Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 25, 1874, Image 3

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    unburn 'iiuncan.
ICailroad Time Table.
X. C. K. W.. South.
Krie Mail, 1-.3j a ui
Southern Ex. 2.3d a m
I'hiia. Ex., M.i in
P. A K. 15. K. Veit.
I'.ri- Mail, li.od a in
L'k Haven A. 12.00 n.
KimiiH Mail 4.2ip in
Fast l.iiie, 7.1 ' p !U
D-iv Ex.. '-' 05 p 111
Leave Sunbury for Lcwistownat l'.. 0 a. in.,
an.l 4.20 p. in.
Arrive at Sunbury from Lewi-town :tt 1.i.j
and 0.4") p. in.
SJIAMOklV iivisi,in, . i-. i:. w.
Express, 12.01 p in i Mail, :- a m
Mail, 4.J."i p m Express, K..V- p iu
Au accommodation train leaves Shamokin at
7.10a in, arriving at Mt. Carin.l Kt 7.4(1 a m.
Rcturing, leave Mt. Caimel at rt.l'i ; tn, arriv
inir at Sliamokiu 0.45 p in.
leave Northumberland as follows 'J.4" a. in.,
mid 4.40 p.m.: arrive at 10.r.--a.m..aud 5.45 p.m.
1. 11 iV: W. K. K. Trains leave t .."-" a. in.
and arrive at ''..50 p. m.
Aecidcutal Insurance Ticket can be had of
J. Shipraai. Ticket Aiil, at the P-pot.
Knrumer Arrnuirenieiit lor Ilie Post
Ofllre Mt Suuburj , l'a.
JP-t 0xn .-out 0.50 a. ., to S -i. m.. txctrt
on Sunday.
Arrives a? follows :
From the East at 5.15 a. in.. 4.10 p. tn.,
" South, 5.15 a.m., 4.10p.m.
" West, 5.15 a. in., 11.15 a. m., 1.S5 p. m.
and 4.10 p. m.,
" Nortb.l.50a. m.. 11. 15 a. in., 4.10 p.m.
Shamokin and Mt. Carniel. '.."' a. in.
Sbamokin proper, 4.W p. in.
Mai'. close as follows :
For the East. 5.45 a. in.. 10.51 a. in., 4.50 p. m.
S.00 p. tn.
South, o.5l a. tu., 4.50 p. in.. S p. in.
" West. 10.50 a. tn., 3.60 p. in., -00 p. m.
North. S.50 p. in., S p. in.,
Shamokin proper 11.15 a.. m.
Shamokin and oftlces on thai, route; 4.20
p. in.
Money orders will rot be issued nftef 0 p. tn..
on Saturday. J. ,T. SMITH, P. M.
focal Iffairs.
A Meuky'wvas. We iss ue the A mrri.
t.t.i one day in advance to give our baud an op.
poituuity to enjoy a tnciry Christmas.
A MruiiT Cm"itiii to all onr read"! is our
sincere wish.
A xr.w I'.tst oilier has been established in He
la ware township, in this county, at Fry's store.
Mr. .1. M. Fry has received the :,ppoii tment of
po-t master.
T. H. II. Kasf, Esq., lately elected District
Attorney, for this county, w ill take charge or Lis
office at the January Court.
Ik Rest. Several dwelling houses; a law
office, double room, pas, .vc. : a lim-class store I
room, .fcc. Enquire of H. B. Masser.
Tnr nuhlie schools in this place are closed for
the holidays. They will be "
Monday, January 4;h. 1ST4.
died agciu on
school district in
Tnr fehool of the Northe::
this borough, presented their teacher, Joe W.
. . ... . i. IT ..;... !
Morgan, with a silver recitation bell, on i nday
la-t, a- a token of r !i ir appreciation of him as a
teai her.
1 ihe at Gr.'UK.r.Tow n. On Thursday night,
the 17:h lust., a new house belougiug to David
S'-iler, Esq., at Georgetown, this county, was
entirely cot-sumed by fire. The house was lately
erei-ted and almost ready to be occupied. The
ire is sup posed to have been the work of au iu--cudiary.
The loss is estimated at about ?2,0tW,
and covcr.-d by insuranee of SI, "00.
Ei.kctioi or Caruieu. J. II. Jenkins, Esq..
easbier ot the Fir.l National Bank of Northum
berland, resigned his position on Tuesday of last
week iu that institution, and Mr. Fred. Lurken
bine, F.q., was elected to 111 I the vacancy. Mr.
Bu'k outline has been priucipal clerk in that
ai.k for a long time, und ha " ctficient
USeer. We congratulate him uuou his promo
;..n, nr wmrn ne is highly deserving.
Heavy Fokeeks. Mr. Charles Garinger, of
it" Shttniokiu Hotel, at the Dam, killed four
logs last week, which weighed in aggregate
,470 lbs. A guessing "pool" was raised which
mounted to tlT, and was won by V. T. Rickey,
. Democratic applicant for clerk iu the Commis
ioners' olEcc. The two editors wiuuing the
iri.: last year, bave beii down in the mouth
ver sir.c.- They imagine that their guessing
rupensities hud been interfered with ; but Rickey
lwiiy was good -t guessing bogs ever sii.':e he
.'ft Horstheads.
Sim.f. Simon A. Oppenhelmcr have oyvned their
irge stork of goods for the holidays, there has
en a perfect rush. Gr-ut bargains liav been
lade during the pa t week at their clothing
lore on Third street, below market. It is the
hepcrt place to b'iy suit" for holiday pre.-ents. j
l.Aliirs who wish t'i plca.e shoulJ secure the
ze of the head of their husbands and then go j
S. Faust's store uu.i procure one of the new
vie hats for a hoiiduy present. Gent's f arulsb-
,g goods will also be foind at bis store, near very neat jeech, presented on behalf of W. C.
ic Court Hruse. : Packer, Esq , a handsomely finished, gold-bead-
AKiir.sTF.n. "Fred Baage," the colored por- j ed cane, as a token of his high appreciation of
r at the City Hotel, was arrested on Monduy Mr. Gray as a gentleman, and an obliging olli
st, for stealing a small amount of money, and ' cer. Jere Snyder, Esq., received the handsome
mitnitted to await trial. The i ropiictor, E. T. gift on behalf of the recipient in some very ap
!!ieller, having misled small amounts of propriate remarks. After these pleasant pro
oii. y at various tiiu'-s, and finding on Monday ' reeding", au invitation was extended to the
ouiing that the lock of his cigar cae had been ' company to proceed t the dining rooms where
n.jH-red w ith, he examined the amount of mo- j :.n oyster supper, gotten up iu Doc Jeffiies' best
y the case contained, and discovered a portion I style, was prewired. The tables were soon sur
it gone. He gave notice at the bars of ditfe- j rouuded, iind a general onslaught was made upon
nt hotels to retain the money 'Fred' might the bivalve. As the party tilled up (with oys-
n 1 for drinks, for bis cxan.iuHtion. During j ters) there was seen in each a glow
e day 'Fred' was very liberal, and at the Euro- I of happinc-s. The I!urger of Suubtiry, i.r.d the
u. Hotel threw out a fifty cent piece which
r. Drumhcllrr recognized by a mark as having
en in the box, when a warrrnt was i-sued for
arrest, and 'Fred" was hi ought to grief.
Uua CAKtti;n;ii has prepared, ut considerable ;
.tiny of time and pat.enee.
New Year's Ad- '
ess, which he hopes wi.l please the patrons of
e Am'.ricuit. li.s lomi'g address will ditl'r
me w-hut from th- usinl character of New j
ur's addresse-. Hut it w ill be none the worse
-that. He has woven with skilliul thought j
j leasing lafcguage, a h g'-nd of the pa:t of 1 - j
I in'er.-st, which will ell who are ae-
aiuted with the spot to which it iclate-. He
s endeavored to do his duty the past year in ,
: weekly delivery f tin- i:e s through sunhinr
storm, and If ;:riy iiu ier is worthy of a lit- j
reniuneratioi llrt" certainly is. A he has'
ii faithful for several years pat, and expects
s to be Lis farewell address as Cartier, he J
res that ail will show their appreciation of his j
viees by making Lim a liberal donation. He
1 tli'-u keep ail in blight remembrance during
balance of his life.
