Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 01, 1875, Image 4

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    unburn American.
K&ilromi Time TnMe.
N. C. K. W. SojiIi.
Urie Mail. Vi.'.to a m
.southern Ex. 'J.Sd a :u
I'liiia. Ex., '.'.4.") a m
!!av Kx.. '-'.'V) p m
1. A: F.. !i. 11. Wen.
Erie Mull, ;.:I a in
L"k Haven A. r.'.oo u.
I Eimir:. M:iii I1 m
P:,-l Line, 7.10 p m
M-NUfKT AMI 1 i:l-Yl'VS K. !,.
I.'mvo Sunliiiiy i.ii- Lew islowii at O.oO a. in.,
and 4.-.V p. ;:i. "
Arrive at Sutiburj .rem WWM.inn ai
and 0.45 p. in.
mivm.imn ..1V.S...N. S. -..;. w.
Express ' i'.'.Ol p in Mail, .5!5 a m
Mail, 4.25 ji in Express . '' p m
An rn-eoinmodatioii train lcavs at
MOnui.arrivia- at Ml. Curi.i.-l at 7.40 a !
!t..'tarin2, leave .Vt. Caimcl at t..l..p 111. pnn-
. .T' . ,. ...
iniz ut ShauioUtn u.4.i p ia.
1.a kwnna t ;;;.i'Minri:i; i!. 1- Tkains
leave Northumberland as follows 'd.4. a.
and 4.4d p.m.: arrive at IO..1.1 a. in. .ami j. j.i p.m
D. U ,V W. K. II. Trains IcaM- at C.Tuj a. 111
i.e. 1 arrive 11I S.SO p. in.
Accidental Insurance Tickets can be h
J. Shipman, Ticket A-ent, at the Depot.
id of
Sn minor Arraiiuemoiil lor llio Iol
Oilit-e at SHiibnrj, Ia.
OJlrc Ojn from li.50 a. .. to S . in., r.,xq.t
on SmiiLiys.
Arrive an follows :
From the East at 5.15 a. m.. 4.10 p. 111.,
" South, 5.15 a. m.. 4.10 p. m.
'' West, 5.10 a. ni., 11.15 a. ni., 1 .:;. p.
nuu t.iv 1 ,
Y1I11II.1..11'... in.., - --t j ,
11 1., 111. ..11 11. 111.
Sliainokin and Mt. Caruiel. '.'.'.'5 a. in.
Sbamohin proper, 4.00 p. m.
Mails close as follow :
For the East, 5.45 a. m., 10.5J a. in., 4.50 p. 111
I..4N1 p. in.
South, ".0.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m., S p. in.
'; Weft, 10.50 a. in., "'-50 p. in.. K-W p. 1:1
North. :;.5o p. tn.. P
Miamokin proper 11.15 a. ia.
rhiimohiu and otlices 011 that route; J.".
p. 111.
Money orders will trnt be issue 1 aflcf p. la.
cm Saturdays.
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
focal Sfair:
f the
Ki-ns,"i'inn:s to the Anirri,-an, outside
county, who will not receive their piper next
issue, will remcmiKT in.ii e nar 11. j i- , we have to pre pav
th!r M'Sta -e at tli-si lVice. and that we are forced
t .lemarnl a lvinec r avment. on the paiH-r t
enable us to pay postage.
A HaI'I-V Nr.w Yi.ak to all our reader-.
Mts!:s. Mt !kay A: Co., of Milton, have lal
entered into a contract to build 500 box and coal j
cars at their manufactory. This wi". give employ-
mi m to their hands during the winter.
- I
Lavvi:i;.s. Accor.'ing to the last Court Caleii- ,
a ,r , ..r liviv.iiii'i hiwiers iisidiog witiiin
the limits of this county. Of these '' reside in
Sunbury, s in Milton, 4 in atMMitowu, i in ;
Turbutviih', ! in Montandon. S in Northumber- j
laud. 10 in Shamokin. 1 in lieriidon, 1 in (ieorge-j
town, and 1 in Mt. ( artm-l. Ik-sides, there are j
at least a dozen more non-re-idems who practice j
in this county. !
Tin: Susqucbanoa (Vdlin Works in this place,
is getting into notice vei v raj.i llv. and orders
are bcgiuning to cot.c- in from ail directions. !
Messrs.. Frjling, lioweu '"; Zn.t: ate. ct.terpris- .
ing men, nd lh". new butiucss will v.kui bring .
Iheia into notice iualll-arts of the l':'itej St it.-s.
. . I . I I......1-- ., r.. '
lue.r uc-.ori is .iieaii.i a.iui.ou ,
euipioyed in getting up eotihis. superior to those
furnisheJ from city e.-.t.ibiishiiicuts and ut
co-is. Evc-y undertaker sho-ai 1 send for a prici
; ' w hieli ill be S'.-ril free of charge.
AiiNUi.-islvo is to business wh it steam to
iiuiehiucry. Ue careful of this fa"!, business ::i n. j
- - j
Tub Peur.sylvHiii.-i Kai'roaJ Cimpauy M
c ;ase o; the S. iv L. ad ori the tiist
ot J.iDUiiry ineir lease expiringon inaiuay. i i
S. & L. couipany have ;m loiiing stock, and their j
road will be idle iiuh-ss arrangements be itT.-'-ted I
with the Pennsylvania Company lor another
lea i. The agents aioiifc the route have been no
t'.ted to Sell no more tickets, and receive no more
frigbt until eome terms are agreed upon.
DiiATii orCiiAKtts Mii.i.i:k, Esq. We regret
to b an that Charie, Milb r, E-'p, formerly f
this place, died nl Lykens, Daui'hiu county. Pa.,
on Tuesday last. Mr. Miller was at one time a
prominent merchant of t!:l place, mid w as high
ly esteemed as a neighbor and citizen. lb- also
kept the Park House it llanisburg during the
war, where lie became widely known throughout
the State, and his house was generally known as
the soldiers' home at llarnsbtirg. Mr. Miller
was about &i years of age, and leaves a large
clic'.e of fiiends to ino irn his loss.
I t;,,n Pv sending them good reference, and if the
A Ntw RA!l.i:OAti. An etlo.t, we are inform- , ,.. r,.rr,.,;.Iltril H Illav r,.turne,,
ed, will be made to build a laiiroad from Hem- .(t t,i(.ir rJ.,..lt0) lh, y,.,.. Uvlf.ut ,,..,
don in this county, via I'liiontown and, to I -j-j, flllL.;v u j,(), 0ji,.r
Roash Gap iu Schuylkill county. The road is to .
intersect with the Northern Central, and "ill Nkw Esoisi; Hoi's::. TlieWashincti.uMe.ini
give an outlet to a laige amount of produce from j Fire Company have purchased a poiti.ui of the
u rich valley in oui sister county of Dauphin. oi l d' l'ot lot from Mcs.-rs. Waltz iiii!:;gt,front
Tbe coal beds at Roushs iap :iv- very jironc- j ing on Third street, and have commenced the
live, and a roud to that piaee will bring to mar- j foundation of a new engine hou-e 110 feet in front
ket not only a large ijuantity of coal, but a 'pu t- i and jii feet in depth. The work on the building
litv which has heretofore ben unknown on ac- ' ill be dime pi incipa'ly by trie men. hers of the
count of the want of facilities to cany it to mar- j
ket. Should the parlies eng-iged iu the enter-
prise be successful, Ilerudou w ill ti-come a pro- 1
mineiit town for the sbinpiug of cnai.
Tin: Coi.'-crt of the Saubniy Cornet liat-.d, held
f.i Saturday cfeniug last, was well atten.l.d.
The music, was ciceilett, and gave general sat.s-
faction to the audience. It was one of the best
niiis'nai concerts ever held in Sunbury. Many
were ahtonithed ut the progress our band lias
made under their Itir tractor and leader, Mr. 'arl
hirchner. The concert was intersju'rsed with
comic songs by Ed. Ibaiu, who acquitted hhn-
se'.f well ns a Coiiiiuciiian. E l. would do reiiil
10 l.lmse.lf on the itage. Altogether, it was a
fiiol class conceit, and we venule to say that if
r. pf.ite.l the Band would have a .-rowded house.
Tilt barn ot II. Shearer, iu Tu: but township,
was teiraed on Katur.l y trght, t'g-t(.er with a
lot ol h ly and straw . Tic' sj.irks 1; o-.a a I'.ifs
ilig loecinolive -et li:e lutnegia-s. The Ualie s
rau long the ii.-U ui.'.il -bey i- ,.i .. . the barn.
Loss IfcoOO. .l-Aa.4.
Tub iA;.'. of Saturlay list say : "It i r-
I oi;t..! that Dr. A. T. D. '.Vit;, of : u d. m -. i .
;fl:l'i''I;''!' l'w'l'V -"V-Vfe ofrt'of tt.cV.iu'aVv. ' We are
Sony tor this niov of !) Dr"s. How r m the
'.h ic pa i ly ever get ,ilo..g w ithout""
The 1. , It'T j art of tia-above is iu.pi.rt :n-l.t . It
looks as t hough t ne. e iiior had'i.t inu. li esleetu
for flu- Do-tor's i i i . r ley. a u.l 1- en elbn'. at What's i :g brother Ki-!ilio!tr. ?
Did' ut the Doctor l.-.s.'nie to ! a-e you (
Ni'w Y I ai: l.II-Ts. Tb
bury. Lower pi ie.-- t ha
111.. I el i Ie' hands. "llier
tlie -i t ,i h i.g in uii-
I C,se he!. . h- be-t
I hts. I l-iti st stvi, ...
(cuts' tuinl-hiiig goods. 11:1s. caps; ail the
articles mentioned can be had cheaper than cise
wh re, all new, will bebmnd at Smiou A Oj.jien
l,einai"r stole. Third st i eet . below M.nk.t.
