLLY ILLUSTRATED. Tlie Scientific Amektcan now in its 30th year, enjoys the widest circulation of any weekly newspaper ol the kind in the world. A new vol ume comnienci s January 4, 1875. Itsj contents embrace the latest am? most in lerestin-j information pertaining- to the Indus trial, Mechanical, and Scientific Protrrcss of the vvorl I ; descriptions, with beautiful entrravinsrs, of new inventions, new implements, new pro cesses, and improved industries of all kinds; useful notes, recipes, suireslions and advice, by practical writers, for workmen and employers. iu all the various arts. The Scientific Amekica- is the cheapest and best illustrated weekly paper published. Every numl-er contains from 10 to 15 original engrav ?n;rs of new m.ichiucry aud novel inventions. EuraTiii-rs, illnstratina; improvements, dis coveries, and. important works, pertainin:r to civil and mechanical eniiiueerinir, ruilliiiir, min iiitrtind metal Inrsry ; reeoids of "the latest pro stress iu the applications of steam, steam eniji uecririi;, railways, ship biildiur, navigation, tele-rrapliy, tile?rali enstiiieerir.'r, electricity, mamietism, liirlit nnd heat. Farmers, mechanics, engineers, inventors, ma nu fa ( Hirers, chcuiitts, lovers of scieuce, teachers, cler-rynicn, lawyers and people of all professions will tint tin SctENTtric Amehican useful to them. It should have a place in every family, library, study, oliice, and conutitij room"; in every rendm"; room, colleje, academy, or eciiool. A year's numbers contain 803 paires uud seve ral hundred eii'rraviii'rs. Thousands of volnuies are preserved for binding and reference. The pratieul receipts ar? well worth ten times the subscription price. Terms, $3.20 a year by mail, inclndini; postaire. Discount to t-iub. Special circulars and specimens sent free. May be had of all Xews Dealers. PATENTS. In connection with the Scien tific Amekk an, Messrs. Mtinn & Co. are Soli citors of American and Forei-jn Patents, and have the larnest establishment iu the world. More than lifty thousand applications have been made for patents throti-rh their attctiey. Patents arc obtained on the best terms, models of new inventions and sketches examined and advice free. A special notice is made in the Scientific American of all Inventions Patented throujrh this Asreney. with the name and resi dence of the Piitentec. Patents are often sold iu part or whole, to persons attracted to the in vention of such notice. Snd for Pamphlet, 110 pates, coi:taiuiii5 laws and full directions for ob taining patents. Address for the Paper, or conoernlii;; Patents, MFXN .C CO., 27 Park Row. N. Y. Branch Office, cor. K and 7lh streets, Washington, D. C. I "A LADIES TAKE NOTICE ! Xom M illiiirry C'om1 Have just been opened nt the store of Hiss. n. .. ;onslki(. Fourth street, below the Slianiokin Valley It. R. Sl'XBl'RY, PA., Where all kinds ot Millinery -roods of the latest New York and Philadelphia- styles are now open for inspection. II