unburn 'nuritan. t Eios'.rtiiti.i: ; 'SS. L-tRT. ;;NiU'i:v, .ianuai: v i. orii i:.M2h!wr 'T the fx'.z'ltr, s!Kr ne'tig ; watehnifin lo-e'v i-nrncred, caui-. '''it last week w.l.i l-...i;s.- on i ci Ti s -siw 11 !' his iiilrinuc against the !Jc- t woikui -n . . a , ' . auhhcari IVir'.V, "V dating till! :;aii T' I ! ! M,vs. v.' vr v.- A:,!.Z. 'I lie !'. ti. trmj iin.l fi 'oiiltHiiil. Ml'lIDKi: OK mi.OXl-i: IIK-SE;:. vnte of CadiVell, Ohio, is nr. I cumting the following petition among sol i -ne f ne'-i attr.u-iou-, cruel ami I .liors f the late war tor provision hy law V ijiur-...-:- .-vi r perpftrrtted was to enable then, to attend the grand reunion ei :n iil:ii i at :!i :;' Swamp breaker, 3 of American soldiers at I'hiladelphiit on ii, j. v ikl;i. 'ii iy night J the fourth of July l7;,the centenniel annt- I.i-!. C'.r !!! I'lviii lie!. Ilesscr.. night j vcrsarv of the Declaration of Independence: Aa? I.e.. ltd dead in 'he engine I To th 1 l")iorhh the 7oii-r JVo o i- 1H.,' V. au. i-.se;,er and i.or..vci, lb- tn; liave al- cU'ed. in addi'tun. the f..,.-: that !. vi.V. for I'"i'.v,c ' - iy, rind j . in oi.n.'sUioM t" several ! hei cttr.c.idatos on have neeonn the Ki publican i ....... ..J i-..- i ; sluid iv lijonnri" hv a cmij!,- of i i.uinz Sat'ih i,f ?, f .ifV St tic in lit wrist, in i'ir -onto, purpos- : roi:.-v.vs .1 rsnMih : Your petitioners, (i,.,n,.Kt beiwct n him i;tid re going t i l:.!ior. 'Smiire 'aid we'd j citizens of the L'niled States, respectfully tu,,rt nimii the bas-U was t:t i'r mi 1 :;in';-nei! a jc.'-y ; I'r. ! pray yotir hojinra.i.e bodies to provide by i ujVoc:ii r.-tr.il...nift.icf.i.-t There is a complaint- not editorial in IteiiDi )!'rrif Nuriili. the (.'ineiimat.i nowsnnpers that to much of J the beer used in that cit v if mad- from corn. 1 Xf'v York- 2. Mr. Worrit ., ., ! Smith, of I'etershoro, widely known as u Seven hundred and i n Meiiiiu!)-.ti;S,v.Iio . ..... , , , ii-rl.mil from I ' ' ' " , . 1 slavery and t-iiii h.-hiiv reforms, died at : new decks rani Voint, IMiil- ! .' ' """' '" . .... , .., : . ,,. . ; residence oi iter., i--! n (,..cl;nm", ;mi. Iiuei i.i.iii , ;i imi '.ill it ;t : i ' ( . t : .-i .11 1. j fe'W dil-. j 7V .1. ..!.....; .1. ...... : .1. c.. i r. l. i. i.i. uu 1 11. i " 111 - - criived on I'ri.'.ae ii; th-Alll'Ve;-l, :.re (pllijie! 'd at of the Iod Str.r li;i,-. -it ( 'i'iito.i out. of of .an 'une- e.- wiin.n le.ivcr. win v; lalieo. tor i:a law jor ire- iransporuiiiou aim s'.usisience ,.,,nv;; m...; !. l.-midation . ... 1 ... i i . . i-.t. 1 ...1 1.... 1 in ii.e a'i ( S:1 11.;!! 11 : ii'l on ine vru 1 ine eni;tini:;ii t e.eoia-- t of the terrible ail'air from tion, ..fall who are or have been soldiers ! .1 I ! (.0 Clinton jp'aei lie came 10 sin. mi niece, and .-ei.;:.. ': his relative tliai 1: '.. ii 'i'lmr-iday eveniu ! i 'i . ,.,u vi iti. iic t'i and lernaikei! to was, in ex(!-ption- a'ly -nod heaiti: and - ;i rits up to I'riday niht. t.hi Sat.H'dav neiniin- it. waf found Notice. MIKttlFF'S SII.F. r . .- . ------ ls r . . . 1 ntueOI ((rtaiii ir f jif edit .1011 Lx- XI ei:it)J'.-i'i" of the A'-efiiaaiei :i inn Sivr.jr n t..,,,.. . e... . -. r . r Mini :oiii !.n;'!i .i-sec!..tn:',. v.'i.l t.ikc r. M-e on I l-.,,.;,. , ... , . ' . . . i r t , . : r i'ls f l a L':'n 1 .m-!.- :tml 1'iurieis Levari S:,1un I. iv, t c i ;iv nf .JainiurT, is,... ,,i 71: : .. : . . t .,, . r ., . . 7. - i . r..." .,' " l ei es. i-iin! out rf tin- (,ouit or Connnoti ii COfK li. Hi., in the r.i'ili of (. Vtm-ut : . i . , :) ; i.i,.., , ,f .. i... . , ...i,.,,. , , , the 5?wj.xp- y.mxt l .iinl ill's-, i':;. .SAM't. KAUS 1', h,:,-.. I'l.-ift. iNi -ii; Siifmin. SecVv. :'i!i'..;:rv. Dr.-. !S. 1 , I I I'liM- of Niiiiloiiiili.-il itiil CViunty, ami to me di ! reeO-!, v-ill t.; exposed to pnljlic ?;ik- or outcry ON TUKSD.W TMK 20TII D?XEMBER, lST-t, u ' 'eck. iii tin- a ft rno-m, on the premise?. - - - j tli- f.iilnu-'iiij; iM')-ity, to wit : Eu h' 'U3-t ol Juai ler -ssions oJ'i A e.-it.'.in traet or pi- ei; nf laa.l situate in the the J'l aio of Nfirt!iiu:r:f-i-!aiM! ; 'i'-ie;:': uf N irt lnuntii-i hind, atul eoiie.tv of Nor- ; !"' 'i-oid. ;o-d !?atp of l'l-inisvlAiiniu, hound- " ' '- : ...i i..i .i. -..r.i.,..i ... i-.. !',.., ..;. . . ...... .. r.. ..... ...-1.....-. ... ifc . Ilt-IIUJIII; ril Mr. Abrahai., Yoe.no, 1.1 siding hetwe( i) I'ntlsiow o an ... . r . I . . . . . . . 1 . i ... 1 e 1 1. 1 tiekel. Ill liif coniess'.on iu,sol tlcs-evnt:enien : lie wasiounn l or sailors in tin- anny aim navy oi me ; ... . ,. . 'rnr'-iv 1 .-k- '.iUi. re- 1 )o:i:ass- that his irir: ! was wanderii,-, and oe snd- IX "1' K '"i '",VV 7,u".,'.,":,t.,;"; -' Ue; r..n,c-r oi i.-oul of ,h C. Korton heirs, ad , , , , . .. ' , j I-ei-oi s j::iv.- !,:.-.! jvt:i:ons iti tie- ( e,,t. .-! i ), the lin of riio J..tekawanr. i vV li.o.nns ileniy eotisctousness. i ne attaciC ! V:irti-r of ii- IVaee of t',e rotnity of j Iir ruilnnid, thencMinrthwardlv a ton" the !an. and Utider v.'aieli iie -radu.iliy sank was j ro- uonneed by the attendin- j'livsieiaos to be ay he oop.-d the lirst on personal j lyili-: h, a !.irP- poo .-.f biood and by his ! Vnitrd Mates, both volunteer and re-nlar, hag ,M.(.t ,H,ar(, jK.,'. m,-. Vo- i o!- au ,ll.(:lic " At"toe lime -rounds, and the seco:ifi in se:; uci-rusc. w.e I.iv :i lieavy ciui anout tnn-e j..n, ; wnn-uir n-jraru to iatih. .vim jour pen- . , ,v .,,,,, ,,., ,..-ei-tion lie does no! explain the 'personal grounds' j sn,,? ;t m:,.;,:!iirs hammer all bein a red j tio!.-r wiil ver pray, Jte. ! ,r . n,.w i,s.. wliTli he antieared to i::;,inst r. a-oneller, prooamy iecause , wr.h i.i.vmI : las- littie !-. was s!-ii.::nir t- it- reque-ts somiers aim ,uose inicresteu ; , . k; ..,,., :,...., yrom this fact, evi it utiv : in the petition to copy the petition, obtain !.,,,,.' .,.: ,w. i ,,. .., f.- hi T3 ficnal; Ciirrcirv 15;!!. riiiladej.liia and F.rie Kailroad, relates the ! perished on the lakes this year, a-anist too j had made li-ht upon it, as he was request- p.,i.rtvrit McdrnW fi.;li'.inj incident that oi-cnrred on his j bundred and thirty-one in 17.'!, and two i -ii to do to-day, h- eotiid have passed the James Mchar.-n " ' i ..r, ,., .,.-) nn.1 ! hundred and nineteen in 1S72. The f s!i- I Currenev bi'i as it .rami, from t!. ,.,,.,,. ! MieUatt Kosenstitie. Rnsh twp. k with ti ,. ' 1"ii tlv to.ik his s-at in the smokin- car. I mated damage to promnty toot up ..o.i . but when tliu Democrats went to filibuster-1 ! '!..... ,t, ,......:..- n.-1..l I.;.., f.,.. l.ta i COO i..-int S"? 0.7C. fllMI in 1.T!! I inn ho mivn it mi nnil Ii.t if ...nr 1 r T... liiii1-! sbiim- . . . . ! ,!,..,.,.... i tic;:e! he saul thai, he did ii"t Have any. The l.el'anoti Coei iVc says ther-are snnl j uaiy. i rom nicaitotis to-uay 'Here will pplirfints to : not be any contest over it, and the vote on he pretended to lie his particular liietid Ik-- j,;,,, ,-nvereii with blo.nl at:d had ..... , , 1 .1 .. Tl.... I . , - . . i i I : .. :l.T.. C. 1 lore tlie l it eliMii wncn lie cssurea mc a i.ui-i,i :;nrn 10 prie-'ci ins Mimneai :eo .- ,o:ni m-.; iat ..irr. its .ussnoe aim on .mi j ,a s.-m ,js s,i,j,,,, ,lisa jipenr.ince lor that he would receive Ids earnest sup- ,IJast. r; the face of the clock was sliatM - i the vun- to Congress as soon as possible. . . !V .. ... '11 ...,. Itr 1 r i r 111- l-illllO-t- 1 . .1 1.. l. ii,.. ..!.!. Tl,..i i.-i. ni.tl li. . I ;., ; ',,!.,,;.,,,.,,,! , , u , ' -...7 Thomas K. Metzgar, a conductor on the ' Two hundred arid f.aty-three persons Washix(;t(in-, Dec. 2:5.If Mavuard l'avid I). Davis in, ni l i ieea use ;i i..- i-i .i i' . ... - , i i v on e 1 1 i;.i in-, umi i i.i-i in i "iu 1 1 u the ev- of the election, that he approved ot (,., n!,v ,'!,er motive than lhat sj i; or .-lectin-: a Democratic Commissioner who r.