b 1.-4,1.. )UUt0rClti ftj Are Vou r.r.i-Tii. EJwin l. .tli, the . The lirr t -St celebrated tragedian was lately traveling tv '.'. :it on the cars : the passengers hearing that he was aboatd, naturally evinced that curi ousitv univalent with tuobt to see the tele- I brated actor. It was whispered he was in the car. Atuoug the passenger was a gin- i nine Ciunecticuter, who occupied a seat 1 ' uie four ur five benche. in the rear of the 1 great object. By slipping from one seat io another he so:iti occupied the one iiumedi- , alely aft' of J'.oot!;. Hi' anxiety w.-v; ' gri at. i i .;,;.. i.vi IVCaCinil ! Cl il.c I I'JUi-inir. I ii oil the shoulder h i said : 'All! eh! exei'.-e r.K. ir : but i your natne Imh ?" In his deep lm. wed tti'idaiM'' d v-d' IS-mtu replied, Y- sir, in mi'v i l'.rtii.! Ah! ! al. ! eh ! utiH" tie1. -r : '.v U your lutue Edwin u'.h ':" "Vc, ir, toy inu-ie i liit'.vi-i r.-K-ih." Io ally 1 eh ! :!; ! sir: !m? yvt tmisi r.a!ly fxcn1.? it'", i-ir ; bui, ah !- h ! sir, mv v"U -are vou a Ln-tir t ( ., ,.( I'-.'io lm J (Itf Hi Of i!$h;vtij vir'i Mr. l.h 'An I :' tin (ln'ati) t' 'Little difliculty" will very wcllalou" . with the late unp!r;.!!a!itnrss.'' Wenir, a I l'"j r''- An v Excuse. 'Now Charley ,.;,n you treat me so ? Only two inor.tlis mar ried and vou gtav out till two in tin mnr!- Aud jour fault, rn v dear." 'My lault ! 11. -w Why. you S!'P. I niL't a frii-nd :tt the ' club, uud explained to !iim vhst a dear, i uccoiieilihed vvoiucii you wen-. Tlie tinn: : slipped away,' Ac. Oi course he Mas t-iriven. Next night t "Why, Charlie, it is three o'clock. You ' did wot meet any omj to praise iu ti.aain, ' .lid you?' I "Xo; biii this iim'.' I waited, hoping, soiin- ons wnuld come, : that I could tell him ; and that's whut k pt ine so late." i No! forgiven. A HU Mi l::tl in I 'arh-. Kentucky, re inatked to a companion in a conversation j the o'.her day, that he would nevor ;aint ' In r cheeks again before at .endinj.' a funer al. 'Uby Dot !" asked "ier frieud. '1 replied the young lady. "1 wan ) ed up when I attended a fuueral last ' cauc painted summer, and never wanted to cry f bid iu all my life, and wt getting my h.mdkei chief ready, when, glancing around nt . I saw that coarse, yellow i kin .f Lers' through the tear track, and it looked hor rible. I i:jer had toich hard work t ihld my tears iti fince I was horn. I"r done painting fur funerals. Tun queerest object iu nature is a Span ish beggar for thce beggars U'on lior.se back, and it is au odd thing to see a man ridinj up to a poor foot pn'RengT and ask ing ahn. A geullemna in Valparaiso, being accosted by one of ther mounted beggars, replied. 'Why sir, you come to beg of rue, who have to go on foot, while you ride on bom hick ! 'Very true, ir,' -aid th lieggar, 'and I have the more need Vi x- as I liax'e t support t!:e hors' as wpii aa mysr !t.' A J'Ka i" old lady, who had brought an action for damages against a neighbor, was being e-tamiued, when the judge suggested a compromise, and instructed the counsel to ntk w hat she would tafco to settle the luaf.i-r. "Ilis hniiiir wants to know what you v,i.l take- 'r asked the learned counsel, bawiiug a- loud us ever he could in the o'd lad "s tare. 'J thank his h.. nor kindly," ansA-ered the ancient dame, 'and if it's no iiiconwcnirjiee : him, I'll take a little v':ui:i n!e.' l'o .-.iloi-d fuel, took leltl' nudiT a i:v- in a viideut thunder tdiowi-r. 'Julius, au iu pray ':' said one. '.No, Sam,' was , tin: teply, 'nebber prayed in my life. 'Well, I cant you sin a hytnu ?' 'No, S.wn, don't ! kL.w no hymn V 'Well, see heah, honey, stimtiii' "iigious got to be done heah mighty sihlden. s "pose you jhs the contribution bos. Irih told of the late Judge 1'e.njathin Tap m 11 of Ohio, that when he applied to The ju Igi-s of the Supreme Court for ad mission to the bar of that State he was asked the following questions, to which he gave the answers as follows : 'Mr. Tap p in, what is law V Answer 'An unjust distribution f justice.' 'Mr. Tappan, what is eejuity'" Answer 'Au imposi tion upon common sense!' Xo other' questions were asked, and lie was given a : cer'iHcate of admission. IJo.v mueh is your stick candy?' in quired a boy of u candy dealer on Tuesday. sticks for five cents.' 'S.x stick for live cents eh V js'ow, 1cm, me tee. Six ticks for live cents, four for three cents, three fur tw o cents, two for one cent, one lor ti' thin". I'll take one.' Ami he walk ed mil, leaving th cp.r.dr man in a Etatc of ' bewilderment. J.oin Kami-:, in :i conversation with bis gardiner, one Tuiy mid, 'tieorge, tin 1 time, wiil soon come when a man shall 1 i nb'.c to carry thp manure for an ncre of land in ine of h:s waistcoat pockets." To which the gardiner replied. 'I believe it, sir, but he will be able to carry all the crop in Irs oth r pockets.' pi is a sounding rule in my cp.uich,' said : eh rgyman to the other, "for the sexton to ..a'..! up any man that hu may we si', p. 'I tiiiuk,' returned the other, 'that it would be tnu-.-li bilter for th e?:ton, whenever n. man g-K's to sleeji under your preaehing t't wake you up." li yu know why yu are like the '.bird term r" said Siaii .Jau: to her brother, who b id lingered to talk with her Adol phns aftr th old folks h.nl retired. 'No. I -1 't!';." Well, replied liik saccharine s'f-'.-r, '.i" bia atiie you are one too many." Vol r. sowed the vt ind, und now ym reap the whiilwind," saiil ti e school teach er ;is he brought his cane down iu it hurry , ll" mi the bacli of a rpbejiious boy. Yes, and i: is a regular hurry-cane, too," s ibbed the ' tw vouugst-r lx 'tween the whaeks. At a school at 'Waiirend, near Newcas tle, Knglaud, the tnas'.rr asked a class of boys the meaning of the word 'appetite," whin, nfier a short pause one little boy aid : 'I know sir; when I'm catiu I'm "u;.py, anil when I'm done, I'm light." A hoy was asked what trade he would prefer to follow. 