'aiimpu's imi Bl ii.i.i hs. Levi Seasholtz in
m funnels, builders and others that he is i
i':n btirniug lime of a superior quality fiom
re'.cb-ati'd TuckahiM' lime, stone, Dry Valley
n, at his kilns in Sunbury, near Clement's
niiig mill. All who have used it admit tint j
, stronger and best lime that cau be produced i
l'eiinylvani:i. The subscriber having seven 1
is, with k rapacity tu burn 500 bushels kt ;
. is prepared to supply all wlio rotno, ;,nd ;
1 none away empty.
. V. Wilvert A Co. keeps the best brands of :
icco, se"nr. Vc., tie:r the Court H"Ue.
I !
AVE (iPEviii. Mi-s-r-. Clement Di-siuger j
e returned from l!: city and opened one of ;
largest stocks of goods ever seen in theii '
nmoth stoie r.Mim, on Market Square, wc-t ;
railroad. Their immense stock "omprises '
thing that can be ineutioiiKu iu dry goods, :
ries, notions, trimmings, A-c. Having,
it for rash they got their goods nt grently j
ed prices, and they arr now enabled to sell '
ser prices than anywhere else. The public
ivitel to call and examine for themselves,
barges are rna le for showing gooi'a :
ner they buy or not . ',
i.ii.iifs WniniM.. Captain Samuel Fetter ;
vife, celebrated their Golden Wedding on ;
Wednesday evening. This happy couple I
re?,-,cd in ibis place upwards of forty years, !
:..n.. " i
' -lf b:ghest esteem of every citizen
,e place . golden wedding was attend
v i large nnm' ' .
J " , .... personal friends whose
".. -..i,.Mi for a Iouk i
received, and llieir
Zr -co many more yepe.ou, future
ct see -
T W M P.eo"-"ft cujoyment j nkk Sn ivokin. Fki:ii kice ITe-- j A Tivt: Hom.kek I'kactkt.. With due defe--i:::,
thf CoKosr.R of the Coistt, the Victim. mice to Hie opinion of the sage of the Dally, wc
(Mi Saturday morning last, as the engineer of j express imr objections to hi remarks in opposi
the breaker at Hickory Swamp Colliery, about : tion to t lie time honored practice of ushering
three miles from Shamkin, entered the engine j iu the New Year with an address from that well
room, he discovered the body of Frederick IIok
' ser, ilieniebt WHtchtnaii, with hi head beaten to
an unrecomiiZ'ih!e extenl . The body was (juite
j cold, bhowiuir that the deed had been co.ninittcd
j oinctiiiie durin;; the niht. A hatchet and a
: hieiioiy c'.i'.b were tound in tin engine room
stained with hlod, which, it is si;ipost.d, were
ti ted to commit lh. horrible, dce.1. H is thought
the attack was mam by several persons who had
noiseless! v ap;r:ic!i -d him in t!ie daik. The
.kull of his head Was broken, and a number of
wouuds about the head were made with a ham
mer and cluli, which no doubt c.m-ed his d-at'.i
iustautly. T!:c murder va not eoiuinitted for
the purjiose of rohliery, as all hit) ell'ects.evcn Lis
watch, were undisturbed. A Her the murder was
committed the fiends covered his body with his
coat, in which position he w js found in th- morn
ing. It is supposed that the deed Was commit
ted between the hours of nine and ten o'clock in
the evening. .Mr. Hesser had been in the habit
of regularly Mi lking the hour?, but no one iu the
vicinity heard the stiikin of the hour after nine.
Mr. ilesser was forty seven years ot ae, and
leaves a larj;e family. An inquest wa held over
the remains on Saturday, by Esquire Ca!dw.l!,of
Shunioki:i, tiud a verdict rendered that the de
ceased came to his death by blows at the hands
of persons unknown to the jury.
Mr. Hesser was a popular and amiable mat.,
with few or no enemies. He was well known
through the coal region, and highly esteemed by
ull. He was elected, in 1S72, Coroner of the
county, on the Republican ticket, and his term
j would have expired on January 1, 1STC.
The motive prompting this horrible murder
must have been reveiitre. Iu that region mur
der has become a science nuperior to the law, and
the day must come when the law must be discard
ed by law abidi-is citizen to effect that which the
law cannot accomplish, the conviction and exe
cution of every red handed villain known to be-lon-:
to the organization called Molly McGuiref.
The turn is feiuiiicuut of murder rot murder
for pain, but of that character which has its
origin in hate revenue. Mr. Hester was killed
for the reason that he acted as a prominent wit
ness iu the recent trial of tlribhon for murder,
who is uow servins a term of eleven years in the
penitentiary, and who was amemi'er of this mur
derous -rang ; he was a w'.tn'ss also in e:-vcral
similar cases. Tim people of Shamokin arc
phrenzied w ith excitement in regard to this mur
der, and have organized a number of committees
of search and iuves-tiation. In view of the fact
that in no instance, although murders are of dai
lv occurrence, has there been conviction and i
punishment, they consider the immediate lynch-
ing upon the apprehension of the parties con- j
cerned in this case, a necessary and i.gliteous
punishment. Until this organization is dclared
a band of outlaws obedient to no law ami pro
tected by none no man's life will be safe in the
I r...;,... u.i.l Tvirtimiurlr ll.e lives of those who
r ) i .
adiuinist'T or stand up in its defence. When
an organization of robbers mid mur.lereis be
come so subtle in its operations as to evade the
iaw as completely as has this organization, and
so exteiiiive iu i's ramification as to be the terror
of a region covering one-sixth of the Slate, we
would not be surprised to tee the law of the
south-west adopted bv the enraged and terrified
citiz - us tli only l:iw ft which i in fpiri
- . . . i . .i. .
mt -an
i eve for an eve and a t'itli for a tooth.'
Tlir. editor ofth'- ) m...vuf a pears to be great
ly exercised about the Sealer of Weight and
Measures for this county. In his la-t issuo he
disilavs more ignorance about the matter than
we were willlug to concede tu him. Perhaps it j
is more maliciousness than ignorance. He may
have been iu want of something to bring again-t
the present board of Commissioners, and tries to
gull his readers with the idea that the Commis
sioners had made the appointment of Scaler f
Weights and Measures. He does not even kuow,
or seemingly such Is the case, that the appoint
ment is made by the Governor. If he will look
up the i:atter he will find that the creating of
that office was passed by a Democratic Legisla
ture, and thnt teveiul influential i r,,.,frmn
me uj.jter en ti gave no rest to the commi'siouers
until they purchased the instruments to carry
out the law. We find that the people generally
are salUficd with the exception of a lew w hose
scales were in such a condition that the purcha
sers of their products were constant losers. The
fees attached to this olllec w ill amount probably
to the enormous sum of about Cve hundred dol
lars, out of which all expenses will lie deducted.
Had our neighbor succeeded in having a Demo
crat apjio'inled to attend to the duties of that of
t!'c, he would have been the la-t man to give ex
pression against its existence, or S'iy aught
ngain-t the appointment.
Cavem. We are seldom called upon t chro
nicle treatment as the heading of this article in
dicates, but we u;e always pleased to make the
most at suclt pleasant occasions as the one
which occurred at Doc Jeffries' Eurotiean Hotel,
1;lrl pri,iay ,.v,-ning. A few of the rumerous
friends, both Republicans and Democrat", of
Mr. Peter Gray, our efficient county clerk, as-
! sembled ut the hotel named, and after some pre
liminaries, W. A. Sober, Esq., -rose, and iu a
newly elected District Altorne), gave expres
sions of gladness, :..nd ns toa-ts were offered
complimentary to ll.e recipi'-nt of th can.-, ail
the guests freely expressed their satisfaction by
uniting iu the general opinion t h .t th- gilt could
v"1 nave oeeu liestowea upon a more wormy
! "i-Til letnati. nr nflicer who tins li'.lcd his i.ositiou
r i .
with ability and cie.llt to himself.
.im1"J El Kori;. Some time duiing next
month Sunbury will lose, for a shot I time, three
of her most enterprising business met;, Mr.
Adolph Opfeiiiieimer, of the firm of Simon ii
Oppeidieimer, Mow Matx, of the firm of Marx
A: Urn., and Mr. Samuel Herfclder, for several
yeats favorably know n in this community as a
dealer in ready ma le clothing, intend vi-iting
the 1 of th'ir inanity. arros the "briny
.h ep." 1 liey will lie absent for about six ni' l tlis
visiting their relatives and liieiids in G. iiiiiiiiy.