-y,.., ;s wo till wa found ..n his miii! watch the others and thus subserve j)t.lw,,n an,i ,js packets were ur.di.-turbed. j .. i.i: ..... 1 I, ni li..rn:i.,. !'. tf r V.. (Jrav t, :.. , " ii ..i 1,,. .n n,.l- .i lit. il-r ! wn-i "init v clerk, and that ht.-ing Ihe cae sever.ii time and t 1,.. .-.i .li t. ,il rei ivo liis ha:e of the COUI!t V i ., ri i u-i !.; n-nl U n-rike sure the --- ....'! " i ... i... i.i .,,.1 ...... ...... t n;a ..i. -i i.. i 1 T!.i i.n..'i. s I hat Jo in'.-. e- '.., t: .;.!.! f. v.-.s hi-, ,ken '"" "'--., ..u. ... . ..i .... w n aili-.uiv, i.v iieooieo .Mill hlini..- ! !;,!!, i, i.,r l:iern. i.rsti.iirant. ami ; of ti,e nul Jesr C. Ilnrtnn's b..ir nhititt forr. Liquor Store Lienisi-. ami ihut the suin.r wi!i le h-iadred and fortv ei'ht f.-. t. more or les. to the ire-' iit. -i to tlie :! i o:.ri on the fomih d.iy of ! ,. (,f l!ird strc-l, in Uird's addition to the bo .Ijiiiiiiry next. . j ronh ofortliiiiiibrrliind; tli-uee nortic.vi-stward- tavers. j lyalonir Baiil Ulrd stivi-t eiht hundred and thirty IT. .T. ':t:s Sllliti'M-v ti tri. live f'-l-t inor r-l- !ifc Oi 1 1, r. r.,-t. ...... niece, b.er family, and a numix r of other Jacob Sheet?, ' ' ! Jenkins htrert. in said liird's addition ; thence relatives and friends. l!is rem tins will be 1'll:l Slninnon. ' j down alone said Jenkins street one hundred and , . , , , ,. . ( lark t Wrist. ' new stand I eighty four f.-et more or li sj to iine of said Lack- taken 10 1 etl rooro .or liUcrilletlt. tlonrv ir-itli. Miltnn l.nr. nl.l Er mrt awiinn .V: lilnoiiisliiir.. r-.l! rr-,.l . n,n,.,. of his death he was surrounded hv his rr"'-7v: r-r ?-v . vjtafc. TUT. NEW IMPROVED Tlie Oh.-irie-j C Jones, Northumberland bor Thoin.-is Tanhtnan John Welsh Mt. ('a rim-! bnro ji.i.i'i mage. j-uhiicaiii-tn leaches only as far as She ride Maupt iv fursi-l, Mrs. Mary J.evais, Win. McAndie John Curtitj Michael Flaherty Mi'-hai-l Srhlaeder loim ( litr.rd hamokin boro. At this the train was stopped and the D nmeratio Auditor (Jeneral-elecl for ! it-passage will he nearly as strictly a party Andrew Jana-Uv . . .... :..'. .C ..... ii. . .'. .ni .1 lit- 1 lo-nw- ' ' ' ' ' tl... ....... .....I....1 .ol lint t... .!..(. i..;.!. I i .t i .. ...,,.-.., i, in ....i'.-. i one as it. w:n in tlio Srti'it.. Vv'lii1... Iln.rr. I llutiert Nielio!-on depth of !. pockets. In his eonless.cn ol i; ., ,(l shi, ... .,s l,t,vd from the mur-, "-" ' ' - t''-"1"" . " ' I .. '. . ., " , ' -7 ! Jot,., Larkin , . , ... ,.,!;,.., j, .. , , , .. , . ,i . .,..1' 10 ru.e. ami fs ine mini run 01 me ir::in , j te ! leniocrats are ns uiu-rv as a nyoeriia- ; ".oij in no ion, juiu uhj lami 111 11, , .Vi!i; ..... u,, his retie-ade movemei.ts to oneat tm i. -.,,. re us club : twon'!v cuts across the topot . I ,1 r , , . 1 , ' , . ,. ... . t ,-rli, .r kt. v ir,i.,iM ,. , , , -, r , 1 , ... ..,11 came ah-n- u'ot on again and took a seat. f!ng animal just aroused from its winter s . there are lew who are disposed to oppose ; John Nolan iMibhcnn t:eket. he lurtiier s.i-. .! i'o I his he id. 1.h s:d.-s fiur les-c-r w.,;iiio.-, all on ,. , , . , . .,,.. . - , i Patrick K-n .... ,,.;,;, ,,,.,,,, mi;,, , , , ,,.., 1.,. ,i i,.,, A-ain In was put oil and again he got on ! m.,.,,. hat profnutv w ill till the air. and ! it. in rei'aril to the i.-.:tl Hi w e 1 i ( up; , anu 1, :.,.:i! .wen- no doll!)! L mnue hv tlx ham- - 1 1 - 1 ' r.- Ad. on t 1 .1 .r .1... . : ... . . . . - . 1 -.1 ' ...... .,..,.,. t,.i.,a .1,. ..... ..... r..:.i. : : iiiini i-iiu 01 1110 ii;;in , 1 jc 1 letnoera's are as iimi'jrv as a iv oei oa- . iii.uii n. um l auj m u, wjmj...,, u,,..,..,, . 1 ........... ...i. .... the last ear. and for the. third time was put . l;,,v tin- favorite Dctnoicratie l.everage will off. I'y this time the conductor and his , he punished, alout the time the selections,' . 1 .1 . .... II 1 1 .... -7 ! 11 .1 l- .1 , . . 1 C... r-irr ;h . ..11 ti , .1 11 II . .. . . 11 . in iii.mi 111 H. M.i 11 1 .Mil ii 1 1 m 11 ill'. , ;uc I I' l- ill 11 ll . 11. iuiiki.i i-h.ii iiii'i.iii 1 -avs thst we voted adjust (io.ii..m n "Soinre Caldwell has the club and hammer i ... . . . . i in rei'anl to the l-os:ti n we ccupy, anu 1 .1 , ).,.-,,, v.ere no doubt mnue bvtbi ham- it orts to a little falsehood in justification Im.r -.v,;!, evidence of having been 1, is -p-iiiticai recreancy. 1 or instamei.e 1 SU,,CI, .,; hi ai the leti-!h ol its po:e. 1 .,?. As it happened at that time that v e 1 ,,,. .)S --ion. Mr. I!es.-r nev. r car- Meizg ir stationed a hrakemati on the plat- : tlieir w recked hopes ! had a personal interest in ihe election of j ,.-.,.. .,,.. ;i j,,. s Civ. C aw, which we -ertain.y count not j ,) .. . 1 .1 1. 1.:.. , ' haw aecompii-iiieii niinun in "i'i""M M, ; ness ed he had no . tic-j ,-i,rm of ,var "!,r' vi,,, iustructions to j Tom Thumb-s fortune is climated at. Correspondence. IIkuxdon', Deeemher J!', tsr t. K'lilnr .1 iri i'e,i ; ;ir:ns mis : Mieh.-iel ileady Jacob Trometter -i Henry Dinikr ibi-r-'i'r ; lienjamin Hoy, Siiyderto'.vn . .iolin ISoyil. 0.11 low ll.-l.'l. ; Patrick Tynan ' Henrv H. Long have a little news j ,,.lr,-.k . 1 , i ti ti ' Ml- llilH U11L- ULIi t-.....l- f 1. 11 ... ' .mt .it 111.. .Ili.ll' if In 'it. . , t , l . . s he had been au impoit.mt wit-j ' ' 1 .-.;o,ooo-more tten .'nongn m o-:i j nw .in, ,iu.n which may prove a little in- I.. 11, i.o .t iti mi iiii-iin I la ni.-iii. a .. . 1 -.: I 1 several murder cases recently 1 . .. ' ., , , . . , sinau a person aiei .aiii' tcrt-sting to your readers, and prove a John L. Sheop, Lo-.vrr Aw. Iw; i Daniel Ii. Foy it is not wry likely we would vote against dispos,-,! f:lt Court, it is thought by many j "''"'V "unt te -ow, tigeo a ou wen . y, I (;u.n(1(.Iinil) i?. p,itl;, to Central Africa, b.-nelil' to our quiet village of llerndon. ! V."u. ( urraii,'ziab--'twp.' '" l.itn for that n-asoii a well a. from the fact j tj,af ,. ,U,H ,.vrjt,.,l enmity of the pas -ties j 'Ii;,-m the ttani some .tistance, ad ,e whori. cmri.t ,-inzn gations are not. f ' (Hir pooular shwmaker, Henry I)i:rick. on ! v,,t''r w"rt ,,v,,r M-''----""-.- tw: that h- was the titandard Ik an-r f the par- w!)(, ,,,U j,,- -ij;., ),, clue has tx.-en tone swearing .ike a trooper Seeing 1:l;,Ui.v rnrlil.nl:M. .,,,( ,r,ni!s. I Saturday last, shot a deer between this! ki-stukams. i o ........ ,.nrc ......mil .. . . t i i i . ,i i . could not L'et -n again, he pul.eu out !l re-j . : M. L. Fi.ihrr, SnnbTirv lioroiigh, old t tv whos.' principles were ours. S sond, ,iisc,.ve;cd that would lead to the detiction : , ,i i,J .Tdm II. Surratt, son of Mrs. Surratt, , place and Georgetown. This is a rare oe- , u ,...., ,,, .. " , ,. i i,. ii ti.: . .... .i 1'iivi.t -in. I toeil at the lirakeman. in nail 4 -' . . .. caftwardly up along the line of tin; said railroad ' ) to the p;arp of beginning: eoiit.sinin-; live acres ' more or le.-.., uith tin; appurtenances, consisting 1 ; of a large frame car lajniifucturing shoi iin( ' j foundry, 1 cupola and stark, 7 double lark rmith forgps with patent tilowcrs and black ; smith tools, tl new black fiuith anvils, 1 large ' j (Ilillis .t Jones') ltadieal drill press, 1 large new old stand patent lathe, bolt and nut cutter, 1 hand bolt ' i culling m.-ichiue. largu new steam engine and . tubular boiler with steam donky engii,c and i pump, 1 large four sierd wood planer.l Kodgers four sided wood planer, 4 circular savs,l Smith's ; patent resawing niacliiiivs. 1 Cincinnati mortic ' j ing and boring maehin.-, 1 large car morticing ' ; and teimoi.ing machine, 1 larg.