'Well, I guest I'll be a a trustee, for ever since father has been a trustee I've noticed we aWays get pudding tor dinner." A somewhat simple woman was asked whether her husband feared God, and re j!iej. 'I guess he does, for he never goes out Sunday" without taking h'.s guu v ith him. Why i it that, Bailors wili j-ersist iu call ing a!! that irt of the ship below the rail the 'hull' of her. when it isn't much more !hsu btlf ? 'Is not this butier tainted '' asked a customer at tn up-to-,vn provision torc. 'It "taint.' iiii'. the unoranimntieal dealer. i "iT-r & .Stovs in Ot J. B. lEICZTS New Stove and Tinware Etf itat, Tbiri Street opposite Central Hotel, N'BTT Mv -i " k .iiir-is oftlio tollowino AND COOK ul-u ';:i.,,p llan.s always o !i 'Sfoj sV"""" ' jf , hand or ; iwivcd I tT "ilni so ;l large assortnit'iit o' repairs of .nl! kituls for the C.'inhina(ion and no'ttlatoi' Cook Stove. I linvo tin- lar.oivt assortment of Stoves ever seen in Sunbury, that will oe sold at jn'iees to suit ttie tunes, iloM.'ription in ;irre ouantity. Al-or.n itMTtnient ot Cleveland non-explosive Lamps. RooSng and Spouting pronil't Iv attended t The public are niuine inv stork, and bo eniivineed that Simljury, Sept. IS7-I. TO mm JtS tad VY tt3 EH 0 Invite ;mi examination of PAKE & mihtTPR .HD.M &HIklt2 rF:i:Mi UOOt'S. Uet Hisurtiurut Mhieh tltry are celling al prices lower f huii v or. i LAClv A..!i AC A S. -'il' atJ examine liolbn: j.itn liasitio elsewhere, oiir .Ipitcas raiige iii prices ,ro"1 cti:- t0 iLII Host IMaSses of Prints, kvJ? 3 ES BRANDS i 1 yard vrido. 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ii lilt i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii mi 1 1 ii i mm v i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 i : 1UG lifUU GDI, UGaLilddUl IGU OL bllGHjlGDL XvIIsTE OP1 O A R. W S X S in the eoijnty. WM. WIIITMER & CO. Suubnrv. .t. 174. 1 m. en In immense ouantit i' , hao been n (; vd daily, for tin last two months. Over Croats ! Ovop Coats ! ! for Men and 1 !. end'i varioty, ;inil at a'ouis'.itii' low prices ! "r I "H R H 0 I I j U1UUU s 5 Ill lni clotiiinc;: ltnii:i; cumiiNu: from 7" et?. a full suit Up to the finest ! SHIRTS ! GLOVED and (o-nts I'urtiishin tooib. of every description. fir Men and Uys, in immense vaiiety, and of the latest styles. He inviies everybody to call ant! cx.miiue his sto'-k. Astonishing bargains wiil be ofleieil and goods will be sold cheaper than they have ever been in this town. Nobody is able to undersell us ! The place to save money during these luid times. The place where honest and upright dealing is the standing rule. The place where you ran tiiid the largest stock mid bo-t assorfuet;!. The place wh-p von are welcome, whether vo'i bov or ; i t is ; i ! t A N I KNTIt A 1. CI THI N ' ST i.in!i!iy. Pt.. S . pt.-iiiti. r 11, 1ST4. Cotuplete Pietoiia' History of tie Tirin..' '"The h("t. ile ape-!. and mort biiee'- - - f'll laliil y Pi pT in tie- I nioii." Harper's Weekly. Il-LL'STKATF-Ib Not".. ..f the Pro--. 1 he Wi I r.i v i- the ;! blest jti 1 uio! mw. il'iil iiiu-!r ie.t p.-riod'e-ai puliiished in this country. It- i - lioir!a'- are scholarly and cenviiicing. r.nj eariv ii w.-ighf. Its illu flat ions of corcic. v.-i t.o- t : ' an I fr-li. and nre p;-ii..!ed l.y (..ir i. -:'h. : -. Witii a . i n-'il . t ". i ot Sl.'ei. ls ith "'-e; lv :- r.-el nl ! -i-t half a inillioa pel .-oi,.. ai. it - intiin a- an oran of t.pinio-i i r-i r 1 1 J .' y ; i eineudicis. '1 lie W-e'rly lie. inl a in a ;,o-.! i', r i-itioi), and i i pii-i -s decided vi-w m poii: iral a. 1 .-iat pr.!i!ej.i,. - l.;,i-;'ir i JOK.-.I.-J. l:s ar;e- ..r- t.i le!- of hi-li-t I .'l-.-js- s;.in, :o;. jis i.,ct or.. ii u .us: rat :oii, are ' ro'ioi a' '.e a i unients of no-ui'.l! tori" ' C.ll. 'I . ' C'.l'I'l It . '. Its p. per- i:p..a e; t .o..-:;ons in'.t.ilile i .irto.. i,H help to noel ! tlie of Sh- :i:!iy.-- I'iit. ''. ' .. c.-.--.. . 1,1 .T1.I" TEJJM--: . 11 Suljsr ritu -, ."-tales. V.'i r:;i . ;. . i . lie- iVTII.! it' II -i i i. i.4 0" ,n. ,1' ' P. on- y. ;. r, . : pn-lai. lie All evil. I copy of e,!l.-r !!,. Magal: . Wi ly. or I! i . i v, iii be h .; I grali-. Club of Five Mib-eri'i-'r- at S r n b. in o,.. mitt. iii' copy : ;. Hie 1 The ; 1. at i : - I li .'.!- lor : ' llfl-l! I V I 1 I,. . 1 if .ITlV I ! I!ll of II is We 1 Will I-- t i t by e pi.--. . :! !:. A ...iij'.l.-:.- -t. . 1 :i in. s- ,.t oii ic:-e; ;i ,! . per v..1. ti I j; l.t al . Vli . iu i I ir orn- Ms'l I.' l.f ei j...:se. I pri-'.iig i ::.!.: ut I In- l a I e e of puodi.'-i .).l,.s.. N-.v. :.). 1 li A 111'! r.;,i'i i I" US, v Yoi W. D. rYJELICK, Iriicist ami Apotliecary, IS W ELKI.E'S Et'ILDING. HrL. t MreH. SIARI RY, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, i)i IHX'-'"' F lliev (iooiis, PAINTS. OII.-s. t'LASS, ITTTY. AC., .1 lutantly on hr.nd. Pmtlvlilui attentieu paid to coi.ipouiniins phy- ieisns prescriptions nud family receipts, fnnlmrv. . firll 17. 1S74. the County, of the latent inijuoved i Y. i PAKLOIt Morniti" Liidit. l'ar lor Stove and Doubl' Healer, Home JVlidd Kadintil Ho:Jn. Twi'.i-jbt :Oi'l 'i iai j, - iuieiit oi tin rs, sueii us (las IluruiIM. Fgg Stoves, Etc., Etc. iiinutreium iu;eun!i w.u- ei rs cot fully invited to call and ex- j I am Pellinr the eheaTest .i. p.. liEicn. BP their iinmetise new t-toek i AJlZ2l 01 M U S L I N S and ii'jV et t;!s w m 5? 1 i I i i n nut ! Silts mmz WiW. A. HELLER'S, Hi K. .'.1 V M .:k. s;s., Sunbury, I'a. l m in v H -i i ' ' . "-. r . "u '.' i i I..--: I.iu I i"l t'l- Harper's Magazine. ii.i.csti:ati:i. V.;:. 