TS, PiOXXETS, l.aces, Flowers, Ribbons. Fmibcrs, i'ilif,m'uis. Notions, Gloves, ll:u-.k?rjl,ii is, u l every kind of ijoods listi ill1,' l,.auii in a Millinery store. Ladies are invited to call nnd see the stock. V ICR'S FOR IH75. PrbLiaiiED Quauteki.t. January Number just issued, and contains aver ivt paiies, 5b'D eu jrravin,r.s, dcscriptici. of wore than otll of our best Fl'iVwtKi YEiiETaUi.E', with (iirectUoii for CuUure, Colored Plate, etc. The moat use ful and elegant work of the kind iu the world. (Duly 'i.") cents a year. Published in Fn-rlish and ticriuau. Addroes, JAMF.S YirK, r.orc'ter, X. Y. Dec. Ij, 1-.I4. TIIE 1'ITTSHl RGH A7.ETTl, Those who are arrangiii'; for the-r hotue pa pers for the next year, a-ill do wisely to send for sample copies of "the jf'lilribi'gi Oa-etti, Daily or Weekly, as it w!,ll lie seen to be the best paper published ill Pittsburgh. J? N the oldest. Ix-ine; noaily 8tl years old, and has kept pace with all phases of modern newspaper progress. Ir. is printed wilh new type, and on clean, white, uud handsome paper. Its news Is specially full, and accurate. It receives cable news from Eu rope, and dispatches fiom eli part- of the conn try. It has special correspondents in Yaiin' ton, duiiii"; the session of Conirress, and a". Hai,--risbur'T durin-r tl.c session cd' l !,'- l-i.'irir-latui-, and will -rive foil re-.K.iis t;l' all that U iiij' in tl'..: pioe(.-ii:iy;. I'.s local ueueiciiv plete and varied, yel eii;u.te u,iu pure. I:edi torL;U toiilaiu trenchant discussions of all cur rent, subjects, a;.-! deal iiidcpcudeutly wilh nit the Uitit of ilic hour. The paper is Republican in politics, but hold that the parly is superior to cliques and rim;, lis mxiket reports are specially full and complete, and have a repiiia, tion thai is wide spread, for accuracy ajij rv.lia biiity. lu frequent instanot-i, pi;lici iu th? country have saved or UiauS Qansiderable sums by foMowin-r Vh- uenriile rep.uti of prices, eiv jii iu ie'tii-'-H. in selliuil their produce. It iiNo ( iii.l.iiua iiritmlt yr;;!, househoid, 'id fami ly rcudin, ciielully selected. Thus il is a fami ly pajicr of great execlleiic? and rare cheapness, as to piif':. lis- circulation is the laie-est of the Pittsburg!! press. This ycir the postage on pa pers is pripaM at lhe l'itlsburgh ol'iec, thus ue cessit iiing the addition of 'U's lo:u t") the rate. For this re isiin i.c ;-.ii.iit amended rates, aud clu!r.' Ih.u it.e.y aiiortl the ihoape't iicvvspaper paper p.ibiisiied, when ilu !. and iptahty of the pan r are considered. TFKMi? : li';i Ca-ftte (iMl.taare prepaidl lJ tnail. per annum, ? 10.00 for sii iitou'.l.s, ih.m.t : for thre. months, '.'.."a.ifor mouth, Sl.tH); by the week, puya'Jii lo the carrier, 10 cents. Mimiy HtMtte fpostuge prepaid) by mail, -V.i-gile subswibeis, $1.75 per year; in club, of Ave. fl.oO: in clubs of ten or mciY, 1.40, and an additional copy for ev ty ten, to the getter up of lhe club. Pos,i.,a.lers are reoiiested to act as a-rer-ti. "For sumply copy, of daily or weekly, free of charge, nihil ess KlX'i. IlF.El) A CO., I'ittahurj'h, Pa. Dee. I", lS74.