- cut otT saw and ' , bench, 1 Walker V lirotlii-r'j panel raiser, 1 Walker it Iiiother jig sawing machine, 1 circu - ; lar sawing machine, 1 tenon sawing machine, 1 ' j small sa-h and blind boring machine, 1 sand pa ' ; prring niachine. t Frank's tinishing machine, 1 new stand ! Frank's pony planer, 1 sash finishing niachine, i 1 slot tenoning machiii", 1 door ciamp, 1 sash I clamp, 2 ;;ri!id Ftonc, :;i;0 feet of new shafting with putties and leather belting in complete oi-ne-.v stand 1 der, with many other tools, ,tc., &c., together o'.'l 'iui.il wiili jiliont t-ix humirrii and lifly feet of railroad laid with good 50 lb. rail : ns the property of tlie new stand XOUTHU.MfiF.KLANI) CAK and MANTFAC ! Tt'RIMi COMPANY. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold bv S. II. UOTHEKMF.L. Sheriff Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, Dec. 11, 137-1. ol 1 stand ta.l. thit we oppos-,i ,i. i .i hi well. H'8, of the inurden is : could they have liecn i-haig.- is so tidiculous iliat it is scann.-ly jm-jt iluv woiih ii:i!'ulti'dly liavt been worth noticing. All who r.-memher that jril.',,.j The d tiv.ist have been com campiien know that we felt, probably, . ,,,,,.,1 it fore mideigiit. as the body was more interest in his election than in that of ; ViM s!iir wn,.tl rml,i any ( ther candidate, fii.m the fact that v.e 1 i)aw..,se,l Was fifty-seven years of age believed him to be entitled to the office for j ,.u jiavi,s ;l w;j.. . iv,ur children, ithr.-e rerviccs he ri tiilerca during the war ; ()p wjlom ;,r,. ,;ur;,.l itnd one, a boy of knowing, too, that we had less to cxh ct ; r( rn jjv,., w j,h j fI,,,Lher) to mourn f.oin his opponciil than !';otn any other ,iis lltjt: ixit-lx- death. lie was a me.nVr of man in the county, and that the editor of j j.;vai)i.,.j;,.;,; ,-huich of this juace, a the ii"xnu had the full assurance that if he . c.,ns,;BU..lt'ci,ri.,ti.ni ; snperintended a Sun would underhanded!;, secure iiiough votes , (J ly tx.!l,.,1t .,t oai p,U) ; was i...i-d for his to. -Let Jlw p-iscnt incmulK-nt, he AunM : ou-(.. m,j,.r;,sjv distMiti..n : was mn.-h rtceive a large portion his patronage. Iho- th ....; ..,M(l.,n,l!(nr ,,1 bra'tn. i "r "'!"-"y l-ineo.ns mnr-; en. lence now -ii-uas ... mis ic.i.uy. . ' ' .', .7.;.... . ,n it,.. ,,r .h,r i tiit ..m ! ''' n Washington. Many thought it ! ..r .... it... ..Lb. ,.t' ilu. n r liu-!.ilv k: .. .......... ............. , . tl,l. ,,(-,1,,. I.I. ...I- .;..,. u Tinro,l.,,. KlClli.Pt t. ii He was about to lire i - "" "" l" ":1 M l" ,u" .'.-'---'""-"'-" " j ,;i.ors,(, Mack, mother during her trial, even at the risk' t : last, iir.u was a good cays worn : , Lincoln Long, Mary liia-v, Mt. Carmel borough, old stand. Alexander Long, Sliamokin boro.. J. T-i- i- 1 , -l- 1 .-' 1 I'l'iiUi i U.1IIII-HIII ii.'i.... i -- ..--.... -.-....., ....... .... ... ... ........ . olm Kline i.V l.ro.. Who are retailing A,,.nl i,.,n-pis ) V. traw-cr, ?h uuokiu House, in the borough of Sunhnry, at 10 o'clock t'Ol'RT I'KOl I.AJIATIO.V Notice is here'iy given that the several Courts of Com mon Fleas, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Dr-livcrv, in and for the county of Northumberland, will commence at the Court i n., whould have hi en a manlv thin? in this . coal in this olacc. loaded over one hundred ; borough, old i-tan.L .l.t. ,.C.t,.. .;......,. u Tl.nrcl..,, Kieliar.l '.. I vaei;. Mciaioi.in ie.io..oiu siann. l'.jiuin no one. lie was atiotii aa.O, :.. Mem- 111,11 lilt- ii...... : -. ... .. , . ; -, c. ... ... - i ..... t,.i,., i ,i i ., ,. ,,,..,... I sul ering with her. i le was acquited on a , -Messrs. .v. .eig.er i jro., are now run- . Sl-'il il o! tlie 'oii(luct.-r, was e 'liimg o a i n i ... ... , , , : lo-orge. . tisi.er, ... -., ..,,lr..,' ..:., i trial some two years after her execution, j mng their saw null almost constantly dur- : y (,. i;i;ham. SLOji, :i iiiii.,, .i in.. . -..i... . Hew stand. respected and lov.d bv nil who kie-w him ; Cichholtz, of Ihe . -eeor, jT-.baoly . . , . s, ,-,vir,.,j, ;,; i -Va- ..f ail know., v. h. 'her that contract was carried ; u,otl lhJ ,..,s ..usrecled -f havii.o m. .aitorto.t. .- for Mr. Savidge, f..n.e of 1.,.,,.. Hc'was -!ect.-u C-cncr 1.;- immediate friends know that he receiv- j uf ty ,., ),..her, 1-TJ. an-i his ,-d our iiuijuaiili.-d Mipport ihroughout.aiol n fm .vmi;,j ;..,V). a ,!anu.ir I, 1-7-i. s,w our ballot d. posited i-. his favor. If : n t1()Vt.,j fr..(tn s -hulki:i Haven. Scbuyl- - had, however, gone to ...r. llaag as i .... thirteen wars a-... and ' -lvl!l s in a he was known to be elected, as the ' .!'. ." ' ' ,, ', , " ( He is a slim, colorles-, apuhetic-looking : ing day and night. Mr. A. Zeigler is one i ;arv D.-vitt, Coai f.vp., bad." ruuutng lapuliy across the helds. j ' ' , ,. .- . - , , , I H. K. Lveriv, .I.iekson twp., uld stand. Tie- tr.in w-m h-ickeii u. some distance ! n'b :lbout - t5,r,',; 1',,:r ' l' , ot m,r "t'Tpn-tug men. who j.ushes bust- : Minr;.. u',.rko, M:. ( arm,-! tap.. .,, ' wl j.;;., i sent business is school t.;c!i::g, near Km- ness. He is the means ol greatly improv-: Fr.mk Koth. to. . en uiti. ..... - " ' mrtshui" Md. ! ing our town, and generally recognized as i wn.ixAt.K m.-ck stoiu-. ,,o,d , t.l, cn.meer. .jumped od and , - , I t,H; (,r Kl:m,s fri;.IU,. Mt.ssr. A. & ;.n-is,!:,l, Ne'. Sinbary boro., !., stan ,. v:;h in mi iian.ls, i-ave eliase. After:.1 ae nunilieU .urn m1 p.'rson- were a.- : 1 ll.-nrv K. I.ntx, Milton boio., t.v.l n-n of , half a mile. (Wi.lgo "run his ! raign-d at the Tombs p.-iice curt. New I-iuir. who have just completed their new j j,ttri,u ily stawnoUi,, ';. ' j;;.,,, d.iwn" and btnught him to hay. The j York, on t..o day alter Christmas. This -v mill, are now running it to its: f , 0;J;, iii ii ; .i t., l .,.,.,' i,,v,i; t;e,. ,i,,..;n .tan capacitv. Ihey have logs enough to; - - ::i.ni :. i tei-.iL-e iii :i coal she-1, and, draw-; is a sa l aspei t ot ini tropo..!.!.! .iie uining . i . j r- - SIII'KIFF'S N il.F.Jj ing and e...-k:ng his revolver, thi-atetied to ' Mich a joyous holiday as Christmas and is ,''r('1' t,l,; '''tire season. : .J c,lt;li Writs ..f Fieri Facias, kil' o i'-.,'. e ii" h- would not let him alone I an indication of the want and crime pre- A- l- "'shirt; lias .ately improve., his , j ;l,-;is Ki(.ri F:it.j:Pij:i.ltl Vendition. Expois i A.M., on MONDAY, JANUARY the 4th, 1S75, j and will continue two weeks, j The Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Consta ; bli-s in and for the county of Northumberland are j requested to be then and there in their proper persons, with their roll-, records, inquisitions, ! and other remembrance'!, to do those things to 1 their several otlires apiwrtaining to be done. And .; nioawt-alth airainst any prisoner, are requested ; and commanded to be then and there attending j in tlieir proper persons to prosecute against tiim j a -hall tic just and not to depart without leave i at their perii. Jurors are requested to be pune- tual in tie ir attendance, at the time appointed, liiwn under hit hand at Snnburv, the 3d dav i of December in the year ot our Lord onethouaail j patronage respectfully solicited I eight hundred and seventy-four. SAMUEL II. KOTHERMF.L, Sherilf AWARDED r ,1 l 99 tiLUUtll iUI ilUiilL'SS. ' AT VIF.XXA, The Highest flrder of "Medal" Awarded at the F.ipositlon. No Scwine; Machine received a Kigher Prize. A Few ood Reasom: 1. A near invention thoroughly ter'.ed and se cured by Letters Patent. 2. Makes a perfect Lock Stitch, alike on both sides, on all kind of goods. 3. Runs light, smooth, noistless and rapid but combination of qualities. 4. Durable runs for years without repairs. ' Will do fill varieties of work and fancy stitching in a superior manner. ti. Is most easily managed by the operator. Length of etitclj may be altered while running, and machine cad be threaded without paseinif thread through holes. 7. Deign Simple, Ingenious, F.legact, form ing the stitch without the use of cog wheel gears, rotary cams or lever arms. Has the Automatic Drop Feed, which insures uniform length of stitch at anr speed, nas our new thread con troller, which allows easy movement of nedle bar and prevent injury to thread. 