1.1 I 1. p I . . i -inere.i-" liiir l iieai la! ion of th'ei exeel-I'-nl n:oi. Thly prov- s its eontiuiie.l mlaptatlon to popnar ..sites and neeils. Iijdeed. when e t':i!.!. ho.v m.iiiy l.oia-s It penetrates every nioatl . mo -I consider i! as one of the c.liiea-!.:s.;- '1 . s eni.-i tiiiaci s o!" tie1 putilie mind, .-i::-ti-! i.opui.irity his l.e.-n won by no a p. I '- i! ' rlnin 1 pr.'i : !ie.'- or .1 i.rav ! t:.t.-s. '1 he 'li.ir.ieier v.'hl' li this Magazine possesses I .1' Vi.ri. ly, enterprise, aiti-tie wealth, and liter ary culture that has Kept .ic.; with, il it has not led ti.e tiui '-. shou'd cau-e its conductors to re ;.il i; w.tli ju-i I'iatde comi.lacenev. It. a No ii,-i! '. s i :ie:n in .Meat claim upon the public! gl.ltit'l-l lip. . m. has ,,ne iood and la ,1' --;,.....'.,.. .'.!.;' TEH Mm :'. "vi'i-crlbTs iti the 1'i.it' d .-.ales. .. I mil- year, i-4 on. s '! ; ;... in. -nt of 1'. S. postal: II npci" Mag iin-, Weekly, 1 n- M lor one y u, ?1U CO ; j j l'.- p.--riodie il., to ope address I ' , o'i : . . -1 :ie'e free I epv ! .tie r the Mai:a'nie, We.-k- j I ! iipplie,I e, iti. lor every ' S ll.-.-l iliel - lit. Ut each, ill Oil"! rP 1 .-: ..pr. s (or .'('. without eft ra An 1 it i I .- IV 1 - ly. ! Ci:.'. o llliTI :l.i cpy: I. . i. . .-le I ft ' cl ' . lot ic i i. : oi H.irpei "s Magazine, no.v , (iili-T : v. i.: ' ) pin a 1!IM -. I limes, in -,, . cloth binding, j xpie. , rreigl.t at cpeii-e oi :5 i ei volume, r-mgle voi-.-tpai'l. ?''!. Cloth rases, tor 'v lu-iii. postpaid. it l;PER .V F.P.OTHER, New YorK. .lofi M. Scn'.Noeii. i l.ii,.l:ag ! A 1.1.. i Nov. Is, 1. tons H. Sri I.. ME1.I. .V Ml II ON I K. Second Street, WoMEi.snour, Pa. F MtFlfiN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS j V.TNFS. BRANDIES. GINS, I'u i 4I1 K)- W lilubcy. Aeeix Whi.skit, Cokmals. A'-, '.(tar so'd ganna'itccd as represent, d. V.I 0:d. ,s promptly attended to and public pa trol, ige resp.ect fe'de soiiri'i-L SELL A f( HONOl'R. nA Si., Womrls Kirr. lt.-rk Co.. Pa. Fet.. "7. 1S74.1V. f . iHcrrantilc. IMM AL lllCKMi:iTW. and attractive Goods, in every Depaitir.ent WATCHES, MAMoNn, ji.wi:l':v, siiaki: .nii i-i.a-i w.iur.. Cutlery. Clocks. Bronzes-, Ki-ij:-ti. French and (i !':!. .ii Fancy Goods. oA io w HZ. , .v of tlie ;:-i i;hp in liOl.H. itin'i i i.i ir. K i,n our entire Stork of Fi far ;oi: I:kIo.. i- :: i !.;:! lo l.iPir :-ri :.n N'l AV. v. !:i:- ' ! i l.K'i F. t !l'.'l '.: f : ai-r, .... i LOW. f. I A : !iel lj vif-k'-' pill i-h-is a'icl r. ir ii..:- P.OP-riiN'S. Cl.AltK r.I!i!.i:. ll'.'-I ( nr-TNi T Sr.. l'mi aii:i.i hi v Dr.. i . W. M.ii;n-. (-r... V. K.'. i) NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13. South Third Street, j Clement House Builflins, Mary, Fa. I Dll. ('. .AI. MAIITIN ('0,;T!,HiMrN.1rA,, II VF. .iu-t r"it-ivi d a fn-yh lot of Per all. I Patent tm (liriin . I r. -as W ' have a No a t i' a- o tun ;a of PKF.ssiNf. ami packet foMiss. U.ilr. Tootli. Nsil.Clolbe.Mi-.i? and othpr tint !... toh.kt w it i.txt v nn i.i:v FINH rXTRA( I", I'liCKIT lviOK. KM!"-". I . rtEKD'S lilUXIl 1L"! 1H.SS ( OI.O.iN t Iii f'- ,'i o-l ) rfoi".'' Iti Aaii'riia. 1'arisiitn. ii Hial (lovo VVusIi. ,v''- ! warranted to ejpaii .rl"eel iy tli in-t J..!; ite : t!:a! witlioiit iniury ti t in !;;.! i All tlie '::ilin jij-ppai-- ti'in- for itm Si:; AltS. THE E EST IN MAIIKET. Pun- Willi ;.nd l.iii;nr-. f r n.' i'u- i! piiri i. --, Pt'.vs'n ians Pi rsrrit-1 ati.I family ii'r- '.j ts pomponuded with ear". Thankful fur pa-t favors we Jjtj,i- ty f;.ii-1- iui; to receive a s'nar" ufyoitr iatro!::g.-. Si-ptetntier XI, lw.7:i. Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and 9. Cedar Vare. 3 E y. o o o C i 7. Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. e E. G. 31aizc & Co., Jfuccessors to H'O. Eraus A; Co., 110S Market Street, Philadelj.hi.., M KUCHA NT TAILOKS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS. ! Men and Hoys' units made to order in the latest Moil, of the j MvleM, of the be-t clotlin and e.issiniPivs in inar ; ki t, at pileeii suitaldo to the times. j Militarv, lintul & Fire Organizations ' - I promptlv uniformed. I Sanmles of Cloth, with Photoera.Dhs. sent ! ' ,. . ' tree on application. Ours beingthe lending house on Military work, j we feel that we can oiler inducem-nt which can- i not lie attained anywhere '- Not. -J7. 1S7-.'. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CLTARLES MAIIIL, TOESl'ECTFl'LI.Y informs tin- clliz-us u.it A he has ju-t received li'-i Spring :ml Smtiiiier C'ootls. at his TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, be'.ew Market, in the Mullen building, and that he is preps red to noke tip nil kinds of ;r:xTV ai bovs ismts. i of the latest styles. II iving had much eiperi ''.v ; ence iu tlie business be d, sires, the public to give Dim a trial. Clothing will tip made up ill th latest Palis mud American Fashions iu the unwt satisfactory manii.r. nl.'.'7.. HARLES MAIHL. M tlt GLASS WOtKS. NORRISTOWN. PA., MANl'FACTCREH a superior Qualllv Window (ils, "ingle and double thic Gioiind. Corrugated, Obscured and -"tallied Shade of all pattern ; all glass warranted uot to r-t un. i irdeis solicit... .1. M. AI.liFRTCN. Iletober, ! 1S74. Siiui-. W A I CIIIIS. JIAt I.I.ISV A KII.VI.lt IV A RE. John iV. Meensou, Curuer Third and Market Sts, Sunblirj. I'a. T"f AS c.oinpli'tely renovated his Store Room. ami oiienrd the largest assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS. .JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARF, evt r eililbited in thii pat t of the State. Every thing iu the Jewell y l'.r.e is ki pt in -tore. 4lIv4r-Hr. Itr4pt. Riii;4 A Chains, of every description i.nJ of the finest quality. 