AlTolM Sli:vi -. The
mis- ioners tnet i in Thi.r
lied t.v iavv, and mad-
hoar. 1 of ounty ( din -day
last, the time sjn-ei-the
folle'i:,g a'C'o'ht-
ia. ills ..r the ciiuin year :
Clerk P. W. C.'ry. of Suid.t.ry.
Mcre.'iiiiile'er-i. W. ( 'ol.le. o Hen:
oimty Solicit. ir W. A. Solt.-r. Sui.l.i.iy.
Pliysician Dr. D. W. Shindcl, Sniil.-.n v.
Janitor Ja.-oli Cal.h'. Siinhury.
A. V. M. At a meet hit: of the luemhei s ol
Loil-e No. '-"-', A. Y. M-, of this plac. n 'I tics
day evening of Inst Meek, the following olli. eis
nere dec! ed for the i-iisi.iiij; year :
W. ..1. Jam'-a M. Farra.
S. W. I,i:nes II. MeDevitt.
J. W. David A'lick.
Se.-'y. .Jop. pl: Lis, ly.
Trea. M. P. t-cTiphicn.
'i i unices. --Valent itie iMelZ. John B. Lenio r
aii.i Bciijaiiiin Zetilesnov.-r.
I:!:i. In Jackson township, Mr. William
Lougs-dorf, ned ;,J j-jar.. The deceased was an
csetiiphiry young man, and was highly csteuneJ
hy all who knew him. lie tool; a treat intereH
, sci.oo., a.,', cuui-cuce, ,, w:. lor ,,lt yea.s ,
..f the Icauin- spirit, of tl.e advim, i,i,i of j
du.-a! ion in that neij-hliorl,,,,,.!.
CmnsTMAs lUv was t-ptiit in the man
ner, liiisine-s was. generally fcusptmied, villi
tin: exception of saloons and hotels. ( i '.icrii!
order 1 -rrvaiii-il. The churches as nital w.-ic
handsomely decorated with evergreens. Services
were held in ll'.-- Episcopal Church in the inoin
im;. In t lit- Reformed Church the congregation
liaJ ar-ciubled, hut tin'. pastor, V. r. (Icrhar I, was
unable to preach on account 'f ivi-civiii;; a de
spatch aniiouuciiie; tin.1 death til
Methodist and Ca! hope churche
which .rvie.-s v. i rp hi'!. J. hi l!
scholars of tl.e different San iay
were open, in
afternoon tlie
HI ntWIIl-
bl'.'d .nij r
ers in tlie
We are
', ived the!;- reward lrn::i t!
luipe of can.!: s nr.d calie-.
:1- i
t note that no d:s ui linnet
,.,!; t.kuv dni in-the ei.rie .J:. v. Oi: the niuht
previous MViial f.-lils occurred In 1 -. een iai!roa.l
,,.,:,.,,., on tu ,.. r. ;. K.c:,mc
I Imistoron.-, and threaten-,! to. id tip t!.:t.s hHhe j
I place, hut who, fortiin.-iti-'.y for the p:-:ice of the
: j;a0c. tan ai..'.init the strung anus of a ceitain
vomv, ,,,, u,e restilt id w lech, a few sore;
- -
head-, ami a pc-icaMc .-ind liapj-v hrs-tinas
j ' ' 11
j It is quite c -rtain t!iat if the same scene of strife, j
! 1,0 ret nacted t !iat v. as enaeied a yea: hl'o, theie i
will be 1:0 settlement mad'
roughly vindi'-ate.l.
until tl'e law is t'a.i-
j OfK mihbor of the iJailyis toim what phnm
' ziel in regard to the affair in the CommisMen-
ers' ofiiec. To read the Jhuly, by the way pro
j fessimr to bean independent p.-iper. (?) one would
! suppose that everything; about the cuurt house
I had pone to smash. We would advise all liepub
, lieans connected with that institution to c;et out
j of it as soon as possible if th.iy wish to save .Take j
! from becominthe inmate of some insane iiistitn- '
j tiou. IPs cravings lean ereat'y in the direction ;
I of office, and with the expectation ofajain cMa
, blishine a "Kin:: it is the next thinto impossi-
I,-., (.ir l.;,.i t.t 4.1. .,.11 ..e eit W.'l .Tn!.e ..I Hi,
' " .....v... ..... .... .... ....
time is about to transpire when the law allows
1 vour 'Kine to resume operations, c advise voti
j to keeji cool. P.clter. daki , yon had falsified ;i
liltie less in regard to the Commissioner busi
ness, tor roeaniation will t Iiunmlal lot. when 1
your readers discover your trick and demand cx- !
p'.aualion. You had better occupy your time j
I in lookinc after vour friend Younpman. who 1
has already the inside track for tie- 'pap j
which will lie spoon' d out from that office. John !
is a great lover of pap, and if he don't get ail
the delicate pulp, he will have you ousted f Oai j
j that anticipate! little "close corporation,'
j that w ill sea! the fate of the ' Iw.lrp.-nunit JIV.h.'
j TlHO!t:i:s IsTiTt"rn. The Northumbeilaral
Countv Teachers Institute ocean its annual ses-
j sums, ai ine 1 ourt nouse 111 mis p. ace, on
1 day last
There is
1 gooil attendance, although
; it l sttppoMM ttial a gm.j
.Ev nuinbir of teachers
I present who are luhy ab.e to give tb
mblic an
! w,,at iF "".inspiring in their d. iiberations,
i and which would prove beneficial to thu inein-
y hers of the institute, as well as interest to those ;
feeling interested in the cause of education, we
lind no proceedings reported to any of the papers
in this plac. 1
Finrs at Si:i.inoi:hvi:. hi atuld.y evening !
l ist fi , ,. i,r,.Li. int iii hi i.lil ct ilil.. i-. litis, i
grove, which consuni' d the building. The light
of the tire caused an alarm at this place, and
the fire department was out in foiee.
i)a Wednesday another tire o c lined in the
Ulii; place which consumed two more stables,
Ti,c--c Cus are ail the woik of incendiaries. We
nre informed that letters have been received by
n-nt parties threatening to bum the entire
" There is great excitement prevailing and
U.M the villains: b- caught lynch law will be
I"" ' "v-
p-v- To';s. (.,. Ncflof the Washington
butchered two hogs,
' ' '
Wednesday last, which weighed lbs.
) ,M a co )(, A
, . , . . f;ir
u ho
! iiished, and juiiging from the '.v.-ight of his jior
. kers they never suite red any for the want id food.
When we fail In provisions, which may not beat
a very remote period judging from the tardiness
oi" some of our patrons in making payments on
.ascription, tic, we hlwll make' apnliiatiou to
cription, ve., we stiall naitie atioa philanthropic landlord, and for once enjoy
()f ,lic pfu,,, ,,(- Ji4-
u.lVU,z :l fa!! stomach. of
I.lsT of Letters remaining in the Post Otliee in
Sunbury, December 'J'.l, ltj4 :
A. C. Al.ison, Abraham Crawford, .Mary L.
Crane, Lizzie (ormiiu. Win. L. lleifeu-leiu,
Minnie JI nuoe, dc'iiii .- S. lhri-tie, Mrs. Alice
Swarck, Wait'ir Tr-igle. Mos s Thomas, A loin
Persons calling fur letters will please say they
are advertised.
J. J. MITII, f. m. On. .vs. Messr-. Uealty .t Plolts,
if Washington, D. "., will send to any one w i.-h-ing
to pniehase,a price li:t and a li-t of testimo
nials, fume of whom you may know, using these
organs, Ve., wheieby our readers may select a
first-class instrument. If any of our leaders de
tire to purchase, they will scud one for eiauiina-
company Ire of charge, while other ineinb--is !
will donate material. Ch. ill' s Caringer giws j
',lo l)r:c!., ami vt.ji., .1. ii. L'-iim-r,
Smith A Bio., So'.. Stro'.i, W. T. I'.iigh.-uiaa. and
Oeo. liari imiii, cacti u'.iO'l. ill i.t .'ni'iit gives
the lumber for the Cr
t tioor. l b house wi.l
i be built with a tower of fit in which a
j bell of lUCO 15..S. wil. be place!. The members
c.i-piay great energv.uud hhoaid leci ive a
; hand from every citi.-n to cotnp!
! 1 '
a ir en'er-
Fou mi: Ami.hkan.
Crni:.,i town, Pa., D :s. !-.!.
Mi: j.'tlitur :
I).-etniiig it not amiss, I will with your permi
sion, relate through vour worihy iMpei, which is
a weicoue; visitor to the people of th
tower end
ol the county, how Christmas celebrate I in i
our cj'iict valley. During the morning there was j
nothing to denote the glorious advent of a bless- j
e l Saviour into lac world, save the happy greet- i
ings of the ch!lilrii iulefh anging merry hrist- '
in. is to eacl: other. In the alt'-rnoon, the sound I
of our chur-h tu i! wi's heard summoning the !
i ehildien i," the Ciiion S. Seh..ol together, to rc-
I le-i-e their exeri i-es to be finally repeated m t !.
I form of a Sun lay sehool exhibition. At six o'
j i-lo.' n the laiioiiar sound oi the r hurt li bell was
j again beer !, this time announcing to tie- ..,,,.
t tn e, and lu-nr tin Ir child
I the "( 'J id.ngs of great Joy w!i
i-n proe!
: to all Pc.ple." Ph.- ( h. I iivii ii.- tV!. (,.