While these gentlemen are absent, their business
w ill be continued by their partners, who will con
tinue to sell the best of g.x.ds at the lowest pri
ces. While their alis. nee ill be regretted, and
their enterprising spirit luised.they w ill have the
wishes of our citizens for a pleasant voyage and
a safe return.
Till". 1"mti:i Stiks. 'Ihe Postmaster Gene
ral is advertising f..r proposals f"r carrying the
mails over the following mules .u tliis county.
Proposals will be received at tin- contract office
Depaltment iu Washington until the ,t of
March next .
ll'.'OT From khamokin totioweuCity (no1 and
Heilensteiu (n o), to Ashland, 15 miles
and back, six tine s n week.
Leave Shamokin daily, except Sunday, at
12 in.
Arrive at Ashland by 5 p. in ;
Leave Ashland daily, except Sunday, ut 7
a. m ;
Arrive at Shamokin 12 m.
Bond required with bid (''.)(.
Zi;i From Fisher's Ferry, by Augusta to Ssvcn
Points (no), in miles mid bark, twice a
Leave Fisher's Feny Wednesday and Satur
day at 9.30 a. m ;
Arrive nt Seven Points by 12 20 r. m ;
Leave Seven Points Wednesday and Satur
day nt 12.110 p. m ;
Arrive at Fisher's Ferry by ;:.'V p. in.
Bond required with bid, !200.
Tin: Commissioners of Col imbia county made
the following appointments for the year lb"."., on
the Mb in-t. :
Attorney Col. J. G. Freeze.
I 1 erk Wm. Krickbaam.
Mercantile Appraiser Cn'jr Rhawn, of Cat
; known character, the 'Printer's Devil. Almost
! since the lirst newspaper was issued it has
been the custom for the youngest apprentice to
issue au annual address, and it seems to be as
impossible to break down the custom it is t'j
abolish old Stuitn ('.'ill', at the meiitiou of whose
name every little heart throbs with delight.
Vou'v been once a Printer's Devil, Jake, and
don't fancy revert with an exqniiito pleasure to
the lar distant past, when you made your annu
al round with the gladdening hope of being rc
wardrl with a goodly supply of the sjonlv!us.
pliame on you Jake : but this is just like you ;
the man who forgets his youth will forget his
friends and all the pleasant ways of life; he
will ! deceit tul even in politics.
The printer's d. vil, as he is generally termed,
though dinering considerably from that world-
ri'univ i dignitary, is generally of an ambitious
nature, and, frequently springing from that cias
who are not abundantly supplied with the 'needful.-
and who more fiequenly lack the common
comforts of iifc, starts at i.u early period in life
wUoiiy dependent upon ins exertions lor ins sup-
port. We seldom tind him dismayed although
hard knocks and impecuniosity arc his fare from
the commeiieeiuent to the termination of his de-
vilship, nt w hich period his well earned educa
tion tits him for almost any position of useful
ness or honor. His principal supply of the -tlidU-n,
as he terms it. during the early part of
his apprenticeship, is the result of his own inge
nuity, and the principal part of that supply is
the proceeds of his annual address. The few
peni.ics he receives from a subscriber for Lis ud
diess on the advent ot a new year, arc remem
bered by him as a starting point to fortune, and
he always considers that he has given as much
value for that which he receives, as docs the iten
irant book vender when he disposes of his book
at a stated price.
This custom -.ras abandoned a few years u go by
one of the hading pipers of Philadelphia, but the
following year the subscriber of that paper made
i demand for th.: annual address, deeming it
worth more than hey paid for it, as it contained
matter not published elsewhere, and they were
not willing to dispense with so rich a treat. Siuce
thou the custom ha been continued in that of
fice. The addresses of the newsboys of this office
arc furnished gratis, and they pocket the pro
ceeds. Our expenses vry often amount to more
than they receive. A contribution is always op
tional with the subscriber. Iu some offices, wc
regret to state, Ihe labor and material consum
ed are charged to the carrier, thus, in many m
stances, rendering his profits rather slim. This is
discouraging to the boy. We feel sorry that the
Ua'ihj of Wednesday's issue ignores this time ho
nored custom, as the carriers of the AnttrU-an aud
Guytlt have prepare! their addresses at conside
rable expense in labor, displaying great care and
skill in workmanship. To discourage the boys
in their efforts, it bad policy to say the least.
Lro Ampi tateii.-Mr. Johu Spears, living at
west end of Spurzhcim street bridge, sustained
a compound fracture of the leg above the ankle
in fall of lMiO, by a car passing over ii while he
was working at a colliery in Schuylkill county.
For a number of years he has been suffering se
verely from disease vt the b.-nes or the foot and
ankle, resulting from injuries received then, and
for the past two months h1' has been confined to
his bed, during the last two weeks of which he
has been attended by Dr E. S. Robins, who from
the first decided that the leg must be taken off.
After a time Mr. Spears consented nud accord
ingly, on Tuesday afternoon last, Or. Robins,
assisted by Dr. C. W. Weaver, amputated the
leg midway between the ankle and knee in a
most successful manner. The patient is doing
well aud it is hoped that in a few weeks he will
be able to be about again. Sharnvkia JlvraiJ.
Anotulu Soldier ok 1H12-14 Gone. Johu
Roadarmcl died in Huron county, Ohio, on De
cember 12th, 1S74, aged 82 years, 1 month and C
days. He was barn in Oley township, Berks
county. Pa., in 1711, and his father moved to
tnt - ' ""' tling oiiwi -.t.i,, Creek,
two miles east of Snydertown. John was mar
ried in 1S14, aud moved to Shamokin town-hip,
one mile north of Elysburg, where he lived until
the spring of ISfi", when he moved to Huron co.,
Ohio, where he had a son and daughter living.
Mr. Roadarinel has four sons and one daughter
living the daughter and two sons in Ohio, one
son iu New Jersey, and the other at Excelsior,
this county. There are twenty-one grand chil
dren nnd three great grand-children. Mr. R.
was in the war of 1813-14, nt Marcus Hook, be
longing to a riCe company commanded by
Mr. iCoadarmel's wife survives) hiin, and is a
hale and hearty lady for her age, having passed
her righty-Mrst birth-day iu July last. Daily.
The poetry on our llrst page lust week, "Two
Old for Kisses," was writteu for, and appealed
first in Jiiirpfr, Bazaur, to which it should have
been credited, but as we copied it from our of
our exchanges who omitted the credit, we are
not re-pon-ible for Hie"sion.
The Washing! iu Stcutu Fire Company have
broke ground on the old depot lot for au engine
HifiH School. The billowing is the report of
the standing of pupils for the four weeks ending
December IS. (Those marked "s" were ahseiit
sick) :
jl "2
S - " r-
Ilucher Edward 14.4 1 0 0
Burlier John Wi.3 1 0 1
Kouser Charles 40.4 8 ' 0
Cam William 'Jli.2 3 u 1
Drumheller S.-riiu t'.l.t; a 0
Farnsworlh William t'.2..'! IV 0
Funnau I'rbau 50. Is 0 7J 0
Geai hart Edward tll.S 4 0 0
Harman Harry 00.4 U 0
Hartmau George 'Is. 7 1 2
Heckcrt Clmri. s 'JO.f, 5 o 0
Heim Oscar f'J.G (1 0 0
Hill Ambrose si,.;; - j
Harrison ,I..!.i. 'J' ! 0 0
Jones Isaac -0." 5 1 1
Krou.-e Oorge st;.s o 3
K iri in A. (i. W.7 0 i
Morgau Eugene 4.0 0 " 0
Malick William 4 .V ,
Neff Philbert. SS.2 7 n 1
Nctr George. s2.4 u 1
Kho ides Walton M.'t '.1 5
Snv L i C. N. '.'7. o 0 0
Savidge W. O. 72.2 :; 1 1
Smith Geor,c M..7 2 2'; o
Vandyke Edward -.0.9 7 It' 1
Wilvert Austin 70. i U 2 0
Yaruell Chares t'1.7 1". 'Mt 2
Viirn. 11 John 7:1.4 14 11
1 i M i rs.