1'n.rtieulmr attculiou pnid to repairing Vl lie, lorkN, Jewelry, Ac. nAIR JEWELRY piftde to order. Siinhurv. March fi. 1874. jftfiscclhinecns. akriac'In, hiogiks av. ii. k. FAOr:i;y & co., respectfully inform On- public th.it they have Commenced the l!l;Oi':f.-r!!lo ot jCA.RRIAGES, ISUWilKS, i-C. rffifc at r.ie in w r'.i!-' ivcoialy cn'ite I ly J. F. h-n li Coriior ot'Fonrlli anl Oiosiiiisl Sts.. St'NBi'UV, I'A.. and sol'rit a f:iir sh.-.n- f!' P:itrii:ie. ,! :.-r.m. f. i.nnni. s:ii.i. THE N'F.W l.MPKOVKD REMINGTON SEWISfi MACHIIE. ! AWAP.DF.Ii Tlie "Jlcilal for l'rogress." at vi i:xa. iht:;. Mt I hi Exp.o.!l:nii. tv'nr M-;eli!i.- rppp:vid a II:l:-r Pr A I'ow fiooil i:en.ons: t. A new invention thoroughly t -t .! and re eurej liv betters Patent. 2. Makes a ri-rfpct hoi -. Sii:.-!;. alike 1:1 t.i.th i i(ie., on all kind of goods. I I!. Uiins lin'tt, smooth, noieie- and rap'd 1 tint eomliination of qualities. I 4. Inralde runs for years without repair. , .". Will do all vaiiitii-s of v. ork ami fnney ! fctitehing in a superior manner. 1j. Is most easilv mana?e l.y thp operator. I I.cnirth of stiteli may hp a!tere. whih- uiiiniii";. , ant machine end he threaded ':tho':: p.ibsiiii; thii-ad through holes. ' T. Iiet.!n Simple. Instniotis. Elegant, foriii ing the stiteli without the np nf cni; wheel irear, : rotary earns or lever a nun. Has the Auto-jiatie Drop Feed, which insures uniform length of ! stitch at any speed. Has our new thread eon ! trollcr, which allows easy movement of need'e ' lar ai d prevents injury to thread, j . Corn-1 met ion most careful and finished. It ' is manufactured hy the iiKt skillfwl and ex- perienceil meehariies. at the celetuated Kpiniug ! ton Armory, Ilion. N. N. I mladelphia OITii-e. S10 Chestieit stre, t. Met. 'i. IsTt.-'.Vn t. I l l' 4 It !S T It V. ! t CHRISTIAN NEFK, ' Second Street, opposite the c'ourt IIoum-, SL'N Bt'KY, PA., Kepectfully invites the attention of Retailers ; and other, that he has on hand, and will enn stitnt'v keep nil kinds of FOUEIiiN AND DOMESTIC Ugi'MPS. Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogtiiae, 'lierrv. ; Ginger, Kochclleand Otard. Whiskies: Pure Eye Copper-Oistille I, i.i..vi gahela, A'p!e and Nm-tar. PI EE IIOI.END ,IN , "A'ines: CI nnnagre Wine. Shei rv. Por! mid : ( Lira. Crab CUler, Champagne Ciler, X. E. Il.iu., : Brown Ptont and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAP. EITTEP.?. ' AliI nil others Liquors which can be found in the city uiarkpts, which will be fold at Whole sale and Itetuil. Every article guaranteed ,i ; represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS j and MOTTLES, always on hand. ; HI1-Order promptly attended to, and yuhlie I patronaL'e respi-ctfully solicited C F.FF. Sunbury, July 173. ly y. j ys s. .. i c .tlACIUM: SIIOI AM lKO Fl.MKV. r;nt. KOHIUIACH & son-'.. ' Sunbury. IVim'a. JXFORM the puldic that tle-v are Te; ar! ii m 1 do all kinds of CASTINGS, and havin-r added i ' n ni Machine Shop in connection with their ; Foundry, and have fiipidied themselve- with New j i Lathe". Plauing ami Boring Machine-, with the j Iwtest improvements. With the ai I tf skillful j nn elianic, they are enaWed to pTeenie a'.! orders i i of " I NEW V.'OItK Oii KEPAUHNG, ! i that mnv he "iven them, in a sa!i!':ie:orv man ncr. amie to mu it any M . WON COLUMNS, for churches o: olh.-r build .'. of aii sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron rencintj; j FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS: VERANDAHS. Kilt YARD'S AT REsIDE.N( KS, JU'., .VI". i The PLOWS, already elebrated for their 6U I piciiority, have been still further improved, and i will alwavs be kept on hand. I Also. THRESHING MACHINES. ! Sunbury, May 'Jo. 1S71. (liiMreu lo Hind Uut. T HE Overseers of the Poor of the borough of Simhiiry. have in their charge neveral c'nil- dr. ;: of ilitlen nt ages, supported from the taxes i of the borough, w ho under the law can be bound out. rersoni itcsirous ot olitaiuing either tiovs or girls would do 1! bv confi-rring with the nu ll, r-igneil. ' FREJ'ERIK MERRILL. ! GEORUE HARRI-SON, SEU. BOCtiHNF.R. 1 I ivereers of he P.v r. ini urv. Aug. I I. 1S74. "m. ! CENTRAL J) RUG STORE q.b.cXdvllader ( Is the place t') Luy ptirc and fresh ; MEDICINES, Dlll f'S, i I'A 1 NTS, OILS, :LAS, l'EKFL'M EltY, i NOTIONS, (T(;AliS. ! TOI5ACCO, LKM.'OR for inedieinal purposes, and all other arti cles usually kept in u tirst-class Drug Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggists. I am prepared to fin nish in quantities to suit purchasers and at Philadelphia prices. CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING I!.1K. Portland, Roman. Roscudal:- :.n ! I.- high CEMENTS, ! t . ... . . . . rj.. ....... i .. ! i.anu riaier lor i-armcrs, i niioniy nun emu'r reeits. Also, i.ariien oetui oi an kic.us. Aau and get a Rural Register tor ih(4 ; GEO. R. CADWAl.LADEK. " " " Snnburv. Feb. fi. 17t.-tv. I (sV Stoical. 1 i M r '.TR-.-H - v ,T5?iV i Dr. J. Walker s t'aliiornia ine !jar liltlcrs are a purely Vegetable preparation, made childly front the native herbs found en the lower ranges of the Siena Nevada mountains c.f California, the medicinal propei'tie.-; of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question h almost daily t.Fkpd, ' What U the c:!i;?o of tlv iinjcr alleled success of Vinegar Urrrrits ? " Our answer i.--. that they remove the eitr.se of disease, and the jiaticnt recov crs his hetdth. 'lb.ey hyp. the gre.'it blood jiuritier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator ami Invigorated of the system. Never before in the Lis tory of the world ha a medicine been coripouttded possessing the remarkable (jitalitiesof Vineg i: I'rn i:ls iu healing the sick of every iliseas; nian i:: In-ir to. They are a pe.r.iie I'lirirati v i-.s veil a a T'onie. n 'ieving ConestinTi er laflannitatioa d' the l.iver ::::d Viscera! Organs in Jtilio.ii I li-isasps. TLp j.