8. Construction most careful and finished. It i manufactured ! the mow f.l-illfil ami ex- per'ionol mechanics, at the celebrated Reming ton Armory, Ilion, N. X. Philadelphia Office, 810 Chestnut street Oct. ft, lS74.-2m I. KM OR STORE! CTIRIjpTIAN NETF, Second Strert, opposite the C'onrt Jlonse, SUX BURY, PA.. Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers and others, that he has on hand, and will con stantly keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogniae, Cherry, Ginger, Rochelleand Otard. Whiskies: Pore Rye Copper-riistilled, Monon gahela, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port and Caret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. K. Rum, Drown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACII AND BAR BITTER3, And all others Liquors which can be fonud iu the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOFJX'S and BOTTLES, always on hand. tsT? Orders promptly attended o, and yublle .alking ihl'y rushed upon j vailing in tie- chief city of the country hand :. '.U'lv Kick, sending too!; un his leselct . ... , ...... i ditor of the '-i: .I:.., aim h-meii nis pa-1 i5v, ; , Ul). ,1:tv hisdeatii. His j " ; tcnace, on tlie plea that we had no- op- rcni:,;.,s w,..v v, ( j, ioftug, S.-huyl-j F;:r;" ' : I. il lion vihe: Paris. " hm'- t' lui?:il lv ""! i Uf,I"- ' kill comity, for iu'.-riM-iil on Tuesday, the a. And as our neighbor has been ; im,t.. and they .ve:v followed by a larze . ..ig p..i! of the Treastiier's paHonage, j Wr f fi.:.ls r.-ljtivs fioin lids looiv I. i-ill i...c., ou:iee.i irienu , , .... .-..,. r..i ,,..s .,.. ,,f t ... :)r .,.. l'oiir.L'inan's store. in the e do :;ot. t.or did ; place. ever he'.-l at Orw iL'shiir. Ih v. 15. J. v.i , ver claim to have elected the Ih puhii- St-hmover. nastor of the Evau.'elica! cm o:::.-ers m tie county as our ncig.jvor , clll!I.(.1? f .,iu.,. ,., :t.-I....I u most ,,. ir-u.ka'iy in! invites -.v. .1..; bit: we cat j .,r,.ssjvc M rm, and the .bw-qu:cs v.ere assure hint that every ballot we have cost j lit-ttri.ltl wi'h mo.-h s-.b-innlly.-- hnnulhx sj.c,. pi'.", v..is in favi.i o( the Kepuhlicau j y,,,.',f candidal.-' from 1'rci-idci.t down tohofough . . i i.iistable, with the exception ot one on a; Mr. Fraiik 'iiioinp-sou, (Jeneiai Mai:ag r local tii k-, vvl-.eu the:-. wa no political is-j of the J'cnr.sylvaiiia K.iilr. rnJ Company, siii :!. on. st ion In ii.-j improvement j Vi'S notice that, owing t the inability of ami ; t;ii i;np!ov. men;, our ballot was ciit his company to nir.ke any arrangement i in i.tvi-r : improyetiKnt. If our n-ijhhor objects o c.-.i: h-llli ! with tie: l-n sent owners "! the ; 1 i n;il J.cwistown H.iiiroad in r- .iiiMiiy tion to .ii i-.:i!i. an d le- is unwilling to support I updating and k. .o.'mg the t-ame open While I lorn. . the r-v d vi r " ing u-r his head, and after i a :.;::c ures.-ing .io-.vii, - x- cort. ! turn ri me train, .n i.uijioi in.n ' tin- fi d.cv who g-ive his name Janus H 1-i.ljed in lad to aw.nl !ns tn r. 'l iii; t ':!'..' H-ix'thr :ivs: "A .vi:it-ss James I".-.-.!, l: i 1 been subpima d to atteiid court at il'-ll.-ioiit-. and refused to attend au attachment, but was atli nvatds taken l. tli.. it. t. .oe s'n-rllV. .Imb'i- Mavcr de- J. , , ."" -. i i . i i and mo'Iii-i l in j on it in bed. The coin- eiih-d lhat tne witniss havmg deni-.n.h it i 1 - ' his costs at time of service, and it having been r.-tus. d or not paid, he could let be held, foi the cost of attachm. nt, nor had the court a right to ihsue an attachment in the ...-'. This settles the vexed question of compulsory attendance, at:.! . stablish-s the fact in law that tin w itnei-s is .b!b.'il to al'eitd i't a eivil c.:s- until h;i cos's have "oi-eti o.ivcd in adv ince. In criminal cases 'in- la'v may store room by putting large windows in i is.v.n-d out f the t.'ourt of Common Pleas of i A rjj! ... , .1-1 i ' NoUhiiinli. -r.and coantv, and to ine direetedjWill I 'T . . ,i !,,i; lilu" "I III!"tltf w,,h :l ,,!U,J- , be expos, J : public sale or outerv. at the Curt " f s ? -,. 1., . . . Hiw anna ten. sin prevails tn nance. .o sonic stock of goods. Messrs. I.aud-nsla- llou-e, in the borough ..f Sunbury, Pa., on l..au tlini I ."hL". tunti'V unit nsses Wore de- r !.... !.... .1,..;. I illTI IMUV T1IF 'il il u-nl'.HMMRV 17. ;r.' t ' .'i'."...' - -' ' , affection of any penwn they cbucne in-tntlv. This , .1 ..i .-. .i..---l . .. .... . .. . t i .... ......ii : 1 . . . r . VoUt'Ci; (Hiring l:.c Ji.lSt Wine munuis 111 stole room hy liKlkill" an adUlllon. iliey at - o ciock m iuc aiu-reoon, inu i-mhuii: jmo- , unii.iemi-utaiacqnii-ii:i!euiaUcunr.o!'i,lrw,l)yni:i!l, 1 l)SVCHOMANCY, orSOl'L IHAKMIXO. 1 i-iiUer sex may lunclnut and icmu tilt? ...ve ht.1 are doing a. good business ! Telegraphic eys. lei!l .!ii'ec:if eii ,v tlr:iih-ii I'nr- (.'rsriNVATi, Dec. -y. .lo(m -ttr"s; infant, three months old, was sud'ocated last Tuesday night, by its drunken father j chrisimas io ar villia-i rcmaitieii :n t::.- lioti-e iitil.1 : f. s moriung . before it was do-cover d by the neighbors. ; TI e parent, w : s'.I!! :rm:k an-l ha 1 made : noa:teniitto bury it. 'ihey are now in! ihe station house, the father sudi-rino from j delirium tremens. I 1 "rt v, to wit : i I,,r oWtw-r :tii a iiiarruii; Kunle, uyptutu Ora- , .1 l ie, liri-.iuin, HiuiH ti Iaiilieti, W.l..hii(;-Nieat Shii-l!. .Ve. ....rtM.. l..t up t.i...... i.l irr.vttifl sif iiiOm ill liif . ... ... . . . .s . ... - It. . M.-s-ncr, ot hull !,un, is daily re- ti-..ii;h of ShanioLin, county ot N.ethnmlK-r- J lr.:s, 4w. c. ivino ii.-w goods from the city. He is at. . bmd, and State ot 1'eimsylvui.hi, known and de- 1 - J situated on the general p an ot said fKiroimti as . or .-licrgctic yoiuig man, and tries to please ., linmt-r three, in block number .me hundred CO ll 01 IS. COLDS, 1 10 A Rf EN ESS, his imnicroim customers. 1 -ur, bounded r.ort.r.v.ird t.y Mulberry street, . AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, ..... .., .. ea-iv.-ard t)V lot numb. T four, sout'iwar.l t.y : U&o l-i'io-onis ilcseive givu. c-.lu Uv , stri.,.t an, westward by iot numVr two, j W'KLLV CtRltOMCt TABLETS. strictly ob-cn ing Christmas. To them is : coelaiuin in width twenty live feet, ,.iid in depth I PUT Li- ONLY IN ni.rE BOXES. i r..-iiun.ireii ana n.'iy I'-.-i, win. uin appai-.enau- j a lltlJlilJ -V.L L:Hr; llftMtjlti . ecs i-tuisistiiiK 'f a two storv frame dwelling i Sol.l by Drugsistn. Fve. 21, w. hoa-e ; as the property of .roSFI'M KOi'P. ! . ALSO, ! rpTT A tJ BETAII.EM AT Snnliury, July 3, 1ST3. ly. O XF.FF. c c due t!:-.' creiiil for a 'piiet and peaceable C. rfclu Xbberfiscmcufs THE BEST PAPER. TRY IT. POSTAGE FREE ! 'rices. FT? A BETAII.EM 1. JlixLO Importers iri IJY THE Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. 3 I.a Icssiu-ss in I'nioittox. 11. II j Ivansvii.li:. !nd.. Dec. 11. ni'Ariii-ii.lv n.i.'vnt.u r.i. Tin- s-cm.-,- iKie Aii-:i:ii s inc.. i.. il-i g.iit. I year, enjoys tie- widest rii'eulati'.u of ..:.'v wi-i.ly The j iii'-Actiaper of the kind in the world. A new A eerti.'.u tract or pi -ee of la-i.' situate iu Low ' r Au i.-ta township, .Nortl.uiiiberian.l county. I'eiiis-ylvaaiu, bous-lcd northward by laud of Daniel Malick, eastward by laud of John Dan-ki-iti.-reer. MHith.v.iid by land of Daniel Keiscr. Jaenti K.ik. r r.fld Nathan t?bipe, and westward l.i- l.ii.l .it" t..f..r Sfrr.'i. i-niilniitii- sivtv rtvp 1 arres more or le-s ; as th't property of KORGE I IMPORT AX1 IMSTUIBL'TE TEAM ,1. KAKLK. ' fur o:i -tucll j.rofit, fcaviuu the Ht)uun.er stl irual- ef M.SO 1 raiiilrat-. H iml trol a Inrge part nf tbe Ei-t Tets j firitiifjsjr to tins couuo-y, wbicu a ;ld by ouriwhi-H. V r. nam lot or pn-cc ot ground mliiiih: in 1 iiti i'.r..u!i linli'Kei other tlejlors do m t th--jr own a 26 Fiflh A-re., Pittsburg, Pa. Tbid is an orxaizstian of eapitabsts to bor-niL'h of Mount funnel, county of Norttnnn- ' '"." ' . ' ',' 1 foui-roi' li-is infoltiri'ion tl- it '11-' week ft eoiuoin:. ,-s J.