Boyd Daisy :2.5 o ::. 2
Bourue Liz.i Mt. 7 (1 !. 2
Hycrly Lulu 51.2 7 2
Campbell Susie S5.0 O 2
Farnsworlh Mai.v 51.2 1 :; 4
F riling Fiances ;:'.. 2'j 1
Folltner Lizzi- 52.2 1 ,
(irav Emma s.;.:: 11 11 0
Genther .Marv M.:i 1 1 1
Mills Jennie " VI.! 2 o 11
Mart. Lizizie v7.'.l 11 0
McClow Maggie S5.2 i" 7
M'-Clow Hauie ::.'.2 1 10' 4
McCinre Ida 5t.4 0 S
Purs'U Flora do .' '. I'J s
P.enn Jennie sS-2 '. 0 0
Smith Mary CI. 7 7 O
Smith Nassie VI. S 1 1 0
Schneider Laura V:i.5 O
S. haeffer Annie Ul.l (I
Svlvis Ida 7H.5 S 1
Simpson Marv 70.:: 11 2 b
Seasholtz Aniii- ::;:.5 1 sl(i'. 1
Trimble Eliza 7.s 0 :!'.. 0
Weimer Amv !' 5 'J !
Weaver Sall'ie 21.V H 1!
Young Gertrude s5.5 .1 n 1
Zettlcmoy- r R -a " 1 1
Ai'TFN. ofthe Watsontown H'corJ, adopts the
loilowing novel plan of dunning. Wr, too,
sometimes think that, we have been made the
subject of impo-itiou by collectors, as wc rarely
see a dollar coming in 011 subscription :
Iir.w snr !--A number of our exchange-
making a fuss over the fact that
unauthorized I
scamps are collecting their subscription money
and forget to make projicr returns. We have
been thinking about th matter and are almost
led to conclude that perhaps some rascal or other
has ben around among coine of our subscribers
and cheated thcin. We get no money ami our
suspicions are thnt some one unauthorized has 1
been paid. We hope not, though. We warn
our p;itron not to ppy their money to strangers.
Come to the. office and Fettle. Come soon, be
cause we arc Mixious to know just how thic
thing is. De'niys are dangerous. We are wor
ried about it. Call us out of bed, out of church
we wi1! nn-wer r e:il! pf nnv 'irnc.
Kemwt ron ("hot r. The Pottsville
Journal says :
The 'Old Mountaineer" who has been a physi
cian for sixty years, send us the following cure
for croup, which he Fays he has ued forty years
and never known to tail : Take a teacup full of
fie.-h garlic, chopped line, and put it in a pint of
whisky ready for use in half an hour. When
a child shows the least symptoms of croup, wet
flam. el with the mixture and put it about the
child's neck. I'lace i.nother over the lungs. Iu
t!iii:y minutes the absc-heuts will have carried
the medicine to the larynx, glottis and epiglottis,
and the chiid is safe. Sometimes the mixture
produces nausea and the patient vomits. So
much the better.
IliitK to r.r.vT. S. 1L Roth. line!, the model
Shcritl of this county, besides attending prompt
ly to the business of his office during the past
year, experimented on raising fat porkers with
great success. A few weeks airo In killed four
which weighed 1,100. Wednesday hist he
killed four more weighing l.O'.'O lbs., an aggre
gate weight of th eight hog 0f ,",.0S0 lbs. If
there are any pork raisers who can beat this,
they arc requested to make U known.
! List of Letters remaining in the Tost Office in
, 5UI1ijUrv December 22, 1SV4 :
; MiP3 Harriet Bartlow, Mrs. Denney, Conrad
; Dougherty, George Fonllc, Amos (iruniihaw.
j Augustus Gcndrof. IVtcr Houghawout, Hill
ley, D. H. Ranker, Timoty Narey, Win. Sherry,
Miss C. Sishler. Clara Shoemaker.
Persons calling for letters w ill please say they
are advert iscd.
J. J. SMITH, r. m.
?vrn I'.v His Don. Mr. Joseph Beck, of
V'hitc Deer township, informs us that sonic time
since he had a fearful fight near Bundling Gap,
in that township, with a she bear. While out
hunting he came across a tree that he imagined
contained coons, lie cut the tree down and a
bear came out and commenced au attack upon
him. He was several times in her clutches, but.
the dog came bravely to his rescue. At last he
killed I "ue animal and fouud that she had three
cubs, which he also secured. If it had not been
for his dog. Beck says he would have been killed
by the ferocious beast. Lftetnay Journal.
A SromsMr.N.s' Association. Several gentle
men met last Thursday evening with a view to
organize a Sportsmen's Association, for the pro
pagation aud preservation of game and fish in
Northumberland county, and Mr. Lewis
was elected President pro tm., :m. Mr. M. R.
Heiiiperley, Secretary.
On motion, a committee of three was appoint
ed to draft a constitution and by-law, aud pre
pare a circular, stating the objects of the Asso
ciation, for distilbution.
Committee Messrs. Clapp, .Markle und Boyd.
On motion, above Committee to report at next
On motion, the Association adjourned to meet
011 the 2d of January, 175.
M. R. IlKVi'i r.t fV. Set "y pro tern.
Tin: first sleighing of the season at this place,
was had oil Sunday last.
On Tuesday evening, James Cares started for
Watsontown with live men, S. Matchin, J. R.
Houscl, W. Watson, W. Kelchmer and a
stranger, name not known. When at the plan
ing mill of Pardee the horses bee .11110 frightened
and dash.-d off at a fearful pace, turning the
short corners crossing the railroad, and at. the
rulvt rt bridge the kind axle broke throwing the
parties from the wagon. J. R. Hoiisel became
entangle I with some oods ami was dragged on
the ground with head down lor some distance
before he was let loose, escaping with a broken
finger. James Cares was dragged some two
hundred yards farther escaping it seems wonder
fully w ithout injury ; all getting off miraculous
ly, the horses runuing to McEwensville before
being stopped. The wagon was broken to pieces,
the horses were nu injured. MiUotiiau.
Bio Invention. Lloyd, the famous map man,
who made all the Maps for General Grant and
the Union army, certificates- of which he pub
lished, has just invented 11 way of getting a re
lief plate from steel so as to print Lloyd's Map
of America" tnrnt s.tng f.-..n ocean vo
ocean 00 one entire Bh.; t of bank note paper,
4o'x50 inches u.rf, on a lightning press, aud
colored, ized and varnished for tbe wall so u to
stand washing, and mailing anywher. iu the
world for 25 cents, or unvarnished for 10 cents.
This map shows the whole United States and
Territories, in a group, surveys to 1S75, a
million places on it, such as town", cities, vil
lages, mountain, lakes, livers, streams, gold
mines, railway stations, Vp. This map should
be in every house. S;nd 25 cents to the Lloyd
Map Company, Philadelphia, and you w ill get a
copy by return mail.
Lint of .lurorn Tor Jauuitry Term,
.HAND .L'KOlf.
Thomas Artlry, Milton N. W.; Israel Beringer,
Shamokin ; Cyrus O. Bachman, Watsontown ;
Andrew Bueher, Washington ; John M. Evans,
Mt. ( armel twp.; Richard G. Eisrnhart, Shamo
kin, W. W. ; William Fetzvr, Jr., ChUlisquaque,
Henry C. Haitiatt, Delaware ; Wellington Hum
mel, Upper Augusta ; Hiram tlagenbach. Dela
ware; Henry Harris, Milton, . W. ; Isaiah
Johnson, Point ; Hotace Kapp. Northumber
land ; John II. Kramer, Cameron ; John Lyon,
Suubtiry, W. W. ; Elias Latsha, Washington ;
Jesse Miller, Point ; Daniel .eckcr, Watson
town ; Ogden H. Ostrauder, Riverside; hailes
Rehuck, Washington ; Curel Right. Mt. Curmel
twp.; Jonathan I'.ishcl, Chillixjiiaque ; John
Rishel, Milt m, S. W. ; Jacob Reitz, Delaware.
tkavkuse jvmms
For January Term, 1S75.
Ceorge Armstrong, McEwensville; Piter Bo
nd, Sunbury, W. W.; George Barber, snr., Sun
bury, W. W.; George W. Coble, Jackson; Isaae
Campbell, Upper Augusta; William Conner,
Watsontown; William B. Diehl, Point; Milton
Ditty, Lower Mahanoy; Jaine Dieffenbaeher,
Northumberland; John D. Dieffciidafter, Chillis
quaque; Henry W. D.ppeu, Jordan; George
Detwilcr, Milton. N. W.; John Daniel, Wash
ington; Edward C. Eisley, Sunbury, W. W.; Sam
uel W. F.ppler, Shamokin; Johu G. Fassold.