-roperties f ln. W.w.Kr.i.'s Visi-:i..a H: r-:i:::s a -i Ap. '.;.'!;!. Diaphoretic, Canal: a'ive. N ut -ii ion I..t '.aTiee. Diuretic, ."iia'.ivi-. I'.i'.i.i. i--l!-r::a:i;. Su.biriiie, Altera i;li'. ai.i! .'.P'i I'ilitiiii. (Jrattful Thousands proclaim Vin f.oAR Hitters tbo most wonderful Iuvigor aut that ever sustained the sinking system. tVXo Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other meatw, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Kemittenf, and Inter mittent Fevers, which aro so prev alent ia the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Ked, Colorado, Urazos, Kio Grande, I 'earl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout onr entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In thtir treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful intluer-.ee upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter v.-ith which the bowel3 are loaded, at the same time stimulating the .secretions of the liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of tlie digestive organs. v Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its nuids with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, ncad ache Fain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks. Palpitation of the Ileart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful svmptoms, aro thn nffsnsinm nf Mr3npr.-;i:l. Oni ho'fln vi ill jjiuiu l i:i.i.ei u.iiaJKci; iu merits than a lengtuv advertisement. Scrofula, or "King's Evil, Whito CmnHinnn. loins, .r.ryor"-'-. s--ll..t Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Aft'ec tions, Old Sores, Lruptimis of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these. a3 in all other constitutional Diseases, Walker's Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in the mo.t ob stinate and intractable cases. der, these Uiitci s have no equal. .Such Diseases are caused Iy mated lJIood. Mechanir.Tl Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such a Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject, to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, tahe a dose of Walk er's Vinegar Bitters occasionally. For Skill Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Kheuni, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles. Ring-worms, Seuld-liead. Sore Eyes. Erysipelas, Itch, Scarfs. lii-sToIorations" of the Skin, ilnmors and Diseases i t' the Skin of whatever canio or r.at-.ire, are literally dug tip av.J carried out of the system in a short ti-ne by the v. so i f these Bitters. Fin, Tape, ami other Worms, Puling ia the system of sr many thousands, aro effectually destroyed anil removed. No system of medicine, r.o vermifuges, r.o nu tiielminities will frn; the system from worms like these Bitter:'. For Foinalc Coinplaiuls, in young or old, married er single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, thee Tocic Hit ters display so decided an iulluence that im provement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitialeil Wood when ever you timlits impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples. Eruptions, or Sores; eleanse it when you find it obstructed and shipgi.-h in the veins: cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings wiil te'd you when. Keep the Ulood pure, and the health of tho svstem v. ill follow. It. II. Itii )0.I.1 vV ( ().. ln:ei:ist nmlGcu. Airt?.. San Franeifeo. CaUl'.irniu, aa,l rur. el" Wailiu.i-tcTi and I'liurlTen S-..L. N. V. Sold by all lli iiui-iHli. : ml IJul i.. liiltlren oltcii look l'ale :nl Sick from no :lier cause than having worm in the (loiuacb. llKOWN'sj YERMIFl'GE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE, and from all the coloring oro'h-r injuiioas ir.gr. dients usually used in worm preparations. t CRTIS ,V P.R'lWN, Proprietors, No. 2 1 .1 Fulton Street. New York. ; i .Vi,i',f f,y OiUji'jiitt il e" t'henii!. uie' I'eii.Vrn i' l j , Jo'ieief ilt TWKNTY-Fivn CKN'T- A I'.O.X. i i July l'. 1S73. ly. ; Manhood: How Lost. How Ite-, stoi-eil ! ! Just jiubiishi-d, a new edition of Dn. Cl LVElt- ; wri.I.'s Citi.ehka iit Essai on the radical cure ! (without medicine) of Sp.-rmaioi rhu i or Semi- I . nal Weakness. Involuntary Seminal Losses, lm- j i potency, mental and Physical Incapacity, Impe i dements to Marriage, etc: al.-o, consuni.:ion, : Epilepsy aud Fits, induced by m if-iu'lulg.-nce or exual extravagance. Ac. J-?f 'Price in a m aled envelope, only hi-i cents.. '1 he relfbrated ant hor. In llrs admirable Es- nay, clearly demonstrates, from a thiriy years. suces.ful practice, that tin cl. inning coate 1 iiuonces of self-nbiise may '. iti lics'ly cured without the dangeious use of i:it"inal medicine. ; or the application of the kuif': pointing out a , J iiloih' of cure at once simple, certain, and effect- ; t unl. by means of which every sulferer. no mat- ; I ter what his cenililioll mav be. limy cure himself ; I cheaply, piivately. and radice.lly. , ! J-tfTIti Lecttne should be in the hinds of every youth and every man hi tin l iu I. ; Si'nt uniler seal, in a plain envelope, to any j address, pom paid, on h eeipt of r)x cents or two post stamps. A.l tr -s riie J ubliKh. r.7.lS. .. r. KUXn, t (. . luT I'.i.x. ';. . N. Y. l est ie! e.- II.. v, 4'iSi! , I .ln.. -.4, 5"'-ly. , c tOAL! CO. M COAL! GRANT HKOS.. J Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in tiers iii Y. PA. WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNlil (LOWEK WlltRF.) Older will receive uronipl attention. Itiiili'liig Lots l or Niil. "VT INETEEN LO I S, J.VxlrtO feet, fronting on a Vine street. In Sunbury. Price $l.". Also thirty lots. !.si:!7. fronting on Spruce and Pine trccts. Price IK per foot. A'so eight lots. :i.i it'.), fronting on Fourth street between Walnut I ruid Spiuce." Price $450. Also 11 lots, 2."xll0. 