-.n-iury d, 1S75. : b.-rlund, and State of Pcnnsyivanui, bounded and ). d-.ft.-n nt. the Common- "'""na- .H uuoiiu.i.ion u..u ...i-. . ( ntuU.liU ..,..,r.i,..? l!l; .lt.-. a:..t ::;o-i in- .tesoril.e.l as follows, t. wit; beLrinLiL-at a .lie i i.-i.i-t bo.-iuse we do. ivc cannot beiji ; the j.ublic uv, tiny :ire cotistr.'iiii' d : an ii. nor (-i.-i'.i ue change i.nr i.lit:-.-al views ! nuance tl.at, on Jauu-iry 1, 1S7", tlit-y .v;i ' withdraw tin if equipment from and .: :ise j : t- o;:er;'.te 'be said railroad. .,,.1, soimus.-l to be "nod for the costs I J'iirty of patrolmen, who U.-IC gUlir.l. tig ; t.-i ,-;in- infuriiiation pertaininir to t!i.- Imlus- i point forty fret we-t from the northwest eciriier 'v,. t-j o':r ciih;. h(1y.iutj.i.. t.tir i-.oi.sii in China and .Ijfinn have ttie iiy wi r.riii-n- 01 wK-ctiriif, tt&ioli (ivt! un -rcit id ti.iit:.KM. IVe ha.e est-eh-hisl stor. a fui ilistributin ti-a In ail the jirincii al i-i'u of :Le I'uitAl rsfutn. t 'A ? X" i? M f--i. - " 3 3 3 KenulilisI Oil Chromo, on that jjc- u: l"..i..i.f..-.. 11 k v i.i iinat si'sm-.-t.-il iiici 11- I tri.ii. ii'-i ,i;t:i:r..;. alio .-ea-iu ae I -ror.-ss . i tee . ni i e.K Mreii am. .oount varaiei Aienue, con- ------ --- j - - j -, 1 - ; ,, ..,. . ... .;.,. ..-..i r. f r-..r,....i Tii: I!i-:ai i in-: !Io..-Kholi.-Vo- diariMn o tbe ,.art of the mgroes, took a , i!1v..,.t;;;.,,..-w i;..'..:;,;.... AmiuVit.irty uve fe-t.nd r.tc'idU.g of that X.w"K; U sometiiocs do not, value there bus- 1 colored woman and bung h-r three times 1 e.s.-.. and iiapiov.-d indastiits of :-.'.! konis; j wuitti north one bundred und City Net to Water j ,,lci, iccn-tban tlie i-nceuf ti: Toa. -rht-mchn mosit.-e This road, i , ...., Tt. ,. ,...iV..n...,t:v 1 r....;.... ... .1... k..u...f...l I u"',ul "" Me-l.-.i., and :..:-.!.--, by str.-t, bc.une.-d cortr.wanliy ny Water street, , ,. reseat to e..stou.er?. oai.;;sTiM.i oi-.... . ............ .j ni.,. i .......... .-o.-... ... .... .... i - - , , .... tit..r. f... w..r!.--n.-.i a .. is i j ; corner-stone of the .-diiice, tlie Keystone ol j ; -..t.s, that we got ail tbe palionai:.; Irom j Tbe.-e ure some of tbe .nhcat.ons tiiat th(, lir,.:l(1. ; the Cotnn.issio-icrs through V. V. . Cray, . !,t.Ucr tit;..-,, are ahead : During the -M wh,!!(.r ,tiih,:UmW, its defence and its! the county cliik. 'ibis is not correct. ; wct-ks from the l.rst o: .lanuarv ensuing, ri i , . , .- , . I Im--I li Ol -1 r.il.-.i l..--i I'v 1 l':.r T'-lTt. '-Ii.-.i I ViTV batid is the very r.oi-tn e ! the house, the j applied, the town is in much excilemeu: i niniin-r .-entains turn to to ir, ori-oul . n-rav- . ,,fil... ...li. ti... l-nist,,,!.. nt' i l.. ii... .ini.tii- iTiisri'.. i Uls;s ol new m Imi i-. v and . .oi 1 i!iv.-::!i...;-. ri:A;r.iY i ew oicb.faxn. is i.A m;I..s long, lets ;i jetnl-up caj.iLi.l J' : J-lr!i tbe valu. of :i good husband lor the I plot. Hie was left insensible and almost li t: Nt :.i!i;i-!: am- Tin: CorsTV V.- j mMji), ;;nd had :t funded d.-bt at da'e j ,-.S. tilwc .iy t.t; i..sS (.f !;-.,i. Yet the bus- j ,i,.a.l, but recovered after restoratives wert : iH.XA-.i.. i i.e meen oi v.. . gives . 0- !ab. ,-,..,. t of il,40l'O. vo? one ot its reasons tor opposing i.ejuio ; i !.:!-: rava.es, lint: t rating n.-.j s-ie-iii-ii'-., cLs I i-i.venrs, and iaipoitant v.uiv.. p-rt.!nie to ; civil and in.-eh.itiieal .-uaiut-eiii.r. ii.iil'.s., niiii- ing and no lallarL-y ; rreoots ot -.i. - '.it. -t jiro- .,l.i'.sl'A ! iries iu tl.e apuliealions of n. :.n:. '. -.n. en.'i- I'KI! MAN'. j ii.-. rsr.ir. r.ii'iv.iv-, -hip li-r;!i!i:.;, icivi.o.ion. j t. lei-r.'.phy, t.-'.-rapli i nii.e-i in-j. e;. -t ri-ity. I Nhw OitLKANs Dec. 'J'j. In a light be- , iL-n-n-m, nton ami ti.- .i. tweet. Daniel (..'. llyerlv, maiiitgi r of tbe liululin, and ex-tJovernbr Warmoth to j-li.yers ' e.i: tward by land of J. Hoover, southwardly by j All nols o:d Warcuit! to give jfrfre-. satini-itim j cm X. m m m. It il! lb-- various art-. 1 Mount t '.irmiii Avenue, and westwardly by land Tl.e S itMirir Ami:ki-an i the eheatw-t an-l of .1. lleover ; as lie- etopertv of JACOB MA LI' a. ALSO. r ihe luunty rtifiiilsj. CJreat AtluuUc t PaciiSe TeaCo., :o l if Lb Ave, nttsturf-, P. Dec. 2B, 4'v. the county cl.ik. This is not correct. ; weeks from the lirst of .January ensuing, a. Tie y 'omiuissionets arc the tiipens-rs of; ttul ,f not l.-n than :1'-.,0WM'' will be the j-alr-eiitge an ! not the -b rk. !jt0rv th" bi-Liinniiig and ennini.' of the : j.x .(,,,.,- W.Mt.Morn Kill the (.'cuitniitsioiiers went into tba' oSiec, ; r,i',!rt,a. and other securities in Nev.-York .'aide j a!,,!. Itielud patronage bttweeii the offices ol tbe Jtaltitn.i.-e. .'hiciino and other business i And yet I...IH '.vlii. h fc'.n ro'.loils. it its con- I ..... .... . . . - -"- - . . nt ii ii.striLiittal in iVHieints on "overtmi.-t-t. -. . .- I so. cr, its :av-!ivi-r ami ns :u ..... t,...e r i : I is that liii' oil which SO . v no .iiie ii us tnat ttiey wouni oivkiu a,U,vs. Itieluumg iJo-toti, I'liiiti.te.-.il.ia, . . , , i .... , , , i nine;, ue jie.ii; A'! t-i.it ri-itaiu lot or pier-e of L'r-iund in i li.iiubi-rl. Oil's addition to North Miitoii. County of Noiiliuintierland, and t'tate of Pennsylvania, kno.i a and de-ignalt o on t le planet said addi tion as lot number forty five, bounded north ward by Third street. l--.-tn-.ird by Lincoln street, ai l wc-Lwird by Kiver alley, ronlaiiiimr iu width try four feet, and in depth one hundred and fif- ( ':("' :;' t!1'.- .bn'o'i 'i", uhoi we ati-s-v, ml them that it was perli clly right. ;i the Auditors' ib-port was to be pub il. th: v agreed to give it to the Amfri- centcrs, tin; aggregate v.ill be largely in creased, and will reach n total of several hundreds of million. 'All the indications ,.Vhen he is taken away. who sha'l 1111 his place ? When be is ill, what glooioy clouds hover over the house ' ! When he is d.-a-l, wliat darkness, what ; u. . !.':!: -. w hat a-'onv ! Then poverty, like arc favorable for a decided improvement in i , w '..'i,, ..., ; tt. . i.itz ii.ii. ... . "...i . ' -.. i windows ; starvation, like the famishitiir wolf, bow's at the door. Widowhood is too 1 . .li.... .in ..vsi.i--!!.. oi' ,:!i-lii-liilh and nvhes. m in s proposition, r cents pi-r inn-, ; r uior-: 1 li.in a nr .tie local oiition law i , , . . , i ,t v i ' . , , Oinliaidiood.toon ivliicti we i-onsi ute.l. Mr. l oungniiin then has been in tore; in the town ! . st j ' and .'' 'I' .eei, and the following ytur hiiness Ir. in and after tin- beginning ol ! tie: f.'o-'O. instead .if the .1 : rc-oi. pro- ' .;. ;..vv V.-ar. vi-l.-d we would nublisli it at Mr. Young- " day, on (.'anal street, liy.-rly knocked War moth down with a stick, and jumped oi and eountini; room; ed, aeademy, or nis ii; sola'ion and wis-. 1 eomplaiuiug bi cause he did Chester, and tb-results are tar from being Tbe work was eipially di- as satisfactory a Ihe tcmperanct t vi ir. coninicnc1 not receive ;1 ided the fir- y.o, jir', .il the Auditors' Kcp-.it, aud serv.-i s bold that they fairly illustrate th. i -hinged ju-1 double tbe amount. As the inevitable sequence to the strict ei.foice- i i K : i (;i:kicas. !:. irr.s. The bo-' choli i ; broken out with Th.- lat year the cate. anticipated, though pretty shu-.vd ob- great violence it I !). ! -.s CotlllTV. the f pubiishiiiL' the llepo;! was s.HVi tactit of prohibitory laws. In West Ches- an rrat.ei-i "-s j ... i t - e.icn co- City lifte.