-"e"t. 3IISS L. SIIISSLER, I Mlarket Square, .Snnbury, I'd., I Has jut rccii-veJ a large and hv.-rat!4. assortment ! of j Hats and Bonnets, " For Full ntntl W Inter wear. ! The cbo'ces: shades of ribbons, aud all kinds i of Mlliuci-y toods always in store, j GENTS' XF.CKHFij, liANDKKROIIIF.Ff', i (.'all nd se thein. 1 . MenUI laun. ludlew Jl. l"iJ, Frank. V :..-. 1 MiX, DILL t MARK, j ATTOlTV AX LAW, i lu fl aupt's "JuLJuiBi;, Muitet 6l'er:t, ' Sl'XBl'KT, I al,-.7.17t. XorthnmWsrid Co.. pj. f.T SEED CAX A Rkmisotos No. 1 Maeliiiie for family use, in the third year of its existence, has met will! a more rapid luerease of ratio of sales than auy ma chine iu the market. KEMiNGTO No. '! .Vac-bine for in inufaciurinir and family use, (ready for delivery only since June, 1874.) for ranp, p-'rfection, and variety of work, is without a rlTal In family or work -hip. at SEND FOR ClRCTLAi:. CUieajro. "IT stale St.. SC Machine and Arms. Boston, So-" Wasl.inalon St., Scwiiig Machines. Cincinnati, 11 West 4lh St., Siwintr MucLinej. Utica, 12-. Ccnesee St. Sewini: Machine?". Atlanta, ("a., DeOivc's Opera House, MarleKa. St., dewing: Maehinet. Vasllin'ton,D. C.,52l Seventh St.,S. Machines. r1 is f ' rz w v j rrtJlVCHKISTIAN, large live, family purer, fall J- it J- c-t stories and good resiling. NosectariauiHiu, T II V ' oli,iCT pilis, pn Su nor advert iMraonts. f mly 1 1 1 1 J 75 ets. a veers Send In ranM for i -rperimrc'ii before yut gt it ! Hpli-nOid 34ap Preiniiun. Aeuia woi'ihI everywliein. Uig Corumissiuua paid' a. I.. H'stisos, -1:JM W..;i-i St., rscstau, Masg..iaiH Arch St PuliP-j. 4au. 8, l.Si-V. w. BUSINESS F0K 1875StET: dwellin!, stores, etc. Fro li table. We jiraiitve cir v. ssers iiecir. Ajenls vraated, Aililms nntil'f. S. si. M. nn k Co.. Ml N. Howard fbltiniore, M.t. ' Jan. a, 187.-), 4. II 1VK YOU TRIED ARE I0U WEAK, NERVOUS, OR DEBILITATED? Are yon so lanKiud that any exertion requires Dior of aii effort than you feel capable of niakinv r Then try Jumbeba, the wonderfnl tonic and uiTiVors tor, which acts so beneftcialiy'on the seo-etive organs aa to imparl vigor to all vital forces. It ia no alcoholic appetizer, which stimulate for short time, only to let the sufferer fall to lower drptb of novry, lint it is a Ti-retalile Ionic a( Ui'i directly e me uver ana si-lecu. It lesuLiiPs the lMwels qaieit !(. isei.,iU a fi-.t eucli a heirlthy tone to th wheh. ayatetn to '. m e the invalid ieel Mb a nrv t-iin. Its ojs.rttioti i not violen:. tn fa cbai-arl. rizt d to groat Keiitliiuewi; iho ttie!.! tipeririirea lu scddmi clini".. no marked rtulli,, lmt a sdiiallj li s i-i -.iia.s Told their tent a, lite the Aralw. And uleutly ateal avay." Tills ia no new aud ui, tried uiscnverv, bs U-en loun used with wonderful fvmedlal rets alts, and i pn ntmiiceit by the liiii:rt hiikIIiiI amhorit, -tl! ),: jsiwrrt ul tunic snd alternative omwi,, Ask your drnstifist for it. For sale by JOHNSTON', HOI.lj)VAY & c .. Jan. 8, 4t. lliilsdi-tnltn, Y i. For COCGHS. COLDS, HOARSENESS. AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, TJbo YVrLLM (AKBOLId TABLKTS. VFT i POSI.V IS BLI E BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold l.y DruKista. l)-e. 3. 