1 fronting on Third and Spruce streets, between Walnut and Sprace. Price S tl'0. AI-o r. lots i ; iv":n on tin-north side of Snrm- stie. I. Price -.- - - r - - im, A0 u; lots in Cake'own. The above s in Caketown. The above i iidecorner lots. Persons dc- i will do well to call soon, IUTCLFMFNT. ...,,;, ,0 Iillt iucU(e .;rj,,,, .,, Imr( lmse .' i Cl HI'S fit V . lit.l I, CLr.L.! I. ;.,. ', ' r--?ts7-is,-a.r. lor Infianimalorv and tlironic ihiia.ipipiua.... '.uo.m v m 2.-am s.oomuii . J:u-r.n(11. ,,. ,w,rI. ' ., , ,., . TU ..ai.-,,, . . t,-,- , T -f I'lliinmre uteri p r.i Win s.m a ra 1 -ie J'"rence, tint a.terwards reco.iectedth.it ItllPUniailSIll, OOUt, L.11.0US. Utmit- : J.,i.iUS.......)...:i-,am s.anpia n.ia.m 10.3,. mui ; three vears previous he had corn there wh--i tent and Intermittent levers. Diseases ; Ai: pa sant.iv ia:!-xi.t suuJ. i havin" tw tt tr.t r , i..,,.t r - . L . , , - t-- i i t.. i : - u.nm!t iwo-r,Liri s ot a barrel of plaster Ie't h, of the Dlood. Liver, kidnevs and Hlad- . j. i:ssatt. k. s. vnrsi., t.,.i-( kf.k, i .. , .. ,, . ' ' itailrous. PEWSVIAAMA KAIL ItOAI. PHILADELPHIA A KUIK B. R. DtVISIOX. WINTKll TIMK TABLE. f)n and alier Sunday, Nov. 15; li. ISM. th j Trains on the Philadelphia Erie P.ail Road bii- iion v n! run ;;s tnllo'.es : WESTWARD. !e:ves Philadelphia, !;..-,.- p ni I Fa- 1. llarriMiur, Vi'ili'auisport, ' Lock ilar-ii !.::. at Euffalo. Eric Mai! leaves P'nilailelphia. " i; " !i'arris!:irg, V.'illiani.sport, ': Lock H iven, ' ' " Ibnovo, an at Erie, Eliii'.ra Mail leaves Philadilphia, " '' " Harri.-hur, ' " Williamspiirt. " " a rr at Lock Haven, LofU Haven Ac. leats Harrisburg, " Vi::iain-p'!, " I.nck Haven. EASTWARD j-OO p ra 5. i. p in 10,'iO p ir 9. 00 a m 1 l."i. p in 4.ii a m b.' a m 9.4."i a ::i 11.10 a m S.0."i p in K.OO a in 1 --.'." p in O.'.'i! p in ".'50 p m 9. 1") a m i.n.t r. in L'.W ti i V'n 1. 1. I'.xpr. -s !,-,... .,., c ,.,.. Wiii:.u,::,orr. "' air. r.t HarrisV.irg, o 40 a iu !.. a in i - i o a iu Philadelphia. avc Erie, 4.15 p ni Erie M;.j, " " Renov... ' Lock Haven, Williain.sprjrt, " ;;rr. at H-irrisburg, " is arr at PliiUidcIpaia, Fa-t Line leaves Emporium, ' "' " Renovo, " " " Lock Haven, ! u " Williamspiirt, I " '; an. at. Harrisliurif, i ' " arr. at Phila.b lrhia, I Day Express l-avcs Lock Haven, j " ' '" Williamsporf, : ' '" arr. at Harrisbnr-r, i " ' " Pliiladelnhii. ..50 p m i m a i.asi connects ea t and west at Erie with .Man Last connects I t. (l c i. i..- .... , ... ... . .. i...:. v j. . ;u oriV W;tU l),l t.'re. k .unl Allf-denv R.R. W. Mall West with ea.-t and we-t trains oh L. S. fn.l'xri-'d'.M.vR I' W n"r-' n Erie Maid and'Elmita' Mail make close con- ncetion-i at Williamsport with N. C. R. y. trains, north, ami at HarrNburg wiih N. C. K. . trains south. VM. A. R EDWIN fe n" -n't '.. B EDWIN, fien! Snpt. i riiiIailelpliia,V i:ei:li:ig Ituilroatl. ! WINTEi: ARIIAXC EMENTS. .Mivr-n-.Ki: '.itii, l i. t. 1 1 AI Tkuns ).!. r. IbaiMios a- To! row- i-.i Errrn. ) I For S-heni l-i.i. 10. 0. n.ij a. i.,. ;. i, -I ; P- ai. t.ir VI I 'ii-iii..; 1. ! T. !... .:!!.. ' R-ading and Phila'delia? ID.do'a. uu ' raiser of Erasas, to the Drof- ! Tkains ito: Hr.iiNDi.N. Leave as Follows :! cr J"ruul: (Si-noats ExcEiTF.n.) j The price or cattle fattened for market d. Leav, liamokin at s.oo a. m. 1.50 and 8.3.1 j peuds on the. symmetry of the animal, as the fat Leave Philadelphia, 'J 15 a. n... Reading 11.3') ,yIc as the ''PP'rs term it. I want here to a. in.. Pottsville, 1J.10 n. in., Tama')ua. l.rgO p m. 5tlit,; lllat good blood is important, but not ab i Ashland. ?.:i3 p.m.. Mt. Cartnel, "J.-il p. m. sohitely necessary to make what is termed a ..o euuiura-iimsiMni.i.m.: For New York. i'l a. ai. iu::I L'.O'I -7.40 p. ni. For Philadelphia, ''..":, o. ra. "i a. in., .(; and i.'.'O. s.loo. SfMK For New York, 5,'20 a. in. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. in. TiiAtNs roi: H.mirisc; ri;. Leave is Follows: Leave New York, ''.no a. in., I'M) and 5.150 i: ;.45 p. ia. Leave Philadelphia, ;1.13 a. in. S.40 and 7.1." p. ia. St'NDAYS. Leave New York, 5.150 p. in. Lave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. m. Via Morris and Essex R.R. .1. E. WOOTTEN. 0'iitral Situ't. Kl-ading, Tn. Nov. E5, 1?74. Xorthern Central Railway. MW4f ! ,:J ,raiM 00 "" I.EAVr. northward. trie He-nova Mail AeCi'DI. K.:;s i m ii"!! Kx"rS 4.4-t m ll.a mm W; shini'lou ... ! Hu'Mnioie. 11.1. p in S. loo m ll" p ln.'.il li in S. Irirribbiir. 3.H.-. a m s. '." a m l.ao p m S.0. p m ! Suu'iur- .'..'JU a m II. In am 4.1S p ui T.15pm Arrive at : VVilliaifini oi't. .. T.lutm r.'.jjpm 7.10 pm 9.0t p m ni!"'!;!.- :I?.''i-)fim lo.-.ujim Erie .-i.i p m Ail liailv eee;t Sillulav. I.ejvr: ftilfi'aio Llnrra lla:!. t'.xpress. A.jo.D,. TUait. .'. ll.-.-i a m flrie Hnfi ik. Klnnra lii.a7l!r. ei r.. . Sunl.n.-y Arn at : JpS ::::::::: X'toAia .- i- m ll.lo i- m 1.1. 1 a tn Ti. ii. a r.i TIIK K1V; ItAICitF.IC MIOP rS THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and lony l has been ; ask history aud she will tell you Men have grown old in our patronage Baliies on the'.r mothers' breast To bouncing boys at play ; And youths by maidens fair caressed. To -talwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver grav. And among the honored and lasting "uiipr. - s 1 !.!- n in 8.4(1 . hj ) j... a m j . II t-i ; iiiri 4 Ml t -ii t "ill t, t 1.1 r,r, it tr S (I'l i m ;i Ii "C f roit mnnO of tha ..i .m.i Mim,i-. IS..I.-I p..-.. wot. siit.