-n an. 1 a half c- nt- per day. iliiamsiiort oimj men are said to be taking li-s-ms i:i .irtv. ing -.vith a cork screw. v.-: i j r I-' defects in M.e charier, the S-hnylh-1! ccro'y Minns' Ilospiia! will not be blli-l lit p'l s. I,t. . I .. 1.--. ... .. family, library, study, of. him, when Warmoth, drawing his knife, I ''v'."r-v ' -7 I -f-liir.il. stabbed I'.ycriy seven times in the abdo i A y.-.ii's ii ini'.n is in s;;-j piC,s and seve- men. liyerly was removed to the (bleat:. I r i1 llull-lri J ei:!:r..v,.-s. T:i..-..sands of volame.-. . ii i t.i- j are pr.-'eiv,-. lor l-i-ida.- and lefereniv. i h.- Hospital, where bv died at 10: JO tins evi ll ( pr:;tiral ree- ipls .-M wo.th t'-n limes the i ntr. Waimoth was arrested aud locker ! subsnji:o.i pi.. -e. Terms. s;;;.2o a year by mail, , . . . I iia.-luiliiar po-'-:e. l)',-;-.iiii.l to el;:b-. Special up m the parish orison. .,., .(.;1.lt., ...... Iri.,.. -:.1V lla(1 HOW IT ALL CAMK AIHil'T. id'n',1 News l).-a!ers. Karm.-rs. i!ii--iiaic.-. . ii r. iv.-i.tors. . i.n.l s.-v..-n iwi-ntRs leei wan ta.; np nirie- iii.niiit.irtur.-i-, eli.-n.ists. U.v.-rs of -cieiK-e, j naiiees eoiisistini of a two story frame dwelling teacher-, e.'eii: van ii, ia-vvr; au-l i..-..ile ol all i "'- ' '"'-' . '5 J"-r!'r-. prof -ions will bud ilia J-i i!.s:i)-it Am;:rkiak useful t-i tlie:a. It -!n :. ni have a plu'-e iu every This unfortunate affair bad its origin ii ; PATF.. VS. in ronueetion with the fVKN- linc Amekicas, M.--r-. Miiimi C s... and the intense political excitement w hich nov J citors of American and Foi. -loi i'at.-nr- prevades all classes of the community. L i !mv" V'0 "'l 'i':i","":"t 1,1 V,';,,' . . . . . : .Viore than tiltv I ho'is.in.i apple-1' ..m- have ti.-en was prccipitati a ly a puoiishei! I.-lter Iron : ,,i;j.. i,,r pat-nts tl.iotih th.-lr ..- . :Ci Casll IliItH, liiOC-i.-hOiit-, l.uOu.-a-hOu'ts, l.liOO Cu.-il.i-.Its, jo.eeU r-B-h (iif .-. .AMl"KL M.-DAMi:! A Lift), A errtain lot or piece of ground iiiaate i: Low er Auc ista township, Noilhuiuberland county, i'cnti-ytvatiki, bounded northward by public road, ea.-t war.l by lot of Jacob Kafcci, southward bv land of William and John ( ruil.shank, and i est ward by lot of J. L. hhoop, containing in front on said niiblic- road, lit'.v feet, more or 1-. with the uttiurtenances eonststiin: of a two storv ! frame dwelling house and stable ; a, the proper- j Wln.ie Ticket- tv of i.KOKitK j. uakkk. JJ:::::::::::"::. ALSO, I Kii;!i'1ii of tM-U Coaj on , I .,' n -t lor. . . shout pitosFOMint-XT niv 1 l lt l)-HLl, DIMI ltlLTIO.. ' First OraiKl iilit Coneert. Montpelier Femals Hnmans Association,- AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. ItlAKl II 20, l7t. LIST OF OIFTS. t .irunil CiiKil Ciil'I I ..rali.l I'tisii ..ift I Omnil C.ikU Oilt 1(1 Cash liifm, f H,t4 isa:b l"l I'jl.sll Old-, imc!i l.IKH) tich .X'O t ai-h lnO caca l.0 ttCl. '.tl tach Cl'i-'I.OOO SO.ueO '5,1100 linyimt 7."...nu .'ki.iiuii I ner. .".u,iu I lee.100 I 7IACSIIE SHOP AJS IRO. FOUNDRY. f!EO. KOIIRBACn & SONS, Sunbury, Peuu'a, INFORM the public that thej are prepared v do oil kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With tbe aid of skillftU mechanics, they are enabled to execute ail orders of NEW WORK OR RETIRING, I 22,1"8 Cs.-ib OifU, aiuountms to fl.uOO.Qutl i M .1BI1U OF TICKETS, 100.000. I rrticr. ok tickets. that may be given them, in a satisfactory rm.n- i rates to snlt any Move. IKON COLUMNS, for churches or other build mgs, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, &C j Ornamental Iron Fencing VERANDAHS, I'a.'.enis ar.- nbtalin-d o-i tic- !u--t l.-rn:-. i:iod"ls of new iuvetit'.ot.s and sket.-'o -x-trts . tif-l mid nih le. tn-.-. A -eei.,l r..l;ee is ma le in the M :r.v!irn' Avi:i:i as of all Juv.-ntiotis i'.it.-r.t.-d ! Iiroiiijh this A ireney, w'.t li t'e- r. nil- and 'Tsi- d. la t the 1'at' l!t--e. Patents lire of'.. 11 so) roails. This !irolli;lil. out a vigor-.IIS eili , in p h i .1 v. ii.-ie. 10 ( -r s nltra-c.l to the ln- 1 : venti-.n ot sio-li in. la-e. N ml tor raiiiphlet. III' f loverimr Waniiot'.i, in w!iic!i lie sevetel; critieiseil nil ci!!tori.:l paragraph ia ill .'""i 'i, 1 ;ul vueating the rc-fstaMislimcti: the Mar ears for negroes up the city rail ; toria! in the Hnlhtln, revivin A certain lot or piece of ground silaat-i'iti the lioroai.-h i.f Mount Carmel, eounnty of Northum berland, and State of Pennsylvania, known and dt -i 'n.i'.ed in the plan of said hi.roujrti an lot ' nionli.-r sW in fiiiirk number tiftv. triitithiir nil f bii; rtret-t twenty live feet, and exteiiiling back that v. idtli one hundred and fifty feet to Apple street, with the appurtenances coiisi-tiii uf a two story frame dwelling hotis. ; as tli- pKoprty of VLKXANIillR M'-KIM. A LS , A rert.-.'.n j-ie-e or part of a lot o!" ground situ ate in the borough of Mount Canuei, eoiinty of .-::o.W : . lO.'K. j . .'..I!!l . 2.50 ; .leO. ) FOR YARDU AT RESIDENCES. AC. AC. iii-'-ml el .-1 lg v. I.cn it tt:t j ubli.-lit ii in ter many sTiiail clu'. s have sprung into i s- tl.e .1 ;. .- ''en,., ;!,.- .' in;!!!;--ioti'-rs e n:-;.!- isti-ncc. 'J'hi ir tiieir.liers are alnio-t i-x- 1 red it an o.tori : 11:1 ' pi ice, ;m;J proh-ihly clasivcly younj im i. hit ivi eu ninete. 11 and let v.- lav. .red its more since 011 account of tv. nfy-f'oiir years ot age. A year a-o i.i.r vi s he:!,'.' iower. 'J'his ajipe.-.rs to lhos -nisig g.'iitietn.-ii s.-M. m ilratil: a 1 : I1. i- r:m- .il' .1 .l.l.V .-.if... I'.lil -Til f 1 . Ml 1 Tl 'i ..'..-j ..I i lit . . v I:- 1 1 . 11 -r t-.i!:.ti-- Lot 11..W i 1 .... V - , , . ' , Sine- the new divoice !:iw ill Oregon, , 1 i i- i i .. MI NN .V O , 117 Park Row. N. V. Ilraiieh , nine, containing on Maple street eighteen feet, :: li'. '. ' his a'litnoso.v towanls Mr. i.-ati ,1 y..-;i!l- tie II arc trentKliliy ell.-mtn- I ) . . I t,:""e Ui il !"',"n:tl e ifl, p-l'ilisoe.! 111 tie Mliee, .-or. K and Tib sir. els. Wasbiti-ioii. I). ! :,n, r-.it-n.ling bacl. tiiat width thirty six feet. ir iy, ne ue ii 't n niisii, ,., :,s u,. are in- tered m the si . ( ts. atut a 1 irgcr .j'l.tutitv 1 ' 1 J '.:( . lorn!-id it spring- fpim an id ! gi u lge which ol inKixicitiug liquor arrive- iti West 'i h--S..n!s is tlie tiimie of a town in ( 'ol-j On ( 'l.ristnias i:i..ruit!g a !i:ilJ.-nge Iroti urigiimted 8"ine f.v. Iv- ..r lii'te. n veins ago, ('ii.-i,.,- tlmn h. fore the eiiJiiicenicnt of the "iiflo. . hicli is -itnatc! suggestively near m,. ,),., , nXw,, which was ccceplc.i wl-en .'-fr. '.ray "..i a cnndidai.; for lo-gis .-r .n.i i'1-eor ier. whii h our la ig'ihor has ' ;'i iij-t-i- i -1 -. - : in ikc in:s siaie- :: li' so lie- ;e.'''ic li.1V U :. I'l si ainl ill--r ;' i ' i i ' .-iii. :.- .i.n i- t..o ,, t a man ! ir. .! -a i.-kv in one iioi I .w. . l.-i i-k l.iisiiK . - i-done hy tn n who l" g . ah in! v. i: h ei an-. .1 ... - I. :'s - t, r, c.-.tis ;( in.;,., 10 I. Ill V. :l f . CI . Lie i . .i; ... i i i u ine litid a llev Il'III.IhKI: I.. . -a- i. !; i g. xii.. r Jl.iXl. . "I II :'l ! I I, for ti. ..,) II I i.f. we.. . Ne!." V'.lk li.ii.it.-. at.'i is will iiriiig Aim in . s i I , (. i.e II I'll-, li-l 1'iiiioih 'l' !-vi .1 K l-t ; ii I vnr ui. i 'en . This iioio t! is.- it !. .- pm l o! :tioii.-. 1 le- t .lai g .cl I'lotluct nf I iie I it ; t.-. I M ites, d.e.-.s not ccm d "7". M I'l.i'oi) per aiiMita, an-l as th- i xporis of -in fro. a "s;:ii J'r.'iiieis'-oand oi'n r s'-.iji-iris Ne.c Vork Mi'l-v. '. - year . . a- i" t'ri.liiy ' " v-i l. h Ha:-!.:: foi.-.-. con);,,;';, i tn j,:l !,. llpi.'I. the ti'.U-- nl tin- (.'oii-m ii! of I iazle'on. tii'tt--.! hv Movie wh,:.- ; i : la- : W:.:.. il-..:.- Sf'.cci- .1,1-: ol the I le- ,.e. II- d as A'l.l-II.II i'.v-.l-i . . 1 1 1 .!: I..' s(j, The .ii e.i a a- com iii c .-no i;i w It 1 Ti IV i . had i i s at'e in his in into tie a rop -. put the .