I t ie- 1...1 ii.onio::- ma i.i.ii ia -.v ! j i . -1 1 tie- ex.iei-es conduct) ! due (eat lire was
ui.ii.iti st. that no lalioi was spared on the pa it
; o! the rintejideiii-, Me-si. U. ... A. Bol.loit, i
i a - i W . II. Bick.-I, 1 .: a pj..;:.;,i,t g.ithi I - I
j ing. Th" pe' l'ol OCihe,.- reli.-r.., such ., Teet I
I sal t.t"! ion. t h it p, . rent s and child i en long !..r a
fy tit;.)ti wId-ii ini-tm .s .-.mie again. li.i i
. I h)- go..l things ot lli" Ire.- wi.-- d :st i iliate I to i
I the i hiliii. n, h.. n.imbeii . .,inii ,.) li 1 1 u .1 1 - '
I ai.d fitly, t lie audience d -pei - , d. great Iv delight- '
I . d with tie- events ..! the . . ning. Tlie' school is
; in a wry pro-pei-oiis condition, and under itselll- :
j eient olliei-i s. promi-e- to !.-.. me a in. .del school. '
On S.t.;i.!iiy . Venii g tb.- enlivened'
' viitli choice in !i ir-. delivered l,v the Miih r-buig j
; Comet Band, who came on an exciirklnu. I i
. sjiend the evening. AKi t serenading son e of I
i O'll cit 'iZ 'Ils. t hex te, iii e-1 to 1 he S'.lt ion ll House, !
' and v.ere p!ejs;n tiv t a'.-itai I. bv n.iiie h..-t,
Augi-.stns Wabl. Tins ended 'hi i-t in:i in ieit ',
mi'-i. oli.-EKVI II. i
H.u:i Tivr.s. 'I he cvideiices of dull tuns-: an
j uninisiakaliiy apparent on every hand ltiro:i"!i'
out our eouniiy. i!...r i- far f'om li. in..,s r(.. :
inuneralive as in times pa-t. and the money ;
intik.-lis iiiiiis na.l' v i indent. Owint tolhoej
facts people srein -Lilly are inclined to I'C cconumi- j
(.al in th-ir purchases. But ere times ly j
vnrs. I h tu now, no oia- ( oiil l . .j.-. f to I lie prices
at whi.-l, nn-l t hoes are sold at the Excel
sior store of J. Ii. Jiiiith .V Bro., in Miller's
Mock, Santnit v. I'a. Men, .voinen and children's
shoes are sold at most a-touishin? low rices.
I'ltll Sh.i.-s (,( i i, v styl
m l inice. .-since all
is first -cla-s i-i respect to in.iteilii and malic-np
th'- lurjains otV-r."! are -im;ily e-r.".rd:nai V
and i.rov itisr paili -clarh :icc' t -ihle to havers
(Pirni;; Hi" hard times -,u, wit 1 1 the prc:-e!:t
s' .uect v of l.-ionev.
T.t ri--iT
lilts ;
on Third .strnt !icow .Market, Sunt
e.irv. fi
ll. ii:. n. lie und'TStiiids hi htisiness th
.y, :l:,d i(! 1:1ke. up the Be-t lit tin? suits in l,e
country. In f ,et th-v excel t!,ose procured in
.,, cUi from in,, ,.;,.,,,,;,,..,,
FrnKlvs' .'NiiM:i Hook. Price 1.50 : ?1".50
per dozen. Published bv Oliver Dit.son ,vr Co.
Mr. W. I. Pcil.his, th:- author, is evidently a
( lioir Leader. If not. lie has made a remarkably
correct ";rin ss'' a to the nei .Is of our comimm
choirs, tt lwi need oceasioua'.Iy, new ccllci'lious
containing Sonir and simrl f ciiti'iieea, ducts,
ipiarttt-. and anthems, all clinch' pretty closely
to script lire texts, done very dilllcult, none lonij
nor tedious, aad all coiitainiiif; a ii'jv.-, fi-sli and
iatctvMiiii; luiir-ie.
Wh.a choii-B need, Mr. P. lias f : 1 ! 1 v m:p; 'ied.
'I'll- book has 'J"'0 paes ahd 100 pieces, all, to
ap; oar, now
About 15 are Sentences, about J5 are hort
Anthems, tilling eeneiaily two pats, or may
perhaps Ik', more properly called '!ot.:j tsen
teu'es;" a 'lout 50 are Anthems, l:it i-ei: -tally
i-X'-eclOur ;; , 4 jvi-s in length.
Mo.-t of the Antinins an.l Jei;te:iccS in
sl-nrt solus or duets. 10 be sunu; by one, t-o, or
m my oiees, at '., but b.-.-ide the-e th-re is a
tiihnl 11 amber of regular solus an 1 duets of some
ieinrth, not ditlieult, bat litted to dieplay the
Show voices"' of a choir. fr-ia the UW.'.i: aie used in about 00
pieces, and vc';l known hymns for the rest.
l b-- !ii ( bants
have novel am! beautiful ar
rds. r.:i;e;, in..:,! i ,,f
Tlli: Eri'rr.ut .This valuable Magayiue l..r ! ,v,,n as 111 tue c::ses that have enumerate.!,
i IcecmSer is at hand, oud coniains i.ianv articles the Favorite Prescription fleets cures the nuir
i worihv of care ful attention, amon which are : v-'! tue world. It will not do harm in any
: The Late Ejections, the vote of ls74 compared Ftate or condition of the system, and byadoptine
with 1M . Forri-'ii liit. Canadian P..;-
leinrocitv. The Public Domain, E-iiiwav Postal
rvice. liquali.ation of S!iieis Hot) lilies, The
'hattaiiooea Convention. Press Comments oh
the Eate Elections. Uepnrt r.f the Secretary of
j the Trea-Ui v, and other valuable articles,
j The prospi ct us of 7'Ac .'('?('.- for 1S75, pro-
mi-es the niaira.ine at the old price -JJ ier year,
free ol postage, and that it shall be uibiishcd on
new type especially selectee" lir the work, an
evidence of prosperity v.u arc 'ad to note. Send
for samp!,- copy to Tbr ,''!ii: Washinirton,
!. C.
1'akmi ii"s ami iti ii in ns. Ei vi Sc.isholt. i:i
iorms fanners, builders ami fibers that he is
au'.-.-n buinii: iiine of a superior quality from
the cel. lira! , 1 Tin kahoe lime stone, Dry Ycllcy
vein, at his kilns in Sunbury, near Clement's
planing mill. Ail who have t:sed it admit that
it i stronee-t and best lime that cm be produced
in Pennsylvania. The nub.-cribcr having, seven
LiU.k. will, 11 -,j-.iriir tn 1 1 11 1 11 5uo liustiels er
day, is prepared to supply ail who come, and
semi in !!'. away empty.
J. W. Wi'vcrt it Co. keeps the best brands of
tobacco, serais, iv.c, licir the Court House.
Trial List Tor .9 a unary Term.
Miller T Day vs Aiseus I! Day.
; 111.1 lie nil 11 iv 1 ic.oiiou iii. o s 1001 1 n nips.
'11... v..: 1 i ..1. .1- v-...i.i ... -1....1...
1 ne iisi .,,iLi,iii,ii j.iiii 01 . 01 1 n (i s 1 nroui
ehool District.
Same vs Lewis school i'istrict.
Joseph liaelc r Vs Mathias Sehiuuek et al.
Solomon Mart 7. vs A J Slroh
I l.nuis Marquoiiit Vs ,co I .igeiv.
! II .t .1 llii.i.l. s vs .t.ito. MurUle.
Mo.-es Cliaiiiherlin ct al vs Eeonaid Dorwood
and an.
I'c'cr Annbra-ter and an vs W Ii F Weimer.
1 a 1- i'.i....- .... 1 .... ..v iv 1 ii..'r...,.M..
j,i Mi y v; .Toh,',' Ii., n, y."
faimiel John vs Ere I J Anspaeh.
Misaii Walt, admini-l r.ttrix. iVc, vs Jacob Pei-
1 ler.
i Wm. Meng. s s John D. Stiatton.
Chas Miell. a.lin'r ,Vc, vs lieubcu D D' ir.
Abraham Erich t al vs W J II
Thus 'fucker vs Jacob Wolf.
Thus Eauiiig.irduer vs .1,(1, n Cruiksliauk anr
J- l'cwail vs ,1 II . mi uicrina u et a
Elizabeth Fagcly vs Joseph (iroves.
I Ira T t lenc i-.t vs The North d Coal '
! uid.Ui.
' Einaiiuel Com a ! and an, adiiu 's. V(
i Edward C Logan vs Sacnel aukiik.
A Ii Eiske vs iienry Longeneeher.
Hixson V. Iiiinie vs lieo Ilili, rs'r. ,V:e.
Francis Jordan vs The l'.xci li-iol Coal C .
Francis Jordan vs Tbos liaiimgardijer.
White. Lent 7. A: While vs I) bniink V: Son.
; Edmund S iotty v .1 asper Slaynnker.
i AK'il'M F.ST LT, JASL'AKY ("Ol i'il
j Gen 11 Mover vs K Ii Douty, o m r, i"p.
j John Orth vs (Ii1" W l'.rewer.
! Wm Keagan vs Win Manev.
W'm !ron for use i f Win II M Oram and an.,
i exee'rs, iVc., vs K IS Doiitv.
j W H M Oiam and an. c'.ec'ts, iVc, vs K-bee; a I
Anu Doaty, tit;
F J By rod vs Sabina Hoover.
James Quinii, adiu'r. iVc, vs o Bun.-.
Richard LoMj vs S W ( lark.
Leonard Pcnsyl vs D K Pcnsy! and Danl Conrad
1, II Lowell, ex., vs Jos Ihu-hman ami an.
Shamokiu Hanking Co vs Wm 1J Scbive and Jno
F Schive
i Miners' Trust and Safe Deposit.; Co vs Win V, i
Schive, John F Schive and John L Semve.
Frederick Ma'n-r, for use of Lewis HassieU, s I
F Muier and Julia Maier.
D D Davis vs Columbia lusuraii':-.- Co.
Henry Ilulh vs I) P Suloutf.