Lower Augusta; Henry C, Fisher, Washington;
Henry T. Follmar, Turbut; John George, Nor
thumberland; Jacob Gtim, Lower Mahntioy;
John Galasp'e, Tuibutville; Unity Humuiei,
Zerbe; Oscar Hartranft, Chillisqtiaque; Frank
lin Hoy, Milton, X. W.; William Humor, Point;
Hugh Johnson, Northumberland; Samuel Kelly,
Lower Augu-ta; William Koch, Chiliisquuque;
Franklin Kelley, Lower Augusta; George W.
K refer, Sunbury, E. W.; I)..vld Kamp, Mt. Car
mid bor.; Vastiue Leigbow, Northumberland;
Milton McPherson. Northumberland; Solomon
Mautz. Sunbury, W. W.; Robert L. Montgome
ry, L. wi-; Jacob Mcixweil, Turbut; Charles K.
Mowty, Mt. Carnie! Iioro.; Peter Moore, Upper
Augu-t i; Hugh McDuraid; Ml. Carm.d twp.;
Wm. H. Mi.s-elman. Shamokin, E. W.; Win. F.
Nagle, Milton, N. W.; George W. Rciehley.Nor
ttivmbci :ind; Thomas Rogers, Mt. Carmel twp.;
Win. Rangier, Tuil.ut; Henry R. Raker, Zerbe;
James Reed, Rush; Philip K.-i.n. Upper Augusta;
J 1 tiii Shisslcr, Siinbiiry, W. W.; Harrison Wash
ington; Samuel Swenk, Rush; Sebastian Slepp,
Lower Mahanoy; John P. Tioi.tnian, Jordan;
Lemuel Tcits worth, hhaiiiokiu; Robert R. T cits
worth, E. W.; Adam Treoii, Washington; Sam
uel Wolf, Jackson; Robeit Walker, Point;
Fran.llin B. Vost, .shamokin. E. W.; William
Young, Noltliilinln rlatid; Thomas Zelb", Lower
I'll 1
r .11 ItoliS roll .1 AM IIl'.Y TI CM.
January 11, 1S75.
William Brown. Shamokin, W. W. : .tallies
Carl, Lewis; Philip Clark, Sunbury, W. W. ;
John Duttinger, Shamokin; John W. Ftyling,
Upp-r Augusta : David Ferstcr, Washington ;
John Fo, Coal ; Jacob F. Ganger, Milton, N.
W. ; Patrick Cribbon. Mt. Cani. twp. : Ed
ward Grady, Ri::-.h ; Albert Hoishoe, Jackson;
John Hopper. Lower Augusta , Andrew A. Heim,
Shamokin. W. W. ; William Hoover, Sunbui v,
I E. W.. Eli II. Knouse. Shamokin, W. W. ; Ilen
j ry K. Kulp, McEwensville; Solomon Klase, Lii
1 tie Mahanoy; Adam F. Ke.rstetter, Cameron:
j John A. Lloyd, Northumberland; John M.
: Miller, O.illisquaque ; Alexander Mai'tz, Siin
! bury, W. W. ; Jesse Metz, Noitlnimbeil and;
George P. Mert.. Point ; Jeffry McGrah, Mt.
, Caimel twp.; Joseph Nicely, Jr., Delaware,
j Lemuel Raup, Shamokin. E. W. ; Samuel It.
Reitz, Washington ; William S. Rhonds, Sun
j bury. W. W.;' Jacob Strunb, Milton. X. W..
John H. Shipman, Northuiiil.eiland ; Dani A
! Shaffer, Jordan ; Michael Shade, Lewis; James
j Taylor, Watsontown ; Samuel E. Tucker, Lower
I Augusta ; Benjamin Witeinoyer, Chillisqunqnr ;
i Andrew Zelgler, Sr., Jackson".
The Itotttl lo llrnllh.
Cleanse the stomach, bowels and blood from
all the acrid, corrupt and otlensive Accumula
tions which produce functional derangement. and
you remove the cause of most disease; wliich af
flict the human family, nnd thus save large doc
tors bills. The most ttfectual aud reliable re.
medy for this purpose is found iu Dr. Pierce's
Plea'rtlit Purgative Pellet-'. No cheap wood or
paper boxes, but kept fresh and reliable in bot-
High livers, those indulging iu eae and plea- '
Mire, and those of sedentary habits, can prevent
Boils, Carbuncles, Gout, Red Skin, Eruptions. '
Pimples, Constipation, Piles, Drowsiness, liil-j
Piousness, aud other conditions induced by such j
habits, by taking from four to six of Dr. Pierce's i Purgative Pellets once a week, or, bet- !
ter stiil, one or each night. They urn "old by I
de-ller0 i' medicine..
M.trrs Sciuhncu's Monthly fob. January. The Ja
; nuary number of Seribner is not without a
( hristinas flavor containing as it does, a Chris
tian sketch, '.My Night in a Stnge-Coach,'
'Christina suggestion,' and 'A Christmas
Sleigh-ride.' In this number begins Dr. Hol
land's serial, 'The Storv or Sevenoaks,' with an
illustration by Sol. Eytingc. The first chapter
tells about Sevenoaks" and 'How Miss Butter
worth passed one of her evenings ;' in the second
chapter 'Mr. Belcher carries hi3 point at the
Town Meeting, and the reader is introduced to
Jim Fenton.' The first instllmeut of Major
Powell's account of his during descent of the Co
lorado is here given, with striking illustrations
by T. Moran and W. L. Sheppard ; also the be
ginning of a Beries or 'Old Letters,' written in
London in the time of William IV. The present
installment is accompanied by an original por
trait sketch or Rogers, the poet 'Travels in South
America,' ihe openiug article of the 'Monthly,
is effectively illustrated and interesting.
Besides these contributions we have 'A Bou
quet of Japanese Verses,'. 'A Xew Solution of an
Old Puzzle,' 'Baz'mc's Prison' 'Hereditaiv
Foe?,' by Miss Osgood, illustrated bv Miss Hal-
Ju Monies oi the 1 t:ne. Dr. Holland writes
about 'National Politics,' 'Room at the Top' and
Ritualism.' 'Tbe Cabinet' contains 'The Sub
lime and the Ridiculous,' Salvini as a Dutch
man,' and other matters. In 'Home and Nvie
ty' Is a timely 'Plea for Handles.'
business locals.
Miss L. Smssixii has taken the agency for E.
Butterick & Co.'s patterns, and has now for sale
two thousand of the latest styles for Ladies,
Misses. Bovs, Children nnd Iufants, also for
; continuations ot faxe Holm s -M v lour-i ,-tilu n,-n lies to a post : thenee i
.and Jules Verne's 'Mysterious Island ,i. .;... ;.. .i...rr.-M. east, twenty one and i
poems by 15. II. Stoddard, E. C. Stedinan. i.c",i..,h..u7. ,. mt bv laud surveyed to I
Day. and F. W. Bourdillon. . ;.,-t . t! by bind of name, north 1
r ,. . . .1.1.11 south one de"-ree. west twenty inree perenes 1
Gents Dressing Gown, smokmg Jaeke, and , i' en.out'h seventy six and one half
Cans-. 1 a...r-.... .u.t ti. ice bniidreJ aud forty six perehe !
Thei:e is no difficulty in selecting a line sett of
Furniture at B. L. Raudenbush's store in Sun
bury. He keeps all the latest styles at the low
cut prices, and none go awav from his store dis
satisfied, which is an evidence that he pleads all.
lT.tT.vro t. vi.n.,.e a.,,. .,
unmistakably apparent on every hand through
out onr country. Labor is far from being as re
munerative as in time? past, and the money
market is unusually stringent. Owing to these
facts ',: :op!e generr.l'y are inclined to be economi-
cal in their purchases. But were times lufinately
worse than uow, no one could object to the prices
at which boots and bhoes are sold at the Kxcel
sior store of J. B. Jinith fc Bro., in Miller's
block, Sunbury, Pa. Men, women and children's
shoes are sold at most astonishing low prices.