-,! h r .. II t' e re h i 1 l. -i-'i a h n. lung near I'aducah ho-t ..... .. r..u. ' . - i -v.,.1-..-. it ; .1,. .. in en i tie ol iii. r-'v.nd- tha I hitth reeatataai as i'.-iiO.---.;.-.!, us --.-.-a as tb ..nbiic r .iiiiii:.-ii.-t-, influence a.ail s-al-fi:i-l --a.-tuir. :i:iraJiy - I .-.-.-I:t'..l a!; !i Ml. ra. j-,!i-i. lirvi1! ': virwi..-;.. slit-' ' ' .... i''i i .in - j - , . i - . a it: oi i :n i.oi viai: u i'i .iioniiv v. .... i, .... ... j 'I r.- -. .. ' : iia- , . .-.,1 tai:ii".' i iv. i -oi,! fill! lovi-.-laiiis foroti- V.,;.i,...i.l,..r.....i rin.-l St ;!h ..f IVtm Ivaniii. ' A:.:Ai.oan, v.... luiy S, MM. I wmmire.1 i.n.l 1 1 ...i.il -. .. iiitli .1 1 1 n'l i r I. .-li-l r.'i.. ' . . . .' . ,.,..--11 ' tl'I1 K-'.e -. HI QOlit: T Jl:il lllt.-'rit-.'. .1 nil l'aiiv f.l it ls ! ami leein.iig Willi .l.lin.lgliig li.irgi ! ta uasg patents. l,i.oii .in I dt igiiairi( on the plan ot sail bo- j (y t ,. ,,,1,:,i ,.,.,. ,,, ,nr , ,,1.. l"ainst the i -( ..iv. rnor who answt-re.l th( vi m.-,-- inr in.- rapei. or conn ruing 1 an-nis, 1 ,,,ll:. f,s int number tive in tiloeit nuiutier tnir-.v j K -.v. r.r-.i'ir.s, v. s. lu.t--.; -.a-t'a 'ii...... f arii.'r ri-it-r.-i.ctH ny ei nn.-sitiii : n:;i i..xr...j,-u,-y : Oil en ". V.ji'St-r, Ex-tioi-rnur of V i. ; lt.-.u. Kubt-rt K. t ! and lb, it- being tweniy live f.-. t in width, and ex- ; v;,.. " ' I tending of that widtli t'.ie di.-tar.ee ol one hun- ,n. . :..i n. !., 1.-. m l i-11.1..I. 1.;, i j.r.si 1..-; i died and fourteen feet to Pear street. In all one .. .;-...iii. .- n:o. : .. '.i.i-r;.i.-i..ii. f. r ' ..r 1 liundri-I and lilty teet in depth, bounded noilli v.ard by lot number lour, cn-tward by l'er.r si reel. Hoiuhward by int number six, and west waid bv Maiili'flreet.v. ii h I he appili t.-nanees eon- I tie pmi-t : ly 01 N A i 11 AN K1.M-1.I.1.. ! St i'i-il taken ill . x.'-uiiou and to be -old by S. II. Rol I1KI1MKI., !i-i"l''. Ml.'l ill's Ottice. S'lldliry. I lee. Is. lstl. Ttu' Mt.n'i-t-i-.iT ivnrnU. .luniaiic- Assmaa'ioii, rh..rter- I The PLOWS, already celebrated for their Stt- i-.l i v ti. t.i;..-i4tiireef Vir--no.i .uiti the cireiut Touit ( periority, huve been still further improved, and on 'raw '" bv ,"""'';' '" .'''TT ' (j 1 will a' way be kept on hand, ntutri liilvt'S"! i Also, THRESHING MACHINES. r.-.a.-::r..' 11 1'n-i.lrt.t lam.it Ma.ii.H!. ' I .Sllubury, May -0, lloviatNenN (Jrctcy, hTcuvo-.-ii, Jaly II, l.s.4. ! ' t :f.ir'tH mf -.W-nre to -ay that 1 a. a well scq.uuut- , Child TOU to Uill'l Out. i-1 ".:t.'i a L.r' m;. l"r.t o: tlicttaiic-rs iI II.C . lonti pUit i lr a.e lle.ltii.jii- A.ni-K:iatii.'U.'.vu.i rt siil 1 1:1 in.' va-in.ty of niv li..'.:f. ul.-l 1 at '.st IU. ir lu-i-lb-;- n-.v- um! tli- ir north i ii-.ei ting v.-.-r- .. I ... 'r !' lil-Kl- 111. 11, s ti.." ; tillisii.-.i Set Wl ill wl-i -.ll-id'lli .'t il p-;vt v. in::' 1 . ine spectators. -or t linni-ell all ciu .l.v .il-ji. v ;.t .-.a- 11:. hi rniost 1 tht; attack ahove il tail- 1. ing his yattiger si-tt-r ..ti J sK i. n II ui 'I UK All MAN. -i d i. n! -ahippid .mt Mr. 1 1. '. Mu-riy -a .as h .ni in 1' 1 s.. ::r 'ii! n. r tu t k vattiit in 1J-'.. !l- : e.-iv. i a li! cr 1 le 1 c:c iii. t!.. in . oi o 01 .-. 1 1 1 - a to 1 tail 1- ; ca'it 'ti, anil in !. -r. .-. mi: , .'vi' . -u-p. -ii. ling i.t r . tie trade of a prii.t-in wl.i. ! h in i- down rih.ii. 1 '.ail' ext rant ii itiat i i-Apert. H,- tun n.i- - ti. -in ti . v aoiiii d. uni t iioi s- s w j,, ii .'v soiiiei siianking : to fiiiics- 1 h. r :: ; le .it' !os, .1 III.- s-, n- . '1 il" foil!! ihltlioll ht.X.-s ij 1. J.Utlll all w,:i ; ,- .r,::i!,;y 1. nt h s.'lo.liULIMHi. it j. r 1 :i 1: t ir- j.I o tire .irjipiiig noroitd inweli more of'j . ions iic..!;,l.s than v,e are ;.'ole to two U:' r II 110 ni 1 1 . 1 iy. ) tUgll. d ( ' .tii!;, Ifoii-tiiu aii.J I". , i ti;;! -i ii ai I.iekuig -r. i-k, .liiniata couniy, I. ' t-.vo I,,..; ,-, ii., il. hut ', wt i. ri'; d and Ilu oir ol' the coniinii- r; v i. 1- .11 : Th.- resatiij.I loiiisis ciiii therefore i'l ad vantage this cotritidrum: : trig. Iv ao-l 1 i.t 11- hi- act 'i:;i;i'; d s . ,u : . 1 1 -1 " ihe i liion t:tti!i- '-. -i: -i i'.-w nights -igo. St-iv-'s. viil. !).- ii.-iiiist ' n t io;- eiipanv at Toledo, ., use lJtil- a- cildai.tl flt j eo; Ii-.-. .1.- ;ts tin i for t heir engines, instt ru! fit in ell t this city ahout thilty '.cats ;ig.- .-ti;.; a employed on several of the journals of th day. At tht I leaking out of the car h joined 'olotii.-l J. A. Jh-eaux's i.-gina n! t Louisiana infantry as a lieutenant, mn si'iveil with ilistinction through. .nt lh- lf 'sP W6(on -N s- t 1-Mt.t. l'..f l.ltl i.u-o.i-iil:trs, ;.-s(iui.i:.i.ilr. ...-i-.. sclal for cilia r. At-. ti-.-s lltlN. J.'.MtS CAlIM't i;, j':.i 1 Ai. r. ;i. a., ai i--..i.!-i 1, ia. n.!f:.m.-:.r.'ul-!V..!.l..l -.. r.-wh I': .-. J... 4 .v. Maize &. Schwartz, MI'-l'i r- t. ! t-1-. ru- .V i.. lli'S Ma i-k t-t Sliv't. rhi!;tK'ltliia. M KIM 'li ANT TAU.OKS and MIMTAKY i:i,UTIHKHS. I In- I ir-t NHtioiial Itunk 1 Sim- Ic.irv. Iii;ih."' I ! we ,e produce, seventy in li'-I,S nt e.iioiii) tinnirilly n'i :port iw. li'itvired millions, ; L'.'V long Wi'l it take (i-s f ''ti to resume sjkcic payi.ict Trevei tot). Xiirt'iiitin'iei i n d i.,! v Xii- j of o .!, and funl it Letter. They receive en s ?r;;ik. Jiiit'i'.rti ... i l.ittit l .n. u h'.le ' corn in li.-: rob, aiel slu ll il by maehinerv. woikiiig in a mine at :h:;' tlact . 1 1. i I !' nr.- t h--coh-. The I rut h is t heir no hi-t- ...... 1. .1, .,.,.1 iP.. ... ,,, ,u. i l.lll.i'tllll.-- '! ........ -'! .IT1.1 1.1, t 111 IU j-i.w..'1-l..T'- 1 1 '.. .1 'un I. is 111-1 en i;t en, i nat. t in- i. .. 11 : .1 . '" 1 . . . , . , 1 e i-- . - Army of the West. He participated in al I i ,,nal .-It etion o'r Direelors ,,f "Th.- Kir.-f Na- j MlllfiirV, l.illltl .V i'l TO . 'I'lTail lZlil 1 "II.- tl .. 1.. tn. ii.-i! Ii ilil. s -itnl -.t Vtl int-i w.. ! tional II. ink of Snnburv, Pa.," wiil In- he'd on ' . the pun. ipa. lutia s. .it... a. Atlanta ... , Jaiiii;irVj A 1S--N ; promptly uniiotineil. wo.iiidctl lour times. At the close of th: , :1, t!. Hanking lion..-, in tbe borough of Sun- c . c ,,, Dbnh.- cnnl war he returned to the city and was .1, e, i '-. Pa., b.-tw,-,, th, hours of lo..!o,k m., I OilinjJift, JI Uiutn, w.ti. . uviv, -v. e,i, lor twe Miccessfo! tens, cic.k of tin v,,' ..;. I.'r,,-:: .' " ,;f7:,e a, t .V, t,,,;,.,. ' ' Tee on application. 1 liird Dislnct t tiint, tvlncSi position h- .Men and liov-' -nils made to older In the latest -Ii ;. s, of tlie best clot hi ami t ir-itmr.- in mar- at HIWs e.r iDsiag.- j.-i.l. !.: : e.U-l 7S.004 kt't, ni M iees .-liilal.l.' to the tiiie--. 1 e.r.aila a-.a in tlir.-. y:.r. s-il fr fnt- .mi-le c..-y. ' 1 tt-t. '.., 4w. rri.'IE Overseers of the Poor of the borongb of JL Sur.bury, htive in their chargtj several chil dren of different ages, sapponed from the tuxes of the borough, who under the law can be bound oat. Persons desirous of obtaining either boys or girls would Io we'll by conferring with the tiu-il"rsigrnv;. i FRF.PERIK MERRILL, I t'KOROR JIAHRIvSllV. SEy. bou;hnek. )verfei?rs of the Poor. Sanbnry. Aug. 1-', ISTt. 3ni. CEUTRAL DRUG STORE Q.B.CADVvALLADER Is the place to buy pure and fresh MHJC!NKM. D!:i'(;s, PAIXTS, OILS, ;LASS. I'KRFr.MEUV, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOIJACCO, LIOrOK for medicinal purposes, :ind all other arti cles usually kept in a tint-class Dru Store. ! Siiecial attention paid to compounding pre- Tu- nw Y...V. wwklv Wltnos-st. givins scriptioiis and family receipts by competent X. . M:ti lit !: . St.ii-lM. 1 teas, ami l.e.l- f I t'riills U I'UgglstS. j I atu prepared to furnish in ijiiantities 10 suit purchasers and at Philadelphia price-. l tiNsl XS I I.Mi l.tlVMI N T -t Kjtii li.-. s i" i 1 ' wis-k x. ir. iial.-.!. N 1 :.