1 llarrv Hi-rccnsloel,, iVc, vs En-gin. er of No.
H'J.-j P ,t E Kit and IVuna KK.
1 Sell and Sebotiour for use, ,V;-.. vs Cbri-tiin
In ri- of the petition of Ceo W Troxel (or rale to
show cause why appointment of John Lam-phi-,
Constable for Tui bntvil'.e should not be
lieo Evert vs John K iser and David Re -d.
Annie E Sober vs John Caldwell, exee'r, Ac.
Savidge A Bright vs S P Kase.
K B Doutv and an 8.7 vs The Miner Savir
Fund Association of Shaniokiii. j
S 1! D A William M.-ng' S vs John li-mkel an 1
Chas Newhaid. j
S H Sinitli, use, vs tiro Long an I SauTl Long. j
Emanuel Conrad and an, cxis, vk John Fov, !
adiu'r D I!
Mary Jane .".!
Coiuiiiou'h I
' T A of Daniel Conrad.
Her vs Eli Miller.
r u-e of John )i:ug.ilii..u s
The First N al..:. il if.
North'd vs A K
Kapp A Co.
A S (. iiiiiiiiings vs Win HoUaian.
The Filst National I'.a'.k of North'.', vs A 1" Kapp
A Co.
Augnsta Bank v. Jos. Row A Ilro.
Potl-ville Bank vs I'.ivid Wal l:,.;:.
Ch i- P Smith vs Fianeis My is.
Wm Heiiii.g vs Wm Martineus.
John Smith vs The D it A W KK Co.
John Moore vs Pi-ni.a KK Ci. P A E KK.
David D DeW ,:t vs Wm II Conrad.
J K Sanborn vs Washington Mowing Machine
John McDonald v.- Patron Curian.
I.isvt tF Juror for Jautiai-.T Term.
lili.lVli ll llolis.
Thomas Aitley, Mi'ton N. .; Israel B-ringer,
Shamokiu: Cyrus O. B.ichinan, Watsontown ;
Atuliew Buch'er. Washingtoti ; John M. Evans,
Mt. Carmel tw..; I'.iebiird (.. Ei nh.nt, Shamo
kiu, W. W. ; Willi mi Fe:::e,-, .!-.. Chillis. p.iaoae,
Henry f, H.iitr.,ft. Delaware ; Wellington lluiu
liie!, Ciii r Augii-ta : Hiram Ilagenliueli. Dela
ware; Il-nry Harris. Milton, . W. ; I-ai ih 1
.lolinson, Point ; Iloiace Kapp. Northumh. r-
1 land; John II. Kramer, Cameron : John Lyon. !
jSunliuiv, W. W. : Eli, is L-.tsha, Washingtou ; j
Jesse Miller, Point ; Daniel Noei k.-r, Watson-
town'; Ogden H. Ostrai.der, Riverside; Charles j
Kebu'k, Washington; Cur.l l;igh;. Mt. Carmel
j r.vp. ; Jnna' bi n Ki-h. I, Ci:ii!isua.ue : .bdm ;
K'.shel, Mia S. W. ; Jacob R.-tt, Delaware, j
i : it .
For January Term, 1V.T.
C-orge Armstrong, Me Ewensv ill.-; P. t-r Bo-
r-1, Siiiibury, W. V.; t.ei.rge itiieher, sur., Sun
bury, W. V.'.: t.e..rge v. Coble. J ie!.' on: Isaac
Campbell, l'p..r Align ta: Widiai.i Conner,
Watsontown; William B. Diehl, Point; Milton
1 1:1 1 V, Lower M ih.inov : .lam.-, llielleiihaeher,
Northuinbeilau,!; Jolni D. Diei!'. ml, ill. t, Chillis
.iia'p!e; !"iiry V. Di I'pen, Jordan; C-orge
Detwib r. .".iilion. N. John Dini I. Wash
ington; IvU.ird C. E'.sl. y, Satibary, W. W.; Snia-
ii-I W. lipi h r. ShaTOoi-in: Jobu '.. Fassoid.
i,".'i .vi.glisia; n' iirv i . i-'-iier, asiniigton;
Ibniy I ., T'urhut: John O'orge, Nor-
thiiinheil.ind: Jacob Ctnn, Lower Mahii.'V;
Joha (iala-ile. Tiirbui v ilie; Heniv Huniuiel,
Zeibe; O-eal Haiti. .ut'. '!.i.ii-.piai'le; Frtl-ik-
iiu Hoy, Milton, 11. W.; ii .inor. Point;
Hugh Johnson. Noi : hiuu! ei la nd ; S.iunc I Kellv,
Low.-r August..; Willi, m. K... b. C!,i:i-'-i:i'pi'-:
Fianklin Kcil.-y, Lower Aug-i -ta; Ccegc W.
K.-efer, Sin. bury, E. W.; !a.. K-.n.p, Ms. Car- !
tin 1 bor.; a-tnie Leiglmw. N 1 1 huin!e 1 mil;
Mrl'.ii Me!'!,,.,-,, Sai.'mi y,
I , I .i-n i-: Jacli
M.c.M.V, Mt. Car:
N..I1 lil.ll,!..-! -a;,-.
W.: R'.l.eit I..
I x well, Turhat:
l.oio ; Peter M'
Montifonie- I
Cb. ! .
Ole. ! ,.
An'i-ta: IIul'Ii .Mcl ir.ii.i: Ml. Caiiind (wi
Win. II. .Mii-seii .ii. S!i mi.ikiii. F. W.: Uni. F. j
Naele, Milton. N. W.: ;.. r;,. V. R.-ielii. y.Nor-
t In nili.-i land; '1 In unas Rogers, Mt. '. i in 1 I p.; !
Win. Rangier, Tiw'.ut; Henry R. Rak.-r. eit.e; I
.l.itie- Reed. Rush: Philip R'-nn. Upper A UL'tisia; '
Jolin S!ii-s!er, Suiihui y. W. W.: Harrison iVa-li-iuutoii:
Samuel SiVetiU. Rush; ."" hM-inni Slc:p,
Lower Ma!.ai:oy; .I..1, ii P. 'I r. mtman, Joid.iu: j
I.' in 'ii! 'I eits'.w.rlh, Sli mi. .kin: R'.l-rl R. 'I e'u. j
ttoitli. E. W.: Ada in Ticon, Wa-hii;'!":!: Sam. !
it 1 Wolf, .laeks.,.,,; It. .1 t Walker. I'..iiit: ;
Fian.Ilin B. Y.i-t, .-h-nnokiii. 11. W .: W illi. un
Voill.e, N' Hi hnml.c: la id : ''lotnas 7. il.e. Loa.-r !
Mihni'.y. j
l l Ti I .it i:i.s i ni; jii n t: i I i-i: -.1.
Jaiiiiaiy 11, W. I
. iii Blown. Sh, W. W. ; Janes
ai i. Lew is ; i'h
;p . i.u !;, Siiutiury, U . W .
i iliii l:ittiii"er. r-lianiokin : .!,,hn W. Krv'.iii:
j'per Ai;iru-t:i ; llavi l IVi-irr, Wa-hintiin ;
I J. .I.n Ko. I'nal ; .lac,!, '. (i.ui.'r, Milton, N.
W.; Pclrifk'i'iii, Mt. Caniiei twp. ; I'.d
! v. a : d (,tady, Ka-ii ; Alliert llolslio-. .la. ks.m:
: Io!i n II.. pp. -I-. Lower Delist i . Andrew A . I leim ,
Siiamoii'm, W. W. ; William Hoover, Sunhiirv,
I". W., liii II. Kuoiisc. SliainoUin, W. W. ; Iien
ry l. h.iiip. Jlchwensyille : Ssolomon Klase, La
tin Mali.inoy ; Adam I". K"i st.-tt t, "aineron ;
.lohn A. 1.1. .l, Northiiiii'.erlan I ; .lohn M.
Miller, 'hilli-''i:i'tie ; AleNaudcr Mai'tz, fenn
Imry, W. W.; .less,. M,.z. Northuiiilieilaii'l;
'inn;!' P. M.'itz. Point ; .Icllry Medrah, Mt.
I'armel twp.; .loscpii Nicely, dr., I), laware,
Lemuel Kan), MianioKin. K. W. ; Samuel P..
licit-., Washington ; William S. Khoad.-, Suu
leiry, W. W.: ,J.ic,i Stiaub, Milton, N. W..
.Tohn II. Shiimian, No! t liutnhf rland ; Rinicl
Sliatfcr, .lord.ui ; Michael Shade, Lewis; .laniis
Taylor, Watsoiitown ; Samiicl K. Tucker, Lower
Augusta ; I'ciijamiii Wilemoyer, 'hiiii uini.pi.-;
ndrew' Zeluler. Sr., .Tacksotj.
Modkkn Woman. It is a Had coinmeiitary
upon our boasted civ:iz.ition that the women of
our times have degenerated in healtii and phy-
Pique unt ii they are literally a race of invalid?
pale, licrvoc, feeble and back achy, with only
here and llieie a few noble exceptions in the
persons of the robust, buxom ladies eharactcris-
tic of the sex in days pjae by. l!y a very lare
cX;)i rience. covering a period of year;, and c:n
liraein the treat incut of many thousands ot eaes
of those ailments jieeulia; to women, Dr. Pierce,
of the Woil.l's Disjiensaiy, Uullaio, N. V., has
perfected, by the combination of c-rtain vegeta
ble extracts, a natural specific, which be does
not extoi as a ciire-a!!, but one which adniirablv
tuilills a smleir'ss of purpose, being a most j
positive and iuiiah'c remedy for those weaknesses j
and complaints that al'diet the women of the pre- i
sent day. This natural speeihe compound H j
cal c I Dr. Pierce" Favori'.e l'res rijtiou. The;
follow ing are anions tho,e disvase.-, in wliii h tli:s j
wonderful medicine has oiked euro as if bv
niayie and wii h a cert ainty -icvcr before attain it ,
by any medicine : Weak baek. nervou , ai-d
general debilitv, faliinu and other dUt'laci lii'-ms
of internal organs, resulting from debiiitv and
lack of Ftrr'atli in natural supports, interna!
fever, conestiou, inflamatiou and ulceration and
very many other chronic diseases incident to w.- '
men, not ?roier to mention lure, in w huh. as
use tne invalid lady may avom that, severe-!
of ordeais the consuitinu' of a family p'ny
eian. Favorite Prescription is sold bvdcaieiT
general! v.