Gum shoes of every style and price. Since all
is first-class in rc&pcct to material and make-up
the bargains offered are Pimply extraordinary
and proving particularly acceptable to buyers
. . , . .. . . - .
uuring Tin: naru times anil wiin inc preseni
sea met v of money.
Christmas is coming, and those wishing to
purchase a suitable present for old or young,are
invttprt fr r-t' nn Stv'Tison . rorner Third and
Market streets, (MU!er's Stotie Building,) Snn
bnry, Pa., where he has just received a large
stocii of goods of the newest styles aud most ele
cant patterns, all or which will be sold at the
. in. 1. :., ;
,. , , , a-. . ... ,h.
or Ladies' and Gent s Gold and Silver Watches,
Ladies' tine Gold aud Plated Setts, Breast Pins
and Ear Kings. Seal Kings Amethist, Topes,
(iarnet, Onyx, Diamond, fec, Gold and Silver
Thimbles. Necklaces, Lockets, Charms, Sleeve
But'.ons, Studs. Bracelets, Castors, Cake Baskets,
Tea Settr, Coffee I'rns, Silver Mugs. iSpoonhold
ers, Pie Kuives, Crumb Scrapers, lee Pitchers,
ialvers ; also, a very sup-iior article of
Silver-Plated Forks, I'ta and Table Spoons
fact, all articles usually found in a first-class es
tablishment. All good- are warranted to be as
represented. No trouble to show goods. Par
ticular attention paid to tke repairing of Watch
es, Clocks, Jewelry, tvre. Gold nnd Silver Plat
ing done. Masonic Marks made to order. Kn
graving. Gear-cutting and Experimental -Machinery
made to order.
F01: good tobacco, segars, pipes, .., go to J.
W. Wilvert & Co.. near the Court House.
Fok the Iloi.utiAYs. Marx & Bro. having
opened a large assortment of holiday goods, give
notice in another part or this paper, that the
most beautiful goods in '.he New V'ork markets
will he sold at lower prices than they can be had
in retail city stores. Their store compares with
any establishment in the city to select holiday
presents from.
The best brands of cigars, tobacco, .V?., are
kept by J. W. Wilvert .t Co.
Ciiowusj are daily calliug at Steveusou's to see
those elegant new goods. Watch's, Clocks, Jew
elry, Silver-Ware, ;., .1.
Go to J. W. Wilvert A Co., near the Court
House, for .1 good cigar.
Ml'SiCAL. J. P. Reefer ha lately removed his
excellent musical instruments into the building
on Fourth street, below M.irk.-t, nearly opposite
the City Hotel. Any kind of Musical instru
ments of the most improved styles and make are
kept in his -tahlirimeiit. Pallor Organs,
Pianos nf the best tu iniit.icl lire in the country
will he found at his store. II.: is also agent for
the h,.;,t sewing machines now in use.
J. W. Wilvert t Co., near the Court House,
keep the best brands of cigars and tobacco.
MruiiF.ii Wii.lOi t. Samuel Hycrly, on Third
street, Sunbury, Pa., near the Clement House,
has been found guilty ot having the largest and
best assortment of holiday presents in town.
Let everybody call and exjmine und be convinced
that liyerly is always ahead and means to be
ahead, uot only iu .;uuiitily but in (jiml'ity of
goods ami especially in low prices. He hr.s
everything you can name except money, and he
is willing to take that iu exchange for goods.
Coiuc one, come ul!, don't fail to call and be
made huppy.
Sahhent's SErm.r or Bkaitt, a delicate
beautifier, which smooths out all indentations,
removing tan, freckles and srars from the skiu.
leaving the complexion el-ar :nd beautiful.
Sold by Miss L. ShisshT.
Tin: light running "Jhvm.tic" Sewing ma
chine, 0:1 account of its many points of superi
ority, bus a better demand than .my other manu
factured, and takes the lead w ith the puh'.ir. over
machines long regarded as the best. Also the
new Gri.veu and Baker sewing machine not sur
passed by any other. Orders tor these machines
will bv promptly tilled by Miss Caroline Dalius,
J'arlur (Iryann Miss C. Ihilius is the agent for
the sale of Parlor Organs, Pianos, and all kinds
of musical instruments. The very bc.-t Instru
ments are furnished on rhoit notices at prices
to suit timei. Call or address.
No. 'ill. Market St.. Sunbury.
I. 1: ( 'nr. Freezers.
A new lot just received
To i at: A i ri.iTtn. No matter under what
form ot s:ckn-s you labor, there is one great
truth you should keep in mind : All disease
originates in an impure condition of the blood.
Purity thai, and the disease must depart ; but
you eaariot pinit'y the blood by the use of poison
ous drugs, and exhaustive stimulants. The best
Blood Purifier ever discovered Is Dr. Walker's
famous Vinegar Hitters, compounded of simple
herbs. decl1,4.v.
The advertiser having been permanently cured
of that dread disease, Consumption, by 11 simple
remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow '
sufferer, the means of cure. To all who desire
it, he will send a copy or the prescription used,
( fice of charge), with the directions for prepar
ing and using the same, which they will find 11
sure cute fur Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Vc. Panics w isbiiig the prescription will please
address Kev. L. A. WILSON.
I'.'l Pi 1111 St., William-burgh, New Yoik.
d- e.Wi 1
i icKoics or yoi 1 11.
A Ci iitlcuiau who sutlered for years fn.m
Nervous Del.Uity, premature Decay, and all the
etreets of youthful indiscretion will, for the sake
of sulh ring humanity, send free to all who need
it, the recipe and direction for making the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sutlereis wish
ing to profit by the advertiser's experience can
do so bv iidi!i.-uiiig in perfect confidence,
d-c. ":..;. -f.m. P.' Cedar St., New York.
SIMM ICY .11 A It Kill K.
Si Mil UY, Dec. 2'J, 1471.
iH-r bushel ?1.20f-ri.TO
Cii'.iv-- Wheat
prime white 1.2"if.i l.Ilj
' Kye per bush 7.Vn,"i0
' Corn ' 7.ViS0
" Oal " .VK.0
I nn it Extra Family pr bid 6.7."if(i'..DO
Common ii.."i0fi'-7.(H)
Buckwheat o.tK)
Fi ri Corn.V Oats Chop pr KlOlb 1.50W2.00
Siiorts A Mixture 1.50CVL75
Pol tp!.s. V.c New per bushel M0(,7r
Pn, ,vr ton Ham peril) K,20
Shoulder pr lb HC.tlS
Bacon pr lb 10fi 12
Beef, i-lail pr lb 14W20
Veal, do do 10rt18
Dried Beef pr lb 2.r.(i.''0
Port ti:v Chickens, dressed pr lb 15&1S
Do. live weight 10(12
Bi tti-k Prime per lb.... 35(ii.40
F.- -.p..r nowss
T Viitue of certain Writs of Fieri Facias,
en. Exponas. Pluries en. Exponas, Le
vari Facias, and alias Levari Facias, issued out
of the Cnnrt of Common Fleas of Northumber
land Comity, and to me directed, will be exposed
to public sale or outcry, on
at a o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
House in the borough of Snnbnry, Pa., the fol
lowing properly, to wit:
, i. ... 4-..ti... a..w..-iJi.rl tr.-iet. or rtiecR of
.au me iou.jt"t; i i
land, situate partly in Shamokin township mid
partly iu Coal township,Northumberlund county,
i Pa., bounded and described as touows, 10 wit :
beginning at stores, theuce by tana surveyed to j
Martin Gass, north seventy six uejira, .-i mc
hundred and seventeen lurches to a gum ; thenee
north sixty the degrees, east thirty live perches
.,,,.1 f....r tenths to a white oak; thenee north
seventy two degrees, cast on" immlreu ana inty
'Tour and one hall oegrees. easi miriY jH.r- ;
- dies to stones; thenee north eighteen degrees,
east twenty four perches to a stone; thence
' north -even and one half degress, east forty four
aud ri-'hl tenths perches to a white oak stump ;
: thrnce'iiorth seventy five degiees, west fourteen !