4w. psveilOMAXCT, or BOI L CIIAHMIXG."' How L either i-s may fascinate and jjnin thi; lo-.e .d atteetioi.a nf any irsoo tiiey oltowM, inatanlij. Tbia simi le mental acminsilment all un ptaiaeas.tref.l.-y mail, lor 'ATc., together with a varriagr fruide, Kiryi tiiM Ora cle, DreaiuH, Hiu's t.) Xj-iller, ",Ved.l:i-B-"iiht Shirts, ir. A qneer book. Ait.lrr.w T. V.TLL1 AM k Co. Pub. Phiia. I)ee. IS, t s . TIT" Q ItETAirKD AT JL LiivO Iiuportern irlcri, 1!V TK2 Great Atlantic ami Pad Tea Co. 26 t inh Ave., IMtttsburg.Pa. This is an organiat'on of cafitalisla lo IMI'OKT AM DISTKIBlTi: TEAK fur one auiall j.n.lil, aavirg the sonatunr all profits of noilibeuieu. We control a part vt the Beat Teae hroeahi to this eounlry, nhtcU ar aoM by onreelTm. Peraiica buyine of other rieakx-t do fo to Uaeir own ilia. I advantage. Our houses i i'Uiua and Japan have Ul very liexl fneilirirs (J aeleotinif, which git e no (Treat ,t- ViiMajtes. We hure eotaelixbnd store for diatrlbatimr our lens in a!l the prmcipal citiea of the I'nited State. ; We jrive lo our customers a Ut'itntitul Oil Chrome, (tcken from the richest gems of American and Foreign artists) which, if bought at picture stores, would coat much more than the price of the Tea. Theae chromes ar a present to our cnstonirrp. AH goods sold Warranted to give perfect satisfaction or the money refunded. Great Atlautie t rat ill? Tea Co., 20 Fifth Ave Pittsburg. Pa. Dec. ML 4w. f SHORT PROSPOXE.1IEXT DAY j FIXEDFFLE DISTRIBUTION. I'i rst Grmitl Girt 4'onrerl. Montpelier Female Hiaie Association, XT ALKXASPRI A, TA. "il ARt'H 29.17I. - ' LIS T OF OTFTS I (irjntl l2ii !rfi.,.. . ., I0",ina) I !!rji,l ttjih (lt ,V.llC i.r.nd 1'itib 4jt -c-,ia I -jh il!B, $lo,ojo each luo.i 1 i ;'ah Gi!':, 5,i each 7".ii 1 .V (rh !.i;ta. l,nf.oach Je.iaio !m ! ash inii;, .KKieach ii.!kw ; 1.0"ioi'a!iiiiit. luOeach 1lli),il I l.i4ij'-!siiiift. .'sitnrh .Vl.imtj 1 J'.mij r.itlniii'ts, -.'Oeaeh t0-i,l"M IMJiflCafh tlifis. aiuoimting to $ls,W l tlBEK OF TICKETS. 100,000. 1-RtCK !' 1 f KETS. V,T)..V Ti. lie's J-.H1.00 Hulvss 10.0U uartsi , i.00 k. itf iii u iil b C'oni oa 3.50 n-.. 'sieka i'ir llWJ" T'ie MiiulUcr Icnislo Humane Awoicutieu, ehartar- 1 by the Lsj;ilal nr uf irginia and tbe Circuit Court ci ( ininif- ( "tv nrorss by a !rand Gilt Concert to r-ti-bliali ami a.low a "Hnrne fur the Old, In firm. as4 letsti I.idira of Viririiiia," al Montiieliw, thefonrr if--l.i-'ice xti lr:itcirt .fuutcj Madion. liiivKMiK's iMirc, Ki iimom", Ja!y 3, lttT. 1; i'.nls ma p'tfiirc iosjt tlat 1 am w41 aeaainr r l v. ,th s i.iik-" main. it; nriiorticers of tb Hempen! i'lnnaip, lluieu lie Asa-.i:iatM"U, bo wsiK u !h tri(9nity of iry'iMUia-. and 1 at-(-y lulr inittluijeuef: and their worth uud trcn is-i-iii jtK.u tutlexivu, as rli as the pnUie c-'iiti.ico.