AMi ittCANS Ann a Nation or D'-sm-rn s.
We live fast, dissipate and (ill early graves. We
drink all kinds of alcoholic spirits, and swallow,
without mastication, pork, grease, and every
kind of life-destroying, system-clogging, indiges
tible food. Dr. Walker's Vegetable- Vinegar
Hitters will remove the evil effects, and the reco
vered patient, with pure vitalized electrical blood
flowing through his veins will have a clearer
bead and a cooler judgment, w hich added to ex
perience, will cause him toabrtain in the future.
- - -- -
Miss I,. Siiissi.i:k has taken the agency for E.
Huttcriek .v. Co.'s patterns, and has now for sale
tw. tUoiieniid of the latest styles for Eadie-,
Misses, Hoys, Childicu ami Infants, also for
tient's Dressing Cown, Mnoking J:irk-t a:i-l
Tiirur. is no iiifilculty in sob-cling a line sett of
I-iirn.ture at I!. E. lJ uideiibush s store in Sun-1
bury. lie keeps all the latent styhsat the low
est prices, and none go away from his store dis-
satislied, which is an evidence that he ph-aet:ill
Ciiutsi is is coming, and those, wishing to
purchase a suitable present for oid or young, are
invited to cail on Stevenson, corner Third ami
Market streets, ( .yli'.Yr's Stone Huil.liug.) Sun
bury, Pa., when- be lis just received a large
stoeii of goods of the newest styles and most de
cant patterns, all of which will be sold at the
very lowest prices. His stock comprises in purl
of Ladies' and ticnl's (iol.:
and Silver Watches,
Ladies line (iol. I
ami I iiited elts, itreast nils
and Ear King-. Sea! King
Amethi.-t. Toi'cz.
iold and Silver
(iariiet. bivx, llianioi.d,
Thiaibles. NecMaeco, Lockets, Charms, Sleeve
Itiifons, Studs, Hiaei-iets, Castor. Cake !ia-l;ets,
Tea Sett-. Collee Cms, Silver Mugs, Spooulmld
e I's, Pie Knives. Crumb Scrapers, ice Pitchers,
! (ioblets, Saivers ; also, a very supeiior article of
j Silver-Plated Forks, l'eiand Ta'le Snious. In
fact, all articles uuailv found in a tirst-cl:is es
tablishment. All goods are warranted to be as
represented. No trouble to show goods. Par-
lieu! ir attention paid to t!
repairing i.f Wateh-
j i s. Clocks. Jewelry. ,Ve. Cold and Silver Plat
j ing done. Masonic Marks made to order. En
graving, Cear-cattini: and Experimental Ma
i chiuery made to order.
i I'oi: good t'li'aeeo, segars. jiij e-, vV;e., go to J.
; Wi'veit .v. Co.. near the Court Iloie.
, Mfiun'it Wii.i.Oi't. Samuel Ityeily, on Third
I street, Sunbury, i'a.. mar the Clement House.
', has been fi'imd guilty ot having the largest and
'"'-t a-s ntmen; .f holiday pn-cut- in town
Let everybody call and examine and be ( i.nvine. d
that Hycriy i- always ahead and means to be
ahead, not only in tpiaiitity but in iUa!ity of
goo.i- and e pecialiy in low pi ices. Me has
everyl hing you ca ii name exeeit money, an, I he
is willing to take that in exchange for goods.
nine one, come all
don't fail to call and be
mad-- ha py.
I'm: Tin: ii il l in.Wr
opened a large assort me
notice :?i another I'art
Mars '. Bro. h.ivini; j
i; of liolid iy good-, give
ol this paper, that the
i t
1 mo.-l beautil'a! goo,!- in the New Yoik mark' :- I
vvill lie sold at lower price- than (hey can be had !
i in retail citv .-toies. Th.-i' store compares with i
j any establiskun nt in tlie ".ty to ;.! .; In lniiiy j
I Jireseuts from. '
Till", best brands of ciga: s, tobacco. Ac., a i e j
! kejt by J. W. Wilv. rt A Co.
j Ciaivvi.s are daily calling al Stevenson':
I those h gant new good-. Watches, Clock
' eli v. Silver-Ware, Ac
Co to .'. W. Wi'.veit .t Co., tier tic-
to see
' "'-
! House, lor i good eigar.
Mi sli;vi.. J. P. Kecfcr h is lately removed his
excellent instruments into th ' building
on Fourth street, b. 'ow Iarkif, nearly opposite
the City Hot.!. Any kind oT Musical iustiii
meats if the most' impruved styles an I make are
kej t in liis i-tablishin.-i.t. Pallor Organs.
Pianos of tie- be-1 inaiiufaet ill e in the country
will he found at his store. He is also agent for
the !- ..-".ving machines now iu u-e.
J. W. Wiivert A Co.. near tin- ( ourt Hons.-, the le t brands of rig it - and tobacco.
Sahoknt : Sn i!i:r tic Bru iv, a delicate
b.'...utilier, which smooths out a'l iud-ntation,
removing tan, fiiekb-s and scars Irotn the: kin.
leaving the complexion clear and beautiful.
Sold by Mir- L. Shissler.
Tin: light running " Jiv,iiilc" S.-vviug m-;-
' chin", on
ae.'ouut of its many point.', of su eti-
on'.y. tui- a better deiuand thau any other in.inu-
I futured. and takes the lead with the pnhii" over
j machines long regarded as the best. A No the
I i;. w- (liov.-n and Baker sewing machine not s;;r-j
; pa-si',! !,y any other. Orders lor thi 'e maehines ;
i will b" j.ioinpt'.v tilled bv Miss Caroline Dali'is.
j age,,,.
' r,i;-U-r irw Mi-s C. D.iiins s thcatent f..l
j the s;,i,. of Parlor Oigan-, Pianos, and all kinds
I of iiiusieal iii-trutiieiits. The yetv bi-t instru
ment s are fun
i'-d on shoit notices a', pnc
to suit I nil, -, i a
II or address..
No. o;;, Mail-.f-t St.. S.anhaiy.
1 i: 'iir.A v Fr
A new lot just rcceivi
T. Tltr. Aiti i ti".i. No matter under v.hafi
' form of sickin-ss von l.ilior, there i.s on.- treat,
. truth y..u (-ho'ild keep in mind: All .liscasej
i oiiinates in mi impure condition of the tilood.l
j Purity that, and tin- di-casc iitiisl depart ; lint;
i you c.iaaot pni ify the hloo.l t.y the use of poison-'
i o is drills, e Iciiistive stimulants. The tn-st
I P. Wilier ever !i-coV. red is Dr. Walker'si
t'lttiotii Bitters, of simply
! h'lhs. depll.-!.v. I
I T i OlHl'tBI'TIVIi'S.
Tin- advcrllsci- having Ie i n peniialieuliy clir.-d
. of t:i,-'l ilre-id disease ('..n.-uicptiou, hv
, ,'"r.V'.'lv
i-. ativio'is tn m-.l-.
Hie IllC.UlS of CHIC.
ttll.lVII to Ills f.M t.W
In all ho de-ire
. it, he .-.ill send a copy of tlie picscripthm u-. .;,
( free of eharirc), w ith the directions lor picpai-
i-(e- and u-iii"; the -amc, which they will find a
s ire cure lor Consumption, Asthma, Biont tiitis,
V.C. Parlies isliiii"; tlie prescription will please
.-.d.liess B,'v. K. A. WILSON.
VM Penti St.. William.-hiir-ih, New York.
A (Miitleinan who sutl. red for yiur-- frcni
NeiVoiis Del.ilily, I'renia.ture Decay, "and all th.--Ifeet-
id Joiithtul ill.liscretii.n fur tl..; sake
oi s.,i.' r.tiHi'iiuty, m ml t;ci tn nil -At.o need
il. lite recipe :,nd direction lor inal.':ie t'l" i itn;
r "in.'dy '.y v.-! i i -1 1 In- c-ir.-.l. S-i !c:er.s wi-ii-itiK
to pi'olit I iv I iie a.iv. ili.-i is vxpi .ici.oc c-n
!.. o . :: ! I r - -; ut in p-rfect e..,r I.
.ions . ('.N.
.! c.-.'.-..':i.-lm. -i'.' ( e.lar St.. , Vol I;.
,t M at i ii h it is. II anpliin countv. on tin- -St li
Il'cem'ier, isrj, IIKMIV Wil.VI'.IM'. nd
:i!iu! l l vi a: .;
Ill War llilieti.U ..V. Ilsllip.' .11 tl
1. t, at tlie lioii'.c of 1,,-r eran if.
KIM', li. K I.I N II. at." d S v. i:-, i
;:; iof e.-m.
lor. CAT1IA-
Illoilt'til- Mild
S I XI 1 1 iC 1 .11 A 1 1 K IVl S.
111. 171.
'I.-'o l.:;o
i.:;:.'i i.:;:.
T.'.i' i so
T.V" so
r; if- iii)
S.7.V i 'i.iki
t'i.."i0.'.i ',. .HI
i i:a in - Win ai
p.-r ha h 1
prime u hit.'