nerelics to a stone ; ttience noun lour "u uiuc
tenths ileg. west forty one and live tenths perch, to j
stones : thence bv lauds snrveyed to John Miller, ;
i south eighty tlve nnd three fourths degrees, west
, cinties ttipiire north seveu-
""tty onepercties 10 s outs ,
SliLV Olie IITU ... b....- ,
1 r. .nrii.s .lecTec. west fifty three
1 , stones: thenee s"oulh eighty six and
; one half degrees, west twenty two perches to a
I pine : thence by land snrveyed to Obadiah Camp-
t,. stones . thence by lands BUrvcyen to
: perches
Tcauwoith, south rorty nine and one rourth 1
Hum ton. norn seveiin uc .i'--
teen perches to a Spanish oak; thence south j
! fourteen degrees, east thirty seven perches to;
ston.-s the nlace of beginning, containing four j
hundred and twenty eight acres and fifty eight '
perches and allowance, be the same more or les ;
as the property of JOSEPH BACHMAN. i
ALSO : j
All that certain lot or pier.; of land, situate iu j
.1 .1 T.. ..:n.. ji...,.tv of Vfirt lit. m. '
j .T v i
1 described as follows: beginning at a post on j
Front street ; thenee along said street soutn ior
: ty four degrees, west three and eight tenths per
: dies to a nost : thenee bv lot occupied by Wil-
liam Johnson, south forty six degrees, east thir- j
i teen and four tenths perches to a post at an alley; 1
j UJi'iirc uy nut 1 ;mcj .-'-.- f j
t east three
thenee by lot of Michael Reader, north forty six
i.i ei'-i.L LriiLi.s. 1 . v li -j . w... , ,
. 1 -1.. . .1.. i..p. ina t., u rir.Hr
h'grees. west tnirteen ana iour kuuwicu t.
the nlace of beL'inninir, containing one fourth of
.... ,virh tlip unmirtrnanees
, iicic 1n.11; u. "."1 --n .
: r to., sn.rv l.v bouse, weather- 1 'i
consisting of a two story log house, weather-
boarded, a two storv frame furniture store, aud
cabinet maker shop, and other buildings ; us the
1 property of JOHN W. OILLESF1E. !
ALSO : !
tn.-., stnrv frame llwel UolISe Wlin iwo I
story back buildiutr ; the main building being
thirty four (34) feet front by thirty two (.i'i)
leet in aeptn, anu ine oaeK uuimms ukiu i"v...
by eighteen feet iu size, located ujion a lot or
! niece of "round situate in the borou
U ot wat-
! sontown, Northumberland county. Pa., bounded
J alm dt.fl.'ribc,i Bg follows, viz.: on the north by
lands or Jos. Minceinoyer, on llie east oy ash
street, on th? south by Seventh street, and on
the west bv an alley ; as the property of WIL
LIAM II. HAKT, o.vner or reputed owner and
A certain lot or piece of ground situate in Tur
but township. Northumberland county, Peunsyl-
1 vaum, bounde.l northward ny 101 01 joun uuui,
I . . 1 , iltiin. It,
1 sireei, alio wcsiwaru o .111 u.e.,
i width fifty four reel, and in depth one hundred
' ami fifteen and one hair feet, with the appurte
nances consisting of a two story frame dwelling
house with on addition, a wool shed and hog
pen : as the property of JOHN F. SNYDER.
A certain lot or piece or ground situate iu the
borough of Watsontown, county of Northumber
land, and State or Pennsylvania, bounded north
ward by lot rC. S. James, eastward by Main
street, southward by Eighth ?trcet,and westward
bv an alley, containing in width fifty five feet,
aild in depth one hundred and sixty five feet ; as I
the property of CHRISTI AN GIU'BB. j
All that certain half lot or piect of ground sit
uate in the towu of Trevortou, county of North
umtirrland. State of Pennsylvania, and knowu
and designated on the plan of said town of Tre
vortou as lot numbered one (1) in block number
ed fifty right (5S) w ith the appurtenances con
sisting of a two tory frame dwelling house.a&c. :
as the property of ISAI AH MORGAN and MA
All that certain two-story frame building,
twenty- feet light inches front, and thirty
two feet four inches deep; the said building l
located upon a lot or piece of gronnd situate in
Cake's addition to the borough of Sunbury, and
marked and numbered in said Cake's addition a
lot number eight in block tweuty-one, bounded
on the north by lot late of Einaunel Dinimick, l-v Philadelphia i Erie Rai'tioad, west by
street, and sontn by lot numbr nine ; as
the property of JOHN FA KNS WORTH and
ANN FARNSWORTH, owners or reputed own
ers, and John Farnnworth. Contractor.
A certain lot or piece of ground situate in IL
Hetidrick's addition to the borough of Sunbury,
in the county of Northumberland, and State of
Pennsylvania, known and designated in the plan
of said addition as lot number nine, bounded
northward by an alley, eastward by lot number
eight, -ioulhwar.l by "spruce street, and westward
by lot number ten, with the iippurteuanees con
sisting of a two-story frame dwelling house ; as
the property of PETER WILVERT.
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate
iu the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland
county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to wit : Beginning ut the corner of Penn
street and Centre alley, thence southwardly
along said alley one hundred aud seventeen (117)
fert, more or les-, to a post ; theuce westwar.lly
parallel with Penn street twenty-nine leet and
six inches (2'J feet ti inches) to a post ; theuce
northwardly along the line of Jueob Reuu one
hundred and neventeen feet to Penn street ;
thenee eastward!. along Penn street twenty-nine
feet and six inches to the place of begiuniug,
containing three thousand four hundred nnd
titty-one uud ouo-hulf square feet, more or Ie8 ;
it being the northeastern part of bit number two
hundred and forty-nine (2-l'J).
Also, All that certain lot or piece of ground
situate in the borough of Sunbury, Pennsylva
nia, bounded and described as follows, to wit :
Beginning at a corner of Centre u'.ley and Church
street, thence westward'.)' ulong Church street
twenty-nine feet, and six inches to a post ; thence
northwardly along the lot of Jacob Ketin and
parallel with Centre uiley one hii'idrel (100)
I feet to a post ; theuce eastwardly parallel with
Church street tweul v-nint: feet six inches to
Centre alley ; thence southwardly along Centre
alley one hundred (100) feet to place of begin
ning, coutainini: two thousand nine hundred aud
fifty feet (2,9"tl), whereon ure erected a
two-story frame dwelling house and other out
buildings ; being the southwestern part Of lot
number two hnudred and forty-nin- (24'J) ; ns
the property of DANIEL DKl'CKEMILLER.
All that certain tract of land situate iu Jordan
township, Northumberland county, Pennsylva
nia, bounded northwardly by Jacob's Mountain,
eastwardly by land of Frederick Tyson, south
wardly by Little Mountain, nud westwardly by
land of Benjamin Ilollman, containing seventy
six acres, more or !;, with the appurtenances
consisting of ohm two-story weather-board log
house, one two-story frame house and bank
barn ; a the property of ELIAS FAG LEY.
Tim right, title and interest of Gideon Landau
lu and to a certain lot or piece of ground situate in
J. W. C ike's addition to the borough of Suubnry,
in the county of Northumberland, and State of
Pennsylvania, known and designated in the
genir'l plan of said addition us lot number
twenty-six in block number eleven, (routing 011
Sus.i'hb..nna avenue twenty-live feet, and ex
tending back that width one hundred and fifty
feet to a thirty feet street, with the appurtenan
ces consisting of a two-storv frame dweHing
house ; as the property of GIDEON LANDAU.
Seized, takeu in execution nnd to be sold by
S. H. ROTHF.KMEL, Sheriff,
bh rifrs Otlice, Sunbury, Dec. 11, 174.
Krt"utor'f Xoll-e.
( Estate or Benj. Strickler, deceased.)
JTOT1CE is hereby given that letters testa
mentary have been gran'ec, to the under
signed, on the estate of Benjamin Strickler, late
of Jackson township, Northumberland county,
Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said es
tate are requested to make immediate payment,
aad those having claims to present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
Jackson toAuship, Nov. 20, 1S74. fit.
A Private Residence
On Fonrlh Mreot,
The buildings are nearly new. Good fruit on
the lot. The property is "located ou the corner
of fourth and Penn street, and there is room to
build several new bouses on the lot.
Terms or payment will be made easy to the
purchaser. The house is well located for a store
or any other business.
Address or apply in person to
Snrtburv. Ps.
Have just opened a large
Goods lo Supply and Please Everybody,
FUBS ! ! ! ! ! !