-t! Uift'.tte aL-.l sil-'4ntial nieurisl:berallTtsi i -e iP':i i )tiitiiiu them. IAMHS I KKKPKR. io. Virginia. Ai I.V..--II1!!, Vj Iii.'t S. ltT4. ' I ronnriiil ttif-i") x ata oi kowtr and integrity, and fully entitl.! i." :' .Sinn. of the r.ublk-. " K. W. hFi.HLH, 1 . S. Jii.lgc Easl'n Inst. of V. Fuiib.-r rltwi-i' by larmwion : His F.Tterllency u:!b "t ". Walier. E jiovei i.or of a. ; Hiro.Kobrrt t. itotliTrii, l..eai. -Kiv. cf Va. and V. t. NfMi.r lr: ; -s.iiifi.;s ifL-d V-mtsfrs of I'onirresi trom Va ll.':nltraii."-s for tjck.t ;'av !e niaite lv eTfretM i siil, j iis.-.'.'tia' nionv-orr as. ViaTshiuiiioii, l. C, or i y rcc:a:.rc(l leti't. For lull , iim. uioiiiua., Ar ssml for Cir-cniji-. A:'i..UM3, !!)'. JAMF..S BARBOrB. IT.S-.'T M. T. H. A., AtFXApiiti, Vs. :ii;i"'..'r i-'ats w.nUHl svcryTrhere. DVe. 25, iw. NS'fAST KMI"IJV')IKXT At ho.XP, lUit or 1 auufk-. $.Vi j "r week vmrr.i.iti.!. No ra-ital rrnii.i. "n,rt:,-ui,, ,il valiml'le aamnlrs aciil frv Add: v.Ch i s it n'iinii-, t' Koss, Viliar. s)mr)f, S. Y. Ore. 4v. ' MARYI.AXD EYE ASD EAR IXNTI- , TITE i 6fi X.C havteHKtreet, Baltimore, .lid. I (.... no -,i-ii""r. Itf. I)., Ijte iTt.f ie Kye and Ear Siir- i"T in the Va.ihiii'rton I'niversity, ' Surimiu i ".'har'e. ! Tin- 1 i jr l;aii.t)mi. rcsiilpiiee of the LtteCtierirs Car I rU bus lirrii lilted U) with -il the faupmymaauts adont et in the iai.-st Sciuois of Huroi, for tla aroc-ial treat- meut of this rlnsa of disca, Avptr bv letter ta ; mioRfK HH I.I.M5, M. P., nur.n in Charge. ' law. 43, 4w, i luf r Vnik YVockly WitneMiIuir ,' Ne-a. Maikris, Siuiiin. Pk'tui-n, and Live KditarialK j al t 1 ' a ;t 1'ostsire pni.l. has rearhod 73.SMMS ' (irciiluiiii ! thit'i v.siri-. Send for frs tawjile eony. Dec. Z 4w. o riritTrTxir. ' ' i ovjii"ion riao book it.EST, I On ue and most poiHkr hooks by op.f cf the Hrge4 I niliaeriii. iou ti rnw lu the country. $2 books for 80 eta. ; , fa biMkn fe.r tt.t, c. No bUD-.(i,(. Send for circnlai a : uud it r, AdtlreH- P. 0. BQX Hartford, Conn. " Dec. n,4w. iobl sale. A Private Residence On Fourth M reel. j SUNBURY, PA. j The buildings arc nearly new. Good frui on tin. n.i. i uc "iriijirrii ia luoioii on inc corner of fourth aud Pcnn street, and there is. rom to build several new houses on tho lot. Terms of paymotit will be mada easy to Cue purchaser, 't he houso is well located for a store or any other business. Address or fipplv In person to EM'L VYILYERT, Sunbnry, Pa. - Fall and WiTiter Stock" OF III,EIf.RY .OOIV. A lame assortment of Millinery Gou.Js, Ifats ami; Bonnets, trimmed aud untrl&unied, Plntaes, Tips, and Feathers of Key description, r lowers, Ribboui, VelTets, &c, just opened nt Miss L. & Weiser's. osi Jsl Market st. Also, l'rcss Trimmiii'rs and Notions , Yut, , B e a d .. Trimian)?v ffinjres- Ladles' (ia,ul!et an4 KM fMovti t 75 cent and upwards. Snnhnry, Nov, is. p. iwiliu I 'ST.