-... : ! .- i.a.i o.l 1 :-I. -Mr; t., -w.j.'t 6 .-. : --Mill-. '' II"---. Vt.i-alli-;. xl.tV .. 1 1 .tan i-.l. . i.ll'o. II K1 l V. K AM) E'.tU !STI- iiTi: ;( .i Si irlo-iStrre. i!.tl: imir. Htl. 1;. al.e- 1' -. 1 . i't- Ml, -..ill III I'l.i.f -. T:'t !; !.-.!.it- 11,. n--:.i" '.. !..t.-'li?-t-r..t- r. !i U: - l'.'n-l '11' v. i'l: ul! tii. ai. ... . i:,t-a--art, i;.-.-i-.l ia 111- l.iti-t .s..Ii.h,I- li 1 .'-..I-.-, i..f fie s; fi-i-il treal Itli'llt il Ilu" rl;i- ill tl,-." j Iy by l.-tt.v to UK 'llt.i: liKfl.l Mi. I. le. snr.-.m in I'hirw. I it .. :., it. nw t: xov ti:ii:i JUEUBEBA iniitlt' n.i -..nc altiiMtt "1 hi-: n ir.e. an I ail- ter kindiiitg for coal, atul the safest wlien ! held until 17:!. Last I'chi 11 irv he start. 1 St'i till' llol.gil ' ,. , . . 1 ,..,.,,,,.,... ,.... ,1.1 11 ...I I,,.- t, ..,i1i.lti.,.. r- A.. Ti...if i ll,.. ..iil.tl. -iti. ai i.f tli. . I'.nllrti.i tin.l.r ,.r...t fi'al hlo'.v. - M nui, ,( ,. :,,.! j hiidtlings. as ihey i!oilii'-e no sparks. I .litricultie.--. S. J. PACKF.R, fa-bier. I'a.. Pec. IS 1 ST. It IiN In Jljrrishurg and t--..v. r.il t.-lhcr pla.-f At Ihe there is a iletn.nid on the part of iicteh iii- ; v.id i th- King Kalakati 1 has, it is s.iid.an iuctune j of e--j.r.OO j., r nniiuni. This is derived ' ( l.n !' iiej tin: leadini: house on Military work, we f. . 1 that we 1:111 oiler inducement whieh e.tn iiot be attained anvwhi-re else. N-.v. lsTJ. ' CAI.CTXKD PLASTER, PlIILAPF-LPIllA LIME, ' FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. 1 ' Portland. Roman, Roscndale and Lehiith j CEMENTS, tiii; llIAS. XOTKC. l-t lk7V . . 1. v.... .upkchensinl'ariiMick.iHarcK'r p' r annum. This is derived '" I , , v , : ,N ,IK " 'l' ' " ' " " ' , 1 liA.i istti'i. riHTnif.- t.iiitiiiv 1 1 1 .-. 1 1. r licill l I. t ol NT . ... . f....... n ,.f -. ......... . ,..... w-1.ii .1. .. . . . . ' . . 0, :u;c a. writ ciiits ai, ii-ce. " - - " ' :iw nuiui -;-. ,11,'h. Idr. L't. ir to ownc 111- , list .--'it-,, am i-ontanis over 100 tut'es. .too .11- 1 ... ra ,,f tl,.. nmont nf ics an.i ouita-.aot-'lii.L' men lor a re.lucTion which procure tor the 1, older f-otm. with ' ' property, s-1 on every liore, and ?. for ! f,,rni-i!in was rec. ivctl at innv licl- S.'ran.!:-. .l.-seiiptlonf ot more tlian ..im ..1 our . A,,.r-n in lent', anti in.- price oi 1,011. i;tit, th.y ; meat. veui-tTiile:; and bread enon -h f..r n i tvervrarnagfown.-d and run in hisdomin -iy, areas high ns they w. ;c v.hi-n 1:i.m-k , v.h,. meal. Thes- kitolienn were sta- 1 r. ...1 1., i- f ,.ii 1 11.. . ; 1...' t.. .1,.. i...t:. -v.. . 1 1 'in 1 1 11 ti l 1 .1 - 1 1 1.1 1 ii 11 11 11 ii , j .1. t j .. 111 it s 111 nui.iii 1 . in.. ..1 iti 11 in 1; it ii.ri 1 ,(ii.i n. and win ti ih p-i ipv-terio'l-lv disni-lie'ircd last wee!.-, (irr.it ' band of 'hevetines. furrendereil uncoii.ii- Atldrt -s. JAM IS VP'K, Re 1-;, 1-T4. i ikk! nisi:: e-t.-r. N. Y. tvtre g' "t hi and broad 11 as Ingli and the LIL-bcd during the- reign .f I.,,uis XIV. in i-mvch ai Miian ai luey wer- wnen liotir n titim of rxtreme severity 0.1 ....m ...,.. ,,. , o.-,,n,. , ncconi- t.tntion wTiv ry prevail n: 111 that, guy city . ; alarm was eratd and the country round I tionaliy at ( hey.-iitie Ag.-nev on tiie goth ; -plaint H not. w dhout justice and rr-aso,,- j,,v. Wf.r,, f,.,i tl.ous-.tv of the ,,., r. who ! about was dillieentlv searched : hut ai! tb.e ! inst. Two white women are now with i and what 1 aliened to he tru-j of Other lo- received the tnketi ii'- iul of alms fi 0111 j trouble would have be. n saved had the Pro- j Stone Caif, who is said to have two hin- j rr K,; ,, Unn l Fire Kngi,,.-: Bni . li.t;. s may l.tefotind t-.exiit.hcr.'.-it.tlels.- toe 1 .cher clasfo--, who purchased th.-m in ' thonolary known lhat lie had locked the at- ' died lodges 011 the Stake;! Plains. Two j I'"'"!" ; can be worked a -n.tit.n or supli.d whie, Soinf.thing should be -lone, in the ' .ptan.itu , f..r di-ribi.tion ,0 the needy. t-rney it. the vm.lt wle-re the reconls are i messengers from Stone Calf have arrived ov(!'ncZZ: way ol rcneonablo red net 1011 ol pnecs, to i The. benefit of such establishment- in great j kept. He was 11 very indignant la w ver I asking foi peace. Word ban boeu rent hisn ' i-.m. "aI.!.. 1. li, vo the proving wantr- of the laboring j cities, not only it. time- cf n.Wity, but as , when lot out ..f .U 1!-,.. s..lit;,ry .-.mfino-1 that he can surrender uueoiiditionally, and j ,!' K' 'iwKst.ni.i.ry. Pa. I"r,n- i lwrmationt institutions, cannot tioovoratod. i monf. ' n demand wa made for t'io wbito women.' Snuhurv. nv. fi. i;4. tit tor. whi. a a.-'s so 1- 11 lit-i.iil' ..11 ill.- wrret 1 -. k t.raus a.-t ! t.. -an ;i.I !.or ta ;iil vital fiiri-es. It ii.. ;.!' ilifl:': :o..t-tii-r, v.ha-Ii -i iniulali-,: lor a ! sliurt tiTtif. t'tily t.i let ta- Fiiti.'.-tT I..1I t.t a lo-vr tieplii t.l misi-iy, but u is a t..l 1.- t-'i.it- ait;:,,- dlnilij mi j tli- l'.-r -ml I-!!. I It ie::ni:iti-ft tti.- Niw. l-, tiiii-ts th- n. . is. and yive. I).. n--si"nnieut of) sin!: z In-altny luiit- tt. Iti. v.iiu;.' t-wi.-".i us iu sisai nir.Ki- . 1 1 . , 1- . it,.,,, -.nn ,.r . , ... .,-.t ; Hit' uivah.l I.K.' 11 tipw I t-ist-ri. r"" " ". '.. ' Atl'ierson .'i.n.is aii'i wn- I: , ra...... is t...t m. but is .!...r::.-Ie:iz,-,t ta b.-st. tl.iWiaS Jl Mt .-l.r.Ttlll Hi. Wlttl lliil'.ll.'Ii.- I 1'... I,. .... if.. ..I i.r.i.rtnrc . 1 .. . .1 .. quart.'! to-il.iy : I.lght warriors, Unity- . for liillure. foatred Plate, tie. Tie- 1110-t ll-'- "V T ( tin F. is !ii-ri-t)V Itiv.-n. that the account of j Zt...-u-'; n.. maikt.l r.-ul:s, but ?iadn:illy lim tri.i.l.l.'.- 1 fill and eli-'fiiit nrk of tin- kind in tbe world. , i llmi-v Dcnius and F. J. tialbrail h. I'.s.i., i K,il.l tli.ir it hIa likt' ttte r:An. Oh!v '.'."i et-Tit- a vear. 1'u'ili .li'vl in t'i;'-;:i-h and j .ii,.i,,.es of Antler-on Denitls and wife has b.-cii Ami silently -t.-:il aa; ." win vor WEAK. NFRVtU'S, OS DEBILITATED W v.... ... t -mrnid tl.at nnv px. rnon rp..iir. pi.tre of I band Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover an t !l..n inm you it-.l i-ucabl.-nf niakinn v J Seeds. Also, Garden Seeds of all kinds. Aall 1 i.i-ii ti .la nil', t.a. the v, tintl. ri al I. an.: ami m!..,.r:l- and "ft a Kllral Kestsler lor lt4. iiEO. B. CADWALLADFIt. t-'unbnrv. Feb. f., 1S74.-1V. nine s.juav.s anti papooses and .sixty-two j tiled in tin: f.e.irt of f .million I'iea-of Nnrthuiu niberltiiid eo'inty, and that the -a me will be pre sented to the said Court for confirmation, on 'fic-dav. .lanMarv IST.'i. 1.. T. ISOIII'.H Afll. P'othiinot iry. tM.ubury, IVe. II. i:;T-L-lt ''"le i-:ie in w alrl uutri.-s" d:.-.:-i-1 1 y. bal h:u. IttMin lmi.. i..-.l with v.ouili-rt'n! ri'.et-tlial ri-.-ui;t, ::ii.l is pro-luiaat-.-il 1 1 t'ae uiteV.-t itieilii-sl iiultarit. "th" most 1 aw.-: . ill l.illif .-ilnl :ilti-rii:.tilt- l.nin-. it." i-k vi.in- itrn.isi i'nr il. y-t i- i!f bv .ItiliNSTuN, licit I.ctWAY 1 i ll., n... II. 4w. l'inla.lpJphia, I'j. f I K K V K . T . COMMIS1IO-,' rll) BOOH .lllilXi. y-OAIt! t'4AJ.! CO A I.! 1. KANT HRi is., i i Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in on i.rw and m.ist impnlar boohs by oiw f the laiKt-st i WHITF. ND RED ASH COAL, SFNTil'liV, PA. : siw.Ti.t...u nm. m the country. J Iw-ki tor !sJ ,tit. ; onu-.iiit,i: 1 1 taltookn for ll.-.f. :.'. No humbug. Sen.l lor circ.iL-irs (LOWEK niiiiii-; :.n,l-.r. A.l.lrf I'. O. BO 52t Marifor.1, foun. Orders will rec-iv-p prompt nttent'on. Ilt. 11. 4'tr. H. K. FAGELY St CO.. reseetfully inform the public that they have coniniencc'J the inanufaoture of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ivC, jg at the new shop recently erected by J. F. Lerch Corner ofFonrth and t hKtuut St., Sl'N'BURY, PA., and solicit a fair share of Patronage. April IVCm. .T. F. LET.rTT. Pnp't.