Another new Stock just received and sold at
reduced prices.
A large assortment just opened and sold at the
lowest prices,
Fur Trimmings, Blankets and Underwear.
Wancy Goods
j of every description,
, n fFII.
This immense Stock will be sold
a rcseius. inis immense
at astonishing low prices.
The Reminrtos Sbwis.-.
?IciitF has sprang rapidly
j into favor n possessing the
j best combination
of good
1 "pialities namely : l.'.gnt run
. . . , . ...
; ' '" '
durable, with perfect Lock
It. is a Shuttle Machine, with
Automatic Drop Feed. De
sign beautiful and construc
tion the very best.
Bit C'1I OrriCEriOK
E. Remington V Pons,
Keiningtou Sewing. M Co.,
Remington AgT Co..
December 1H, 1874. 2 mo.
Yqu Interested!
On the 13th day of February, 1875,
MARKET STREET HALL, Northumberland, at which the following
Anion sr the Ticket HOLDERS, viz:
1 Canal Boat aud ringing, aud Two Mu'e and llaraees SoOO.ttO
1 Piano, (Gsehles,) 400,00
1 Heavy Hunting Case Gold Watch and Chain 300,00
1 "splendid Driving Horse 200,00
1 Solid Walnut Bed-Room suite, (luarbln sdabs) 175,00
1 do do do do do 160,00
1 do do Parlor suite, 1S0.09
3 Town Lots in Jewell City. Kansss, (Titlo Perfect,) Z0C,QC
' I Siuger Sewing Machine, (Cabinet Case) 75.00
I 2 Marble Top Tables
Consisting of 1 Sleigh, 1 Rrfrigerator, 1 Coal Wagon, Set Harness, 1 30-day parlor ( lock,
1 Calendar Clock, 1 Office Desk, 1 Alarm Clock, 1 Child's Bedstead and mattrass, 1 Wal
not Extension Table, 1 Sail Boat, Sail and Oars, 1 Empire Gas Burner and Heater, 1 Cal
Skin Robe, Oil Paintings, Chromos, Silver and Plated Ware, Dry Goods, Cutlery, B-roks,
ifcc., tc, worth ." J.iOO.i.
.Ylttkiuc In ull 900 PrenentM worth 4I.SOO.OO
There will be 4,500 Tickets at One Itollar Each. .
The sale of tickets will he stopped on the GOth day of January, 1S75, and the entertainment will
positively be given ou the 13th day of February, 1375, no matter whether the ticket are ail sold
or not. If the tickets are not all sold PRESENTS equal in value to the amount of money received
for the sale of tickets, will be distributed on the above date. The distribution of the pr-erts will
be uuder the direct iou of a committee apioint.d by the tickets holders.
The following named gentlemen are referred to by permission :
JOSEPH BIRD, Esq. Northumberland. Pa.
MAJ. W. C. KAPP, di
J. H. VINCENT, Esq., Atl'v at Law. do
For further information or tickets, address A.
December If), 1I74.
Ti atrkrt HqHr, Knubary, Fit..
Has just reeieved a Urge and elegaut assort :nnt
Hats and Bonnets,
Fur Fall and Winter wear.
The choicest shades of ribbons, and all kinds
of Millinery goods always in store,
Call und see theui.
J. Merrill Linn. !l. Dill. riJt. . Mr.-.
lu llatipi' Building, Market Street,
aug. 7,1874. Northumberland Co., Pa.
r Millinery Voods)
Have ju-f been opened at the store of
Fourth etieet, below the Shamokin Valley R. R.
Where all kinds ol Millinery goods of the Litest
New York aud Philadelphia style are iw.v o;.;
for inspection.
Laces, Flowers, Ribbons, F athers, I limining.
Gloves. Haukershiefs, and every kind of goods
usually found in a Millinery i?tore.
Iji.lics are invited to call and see the i'ninevse
Fur sale a good Hand Fire Eugiue ; Brass
Pumps ; t an be worked as suction or suplied
from tauk. Hose cart, o00 feet gum hoe new,
all in good workiej order, for price aad particu
lars. Address
Machinist:, Sunbury, VfX.
Sunbury, Nov. I), 1574. lit
Fall and Winter Stock
A large assortment of Millinery Goods, Hats an.l
Bonnets, trimmed and nutrimmed, Plumes,
Tips, avd Feathers of evcy description.
Flowers, Ribbons, Velvets, Ac., just
opened at Miss L. fc S. Weiser's,
on East Market st. Also,
Dress Trimmings and
Notions , Yak,
Lace , Bead,
Ladies Gnnntlets and Kid Gloves at 7." cents
aud upwards.
SnnbTtrv. Nov. 13. 1874.
Stock of Goods expressly for
suitable for Holiday
m 1 n ti
Masaonic Building, Third street,
Sunbury, Pa.
REifisGTys Ko. 1 Machine
for familj use, in the third
year of its existence, has met
with a more rapid Inerease of
ratio of sales than any ma
chine in the market.
Rexi-soton No. 2 Machine
for manufacturing and family
use, (ready for deliTery only
siuce June, 1874,) for range,
perfection, and Tariety of
work, is without a rival in
family orworkship.
281 . 283 Broadway New York, Ar:a
Maditou So,., New York Sewinjr Machines.
Chicago, 2S7 State St., S. Machine und Arm.
Boston, 232 Washington St., Sewing Machines.
Cincinnati, 131 West 4th St., Sewing Machines.
Utica, 129 Cenesee St. Sewing Machines.
Atlanta, Oa., DeGiTe's Oiera House, Marietta.
St., Sewing Machine.
Washington,D. C.,521 SeTeuth St.,6. Machines.
COL. C. NEYF. Suuburv, Pu.
II. K. DAVIS, Esq., do
JAS. TUFTS, GenT Ics. Agt. Suubnrv.
G. POiTLF.THWAITE. Northumberland Pa..
O. n. EVA4, igral.
Washington House, Sunbury, Pa.
isseii ! PARLOR
Published: Published
monthly, eiv-j mouthly, g'.v- Published
iug24 full-size, Ing 24 full-size monthly, glv
pages of Vocal, pages of easy ' ing 24 fu!l-s'-
Music by Haya,; and moderately; pages of claeic
Danks, Thomas, difficult Piano and d i Si c n It
etc. Price, ti' Music. Price. Piano Mask',
per antium;lu-l $4 per annum ; f 4 per annum. ;
g!e copies, ') single copies,, single cnpl-s,
cents. . 50 cents. .V rent.
Published und Mail-d, Past-Paid, by
J. L. PETERS, .V.i Br.xidwiy. N. T.
tat Wis of MUSIC.
Among the many thousand. of RullaJs and
Piano Pieces that wc puhli-h, there are some
that are noted for their great b-.-juty and Listing
utilities. We have a careful se'ection of
these pieces, and otfer them at u low price, in
ilt'tenn volumes, namely :
Shining Lights, a Collection of Sacred Songs ;
Golden Leave, Vols. I. and II., Songs by W. 8.
Hays: Hearth and Home, Fireside Echoes, and
Sweet Sounds, three collections of Home Songs ;
and Priceless Gems, a fine collection of Ballad,
by Thomas, Wallace Keller, etc.
Fairy Fingers, Pearl Drops, Magic Circle, and
; Yonng Pianist. Four collections of easy Music,
j ;is a general thing, without octaves, and suita
i b'e for the Piano, Reed Organ, oi Melodeou.
; Musical Recreations, a collection of Dunces, and
Colden Chimes and BriHUtnt Gems, for more ad
; v.! need players, by Kiukle, etc.
This valuable collection is issued in two bind
Price of each,
i Gilt. .-,.
Board, il.V; Cloth and
We can also recommend The Opera at Home,
a collection of Vocal Music, price f U in Boards :
$4 in Cloth. Also, Pearls of Melody, price S in
Boards ; 4 in Cloth. l- Creme de la Crem,
Vol. 1, in Boards ; 4 in Cloth.
Address. J. L. PETERS,
Dec. 11, l7C.-4i. Broadway, N. Y.
The Fall and Winter style
Fancy Goods,
A splendid line of Notions,
Ladies goods a specialty. Gents' Glove9, Neck
ties, Hankerchiefs, &e. Call and
see the immense stock at
Market Square. Bniiburv.
ni!bnrv. Nov. IX 1874.