I.'ye p.-r l.u h
I'nni "-
Ltr.i Familv it hl.i
Fi oi i:
' 'oni ne m
liueli wheat
V'r.rri ' ' A. ( i.its h-.p pr PM ih
Sh..,ls ,v Mixture
."i li'll. 1. 75
SO-'o 75
lf.M '.'ll
I lei IS
initi In
l.v.i is
:;rie"i in
liiif" :tf.
I OTA!..! ,
I'm.-. I-!.,N-
Ac NliW pel till die:
Hani .er :h
Shoulder pr )'.
P. icon pr 1!.
Heel'. U t ii! pr 111
Veal, do do
Dried I? i f pr Hi
( 'hicken-: dress;', j.r ;i
lo. live wci -ht
Ilr i Ti.i;--Prinie i. r lh
!",;,. 4'
! -
j I
OTi 'K.
niK t'orcr n Co Pints ,
l-HiM AM) Cot NT!'.
N.'O. I HI l-
in re of the assignment of i
.. A. liaiick for beuelit of
"VyoTIC-E is here!iy ui'en, that ti'.e account of
11. m. Cummins, Esq., asMjjncc of E. A.
Hauck has le '-n tiled i;i the Court of Common
Pleas of Northumberland county, ami that the
S i'ue will be presented to Hie Couit for eonlir
ma''oi! on rI nvsilav. Januarv 5, l"j75.
E. '1. Ki Ml KIJACil.
unteiry. Dr
11, iS7!.-4t.
7 r v
1 1
Tin i;til s:u! itiiT sij
1. pie I'!:e (.nous.
I a aev I ioods.
'A'Oiii.EN liotiDSiiF EVEIiY DES( Eli'TI- .
A i b-ndi 1 line of N'i'ioii-.
Eatlies goods a fpcei i.ty. n:- l.l.w.'s. Neck
ties. Haukerehiefs, Ac. fail and
see the iuiMieii-i- !oek at
Market Square, Sunbury.
Sunbury, Nov. K!, Is7t.
TIJK MTTNai'KCill ti tDTTi;.
: Those who are arranging for their home pa
j pers for the next year, .vill do wisely to send for
i sample copies of the I'lttufmryli Ua:-tl', Daily or
' Weekly, as it will be seen to be the best paper
published in Pittsburgh. It is the oldest, being
! nearly s'.i years old, and has kept pace with all
! priascs of modern newspaper progress. It is
printed with new type, and on clean, white,
1 and handsome paper. Its news is specially full,
; ami accurate. It leceives cable news from Eu
rope, and dispatches lroui all parts of the coitu-
I try. It has special correspondents in Washing
1 ton, dm ing tlie sess ion of Congress, and at Har
' risburg daring the session of the Eegis'at lire,
and v.iil give lull reports 01 all that is interest
ing in tin: proceeding. Jts local news is com
1 plete and varied, yet chaste and pure. Its cdi-
.ona.s contain trenchant discussions ot all cur
rent subjects, and deal independently with all
trie issues of the hour. The paper is liepubiican
I in Inilties l.iit luiMs lleil the Tia rf v is siinerior
to cliques and rings. Its market reports are
specially lull and cotnpl'-te, and have a reputa
tion that is wide spread, for accuracy and rclia-
bi-ilv. In frequent instances, parties in tie
country have saved or made considerable sums
by following the accurate, reports of prices,
given in til" Oazr.ttf. in selling their produce. It
also contains agricultural, household, and fami
ly reading, c.uef-illy selected. Thus it is a fami
ly paper of great excellence and rare cheapness,
as to price. lis circulation is the Iaiget of the
Pittsburgh press. This year the postage on pa
pers is prepaid at the Pittsburgh oH'cc. thus ue-ci-ssitaung
tin- :d lition of this item to the rates.
I ',,. ,',..' .. .', ... .
: ii.i.iii i.i.ii. ill' i .iiiniii L : ii : I r. in i ill i I .i i ' I
iut-r utiblished. when the siz- and nua'itv of I
the paper are considered.
Jhiibj Cifrll.- (po t ige prepaid) by mail, per
annum, ? lo.oo ; f..r six months. S5.0i ; for three
months, :i.."iil ; for one month. 1.00; by the
week, payable to the carrier, 10 cents. '.'.i-cd,' ( postage prepaid ; by mail, sin
gi!e subscriber, 1.7" per year; in clubs of live.
isl.fiO ; in clubs of ti-u or more. 1.4H. ami an
a Iditioua! copy for every ten. to the getter up of
the club. Postmasters an; requested to act as
agents. ,
For samply copy, of daily or weekly, free- of
charge. addies
KINii. PiEED it CO..
I'itt.burgh. I'a.
Dec. IS is; .-::t.
Hofflki PARLOP,
I'll li 1 i s ),e,
monthly, giv
ing gl full si,V
pages of Vocal
M usieby Ha vs.
Publish ed
inoi.thiy, giv
ing ''1 fu'.l-size
pages of easy
and iin.deraleiv
Pn hi ish ed
tnontl.'Iy, giv
ing 'Jt full-size
pages of classic
and d i Hi c u It
Piano Music.
?t p. r aiinam :
single eopi.-,
.V cents.
.Tboio i- ditlieult
Price. I M li: ie.
jier .ii!Uimi;sni
g!e eoiies. .VI
eel it s.
f i pi r aiinum ;
single eojiie-,
.VI Cellt.
i and Mail.-d, l'osi -I'ai i, by
.1. L. PETEKS. .V.f.i liroadwav. N. V
Boii Vilraes of MUSIC.
Among tic many thousands of Ballads and
Piano Pieces thul we publish, there are some
thai arc noted for their great beauty and lasting
ipialities. We have ma le a careful selection of
these pieces, and oil'."- them at a low price, in
fifteen volumes, nann-ly : 1
Shining Lights, a Collection of Sacred Songs ;
(I'ohlcti Leaves, Vols. I. and IE. Songs bv W. S.
Hays; Hearth and Home, Fireside Echoes, and
Sweet Sounds, three collections of Home Song
an I Pri"eles- Hems, :i tine coli' i tjua
f Ballad:
' by Thomas, Wallace Keller, etc.
! Fairy Fingers, I'.-ail Drojis, Magic Circle, and
! Young Pianist. Four collections of easy M nif,
us a general thing, without octaves, and suita
ble for the Piano, K.-c.l Organ, or M'-lo deon.
Musical Kei H .itions, a collection of Dances, and
(iold.-n Chime- and Brilliant tieiir-, for more ad
vanced i iyes. iy Kinkle, etc.
This valuable collection is i-sucl iu two bin 1-
Price of . ,,.., in Board-.
Cloth an. I
We e n al o i "com mend The Opera at Hoiii",
a collect inn of Vocal Music, price $-i n Bo.irds ;
jl in Cloth. Also, Pcails .1 Melody, price Sll in
Boar.N; 1 in C! ith. La Creme i!e la (.'leme,
Vol. 1, in : SI in Cloth.
Address, J. L. PETEKS.
!.". II, 1N7H.-P.. rl'il Broadway, N. V.
'-'.v IiIIiner .o(li
ll ,vi j::-l !:ecn npelied at the stoic ut
.miss. m. i. ;ossi.i:it,
Fo I:!'., s( t. beh i t tlie Sli.imo'.in Vail y K. .
wii.-:.-:.:; ,
N. w Vr.ik :
In inspect!
iii.lsol Mi;!:
ml I'liil idi1!
i.-ry t b ot Ihj h. lest I
ihi.i si vies j; n i:., ni.. n !
HAT.-. BONNE is.
'...' 1 s , Kitili'.n-. F alheis, 1 1 5i!i"iiiiiif,
i.-.c-s. K
(il.'V.-. H.iiik-.-r
lisll lllV lo'lll 1 i ;
and t v. ry kind .
ry store.
I st.xk.
s ar.'
invited to '-.ill and
jcc the iiiiiiu rse
A Private Residence
On 1'oitrlh MrnM-t.
Th' 'fii! liti-ji ui'" ii-'.irlv . ;i.t li uil n
th-' Int. urtv i-- 1 1 1 1 I on tht rorti r
f t'iiiulh an. I 1'otm tn-. :,;:! tlst'ic room To
hiiiM st'Vi-ral iuw ht;-(-v da lot.
T r t i ot ' ja yuii-i:! wi!l Nc maijt- -ta-y .o llii;
"I'lia 'I I . li(u" w.'il ;of.tti.l lor a n!inv
, i" av i.t I" ha-iiH'-sf-.
- llr. oi ai T'lv in 1 -i - m to
1 1 ' !. .1 i. n n i:k I ,
Suiiliurv. Pa
omph te Pic'.ol ill1 Hi-i.T ..!' the Titlie
I.I -I, ( 111 :ipc-t,a!ld most s,,fesst'.ll Kil
I ill li..: I'llil.!.."
Harper's Weekly.
of It; Press
i I !.. "Vt kki.v is ' he nMest an, I liio-t powerful
I'oi i-i'.i.'.i-d pciiodiea! iii tliis. country.
It- .1,1 oia's ;;r.' s,..::,r;y and cnviiu inir, and
'carry fiucn ueiL'lil. its -'lustrations nt" current
l. v. iil-aie I iii and liesh, end are prepared l.y
;,iur ln-t nc-iencr-. Willi a circiili.tion of ?1."U,
'i.olth'' Weekly is read t.y at Ii i-t liall'a million
i in t s: il.-.. all'l lis mil Uclice as a:i mean i M 1. 1 1 n. inn
. i- limply trciiiei. doiis. Tie- i
i kly maintains n
derided Views un
p.:-iti.- p.'-llioii, an. I eviwcs-
l.oiil leal and s.H'l i; ptol.i.'ltl
Ilsalti.-a - .1'' lilcd' is .'I llica-tolle.l ilisclis
ision. and i's pictolia! I. 111-! rations al'- oil.
ii cor-
tiil.oia;ic a re iiincnts
' . tin,'"' ' C-ll f.'iiO'n
if no mil ,1 ii force.
i Its tvitiei s r.i.oii evistcnl iUcs! aiiis and Its nu-
s and its
i mil aid ' carl. .on help
to mould t tn- senium
I" ! he L-'.'llll IV.
all Siih-crihei :. in I Ic I'niled
11 i!i'::i:'s W i:i:ki y, one y. ar, ?' I no.
il l nil iiu indi-s piep.-iym.-iit l I". S. post. l.y
the pnl.;ishcl s.