-t. i i'"1 " s' ii woiuii reaca. aud tQeii three -.ions of time, and the crash ..r r-volutions in ! ' ' ""'" ! year nan uie lircumsta-.ices. we stand a living monumental : C;rt' "f 'IS f'lltry yard. In the spring she memento of the ingenuity and perseverance ap- ; commenced with about sixto fowls of the com pel tabling to the identity ot progression, plying . , t,r,.e,!s inciu,.;,,;, on,. D,11;p.i,.1,e r(X)i:er oar viH'ation with the highest stvle ot art and . , , . , 1 perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest j several hens of that stock. She also had reward of merit attainable in our humble capaei- ; two roo.ters of the partridge Chechia breed. ty, and ti.-sentiment of resivct and approbation ...i.:..i. .I... ...- -......:. n n. ., a which the presence of superior appliances and es tablishmcnt are always wont to inspire. Always to please We shave wiih case Cut and comb ith taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing care. And color the whiskers black or brown. To suit the people about the town. Tiicu allow me politely request you to stop. An 1 not go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability nor as some have done for our use of the ballot for iirin- ciple sacred and rigtit nor under the common j Cochin breed which wei";h six, f.Tea and eie'at secret and invidious euise of enmity to complex-j pounds each. It will be seen from this ntate ion - for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of mc w,A. be d b attention to his -kin. ought not to effect his nsetulness nor , . - t t his qualifications. A fair chance is all that we ' l'""-'1''. the profits being, perhaps, larger than demand, to give the proof to all the hind. uuv other branch of farming. JAMEj? W. WASHINGTON. ! Proprietor. Siinbury, April ., Ii7:: ; No. 91, Market St. I wivrt:i: STORKS. RYE WHISKY, f-1.00 a gallon. $11.00 a doea. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, In large bottles, $11. 00 a dozen. GOLD SEAL RRANDY. f Hah! a dozen. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA Rt'M. SCOTCH WHISKY, CAT A Wit A WINE. OLD PORT WINE. CHAMPAGNES. SEGARS. AC. II. A A. '. Van Reil. Tue Wine Mfkciuhts, Hill) Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Oct. is; X I T II O 1 T K X K I'T lO.. The C'ltF.APFsr is Town. WINTER GOODS of evcrr description and variety such ?. 'WOOL EX t;00IS, Dross (ioixN. comprising all the novelties i:i fabric and had. Fill Assortment f Notions, which are being sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Also, Groceries and Provision:, pure and fresh. IJL .h.-t akk, i.i.Assu.M.-r., A.-su "-' and Willow are, Nicest Brauds of Flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and pommou, always ou hud. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. HE A D Y-MA DE CLOTlllXO, of all sizes and of the hitest styles. f l o i; i: . A constant supply of westrrn hile wheat flour .1 sp-cialitv. The public are invited to call und examine our Goods tree of charge Our motto is '-Quick Sales and Small Profit ' and to please all. The highest prices will . paid, for all kind of entry produce. Rr strict attention to busirjesa. ami kerping at roiiniry pronurc. Rv strict attention to business and kerpinc at . , . ...I... . all limes ttic most compier? wioek, ana senilis; ai all times the most complete fctoek. and selling at thelowest piiee, we hope to merit fill shar- of patronage. REED BROTHER A SEA5HOLTZ. . ...... hrr. He-.. 4.1H74. StirknUaial. A Good Wat to Keei Floweks Turouou the Winter. A writer in the fiurul Xtie York- gives this as his mode of keeping tender fh.w ers through the winter : Daring the fall of 1872 I had constructed a pit, dug in the ground ten fect ioair, six feet wid., and five and a half feet d-ep, A frame was then f.mstri!tle longer and wider th.-.n the pit, four fevt UigU at the haei frhe nit f:.rii,r I south) and tweuty-eiirhi inches in f,ont. Ii was made of tin best white oak timber and plauked on My inside. After placing it over the pit, the diit tint had been thrown oat, '.va, cmunaked aguitt the framing all around to iis fail hi"Lt. Fua;- sahes were tna.'c neuriy iurg..- enougu to cove- the pit taking 144 panes of glass, Ji by nine inches. Thf sides uud hot torn of the pit J 'v,';" t;ien Preil on the earth witU good ce- i.i -n ; after this haj rtrio.l the piankiag was whltciva-he l wUUe the eeaient Was aHowe 1 to retain its original dark ei,,r. A n::iu:l pair of ' - 1 '-""-" oiciienwue very , neat and sirohjf) as a v;iy to enter er reach thf . noli )in. liien sonn-winii sunihi ;r,y eoastrueted ; !i,.;ves were mafle fir the flu er.i f re-t icon. that could be moved in or oat iu a fe; minute? ll.!.'') a iu I 38 are no rans or seiews to hinder o-ie m.- S.i.pm j mea:. This was taken out ia summer forth; 10 p m I flo'Tors' V,'c b lv'' ,v!de Joards Cl" t!e length of '.''so a m j tlie wkllU of tlie P 1 v ov" the top us a pro '.."0 a m tcctioii to the glass against hai! aid snow .05 P m storuie, be.ides aihiini warmth to the Sowers. 1 1.53 p m ' 1 l'K W''lter f,,1!o,vi" tUe f-:' of STi was nn 1.10 a in U8ilally i" this climate, the thermometer 4.-TO a in ! 6'mkiug far below z to many times, but as cold 8.05 m j as it was, it ha 1 not Cue slightest elct on the vih a m i ""'ve" ' far iu e-ir!i' srslng we had the hud and 4m p rn j 'j:oom ia abundance. This winter of 1S73 was unusually mild and they were i:i bloom the , "'"-- "iiio-i. AU the trouble we had with tliiin ; was after they were put in the pit. to remove a'.: I r a part or the beards to admit the ll 'htauj j a"y d3J' lb U rromisedtobefair. "once a l WC''k U"'y aMy bu atc in the eveuin- ; l!ie boaI"a9 ,re replaced. Tais is about all the j trouble we have with ihr.'