. Sah-ciij. lions to Haipcr's Magazine, Weekly,
mid ilaz ir. to one adcress for one y-ar, tt) ; or,
i t.Miot llnrHrs Periodicals, to one uddr -ss f.u
! . in- year, 7 ; po-taue free.
I An eMi.i epv of either th" MaiM'-mc, !.
y, or llazai will he supplied uratis for every
I' i'ul. of l ive Suhsci ih. is at i I each, ill onere-
' niittaiice : or. Six Copies for ?.0, without cxiia
! f.ij.v ; postage lice.
j Hack Numiii'is can he supplied at any lime.
, The Annual Volumes ,,f Harper's Weekly, in
I eat (loth hindine. wi'l he sent hy cxiir's free
' f expense, for JTeaeii. A complete set, c.m
I p-iim; ei"litecn vol utile?, sent on receipt ot cash
at the. rate of -;. r per vol., freight at expense
1 nf purchaser.
Nov. 1H74. New YoiK.
iitio Abbcrtismcnls.
MMil ltY .tiakum: yaki.
Fourth Strict tuelow Market,
" S U N B U It Y, PE N X ' A.
rrMIE undersigned has returned from the Ver
1. mont Marble Quarries with 56 Tons of
Marble for
Cffi. Jloiiuisionts,
V raTe-Stn vs.
He has l oulit at mch figures that
will alhiu- him to soil better stone, for
less money, than heretofore. The best
Sutherlaud Fulls Afarblo,
which is better than Italian. Huthmd is now
sold as low as the Manchester.
Those who need anythimr in the Marble line,
for Monuments, (i rave-Stones, or other purposes,
will lind it to their interest to c-nil and examiue
tnis lare stock, as better bargains can be. sc-tlr-
rd than buying from parties huckstering' round
.Ml lettering will be done in the neatest,
mo-t Improved style.
W. M. DM iiilEETV.
Sunbury, Jan. II, lsit:;.
OillN M.M.I KV. H. U. l'KU'lV
MiiiJJ Pi.ii.; msi.i.s.
MILLEUSurKi;, p..
Manufacturers and Dealers in
Flooring, Siding, Surface Boards, Lath,
Stripping, Shingles,
And all kinds of Sash, Doors, Shutters, Poinds,
Mouldings, tVc.
Hemlock A: White Pine Hill Stuff, and all kinds
of Building Material.
.Stair building and church work a speciaitv,
March V), ly.
H A II D W A R E .
I.F.VTHI-It hki.tim;,
Kisliing Turkic, Ainiuimitioii.
A lull line of goods at low pi ices.
Pie ise call and examine
SS !I;irL'f Slroot,
srxnruv fa.
June a, ls74.
Tlx- ICcIiable liimily Meilitiuo.
DIAKF.III". A. Dysentery, Cholera, Summer
Complain', Cramps, etc., ipiickly cured by
the Use of
Conii'oiind Svi up of Hiaekberrv Knot and Khu-
An old. well tried remedy, entirely vege-
pleasant to take, quick and certain in
can !.- depended on in the most urgent
may be given to the youngest infant as
to adults. It contains
i We I I :
It i- a pleasant extract and readily laneii by
children. It has often saved life when phy.-i
cuius h id despaired. Keep it in the house and
use in time. All we a-k for it is a trial. Don't
let your de ilcr put yo'i oil' with something else.
Buy it. fry it. Sold by Druggists an. I Store
Ke.-p.-rs throughout this State. Prepared only
jup.i.-o-ii 'JoOd Maiket Street, Philadelphia.
A Grand (iift Concert.
r.HAM) ili l' niNCKKT
.ill l velv .;te-:i at Suld nrv, bv th" I'a!
(i.i Ti:nsSLAY, KKIUtt'AP.Y -.:!, 1ST".. I
.le-s 111 tick -s lire nil m.M tlmt t.'I.e, when
ilui' notice -.vill he Kiveii of tlie time. .
A full Druvviiiig Ccrfnin.
. i own
" I ::.!i :i
t.. tn- r.
ami iu tiiucr tn iiiif th tffTu-ral
t -- it ' .ii i - I tin-1 nl-iic iln tick'-i-hnlii'Trt
i tht- ff.U --iv fii -ut 1 iilts uniioi:n--'I, th tiuti-r-M!--'it
l';n- 'I'-i.-rtiiiiii-'i to i npi- th- i'viirrt :un
)r:tv.iiK tit tl.r tl.ilt- tl ''. "tat-!.
j "i h- i'lj)t t't of thi -iit' r ri- in f. r tho of n
j (".irir; u. S-:in I iiv F.iik'.ii'. wluoh will !- an u'tvantt:
j t.i all lii-'k'i-'H't V:i t'Wim arffissii'l h rail, from the iuct
' tf.a it v.ili 1c nn ImifjM-ijiK-Mt 4 Vnii:iTiy. And &h we
i :i-.".i r f..ilt'-l to tljhcliar'i' iur iluiy wtiii .allil u-
en, v. " i'Ttaiiily will be al'U-to acct-iiif l.Hh umr j,toJ
! v.:in !h- ai'l ul' a HtiMim-r. Thr in m ifSMtha!! nini' -u
j la x' -.'--1 hmi.i ii tunn within thirty in of Sui,!ury(
I allot which can lt n uohftl ly railroad, thtiH utTorilmi-f
! tin- f.icih'y - t Uffift iiir ar-v i thoj- lic h iii Io-h thau
r.ii .11 -ur h tirn ; wlni- ut t r.f saru- ti'n- our towu .'ill iwt
tf utiT .-oHctfl. Our i-pvit-.v I.u-.t a KuthiMe ,iv,
tt 1 -".; tid.-Jit th:;? all thf tirl; -ts ".ill W diPtio-.! or t-y
t!l' '111,' a' -ivi- i. Tii'l for di-iv.t; g,
vm: roi.i.owiNt; i .. ust ur uins:
I i.MI (iltVM) CUT OI" 1.ll.i0 j
j ' ' ' . .son I
! - - " '.. ...Ml
', " " " ' Vill
; " " :Mt
i if-i'i ni
10 i.:!tn i .f -.'.U. I 1 l,(wn
i 4J(ilIM..I "".0.1 1.INMJ
i lisn;i;tH .t ;.
-J-.iO i.lltH ..i' ."..n I.KJO
i '.."i ion.-. ' .'.' 1,1 'm :
I I.1H! I. Ills . t 1..1I !.ft j
l.'-'.T T'j:! s'ink. '
. !..s . iit' .-i r
l.O.i.- H, 1''S I'
:sf is li.i i.ui:vil'i..l s.e"u!iili(.:i. sileh .i.s
i'U.1 : itruiii:" ; ': tip ..r i .ric .
1 a miois'sk! ni !:.),. , ,il rc-:'.' I,- dll'T ;u
f liel.i
Tie--.' will ! -JH.K'.'I 'I. eli
: l, .it il. .Uel i 1
-'.'.-i 1:1 ;.s;!! ci's w.'l 1
; ilrn:
!'-e till"- 'j
iii-ti-:!'ii:i 'i.
O. f "i:-.-
.;( H'.
i-hn i-r nisi lantTt'i".-.
1 :..0'.'.
. :. tlir
.:rs en.
T.tlli .oi.l
i.-si:nt. v.-ill I
I'll I lie Ii..!'. s
i-.. 11 in-: v r ii lL...
in ei. i- wi:.. I io.'I .
oi tlie
:V r.
.' nam-
l'rinl'.l:i:s .: s.' i!et )h..h: 1i- i-I.ii-h"r..iu
lli.-se wh.s-ls a ntim'..! nn.- i
ill ::ia
! ti iiif'i'ii-.l r-ii(!i" wilM' t th'-n iniii(;uii"i'T:fiy. Tht- t
j liniiihtT ho druvvii t' tln'tuii hwj - i i r tiie j.r
i iiiium th -itii:ilci 1 v tiitfiiiil t.ik-n jit thf timt !
1 iV'.-Tii the fth'r. 'Vlil oj-'i.:j':i N- ltt-riiTinl y a j
; hiiii'l i-i-ri'i, i:.-t t-i'TitJiiiji-'i uiit I ,'i.lvn f innilri'd !
iiiiil I ilu-Si-t.-ii I'l'-mnini-i i-xh' It it 'vni'iit I
j th.t ly thii .iirir"-, i'r.iut r iil h niijic.-
htf. I.vtrv I'lTsnti hi'l.i.iii ,l tirkt will tw "un It fl t.
t ..t.lm.-HH 'ii aitu Un- i't"iciT. ,
' All (iifiH f.o.t i-i r.S!I without il;y.oUitt.
M"iicy ':lm !' :! tT '1 'cK-tf in n'tfii-t rt-.I I -t"iMt or t
1'itt ( nil'-- Muiim t M"di i, or hy Kxpr;p- at mir riK, ! ! '
U' -"IM 'l, 'i ' If h M ilt hv KlJiTl'!-. ... if. I). '
'I'i.c- i. . 1 in-.. itlg . nt It iiu'ii h;i v liimily nuim trl u
, M t in Trn-it''. iui" thf iii-ov tii!t nKrt :
S. I . Wciw itoii, K-"!., U".d(Nv 1. li. aiul V. H. !:.:
tiv,.. IliU, Afi-aii.y ui i.-v,; lhu. W. J,. iK-wrr, -
:ii: mht-r Mt toiiifrr-rt : m. I. itrnii!ih. Hs-i., Itjn--
; tor 1 ir-r Iiaal of Sunhiirv; .hhi Iluat, Kfn.,
I'ti.-; r.i T. ('l"iin'!.t, J,it!iht rniuT! ; m. 1. druiil,
' fii.i ! .''i.ajt, Simbai y.
;iU. nint'J u.-i'tV-'nt'ii a;- hiifhiuiti an-1
1 h. ii. r;ii-h' liK'i:. who wtiilil u-it h-il 'h. ir janu - ;tti
I 111
(Iftu. vt. 11ENN.
VOl. U. Ml LI.I .It,
I 1 VI m:siioi.t.,
1 'lil.Il' II. SUIN!! I..
.-onir.:i'K'r.'i-:-'i!lv i.swei-cil. Addiess,
.a ..!
n. s. KXULK,
r. -I'htnr S.-cr.'tiiry.
.1 .c v.
Fall and Winter Stock
lame assortment of Miiiia'-ry lioods, Hataand
iionnets, trimmed ami uiitriiimicl, Plumes,
Tip-, and Feathers i.f evey description,
'' lowers Kibhons, Velvets. Ac just
opened :it .Ms I. A IS. Weiser's
on Kast Market l. Alo,
Hi.-s Ti iinmiims un 1
Notions . Y :i K ,
I.i. -, He a d .
Tt iuiir.i'is,
1 lin-i-s.
i c m
1. 1.1:. s" I
intlcts a id Ki I lilovi
and upward
:-i:iihiurv, .No-,. 1
vrtiMi.tss itoitus,
r .NL'K.( Tl RI-.s :i supeiior (Quality of
1 i?L Window U! iitss sinirle and double tiiitk,
I t.rouiul, ( oini'.'.iled, Oliscured and etaincd.
! Shades of all p.ilterns : all irlass 'wa rranted not
I to stain. Irdcrs .-o'lcited.
' 'rtoh'T. ' 1;:. lllil.n.
Kieeiilor! !'! Ice.
! (Itateof Henj. Strickler, ileceased.)
N O INK is hereby !;ivcn that letters testa
mentary hae been urmitef. tr the tlnder
1 sim i:, nn the cslate of Ilcrijamin 8trickler, late
j ot .1 icksoii township, Northumberland county,
I Pa., deceased. Ail persons indebted to said ca
tate are rcrjiiested to make immediate, payment,
.-..nd those h.ivini; elainiR to present them duly
r.uthenticated for pcttleinent.
.t .el.sii toH-nship. Nov. W, 174. f't.
Have j use opened a lare
Goods to Supply and Please Everybody,
FUMS ! FUMS ! I FUM ! ! !
i A tf)f nPU' StnL'
M m,,
audi , I.. ,
A large assortment just opened and sold at the
lowest prices,
Fur Tkimmi.ygs, Blaxkets axd Underwear.
JFmwjj Goods
of every description, suitable for Holiday
Presents. This immense Stock will be sold
at astonishing low prices.
Massonic BmMinrr, Third street,
Sunbury, Pa
i Machixk has sprung rapidly
I into favor as possessing the
best ( omi-.!SaTI.)N of gnoe
qualities namely : Light run
J ning. smooth, noi-eh ss. rapid
j durable, with perfect Lock
It is a ShuttU Machine, with
Automatic Dmp Feed. De
sign beautiful and eonstrne-
tion tlie very best
E. Remington A Pons,
Remington Sewing. M Co..
Remington AgT Co.,
DeeeinberT. 1S74. -2
an are Interested J
On the 13th day
MARKET STREET HALL, Northumberland, at which the foUowin";
Aiiionsr the Ticket HOLDERS, viz:
1 Canal Boat ami riL'ir.jr, and Two Mules and Hi-mcss
1 Piano, ((Ja-hhir,)
1 Heavy Hunting tiisr iuhl Watch anj Chain
1 tpIoinliJ Driviiit; Hornp
1 Solid Walnut Bed Room suite, (marhio slatJ)
1 do .Ic. do do do
1 do do Parlor puit.'
It Town Lots in J.-wt-ll City. Kanai, (Titlo Perlc-t,)
1 Singer Sowinir Machine, (Cabinet Case)
2 Mai hie Top TahiiiK
HH7 OrilliK 1KESKTS,
('msWtiiiiX of 1 Slclh, t R.'IVii-rator, 1 Coal Wairon, 8 t Hanie-iJ, 1 CJ-d;iy parlor (loci,.
1 Calendar Clock, 1 Office l)ek, 1 Alarm Clock, 1 Child's l!.;dste:id acj niKttrasu, 1 Wa;
not Extension Tahle, 1 Sail Boat, Sail and Ours, 1 E:njirt (.ias Burner and Heater, I Cat
Shin Ro!.e, Oil I'aiiitiinr", Cliromo-, Silver and Fhifed Ware, Dry Goods. Cnt!-ry. Hooks,
iVe., .Vi-., worth I
.Making iu all 900 IresMils worth
There will e 4,500 Tickets! at One Dollar Each.
The :'.',. of tickets will be stormed on the UOth d y of January, 1S7.". am! the eiit.-rtaiumeiii will
Iiosiliv.-iy he given on the loth day of Fchruary, le75, no niatter whether the tick, ts arc ai! sold
or not. If the tickets are net all sold PRESENTS equal iu value to the amount of money rereived
for the sale of tickets, wil! be distributed on the ahove date. The dlstrit ui ion of tV present w'.;'.
he under the direction of a committee appointed t.y the tickets holder.
The following named si-nt!eiiin ;;re referred
JOSEPH BIRD, Esq.' Northnmh-rl ind. I'a,
MAJ. V. C. KAPP. do
J. II. VINCENT, Es-t., AH'y al Law. do
For further ii.if. rmat.on or ticket-, a-hlres A.
TH KETS For Sale l.y P. S. HORKELL.
D. ccmher 1, 1S7-I.
In imnii-nstt qu:intiti', liave hem recoiwtl dally, for th.R two uionths.
Over Coals ! Over Coats ! !
fur Men rttnl Iloys, endlfss varirty, ant. at astfinishins low priecs !
ress Ms, Business Sis
nNUKi: rj.oTIITNii!
from 7r rts. : full
f.iul f.cnts rurninliiiiR
! for Men ami ll'ys in itnint-nse variety, ami of the latest styles.
He invites everybody to cail ami Mumine hist f-toek. Astonishimj bargains will be
! ottered and goods' will be sold cheaper than thc-y have ever been in this town,
j Nobody is able to undersell ti8 1 The plaee to save money during these hard times.
! The place where honest and upright dea.iss is the standing ruk-. The place where
vou eaa lind the largest stock and brst asorf ment. The place wliere you are welcome,
whether you buy or not i" at
('HAND CEXTHAL CI.OTHIXi'' STORK, 'or. M & Market Sts., Sunbury, Vr.
S;inl.iir, Pa., Sej.tenihcr 11, IS, t. Former!? HerxfeWerV.
j John W. SlevoiiMOii.
j Corner Third and Market Sts. Stlllbur)'. Vs.
HAS completely renovated his Store Room,
and opened the largest .isortine;-.t of
; ever . xhihite l in Oils p irt of the State, l-.very-j
thins in tl.e Jewilry line i Uept in store,
j Silvor-H sirr,
Hi n KM A ImiiiH.
ofi v-iy desciii.tion and cl'tlie fluckt tialitv.
Pari'mular attention paid to repairine;
WnteheM, Clocks, Jewelry, Av.
HAIR JEWELRY made to order.
Sunbury, March fl, 1S74.
Stock of Goods expressly for
illwt fffttVfn SI 11 ft Wohl Sit
vmtv. 7 s a. i m
1 ,
IlEitiNGTox So. 1 Machine
for family use, in the third
year of its existence, has met
with a more; rapid Increase of
ratio of sales than any ma
chine in the market.
RrvrsGTON No. 2 Machine
for mannfactiirin and family
use, (ready for delivery only
since June, 1ST!,) for range,
perfection, and variety of
work, is without a rival in
family or workship.
2S1 A SS3 Broadway New Tork. Arm-.
Madison Sq., New Tork Sewing Machines.
Chicago, 21'.7 8tatc St., 3. Machine and Arms,
Boston, lilt'J Washington St., Sewing Machine-1.
Y. Cincinnati, 1ST West 4th St., Sewing Machines.
I'tica, 129 Cenesee St. Sewing Machines.
Atlanta, ("a., DeOive's Opera House, Marietta.
St., Sewing Machines.
Washington,!). C.,."'21 Seventh St.,S. Machine".
of February, 1875,
to hy perin:-sioii :
COL. C- NEFF. Mi.t urv, p.i.
II. E. DAVIS. Ei.. eh
JAS. TUFTS, .. n'i Li. Ast. Sanhui .
.. POS TLETII W ITE. NorlhuiiiberLiD'l Pa ,
II. n. llV S. Aient.
; House. Sir;harv. Pa
rr & ?m 3 !) Pi
?ui. up to tlie luirst !
'.kh!s of every tlcsmption.
.. M. rr n I. inn. Auilrew II. Iill. Frank. S. M-irr.
1.1 . 1II.L A .1IAKK,
In H Ruilditie;, Mark' t Street,
aui:.,,lS7!. Northunibcrlaiul Co.. V.
.Market fkiuitre, Snuburj , la..
Has ia.-t leeievcd a I-iru'e and elegant, assort meet
Hats and Bonnets,
l or Fall and Winter wear.
The cboU-e!t shades of ribbons, anj all kind
of Milllncrj jjoods always in store,
Cull and w them.