.u and ... an expense of ; r,. ,.,,..;,. ,.,. . . ! " uu""" " 5I,at"e s'lmcieet for two nuunreii ao.t tilty averagi; boxc?. Then we grew early plants, such as cabba-e, tomatoes, pepper and such things a are usual- 1 y Uani:';:rr,';1 tlw vegetable gardens, all with- ! OBl trouhtesosne bngs, fl'es, stove furnaces, . i pcu-e an:; time tbinas that most Jieoi' don't : want and do not know how to rnana -e i' t'-. r : have them. ..j j How to Fattfn CATfi-r.. Thj following is aa : extract from a coaimuaication from R. A. Steele : -roo.l feller. I., o.,W to l, ... .. ...i.v.,. (, r.LCli Ullli" i .1... .l. . . . i i i.sr-i inarKct price ne must bs k.-pt in a 1 growiug condition from a calf, and no eastta'- iow ea io grow Hungry, ft is the starving th.r first and second winter which wilts and shrivels j "P steer, that causes him to be sold at a re duced price. No amount of feeding will make J him '''-t-c!as seller, i:o (liu.reuce what his i color or blood. Rbis is no th-orr, but ; a fact deduced from observation, hs I hiretest ! ed the p!.;n several years. j It will and does pay to feed corn to calve and ycarlineM. They start on grass in the. spring, strong mid vigorous. You are then able to 1 market your cattle the spring they are three years old, weigii'ng 1.400 pounds, which is heavy puougli to bring the first price. The bn ster j I sold ia IS?? was a common native. lie had I ell he could eat from a calf and was never ban- ! gr?- He was a handsome auima!, and worth i more per pound than aevthing I shirred in " w Cbieago 1,550 ponnds ; age tore. I years. I have a etcpr calf eleven inontbs o! m ! fron fl T"r-T ordinary cow. The calf now weighs pounds. I think If. will weigh, when three years old, 1,500 pounds. I do not wish it under stood that I am not in fovor of improving tha j blood, as well a ro.i. ! Pl.ASrmASA FEitTir.trr.r.. .1 , , lorsiribune says that about 50 . years ago his father had three acres of clover of the New York Tribune savs lh:i Ab0U",,a!fw:i3 h-iooking, rank n,,.i i,, thf otlior half wa dliort. taTnv vellow. with nni wny h av.. He coul-j nr.i remember I yenrs after sowing more than doubt, d the yield j of clover. Subsequently the adjoining field was ' iu clover, and at growing time in Juue, standing ; ou a knoll about two hundred yards distant, ev. ry row where corn had been plastered five . years before could be distinctly traced. This proves that this cheapest of all fertilizers U th : mo-t permanent in its etf-el upon the soil. ui a i oi i. i.aot inn. m Concord a - r . i-ni,.r. ..,-...ltt..- ,f...i.. . .1.. .. ...... : From these (.he raised three hundred and 8ft v . - chickens. When roans; sh fed on cracked corn, but when fattening them gave whole corn and Indian meal. During the season she sold eggs to the amount of $'.', and from September 20 to January 17, she got ready for the market one hun di ed and fifty pairs of chickens, which she sold for f-Ji'O. se thinks the Dominique mucii th-j hc.-t for market, hut they are not hardy when young. She has some hens of the partridge j IllSKIIOI.l. j Clin kitns Dkkssfu as Tckuacin. Boil a tin', large, tjn.fer chicken ; when done and ; while yet warm, cut it from the bones into small .' pieces, as fi r chicken salad ; put It into a stew pan with one gill of boiling water ; then stir to gether until perfectly smooth, one quarter of a i pound of bntter, one teaspconfnl of Hour, and ! the volk or one egg, which add to the chicken, i half at a limy, stirring nil wei! together ; then s season with salt and pepper. After letting it simmer about ten inina.ics, add half a gill of ; Ma.leirj, an I send to the tab;.; hot. Wo iiave j tried this and know it to be e.--.-!le::t a little better some would s.iy than tl: frrapin itself.- ' 'ir,u,mtoKit Te'."j t'ii'h. I Fitr.su Salao Dnrssixu. Shave r. small hea l ; of cabbage fine; take one teacup of vinegar, rt tcaspootif'.il of pure salad oii, er, as I prefer, the same quantity of fresh butter, a pinch of iant. j ard. one of salt, and a tablespoon fu! of sngai. , Let these simmer ovei the lire in a saucepan ; while you beat two eggs thoroughly; stir the j eggs into the other ingredients, taking caie th f they do not boil. If made correctly it will pre i sent a smooth, velvety appearance. Pour this j dressing over the cabbage, and serve hot or cold, i This is a capital dressing for ehickeu salad, ; omitting the sugar. Cuocalate Ckfam. Take one e.nurt of n-ilk ; or cream, three sonar- of chocolate, o:u oim-e ef gelatine, and a half cup of sugar. Serape the i chocolate fine; f: ir it into the milk ; dissolve the i gelatin.: in a cup of milk. Beat up six eggs, mix I all together, put it into a saucepan. Let it get very hot, but not f.t boil ; stir it while heating. j strain il into a mould, set it to cool live or six hours WUeil co;jj trrn ;t jnt J a (Iih Whip ni . half a pint of cream, and lay it round the iFuh. i Fitii AssE Chicken. Tuke two good sized j tender chickens nicely cleaned and divided. , Stew them in one quart of water aud half a pint i of sweet, rich milk ; add a little salt and pepper, one-fourth of a pound of butter, a. pint of teuder ! grct-H corn cut from the cob ; and when the chickens are perfectly done thicken the g'avj j with u tabiespoonfut of flour made iuto.- t.aiooth j paste with a little water. Send to table in a deep I dish. ! Pi in Nick Cakl. One cup of butter, two of I -.ugar, three of Sour, three eggs and a half pint milk ; beat the eggs, sugar aud butter together add the tlour, and stir the milk in grail' te.i- When it is smoothlv beaten add a he- ; r,Mful of ,);lkil;i: powIf r. Fl-iTortiTe vaeilla. Make slowly with pat . ; 'x leaspooufuj vaei'la. Make slowly with pat . : "lx teaspoon fa! , y1' nf'T ' ,e Vlh te , " f a;'d thrf . hn batter with ; a.t ; sift ltoiu, ngWnUlj0r,uili. bake , four eggs und a '' -. I Otoe Ii .TTF11 KkFl O. k miiT . ..... . - - - a nttle .. 1 in m.il! p-i"